Remineralizing Nanomaterials For Minimally Invasive Dentistry

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Remineralizing Nanomaterials

for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 9

Xu Zhang, Xuliang Deng, and Yi Wu

Modern dentistry advocates early prevention of tooth decay and minimally
invasive management of dental caries (minimally invasive dentistry, MID).
Remineralization is an important therapeutic method in MID. At the
moment, traditional remineralizing agents and methods are not adapted to
the requirements of MID. Recent studies indicate that the development of
nanomaterials, especially biomimetic ones, as remineralizing agents, pro-
vides novel remineralizing strategies for MID. Here, we review the prog-
ress of the development of remineralizing nanomaterials for different
applications in MID. Some nanomaterials, including calcium fluoride,
hydroxyapatite, and amorphous calcium phosphate in nanoscales, are
incorporated into restorative materials such as composite resins, glass
ionomers, and adhesive systems. These dental materials play a remineral-
izing role through releasing fluoride calcium and phosphate ions. Other
nanomaterials composed of stabilizers and amorphous calcium phosphates
(ACP), such as nanocomplexes of casein phosphopeptides (CPP) and
ACP, polyacrylic acid (PAA)-ACP, polyaspartic acid (PASP)-ACP, and
phosphorylated chitosan (Pchi)-ACP, provide a biomimetic remineralizing
strategy by mimicking biomineralization processes, which could de novo
form dental hard tissues through nonclassical crystallization pathways.
However, it is unpractical to restore small clinically visible cavities with

X. Zhang, PhD (*) • Y. Wu, MSc

Department of Endodontics, School and Hospital
of Stomatology, Tianjin Medical University,
No. 12 Observatory Road, Heping District, Tianjin
300070, People’s Republic of China
e-mail: [email protected]
X. Deng, PhD
Geriatric Dentisty, Peking University School
and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China

A. Kishen (ed.), Nanotechnology in Endodontics: Current and Potential Clinical Applications, 173
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13575-5_9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
174 X. Zhang et al.

nanomaterials reviewed in this chapter at present. Most of the research

covered in this chapter focuses primarily on laboratory tests. Future
­comprehensive research with respect to clinical applicability is required
before employing remineralizing nanomaterials routinely in clinical

Abbreviations 9.1 Introduction

ACP Amorphous calcium phosphates Dental caries remains to be the most common oral
CaF2 Calcium fluoride disease in many developing as well as industrial-
CMC Carboxymethyl chitosan ized countries. Thus, attempts to prevent caries
CPP Casein phosphopeptides progression in the developed world have been of
DMP1 Dentin matrix protein prime focus in order to reduce the prevalence of
DPP Dentin phosphoprotein also caries. It is well established that dental caries is
known as DMP2 or a dynamic disease process caused by the unbal-
phosphophoryn ance between demineralization and remineral-
EDX Energy-dispersive X-ray ization processes [1]. Traditionally, dentists use
spectroscopy an “extension for prevention” surgical approach
F Fluoride to manage dental caries, with G.V. Black cav-
FAP Fluorapatite Ca10(PO4)6F2 ity designs specified for each lesion type [2].
fβ-TCP Funcionalized β-TCP Minimally invasive dentistry (MID), a modern
GTR Guided tissue remineralization evidence-based approach to caries management,
HAP Hydroxyapatite has evolved based on the emergence of atraumatic
IP Ionic activity product restorative techniques in the 1970s. It is a treat-
Ksp The solubility product ment that conserves maximum natural tooth tissue
MID Minimally invasive dentistry and restores the appearance, function, and aes-
NaF Sodium fluoride thetics [3–5]. The conception of MID gradually
nano-CaF2 CaF2 nanoparticle replaces the status of “extension for prevention.”
NCPs Noncollagenous proteins The main components of MID include assess-
n-FHA Nanofluorohydroxyapatite ment of the risk of disease, early caries diagnosis,
n-HAP Nano-sized HAP remineralization for prevention and treatment of
OCP Octacalcium phosphate early caries, use of special restorations, dental
PAA Polyacrylic acid materials and equipment for MID, and surgical
PASP Polyaspartic acid intervention only when required or only after the
Pchi Phosphorylated chitosan disease has not been controlled [6–11]. Since
PEO Ethylene oxide remineralization is to achieve mineralization
PILP Polymer-induced liquid-precursor or restore mineral loss within a demineralized
PVPA Polyvinylphosphonic acid matrix/tooth, it is an ideal method to treat the
R Gas constant 8.314 J · K−1 mol−1 caries that does not require surgical intervention.
S Supersaturation Additionally, remineralization contributes to pre-
SAED Selected area electron diffraction vent early caries and recurrent caries and treat
SEM Scanning electron microscopy dentin hypersensitivity.
STMP Sodium trimetaphosphate Remineralization of enamel is mainly based
T Absolute temperature on the growth of residual crystals. However, it is
TEM Transmission electron microscope difficult to repair the enlarged defects of enamel
TPP Sodium tripolyphosphate caries by traditional remineralization agents and
β-TCP Beta tricalcium phosphate their deliveries, such as fluoride and fluoride-­
Ca3(PO4)2 containing dentifrice. It is also demonstrated
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 175

that the methods applied for enamel remineral- nonreleasing) fillers in the same material. In
ization, such as the usage of fluoride, facilitated addition, since the well-sized nanomaterials are
dentin remineralization, and the remineraliza- similar to the scale of the natural building
tion mechanism, are similar in both tissues [12, blocks of dental hard tissues, they can facilitate
13]. However, compared with remineralization mineralization of collagen and form the materi-
of enamel, remineralization of dentin using flu- als with enamel-like microstructure. Therefore,
oride is less effective. This could be ascribed to nanomaterials could de novo repair early caries
the fact that fluoride mainly remineralizes resid- lesions and thus can protect diseased hard tis-
ual crystals in dental lesions, which act as seed sue from further demineralization to form visi-
crystals, but the residual crystals are lacking ble cavities.
in dentin lesions where a more organic matrix Inspired by the rationale of biomineraliza-
exists [1]. The organic matrix in dentin is com- tion of dental hard tissues, it is possible to
posed of Type I collagen and NCPs (noncollag- mimic this “natural” mechanism to accomplish
enous proteins), such as DMP1 (dentin matrix remineralization of collagen in demineralized
protein) and DPP (dentin phosphoprotein, also dentin. This methodology is termed as biomi-
known as DMP2 or phosphophoryn) with highly metic mineralization, imitating the natural
phosphorlyated serine and threonine residues ­process of mineralization to realize remineral-
[14]. The inorganic mineral (mainly calcium- ization [16]. The advantage of biomimetic
deficient carbonate-­ containing hydroxyapatite mineralization is that it simulates the natural
(HAP)) in dentin is embedded in the organic formation process of mineral crystals on the
matrix. Some studies indicated that some NCPs surface of organs without using special equip-
are inhibitors of mineralization and if removed, ments and strict conditions [16]. Some
dentin remineralization will be enhanced [15]. biomimetic remineralizing agents have been
Therefore, the process of dentin remineraliza- developed, such as nanocomplexes of stabi-
tion is more complex than that of enamel, which lizer and amorphous calcium phosphate. These
is more challenging in MID. Novel remineraliz- nanocomplexes can remineralize enamel
ing agents (materials) and techniques should be lesions [17]. Combined with phosphorylated
developed to fulfill the remineralizing require- collagen, these nanocomplexes also can remin-
ments of MID. eralize dentin lesions through mineralization
So far, fluoride treatment remains to be the of collagen in dentin [18].
best established remineralizing strategy for In this review, we focus on recent remineral-
early enamel caries. Enamel remineralization izing nanomaterials showing ideals of MID to
using fluoride and its delivery methods have manage caries. These materials include calcium
been studied extensively. Various forms of cal- fluoride, amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP),
cium phosphates that provide calcium and beta tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), hydroxyapa-
phosphate ions for remineralization are vital for tite (HAP) nanoparticles, nanocomplexes of
remineralizing agents. These agents can be casein phosphopeptides, and amorphous calcium
added to restorative materials or directly phosphate (CPP-ACP). Particularly, other biomi-
applied on tooth surface to perform remineral- metic nanocomplexes of stabilizer and amor-
izing functions. The addition of the remineral- phous calcium phosphate will be discussed.
izing agents in conventional size to restorative These nanomaterials include polyacrylic acid
materials results in poor functional perfor- (PAA)-ACP, polyaspartic acid (PASP)-ACP, and
mance/aesthetics, unsatisfactory biocompati- phosphorylated chitosan (Pchi)-ACP that are
bility, and poor workability. On the contrary, novel remineralizing agents based on the non-
due to the small size and high surface area of classical nucleation theory and the guided tissue
the nanoparticles, nanoscales of remineralizing remineralization (GTR) strategy. The rationale of
materials are able to release high levels of min- remineralization effects of these materials on
eral ions at a low filler level, which has no enamel and dentin will be discussed and
impact on the incorporation of reinforcing (but summarized.
176 X. Zhang et al.

9.2  tructure and Compositions

S 9.2.2 Dentin
of Dental Hard Tissues
and Caries The underlying dentin is a porous, calcified tis-
sue, which forms the major bulk of the tooth
9.2.1 Enamel structure. It is thought that the flexibility of
dentin may help prevent the brittle enamel from
The dental hard tissue is composed of enamel, fracturing. Compared to enamel, dentin tissue
dentin, and cementum [19]. The enamel is an consists of more organic components (ca. 21 %
outer layer of 1–3 mm thickness, which covers by weight) [27]. The organic matrix of dentin is
and protects dentin and pulp cavity [20]. In mainly composed of Type I collagen (ca. 92 %
mature enamel, approximately 96 wt% of enamel by weight) and noncollagenous proteins (NCPs)
consists of crystalline HAP, the rest of the com- [27]. The inorganic components of dentin are
position being the organic materials (ca. 0.6 % primarily calcium-deficient carbonate-containing
by weight) and water (ca. 3.4 % by weight) [20]. HAPs [27]. Dentin contains 20 % water by vol-
The average size of HAP crystallites in enamel is ume, and it is in bound or unbound states [27].
about 30 nm thick, 60 nm wide, and several Water molecules hydrate the organic matrix and
microns long [21]. Precise spatial arrangement occupy the interfibrillar space. Dentin is struc-
of these fibers leads to a superstructural organi- turally divided into peritubular dentin and inter-
zation [22], which can be described as several tubular dentin. Peritubular dentin is a highly
hierarchical levels from nano- to microscales mineralized tissue containing more inorganic
[23, 24]. Since enamel is acellular and indepen- components and less organic matrix. Intertubular
dent of nutrient supply, once formed, mature dentin is mostly composed of Type I collagen
enamel cannot self-repair. Dental cavities start fibrils ranging from 50 to 200 nm in diameter sur-
appearing on a small scale, which can be made rounded by nanocrystalline apatites [28]. Some
reversible without using aggressive excavation reports showed that the apatite crystallites in den-
procedures, and thus at that point, they should be tin are plate like in shape, ca. 50–60 nm long, and
effectively tackled. Naturally, enamel lesions up to 3.5 nm thick [29], which are smaller than
could be remineralized by the epitaxial growth those of enamel. According to the current under-
of residual crystals (as nucleation sites) or standing of biomineralization of dentin, the pro-
restore the partially demineralized crystals with cess of biomineralization involves the interaction
the healthy saliva containing calcium and phos- of NCPs with collagen fibrils and minerals [30].
phate ions, which provides a supersaturated NCPs work as nucleator and inhibitor to accom-
environment with respect to HAP. If saliva is not plish mineralization of collagen. The functional
enough for remineralization of enamel, enhanc- groups of NCPs are crucial for heterogeneous
ing remineralizing treatment should be used, nucleation in biomineralization.
such as providing topical sources of calcium and According to the location with respect to the
phosphate ions in oral environments. It is pro- collagen fibrils, apatite crystallites are classi-
posed that enamel tissues de novo form through fied into extrafibrillar minerals and intrafibrillar
interaction between nanospheres and nanofibers minerals. Extrafibrillar mineral is located in the
of amelogenin, the main protein in the develop- spaces separating the collagen fibrils [31–33],
ing enamel matrix. These nanospheres and nano- and the intrafibrillar one is largely in the gap
fibers formed by self-assembly of amelogenin at regions of the fibrils extending between tropo-
the nanoscale regulate the nucleation, growth, collagen molecules [31–33]. It was observed that
and morphology of apatite crystals in enamel the demineralization of the extrafibrillar miner-
[25]. Therefore, the ideal remineralization strat- als is faster than that of the intrafibrillar minerals
egy is mimicking the genesis of this complex tis- in vitro [34]. The collagen matrix in the intertu-
sue, thus offering restoration of teeth to their bular dentin could inhibit demineralization as the
natural forms [26]. crystals remaining in extensively ­demineralized
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 177

Fig. 9.1  The different Outer layer (infected layer)

zones of dentin caries
Inner layer (affected layer)


regions are mainly ones located in intimate noninvasively through remineralization to pre-
association with the collagen fibrils. Some stud- vent disease progression and improve aesthetics,
ies showed that collagen fibrils in carious den- strength, and function of teeth. In recent decades,
tin cannot remineralize unless residual mineral the therapeutic importance of remineralization
crystals remain in the demineralized lesion [12, has been generally accepted. In MID, reminer-
13, 35]. Thus, the effect of traditional remineral- alization or arrest of lesions should be utilized to
ization in dentin is dependent on the amount of a maximum since there is no real substitute for
residual crystals. In addition, it should be noted natural tooth structure.
that the mechanical property of dentin is related Early in caries development, caries may affect
to intrafibrillar mineralization of collagen [36]. only enamel. At this time, remineralization treat-
Therefore, in order to remineralize dentin effec- ment and improvement of oral hygiene would
tively and obtain ideal mechanical properties, the stop carious development and recover carious
collagen in dentin lesions should be completely lesions. Once the extent of decay reaches the
remineralized, including both extra- and intrafi- deeper layer of dentin, dentin caries occurs.
brillar mineralization. Inspired by the role of Remineralization of dentin is also significant for
NCPs in mineralization of collagen, biomimetic management of dentin caries. However, it is dif-
remineralization methods would be developed. ficult to accomplish remineralization of deep car-
ies in clinical practice because the caries process
has passed a “point of no return” [38]. Carious
9.3 Remineralization Treatment dentin is usually described in terms of two altered
in Minimally Invasive layers in clinical practice, an outer layer (infected
Dentistry layer) and an inner carious layer (affected layer)
(Fig. 9.1). The outer layer is contaminated with
Minimally invasive dentistry embodies at least bacteria in clinical caries, and the collagen fibers
five principles: remineralization of early lesions, are degraded, which is not considered for remin-
reduction in cariogenic bacteria and elimination eralization, while the inner layer is bacteria free
of the risk of further demineralization and cavita- with limited denaturation of the collagen, which
tion, minimum surgical intervention of cavitated could be remineralized [39]. In clinical practice,
lesions, repair rather than replacement of defec- it is recommended that the outer (infected) layer
tive restorations, and disease control [37]. A goal of dentin caries should be removed during cavity
of MID is to manage noncavitated carious lesions preparation, and the inner layer is conserved for
178 X. Zhang et al.

bonding of restorative material, though this is an be remineralized in vitro although this process is
invasive methodology [40]. very slow [38]. Now, an emerging view in caries
Although roots of teeth have a very thin layer prevention and management is that restorative
of cementum over a large layer of dentin, root treatment should be delayed to provide maxi-
caries is mainly caused by demineralization of mum possibilities for natural lesion repair and
dentin. Root caries is widespread and increasing arrest [38]. Thus, an efficient remineralization
in aged adults because pathology and treatment strategy for dentin caries is required to achieve a
of periodontal diseases expose root surfaces and minimally invasive approach for dental caries
make them prone to caries attack. It is technically management.
difficult to treat root caries because the lesions
tend to “wrap around” the cervical margins of
the teeth so that optimal restorative materials are 9.4 Nanomaterials
lacking [41]. Therefore, remineralization of den- for Remineralization
tin is also significant for treatment of root caries. Treatments
Different in vitro root caries models have been
developed for remineralization studies [42]. The essential feature in the demineralization of
The etiology of dentin hypersensitivity is dental hard tissues is that a substantial number of
ascribed to demineralization that results in expo- mineral ions are removed from the apatite lattice
sure of dentinal tubules [15]. Thus, based on a network and its structural integrity is destroyed,
remineralization mechanism, the formation of a leading to the permeability of the dental hard tis-
mineral layer on the surface of demineralized sues. The possibility of dissolution (demineral-
dentin which results in mineral deposit or plugs ization) and formation (remineralization) of HAP
in the dentinal tubules is an important therapeutic depends on the Gibbs free energy change caused
strategy for dentin hypersensitivity. by the degree of saturation with respect to HAP,
The clinical methodologies to deal with cari- as shown in Eqs. (9.1) and (9.2).
ous dental hard tissue can be classified into restor-

ative and nonrestorative repairs [43, 44]. The Demineralization
Ca10 ( PO 4 )6 ( OH )2
2+ 3− −
restorative treatment needs to remove all softened  10Ca + 6PO 4 + 2OH
and discoloring dentin to eliminate all infected
tissue and create a hard tissue foundation to sup-
port a restoration. The use of hand instrumenta- ∆G = RT ln ( S ) = RT ln ( IP / K sp ) (9.2)

tion and a round steel bur often results in removal
of healthy tissue and accidental exposure of the where S is the degree of supersaturation with respect
pulp. Moreover, the notion has generally been to HAP, R the gas constant (8.314 J · K−1 mol−1),
accepted that restorative intervention is likely the T the absolute temperature, IP the ionic activity
beginning of a long sequence of rerestorations product, and Ksp the solubility product (Ksp for
often leading to crowns and implants irrespective HAP: 2.34 × 10−59) [45]. The IP value for HAP is
of how well the first filling is prepared [44]. The given by [Ca2+]10[(PO4)3−]6[OH−]2γ12γ210γ36, where
nonrestorative repair for dental caries is in agree- γz represents the activity coefficient of a z-valent
ment with the concept of MID. ion. From the point of thermodynamics, if IP < Ksp
So far, remineralization of superficial enamel (ΔG < 0), the solution is unsaturated with respect
caries using fluoride and its derivatives has been to HAP, and HAP will dissolve (demineralize);
well documented in hundreds of completed stud- if IP > Ksp (ΔG > 0), the solution is supersatu-
ies [44]. It has also been demonstrated that fluo- rated, and HAP will form again (remineralize).
ride treatment can also facilitate remineralization Since Ksp for FAP (fluorapatite, Ca10(PO4)6F2) is
of shallow dentin and cemetum lesions in vitro 3.16 × 10−60 [45], FAP is more resistant to acid
[43, 44]. In addition, it was reported that the car- attack than HAP. Therefore, favorable pH value,
ies lesion extending to dentin (deep lesion) could enough calcium and p­hosphate ions available,
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 179

together with adequate fluoride ions are keys dentistry (MID). As remineralizing agents such
for the remineralization of dental hard tissues. as sodium fluoride (NaF) and calcium fluoride
Fluoride and calcium phosphate in various forms, (CaF2), fluoride has been added to many dental
such as calcium fluoride, tricalcium phosphate restorative materials (e.g., glass ionomers and
(TCP), hydroxyapatite, fluorohydroxyapatite, resin composites) and preventive products (e.g.,
and amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), as dentifrices and mouthwash). The deposits of cal-
the source of fluorine, calcium, and phosphate cium fluoride (CaF2) and CaF2-like in biofilm, as
ions for remineralization of dental hard tissues fluoride (F) reservoir, provide fluoride ions for
have been tested for many years. Since a small remineralizaton in oral environment. However,
particle can release ions at higher concentrations, the current fluoride-releasing restorative materi-
nanoparticles have better ion release profiles than als have poor mechanical properties or low fluo-
microparticles [46]. Thus, nanoscales of calcium ride recharge capability [50–52].
phosphate materials as remineralizing agents One approach to resolve this problem is to
have received more attention. Since it is difficult develop dental composites with fluoride nanopar-
to directly use nanomaterials to remineralize teeth ticles. The CaF2 nanoparticle (nano-CaF2) has a
in the oral environment, these materials are often 20-fold higher surface area compared with tradi-
added to restorative materials as inorganic fillers, tional CaF2 [53, 54]. Thus, the composite with
such as resin composites. It should be noted that nano-CaF2 shows high fluoride release and still
these nanomaterials are not used to reinforce the maintains strength and wear resistance [54, 55].
polymer but to release calcium, phosphate, and The addition of nano-CaF2 increases cumula-
fluoride ions for remineralization of dental hard tive fluoride release; the composites containing
tissues. 20–30 % nano-CaF2 match the fluoride release
rates of traditional glass ionomer materials [53].
Therefore, inhibiting caries by the addition of
9.4.1 Calcium Fluoride nano-CaF2 is achieved without compromising
Nanoparticles long-term mechanical properties of composites
[53, 54, 56].
Currently, the effect of fluoride as a preventive
agent on dental caries is well established. The
role of fluoride in combating caries has been sum- 9.4.2 Calcium Phosphate–Based
marized by Wefel [47], ten Cate and Featherstone Nanomaterials
[48], and Stoodley et al. [49]. Featherstone pro-
posed the three main mechanisms to explain the Today, nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite (HAP),
anticaries effect of fluoride. Firstly, fluoride can tricalcium phosphate (TCP), and amorphous cal-
inhibit the metabolic and physiological path- cium phosphate (ACP) have been developed as
ways in the cariogenic biofilm that produces sources to release calcium/phosphate ions and
organic acids to demineralize dental hard tis- increase the supersaturation of HAP in carious
sues. Secondly, fluoride inhibits demineraliza- lesions [57–59].
tion when it replaces ions in hydroxyapatite
(HAP) of dental hard tissues to form fluorapatite  eta Tricalcium Phosphate
(FAP) during an acid challenge; FAP is highly (β-TCP, Ca3(PO4)2)
resistant to dissolution by acid compared with β-TCP serves as a bioactive source of mineralizing
HAP. Thirdly, fluoride remineralizes dental hard components and has been used as a Class II device
tissue by attaching onto the crystal surface and used in facilitating bone remodeling in maxillofa-
then attracting calcium ions followed by phos- cial procedures (FDA, 2005) and orthopedic appli-
phate ions to nucleate for new mineral forma- cations (FDA, 2003). β-TCP can be functionalized
tion and growth. Therefore, fluoride treatment is with organic and/or inorganic to form funcional-
a very important method in minimally invasive ized β-TCP (fβ-TCP). It has been reported that the
180 X. Zhang et al.

combination of fluoride and fTCP produces stron- ­caries [63, 64]. If the dimensions of the n-HAP
ger, more acid-resistant minerals relative to fluo- particles are adapted to the scale of the submi-
ride, native β-TCP, or fTCP alone [60]. As a crometer- and nano-sized defects, the reparation
low-dose system, fTCP does not rely on high lev- of the enamel surface can be greatly improved
els of calcium and phosphate to drive remineral- by using these n-HAP particles. It is shown that
ization [60]. fβ-TCP provides a barrier that the basic building blocks of enamel are
prevents premature fluoride–calcium interactions 20–40 nm HAP nanoparticles [65]. In vitro data
and aids in mineralization when applied via com- indicate that n-HAP with a size of 20 nm fits
mon preparations and procedures [60]. The com- well with the dimensions of the nanodefects on
bination of fluoride plus fTCP has been used to the enamel surface caused by acidic erosion
remineralize enamel lesions. Karlinsey et al [64]. Under in vitro conditions, these n-HAP
reported that the combination of NaF (i.e., 500, particles can strongly attach to the demineral-
950, 1,100, or 5,000 ppm F−) plus fTCP in a simple ized enamel surface and inhibit further acidic
aqueous solution can significantly remineralize attack [64]. Thus, the use of well-sized n-HAP
white spot enamel lesions relative to that achiev- particles similar to the scale of the natural build-
able with fluoride alone [60]. In addition, when ing blocks of enamel could de novo repair early
added to commercial mouth rinse and dentifrice carious lesions and thus can protect them from
containing fluoride, fTCP provided significantly further demineralization to form visible cavi-
greater fluoride uptake and rehardening relative to ties. In the other study, an enamel-like nano-
a fluoride-free and controlled fluoride-only mouth crystal layer with 10 μm thickness in small
rinse and dentifrice [61]. These studies demon- cavities was achieved in vitro by pasting fluo-
strate that since fTCP can enhance fluoride-based ride-substituted HAP on the enamel within
nucleation activity with subsequent remineraliza- 15 min, but this process was carried out under
tion driven by dietary and salivary calcium and pH 3.5 and high concentrations of hydrogen
phosphate, the combination of fluoride and fTCP peroxide [66]. In view of the real conditions of
appears to be a promising approach to remineral- the oral cavity and potential toxicity of n-HAP,
ization of dental hard tissues. the effect of direct use of n-HAP particles on
Currently, nanoscale β-TCP has been used for remineralization of enamel should be further
bone tissue regeneration due to its higher com- investigated and confirmed in a clinical trial.
pressive strength, degradation rate, osteoconduc- n-HAP powder can be also added to dental
tivity, and protein absorption compared to restorative materials for remineralization effects
submicron β-TCP [62]. Thus, combination of and improvement of mechanical properties due to
fluoride and nanomaterials of β-TCP may achieve its excellent biocompatibility and bioactivity [67,
more effective remineralizing results. However, 68]. For instance, compared with micro-HA
since β-TCP is often added to mouth rinse and added to glass ionomer cement, 10 % n-HAP par-
dentifrice, the toxicity of nanoscale β-TCP should ticles (60–100 nm) are incorporated in resin-­
be evaluated adequately. modified glass ionomer cement, which results in
an increased resistance to demineralization and
 ydroxyapatite (HAP) Nanoparticles
H acceptable bonding strength with the only
Synthetic HAP is a biocompatible material, and drawback of exceeding the clinically suitable
nano-sized HAP (n-HAP) is similar to the apatite maximum setting time [69–71]. Furthermore, the
crystal of tooth enamel in morphology and crys- addition of n-HAP and nanofluorohydroxyapatite
tal structure. Therefore, it is logical to consider (n-FHA) to glass ionomer cements increases the
n-HAP as compound substitute for the natural compressive, diametral tensile, and biaxial flex-
mineral constituent of enamel, with which defects ural strength of glass ionomer cements [72, 73].
of dental enamel would be repaired. Besides, the glass ionomer cement containing
It has been reported that n-HAP particles can n-FHA has the potential to increase the amount
remineralize initial submicrometer enamel of fluoride release [74].
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 181

Nanoparticles of HAP have been incorporated surfactants can self-assemble into a prism-like
into toothpastes or mouth-rinsing solutions to enamel structure due to specific surface charac-
facilitate the remineralization of demineralized teristics [84].
enamel or dentin by depositing HAP nanopar- Although some promising in vitro results were
ticles in the lesions. Commercially available den- obtained, the stability and the mechanical proper-
tal prophylactic products containing biomimetic ties of the n-HAP and the enamel-like materials
carbonate hydroxyl apatite nanoparticles have are not sufficient for tooth restorations, and the
been used to fill microdefects on demineralized long time (from several hours to days) for the for-
enamel or dentin surfaces and proved to be effec- mation of the mineral structures also limits their
tive in vitro after a 10 min application. However, clinical application [76, 81]. Therefore, besides
these promising effects need a clinical study to remineralization functions, further research
support them. In addition, the toothpastes with should improve the properties of the materials
either spheroidal or needle-like particles of related to clinical operations, thus providing clin-
n-HAP show better remineralization effect on ically conceivable biomimetic tooth repair.
demineralized enamel than sodium fluoride solu-
tions [75]. However, the in vitro study simulat-  morphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP)
ing the real conditions of oral cavity or an in vivo Nanoparticles
study is needed to further test to prove the remin- Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) is the
eralization effects of these toothpastes. initial solid phase precipitating from a highly
Recently, some studies indicated that bio- supersaturated solution with respect to calcium
mimetic synthesis of hierarchically organized phosphate, which is firstly described by Aaron
enamel-like structures composed of n-HAP S. Posner in the mid-1960s [89]. The morphol-
would be an ideal approach to repair enamel ogy of ACP particles is shown as small sphe-
microcavities. In the presence of organic addi- roidal particles in the nanoscale (40–100 nm).
tives [76–85] or by using various hydrothermal Owing to its excellent bioactivity, high cell adhe-
conditions, the in vitro formation of enamel-like sion, adjustable biodegradation rate, and good
microstructures can be achieved. Formation of osteoconduction, ACP has been widely applied
enamel-like structures in presence of amelo- in biomedical fields, especially in orthopedic and
genin, a major extracellular matrix protein in dental fields [90–93]. Since ACP can convert
physiological enamel development, has been well readily to stable crystalline phases such as octa-
documented. Amelogenin oligomers mediate the calcium phosphate (OCP) or HAP, it is difficult
self-assembly of oriented parallel needle-­ like to directly use ACP to remineralize dental hard
apatite bundles to form nano- and microstruc- tissues unless stabilized in some way. Therefore,
tured materials, which is compositionally and like the nanomateirals of CaF2 and HAP men-
morphologically similar to natural enamel [25, tioned above, ACP nanoparticles, as source
76, 78–81, 83, 84, 86–88]. Amelogenin remin- of calcium and phosphate ions, have also been
eralizes etched enamel surfaces by forming a added to composite resins, ionomer cements,
mineral layer containing needle-­like fluoridated and adhesives. Taking advantage of the ability of
HAP crystals with dimensions of 35 nm [80]. ACP to release calcium and phosphate ions, these
Additionally, self-­ assembling anionic β-sheet composites, especially in the acidic oral environ-
peptides, mainly composed of glutamic acid and ment, present remineralization effects on dental
glutamine, form fibrillar networks as scaffolds to hard tissues to prevent secondary caries after
be mineralized and could enhance remineraliza- restorations. A study using in situ caries models
tion and inhibit demineralization of the enamel of humans indicated that nanoACP-containing
[82]. Surfactants also can work as micelles or nanocomposites prevented demineralization at
microemulsions to mimic the biomineralization the restoration–enamel margins, producing lower
process during the formation of enamel [84]. enamel mineral loss compared with the control
HAP nanorods modified with monolayers of composite [94]. This result could be attributed to
182 X. Zhang et al.

the oral biofilm exposed to nanoACP with higher process. In the next section, the development of
calcium and phosphorus concentrations than that nanocomplexes of stabilizers and ACP will be
exposed to the control composite [94]. This high reviewed.
local concentration at the surface thus stimulates
precipitation and deposition into tooth structures
as apatite mineral. The remineralizing potential 9.4.3 N
 anocomplexes of Stabilizers
of ACP composites can be improved by intro- and Amorphous Calcium
ducing Si or Zr elements during low-tempera- Phosphate
ture synthesis of the filler [95]. Si and Zr ACPs
increased the duration of mineral ion release by Some in vitro studies indicate that some proteins
slowing down the intracomposite ACP to HAP and their derivatives and analogues, such as poly-
conversion [96]. mers and poly(amino acid) macromolecules
Although ACP-containing composites show mimicking the functional domain of these pro-
remineralization ability, these composites exhibit teins, could stabilize calcium/phosphate ions as
inferior mechanical properties, durability, and nanocomplexes of protein/amorphous calcium
water sorption characteristics due to the addition phosphate (ACP) in solution [101–103]. Casein
of ACP [97]. These problems could be attributed phosphopeptides (CPP) obtained from milk is
to the uncontrolled aggregation of ACP nanopar- such an analogue of the proteins involved in
ticles along with poor interfacial interaction biomineralization of teeth.
between them [98]. Currently, stabilizing and
coupling agents are used to stabilize and disperse  anocomplexes of Casein
ACP nanoparticles in the composites. It was Phosphopeptides (CPP)
found that anionic surfactants can stabilize the and Amorphous Calcium
amorphous solid phase against the conversion to Phosphate (ACP)
apatite during the precipitation of ACP; the par- The four sequesters of casein phosphopeptides
ticle size of ACP was also moderately reduced. are Bos ɑS1-casein X-5P (f59-79), Bos β-casein
The hydrophilic polyethylene oxide (PEO) is X-4P (f1-25), Bos ɑS2-casein X-4P (f46-70), and
water compatible due to its multiple hydrogen Bos ɑS2-casein X-4P (f1-21). All the peptides
bonding interactions with water molecules and contain the sequence motif -Pse-Pse-Pse-Glu-
stabilizes ACP nanoparticles by multiple chela- Glu-, and the major peptides of the preparation
tion. Thus, the incorporated PEO in ACP fillers are Bos ɑS1-casein X-5P (f59-79) (ab. ɑS1(59–79))
can prevent ACP nanoparticles from aggregat- and Bos β-casein X-4P (f1-25) (ab. β (1–25)). It
ing and affect the water content of the ACP-­ is proposed that the CPP binds to the spontane-
containing composites, which eventually will ously forming ACP nanoclusters under alkaline
impact both ion release kinetics and mechanical conditions (e.g. pH 9.0), producing a metastable
stability of composites [99]. colloid of nanocomplexes of CPP-ACP. From the
It has been suggested that ACP works as a pre- stoichiometric and cross-linking analyses [104],
cursor to bioapatite and as a transient phase in the stabilized nanocoplexes of CPP-ACP com-
biomineralization [100]. This process is thought plex have unit formula of [ɑS1(59–79)(ACP)7]6
to be mediated by noncollagenous proteins, such and [β(1–25)(ACP)8]6 [105]. A “closed complex”
as amelogenin, dentin matrix protein (DMP1), model of β(1–25) complexed with alkaline amor-
and dentin phosphophoryn (DPP, DMP2) with phous calcium phosphate has recently been pro-
highly phosphorylated serine and threonine. posed [104, 105]. This model indicated that all
They are biological stabilizers by chelating cal- the charged residues of CPP significantly interact
cium ions to control the transformation of ACP to with the alkaline calcium phosphate core particle.
HAP. Therefore, it is possible to develop a biomi- The hydrodynamic radii of β(1–25)-ACP com-
metic remineralizing strategy for reparation of plex were estimated at 1.526 ± 0.044 nm at pH 6.0
teeth caries by mimicking the biomineralization and 1.923 ± 0.082 nm at pH 9.0.
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 183

Reynolds et al. developed a routine preparation which transforms into HAP crystal in the p­ rocess
of nanocomplexes of CPP-ACP by titrating cal- of biomineralization of dental hard tissues.
cium ions, phosphate ions, and hydroxide ions at Therefore, inspired from CPP-ACP and under-
pH 9.0 into CPP solutions, followed by purifying standings on the roles of acidic noncollagenous
with filtration and drying. The nanocomplexes of proteins, such as phosphoproteins, in biomin-
CPP-ACP have been trademarked as RecaldentTM eralization of dental hard tissues, we obtain a
and added to sugar-free gum and dental profes- strategy for development of novel biomimetic-­
sional products (GC Tooth MousseTM). Currently, remineralizing agents for MID: finding ana-
this product is used for the prevention and treat- logues of acidic noncollagenous proteins that are
ment of early caries and the treatment of tooth capable of stabilizing ACP.
sensitivity, especially after in-­office bleaching
procedures, ultrasonic scaling, hand scaling, and Biomimetic Nanocomplexes
root planing. It was demonstrated that CPP-ACP of Stabilizer and Amorphous Calcium
binds well to Streptococcus mutans in oral bio- Phosphate (ACP)
film, thereby providing a mineral ion reservoir to Up to the present, transient amorphous mineral
release free calcium and phosphate for inhibit- phases have been found in biomineral systems in
ing demineralization and enhancing subsequent different phyla of the animalia kingdom [111].
remineralization [106]. The affinity of CPP-ACP For example, ACP has been reported to form as
to biofilm could attributed to calcium of CPP- a precursor phase of carbonated hydroxyapatite
ACP competing the calcium binding sites of bio- in Chiton teeth [112]. Also, an ACP phase has
film, which will decrease the amount of calcium been observed in the newly formed bony zebraf-
bridge between bacteria and the acquired pellicle, ish fin rays [113]. A comprehensive analysis of
and among bacteria themselves [107]. the mineral phases in the early secretory enamel
In an in vitro caries model, Reynolds et al. of the mouse’s mandibular incisor indicated that
investigated the effects of CPP-ACP solutions the outer, younger, early secretory enamel con-
on remineralization of artificial lesions in human tained a transient disordered ACP phase. The dis-
third molars [108]. With 10 day remineraliza- ordered ACP phase is a precursor of crystalline
tion treatment, 1.0 % CPP-ACP (pH 7.0) solu- hydroxyapatite and transforms into the final apa-
tion recovered 63.9 ± 20.1 % of mineral loss titic crystalline mineral with time [111]. It was
[108]. In addition, the combination of CPP-ACP also suggested that the transient ACP phase can
and fluoride has additive remineralizing effects directly deposit inside the gap regions of collagen
on carious lesions [109]. A recent clinical trial fibrils during bone and dentin maturation [113].
compared the remineralizing effect of a sugar- It is proposed that a variety of acidic noncol-
free gum containing 18.8 mg CPP-ACP with that lagenous proteins are involved in the biominer-
of a sugar-free gum not containing CPP-ACP on alization of ACP to HAP [114, 115]. Since the
enamel [110]. After in situ remineralisation by acidic noncollagenous proteins contain aspartic
the CPP-ACP–containing gum, the lesions with acid and glutamic acid–rich domains, they may
subsequent acid attack showed demineraliza- act as nucleators or inhibitors, growth modifiers,
tion beneath the remineralized zone, indicating anchoring molecules, or scaffolds for mineral
that the remineralized mineral by CPP-ACP was deposition [116–118]. The functional domains of
more resistant to acid challenge [17]. these acidic noncollagenous proteins can be mim-
Nanocomplexes of CPP-ACP provide a new icked by some polyelectrolytes and poly(amino
effective remineralization method for minimally acid) macromolecules containing phosphoryl or
invasive management of dental caries. Although carboxyl groups, such as polyacrylic acid (PAA)
Reynolds did not emphasize that CPP-ACP is and polyaspartic acid. These biomimetic materi-
a biomimetic product, but the mechanism of als can stabilize ACP and reduce these amorphous
the CPP-stabilized ACP formation is similar to phases to nanoscale [119], known as biomimetic
that of phosphorylated protein-stabilized ACP, nanocomplexes of stabilizer and ACP. This
184 X. Zhang et al.

biomimetic process, also known as “polymer- the internal water compartments of a collagen
induced liquid precursor” (PILP) [120, 121], has fibril. The phosphorus-based analogue of matrix
been used to synthesize nanoscale ACP to biomi- phosphoproteins binds to the collagen via elec-
metically mineralize type I collagen [120, 121]. trostatic interaction or chemical phosphorylation
This biomimetic process has been reported to be reactions to attract these nanoprecursors of ACP
independent of ion solubility products and rela- to the gap zones between the collagen molecules
tively insensitive to changes in pH and osmolar- [125]. The self-assembly of nanoprecursors of
ity, which is difficult to be explained by classical ACP and their subsequent transformation into
crystallization theory. Accordingly, nonclassical nanocrystals of HAP would result in the hierar-
crystallization theory (pathway) was proposed to chical and intrafibrillar remineralization of col-
describe the biomimetic mineralization process lagen in demineralized dentin. Therefore, GTR
based on PILP [122]. In the nonclassical path- with biomimetic remineralizing materials is
way, inorganic nanocrystals coated/stablized with potentially useful in the remineralization of par-
organic molecules can form larger mesocrystals tially demineralized caries-affected dentin.
via self-­assembly and crystallographic alignment. The concepts of CPP-ACP and GTR provide
These mesocrystals work as intermediates for the a novel strategy for remineralization treatment in
formation of single macroscopic crystals. MID. In the concept of CPP-ACP, for remineraliza-
Although remineralization of enamel lesions is tion of enamel, one analogue is required to mimic
conceivably achieved and evaluated, the remineral- the sequestration function of matrix proteins to sta-
ization of dentin is still debatable [15, 38, 123]. bilize ACP, while in the GTR concept, two poly-
Although the deposition of interfibrillar/extrafibril- anionic analogues mimicking the sequestration
lar apatite minerals can contribute to the increase of and templating functions of matrix proteins are
the gray intensity value of samples after remineral- involved to stabilize ACP and direct ACP nanopre-
ization, without intrafibrillar mineralization, interfi- cursors into collagen molecules for remineraliza-
brillar/extrafibrillar mineralization of dentin alone tion of dentin. Thus, the analogues stabilizing ACP
does not result in a highly mineralized collagen can aid to remineralize both enamel and dentin.
matrix [36] and cannot be regarded as true reminer- Presently, studies have proposed phosphorylated
alization of demineralized dentin. Thus, the micro- chitosan (Pchi) and carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC)
radiography as a convincing method for determining as calcium phosphate–binding matrix protein ana-
the degree of remineralization of enamel [15, 38] logues to stabilize ACP to form nanocomplexes of
has recently been challenged [124]. Pchi-ACP or CMC-ACP. Chitosan is a linear copo-
More recently, based on the rules of nonclas- lymer of glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine
sical crystallization pathways, guided tissue rem- in a β1 → 4 linkage obtained by N-deacetylation of
ineralization (GTR) was proposed [18]. In their chitin. Chitosan and its derivatives have emerged as
studies, presence of polyacrylic acid (PAA) as a new class of novel ­biomaterials due to their versa-
calcium phosphate–binding matrix protein ana- tile biological activity, excellent biocompatibility,
logues or metastable ACP nanoprecursors formed and complete biodegradability [126–128]. Among
in a Portland cement/phosphate-containing fluid these derivatives of chitosan, phosphorylated chito-
system [18]. Interestingly, only both in the pres- san (Pchi) exhibits bactericidal [129], biocompat-
ence of polyvinylphosphonic acid (PVPA) or ible, bioabsorbable [130–135], and metal-chelating
PAA and sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) or properties [136, 137]. It was shown that the che-
sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) as collagen-­ lating ability of phosphate groups of Pchi allowed
binding matrix phosphoprotein analogues, the immobilized Pchi molecules to bind with calcium
intrafibrillar remineralzation of collagen in den- ions to form nucleating sites [138], while free Pchi
tin was achieved [101, 102]. In guided tissue molecules showed an inhibitory effect on the for-
remineralization, the PAA-based b­iomimetic mation of calcium phosphate deposits in solution
analogue is employed as a sequestration agent [36]. Thus, Pchi could be used to stabilize ACP to
to stabilize nanoscale ACP that can infiltrate form the nanocomplexes of Pchi-ACP.
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 185

Fig. 9.2  TEM and SAED characterization of nano-com- was composed of much smaller prenucleation clusters
plexes of Pchi-ACP. (a) Image of nanoparticles of ACP indicated by white dash line circles. (c) SAED of nanopar-
formed in presence of Pchi (nano-complexes of Pchi- ticles of Pchi-ACP did not show obvious dot or ring pat-
ACP). (b) Higher magnification of the nanoparticle indi- tern characteristic of crystal structure, which indicates
cated by a black dash line circle in (a). This nanoparticle that its main composition is amorphous phase

The size of Pchi-ACP nanocomplex parti- (Fig.  9.2). We remineralized enamel samples
cles was determined to be less than 50 nm, and with fluoride and Pchi-ACP nanocomplexes
SAED results confirmed their amorphous phases respectively. The changes in mineral profiles of
186 X. Zhang et al.

a b
140 140
Mineral content (vol%)

Mineral content (vol%)


80 100 0 month
3 months
0 month
60 3 months 80
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600
Depth (µm) Depth (µm)
c d
100% *
Mineral content (vol%)

0 month 40%
3 months

60 0%
100 200 300 400 500 600 Control F P-chi/ACP
Depth (µm)

Fig. 9.3  Representative mineral profiles based Micro-CT degrees of the samples in different groups. * Significantly
results. (a) Control group; (b) Fluoride treatment group. different from F-treatment group (p < 0.05, n = 4,
(c) Pchi-ACP treatment group. (d) The remineralizing mean ± S.E.M)

representative samples showed that the control HAP crystals within the lesions to remineralize
group samples did not show remineralization enamel. This assumption could be supported by
(Fig.  9.3a), while in the experimental groups, the nonclassical nucleation theory [17]. Based on
both fluoride and Pchi-ACP treatments led to this theory, the nanocoplexes of Pchi-ACP could be
evident changes in the mineral profiles over regarded as the aggregates of prenucleation clus-
3-month remineralization (Fig. 9.3b, c). The rate ters (Fig. 9.2b). These aggregates (nanocomplexes
of remineralization of Pchi-ACP treatment was of Pchi-ACP) as a transition phase gradually trans-
significantly higher than that of fluoride treat- formed into the final crystalline phase and thereby
ment (p < 0.05) (Fig.  9.3d). In the presence of remineralized the lesions in demineralized enamel
Pchi-­ACP nanocomplexes, the enamel surface-­ (Fig.  9.4). This remineralization process is simi-
adsorbed nanocomplexes of Pchi-ACP released lar to the natural enamel biomineralization, where
calcium and phosphate ions, which entered the coassembly of amelogenin and calcium phosphate
defective lattice of HAP crystals or was adsorbed clusters are formed initially and then transformed
onto the residual crystals to nucleate (i.e., hetero- into a crystalline phase [133].
geneous nucleation) and grew into new mineral Pchi-ACP together with TPP was also
crystals. This observation was consistent with the employed to remineralize completely demineral-
classical nucleation theory. ized dentin. The SEM and EDX results showed
An ACP phase in the incorporated nanocom- significant degrees of remineralization (Fig. 9.5).
plexes of Pchi-ACP may in situ transform into This sandwich-like pattern indicated that the two
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 187

Prenucleation cluster Aggregate of the Nano-complex of Pchi-ACP HAP nanocrystals

stabilized by Pchi prenucleation clusters

Fig. 9.4  The process of self-assembly of prenucleation clusters of ACP stabilized by Pchi into nano-complex of Pchi-­
ACP, and finally the nano-complexes transforming into HAP nanocrystals

b c

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Full Scale 8531 cts Cursor: 0.000 Full Scale 1150 cts Cursor: 0.000

Fig. 9.5  SEM and EDX results of remineralization of and TPP. (b, c) EDX results corresponding to the square
completely demineralized dentin (mainly typeIcollagen). areas in (a) labeled with ‘1’ and ‘2’ indicating different
(a) SEM image of cross-section of remineralized dentin contents of calcium and phosphorus in the outer layer and
collagen in the presence of nano-complexes of Pchi-ACP the middle layer, respectively
188 X. Zhang et al.

Fig. 9.6  TEM of unstained outer and middle layers of the remineralization. (b) The middle layer exhibited only
dentin section in Fig. 9.5 (a) The outer layer showed char- faint banding characteristics (between arrows) due to lack
acteristic type-I collagen D-bands (between arrows), indi- of intrafibrillar minerals
cating intrafibrillar minerals within collagen fibrils after

outer layers were well remineralized, while the mimetic nanomaterials is based on a particle-­
middle layer was less remineralized. This obser- mediated, bottom-up mineralization strategy,
vation was further confirmed by the typical EDX which mimics the process of biomineraliza-
result shown in Fig. 9.5b, c. The Ca/P molar tion. The biomimetic method may provide a
ratios of the mineral crystal in the outer layers new strategy for remineralization of enamel and
were 1.52 ± 0.03 (n = 3), indicating that these dentin and could break the traditional notion
mineral crystals were calcium-deficient HAP, that collagen matrix in dentin caries cannot be
while in the middle layers, calcium and phospho- remineralized.
rus elements were trace ingredients. This remin-
eralizing pattern indicates that the prior
remineralization of outer layers of dentin may 9.5 Concluding Remarks
hinder the movement of nanocomplexes of Pchi-­
ACP into deep dentin. TEM results indicated that Nanotechnology has been applied to the develop-
in the absence of Pchi-ACP and TPP as biomi- ment of dental materials with better properties and
metic analogues, the fibrils in the significantly anticaries or remineralizing potential. Most remin-
remineralized outer layers showed characteristic eralizing nanomaterials with r­emineralizing func-
type-I collagen D-bands that are suggestive of tion, such as CaF2, β-TCP, HAP, and ACP, cannot
intrafibrillar remineralization (Fig. 9.6a). By con- be directly applied in oral environments. They are
trast, the fibrils in the less remineralized middle usually incorporated into restorative materials such
layer exhibited only faint banding characteristics as composite resins, glass ionomer, and adhesive
due to lack of intrafibrillar minerals (Fig. 9.6b). systems play a remineralizing role through releasing
A current study indicates that nanocomplexes calcium and phosphate ions from restorative mate-
of stabilizer and ACP itself can remineralize rials. Other biomimetic remineralizing nanomateri-
enamel lesions; combined with phosphorylated als, such as nanocomplexes of CPP-ACP, PAA-ACP,
collagen, it can remineralze dentin lesions. Most and Pchi-ACP, also show remineralizing effects on
importantly, the remineralizing rationale of bio- carious lesions of enamel and dentin. Furthermore,
9  Remineralizing Nanomaterials for Minimally Invasive Dentistry 189

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