Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Users' Investment On Virtual Products
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Users' Investment On Virtual Products
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Users' Investment On Virtual Products
are a lot of factors that differs the outcome of for the player's character (Wohn, 2014). Thus,
the results and factors that definitely change gamers dare to invest in such things as it can help
the point of view of sellers and what they them boost their levels and give them satisfaction
really need to do to be able to increase their and pleasure.
1.1.3 Online Gaming Communities
In this research, the researchers aims Some may wonder how gaming
to investigate on the psychological effect on companies garner a loyal fan base. Well, gamers
why people buy virtual products using real tend to form their own community of fellow
money and with the help of surveys that gamers where they commit their self to specific
would be conducted and addressed to the games. According to the researchers Seay,
respondents. In a seller’s point of view, Jerome, Lee, and Kraut in their research about
finding out the secret and formula to be able online gaming communities, in addition to the
to gather and get buyers is a really great fun of playing, players often form lasting
advantage. It helps them focus on those key relationships with the people they play with
online. At the same time, participation in these
points and factors to be able to create a better
immersive game world requires a considerable
product that fits in their buyer’s description time commitment from players, which may affect
and wants. The research will redeem itself as their real-life activities and relationships, with
a useful information to sellers and this thought the researchers studied these
consumers alike. This research helps both players to be able to find the answers to their
parties realize and see what they really need questions and answer their focus.
to do to be able to maximize the use of their
resources. 1.1.4 Virtual Products
For the past few years, modern
technology has become a part of our everyday
1.1 Review of Related Literature lives. It gives us luxury, entertainment, and the
1.1.1 Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) necessities in living a life of comfort. Not only
MOBA also known as Multiplayer Battle that, technology introduced us to digital
Arena is a genre of game that you would want to possessions which we might not know of. Virtual
play. As coined by Cantallops (2018) MOBA products are one of the big things that has ever
games are a subgenre of real-time strategy games happened to us in this evolving world. These are
in which two teams, typically consisting of five products which we acquire virtually such as
players each, compete against each other with music, movies, games, and eBooks (Helft, 2010).
each player controlling a single character. A very
famous example of MOBA games is the game 1.1.5 Consumer Buying Behaviour
Defense of the Ancients or mostly known as People buy things for them to use, and by
DOTA is a game that was developed and buying things, they are exchanging their money
maintained through the Warcraft III platform in return. By doing this act, they are investing
(Wang, 2016). their money for their need and that need can be
classified as an asset if it is solved. Any item
1.1.2 Virtual Products in Multiplayer Online
acquired or bought with the goal of generating a
Battle Arena (MOBA) profit or satisfying one's needs, emotions and
There are a lot of ways for game appreciation can be considered as an investment
developers to earn money through virtual (Investopedia, 2018).
products as the goods for the game does not only
sells skins but also items, clothing, hairstyles, and
1.2 Statement of the Problem
accessories for the game characters, as well as
furniture and home décor for virtual space This study will examine the
(Wohn, 2014). One might think that these things behaviour of online buyers in investing on
are only used for improving the overall aesthetic virtual products as a psychological aspect.
of the game but, no, these things are also some More specifically it seeks to find the answers
boost ups for their character's skill and strength, to the following questions:
these things mostly serve as an upgrading item
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Users’ Investment on Virtual Products
coincides with each other as both shows deep different online platforms and to further
connection in regards to the buyers’ self- enhance the different products on the online
esteem which fuels and drives the buyers to platform.
create their own buying behaviour pattern, Ha2: The benefits they receive when they buy
as proven by the results. The following are virtual products are satisfaction and they
the alternative hypothesis formulated by the gain high self-esteem in their online
Ha1: People buy virtual products to satisfy
their wants, to gain different points on
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Users’ Investment on Virtual Products