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Diagnostic Imaging Pathways Article PDF
Diagnostic Imaging Pathways Article PDF
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Image 2 (Ventilation Perfusion Scan): The ventilation series demonstrates
uniform distribution of tracer throughout both lung fields. The perfusion
series demonstrates generalised reduced tracer uptake in the right lung with
multiple segmental and subsegmental perfusion defects throughout both
lung fields. These findings have a high probability for recent pulmonary
Teaching Points
In the diagnostic work-up of pregnant patient with suspected PE
A chest radiograph as the first radiation-associated procedure should be performed to find potential
mimickers of PE and to facilitate the choice of further imaging
A negative D-dimer in a pregnant lady with low clinical suspicion of PE may rule out the diagnosis
of PE. Clinical prediction scores such as the Modified Wells Criteria have not been validated for
determining pre-test probability of PE in the pregnant population. Instead, clinicians are
recommended to rely on their clinical judgement and use a high index of suspicion
Otherwise a lower limb compression ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound of the iliac veins is
warranted since, if DVT is diagnosed, anticoagulation therapy can commence and further imaging
is unnecessary. If CUS/Doppler of iliac veins is negative, the diagnosis should be pursued
The diagnosis should be pursued with either CTPA or lung scintigraphy as the second line
radiation-associated modality. The evidence to recommend either CTPA or lung scintigraphy is
complex. The choice between the two however should be based on:
a. Radiation exposure (maternal, maternal breast and fetus)
b. Chest radiograph findings (in general, lung scintigraphy if the chest radiograph is normal,
CTPA if the chest radiograph is abnormal)
c. Clinical suspicion of an alternate diagnosis
d. Availability of equipment and local expertise
e. The presence of contra-indications to iodinated contrast media
f. Renal failure (a contra-indication to iodinated contrast medium)
Protocols for CTPA and for lung scintigraphy should be aimed at minimizing radiation exposure to
mother and fetus while maintaining the diagnostic quality of the exam. However, considering fetal
and maternal radiation doses with either lung scintigraphy or CTPA using dose reduction protocols
are within acceptable limits, neither test should be withheld in a pregnant woman who has clinical
symptoms that raise the suspicion of PE. The risk of missing the diagnosis of PE is greater than the
radiation risk
Contrast-enhanced MRI is not recommended for the diagnosis of PE in pregnancy due to the
theoretical risk of teratogenesis
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(4.1% vs 12.4%) and a relative risk of VTE that is lower than that of non-pregnant women of
childbearing age (0.60 vs 0.56) 8
The difficulty in making the diagnosis of PE in pregnancy is compounded by physiological changes
in women that result in symptoms that mimic PE. These include chest pain, shortness of breath
and leg swelling which make the clinical diagnosis of PE difficult 7
Available evidence as to the most appropriate methods to investigate suspected PE in pregnancy
is circumspect
Due to differences in scanning protocols between institutions, it is important to discuss planned
investigation of PE in pregnant patients with the radiologist and nuclear medicine physician
Chest Radiograph
Chest radiographs are commonly normal in PE but should be performed as the first imaging
investigation in suspected PE 2, 7-11 in order to:
Show alternative diagnoses for the patient’s symptoms (e.g. consolidation, pneumothorax,
pneumomediastinum, etc.)
Facilitate the choice of CT Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA) or lung scinitigraphy as the next
imaging investigation. If the chest radiograph is normal, lung scintigraphy as the next
imaging test is justified rather than performing a CTPA 7, 9, 10 ; limiting scintigraphy to
patients with a normal chest radiograph results in a decrease in the number of
indeterminate scans 11 and it also allows for the correlation of radiographic findings with
the interpretation of abnormal scintigraphy results. 10 Conversely, in the case of an
abnormal chest x-ray, CTPA will be superior in enabling a more definitive diagnosis of PE
and finding an alternative diagnosis 10, 12 of which consolidation being the most common
non-PE alternative diagnosis (6%), a finding that is in keeping with some previously
published series 2
A normal CXR does not exclude PE either nor are there specific findings that confirm PE. 13
However, for women with a normal chest X-ray, the rate of non-diagnostic CTPA was five-fold
higher compared to V/Q scan (relative risk [RR] 5.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.1–13.8) 12
The usefulness of D-dimer in pregnancy is controversial; D-dimer assays have a high negative
predictive value in non-pregnant patients with suspected venous thromboembolism (VTE) and can
be used to exclude the diagnosis 14 whereas throughout the pregnant state, plasma D-dimer
levels are physiologically raised. 15 This leads to a high rate of false-positive results if standard cut-
off values are used (irrespective of the laboratory assay used) 7
Other reports suggest that D-dimer agglutination assay would have ruled out the disease in 55% of
the cases with a negative predictive value of 100% in pregnant patients with suspected DVT 15, 16
The use of a pregnancy-specific cut-off D-dimer value 7, 15-17 is hoped to improve the clinical
utility of the test if used in combination with clinical probability scores 17
In one study which measured the D-dimer concentrations of healthy pregnant women, 84% of
women in their first trimester, 33% of women in their second trimester and 1% of women in their
third trimester had a normal D-dimer 18 suggesting that a positive D-dimer in the third trimester is
almost certain to be of no clinical use as a D-dimer level above the reference range is probably
universal. 17, 19 This has resulted in weak recommendations, that in pregnant women (including
early post-partum period) with suspected PE or DVT, D-dimer should not be used 7, 9
Despite this, it is intuitive that as in non-pregnant patients, a negative D-dimer in a pregnant
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women in the first or second trimester with low clinical suspicion of PE rules out the diagnosis of
PE 16, 17, 20-23
Patients with a high clinical probability of PE are recommended to proceed to a lower limb
compression ultrasound (CUS) and Doppler ultrasound of the iliac veins considering that a
proximal DVT would justify anticoagulation treatment thus rendering thoracic imaging unnecessary.
If ultrasonography is negative, the diagnosis should be pursued 15
Wells Score
(MWS): 1
Clinical 3 points
evidence of
diagnosis less 3 points
Tachycardia 1.5 points
Immobilisation 1.5 points
or surgery in
past 4 weeks
History of DVT 1.5 points
or PE
1 point
(treated in last 1point
6 months)
Score > 6 =
probability; <
6 = Low
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sub-segmental /segmental perfusion defect, with the apex of the defect pointing towards
the hilum and the broader base lying parallel to and completely abutting the pleura, without
rim parenchymal perfusion 19
b. Ventilation images using a gaseous radionuclide such as Technegas, xenon or technetium
DTPA in an aerosol form
Currently, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography V/Q (SPECT V/Q) and planar
pulmonary scintigraphy are available for imaging in suspected PE. The current scientific literature
has shown that SPECT V/Q is a more sensitive technique than planar VQ 27-29
SPECT V/Q is a relatively more recent tomographic scintigraphy technique where reconstruction of
cross-sectional images of radiotracer distribution of both lungs is produced by processing of
detected of photons acquired by SPECT technique. This has the advantage of providing
multiplanar images of radioactivity distribution without the overlapping mediastinal structures in
planar imaging. In one meta-analysis of studies looking at the diagnostic accuracy of planar V/Q,
SPECT V /Q and CTPA in the general population, planar V/Q was significantly inferior to SPECT
V/Q (AUC 0.85 vs 0.99). 29 In Australia SPECT V/Q, has largely replaced planar V/Q although
evidence in pregnancy is limited 30
The radiation dosage of a V/Q scan, as used in pregnant women, is about 3 times less than the
V/Q scan for non-pregancy, hence, it is often called “low dose V/Q”. The “low dose V/Q” however
takes at least twice as long as the usual VQ scan to acquire as it needs more time to accumulate
enough photons to produce good V/Q images
Traditionally in nuclear medicine, only “low dose perfusion images” are performed for pregnant
women, and if the perfusion scan is abnormal, the pregnant woman will have to return the following
day to have a “low dose ventilation scan”. 13, 28, 31 Without same day ventilation images, it is
very difficult to differentiate the perfusion defect that has mismatch ventilation (likely embolic
phenomenon) from the perfusion defect that will have a matching ventilation defect (likely
pulmonary parenchymal or non-embolic phenomenon). Furthermore, pregnant patients will find it
an inconvenience to return the next day for ventilatory images, should the low dose perfusion
images not entirely normal. Clinicians also prefer a quicker report to guide their management.
Because of these reasons, several nuclear medicine departments in major hospitals in Australia
acquire both low dose perfusion and ventilation images together in one study (low dose V/Q) at the
expense of a mildly higher radiation dose than the traditional “low dose perfusion only” scan
With the advent of SPECT V/Q, there is the capability of adding CT to SPECT V/Q to allow
localisation of function data (V/Q mismatch) to structural lung morphology on CT. This may be of
value in the general population 32, but the CT component does increase the dose of radiation to
both maternal breast and fetus significantly, therefore, CT component should not be added to V/Q
scan of pregnant women. Moreover, as pregnant women are generally of young population with
normal pre-existing lungs, correlating with CT lung morphology would be of insignificant diagnostic
benefit in the context PE detection
Computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) is performed on a multidetector CT
scanner after intravenous injection of iodinated contrast, the scanning is timed to correspond with
maximum opacification of the pulmonary arterial circulation
Both CTPA and lung scintigraphy have been advocated as being the first investigation of choice for
pregnant patients with suspected PE 23, 33, 34 and consensus is lacking
One recent study has shown equal diagnostic quality and negative predictive value of both CTPA
and lung scintigraphy for interpreting pulmonary embolism in pregnant women value (99% for
CTPA; 100% for lung scintigraphy). 3 The authors suggested that the choice between the two
should therefore be based on other considerations like radiation exposure (greater to maternal
breast with CTPA), chest radiograph findings, clinical suspicion of an alternate diagnosis and
availability of equipment and expertise. 35, 36 They preferred lung scintigraphy in patients with
normal chest radiographs and without suspicion of an alternate diagnosis 3
In summary, the preferred options are:
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Lung scintigraphy in patients with normal chest radiographs and without suspicion of an
alternate diagnosis 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 35, 36. In these cases, perfusion scan alone may
be satisfactory 13, 15. In one retrospective study, lung perfusion scintigraphy alone was
able to exclude PE in 82% of patients with a normal CXR; however, a limitation of this study
was a lack of clinical follow-up 37
It has been recommended in various consensus, guidelines and review articles that in
pregnant women with suspected PE with an abnormal CXR or a history of underlying
lung disease, performing CTPA as the next imaging test rather than lung scintigraphy is
justified 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 36
Although good prospective studies are lacking, the evidence indicates that a normal lung perfusion
scan and a normal CTPA have equal and very high NPVs for PE 2
Similarly, CTPA that is positive for PE and a high-probability lung perfusion scan have high PPVs
for PE 38
CTPA has a very high rate of interobserver agreement - greater than lung scintigraphy 30. CTPA
has a proven high sensitivity (83%) and specificity (96%) for the diagnosis of PE 38
The reported non-diagnostic rates for CT scans in pregnancy ranged between 3.2-35.7% 3, 12,
39-42 and are comparable to non-diagnostic V/Q scintigraphy (3-24.8%) 7, 10, 12, 41
CTPA also enables alternative diagnosis of unsuspected disease 41
The technical failure rates or indeterminate results for CTPA and lung scintigraphy vary widely in the
published literature. The reported non-diagnostic rates for CT scans in pregnancy ranged between
3.2-35.7% 3, 12, 39-42 and are comparable to non-diagnostic V/Q scintigraphy 3-24.8% 7, 10, 12
It has been reported that pulmonary artery opacification at CTPA in pregnancy is lower compared
to the non-pregnant population 33, 40, 43 with the percentage of inadequately opacified vascular
segments more than two times higher in the pregnant group (28.7%, n=264) than in the non-
pregnant group (13.3%, n=122)
Additionally the authors describe the incidence of sub-optimal CTPA studies as higher in
pregnancy when compared with an age-matched non-pregnant control group 40
The physiological haemodynamic changes that occur in pregnancy that contribute to this limitation
include: 44, 45: the hyperdynamic circulation shortens the arrival time of intravenous contrast within
the pulmonary arteries resulting in poor peak arterial enhancement. 35 Secondly, transient
interruption of contrast by an influx of unopacified blood from the inferior vena cava 42, 46. This is
particularly true in the third trimester
These circulatory changes persist for a variable time in the post-partum period 36, 37
Technically poor CTPA examinations may be reduced by
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Optimization of contrast medium injection 46, 47
Optimization of breathing technique. A large influx of unopacified contrast from the IVC
during deep arrested inspiration dilutes the contrast bolus. Shallow breaths or none at all
during the time of scanning mitigates this problem 48
Lung Scintigraphy
Several different probability based classification systems exist for the interpretation of a V/Q scan,
including the revised PIOPED (Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism) and the Hull
criteria 49, 50. There is no consensus regarding which is superior and there is limited information
regarding the accuracy of these criteria in pregnant patients
A challenge in the use of reporting criteria is the significant percentage of scans falling in the
category of intermediate (indeterminate) probability of PE. These studies are considered non-
diagnostic and there is uncertainty regarding how to manage these patients. In one prospective
multi-centre study using specified criteria to give an overall category representing the probability of
PE in a non-pregnant population (high probability, intermediate (indeterminate), low, very low or
normal) the reported rate of an indeterminate scan was 33% 49
Simplified criteria have been proposed and may reduce the rates of indeterminate studies, however
they have not been tested in pregnancy 51
The high rate of indeterminate scans is likely due to the high prevalence of abnormal chest
radiographs from underlying cardiopulmonary disease. This is generally less important in pregnant
women who are mostly young, healthy and without pulmonary pathology. Several studies confirm
that compared with the general population, pregnant women have a relatively low prevalence of
indeterminate V/Q scans 3, 4, 12, 41
Radiation Doses
CTPA and lung scintigraphy both utilize ionizing radiation (IR) and therefore should be used with
caution, especially in pregnancy
IR exposure must be considered in relation to the mother and to the fetus
Maternal exposure
Maternal doses of radiation for CTPA vary considerably in the literature and are higher than
for SPECT lung scintigraphy. 29, 52, 53 Although one study estimated the CTPA effective
whole body dose at 21mSv 54, more representative studies show average whole body
doses range from 2-10 mSv and 0.6-1.5 mSv for CTPA and V/Q scanning respectively
Of importance is the radiation dose to the breast caused by CTPA 7, 10, 54. The average
radiation dose to the breast from a CTPA is typically 10-20 mSv (compared to 0.28-0.5 mSv
for V/Q scans) 55, 58-60
The lifetime attributed risk for breast cancer from a dose of 20 mGy is approximately 1/1200
for a woman aged 20, 1/2000 for a woman age 30 and 1/3500 for a woman aged 40 61
There is evidence that exposure to radiation during pregnancy increases the risk of cancer
induction 62
It is worth noting that the total mammary involutional process encompasses a period of 3
months after cessation of lactation, 63 when considering breast-absorbed dose in the post-
partum period
Maternal exposure may be reduced:
At CTPA, by the use of low-dose protocols, including reducing Kv and mA, and by
the use of bismuth breast shields. Studies using bismuth breast shields have shown
radiation dose reductions of 34-57% to the breast, without significant decrease in
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image quality or diagnostic accuracy 7, 58, 64, 65
At lung perfusion scintigraphy, by reducing the dose of injected pharmaceutical by
as much as 50–75% 8. The addition of ventilation scanning only adds a small
increase in IR, but it has been shown that the diagnostic accuracy of perfusion only
scintigraphy in suspected pulmonary embolism is not reduced when compared to
the gold standard of ‘pulmonary angiography’ 4
Fetal exposure
Importantly, the fetal radiation dose with either V?Q scanning or CTPA is within acceptable
limits, and neither test should be withheld in a pregnant woman who has clinical symptoms
that raise the suspicion of PE 7, 15
There is continuing controversy with regard to the relative IR exposures to the fetus of
CTPA and lung scintigraphy
Obviously, exposures will vary according to the protocols used, and in particular whether
dose reducing protocols are employed
Exposure to the fetus at CTPA is due to scattered radiation, whereas exposure at lung
scintigraphy is largely due to accumulation of the tracer in the urinary bladder
During CTPA the fetus lies outside the scanned volume and is therefore subject to only
scattered radiation. Exposure is therefore quite small
It has been suggested that during the third trimester of pregnancy, the increasing fetal size
brings it closer to the CTPA scanning field and radiation doses approach that of V/Q 66
and that during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, radionuclide scans are
associated with a higher fetal absorbed radiation dose compared with CTPA 66
However, other studies 54, 67 , suggest that CTPA (0.24-0.66mGy) and lung scintigraphy
(0.25-0.36mGy) expose the fetus to doses of IR that do not vary significantly with
gestational age
What does appear to be established is that current low-dose exposures have not been
shown to be hazardous to the fetus
Exposures of the fetus can be reduced as follows
At CTPA, by the use of low-dose protocols, including reducing Kv and mA 5, 47, 68,
limiting scan volume to the minimum necessary 5, 68, 69 and by using oral barium
shielding 70
At lung scintigraphy, by the use of perfusion scans only (without the ventilation
component), reducing the dose of injected pharmaceutical by as much as 50–75%
and by encouraging the patient to drink plenty of fluids and empty her bladder
frequently or inserting a Foley catheter to decrease fetal exposure to the radiotracer
within the bladder 54
Other Risks
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infant. 73 Neither direct toxicity nor allergic reactions have been reported. However, the
mother may choose to discard the breast milk for 24 hours after receiving intravenous
Other Imaging
The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of PE in pregnancy is relatively
new and experience with this is generally limited depending on the institution. MRI offers the
distinct advantage compared to CTPA and V/Q scintigraphy, of an ionizing radiation-free imaging
The sensitivity of pulmonary contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for the
detection of PE ranges from 71 - 100% in the general population. The specificity ranges from 92 -
100%. 74-76 There are limited studies looking at the diagnostic accuracy of MRA in pregnancy for
suspected PE
The 2013 ACR Guidance Document on MR Safe Practices states that MR contrast agents should
not be routinely provided to pregnant patients 77-79
Gadolinium contrast agents have been shown to have adverse effects on the fetus in animal
studies at doses greater than clinical doses. Current recommendations from the ACR state that
they may be given if the radiologist and referring clinician deem that they are essential for
diagnosis and management and there are no available alternatives (such as contrast-enhanced
CT) 79
There is also growing concern regarding intracranial deposition of gadolinium in patients which has
been reported to be dependent on the dose of gadolinium-based contrast agents and independent
of patient age, sex or baseline renal function. 80, 81 The significance of this deposition is currently
Hence, MRA is relatively contraindicated in pregnancy due to the uncertain long-term effects of
gadolinium of the fetus
In a small study of a non-pregnant population, non-gadolinium-enhanced real-time MRI has shown
a sensitivity and specificity of 89% and 98% respectively in the detection of PE. 75 Large
prospective studies are needed to confirm its utility in pregnancy
Date of literature search: November 2015
References are graded from Level I to V according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine,
Levels of Evidence. Download the document
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18. Kovac M, Mikovic Z, Rakicevic L, Srzentic S, Mandic V, Djordjevic V, et al. The use of D-dimer
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19. Kline JA, Williams GW, Hernandez-Nino J. D-dimer concentrations in normal pregnancy: new
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25. Chan WS, Spencer FA, Ginsberg JS. Anatomic distribution of deep vein thrombosis in
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36. Scarsbrook AF, Bradley KM, Gleeson FV. Perfusion scintigraphy: diagnostic utility in pregnant
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79. Tirada N, Dreizin D, Khati NJ, Akin EA, Zeman RK. Imaging pregnant and lactating patients.
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80. McDonald RJ, McDonald JS, Kallmes DF, Jentoft ME, Murray DL, Thielen KR, et al. Intracranial
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81. Kanda T, Ishii K, Kawaguchi H, Kitajima K, Takenaka D. High signal intensity in the dentate
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