Baptist Bible Study Bulletin 4

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Baptist Bible Study Bulletin (No. 4; Vol.

1; 2019) Topical References

Topical Reference – A tool that links Scripture verses, and cross-references for a topical Bible study. An essential supplement
to a Bible concordance.

A. The New Topical Textbook – By R.A. Torrey (Reuben Archer Torrey, 1856-1928) was an American pastor (Congregational
Church), evangelist, educator, and writer. To my knowledge this book is no longer in print however, a used copy can surely
be acquired online. Certain Bible software programs carry it such as Wordsearch, PowerBible CD or Logos. Not to mention
e-reader versions and apps (like Kindle, or the Kindle Cloud Reader) are also available.

B. The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) – Published by Hendrickson, 2002. Edited by John Canne (?-1667) an English
Independent minister, and printer. The TSK first appeared ca.1644. This work contains 500,000 Scripture references and
parallel passages. TSK has got to be one the best tools for word or topical study ever produced. There are hard copies, online
versions, and Bible software editions available today.
C. Nave’s Topical Bible – Published by Hendrickson, 2002. By Orville J. Nave (1841-1917) was an American Methodist
theologian and served as chaplain in the U.S. Army. This topical reference quotes the KJV over 100,000 times as certain
Scriptures appear under several headings. There are hard copies, online versions, and Bible software editions available today.
D. The Complete Topical Guide to the Bible – Published by Baker Books, 2017. Edited by Alister E. McGrath (1953-present)
Irish Anglican priest, historian, and Christian apologist; Martin H. Manser is a prominent British lexicographer and professional
reference-book editor; J.I. Packer (James Innell Packer, 1926-present) an English-born Canadian theologian, his theological
views are Evangelical, low-church Anglican, and Calvinist; Donald J. Wiseman (Donald John Wiseman, 1918-2010) was a
Biblical scholar, archeologist, and served as professor of Assyriology at the Univ. of London from 1961 to 1982. Major topics
are the main scope of this topical reference. But the editors did a masterful job covering each topic.
E. Topical Scripture Reference – Published by Scripture Memory Ministries, 2012 (revised edition). By David R. Barker, an
Independent Baptist Evangelist. Bro. Barker and his dear wife, Mary are excellent servants of the Lord. Any material written
by Bro. Dave is sure to be a blessing to your soul and will enrich your Bible study. Bro. Barker is all about hiding God’s Word
in the heart and presents a robust Scripture memory ministry and itinerant preaching/teaching ministry. (Visit their webpage
at This book has been 35 years in the making. (Thank you, “Preacher man” Bro. David Barker
for making such a tool available).

F. Starr Publications – Independent Baptist Evangelist, Randy Starr and his dear wife, Shirley have written books on various
topics, all of which are readable, practical and relevant, and targeting a popular audience. Many of their titles are also
available in electronic format ( They also feature many other Independent Baptist writers & materials.
G. Nelson’s Topical Bible Index – Published by Thomas Nelson, 1995. Electronic and print versions are available. A basic
topical index. (8,000 topics).

➢ Certain works are topical in nature: Herbert Lockyer’s All series is well-known. The MacArthur Topical Bible (Thomas
Nelson, 1999) though based on the NKJV ventures to cover every major topic found in the Bible.

➢ Independent Baptist Missionary and writer, David Cloud has abundant titles on various topics worth consulting
( Independent Baptist Pastor Scott Hanks (Heritage Baptist Church, Lawrence, KS) has several topical
studies in print with the Walk in Truth Series ( Independent Baptist preacher, writer,
and Bible College teacher, David Olson (Fairhaven Baptist Church and College, Chesterton, IN) has written about
certain important topics worth acquiring ( Bible Promises for Bible Believers -By Gerald
Fielder, an Independent Baptist Evangelist. He also has many other self-published books [[email protected];
(256) 504-9761]. For Biblical studies on select titles/topics please visit Pastor Tom Strouse’ Bible Baptist Publications
webpage (, click on the literature tab, and then click on publications). Bro. Thomas Ross’ copious
materials and scholarly articles are available online (

Eminent Extracts:
“The main purpose of this book is to give the Bible believer ammunition from God’s Word to have an answer on the tip of
their tongue for soulwinning, Bible teaching, resisting temptation, and personal guidance.” (Bro. David Barker, Introduction
to the Topical Scripture Reference – revised edition).

“Tracing the great biblical topics throughout Scripture allows us to appreciate the essential unity of the Scripture. As we trace
the unfolding of God’s purposes of redemption throughout the pages of the Bible, we come to appreciate more fully how
Scriptures bears witness to the same God and His same purposes through the great theme that bind it together.” (Alister
McGrath, Introduction to the Complete Topical Guide to the Bible).

“There is no better commentary on the Bible so helpful as the Bible itself.” (R.A. Torrey, Introduction to the Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge).

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