Groundwater Monitoring
Groundwater Monitoring
Groundwater Monitoring
5.4 ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES 40 CFR 258.50 (d)(e) & (g) . . . . . 215
5.4.1 Statement of Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
5.4.2 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
5.4.3 Technical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
CFR §258.51 (c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.7.1 Statement of Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.7.2 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
5.7.3 Technical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Monitoring Well Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Well Casing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Filter Pack Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Surface Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
5.9 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 40 CFR §258.53 (g)-(i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
5.9.1 Statement of Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
5.9.2 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
5.9.3 Technical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Multiple Well Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Tolerance and Prediction Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Individual Well Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Intra-Well Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Treatment of Non-Detects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
5.14 ASSESSMENT OF CORRECTIVE MEASURES 40 CFR §258.56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
5.14.1 Statement of Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
5.14.2 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
5.14.3 Technical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Source Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Plume Delineation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Ground-Water Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Corrective Measures Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Active Restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Plume Containment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Source Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Public Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
40 CFR §258.58 (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
5.19.1 Statement of Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
5.19.2 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
5.19.3 Technical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Monitoring Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Interim Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
The Criteria establish ground-water monitoring and corrective action requirements for all existing
and new MSWLF units and lateral expansions of existing units except where the Director of an
approved State suspends the requirements because there is no potential for migration of leachate
constituents from the unit to the uppermost aquifer. The Criteria include requirements for the
location, design, and installation of ground-water monitoring systems and set standards for ground-
water sampling and analysis. They also provide specific statistical methods and decision criteria for
identifying a significant change in ground-water quality. If a significant change in ground-water
quality occurs, the Criteria require an assessment of the nature and extent of contamination followed
by an evaluation and implementation of remedial measures.
Portions of this chapter are based on a draft technical document developed for EPA's hazardous
waste program. This document, "RCRA Ground-Water Monitoring: Draft Technical Guidance"
(EPA/530-R-93-001), is undergoing internal review, and may change. EPA chose to incorporate
the information from the draft document into this chapter because the draft contained the most
recent information available.
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Table 5-1. Compliance Schedule for Existing Units and Lateral Expansions
in States with Unapproved Programs
Time to Comply
Distance From Water Supply Intake
From October 9, 1991
should provide sufficient time for the owner compliance by October 9, 1996. In
or operator to conduct site investigation and setting the compliance schedule, the
characterization studies to comply with the Director of an approved State must
requirements of 40 CFR §258.51 through consider potential risks posed by the unit
§258.55. For those facilities closest to to human health and the environment.
drinking water intakes, the period provides The following factors should be
2 to 3 years to assess seasonal variability in considered in determining potential risk:
ground-water quality. A drinking water
intake includes water supplied to a user (1) Proximity of human and
from either a surface water or ground-water environmental receptors;
(2) Design of the MSWLF unit;
SCHEDULES (3) Age of the MSWLF unit;
40 CFR 258.50 (d)(e) & (g)
(4) The size of the MSWLF unit;
5.4.1 Statement of Regulation
(5) Types and quantities of wastes
(d) The Director of an approved State disposed, including sewage sludge; and
may specify an alternative schedule for
the owners or operators of existing (6) Resource value of the underlying
MSWLF units and lateral expansions to aquifer, including:
comply with the ground-water
monitoring requirements specified in (i) Current and future uses;
§§258.51 - 258.55. This schedule must
ensure that 50 percent of all existing (ii) Proximity and withdrawal rate of
MSWLF units are in compliance by users; and
October 9, 1994 and all existing MSWLF
units are in (iii) Ground-water quality and
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Section Description
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
addressed in the order in which they appear representative than that provided by the
in this guidance document. upgradient wells; and
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
States that are deemed not in compliance aquifer is defined in §258.2 as "the geologic
with the regulations must have a monitoring formation nearest to the natural ground
system for each unit. surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower
aquifers that are hydraulically
A qualified ground-water scientist must interconnected with this aquifer within the
certify that the number, spacing, and depths facility property boundary." These lower
of the monitoring wells are appropriate for aquifers may be separated physically from
the MSWLF unit. This certification must be the uppermost aquifer by less permeable
placed in the operating records. The State strata (having a lower hydraulic
Director must be notified within 14 days conductivity) that are often termed
that the certification was placed in the aquitards. An aquitard is a less permeable
operating record. geologic unit or series of closely layered
units (e.g., silt, clay, or shale) that in itself
5.6.3 Technical Considerations will not yield significant quantities of water
but will transmit water through its
The objective of a ground-water monitoring thickness. Aquitards may include thicker
system is to intercept ground water that has stratigraphic sequences of clays, shales, and
been contaminated by leachate from the dense, unfractured crystalline rocks (Freeze
MSWLF unit. Early contaminant detection and Cherry, 1979).
is important to allow sufficient time for
corrective measures to be developed and To be considered part of the uppermost
implemented before sensitive receptors are aquifer, a lower zone of saturation must be
significantly affected. To accomplish this hydraulically connected to the uppermost
objective, the monitoring wells should be aquifer within the facility property
located to sample ground water from the boundary. Generally, the degree of
uppermost aquifer at the closest practicable communication between aquifers is
distance from the waste management unit evaluated by ground-water pumping tests.
boundary. An alternative distance that is Methods have been devised for use in
protective of human health and the analyzing aquifer test data. A summary is
environment may be granted by the Director presented in Handbook: Ground Water,
of an approved State. Since the monitoring Vol. II (USEPA, 1991). The following
program is intended to operate through the discussions under this section (5.6.3) should
post-closure period, the location, design, assist the owner or operator in
and installation of monitoring wells should characterizing the uppermost aquifer and
address both existing conditions and the hydrogeology of the site.
anticipated facility development, as well as
expected changes in ground-water flow. Determination of Background Ground-
Water Quality
Uppermost Aquifer
The goal of monitoring-well placement is to
Monitoring wells must be placed to provide detect changes in the quality of ground
representative ground-water samples from water resulting from a release from the
the uppermost aquifer. The uppermost MSWLF unit. The natural chemical
composition of ground water is controlled
Subpart E
primarily by the mineral composition of the ! The facility is located near production
geologic unit comprising the aquifer. As wells that influence the direction of
ground water moves from one geologic unit ground-water flow.
to another, its chemical composition may
change. To reduce the probability of ! Upgradient ground-water quality is
detecting naturally occurring differences in affected by a source of contamination
ground-water quality between background other than the MSWLF unit.
and downgradient locations, only ground-
water samples collected from the same ! The proposed or existing landfill
geologic unit should be compared. overlies a ground-water divide or local
source of recharge.
Ground-water quality in areas where the
geology is complex can be difficult to ! Geologic units present at downgradient
characterize. As a result, the rule allows the locations are absent at upgradient
owner or operator flexibility in determining locations.
where to locate wells that will be used to
establish background water quality. ! Karst terrain or fault zones modify flow.
If the facility is new, ground-water samples ! Nearby surface water influences ground-
collected from both upgradient and water flow directions.
downgradient locations prior to waste
disposal can be used to establish background ! Waste management areas are located
water quality. The sampling should be close to a property boundary that is
conducted to account for both seasonal and upgradient of the facility.
spatial variability in ground-water quality.
Multi-Unit Monitoring Systems
Determining background ground-water
quality by sampling wells that are not A multi-unit ground-water monitoring
hydraulically upgradient may be necessary system does not have wells at individual
where hydrogeologic conditions do not MSWLF unit boundaries. Instead, an
allow the owner or operator to determine imaginary line is drawn around all of the
which wells are hydraulically upgradient. units at the facility. (See Figure 5-1 for a
Additionally, background ground-water comparison of single unit and multi-unit
quality may be determined by sampling systems.) This line constitutes the relevant
wells that provide ground-water samples as point of compliance. The option to
representative or more representative than establish a multi-unit monitoring system is
those provided by upgradient wells. These restricted to facilities located in approved
conditions include the following: States. A multi-unit system must be
approved by the Director of an approved
! The facility is located above an aquifer State after consideration has been given to
in which ground-water flow directions the:
change seasonally.
! Number, spacing, and orientation of the
MSWLF units
Figure 5-1. Comparison of Single Unit and Multi-Unit Monitoring System
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
temporal fluctuations in ground-water flow the waste types managed at the facility) in
directions. Ground-water flow direction(s) the subsurface at the facility, both the
should be determined from water levels depth(s) to the immiscible layer(s) and the
measured in wells screened in the same thickness(es) of the immiscible layer(s) in
hydro-stratigraphic position. In the well should be recorded.
heterogeneous geologic settings (i.e.,
settings in which the hydraulic For the purpose of measuring total head,
conductivities of the subsurface materials piezometers and wells should have as short
vary with location in the subsurface), long a screened interval as possible.
well screens can intercept stratigraphic Specifically, the screens in piezometers or
horizons with different (e.g., contrasting) wells that are used to measure head should
ground-water flow directions and different generally be less than 10 feet long. In
heads. In this situation, the resulting water circumstances including the following, well
levels will not provide the depth-discrete screens longer than 10 feet may be
head measurements required for accurate warranted:
determination of the ground-water flow
direction. ! Natural water level fluctuations
necessitate a longer screen length.
In addition to evaluating the component of
ground-water flow in the horizontal ! The interval monitored is slightly
direction, a program should be undertaken greater than the appropriate screen
to assess the vertical component of ground- length (e.g., the interval monitored is
water flow. Vertical ground-water flow 12 feet thick).
information should be based, at least in part,
on field data from wells and piezometers, ! The aquifer monitored is homogeneous
such as multi-level wells, piezometer and extremely thick (e.g., greater than
clusters, or multi-level sampling devices, 300 feet); thus, a longer screen (e.g., a
where appropriate. The following sections 20-foot screen) represents a fairly
provide acceptable methods for assessing discrete interval.
the vertical and horizontal components of
flow at a site. The head measured in a well with a long
screened interval is a function of all of the
Ground-Water Level Measurements different heads over the entire length of the
screened interval. Care should be taken
To determine ground-water flow directions when interpreting water levels collected
and ground-water flow rates, accurate water from wells that have long screened intervals
level measurements (measured to the nearest (e.g., greater than 10 feet).
0.01 foot) should be obtained. Section 5.8
delineates procedures for obtaining water The water-level monitoring program should
level measurements. At facilities where it is be structured to provide precise water level
known or plausible that immiscible measurements in a sufficient number of
contaminants (i.e., non-aqueous phase piezometers or wells at a sufficient
liquids (NAPLs)) occur (or are determined frequency to gauge both seasonal average
to be potentially present after considering flow directions and temporal fluctuations in
Subpart E
ground-water flow directions. The USEPA (1989c) and Freeze and Cherry
owner/operator should determine and assess (1979). Methods for calculating hydraulic
seasonal/temporal, natural, and artificially gradient are provided by Heath (1982) and
induced (e.g., off-site production well- USEPA (1989c).
pumping, agricultural use) short-term and
long-term variations in ground-water A potentiometric surface or water table map
elevations, ground-water flow patterns, and will give an approximate idea of general
ground-water quality. ground-water flow directions. However, to
locate monitoring wells properly, ground-
Establishing Horizontal Flow Direction water flow direction(s) and hydraulic
and the Horizontal Component of gradient(s) should be established in both the
Hydraulic Gradient horizontal and vertical directions and over
time at regular intervals (e.g., over a 1-year
After the water level data and measurement period at 3-month intervals).
procedures are reviewed to determine that
they are accurate, the data should be used Establishing Vertical Flow Direction and
to: the Vertical Component of Hydraulic
! Construct potentiometric surface maps
and water table maps based on the To make an adequate determination of the
distribution of total head. The data ground-water flow directions, the vertical
used to develop water table maps component of ground-water flow should be
should be from piezometers or wells evaluated directly. This generally requires
screened across the water table. The the installation of multiple piezometers or
data used to develop potentiometric wells in clusters or nests, or the installation
surface maps should be from of multi-level wells or sampling devices. A
piezometers or wells screened at piezometer or well nest is a closely spaced
approximately the same elevation in group of piezometers or wells screened at
the same hydrostratigraphic unit; different depths, whereas a multi-level well
is a single device. Both piezometer/well
! Determine the horizontal direction(s) nests and multi-level wells allow for the
of ground-water flow by drawing flow measurement of vertical variations in
lines on the potentiometric surface map hydraulic head.
or water table map (i.e., construct a
flow net); When reviewing data obtained from
multiple placement of piezometers or wells
! Calculate value(s) for the horizontal in single boreholes, the construction details
and vertical components of hydraulic of the well should be carefully evaluated.
gradient. Not only is it extremely difficult to seal
several piezometers/wells at discrete depths
Methods for constructing potentiometric within a single borehole, but sealant
surface and water table maps, constructing materials may migrate from the seal of one
flow nets, and determining the direction(s) piezometer/well to the screened interval of
of ground-water flow are provided by another piezometer/well. Therefore, the
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
A commonly used test for determining to provide hydraulic conductivity data for
horizontal hydraulic conductivity with a that zone. Multiple-well tests for hydraulic
single well is the slug test. A slug test is conductivity characterize a greater
performed by suddenly adding, removing, proportion of the subsurface than single-
or displacing a known volume of water from well tests and, thus, provide average values
a well and observing the time that it takes of hydraulic conductivity. Multiple-well
for the water level to recover to its original tests require measurement of parameters
level (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). Similar similar to those required for single-well
results can be achieved by pressurizing the tests (e.g., time, drawdown). When using
well casing, depressing the water level, and aquifer test data to determine aquifer
suddenly releasing the pressure to simulate parameters, it is important that the solution
the removal of water from the well. In most assumptions can be applied to site
cases, EPA recommends that water not be conditions. Aquifer test solutions are
introduced into wells during aquifer tests to available for a wide variety of
avoid altering ground-water chemistry. hydrogeologic settings, but are often applied
Single-well tests are limited in scope to the incorrectly by inexperienced persons.
area directly adjacent to the well screen. Incorrect assumptions regarding
The vertical extent of the well screen hydrogeology (e.g., aquifer boundaries,
generally defines the part of the geologic aquifer lithology, and aquifer thickness)
formation that is being tested. may translate into incorrect estimations of
hydraulic conductivity. A qualified ground-
A modified version of the slug test, known water scientist with experience in designing
as the multilevel slug test, is capable of and interpreting aquifer tests should be
providing depth-discrete measurements of consulted to ensure that aquifer test solution
hydraulic conductivity. The drawback of methods fit the hydrogeologic setting.
the multilevel slug test is that the test relies Kruseman and deRidder (1989) provide a
on the ability of the investigator to isolate a comprehensive discussion of aquifer tests.
portion of the aquifer using a packer.
Nevertheless, multilevel slug tests, when Multiple-well tests conducted with wells
performed properly, can produce reliable screened in different water-bearing zones
measurements of hydraulic conductivity. furnish information concerning hydraulic
communication among the zones. Water
Multiple-well tests involve withdrawing levels in these zones should be monitored
water from, or injecting water into, one during the aquifer test to determine the type
well, and obtaining water level of aquifer system (e.g., confined,
measurements over time in observation unconfined, semi-confined, or semi-
wells. Multiple-well tests are often unconfined) beneath the site, and their
performed as pumping tests in which water leakance (coefficient of leakage) and
is pumped from one well and drawdown is drainage factors (Kruseman and deRidder,
observed in nearby wells. A step-drawdown 1989). A multiple-well aquifer test should
test should precede most pumping tests to be considered at every site as a method to
determine an appropriate discharge rate. establish the vertical extent of the
Aquifer tests conducted with wells screened uppermost aquifer and to evaluate hydraulic
in the same water-bearing zone can be used connection between aquifers.
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Certain aquifer tests are inappropriate for ! In designing aquifer tests and
use in karst terrains characterized by a interpreting aquifer test data,
well-developed conduit flow system, and owners/operators should account and
they also may be inappropriate in fractured correct for seasonal, temporal, and
bedrock. When a well located in a karst anthropogenic effects on the
conduit or a large fracture is pumped, the potentiometric surface or water table.
water level in the conduit is lowered. This This is usually done by installing
lowering produces a drawdown that is not piezometers outside the influence of
radial (as in a granular aquifer) but is the stressed aquifer. These
instead a trough-like depression parallel to piezometers should be continuously
the pumped conduit or fracture. Radial flow monitored during the aquifer test.
equations do not apply to drawdown data
collected during such a pump test. This ! Owners and operators should be aware
means that a conventional semi-log plot of that, in a very high hydraulic
drawdown versus time is inappropriate for conductivity aquifer, the screen size
the purpose of determining the aquifer's and/or filter pack used in the test well
transmissivity and storativity. Aquifer tests can affect an aquifer test. If a very
in karst aquifers can be useful, but valid small screen size is used, and the pack
determinations of hydraulic conductivity, is improperly graded, the test may
storativity, and transmissivity may be reflect the characteristics of the filter
impossible. However, an aquifer test can pack, rather than the aquifer.
provide information on the presence of
conduits, on storage characteristics, and on ! EPA recommends the use of a step-
the percentage of Darcian flow. McGlew drawdown test to provide a basis for
and Thomas (1984) provide a more detailed selecting discharge rates prior to
discussion of the appropriate use of aquifer conducting a full-scale pumping test.
tests in fractured bedrock and on the This will ensure that the pumping rate
suitable interpretation of test data. Dye chosen for the subsequent pumping
tracing also is used to determine the rate and test(s) can be sustained without
direction of ground-water flow in karst exceeding the available drawdown of
settings (Section 5.2.4). the pumped wells. In addition, this test
will produce a measurable drawdown
Several additional factors should be in the observation wells.
considered when planning an aquifer test:
Certain flowmeters recently have been
! Owners and operators should provide recognized for their ability to provide
for the proper storage and disposal of accurate and vertically discrete
potentially contaminated ground water measurements of hydraulic conductivity.
pumped from the well system. One of these, the impeller flowmeter, is
available commercially. More sensitive
! Owners and operators should consider types of flowmeters (i.e., the heat-pulse
the potential effects of pumping on flowmeter and electromagnetic flowmeter)
existing plumes of contaminated should be available in the near future. Use
ground water. of the impeller flowmeter requires running
Subpart E
a caliper log to measure the uniformity of hydraulic properties of the tested material).
the diameter of the well screen. The well is Special attention should be given to the
then pumped with a small pump operated at selection of the appropriate test method and
a constant flow rate. The flowmeter is test conditions and to quality control of
lowered into the well, and the discharge rate laboratory results. McWhorter and Sunada
is measured every few feet by raising the (1977), Freeze and Cherry (1979), and
flowmeter in the well. Hydraulic Sevee (1991) discuss determining hydraulic
conductivity values can be calculated from conductivity in the laboratory. Laboratory
the recorded data using the Cooper-Jacob tests may provide the best estimates of
(1946) formula for horizontal flow to a hydraulic conductivity for materials in the
well. Use of the impeller flowmeter is unsaturated zone, but they are likely to be
limited at sites where the presence of low less accurate than field methods for
permeability materials does not allow materials in the saturated zone (Cantor et
pumping of the wells at rates sufficient to al., 1987).
operate the flowmeter. The application of
flowmeters in the measure of hydraulic Determining Ground-Water Flow Rate
conductivity is described by Molz et al.
(1990) and Molz et al. (1989). The calculation of the average ground-water
flow rate (average linear velocity of ground-
Determining Hydraulic Conductivity water flow), or seepage velocity, is
Using Laboratory Methods discussed in detail in USEPA (1989c), in
Freeze and Cherry (1979), and in Kruseman
It may be beneficial to use laboratory and deRidder (1989). The average linear
measurements of hydraulic conductivity to velocity of ground-water flow (v̄) is a
augment the results of field tests. However, function of hydraulic conductivity (K),
field methods provide the best estimates of hydraulic gradient (i), and effective porosity
hydraulic conductivity in most cases. (ne):
Because of the limited sample size,
laboratory tests can fail to account for v̄ = - Ki
secondary porosity features, such as ne
fractures and joints, and hence, can greatly
underestimate overall aquifer hydraulic Methods for determining hydraulic gradient
conductivities. Laboratory tests may and hydraulic conductivity have been
provide valuable information about the presented previously. Effective porosity,
vertical component of hydraulic the percentage of the total volume of a given
conductivity of aquifer materials. However, mass of soil, unconsolidated material, or
laboratory test results always should be rock that consists of interconnected pores
confirmed by field measurements, which through which water can flow, should be
sample a much larger portion of the aquifer. estimated from laboratory tests or from
In addition, laboratory test results can be values cited in the literature. (Fetter (1980)
profoundly affected by the test method provides a good discussion of effective
selected and by the manner in which the porosity. Barari and Hedges (1985) provide
tests are carried out (e.g., the extent to default values for effective porosity.)
which sample collection and preparation USEPA (1989c) provides methods for
have changed the in situ
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
! The ground-water flow rate should be Geologic and soil maps should be based on
based on accurate measurements of rock, unconsolidated material, and soil
hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic identifications gathered from borings and
gradient and accurate measurements or outcrops. The maps should use colors or
estimates of effective porosity symbols to represent each soil,
unconsolidated material, and rock type that
! The horizontal and vertical outcrops on the surface. The maps also
components of flow should be should show the locations of outcrops and
accurately depicted in flow nets and all borings placed during the site
based on valid data characterization. Geologic and soil maps
are important because they can provide
! Any seasonal or temporal variations in information describing how site geology fits
the water table or potentiometric into the local and regional geologic setting.
surface, and in vertical flow
components, should be determined. Structure contour maps and isopach maps
should be prepared for each water-bearing
Once an understanding of horizontal and zone that comprises the uppermost aquifer
vertical ground-water flow has been and for each significant confining layer,
established, it is possible to estimate where especially the one underlying the uppermost
monitoring wells will most likely intercept aquifer. A structure contour map depicts
contaminant flow. the configuration (i.e., elevations) of the
upper or lower surface or boundary of a
Presenting Hydrogeologic Data particular geologic or soil formation, unit,
or zone. Structure contour maps are
Subsequent to the generation and especially important in understanding dense
interpretation of site-specific geologic data, non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL)
the data should be presented in geologic movement because DNAPLs (e.g.,
cross-sections, topographic maps, geologic tetrachloroethylene) may migrate in the
maps, and soil maps. The Agency suggests direction of the dip of lower permeability
that owners/operators obtain or prepare and units. Separate structure contour maps
review topographic, geologic, and soil maps should be constructed for the upper and
of the facility, in addition to site maps of the lower surfaces (or contacts) of each zone of
facility and MSWLF units. In cases where interest. Isopach maps should depict
suitable maps are not available, or where the contours that indicate the thickness of each
information contained on available maps is zone. These maps are generated from
not complete or accurate, detailed mapping borings and geologic logs and from
of the site should be performed by qualified geophysical measurements. In conjunction
and experienced individuals. An aerial with cross-sections, isopach maps may be
photograph and a topographic map of the used to help determine monitoring well
site should be included as part of the locations, depths, and screen lengths during
presentation of hydrogeologic data. The the design of the detection monitoring
topographic map should be constructed system.
under the supervision of a qualified
surveyor and should provide contours at a
maximum of 2-foot intervals.
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
A potentiometric surface map or water table a conceptual model. This model is the
map should be prepared for each water- integrated picture of the hydrogeologic
bearing zone that comprises the uppermost system and the waste management setting.
aquifer. Potentiometric surface and water The final conceptual model must be a site-
table maps should show both the direction specific description of the unsaturated zone,
and rate of ground-water flow and the the uppermost aquifer, and its confining
locations of all piezometers and wells on units. The model should contain all of the
which they are based. The water level information necessary to design a ground-
measurements for all piezometers and wells water monitoring system.
on which the potentiometric surface map or
water table map is based should be shown Monitoring Well Placement
on the potentiometric surface or water table
map. If seasonal or temporal variations in This section separately addresses the lateral
ground-water flow occur at the site, a placement and the vertical sampling
sufficient number of potentiometric surface intervals of point of compliance wells.
or water table maps should be prepared to However, these two aspects of well
show these variations. Potentiometric placement should be evaluated together in
surface and water table maps can be the design of the monitoring system. Site-
combined with structure contour maps for a specific hydrogeologic data obtained during
particular formation or unit. An adequate the site characterization should be used to
number of cross sections should be prepared determine the lateral placement of detection
to depict significant stratigraphic and monitoring wells and to select the length
structural trends and to reflect stratigraphic and vertical position of monitoring well
and structural features in relation to local intakes. Potential pathways for contaminant
and regional ground-water flow. migration are three-dimensional.
Consequently, the design of a detection
Hydrogeological Report monitoring network that intercepts these
potential pathways requires a
The hydrogeological report should contain, three-dimensional approach.
at a minimum:
Lateral Placement of Point of
! A description of field activities Compliance Monitoring Wells
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
determining the lateral placement of the boring program, and from samples
monitoring wells. collected while drilling the monitoring well.
Direct physical data can be supplemented by
Vertical Placement and Screen Lengths geophysical data, available regional/local
hydrogeological data, and other data that
Proper selection of the vertical sampling provide the vertical distribution of hydraulic
interval is necessary to ensure that the conductivity. The vertical sampling interval
monitoring system is capable of detecting a is not necessarily synonymous with aquifer
release from the MSWLF unit. The vertical thickness. Monitoring wells are often
position and lengths of well intakes are screened at intervals that represent a portion
functions of (1) hydro-geologic factors that of the thickness of the aquifer. When
determine the distribution of, and monitoring an unconfined aquifer, the well
fluid/vapor phase transport within, potential screen typically should be positioned so that
pathways of contaminant migration to and a portion of the well screen is in the
within the uppermost aquifer, and (2) the saturated zone and a portion of the well
chemical and physical characteristics of screen is in the unsaturated zone (i.e., the
contaminants that control their transport and well screen straddles the water table).
distribution in the subsurface. Well intake While the restriction of liquids in MSWLFs
length also is determined by the need to may limit the introduction of hazardous
obtain vertically discrete ground-water constituents into landfills, it is important to
samples. Owners and operators should consider the physical/chemical
determine the probable location, size, and characteristics of contaminants when
geometry of potential contaminant plumes designing the well system.
when selecting well intake positions and
lengths. The vertical positions and lengths of
monitoring well intakes should be based on
Site-specific hydrogeologic data obtained the same physical/chemical characteristics
during the site characterization should be of the contaminants of concern that
used to select the length and vertical influence the lateral placement of
position of monitoring well intakes. The monitoring wells. Considering both
vertical positions and lengths of monitoring contaminant characteristics and
well intakes should be based on the number hydrogeologic properties is important when
and spatial distribution of potential choosing the vertical position and length of
contaminant migration pathways and on the the well intake. Some contaminants may
depths and thicknesses of stratigraphic migrate within very narrow zones. Of
horizons that can serve as contaminant course, for well placement at a new site, it is
migration pathways. Figure 5-2 illustrates unlikely that the owner or operator will be
examples of complex stratigraphy that able to assess contaminant characteristics.
would require multiple vertical monitoring
intervals. Different transport processes control
contaminant migration depending on
The depth and thickness of a potential whether the contaminant dissolves or is
contaminant migration pathway can be immiscible in water. Immiscible
determined from soil, unconsolidated
material, and rock samples collected during
Subpart E
Figure 5-2
Upgradient and Downgradient
Designations for Idealized MSWLF
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
practices should be specified and overseen ! Relative ease of well completion and
to ensure that the monitoring well is development, including the ability to
installed as designed and will perform as install the well in the given
intended. This section will discuss the hydrogeologic setting.
factors that must be considered when
designing monitoring wells. Each well must In addition to these factors, USEPA (1989f)
be tailored to suit the hydrogeological includes matrices to assist in selecting an
setting, the contaminants to be monitored, appropriate drilling method. These matrices
and other site-specific factors. Figure 5-3 list the most commonly used drilling
depicts the components of a typical techniques for monitoring well installation,
monitoring well installation. taking into consideration hydrogeologic
settings and the objectives of the monitoring
The following sections provide a brief program.
overview of monitoring well design and
construction. More comprehensive The following basic performance objectives
discussions are provided in USEPA (1989f) should guide the selection of drilling
and USEPA (1992a). procedures for installing monitoring wells:
Figure 5.3. Example of a Monitoring Well Design-Single Cased Well
Subpart E
! The volume of drilling fluids, drilling ! Monitoring well casings and screens
fluid additives, and lubricants used should be able to withstand the
during the drilling of a monitoring well physical forces acting upon them
should be recorded. during and following their installation
and during their use -- including forces
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Collapse strength is the capability of a Materials used for monitoring well casing
casing to resist collapse by any external must not exhibit a tendency to sorb or leach
loads to which it is subjected both during chemical constituents from, or into, water
and after installation. A casing is most sampled from the well. If a casing material
susceptible to collapse during installation sorbs constituents from ground water, those
before placement of the filter pack or constituents may either not be detected
annular seal materials around the casing. during monitoring or be detected at a lower
Once a casing is installed and supported, concentration. Chemical constituents also
collapse is seldom a concern. Several steps can be leached from the casing materials by
that can be taken to avoid casing collapse aggressive aqueous solutions. These
are: constituents may be detected in samples
collected from the well. The results may
1) Drilling a straight, clean borehole indicate contamination that is due to the
casing rather than the formation water.
2) Uniformly distributing filter pack Casing materials must be selected with care
materials at a slow, even rate to avoid degradation of the well and to
avoid erroneous results.
3) Avoiding use of quick-setting (high
temperature) cements for thermoplastic In certain situations it may be advantageous
casings installation. to design a well using more than one
material for well components. For example,
Compressive strength of the casing is a where stainless steel or fluoropolymer
measure of the greatest compressive stress materials are preferred in a specific
that a casing can bear without deformation. chemical environment, costs may be saved
Casing failure due to a compressive strength by using PVC in non-critical portions of the
limitation generally is not an important well. These savings may be considerable,
factor in a properly installed well. This type especially in deep wells where only the
of failure results from soil friction on lower portion of the well is in a critical
unsupported casing. chemical environment and where tens of
feet of lower-cost PVC may be used in the
Chemical resistance/interference upper portion of the well. In a composite
characteristics must be evaluated before well design, dissimilar metallic
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
that should be used to clean casing and because the owner/operator will need to
screen materials. provide a margin of safety that will
guarantee that at least a portion of the
Well Intake Design screen always contacts the water table
regardless of its seasonal fluctuations. The
The owner/operator should design and owner or operator should not employ well
construct the intakes of monitoring wells to intake designs that cut across hydraulically
(1) accurately sample the aquifer zone that separated geologic units.
the well is intended to sample, (2) minimize
the passage of formation materials Well screen slot size should be selected to
(turbidity) into the well, and (3) ensure retain from 90 percent to 100 percent of the
sufficient structural integrity to prevent the filter pack material (discussed below) in
collapse of the intake structure. The goal of artificially filter packed wells. Well screens
a properly completed monitoring well is to should be factory-slotted. Manual slotting
provide low turbidity water that is of screens in the field should not be
representative of ground-water quality in performed under any circumstances.
the vicinity of the well. Close attention to
proper selection of packing materials and Filter Pack Design
well development procedures for wells
installed in fine-grained formations (e.g., The primary filter pack material should be a
clays and silty glacial tills) is important to chemically inert material and well rounded,
minimize sample turbidity from suspended with a high coefficient of uniformity. The
and colloidal solids. There may be best filter pack materials are made from
instances where wells completed in rock do industrial grade glass (quartz) sand or beads.
not require screens or filter packs; the State The use of other materials, such as local,
regulatory agency should be consulted prior naturally occurring clean sand, is
to completion of unscreened wells. discouraged unless it can be shown that the
material is inert (e.g., low cation exchange
The selection of screen length usually capacity), coarse-grained, permeable, and
depends on the objective of the well. uniform in grain size. The filter pack should
Piezometers and wells where only a discrete extend at least 2 feet above the screened
flow path is monitored (such as thin gravel interval in the well.
interbedded with clays) are generally
completed using short screens (2 feet or Although design techniques for selecting
less). To avoid dilution, the well screens filter pack size vary, all use the filter pack
should be kept to the minimum length ratio to establish size differential between
appropriate for intercepting a contaminant formation materials and filter pack
plume, especially in a high-yielding aquifer. materials. Generally, this ratio refers to
The screen length should generally not either the average (50 percent retained)
exceed 10 feet. If construction of a water grain size of the formation material or to the
table well is the objective, either for 70 percent retained size of the formation
defining gradient or detecting floating material. Barcelona et al. (1985b)
phases, then a longer screen is acceptable recommend using a uniform filter pack
grain size that is three to five times the size
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
of the 50 percent retained size of the operators should remember that the entire
formation material (USEPA, 1990). length of the annular space filled with filter
pack material or sand is effectively the
Filter pack material should be installed in a monitored zone. Moreover, if the filter
manner that prevents bridging and particle- pack/sand extends from the screened zone
size segregation. Filter pack material into an overlying zone, a conduit for
installed below the water table should hydraulic connection is created between the
generally be tremied into the annular space. two zones.
Allowing filter pack material to fall by
gravity (free fall) into the annular space is Annular Sealants
only appropriate when wells are relatively
shallow, when the filter pack has a uniform Proper sealing of the annular space between
grain size, and when the filter pack material the well casing and the borehole wall is
can be poured continuously into the well required to prevent contamination of
without stopping. samples and the ground water. Adequate
sealing will prevent hydraulic connection
At least 2 inches of filter pack material within the well annulus. The materials used
should be installed between the well screen for annular sealants should be chemically
and the borehole wall. The filter pack inert with the highest anticipated
should extend at least 2 feet above the top of concentration of chemical constituents
the well screen. In deep wells, the filter expected in the ground water at the facility.
pack may not compress when initially In general, the permeability of the sealing
installed. Consequently, when the annular material should be one to two orders of
and surface seals are placed on the filter magnitude lower than the least permeable
pack, the filter pack compresses sufficiently part of the formation in contact with the
to allow grout into, or very close to, the well. The precise volume of annular
screen. Consequently, filter packs may need sealants required should be calculated and
to be installed as high as 5 feet above the recorded before placement, and the actual
screened interval in monitoring wells that volume used should be determined and
are deep (i.e., greater than 200 feet). The recorded during well construction. Any
precise volume of filter pack material significant discrepancy between the
required should be calculated and recorded calculated volume and the actual volume
before placement, and the actual volume should be explained.
used should be determined and recorded
during well construction. Any significant When the screened interval is within the
discrepancy between the calculated volume saturated zone, a minimum of 2 feet of
and the actual volume should be explained. sealant material, such as raw (>10 percent
solids) bentonite, should be placed
Prior to installing the annular seal, a 1- to immediately over the protective sand layer
2-foot layer of chemically inert fine sand overlying the filter pack. Granular
may be placed over the filter pack to prevent bentonite, bentonite pellets, and bentonite
the intrusion of annular or surface sealants chips may be placed around the casing by
into the filter pack. When designing means of a tremie pipe in deep wells
monitoring wells, owners and (greater than approximately 30 feet deep),
Subpart E
or by dropping them directly down the When the annular sealant must be installed
annulus in shallow wells (less than in the unsaturated zone, neat cement or
approximately 30 feet deep). Dropping the shrinkage-compensated neat cement
bentonite pellets down the annulus presents mixtures should be used for the annular
a potential for bridging (from premature sealant. Bentonite is not recommended as
hydration of the bentonite), leading to gaps an annular sealant in the unsaturated zone
in the seal below the bridge. In shallow because the moisture available is
monitoring wells, a tamping device should insufficient to fully hydrate bentonite.
be used to prevent bridging from occurring.
Surface Completion
A neat cement or shrinkage-compensated
neat cement grout seal should be installed Monitoring wells are commonly either
on top of the bentonite seal and extend above-ground completions or flush-to-
vertically up the annular space between the ground completions. The design of both
well casing and the borehole wall to within types must consider the prevention of
a few feet of land surface. Annular sealants infiltration of surface runoff into the well
in slurry form (e.g., cement grout, bentonite annulus and the possibility of accidental
slurry) should be placed by the tremie/pump damage or vandalism. Completing a
(from the bottom up) method. The bottom monitoring well involves installing the
of the placement pipe should be equipped following components:
with a side discharge deflector to prevent
the slurry from jetting a hole through the ! Surface seal
protective sand layer, filter pack, or
bentonite seal. The bentonite seal should be ! Protective casing
allowed to completely hydrate, set, or cure
in conformance with the manufacturer's ! Ventilation hole
specifications prior to installing the grout
seal in the annular space. The time required ! Drain hole
for the bentonite seal to completely hydrate,
set, or cure will differ with the materials ! Cap and lock
used and the specific conditions
encountered, but is generally a minimum of ! Guard posts when wells are completed
4 to 24 hours. Allowing the bentonite seal above grade.
to hydrate, set, or cure prevents the invasion
of the more viscous and more chemically A surface seal, installed on top of the grout
reactive grout seal into the screened area. seal, extends vertically up the well annulus
to the land surface. To protect against frost
When using bentonite as an annular sealant, heave, the seal should extend at least 1 foot
the appropriate clay should be selected on below the frost line. The composition of the
the basis of the environment in which it is to surface seal should be neat cement or
be used, such as the ion-exchange potential concrete. In an above-ground completion,
of the sediments, sediment permeability, the surface seal should form at least a 2-foot
and compatibility with expected wide, 4-inch thick apron.
contaminants. Sodium bentonite is usually
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
monitoring). (See the discussion under Measurements of the static water level and
Section 5.10.3 on collecting independent the depth to the well bottom can be made
samples to determine background.) More with a wetted steel tape. Electronic water
frequent sampling may be selected. For level measuring devices may also be used.
example, quarterly sampling may be Accepted standard operating procedures call
conducted to evaluate seasonal effects on for the static water level to be accurately
ground-water quality. measured to within 0.01 foot (USEPA,
1992a). Water level measurements should
The frequency of sample collection during be made at all monitoring wells and well
assessment monitoring activities will clusters in a time frame that avoids changes
depend on site-specific hydrogeologic that may occur as a result of barometric
conditions and contaminant properties. The pressure changes, significant infiltration
frequency of sampling is intended to obtain events, or aquifer pumping. To prevent
a data set that is statistically independent of possible cross contamination of wells, water
the previous set. Guidance to estimate this level measurement devices must be
minimum time to obtain independent decontaminated prior to use at each well.
samples is provided in "Statistical Analysis
of Ground-water Monitoring Data at RCRA The ground-water monitoring program
Facilities - Interim Final Guidance" should include provisions for detecting
(USEPA, 1989). immiscible fluids (i.e., LNAPLs or
DNAPLs). LNAPLs are relatively
Water Level Measurements immiscible liquids that are less dense than
water and that spread across the water table
The ground-water monitoring program must surface. DNAPLs are relatively immiscible
include provisions for measuring static liquids that are more dense than the ground
water level elevations in each well prior to water and tend to migrate vertically
purging the well for sampling. downward in aquifers. The detection of an
Measurements of ground-water elevations immiscible layer may require specialized
are used for determining horizontal and equipment and should be performed before
vertical hydraulic gradients for estimation the well is evacuated for conventional
of flow rates and direction. sampling. The ground-water monitoring
program should specify how DNAPLs and
Field measurements may include the LNAPLs will be detected. The program
following: also should include a contingency plan
describing procedures for sampling and
! Depth to standing water from a surveyed analyzing these liquids. Guidance for
datum on the top of the well riser (static detecting the presence of immiscible layers
water level) can be found in USEPA (1992a).
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
be purged from the well and filter pack prior ensure that purging does not cause
to sampling. The QAPjP should include formation water to cascade down the sides
detailed, step-by-step procedures for of the well screen. At no time should a well
purging wells, including the parameters that be purged to dryness if recharge causes the
will be monitored during purging and the formation water to cascade down the sides
equipment that will be used for well of the screen, as this will cause an
purging. accelerated loss of volatiles. This problem
should be anticipated; water should be
Purging should be accomplished by purged from the well at a rate that does not
removing ground water from the well at low cause recharge water to be excessively
flow rates using a pump. The use of bailers agitated. Laboratory experiments have
to purge monitoring wells generally should shown that unless cascading is prevented, up
be avoided. Research has shown that the to 70 percent of the volatiles present could
"plunger" effect created by continually be lost before sampling.
raising and lowering the bailer into the well
can result in continual development or To eliminate the need to dispose of large
overdevelopment of the well. Moreover, the volumes of purge water, and to reduce the
velocities at which ground water enters a amount of time required for purging, wells
bailer can actually correspond to may be purged with the pump intake just
unacceptably high purging rates (Puls and above or just within the screened interval.
Powell, 1992; Barcelona et al., 1990). This procedure eliminates the need to purge
the column of stagnant water located above
The rate at which ground water is removed the well screen (Barcelona et al., 1985b;
from the well during purging ideally should Robin and Gillham, 1987; Barcelona,
be approximately 0.2 to 0.3 L/min or less 1985b; Kearl et al., 1992). Purging the well
(Puls and Powell, 1992; Puls et al., 1991; at the top of the well screen should ensure
Puls and Barcelona, 1989a; Barcelona, et that fresh water from the aquifer moves
al., 1990). Wells should be purged at rates through the well screen and upward within
below those used to develop the well to the screened interval. Pumping rates below
prevent further development of the well, to the recharge capability of the aquifer must
prevent damage to the well, and to avoid be maintained if purging is performed with
disturbing accumulated corrosion or the pump placed at the top of the well
reaction products in the well (Kearl et al., screen, below the stagnant water column
1992; Puls et al., 1990; Puls and Barcelona, above the top of the well screen (Kearl et
1989a; Puls and Barcelona, 1989b;
al., 1992). The Agency suggests that a
Barcelona, 1985b). Wells also should be
packer be placed above the screened interval
purged at or below their recovery rate so
to ensure that "stagnant" casing water is not
that migration of water in the formation
drawn into the pump. The packer should be
above the well screen does not occur. A low
kept inflated in the well until after ground-
purge rate also will reduce the possibility of
water samples are collected.
stripping VOCs from the water, and will
reduce the likelihood of mobilizing colloids
in the subsurface that are immobile under In certain situations, purging must be
natural flow conditions. The owner/operator performed with the pump placed at, or
should immediately below, the air/water interface.
Subpart E
If a bailer must be used to sample the well, decontaminated prior to use. If the purged
the well should be purged by placing the water or the decontamination water is
pump intake immediately below the contaminated (e.g., based on analytical
air/water interface. This will ensure that all results), the water should be stored in
of the water in the casing and filter pack is appropriate containers until analytical
purged, and it will minimize the possibility results are available, at which time proper
of mixing and/or sampling stagnant water arrangements for disposal or treatment
when the bailer is lowered down into the should be made (i.e., contaminated purge
well and subsequently retrieved (Keeley and water may be a hazardous waste).
Boateng, 1987). Similarly, purging should
be performed at the air/water interface if Field Analyses
sampling is not performed immediately after
the well is purged without removing the Several constituents or parameters that
pump. Pumping at the air/water interface owners or operators may choose to include
will prevent the mixing of stagnant and in a ground-water monitoring program may
fresh water when the pump used to purge be physically or chemically unstable and
the well is removed and then lowered back should be tested after well purging and
down into the well for the purpose of before the collection of samples for
sampling. laboratory analysis. Examples of unstable
parameters include pH, redox (oxidation-
In cases where an LNAPL has been detected reduction) potential, dissolved oxygen,
in the monitoring well, special procedures temperature, and specific conductance.
should be used to purge the well. These
procedures are described in USEPA Field analyses should not be performed on
(1992a). samples designated for laboratory analysis.
Any field monitoring equipment or field-
For most wells, the Agency recommends test kits should be calibrated at the
that purging continue until measurements of beginning of each use, according to the
turbidity, redox potential, and dissolved manufacturers' specifications and consistent
oxygen in in-line or downhole analyses of with methods in SW-846 (USEPA, 1986b).
ground water have stabilized within
approximately 10% over at least two Sample Withdrawal and Collection
measurements (Puls and Powell, 1992; Puls
and Eychaner, 1990; Puls et al., 1990; Puls The equipment used to withdraw a ground-
and Barcelona, 1989a; Puls and Barcelona,
water sample from a well must be selected
1989b; USEPA, 1991; Barcelona et al.,
based on consideration of the parameters to
1988b). If a well is purged to dryness or is
be analyzed in the sample. To ensure the
purged such that full recovery exceeds two
sample is representative of ground water in
hours, the well should be sampled as soon as
the formation, it is important to keep
a sufficient volume of ground water has
physical or chemical alterations of the
entered the well to enable the collection of
sample to a minimum. USEPA (1992a)
the necessary ground-water samples.
provides an overview of the issues involved
All purging equipment that has been or will in selecting ground-water sampling
be in contact with ground water should be equipment, and a summary of the
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
opportunity to exchange gases with the Once appropriate sampling equipment has
atmosphere and to interact with the been selected and operating procedures
well casing material (USEPA, 1991b). established, samples should be collected and
containerized in the order of the
! The rate at which a well is sampled volatilization sensitivity of the parameter.
should not exceed the rate at which the The preferred collection order for some of
well was purged. Low sampling rates, the more common ground-water analytes is
approximately 0.1 L/min, are depicted on the flow chart shown in Figure
suggested. Low sampling rates will 5-4.
help to ensure that particulates,
immobile in the subsurface under The ground-water monitoring program
ambient conditions, are not entrained documentation should include explicit
in the sample and that volatile procedures for disassembly and
compounds are not stripped from the decontamination of sampling equipment
sample (Puls and Barcelona, 1989b; before each use. Improperly
Barcelona, et al., 1990; Puls et al., decontaminated equipment can affect
1991; Kearl et al., 1992; USEPA, samples in several ways. For example,
1991b). Pumps should be operated at residual contamination from the previous
rates less than 0.1 L/min when well may remain on equipment, or improper
collecting samples for volatile organics decontamination may not remove all of the
analysis. detergents or solvents used during
decontamination. Specific guidance
! Pump lines should be cleared at a rate regarding decontamination of the sampling
of 0.1 L/min or less before collecting equipment is available (USEPA 1992a). To
samples for volatiles analysis so that keep sample cross-contamination to a
the samples collected will not be from minimum, sampling should proceed from
the period of time when the pump was upgradient or background locations to
operating more rapidly. downgradient locations that would contain
higher concentrations of contaminants.
! Pumps should be operated in a
continuous manner so that they do not Sample Preservation and Handling
produce samples that are aerated in the
return tube or upon discharge. The procedures for preserving and handling
samples are nearly as important for ensuring
! When sampling wells that contain the integrity of the samples as the collection
LNAPLs, a stilling tube should be device itself. Detailed procedures for
inserted in the well. Ground-water sample preservation must be provided in the
samples should be collected from the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPjP)
screened interval of the well below the that is included in the sampling and analysis
base of the tube. program description.
Figure 5-4
Generalized Flow Diagram of
Ground-Water Sampling Steps
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
! Name and signature of the sampler ! Well yield (high or low) and well
recovery after purging (slow, fast)
! Date and time of collection
! Well purging procedure and equipment
! Sample location
! Purge volume and pumping rate
! Analyses requested.
! Time well purged
Sample Custody Seal
! Collection method for immiscible
Sample custody seals should be placed on layers
the shipping container and/or individual
sample bottle in a manner that will break the ! Sample withdrawal procedure and
seal if the container or sample is tampered equipment
! Date and time of sample collection
Field Logbook
! Results of field analysis
To provide an account of all activities
involved in sample collection, all sampling ! Well sampling sequence
activities, measurements, and observations
should be noted in a field log. The ! Types of sample bottles used and
information should include visual sample identification numbers
appearance (e.g., color, turbidity, degassing,
surface film), odor (type, strength), and ! Preservatives used
field measurements and calibration results.
Ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, ! Parameters requested for analysis
wind, precipitation) and well purging and
sampling activities should also be recorded ! Field observations of sampling event
as an aid in evaluating sample analysis
results. ! Name of collector
The field logbook should document the ! Weather conditions, including air
following: temperature
! Well identification
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
results, the owner/operator should resample Equipment rinsate samples are used to
the ground water. The owner/operator assess the efficacy of sampling equipment
should prepare the QC samples as decontamination procedures. The data
recommended in Chapter One of SW-846 validation process uses the results from all
and at the frequency recommended by of these QC samples to determine if the
Chapter One of SW-846 and should analyze reported analytical data accurately describe
them for all of the required monitoring the samples. All reported data must be
parameters. Other QA/QC practices, such evaluated -- a reported value of "non-detect"
as sampling equipment calibration, is a quantitative report just like a numerical
equipment decontamination procedures, and value and must be validated.
chain-of-custody procedures, are discussed
in other sections of this chapter and should The data validation process must also
be described in the owner/operator's QAPjP. consider the presence and quality of other
kinds of data used to ensure data quality
Validation (e.g., calibration frequency and descriptors,
matrix specific detection limits). All of the
The analytical data report provided by the criteria for data quality are described in the
laboratory will present all data measured by quality assurance project plan (QAPjP) or
the laboratory but will not adjust those data sampling and analysis plan (SAP). These
for field or laboratory quality control documents may reference criteria from some
indicators. This means that just because other source, (e.g., the USEPA Contract
data have been reported, they are not Laboratory Program). The performance
necessarily an accurate representation of the criteria must be correctly specified and must
quality of the ground water. For example, be used for data validation. It is a waste of
acetone and methylene chloride are often time and money to evaluate data against
used in laboratories as cleaning and standards other than those used to generate
extraction solvents and, consequently, are them. Several documents are available to
often laboratory contaminants, transmitted assist the reviewer in validation of data by
through the ambient air into samples. different criteria (i.e., Chapter One of Test
Method blanks are analyzed to evaluate the Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
extent of laboratory contamination. Physical/Chemical Methods, USEPA CLP
Constituents found as contaminants in the Functional Guidelines for Evaluating
method blanks are "flagged" in the sample Organics Analyses, USEPA CLP Functional
data. The sample data are not, however, Guidelines for Evaluating Pesticides/PCBs
adjusted for the contaminant concentration. Analyses, etc.).
Other kinds of samples are analyzed to In addition to specific data that describe
assess other data quality indicators. Trip data quality, the validator may consider
blanks are used to assess contamination by other information that may have an impact
volatile organic constituents during sample on the end-use of the data, such as
shipment and storage. Matrix spike/matrix background concentrations of the
spike duplicate sample pairs are used to constituent in the environment. In any
evaluate analytical bias and precision. event, the QAPjP or SAP also should
describe the validation procedures that will
be used. The result of
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
(5) The statistical method shall account significant increase over background at
for data below the limit of detection with each monitoring well.
one or more statistical procedures that
are protective of human health and the 5.9.2 Applicability
environment. Any practical quantitation
limit (PQL) that is used in the statistical The statistical analysis requirements are
method shall be the lowest concentration applicable to all existing units, new units,
level that can be reliably achieved within and lateral expansions of existing units for
specified limits of precision and accuracy which ground-water monitoring is required.
during routine laboratory operating The use of statistical procedures to evaluate
conditions that are available to the monitoring data shall be used for the
facility. duration of the monitoring program,
including the post-closure care period.
(6) If necessary, the statistical method
shall include procedures to control or The owner or operator must indicate in the
correct for seasonal and spatial operating record the statistical method that
variability as well as temporal correlation will be used in the analysis of ground-water
in the data. monitoring results. The data objectives of
the monitoring, in terms of the number of
(i) The owner or operator must samples collected and the frequency of
determine whether or not there is a collection, must be consistent with the
statistically significant increase over statistical method selected.
background values for each parameter or
constituent required in the particular Several options for analysis of ground-water
ground-water monitoring program that data are provided in the criteria. Other
applies to the MSWLF unit, as methods may be used if they can be shown
determined under §§258.54(a) or to meet the performance standards. The
258.55(a) of this part. approved methods include both parametric
and nonparametric procedures, which differ
(1) In determining whether a primarily in constraints placed by the
statistically significant increase has statistical distribution of the data. Control
occurred, the owner or operator must chart, tolerance interval, and prediction
compare the ground-water quality of interval approaches also may be applied.
each parameter or constituent at each
monitoring well designated pursuant to
The owner or operator must conduct the
§258.51(a)(2) to the background value of
statistical comparisons between upgradient
that constituent, according to the
and downgradient wells after completion of
statistical procedures and performance
each sampling event and receipt of validated
standards specified under paragraphs (g)
data. The statistical procedure must
and (h) of this section.
conform to the performance standard of a
Type I error level of no less than 0.01 for
(2) Within a reasonable period of time
inter-well comparisons. Control chart,
after completing sampling and analysis,
tolerance interval, and prediction interval
the owner or operator must determine
approaches must incorporate decision values
whether there has been a statistically
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
that are protective of human health and the useful for selecting other methods (Dixon
environment. Generally, this is meant to and Massey, 1969; Gibbons, 1976;
include a significance level of a least 0.05. Aitchison and Brown, 1969; and Gilbert,
Procedures to treat data below analytical 1987). The statistical methods that may be
method detection levels and seasonality used in evaluating ground-water monitoring
effects must be part of the statistical data include the following:
! Parametric analysis of variance
5.9.3 Technical Considerations (ANOVA) with multiple comparisons
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
the heavy metals (constituents 1-15 in must be collected and analyzed during
Appendix I), if the alternative subsequent semiannual sampling events.
parameters provide a reliable The Director of an approved State may
indication of inorganic releases from specify an appropriate alternative
the MSWLF unit to the ground water. frequency for repeated sampling and
In determining alternative analysis for Appendix I constituents, or
parameters, the Director shall the alternative list approved in
consider the following factors: accordance with paragraph (a)(2), during
the active life (including closure) and the
(i) The types, quantities, and post-closure care period. The alternative
concentrations of constituents in frequency during the active life
wastes managed at the MSWLF unit; (including closure) shall be no less than
annual. The alternative frequency shall
(ii) The mobility, stability, and be based on consideration of the following
persistence of waste constituents or factors:
their reaction products in the
unsaturated zone beneath the 1) Lithology of the aquifer and
MSWLF unit; unsaturated zone;
Subpart E
background levels, and notify the State list has been established by the Director of
Director that this notice was placed in the an approved State.
operating record; and
During the first semiannual monitoring
(2) Must establish an assessment event, the owner or operator must collect at
monitoring program meeting the least four independent ground-water
requirements of §258.55 of this part samples from each well and analyze the
within 90 days, except as provided for in samples for all constituents in the Appendix
paragraph (3) below. I or alternative list. Each subsequent
semiannual event must include, at a
(3) The owner/operator may minimum, the collection and analysis of one
demonstrate that a source other than a sample from all wells. The monitoring
MSWLF unit caused the contamination requirement continues throughout the active
or that the statistically significant life of the landfill and the post-closure care
increase resulted from error in sampling, period.
analysis, statistical evaluation, or natural
variation in ground-water quality. A If an owner or operator determines that a
report documenting this demonstration statistically significant increase over
must be certified by a qualified ground- background has occurred for one or more
water scientist or approved by the Appendix I constituents (or constituents on
Director of an approved State and be an alternative list), a notice must be placed
placed in the operating record. If a in the facility operating record (see Table 5-
successful demonstration is made and 2). The owner or operator must notify the
documented, the owner or operator may State Director within 14 days of the finding.
continue detection monitoring as Within 90 days, the owner or operator must
specified in this section. If after 90 days, establish an assessment monitoring program
a successful demonstration is not made, conforming to the requirements of §258.55.
the owner or operator must initiate an
assessment monitoring program as If evidence exists that a statistically
required in §258.55. significant increase is due to factors
unrelated to the unit, the owner or operator
5.10.2 Applicability may make a demonstration to this effect to
the Director of an approved State or place a
Except for the small landfill exemption and certified demonstration in the operating
the no migration demonstration, detection record. The potential reasons for an
monitoring is required at existing MSWLF apparent statistical increase may include:
units, lateral expansions of units, and new
MSWLF units. Monitoring must occur at ! A contaminant source other than the
least semiannually at both background wells landfill unit
and downgradient well locations. The
Director of an approved State may specify ! A natural variation in ground-water
an alternative sampling frequency. quality
Monitoring parameters must include all
Appendix I constituents unless an ! An analytical error
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Figure 5-5. Detection Monitoring Program
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
(c) The Director of an approved State I to this Part or in the alternative list
may specify an appropriate alternate approved in accordance with
frequency for repeated sampling and §258.54(a)(2), and for those constituents
analysis for the full set of Appendix II in Appendix II that are detected in
constituents required by §258.55(b) of response to paragraph (b) of this section,
this part, during the active life (including and record their concentrations in the
closure) and post-closure care of the unit facility operating record. At least one
considering the following factors: sample from each well (background and
downgradient) must be collected and
(1) Lithology of the aquifer and analyzed during these sampling events.
unsaturated zone; The Director of an approved State may
specify an alternative monitoring
(2) Hydraulic conductivity of the frequency during the active life
aquifer and unsaturated zone; (including closure) and the post closure
period for the constituents referred to in
(3) Ground-water flow rates; this paragraph. The alternative
frequency for Appendix I constituents or
(4) Minimum distance between the alternate list approved in accordance
upgradient edge of the MSWLF unit and with §258.54(a)(2) during the active life
downgradient monitoring well screen (including closure) shall be no less than
(minimum distance of travel); annual. The alternative frequency shall
be based on consideration of the factors
(5) Resource value of the aquifer; and specified in paragraph (c) of this section;
(6) Nature (fate and transport) of any (3) Establish background concentrations
constituents detected in response to this for any constituents detected pursuant to
section. paragraphs (b) or (d)(2) of this section;
(d) After obtaining the results from the
initial or subsequent sampling events (4) Establish ground-water protection
required in paragraph (b) of this section, standards for all constituents detected
the owner or operator must: pursuant to paragraph (b) or (d)(2) of
this section. The ground-water
(1) Within 14 days, place a notice in the protection standards shall be established
operating record identifying the in accordance with paragraphs (h) or (i)
Appendix II constituents that have been of this section.
detected and notify the State Director
that this notice has been placed in the (e) If the concentrations of all Appendix
operating record; II constituents are shown to be at or
below background values, using the
(2) Within 90 days, and on at least a statistical procedures in §258.53(g), for
semiannual basis thereafter, resample all two consecutive sampling events, the
wells specified by § 258.51(a), conduct owner or operator must notify the State
analyses for all constituents in Appendix
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Director of this finding and may return to may specify an appropriate subset of wells
detection monitoring. to be included in the assessment monitoring
program. The Director of an approved State
(f) If the concentrations of any also may specify an alternative frequency
Appendix II constituents are above for repeated sampling and analysis of
background values, but all concentrations Appendix II constituents. This frequency
are below the ground-water protection may be decreased or increased based upon
standard established under paragraphs consideration of the factors in
(h) or (i) of this section, using the §258.55(c)(1)-(6). These options for
statistical procedures in §258.53(g), the assessment monitoring programs are
owner or operator must continue available only with the approval of the
assessment monitoring in accordance Director of an approved State.
with this section.
Within 14 days of receiving the results of
5.11.2 Applicability the initial sampling for Appendix II
constituents under assessment monitoring,
Assessment monitoring is required at all the owner or operator must place the results
existing units, lateral expansions, and new in the operating record and notify the State
facilities whenever any of the constituents Director that this notice has been placed in
listed in Appendix I are detected at a the operating record.
concentration that is a statistically
significant increase over background values. Within 90 days of receiving these initial
Figure 5-6 presents a flow chart pertaining results, the owner or operator must resample
to applicability requirements. all wells for all Appendix I and detected
Appendix II constituents. This combined
Within 90 days of beginning assessment list of constituents must be sampled at least
monitoring, the owner or operator must semiannually thereafter, and the list must be
resample all downgradient wells and updated annually to include any newly
analyze the samples for all Appendix II detected Appendix II constituents.
constituents. If any new constituents are
identified in this process, four independent Within the 90-day period, the owner or
samples must be collected from all operator must establish background values
upgradient and downgradient wells and and ground-water protection standards
analyzed for those new constituents to (GWPSs) for all Appendix II constituents
establish background concentrations. The detected. The requirements for determining
complete list of Appendix II constituents GWPSs are provided in §258.55(h). If the
must be monitored in each well annually for concentrations of all Appendix II
the duration of the assessment monitoring constituents are at or below the background
program. In an approved State, the Director values after two independent, consecutive
may reduce the number of Appendix II sampling events, the owner or operator may
constituents to be analyzed if it can be return to detection monitoring after
reasonably shown that those constituents are notification has been made to the State
not present in or derived from the wastes. Director. If, after these two
The Director of an approved State
Figure 5-6
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
sampling events, any detected Appendix II the owner or operator must collect at least
constituent is statistically above background one sample from each downgradient well
but below the GWPSs, the assessment and analyze the samples for the Appendix II
monitoring program must be continued. parameters. If a downgradient well has
detectable quantities of a new Appendix II
5.11.3 Technical Considerations constituent, four independent samples must
be collected from all background and
The purpose of assessment monitoring is to downgradient wells to establish background
evaluate the nature and extent of for the new constituent(s). The date, well
contamination. The assessment monitoring locations, parameters detected, and their
program is phased. The first phase assesses concentrations must be documented in the
the presence of additional assessment operating record of the facility, and the
monitoring constituents (Appendix II or a State Director must be notified within 14
revised list designated by an approved State) days of the initial detection of Appendix II
in all downgradient wells or in a subset of parameters. On a semiannual basis
ground-water monitoring wells specified by thereafter, both background and
the Director of an approved State. If downgradient wells must be sampled for all
concentrations of all Appendix II Appendix II constituents.
constituents are at or below background
values using the statistical procedures in Alternative List
§258.53(g) for two consecutive sampling
periods, then the owner or operator can In an approved State, the Director may
return to detection monitoring. delete Appendix II parameters that the
owner or operator can demonstrate would
Following notification of a statistically not be anticipated at the facility. A
significant increase of any Appendix I demonstration would be based on a
constituent above background, the owner or characterization of the wastes contained in
operator has 90 days to develop and the unit and an assessment of the leachate
implement the assessment monitoring constituents. Additional information on the
program. Implementation of the program alternative list can be found in Section
involves sampling downgradient monitoring 5.10.3.
wells for ground water passing the relevant
point of compliance for the unit (i.e., the Alternative Frequency
waste management unit boundary or
alternative boundary specified by the The Director of an approved State may
Director of an approved State). specify an alternate sampling frequency for
Downgradient wells are identified in the entire Appendix II list for both the
§258.51(a)(2). Initiation of assessment active and post-closure periods of the
monitoring does not stop the detection facility. The decision to change the
monitoring program. Section 258.55(d)(2) monitoring frequency must consider:
specifies that analyses must continue for all
Appendix I constituents on at least a 1) Lithology of the aquifer and unsaturated
semiannual basis. Within the 90-day period, zone;
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
The criteria for establishing GWPSs are ! Be consistent with EPA health risk
applicable to all facilities conducting assessment guidelines
assessment monitoring where any Appendix
II constituents have been detected. The ! Be based on scientifically valid studies
owner or operator must establish a GWPS
for each Appendix II constituent detected. ! Be within a risk range of 1x10-4 to 1x10 -6
for carcinogens
If the constituent has a promulgated
maximum contaminant level (MCL), then ! For systemic toxicants (causing effects
the GWPS is the MCL. If no MCL has been other than cancer or mutations), be a
published for a given Appendix II concentration to which the human
constituent, the background concentration of population could be exposed on a daily
the constituent becomes the GWPS. In basis without appreciable risk of
cases where the background concentration is deleterious effects during a lifetime.
higher than a promulgated MCL, the GWPS
is set at the background level. The health-based GWPS may be established
considering the presence of more than one
In approved States, the Director may constituent, exposure to sensitive
establish an alternative GWPS for environmental receptors, and other site-
constituents for which MCLs have not been specific exposure to ground water. Risk
established. Any alternative GWPS must be assessments to establish the GWPS must
health-based levels that satisfy the criteria in consider cumulative effects of multiple
§258.55(i). The Director may also consider pathways to receptors and cumulative
any of the criteria identified in §258.55(j). effects on exposure risk of multiple
In cases where the background contaminants. Guidance and procedures for
concentration is higher than the health- establishing a health-based risk assessment
based levels, the GWPS is set at the may be found in Guidance on Remedial
background level. Actions for
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
the ground water, the complexity of the site (e.g., unlined leachate storage ponds, failed
hydrogeology, and the facility's proximity cover system, leaky leachate transport pipes,
to sensitive receptors. Corrective measures past conditions of contaminated storm
are generally approached from two overflow), such information should be
directions: 1) identify and remediate the considered as part of the assessment of
source of contamination and 2) identify and corrective measures.
remediate the known contamination.
Because each case will be site-specific, the Existing site geology and hydrogeology
owner or operator should be prepared to information, ground-water monitoring
document that, to the best of his or her results, and topographic and cultural
technical and financial abilities, a diligent information must be documented clearly and
effort has been made to complete the accurately. This information may include
assessment in the shortest time practicable. soil boring logs, test pit and monitoring well
logs, geophysical data, water level elevation
The factors listed in §258.56(c)(1) must be data, and other information collected during
considered in assessing corrective measures. facility design or operation. The
These general factors are discussed below in information should be expressed in a
terms of source evaluation, plume manner that will aid interpretation of data.
delineation, ground-water assessment, and Such data may include isopach maps of the
corrective measures assessment. thickness of the upper aquifer and important
strata, isoconcentration maps of
Source Evaluation contaminants, flow nets, cross-sections, and
contour maps. Additional guidance on data
As part of the assessment of corrective interpretation that may be useful in a source
measures, the owner or operator will need to evaluation is presented in RCRA Facility
identify the nature of the source of the Investigation Guidance: Volume I -
release. The first step in this identification Development of an RFI Work Plan and
is a review of all available site information General Considerations for RCRA Facility
regarding facility design, wastes received, Investigations, (USEPA 1989a), RCRA
and onsite management practices. For Facility Investigation Guidance: Volume IV
newer facilities, this may be a relatively - Case Study Examples, (USEPA 1989d),
simple task. However, at some older and Practical Guide For Assessing and
facilities, detailed records of the facility's Remediating Contaminated Sites (USEPA
history may not be as well documented, 1989e).
making source definition more difficult.
Design, climatological, and waste-type Plume Delineation
information should be used to evaluate the
duration of the release, potential seasonal To effectively assess corrective measures,
effects due to precipitation (increased the lateral and vertical extent of
infiltration and leachate generation), and contamination must be known. When it is
possible constituent concentrations. If determined that a GWPS is exceeded during
source evaluation is able to identify a the assessment monitoring program, it may
repairable engineering condition that likely be necessary to install additional wells to
contributed to the cause of contamination characterize the contaminant plume(s). At
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
least one additional well must be added at and effective porosity) should be developed
the property boundary in the direction of for modeling contaminant transport if
contaminant migration to allow timely sufficient data are not available. Anisotropy
notification to potentially affected parties if and heterogeneity of the aquifer must be
contamination migrates offsite. evaluated, as well as magnitude and
duration of source inputs, to help explain
The following circumstances may require present and predicted plume configuration.
additional monitoring wells:
Currently, most treatment options for
! Facilities that have not determined the ground-water contamination at MSWLF
horizontal and vertical extent of the units involve pump and treat or in-situ
contaminant plume biological technologies (bio-remediation).
The cost and duration of treatment depends
! Locations where the subsurface is on the size of the plume, the pumping
heterogeneous or where ground-water characteristics of the aquifer, and the
flow patterns are difficult to establish chemical transport phenomena. Source
control and ground-water flow control
! Mounding associated with MSWLF measures to reduce the rate of contaminant
units. migration should be included in the costs of
any remedial activity undertaken. Ground-
Because the requirements for additional water modeling of the plume may be
monitoring are site-specific, the regulation initiated to establish the following:
does not specifically establish cases where
additional wells are necessary or establish ! The locations and pumping rates of
the number of additional wells that must be withdrawal and/or injection wells
! Predictions of contaminant
During the plume delineation process, the concentrations at exposure points
owner or operator is not relieved from
continuing the assessment monitoring ! Locations of additional monitoring wells
! The effect that source control options
The rate of plume migration and the change may have on ground-water remediation
in contaminant concentrations with time
must be monitored to allow prediction of the ! The effects of advection and dispersion,
extent and timing of impact to sensitive retardation, adsorption, and other
receptors. The receptors may include users attenuation processes on the plume
of both ground-water and surface water dimensions and contaminant
bodies where contaminated ground water concentrations.
may be discharged. In some cases, transfer
of volatile compounds from ground water to Any modeling effort must consider that
the soil and to the air may provide an simulations of remedial response measures
additional migration pathway. Information and contaminant transport are based on
regarding the aquifer characteristics (e.g., many necessary simplifying assumptions,
hydraulic conductivity, storage coefficients,
Subpart E
which affect the accuracy of the model. ! Stratigraphy and hydraulic properties of
These assumptions include boundary the aquifer
conditions, the degree and spatial variability
of anisotropy, dispersivity, effective ! Treatment concentration goals and
porosity, stratigraphy, and the algorithms objectives.
used to solve contaminant transport
equations. Model selection should be The owner or operator should consider
appropriate for the amount of data available, whether immediate measures to limit further
and the technical uncertainty of the model plume migration (e.g., containment options)
results must be documented by a sensitivity or measures to minimize further
analysis on the input parameters. A introduction of contaminants to ground
sensitivity analysis is generally done after water are necessary.
model calibration by varying one input
parameter at a time over a realistic range The process by which a remedial action is
and then evaluating changes in model undertaken will generally include the
output. For additional information on following activities:
modeling, refer to the Further Information
Section of Chapter 5.0 and the RCRA ! Hydrogeologic investigation, which may
Facility Investigation Guidance: Volume II include additional well installations,
- Soil, Groundwater and Subsurface Gas detailed vertical and lateral sampling to
Releases (USEPA, 1989b). characterize the plume, and core
sampling to determine the degree of
Ground-Water Assessment sorption of constituents on the geologic
To assess the potential effectiveness of
corrective measures for ground-water ! Risk assessment, to determine the impact
contamination, the following information is on sensitive receptors, which may
needed: include identification of the need to
develop treatment goals other than
! Plume definition (includes the types, GWPSs
concentration, and spatial distribution of
the contaminants) ! Literature and technical review of
treatment technologies considered for
! The amenability of the contaminants to further study or implementation
specific treatment and potential for
contaminants to interfere with ! Evaluation of costs of different treatment
treatability options
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
wastewater treatment may include sending pilot field studies to determine the
the contaminated water to a local publicly feasibility and the reliability of full-scale
owned treatment works (POTW) or to a treatment. It must be demonstrated that the
facility designed to treat the contaminants of treatment techniques will not cause
concern. Treated ground water may be re- degradation of a target chemical to another
injected, sent to a local POTW, or compound that has unacceptable health risks
discharged to a local body of surface water, and that is subject to further degradation.
depending on local, State, and Federal Alternative in-situ methods may also be
requirements. Typical treatment practices designed to increase the effectiveness of
that may be implemented include desorption or removal of contaminants from
coagulation and precipitation of metals, the aquifer matrix. Such methodologies
chemical oxidation of a number of organic may include steam stripping, soil flushing,
compounds, air stripping to remove volatile vapor extraction, thermal desorption, and
organic compounds, and biological solvent washing, and extraction for removal
degradation of other organics. of strongly sorbed organic compounds.
These methods also may be used in
The rate of contaminant removal from unsaturated zones where residual
ground water will depend on the rate of contaminants may be sorbed to the geologic
ground-water removal, the cation exchange matrix during periodic fluctuations of the
capacity of the soil, and partition water table. Details of in-situ methods may
coefficients of the constituents sorbed to the be found in several sources: USEPA (1988);
soil (USEPA, 1988). As the concentration USEPA (1985); and Eckenfelder (1989).
of contaminants in the ground water is
reduced, the rate at which constituents Plume Containment
become partitioned from the soil to the
aqueous phase may also be reduced. The The purpose of plume containment is to
amount of flushing of the aquifer material limit the spread of the contaminants.
required to remove the contaminants to an Methods to contain plume movement
acceptable level will generally determine include passive hydraulic barriers, such as
the time frame required for restoration. This grout curtains and slurry walls, and active
time frame is site-specific and may last gradient control systems involving pumping
indefinitely. wells and french drains. The types of
aquifer characteristics that favor plume
In-situ methods may be appropriate for containment include:
some sites, particularly where pump and
treat technologies create serious adverse ! Water naturally unsuited for human
effects or where it may be financially consumption
prohibitive. In-situ methods may include
biological restoration requiring pH control, ! Contaminants present in low
addition of specific micro-organisms, and/or concentration with low mobility
addition of nutrients and substrate to
augment and encourage degradation by ! Low potential for exposure to
indigenous microbial populations. contaminants and low risk associated
Bioremediation requires laboratory with exposure
treatability studies and
Subpart E
! Modifying the operational procedures (a) Based on the results of the corrective
(e.g., banning specific wastes or measure assessment conducted under
lowering the head over the leachate §258.56, the owner or operator must
collection system through more frequent select a remedy that, at a minimum,
leachate removal) meets the standards listed in paragraph
(b) below. The owner or operator must
! Undertaking more extensive and notify the State Director, within 14 days
effective maintenance activities (e.g., of selecting a remedy, that a report
excavate waste to repair a liner failure or describing the selected remedy has been
a clogged leachate collection system) placed in the operating record and how it
meets the standards in paragraph (b) of
this section.
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
(2) Attain the ground-water protection The final method selected for
standard as specified pursuant to implementation must satisfy the criteria in
§§258.55(h) or (i); §258.57(b)(1)-(4). The report documenting
the capability of the selected method to
(3) Control the source(s) of releases so as meet these four criteria should include such
to reduce or eliminate, to the maximum information as:
extent practicable, further releases of
Appendix II constituents into the ! Theoretical calculations
environment that may pose a threat to
human health or the environment; and ! Comparison to existing studies and
results of similar treatment case
(4) Comply with standards for histories
management of wastes as specified in
§258.58(d). ! Bench-scale or pilot-scale treatability
test results
5.15.2 Applicability
! Waste management practices.
These provisions apply to facilities that
have been required to perform corrective The demonstration presented in the report
measures. The selection of a remedy is must document the alternative option
closely related to the assessment process and selection process.
cannot be accomplished unless a sufficiently
thorough evaluation of alternatives has been
completed. The process of documenting the 5.16 SELECTION OF REMEDY
rationale for selecting a remedy requires 40 CFR §258.57 (c)
that a report be placed in the facility
operating record that clearly defines the 5.16.1 Statement of Regulation
corrective action objectives and
demonstrates why the selected remedy is (c) In selecting a remedy that meets the
anticipated to meet those objectives. The standards of §258.57(b), the owner or
State Director must be notified within 14 operator shall consider the following
days of the placement of the report in the evaluation factors:
operating records of the facility. The study
must identify how the remedy will be (1) The long- and short-term
protective of human health and the effectiveness and protectiveness of the
environment, attain the GWPS (either potential remedy(s), along with the
background, MCLs, or, in approved States, degree of certainty that the remedy will
health-based standards, if applicable), attain prove successful based on consideration
source control objectives, of the following:
Subpart E
(iii) The type and degree of long-term (i) Degree of difficulty associated with
management required, including constructing the technology;
monitoring, operation, and maintenance;
(ii) Expected operational reliability of
(iv) Short-term risks that might be the technologies;
posed to the community, workers, or the
environment during implementation of (iii) Need to coordinate with and obtain
such a remedy, including potential necessary approvals and permits from
threats to human health and the other agencies;
environment associated with excavation,
transportation, and redisposal or (iv) Availability of necessary
containment; equipment and specialists; and
(v) Time until full protection is (v) Available capacity and location of
achieved; needed treatment, storage, and disposal
(vi) Potential for exposure of humans
and environmental receptors to (4) Practicable capability of the owner
remaining wastes, considering the or operator, including a consideration of
potential threat to human health and the the technical and economic capability.
environment associated with excavation,
transportation, redisposal, or (5) The degree to which community
containment; concerns are addressed by a potential
(vii) Long-term reliability of the
engineering and institutional controls; 5.16.2 Applicability
These provisions apply to facilities that are
(viii) Potential need for replacement of selecting a remedy for corrective action.
the remedy. The rule presents the considerations and
factors that the owner or operator must
(2) The effectiveness of the remedy in evaluate when selecting the appropriate
controlling the source to reduce further corrective measure.
releases based on consideration of the
following factors:
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
(d) The owner or operator shall specify (iii) Ground-water quantity and
as part of the selected remedy a quality;
schedule(s) for initiating and completing
remedial activities. Such a schedule must (iv) The potential damage to wildlife,
require the initiation of remedial crops, vegetation, and physical structures
activities within a reasonable period of caused by exposure to waste constituent;
time taking into consideration the factors
set forth in paragraphs (d) (1-8). The (v) The hydrogeologic characteristic of
owner or operator must consider the the facility and surrounding land;
following factors in determining the
schedule of remedial activities: (vi) Ground-water removal and
treatment costs; and
(1) Extent and nature of contamination;
(vii) The cost and availability of
(2) Practical capabilities of remedial alternative water supplies.
technologies in achieving compliance with
ground-water protection standards (7) Practicable capability of the owner
established under §§258.55(g) or (h) and or operator.
other objectives of the remedy;
(8) Other relevant factors.
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
A waiver of remedial obligation does not (3) Take any interim measures necessary
necessarily release the owner or operator to ensure the protection of human health
from the responsibility of conducting source and the environment. Interim measures
control measures or minimal ground-water should, to the greatest extent practicable,
remediation. The State may require that be consistent with the objectives of and
source control be implemented to the contribute to the performance of any
maximum extent practicable to minimize remedy that may be required pursuant to
future risk of releases of contaminants to §258.57. The following factors must be
ground water or that ground water be treated considered by an owner or operator in
to the extent technically feasible. determining whether interim measures
are necessary:
Subpart E
(vii) Other situations that may pose ground water degradation or the spread of
threats to human health and the the contaminant plume, replacement of the
environment. system with an alternative measure may be
warranted. The improvement rate of the
5.19.2 Applicability condition of the aquifer must be monitored
and compared to the cleanup objectives. It
These provisions apply to facilities that are may be necessary to install additional
required to initiate and complete corrective monitoring wells to more clearly evaluate
actions. remediation progress. Also, if it becomes
apparent that the GWPS will not be
The owner or operator is required to achievable technically, in a realistic time-
continue to implement its ground water frame, the performance objectives of the
assessment monitoring program to evaluate corrective measure must be reviewed and
the effectiveness of remedial actions and to amended as necessary.
demonstrate that the remedial objectives
have been attained at the completion of Interim Measures
remedial activities.
If unacceptable potential risks to human
Additionally, the owner or operator must health and the environment exist prior to or
take any interim actions to protect human during implementation of the corrective
health and the environment. The interim action, the owner or operator is required to
measures must serve to mitigate actual take interim measures to protect receptors.
threats and prevent potential threats from These interim measures are typically short-
being realized while a long-term term solutions to address immediate
comprehensive response is being developed. concerns and do not necessarily address
long-term remediation objectives. Interim
5.19.3 Technical Considerations measures may include activities such as
control of ground-water migration through
Implementation of the corrective measures high-volume withdrawal of ground water or
encompass all activities necessary to initiate response to equipment failures that occur
and continue remediation. The owner or during remediation (e.g., leaking drums). If
operator must continue assessment contamination migrates offsite, interim
monitoring to anticipate whether interim measures may include providing an
measures are necessary, and to determine alternative water supply for human,
whether the corrective action is meeting livestock, or irrigation needs. Interim
stated objectives. measures also pertain to source control
activities that may be implemented as part
Monitoring Activities of the overall corrective action. This may
include activities such as excavation of the
During the implementation period, ground- source material or in-situ treatment of the
water monitoring must be conducted to contaminated source. Interim measures
demonstrate the effectiveness of the should be developed with consideration
corrective action remedy. If the remedial given to maintaining conformity with the
action is not effectively curtailing further objectives of the final corrective action.
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
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Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
Subpart E
Ground-Water Monitoring and Corrective Action
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