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ORD Rocessing OOL: Objectives

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Objectives I like the computer because it keeps giving you

After completing this Chapter, the options. What if I do this? You try it, and if you
student will be able to: don't like it you undo it. The original can always
• work with any word processing
be resurrected. It raises the idea of working on
program, one painting your whole life, saving it and
working on it again and again.
• create, save and open a
Elliott Green
document using a word
Research Associate and Tutorial Fellow, Oxford University
• format a document inserting
bullets/numbering, tables,
pictures, etc., Introduction
• set custom tabs and apply styles,
We have to submit a project as part of our course
• prepare a document for printing, evaluation. We will perhaps take a chart paper
• enhance the features of the
and design the project, write a report and submit
document inserting graphics, it to our teacher. That’s the way we have done it
tables, pictures, charts, etc., and all along? Have we ever thought of typing the entire
using different formatting styles, project report using a computer and submitting it
• modify document using various in a nicely designed printed form? Ever reflected
editing and formatting features on getting information from the Internet and
within or across documents, presenting it neatly for the project? Now that’s
• produce documents for various the way things are being done! And if we are already
purposes and thinking of it, it’s time to discover some document
creation software, i.e., word processing tool to get
• apply mail merge facility to send
a document to different the job done. Not only a project, we can get lots of
members. other things done through it – writing letters and
applications, making newsletters, designing
posters, and the list goes on and on!
Computers are dominating our lives today in
more ways than we know. The power of
computers can however be seen in the word
processing tools.
Computers and Communication Technologies


Word processing is the ability to create documents using a word
processor. It can also refer to advanced shorthand techniques,
sometimes used in specialised contexts with a specially modified
typewriter. These were primarily aimed at typists, particularly in offices
where other workers sent handwritten notes to be transcribed into
documents for printing which were returned for reviewing. The word
processing operators achieved considerable time saving largely due to:
• the faster typing speeds achieved as a result of electronic keyboards
• the assistance of the word processing software for functions like
layout and spell check, etc.
Today, there are different word processors available; some are
proprietary like Microsoft Word, WordPerfect Office, StarOffice Writer,
etc., while others are open source like Kwrite, Openoffice.org Writer,
etc. Basic functions in all remain more or less similar and do not require
advanced computer or typing skills for use. However, a complete word
processor is that which lets us work with text and other features, for
example, pictures, tables, artistic texts, to create interesting and
meaningful pages. We can make our own posters for bulletin board, type
letters and attach them as documents to an e-mail, etc. Since MS Word,
an integral component of MS-Office, is one of the programs which provides
all these features and many more and is also being mostly used due to
its ease of usage, we have taken it as a sample Word Processing Tool.


Most of the time, we will be able to start the word processor of our
choice from the Program option under the Windows Start menu. Of
course, we might also create a shortcut on the desktop to access our
word processor.
For example, to start Microsoft Word, click on

• , then on
• , and lastly on

as shown in figure 3.1.


The first and foremost task is to get acquainted with the application
window of the word processing package that we are planning to use.
As already mentioned, most of the packages allow the user to perform
identical tasks; their application windows too appear by and large
comparable. The important components of this are:
• Menu Bar : Provides menu options like File, Edit, View, etc.
Word Processing Tool

Figure 3.1 : Selecting Word to start

• Standard Toolbar : Contains tools for standard tasks, like saving,

printing, cutting, copying, pasting, etc.
• Formatting Toolbar : Provides tools for formatting like bold, italic,
underline, etc.
• View Buttons : Provides options to switch between Normal, Web
Layout, Print Layout, Outline and Reading views.
• Tab stop: A position we set for placing and aligning text on a page.
• Drawing ToolBar : Provides tools for drawing basic shapes, inserting
pictures, changing colors, etc.
• Status Bar : This provides information about the current document.

Title Bar
Standard toolbar
Formatting toolbar
Reviewing toolbar
New Document
task pane

Tab stop—A position Other Task Panes

you set for placing and menu—Select
aligning text on a page. other task panes,
including Reveal
Search, and
View buttons—Click more.
to switch between
Normal, Web Layout,
Print Layout, Outline
and Reading views.

Drawing toolbar
Figure 3.2 : Application Window
Computers and Communication Technologies

Other programs like WordPad, NotePad could also be used to create word documents,
but these programs lack certain important features as compared to MS-Word.
Therefore MS-Word is a more complete package for word processing.

When we start MS-Word, a blank document opens up. Word names

the document as Document1 (Figure 3.2). We can also start a new
document in any of the following ways:
• Click on New button ( ) on the Standard toolbar, or
• Click on New option in the File menu (Figure 3.3).
After we have started a new document, type in some introductory
text into the document. When we start a new document, the insertion
point (the blinking vertical line, also called cursor)
appears in the first column of the first line. We
can just type the text, and it will appear where
the insertion point is. But in a document where
we already have the text, we can place the
insertion point anywhere in the text by clicking
the mouse pointing at the desired location.


Figure 3.3 : To open new document • Click on Save button ( ) on the formatting
from file menu
toolbar, or
• Click on the Save option in the File menu
(Figure 3.4).
The Save As dialog box appears (Figure 3.5).
It’s a good idea to give the new document a name
and save it as soon as we create it.
The steps we should follow to save our
document are as follows:

Figure 3.4 : To save a document

from file menu The file will be saved in
this folder. You can click
on the arrow to select
another drive or folder

Double click
to open any of
these folders


Figure 3.5 : Save As dialog box
Word Processing Tool

• Automatically, we will save our file in My Documents folder. If we

need to save in some other location, navigate towards it by clicking
on the arrow on the right, and selecting one of the available options.
Select the location. Figure 3.5 shows the drive/folder/sub-folder
where we want to save the document.
• Type the filename as Document New and Type of document as Word
• Click on the Save button.
We can cancel the process at any time by clicking on the Cancel button.


• Click on Open under File menu, or click on tool on the Standard
• The Open dialog box is seen on the screen. This is similar to the
Save As dialog box.
• Navigate to the folder where our file is located, select the filename.
• Click on Open.


Formatting refers to the way our text will look like – the design of
the characters, their size, the space between paragraphs, their
alignment, etc.
First, selection of text.
• By using the mouse, position the insertion point (by clicking the
mouse) at the beginning or end of the block to be selected and then
click and drag to the end or beginning of the block.
• By using the shortcuts:
n Double-click on a word to select it.
n Triple-click on a paragraph to select it.
n Ctrl+click on a sentence to select it.
There are basically two types of formatting:
• Character formatting, and
• Paragraph formatting


Character formatting is the one which we can apply to any individual
character or to a group of characters. It has the following options
(Figure 3.6):
Font : This decides the appearance of our characters.
Font Style : We can make characters stand out by making them Bold, 75
Italic or both.
Computers and Communication Technologies

Size : This increases/decreases

the size of the characters – the
size measured in points
(72 points =1 inch)
Font Color : We can apply
colours to the characters for
printing the final document.
Underline : We can draw
attention to some particular
text by underlining it.
Effects : We can also apply
effects to our text. Two most
common ones are Superscript
and Subscript. The 2 in 32 is a
superscript. To make a
character into superscript, we
need to select only that
character, and click the box
Figure 3.6 : Character formatting box
against Superscript. Similarly,
1 in T1 is a subscript.


There are some formatting features that get applied to an entire
paragraph or paragraphs, but not to any given character or a group
thereof. Such formatting
features are described as
Paragraph formatting.
It provides the following
options (Figure 3.7):
Alignment : The alignment of
a paragraph may be left, center,
Indentation Indentation right or justify as given in
like first line Table 3.1.
or hanging
Paragraph Indentation : Indents are the
Spacing Line spacing
like single, left and right boundaries of
double, etc.
selected paragraphs within a
document. This may be
necessary when different
paragraphs have different left
and right boundaries. For
e x a m p l e , we c a n s e e t h e
indentation in poems. The
76 Figure 3.7 : Paragraph formatting box
indentation options available
in most word processors are
Word Processing Tool

Table 3.1 : Different types of Alignments

Alignment Description

Left Alignment All the lines of the paragraph will be aligned on the left.

Right Alignment All the lines of the paragraph will be aligned on the right.

Center Alignment All the lines of the paragraph will align to the center.

Justify The left as well as the right side of the paragraph will be
aligned except for the last line.

Left and Right. Apart from these, we can have special indentation in
the form of First Line and Hanging.
Spacing : This option allows us to have some space before and/or
after a paragraph or a group of paragraphs. We can select the
paragraph(s) and select or type in the desired value against the appropriate
option – Before or After. These values are measured in points.
There is also a Line spacing option, which decides on the spacing
between the lines of the paragraph. Normally we will type with the
value Single for it. But if we want to have more space between the
lines, we can select 1.5 lines or Double for it.

Activity 3.1
Type “We are changing the font”. Try the activity by using the following options:
• font Arial,
• font style Italic,
• size 10 point,
• font colour blue,
• underline style - a simple line,
• underline colour green, and
• effects Small Cap.
• right alignment,
• indentation 1 inch for left as well as right,
• first line indent 0.5 inch,
• spacing as 6 point both before and after the paragraph and
• line spacing 1.5 lines.


Bullets are small dots, squares, dashes or graphics that are often
seen before the text (word, line, sentence, paragraph or any other
object). To add bullets,
• Select the object
• Click on Bullets and Numbering from Format menu to open the Bullets 77
and Numbering dialog box (Figure 3.8)
Computers and Communication Technologies

Click on the bullet of your choice,

Click here to
select bullets
Click here to and click OK.
select numbers

Instead of a bullet, a number may

also precede a group of paragaphs. To
do so, proceed as follows:
• Choose the numbered tab from Bullets
and Numbering of Format menu to
view the numbering options.
• Select the numbering option of choice,
and click OK.
To remove bullet(s) or number(s)
applied to paragraph(s), select the
paragraph(s), open the Bullets and
Numbering dialog box, and select
None in Bulleted or Numbered tab.
Click on OK.
Figure 3.8 : Bullets and numbering dialog box
Many of the formatting options
discussed above can be applied through
the Formatting Toolbar (Appendix 3.1 Tools in Formatting Toolbar).
The tools for Bold ( ), Italic ( ), Underline ( ), Shadow,
Numbering, and Bullets act as toggles – that is, the desired formatting
will be applied if it is not already applied to the selected text, else it
will remove that formatting.


The tab setting allows us to align the text at a particular point, or to
create a tabular layout. Try this out – open a new document and
• type 2 3 4 5 6, pressing the tab key after every digit. Press the
Enter key.
• type 22 33 44 55 and 66, again pressing tab key after every number
(type 22, press tab, type 33, press tab, and so on).


Most word processors provide us multiple views: we can select the one that
suits the work at hand. We can display our document in one of the five views:
Normal layout, Web Layout, Print Layout, Reading Layout or Online Layout.
• Normal Layout
Normal layout view shows formatting such as line spacing, font,
point size and italics.
• Web Layout
Web layout view enables us to view our document as it would appear
78 in a web browser such as the Internet Explorer.
Word Processing Tool

• Print Layout
The Print Layout view shows how the document will look when it
is printed.
• Reading Layout
Reading Layout view formats our screen to make reading our
document more comfortable.
• Outline Layout
Outline view displays the document in outline form.
Only headings can be displayed hiding the text
under them. We can just move a heading; the
accompanying text will automatically move with it.
We can opt for any one of the available views by
selecting it from the View menu, or clicking on the
appropriate View Buttons – .


Figure 3.9: To insert table in the
Tables provide a neat way to present complex document
information in vertical columns and horizontal rows
of cells. Each cell can contain text – a single
paragraph or multiple paragraphs – or graphics. To
insert a table:
• click on Insert in the Table menu and select on
Table from resulting menu. (Figure 3.9)
• This opens up the Insert Table dialog box
(Figure 3.10). Type in some value for the number
of columns and rows… let us type in the values
5 and 4 respectively.
• We can now see this table (Figure 3.11) on the
page – with 5 columns and 4 rows
• Time to type in some text! We can move the
insertion point from one cell to another by
clicking the mouse at the desired cell. We can
also press the Tab key to move to the next cell, Figure 3.10 : Insert Table
or Shift+Tab keys to move to the previous one. !, dialog box
!, ! and ! keys can also be used for this.

Figure 3.11 : Blank table created 79

Computers and Communication Technologies

• When a table is inserted, all columns are of same width and all
rows are of same height. To change their size, move the mouse
pointer to the line separating the rows or columns. If the mouse is
at column separator, it will change to ; if it is on the line bordering
two rows, it changes to . Now drag the mouse to change the size
of the column or row. If the cell is selected, then only the size of the
selected cell changes instead of the entire column or row.
• Type in the text and adjust the column widths to make a table
as shown in Table 3.2:

Table 3.2: Sections and Houses of Class XI Students

Roll No Name Class Section House

1 Vijaya XI A Red

2 Lalruata XI B Blue

3 Kabir XI A Yellow

There are times when we need to change the number of rows/

columns after we have inserted the table. There are two options each
for rows and columns in the Table menu.

• To insert columns, use the options Columns to the Left or Columns to the
Right under Insert option of Table menu. Put the insertion point in
any cell at the column adjacent to the location where the new
column is to be inserted, and select the appropriate option.
• For rows, the options are Rows Above and Rows Below. We can use
these like we did for inserting columns.
To delete row(s) or column(s), we can utilise
the Delete option under the Table menu. The
various alternatives under this option are seen in
figure 3.12.
Select cell(s) in appropriate row(s) or column(s),
and click on the choice to delete Rows or Columns
as desired. To delete the entire table, put the
insertion point somewhere in the table and click on
Table under Delete option.
Two or more cells can be merged into a single
Figure 3.12 : Table menu for deletecell. Alternatively, a single cell can be split into
several new cells. These options are also available
under the Table menu as seen in the figure above.
To merge cells, select two or more cells and click on Merge Cells. To
80 split cell(s), select the cell(s) and click on Split Cells... . The Split Cells
Word Processing Tool

dialog box appears, soliciting the number of rows and columns into which
we would like to split the cell(s).
The easiest and quickest way to decorate the table:
Click on Table AutoFormat... under the Table menu. Table Autoformat
dialog box appears.
Let us decorate the table we
had created:
• Place the insertion point
anywhere in the table.
• Open the table menu, and
click on Table Autoformat.
• In the Table AutoFormat
dialog box (Figure 3.13),
select Contemporary. We can
observe the preview portion
of the dialog to see the effect.
Click on Apply. Our simple
table now looks very different
(Table 3.3) from what it
originally was.

Graphics can add interest and
impact to the documents.
Suppose we have completed a
letter telling our friends about
the great party we threw for a
birthday. The words capture
Figure 3.13 : Table AutoFormat dialog box
the festive mood of the event,
but that page of text looks
lifeless and dull. We need graphics to enliven our prose.

Table 3.3 : AutoFormatted Table 3.2

Roll No Name Class Section House

1 Vijaya XI A Red

2 Lalruata XI B Blue

3 Kabir XI A Yellow 81
Computers and Communication Technologies

We can insert picture from a picture file or we

can use any of the clip arts provided with MS-Word
or any word processor of our choice.


Let us insert a clip art into our Document New file:
• Open the Document New file.
• On the Insert menu, select Picture, and then
click Clip Art.
• The Clip Art task pane opens up. (Figure 3.14)
• In the Clip Art task pane, type the search term
(for example, “computer”) in the Search for field,
and click on the Search button. If we are not
looking for anything in particular, don’t type in
Figure 3.14 : Clip Art task pane any text, just click.
• Select the insertion point in the document where
we want to insert clip art (Figure 3.15 (a)), and
then click the clip we want on the task pane
(Figure 3.15 (b)).

Figure 3.15 (a) : Selecting the insertion point , (b) Selecting the clip art

• The clip art will get placed where the insertion point was
(Figure 3.15 (c)).

82 Figure 3.15 (c) : Inserting clip art in the document

Word Processing Tool


• On the Insert menu, select Picture, and then click from File.
• The Insert Picture dialog box opens up. Browse the graphic file.
• Click the file, and then click Insert.
• The picture gets inserted where the insertion point was located.


We have inserted a clip art or picture, but we do not want blank space
to the right and left of the picture. No problem, we can further refine
the layout of the graphic and text. Using the five wrapping styles, we
can create documents with just the look we want.
To apply wrapping styles to a graphic,
• Click on the graphic to select it.
• On the Format menu, click Picture.
• In the Format Picture dialog box, click the Layout tab.
• Click the preferred wrapping style, and then click OK.
Different Wrapping styles are given in Appendix 3.3.


Any word processor will allow us to copy or move text/graphics from
one part of the document to another or from one document to another.
If the same text is appearing in more than one place, the copy option
can save us from quite a lot of trouble. If we want to reorganise the
document by changing the position of certain text, we need not delete
the text from existing location and re-type at the new location – just
move it from its current location to the desired location.
To copy or move, proceed as follows:
• Select the item to copy or move. This can be a character, a few
words, some paragraphs or a graphic.
• If we want to copy, click on Copy from Edit menu. Alternatively, we
can click on tool on the Standard toolbar.
• If we want to move, click on Cut from Edit menu. Alternatively, we
can click on tool on the Standard toolbar.
• Place the insertion point at the destination location (this may be
within the same document, or in another document), where we
want the text or graphic to be copied or moved.
• Click on Paste from Edit menu. Alternatively, we can click on
tool on the Standard toolbar.
To delete some text or graphic, select the same and simply press
the Delete key. 83
Computers and Communication Technologies


Checking spelling and grammar in a document
after we finish typing and editing the text is
very useful. We can check for possible mistakes
and then confirm each correction. In Microsoft
Word, we can start the spell checker by clicking
on Spelling and Grammar option under Tools
menu (Figure 3.16).
Figure 3.16 : Tools menu
When the spell checker finds a spelling
mistake, a dialog box or task pane
(Figure 3.17) is displayed and the first misspelt word found by the
spelling checker is selected.

Figure 3.17: Task pane for Spelling and Grammar

We can resolve each error that the program finds in different ways:
• We can use one of the words suggested by the word processor and
click Change.
• We may want to change the word ourselves. Click the word on the
document (not in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box) and edit it.
After fixing the error, click on Resume.
• The indicated word may actually be the correct one, but not available
in the Dictionary; for example, the name of the town Shillong. To
include such word into the word processor’s dictionary, click Add
to dictionary. If, we would like to ignore it, click Ignore once. If we
84 want to ignore all instances of such cases in the document then
click Ignore All.
Word Processing Tool

After we resolve each misspelt word, the word processor flags the
next misspelt word so that we can decide what we want to do.
After the program finishes flagging the spelling mistakes, it begins
showing us the grammatical mistakes. We can proceed in a similar
fashion to correct those also.
Alternatively, we can check spelling automatically while we type.
In that case, we can be more confident that we won’t need to correct
a lot of spelling mistakes when we are ready to deliver our
document. Word flags misspelt words by underlining them with a
wavy red line (Figure 3.18) so that we can easily spot them. We
can right-click the misspelt word to see suggested corrections on
the resulting shortcut menu.

Figure 3.18 : Entering text with Spellchecker on

Similarly, the grammar mistakes are flagged by a wavy green

underline – we can correct these just as we corrected the spellings.

However, don’t blindly accept the corrections suggested by the word processor. The
word processor is not always accurate in detecting spelling and grammar errors!


When a document is to be printed, the word processor has to be told as
to how the document should appear on the page, i.e., its paper size,
margins, layout of the paper, etc.
To alter the page setup, click on Page Setup under the File menu. In the
resulting Page Setup dialog box (Figure 3.19), set the margins to the required
values. Let us set the margins as Top – 1 inch, Bottom – 1 inch, Left – 85
1.25 inch and Right – 1.25 inch.
Computers and Communication Technologies

Apart from the four margins, we

may set the following:
• Gutter is the space left on one side
for stitching and binding – give
an appropriate value, if required.
• The orientation decides whether
the page will be printed
lengthwise (portrait) or across its
breadth (landscape). In other
words, Portrait is taller than it is
wide; Landscape is wider than it
is tall. The orientation buttons
themselves are quite self-
In the Paper tab, select the paper
size on which we are going to print
the document. There are standard
paper sizes like letter, A4, legal etc.
Either we can select one from these
or we can enter the width and
height of the paper we are using.
Figure 3.19 : Page set up dialog box Click OK once we have typed in
the values for margins, chosen the
orientation, and selected the paper size.


We use mail merge when we want to create a set of documents that
are essentially the same except that each contains some unique
elements. For example, in a letter to invite friends to a birthday party,
the date of invitation and the text thereof will be same everywhere, but
the address and greeting line will be different in each letter.

Using mail merge, we can create:

• A set of labels for envelopes : The return address is the same on all
the labels or envelopes, but the destination address is unique on
each one.
• A set of form letters, e-mail message or faxes : The basic content is
the same in all the letters, messages or faxes, but each contains
information that is specific to the individual recipient, such as
name, address or some other piece of personal data.

86 Creating each letter, message, fax, label, envelope, etc. individually

would take hours. That’s where mail merge comes in. Using mail merge,
Word Processing Tool

all we have to do is create one document that contains the information

that is the same in each version. Then we just add some placeholders
for the information that is unique to each version. The word processor
will take care of the rest.
We can prepare mail-merged documents by using this facility as
described in Appendix 3.2.

• A word processor is a software for typing, formatting and creating documents.

• There are two types of formatting that we can apply – character formatting and paragraph

• For character formatting, we must first select all the characters where we want to apply
the formatting. For paragraph formatting, it is enough to have any part of the paragraph
selected – for a single paragraph, it is sufficient to place the insertion point somewhere
in that paragraph.

• Character formatting includes – font, font style, size, font colour, underline style, underline
colour, and effects – for example subscript, superscript, emboss, etc.

• Paragraph formatting comprises of – alignment; indents – left, right, first line and hanging;
space before and after paragraphs; and line spacing.

• To highlight the points, we can use bullets or numbering for the paragraphs.

• If we plan to put tabular data, we can either use tabs – left, right, center and decimal; or
use table to type in the text within the cells.

• To enhance the appeal of the document, we can insert pictures – either from clip art, or
from files. We might have to select appropriate wrapping options to have the text around
the picture.

• We can move or duplicate text in a document or across documents using options like
Cut, Copy and Paste.

• If we are likely to make mistakes (and all of us are!), we can utilise the word processor
to check the spellings and grammar.

• Before we print the document, we must decide on margins, page size, gutter etc. through
Page Setup.

• If we need to have many copies of documents which are same except for some parts, like
invitation letters, we can use the mail merge facility to make the task simpler.

• We can allow others to review the documents by editing as well as by adding comments.
These changes can be tracked. We can later decide as to whether to keep those changes
or to revert back to the original text. 87
Computers and Communication Technologies

1. What is a cursor?

2. How many types of text alignments are there?

3. What are the methods of selecting a line in MS-Word?

4. How many types of page orientations are there in page setup?

5. What are the views used in word processors?

6. How can words be added in word processors, dictionary?

7. List the advantages of word processors.


1. Give the steps to insert a clip art picture to your document.

2. What is formatting? Discuss the different types of formatting that you can
have using a word processor.

3. Discuss the different types of indentation.

4. How is line spacing different from space before or after paragraphs?

5. What are the various facets of Paragraph Formatting? Explain each one clearly.

6. Explain the process of applying bullets to some paragraphs in a document.

7. What is tab? How do they assist in the process of formatting?

8. What is style? Discuss the steps involved in defining styles. What is the use of
style for next paragraph?

9. How do you change the features of an existing style?

10. How do you insert table in your document? Discuss the steps involved in splitting
and merging cells.

11. Discuss the various text wrapping options available when you insert a picture
in your document.

12. Explain the utility of mail merge.

13. Define mail merging in word processor.


Identify the most appropriate option for the following :
1. To increase the space on the left for just one paragraph in a page, you can
(i) Left indent
(ii) Right indent
(iii) Alignment
88 (iv) Tabs
Word Processing Tool

2. When you want to repeat the same formatting at different places in your
document, you can take the help of
(i) Character formatting
(ii) Paragraph formatting
(iii) Style
(iv) Tabs

3. Which of the following is not character formatting?

(i) Text Colour
(ii) Alignment
(iii) Font
(iv) Subscript

4. Which of the following is not a paragraph formatting?

(i) Alignment
(ii) Indentation
(iii) Line Spacing
(iv) Underline style

5. Which of the following cannot be included in a style?

(i) Paragraph formatting
(ii) Character formatting
(iii) Table
(iv) Numbering

1 The following interview letter is to be sent to all the candidates who had applied for
admission to XYZ College, informing them the respective date and time of interviews.
The name, address, date and time of interview for each candidate is given. Use Mail
Merge to perform this task. Save your work in the folder created in question number 1.
Dear......................... Date : ............................
Apropos your application for admission to the Degree course on ................... at this
college, you are requested to attend the interview on ................... at ................... The interview
will be held at the Principal’s office. You are to bring :
(i) The higher secondary marksheet.
(ii) Birth certificate
(iii) Character certificate from the last institution attended.
Please note the following :
• Attending the interview does not qualify you for admission.
• In case of any delay on your part, your candidature will stand cancelled.
Computers and Communication Technologies

The data for the Merging are as follows:

Name Address City Date Time Course

S. Khongwir Malki Shillong 10/6/08 9:30 Comp. Sc.

P. Sharma Malviya Nagar New Delhi 10/6/08 11:30 B.B.A.

S. Sahoo Baily Road Patna 11/6/08 10:45 Mass Comm.

P. Deka Dispur Guwahati 12/6/08 9:30 Biotechnology

A. Sema Church road Dimapur 12/6/08 12:30 Pisiculture

2. Type the text given below, taking note of all the formatting.

Don’t skim over this

Tibetan monks consumed a bowl of this wonder food a day, and lived to the ripe old age of
109. Ayurvedic practitioners have prescribed it for 5,000 years and health-food buffs swear
by its magical properties.
Yet today the reports are conflicting. Because milk, the main ingredient in the preparation
of yoghurt, is considered by many nutritionists to be highly mucous-forming and difficult to
digest, yoghurt has received a step-motherly treatment from the medical community. Yet ounce
for ounce, it packs more calcium, protein, riboflavin, phosphorous and vitamin B12 than milk.

Type of milk used Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates Calories

to prepare yoghurt (g) (g) (g) (g)

Buffalo 89 14 6.3 182

Cow 7 9 9.6 160

Skim Milk 8.4 0.2 6.3 69

3. Type the text given below, taking note of all the formatting.
Covering All Bases
Dev Dasgupta, 35, is a middle-level manager in a private bank. He’s taken a householder’s
policy to insure his house (valued at Rs 20 lakh), its contents (valued at Rs 3 lakh) and his
wife’s jewellery (Rs 50,000). He also has a comprehensive cover for his pride and joy, a
zippy, new Maruti Zen (cost: Rs 3.6 lakh). Additionally, he’s bought a personal accident
cover for Rs 5 lakh, and a health cover of Rs 2 lakh each for himself and his wife. Here’s
what he pays to secure everything he values. Well, almost everything...

Insurance For Premium

For amount (Rs.) Payable (Rs.)

Fire and allied perils 20 lakh 1,300

Contents 3 lakh 195

Burglary, theft, housebreaking 3 lakh 720

Word Processing Tool

Jeweller 50,000 500

Personal Accident 5 lakh 750

Health 4658

New Maruti Zen 3.6 lakh 12,007

Total Premium 20,130

4. Get some pictures of your school. Now design a calendar for the next year, with one
picture for every month of the year.

Style. We can apply a style to Styles and Formatting. Opens
the selected paragraph using the Styles and Formatting task
this option. pane; we can use this task
pane to define and apply styles
or formatting.
Font. We can change font of Size. We can change size of
selected text through this selected text through this.
Bold. We can make selected text Italic. We can make selected text
Bold through this option. Italic through this option.
Underline. We can underline Align Left. We can use this to
selected text through this left align selected paragraph(s).
option. But we cannot select the
type of underline – for that we
have to open Font dialog box.
Center. We can use this to center Align Right. We can use this to
align selected paragraph(s). right align the selected
Justify. We can use this to Line Spacing. We can use this to
change the alignment of make the line spacing of
selected paragraph(s) to justify. paragraph(s) to single, double, etc.
Numbering. We can make Bullets. We can apply bullets to
selected paragraph(s) selected paragraph(s). But we
numbered. But we cannot cannot change the type of
change the type of numbering bullets by this option.
by this option.
Decrease Indent. This option Increase Indent. This option
allows us to move selected allows us to move selected
paragraph(s) to the left, if not paragraph(s) to the right. 91
already at extreme left.
Computers and Communication Technologies

Border. We can use this to Highlight. We can use this tool

apply different borders to to highlight selected text.
paragraph(s) or table(s).
Font Color. This option allows
us to change the color of
selected text.


Mail to Many in Simple Steps
In Word, we initiate the process of mail merging by starting
the Mail Merge Wizard from the Tools menu.
• The Mail Merge Task Pane becomes visible in the task
pane, asking us to select the type of document we want
– letters, e-mail messages, envelopes, labels, etc. Since
we want to invite your friends through a letter, select
Letters, and click on Next at the bottom of the pane (not
seen in the figure).
• Microsoft Word now prompts for Selecting starting
document. The options provided are Use the current
document, Start from a template, and Start from existing
document. Select the first option. We can later try out
the others on our own!
• We now have to provide the details or the receipients –
like name, address, etc. which will be different for every
letter. The options provided in the task pane are Use
an existing list, Select from Outlook contacts and Type a
new list. We have not yet made any list of friends we
would invite, so select the last option to create a new
one. Click on Create in the task pane.
• The New Address List dialog box opens up for us to
type in the details that will vary from one letter to
another. This dialog box has various buttons that
allow us to make New Entry, Delete Entry, Find Entry,
view existing entries by moving to First, Previous, Next
and Last entry.
• However, it will be very rare that all the fields (like Title,
First Name, etc.) in the New Address List dialog box will
match your requirement. There will be some we don’t
need, while there may be others which are not
included. To modify the list of fields, click on Customise.
• The Customise Address List dialog box opens up. In
this dialog box, we can add new fields, delete or rename
existing fields, and also change the order in which
the fields are arranged by using the Move Up or Move
Down buttons.
• Since we want to send the letters to your friends, delete
the unwanted fields – Title, Company Name, Address
Line 2, ZIP Code (we don’t have ZIP code in India,
instead there is PIN Code), Country (no one is going to
92 be invited from abroad) and Work Phone by selecting
them one at a time and clicking on Delete button.
Word Processing Tool

• We might also want to invite few of your teachers, but

at a different time. So include Time as a field by clicking
on Add and typing in the field name.
• On the screen is the New Address list dialog box with
the modified field list. Type in the details of your friends;
clicking on New Entry button after completing each
receipient’s details.
• Once we have completed entering the details of your
invitee, click on Close button. We will be prompted to
save the address list. Save it with an appropriate name
– say FriendsList. The list is saved as a Microsoft Access
• We can now see the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box
containing the details that we have just entered. If we
don’t want to send the invitation to one or more names
in the list, just uncheck the boxes in front by clicking
on them. Click on OK, once done.
• Click on Next on the task pane to proceed with mail
merge. (There are opions like Select a different list and
Edit receipient list). Try them.
• In the document that is open, type in the part of the
letter which is common to all, like the text of your letter.
Don’t put in the name, address or time, since they will
not be the same in every letter.

• The task pane provides assistance to include fields – the data

which we had typed in earlier. We can put the insertion point in
the beginning and click on Address Block to insert the formatted
address. We can also click on More items to see all your fields,
so that we can include the fields of your choice. The selected
field will be inserted where the insertion point is placed.
• Put the insertion point at the beginning of the text. Click on
More items… on the task pane, and enter the name and the various address
fields. Then place the insertion point where we would like to put the time, and
insert the Time field. If need be, we can format these fields.
• At this point, we will not see the data for the fields that we had typed in;
instead we shall only see the field placeholders.
• Click on Next on the task pane to see what the actual letter would look like. In 93
this view of the task pane, we have options to preview letter by clicking on
Computers and Communication Technologies

or buttons. We can also exclude certain receipients from your list by clicking
on button. Click on Next to complete the merge process.

• In this task pane view, we can merge your document to

the printer by clicking on Print – meaning that the letters
will be printed one after another, containing the names,
addresses, etc. that we had put in your address list. We
can also merge to a new document by clicking on Edit
individual letters. This will open a new document containing
all your merged letters – if needed, we can then edit them
one by one before printing.
In the above discussion, we learnt the Mail Merge utility
using the task pane. However, when we proceed with mail
merge, the Mail Merge Toolbar also appears with the required
options. Try different tools available on the toolbar.


Wrapping Style Result

The In line with text style insets the graphic in

the text at the location of the insertion point.
The graphic moves as we add or delete text.
The text does not wrap around the graphic;
white space extends to the margins on either
side of the graphic.

Word Processing Tool

The Square style wraps the text around all

sides of a square bounding the graphic.

The T ight style wraps the text around the

graphic in an irregular shape bounding the
actual image. The graphic moves as we add
or delete text.

The Behind text style has no border around

the graphic. The graphic floats on its own layer
behind the text.

Like the previous case, the In front of text style

has no border around the graphic. But in this
case, the graphic floats on its own layer in
front of the text..


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