Laboratory Activity No 4

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Fami, Isabela N. (1), Pangilinan, Dianne G. (2)
Ms. Fatsy Cruz

Proteins are involved in various biological processes. To identify the proteins and determine its
quantity in biological samples, measuring its concentration is crucial. An important method of
determining such values is the use of different spectrophotometric protein assays. In this
experiment, two proteins assays – Biuret, and Bradford – are used. Concentrations of the two
unknown protein samples were determined by spectrophotometry. The values of the two
unknown samples were 4.15 mg/mL (unknown 1) and 0.89 mg/mL (unknown 2) for Biuret Test;
and 0.0245 mg/mL (unknown 1) and 0.0199 mg/mL (unknown 2) for Bradford Test. From the
experiment, the Biuret test and the Bradford test showed linearity of the relationship between
absorbance and protein concentration. Assays are essential in determining protein concentrations
more accurate and precise.

II. KEYWORDS: spectrophotometry, protein assays, Bradford reagent, Biuret reagent, protein
concentration, color intensity

III. INTRODUCTION instrument and observe the galvanometric

reading of reflection sensitizing the quantity of
Proteins, long polymers of amino light absorbed. Colorimetric reactions can be
acids, constitute the largest fraction (besides measured on either a spectrophotometer or
water) of cells. They are perhaps the most colorimeter. Both of these instruments
versatile of all biomolecules and serve crucial measure the intensity of light passing through
functions in essentially all biological the colored sample and convert this light
processes. Some proteins have catalytic intensity to a concentration based on a stored
activity and function as enzymes; others serve calibration curve. The instruments follow the
as structural elements, signal receptors, or principles of the Beer-Lambert Law. The
transporters that carry specific substances into Beer-Lambert law (referred to as Beer’s law) is
or out of cells (Lehninger,, 2008). They the linear relationship between absorbance
also store other molecules such as oxygen, and concentration. Generally Beer’s law is
provide mechanical support and immune written as:
protection, generate movement, transmit nerve
and control growth and
Equation 1. ​Beer--Lambert’s Law
Every chemical compound (such as
the ones that contains proteins) absorbs, A is the measured absorbance
transmits, or reflects light (electromagnetic Ɛ is a wavelength-dependent absorptivity
radiation) over a certain range of wavelength. coefficient
This is done by passing light of specific b is the cell-path length
wavelength of visible spectrum through the c is the analyte concentration
solution in a photoelectric colorimeter
Thus the variation of colour of the reaction peptide nitrogen and O2 of water (Gaurab, K.,
mixture (or system) with change of substrate 2018).
concentra​tion forms the basis of colorimetric (2) The ​Bradford assay​,
analysis (D, Bharati, 2019). developed by Marion M. Bradford, a
colorimetric protein assay, is based on an
Spectrophotometer is the instrument absorbance shift of the dye Coomassie
used to measure the light absorbed by the Brilliant Blue G-250 in which under acidic
solution. It is a more sophisticated instrument. conditions the red form of the dye is converted
A photometer is a device for measuring ‘light’, into its bluer form to bind to the protein being
and ‘spectro’ implies the whole range of assayed (Bradford, 1976).
continuous wavelengths that the light source is
capable of producing. The detector in the The objectives of this experiment
photometer is generally a photocell in which a were: 1) to explain the principles behind
sensitive surface receives photons; and a dye-based absorbance measurements and
current is generated that is proportional to the colored complex measurements for protein
intensity of the light beam, reaching the quantitation; 2) to quantify proteins in an
surface. In instru​ments for measuring aqueous solution using various
ultraviolet/visible light, two lamps are usually spectrophotometric assays; 3) to compare
required: one, a tungsten filament lamp which different spectrophotometric protein assays in
produces wavelengths in the visible region; the terms of accuracy and precision in determining
second, a hydrogen or deuterium lamp, is protein quality; and 4) to identify the
suitable for the ultraviolet (D, Bharati, 2019). advantages and disadvantages of various
protein spectrophotometric assays for protein
quantitation in biological samples.


Preparation of Biuret Reagent. A ​

mixture of 75 mL 10% (w/v) NaOH and 125
mL of 0.3% copper sulfate pentahydrate
Figure 1. ​Optical Path of a Spectrophotometer
(CuSO4·5H2O) and 1.2% potassium tartrate
(KNaC4H4O6·4H2O) was diluted with distilled
Protein assay is a spectroscopic
water in a 250-mL volumetric flask.
analytical procedure used to measure the
concentration of protein in a solution (Skoog
Preparation of Bradford Reagent. A
et. al., 2007). This method depends on the
mixture of 25 mg Coomassie Blue G-250 in
amino acid composition of the measured
12.5 mL of 95% ethanol and 25 mL 85% (or
14.7 M) phosphoric acid was diluted with
distilled water in a 250-mL volumetric flask
In this experiment, two protein assays
then filtered three times, in which the resulting
were utilized:
color should be light brown.
(1) Biuret Test is conveniently
used to detect the presence of proteins in
Biuret Protein Assay. Two sets of test
biological fluids. Alkaline CuSO4 reacts with
tubes were labelled from 1-5 to prepare
compounds containing two or more peptide
standard curve and another two test tubes
bonds to give a violet colored product which is
were labelled as unknowns. Distilled water and
due to formation of coordination complex of
protein standard solution were pipetted in
cupric ions with unshared electron pairs of
varying volumes (in mL), with test tube 1
having ratio of 1:0, test tube 2 with ratio of The experiment has two protein
0.8:0.2, test tube 3 with ratio of 0.6:0.4, test ​ nd (2)
assays: (1) ​Biuret Protein Assay, a
tube 4 with ratio of 0.4:0.6 and test tube 5 with Bradford Protein Assay.
ratio of 0.2:0.8, all solutions, as well as the
unknown samples have a total volume of 1 mL A. Biuret Protein Assay
then 5 mL of Biuret reagent was added to all Absorbance readings obtained from
samples and mixed thoroughly. The samples the spectrophotometer for each protein
were let still for 10 minutes at room concentration for the standard curve are
temperature as it serves as incubation. The summarized in Table 1. The values were
UV-Vis spectrophotometer was set to 540 nm. plotted against each other, Figure 2, and a
Test tube 1 (blank) was transferred to a linear equation shown in Equation 2 was
cuvette to set the absorbance at 540 nm to obtained.
zero, also, the remaining solutions were
pipetted to different cuvettes and their Table 1. ​Absorbance readings for each protein
absorbances were recorded. The concentration for the standard curve of Biuret
concentration vs. absorbance of standard protein assay
solutions were plotted to determine the
Protein Concentration Absorbance
concentrations of unknown protein samples
were determined.
0 0.01
Bradford Protein Assay. Two sets of
2 0.092
test tubes were labelled from 1-5 to prepare
4 0.152
standard curve and another two test tubes
6 0.330
were labelled as unknowns. Distilled water and
8 0.397
protein standard solution were pipetted in
varying volumes (in µL), with test tube 1
having ratio of 500:0, test tube 2 with ratio of
490:10, test tube 3 with ratio of 480:20, test
tube 4 with ratio of 470:30, test tube 5 with
ratio of 460:40, and test tube 6 with a ratio of
450:50, all solutions, as well as the unknown
samples have a total volume of 500 µLL then 5
mL of Bradford reagent was added to all
samples and mixed thoroughly. The samples
were let still for 10 minutes at room
temperature as it serves as incubation. The
UV-Vis spectrophotometer was set to 595 nm. Figure 2. ​ Plot between the concentrations of
Test tube 1 (blank) was transferred to a the standard solutions and corresponding
cuvette to set the absorbance at 595 nm to absorbance in Biuret protein assay
zero, also, the remaining solutions were
pipetted to different cuvettes and their y = 0.0506x − 0.0062
absorbances were recorded. The Equation 2. ​Linear equation for the
concentration vs. absorbance of standard standardization of Biuret protein assay where
solutions were plotted and the concentrations y is absorbance and x is the protein
of unknown protein samples were determined. concentration (mg/mL)

Using Equation 2 and the measured
absorbance readings for Biuret protein assay,
the concentrations of the unknowns were
calculated (See Appendix A) and are as

Table 2. ​Concentrations of the unknown

solutions in Biuret protein assay
Absorbance Concentration
Figure 4. ​ Plot between the concentrations of
the standard solutions and corresponding
Unknown 1 0.204 4.15
absorbance in Biuret protein assay

Unknown 2 0.039 0.89

y = 57.428x + 0.0792
Equation 3. ​Linear equation for the
standardization of Bradford protein assay
where y is absorbance and x is the protein
concentration (mg/mL)

Using Equation 3 and the measured

Figure 3. ​Unknown solutions 1 and 2, absorbance readings for Bradford protein
respectively, with Biuret reagent assay, the concentrations of the unknowns
were calculated (See Appendix A) and are as
B. Bradford Protein Assay follows:

Absorbance readings obtained from Table 3. ​Concentrations of the unknown

the spectrophotometer for each protein solutions in Bradford protein assay
concentration for the standard curve are Absorbance Concentration
summarized in Table 2. The values were (mg/mL)
plotted against each other, Figure 3, and a
linear equation shown in Equation 3 was
Unknown 1 1.488 0.0245
Unknown 2 1.227 0.0200
Table 3. ​Absorbance readings for each protein
concentration for the standard curve of
Bradford protein assay
Protein Concentration Absorbance

0 0.09
1.82 x 10​-3 0.21
3.64 x 10​.3 0.273 Figure 5. ​Unknown solutions 1 and 2,
5.46 x 10​.3 0.330 respectively, with Bradford reagent
7.27 x 10​.3 0.509
9.09 x 10​.3 0.630
VI. DISCUSSION estimated. Often, it is difficult to find a protein
standard with similar properties to the sample
The quantitation of protein content is being analyzed. As a result, it has become
important and has many applications in food acceptable to use readily available proteins
industry practices and in research especially in such as ​bovine serum albumin (BSA) ​and
the field of biochemistry. The exact monitoring gamma globulin ​as standards. These two are
of protein content in samples is a critical step abundant, readily purifiable, affordable,
in protein analysis. The different protein assay relatively stable and offers desirable
techniques have been developed for the biochemical reactivity with detectable signal.
assessment of the protein concentration in a
sample (Okutucu et al. 2007). Estimation of A. Biuret Protein Assay
protein concentration is necessary in protein
purification, electrophoresis, cell biology, One of the simplest and most common
molecular biology and other research methods of protein assay is the ​Biuret Protein
applications. Although there are a wide variety Assay​. This can be used to quantify proteins in
of protein assays available, none of the assays the concentration range from 0.5 to
can be used without first considering their approximately 10 mg/mL (Layne, n.d.);
suitability for the application. Each assay has therefore, this requires more protein than other
its own advantages and limitations and often it common methods such as the BCA, Lowry
is necessary to obtain more than one type of and Bradford assays.
protein assay. In this experiment, Biuret
protein assay - protein assay based on Biuret protein assay is based on the
alkaline copper, and Bradford protein assay - ability of Cu (II) ions to form a violet-colored
dye-binding protein assay, were performed to chelate complex with peptide bonds in alkaline
determine the protein concentration of the two conditions. Lone pairs from ​4 nitrogen atoms
unknowns. in the peptide bond coordinate a copper (II) ion
to form the chelate complex.
All of the methods performed in this
experiment used spectrophotometric
determination after treatment of different
reagents to establish standard curves. The
plot of the protein concentration against the
absorption yielded an equation of a line that
has a positive slope and was used to calculate
the protein concentration in the solution. This Figure 6. ​Chelate complex formation reaction
was made in accordance to the Beer-Lambert in Biuret protein assay
Law which states the linear relationship
between the concentration of a specific part of Therefore, Biuret protein assay does
the solution and the absorbance of the solution not actually detect the protein itself, but rather
at a certain wavelength (See Equation 1). detects peptide bonds. Amino acids and
dipeptides do not exhibit color change due to
The traditional method for calculating the fact that the Cu (II) ions forms complexes
protein concentration of an unknown sample is with two adjacent amide-amide groups, in
to use a standard curve that is generated from which amino acids do not have and with
known protein standards. The most reliable dipeptide bond only having 1 peptide bond
protein estimation is performed using a present.
reference or a protein standard that has
properties similar to the protein being
The chelate complex absorbs light at
540 nm. The greater the concentration of
peptide bonds, the greater the color intensity
(violet), i.e., greater absorbance. If the
concentration of peptide is low - such as when
short-chain peptides are present - the color
change from blue to pink.

By Equation 2, a concentration of 4.15

mg/mL for unknown 1 from an absorbance of
Figure 7. ​ Structure of Coomassie brilliant
0.204 was obtained. This is reasonable
blue (CBBG) G-250 dye.
because the absorbance lies between the
absorbance readings at the concentrations 4
Under acidic conditions, Coomassie
mg/mL and 6 mg/mL. On the other hand,
G-250 is cationic, mainly doubly protonated,
unknown 2 had a calculated concentration of
and is red, whereas in neutral conditions the
0.89 from an absorbance of 0.039.
dye is green, and the anionic form is blue. The
Bradford reagent is an acidified solution of
Based on the principle of ​Biuret Test
Coomassie G-250; the dye is thus primarily
colored complexes, and as mentioned above,
protonated and red.
unknowns 1 and 2 both have peptide bonds of
more than two, since their colors changed to
violet. Calculated concentrations also follow
that unknown 1 should have a higher
concentration since it has a more intense
violet-colored solution compared with unknown
2. Also, obtained concentrations of the
unknowns which are 4.15 and 0.89 fall within Figure 8. ​ Absorbance of Coomassie G-250 in
the concentration range of protein being different conditions
quantified by Biuret protein assay.
Since the amount of the blue anionic
B. Bradford Protein Assay form is proportional to the amount of protein in
the sample, the quantity of protein in a sample
The Bradford assay is based on the can be measured directly by measuring the
use of the dye Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250, absorption at 595 nm.
which is frequently abbreviated as Coomassie
G-250 or Coomassie Blue. The protein The cationic (doubly protonated) form
determination method of Bradford (Bradford of the Coomassie Blue G-250 was used in the
M., 1976) is popular because it is rapid, experiment. The strong acid phosphoric acid
sensitive, relatively inexpensive, and specific (H3PO4) was responsible for the low pH of the
for protein. solution. The blue color after the addition of
Coomassie Blue G-250 to the standard protein
and protein samples was due to the binding of
the dye to the basic amino acid residues,
arginine and lysine. Because of the Bradford
protein assay’s high sensitivity, low
concentrations of standard protein were used.
At relatively high protein concentrations,
greater number of amino acid residues reacts
with the acidic Coomassie Blue G-250, and Principle of Protein-Dye Binding​,
more dye is converted into its anionic form, page 72. Retrieved from
making the absorbance at the blue region
higher. ador/sites
By Equation 3, a concentration of 1976.pdf
0.0245 mg/mL for unknown 1 from an
absorbance of 1.488 was obtained. On the Compton, S. J., & Jones, C. G. (1985).
other hand, unknown 2 had a calculated Mechanism of dye response and
concentration of 0.0200 from an absorbance of interference in the Bradford protein
1.227. The graph of the equation of the line for assay. Analytical Biochemistry,
Bradford Protein Assay showed a linear 151(2), 369–374.
relationship between absorbance and protein doi:10.1016/0003-2697(85)90190-3
concentration with r2 = 0.9697 and a positive
slope. However, the results may be altered by D. B.. (2019). ​Colorimetry: Principle and
the presence of interfering agents such as Instruments. Retrieved from
basic buffers, because of the ideal acidic
environment of the assay (Bradford, 1976). olorimetry/colorimetry-principle-and-i
RECOMMENDATIONS Gaurab, K., (2018, April 20). ​Biuret Test:
Biuret assays relied on the complexion Principle, Requirements, Procedure
of the Cu (II) ions with the peptide bonds, and Result. ​ etrieved
R from
Bradford assays, on the other hand, relied on
the spectral shift that happens when the biuret-test-principle-requirements-pr
Coomassie dye binds to the proteins. ocedure-and-result/
On the basis of linearity, both the
Biuret and Bradford test showed a linear Hach. (2018, September 28). ​What is the
relationship between the absorbance and scientific principle of colorimetry?
protein concentration of the samples. Retrieved from
It is recommended to use equimolar
amounts of the assays since the presence of rs/answer_view/a_id/1001527/~/wha
the unbound dye in the Bradford reagent and t-is-the-scientific-principle-of-colorim
the cuprous ion affect the absorbance and the etry%3F-
sensitivity of the assays and also to work fast
in measuring the absorbance of the samples Lehninger, A., Nelson, D., & Cox, M. (2008).
especially for the Biuret assay in which it has Lehninger principles of biochemistry​.
to be done in 10 minutes. The reagents used 4th ed.
are sensitive to light, thus, it is important to
store them in amber bottled or away from Okutucu B., Dınçer A., Habib Ö., Zıhnıoglu, F.
intense light source to avoid decomposition for determination of total plasma
protein concentration. Journal of
2007. Comparison of five methods
VIII. REFERENCES Biochemical and Biophysical
Bradford, M. (1976). ​Analytical Biochemistry: A Methods [online] 70(5): 709–711.
Rapid and Sensitive Method for the [2015-09-16]. Available from:
Quantitation of Microgram
Quantities of Protein Utilizing the e/article/pii/S0165022X07001145
Skoog; et al. (2007). Principles of Instrumental
Analysis (6th ed.). Belmont, CA:
Thomson Brooks/Cole. pp.
169–173. ISBN 9780495012016.


I hereby certify that I have given substantial

contribution to this report:

Fami, Isabela N.

Pangilinan, Dianne G.
APPENDIX A. Calculations of Protein
Concentrations for Unknown Samples

Biuret Protein Assay

y = 0.0506x − 0.0062

Unknown Sample 1
0.204 = 0.0506x − 0.0062
x = 4.15 mg/mL

Unknown Sample 2
0.039 = 0.0506x − 0.0062
x = 0.89 mg/mL

Bradford Protein Assay

y = 57.428x + 0.0792

Unknown Sample 1
1.488 = 57.428x + 0.0792
x = 0.0245

Unknown Sample 2
1.227 = 57.428x + 0.0792
x = 0.0200

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