Affidavit of Witness - Filmix
Affidavit of Witness - Filmix
Affidavit of Witness - Filmix
1. I am the same and identical person who caused the execution of this
2. I am a vendor at my nephew’s Binkahan located at _____________________;
3. That I know the person KEMYR COMILANG, s security guard of FILMIX
CONCRETE INDUSTRIES INC., located at Tres de Mayo, Digos City, Davao
del Sur;
4. That I also know KEMYR COMILANG since my nephew’s binkahan where I
worked is just situated along the road going to FILMIX CONCRETE
INDUSTRIES INC. and oftentimes go to our Binkahan for a snack,
5. Sometime on February 9, 2019 at around 2:00 in the morning/dawn, I saw
KEMYR COMILANG loading a container with an estimated capacity of 20
liters to a tricycle and also he carried another container in his motorcycle
and going out the compound of FILMIX CONCRETE INDUSTRIES INC.
traversing the road going to Matti, Digos City;
6. That after that trip he, without the tricycle, went back at the compound of
FILMIX CONCRETE INDUSTRIES INC. after 10 or 15 minutes and again loaded
another container of the same capacity in his motorcycle;
7. That he made 6 trips with intervals of 10 to 15 minutes, loading the same
time of containers and going in and out of the compound of FILMIX
CONCRETE INDUSTRIES INC. including the first instance with a tricycle;
8. That after his last trip at around at around 3:00 in the morning/dawn, he
went to our binkahan to buy coffee at around 3:00 in the dawn where he
offered my Php150.00 pesos for me not to tell anybody about the incident;
9. That after hearing his offer, I immediately declined him and said “Dili ko
modawat ana kay imo man ng negosyo ug madamay unya ko ana”;
10. After that, he finished his coffee, left and went back to FILMIX CONCRETE
INDUSTRIES INC.’s compound specifically at his guard house since was on
duty at that date and time;
11. Accordingly, I am executing this Affidavit freely and voluntarily for the
purpose of attesting to the truth of the foregoing statements and in support
of the investigation against Catenson Pucong, Maris and other persons
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of October,
2019 at Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines.
Proof of Identity: ____________________