Excel Review Center ECE Refresher/Coaching Estth1
Excel Review Center ECE Refresher/Coaching Estth1
Excel Review Center ECE Refresher/Coaching Estth1
A one-hop transmission of a tropo-scatter 12.5 miles At any given distance from the antenna, the
system can travel what maximum distance? radar beam axis of a conical-scan antenna
500 miles A radar set with a PRF of 1,000 pps and an follows what pattern?
antenna rotation rate of 15 rpm produces what A circle around the scan axis
Of the following NTDS links, which one(s) maximum number of pulses per degree?
is/are only used as a one-way broadcast? 11.1 In a monopulse scanning radar, the relative
14 position of a target with respect to the radar-
The relative bearing of a radar echo is beam axis is determined by comparing which
When designing portable and pack radios, measured with respect to which of the of the following signal components?
which of the following characteristics is the following reference points? The amplitudes of the returning RF
prime consideration? True north energy in each horn
Must be light-weight and compact
Altitude- or height-finding radar systems In a monopulse scanning system, which of the
Search and rescue stations are divided into require a beam with which of the following following feedhorn signal combinations makes
groups that have distinct rescue functions. characteristics? up the bearing signal?
Emergency lifeboat transmissions are Narrow in the vertical plane (A + C) - (B + D)
designed for reception by a total of how many
of these groups? (Excel Review Center) Target resolution is the ability of a radar to In a monopulse scanning system, which of the
2 distinguish between targets that are at nearly following combinations make up the range
the same range and/or bearing. Range signal?
What are the operating frequencies of the resolution is dependent on which of the (A + B) - (C + D)
transmitter? following factors?
500 kHz and 8,364 kHz Pulse width and target size Monopulse receivers use what signal as a
phase reference? (Excel Review Center)
What is the primary source of power for the What is the approximate range resolution (in Range
transmitter? yards) of a radar set with a pulse width of 15
Internal battery microseconds and a peak power of 2 In the CW radar transmission method, the
kilowatts? (Excel Review Center) Doppler effect provides which of the following
When in the automatic mode of operation, the 2,460 target information?
transmitter transmits (a) while changing Speed of the target
frequency every (b) seconds? Which of the following factors has/have the Presence of the target
(a) The SOS distress signal (b) 50 greatest effect on the accuracy of a pulse
radar? The frequency of the returned signal increases
What is the maximum number of channels Resolution when a target is approaching and decreases
available when you are using the emergency when a target is moving away in which of the
portable transceiver covered in chapter 5? To detect nearby objects, the output pulse of a following types of radar systems?
2 radar transmitter should possess which of the Doppler
following characteristic shapes?
A laser operates in which of the following Narrow with a sloping trailing edge Continuous-wave radar that uses the Doppler
areas of the light spectrum? effect is best used in detecting which of the
At or near visible light Refractions and speed changes are known to following types of targets?
occur in electromagnetic wavefronts. These Past-moving
The principle of the laser is much like that of, phenomena are caused by which of the
which of the following electronic components? following conditions? Range information can be obtained in a
Very high-Q cavity resonator A. Temperature Doppler radar by which of the following
B. Vapor content methods?
Radar uses what form of energy to detect C. Atmospheric pressure Sweeping the transmitter frequency
ships, planes, and land masses? D. All of the above Using two separate transmitters
Electromagnetic energy
Temperature inversions and/or moisture Frequency-modulated radars transmit a wave
For an object that is detected 15 miles from a lapses in the atmosphere may extend or that continuously changes in frequency about
radar set, what is the approximate time reduce the range of a radar by creating a center frequency. Using frequency
required for the RF energy to travel to and ducts modulation, the range to a target is
return from the object? determined by using which of the following
185 µs In a pulse radar system, which of the following methods?
components should you expect to find? By comparing the frequency of the
The minimum range of a radar depends on the A. Synchronizer and transmitter transmitted signal with the returned
length of time of the transmitter pulse (pulse B. Duplexer and antenna system frequency from the target
width) and recovery time. During this period, C. Receiver and indicator
the radar can NOT receive energy. A radar D. All of the above Which of the following statements describes
set with a pulse width of 5 µs and a recovery the advantage of using pulse modulation (PM)
time of 0. 2 µs has a minimum range of Which of the following radar components rather than continuous-wave (CW) in a radar
approximately allows the use of one antenna for both system?
852 yards transmitting and receiving radar energy? PM does not depend on target motion;
Duplexer CW does
Of the following radar characteristics, which
has NO effect on maximum range capability? The type and method of scanning used a In Doppler radar, some definite relationship
Recovery time radar system depend upon which of the must exist between the transmitted frequency
following radar system design considerations? and the reference frequency. For what
What is the peak power (in kilowatts) for this A. Antenna size purpose is this relationship used?
radar set? (Excel Review Center) B. Type of radar To detect the Doppler shift of the received
500 C. Purpose of the radar signal
D. All of the above
What is the pulse-repetition time (in For most military applications, which of the
microseconds) for this radar set? In a single stationary-lobe scanning system, following radar systems is/are used?
2,500 complete azimuth coverage is achieved by Both track and search radars are used
which of the following methods?
For a radar set with a pulse width of 25 A continuously rotating antenna Detection of surface and low-altitude air
microseconds and a PRF of 600 pulses per targets is the primary purpose of which of the
second, what is the duty cycle? Which of the following methods can be used following types of radar?
0.015 to achieve radar-beam scanning? Surface search
A. Mechanical Which of the following types of radar provides
What is the maximum radar horizon distance B. Electronic accurate range, bearing, and altitude of
for a radar set with an antenna 100 feet above C. Combined mechanical and electronic aircraft?
the surface of the earth? E. Each of the above Height-finding
Excel Review Center ECE Refresher/Coaching EST TH 1
Which of the following are typical Single-swing blocking oscillator Which of the following types of instability are
characteristics of surface-search radars? common to magnetron oscillators?
A. High pulse-repetition rates A radar transmitter is triggered directly by high Mode skipping
B. Narrow pulse widths voltage pulses from what unit? Mode shifting
C. High frequencies The antenna
D. All of the above Which of the following magnetron
The peak power of a transmitted RF pulse characteristics can be caused by low magnetic
Which of the following radars would most depends on which of the following factors? field strength?
likely be used to direct CAP aircraft during an Amplitude of the modulator pulse A. Low power output
intercept? (Excel Review Center) B. Excessive plate current
Three-coordinate radar The transmitter range timing circuit must be C. Incorrect operating frequency
triggered at the instant the transmitted pulse D. All of the above
The range capability of a 3D radar is limited by leaves the transmitter. For which of the
which of the following characteristics? following reasons is this timing so important? Which of the following maximum tuning
High operating frequency To ensure accurate range ranges is typical for a tunable magnetron?
±5 percent around the center frequency
Fire control radars must be directed to the For proper operation of the magnetron, the
general location of a desired target. This is modulator pulse must have which of the Compared to the keyed-oscillator transmitter,
because of which of the following following characteristics? power-amplifier transmitters are used more
characteristics? A. A flat top often with MTI radar systems because power-
Narrow beam pattern B. A steep leading edge amplifier transmitters provide
C. A steep trailing edge better stability
When a fire-control radar antenna approaches D. All of the above
the general direction of a target, the radar Which of the following tubes should be used
enters which of the following modes of In order that nearby targets may be detected, as the power amplifier in a radar transmitter?
operation? which of the following characteristics must the The multicavity klystron
Designation transmitted pulse have?
A steep leading edge Which of the following components
Which of the following characteristics is/are determines the pulse width of a power-
typical of a fire-control radar? Compared to the hard-tube modulator, the amplifier transmitter? (Excel Review Center)
A. Very high PRF line-pulsing modulator has which of the The modulator
B. Very narrow PW following advantages?
C. Very narrow beam It is more efficient The intermediate stages of a power- amplifier
D. All of the above transmitter have operating power only during
The modulator of a radar basically consists of which of the following times?
Which of the following units of a radar system a power supply, a switch, a storage element, When the coherent RF pulse is applied
determines timing for all units of the radar? and a/an
Synchronizer charging impedance Using a frequency synthesizer instead of a
heterodyning mixer as the frequency
Which of the following classifications Which of the following devices can be used as generating source for a power-amplifier
describes a radar system that uses a master the storage element in a radar modulator? transmitter is an advantage because the
oscillator to produce timing pulses? A. A capacitor frequency synthesizer
Externally synchronized B. A pulse-forming network produces discrete frequencies over a
C. An artificial transmission line wide band
Which of the following oscillators, used in a D. Each of the above
synchronizer to provide timing trigger pulses, Unwanted oscillations in an rf amplifier
does NOT require a pulse- shaping circuit in A signal introduced at the input end of an transmitter are prevented because of which of
its output? (Excel Review Center) artificial transmission line moves through the the following pulse relationships?
Blocking oscillator circuit to the output end and is reflected back The RF pulse is wider than the modulator
to the input. The output end of an artificial pulse
A radar system in which timing triggers are transmission line appears to the input signal
determined by the pulse-repetition rate of the as what type of circuit? A power-amplifier transmitter that transmits a
modulator uses what type of synchronization? Open broad band of frequencies typically uses
Self which of the following tubes as the final stage?
The discharge pulse from the artificial A crossed-field amplifier
Which of the following radar indicator transmission line causes a voltage of what
functions is/are controlled by gate pulses from magnitude to appear across the primary of the What is the primary function of the radar
the synchronizer? pulse transformer? duplexing system?
A. Sweep duration One-half the original charge voltage To permit the use of one antenna for
B. Sweep initiation transmission and reception
C. Range-mark generator gating What parameter, if any, of the output pulse
D. All of the above from an artificial transmission line is affected A defective duplexer in a radar will most likely
by the inductance and capacitance of each cause damage to which of the following
Indicator sweep voltage in a radar is normally section of the line? (Excel Review Center) components?
initiated at which of the following times? Width The receiver
At the same time as the transmitter
trigger A pulse-forming network exhibits electrical Why is it desirable that the duplexer quickly
behavior similar to which of the following connect the receiver to the antenna after the
Which of the following circuits converts square devices? transmitted pulse?
waves to positive and negative triggers? An artificial transmission line So that the transmitter power dissipated
A short-time-constant RC differentiator will be minimum
The requirements of a modulator switch are to
Which of the following circuits is used to (1) reach full conduction quickly, (2) consume The action of TR-ATR circuits depends upon
remove either the negative or positive triggers low power, (3) start and stop conduction the impedance characteristics of which of the
from the output of a sine-wave oscillator? suddenly, and (4) conduct high currents and following lengths of transmission line
A limiter handle high voltages. Which of the following segments? (Excel Review Center)
tubes meets these requirements? 1/4 wave length
When the master oscillator in a multivibrator A thyratron
timer is asymmetrical, the output of the master Which of the following requirements is/are
oscillator is in the form of What modulator circuit characteristic essential for proper TR spark gap operation?
rectangular waves determines the charging rate of the storage Low impedance during arc time
element? High impedance prior to arc time
Which of the following oscillators generates Charging impedance What is the purpose of introducing water
sharp trigger pulses without additional vapor into a TR tube?
circuitry? It decreases deionization time
Excel Review Center ECE Refresher/Coaching EST TH 1
Keep-alive voltage is applied to the TR tube following purposes? To correctly represent the location of a target,
for which of the following reasons? It eliminates unwanted signals a radar repeater must receive which of the
To maintain a glow discharge within the following quantities? (Excel Review Center)
tube so that firing will occur rapidly The balanced transformer connected to the A. Video
crystals of a balanced mixer has a secondary B. Timing pulses
ATR tubes generally have a longer duty life that is tuned to what frequency? C. Antenna information
than TR tubes because ATR tubes do NOT The desired IF D. All of the above
use (Excel Review Center)
chemically active gas and keep-alive AGC automatically adjusts the gain of the The A-scope CRT normally uses what type
voltages receiver by controlling which of the following of sweep deflection?
quantities? Electrostatic
In a series-connected duplexer, what spark IF amplifier bias
gap, if any, fires during reception? The RHI scope provides the operator with
Both the TR and ATR A radar receiver uses IAGC for which of the information concerning the target's
following purposes? range and altitude
Indirectly coupled waveguide duplexers are To prevent full amplification of strong
normally connected to the main waveguide by signals Own ship position is at the center of the scope
which of the following devices? To permit full amplification of weak in which of the following radar displays?
A coaxial cable signals PPI scope
The direct-coupled waveguide duplexer is In a radar receiver, which of the following Synchronization of events in PPI circuitry is of
connected to the waveguide at the location of purposes is served by using STC? special importance for which of the following
maximum magnetic field intensity Prevents full amplification of echoes from reasons? (Excel Review Center)
nearby targets To ensure that range readings are
In a hybrid-ring duplexer, the fields at the Permits full amplification of echoes from accurate
entrance of an arm must have what phase distant targets
relationship to propagate energy down the Pulses used to synchronize the ppi with the
arm? In the input of the first video amplifier of a transmitter are developed in which of the
180 degrees radar receiver, the differentiator circuit following circuits?
performs which of the following functions? Gate
Which of the following are requirements of a FTC
microwave receiver? Which of the following circuits produces
A. Amplify extremely high-frequency Delaying the received signals in the MTI currents that deflect the electron beam across
pulses system permits them to be combined with the the CRT?
B. Detect and amplify pulses in the next set of received signals so that only Sweep generator
microvolt range desired signals are displayed. The signals
C. Detect pulses with a duration of a few displayed are formed by which of the following Electromagnetic deflection is preferred over
microseconds methods? (Excel Review Center) electrostatic deflection in PPI scopes because
D. All of the above Subtraction it provides which of the following advantages?
A. Better control of the beam
The maximum range at which a radar receiver In the MTI system, what is the purpose of the B. Better beam position accuracy
can detect an object is limited by which of the coho lock pulse? C. Better deflection sensitivity
following factors? To synchronize the coho and transmitted D. All of the above
Noise frequency phase relationship
Focusing is accomplished in an
An effective radar receiver should have a gain The amplitude of coherent video is determined electromagnetic CRT by varying the
factor that is in which of the following ranges? by the phase difference between which of the current through the coil around the neck of
106 to 108 following signals? the tube
Coho reference and IF echo
An overdriven amplifier stage in a receiver Because the electromagnetic CRT uses
may cause which of the following conditions? The purpose of the MTI system timing circuits magnetic deflection, the sweep circuits must
Blocking is to provide the deflection coils with which of the
control the transmitter pulse-repetition following signals?
The intermediate frequency is produced in frequency Trapezoidal voltage
what stage of a microwave receiver?
The mixer The lin-log amplifier provides (a) a linear In a PPI scope that uses electromagnetic
output voltage for what amplitude of input deflection, the amplitudes and polarities of the
What section of a radar receiver usually signal and (b) a logarithmic output voltage for sawtooth currents are determined by which of
determines the overall bandwidth? what amplitude of input signal? the following inputs?
The IF amplifier (a) Low (b) high Antenna rotation speed
Antenna position
What component in a receiver AFC circuit What channel in a monopulse receiver is used
produces an output voltage proportional in as the reference channel? On the screen of a PPI scope, range markers
amplitude and polarity to any change in the IF appear as (Excel Review Center)
intermediate frequency? vertical pulses
The discriminator Which of the following geometrical quantities
is/are used as coordinates for radar displays? The range sweep in a range-gate generator is
An efficient local oscillator must have which of A. Range started at the same time the transmitter fires.
the following characteristics? B. Bearing A pulse from which of the following circuits
A. Tunable frequency C. Elevation causes this timing?
B. Stable output frequency D. All of the above Transmitter
C. Operation in the 4,000 megahertz range
D. All of the above Of the following target parameters, which When used with a PPI presentation, a range
would most likely be displayed on all radar gate must have which of the following
Which of the following devices would be used sets? characteristics?
as a local oscillator in a radar receiver? A. Altitude Movable in range
A reflex klystron B. Slant range Movable in bearing
C. Ground range
Which of the following advantages is gained D. All of the above Range-markers are produced on the basis of
by using a crystal mixer in a microwave which of the following timing constants?
receiver? Which of the following quantities determines Radar mile
Less noise total distance represented on a CRT display?
Sweep length Of the following receiver special circuits, which
The resonant circuit at the output of an one is used during sensitivity tests?
unbalanced crystal mixer serves which of the AFC
Excel Review Center ECE Refresher/Coaching EST TH 1
To read range directly, the range step is What total number of modulating components Most primary shipboard ac distribution
placed in what position relative to an echo are present in the output spectrum of a pulse systems provide which of the following types
pulse? (Excel Review Center) radar transmitter? (Excel Review Center) of electrical power?
The range step coincides with the leading 2 60 Hz, 3 phase, ungrounded
edge of the echo pulse
In a good spectrum curve the distance If your equipment is missing a certain voltage
Compared to omnidirectional antennas, between the two minima is proportional to input, which of the following actions should
directional antennas provide which of the which of the following transmitter you take first?
following advantages? parameters? Energize the emergency generator
Power gain and directivity Peak power
Which of the following units may be available
If the vertical beam width of a radar antenna The echo box is a good instrument for as an emergency back-up to the central dry-
is decreased, what will be the effect on (a) measuring overall radar system performance air system? (Excel Review Center)
power gain and (b) vertical directivity? because it indicates the combined A. Nitrogen tank
(a) Decrease (b) decrease effectiveness of which of the following B. Local dehydrator
components? C. Local compressor-dehydrator
An array of twelve dipoles are set in the same Transmitter and receiver D. Each of the above
position as a reference dipole and are fed with
the same line. The power gain will be Oscillations in an echo box are known as Which of the following methods is used to cool
dependent on the directivity of the array ringing. Which of the following conditions radar system components?
cause this ringing? A. Air blowers
If the slant range and altitude of a target are A normally operating transmitter B. Liquid-cooling loops
known, which of the following coordinates C. Air-conditioning systems
can be computed using trigonometric What constitutes the single most useful E. Each of the above
functions? measurement you can make with the echo
Elevation angle box? (Excel Review Center) A radar cooling system has a low-flow alarm in
Ring time the sea-water loop. What is the primary
To convert diverging waves into parallel purpose of this alarm?
waves, where must the radiating element be Desirable transmitter output power It removes power from the system
placed in relation to a parabolic reflector? characteristics include what relative levels of
At the focal point of the reflector (a) peak power and (b) average power? Which of the following characteristics of
(a) High (b) low cooling water for electronic equipment must
What is the function of the hemispherical be carefully controlled?
shield of the parabolic reflector? Most transmitter power readings are A. Purity
To reflect RF energy radiated forward of referenced to which of the following B. Pressure
the dipole back to the parabolic reflector quantities? C. Quantity
1 milliwatt D. All of the above
Which of the following types of parabolic
reflectors has a focal line rather than a single Which of the following factors determines the For which of the following reasons do
focal point? (Excel Review Center) overall performance of a radar receiver? personnel sometimes develop a false sense of
Cylindrical A. Bandwidth security concerning exposure to radiation?
B. Sensitivity RF radiation does not always produce
A broadside array causes maximum energy to C. Recovery time of the tr pain
be radiated perpendicular to the plane of the D. All of the above
dipole for which of the following reasons? Injury from X-rays would most likely result
Because dipoles are excited in phase with The ability of a receiver to detect weak signals from which of the following actions?
each other can be determined by which of the following Standing near unshielded high-voltage
measurements? components
The directivity of a horn radiator is dependent Noise figure
on which of the following physical dimensions Minimum discernable signal Fiber optics uses what medium to send
of the horn? information? (Excel Review Center)
A. The shape When several MDS checks are to be taken Light
B. The length over a period of time, the length of the test
C. The mouth size pulse used in the tests should What are the three parts of a fiber optic data
D. All of the above be the same on each check link?
Transmitter, optical fiber, receiver
Feedhorn shadows can be eliminated by When expressing the sensitivity of a radar
taking which of the following actions? receiver, which of the following quantities is The fiber optic transmitter has which of the
By offsetting the horn from the center of used? following functions?
the reflector The signal generator reading Converts the electrical input signal to an
The combined attenuation value of the optical signal
Airborne radars have unique physical design connecting cable and directional coupler
requirements. Which of the following Fiber optic systems use what two types of
functions is performed by the radome? Tr recovery time places limits on which of the optical sources? (Excel Review Center)
A. It serves as the antenna following quantities? LEDs and laser diodes
B. It provides aerodynamic shape Minimum range
C. It protects the antenna from low air The optical source performs which of the
pressure Which of the following methods is/are used to following functions?
D. All of the above determine the effectiveness of a t tube? Launches the optical signal into the fiber
A. Measure the keep-alive current
If a fixed-frequency radar transmitter is found B. Measure the keep-alive voltage What fiber mechanisms weaken and distort
to be off its normal operating band, which of C. Graph the correlation between recovery the optical signal launched into the fiber?
the following corrective actions should be time and leakage power Scattering, absorption, and dispersion
taken? (Excel Review Center) D. All of the above
Replace the defective part causing the What are the two types of optical detectors?
error The presence of standing waves on a PIN diodes and APDs
transmission line indicates which of the The fiber optic receiver performs which of the
If a transmitter carrier wave is modulate by a following conditions? following functions?
square wave, what maximum number of An impedance mismatch Converts the optical signal back into an
different frequencies will be produced? electrical signal
An infinite number Of the following conditions, which would be a
Which of the following statements describes a likely indication of a high VSWR? What are the two parts of a fiber optic
radar transmitter frequency spectrum? Cold spots in the transmission line receiver? (Excel Review Center)
The distribution of energy over a band of Optical detector and signal-conditioning
frequencies circuits