Develop Abl

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Develop ABL Applications


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February 2019

Last updated with new content: Release 12.0

Updated: 2019/03/01

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 3


4 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Table of Contents

Using ABL documentation....................................................................................................................11
References to ABL compiler and run-time features...................................................................11
References to ABL data types...................................................................................................11
Typographical conventions...................................................................................................................11
Examples of syntax descriptions...........................................................................................................13
Long syntax descriptions split across lines................................................................................14
Complex syntax descriptions with both required and optional elements...................................15
OpenEdge messages...........................................................................................................................15
Obtaining more information about OpenEdge messages..........................................................16

Chapter 1: Introducing ABL........................................................................17

About the sample database..................................................................................................................18
In the beginning . . . FOR EACH CUSTOMER.....................................................................................18
Starting your OpenEdge session...............................................................................................19
Writing your first procedure........................................................................................................21
Basic characteristics of ABL.................................................................................................................23
ABL is procedural.......................................................................................................................24
ABL is block-structured..............................................................................................................24
An ABL procedure consists of statements.................................................................................24
ABL combines procedural, database, and user interface statements........................................25
Saving your test procedure...................................................................................................................25

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs...................................................27

Refining the data selection with a WHERE clause...............................................................................27
Comparison operators................................................................................................................28
Using quotation marks...............................................................................................................29
Creating nested blocks to display related data.....................................................................................29
Changing labels and formats................................................................................................................32
Using program variables and data types..............................................................................................32
Defining formats.........................................................................................................................34
Other variable qualifiers.............................................................................................................35
Variable naming conventions.....................................................................................................36
Placement of variable definitions...............................................................................................36
Defining an IF-THEN-ELSE decision point...........................................................................................37

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 5


Using the ABL Unknown value...................................................................................................37

Using built-In ABL functions.......................................................................................................38
ABL Functions............................................................................................................................40
Putting a calculation into your procedure..............................................................................................43
Arithmetic expressions and operands........................................................................................43
Arithmetic built-in functions........................................................................................................46
Getting to online help............................................................................................................................47
Saving and compiling your test procedure............................................................................................50

Chapter 3: Running ABL Procedures.........................................................53

Running a subprocedure.......................................................................................................................53
Using the Propath.................................................................................................................................54
Using external and internal procedures................................................................................................58
Writing internal procedures........................................................................................................58
Assigning a value to a variable..................................................................................................59
When to use internal and external procedures..........................................................................61
RETURN statement and RETURN-VALUE................................................................................61
Adding comments to your procedure....................................................................................................62

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access........................................63

Blocks and block properties..................................................................................................................64
Procedure block scoping ......................................................................................................................64
Language statements that define blocks..............................................................................................66
DO blocks...................................................................................................................................67
FOR blocks................................................................................................................................72
REPEAT blocks..........................................................................................................................80
Data access without looping: the FIND statement.....................................................................82

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope..........................................93

Record buffers.......................................................................................................................................93
Record scope........................................................................................................................................96
Self-contained references to a buffer.........................................................................................97
Generating a procedure listing file.............................................................................................98
Nested, weak-scoped references to the same buffer...............................................................100
Weak-scoped blocks and free references................................................................................101
Scoping buffers........................................................................................................................101
Strong-scoped references and containing blocks....................................................................103

Chapter 6: Using Queries..........................................................................107

Why you use queries in your application............................................................................................107
Queries versus block-oriented data access.............................................................................108
Using queries to share data between procedures....................................................................109

6 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Using queries to populate a browse.........................................................................................109

Defining and using queries.................................................................................................................109
OPEN and CLOSE QUERY statements..................................................................................110
GET statements.......................................................................................................................111
Closing a query........................................................................................................................113
Determining the current number of rows in a query.................................................................114
Identifying the current row in the query....................................................................................118
Repositioning a query..............................................................................................................120

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables............................................125

Using temp-tables in your application.................................................................................................126
ABL ProDataSets.....................................................................................................................126
ABL work-tables.......................................................................................................................127
The temporary database for temp-tables.................................................................................127
Defining a temp-table...............................................................................................................127
Using a temp-table to summarize data...............................................................................................131
Using a temp-table as a parameter.....................................................................................................133
Temp-table parameter syntax...................................................................................................134
Passing a temp-table by value.................................................................................................135
Passing a temp-table by reference..........................................................................................135
Passing a temp-table parameter by binding.............................................................................136
Defining a procedure to return Order Lines..............................................................................138
Using BUFFER-COPY to assign multiple fields.......................................................................138
Using include files to duplicate code...................................................................................................139
Adding an Order Line browse to the Customer window......................................................................140

Chapter 8: Defining Functions..................................................................145

User-defined functions........................................................................................................................145
Defining a function..............................................................................................................................146
Making a forward declaration for a function.............................................................................147
Making run-time references with DYNAMIC-FUNCTION.........................................................150

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records.....................................153

Overview of data handling statements................................................................................................154
Record locking in ABL.........................................................................................................................156
Record locking examples.........................................................................................................157
Making sure you release record locks......................................................................................163
Lock table resources................................................................................................................163
Optimistic and pessimistic locking strategies...........................................................................163

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 7


Chapter 10: Managing Transactions........................................................167

Controlling the size of a transaction....................................................................................................167
Making a transaction larger......................................................................................................170
Making a transaction smaller...................................................................................................170
Transactions and trigger and procedure blocks.......................................................................171
Checking whether a transaction is active.................................................................................172
The NO-UNDO keyword on temp-tables and variables...........................................................172
Using the UNDO statement................................................................................................................173
Using the UNDO statement in the sample procedure..............................................................175
Subtransactions ......................................................................................................................181
Transaction mechanics............................................................................................................183
Using the ON phrase on a block header..................................................................................183
Handling the ERROR condition................................................................................................184
ENDKEY condition...................................................................................................................186
STOP condition........................................................................................................................187
QUIT condition.........................................................................................................................188


8 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


For details, see the following topics:

• Purpose

• Audience

• Organization

• Using ABL documentation

• Typographical conventions

• Examples of syntax descriptions

• OpenEdge messages

This book is an introductory tour of some of the essential elements of ABL (Advanced Business Language).
By the time you complete the tour, you will be competent to use ABL to build powerful business application
logic, not just the toy demonstration windows you find in other language tutorials. ABL is not a toy. Rather it is
a tool for serious developers who have serious business problems to solve.
There are a lot more specifics to many of the language statements, keywords, and options than this book
covers. Therefore, you should always refer to the product documentation for more information. Where the
language is concerned, you should refer to OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference. This book has a complete
description of all ABL methods, attributes, and events as well as an alphabetical listing of all the language
keywords. Always look to it for more details on any topic covered in this book.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 9


This book is written for people completely new to ABL. ABL remains by far the most powerful and comprehensive
language for developing serious business applications. Combined with the OpenEdge RDBMS™ database and
the other components of the OpenEdge™ product family, ABL can support you in building and deploying your
applications in ways that are matched by no other environment today. For those of you in this second group,
you should take the time to learn enough about the language to understand some of the many ways it can help
you in your development work. You probably need to have a background in some other programming language
to catch on to ABL quickly, because the material might come at you fast and furious. Despite its many
extraordinary and unique features, ABL is a programming language with most of the same constructs common
to almost all such languages.

Introducing ABL on page 17
Provides an introduction to ABL including an overview of its characteristics.
Using Basic ABL Constructs on page 27
Describes the basics of writing ABL procedures.
Running ABL Procedures on page 53
Describes how you can work with and run different types of ABL procedures.
Procedure Blocks and Data Access on page 63
Describes how to integrate data-access logic into procedures using procedure blocks and record scope.
Record Buffers and Record Scope on page 93
Expands the discussion on integrating data-access logic into procedures with record buffers and record scope.
Using Queries on page 107
Describes how to implement field-level help and a complete online help system.
Defining and Using Temp-tables on page 125
Describes how to define and use temp-tables to pass result sets between application modules which is essential
when creating distributed applications.
Defining Functions on page 145
Describes how to create user-defined functions.
Handling Data and Locking Records on page 153
Describes data handling and record locks from the perspective of a distributed application.
Managing Transactions on page 167
Describes how to manage database transactions.

10 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Using ABL documentation

OpenEdge provides a special purpose programming language for building business applications. In the
documentation, the formal name for this language is ABL (Advanced Business Language). With few exceptions,
all keywords of the language appear in all UPPERCASE, using a font that is appropriate to the context. All other
alphabetic language content appears in mixed case.
For the latest documentation updates go to

References to ABL compiler and run-time features

ABL is both a compiled and an interpreted language that executes in a run-time engine. The documentation
refers to this run-time engine as the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM). When the documentation refers to ABL source
code compilation, it specifies ABL or the compiler as the actor that manages compile-time features of the
language. When the documentation refers to run-time behavior in an executing ABL program, it specifies the
AVM as the actor that manages the specified run-time behavior in the program.
For example, these sentences refer to the ABL compiler's allowance for parameter passing and the AVM's
possible response to that parameter passing at run time: "ABL allows you to pass a dynamic temp-table handle
as a static temp-table parameter of a method. However, if at run time the passed dynamic temp-table schema
does not match the schema of the static temp-table parameter, the AVM raises an error." The following sentence
refers to run-time actions that the AVM can perform using a particular ABL feature: "The ABL socket object
handle allows the AVM to connect with other ABL and non-ABL sessions using TCP/IP sockets."

References to ABL data types

ABL provides built-in data types, built-in class data types, and user-defined class data types. References to
built-in data types follow these rules:

• Like most other keywords, references to specific built-in data types appear in all UPPERCASE, using a font
that is appropriate to the context. No uppercase reference ever includes or implies any data type other than
• Wherever integer appears, this is a reference to the INTEGER or INT64 data type.
• Wherever character appears, this is a reference to the CHARACTER, LONGCHAR, or CLOB data type.
• Wherever decimal appears, this is a reference to the DECIMAL data type.
• Wherever numeric appears, this is a reference to the INTEGER, INT64, or DECIMAL data type.
References to built-in class data types appear in mixed case with initial caps, for example,
Progress.Lang.Object. References to user-defined class data types appear in mixed case, as specified
for a given application example.

Typographical conventions
This documentation uses the following typographical and syntax conventions:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 11


Convention Description

Bold Bold typeface indicates commands or characters the user types, provides
emphasis, or the names of user interface elements.

Italic Italic typeface indicates the title of a document, or signifies new terms.

SMALL, BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS Small, bold capital letters indicate OpenEdge key functions and generic
keyboard keys; for example, GET and CTRL.

KEY1+KEY2 A plus sign between key names indicates a simultaneous key sequence:
you press and hold down the first key while pressing the second key. For
example, CTRL+X.

KEY1 KEY2 A space between key names indicates a sequential key sequence: you press
and release the first key, then press another key. For example, ESCAPE H.


Fixed width A fixed-width font is used in syntax, code examples, system output, and file

Fixed-width italics Fixed-width italics indicate variables in syntax.

Fixed-width bold Fixed-width bold italic indicates variables in syntax with special emphasis.

UPPERCASE fixed width ABL keywords in syntax and code examples are almost always shown in
upper case. Although shown in uppercase, you can type ABL keywords in
either uppercase or lowercase in a procedure or class.

Period (.) or colon (:) All statements except DO, FOR, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and REPEAT end
with a period. DO, FOR, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and REPEAT statements
can end with either a period or a colon.

Large brackets indicate the items within them are optional.

[ ]
[] Small brackets are part of ABL.

Large braces indicate the items within them are required. They are used to
{ } simplify complex syntax diagrams.

{} Small braces are part of ABL. For example, a called external procedure must
use braces when referencing arguments passed by a calling procedure.

A vertical bar indicates a choice.

Ellipses indicate repetition: you can choose one or more of the preceding
... items.

12 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Examples of syntax descriptions

In this example, ACCUM is a keyword, and aggregate and expression are variables:


ACCUM aggregate expression

FOR is one of the statements that can end with either a period or a colon, as in this example:


DISPLAY Customer.Name.

In this example, STREAM stream, UNLESS-HIDDEN, and NO-ERROR are optional:



In this example, the outer (small) brackets are part of the language, and the inner (large) brackets denote an
optional item:


INITIAL [ constant [ , constant ] ]

A called external procedure must use braces when referencing compile-time arguments passed by a calling
procedure, as shown in this example:


{ &argument-name }

In this example, EACH, FIRST, and LAST are optional, but you can choose only one of them:


PRESELECT [ EACH | FIRST | LAST ] record-phrase

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 13


In this example, you must include two expressions, and optionally you can include more. Multiple expressions
are separated by commas:


MAXIMUM ( expression , expression [ , expression ] ... )

In this example, you must specify MESSAGE and at least one expression or SKIP [ ( n ) ], and any number
of additional expression or SKIP [( n ) ] is allowed:

MESSAGE { expression | SKIP [ ( n ) ] } ...

In this example, you must specify {include-file, then optionally any number of argument or
&argument-name = "argument-value", and then terminate with }:


{ include-file
[ argument | &argument-name = "argument-value" ] ... }

Long syntax descriptions split across lines

Some syntax descriptions are too long to fit on one line. When syntax descriptions are split across multiple
lines, groups of optional and groups of required items are kept together in the required order.
In this example, WITH is followed by six optional items:


WITH [ ACCUM max-length ] [ expression DOWN ]


14 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Complex syntax descriptions with both required and optional

Some syntax descriptions are too complex to distinguish required and optional elements by bracketing only
the optional elements. For such syntax, the descriptions include both braces (for required elements) and
brackets (for optional elements).
In this example, ASSIGN requires either one or more field entries or one record. Options available with
field or record are grouped with braces and brackets:


ASSIGN { [ FRAME frame ] { field [ = expression ] }

[ WHEN expression ] } ...
| { record [ EXCEPT field ... ] }

OpenEdge messages
OpenEdge displays several types of messages to inform you of routine and unusual occurrences:

• Execution messages inform you of errors encountered while OpenEdge is running a procedure; for example,
if OpenEdge cannot find a record with a specified index field value.
• Compile messages inform you of errors found while OpenEdge is reading and analyzing a procedure
before running it; for example, if a procedure references a table name that is not defined in the database.
• Startup messages inform you of unusual conditions detected while OpenEdge is getting ready to execute;
for example, if you entered an invalid startup parameter.
After displaying a message, OpenEdge proceeds in one of several ways:

• Continues execution, subject to the error-processing actions that you specify or that are assumed as part
of the procedure. This is the most common action taken after execution messages.
• Returns to the Procedure Editor, so you can correct an error in a procedure. This is the usual action taken
after compiler messages.
• Halts processing of a procedure and returns immediately to the Procedure Editor. This does not happen
• Terminates the current session.
OpenEdge messages end with a message number in parentheses. In this example, the message number is

** Unknown table name table. (200)

If you encounter an error that terminates OpenEdge, note the message number before restarting.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 15


Obtaining more information about OpenEdge messages

In Windows platforms, use OpenEdge online help to obtain more information about OpenEdge messages.
Many OpenEdge tools include the following Help menu options to provide information about messages:
• Choose Help > Recent Messages to display detailed descriptions of the most recent OpenEdge message
and all other messages returned in the current session.
• Choose Help > Messages and then type the message number to display a description of a specific OpenEdge
• In the Procedure Editor, press the HELP key or F1.
On UNIX platforms, use the OpenEdge pro command to start a single-user mode character OpenEdge client
session and view a brief description of a message by providing its number.
To use the pro command to obtain a message description by message number:

1. Start the Procedure Editor:


2. Press F3 to access the menu bar, then choose Help > Messages.
3. Type the message number and press ENTER. Details about that message number appear.
4. Press F4 to close the message, press F3 to access the Procedure Editor menu, and choose File > Exit.

16 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Introducing ABL

ABL (Advanced Business Language) is a high-level procedural programming language developed to enable
you to build almost all aspects of an enterprise business application, from the user interface to the database
access and business logic. ABL is a versatile and extraordinarily powerful tool. Not only can you use it to
program applications, but you can build many of the tools that you use to help create and support those
ABL includes powerful statements and keywords that are specialized for building business applications. Single
programming statements in ABL can do the work of dozens or possibly hundreds of lines of code in a standard
3GL, such as Visual Basic, Java, or C++. A single ABL statement can bring data all the way from the application
database to the user interface, or return a user's changes back to the database. Other statements let you
program with great precision, even down to the level of extracting individual bits from a data stream. This
flexibility is what gives ABL its great power as a development language. Most of the development tools you

use to develop OpenEdge applications are themselves written in ABL.

In its first releases in the early 1980s, ABL allowed developers to build character interface applications that ran
on a wide variety of hardware platforms, including many varieties of UNIX, DOS, and some other operating
systems no longer in use. Early OpenEdge applications were, from the very first, fully portable between platforms
so that a developer could simply move application programs from one type of machine or one type of display
terminal to another with confidence that they would work correctly.
With the increasing presence of Microsoft Windows as a platform for graphical interfaces, ABL evolved to
support those interfaces, with all their various visual controls, as well as the event-driven programming constructs
needed for a menu-and-mouse-driven application. Today ABL continues to grow, with newer extensions to
provide more and more dynamic definition of application components, as well as access to open technologies
such as XML, and a host of other constructs to support an open application development and deployment
And all the while, ABL-based applications can be brought from one release to the next largely without change.
ABL provides a degree of compatibility and upward migration from one release to the next unmatched
(unattempted, really) by any other high-level programming language.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 17

Chapter 1: Introducing ABL

Starting with OpenEdge Release 11.0, one of the newest enhancements to ABL is the addition of classes.
Classes enable you to design and implement entire applications as a collection of related and strongly-typed
objects using the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP). For an introduction to OOP, see Develop
Object-oriented ABL Applications.

For details, see the following topics:

• About the sample database

• In the beginning . . . FOR EACH CUSTOMER

• Basic characteristics of ABL

• Saving your test procedure

About the sample database

This book uses one of the standard OpenEdge sample databases for its examples, the Sports2000 database.
This is a simplified example of a database that might be used in a typical order entry application, with customers,
orders, order lines, and other information for keeping track of customers and their orders. Some of the same
example procedures and windows you will build are used and extended throughout the book as you are
introduced to new programming concepts, but you will not be building a complete sample application. This is
largely because, in the course of introducing so many separate language constructs and programming
techniques, the book gives you more of a one-of-each experience that would not be typical of a standardized
application. Once you've worked through the book, you will be able to use what you learn to build many kinds
of comprehensive applications.

In the beginning . . . FOR EACH CUSTOMER

There's a prototypical ABL procedure often used as an example, one that couldn't be simpler, but that shows
a lot about the power of the language. It has appeared on coffee mugs and tee shirts for two decades. Here it

FOR EACH Customer:

DISPLAY Customer.

You can't get much simpler than that, but it would take hours to explain in detail everything that this little
procedure does for you. To summarize:

• Customer is the name of a table in the Sports2000 sample database that you'll connect to. The FOR EACH
statement starts a block of code that opens a query on that database table and returns each record in the
table, one at a time, in each iteration of the block.
• Each Customer record is displayed on the screen in turn. The code takes formatting and label information
from the database schema definition and uses it to create a default display format for all the fields in the
table. DISPLAY Customer means display all the fields in the table.

• As each record is displayed, the display moves down a row to display the next Customer. The effect is
more like what you would see in a report rather than a browse or other grid control.

18 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

In the beginning . . . FOR EACH CUSTOMER

• The block of code—everything from the FOR EACH statement through the END statement—iterates once
for each Customer record (hence the syntax FOR EACH). All the code in between (in this case just a
DISPLAY statement) is executed for each customer retrieved.

• When the display gets to the bottom of the available display area, it automatically pauses, with a message
prompting you to press the space bar to see the next set of rows.
• When you press the space bar, the display clears and a new set of rows appears.
• When the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) detects the end of the record set (all the Customer records in this
case), it terminates the procedure with the message "Procedure complete. Press space bar to continue."
• If you get tired of looking at customers (there are several hundred in the table), you can press the ESCAPE
key to terminate the procedure.

Starting your OpenEdge session

So where do you enter this little piece of code? First, you need to start an OpenEdge session, create and
connect to a copy of the sample database the example uses, and then bring up the Procedure Editor.
To start your OpenEdge session:
1. From the Windows desktop Start menu, select the OpenEdge environment, using whatever name you gave
to it when you installed it, and under that menu item, select the Client option. For example, select Start >
Programs > OpenEdge > Client.
The Procedure Editor window appears. From here you can access all the basic OpenEdge development

Note: Starting with OpenEdge Release 11.0, you can also access the Procedure Editor from within the
Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge development environment (Start > Programs > OpenEdge >
Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge).

2. From the main menu, select Tools > Data Dictionary.

The OpenEdge Data Dictionary Startup dialog box opens. The Data Dictionary is where you define and
manage all the tables and fields in your application database. To get you started, you can create your own
copy of the Sports2000 database, which is the standard OpenEdge demo database. You need to copy the
database so that your test procedures can make changes to it without modifying the version of it in your
install directory.

3. In the Dictionary Startup dialog box, select the option to create a new database, then click OK:

The Create Database dialog box appears and prompts you for the name of your copy of the database.

4. Type Sports2000. By default, OpenEdge creates a database named Sports2000 in your working directory.
If you'd like the database to be somewhere else, you can click the Files button next to the New Physical
Database Name fill-in field to browse the directory structure for the right location for your database.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 19

Chapter 1: Introducing ABL

5. After you've entered your new database name, select the Start with A Copy of Some Other Database
option, and then click the Files button next to the fill-in field:

6. Locate the Sports2000 database in your OpenEdge install directory, then either double-click that entry or
click the Open button:

The pathname to the database is filled in when you return to the Create Database dialog box:

20 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

In the beginning . . . FOR EACH CUSTOMER

7. Click OK to accept this pathname. The Connect Database dialog box appears.
8. Make sure the Physical Name field shows Sports2000 and the Database Type is OpenEdge. Click OK.
Because you created this database as part of the Data Dictionary startup, which needs to have a database
connected before it lets you in, the Data Dictionary main window now opens.
To familiarize yourself with the Sports2000 database tables:
1. Select the Customer table from the Tables list, then click the Fields button on the Dictionary's toolbar:

All the fields (or columns, to use the equivalent SQL terminology) in the table are shown in the Fields list
to the right.
2. Scroll through the list to see all the fields in the table. You'll be displaying a few of these fields later, and
using others to select a subset of the Customers for display. Notice in particular the CustNum field which
gives a unique number to each Customer.
3. Scroll down the list of Tables, then select the Order table.
You can see that there is an OrderNum field, which gives each Order a unique number. Notice also that,
as in the Customer table, this table includes a CustNum field. You will use this field in Using Basic ABL
Constructs on page 27 to link, or join, the Order table to the Customer record with the same CustNum
There is much more to see in the Dictionary. If you want to wander around in the displays, go ahead, but
just don't change anything! Any changes you make might affect steps later in this tutorial. If you make
changes to tables or fields, this might invalidate records that are already in the sample database or keep
some of your later example procedures from working.

4. To leave the Data Dictionary, select Database > Exit from the Dictionary menu.
You remain connected to the database until you go back to the Data Dictionary and disconnect from the
database or until you end the OpenEdge session.

Writing your first procedure

Your first ABL procedure will be very simple to get you started with the language. But before you enter this first
procedure, you need to make an adjustment to the code.
There are a fair number of fields in the Customer table, so the resulting formatting of all the fields in a limited
display area would be a mess. In fact, one of the fields, the Comments field, is so large that the AVM will balk
at displaying it without some guidance from you on how to format and position it.
So it's better to select just a few of the fields from the table to display to make it more manageable. Select the
CustNum field, which is the unique customer number, the Name field, which is the customer name, and the
City field, which is part of the customer's address.
In ABL, a list of fields is separated by spaces, so the new procedure becomes:

FOR EACH Customer:

DISPLAY CustNum Name City.

To enter this procedure in the Procedure Editor in the Procedure Editor window, type your block of code:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 21

Chapter 1: Introducing ABL

See Starting your OpenEdge session on page 19 for how to start the Procedure Editor.
You might notice the following about this code:

• You can type the table name Customer with an uppercase C, or type it in lower-case, or all in uppercase,
or however you wish. ABL is entirely case-insensitive when it comes to both language keywords and database
table and field names. Uppercasing the keywords is just a convention to aid in code readability, but you
could type for each or For Each as well and it would work just the same.

• Typing CustNum in mixed case is just a convention to aid readability.

• The Customer field Name is the same name as the ABL keyword, NAME. ABL is relatively forgiving in this
way: if the ABL compiler, which processes the code you type in, can distinguish between a word that is a
field name or table name and one that must be a keyword, it will let you use it that way. It's a good idea to
avoid using keywords as table or field names in your database definition, though. For a list of all ABL
keywords, see ABL Reference.
To execute your procedure, press the F2 key on your keyboard (the keyboard shortcut for the RUN command).
Alternatively, you can select Compile > Run from the Procedure Editor menu.
The Procedure Editor shows the first set of customer numbers, names, and cities:

22 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Basic characteristics of ABL

To see the next pages of Customer numbers, names and cities, press the SPACE BAR a few times. Press
ESCAPE to terminate the display. Otherwise, the display terminates after the last page of Customers has been
This little three-line procedure certainly does a lot for you, but it doesn't produce an output display that you
would put directly into an application. There are many qualifiers to the DISPLAY keyword in the statement that
you can use to adjust its behavior and appearance, some of which you'll see later on in this chapter.
Fundamentally, the DISPLAY statement is not intended to produce polished output by itself for a graphical
application. There are other statements in the language you can use to define the windows, browses, toolbar
buttons, and other features of a complete user interface. You'll get to know those statements in later chapters.
For the purposes of your introduction to the language, leave the display format as it is, so that you can see
how the structure of the language itself is put together. You will complete a little test procedure here that shows
you a lot about ABL. After only a few chapters, you'll be building complete application windows and all the logic
that goes on behind them.

Basic characteristics of ABL

You just wrote about the simplest starting procedure possible. What can you learn from it already?

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 23

Chapter 1: Introducing ABL

ABL is procedural
ABL is a procedural programming language. That means that you write sets of language statements that you
can save in individual, named procedures. The language statements are usually executed or processed in the
order in which they appear in the procedure. In a simple procedure such as this one, the statements are
executed as they appear. As you move further into building event-driven applications, where the user has a
variety of ways to control the application by clicking buttons or making menu selections, you will learn about
how to define trigger code that sets up blocks of statements to be executed later on when a particular action

Note: ABL also has extensive object-oriented programming capabilities, but these are beyond the scope of
this book. For more information, see Develop Object-oriented ABL Applications.

ABL is block-structured
An ABL procedure is made up of blocks. The procedure itself is the main block of the procedure. There are a
number of ways to define other blocks within the main procedure block. The FOR EACH statement and its
matching END statement are one example of a nested block, in this case one that iterates through a set of
database records and executes all the code in between for each record in the set. There are other block
statements you can use for different purposes. Some of them are also iterating, and cause the block to be
executed multiple times. Others simply define a set of statements to be executed together. You'll learn about
all of these in later chapters.

An ABL procedure consists of statements

An ABL procedure is made up of a sequence of language statements. Each statement has one or more ABL
keywords, along with other tokens such as database field names or variable names. An ABL statement normally
ends with a period. By convention, a statement that defines the beginning of a block, such as your FOR EACH
Customer statement, can end with a colon instead. There's no significance to the end of the line in ABL. A
single statement can span multiple lines, and if you wish, there can be multiple statements on a single line.
There's no special syntax needed to break up a statement between lines, but if you have a single element of
a statement, such as a quoted string, that is long enough that you need to make it span lines, then end the first
line with a tilde character (~).
There must be at least one space (or other white space character such as a tab or new line) in between each
token in the statement. ABL is not sensitive to additional white space. You can indent lines of code and put
tabs between parts of a statement for readability, and none of this will affect how the statement executes.
ABL is case-insensitive. This means that you can write either an ABL keyword or a reference to a variable
name, or database table or field name, in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. For a list of all
the ABL keywords, you can look through the index in the Help Topics submenu of the Help menu (via any of
the OpenEdge development tools).
When you define variables in a procedure, and when you define database tables and fields, you must give
them names that begin with a letter. After that, the name can include letters, numeric digits, periods (.), hyphens
(-), and underscores (_). When you save your ABL procedure, you give it a name as well, and this follows the
same naming rules. Note that, although ABL itself has many hyphenated keywords, you should not use hyphens
in database table and field names, as well as procedure and variable names in your application. You should
follow this guideline because other programming languages that you might want to combine with ABL procedures
often do not allow a hyphen as a character in a procedure or parameter name. And the SQL database access
language, which you can also use to manage data in your OpenEdge database using other tools, does not
allow hyphens in table and field names.

24 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Saving your test procedure

A good naming convention for all kinds of names in ABL procedures is to use mixed case (as with the CustNum
field) to break up a name into multiple words or other identifiable parts. Using capital letters to identify the
beginning of each word or subpart within the name improves the readability of your code.

ABL combines procedural, database, and user interface statements

There are three basic kinds of statements in an ABL program: procedural statements, database access
statements, and user interface statements. Sometimes individual statements contain elements of all three.
Your first simple procedure contains all three types, and illustrates the power of the language.
The FOR EACH statement itself can be considered procedural, because it defines an action within the program,
in this case, repeating a block of statements up to the END statement.
But the FOR EACH statement is also a database access statement, because it defines a result set that the FOR
EACH block is going to iterate over, in this case, the set of all Customer records in the database. This simple
convention of combining procedural logic with database access is a fundamental and enormously powerful
feature of ABL. In another language, you would have to define a database query using a syntax that is basically
divorced from the procedural language around it, and then have additional statements to control the flow of
data into your procedure. In ABL, you can combine all these elements in a way that is very natural, flexible,
and efficient, and relates to the way you think about how the program uses the data.
The FOR EACH block is also powerful because it transparently presents each record to your program in turn,
so that the rest of the procedural logic can act on it. If you've written applications that use the SQL language
for data retrieval, you can compare the ABL FOR EACH block with a program in another language containing
embedded SQL statements, where the set-based nature of the SQL SELECT statement is not a good match
to the record-by-record way in which your program normally wants to interact with the data.
The DISPLAY statement shows that user interface statements are also closely integrated with the rest of the
program. ABL contains language statements not only to display data, but also to create, update, and delete
records, and to assign individual values. All of these statements are fully integrated with the procedural language.
In later chapters, you'll learn how to build your applications so that the procedures that control the user interface
are cleanly separated from the procedures that manage the data and define your business logic.

Saving your test procedure

Before you move on to extend your first procedure to learn some of the other ABL basics, you should save it
out to the operating system. To do this, give your code a procedure name. This follows the same rules as other
names, and by convention has a filename extension of .p (for procedure).
To save your procedure in the Procedure Editor, select File > Save As. Call the procedure h-CustSample.p
and save the file to your working directory, or some other directory you've created.
Now you are ready to extend your procedure in various ways.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 25

Chapter 1: Introducing ABL

26 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using Basic ABL Constructs

In Introducing ABL on page 17, you learned some of the basic characteristics of ABL and you created a small
test procedure. In this chapter you will extend your test procedure.

For details, see the following topics:

• Refining the data selection with a WHERE clause

• Creating nested blocks to display related data

• Changing labels and formats

• Using program variables and data types

• Defining an IF-THEN-ELSE decision point

• Putting a calculation into your procedure

• Getting to online help

• Saving and compiling your test procedure

Refining the data selection with a WHERE clause

So far you've been selecting all the Customer records in the database. Now you'll refine that selection to show
only those Customers from the state of New Hampshire. There is a State field in the Customer table that
holds the two-letter state abbreviation for states in the USA.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 27

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

ABL supports a WHERE clause in any statement that retrieves data from the database, which will be familiar to
you if you have used SQL or other similar data access languages. The WHERE keyword can be followed by any
expression that identifies a subset of the data. You'll learn a lot more about this in later chapters, but for now
a simple expression is all you need.
To refine the data selection in your test procedure:
1. Add the following WHERE clause to the end of your FOR EACH statement:

FOR EACH Customer WHERE Customer.State = "NH":

2. Press F2 to see the reduced list of Customers. The list should now use only a bit more than a page in the
display window.
3. Add a sort expression to the end of your WHERE clause to sort the Customers in order by their City. ABL
uses the keyword BY to indicate a sort sequence. For example:

FOR EACH Customer WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:

4. Press F2 to run the procedure again to see the effects of your change.

Comparison operators
The equal sign is just one of a number of comparison operators you can use in ABL expressions. The following
table provides a complete list.

Table 1: Comparison operators

Keyword Symbol Explanation

EQ = Equal to

NE <> Not equal to

GT > Greater than

LT < Less than

GE >= Greater than or equal to

LE <= Less than or equal to

BEGINS Not applicable A character value that begins with this substring

28 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Creating nested blocks to display related data

Keyword Symbol Explanation

MATCHES Not applicable A character value that matches this substring, which can include
wild card characters
The expression you use to the right of the MATCHES keyword can
contain wild card characters:

• An asterisk (*) represents one or more missing characters

• A period (.) represents exactly one missing character

CONTAINS Not applicable A database text field that has a special kind of index called a
The WORD-INDEX indexes all the words in a field's text strings, for
all the records of the table, allowing you to locate individual words
or associated words in the database records, much as you do when
you use an Internet search engine to locate text in documents on
the Web

Using quotation marks

You can use single quotation marks (') and double quotation marks (") interchangeably to define a string
constant. You must balance them properly, using the same type of quotation mark at the beginning and the
end of the string. Use double quotes if your string contains a single quote, and vice versa, as in the following

DISPLAY "Always using the same type of quotes!".

DISPLAY 'Like this.'.
DISPLAY "But never like this!'.

Creating nested blocks to display related data

To review, the FOR EACH statement in your procedure creates a code block nested inside the implicit main
block of the procedure itself. Now you will create a second FOR EACH block, nested inside the first FOR EACH,
to display the Order records in the database for each New Hampshire Customer.
To create a nested block, add another FOR EACH block inside the first block, so that your procedure looks like

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.City.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate Order.ShipDate.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 29

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

This example shows the code indented so that the new block is visually nested in the outer block, which helps
code readability.
First, look at the new FOR EACH statement. The keyword OF is a shorthand for a WHERE clause that joins the
two tables together. When you looked at the two tables and their fields in the Dictionary, you saw that both
tables have a CustNum field. This is the primary key of the Customer table, which means that each Customer
is assigned a unique number for the CustNum field, and this is the primary identifier for the Customer. In the
Order table, the OrderNum is the unique Order identifier, and its primary key. The CustNum field in the Order
table points back to the Customer the Order is for. It's a foreign key because it points to a record in another
table. To retrieve and display the Orders for a Customer, you have to join the two tables on the CustNum
field that they have in common. The full WHERE clause for this join would be: WHERE Customer.CustNum =
Order.CustNum. This kind of syntax will be familiar to you if you've ever worked with SQL.
The WHERE clause is telling the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) to select those records where the CustNum field
in one table matches the CustNum field in the other. In order to tell the AVM which field is which, both are
qualified by the table name, followed by a period.
In ABL, you can use the syntax Order OF Customer as a shorthand for this join if the two tables have one
or more like-named fields in common that constitute the join relationship, and those fields are indexed in at
least one of the tables (normally they should be indexed in both). You can always use the full WHERE clause
syntax instead of the OF phrase if you wish; the effect is the same, and if there is any doubt as to how the tables
are related, it makes the relationship your code is using completely clear. In fact, the OF phrase is really one
of those beginner shortcuts that makes it easy to write a very simple procedure but which really isn't good
practice in a complex application, because it isn't clear just from reading the statement which fields are being
used to relate the two tables. You should generally be explicit about your field relationships in your applications.
These simple nested FOR EACH statements accomplish something that would be a lot of work in other languages.
To retrieve the Customers and their Orders separately, as you really want to do, you would have to define
two separate queries using embedded SQL syntax, open them, and control them explicitly in your code. This
would be a lot of work. For example, the straight forward single SQL query to retrieve the same data would be:

SELECT Customer.CustNum, Name, City, OrderNum, OrderDate, ShipDate FROM

Customer, Order WHERE Customer.State = "NH" AND Customer.CustNum = Order.CustNum;

This code would retrieve all the related Customers and Orders into a single two-dimensional table, which is
not very useful: all the Customer information would be repeated for each of the Customer's Orders, and you
would have to pull it apart yourself to display the information as header and detail, which is probably what you
want. By contrast, when you run your very simple ABL procedure, you get a default display that represents the
data properly as master (Customer) and detail (Order) information, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1: Result of running simple sample procedure

30 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Creating nested blocks to display related data

The AVM automatically gives you two separate display areas, one for the Customer fields showing one
Customer at a time, and one for the Orders of the Customer. These display areas are called frames. You'll
learn more about ABL frames in later chapters.
Unlike in the first example, which displays a whole page of Customers, each time you press the SPACE BAR,
the AVM displays just the next Customer and its Orders. Why did the AVM do this? The nested FOR EACH
blocks tell the AVM that there are multiple Orders to display for each Customer, so it knows that it doesn't
make sense to display more than one Customer at a time. So it creates a small frame just big enough to display
the fields for one Customer, and then separately creates another frame where it can display multiple Orders.
The latter frame is called a down frame, because it can display multiple rows of data as it moves down the
page. The top frame is actually referred to as a one down frame because it displays only a single row of data
at a time.
You can control the size of the frames, how many rows are displayed, and many other attributes, by appending
a WITH phrase to your statement.
To see how the WITH phrase can affect your test procedure:
1. Add the words WITH CENTERED to the DISPLAY statement for the Order frame:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.City.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate Order.ShipDate WITH CENTERED.

2. Run the procedure again. The Order frame is centered in the default display window:

There are lots of frame attributes you can specify here (for a description of frame attributes, read the section
on the Frame Phrase in ABL Reference). This book doesn't tell you much more about frame attributes, either
now or later, because you won't use most of them in your GUI applications. These attributes are designed to
help you define frames for a character mode application, where the interface is basically just a series of 24 or
25 lines of 80 characters each. For this kind of display format, a sequence of frames displayed one beneath
the other is an appropriate and convenient way to lay out the screen. But in a GUI application, you instead lay
out your display using a visual design tool, such as the OpenEdge AppBuilder or Progress Developer Studio
for OpenEdge and it generates the code or data needed to create the user interface at run time. This chapter
shows you the basics of how ABL works and how it was designed, even though you will do most of your work
a different way in your new applications.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 31

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

Changing labels and formats

The default label for the Order Number field is Order Num (you define default labels in the Data Dictionary
when you set up your database), and you might prefer that it just say Order. Also, the default display format
for the ShipDate field is different from the format for the OrderDate field: one has a four-digit year and the
other a two-digit year. You can change labels and default formats in your DISPLAY statement. If you add the
LABEL keyword or the FORMAT keyword after the field name, followed by a string for the value you'd prefer,
then the display changes accordingly.
To make such changes to your test procedure, change the OrderNum LABEL to Order and the ShipDate
FORMAT to 99/99/99.
In the following example, each field has its own line in the code block, to make the code easier to read, and to
emphasize that this style of coding does not change how the procedure works. Everything up to the period is
one ABL statement:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.City.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
Order.OrderNum LABEL "Order"
Order.ShipDate FORMAT "99/99/99" WITH CENTERED.

To view the results of these changes, run your test procedure again:

Using program variables and data types

Like most programming languages, ABL lets you define program variables for use within a procedure. Here is
the basic syntax:

32 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using program variables and data types


DEFINE VARIABLE varname AS datatype.

In this syntax, varname is the name of the variable, which must conform to the same rules as other names in
ABL. (See Variable naming conventions on page 36 for details.)
ABL supports a range of data types. The following table lists the basic ones. There are some other special
data types available for more advanced programming, but these are enough to get you started.

Table 2: Basic supported data types

Data type name Default display format Default initial value

CHARACTER X(8) "" (the empty string)

DATE 99/99/99 ? (the Unknown value, which displays as

blank for dates)

DECIMAL ->>,>>9.99 0

HANDLE >>>>>>9 ? (the Unknown value)

INTEGER ->,>>>,>>9 0

LOGICAL yes/no no

Here are a few notes on ABL data types:

• All CHARACTER data in ABL variables, and in database fields in an OpenEdge database, is stored as variable
length strings. You do not need to define the length of a variable, only its display format, which indicates
how many characters (at most) are displayed to the user. The default display length for CHARACTER fields
is 8 characters. The X symbol represents any printable character, and the 8 in parentheses effectively
repeats that character, so that X(8) is the same as XXXXXXXX. The default value for a CHARACTER variable
is the empty string.
• You can display dates in a variety of ways, including two- or four-digit years. To get a four-digit year, specify
99/99/9999 as your format. Note that changing the display format for a date does not change how it is stored
in the database. Dates are stored in an internal format that can be converted to any of the display formats
available to you.
• The DECIMAL data type supports a total of 50 digits of which up to 10 can be to the right of the decimal
point. When you define a DECIMAL variable you can specify the number of positions to the right of the
decimal point by adding the qualifier DECIMALS <n> to the DEFINE VARIABLE statement.
• ABL supports the automatic conversion of both DATEs and DECIMALs to the formats generally used in
Europe and other parts of the world outside the US. If you use the European (–E) startup option, then all
period or decimal characters in DECIMAL formats are converted to commas, and commas are converted
to periods. In addition, the default DATE display becomes DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY instead of MM/DD/YY
• The HANDLE data type is used to store a pointer to a structure that represents a running ABL procedure or
an object in a procedure such as a field or button.
• The maximum size of an INTEGER variable is 2G (slightly over a billion digits).

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 33

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

• A LOGICAL variable represents a YES/NO or TRUE/FALSE value. You can specify any pair of literals you
wish for the TRUE and FALSE values that are displayed to the user for a LOGICAL variable, with the TRUE
or YES value first. However, it is not advisable to use LOGICALs to represent data values that aren't really
logical by nature, but which simply happen to have two valid values, such as Male/Female, because it might
be unclear which of those the TRUE value represents.
• You will learn about the ABL Unknown value (?) in Using the ABL Unknown value on page 37. The default
display format for DATE that has the Unknown value (?) is blank; for other data types it is a question mark.

Defining formats
The list of default formats for different data types introduced you to some of the format characters supported
by ABL. The following table provides a quick summary of the format symbols you are most likely to use.

Table 3: Common format symbols

This format Represents . . .

character . . .

X Any single character.

N A digit or a letter. A blank is not allowed.

A A letter. A blank is not allowed.

! A letter that is converted to uppercase during input. A blank is not allowed.

9 A digit. A blank is not allowed.

(n) A number that indicates how many times to repeat the previous format character.

> A leading digit in a numeric value, to be suppressed if the number does not have that
many digits.

Z A leading digit in a numeric value, to be replaced by a blank if the number does not have
that many digits.

* A leading digit in a numeric value, to be displayed as an asterisk if the number does not
have that many digits.

, A comma in a numeric value greater than 1,000. This is replaced by a period in European
format. It is suppressed if it is preceded by a Z, *, or >, and the number does not have
enough digits to require the comma.

. A decimal point in a numeric value. This is replaced by a comma in European format.

+ A sign for a positive or negative number. It is displayed as + for a positive number, and
as – for a negative number.

– A sign for a negative number. It is displayed as – for a negative number. For a positive
number it is suppressed if it is to the left of the decimal point in the format, and replaced
by a blank if it is to the right.

34 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using program variables and data types

You can insert other characters as you wish into formats, and they are displayed as literal values. For example,
the INTEGER value 1234 with the FORMAT $>,>>>ABC is displayed as $1,234ABC.

Other variable qualifiers

You can qualify a variable definition in a number of ways to modify these defaults. To do this, append one of
the keywords listed in the following table to the end of your variable definition.

Table 4: Variable qualifiers

Keyword Followed by

INITIAL The variable's initial value.

DECIMALS The number of decimal places for a DECIMAL variable.

FORMAT The display format of the variable, enclosed in quotation marks.

LABEL The label to display with the variable. (The default is the variable name itself.)

COLUMN-LABEL The label to display with the variable when it is displayed as part of a column of values.
(The default is the LABEL if there is one, otherwise the variable name.)

EXTENT An integer constant. This qualifier allows you to define a variable that is a one-based
array of values. You can then reference the individual array elements in your code by
enclosing the array subscript in square brackets, as in myVar[2] = 5.

As an alternative to specifying all of this, you can use the following syntax form to define a variable that is LIKE
another variable or database field you've previously defined:

DEFINE VARIABLE varname LIKE fieldname.

In this case it inherits the format, label, initial value, and all other attributes of the other variable or field. This
is another strength of ABL. Your application procedures can inherit many field attributes from the database
schema, so that a change to the schema is propagated to all your procedures automatically when they are
recompiled. You can also modify those schema defaults in individual procedures.
There's one more keyword that you should almost always use at the end of your variable definitions, and that
is NO-UNDO. This keyword has to do with how the AVM manages transactions that update the database. When
you define variables in your ABL programs, the AVM places them into two groups:

• Those variables that include the NO-UNDO qualifier are managed by the AVM without transaction support.
• Those variables that don't have the NO-UNDO qualifier are treated as though they were a database record
with those variables as fields. If any of the variable values are modified during the course of a database
transaction, and then the transaction is backed out, changes to the variable values made during the
transaction are backed out as well, so that they revert to their values before the transaction started. This
can be very useful sometimes, but in practice, most variables do not need this special treatment, and
because the AVM has to do some extra work to manage them, it is more efficient to get into the habit of
appending NO-UNDO to the end of your variable definitions unless the variable is one that should be treated
as part of a transaction.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 35

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

Variable naming conventions

There are no specific naming requirements for variables, but there are some recommended guidelines that will
bring your own variables into line with the standards used in the OpenEdge development tools and their support
You should begin a variable with a lowercase letter (or sometimes two) to indicate the data type of the variable.
This can help those reading your code to understand at a glance how a variable is being used. When you start
doing more dynamic programming later on, it is very important to differentiate between a variable that represents
a value directly, and one that is a handle to an object that has a value. Here are some recommended data type

• i for INTEGER
• f for DECIMAL (think float)
• d for DATE
• h for HANDLE
• l for LOGICAL
The rest of the name should be in mixed case, where capital letters are used to identify different words or
subparts of a name, as in cCustName or iOrderCount.

Placement of variable definitions

Where you place variables in your code is important. The AVM performs a single pass through the statements
in a procedure to build the intermediary code that it uses to execute the procedure. Because a variable is a
definitional element of a procedure and not a statement that is executed in sequence, it does not really matter
where the variable definition appears. However, because of the one-pass nature of the ABL syntax analyzer,
the definition has to appear before the variable is used in the procedure. By convention, it is usually best for
you to define all your variables at the top of a procedure, to aid in readability and to make sure that they're all
defined before they're used.
For the next change to the test procedure, you will put to work several of the concepts you've just learned
about. Your code will display a special value for each Order record. This task involves defining a variable with
an initial value, writing an IF-THEN construct with a check for the Unknown value (?), and then using one of
the many built-in ABL functions to extract a value to display. The displayed value is the ShipDate month of an
Order expressed as a three-character abbreviation, such as JAN or FEB.
To build up the list of possible values for the month, you need to define a CHARACTER variable to hold the list.
Add the following variable definition to the top of your procedure:



36 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining an IF-THEN-ELSE decision point

Defining an IF-THEN-ELSE decision point

You will notice when you run your procedure that some of the ship dates are not defined. Some of these Orders
apparently have been on hold for a very long time! Let's construct a statement to branch in the code depending
on whether the ShipDate field is defined or not. ABL, like most languages, has an IF-THEN construct for such
decision points. It can also have an ELSE branch:

IF condition THEN { block | statement }[ ELSE { block | statement }]

The condition is any expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. Following the THEN keyword, you can
place a single ABL statement or a whole set of statements that are all to be executed if the condition is TRUE.
The way to represent a block that simply groups a series of statements together that are all executed together
is a DO-END block:

IF condition THEN DO:


If you include the ELSE keyword followed by a statement or a block of statements, that branch is taken if the
condition evaluates to FALSE.

Using the ABL Unknown value

Although the ShipDate is displayed as being blank in these cases, the value stored in the database isn't a
blank value, because this is a date, not a character value. If you were to add an expression to your code to
compare the ShipDate to a blank value, you would get your very first ABL compiler error:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.City.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
IF Order.ShipDate NE "" THEN
Order.OrderNum LABEL "Order"
Order.ShipDate FORMAT "99/99/99" WITH CENTERED.

Whenever you press the F2 key to run your procedure, the AVM performs a syntax validation. If it cannot properly
process the code you have written, you get an error such as this one:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 37

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

In this case, the AVM sees that you are trying to compare a field defined to be a date with a character string
constant, and these do not match. To correct this, you need to change the nature of your comparison.
The value stored in the database to represent a value that is not defined is called the Unknown value. In ABL
statements you represent the Unknown value with a question mark (?). Note that you do not put quotation
marks around the question mark; it acts as a special symbol on its own. It is not equal to any defined value. In
ABL, you write a statement that looks as though you are comparing a value to a question mark, such as IF
ShipDate = ?, but in fact the statement is asking if the ShipDate has the Unknown value, which means it
has no particular value at all. The Unknown value is like the NULL value in SQL, and the expression IF
ShipDate = ? is like the SQL expression IF ShipDate IS NULL.

Using built-In ABL functions

To complete this latest change to the procedure, you need to define the statement that checks whether the
ShipDate is Unknown, and then picks out the month from the date, using the cMonthList variable you defined
just above, and converts it to one of the three-letter abbreviations in the list. Here is the whole statement:

IF Order.ShipDate NE ? THEN
DISPLAY ENTRY(MONTH(Order.ShipDate), cMonthList) LABEL "Month".

Now take a closer look at the elements in the DISPLAY statement. First there is a new keyword, ENTRY. This
is the name of a built-in function in ABL. There are many such functions to do useful jobs for you, to save you
the work of writing the code to do it yourself. The ENTRY function takes two arguments, and as you can see,
those arguments are enclosed in parentheses. The first is an INTEGER value, which identifies an entry in a
comma-separated list of character values. In this case it represents the month of the year, from 1 to 12. The
second argument is the list that contains the entry the function is retrieving. In this case it is the variable you
just defined.
Looking closer, you can see that the first of the two arguments to the function, MONTH(ShipDate), is itself
another function. This function takes an ABL DATE value as an argument, extracts the month number of the
date, and returns it. The returned value is an INTEGER from 1 to 12 that the ENTRY function then uses to pick
out the right entry from the list of months in cMonthList. So if the month is May, the MONTH function returns 5
and the ENTRY function picks out the fifth entry from the list of months and returns it to the DISPLAY statement.
Here are some general observations about built-in functions:

• A function takes a variable number of arguments, depending on what the function requires. Some functions
take no arguments at all (for example, the TODAY function, which returns today's date). Some functions
have a variable number of arguments, so that one or more arguments at the end of the argument list are
optional. For example, the ENTRY function can have an optional third argument, which is a character string
representing a delimiter to use between the values in the list, if you don't want it to use a comma (,). Because

38 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining an IF-THEN-ELSE decision point

the comma is the default delimiter, it is optional. You can't leave out arguments from the middle of the list,
or specify them in a different order. Each of the arguments must be of the proper data type, depending on
what the function expects.
• The arguments to a function can be constant values, variable names, database field names, or any expression
involving these which evaluates to a value of the proper data type.
• Each function returns a value of a specific data type.
• You can nest functions to any depth in your code. The result of any function is returned up to the next level
in the code.
• You can place functions anywhere within a statement where a value can appear. Because a function returns
a value, it can appear only on the right-side of an assignment statement. You can't use the MONTH function
to assign the month value to a date variable, for example, or the ENTRY function to assign the value of an
entry in a list. There are ABL statement keywords in some cases to do those kinds of assignments.
• If you are displaying the result of a function or an expression involving a function, you can specify a LABEL
or FORMAT for it, just as you can for a variable. The default LABEL for an expression is a text string
representing the expression itself. The default format is the default for the function's data type. In this example
you should add the label Month to the expression.
To display the month along with each Order:
1. Add the new statement with the function references into your procedure, inside the block of code that loops
through the Orders:



FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.City.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
Order.OrderNum LABEL "Order"
Order.ShipDate FORMAT "99/99/99" WITH CENTERED.
IF Order.ShipDate NE ? THEN
DISPLAY ENTRY(MONTH(Order.ShipDate), cMonthList) LABEL "Month".

2. To see the effect of the new code, rerun the procedure:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 39

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

Note: Several separate ABL DISPLAY statements contribute to the display of fields in a single line for each
Order. This is one of the powerful and flexible characteristics of ABL. ABL can gather together a number
of different statements in a procedure, some of which might be executed conditionally, and combine them
together into a single operation such as this. This feature is generally not possible with other programming

3. To save your procedure, press F6.

ABL Functions
This section provides a quick summary of some of the most useful functions available to you in ABL:

• Date functions on page 40

• List functions on page 41
• ABL string manipulation functions on page 42
Other sections of the book look at functions that convert data values and otherwise operate as part of data

Date functions
The following table describes functions that return or operate on data values.

40 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining an IF-THEN-ELSE decision point

Table 5: Date functions

Function Arguments Returned value

DAY DATE INTEGER — The day of the month

MONTH DATE INTEGER — The month of the year


WEEKDAY DATE INTEGER — The day of the week, starting with 1 for Sunday

TIME none INTEGER — The number of seconds since midnight

TODAY none DATE — Today's date

Functions that convert data are discussed in later chapters. An example of such a function is the STRING
To use the STRING function to convert the time into a meaningful display:
1. In the Procedure Editor, select File > New Procedure Window to open a new procedure window.
2. Enter the following code, which applies the STRING function to the result of the TIME function, along with
the formatting characters HH (hour), MM (minute), and SS (second):


3. Press F2. The Procedure Editor window appears:

List functions
The functions described in the following table operate on lists. All the list functions are one-based, that is, the
first element in a list is considered to be element 1, not 0.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 41

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

Table 6: List functions

Function Arguments Returned value

ENTRY element AS INTEGER, list AS CHARACTER — The nth element in a delimited

CHARACTER, delimiter AS list, where n is the value of the element
CHARACTER argument. The delimiter is optional and defaults
to comma.

LOOKUP element AS CHARACTER, list AS INTEGER — The numeric (one-based) location

CHARACTER, delimiter AS of the element within the list. The delimiter
CHARACTER is optional and defaults to a comma. The
function returns 0 if the element is not in the

ABL string manipulation functions

The functions described in the following table operate on character strings.

Table 7: ABL string manipulation functions

Function Arguments Returned value

FILL expression AS CHARACTER, CHARACTER — A character string made up of

repeat-count AS INTEGER the expression repeated repeat-count

INDEX source AS CHARACTER, target AS INTEGER — The position of the first

CHARACTER, starting-point AS occurrence of the target string within the
INTEGER source string, relative to the
starting-point. The starting-point is
optional and defaults to 1 (the beginning of the

LEFT-TRIM string AS CHARACTER, CHARACTER — The input string, with the

trim-chars AS CHARACTER trim-chars removed from the beginning of
the string. The trim-chars argument is
optional, and defaults to any white space
(spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds).

LENGTH string AS CHARACTER, type AS INTEGER — The number of characters, bytes,

CHARACTER or columns in the string. The type is optional
and defaults to CHARACTER. Other possible
values for this argument are RAW, which
makes the function return the number of bytes
in the string, and COLUMN, which causes it to
return the number of display or print
character-columns. These latter two types
are useful for manipulating strings that might
contain double-byte characters representing
characters in non-European languages.

42 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Putting a calculation into your procedure

Function Arguments Returned value

R-INDEX source AS CHARACTER, target AS INTEGER — The position of the target string
CHARACTER, starting-point AS within the source string, but with the search
INTEGER starting at the end of the string rather than the
beginning. The position, however, is
counted starting at the left. This function is
useful for returning the right-most (last)
occurrence of the source substring. The
starting-point is optional and defaults to

REPLACE source AS CHARACTER, CHARACTER — The source string with every

from-string AS CHARACTER, occurrence of the from-string replaced by
to-string AS CHARACTER the to-string.

RIGHT-TRIM string AS CHARACTER, CHARACTER — The input string with the

trim-chars AS CHARACTER trim-chars removed from the end of the
string. The trim-chars argument is
optional and defaults to all white space.

SUBSTRING source AS CHARACTER, position CHARACTER — The substring of the source

AS INTEGER, length AS INTEGER, string beginning at the position. The length
type AS CHARACTER is optional and specifies the (maximum) length
to return. The default is the remaining length
of the string starting at position. The type
is also optional and has same values as for
the LENGTH function.

TRIM string AS CHARACTER, CHARACTER — The input string with the

trim-chars AS CHARACTER trim-chars removed from both the beginning
and the end of the string. The trim-chars
argument is optional and defaults to all white

Putting a calculation into your procedure

The next change to your sample procedure is to perform a simple calculation and display a value based on
the result. This section provides an introduction to representing arithmetic expressions in ABL. It also discusses
how to use some of the special built-in functions for advanced arithmetic operations.

Arithmetic expressions and operands

ABL supports the set of arithmetic operands described in the following table. You can use these operands to
define expressions. You might be familiar with them from other programming languages you have used.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 43

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

Table 8: Supported arithmetic operands

Symbol Explanation

+ Adds numeric values; concatenates character strings

- Subtracts numeric values or date values

* Multiplies numeric values

/ Divides numeric values

The AVM evaluates operators of equal precedence from left to right. Otherwise, the AVM evaluates the operator
of higher precedence, as shown in the following table. Use parentheses to raise the precedence of a given

Table 9: ABL operator precedence

Precedence (highest to Operator function Symbol


11 Numeric negative (unary) -

Numeric positive (unary) +

10 Numeric modulo
Numeric division
Numeric multiplication

9 Date subtraction -
Datetime subtraction -
Numeric subtraction -
Date addition +
Datetime addition +
Numeric addition +
String concatenation +

8 Relational string match MATCHES

Relational less than LT or <
Relational less than or equal to LE or <=
Relational greater than GT or >
Relational greater than or equal to GE or >=
Relational equal to EQ or =
Relational not equal to NE or <>
Relational string beginning BEGINS

44 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Putting a calculation into your procedure

Precedence (highest to Operator function Symbol


7 Bitwise NOT (unary) NOT

6 Logical NOT (unary) NOT

5 Bitwise AND AND

4 Bitwise XOR XOR

3 Bitwise OR OR

2 Logical AND AND

1 Logical inclusive OR OR

(The bitwise operators are used with flag enumeration types. For more information, see ABL Reference.)
There is one special thing you need to know when you are writing expressions involving these operands.
Because ABL allows the use of a hyphen as a character in a procedure name, variable name, or database
field name, the AVM cannot recognize the difference between a hyphen and a minus sign used for subtraction,
which are the same keyboard character. For example, there is no way for the syntax analyzer to tell whether
the string ABC-DEF represents a single hyphenated variable or field name, or whether it represent the arithmetic
expression ABC minus DEF, involving two fields or variables named ABD and DEF. For this reason, you have
to put a space or other white space characters around the "-" character when you use it as a minus sign for
subtraction of one number from another. Note that you don't have to insert a space after a minus sign that
precedes a negative number, such as –25. For consistency, the other arithmetic operands also require white
space. If you forget to put it in, you'll get an error, except in the case of the forward slash character. In the case
of the slash, if you leave out the white space, the AVM interprets the value as a date! So, for example, 5/6
represents May 6th, not a numeric fraction.
To illustrate how to use arithmetic operands in the sample procedure, you need to determine whether the
CreditLimit of the Customer is less than twice the outstanding Balance. If this is TRUE, then you must display
the ratio of CreditLimit to Balance. Otherwise you display the Orders for the Customer. Add the following
code, just in front of the FOR EACH Order OF Customer statement that's already there:

IF Customer.CreditLimit < 2 * Customer.Balance THEN

DISPLAY "Credit Ratio:" Customer.CreditLimit / Customer.Balance.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer:

You can add parentheses to such an expression to make the grouping of terms explicit. Otherwise, the AVM
observes the standard rules of precedence. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and
subtraction, and all such calculations are performed before a comparison operation.
The expression following the IF keyword compares the CreditLimit field from the current Customer record
with two times the value of the Balance field. If the first value is less than the second, then the expression is
TRUE and the statement following the THEN keyword is executed, which displays the string expression Credit
Ratio: followed by the value of the CreditLimit divided by the Balance.
The ELSE keyword is followed by the entire FOR EACH Order block, so that block of code, which displays all
the Orders of the Customer, is skipped if the expression is TRUE, and executed only if it is FALSE.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 45

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

To see the result of this change, run your procedure again. For a Customer where the ratio is greater than or
equal to 2, the Orders display as before. For a Customer where the ratio is less than 2, the new expression
is displayed instead:

You might notice a couple of things about this display:

• Because the CreditLimit check is in the block of code where the procedure retrieves and displays
Customers, it is displayed in the same frame as the Customer information. You can give names to frames
to be more specific about the frame in which to display objects, as well as where in the frame each element
is displayed.
• The AVM understands enough about what is going on here to clear and hide the Order frame if it's not
being displayed for the current Customer (because the CreditLimit to Balance ratio is being displayed
instead). This is part of the very powerful default behavior of the language.

Arithmetic built-in functions

The following table describes some of the useful built-in functions that extend the basic set of numeric operands.

Table 10: Arithmetic built-in functions

Function Arguments Returned value


of the numeric value.

EXP base AS INTEGER or DECIMAL, INTEGER or DECIMAL — The result of raising

exponent AS INTEGER or DECIMAL the base number to the exponent power.

LOG expression AS DECIMAL, base AS DECIMAL — The logarithm of the expression

INTEGER or DECIMAL using the specified base. The base is optional;
the natural logarithm, base (e), is returned by

MAXIMUM Two or more expressions AS INTEGER or DECIMAL — The largest value of

INTEGER or DECIMAL the expressions.

MINIMUM Two or more expressions AS INTEGER or DECIMAL — The smallest value

INTEGER or DECIMAL of the expressions.

MODULO Special syntax: expression MODULO INTEGER — The remainder after division. The
base expression and base must be INTEGER

46 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Getting to online help

Function Arguments Returned value

RANDOM low-value AS INTEGER, INTEGER — A random INTEGER value

high-value AS INTEGER between the low-value and the high-value
(inclusive). There is a Random (–rand) ABL
startup option that determines whether a
different set of values is returned for each
OpenEdge session.

ROUND expression AS DECIMAL, DECIMAL — The DECIMAL expression

precision AS (positive) INTEGER rounded to the number of decimal places
specified by the precision. The rounding is
down for all values beyond the precision
that are less than .5, and up for all higher

SQRT expression AS INTEGER or DECIMAL DECIMAL — The square root of the


TRUNCATE expression AS DECIMAL, DECIMAL — The expression truncated to

precision AS (non-negative) INTEGER the specified precision.

Getting to online help

You can access the OpenEdge Online Help system at any time just by pressing the F1 key. Help is
context-sensitive, so it always tries to come up initialized to a section of the help files that seems relevant to
what you're doing. For example, if you press F1 from within the Editing Options dialog box, you get help on
the options in that dialog box:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 47

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

In an OpenEdge editor, if you highlight one or more keywords in a procedure and press F1, you get help for
that type of statement.
Try accessing online help:
1. In your test procedure, highlight the keywords DEFINE VARIABLE, then press F1:

The online help window appears showing the help keyword index:

48 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Getting to online help

2. Click Display to see the help text for this entry:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 49

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

3. Click the Contents button to access the available online help for all the OpenEdge tools, or click the Find
button to specify one or more key words to search for in the help text.

Saving and compiling your test procedure

You've written your first ABL procedure. As you make changes to it, you should re-save it by selecting File >
Save from the Procedure Editor menu or by just pressing F6.
This section examines what happens when you press the F2 key or select Compile > Run from the menu to
run your procedure:
1. When you tell the AVM to run your procedure in this way, the Procedure Editor creates a temporary file
from the ABL code currently in the editor window and then passes this file to the ABL compiler.
2. The compiler performs a syntax analysis of the procedure and stops with one or more error messages if it
detects any errors in your ABL statements.
3. If your procedure is error-free, the compiler then translates or compiles your procedure into an intermediate
form that is then interpreted by the AVM to execute the statements in the procedure. This intermediate form
is called r-code, for run-time code. It is not a binary executable but rather a largely platform-independent
set of instructions (independent except for the user interface specifics, that is).
4. The AVM reads and executes the r-code.
This ability to compile and run what is in the editor on the fly makes it easy for you to build and test procedures
in an iterative way, making a change as you have done and then simply running the procedure to see the
effects. Naturally, you want to save the r-code permanently when you have finished a procedure so that the
AVM can skip the compilation step when you run the procedure and simply execute the r-code directly. Generally
it is just the compiled r-code that you deploy as your finished application.
To save the source procedure itself, use the standard File > Save As menu option in the Procedure Editor,
which saves the contents of the editor out to disk and gives it a filename with a .p extension.

50 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Saving and compiling your test procedure

To compile a procedure that you have saved, you need to use the COMPILE statement in ABL. There's a
COMPILE statement rather than just having a single key to press because the COMPILE statement in fact has
a lot of options to it, including where the compiled code is saved, whether a cross-reference file is generated
to help you debug your application, and so forth. For now, it is sufficient to know just the simple form of the
statement you use to save your compiled procedure.
To compile your test procedure:
1. From the Procedure Editor, select File > New Procedure Window.
Another editor window appears that has all the same capabilities as the one with which you started out,
except that not all the menu options are available from it. You can be working with any number of procedure
windows at one time, and save them independently as separate named procedures. Or you can bring up
a window just to execute a statement, as you are doing now.

2. In the new editor window, enter the following statement:

COMPILE h-CustSample.p SAVE.

3. Press F2 or select Compile > Run. The procedure window disappears and almost immediately returns.
The compilation of h-CustSample.p is complete. If the compiler had detected any syntax errors in the
procedure, you would have seen them and the procedure would not have compiled.
If you check your working directory you can see the compiled procedure. It has the .r extension and is
commonly referred to as a .r file.
One option for the COMPILE statement is worth mentioning at this time. You can specify a different directory
for your .r files. This is a good idea, especially when you get to the point where you are ready to start testing
completed parts of your application. Use this syntax:

COMPILE source-procedure SAVE INTO directory.

If you need to recompile a large number of procedures at once, you can use a special tool to do that for you.
This is available through the Tools > Application Compiler option on the Procedure Editor.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 51

Chapter 2: Using Basic ABL Constructs

52 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Running ABL Procedures

This chapter describes how you can work with and run different types of ABL procedures.

For details, see the following topics:

• Running a subprocedure

• Using the Propath

• Using external and internal procedures

• Adding comments to your procedure

Running a subprocedure
To run a procedure from within another ABL procedure, you use the RUN statement. Like the COMPILE statement,
the RUN statement has a lot of options, some of which you'll learn about in later chapters. For now, you can
use the following simple form of the statement:

RUN procedure-name [ (parameters) ].

If you are running a procedure file like your h-CustSample.p, then the convention is to include the .p
extension in the procedure name. For example, if you bring up a new Procedure Window again, you can enter
this statement to run the sample procedure you've been working on, then press F2:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 53

Chapter 3: Running ABL Procedures

This is a little different than just pressing the F2 key in the procedure window where you're editing
h-CustSample.p. When you press F2 or select Compile > Run you are compiling and running the current
contents of the Procedure Editor window, which might be different from what you have saved to a named file.
You can compile and run a procedure without giving it a name at all. Indeed, that's what you just did: you
created a procedure containing a single RUN statement, and then simply compiled and executed it by pressing
F2. This temporary procedure in turn ran the named procedure you had already saved and compiled.

Now, why did you put the .p extension on the RUN statement when you have already saved a compiled .r
version of the file out to your directory? When you write an ABL RUN statement with a .p extension on the
procedure name, the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) always looks first for a compiled file of the same name, but
with the .r extension. If it finds it, it executes it. If it doesn't, it passes the source file to the ABL compiler, which
compiles it on the fly and then executes it. In this way, your application can be a mix of compiled and uncompiled
procedures while you're developing it. If you always use the .p extension in your RUN statements, then your
procedures are always found and executed whether they've been compiled or not. By contrast, if you specify
the .r extension in a RUN statement, then the AVM looks for only the compiled .r file, and the RUN fails if it
isn't found.

Using the Propath

Before you continue on to look at the parameters that you can pass to a RUN statement, you should understand
a little about how the AVM searches for procedures. When you type RUN h-CustSample.p, how does the
AVM know where to look for it?
The AVM uses its own directory path list, called the Propath, which is stored as part of its initialization
(progress.ini) file. When you install OpenEdge, you get a default progress.ini file in the bin subdirectory
under your install directory. You can also create a local copy of this file if you want to change its contents.
If you want to look at and maintain your Propath, there's a tool to do that for you. It's one of a number of useful
tools you can access from the Procedure Editor.
To access these tools from the Procedure Editor, select Tools > PRO*Tools. The PRO*Tools palette appears:

You can reposition and reshape the PRO*Tools palette. To retain the palette's new shape and position
1. Right-mouse click on the PRO*Tools palette outside the area where icons are displayed. The Menu Bar
pop-up menu item appears:

2. Select the Menu Bar pop-up item. A File menu appears at the top of the palette:

54 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the Propath

3. Select File > Customize. The PRO*Tools Customization dialog box appears:

Using this tool you can add more useful tools of your own to the palette. For now, however, all you need to
note is that the Save Current Palette Position and Orientation toggle box lets you save these settings
permanently, so that the PRO*Tools palette always comes up the way you want each time you start

4. Leave the Save Current Palette Position and Orientation toggle box checked on, then click OK.
To view and edit your Propath, click the Propath icon

from the PRO*Tools palette.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 55

Chapter 3: Running ABL Procedures

The Propath Editor shows you a list of all the directories in which the AVM looks, both to find all its own
executable files and other supporting files, and to find your application procedures. Here is the default Propath
you get when you install the product:

As you can see, the AVM first looks in your current working directory (by default, C:\OpenEdge\WRK). This
is where it expects to find any procedures you have written and are trying to compile or run. After that it looks
in the gui directory under your OpenEdge install directory. This is where it expects to find the compiled r-code
for all the ABL procedures that support your development and run-time environments. Remember that most
of the OpenEdge development tools, including the Procedure Editor, are themselves written in ABL.
In the gui directory are a number of procedure libraries, each with a .pl filename extension. These are
collections of many .r files, gathered together into individual operating system files. The file,
for example, is a library of many dozens of procedures that are common to the development tools, called the
Application Development Environment (ADE). It's more efficient to store them in a single library because it
takes up less space on your disk and it's faster to search.
Following these procedure library files is the install directory itself. This holds a few startup files as well as the
original versions of the sports2000 database and other sample databases shipped with the OpenEdge products.
Next is the bin directory. This is where all the executable files are located, including all the supporting procedures
for compiling and running your application, which are not written in ABL. Finally, there are a couple of directories
that support building a custom OpenEdge executable.
Do not modify any of the directories below the current directory. If you try to, the AVM resets the Propath,
because it recognizes that the tools will stop running if it can't find all the pieces it needs. But you can add
directories above, below, or in place of your current working directory. For example, if you save your r-code
into a different directory using the SAVE INTO option on the COMPILE statement, then you must add this
directory to your Propath.
When you COMPILE or RUN a procedure, you can specify a partial pathname for it relative to some directory
that is in your Propath. For example, if you save something called NextProc.p into a subdirectory called
morecode, you can run it using this statement:

RUN morecode/NextProc.p.

Note: You should always use forward slashes in your ABL code, even though the DOS and Windows standard
is backslashes. The AVM does the necessary conversions to make the statement work on a PC, but if some
of your ABL code is written for another platform, such as UNIX, then it requires the forward slashes.

56 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the Propath

You can modify your Propath by using the Add, Modify, and Remove buttons in the Propath Editor.
If the AVM is having difficulty locating a procedure that you've written, or if you have different versions of a
procedure in different directories you can check to see how the AVM searches for a particular procedure.
To verify which file the AVM finds:
1. In the Propath Editor, click the Search button. The Propath File Search dialog box appears:

2. Enter the name of the procedure, including the relative pathname if that's part of your RUN statement. Also
include the same filename extension you are using in your code.
3. Click the Search button. the AVM displays all the versions of that file it can find, in the order in which it uses
them. Thus the one at the top of the list is always the one the AVM tries to execute. In this example, the
display confirms that when you run h-CustSample.p, it chooses the .r file (if there is one) in preference
to the source procedure:

If you save your r-code to a different directory (or set of directories) than you use for the source procedures,
remember to construct your Propath in such a way that the r-code is found first if it is there, but that the source
procedures are also found, at least when you are in development mode, without requiring a special relative
pathname in your code to locate them.
In the OpenEdge install directories, for example, all the compiled ABL procedures are under the gui directory.
The corresponding source procedures are in an equivalent directory tree, but under an src directory. If you
were to add the src directory to your Propath, then the AVM could locate source procedures to compile and
execute on the fly as needed. If you were to place the src directory above the gui directory in your Propath,
then the AVM would use all the source procedures and compile them on the fly because it finds them first. This
would slow down your program execution dramatically. This is just an example of how, as you develop complex
applications, you must be careful to arrange your Propath so that the AVM can find the procedures it needs
efficiently, without doing a lot of unnecessary searching or running uncompiled procedures.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 57

Chapter 3: Running ABL Procedures

Using external and internal procedures

A separate source procedure, such as h-CustSample.p, is known as an external procedure. This is to
distinguish it from another kind of the procedure that you'll write as the next step in your sample. you can define
one or more named entry points within an external procedure file, and these are called internal procedures.
You run internal procedures in almost exactly the same way that you run external procedures, except that there
is no .p filename extension on the internal procedure.
For your sample, you will run a procedure called calcDays that calculates the number of days between the
ShipDate for each Order and today's date. In order for calcDays to do the calculation, you need to pass the
ShipDate to the procedure, and get the count of days back out. ABL supports parameters for its procedures
to let you do this. Follow these guidelines:

• In a RUN statement, you specify the parameters to the RUN statement in parentheses, following the procedure
name. Use commas to separate multiple parameters.
• An INPUT parameter can be a constant value, an expression, or a variable or field name. An INPUT
parameter is made available by value to the procedure you are running. This means that the procedure can
use the value, but it cannot modify the value in a way that is visible to the calling procedure.
• An OUTPUT parameter must be a variable or field name. Its value is not passed to the called procedure, but
is returned to the calling procedure when the called procedure completes.
• You can also define a parameter as INPUT-OUTPUT. This means that its value is passed in to the procedure,
which can modify the value and pass it back when the procedure ends. An INPUT-OUTPUT parameter must
also be a field or variable.
For each parameter in the RUN statement, you specify the type of parameter and the parameter itself. The
default is INPUT, so you can leave off the type for INPUT parameters. You cannot have optional parameters
in an ABL procedure. You must pass in a parameter name or value for each parameter the called procedure
defines. They must be in the same order, and they must be of the same data type.

To run the calcDays procedure from your sample procedure:

1. Add the following RUN statement to your h-CustSample.p procedure, inside the FOR EACH Order OF
Customer block, just before the END statement. Pass in the ShipDate field from the current Order and get
back the calculated number of days, iDays:

RUN calcDays (INPUT Order.ShipDate, OUTPUT iDays).

2. Following this, still inside the FOR EACH Order block, write another statement to display the value you got
back along with the rest of the Order information:


Writing internal procedures

Now it's time to write the calcDays procedure. Put it at the end of h-CustSample.p, following all the code
you've written so far.

58 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using external and internal procedures

Each internal procedure starts with a header statement, which is just the keyword PROCEDURE followed by the
internal procedure name and a colon.
Following this you need to define any parameters the procedure uses. The syntax for this is very similar to the
syntax for the DEFINE VARIABLE statement. In place of the keyword VARIABLE, use the keyword PARAMETER,
and precede this with the parameter type—INPUT, OUTPUT, or INPUT-OUTPUT. Note that the keyword INPUT
is not optional in parameter definitions. Here's the declaration for the calcDays procedure and its parameters.
The parameter names start with the letter p to help identify them, followed by a prefix that identifies the data
type as DATE or INTEGER:


Now you can write ABL statements exactly as you can for an external procedure. If you want to have variables
in the subprocedure that aren't needed elsewhere, then define them following the parameter definitions.
Otherwise you can refer freely to variables that are defined in the external procedure itself. You'll take a much
closer look at variable scope and other such topics later. Be cautious when you use variables that are defined
outside a procedure unless you have a good reason for using them, because they compromise the modularity
and reusability of your code. For example, if you pull your procedures apart later and put the calcDays
procedure somewhere else, it might break if it has a dependency on something declared outside of it. For this
reason, you pass the calculated number of days back as an OUTPUT parameter, even though you could refer
to the variable directly.

Assigning a value to a variable

The calcDays procedure just has a single executable statement, but it's one that demonstrates a couple of
key new language concepts—assignment and Unknown value (?).
You're probably familiar with language statements that assign values by using what looks like an equation,
where the value or expression on the right side is assigned to the field or variable on the left. ABL does this
too, and uses the same equal sign for the assignment that is used for testing equality in comparisons. However,
you can use the keyword EQ only in comparisons, not in assignments.
In this example, you want to subtract the ShipDate (which was passed in as the parameter pdaShip) from
today's date (which, as you have seen, is returned by the built-in function TODAY) and assign the result to the
OUTPUT parameter piDays.
To make this change in your sample procedure, add the following statement:

piDays = TODAY - pdaShip.

This is simple enough, but it won't work all the time. Remember that some of the Orders have not been shipped,
so their ShipDate has the Unknown value (?). If you subtract an Unknown value from TODAY (or use an
Unknown value in any other expression), the result of the entire expression is always the Unknown value (?).
In this case you want the procedure to return 0. To do this you can use a special compact form of the
IF-THEN-ELSE construct as a single ABL expression, appearing on the right side of an assignment. The
general syntax for this is:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 59

Chapter 3: Running ABL Procedures


result-value = IF logical-expression
THEN value-if-true ELSE value-if-false.

This syntax is more concise than using a series of statements of the form:


IF logical-expression THEN result-value = value-if-true.

ELSE result-value = value-if-false.

For your purposes you can refine the assignment statement in this way to allow for Unknown values:

piDays = IF pdaShip = ? THEN 0 ELSE TODAY - pdaShip.

Finally, you end each internal procedure with an END PROCEDURE statement. The keyword PROCEDURE is
optional, but is always a good idea as it improves the readability of your code:


To see the calculated days displayed, run the procedure once more:

In summary, you define an internal procedure just as would an external procedure, with the exception that each
internal procedure must start with a PROCEDURE header statement and end with its own END PROCEDURE
statement. An external procedure uses neither of these.
You RUN an internal procedure just as you would an external procedure, except that there is no filename
extension on the procedure name. Here are a couple of important related points.
First, it is possible for you to run an external procedure by naming it in a RUN statement without any filename
extension, for example, RUN CustSample. In this case, the AVM searches for these forms of the procedure
in this order:

60 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using external and internal procedures

1. An internal procedure named CustSample.

2. An external compiled file named CustSample.r.
3. An external source procedure named h-CustSample.p.
To do this, however, would be considered very bad form. When a person reading ABL code sees a RUN
statement with no filename extension, it is natural for that person to expect that it is an internal procedure.
There is rarely a good reason for violating this expectation.
Second, and even more exceptional, is that because a period is a valid character in a procedure name, it would
be possible to have an internal procedure named, for example, calcDays.p, and to run it under that name.
You should never do this. Always avoid confusing yourself or others who read your code.

When to use internal and external procedures

The decision as to when to use a separate external procedure file versus when to make an entry point for an
internal procedure in a larger file is largely a matter of style and application organization. It's a good idea to
group together in a single procedure file related small procedures that call one another or that are typically
called by multiple other procedures. On the other hand, large procedures that perform complex operations on
their own should probably be independent external procedure files. Keep in mind that when you need to run
an internal procedure, the AVM first needs to load the entire procedure file that contains it, and this can consume
excessive memory if you make your procedure files extremely large.


Whenever a procedure, whether internal or external, terminates and returns control to its caller, it returns a
value to the caller. You can place a RETURN statement at the end of your procedure to make this explicit, and
to specify the value to return to the caller:

RETURN [return-value].

The return-value must be a character value, either a literal or an expression. The caller (calling procedure)
can access this return-value using the built-in RETURN-VALUE function, such as in this example:

RUN subproc (INPUT cParam).


If the called procedure doesn't return a value, then the value returned is either the empty string ("") or, if an
earlier procedure RUN statement in the same call stack returned a value, then that value is returned.
The RETURN statement is optional in procedures. Because an earlier RETURN-VALUE is passed back up through
the call stack if there's no explicit RETURN statement to erase it, it is good practice to have the statement RETURN
"" at the end of every procedure to clear any old value, unless your application needs to pass a RETURN-VALUE
back through multiple levels of a procedure call.
In addition, you can return to the calling procedure from multiple places in the called procedure by using multiple
RETURN statements in different places. You could use this technique, for example, to return one return-value
representing success (possibly the empty string) and other return-values from different places in the
procedure code to indicate an error of some kind.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 61

Chapter 3: Running ABL Procedures

Adding comments to your procedure

The final step in this exercise is to add some comments to your procedure to make sure you and everyone
else can follow what the code does. In ABL you begin a comment with the characters /* and end it with */.
A comment can appear anywhere in your procedure where white space can appear (that is, anywhere except
in the middle of a name or other token). You can put full-line or multi-line comments at the top of each section
of code, and shorter comments to the right of individual lines. Just make sure you use them, and make them
meaningful to you and to others. Here's the final procedure with a few added comments:

/* h-CustSample.p — shows a few things about ABL */



/* First display each Customer from New Hampshire: */

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" BY Customer.City:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.City.
/* Show the Orders unless CreditLimit is less than twice the balance. */
IF Customer.CreditLimit < (2 * Customer.Balance) THEN
DISPLAY "Credit Ratio:" Customer.CreditLimit / Customer.Balance.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
Order.OrderNum LABEL "Order"
Order.ShipDate FORMAT "99/99/99" WITH CENTERED.
/* Show the month as a three-letter abbreviation, along with the number
of days since the order was shipped. */
IF Order.ShipDate NE ? THEN
DISPLAY ENTRY(MONTH(Order.ShipDate), cMonthList) LABEL "Month".
RUN calcDays (INPUT Order.ShipDate, OUTPUT iDays).

/* This calculates the number of days since the Order was shipped. */

piDays = IF pdaShip = ? THEN 0 ELSE TODAY - pdaShip.


62 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Procedure Blocks and Data Access

In the first three chapters of this book, you learn about the basic structure of ABL and many of its language
constructs. This chapter returns you to writing ABL procedures on your own. These procedures contain some
business logic that demonstrates in detail a few of the concepts touched on in the previous chapters.
The important concepts of this chapter are ones you've already seen in action and learned something about.
Indeed, as discussed with the very simplest ABL procedure—FOR EACH Customer: DISPLAY
Customer.—you can hardly write any ABL code at all without defining blocks and using data access statements.
Nonetheless, this chapter goes into a lot more detail in these areas so that you have a more thorough
understanding of these basic building blocks of ABL procedures. This chapter describes:

• All the basic syntax for defining blocks of various kinds in the language, including some that iterate through
a set of statements and some that just group them as a common action
• The scoping of blocks and of the variables and objects you define in them and how scoping affects the way
your procedures behave
• A variety of ways to access database data and integrate it into your procedures

For details, see the following topics:

• Blocks and block properties

• Procedure block scoping

• Language statements that define blocks

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 63

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

Blocks and block properties

You saw several different kinds of blocks in the example procedures from the first two chapters. To review

• Every procedure itself constitutes a block, even just the simplest RUN statement executed from an editor
• Every call to another procedure, whether internal or external, starts another block. An external procedure
can contain one or more internal procedures, each of which forms its own block.
• ABL statements such as FOR EACH and DO define the start of a new block.
• A trigger is a block of its own.

Procedure block scoping

Scope is the duration that a resource such as a variable or a button is available to an application. Blocks
determine the scope of the resources defined within them.
This section describes some of the basic rules pertaining to procedures and scope. Variable and object definitions
are always scoped to the procedure they are defined in. In this book, the word object refers to the various kinds
of visual controls you can define, such as buttons and browses, as well as queries and other things you'll work
with later.
You wrote some variable definitions in your very first procedure. For example:

/* h-CustSample.p -- shows a few things about ABL */


DEFINE VARIABLE iDays AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. /* used in calcDays proc */

ABL scopes those variables to the procedure. They are available everywhere within that main procedure block
and every block it contains, including any internal procedures and triggers. For instance, you could write a line
of code inside the calcDays internal procedure that is part of h-CustSample.p, and that code would compile
and execute successfully. It would use the same copy of the variable that the enclosing procedure uses.
If you define variables or other objects within an internal procedure, then they are scoped to that internal
procedure only and are not available elsewhere in the external procedure that contains it. You can use the
same variable name both in an internal procedure and in its containing external procedure. You'll get a second
variable with the same name but a distinct storage location in memory and therefore its own distinct value.

64 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Procedure block scoping

Here are a few simple examples to illustrate this point. In the first, the variable cVar is defined in the external
procedure and therefore available, not only within it, but within the internal procedure subproc as well:

/* mainproc.p */
/* This is scoped to the whole external procedure. */

RUN subproc.

PROCEDURE subproc:

If you run this procedure, you see the value the variable was given in mainproc as displayed from the contained
procedure subproc, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 2: Result of variable defined in main procedure only

By contrast, if you define cVar in the subprocedure as well, it can have its own value:

/* mainproc.p */

/* This is scoped to the whole external procedure. */


RUN subproc.

PROCEDURE subproc:
cVar = "Subproc".

Run this code and you get the same result you did before, as shown in in the following figure.
Figure 3: Result of variable defined in both main and subprocedures

You assign a different value to the variable in the subprocedure, but because the subprocedure has its own
copy of the variable, that value exists only within the subprocedure. Back in the main procedure, the value
Mainproc is not overwritten even after the subprocedure call.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 65

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

As a third example, if you define a new variable in the internal procedure, it won't be available in the main
procedure at all:

/* mainproc.p */
/* This is scoped to the whole external procedure. */

RUN subproc.
DISPLAY cVar cSubVar.

PROCEDURE subproc:

cVar = "Subproc"
cSubVar = "LocalVal".

Here cSubVar is defined only in the internal procedure, so when you try to display it from the main procedure
block you get an error, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 4: Result of variable defined in the subprocedure only

The main procedure block where the DISPLAY statement is located never heard of cSubVar, because it's
defined with the subproc internal procedure. Even though it's defined within the same source procedure file,
it's as separate from the main procedure block as it would be if it were in a completely separate external
procedure file.

Language statements that define blocks

You've seen the FOR EACH block and a simple DO block. This section reviews all the statements that define
blocks so that you can then study the differences between them and how each type of block is used.

66 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

DO blocks
A DO block is the most basic programming block in ABL. The keyword DO starts a block of statements without
doing anything else with those statements except grouping them. You've already used the keyword DO as a
block header in a couple of ways, including your trigger blocks, such as this trigger on the Next button in

GET NEXT CustQuery.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address Customer.City

This block only assures that all the statements are executed together when the event occurs. If you take a
closer look at this trigger, you can use another DO block inside it to correct a small error in the program logic.
To see the error in the program logic:
1. Run h-CustOrderWin1.w.
2. Click the Last button to see the last Customer and its Orders.
3. Click the Next button.
There is no next Customer, so the Customer record is not changed. The IF AVAILABLE Customer phrase
in the Next button trigger assures that nothing happens if there is no Customer to display. However, the
preprocessor {&OPEN-BROWSERS-IN-QUERY-CustQuery}, which opens the Order query, isn't affected by
the IF AVAILABLE Customer check, because it's a separate statement. So the code opens the Order query
even if there's no current Customer, and therefore displays nothing, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 5: Example of empty query result

If there's no Customer you shouldn't open the Order query, so you need to bring both statements into the
code that is executed only when a Customer is available.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 67

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

To correct the statement that opens the query:

1. Create another DO-END block in the trigger:

GET NEXT CustQuery.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address Customer.City

Now the statement that opens the query won't execute either if there's no Customer. This is another
illustration of how to use the DO block as a way to group multiple statements together, so that they all execute
together or not at all. As this example illustrates, you can nest DO blocks as much as you wish.
Make sure you indent all the statements in the block properly so that someone reading your code can easily
see how the logic is organized. It's also a good idea to get into the habit of always putting a comment with
each END statement to clarify which block it's ending. When your code gets complex enough that a single
set of nested blocks takes up more than a page, you'll be grateful you did this. It can prevent all sorts of
logic errors.

2. Make this same DO-END correction to the trigger code for the Prev button.
3. Save the window as h-CustOrderWin2.w.
The DO block is considered the most basic kind of block because ABL doesn't provide any additional services
to the block by default. There is no automatic looping within the block, no record reading, and no other special
processing done for you behind the scenes. However, you can get a DO block to provide some of these services
by adding keywords to the DO statement. The following section provides some examples.

Looping with a DO block

To loop through a group of statements a specific number of times, use this form of the DO statement:

DO variable = expression1 TO expression2 [ BY constant ]:

The following example adds up the integers from one through five and displays the total:



DO iCount = 1 TO 5:
iTotal = iTotal + iCount.

68 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 6: Result of looping with a DO block

The starting and ending values can be expressions and not just constants. You can use some value other than
one to increment the starting value each time through the loop by using the BY phrase at the end. If the start
and end values are variables or other expressions, ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) evaluates them just once, at
the beginning of the first iteration of the block. If the values change inside the block, that doesn't change how
many times the block iterates. For example, the following variation uses the variable that holds the total as the
starting expression, after giving it an initial value of one using the INITIAL phrase at the end of the definition:



DO iCount = iTotal TO 5:
iTotal = iTotal + iCount.

When you run this procedure, the changes to the variable iTotal inside the loop don't affect how the loop
executes. The final total is one greater than it was before, as shown in the following figure, only because the
initial value of the variable is one instead of the default of zero.
Figure 7: Example of looping with a DO block with initial value set to 1

If you want to loop through a group of statements for as long as some logical condition is TRUE, you can use
this form of the DO block:

DO WHILE expression:

For the expression, you can use any combination of constants, operators, field names, and variable names
that yield a logical (TRUE/FALSE) value. For example:


DO WHILE iTotal < 50:

iTotal = iTotal * 2.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 69

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

By its very nature, the DO WHILE statement must evaluate its expression each time through the loop. Otherwise,
it would not be able to determine when the condition is no longer TRUE. In this case the variable iTotal, which
starts out at one and is doubled until the condition iTotal is less than 50, is no longer TRUE. So do you expect
the final total to be 32? Not for this code, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 8: Example DO WHILE loop result

The reason for this is that the AVM evaluates the expression at the beginning of each iteration. As long as it's
TRUE at that time, the iteration proceeds to the end of the block. At the beginning of the final iteration, iTotal
equals 32, so the condition is still TRUE. During that iteration it is doubled one last time to 64. At the beginning
of the next iteration the condition 64 < 50 is no longer TRUE, and the block terminates.
When you write a DO WHILE block, make sure that there is always a condition that terminates the block. If the
condition is TRUE forever, the AVM goes into an infinite loop. If this should happen, press CTRL+BREAK on the
keyboard to interrupt the AVM so that you can go back and correct your mistake.

Using a DO block to scope records and frames

You'll learn more about record scoping in Record Buffers and Record Scope on page 93. It's helpful to cover
all the syntax forms that can affect it before discussing the meaning of record scope in different situations. For
now, you can scope or associate records in one or more tables with a DO block by using the FOR phrase:

DO FOR record [, record ] . . .

Each record names a record you want to work with in the block and scopes it to the block. References within
that block to fields the record contains are automatically associated with that record.
You have already seen an example of frame scoping in the code in the enable_UI procedure of
h-CustOrderWin2.w and in the button triggers you created based on that code:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address Customer.City


You can use the phrase WITH FRAME frame-name and, optionally, IN WINDOW window-name to identify
which frame you're talking about when you display fields or take other actions on objects in frames. If you wish,
you can scope all the statements in a DO block with a frame by appending the WITH FRAME phrase to the DO
statement itself.

70 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

For example, here's the BtnNext trigger block again with the frame qualifier moved to the DO statement:

GET NEXT CustQuery.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address Customer.City

Whether you name the frame in individual statements or in the block header, this makes sure that the AVM
understands that you want the fields displayed in the frame where you defined them. If you don't do this, then
depending on the context, the AVM might display the fields in a different frame.
To see the result of not explicitly defining a frame scope:
1. Edit the WITH FRAME phrase out of the BtnNext trigger altogether, so it looks like this:

GET NEXT CustQuery.
DO /* WITH FRAME CustQuery */:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address
Customer.City Customer.State.

2. Run the window and click the Next button:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 71

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

What happened here? Since the DISPLAY statement wasn't qualified with any indication of where to display
the fields, the AVM created a brand new frame, laid out the fields in it, and displayed it on top of the other frame
in your window. To keep this from happening, make sure that all statements that deal with frames are always
clear about where actions should take place. The AppBuilder, Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge, and
the other tools take care of this for you most of the time, but when you add code of your own to procedures,
you might need to qualify it with the frame name. Otherwise, the AVM displays objects in the frame that is
scoped to the nearest enclosing block that defines a frame. If there is no explicit frame definition, then you get
the result you just saw here. the AVM displays the data in an unnamed default frame. Except in the simplest
test procedures, like the procedures this book uses to demonstrate the looping syntax, you never want to use
the default frame in your applications.
There are other phrases you can use to qualify a DO block, but they mostly deal with transactions and error
handling, which is described in Managing Transactions on page 167.

FOR blocks
You're already familiar with starting a block definition with the FOR keyword. You've seen the common FOR
EACH table-name form, but there are a number of variations on the FOR statement. In contrast to the DO
block, every FOR block provides all of the following services for you automatically:

• Loops automatically through all the records that satisfy the record set definition in the block
• Reads the next record from the result set for you as it iterates
• Scopes those records to the block
• Scopes a frame to the block, and you can use the WITH FRAME phrase to specify that frame
• Provides database update services within a transaction
The FOR statement defines the set of records you want the block to iterate through. Typically you use the EACH
keyword to specify this set:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH":

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.

When the block begins, the AVM evaluates the expression and retrieves the first record that satisfies it. This
record is scoped to the entire block. Each time the block iterates, the AVM retrieves the next matching record
and makes it available to the rest of the block. When the set of matching records is exhausted, the AVM
automatically terminates the block. You don't have to add any checks or special syntax to exit the block at this

Sorting records by using the BY phrase

As you've seen, you can sort the records by using the BY phrase. The default is ascending order, but you
cannot use the keyword ASCENDING to indicate this. You'll get a syntax error, so just leave it out to get ascending
To sort in descending order, add the keyword DESCENDING to the BY phrase:

BY field [ DESCENDING ] ...

72 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

To sort on multiple fields, you can repeat the BY phrase.

Joining tables using multiple FOR phrases

You can use multiple record phrases to join records from more than one table:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH",

EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Order.ShipDate NE ? :
DISPLAY Customer.Custnum Customer.Name Order.OrderNum Order.ShipDate.

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 9: Joining records from more than one table

There are several things to note about this example:

• The AVM retrieves and joins the tables in the order you specify them in, in effect following your instructions
from left to right. In this example, it starts through the set of all Customers where the State field = "NH".
For the first record, it defines a set of Orders with the same CustNum value (represented by the OF syntax
in this case). For each matching pair, it establishes that Customer record and its Order record and makes
them available to all the rest of the statements in the block. Because there are typically multiple Orders for
a Customer, the result is a one-to-many join, where the same Customer remains current for multiple
iterations through the block, one for each of its Orders, as the output in the previous figure shows.
• If you change the sequence of the tables in the statement, the AVM might retrieve a very different set of
records. For example, using the syntax FOR EACH Order WHERE ShipDate NE ?, EACH Customer
OF Order, you would get a list of every Order in the Order table with a ShipDate, plus its (one) matching
Customer record. Because there's just one Customer for each Order, this would result in a one-to-one
join with no repeated records.
• The default join you get is called an inner join. In matching up Customers to their Orders, the AVM skips
any Customer that has no Orders with a ShipDate because there is no matching pair of records. The

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 73

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

alternative to this type of join, called an outer join, doesn't skip those Customers with no Orders but instead
supplies unknown values from a dummy Order when no Order satisfies the criteria. ABL has an OUTER-JOIN
keyword, but you can use it only when you define queries of the kind you've seen in DEFINE QUERY
statements, not in a FOR EACH block. To get the same effect using FOR EACH blocks, you can nest multiple
blocks, one to retrieve and display the Customer and another to retrieve and display its Orders. You did
this back in the sample procedure in Introducing ABL on page 17. Generally this is more effective than
constructing a query that might involve a one-to-many relationship anyway, because it avoids having
duplicated data from the first table in the join.
• You can add a WHERE clause and/or a BY clause to each record phrase if you wish. You should always
move each WHERE clause up as close to the front of the statement as possible to minimize the number of
records retrieved. For example, the statement FOR EACH Customer, EACH Order OF Customer
WHERE State = "NH" AND ShipDate NE ? would yield the same result but retrieve many more records
in the process. It would go through the set of all Customers, retrieve each Order for each Customer, and
then determine whether the State was "NH" and the ShipDate was not unknown. This code is very inefficient.
The way ABL handles data retrieval is different from SQL, where the table selection is done at the beginning
of a SELECT statement and the WHERE clause is after the list of tables. The SQL form depends on the
presence of an optimizer that turns the statement into the most efficient retrieval possible. The advantage
of ABL form is that you have greater control over exactly how the data is retrieved. But with this control
comes the responsibility to construct your FOR statements intelligently.

• Because two records, Customer and Order, are scoped to the FOR block, you might need to qualify field
names that appear in both of them. If you just write DISPLAY CustNum you get a syntax error when you
try to run the procedure, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 10: Syntax error message

Alternatives to the EACH keyword

Sometimes you just want a single record from a table. In that case, you can use the FIRST or LAST keyword
in place of EACH, or possibly use no qualifier at all. For example, if you want to retrieve Orders and their
Customers instead of the other way around, you can leave out the keyword EACH in the Customer phrase,
because each Order has only one Customer:

FOR EACH Order NO-LOCK WHERE Order.ShipDate NE ?, Customer OF Order NO-LOCK:

DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.ShipDate Customer.Name.

When you use this form, make sure that there is never more than one record satisfying the join. Otherwise,
you get a run-time error telling you that there is no unique match.

74 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

If you'd like to see just the first Order for each Customer in New Hampshire, you can use the FIRST qualifier
to accomplish that:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH",

FIRST Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate.

Be careful, though. This form might not always yield the result you expect, because you have to consider just
what is the first Order of a Customer? The AVM uses an index of the Order table to traverse the rows.

Using indexes to relate and sort data

A database index allows the database manager to retrieve records quickly by looking up only the values of one
or more key fields stored in separate database blocks from the records themselves, which then point to the
location where the records are stored.
And what are the indexes of the Order table?
To display the Order table indexes:
1. From the Procedure Editor menu, select Tools > Data Dictionary.
2. Select the Order table from the list of tables, then click the Indexes button:

3. Click the Index Properties button. The Index Properties dialog box appears and shows the properties of
the first index, CustOrder:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 75

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

This is the index the AVM uses to retrieve the Orders, because its first component is the CustNum field,
and that is the field it has to match against the CustNum from the Customer table. Since the other component
in the index is the OrderNum field, this index sorts records by OrderNum within CustNum so your request
for the FIRSTOrder returns the record with the lowest Order number.

4. Exit the Data Dictionary before you continue. Otherwise, OpenEdge will not let you run any procedures,
because it has a database transaction open and ready to save any changes you might make in the Data
The following figure shows the beginning of the display from the block FOR EACH Customer WHERE
State = "NH", FIRST Order OF Customer.
Figure 11: Lowest Order number for each Customer

As expected, you see the Order with the lowest Order number for each Customer. If what you want is the
earliest Order date, this output might not give you the information you are looking for.
Adding a BY phrase to the statement doesn't help because the AVM retrieves the records before applying the
sort. So if you want the Order with the earliest Order date, it won't work to do this:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH",

FIRST Order OF Customer NO-LOCK BY Order.OrderDate:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate.

76 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

This code retrieves the same Orders as before, but then sorts the whole result set by the OrderDate field, as
shown in the following figure.
Figure 12: Orders sorted by OrderDate

Using the USE-INDEX phrase to force a retrieval order

If you look at all the indexes for the Order table in the Data Dictionary, you can see that there is also an index
called OrderDate that uses the Order field. You can select the index to use when the default choice is not the
one you want. ABL does this by adding a USE-INDEX phrase to the record phrase. This form of the FOR EACH
statement is guaranteed to return the earliest OrderDate, even if it's not the lowest OrderNum:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH",

FIRST Order OF Customer NO-LOCK USE-INDEX OrderDate:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate.

The result in the following figure shows that there is indeed an earlier Order for the first of your Customers
that doesn't have the lowest OrderNum.
Figure 13: Earliest Customer Order

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 77

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

Using the LEAVE statement to leave a block

Use the USE-INDEX phrase only when necessary. The AVM is extremely effective at choosing the right index,
or combination of multiple indexes, to optimize your data retrieval. In fact, there's an alternative even in the
present example that yields the same result without requiring you to know the names and fields in the Order
table's indexes. Take a look at this procedure:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" WITH FRAME f:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK BY Order.OrderDate:
DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate WITH FRAME f.
END. /* FOR EACH Order */
END. /* FOR EACH Customer */

This code uses nested blocks to retrieve the Customers and Orders separately. These nested blocks allow
you to sort the Orders for a single CustomerBYOrderDate. You have to define the set of all the Customer's
Orders using the FOR EACH phrase so that the BY phrase has the effect of sorting them by OrderDate. But
you really only want to see the first one. To do this, you use another one-word ABL statement: LEAVE. The
LEAVE statement does exactly what you would expect it to: It leaves the block (specifically the innermost
iterating block to the LEAVE statement) after displaying fields from the first of the Customer's Orders. It does
not execute any more statements that might be in the block nor does it loop through any more records that are
in its result set. Instead, it moves back to the outer block to retrieve the next Customer.
Because the LEAVE statement looks for an iterating block to leave, it always leaves a FOR block. It leaves a
DO block only if the DO statement has a qualifier, such as WHILE, that causes it to iterate. If there is no iterating
block, the AVM leaves the entire procedure.

Using block headers to identify blocks

If it isn't clear what block the LEAVE statement applies to, or if you want it to apply to some other enclosing
block, you can give a block a name followed by a colon and then specifically leave that block. This variant of
the procedure has the same effect as the first one:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" WITH FRAME f:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.

FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK BY Order.OrderDate:
DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate WITH FRAME f.
LEAVE OrderBlock.
END. /* FOR EACH Order */
END. /* FOR EACH Customer */

78 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

Just to see the effect of specifying a different block, you can try this variant:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" WITH FRAME f:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.

FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK BY Order.OrderDate:
DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate WITH FRAME f.
LEAVE CustBlock.
END. /* FOR EACH Order */
END. /* FOR EACH Customer */

If you run this code, the AVM leaves the outer FOR EACH Customer block after retrieving the first Order for
the first Customer because of the change to the LEAVE statement, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 14: Specifying a different block

Using NEXT, STOP, and QUIT to change block behavior

There's another one-word statement that works much like LEAVE and that is NEXT. As you might expect, this
statement skips any remaining statements in the block and proceeds to the next iteration of the block. You can
qualify it with a block name the same way you do with LEAVE.
There are two more such statements that have increasingly more drastic consequences: STOP and QUIT.
STOP terminates the current procedure, backs out any active transactions, and returns to the OpenEdge
session's startup procedure or to the Editor. You can intercept a STOP action by including the ON STOP phrase
on a block header, which defines an action to take other than the default when the STOP condition occurs.
QUIT exits from OpenEdge altogether in a run-time environment and returns to the operating system. If you're
running in a development environment, it has a similar effect to STOP and returns to the Editor or to the Desktop.
There is also an ON QUIT phrase to intercept the QUIT condition in a block header and define an action to
take other than quitting the session.

Qualifying a FOR statement with a frame reference

This most recent example also has an explicit frame reference in it:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH" WITH FRAME f:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.
FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK BY OrderDate:
DISPLAY Order.OrderNum Order.OrderDate WITH FRAME f.
END. /* FOR EACH Order */
END. /* FOR EACH Customer */

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 79

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

Why is this necessary? A FOR EACH block scopes a frame to the block. By default, this is an unnamed frame.
Without the specific frame reference, you get two nested frames, one for the Customer and one for its Orders.
You saw this already in the sample procedure in Using Basic ABL Constructs on page 27.
In this case, that isn't what you want. Because there's only one Order of interest for each Customer, you want
to display all the fields together in the Customer frame. To get this effect, you have to override the default
behavior and tell the AVM to use the frame from the Customer block to display the Order fields. That is what
these two references to WITH FRAME f do for you. The AVM just keeps making room for new fields in the
frame as it encounters them.

REPEAT blocks
There's a third kind of iterating block that is in between DO and FOR in its effects, the REPEAT block. It supports
just about all the same syntax as a FOR block. You can add a FOR clause for one or more tables to it. You can
use a WHILE phrase or the expression TO expression phrase. You can scope a frame to it.
A block that begins with the REPEAT keyword shares these default characteristics with a FOR block:

• It is an iterating block
• It scopes a frame to the block
• It scopes records referenced in the REPEAT statement to the block
• It provides transaction processing if you update records within the block
By contrast, it shares this important property with a DO block: it does not automatically read records as it iterates.
So what is a REPEAT block for? It is useful in cases where you need to process a set of records within a block
but you need to navigate through the records yourself, rather than simply proceeding to the next record
automatically on each iteration. The sample procedure starting in the Index cursors on page 84 shows you an
example of where to use the REPEAT block.
One of the common ways to use a REPEAT block in older character applications is to repeat a data entry action
until the user hits the ESCAPE key to end. Here's a very simple but powerful example:

INSERT Customer EXCEPT Customer.Comments WITH 2 COLUMNS.

80 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

You haven't seen the INSERT statement before and you won't see much of it again, even though it's one of
the most powerful statements in the language. The following figure shows what you get from that one simple
Figure 15: Results of using the INSERT statement

It's a complete data entry screen, complete with initial values for fields that have one. The field help displays
at the bottom of the window. Inside a REPEAT loop, this lets you create one new Customer record after another
until you're done and you press ESCAPE.
Why won't you see the INSERT statement again? Because INSERT is one of those statements that mixes up
all aspects of ABL, from the user interface to saving the data off into the database. And in a modern GUI
application, you need to separate out all those things into separate parts of your application.

Using the PRESELECT keyword to get data in advance

One typical use of the REPEAT block that is still valuable is when you use it with a construct called a PRESELECT.
To understand this usage, you need to think a little about what happens when an iterating block like a FOR
EACH block begins. The AVM evaluates the record retrieval the FOR EACH statement defines. It then goes out
to the database and retrieves the first record of the set of related records that satisfies the statement and makes
the record available to the block. When the block iterates, the AVM goes and gets the next record. As long as
it's possible to identify what the first and the next records are by using one or more indexes, The AVM doesn't
bother reading all the records in advance. It just goes out and gets them when the block needs them.
If you specify a BY clause that requires a search of the database that an index can't satisfy, the AVM has no
choice but to retrieve all the records in advance and build up a list in sort order. But this is not ordinarily the
case. It's much more efficient simply to get the records when you need them.
Sometimes, though, you need to force the AVM to get all the records that satisfy the FOR EACH statement in
advance, even when the sort order itself doesn't require it. For example, if it's possible that you will modify an
indexed field in some of the records in such a way that they would appear again later in the retrieval process,
you need to make sure that the set of records you're working with is predetermined. The PRESELECT keyword
tells the AVM to build up a list of pointers to all the records that satisfy the selection criteria before it starts
iterating through the block. This assures you that each record is accessed only once.
In summary, a REPEAT block does everything a FOR block does, but it does not automatically advance to the
next record as it iterates. You should use a REPEAT block in cases where you want to control the record
navigation yourself, typically using the FIND statement described in the next section. It provides you with record,
frame, and transaction scoping.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 81

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

Because it provides all these services, a REPEAT block is relatively expensive compared to a DO block. Use
the simpler DO block instead of a REPEAT block, unless you need the record-oriented services provided by the
REPEAT block.

Data access without looping: the FIND statement

In addition to all of these ways to retrieve and iterate through a set of related records, ABL has a very powerful
way to retrieve single records without needing a query or result set definition of any kind. This is the FIND
The FIND statement uses this basic syntax:


NEXT PREV| LAST ]record[ WHERE ... ]
[ USE-INDEX index-name]

Using the FIND statement to fetch a single record from the database is pretty straightforward. This statement
reads the first Customer and makes it available to the procedure:

FIND FIRST Customer.

This statement fetches the first Customer in New Hampshire:

FIND FIRST Customer WHERE Customer.State = "NH".

It gets more interesting when you FIND the NEXT record or the PREV record. This should immediately lead you
to the question: NEXT or PREV relative to what? Even the FIND FIRST statement has to pick a sequence of
Customers in which one of them is first. Although it might seem intuitively obvious that Customer 1 is the first
Customer, given that the Customers have an integer key identifier, this is the record you get back only because
the CustNum index is the primary index for the table (you could verify this by looking in the Data Dictionary).
Without any other instructions to go on, and with no WHERE clause to make it use another index, the FIND
statement uses the primary index. You can use the USE-INDEX syntax to force the AVM to use a particular
If you include a WHERE clause, the AVM chooses one or more indexes to optimize locating the record. This
might have very counter-intuitive results. For example, here's a simple procedure with a FIND statement:

FIND FIRST Customer.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Country.

82 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

The following figure shows the expected result.

Figure 16: Result of a simple FIND procedure

You can see that Customer 1 is in the USA. Here's a variation of the procedure:

FIND FIRST Customer WHERE Customer.Country = "USA".

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Country.

The following figure shows the not-so-expected result.

Figure 17: Result of variation on the simple FIND procedure

What happened here? If Customer 1 is the first Customer, and Customer 1 is in the USA, then why isn't it
the first Customer in the USA? The AVM uses an index in the Country field to locate the first Customer in
the USA, because that's the most efficient way to find it. That index, called the CountryPost index, has the
PostalCode as its secondary field. If you rerun this procedure again and ask to see the PostalCode field
instead of the Name field, you'll see why it came up first using that index, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 18: Result of the simple FIND procedure using PostalCode

The PostalCode is blank for this Customer, so it sorts first. Even if there is no other field in the index at all,
that would only mean that the order of Customers within that index for a given country value would be
undetermined. Only if the CustNum field is the next index component could you be sure that Customer 1
would come back as the first Customer in the USA.
These examples show that you must be careful when using any of the positional keywords (FIRST, NEXT,
PREV, and LAST) in a FIND statement to make sure you know how the table is navigated.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 83

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

Index cursors
To understand better how the AVM navigates through a set of data, you need to understand the concept of
index cursors. When you retrieve a record from the database using any of the statements you've seen in this
chapter, the AVM keeps track of the current record position using an index cursor—a pointer to the record,
using the location in the database indexes of the key value used for retrieval.
When you execute the statement FIND FIRST Customer, for example, the AVM sets a pointer to the record
for Customer 1 within the CustNum index. If you execute the statement FIND FIRST Customer WHERE
Country = "USA", the AVM points to Customer 1025 through the CountryPost index.
When you execute another FIND statement on the same table using one of the directional keywords, the AVM
can go off in any direction from the current index cursor location, depending on the nature of the statement.
By default, it reverts to the primary index. Here's an example that extends the previous one slightly:

FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA".

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Country.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name FORMAT "x(20)" Customer.Country

Using the FIND statement in a REPEAT block

Notice the use of the REPEAT block to cycle through the remaining Customers. Within that block, you must
write a FIND statement to get the next Customer because the REPEAT block itself, unlike the FOR EACH block,
does not do the navigation for you. Also, the REPEAT block does not automatically terminate when the end of
the Customers is reached, so you need to program the block with these three actions:
1. You must do the FIND with the NO-ERROR qualifier at the end of the statement. This suppresses the error
message that you would ordinarily get when there is no next Customer.
2. You must use the AVAILABLE keyword to check for the presence of a Customer and display fields only if
it evaluates to TRUE.
3. You must write an ELSE statement to match the IF-THEN statement, to leave the block when there is no
Customer available. Otherwise, your block goes into an infinite loop when it reaches the end of the Customer
records. And notice that this truly is a separate statement. The IF-THEN statement ends with a period and
the ELSE keyword begins a statement of its own.
All of these are actions that the FOR EACH block does for you as it reads through the set of Customers. In the
REPEAT block, though, where you're doing your own navigation, you need to do these things yourself.
Remember also that the REPEAT block scopes the statements inside the block to its own frame, unless you
tell it otherwise. Therefore, you get one frame for the FIRSTCustomer and a new frame for all the Customer
records retrieved within the REPEAT block.
The keyword AVAILABLE is an ABL built-in function, so its one argument properly belongs in parentheses, as
in IF AVAILABLE (Customer). However, to promote the readability of the ABL statement, the syntax also
accepts the form as if it were a phrase without the parentheses, as in IF AVAILABLE Customer. This
alternative is not generally available with other built-in functions.
Finally, the FORMAT "X(20)" phrase reduces the display size of the Name field from its default (defined in
the Data Dictionary) of 30 characters, to make room for the PostalCode field.

84 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

Switching indexes between FIND statements

So what Customer do you expect to see as the next Customer after retrieving the first Customer using the
CountryPost index (because of the WHERE clause)? If you remember that the default is always to revert to the
primary index, then the result shown in the following figure should be clear.
Figure 19: Result of using the primary index

Looking at the sequence of records displayed in the frame for the REPEAT block, it's clear that the AVM is using
the primary index (the CustNum index) to navigate through the records. This is unaffected by the fact that the
initial FIND was done using the CountryPost index, because of its WHERE clause.
What if you want to continue retrieving only Customers in the USA? In this case, you need to repeat the WHERE
clause in the FIND statement in the REPEAT block:

FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Country = "USA".

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Country.

FIND NEXT Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA" NO-ERROR.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name FORMAT "x(20)" Customer.Country

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 85

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

Each FIND statement is independent of any other FIND statement, even if it refers to the same table, so the
WHERE clause does not carry over automatically. If you do this, then the AVM continues to use the CountryPost
index for the retrieval, as the output in the following figure shows.
Figure 20: Result of using the CountryPost index for record retrieval

Because the PostalCode is the second field in the index used, the remaining records come out in PostalCode

Using a USE-INDEX phrase to force index selection

You can also force a retrieval sequence with the USE-INDEX phrase. For instance, if you want to find the next
set of Customers based on the Customer name, you can use the Name index, which contains just that one

FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA".

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Country.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name FORMAT "x(20)"
Customer.Country Customer.PostalCode.

86 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

The output shown in the following figure confirms that the AVM is walking through the records in Name order,
starting with the name of the first Customer in the USA.
Figure 21: Result of forcing index selection

This technique can be very valuable in expressing your business logic in your procedures. You might need to
identify a record based on one characteristic and then retrieve all other records (or perhaps just one additional
record) based on some other characteristic of the record you first retrieved. This is one of the most powerful
ways in which ABL lets you define your business logic without the overhead and cumbersome syntax required
to deal with all data access in terms of sets.

Doing a unique FIND to retrieve a single record

Very often you just need to retrieve a single record using selection criteria that identify it uniquely. In this case,
you can use a FIND statement with no directional qualifier. For example, you can identify a Customer by its
Customer number. This is a unique value, so you can use the following FIND statement:

FIND Customer WHERE Customer.CustNum = 1025.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Country.

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 22: Result of unique FIND

You need to be sure when you do this that only one record satisfies the selection criteria. Otherwise, you get
an error at run time.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 87

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

This is a shorthand for this FIND statement:

FIND Customer 1025.

You can use this shorthand form if the primary index is a unique index (with no duplication of values), the
primary index contains just a single field, and you want to retrieve a record using just that field. You can use
this form only when all these conditions are TRUE, so it's not likely to be one you use frequently. Also, this
shorthand form makes it harder to determine your criteria. It can break if the data definitions change (for
example, if someone adds another field to the CustNum index), so it's better to be more specific and use a
WHERE clause to identify the record.

Using the CAN-FIND function

Often you need to verify the existence of a record without retrieving it for display or update. For example, your
logic might need to identify each Customer that has at least one Order, but you might not care about retrieving
any actual Orders. To do this, you can use an alternative to the FIND statement that is more efficient because
it only checks index entries wherever possible to determine whether a record exists, without going to the extra
work of retrieving the record itself. This alternative is the CAN-FIND built-in function. CAN-FIND takes a single
parameter, which can be any record selection phrase. The CAN-FIND function returns TRUE or FALSE depending
on whether the record selection phrase identifies exactly one record in the database.
For example, imagine that you want to identify all Customers that placed Orders as early as 1997. You don't
need to retrieve or display the Orders themselves, you just need to know which Customers satisfy this selection
criterion. The following simple procedure accomplishes this:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA":

IF CAN-FIND(FIRST Order OF Customer WHERE Order.OrderDate < 1/1/98) THEN
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum "No 1997 Orders" @ Customer.Name.

88 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

This procedure uses a little display trick you haven't seen before. If the Customer has any Orders for 1997,
then the procedure displays the Customer name. Otherwise, it displays the text phrase No 1997Orders. If
you include that literal value in the DISPLAY statement, it displays in its own column as if it were a field or a
variable. To display it in place of the Name field, use the at-sign symbol (@). The following figure shows the
Figure 23: Result of CAN-FIND function procedure

The CAN-FIND function takes the argument FIRST Order OF Customer WHERE OrderData < 1/1/98.
Why is the FIRST keyword necessary? The CAN-FIND function returns TRUE only if exactly one record satisfies
the selection criteria. If there's more than one match, then it returns FALSE—without error—just as it would if
there was no match at all. For example, if you remove the FIRST keyword from the example procedure and
change the literal text to be No unique 1997 Order, and rerun it, then you see that most Customers have
more than one Order placed in 1997:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA":

IF CAN-FIND (Order OF Customer WHERE Order.OrderDate < 1/1/98) THEN
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum "No unique 1997 Order" @ Customer.Name.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 89

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

After you page through the results, you see just a few records that don't satisfy the criteria, as shown in the
following figure.
Figure 24: Result of CAN-FIND function procedure without FIRST keyword

Because you don't get an error if there's more than one match, it's especially important to remember to define
your selection criteria so that they identify exactly one record when you want the function to return TRUE.
The CAN-FIND function is more efficient than the FIND statement because it does not actually retrieve the
database record. If the selection criteria can be satisfied just by looking at values in an index, then it doesn't
look at the field values in the database at all. However, this means that the record referenced in the CAN-FIND
statement is not available to your procedure. For example, this variation on the example tries to display the
OrderDate from the Order record as well as the Customer fields:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA":

IF CAN-FIND(FIRST Order OF Customer WHERE Order.OrderDate < 1/1/98) THEN
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Order.OrderDate.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum "No 1997 Orders" @ Customer.Name.

This results in the error shown in the following figure, because the Order record is not available following the
CAN-FIND reference to it.
Figure 25: CAN-FIND error message

90 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Language statements that define blocks

If you need the Order record itself then you must use a form that returns it to you:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA":

FIND FIRST Order OF Customer NO-LOCK WHERE OrderDate < 1/1/98 NO-ERROR.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Order.OrderDate.
DISPLAY "No 1997 Orders" @ Customer.Name.

When you run this code, you see the OrderDate as well as the Customer fields except in those cases where
there is no Order from 1997, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 26: FIND FIRST Order result

The samples so far have shown the CAN-FIND function in an IF-THEN statement. You can also use it anywhere
where a logical (TRUE/FALSE) expression is valid in a WHERE clause, such as this:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA" AND

CAN-FIND(FIRST Order OF Customer WHERE Order.OrderDate < 1/1/98):
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.

The next chapter continues the discussion on building complex procedures, with details on record buffers and
record scope.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 91

Chapter 4: Procedure Blocks and Data Access

92 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record Buffers and Record Scope

This chapter continues the discussion for how to construct complex ABL procedures. It describes in detail what
record buffers are and how they manage data for you.

For details, see the following topics:

• Record buffers

• Record scope

Record buffers
This section discusses more precisely what record buffers do for you.
Whenever you reference a database table in a procedure and the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) makes a record
from that table available for your use, you are using a record buffer. The AVM defines a record buffer for your
procedure for each table you reference in a FIND statement, a FOR EACH block, a REPEAT FOR block, or a
DO FOR block. The record buffer, by default, has the same name as the database table. This is why, when you
use these default record buffers, you can think in terms of accessing database records directly because the
name of the buffer is the name of the table the record comes from. Think of the record buffer as a temporary
storage area in memory where the AVM manages records as they pass between the database and the statements
in your procedures.
You can also define your own record buffers explicitly, though, using this syntax:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 93

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope


DEFINE BUFFER <buffer-name> FOR <table-name>.

There are many places in complex business logic where you need to have two or more different records from
the same table available to your code at the same time, for comparison purposes. This is when you might use
multiple different buffers with their own names. Here's one fairly simple example. In the following procedure,
which could be used as part of a cleanup effort for the Customer table, you need to see if there are any pairs
of Customers in the same city in the US with zip codes that do not match.
Here is the code that gives you these records:

DEFINE BUFFER Customer FOR Customer.

DEFINE BUFFER OtherCust FOR Customer.

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA":

WHERE Customer.State = OtherCust.State
AND Customer.City = OtherCust.City
AND SUBSTRING(Customer.PostalCode, 1,3) NE
SUBSTRING(OtherCust.PostalCode, 1,3)
AND Customer.CustNum < OtherCust.CustNum NO-ERROR.
Customer.City FORMAT "x(12)"
Customer.State FORMAT "xx"

Take a look through this procedure. First, there is a pair of buffer definitions for the Customer table, one called
Customer and one called OtherCust. The first definition, DEFINE BUFFER Customer FOR Customer,
might seem superfluous because you get a buffer definition automatically when you reference the table name
in your procedure. However, there are reasons why it can be a good idea to make all of your buffer definitions
explicit like this. First, if you have two explicit buffer definitions up front, it makes it clearer that the purpose of
this procedure is to compare pairs of Customer records. You might want to use alternative names for both
buffers, such as FirstCust and OtherCust, to make it clear what your procedure is doing. This procedure uses
an explicitly defined buffer with the same name as the table just to show that you can do this.
In addition, defining buffers that are explicitly scoped to the current procedure can reduce the chance that your
code somehow inherits a buffer definition from another procedure in the calling stack. The defaults that ABL
provides can be useful, but in serious business logic being explicit about all your definitions can save you from
unexpected errors when the defaults don't work as expected.
Next the code starts through the set of all Customers in the USA. For each of those Customers, it tries to find
another Customer with the same City and State values:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Country = "USA":

WHERE Customer.State = OtherCust.State
AND Customer.City = OtherCust.City . . .

94 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record buffers

Because you need to compare one Customer with the other, you can't simply refer to both of them using the
name Customer. This is the purpose of the second buffer definition. Because the code is dealing with two
different buffers that contain all the same field names, you need to qualify every single field reference to identify
which of the two records you're referring to.
The next part of the WHERE clause compares the two zip codes, which are stored in the PostalCode field:

AND SUBSTRING(Customer.PostalCode, 1,3) NE

SUBSTRING(OtherCust.PostalCode, 1,3) ...

This procedure assumes that the last two digits of a zip code can be different within a given city, but that the
first three digits are always the same. Because the PostalCode field is used for codes outside the US, which
are sometimes alphanumeric, it is a character field, so the SUBSTR function extracts the first three characters
of each of the two codes and compares them. If they are not equal, then the condition is satisfied.
The last bit of the WHERE clause needs some special explanation:

AND Customer.CustNum < OtherCust.CustNum NO-ERROR.

As the code walks through all the Customers, it finds a record using the Customer buffer and another record
using the OtherCust buffer that satisfy the criteria. But later it also finds the same pair of Customers in the
opposite order. So to avoid returning each pair of Customers twice, the code returns only the pair where the
first CustNum is less than the second.
The FIND of the second Customer with a zip code that doesn't match the first is done with the NO-ERROR
qualifier, and then the DISPLAY is done only if that record is AVAILABLE:


Customer.City FORMAT "x(12)"
Customer.State FORMAT "xx"

In the DISPLAY statement you must qualify all the field names with the buffer name to tell the AVM which one
you want to see. In the case of the City and State it doesn't matter, of course, because they're the same, but
you still have to choose one to display.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 95

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope

The following figure shows what you get when you run the procedure.
Figure 27: Comparing zip codes

You'll notice that the procedure takes a few seconds to run to completion. This is because the City field and
the State field aren't indexed at all. For each of the over 1000 Customers in the USA, the procedure must do
a FIND with a WHERE clause against all of the other Customers using these nonindexed fields. The PostalCode
comparison doesn't help cut down the search either, because that's a nonequality match and the PostalCode
is only a secondary component of an index. The code must work its way through all the Customers with higher
Customer numbers looking for the first one that satisfies the selection. The fact that the OpenEdge database
can do these many thousands of searches in just a few seconds is very impressive. There are various ways
to make this search more efficient but they involve language constructs you haven't been introduced to yet, so
this simple procedure serves for now.

Record scope
All the elements in an ABL procedure have a scope. That is, ABL defines the portion of the application in which
you can refer to the element. The buffers the AVM uses for database records are no exception. In this section,
you'll look at how record scope affects statements that read database records. The update-related actions
include determining when in a procedure a record gets written back to the database and when it clears a record
from a buffer and reads in another one. Remember that a reference to a database record is always a reference
to a buffer where that record is held in memory for you, and all buffers are treated the same, whether you define
them explicitly or they are provided for you by default.
There are some rules ABL uses to define just how record scope is determined. The rules might seem a bit
complex at first, but they are just the result of applying some common-sense principles to the way a procedure
is organized. To understand the rules, you first need to learn a few terms.
If you reference a buffer in the header of a REPEAT FOR or DO FOR block, this is called a strong-scoped
reference. Any reference to the buffer within the block is a strong-scoped reference. What does this mean?
The term strong-scoped means that you have made a very explicit reference to the scope of the buffer by
naming it in the block header. You have told the AVM that the block applies to that buffer and is being used to
manage that buffer. By providing you with a buffer scoped to that block, the AVM is really just following your
On the other hand, if you reference a buffer in the header of a FOR EACH or PRESELECT EACH block, this is
called a weak-scoped reference. Any reference to the buffer within the block is a weak-scoped reference.

96 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record scope

Why this difference? Keep in mind that a REPEAT block or a DO block does not automatically iterate through a
set of records. You can execute many kinds of statements within these blocks, and if you want to retrieve a
record in one of them, you have to use a FIND statement to do it. This is why naming the buffer in the block
header is called strong scoping.
By contrast, a FOR EACH block or a PRESELECT EACH block must name the buffers it uses, because the block
automatically iterates through the set of records the block header defines. For this reason, because you really
don't have any choice except to name the buffer in the block header, the AVM treats this as a weak reference.
the AVM recognizes that the buffer is used in that block, but it doesn't treat it as though it can only be used
within that block. You'll see how the difference affects your procedures in the next section.
The third type of buffer reference is called a free reference. Any other reference to a buffer other than the kinds
already described is a free reference. Generally, this means references in FIND statements. These are called
free references because they aren't tied to a particular block of code. They just occur in a single statement in
your procedure.
The following sections describe the rules that determine how the AVM treats record buffers that are used in
different kinds of buffer references.

Self-contained references to a buffer

Record Buffer Rule 1: Each strong-scoped or weak-scoped reference to a buffer is

You can combine multiple such blocks in a procedure, and each one scopes the buffer to its own block. This
rule holds as long as no other reference forces the buffer to be scoped to a higher level outside these blocks.
Here's an example:

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:

DISPLAY "Highest:" Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"

BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

This code has two FOR EACH blocks each with a weak-scoped reference to the Customer buffer. This is
perfectly valid. First, the AVM scopes the Customer buffer to the first FOR EACH block. When that block
terminates, the AVM scopes the buffer to the second FOR EACH block.
The first block identifies the Customer with the highest CreditLimit. To do this, it sets up a FOR EACH block
to cycle through all the Customers. The statement sorts the Customers by their CreditLimit in descending
order. After it reads and displays the first of these records, the one with the highest CreditLimit, the LEAVE
statement forces the block to terminate.
The qualifier WITH 1 DOWN on the DISPLAY statement for the first block tells the AVM that it only needs to
define a frame with space for one Customer. Otherwise it would allocate the entire display space. The literal
Highest: makes it clear in the output what you're looking at.
The second block then independently displays all the Customers in the state of New Hampshire in order by
their CreditLimit, with the highest value first. Because these two blocks occur in sequence, The AVM can
scope the Customer buffer to each one in turn and reuse the same Customer buffer in memory, without any
conflict. That's why this form is perfectly valid.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 97

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope

The following figure shows what you see when you run the procedure.
Figure 28: Result of record buffer Rule 1 example

Generating a procedure listing file

To verify how the AVM is scoping the record buffers, you can generate a listing file that contains various
information about how ABL or the AVM processes the procedure when you compile or run it.
To do this, use the LISTING option on the COMPILE statement:
1. Save the procedure so that it has a name you can reference: testscope.p.
2. Open another procedure window and enter this statement:

COMPILE testscope.p LISTING testscope.lis.

98 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record scope

3. Press F2 to run the COMPILE statement.

4. Select File > Open to open testscope.lis. You should see this code:

{} Line Blk
-- ---- ---
1 1 FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
2 1 DISPLAY "Highest:" Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit
3 1 WITH 1 DOWN.
4 1 LEAVE.
5 END.
7 FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"
8 BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
9 1 DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.
10 END.

File Name Line Blk. Type Tran Blk. Label

-------------------- ---- --------- ---- -------------------------------
.\testscope.p 0 Procedure No
.\testscope.p 1 For No
Buffers: sports2000.Customer
Frames: Unnamed

.\testscope.p 7 For No
Buffers: sports2000.Customer
Frames: Unnamed

This listing file tells you that line 1 of the procedure starts a FOR block and that this block does not start a
transaction. The next line tells you what you need to know about scoping. The line that reads Buffers:
sports2000.Customer tells you that the Customer buffer is scoped to this FOR block and that it used an
unnamed frame that is also scoped to that block. Next you see that another FOR block begins at line 7. The
Customer buffer is also (independently) scoped to that block and it has its own unnamed frame.
You could construct similar examples using any combination of strong- and weak-scoped buffer references.
For example, here's a variation on the test procedure that uses a DO FOR block with a strong scope to the
Customer buffer:

DO FOR Customer:
FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > 60000.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"

BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

This procedure scopes the Customer buffer to each block in turn, just as the first example does.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 99

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope

Nested, weak-scoped references to the same buffer

Record Buffer Rule 2: You cannot nest two weak-scoped references to the same buffer.
For example, this procedure violates this rule:


FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"

BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.
fLimit = Customer.CreditLimit.

FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > fLimit:

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

If you try to run this procedure, you get the error shown in the following figure that tells you that your buffer
references are invalid.
Figure 29: Invalid buffer references error message

When you think about it, this is perfectly sensible and necessary. Picture this situation:
The AVM is using the Customer buffer for the current Customer record in the outer FOR EACH block. The
first time through the block, it contains the New Hampshire Customer with the highest CreditLimit. Now
suddenly the AVM gets a request to use that same buffer to start another FOR EACH block, while it's still in the
middle of processing the outer one. This could not possibly work. If the AVM replaced the New Hampshire
Customer with whatever Customer was the first one to satisfy the selection of Customers with higher
CreditLimits and then you had another reference to the first Customer later on in the outer block (which would
be perfectly valid), that Customer record would no longer be available because the AVM would have used the
same buffer for the inner FOR EACH block. Because this can't be made to work with both blocks sharing the
same buffer at the same time, this construct is invalid.

100 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record scope

Weak-scoped blocks and free references

Record Buffer Rule 3: A weak-scope block cannot contain any free references to the
same buffer.
This rule makes sense for the same reasons as Record Buffer Rule 2. Consider this example:


FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"

BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.
fLimit = Customer.CreditLimit.

FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > fLimit.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

While the AVM is processing the FOR EACH block, it gets a request to use the same buffer to find a completely
unrelated record. This fails with a similar error, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 30: FOR EACH processing error message

Scoping buffers

Record Buffer Rule 4: If you have a free reference to a buffer, the AVM tries to scope
that buffer to the nearest enclosing block with record scoping properties (that is, a
FOR EACH block, a DO FOR block, or a REPEAT block). If no block within the procedure
has record scoping properties, then the AVM scopes the record to the entire procedure.
The FIND statements are called free references because they don't define a scope for the buffer, they just
reference it. Therefore, the AVM has to identify some scope for the record beyond the FIND statement. When
a block has record scoping properties, it is a block the AVM might try to scope a record to, when the record is
referenced inside the block.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 101

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope

Here's another variation on the testscope.p procedure that demonstrates this rule:


FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"

BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
IF fLimit = 0 THEN
fLimit = Customer.CreditLimit.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

FIND FIRST Customer WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > fLimit.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

This procedure is perfectly valid. The first time through the FOR EACH loop, the procedure saves off the
CreditLimit for use later in the procedure. Because the fLimit variable is initialized to zero, checking for
fLimit = 0 tells you whether it's already been set. When you run it, you see all the New Hampshire Customer
records followed by the first Customer with a CreditLimit higher than the highest value for New Hampshire
Customers. Because there's no conflict with two blocks trying to use the same buffer at the same time, it
compiles and runs successfully.
But the rule that the AVM raises the scope in this situation is a critically important one. In complex procedures,
the combination of buffer references you use might force the AVM to scope a record buffer higher in the
procedure than you expect. Though this normally does not have a visible effect when you're just reading records,
when you get to the discussion of transactions this rule becomes much more important. If you generate another
listing file for this procedure, you see the effect of the FIND statement:

{} Line Blk
-- ---- ---
3 1 FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "NH"
4 1 BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
5 1 IF fLimit = 0 THEN
6 1 fLimit = Customer.CreditLimit.
7 1 DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.
8 END.
10 FIND FIRST Customer WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > fLimit.
11 DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

File Name Line Blk. Type Tran Blk. Label

-------------------- ---- --------- ---- --------------------------------
.\testscope.p 0 Procedure No
Buffers: sports2000.Customer
Frames: Unnamed

.\testscope.p 3 For No
Frames: Unnamed

This tells you that the Customer buffer is scoped at line 0, that is, to the procedure itself. There's no reference
to the Customer buffer in the information for the FOR block at line 3 because the AVM has already scoped the
buffer higher than that block.
Next is the rule concerning combining FIND statements with strong-scoped, rather than weak-scoped references.

102 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record scope

Strong-scoped references and containing blocks

Record Buffer Rule 5: If you have a strong-scoped reference to a buffer, you cannot
have a free reference that raises the scope to any containing block.
The whole point of using a strong-scoping form, such as a DO FOR block, is to force the buffer scope to that
block and nowhere else. If the AVM encounters some other statement (such as a FIND statement) outside the
strong-scoped block that forces it to try to scope the buffer higher than the strong scope, it cannot do this
because this violates the strong-scoped reference. For example:


DO FOR Customer:
FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.State = "MA".
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.
fLimit = Customer.CreditLimit.

FIND FIRST Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > fLimit.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.

If you try to run this procedure you get the error shown in the following figure.
Figure 31: Conflicting table reference error message

Remember this distinction between Rule 1 and Rule 5. Rule 1 says that strong- and weak-scoped references
in separate blocks are self-contained, so it is legal to have multiple blocks in a procedure that scope the same
buffer to the block. Rule 5 tells you that it is not legal to have some other reference to the buffer that would
force the scope to be higher than any of the strong-scoped references to it.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 103

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope

Here are some additional examples that illustrate how these rules interact:


DO FOR Customer:
FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CreditLimit > 80000
BY Customer.CreditLimit DESCENDING:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.
iNum = Customer.CustNum WHEN iNum = 0.

FIND Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CustNum = iNum.

Customer.NAme FORMAT "x(18)"
Customer.City FORMAT "x(12)"
Customer.State FORMAT "x(12)"
Customer.Country FORMAT "x(12)".

This procedure displays all the Customers with CreditLimits over 80000, saving off the Customer number
of the highest one. The following figure shows the first result.
Figure 32: Customers with CreditLimits over 80000—first result

It then finds that Customer again with the highest CreditLimit and redisplays it with some more fields, as
shown in the following figure.
Figure 33: Customers with CreditLimits over 80000—next result

This example illustrates that it is valid to have a weak-scoped block enclosed in a strong-scoped block. The
AVM raises the scope of the Customer buffer to the outer DO FOR block. This allows you to reference the
buffer elsewhere in the DO FOR block, such as the FIND statement. The FIND statement raises the scope of
the buffer to the DO FOR block, the nearest containing block with block-scoping properties.

104 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record scope

This example illustrates raising the buffer scope:


DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.

As it processes the procedure, the AVM encounters the FIND statement and tentatively scopes the Customer
buffer to the REPEAT block. The REPEAT block by itself does not force a buffer scope without a FOR phrase
attached to it but it does have the record-scoping property, so it is the nearest containing block for the FIND
statement. This block cycles through Customers in Name order and leaves the block when it gets to the first
one starting with D. But after that block ends, the AVM finds a free reference to the Customer buffer in the
DISPLAY statement. This forces the AVM to raise the scope of the buffer outside the REPEAT block. Since
there is no available enclosing block to scope the buffer to, the AVM scopes it to the procedure. Thus, the
Customer buffer from the REPEAT block is available after that block ends to display fields from the record, as
shown in the following figure.
Figure 34: Raising buffer scope example result

This next procedure has two free references, each within its own REPEAT block:

IF Customer.Name BEGINS "D" THEN DO:
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name WITH FRAME D.

DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name WITH FRAME E.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 105

Chapter 5: Record Buffers and Record Scope

As before, the AVM initially scopes the buffer to the first REPEAT block. But on encountering another FIND
statement within another REPEAT block, the AVM must raise the scope to the entire procedure. The first block
cycles through Customers until it finds and displays the first one whose name begins with D, and then leaves
the block. Because the buffer is scoped to the entire procedure, the FIND statement inside the second REPEAT
block starts up where the first one ended, and continues reading Customers until it gets to the first one beginning
with E. The following figure shows the result.
Figure 35: Raising buffer scope example 2 result

This is a very important aspect of buffer scoping. Not only are both blocks using the same buffer, they are also
using the same index cursor on that buffer. This is different from the earlier examples where multiple strong-
or weak-scoped blocks scope the buffer independently. In these cases, each block uses a separate index
cursor, so a second DO FOR or FOR EACH starts fresh back at the beginning of the record set. The difference
is that the FIND statements inside these REPEAT blocks are free references, so they force the AVM to go up
to an enclosing block that encompasses all the free references.

106 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using Queries

The programming syntax you have learned so far uses blocks of ABL code to define and iterate through a set
of records. ABL defines an alternative to this form of data access called a query. This chapter discusses why
these different forms exist and how you can use queries in ways that are distinct from how you would use a
result set in a FOR EACH block.

For details, see the following topics:

• Why you use queries in your application

• Defining and using queries

• Summary

Why you use queries in your application

The first question to answer about queries is why ABL has them at all. For many years, ABL did not support
queries, and developers wrote very powerful and complete applications without them. So, before you go into
the details of how to define and use queries, you'll learn the differences between queries and the block-oriented
data access language you've used so far.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 107

Chapter 6: Using Queries

Queries versus block-oriented data access

The first and most obvious characteristic of queries is precisely that they are not block-oriented. The language
statements you've used in the last few chapters are all tied to blocks of ABL code. You define a result set inside
a block beginning with DO, FOR, or REPEAT. The result set is generally scoped to the block where it is defined.
The term result set denotes the set of rows that satisfy a query.
You learned which of the block types iterate through the result set automatically and which require you to
explicitly find the next record.
Even the FIND statement itself, although it does not define a block, is subject to the same rules of record
scoping. You've learned how the presence of record-oriented blocks like a FOR EACH block and FIND statements
together define the scope of a record buffer within a procedure.
These are among the most powerful features in ABL. They help give it its unique flexibility and strength for
defining complex business logic in a way that ties data access statements closely to the logic that uses the
However, there are times when you don't want your data access tied to the nested blocks of ABL logic in your
procedures. Earlier chapters briefly discussed the notion of event-driven applications. Think about the procedure
h-CustOrderWin1.w, for instance. When you run this, a Customer and its Orders are displayed for you, as
shown in the following figure.
Figure 36: Customers and Orders sample window

Iterating through the data, for example through all the Customers in New Hampshire, isn't done inside a block
of ABL logic. It's done entirely under user control. Defining the Customer result set and its Order result set
using queries is essential to this. When the user clicks the Next button, the code retrieves and displays the
next record in the result set:

GET NEXT CustQuery.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address Customer.City

108 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

This happens independently of the block of code where the query is defined, or where it is opened. This gives
you great flexibility as a developer to let user interface events, or other programmatic events, determine the
flow of the application and the processing of data. By contrast, the examples you built in Record Buffers and
Record Scope on page 93 were chunks of logic that executed independently of the user interface, such as in
the procedure h-BinCheck.p, which does some calculations and returns the results to another procedure.
This is the essence of the difference between queries and block-oriented data access. You use queries when
you need to keep the data access separate from the structure of the procedure, and instead control it by events.
You use block-oriented data access when you need to define business logic for data within a defined scope.
Thus queries give your data access language these important characteristics:

• Scope independence — You can refer to the records in the query anywhere in your procedure.
• Block independence — You are not required to do all your data access within a given block.
• Record retrieval independence — You can move through the result set under complete control of either
program logic or user events.
• Repositioning flexibility — You can position to any record in the result set at any time.

Using queries to share data between procedures

A query is also a true object in ABL. It has a definition and a name, and you can use the name to access it
anywhere in your procedure. You have already learned a little about handles, which give you a reference to
an object that you can pass from procedure to procedure. Using a query's handle, you can access the query
and its result set from anywhere in your application session. This gives you the ability to modularize your
application in ways that can't be done with block-oriented result sets, which are not named objects and which
have no meaning or visibility outside their defined scope. You'll learn a lot more about how to use a query's
handle to access its data in later chapters that discuss dynamic data retrieval language.

Using queries to populate a browse

A query is the basis for the data definition for a browse object. You can't populate a browse with the data from
a FOR EACH block, only from a query. The browse gives you a viewport into the query. The repositioning you
can do by selecting a record in the browse or scrolling through its contents reflects the repositioning that you
can do programmatically through the query. In fact, selecting a row in a browse automatically repositions the
query to that row, making it the current row in the buffers the query uses.

Defining and using queries

There is a DEFINE statement for a query as for other ABL objects. This is the general syntax:


DEFINE QUERY query-name FOR buffer [ , ...][ SCROLLING ].

The statement gives the query a name and, in turn, names the buffer or buffers that the query uses. In the
simplest case, the buffers are database table names. But you can also use other buffers you've defined as
alternatives to table names or, as you'll learn later in this chapter, buffers for temp-tables.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 109

Chapter 6: Using Queries

If you want to reposition within the result set without using the GET FIRST, NEXT, PREV, and LAST statements,
you need to define the query as SCROLLING. You'll learn later in this section how to reposition within the result
set of a scrolling query. You must also define a query that is going to be associated with a browse as SCROLLING.
There is a slight performance cost to using the SCROLLING option, so you should leave it off if you are not
using the capabilities it enables.
You don't actually specify the exact data selection statement for the buffers and the tables they represent until
you open the query. At that time, you can describe the joins between tables and any other parts of a WHERE
clause that filter the data from the tables. As with other DEFINE statements, nothing actually happens when
the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) encounters the DEFINE QUERY statement. No data is retrieved. the AVM
simply registers the query name and sets up storage and a handle for the query itself as an object.

OPEN and CLOSE QUERY statements

To get a query to retrieve data, you need to open it. When you open it, you specify the name of the query and
a FOR EACH statement that references the buffers you named in the query definition, in the same order. If the
query is already open, the AVM closes the current open query and then reopens it. This is the general syntax:


OPEN QUERY query-name [ FOR | PRESELECT ] EACH record-phrase [ , ... ]

[ BREAK ][ BY phrase ].

The syntax of the record-phrase is generally the same as the syntax for FOR EACH statements. If you use
the PRESELECT EACH phrase instead of the FOR EACH phrase, all records that satisfy the query are selected
and their row identifiers pre-cached, just as for a PRESELECT phrase in an ordinary data retrieval block. However,
there are special cases for the record phrase in a query:
• The first record phrase must specify EACH, and not FIRST, because the query is intended to retrieve a set
of records. It is, however, valid to specify a WHERE clause in the record-phrase for the table that resulted
in only a single record being selected, so a query can certainly have only one record in its result set. The
record-phrase for any other buffers in the query can use the FIRST keyword instead of EACH if that is
• You cannot use the CAN-FIND keyword in a query definition. Doing so results in a compile-time error.
• Queries support the use of an outer join between tables, using the OUTER-JOIN keyword, as explained
below. FOR EACH statements outside of a query do not support the use of OUTER-JOIN.

Using an outer join in a query

An outer join between tables is a join that does not discard records in the first table that have no corresponding
record in the second table. For example, consider this query definition:

DEFINE QUERY CustOrd FOR Customer, Order.

OPEN QUERY CustOrd FOR EACH Customer, EACH Order OF Customer.

110 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

As the AVM retrieves records to satisfy this query, it first retrieves a Customer record and then the first Order
record with the same CustNum field. When you do a NEXT operation on the query, the AVM locates the next
Order for that Customer (if there is one), and replaces the contents of the Order buffer with the new Order.
If there are no more Orders for the Customer, then the AVM retrieves the next Customer and its first Order.
The question is: What happens to a Customer that has no Orders at all? The Customer does not appear in
the result set for the query. The same is true for a FOR EACH block with the same record phrase. This is simply
because the record phrase asks for Customers and the Orders that match them, and if there is no matching
Order, then the Customer by itself does not satisfy the record phrase.
In many cases this is not the behavior you want. You want to see the Customer data regardless of whether it
has any Orders or not. In this case, you can include the OUTER-JOIN keyword in the OPEN QUERY statement:

DEFINE QUERY CustOrd FOR Customer, Order.

OPEN QUERY CustOrd FOR EACH Customer, EACH Order OF Customer OUTER-JOIN.

Now the AVM retrieves Customers even if they have no Orders. When the Customer has no Orders, the
values for all fields in the Order buffer have the Unknown value (?).

Sorting the query results

You can specify a BY phrase on your OPEN QUERY statement just as you can in a FOR EACH block. In this
case, the AVM either uses an index to satisfy the sort order if possible or, if no index can allow the AVM to
retrieve the data in the proper order, preselects and sorts all the query results before any data is made available
to the application.
Over a series of query iterations, you might want to do some work based on whether the value of a certain field
changes. This field defines a break group. For example, you might be accumulating some value, such as a
total. In this example, the BREAK option is used to define Customer.State as the break group:

OPEN QUERY CustOrd FOR EACH Customer BREAK BY Customer.State NO-LOCK.

When using the BREAK option you must also use the BY option to name a sort field.

Note: To test whether a break group has changed, you can use the FIRST-OF( ) and LAST-OF( ) methods
of the query object handle. For more information on the query object handle, see ABL Reference.

GET statements
You use a form of the GET statement to change the current position within the record set that the OPEN QUERY
statement defines. This is the syntax for the GET statement:


GET [ FIRST | NEXT | PREV | LAST | CURRENT ]query-name.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 111

Chapter 6: Using Queries

The query must be open before you can use a GET statement. If the query involves a join, the AVM populates
all the buffers used in the query on each GET statement. As noted earlier, a record can remain current through
multiple GET statements if a second table in the query has multiple records matching the record for the first
table. This would be the case for a Customer and its Orders, for example. A series of GET NEXT statements
leaves the same Customer record in its buffer as long as there is another matching Order record to read into
the Order buffer.
When you first open a query, it is positioned in effect before the first record in the result set. Either a GET
FIRST or a GET NEXT statement positions to the first record in the result set.
If you execute a GET NEXT statement when the query is already positioned on the last record, then the query
is positioned effectively beyond the end of the result set. A GET PREV statement then repositions to the last
record in the result set. Likewise, a GET PREV statement executed when already on the first record results in
the query being positioned before the first record, and a GET FIRST or GET NEXT statement repositions to
the first record. When the query is repositioned off the beginning or off the end of the result set, no error results.
You can use the AVAILABLE function that you're already familiar with to check whether you have positioned
beyond the result set. For example, this code opens a query and cycles through all the records in its result set,
simply counting them as it goes:


DEFINE QUERY CustOrd FOR Customer, Order.

OPEN QUERY CustOrd FOR EACH Customer, EACH Order OF Customer.



iCount = iCount + 1.

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 37: Result of GET statement example

The GET FIRST statement is needed to make a record available before the IF AVAILABLE statement is first
encountered. Otherwise, the AVAILABLE test would fail before the code ever entered the loop.
Note also that the AVAILABLE function must take a buffer name as its argument, not the name of the query.
If the query involves an outer join, then you should be careful about which buffer you use in the AVAILABLE
function. If you name a buffer that could be empty because of an outer join (such as an empty Order buffer for
a Customer with no Orders), then your loop could terminate prematurely. On the other hand, you might want
your application logic to test specifically for the presence of one buffer or another in order to take special action
when one of the buffers has no record.

112 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

Using the QUERY-OFF-END function

There is a built-in ABL function that you can use for the same purpose as the AVAILABLE statement:

QUERY-OFF-END ( query-name ).

QUERY-OFF-END is a logical function that returns TRUE if the query is positioned either before the first result
set row or after the last row, and FALSE if it is positioned directly on any row in the result set. The query-name
parameter must be either a quoted literal string with the name of the query or a variable name that has been
set to the name of the query. In this way, you can use the statement programmatically to test potentially multiple
different active queries in your procedure.
For example, here is the same procedure used previously, this time with the QUERY-OFF-END function in place


DEFINE QUERY CustOrd FOR Customer, Order.

OPEN QUERY CustOrd FOR EACH Customer, EACH Order OF Customer.



iCount = iCount + 1.

The difference between QUERY-OFF-END and AVAILABLE is simply that AVAILABLE requires a buffer name
as a parameter, whereas QUERY-OFF-END requires a query name. If you use the AVAILABLE function with
the name of the first buffer in the query, it is equivalent to using QUERY-OFF-END with the query name. Just
for stylistic reasons, it is more appropriate to use the QUERY-OFF-END function in most cases, since it is the
position of the query and not the presence of a record in a particular buffer that you're really interested in. By
contrast, if you really want to test for the presence of a record, especially when your query does an outer join
that might not always retrieve a record into every buffer, then use the AVAILABLE function.

Closing a query
Use this statement to close a query that is no longer needed:

CLOSE QUERY query-name.

An OPEN QUERY statement automatically closes a query if it was previously open. For this reason, it isn't
essential to execute a CLOSE QUERY statement just before reopening a query. However, you should explicitly
close a query when you are done with it and you are not immediately reopening it. This frees the system
resources used by the query. After you close the query you cannot reference it again (with a GET statement,
for instance). However, if there are records still in the buffer or buffers used by the query, they are still available
after the query is closed unless your application has specifically released them.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 113

Chapter 6: Using Queries

Determining the current number of rows in a query

You can use the NUM-RESULTS function to determine how many rows there are in the current results list:

NUM-RESULTS ( query-name )

This INTEGER function returns the number of rows currently in the query's results list. As with the
QUERY-OFF-END function, the query-name is an expression, which can be either the quoted name of the
query or a variable containing the name.
The phrase "currently in the query's results list" requires some explanation. The results list is a list of the row
identifiers of all rows that satisfy the query, and that have already been retrieved.
The AVM normally builds up the results list as you walk through the query using the GET statement. Therefore,
when you first open a query with a FOR EACH clause in the OPEN QUERY statement, the results list is empty
and the NUM-RESULTS function returns zero.
As you move through the query using the GET NEXT statement, the AVM adds each new row's identifier to
the results list and increments the value returned by NUM-RESULTS. For example, this example retrieves all
the Customers in the state of Louisiana using a query. For each row, it displays the Customer Number, Name,
and the value of NUM-RESULTS:

DEFINE QUERY CustQuery FOR Customer.

OPEN QUERY CustQuery FOR EACH Customer WHERE Customer.State = "LA".

GET FIRST CustQuery.


DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name
NUM-RESULTS("CustQuery") LABEL "Rows"
GET NEXT CustQuery.

114 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

When you run the procedure, you see the value of NUM-RESULTS change as each new row is retrieved, as
shown in the following figure.
Figure 38: Result of NUM-RESULTS example

Using a DOWN frame and the DOWN WITH statement

As a small digression, it is necessary to explain a couple of statements in this example that you haven't seen
before. They illustrate one of the key characteristics of queries: there's no built-in block scoping or iteration in
a query. First, here's the new phrase on the DISPLAY statement:


You learned a little about down frames in Using Basic ABL Constructs on page 27. A down frame is a frame
that can display more than one row of data, each showing the same fields for a different record in a report-like
format. In the examples you wrote in earlier chapters, you didn't have to specify the DOWN phrase to indicate
the number of rows to give the frame. The AVM gave you a down frame with a default number of rows
Why doesn't it do that in this case? Because a query is not associated with a particular block, and doesn't have
any automatic iteration, the AVM doesn't know how the data is going to be displayed. So by default, it just gives
you a one down frame that displays a single record.
The second new piece of syntax is this statement at the end of the block:



OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 115

Chapter 6: Using Queries

No, this is not a political protest slogan! Rather, it tells the AVM to display a row in the frame CustFrame, and
then to position down a row in the frame before displaying the next row. If you don't use this statement, then
even if you define the frame to be 15 DOWN, all the rows are displayed on top of each other on the first row of
the frame. Once again, this is because the AVM doesn't know how you're going to display the data. It does not
associate iteration through a result set with your DO block automatically, as it would with a FOR EACH block.
Therefore, you have to tell it what to do.

Retrieving query results in advance

The value of NUM-RESULTS does not always increment as you execute GET NEXT statements and operate
on each row, however. There are various factors that force the AVM to retrieve all the results in advance of
presenting you with any data.
One of these is under your direct control: the PRESELECT option on the OPEN QUERY statement. When you
use a PRESELECT EACH rather than a FOR EACH statement to define the data selection, you are telling the
AVM to retrieve all the records that satisfy the query in advance and to save off their record identifiers in
temporary storage. Then the AVM again retrieves the records using their identifiers as you need them. As
discussed in OPEN and CLOSE QUERY statements on page 110, you typically use the PRESELECT option to
make sure that the set of records is not disturbed by changes that you make as you work your way through
the list, such as changing a key value in such a way as to change a record's position in the list.
To see visible evidence of the effect of the PRESELECT keyword in your OPEN QUERY statement:
1. Change the OPEN QUERY statement in the sample procedure:


2. Run the procedure again to see the different value of NUM-RESULTS:

116 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

All the records are pre-retrieved. Therefore, the value of NUM-RESULTS is the same no matter what record you
are positioned to. This means that you could use the PRESELECT option to display, or otherwise make use of,
the total number of records in the results list before displaying or processing all the data.
Another factor that can force the AVM to pre-retrieve all the data is a sort that cannot be satisfied using an
To see an example of pre-retrieved data:
1. Change the OPEN QUERY statement back to use a FOR EACH block and then try sorting the data in the
query by the Customer Name:

OPEN QUERY CustQuery FOR EACH Customer

WHERE Customer.State = "LA" BY Customer.Name.

2. Run the query:

The Name field is indexed, so the AVM can satisfy the BY phrase and present the data in the sort order you
want by using the index to traverse the database and retrieve the records.

3. By contrast, try sorting on the City field:

OPEN QUERY CustQuery FOR EACH Customer

WHERE Customer.State = "LA" BY Customer.City.

4. Add the City field to the DISPLAY list and rerun the procedure to see the result:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 117

Chapter 6: Using Queries

There is no index on the City field, so the AVM has to retrieve all 13 of the records for Customers in Louisiana
in advance to sort them by the City field before presenting them to your procedure. Therefore, NUM-RESULTS
is equal to the total number of records from the beginning, as soon as the query is opened.

Identifying the current row in the query

As you move through the results list, the AVM keeps track of the current row number, that is, the sequence of
the row in the results list. You can retrieve this value using the CURRENT-RESULT-ROW function:

CURRENT-RESULT-ROW ( query-name )

The function returns an INTEGER value with the sequence of the current row. The query-name is an expression,
either a quoted query name or a variable reference.
For CURRENT-RESULT-ROW to work properly, you must define the query to be SCROLLING. If you don't define
the query as SCROLLING, the CURRENT-RESULT-ROW function returns a value, but that value is not reliable.
To use CURRENT-RESULT-ROW, make these changes to your sample procedure:


OPEN QUERY CustQuery FOR EACH Customer WHERE Customer.State = "LA".

GET FIRST CustQuery.


DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name
NUM-RESULTS("CustQuery") LABEL "Rows"
GET NEXT CustQuery.

118 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

When you run the procedure, you see that the value of CURRENT-RESULT-ROW keeps pace with NUM-RESULTS,
as shown in the following figure.
Figure 39: Result of CURRENT-RESULT-ROW example

This is not always the case, of course. If you use the PRESELECT option or a nonindexed sort to retrieve the
data, then NUM-RESULTS is always 13, as you have seen. But the value of CURRENT-RESULT-ROW changes
from 1 to 13 just as it does above.
You can use the CURRENT-RESULT-ROW function to save off a pointer to reposition to a specific row. See
Using a RowID to identify a record on page 121 for information on how to identify a record.
Here are a few special cases for CURRENT-RESULT-ROW:

• If the query is empty, the function returns the Unknown value (?).
• If the query is explicitly positioned before the first row, for example by executing a GET FIRST followed by
a GET PREV, then the function returns the value 1.

• If the query is explicitly positioned after the last row, for example by executing a GET LAST followed by a
GET NEXT, then the function returns the value one more than the number of rows in the results list.

Using INDEXED-REPOSITION to improve query performance

If you anticipate jumping around in the result set using statements such as GET LAST, you should add another
option to the end of your OPEN QUERY statement: the INDEXED-REPOSITION keyword. If you do this, your
DEFINE QUERY statement must also specify the SCROLLING keyword.
If you don't open the query with INDEXED-REPOSITION, then the AVM retrieves all records in sequence in
order to satisfy a request such as GET LAST. This can be very costly. If you do use INDEXED-REPOSITION,
the AVM uses indexes, if possible, to jump directly to a requested row, greatly improving performance in some
cases. There are side effects to doing this, however, in terms of the integrity of the results list, as discussed in
INDEXED-REPOSITION and field lists on page 120.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 119

Chapter 6: Using Queries

INDEXED-REPOSITION and field lists

When you define a query with the FIELDS phrase, make sure that you include (in the list of fields) the index
that the query will use when you open the query with the INDEXED-REPOSITION keyword. Otherwise, you
will get an error when the query is re-opened and it attempts to reposition on a field that it cannot find.

Factors that invalidate CURRENT-RESULT-ROW and NUM-RESULTS

Under some circumstances, when you open your query with the INDEXED-REPOSITION keyword, the value
of CURRENT-RESULT-ROW or NUM-RESULTS becomes invalid. As explained in Determining the current number
of rows in a query on page 114, the results list holds the row identifiers for those rows that satisfy the query and
that have already been retrieved.
Thirteen rows satisfy the query for Customers in Louisiana, so the value of these two functions goes as high
as 13 for that query. When you do a PRESELECT or a nonindexed sort, all the rows have already been retrieved
before any data is presented to you, so NUM-RESULTS is 13 at the beginning of the DISPLAY loop. Normally,
the AVM adds the identifiers for all the rows it retrieves to the results list, but there are circumstances where
this is not the case. If you execute a GET LAST statement on a query, and your OPEN QUERY statement does
not use a PRESELECT or a sort that forces records to be pre-retrieved, the AVM jumps directly to the last record
using a database index, without cycling through all the records in between. In this case, it has no way of knowing
how many records would have been retrieved between the first one and the last one, and it cannot maintain a
contiguous results list of all rows that satisfy the query. For this reason, the AVM flushes and reinitializes the
results list when you jump forward or backward in the query. So after a GET LAST statement, NUM-RESULTS
returns 1 (because the GET LAST statement has retrieved one row) and CURRENT-RESULT-ROW is unknown
(because there is no way to know where that row would fit into the full results list).

Repositioning a query
Often you need to reposition a query other than to the first, last, next, or previous row. You might need to jump
to a row based on data the user entered or return to a row that you previously saved off. Or you might want to
jump forward or backward a specific number of rows to simulate paging through the query. You can do all these
things with the REPOSITION statement, which has this syntax:


REPOSITION query-name
{|TO ROW row-number
|TO ROWID buffer-1-rowid[, . . . ][ NO-ERROR ] }

The query-name in this case is not an expression. It can only be an unquoted query name, not a variable.
If you specify the TO ROW option followed by an integer expression, the query repositions to that sequential
position within the results list. If you have previously saved off that position using the CURRENT-RESULT-ROW
function, you can use the value that function returned as the value in the TO ROW phrase to reposition to that

120 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and using queries

If you use the FORWARDS or BACKWARDS phrase, you can jump forward or backward any number of rows,
specified by the n integer expression. You can use the FORWARD or BACKWARD keywords instead of FORWARDS
The last of the REPOSITION options requires an explanation of an ABL data construct you haven't seen before.

Using a RowID to identify a record

Every record in every table of a database has a unique row identifier.

Note: The row identifier is only unique within a single storage area of a database. Since an entire database
table must be allocated to a single storage area, this effectively makes the identifier unique at least within that
table. A discussion of database constructs such as storage areas is beyond the scope of this book.

The identifier is called a RowID. There is both a ROWID data type that allows you to store a row identifier in a
procedure variable and a ROWID function to return the identifier of a record from its record buffer.
Generally, you should consider a RowID to be a special data type without being concerned about its storage
format. The RowID is (among other things) designed to be valid, not just for the OpenEdge database, but for
all the different databases you can access from OpenEdge using OpenEdge DataServers, which provide access
from OpenEdge to database types such as Oracle and Microsoft SQLServer.
In fact, you can't display a RowID directly in an ABL procedure. If you try to, you get an error. You can see a
RowID by converting it to a CHARACTER type using the STRING function. For instance, here is a procedure
that shows you the RowIDs of the rows that satisfy the sample query you've been working with:


OPEN QUERY CustQuery FOR EACH Customer WHERE Customer.State = "LA".

GET FIRST CustQuery.


DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name
STRING(ROWID(Customer)) FORMAT "x(12)" LABEL "RowId"
GET NEXT CustQuery.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 121

Chapter 6: Using Queries

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 40: Result of RowID example

The RowID is displayed as a hexadecimal value. The values you would see in your own copy of the Sports2000
database might be different from these, and certainly they would be different if you modified the data, dumped
it, and reloaded it into the database, because the RowID reflects the actual storage location of the data for the
record, and this is not in any way predictable or necessarily repeatable. You should never count on a RowID
as a permanent identifier for a record. However, you can use a RowID if you need to relocate a record you
have previously retrieved within a procedure and whose RowID you saved off. You relocate the record using
the TO ROWID phrase in the REPOSITION statement.
Even in this case, you must be aware that in the event of a record deletion, it is possible that a new record
could be created that has the same RowID as the record that was deleted. So, even within a single session a
RowID is not an absolutely reliable pointer to a record. In addition, RowIDs are unique only within a single
database storage area. Therefore, the same RowID might occur for records in different tables that happen to
be in different storage areas.
With these conditions in mind, you can use the TO ROWID phrase to reposition to a record in a query. Note
that the RowID is for a particular database record, not an entire query row, so you need to save off the RowID
of the record buffer, not of the query name, to reuse it. And in the case of a query with a join between tables,
you need to save the RowID of each record buffer in order to reposition to it later and restore each of the records
in the join.
The NO-ERROR option in this phrase lets you suppress an error message if the RowID turns out to be invalid
for any reason. You could then use the AVAILABLE function or the ERROR-STATUS handle (see Managing
Transactions on page 167) to determine whether the query was successfully repositioned.
There is another similar identifier in ABL called a RECID. This identifier was used in earlier versions of ABL to
identify records in the same way as RowIDs do now. The RECID is essentially an integer identifier for a record,
though it has its own data type. It is still supported but for several reasons (including, but not limited to, portability
of code between database types that you can access with DataServers), it is strongly recommended that you
use only the RowID form in new application code. ABL continues to support RECIDs mainly for backward
compatibility with older applications that still use them.

122 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Positioning details with the REPOSITION statement

So if you execute a REPOSITION statement that repositions TO ROW 5 or FORWARDS 10 or TO ROWID rRow,
then your procedure is positioned to that row so that you can display it or otherwise use it, right? Well, not
exactly. When you use the REPOSITION statement, the AVM positions the query in between records, so that
you then have to execute a GET NEXT or GET PREV statement to position on a row so that you can actually
use it. Here are some of the specifics:

• When you execute a REPOSITION statement that uses the TO ROWID or TO ROW phrase, the query is
positioned before the record requested. You then need to execute a GET NEXT statement to make the row
you want available.
• When you execute a REPOSITIONquery-nameBACKWARDS statement, the query is positioned between
records, and you need to execute a GET NEXT statement to make the row you intend available. For example,
if the query is positioned to row 6 of a query results list and you execute a
REPOSITIONquery-nameBACKWARDS 2, then the query is positioned effectively between results list rows
3 and 4, and a GET NEXT statement makes row 4 available. A GET PREV statement makes row 3 available.

• When you execute a REPOSITION statement with the FORWARDS phrase, you are actually positioned beyond
the record you might expect. For example, if you are on row 6 and issue a statement with FORWARDS 2,
then the query is positioned between row 8 and row 9, and you need to then execute a GET PREV statement
to make row 8 available or a GET NEXT statement to make row 9 available.

• After executing a REPOSITON statement that involves a multi-table join, the bottom-most buffer will not be
available, as is the case for a query built on a single table. You then need to execute a GET NEXT statement
to make the row you want available. The availability of non-bottom level buffers following the REPOSITION,
however, is undetermined. That is, non-bottom level buffers may or may not be available.
Note as well that there is only one way for the AVM to know which row is five rows ahead of the current row,
or five rows behind it, or the fifth row of the result set, and that is to walk through the query row by row until it
gets to the one you want. If the row in question has already been retrieved and is in the results list, then the
AVM can reposition to the row you want very quickly using the results list. Therefore, the REPOSITION statement
with any of the options TO ROW, FORWARDS, or BACKWARDS maintains the integrity of the results list and the
functions that use it. The REPOSITION TO ROWID statement also maintains the integrity of the list if the row
you want has already been retrieved and the results list has not been flushed since you retrieved it, because
the AVM can scan the results list to locate the RowID.

This ends the discussion of using queries in your application. In this chapter, you've learned how to define and
use queries and what the differences are between queries and other ABL data access statements.
Defining and Using Temp-tables on page 125 discusses how to define and use temp-tables. At the end of the
next chapter, you will be using queries and temp-tables together.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 123

Chapter 6: Using Queries

124 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining and Using Temp-tables

Another important ABL construct is the temporary table (temp-table). A temp-table gives you nearly all the
features of a database table, and you can use a temp-table in your procedures almost anywhere you could
reference a database table. However, temp-tables are not persistent. They are not stored anywhere permanently.

They are also private to your own OpenEdge session, the data you define in them cannot be seen by any
other users. You can define sets of data using temp-tables that do not correspond to tables and fields stored
in your application database, which gives you great flexibility in how you use them. You can also use a temp-table
to pass a whole set of data from one procedure to another, or even from one OpenEdge session to another.
Together, queries and temp-tables provide much of the basis for how data is passed from one application
module to another. They are essential to creating distributed applications, with data and business logic on a
server machine and many independent client sessions running the user interface of the application. By the
time you complete this chapter, you will understand how to use these features in your applications.

For details, see the following topics:

• Using temp-tables in your application

• Using a temp-table to summarize data

• Using a temp-table as a parameter

• Using include files to duplicate code

• Adding an Order Line browse to the Customer window

• Summary

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 125

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

Using temp-tables in your application

Temp-tables are effectively database tables that reside in client memory with potential overflow to disk on the
client machine. (The point at which the overflow occurs is based on the setting of the Buffer Size for Temporary
Tables (-Bt) startup parameter.) You use temp-tables when you need temporary storage for multiple rows of
data during a session, and when you need to pass data between OpenEdge sessions on different machines,
such as between a server and a client using the OpenEdge AppServer™. Temp-tables exist only for the duration
of the procedure that defines them or, at most, for the duration of a OpenEdge session. Note that the temporary
database is managed entirely on the ABL client, with no database server involvement. (For AppServers, this
means that the temporary database resides on the AppServer.)
A temp-table is private, visible only to the session that creates it or receives it as a parameter passed from
another session. Because, temp-tables use the same support code that actual database tables use, you can
take advantage of almost all database features that do not require persistence of data and multi-user access
to data, for example defining indexes for fields in the temp-table.
Temp-tables are a wonderfully useful construct in ABL, and you can apply them to different types of programming
problems. Fundamentally, you can think of them as providing two basic capabilities:
1. Temp-tables allow you to define a table within a session that does not map to any single database table. A
temp-table can be based on a database table, to which you can add fields that represent calculations or
fields from other tables or any other type of data source. You can define a temp-table that is not related in
any way to any database table, that is used for example to store calculations requiring a two-dimensional
table of data that is then used in a report or in some other way.
2. Temp-tables allow you to pass data between OpenEdge sessions. When you begin to build distributed
applications, which you can do with your own AppServer statements in ABL, you allow your application to
be divided between procedures that are on the same machine with your application database and procedures
that execute on a client machine that produces the user interface and interacts with the user. You use the
OpenEdge AppServer product to communicate between client OpenEdge sessions and server sessions.
When a client procedure needs to get data from the server, it runs an ABL procedure on the server that
returns data as an OUTPUT parameter, or that accepts updates from the client as an INPUT parameter. You
define these parameters as temp-tables that you pass between the sessions. You cannot pass record buffers
as parameters between sessions, so whether you need to pass a single row or many rows together, you
do this in the form of a temp-table as a parameter.
Because the client session is sending and receiving only temp-tables and not dealing directly with database
records, your client sessions can run without a database connection of any kind, which makes it easier to build
flexible and efficient distributed applications. Temp-tables are therefore a fundamental part of any distributed
application. Writing your own ABL statements to use the OpenEdge AppServer is beyond the scope of this
book, but in this chapter you will write a procedure that passes a temp-table as a parameter to a user interface
program, so that you can begin to get a feel for what it means to design your procedures for this kind of
separation of user interface from database access and business logic.

ABL ProDataSets
ABL ProDataSets are ABL objects that extend the capabilities of temp-tables. They were introduced in OpenEdge
Release 10.0A. In essence, a ProDataSet is an "in-memory database" that is filled with a set of related records
in potentially multiple temp-tables. It is important to have a solid understanding of temp-tables and how you
can use them before you work with ProDataSets. The discussion of ProDataSets is beyond the scope of this
book. See Use ProDataSets for a detailed discussion of these powerful objects.

126 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using temp-tables in your application

ABL work-tables
Before you proceed, you should know that there is a variation on the temp-table supported in ABL called a
work-table. You use a DEFINE WORK-TABLE statement to define one. This is an older feature that predates
temp-tables and lacks some of their features. Most important, a work-table is memory-bound, and you must
make sure your session has enough memory to hold all of the records you create in it. In addition, you cannot
create indexes on work-tables. You also cannot pass a work-table as a parameter between procedures. Although
you could use a work-table for an operation that needed to define a small set of temporary records that do not
need a lot of memory and do not need an index, it is better to think of work-tables as being fully superseded
by temp-tables. You should use the newer temp-tables for all of your temporary data storage needs.

The temporary database for temp-tables

The temporary database for temp-tables is largely invisible to you. You can design and use temp-tables as if
they were entirely memory resident, even though the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) automatically flushes temp-table
records to disk when this is necessary. The temp-table database is stored in whatever you have designated
as your temporary directory. By default, this is your working directory, but you can change this by specifying a
temporary directory with the –T startup option to your OpenEdge session. If you need to adjust the amount of
buffer space that the AVM uses in memory before it writes temp-tables to disk, you can use the –Bt startup
option to set this size. You can learn more about these and other startup options in Startup Command and
Parameter Reference.

Defining a temp-table
You define a temp-table using the DEFINE TEMP-TABLE statement. There are two basic ways to define the
fields and indexes in the table. You can make the temp-table LIKE some single database table (or even like
another temp-table that you have already defined), which gives it all the fields and indexes from the other table,
or you can define fields and indexes individually. You can also do both, so that in a single statement you can
define a temp-table to be LIKE another table but also to have additional fields and indexes.
Here is the basic syntax for the DEFINE TEMP-TABLE statement:


DEFINE TEMP-TABLE temp-table-name

[ LIKE table-name [ USE-INDEX index-name [ AS PRIMARY ]] . . . ]
[ LIKE-SEQUENTIAL table-name [ USE-INDEX index-name
[ ]] . . .
[ FIELD field-name{ AS data-type| LIKE field-name }
[ INDEX index-name [ IS [ UNIQUE ][ PRIMARY ]]
{index-field[ ASCENDING | DESCENDING ]} . . . ]

You can see a description of the entire statement in the online help or in ABL Reference.

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Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

Defining fields for the temp-table

If you use the LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL options on your temp-table definition, the temp-table inherits all
the field definitions for all the fields in the other table. The definitions include all of these attributes:

• The field name

• The field's data type and, for an array field, its extent
• The field's initial value
• The field's label and column-label
• The field's format and, for a DECIMAL field, the number of decimals
• The field's help text, if any
• The field's font and color
• The field's record position when using the LIKE option

Note: If you use the LIKE-SEQUENTIAL option and the source is a database, record position is taken from
the metaschema _field._order field.

Whether you use the LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL options to base your temp-table on another table or not,
you can also use the FIELD phrase to define one or more fields for the temp-table. If you use the LIKE or
LIKE-SEQUENTIAL options, then any fields you define with the FIELD phrase are additional fields beyond
the fields inherited from the other table. If you do not use the LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL options, then these
are the only fields in the temp-table.
For fields you define individually with the FIELD phrase, you must specify at least the field name and data
type, or use the LIKE phrase to define the field to be LIKE a field from another table. If you use the LIKE
phrase on an individual field, your field inherits all of its attributes by default. You can override any of the field
attributes of an inherited field except for the name, data type, and array extent, by using the appropriate keywords
such as LABEL, FORMAT, and INITIAL. You can find a complete description of these keywords under the
Field Options topic in the online help. You can also define the same attributes for fields that are not inherited
from another table using the same keywords on the FIELD phrase.
You can use the FIELD phrase for one of three purposes:

• If you want to base your temp-table on another table, but you do not want all of its fields or you want to
change some of the field attributes, including even the field names, then you can name the individual fields
using the FIELD phrase rather than making the whole table LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL the other table.
You then specify each field to be LIKE a field from the other table, possibly with a different name or modified
If you only need to change certain display attributes of some of the fields, but otherwise want to use all the
fields from the other table, you can use the LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL options on the temp-table definition
to base it on the other table. You then modify the field attributes in the definition of the browse or frame
fields where they are displayed. This makes your temp-table definition simpler than if you explicitly named
each field just to change a few attributes of some of the fields.

• If you want to base your temp-table on another table, but you want some additional fields from one or more
other tables as well, then you can define the temp-table to be LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL the other table,
and then add FIELD phrases for each field that comes from another related table. You can use the LIKE
keyword on these additional fields to inherit their database attributes as well.

128 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using temp-tables in your application

• If you need fields in your table that are not based at all on specific database fields, then you define them
with the FIELD phrase. Again, you can do this whether the basic temp-table definition is LIKE or
LIKE-SEQUENTIAL another table or not.
You can define temp-tables with all the ABL data types that you can use for database fields (CHARACTER,
introduced to ABL in OpenEdge Release 10.0A.
In addition, you can define a temp-table field to be of type ROWID, which is something you cannot do with fields
in database tables. You could use such a field to store the RowID of a record you read from a database, in
order to use the RowID to relocate the record later in the procedure.

Defining indexes for the temp-table

If you use the LIKEother-table option or LIKE-SEQUENTIALother-table option for the temp-table,
your temp-table is based on the other table you name. In this case, the following index rules apply:

• If you do not specify any index information in the DEFINE TEMP-TABLE statement, the temp-table inherits
all the index layouts defined for the other table.
• If you specify one or more USE-INDEX options, the temp-table inherits only the indexes you name. If one
of those indexes is the primary index of the other table, it becomes the primary index of the temp-table,
unless you explicitly specify AS PRIMARY for another index you define.

• If you specify one or more INDEX options in the definition, then the temp-table inherits only those indexes
from the other table that you have named in a USE-INDEX phrase.
The primary index is the one the AVM uses by default to access and order records. The AVM determines the
primary index in this way:

• If you specify AS PRIMARY in a USE-INDEX phrase for an index inherited from the other table, then that is
the primary index.
• If you specify IS PRIMARY on an INDEX definition specific to the temp-table, then that becomes the primary
• If you inherit the primary index from the other table, then that becomes the primary index for the temp-table.
• The first index you specify in the temp-table definition, if any, becomes the primary index.
• If you do not specify any index information at all, then the AVM creates a default primary index that sorts
the records in the order in which they are created.
If you do not use the LIKE or LIKE-SEQUENTIAL options to use another table as the basis for your temp-table,
then your temp-table only has indexes if you define them with the INDEX phrase in the definition.
You should use the same considerations you would use for a database table in determining what indexes, if
any, to define or inherit for a temp-table. On the one hand, there is a small cost to creating index entries on
update that could become measurable if you have multiple indexes with multiple fields, or if you are creating
large numbers of records in a performance-intensive situation where many records are created between user
actions. You should not create or use indexes your procedure will not need.

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Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

On the other hand, if you know that you need to access the records in the temp-table based on specific field
values, then you should create or inherit the right indexes to let the AVM locate the records you need without
having to read through the whole temp-table to find them. The OpenEdge database is tremendously efficient
and you might find that it can locate specific records in your table based on nonindexed field values so quickly
that you hardly notice the lack of an index for those fields. However, it is a good idea to define one or more
indexes if your temp-table is going to have more than a handful of records and if you know which fields will be
used to locate, filter, or sort records in the table. If your code does not need to access the records in the
temp-table in any order other than the order in which they were created, then you do not need an index other
than the default index the AVM gives you automatically.

Temp-table scope
Generally speaking, the scope of a temp-table is the procedure in which it is defined. In fact, you can only
define a temp-table at the level of the whole procedure, not within an internal procedure. When the procedure
terminates, any temp-tables defined in it are emptied and deleted. Likewise, a temp-table is visible only within
the procedure that defines it. If that procedure passes the temp-table by value to another procedure, the other
procedure has to have its own definition of the temp-table, and it obtains a copy of the temp-table when it
receives it as an INPUT parameter.
Alternately, you can use optional syntax to share a temp-table reference between procedures. This is discussed
in Using a temp-table as a parameter on page 133.
There are several other aspects of temp-table scope that are beyond the scope of this book:

• It is possible to send a temp-table to another procedure that has no prior definition of the temp-table, but
instead receives the definition along with the temp-table data. This involves the use of dynamic temp-tables.
• There are keywords to define a temp-table to be SHARED between procedures, and also to make the scope
and visibility of the temp-table GLOBAL to the entire session. You need to think about the relationship between
different procedures in an OpenEdge application to understand properly when you should and should not
use shared or global objects such as temp-tables.
• You can pass the handle to a temp-table from one procedure to another within a session, to avoid actually
copying the temp-table between procedures. For the purposes of this introduction to temp-tables, think of
them as being statically defined and scoped to a single procedure.

Temp-table buffers
When you reference a database table in an ABL procedure, ABL provides you with a default buffer with the
same name as the table. In this way, when you write a statement, such as FIND FIRST Customer, you are
actually referring to a buffer with the name Customer. You can, of course, define additional buffers explicitly
that have different names from the database table.
The same is true of temp-tables. When you define a temp-table, ABL provides you with a default buffer of the
same name. Just as for database tables, you can define additional buffers with other names if you like. When
you refer to the temp-table name in a statement such as FIND FIRST ttCust, you are referring to the default
buffer for the temp-table just as you would be for a database table.
There is a temp-table attribute, DEFAULT-BUFFER-HANDLE, that returns the handle of the default buffer.

130 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using a temp-table to summarize data

Note: With the changes made in Release 11.0 to provide support for expanded keys and temp-tables, the
default block size for temp-tables has increased from a 1KB block size to a 4KB block size on all platforms. If
you are creating very small temp-tables, you might notice a performance degradation with this change. You
can set the default block size for a temp-table using the Temporary Table Database Block Size (-tmpbsize)
startup parameter. For example, specifying "-tmpbsize 1" would create temp-tables with a 1KB block size. For
more information about the Temporary Table Database Block Size startup parameter, see Startup Command
and Parameter Reference.

Using a temp-table to summarize data

The beginning of this chapter notes two basic purposes for temp-tables: first, to define a table unlike any single
database table for data summary or other uses; and second, to pass a set of data as a parameter between
procedures. In this section, you will work through an example of the first kind. You will write a procedure that
defines a temp-table and uses it to total invoice amounts for each Customer, and at the same time to count
the number of Invoices for each Customer and identify which one has the highest amount. The finished
procedure is saved as h-InvSummary.p.
In addition to the Customer table you are familiar with, the example uses the Invoice table in the Sports2000
database. The Invoice table holds information for each Invoice a Customer has been sent for each Order.
It has a join to the Customer table and to the Order table, along with the date and amount of the Invoice and
other information.
First is the statement to define the temp-table itself:

/* h-InvSummary.p -- Build a summary report of customer invoices. */

FIELD iCustNum LIKE Invoice.CustNum LABEL "Cust#" FORMAT "ZZ9"
FIELD cCustName LIKE Customer.NAME FORMAT "X(20)"
FIELD dInvTotal AS DECIMAL LABEL "Inv Total " FORMAT ">>,>>9.99"
FIELD dMaxAmount AS DECIMAL LABEL "Max Amount " FORMAT ">>,>>9.99"
FIELD iInvNum LIKE Invoice.InvoiceNum LABEL "Inv#" FORMAT "ZZ9"
INDEX idxCustNum IS PRIMARY iCustNum
INDEX idxInvTotal dInvTotal.

The procedure creates one record in the temp-table for each Customer, summarizing its Invoices. As you
can see, the temp-table has these fields:

• A Customer Number field derived from that field in the Invoice table.
• A Customer Name field derived from that field in the Customer table. Later you'll use the Customer
Number to retrieve the Customer record so that you can add the name to the invoice information.
• A count of the number of Invoices for the Customer.
• A total of the Invoices for the Customer.
• The amount of the largest Invoice for the Customer.
• The number of the Invoice with the largest amount for the Customer.
The field definitions define or override the field label and default format in some cases, using phrases attached
to the FIELD definition. By default, the right-justified label for a numeric field extends somewhat to the right of
the data, which in the case of the InvTotal and MaxAmount fields doesn't look quite right, so the extra spaces
in their labels correct that.

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Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

The temp-table also has two indexes. The first orders the records by Customer Number. This index is useful
because the code finds records based on that value to accumulate the Invoice total and other values. This is
the primary index for the temp-table, so if you display or otherwise iterate through the temp-table records without
any other specific sort, they appear in Customer Number order.
The second index is by the Invoice Total. This index is useful because the procedure uses it as the sort order
for the final display of all the records.
The first executable code begins a FOR EACH block that joins each Invoice record to its Customer record.
The OF phrase uses the CustNum field that the two tables have in common to join them. The FIND statement
checks to see whether there is already a temp-table record for the Customer. If there is no FIND statement,
it uses the CREATE statement to create one. This statement creates a new record either in a database table
or, as you see here, in a temp-table. That new record holds the initial values of the fields in the table until you
set them to other values.
After the new record is created, the code sets the key value (the iCustNum field) and saves off the Customer
Name from that table. The ASSIGN statement lets you make multiple field assignments at once and is more
efficient than a series of statements that do one field assignment each:

/* Retrieve each invoice along with its Customer record, to get the Name. */
FOR EACH Invoice, Customer OF Invoice:
FIND FIRST ttInvoice WHERE ttInvoice.iCustNum = Invoice.CustNum NO-ERROR.
/* If there isn't already a temp-table record for the Customer, create it
and save the Customer # and Name. */
CREATE ttInvoice.
ttInvoice.iCustNum = Invoice.CustNum
ttInvoice.cCustName = Customer.Name.

Next, the code compares the Amount of the current Invoice with the dMaxAmount field in the temp-table
record, which is initially 0 for each newly created record). If the current Amount is larger than that value, it's
replaced with the new Amount and the Invoice number is saved off in the iInvNum field. In this way, the
temp-table records wind up holding the highest InvoiceAmount for the Customer after it has cycled through
all the Invoices:

/* Save off the Invoice amount if it's a new high for this Customer. */
IF Invoice.Amount > dMaxAmount THEN
ASSIGN dMaxAmount = Invoice.Amount
iInvNum = Invoice.InvoiceNum.

Still in the FOR EACH loop, the code next increments the Invoice total for the Customer and the count of the
number of Invoices for the Customer:

/* Increment the Invoice total and Invoice count for the Customer. */
ASSIGN ttInvoice.dInvTotal = ttInvoice.dInvTotal + Invoice.Amount
ttInvoice.iNumInvs = ttInvoice.iNumInvs + 1.
END. /* END FOR EACH Invoice & Customer */

132 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using a temp-table as a parameter

Now the procedure has finished cycling through all of the Invoices, and it can take the summary data in the
temp-table and display it, in this case with the Customer with the highest Invoice Total first:

/* Now display the results in descending order by invoice total. */

DISPLAY iCustNum cCustName iNumInvs dInvTotal iInvNum dMaxAmount.

The following figure shows the first page of the output report you should see when you run the procedure.
Figure 41: First page result of h-InvSummary.p

Using the temp-table made it easy to accumulate different kinds of summary data and to combine information
from different database tables together in a single report. You could easily display this data in different ways,
for example sorted by different fields, without having to again retrieve it from the database.

Using a temp-table as a parameter

The second major use for temp-tables is to let you pass a set of data from one routine to another as a parameter.
A routine is a generic term that includes external procedures, internal procedures, and user-defined-functions.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 133

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

In particular, passing a temp-tables as a parameters is useful when you need to pass a set of one or more
records from one OpenEdge session to another. This book does not cover the sending of data between an
AppServer session and a client session, but the next test procedure simulates this by building a temp-table in
a procedure that has no user interface, and then passing the temp-table to a separate procedure that manages
the UI. The UI procedure is the same Customers and Orders window you have been using. You'll add a
second browse to it to display Order Lines for the currently selected Order.

Temp-table parameter syntax

The syntax you use to pass a temp-table as a parameter is special in order to identify the temp-table to ABL.
In the calling routine, you define the parameter in the RUN statement with this syntax:


[ INPUT | INPUT-OUTPUT | OUTPUT ] TABLE temp-table-name [ APPEND ]


If you are passing a temp-table as a parameter to another routine, you must add the TABLE keyword before
the temp-table name. As with other parameter types, the default direction of the parameter is INPUT.
An INPUT parameter moves data from the calling routine to the called routine at the time of the RUN statement.
An OUTPUT parameter moves data from the called routine to the calling routine when the called routine terminates
and returns to its caller. An INPUT-OUTPUT parameter moves data from the calling routine to the called routine
at the time of the RUN, and then back to the calling routine when the called routine ends.
If you use the APPEND option for an OUPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT temp-table, then the records passed back from
the called routine are appended to the end of the data already in the temp-table in the calling routine. Otherwise,
the new data replaces whatever the contents of the temp-table were at the time of the call.
If you use the BY-REFERENCE option, the calling routine and the called routine access the same temp-table
instance. That is, both routines access the calling routine's instance and ignore the called routine's instance.
If you use the BIND option, a temp-table defined as reference-only in one routine binds to a temp-table instance
defined and instantiated in another local routine.
In the called routine, you must define temp-table parameters in this way for an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT table:



temp-table-name [ APPEND ][ BIND ].

Once again, INPUT is the default. If you use the APPEND option for an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT temp-table
parameter to a called routine, then the records passed in from the calling routine are appended to the end of
the data already in the local temp-table. Otherwise, the new data replaces whatever the contents of the
temp-table were at the time of the call.
For an OUTPUT temp-table parameter returned from a called routine, use this syntax:

134 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using a temp-table as a parameter



You must define the temp-table in both routines. The temp-table definitions must match with respect to the
number of fields and the data type of each field (including the array extent if any). The field data types make
up what is called the signature of the table.
Other attributes of the tables can be different. The field names do not have to match. The two tables do not
need to have matching indexes, because the AVM dynamically builds the appropriate indexes for the table
when it is instantiated either as an INPUT parameter in the called routine or as an OUTPUT parameter in the
calling routine. Other details, such as field labels and formats, also do not have to match.
You can pass a temp-table parameter by value, by reference, or by binding. The next sections describe how
to decide which option to use based on how you want to pass the temp-table data. Some of this material
includes references to running internal procedures in persistent procedure handles. Internal procedures were
explained in Running ABL Procedures on page 53.

Passing a temp-table by value

When you pass a temp-table as a parameter from one routine to another, whether those routines are in the
same OpenEdge session or not, the AVM normally copies the temp-table to make its data available to the
called routine. Copying the table so that both the calling and the called routines have their own distinct copies
is referred to as passing the table by value. This can be very expensive if the temp-table contains a large
number of records. If you are making a local routine call, you can use BY-REFERENCE or BIND to avoid copying
the table and thereby gain a significant performance advantage.
When you pass a temp-table parameter in a remote call, the data is always copied from one routine to the
other. That is, if the calling routine and the called routine are in different OpenEdge sessions, the temp-table
parameter is always passed by value.

Passing a temp-table by reference

Starting with OpenEdge Release 11.0, when you pass a temp-table and the routine call is local, you can tell
the AVM to optimize the call by having the called routine refer to the instance of the temp-table already in the
calling routine. You tell the AVM to share a single instance of the temp-table by including the BY-REFERENCE
keyword on the caller's RUN statement:


RUN internal-procedure-name IN procedure-handle


Passing the caller's temp-table BY-REFERENCE saves all the overhead of copying the temp-table definition
and data. If the call is remote, then the AVM ignores the BY-REFERENCE keyword and passes the temp-table
by value, as it must in that case.
When you pass a temp-table parameter by reference, the called routine's temp-table definition is bound to the
calling routine's temp-table only for the duration of the call.

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Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

To pass a temp-table by reference, in the calling routine, use the BY-REFERENCE keyword in the RUN statement
that defines the temp-table parameter. There is no special syntax required in the called routine. However, since
the calling routine's temp-table instance is substituted for the called routine's temp-table, only the definition of
the temp-table is required by the called routine. In other words, the same temp-table is defined in both routines
but only one is actually used. If the called routine's temp-table is not directly used to hold its own data anywhere
within the routine, you can save the overhead of allocating it by including the REFERENCE-ONLY keyword on
its definition:


This keyword tells ABL to use the definition for compiler references to the table and its fields but not to instantiate
it at run time. Any reference to the temp-table, except where it is passed in from another routine BY-REFERENCE,
results in a runtime error.

Passing a temp-table parameter by binding

Starting with OpenEdge Release 11.0, you can also save the overhead of copying a temp-table's definition
and data on a local call by using the BIND keyword. You use this keyword in both the calling and called routines
to tell the AVM to bind both temp-table references to the same temp-table instance. In the calling routine, you
add the keyword to the parameter in the RUN statement, instead of the BY-REFERENCE keyword:

RUN internal-procedure-name IN procedure-handle

([ INPUT | INPUT-OUTPUT | OUTPUT ] TABLE temp-table-name BIND ).

In the called routine, you specify the keyword as part of the parameter definition:


temp-table-name BIND.

The most basic case where you would want to use the BIND keyword is when you want to use the called
routine's temp-table instance instead of the calling routine's instance. For example, you may have a routine in
your application that has a cache of useful data, such as all Item values for use in entering an Order, which it
has retrieved from the database and stored in a temp-table. Other routines running in the same session might
want access to this data, for example to display the list of Items in a selection list.
To save the overhead of copying the temp-table to all the other routines that want to share its data, you can
bind the callers to the called routine's temp-table cache.
To pass a temp-table by binding from the called routine to the calling routine:
1. In the calling routine, define the temp-table as REFERENCE-ONLY. This tells the AVM not to instantiate the
caller's temp-table when the routine is first run.
2. In the calling routine, specify the BIND keyword in the RUN statement that uses the temp-table parameter.
This tells the AVM to bind both ends of the call to the same temp-table instance.

136 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using a temp-table as a parameter

3. In the called routine, define the temp-table parameter with the BIND keyword. This confirms to the AVM
that both ends of the call are to refer to the same instance. You must always specify BIND on both ends of
the call.
4. Define the temp-table parameters in both routines as OUTPUT. This tells the AVM to use the called routine's
temp-table instance and change all references within the caller to point to it.
To pass a temp-table by binding from the calling routine to the called routine:
1. In the called routine, define the temp-table as REFERENCE-ONLY.
2. In the called routine, define the temp-table parameter with the BIND keyword.
3. In the calling routine, specify the BIND keyword in the RUN statement that uses the temp-table parameter.
4. Make sure that the parameter mode matches in both routines. That is, they must both be defined as
INPUT-OUTPUT or both be defined as INPUT parameters.
You can use the BIND syntax to change the scope of the temp-table that is passed from caller to called routine.
When you use BY-REFERENCE in an internal procedure call, as was described earlier, the scope of the temp-table
is limited to that one call. That is, the AVM changes the temp-table references (within the internal procedure
you run) to refer back to the caller. When the internal procedure completes and returns to the caller, the
association ends. In some exceptional cases, you might want to bind the caller's temp-table to the called routine
for their mutual lifetime.
The following table describes how to decide between passing a temp-table as a parameter using the
BY-REFERENCE keyword versus using BIND. This table refers only to those calls that always or sometimes
occur between routines in the same session. If you know that the call will always be to routines in different
sessions, you should just pass the temp-table parameter by value.

Table 11: Passing a temp-table by reference versus by binding

If you want to use And you want the Then do this in the calling And do this in the called
this routine's binding of the two routine . . . routine . . .
temp-table temp-tables to last until
data. . .

Calling The call ends. Define the temp-table.In the Define the temp-table as
RUN statement, specify the REFERENCE-ONLY. Define
temp-table parameter with the the temp-table parameter.
BY-REFERENCE modifier.

The procedure that Define the temp-table. In the Define the temp-table as
contains the calling RUN statement, specify the REFERENCE-ONLY. Define
routine ends or is temp-table parameter with the the temp-table parameter with
deleted. BIND modifier. BIND.

Called The procedure that Define the temp-table as Define the temp-table. Define
contains the called REFERENCE-ONLY. In the the temp-table parameter with
routine ends or is RUN statement, specify the BIND and as OUTPUT mode.
deleted. temp-table parameter with the
BIND modifier and as
OUTPUT mode.

The temp-table parameter must be an OUTPUT parameter for the first call involving the temp-table so that the calling routine's
REFERENCE-ONLY table can point to a valid instantiated table. In subsequent calls, the parameter can be passed as INPUT.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 137

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

Defining a procedure to return Order Lines

This section discusses a procedure that retrieves the Order Lines from the database. This sample procedure
is called h-fetchOlines.p. It takes the current Order Number as an INPUT parameter. It then defines a
temp-table with the fields from the OrderLine table plus the Item Name and the total Weight for the quantity
ordered. Finally, it defines an OUTPUT parameter to return the set of Order Lines as a temp-table to the caller:

/* h-fetchOlines.p -- retrieve all orderlines for an Order and return them

in a temp-table. */
FIELD TotalWeight AS DECIMAL LABEL "Tot.Wgt.".



Notice that you must define the temp-table before you use it in a parameter definition.
Using the INPUT parameter that passed in the Order Number, the code retrieves all the Order Lines for that
Order. For each one, it creates a temp-table record.
The procedure then needs to move all the OrderLine fields from the database record into the temp-table. In
addition, it must copy the Item Name from the Item table and a calculation of the total weight for the Order
Line based on the weight of the item and the quantity ordered.
You could do this with a long ASSIGN statement that names and assigns each field, but there's a shorter way
to do this, using the BUFFER-COPY statement, as in this example:

FOR EACH OrderLine NO-LOCK WHERE Orderline.OrderNum = piOrderNum,

Item OF OrderLine NO-LOCK:
CREATE ttOline.
BUFFER-COPY OrderLine TO ttOline
ASSIGN ttOline.ItemName = Item.ItemName
ttOline.TotalWeight = OrderLine.Qty * Item.Weight.

Using BUFFER-COPY to assign multiple fields

The BUFFER-COPY statement, as the name implies, copies like-named fields from one record buffer to another.
You can extend the statement to either include or exclude fields from the copy, and to do other assignments
of fields with different names and assignments involving expressions. Here is the syntax of the BUFFER-COPY


BUFFER-COPY source-buffer [{ EXCEPT | }field ...]

TO target-buffer [ ASSIGN assign-expression ...][ NO-ERROR ].

138 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using include files to duplicate code

By default, the BUFFER-COPY statement copies all like-named fields from the source-buffer to the
target-buffer. As with other assignments, if the data types and extents of the fields are not compatible,
an error results. Fields in the source-buffer that have no like-named field in the target-buffer are not
copied. Likewise, fields in the target-buffer that have no like-named field in the source-buffer are
ignored. No error results from this mismatch of fields.
If you want to copy only certain fields from the source-buffer, you can do this in one of two ways:
• If you use the EXCEPT option followed by a list of field names, then those fields in the source-buffer are
left out of the copy
• If you use the USING option followed by a list of field names, then only the fields in the list are copied
Thus, you can use either option depending on which one lets you specify a shorter list of fields for special
handling. You might also want to consider future code maintenance in making this choice. If you use the EXCEPT
option, then any fields that you might add in the future to the tables you're copying will automatically be picked
up when you recompile the procedure. If you use the USING option they will not be. The option you choose
depends on your reasons for including or excluding fields and on what you want to have happen if the buffer
definitions change.
In addition to like-named fields, you can do any other kind of assignment from the source-buffer to the
target-buffer using an ASSIGN statement. As with the ASSIGN statements you have seen in examples
so far, this is basically a list of assignments with the target field on the left side of an equal sign and the
source field on the right. You can also include a WHEN phrase in an assignment to define a logical expression
that determines whether the assignment is done. For more information, see the section for the ASSIGN statement
in the online help or in ABL Reference.
As with other statements, the NO-ERROR keyword suppresses any error messages that might result from
improper assignment and lets you query the ERROR-STATUS handle afterwards instead.

Using include files to duplicate code

Now it's time for another digression to introduce you to a powerful feature of ABL that will be helpful in completing
the temp-table example. You might have noticed that to pass a temp-table from one procedure to another, you
need to have an equivalent temp-table definition in both procedures. So the next thing you have to do in the
Customers and Orders window is define the same temp-table as you just did in h-fetchOlines.p so you
can use it as an INPUT parameter to the RUN statement to that procedure. Surely there must be a better way
to duplicate code than retyping it or coping and pasting it?
ABL provides a mechanism for just this purpose, called an include file. An include file is a source procedure
that is included in another procedure file to form a complete procedure that you can then compile. Using include
files saves you from having to copy and paste code from one procedure to another when you need the same
definition or other code in multiple places. More important, it can also save you from many maintenance
headaches when you need to change the duplicated code. Rather than having to identify all the places where
the code exists and change every one of them consistently, you just have to change the one include file and
recompile the procedures that use it.
Having said this, it is important to make an observation about include files in an OpenEdge application. In later
chapters, you learn how to use dynamic language constructs to allow the same procedure to work many different
ways. For example, you can use them to manage a query on different tables or with different WHERE clauses
that are defined dynamically at run time or to build a window that can display fields and a browse for many
different tables, with all the objects defined dynamically, so their attributes can be changed at run time. This
limits the need for include files in many cases.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 139

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

In earlier applications, written before these dynamic features existed, ABL developers used include files to
pass in, for example, the name of a table or a list of fields or a WHERE clause for a FOR EACH statement. In
this way, the same procedure could be compiled many different ways to do similar jobs. With dynamic
programming, you can often modify the same kinds of procedure attributes at run time, allowing a single
compiled procedure to handle all the cases that you need, without creating many different .r files for all the
different cases, or compiling and running procedures on the fly during program execution. For that reason,
once you have learned about dynamic programming, if you find yourself doing extraordinarily complex or clever
things with include files in a new application, you should consider whether you could do the same job more
easily and more effectively with dynamic language constructs that are part of the language for exactly this
With these disclaimers aside, it is still valuable to know about include files and when you might use them. If
nothing else, you will find many include file references in existing ABL code.
The syntax for an include file is extremely simple. You merely place the include filename, enclosed in braces
( { } ) into your procedure exactly where you want the code it contains to be inserted. This can be anywhere at
all in your procedure. An include file can contain a complete statement, a whole set of statements, a partial
statement, a single keyword or name, or even a fraction of a name, depending on what purpose it serves. The
only limitation is that ABL always inserts a single space after (but not before) the contents of the include file
when it pulls it in during the compilation. This means you could append a partial name or keyword directly to
the end of a code fragment in the main procedure, but not to the beginning without a space being inserted.
By convention, include files end in the .i extension, but this is not actually required. If ABL needs a pathname
relative to the Propath to locate your include file, then you need to include the pathname within the braces just
as you would specify a relative pathname as part of the filename in a RUN statement. (Note that the ABL does
not search procedure libraries for include files.)
In the simplest case, an include file just inserts the contents of the file into the procedure that includes it when
the main procedure is compiled. You can also define arguments to include files. To add an argument to an
include file, place the string {1} into the include file where you want the argument inserted. Then, in each include
file reference, add the value of the argument after the name of the include file, separated by a space. For
example, in the next section you will replace the four button triggers for the First, Next, Prev, and Last buttons
with an include file. The code for all of those buttons is the same except for the one keyword in the GET statement
FIRST, NEXT, PREV, and LAST. You can write all four triggers with one include file by adding an argument to
the include file. If you call it h-ButtonTrig1.i, then the first line of code in h-ButtonTrig1.i is GET {1}
CustQuery. And the trigger for the First button becomes {h-ButtonTrig.i FIRST}.
For multiple arguments to an include file, just mark them with placeholders {1}, {2}, and so on. You can also
create named arguments that let you determine the arguments you pass into the include file when it becomes
part of the compilation. For a complete description of include files and their arguments, see the Include File
Reference topic in the online help.

Adding an Order Line browse to the Customer window

You've completed the h-fetchOlines.p procedure. When it ends, it returns a temp-table with the OrderLines
for the Order in it, along with the name and weight total from the Item table.
To use an include file to put the same code in multiple procedures:

140 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Adding an Order Line browse to the Customer window

1. Open h-fetchOlines.p and copy the temp-table definition.

2. Paste it into a new procedure window and save the procedure as h-ttOline.i:

/* h-ttOline.i -- include file to define ttOline temp-table. */

FIELD TotalWeight AS DECIMAL LABEL "Tot.Wgt.".

3. Remove the code from h-fetchOlines.p (or just comment it out to remind you of what the include file
replaces), and put in a reference to h-ttOline.i in its place:

/* h-fetchOlines.p -- retrieve all orderlines for an Order

and return them in a temp-table. */
FIELD TotalWeight AS DECIMAL LABEL "Tot.Wgt." . */



FOR EACH OrderLine WHERE Orderline.OrderNum = piOrderNum,

Item OF OrderLine:
CREATE ttOline.
BUFFER-COPY OrderLine TO ttOline
ASSIGN ttOline.ItemName = ITEM.ItemName
ttOline.TotalWeight = OrderLine.Qty * ITEM.Weight.

Remember that part of the purpose of this exercise is to give you a taste of what it is like to write separate ABL
procedures for user interfaces and for data access and update code, so that you can ultimately distribute those
procedures between client and server machines in a true enterprise application. In this simple example, both
procedures run as part of the same session, but they could run more or less exactly the same in different
OpenEdge sessions on completely different machines.
To add code to the CustOrderWin procedure to run h-fetchOlines.p and display the OrderLines in a
browse of their own:
1. Open h-CustOrderWin4.w in the Procedure Editor.
2. In the Definitions section, add a reference to h-ttOline.i:

/* DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttOline LIKE Orderline
FIELD TotalWeight AS DECIMAL LABEL "Tot.Wgt.". */

3. Add a query definition for a query on this temp-table:

DEFINE QUERY OlineQuery FOR ttOline.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 141

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

4. Put this browse definition for the temp-table after the other elements in the Definitions section. Select these
fields from the ttOline table, including the Item Name and Weight from the Item table:


ttOline.LineNum LABEL "Line"
ttOline.ItemNum LABEL "Item" FORMAT "ZZZ9"
ttOline.ItemName FORMAT "x(20)"
ttOline.Price FORMAT "ZZ,ZZ9.99"
ttOline.ExtendedPrice LABEL "Ext.Price" FORMAT "ZZZ,ZZ9.99"

Remember that your BUFFER-COPY from the OrderLine table gives you all the fields from that table in your
temp-table, but you don't have to use all of them in the browse.
You define the number of rows to display with the 7 DOWN phrase and leave out the size altogether. That
way, the AVM displays all seven rows of data and is wide enough to display all the fields you have selected.
Now, you need to run the procedure that fetches the Order Lines each time a row is selected in the Order
browse. The event that is fired when a row is selected is called VALUE-CHANGED.

5. In the Control Triggers section define this trigger on VALUE-CHANGED of the OrderBrowse:


RUN h-fetchOlines.p (INPUT Order.OrderNum, OUTPUT TABLE ttOline).
OPEN QUERY OlineQuery FOR EACH ttOline.
DISPLAY OlineBrowse WITH FRAME CustQuery.
ENABLE OlineBrowse WITH FRAME CustQuery.

The trigger code runs the procedure, passing in the current Order number from the Order buffer and getting
a temp-table back. Then it opens the OlineQuery. Because the DEFINE BROWSE statement associates
the query with the new browse, the rows from the temp-table are automatically displayed in the browse.
The DISPLAY statement displays the browse itself in the same frame with everything else. Without more
specific instructions on where to place it, the AVM places it to the right of the last object that is already
defined for the frame, which is the Order browse. You could also use ROW and COLUMN attributes on the
DISPLAY statement to display the new browse somewhere else. Finally, enabling the browse lets the user
select rows in it and scroll in it if it has too many rows to display at once. This code does not enable the
individual cells in the browse for update.
The VALUE-CHANGED trigger fires whenever the user selects a different row in the browse. But there are
two other times when a row is selected. The first is when the window first comes up. The Order browse
then holds the Orders for the first Customer, and the first of those Orders is selected implicitly.

142 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Adding an Order Line browse to the Customer window

Make sure the VALUE-CHANGED trigger fires at that time, in the Main Block of the window procedure, by
adding a line to APPLY the VALUE-CHANGED trigger on startup:

RUN enable_UI.
ASSIGN cState = Customer.State
iMatches = NUM-RESULTS("CustQuery").
DISPLAY cState iMatches WITH FRAME CustQuery.

The second place where an Order is implicitly selected is whenever the user presses one of the buttons
that selects a new Customer. This reopens the Order query, and you want the OrderLines for the first
Order for that Customer to be retrieved.
Because there are four buttons with almost exactly the same code on them, this is another good place to
use an include file. As mentioned earlier, the one keyword that is different in these triggers is whether it is
a GET FIRST, NEXT, PREV, or LAST. So you make that keyword an argument to the include file.

6. Create an include file for the four buttons:

a. Copy the code from the BtnFirst CHOOSE trigger and paste it into a new procedure window.
b. Replace the FIRST keyword with the include file argument marker {1}.
c. Add the same statement as you did in the Main Block to APPLY the VALUE-CHANGED event.
d. Save this code as h-ButtonTrig1.i, as shown:

/* h-ButtonTrig1.i -- include file for the First/Next/Prev/Last

buttons in h-CustOrderWin4.w. */
GET {1} CustQuery.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address
Customer.City Customer.State

7. In each of the four CHOOSE triggers, replace the trigger code with a reference to the h-ButtonTrig.i
include file, passing in the appropriate GET keyword, as in this BtnFirst trigger:

{ h-ButtonTrig1.i FIRST }

Now your procedure is ready to retrieve and display OrderLines.

8. Widen the window and its frame substantially by dragging the right edge out further to the right, to make
room for the OrderLine browse.
9. Run the window to see the effect of your changes:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 143

Chapter 7: Defining and Using Temp-tables

In this chapter you have learned:

• How to define temp-tables that create result sets that do not correspond to a single database table, how to
pass them as parameters, and how to display their data
• How these temp-table parameters can help you separate out the data access and business logic of your
application from the user interface procedures, in preparation for building distributed enterprise applications
with ABL

144 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining Functions

This chapter covers some other important topics concerning how you construct procedures. Specifically, it
describes how to define your own functions within your ABL procedures to complement the built-in ABL functions.

For details, see the following topics:

• User-defined functions

• Defining a function

User-defined functions
As you have already seen in the previous chapter's discussion of INTERNAL-ENTRIES and the GET-SIGNATURE
method, there is an alternative to the internal procedure as a named entry point within a procedure file. This
is the user-defined function, sometimes referred to as a UDF or simply as a function. You are probably familiar
with functions from other programming languages. Fundamentally, a function differs from a procedure in that
it returns a value of a specific data type, and therefore can act in place of any other kind of variable or expression
that would evaluate to the same data type. This means that you can place functions inside other expressions
within a statement or within the WHERE clause of a result set definition. By contrast, you must invoke a procedure,
whether external or internal, with a RUN statement. If it needs to return information, you have to use OUTPUT
parameters that your code examines after the procedure returns. You should therefore consider defining a
function within your application for a named entry point that needs to return a single value and that is convenient
to use within larger expressions.
You can also compare user-defined functions with the many built-in functions that are a part of ABL, such as
NUM-ENTRIES, ENTRY, and many others that you've seen and used. Your functions can provide the same
kinds of widely useful behavior as the built-in functions, but specific to your application.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 145

Chapter 8: Defining Functions

If you use a function in a WHERE clause or other expression in the header of a FOR EACH block, the ABL Virtual
Machine (AVM) evaluates the function once, at the time the query with the WHERE clause is opened or the FOR
EACH block is entered.
You can perhaps best think of a function as a small piece of code that performs a frequently needed calculation,
or that checks a rule or does some common data transformation. In general, this is the best use for functions.
However, a function can be a more complex body of code if this is appropriate.

Defining a function
This is the syntax you use to define the header for a function:


FUNCTION function-name [ RETURNS ]datatype[ ( parameters ) ] :

A function always must explicitly return a value of the data type you name. It can take one or more parameters
just as a procedure can. Although this means that a function can return OUTPUT parameters or use
INPUT-OUTPUT parameters just as a procedure can, you should consider that a function normally takes one
or more INPUT parameters, processes their values, and returns its RETURN value as a result. If you find yourself
defining a function that has OUTPUT parameters, you should reconsider and probably make it a procedure
instead. One of the major features and benefits of a function is that you can embed it in a larger expression
and treat its return value just as you would a variable of the same type. If there are OUTPUT parameters, this
won't be the case as you must check their values in separate statements.
The body of the function can contain the same kinds of statements as an internal procedure. Just as with
internal procedures, you cannot define a temp-table or any shared object within the function. It has an additional
restriction, as well: you cannot reference a user-defined function within an ABL ASSIGN statement or other
ABL updating statement that could cause an index to be updated. The interpreter might not be able to deal
with transaction-related code inside the function itself in the middle of the update statement. It is a very good
practice to avoid using functions in any code statements that update the database.
A function must contain at least one RETURN statement to return a value of the appropriate data type:

RETURN return-value.

The return-value can be a constant, variable, field, or expression (including possibly even another function
reference) that evaluates to the data type the function was defined to return.
A function must end with an END statement. Just as an internal procedure normally ends with an END
PROCEDURE statement, it is normal to end a function with an explicit END FUNCTION statement to keep the
organization of your procedure file clearer. The FUNCTION keyword is optional in this case but definitely good
programming practice.
Although a function must always have a return type and return a value, a reference to the function is free to
ignore the return value. That is, an ABL statement can simply consist of a function reference without a return
value, much like a RUN statement without the RUN keyword. This might be appropriate if the function returns a
TRUE/FALSE value indicating success or failure, and in a particular piece of code, you are not concerned with
whether it succeeded or not.

146 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining a function

Whether a function takes any parameters or not, you must include parentheses, even if they're empty, on every
function reference in your executable code.

Making a forward declaration for a function

If you follow the structural guidelines for a procedure file, you place all your internal entries—internal procedures
and user-defined functions—at the end of the file. Normally, you need to reference the functions in your
procedure file within the body of the code that comes before their actual implementation, either in the main
block or in other internal entries in the file.
The ABL compiler needs to understand how to treat your function when it encounters it in the executable code.
In particular, it needs to know the data type to return. It also does you a service by enforcing the rest of the
function's signature—its parameter list—whenever it finds a reference to it. For this reason, the AVM needs to
know at least the definition of the function—its return type and parameters—before it encounters a use of the
function elsewhere in the procedure. To do this and still leave the actual implementation of the function toward
the end of the file, you can provide a forward declaration of the function, also called a prototype, toward the
top of the procedure file, before any code that uses the function.
This is the syntax for a forward declaration of a function:


FUNCTION function-name [ ]datatype[ ( parameters ) ]

{ FORWARD |[ MAP [ TO ]actual-name] IN proc-handle| IN SUPER }

As you can see, the basic definition of the function name, return type, and parameters is the same as you
would use in the function header itself. If you provide a forward declaration for a function, the parameter list is
optional in the function header (though the RETURNS phrase is not). It's good practice, though, to provide it in
both places.
A function prototype can point to an actual function implementation in one of three places:
• In the beginning of the procedure
• In another procedure
• In a super procedure

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 147

Chapter 8: Defining Functions

Making a local forward declaration

If you use the FORWARD keyword in the function prototype, then this tells the AVM to expect the actual function
implementation later in the same procedure file. This is a simple example of a function that converts temperature
measurements in degrees Celsius scale to degrees Fahrenheit:

/* h-ConvTemp1.p -- convert temperatures and demonstrate functions. */



REPEAT dTemp = 0 TO 100:

dTemp LABEL "Celsius"
CtoF(dTemp) LABEL "Fahrenheit"


RETURN (dCelsius * 1.8) + 32.

This procedure executes as follows:

1. The procedure makes a forward declaration of the CtoF conversion function, so that it can be used in the
procedure before its implementation code is defined.
2. The function is used inside the REPEAT loop in the DISPLAY statement. Notice that it appears where any
DECIMAL expression could appear and is treated the same way.
3. There is the actual implementation of the function, which takes the temperature as measured in degrees
Celsius as input and returns the equivalent temperature measurement in degrees Fahrenheit.
The following figure shows the first page of output from the h-ConvTemp1.p procedure.
Figure 42: Result of the ConvTemp.p procedure

You could leave the parameter list out of the function implementation itself, but it is good form to leave it in.

148 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining a function

Making a declaration of a function in another procedure

Because functions are so generally useful, you might want to execute a function from many procedures when
it is in fact implemented in a single procedure file that your application runs persistent. In this case, you can
provide a prototype that specifies the handle variable where the procedure handle of the other procedure is to
be found at run time. This is the second option in the prototype syntax:


[ MAP [ TO ]actual-name] IN proc-handle

The proc-handle is the name of the handle variable that holds the procedure handle where the function is
actually implemented. If the function has a different name in that procedure than in the local procedure, you
can provide the MAP TOactual-name phrase to describe this. In that case, actual-name is the function
name in the procedure whose handle is proc-handle.
To see an example of the CtoF function separated out in this way:
1. Create a procedure with just the function definition in it:

/* h-FuncProc.p -- contains CtoF and possible other useful functions. */

RETURN (dCelsius * 1.8) + 32.

It could also have other internal entries to be used by others that have its procedure handle at run time.

2. Change the procedure that uses the function to declare it IN hFuncProc, its procedure handle. The code
has to run h-FuncProc.p persistent or else access its handle if it's already running. In this case, it also
deletes it when it's done:

/* h-ConvTemp2.p -- convert temperatures and demonstrate functions. */



RUN h-FuncProc.p PERSISTENT SET hFuncProc.

REPEAT dTemp = 0 TO 100:

DISPLAY dTemp LABEL "Celsius"
CtoF(dTemp) LABEL "Fahrenheit"


3. Run this variant h-ConvTemp2.p, to get the same result as before. This time here's the end of the display,
just to confirm that you got the arithmetic right:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 149

Chapter 8: Defining Functions

An externally defined function such as this one can also reside in an entirely different OpenEdge session,
connected to the procedure that uses the function using the OpenEdge AppServer. In this case, you declare
the function in the same way but use the AppServer-specific ON SERVER phrase on the RUN statement to
invoke the function. As with any AppServer call, you can't pass a buffer as a parameter to such a function. See
OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications for more information.

Making a declaration of a function IN SUPER

The third option in the function prototype is to declare that it is found IN SUPER at run time. This means that
the function is implemented in a super procedure of the procedure with the declaration.

Making run-time references with DYNAMIC-FUNCTION

ABL lets you construct a reference to a function at run time, using a built-in function called DYNAMIC-FUNCTION.
This is the syntax:


DYNAMIC-FUNCTION ( function [ IN handle ][ , parameters ] )

Like a function reference itself, the DYNAMIC-FUNCTION function can appear anywhere in your procedure
code where an expression of that data type could appear.
The first parameter to DYNAMIC-FUNCTION is the name of the function to invoke. This procedure can be a
quoted literal or an expression, such as a variable that evaluates to a valid function name.
Following this, you can optionally include an IN handle phrase to direct the AVM to execute the function in
a persistent procedure handle. In this case, the handle must be an actual field or variable name of HANDLE
data type, not an expression.
If the function itself takes any parameters, you pass those as additional parameters to DYNAMIC-FUNCTION,
in the same form that you would pass them to the function itself.
DYNAMIC-FUNCTION gives you the flexibility to have code that can execute different function names depending
on the situation, since the function parameter can be a variable. You might have, for example, several
different functions that do parallel work for different categories of data in a loop you're iterating through. However,
that is of perhaps limited value because all the functions you invoke must have the same signature.
The most common use of DYNAMIC-FUNCTION is for one of two other reasons:
• If you want to reference a function without going to the trouble of defining a prototype for it, you can do this
with DYNAMIC-FUNCTION. Because the AVM has no way of knowing what the name of the function is or
its return type, it cannot look for a prototype for it and therefore does not give you an error as it would if you
had a static reference to a function with no prior declaration. By the same token, it cannot provide you with
any helpful warnings if your reference to the function is not valid.

150 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Defining a function

• If you want to invoke a function in a number of different persistent procedures, you can easily do this with
DYNAMIC-FUNCTION since the procedure handle to run it is part of the function reference, and not defined
in the prototype. In this way, you can run a function in different persistent procedure instances depending
on the circumstances. If each of those procedures represents an application object (such as a window,
frame, browse, or query), then it can be very powerful to invoke the same function in different procedure
handles representing those objects.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 151

Chapter 8: Defining Functions

152 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Handling Data and Locking Records

The most important aspect of any enterprise application is updating and maintaining data its database. This
book deliberately delays that all-important topic until now so that you have the necessary background in ABL
(Advanced Business Language) to understand and manage database updates. In this chapter, you'll learn
about data handling and record locks.
This chapter discusses these topics from the perspective of a distributed application, one where the user
interface and the logic that actually update the database are running in different sessions, normally on different
machines. You don't have to run your application in this distributed mode, but you should definitely design it
this way, so that as your requirements change, you are prepared to take advantage of multiple user interfaces
and other requirements that demand that your application run on different platforms, one where the user
interface is running and one or more where the database is directly connected.
This distributed environment affects some of the most basic precepts of how you construct ABL procedures.
When the language was first developed, a typical run-time environment was a host-based system with a number
of character-screen terminals connected directly to a single computer. Later, this environment was extended
to the client/server model, with a network of PCs usually running a graphical interface connected over a network
to a server machine where the database was located. In the client/server model, the notion of a direct connection
to the database was still maintained across the network so that individual client sessions could run as if they
had a local connection to the database, reading and writing individual records directly to and from the database
and maintaining locks on records as they were viewed in the client session.
In a distributed application this model changes considerably. There's no longer a direct connection from a client
session to the database. Records are read from the database into temp-tables and passed to the client for
display and possible update. The client session can no longer hold locks on records it's using, so the server-side
code needs to verify whether updated records passed back from the client have been modified by another user
since they were read. Likewise, the server-side business logic cannot easily hold record locks while the records
are being viewed in the client session. All of these considerations have a fundamental impact on how you
design your application and how you write your ABL procedures.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 153

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

To help you understand a bit of the historical perspective of how ABL has evolved, this chapter begins by
introducing you to all the update-related statements in the language, and then explains how they are or are
not still relevant to the new distributed paradigm.

For details, see the following topics:

• Overview of data handling statements

• Record locking in ABL

Overview of data handling statements

You have already been introduced to many of the ABL statements that manage data, either by reading records
from a data source and making them available to the application in record buffers or by displaying data to the
screen and saving changes from the screen. The chart in the following figure summarizes the scope of each
of these statements relative to the four layers of interaction.
Figure 43: Data handling statements

From the chart in the previous figure, you can see that some single statements span more than one of the
following layers in the system:

154 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Overview of data handling statements

• A record in a database table or temp-table

• A record in a record buffer
• A record in the screen buffer as the user sees it
• An action by the user on the screen buffer
This makes these statements very economical (in terms of syntax requirements) in a host-based or client/server
system, but problematic in a distributed system where the user and the screen buffer do not exist in the same
session with the database. This means that some of these statements are not of great use in a distributed
application and, as a result, you rarely (if ever) use them. These include:

• INSERT table-name. — You saw a brief example of this statement in Procedure Blocks and Data Access
on page 63. As you can see from the previous figure, the INSERT statement starts at the database level
with the creation of a new record, which the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) then displays (with its initial values)
in the screen buffer. The statement pauses to let the user enter values into the record's fields, and then
saves the record back to the record buffer.
• OPEN QUERY query-name (with a browse on a query against a database table) — There is a direct
association between a browse object and its query. When you open the query, records from the underlying
table are automatically displayed in the browse.
• SET table-name or field-list. — The SET statement accepts input from the user in the screen
buffer for one or more fields and assigns them directly to the record buffer.
• UPDATE table-name or field-list. — The UPDATE statement displays the current values for one
or more fields to the screen, accepts changes to those fields from the user, and assigns them back to the
record buffer.
Each of these statements is implicitly (if not explicitly) followed by a record RELEASE that actually writes the
record with its changes back to the database. The exact timing of that record release is discussed later in
Making sure you release record locks on page 163, but this means that these statements carry data all the way
from the user to the database. Since this can't be done in a single session of a distributed application, you
won't generally use these statements with database tables.
When can you still use them? As you've already seen, ABL provides the temp-table as a way to present and
manage a set of records independent of the database and, in particular, as the way you should pass data from
server to client and back. So you could use any of these statements against a temp-table in the client session,
because the Database Record layer is, in fact, just the temp-table record in the client session. In particular,
opening a query against a client-side temp-table and seeing that query's data in a related browse is the standard
way to present tables of data on the client.
You've already seen the following statements in action:

• ASSIGN table-name or field-list. — You can use this statement to assign one or more fields from
the screen buffer to the record buffer, for example, on a LEAVE trigger for a field. You can also use it to do
multiple programmatic assignments of values in a single statement, as in the ASSIGN field =
valuefield = value . . . statement.

• DISPLAY table-name or field-list. — This statement moves one or more values from a record
buffer to the screen buffer. You could use this statement in a client procedure with a temp-table record, or
with a list of local variables.
• ENABLE field-list. — This statement enables one or more fields in the screen buffer to allow user
input. Its counterpart, DISABLE, disables one or more fields.

• FIND table-name. — This statement locates a single record in the underlying table and moves it into
the record buffer. You could use this statement in server-side logic using a database table, or in a client-side
procedure using a temp-table.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 155

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

• FOR EACH table-name: — This block header statement iterates through a set of related records in the
underlying table and moves each one in turn into the record buffer. You could use this statement in server-side
logic on a database table or client-side logic on a temp-table.
• GET query-name. — This statement locates a single record in an open query and moves it into the record
• REPOSITION (with browse) — The REPOSITION statement on a browsed query moves the new record
into the record buffer.
There remain several new statements you'll learn about in the next chapter. These include:

• CREATE table-name. — This statement creates a new record in a table and makes it available in the
record buffer.
• DELETE table-name. — This statement deletes the current record in the record buffer, removing it from
the underlying table.
• RELEASE table-name. — This statement explicitly removes a record from the record buffer and releases
any lock on the record, making it available for another user.
In addition to these transaction-oriented statements, the PROMPT-FOR statement enables a field in the screen
buffer and lets the user enter a value for it. In an event-driven application, you do not normally want the user
interface to wait on a single field and force the user to enter a value into that field before doing anything else,
so the PROMPT-FOR statement is also not a frequent part of a modern application. The INSERT, SET, and
UPDATE statements similarly have their own built-in WAIT-FOR, which demands input into the fields before the
user can continue. For this reason, these statements are also of limited usefulness in an event-driven application,
even when you are updating records in a client-side temp-table.

Record locking in ABL

When you read records from a database table, the AVM applies a level of locking to the record that you can
control so that you can prevent conflicts where multiple users of the same data are trying to read or modify the
same records at the same time. This locking doesn't apply to temp-tables since they are strictly local to a single
ABL session and never shared between sessions.
When you read records using a FIND statement, a FOR EACH block, or the GET statement on a query that isn't
being viewed in a browse, by default the AVM reads each record with a SHARE-LOCK. The SHARE-LOCK means
that the AVM marks the record in the database to indicate that your session is using it. Another user (and the
general term user here and elsewhere means code in any type of OpenEdge session that is accessing data,
whether it's through an actual user interface or not) can also read the same record in the same way—that is
why this is called a SHARE-LOCK.
You can also specify a keyword on your FIND or FOR EACH statement, or on the OPEN QUERY statement for
a query, to read records with a different lock level. If you intend to change a record, you can use the
EXCLUSIVE-LOCK keyword. This marks the record as being reserved for your session's exclusive use where
any changes are concerned, including deleting the record. If any other user has a SHARE-LOCK on the record,
an attempt to read it with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK fails. Thus, a SHARE-LOCK assures you that while others can
read the same record you have read, they cannot change it out from under you.

156 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record locking in ABL

Record locking examples

A few simple examples can help illustrate how ABL handles different kinds of locks. When you start the Procedure
Editor and connect to the Sports2000 database, you are running in single-user mode, as the only user of the
To set up your session to test locking:
1. Exit your session to free up your single-user connection to the Sports2000 database.
2. Make sure your path includes the bin directory under your OpenEdge install directory.
3. From a Windows Command Prompt window, change your directory to your working directory, or wherever
your local Sports2000 database is located.
4. Type the command: proserve Sports2000. You should see a series of messages as the server starts
5. Restart the Procedure Editor.
6. From the Tools menu, select Database Connections.
7. Click the Connect button.
8. Type Sports2000 as the Physical Name, then click the Options button:

9. Check on the Multiple Users toggle box so that you connect to the server in multi-user mode:

10. Click OK, then close the Database Connections dialog box:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 157

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

Now your session is connected to the database server. To test the effects of record locking in a multi-user
environment, you need to create a second OpenEdge session.
To start up another session:
1. Start the Procedure Editor.
2. From the Tools menu, select Data Administration:

3. From the Data Administration menu, select Database, then click Connect.
4. Go through the same sequence of steps as before to connect in multi-user mode to the same Sports2000
database server.
Now you're ready to test locking conflicts.

Your first test involves using EXCLUSIVE-LOCKs. To test locking conflicts when using an EXCUSIVE-LOCK:
1. From your first session, create a new procedure window by selecting the File > New menu item.
2. Enter this code to retrieve the first Customer record with an exclusive lock:

3. From the Desktop in your second session, bring up the Procedure Editor.
4. In the Procedure Editor in your second session, enter the same procedure, but with a message that says
User 2 instead of User 1:

158 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record locking in ABL

5. Run the first procedure. The window for the first session comes up:

6. Run the procedure in the second session. Because it's trying to get an exclusive lock on a record already
locked by the other process, you get a message telling you that the record is in use and that you must either
wait or cancel out of the FIND statement:

If you close the first window, the second process can now read and lock the Customer record:

This example illustrates the most basic rule of record locking. Only one user can have an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK
on a record at a time. Any other user trying to lock the same record must either wait for it or cancel the request.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 159

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

Using and upgrading SHARE-LOCKS

If you remove the EXCLUSIVE-LOCK keyword from the FIND statements in both procedures, the AVM reads
the record in each case with a SHARE-LOCK by default. The version of the procedure shown in the following
figure is saved in the examples as h-findCustUser1.p. For this test, the second user runs the same
procedure with the displayed string "User 2".
Figure 44: h-findCustUser1.p procedure

You can run both procedures at the same time, and they can both access the Customer with a SHARE-LOCK,
as shown in the following figure.
Figure 45: Result of two sessions running h-findCustUser1.p procedure

160 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record locking in ABL

However, if you enter a new value in the CreditLimit field for either one and tab out of the field, the AVM tries
to upgrade the lock to an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK to update the record. This attempt fails with the message shown
in the following figure because the other user has the record under SHARE-LOCK.
Figure 46: SHARE-LOCK status message

If both users try to update the record, they both get the lock conflict message. This situation is called a deadly
embrace, because neither user can proceed until one of them cancels out of the update, releasing the
SHARE-LOCK so that the other can upgrade the lock and update the record.
To avoid this kind of conflict, it is better to read a record you intend to update with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK in the
first place. If you do this in a server-side business logic procedure, which in a modern application is always the
case, you won't see a message if the record is locked by another session. Your session simply waits until the
lock is freed. If your record locks are confined to server-side procedures with no user interface or other blocking
statements, then the problem of a record being locked indefinitely won't ever happen, and a brief wait for a
record is not normally a problem.
By default, the time that a session waits for a record to be unlocked is 30 minutes. However, no message is
sent back to the process when the time out value is reached. You can specify a different wait time with the
Lock Timeout (-lkwtmo) startup parameter.

Using the NO-WAIT Option with the AVAILABLE and LOCKED functions
Just for the record, there are options you can use to make other choices in your procedures in the case of lock
contention. If for some reason you do not want your procedure to wait for the release of a lock, you can include
the NO-WAIT keyword on the FIND statement. Normally, you should also include the NO-ERROR keyword on
the statement to avoid the default "record is locked" message from the AVM. Following the statement, you can
use one of two built-in functions to test whether your procedure got the record it wanted. The following variant
of the procedure for User 2 uses the AVAILABLE keyword to test for the record, and is saved as
h-findCustUser2.p. Because the NO-WAIT option causes the FIND statement in this procedure to fail and
execution to continue if the record is already locked by another session, the record is not in the buffer, and the
AVAILABLE(Customer) function returns FALSE:

/* h-findCustUser2.p */
MESSAGE "That Customer isn't available for update." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
"User 2:" Customer.CustNum FORMAT "ZZZ9" Customer.Name FORMAT "X(12)"
Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance

ON "LEAVE":U OF Customer.CreditLimit IN FRAME CustFrame DO:

ASSIGN Customer.CreditLimit.

ENABLE Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance WITH FRAME CustFrame.


OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 161

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

If you run h-findCustUser1.p and h-findCustUser2.p, in that order from different sessions, the second
session displays the MESSAGE statement, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 47: EXCLUSIVE-LOCK message

This message occurs because h-findCustUser1.p has read the record with a SHARE-LOCK and h-findCustUser2.p
has attempted to read it with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK, which fails.
Alternatively, if you want to distinguish between the case where the record is not available because it has been
locked by another user and the case where the record wasn't found because the selection was invalid in some
way, you can use the LOCKED function:


MESSAGE "That Customer isn't available for update." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
MESSAGE "That Customer was not found." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.

Once again, because SHARE-LOCKS are of very limited use in application procedures that are distributed or
might be distributed between sessions, it is good practice to bypass this method of reading records altogether
and always read records with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK if you know that your procedure updates them immediately.
Also, because the NO-WAIT option is designed for possible record contention in an environment where a user
might hold a record lock for a long time while viewing the record on screen or going out for lunch, this option
is not normally needed in an application where all database access is confined to the server, where there
should be no user interaction with locked records. If you code your application properly to make sure that record
locks are not held unnecessarily, then lock contention should almost never be an issue.

Reading records with NO-LOCK

If you want to read records regardless of whether they are locked by other users, you can use a third NO-LOCK
option. This option lets you read a record without ever being prevented from doing so by another user's lock.
If you do not intend to update the record and are simply reading the data, this is an appropriate option. You
must always be aware that reading records with NO-LOCK means that you might read parts of an incomplete
transaction that has written some but not all of its changes to the database. In some cases, you can even read
a record that has been newly written to the database with its key fields and index information, but not with the
changes to other fields in the record. NO-LOCK is the default locking level for queries that have an associated
browse, since you would normally not want to lock a whole set of records simply to browse them.
You cannot upgrade a record's lock level from NO-LOCK to EXCLUSIVE-LOCK. If you try to update a record
you've read with NO-LOCK, you get an error message from the AVM, such as the one shown in the following
Figure 48: NO-LOCK error message

162 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record locking in ABL

You must FIND the record again with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK if you need to update it.

Making sure you release record locks

Under no circumstances do you want to hold a record lock longer than you need it. The best way to make sure
you get the locking you want is to be explicit about it. Do not fall back on ABL defaults, which try to give you
reasonable behavior when you don't specify the behavior you want, but which cannot always anticipate what
your procedure really requires. Here are two guidelines for using locks:

• Never read a record before a transaction starts, even with NO-LOCK , if you are going to update it
inside the transaction. If you read a record with NO-LOCK before a transaction starts and then read the
same record with EXCLUSIVE-LOCK within the transaction, the lock is automatically downgraded to a
SHARE-LOCK when the transaction ends. The AVM does not automatically return you to NO-LOCK status.

• If you have any doubt at all about when a record goes out of scope or when a lock is released, release
the record explicitly when you are done updating it with the RELEASE statement. If you release the
record, you know that it is no longer locked, and that you cannot unwittingly have a reference to it after the
transaction block that would extend the scope of the lock, or even the transaction.
If you observe these two simple guidelines, your programming will be greatly simplified and much more reliable.
Here are a few rules that you simply do not need to worry about if you acquire records only within a transaction
and always release them when you are done:

• A SHARE-LOCK is held until the end of the transaction or the record release, whichever is later. If you
avoid SHARE-LOCKs and always release records when you're done updating them, the scary phrase
whichever is later does not apply to your procedure.
• An EXCLUSIVE-LOCK is held until transaction end and then converted to a SHARE-LOCK if the record
scope is larger than the transaction and the record is still active in any buffer. Again, releasing the
record assures you that the use of the record in the transaction does not conflict with a separate use of the
same record outside the transaction.
• When the AVM backs out a transaction, it releases locks acquired within a transaction or changes them
to SHARE-LOCK if it locked the records prior to the transaction. If you don't acquire locks or even records
outside a transaction, you don't need to worry about this special case.

Lock table resources

SHARE-LOCKs and EXCLUSIVE-LOCKs use up entries in a lock table maintained by the database manager.
The possible number of entries in the lock table defaults to 500. You can change this number using the Lock
Table Entries (-L) startup parameter for your OpenEdge session. The AVM stops a program if it attempts to
access a record that causes it to overflow the lock table.

Optimistic and pessimistic locking strategies

In a traditional host-based or client/server application, you can enforce what is referred to as a pessimistic
locking strategy. This means that your application always obtains an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK when it first reads any
record that might be updated, to make sure that no other user tries to update the same record.

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Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

In a distributed application, this technique simply can't work. If you read a single record or a set of records on
the server, and pass them to a client session for display and possible update, your server-side session cannot
easily hold locks on the records while the client is using them. When the server-side procedure ends and returns
the temp-table of records to the client, the server-side record buffers are out of scope and the locks released.
In addition, you would not want to maintain record locks for this kind of duration, as it would lead to likely record

Note: It is possible to write server-side code so that one procedure holds record locks while another procedure
returns a set of records to the client, but you should normally not do this.

Instead, you need to adopt an optimistic locking strategy. This means that you always read records on the
server with NO-LOCK, if they are going to be passed to another session for display or processing. When the
other session updates one or more records and passes them back, presumably in another copy of the temp-table
that sent the records to the client, the server-side procedure in charge of handling updates must:
1. Find again each updated record in the database with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK, using its key or its RowID.
2. Verify that the record hasn't been changed by another user or at least verify that the current changes do
not conflict with other changes.
3. Assign the changes to the database record.
If another user has changed the record, then the application must take appropriate action. This might involve
rejecting the new changes and passing the other changes back for display, or otherwise reconciling the two
sets of changes, depending on the application logic and the nature of the data.

164 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Record locking in ABL


When you have a record in a record buffer, you can re-read it from the database to see if it has changed since
it was read, using the FIND CURRENT statement or, for a query, the GET CURRENT statement. You can then
use the CURRENT-CHANGED function to compare the record currently in the buffer with what is in the database.
This is a part of your optimistic locking strategy. The simple example that follows, saved as h-findCurrent.p,
shows how the syntax works:

/* h-findCurrent.p */
Customer.CustNum Customer.Name FORMAT "x(12)"
Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance.

/* When the user closes the frame by pressing F2, start a transaction: */
ON "GO" OF FRAME CustFrame DO:
MESSAGE "This record has been changed by another user." SKIP
"Please re-enter your changes." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
DISPLAY Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance WITH FRAME CustFrame.
RETURN NO-APPLY. /* Cancel the attempted update/GO */
/* Otherwise assign the changes to the database record. */
ASSIGN Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance.
RELEASE Customer.

/* To start out with, find, display, and enable the record with no lock. */
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance
ENABLE Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance WITH FRAME CustFrame.
/* Wait for the trigger condition to do the update and close the frame. */

The code executed first is at the bottom of the procedure, after the trigger block. It finds a desired
CustomerNO-LOCK, so as to avoid lock contention, then displays it and any enabled fields for input. If the user
changes the CreditLimit or Balance in the frame and presses F2, which fires the GO event for the frame, the
code re-reads the same record with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK and uses CURRENT-CHANGED to compare it with
the record in the buffer. Note that because the changes haven't been assigned to the record buffer yet, the
record in the buffer and the one in the database should be the same if no one else has changed it. If someone
has, then the procedure displays a message, displays the changed values, and executes a RETURN NO-APPLY
to cancel the GO event. Otherwise, it assigns the changes.
The DO TRANSACTION block defines the scope of the update. The RELEASE statement after that block releases
the locked record from the buffer to free it up for another user. You'll learn more about these statements in
Managing Transactions on page 167.
To test this procedure:
1. Run this procedure in both sessions. Either session can update the CreditLimit or Balance, because
neither session has the record locked. One session displays it:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 165

Chapter 9: Handling Data and Locking Records

2. In the other session, update it and save the change by pressing F2:

3. If you try to update the same record in the first session, you see a message:

The change made by the other session is displayed and, because you now see the record as it's saved in the
database, you can now re-enter your change and save it.
In a distributed application, it's much more difficult to manage this type of situation. In the event that a server
procedure gets a modified record back from another session that has already been changed, it must somehow
send a response back to that session to inform it that there is a conflict. The procedure that detects the conflict
does not have access to the user interface and so cannot display a message or change values directly. This
is why ABL provides SmartObjects, which handle passing data from server to client, manage record locks and
record contention, and communicate messages and updates back to the client from the server transparently.
But it does all this using the same ABL statements that you can use in procedures you write from scratch.

166 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Managing Transactions

This chapter continues the discussion of database transactions.

Note: This chapter describes ABL transactions and related topics and is the primary programming documentation
on transactions. One related topic, error handling, is more fully documented in ABL Error Handling. In particular,
this book describes structured error handling, which uses error objects and CATCH blocks to provide a more
comprehensive and flexible error handling model. Structured error handling also provides the ability to pass
error objects from an inner block to an outer block using the THROW syntax of an UNDO statement or the ON
ERROR phrase.

For details, see the following topics:

• Controlling the size of a transaction

• Using the UNDO statement

Controlling the size of a transaction

You have already learned which statements start a transaction automatically. To summarize, these are:

• FOR EACH blocks that directly update the database

• REPEAT blocks that directly update the database
• Procedure blocks that directly update the database

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 167

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

• DO blocks with the ON ERROR or ON ENDKEY qualifiers (which you'll learn more about later) that contain
statements that update the database
You can also control the size of a transaction by adding the TRANSACTION keyword to a DO, FOR EACH, or
REPEAT block. This can force a transaction to be larger, but because of the statements that start a transaction
automatically, you cannot use it to make a transaction smaller than ABL otherwise would make it.
The following example shows how transaction blocks are affected by changes to the procedure. As written,
there is a DO TRANSACTION block around the whole update of both the Order and any modified OrderLines:


/* Order update block */
FOR EACH OrderLine:
/* OrderLine update block */
END. /* TRANSACTION block. */

Since DO blocks do not have the block transaction property, any changes made in the DO block (Order update
block) scope to the containing transaction block, in this case the DO TRANSACTION block. Any errors that
occur within the DO block cause the entire transaction to be backed out.
FOR EACH OrderLine starts a new subtransaction for each iteration. If an error occurs within the FOR EACH
block, only the change made for that iteration is backed out. Any changes for any previous iterations, as well
as any changes made in the DO block, are committed to the database. To verify this, generate a listing file the
same way you did previously:

When you run this COMPILE statement, your listing file tells you, among other things, where all the transactions
begin and end. This is very valuable information. You should always use a listing file in any complex procedure
to make sure that your record scope and transaction scope are as you intended.
If you want any error that occurs while updating an OrderLine record to undo the Order updates as well,
then FOR EACH OrderLine should be rewritten as follows:


/* Order update block */
/* OrderLine update block */
END. /* TRANSACTION block */

The error will be thrown into the containing DO TRANSACTION block and cause that block to undo, thus undoing
the entire transaction.

168 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Controlling the size of a transaction

Taking a look at this listing file, you can see that the DO TRANSACTION block is a top-level block within its
procedure, marked with a 1. The DO block inside it, where the Order is actually updated, is block level 2:


145 1 FIND ttOrder WHERE ttOrder.TransType = "" NO-ERROR.
146 1 IF AVAILABLE (tOrder) THEN
/* If this rec is there then the Order was updated on the client. */
147 1
148 2 DO:

Further down, you can see that the FOR EACH block that operates on the OrderLines is also a nested block,
at level 2 within the main DO TRANSACTION block:

164 2 FOR EACH ttOline WHERE ttOline.TransType = "":

165 2 /* Bring the updated version into the other buffer. */

Now if you look at the end of the file, you see a summary of all the blocks. Here's an excerpt from that part of
the listing. It shows that the procedure blocks for the internal procedures fetchOrder and saveOrder are
not transaction blocks:

File Name Line Blk. Type Tran Blk. Label

-------------------- ---- --------- ---- --------------------------------
...ter8\orderlogic.p 82 Procedure No Procedure fetchOrder
...ter8\orderlogic.p 111 For No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 124 Procedure No Procedure saveOrder
Buffers: bUpdateOrder

This is a good thing. You never want your transactions to default to the level of a procedure, because they are
likely to be larger than you want them to be. This means that record locks are held longer than necessary and
that more records might be involved in a transaction than you intended.
Next you see that the AVM identifies the first DO block at line 144 as a transaction block. This is because it has
an explicit TRANSACTION qualifier on it. The nested DO block two lines later is not a transaction block because
a DO block by itself does not mark a transaction.
The FOR EACH block at line 164 is also marked as a transaction block:

...ter8\orderlogic.p 144 Do Yes

...ter8\orderlogic.p 146 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 151 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 156 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 164 For Yes
Buffers: sports2000.OrderLine

What does this mean? Is this really a separate transaction? The answer is no, because the FOR EACH block
is nested inside the larger DO TRANSACTION block. This code tells you that the FOR EACH block would be a
transaction block (because this is the nature of FOR EACH blocks that perform updates). However, because it
is nested inside a larger transaction, it becomes a subtransaction. The AVM can back out changes made in
a subtransaction within a larger transaction when an error occurs, and you can also do this yourself, as described
in the Subtransactions on page 181.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 169

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

Making a transaction larger

In this section, you experiment with increasing the size of a transaction. To see the effect of removing the DO
TRANSACTION block from saveOrder:
1. Comment out the DO TRANSACTION statement and the matching END statement at the end of the procedure.
2. Recompile and generate a new listing file.
3. Take a look at the final section. You can see that, without the DO TRANSACTION block, the entire saveOrder
procedure become a transaction block:

File Name Line Blk. Type Tran Blk. Label

-------------------- ---- --------- ---- ------------------------------
...ter8\orderlogic.p 82 Procedure No Procedure fetchOrder
...ter8\orderlogic.p 111 For No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 124 Procedure Yes Procedure saveOrder
Buffers: bUpdateOrder

...ter8\orderlogic.p 146 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 151 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 156 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 164 For Yes
Buffers: sports2000.OrderLine

Why did this happen? A DO block by itself, without a TRANSACTION or ON ERROR qualifier, does not start a
transaction. Therefore, the AVM has to fall back on the rule that the entire procedure becomes the transaction
block. In this particular case, this does not really make a big difference because the update code for Order
and OrderLine is essentially the only thing in the procedure. But, as emphasized before, this is a very dangerous
practice and you should always avoid it. If you generate a listing file and see that a procedure is a transaction
block, you need an explicit transaction within your code. In fact, you should always have explicit transaction
blocks in your code and then verify that statements outside that block are not forcing the transaction to be
larger than you intend.

Making a transaction smaller

Try one more experiment. To decrease the size of a transaction, uncomment the DO TRANSACTION statement
and its matching END statement. Move the END statement up to just after the end of the DO block for the Order
record. Now your procedure structure looks like this:


/* Order update block */
END. /* TRANSACTION block. This used to be at the end of the procedure. */

FOR EACH ttOline:

/* OrderLine update block */

170 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Controlling the size of a transaction

How does this affect your transactions? Now that you removed the FOR EACH block from the larger transaction,
it becomes a true transaction block of its own at block level 1, as the new listing file shows:

166 1 FOR EACH ttOline WHERE ttOline.TransType = "":

167 1 /* Bring the updated version into the other buffer. */

This means that the two transaction blocks identified by the listing are now separate and distinct transactions:

File Name Line Blk. Type Tran Blk. Label

-------------------- ---- --------- ---- --------------------------------
...ter8\orderlogic.p 82 Procedure No Procedure fetchOrder
...ter8\orderlogic.p 111 For No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 124 Procedure No Procedure saveOrder
Buffers: bUpdateOrder

...ter8\orderlogic.p 144 Do Yes

...ter8\orderlogic.p 146 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 151 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 156 Do No
...ter8\orderlogic.p 166 For Yes
Buffers: sports2000.OrderLine

If the AVM encounters an error in the update of the Order, it leaves that block and continues on with the
OrderLines. If the OrderLines update succeeds, then the newly modified OrderLines are in the database,
but the failed Order update is not. Likewise, if the Order block succeeds but there is an error in the OrderLines
block, then the Order update is in the database but the OrderLines update is not. You must decide when you
put your procedures together how large your updates need to be to maintain your data integrity. In general,
you should work to keep your transactions as small as possible so that you do not lock more records or lock
records for longer periods of time than is absolutely necessary. But your transactions must be large enough
so that related changes that must be committed together either all get into the database or are all rejected.

Transactions and trigger and procedure blocks

If your code starts a transaction in one procedure and then calls another procedure, whether internal or external,
the entire subprocedure is contained within the transaction that was started before it was called. If a subprocedure
starts a transaction, then it must end within that subprocedure as well, because the beginning and end of the
transaction are always the beginning and end of a particular block of code.
Since a database trigger procedure is an external procedure called under special circumstances—in response
to an update event elsewhere in the application—it follows the same rule. There is always a transaction active
when a database trigger is called (except in the case of the FIND trigger), so the trigger procedure is entirely
contained within the larger transaction that caused it to be called.
Trigger blocks beginning with the ON event phrase are treated the same as an internal procedure call. If there
is a transaction active when the block is executed in response to the event, then its code is contained within
that transaction.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 171

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

Checking whether a transaction is active

You can use the built-in TRANSACTION function in your procedures to determine whether a transaction is
currently active. This LOGICAL function returns TRUE if a transaction is active and FALSE otherwise. You might
use this, for example, in a subprocedure that is called from multiple places and which needs to react differently
depending on whether its caller started a transaction. (When you have a single procedure, you should not need
this function to tell you if a transaction is active!)

The NO-UNDO keyword on temp-tables and variables

You were instructed very early on in this book to define almost all variables using the NO-UNDO keyword. Also,
in this chapter's example, the temp-tables for Customer, Order, and OrderLine are NO-UNDO. Why is this?
When you define variables, the AVM allocates what amounts to a record buffer for them, where each variable
becomes a field in the buffer. There are in fact two such buffers, one for variables whose values can be undone
when a transaction is rolled back and one for those that can't. There is extra overhead associated with keeping
track of the before-image for each variable that can be undone, and this behavior is rarely needed. If you are
modifying a variable inside a transaction block (and it is important for your program logic that sets that variable's
value that it be undone if the transaction is undone), then you should define the variable without the NO-UNDO
Here is a trivial example of when this might be useful. This little procedure lets you create and update Customer
records in a REPEAT loop, and then shows you how many were created:


CREATE Customer.
iCount = iCount + 1.
DISPLAY Customer.CustNum WITH FRAME CustFrame 5 DOWN.
UPDATE Customer.Name WITH FRAME CustFrame.
DISPLAY iCount "records created." WITH NO-LABELS.

The REPEAT block defines the scope of a transaction. Each time the AVM runs through the block is a separate
transaction and, as each iteration completes successfully, the record created in that block is committed to the
database. If you run the procedure, the REPEAT loop lets you enter Customers until you press ESCAPE, which
in an OpenEdge session running on MS Windows is mapped to the END-ERROR key label. Each time it goes
through the block, the AVM creates a Customer, displays its new CustNum (assigned by the CREATE trigger
for Customer), and prompts you for a Name. It is at this point that you can press ESCAPE when you're done
entering Customers. This undoes and leaves the current iteration of the REPEAT block. Because each iteration
of the REPEAT block is a separate transaction, the final Customer you created is undone—it is erased from
the database.

172 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

But what about the iCount variable? Since this was defined as undoable (the default), the final change to its
value is rolled back along with everything else, and its value is the actual number of records created and
committed to the database, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 49: Example of creating and updating Customer records

As you enter the REPEAT block for the third time, the AVM creates a third new Customer and increments
iCount from 2 to 3. When you press ESCAPE, the final iteration of the REPEAT block is undone, and
Customer3115 is deleted from the database. The value of iCount is restored to 2, which was its value before
that iteration of the block. (Note that the key value 3115 cannot be undone or reused, however, because it
comes from a database sequence, and for performance reasons, these are not under transaction control).
If the variable were defined NO-UNDO, then after it is incremented from 2 to 3 its value would not be restored
when the final transaction is undone, and the final DISPLAY statement would show its value as 3.
Relatively few variables need to be undone in this way, so to maximize performance you should define all other
variables as NO-UNDO. (The OpenEdge editor macros do this for you when you type DVI, DVC, etc. into the
Editor.) So why isn't NO-UNDO the default? Quite simply, it didn't at first occur to the developers of the language
that most variables should be defined this way, so the first versions of ABL went out with undo variables as
the default. Because of the commitment to maintaining the behavior of existing applications, the default has
not changed with new releases.
The same consideration applies to temp-tables. Because temp-tables are really database tables that are not
stored in a persistent database, they have almost all of the capabilities of true database tables, including the
ability to be written to disk temporarily, the ability to have indexes, and the ability to participate in transactions.
As with variables, your temp-tables are more efficient if you define them as NO-UNDO so that they are left out
of transactions. Consider whenever you define a temp-table whether it really needs to be part of your transactions.
If not, include the NO-UNDO keyword in its definition.

Using the UNDO statement

The AVM undoes a transaction automatically if it detects an error at the database level, for example, because
of a unique key violation. In many cases, your application logic also wants to undo a transaction when you
detect a violation of your business logic. The UNDO statement lets you control when to cancel the effects of a
transaction on your own. It also lets you define just how much of your procedure logic to undo.
Here is the syntax of the UNDO statement:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 173

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions


UNDO [label][ , LEAVE [label2]|, NEXT [label2]|, RETRY [label]

| , RETURN [ ERROR | NO-APPLY ][return-value]]

In its simplest form, you can use the UNDO keyword as its own statement. In this case, the AVM undoes the
innermost containing block with the error property, which can be:
• A FOR block
• A REPEAT block
• A procedure block
• A DO block with the TRANSACTION keyword or ON ERROR phrase
You can change this default by specifying a block label to undo. You can place a block name anywhere in your
procedure. The block name must adhere to the same rules as a variable name and it must be followed by a
colon. If you use this block name in an UNDO statement, it identifies how far back you want the AVM to undo
transactional work.
The default action on an UNDO is to attempt to retry the current block. In ABL, a block of code that prompts the
user for field values can be retried; that is, having entered invalid data, the user can re-enter different values.
If you are writing well-structured procedures that do not mix user interface elements with database logic, then
retrying a block never results in a user entering different values. the AVM recognizes this and changes the
action to a NEXT of an iterating block, or a LEAVE of a noniterating block, so this is effectively the default for
transactions not involving user interface events.
You can change this default action as well. If you specify LEAVE, you can name the block to leave. This defaults
to the block you undo.
If you specify NEXT within an iterating block, then after the UNDO the AVM proceeds to the next iteration of
either the block whose label you specify or the block you undo as a default. Use the NEXT option if each iteration
of a repeating block is its own transaction (the default) and if you want the AVM to keep trying to apply changes
to other records, for example, as the AVM walks through a set of records in a FOR EACH block.
If you specify RETRY, then you can retry either the current block (the default) or the same block you applied
the UNDO statement to. Again, in a properly structured application, you do not need to use the RETRY option.
Finally, you can RETURN out of the current procedure. You can RETURN ERROR, which raises the the AVM
error condition, or you can use RETURN NO-APPLY to cancel the effect of the last user-interface event. Once
again, this is not an option you would normally use in server-side business logic. The RETURN option can also
specify a return-string, which becomes the RETURN-VALUE in the procedure you return to.
You can also specify UNDO as an option on a DO, FOR, or REPEAT block, as you did in your saveOrder example


Note: In structured error handling, the UNDO statement or the ON ERROR phrase can pass an error as an object
from an inner block to an outer block using the THROW syntax. See ABL Error Handling for complete

174 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

Using the UNDO statement in the sample procedure

In this section, you see how the UNDO statement can affect the operation of the saveOrder procedure in
orderlogic.p. You'll try several variations to the business logic, in succession, to illustrate the ways you
can control the scope of your transaction and how to react when it fails.

Using UNDO, LEAVE on a block

In this section, you try an example that uses UNDO, LEAVE on a block. To undo and leave the block that
updates the OrderLine table:
1. To make this a transaction block of its own, put the END statement for the DO TRANSACTION block after
the Order is updated, as you did in Controlling the size of a transaction on page 167:

ELSE DO: /* FIND the updated tt rec and save the changes. */
FIND bUpdateOrder WHERE bUpdateOrder.TransType = "U".
BUFFER-COPY bUpdateOrder TO Order. /* Save our changes. */
END. /* ELSE DO */
END. /* OF AVAILABLE ttOrder */
END. /* DO Transaction */

This makes the FOR EACH block that follows a separate transaction.

2. Add a new variable definition in saveOrder for an error message to return:


3. Add to the FOR EACH block that updates OrderLines the highlighted lines shown:

FOR EACH ttOline WHERE ttOline.TransType = "":

/* Find corresponding bUpdateOline */
FIND OrderLine WHERE OrderLine.OrderNum = ttOline.OrderNum AND
OrderLine.LineNum = ttOline.LineNum EXCLUSIVE-LOCK.
BUFFER-COPY bUpdateOline TO OrderLine. /* Save OrderLine changes. */
RELEASE OrderLine.

/* Re-find the db record to capture any changes made by a trigger. */

FIND OrderLine WHERE OrderLine.OrderNum = bUpdateOline.OrderNum AND
OrderLine.LineNum = bUpdateOline.LineNum NO-LOCK.
BUFFER-COPY OrderLine TO bUpdateOline.
IF bUpdateOline.ExtendedPrice >
(ttOline.ExtendedPrice * 1.2) THEN DO:
cMessage = "Line " + STRING(OrderLine.LineNum) +
": Can't increase price by more than 20%.".
END. ...
END. /* DO FOR EACH ttOline */

This code checks to make sure that the ExtendedPrice for an OrderLine is not increased by more than
20%. If this limit is exceeded, then the current iteration of the block is undone and the block is left.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 175

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

On each iteration, the FOR EACH block makes a ttOline record current. Your code uses the second buffer,
bUpdateOline, to locate the updated version of that OrderLine temp-table record. It then finds the
OrderLine in the database and copies the updates to it. Next it releases the database record to force its
WRITE trigger to fire, which recalculates the ExtendedPrice field. Then it again finds the database record
and copies it back into the bUpdateOline buffer to capture the effects of the trigger code, in particular the
new ExtendedPrice value. Only now can your program logic compare this to the original value in the
ttOline buffer to see if it exceeds the limit. If it does, then you store off a message, then undo and leave
the FOR EACH block.
At this point, following the UNDO statement, the whole database change that you wrote out and then read
back in is gone—the AVM has restored the database record to its values before the transaction began.

4. Add code so that after leaving the block, you check if you have an error message. If so, your code needs
to re-find the OrderLine record with its original values, and copy it back into the bUpdateOline buffer to
return to the client for display. It then returns the message as the return value for the procedure:

IF cMessage NE "" THEN DO:

FIND OrderLine WHERE OrderLine.OrderNum = bUpdateOline.OrderNum AND
OrderLine.LineNum = bUpdateOline.LineNum NO-LOCK.
BUFFER-COPY OrderLine TO bUpdateOline.
RETURN cMessage.

Why did you have to re-find the OrderLine record from the database? The UNDO released it from its buffer, so
it's no longer available after the block ends. Then why did you not have to re-find the temp-table record? You
defined the temp-table as NO-UNDO so it was left out of normal transaction handling. The temp-table buffer is
scoped to the whole procedure, so the record it contains is still available after the block ends. If you had defined
the temp-table without NO-UNDO, then the bUpdateOline record would have been released, as well as the
database OrderLine record, and you would have had to re-establish it in the temp-table as well. This is an
illustration of the kind of overhead you save by using NO-UNDO temp-tables, and also of the sometimes
unintended consequences of having undo capability on a temp-table that doesn't require it.
The simple diagram in the following figure illustrates the scope of the transactions.
Figure 50: Example transaction scope

176 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

In the previous figure, the first transaction, which saves changes to the Order, completes at the END statement
for the DO TRANSACTION block. At the end of the FOR EACH block, the transaction to save the current OrderLine
ends, committing those changes to the database, releasing the OrderLine record, and then going back to the
beginning of the block. Each OrderLine is saved in a separate transaction.
The UNDO statement rolls back the transaction for the current OrderLine and leaves the FOR EACH block,
which skips any remaining ttOline records. But any previously committed OrderLine changes remain in the
database. For example, in the following figure, the user changes the Price for Line 1 from 7.49 to 7.60, for
Line 2 from 23.00 to 30.00, and for Line 3 from 13.98 to 13.50.
Figure 51: Order Updates example

The first and third changes are valid, but the second one is not. It increases the ExtendedPrice by too much.
So when the user clicks Save, the user sees an error message for Line 2, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 52: Order Updates example message

But if the user presses the Fetch button to refresh all the OrderLines:

• The change to Line 1 is committed, because it is in its own transaction.

• The change to Line 2 is undone, because it failed the constraint.
• The change to Line 3 is never even applied because the code left the block after the error on Line 2.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 177

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 53: Order Updates example (after Fetch)

This might not be the behavior you want. On the one hand, you might want all OrderLines to be committed
together or all undone if any one fails. In another case, you might want to process each OrderLine as a separate
transaction, but keep going if one of them fails. Look at both of those cases.
In the first case, you want all the OrderLine updates to either succeed or fail together. If any one fails its
validation, all are rolled back.
To commit all OrderLine records together or undo if any one record update fails:
1. Define the transaction scope to be greater than a single iteration of the FOR EACH block by putting a new
DO TRANSACTION block around it. Then add a label for that new block to identify how much to undo in your
UNDO statement:

FOR EACH ttOline WHERE ttOline.TransType = "":

2. Change the UNDO statement to undo the entire larger transaction and to leave that outer block as well:

UNDO OlineBlock, LEAVE OlineBlock.

Remember that the default is to undo and leave the innermost block with the error property, the FOR EACH

3. Add another END statement to match the new DO TRANSACTION statement that begins the new block:

END. /* ELSE DO If we updated the OrderLine */

END./* DO FOR EACH ttOline */
END. /* new DO TRANSACTION block */

178 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

Note that a block label, such as OlineBlock:, does not require a matching END statement. It is simply an
identifier for a place in the code and does not actually start a block of its own.

4. Make a change to the code that restores the original values to the temp-table if there's an error. Because
the error might not be on the line that's current when you leave the block, you need to re-read all the
OrderLines for the Order and buffer-copy their values back into the update copies of each of the temp-table
records, in a FOR EACH loop:

IF cMessage NE "" THEN DO:

FOR EACH OrderLine
WHERE OrderLine.OrderNum = bUpdateOline.OrderNum NO-LOCK:
FIND bUpdateOline WHERE OrderLine.LineNum = bUpdateOline.LineNum
AND bUpdateOline.TransType = "U".
BUFFER-COPY OrderLine TO bUpdateOline.
RETURN cMessage.

Now if you make changes to three OrderLines, and the second of the three is invalid, then all three changes
are rolled back because they're all part of one large transaction. You see this reflected in your window.

The following figure shows a sketch of what this variation looks like.
Figure 54: Variation of transaction scope

Now look at the second case. You'd like each OrderLine committed independently of the others, and you'd
like to keep going if one is invalid. In this case, you can use the NEXT option on the UNDO statement instead
of LEAVE. If an error is found, the current transaction is undone and your code continues on to the next ttOline
To commit each OrderLine record independently and continue if any one update fails:

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 179

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

1. Remove the OlineBlock block label, along with the DO TRANSACTION block header and its matching END
statement, from around the FOR EACH block.
2. Change the UNDO, LEAVE statement to UNDO, NEXT.
3. Since it is now possible to get errors on more than one OrderLine at a time, you should be prepared to
accumulate multiple error messages in your message string.
4. Append each new message to the end of the string by using the plus sign (+) as a concatenation symbol
for the character variable (cMessage = cMessage + ...).
5. Put a newline character at the end of each message, using the CHR function to append the ASCII character
whose numeric value is 10 to the string:

IF bUpdateOline.ExtendedPrice > (ttOline.ExtendedPrice * 1.2) THEN DO:

cMessage = cMessage + "Line " + STRING(OrderLine.LineNum) +
": Can't increase price by more than 20%." + CHR(10).

6. Run the window.

7. Enter a valid price for Line 1 and invalid prices for Lines 2 and 3. You see error messages for both of these:

You can also see that the valid change for Line 1 is kept because you're back to making each iteration of the
FOR EACH block its own transaction.
The following figure shows a sketch of this variation.
Figure 55: Another variation of transaction scope

180 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

You separated the Order update and the OrderLine updates out into two separate transactions by moving the
end of the DO TRANSACTION block up after the Order block. Let's see what happens if you combine the Order
and OrderLine updates into a single transaction.
To combine the Order and OrderLine updates into a single transaction:
1. Define a new label for the DO TRANSACTION block:

FIND ttOrder WHERE ttOrder.TransType = "" NO-ERROR.

2. Move this block's END statement back all the way down to the end of the FOR EACH block, then change the
UNDO, LEAVE statement to undo and leave that entire block:

IF bUpdateOline.ExtendedPrice >
(ttOline.ExtendedPrice * 1.2) THEN DO:
cMessage = cMessage + "Line " + STRING(OrderLine.LineNum) +
": Can't increase price by more than 20%." + CHR(10).
UNDO TransBlock, LEAVE TransBlock.
END. /* ELSE DO If we updated the OrderLine */
END. /* DO FOR EACH ttOline */

Now the transaction structure looks like the diagram in the following figure.
Figure 56: Third variation of transaction scope

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 181

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

If there is an error on any OrderLine, then the whole transaction is backed out, including any change to the
To test what happens when an error occurs during an OrderLine update:
1. Edit one of the fields in the Order, such as the PO, and then make an invalid change to one of its OrderLines.
2. Click Save. You see an error message.
3. Click Fetch to refresh the Order.
The changes you made to the Order have been undone along with changes to the OrderLines. (Note that the
code isn't set up to refresh the Order display if the transaction fails. This is an exercise you can do yourself.)
But what if you want to undo a portion of a transaction? ABL supports the capability to do this. If your application
has multiple nested blocks, each of which would be a transaction block if it stood on its own, then the outermost
block is the transaction and all nested transaction blocks within it become subtransactions. A subtransaction
block can be:

• A procedure block that is run from a transaction block in another procedure

• Each iteration of a FOR EACH block nested within a transaction block
• Each iteration of a REPEAT block nested within a transaction block
• Each iteration of a DO TRANSACTION, DO ON ERROR, or DO ON ENDKEY block inside a transaction block
If an application error occurs during a subtransaction, all the work done since the beginning of the subtransaction
is undone. You can nest subtransactions within other subtransactions. You can use the UNDO statement to
programmatically undo a subtransaction.

Note: If a system error occurs, for example from a power outage, then the work done during the entire
transaction is undone.

In the sample logic procedure, for example, with the END statement moved to the end, the FOR EACH block is
really a subtransaction within the main transaction. An error inside this inner block undoes only the change
made in that block. Likewise, if you change the UNDO statement back to UNDO, NEXT, then the Order changes
are saved and only the current OrderLine changes are undone, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 57: Example subtransaction

182 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

Note that a FOR EACH, REPEAT, or procedure block that does not directly contain statements that either modify
the database or read records using an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK does not start a transaction on its own. However,
if contained inside a transaction block, it does start a subtransaction.

Transaction mechanics
During a transaction, information on all database activity occurring during that transaction is written to a
before-image (or BI) file that is associated with the database and located on the server with the other database
files. The information written to the before-image file is coordinated with the timing of the data written to the
actual database files. That way, if an error occurs during the transaction, the AVM uses the before-image file
to restore the database to the condition it was in before the transaction started. Information written to the
before-image file is not buffered. It is written to disk immediately, so that there is minimal loss of information in
the event of a system crash.
Space in the before-image file is allocated in units called clusters. The AVM automatically allocates new clusters
as needed. After all changes associated with a cluster are committed and written to the database itself, the
AVM can reuse the cluster. Therefore, the disk space used by the before-image file depends on several factors
including the cluster size, the scope of your transactions, and when physical writes are made to the database
files. An action such as creating a huge number of database records in a batch procedure within a single
transaction creates an enormous before-image file. You should avoid such actions.
When the AVM encounters a transaction block nested within another transaction block, it starts a subtransaction.
All database activity occurring during that subtransaction is written to a local-before-image (or LBI) file. Unlike
the database BI file, the AVM maintains one LBI file for each user. If an error occurs during the subtransaction,
the AVM uses this local-before-image file to restore the database to the condition it was in before the
subtransaction started. In any case where a full transaction is not being backed out, the AVM uses the
local-before-image file to back out, not only subtransactions, but also changes to variables not defined as
Because the LBI file is not needed for crash recovery, it does not have to be written to disk in the same carefully
synchronized fashion as does the before-image information. This minimizes the overhead associated with
subtransactions. The LBI file is written using normal buffered I/O. The amount of disk space required for each
user's LBI file depends on the number and size of subtransactions started that are subject to being done. It is
advisable that you minimize the use of subtransactions, as well as the scope of your overall transactions, not
just to simplify the handling of these files but also to minimize record contention with other users.

Using the ON phrase on a block header

In addition to placing one or more UNDO statements within a transaction, you can also specify the default undo
processing as part of the block header of a FOR, REPEAT, or DO block. The default action is to retry the block
that was undone or, if there is no user interaction that could change the data, to leave the block.
The UNDO phrase as a part of a block header has the same syntax as the UNDO statement itself. You can specify
the action to be LEAVE, NEXT, RETRY (with or without a label), or RETURN ERROR or NO-APPLY.
There are four special conditions the AVM recognizes:

• The ERROR condition

• The ENDKEY condition
• The STOP condition
• The QUIT condition

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 183

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

Handling the ERROR condition

Your application can encounter an error condition whenever the AVM cannot execute a statement properly,
such as trying to find a record that does not exist or create a record with a duplicate value in a unique index.
ABL has a built-in error message associated with each such error condition and, by default, displays it (or writes
it to an error log on an AppServer).
For example, if your procedure executes a FIND statement for a nonexistent Customer, you get the error
shown in the following figure.
Figure 58: FIND error message

The error number in parentheses lets you locate the message number under the Help menu to get more
information on the error. It can also help you when you are reporting unexpected errors to technical support.
You can also generate the ERROR condition programmatically using the RETURN ERROR statement, either as
part of the ON phrase of a block header or as a statement of its own. If your application has associated a
keyboard key with the ERROR condition then the AVM also raises ERROR when the user presses that key.

Note: All of the error handling techniques described in this chapter are referred to as traditional error handling,
and represent one valid way of accomplishing error handling. The ABL also has a new error handling model,
introduced in OpenEdge Version 11.0, called structured error handling. Structured error handling represents
system message as objects and provides you with the ability to write custom error handling code with the
CATCH statement. The two models coexist and interoperate smoothly with one another. Both forms of error
handling are fully documented in ABL Error Handling.

ERROR-STATUS system handle

In most cases, you do not want raw error messages to be shown to users, even when it is their mistake that
causes the error. Even more important, it is essential that your procedures anticipate all possible error conditions
whether they are caused by a user action or not, and respond to them, in some cases by suppressing an error
message altogether. In addition, your application must define a mechanism for returning errors generated in
an AppServer session back to the client, because by default OpenEdge messages simply go to the server log
file and are never seen.
To check for errors programmatically, you use the ERROR-STATUS system handle. Many ABL statements
support the NO-ERROR option as the last keyword in the statement. If you specify this option, that statement
does not generate the ERROR condition. Instead, if the statement cannot execute properly, execution continues
with the next statement. You can then check whether an error occurred by examining the attributes of the
ERROR-STATUS system handle.

184 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

The ERROR-STATUS handle contains information on the last statement executed with the NO-ERROR option.
The logical attribute ERROR-STATUS:ERROR tells you whether an error occurred. Because in some cases a
single error can return multiple messages, the NUM-MESSAGES attribute tells you how many messages there
are. The GET-MESSAGE(<msg-num>) method returns the text of the message, and the GET-NUMBER(msg-num)
method returns the internal message number. This is a simple example:


FIND Customer WHERE CustNum = 9876 NO-ERROR.

Because there is no Customer 9876, you get an error and your code displays the message box shown in the
following figure.
Figure 59: Example error message

Because you are intercepting the error, you can handle it more gracefully than this and also have your program
logic proceed accordingly. You can check the message number using the GET-NUMBER method and put code
in your application to deal with each of the possible error conditions.
Remember also that ABL provides special built-in functions, such as AVAILABLE and LOCKED, to make it
easier for you to tell when certain common errors have occurred:

FIND Customer WHERE CustNum = 9876 NO-ERROR.

MESSAGE "So sorry, but this Customer does not seem to be there."

The following figure shows the result.

Figure 60: Example information message

Note that the ERROR-STATUS handle holds only error conditions and messages for the most recently executed
statement with the NO-ERROR option. It does not accumulate errors over multiple statements. The
ERROR-STATUS remains in effect (and checkable by your code) until the next statement with the NO-ERROR
When the ERROR condition occurs anywhere outside of a trigger block, the AVM looks for the closest block
with the error property and undoes and retries that block. As discussed earlier, if it is not meaningful to retry
the block. the AVM proceeds to the next iteration if it is a repeating block or else leaves the block.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 185

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

Because this is the default, the following transaction header from the sample saveOrder procedure could
simply be DO TRANSACTION: and have the same effect:


Error handling
If an error occurs in a database trigger block, the AVM undoes the trigger block and returns ERROR.
If you use the NO-ERROR option on statements within a block, you are suppressing not only the visible error
message but also the ERROR condition itself. Therefore, if you do this, it becomes your responsibility to check
for errors and respond to them correctly. This might include issuing an UNDO statement of your own. The ON
phrase in the header simply changes the default action for untrapped conditions.

RETURN statement and ON . . . RETURN phrase

In any RETURN statement, whether it returns an ERROR or not, you can return a text string to the calling procedure.
This string is accessible in the caller through the RETURN-VALUE built-in function. Thus, a procedure can use
a single RETURN statement to raise the ERROR condition in the caller, return a message, or both. This is the
syntax of the RETURN statement:


RETURN [ ERROR ][return-value-string] .

Likewise, the caller can check for the ERROR-STATUS:ERROR condition, or a RETURN-VALUE, or both, depending
on the agreement between caller and callee as to how they communicate with one another. The RETURN-VALUE
function retains its value even through multiple RETURN statements. Thus, while it is not required, it is advisable
always to have a RETURN statement at the end of every procedure, if only to clear the RETURN-VALUE. A
simple RETURN statement is the same as RETURN "". If you want to pass the RETURN-VALUE up the call
stack, you should do this explicitly using the statement RETURN RETURN-VALUE.
The same is true of the RETURN option as part of the ON phrase in a block header. It can return a return-value,
raise ERROR, or both.

ENDKEY condition
The ENDKEY condition occurs when the user presses a keyboard key that is mapped to the ENDKEY keycode
when input is enabled. It also occurs if an attempt to find a record fails or you reach the end of an input stream.
Because your applications should not normally mix data input with transaction blocks in the same procedures,
you do not frequently have cause to use the ON ENDKEY phrase on a transaction block.

186 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

Using the UNDO statement

STOP condition
ABL supports a STOP statement that lets the user terminate or restart your application altogether if an
unrecoverable error occurs. You can trap the STOP condition in your block header statements as well. The
STOP condition occurs when an ABL STOP statement executes or when the user presses the keyboard key
mapped to that value. The STOP key, by default, is mapped to CTRL+BREAK in Windows and CTRL+C on UNIX.
When the STOP condition occurs, by default the AVM undoes the current transaction (if any). If the user starts
the application from an OpenEdge tool, such as the Procedure Editor, OpenEdge terminates the application
and returns to that tool. Otherwise, if the user starts the application using the Startup procedure (-p) startup
option on the session, OpenEdge reruns the startup procedure.
OpenEdge raises the STOP condition when an unrecoverable system error occurs, such as when a database
connection is lost or an external procedure that your code runs cannot be found. You cannot put the NO-ERROR
condition on a RUN statement for an external procedure, as you can for an internal procedure. Therefore, the
only way to trap such an error is to put the statement in a DO ON STOP block such as this:


RUN foo.p.
MESSAGE "The procedure to support your last action cannot be found." SKIP
SKIP "Please try another option." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.

If the procedure isn't found you still get an error, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 61: Procedure not found error message

But your procedure continues executing and you can deal with the error, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 62: Example message for procedure not found condition

If you anticipate that this might happen, it is better to use the SEARCH function to determine in advance whether
the AVM can find the procedure in the current PROPATH:

IF SEARCH("foo.p") = ? THEN
MESSAGE "The procedure to support your last action cannot be found." SKIP
"Please try another option." VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
ELSE RUN foo.p.

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 187

Chapter 10: Managing Transactions

System and software failures

Following a system hardware or hardware failure that it cannot recover from, the AVM undoes any partially
completed transactions for all users. This includes any work done in any complete or incomplete subtransaction
encompassed within the uncommitted transaction.
If OpenEdge loses a database connection (for example, because a remote server fails), client processing can
still continue. In this case, the following actions occur:

• The AVM raises the STOP condition. For this special instance of the STOP condition, you cannot change
the default processing. the AVM ignores any ON STOP phrases.

• The AVM deletes any running persistent procedure instances that reference the disconnected database.
• The AVM undoes executing blocks, beginning with the innermost active block and working outward. It
continues to undo blocks until it reaches a level above all references to tables or sequences in the
disconnected database.
• The AVM changes to the normal STOP condition. From this point on, the AVM observes any further ON
STOP phrases it encounters in your procedures.
The AVM continues to undo blocks until it reaches an ON STOP phrase. If no ON STOP phrase is reached, it
undoes all active blocks and restarts the top-level procedure.

QUIT condition
ABL also supports a QUIT statement to terminate the application altogether. The AVM raises the QUIT condition
only when it encounters a QUIT statement. The default handling of the QUIT condition differs from STOP in
these ways:

• The AVM commits, rather than undoes, the current transaction.

• Even if the user specifies the –p startup option to define the main procedure in your application, it returns
to the operating system rather than trying to rerun the startup procedure. In other words, the AVM quits the
session unconditionally.

188 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


- Hyphen AVAILABLE keyword 84
versus minus sign 43
- Minus sign 43
! Format character 34
? (Question mark) 37 -Bt startup parameter 127
? (Unknown value) 32 Back slash (/)
@ Symbol 88 division sign 43
* Format character 34 Before-image (BI) file 183
* Multiplication sign 43 BEGINS keyword 28
/ Division sign 43 bin directory 54
/* Character (comment) 62 BIND keyword 134
+ Plus sign 43 Blanks
~ Tilde unknown value 32
24 Block header
ON phrase 183
9 format character 34 Blocks
defining 67
FOR 72
A identifying 78
A format character 34 leaving 78
ABL looping 68
compared to SQL 25 naming 78
ABL, history 17 nested 29
Absolute keyword 46 procedure 63
Accessing REPEAT 80
data 63, 82 scoping 64
online help 47 types 64
PRO*Tools 54 Breaking
Accessing data infinite loop 68
queries 108 Breaking, lines 24
Adding Browses
comments 62 queries 109
Aliases Buffer scope
CMT 62 raising 103
Ambiguous field error 73 BUFFER-COPY statement 138
APPEND option Buffers
temp-tables 134 creating 93
Application Development Tools (ADE) 54 defined 93
Arithmetic expressions 43 index cursors 103
ASCENDING keyword 72 naming 93
Assigning temp-tables 130
values to variables 59 Built-in functions
Asterisk (*) CAN-FIND 88
as wildcard in strings 28 BY phrase 72
multiplication sign 43 BY-REFERENCE keyword 134
At-sign (@) 88
Attributes C
frames 29
inheriting 35 Caching data 110
AVAILABLE function calcdays procedure 58
queries 111

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 189


Calculations Current row

procedures 43 identifying 118
CAN-FIND function 88 Current working directory
CAN-FIND keyword 110 default 54
Capitalization CURRENT-CHANGED function 165
keywords 24 CURRENT-RESULT-ROW function 118
Case-sensitivity Cursors
ABL 24 index 84, 103
CATCH statement 167, 184 Customer table 18
indexes 85
object formats 32
object labels 32 Data
Character data type 32 accessing without looping 82
Character string functions 42 converting 40
Characteristics passing between sessions 126
ABL 23 retrieving 73, 77, 110
Checking retrieving in advance 116
syntax 50 summarizing 131
classes 17 temporary storage 126
CLOSE QUERY statement 113 Data access
Closing queries 108
queries 113 Data administration tool 157
Clusters 183 Data Dictionary
CMT alias 62 closing 19
Code indexes 75
duplicating 139 starting 19
COLUMN-LABEL keyword 35 Data handling statements 156
Columns, See Fields Data types
Comma (,) format character 34 basic 32
Comments formatting 34
adding 62 Database indexes
Comparison operators 28 defined 75
COMPILE statement Databases
LISTING option 98 connecting 19
Compiled files copying 19
location 54 sample 18
Compiling sports2000 18
multiple procedure at once 50 DataSets 126
procedures 21, 50 DATE data type 32
Conflicting tables 103 Date functions 40
Conflicts DAY keyword 40
locking 157 Deadly embrace 160
Connecting Decimal data type 32
databases 19 Decimal point format character 34
Contains keyword 28 Decimals keyword 35
Conventions DEFINE BUFFER statement 93
naming variables 36 DEFINE work-table statement 127
Converting Defining
data 40 blocks 67
Copying strings 29
multiple fields 138 variables 36
sports2000 database 19 DESCENDING keyword 72
Creating Desktop, See Application Development Environment
listing files 98 (ADE) desktop

190 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Directory Fields
compiled files 54 changing formats 32
DISPLAY statement 21, 38 changing labels 32
Distributed applications copying multiple 138
defined 153 sports2000 database 19
Division sign (/) 43 Fill keyword 42
DO block FIND CURRENT function 165
vs. REPEAT block 82 Find processing error 101
DO blocks 67 FIND statement 82
DO FOR block 103 Finding
DO WHILE statement 68 procedures 54
Double quotation marks 29 FIRST keyword 74
Down frames FOR blocks
defined 29, 115 vs. DO blocks 72
DOWN WITH statement 115 FOR phrase 73
Duplicating FORMAT keyword 35
code 139 Formats
DYNAMIC-FUNCTION function 150 data types 34
fields 32
E Forward declarations
EACH keyword function 147
alternatives 74 Frames
Editing attributes 29
Propath 54 defined 29
ELSE keyword 43 referencing 79
END PROCEDURE statement 59 scoping 70
ENDKEY condition 186 Free reference
ENTRY keyword 38, 41 defined 96
EROOR-STATUS system handle 184 Free references
Error condition FIND statement 101
handling 184 Functions
error handling 167, 184 ABL 40
Error messages arithmetic 46
FIND 184 built-in 38
FIND processing 101 declaring IN SUPER 149
illegal nested block 100 defining 146
Errors externally defined 149
syntax 50 forward declarations 147
ESCAPE key 80 user-defined 145
European (-e) startup parameter 32
Exclamation point (!) 34 G
EXCLUSIVE_LOCK keyword 158
EXP keyword 46 Generating
Expressions listing files 98
arithmetic 43 GET statements 111
EXTENT keyword 35 GLOBAL keyword
External procedures temp-tables 130
defined 58 gui directory 54
record buffers 96
F record locking 163
Field lists
in queries 119 H
Field names
qualifying 29 HANDLE data type 32

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 191


Handles J
queries 109
temp-tables 135 Joining
Headers tables 29, 73, 110
block 78 Joins
Help inner vs. outer 73
online 47
ABL 17
Hyphens (-) keys
naming conventions 24 F1 47
versus minus sign 43 F6 38, 50
I ABL 21
capitalization 24
rows 121
IF keyword 43
IF-THEN-ELSE phrase 37 -L startup parameter 163
Improving performance LABEL keyword 35
queries 119 LAST keyword 74
Include files LEAVE statement 78
button trigger 140 LIKE keyword 35
defined 139 LIKE option
Indentation 24 DEFINE TEMP-TABLE statement 128
Indenting Line break 24
nested blocks 29 List functions 41
Index cursors Listing files 98
buffers 103 LISTING option
defined 84 COMPILE statement 98
Index keyword 42 Local forward declaration 148
Index Properties dialog box 75 Local-before-image (LBI) file 183
INDEXED-REPOSITION keyword 119 Lock table entries (-l) startup parameter 163
Indexes Locking conflicts
primary 82 testing 157
sorting data 75 LOG keyword 46
specifying 86 Logical data type 32
switching 85 LOOKUP keyword 41
temp-tables 129 Looping
Infinite loop DO blocks 68
breaking 68 infinite 68
Inheriting, attributes 35
INITIAL keyword 35
INITIAL phrase 68 M
Initilization file 54 MATCHES keyword 28
Inner joins MAXIMUM keyword 46
defined 73 Memory
INPUT parameter 58 excessive usage 59
INPUT-OUTPUT parameters 58 Minimum keyword 46
Insert statement 80 Minus sign (-) 43
INSERT statement 154 Minus sign (-) format character 34
INTEGER data type 32 MODULO keyword 46
Internal procedures MONTH keyword 40
defined 58 Multiplication sign (*) 43
writing 58
Interpreter 21, 50

192 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


N OUTER-JOIN keyword 110

OUTPUT parameter 58
n format character 34
buffers 93
objects 32 Parameters
queries 109 INPUT 58
variables 36 OUTPUT 58
Naming conventions temp-tables 133
procedures 59 Performance
Nested blocks improving in queries 119
creating 29 Period (.)
error message 100 as wildcard in strings 28
Nesting Pessimistic locking strategy
DO blocks 67 defined 163
weak-scoped references 100 Plus sign (+) 43
NEXT statement 79 Plus sign (+) format character 34
NO-ERROR qualifier Positioning
FIND statement 84 queries 111
NO-UNDO keyword Precaching data 110
temp-tables 172 Preprocessors
NO-WAIT option query 67
AVAILABLE function 161 PRESELECT phrase
LOCKED function 161 queries 110
NUM-RESULTS function 114 Primary index 82, 85
O accessing 54
PRO*Tools palette
Object-oriented programming 17 customizing 54
Objects Procedure blocks
defined 64 transactions 171
formats 32 Procedure Editor
labels 32 starting 21
OF keyword 29 PROCEDURE keyword 58
ON ERROR phrase, THROW option 167, 184 PROCEDURE statement 59
ON phrase Procedure windows
block header 183 multiple 50
ON RETURN phrase 186 Procedures
One down frames calculations 43
defined 29 compiling 21, 50
One record, retrieving 87 finding 54
Online Help internal vs. external 59
accessing 47 naming conventions 59
OPEN QUERY statement 110, 154 running 21, 53
Opening search order 59
queries 110 ProDataSets 126
Operands Program variables 32
arithmetic 43 Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge 19
Operators progress.ini file 54
comparison 28 PROMPT-FOR statement 154
Optimistic locking strategy Propath
defined 163 editing 54
Ordering using 54
data retrieval 77 Prototypes 147
Outer joins
defined 73

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 193


Q REPEAT block
vs. DO block 82
Qualifying REPEAT blocks 80
variables 35 REPOSITION statement 123
Queries Repositioning
characteristics 108 queries 111, 120
closing 113 Resizing
current row 118 fields 84
defining 109 Result sets
empty example 67 defined 108
handles 109 retrieving in advance 116
naming 109 Results list
number of rows 114 defined 114
as objects 109 Retrieving
opening 110 data 77
populating browses 109 single record 87
positioning 111 Retrieving data
repositioning 120 queries 110
Query performance 119 RETURN statement 186
QUERY-OFF-END function 113 Routine
Question mark (?) 37 defined 133
QUIT condition 188 RowID
QUIT statement 79 defined 121
Quotation marks 29 Rows
current 118
identifying 121
R queries 114
r-code 50 Rules
Raising record buffers 96
buffer scope 103 RUN statement 53
Reading records Run-time interpreter 50
NO-LOCK 162 Run-time references 150
RECID keyword 121 Running
Record buffers procedures 21, 50, 53
defined 93
Record locking S
guidelines 163
locking Sample databases
records 156 location 19, 54
strategies 163 sports2000 18
Record locks Sample procedures
deadly embrace 160 calcdays 58
releasing 163 customer.p 25
Record scope 96 FOR EACH Customer 18
Records h-buttontrig1.i 140
retrieving one 87 h-ConvTemp1.p 148
scoping 70 h-findCustUser1.p 160
sorting 72 mainproc.p 64
REFERENCE-ONLY keyword 135 subproc 64
Referencing Saving
frames 79 PRO*Tools palette position 54
Releasing procedures 38, 50
record locks 163 Scope
Renaming defined 64
objects 32 Scoping
blocks 64

194 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications


Scoping (continued) Strong-scoped

buffers 103 defined 96
frames 70 Strong-scoped references
free reference 96 DO-FOR block 103
records 70, 96 structured error handling 184
strong 96 Subprocedures
temp-tables 130 running 53
weak 96 SUBSTR function 93
SCROLLABLE keyword Subtransactions 181
queries 109 Summarizing, data 131
Search order Switching
procedures 59 indexes 85
Searching for Symbols
procedures 54 formatting 34
Sessions Syntax
multiple 157 checking 50
passing data 126 validating 37
starting 19 Syntax errors
SET statement 154 ambiguous field 73
SHARE-LOCK keyword 160 System failures
SHARED keyword transactions 188
temp-tables 130 System handles
Single quotation marks 29 ERROR-STATUS 184
Single record, retrieving 87
Software failures
transactions 188
Sorting -T startup parameter 127
records 72 Tables
Spacing See also Records
code 24 joining 29, 73
Specifying See also Records
indexes 86 Tabs 24
Sports2000 database Temp-tables
location 54 buffers 130
SQL language creating 127
compared to ABL 25, 29, 73 defined 125
src directory 54 handles 135
Starting indexes 129
Procedure Editor 21 as parameters 133
sessions 19 scope 130
Startup parameters Temporary directory 127
European (-E) 32 Temporary tables, See See temp-tables
Startup procedure (-p) startup parameter 187 Test procedures, See See Sample procedures
Statements THROW option, ON ERROR phrase 167, 184
ABL 24 THROW option, UNDO statement 167, 173, 184
transaction 154 Tilde (~) 24
types 25 TIME keyword 40
STOP condition 187 TODAY keyword 40
STOP statement 79 traditional error handling 184
Storing Transaction size
data temporarily 126 controlling 167
STRING function 40 decreasing 170
String functions 42 increasing 170
Strings Transaction statements 154
defining 29 Transactions
manipulating 42 scope 175

OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications 195


Transactions (continued) Variables (continued)

triggers 171 defining 36
Triggers naming 36
transactions 171 program 32
qualifying 35
scoping 64
UDF, See User-defined functions W
UNDO statement
syntax 173 Weak-scoped
UNDO statement, THROW option 167, 173, 184 defined 96
Unique find 87 WEEKDAY keyword 40
Unique row identifier 121 Wild cards
Unknown value strings 28
blank 32 WITH FRAME option 70
using 37 Word-index keyword 28
Unknown value (?) 32 Work-tables 127
UPDATE statement 154
USE-INDEX phrase 77, 86
User-defined functions 145
X format character 34
syntax 37 YEAR keyword 40
variables 59
Variables Z
assigning values 59 Z format character 34

196 OpenEdge Getting Started: Develop ABL Applications

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