Hand Gesture Control Robot

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4, November 2018

Robot Control by Accelerometer Based Hand

Gesture using Arduino Microcontroller
Pankaj Kumar Gautam, Sudhasnhu Pandey, Vishwajeet Kumar Nanda
 especially a hand or head or face to express an idea or
Abstract: Most of robots are controlled by wireless connection meaning. Hand Gestures differ from non-verbal
(like remote or cell phones) or by direct (wired) connection. In this communication which does not communicate some specific
project work we have designed a robot which is to be controlled by
hand gesture of human and an accelerometer is used to move
messages, like facial expressive displays, or displays of joint
robot according to hand movement. In this work the hardware attention. Hand Gestures allow individuals to communicate
requirements and complexity has been removed because of not (non-verbal) different feelings and thoughts, from contempt
using remote control. Arduino microcontroller makes it a self and hostility to approval and affection, often together
activated robot, which drives itself according to hand gesture of with body language in addition to words when they speak [3].
human standing in front of it. It follows the users hand gesture
using accelerometer which makes itself driven robot.
Index Terms: Accelerometer, Arduino-Uno, Hand Gesture,
Microcontroller, Robot.


During the last few decades we have seen the emergence of

robots capable of performing complex tasks in the human
environment. This project makes us advance in the path of
making robots in such a way that makes them according to the
gestures of the instructor [1]. .
The aim of this project work is to implement a robot able to Fig.1.1: Various Hand Gesture Signs
act according to the hand gestures of the instructor and to
sketch the main challenges and future directions [2]. 1.2. Hand Gesture Controlled Robot?
Designing such kind of robot one needs to consider the
following aspects
 Understanding the gesture recognition technology
and implementing it in a robot.
 Designing a proper mechanism.
 Selection of actuators and sensors.
 Developing an embedded system to properly
manipulate all the actuators.
This robot shall be capable to work on receiving
instructions wirelessly. Developing such kind of robots needs:
 Proper mechanical arrangement.
 Actuators (motors) of desired speed and power. Fig.1.2: Hand Gesture Control Robot
 Power supply.
A Hand Gesture Controlled robot is one kind of robot which
 Appropriate control system with interface for can be controlled by hand movements instead of remote as
manual instruction feed. shown in fig.1.1. A tiny transmitting device is to wear on hand
 Programming and logics. which includes an accelerometer. The device transmits
1.1. Hand Gesture commands to the robot to move according to hand gesture [4].
A hand gesture is one form of communication The transmitting device consists of a comparator IC for
(non-verbal) in which the movement of the part of bodies converting analog signal to digital signal and one encoder
IC(HT12E), to encoding the four bit binary data and then
signal is transmitted by an Radio Frequency Transmitter[5].
Revised Version Manuscript Received on 29 November, 2018. On the receiving end, the Radio frequency Receiver receives
Pankaj Kumar Gautam, Department of Electrical & Electronics the digital encoded data is being decoded by the decoder IC
Engineering, Subharti University, Meerut (U.P), India.
Sudhanshu Pandey, Department of Electrical & Electronics (HT12D).
Engineering, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (U.P),
Vishwajeet Kumar Nanda, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (U.P),

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D1790097418 24 & Sciences Publication
Robot Control by Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture using Arduino Microcontroller

The micro-controller (Arduino Uno) and motor driver I. Transmitter section

receives encoded data to control the motor movement. II. Receiver section
Fig.1.2 shows the robot consisting arduino microcontroller The control system receives data sent from the transmitter
with receiver and human hand gesture wearing transmitter section wear by the user. We wear a transmitter module in our
with accelerometer on it. hand.
The transmitting device includes:
II. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 1. Accelerometer module (ADXL335) which transmits
Developing a robot with motion according to the hand command to the comparator.
gestures needs a systematic approach to be followed. The 2. A microcontroller (Arduino Uno) to receive input
design of the body or the framework on which the actuators from accelerometer and provide output to the
and the electronic control circuit can be mounted must be Encoder IC.
done properly. 3. An Encoder IC (HT12E) use to encoding the four bit
The next factor is the selection of actuators. Actuators are binary data transmitted to the RF Transmitter
nothing but motors which provide motion to the robot body as module.
per the signal given to them. In this project normal 100 rpm dc 4. RF Transmitter module transfers data to the receiver
motors are used as their rotation is highly accurate. with the help of antenna.
Another challenge is designing control circuit with
minimum power consumption. The control circuit must be
able to receive instructions from the transmitter held by the
instructor so that the robot can be controlled. To do so
microcontroller is required. Hence microcontroller is to be
used for controlling the robot. In this project Arduino Uno
microcontroller is being used, which is able to convert the
analog inputs into digital inputs.
After completing the hardware programming the robot for
its motion in such a way that the actuators work
simultaneously and the robots balance is maintained.


Fig 3.2: Pin Diagram of Transmitter
3.1.1. Mechanical Design The receiving device includes:
The basic requirement of any robot is its framework or its 1. RF Receiver module receives the encoded data with
body on which its complete control circuitry and actuators are the help of antenna.
to be mounted. In our design our main aim is to move the 2. With the help of decoder IC(HT12D) data is decoded.
device according to the hand gestures given by the instructor. 3. According to the data, microcontroller sends
So we designed a simple robot which can move forward, commands to the motor driving IC (L293D) for
backward, turn right and left according to the gestures. The controlling purpose.
design of the robot is shown in the figure below:

Fig.3.1: Mechanical Design

3.1.2. Control System Fig 3.3: Pin Diagram of Receiver

Control system for this robot works using microcontroller and When the user wearing the transmitter tilts his hand or
various integrated circuits. The control circuit consists of a performs some gestures the robot starts moving. When he puts
Microcontroller (Arduino Uno), Encoder IC(HT12E), his hand showing his palm towards the robot then the
Decoder IC(HT12D), Transmitter-Receiver module, Motor
driver IC(L293D), and an Accelerometer(ADXL335).
The control unit consists of two separate sections-

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D1790097418 25 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4, November 2018

robot starts moving backwards until stopped and when does IV. RF TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER
exactly opposite the robot moves forward. When the user
The QBT37-XXX transmitter module and QBR37-XXX
turns his hand 90 degrees measured from the floor with his
receiver module are the two miniature narrow band UHF
thumb pointing the roof then the robot turns right and starts
radio modules, which can be used to enable a simple telemetry
moving until stopped and when the robot moves left does
link at data rates up to 20Kbps.
exactly opposite then.
These modules are available for operations between range of
3.1.3. Pin Diagram of Arduino Uno Microcontroller 433.075 and 434.725 MHz in 50 KHz steps making the
The microcontroller used in this project work is Arduino Uno, availability of 34 different frequency channels for
which is very popular microcontroller because of easy to wire transmission at distance of up to 400m.
and program. The applications of these two modules are suitable for
one-to-one and multi-node wireless links such as building and
car security, remote industrial process monitoring and
computer networking. Their small size and low power
requirements of both the modules make ideal for use in
portable battery powered wireless applications.

Fig 3.6: (a) RF Transmitter (b) Receiver Module

Fig 3.4: Pin diagram of Arduino Uno Microcontroller
A sensor with accelerometer module has been applied here,
Arduino has analog input ports to read from various analog which senses the axis of direction of the movements of the
sensors simultaneously and also included with a Serial Data hand, then the robot starts moving according to the movement
(SDA) line and a Serial Clock (SCL) line. Both the SDA line of the hand.
and SCL line are necessary to support I2C sensors. This On measuring, the static acceleration amount due to gravity,
facility makes the Arduino Uno able to read from three the angle tilted at with respect to the earth is determined. On
various analog sensors and two digital sensors sensing the dynamic acceleration amount, the way of moving
simultaneously. Furthermore, the Arduino Uno includes the device is analysed. But measuring tilt angle and
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) function, which allows it to acceleration doesn't seem all that exciting. However,
interface with certain peripheral hardware devices, like SD researchers have come up with number of ways to make really
card modules. The Arduino Uno board also allows digital useful products with them.
ports for Serial Transmit (TX) and Serial Receive (RX) lines,
which necessitate connecting via Bluetooth module [6].
Arduino IDE
The program has been written in Arduino Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) v1.6.1 as shown in figure
3.5. and connected to the Arduino hardware to upload
programs. Before uploading the program there is a need to
select appropriate Microcontroller so, “Arduino Uno” from
the Tool menu has been chosen and then for proper
communication with computer and Arduino Uno boards there
is a need to select COM port from the Tool menu.

Fig 3.7: Functional Block Diagram of Accelerometer

Fig. 3.7 shows block diagram of accelerometer ADXL335, a
small and low power, and thin, a complete 3-axis acceleration
meter with signal conditioning output voltages [7]. It can
measure the acceleration with a minimum of full-scale range
of ±3 g. It can also measure the static and dynamic
acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications, and
resulting from motion, shock, or vibration respectively.

Fig.3.5: Arduino IDE

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D1790097418 26 & Sciences Publication
Robot Control by Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture using Arduino Microcontroller


Because of transmitter device wearing on hand and receiver 1. H.J. Boehme, A .Brakensiek, U.D. Braumann, M. Krabbes, and H.M.
Gross. “Neural networks for gesture based remote control of a mobile
on the robot, the robot starts moving according to the robot”. In Proc.1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational
movement of hand gestures. In this paper, we have explained Intelligence WCCI 1998 – IJCNN 1998, pages 372-377, Anchorage,
about the 5 different hand gesture or movement positions i.e. 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press.
stop condition, forward movement, backward movement, 2. L. Bretzner, I. Laptev, and T. Lindberg, "Hand Gesture Recognition
using Multi-Scale Color Features, Hierarchical Models and Particle
moves towards right and moves towards left. Filtering", IEEE International Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture
4.1. Stop Condition Recognition, 2002.
3. R. Rosales, V. Athitsos, L. Sigal, and S. Sclaroff, "3D Hand Pose
The robot can be stopped by making the accelerometer Reconstruction Using Specialized Mappings", IEEE International
parallel to the horizontal plane; this makes all the output pins Con. on Computer Vision, pp. 378- 385, 2001.
4. “Accelerometer-Based Control of an Industrial Robotic Arm” Pedro
of decoder (13, 12, 11, 10) set to high. Neto, J. Norberto Pires, Member, IEEE, and A. Paulo Moreira,
4.2 Forward Movement Member, IEEE.
5. Y. Cui and J.J. Weng. “Hand sign recognition from intensity image
The robot starts moving in forward direction, by making sequences with complex backgrouns”. In Proceedings of the Second
accelerometer tilted to forward direction, this condition sets International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,
the two output pin of decoder (13, 11) to low and set high on Killington, Vermont, 1996.
6. www.arduino.com.
the other two output pin of decoder (12, 10). 7. www.analog.com/static/imported- files/data_sheets/ADXL335.pdf.
4.3 Backward Movement
Pankaj Kumar Gautam did M.Tech. Electrical Engineering (System
The robot starts moving in forward direction, by making Engineering & Operations Research) from IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand in 2010
accelerometer tilted to forward direction (upwards), this and B. Tech. in Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering from MJP
condition sets the two output pin of decoder (13, 11) to high Rohilkhand University Bareilly India. His areas of research are Control
System, Optimization techniques, Fuzzy logic control and Artificial
and set low on the other two output pin of decoder (12, 10). Intelligence.
4.4 Moves towards Right
Sudhanshu Pandey did B.Tech.(Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
The robot starts move towards right side by tilting the from APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow in 2018. His area of
accelerometer towards right, and this makes the two output interest is artificial intelligence.
pin of decoder (12, 11) low and other two output pin of
Vishwajeet Kumar Nanda did B.Tech. (Electrical & Electronics
decoder (13, 10) high. Engineering) from APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow in
4.5 Moves towards Left 2018. His area of interest is artificial intelligence.

The robot starts move towards left side by tilting the

accelerometer towards left, and this makes the two output pin
of decoder (12, 11) high and other two output pin of decoder
(13, 10) low.

In our project we have added special features by which our
robot can overcome so many problems in industry. If it is
further developed then it can be used for military application.
A Gesture Controlled robot with Arduino Uno
microcontroller has been designed in this work, which can be
controlled by human hand gestures. This requires to wear a
small transmitting device on our hand included an
accelerometer, which transmits particular commands to the
robot to move according to the users hand gesture and one
receiver at the robot.

This project can be enhanced using voice circuit in this for
deaf and dumb people. Voice circuit converts gestures into
voice. With voice circuit implemented this will be useful for
Animal Planet, Discovery people for their studies on animals
by playing different sounds & for their exploration. Further
we can add GPRS and GPS modules for place location. We
can add video camera for live streaming. We can add bomb
and metal detectors and can send to place, harmful for a
person to go. This type of hand gesture system can be
developed for whole body and can be used in military

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: D1790097418 27 & Sciences Publication

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