The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra
Homage to Avaloktesvara Bodhsatval, Homage to Buddhas,
Homage to Dharma, Homage to Sangha.
With afin to Pure Lands opens the Dharma Pats,
With ete, bss, tue sof and purty, one attains true nature
"Namo Mana Praja Paramita, a great spittual man,
"Namo Maha Praja Paramta, great wisdom manta
"Namo Maha Praja Raramita, a suprememanta
‘Namo Maia Pref Paramita, an unequalled manta
‘Namo Pure Light Seeret Buddha, Dharma Treasury Budcha,
“Tranquil King Buddha wth in’ car and vine speed,
‘Sumeru Light King Buddha announced by Buddha
‘Dharma Protector Buddha, Vala Treasury Roaming Lon Buddha,
Precious Victory Buddha, Suoematral Power Budsha,
Medicine Crystal ight King Buddha,
Universal ight Ment Mountain King Buddha,
‘Mort Retaining Jowe! King Buddha, Soven Past Buddhas,
Future Thousand Budchas of ths Fortunate Eon,
Friteen Hundred Buddhas, Figen Thousand Buddhas,
Five Hundred Flower Victory Buddhes,
Ten Bion Vara Treasury Buddhas,
nd the Fixed Light Buddha, Buddhas of Six Direction:
Precious Light Meon Palace Venerable Wonder Vice King Buddha of he East,
‘Tree Root Flower King Buddha ofthe Sou,
Spiritual Power Fower Blazing King Buddna ofthe West,
‘Moon Palace Purity Buddha ofthe Noch,
‘Above, the Counties Vigo Jewel Crown Buddhas,
Below the Tranqul Moon Sound King Buddha,
[Al the countless Buddhas, Plenty Jewels Buddha,
‘Shakyamuni Buddha, Maeya Buddha,
‘Akshobhiya Buddha, Amtaba Buda,
The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra
Homage to Avaloktesvara Bodhsatval, Homage to Buddhas,
Homage to Dharma, Homage o Sangha.
With any to Pure Lands opens the Dharma Paths,
‘With etait, bss tue se and purty, one atans tue
‘Namo Maha Praja Paramta, a great spiral mana,
[Namo Mana Praja Paramita, great wisdom manta
‘Namo Maha Praja Parana, supreme mantra
‘Namo Maha Pref Paramita, an unequalled manta
‘Namo Pure Light Set Buddha, Dharma Treasury Budcha,
“Tranquil King Buddha with in’ car and divine speed,
‘Sumeru Light King Buddha announced by Buddha
‘Dharma Protector Buddha, Vala Teasury Roaring Lon Buda,
Precious Victory Buddha, Supematral Power Busha,
Medicine Crystal ight King Buddha,
‘Universal Ught Ment Mourain King Buddha,
‘Mert Retaining Jew! King Buddha, Seven Past Buddhas,
Future Thousand Buddhas of ths Fortunate Eon,
Fifteen Hundred Buddhas, Fftgen Thousand Buddhas,
Five Hundred Flower Victory Buddhas,
Ten Bion Vara Treasury Buddhas,
‘and the Feed Light Buddha, Buddhas of Sx Drcton:
Precious Light Moon Palace Venerable Wonderul Vice King Buddha of the East,
Tree-Root Flower King Buddha ofthe South,
Spitual Power Flower Blazing King Buddha ofthe Wes,
‘Moon Palace Puy Buddha ofthe North
‘Above, the Countess Vigr Jewel Crown Buddhas,
Below tho Tranqul Moon Sound King Buddha,
[Allthe countess Buddhas, Plenty Jewes Buddha,
SSakyaruni Buddha, Maitreya Buddha,
‘Akshobiya Buddha, Amtabia Buda,
Allbeings in the Central Realm, and those inthe Pure Lands,
‘Those ves and moves upon the Ea and trough the Heavens,
should show imibess compassion upon al sentient bengs,
and grant hem equanimity and anguity,
that they might culvate day and right,
By constant invoking this sutra,
‘ones liberated from the cycle of bth and death,
and fred from al kinds of suing
Homage fo great wisdom Kuan Yin, Observant Kuan Yin,
Noble Kuan Yin, and Expansively- minded Kuan Yin,
Medicine King Bodhisattva, Supreme Medicine Bodhisattva,
Manjus Bochisatva, Samantabhadra Bodhsatva,
‘Akasagartha Bodhisatva, Ksiigarba Bodhsatva,
Billons of Cear Cool Treasure Mauntin Bodhisativas,
Universal Light Venerable King Tathagata Bodhisattva
[Al memorize and constantly chant this sua
‘As well as rect the mantra of Soven World Honored Buddhas:
nee-ahvladeh, peelee-nee-deh, mo-ho-kya-deh,
mfin-chen deh, sosha (Repeat maria 7 times)
4 clcle= 100times. Total=1000 times
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Homage to eat wisdom Kuan Yin Observant Kuan Yn,
Note Kuen Yn, and Exansivey-sinded Kuan Yin
Neds King Bohsava, Supreme Nese Boshsatva,
Nanjs Bois, Sattabhadra Bods,
Arasogara Bdhsatva Kstgarbha Bodnsati,
Bion of Gear Coo Treasure Moun Badhsates,
Universal Light Venerable King Tathagata Boshisatva
A memoria ad conta chant is sa
Aswel a rect he marr of Seven Worl Honored Buddhas:
“Leepohleepohdeh kyosho-kyohode, tobfohmneedeh,
nee-ah-la-deh, pee-lee-nee-deh, mo-ho-kya-deh,
Jemiicchen de, soa” (Repeat mara nes)
4 ele=100tmes.Toa=1000 mes
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