Classification of Input Document or Text in Different Indian IT Laws Using Machine Learning Techniques

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Classification of Input document or text in

different Indian IT laws using Machine

Learning Techniques
Akshay Paliwal , Rupam Saxena and Tamanna Sharma
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology

Abstract - In this paper , we study how section preprocessing. The data set is then splitted into
classification can help individuals to train and validation sets.
understand various acts and laws that can be 2. Feature Engineering:The next step is the
applied on a legal document using n grams Feature Engineering in which the raw data set is
model. Due to the exponential growth of transformed into flat features which can be used in
information there is a need for automated tools, a machine learning model. This step also includes
which can process and understand such texts. the process of creating new features from the
Our model will allow users to use a legal existing data.
document such as an FIR and find the legal 3.Model Training:The final step is the Model
section broken by the accused ,thus helping a Building step in which a machine learning model
naive person to understand law. is trained on a labelled data set.

Index Terms - Document classification; 4.Improve Performance of Text Classifier:In this

Information extraction ; Classifiers article, we will also look at the different ways to
improve the performance of text classifiers.

Our model will take a legal text as an input and

then classify different Indian it laws applicable on
it using machine learning and finding the accuracy
Classifying legal documents is an important issue of different algorithms used for classifying the
faced by organizations and individuals, and it legal text.
necessitates the need to devise mechanisms that
intelligently classify and deal with the problem. We will be focusing on classifying the sections of
Text classification is an example of supervised laws applicable on a document using Random
machine learning task since a labelled data set Forest and Neural network.
containing text documents and their labels is used
for train a classifier. An end-to-end text
classification pipeline is composed of three main
1. Data set Preparation:The first step is the
Data set Preparation step which includes the
process of loading a data set and performing basic
PROBLEM STATEMENT to classify under w hich sections the legal
document can be classified.
Classification of input document or a text file in Features are based on the sections in the
different Indian IT laws using Machine Learning constitution.
Techniques. N-grams - Using this method text documents are
divided into character sets (sub strings) of length n
An input legal document will be classified on in so much as the first. Second sub string contains
different sections of IT laws it would come under. all characters of the document from 2nd to (n+1)-
th inclusive. This principle is used throughout the
whole text document, the last substring containing
characters from (k−n+1)-th to k-th, where k is the
number of characters in the text document. This
METHODOLOGY process is applied to each text document and a
dictionary of unique substrings (considered as
This section describes the methodology created to terms) of length n (n-grams) is generated.
extract the required information from the PDF Character sets is one of several ways to use n-
files, Data extraction and classify the documents. grams sub string contains all the characters of the
documents from the 1st to n- th inclusive.


Data extraction is used for extracting data from We are using two algorithms to classify the legal
the web. Here we are using data extraction to text and hence identifying under which section of
creat3 a data set upon which we will train our laws it comes under.
model for prediction of laws
All data used in the research is available on the 1.Random forest algorithm - is a supervised
Creating a data set for our classifier by scraping classification algorithm. We can see it from its
data from the site "INDIAN KANOON.ORG". name, which is to create a forest by some way and
make it random. There is a direct relationship
between the number of trees in the forest and the
II. DATA PREPROCESSING results it can get: the larger the number of trees,
the more accurate the result . Random forests are a
The text data cannot be directly input into our way of averaging multiple deep decision trees,
proposed model so it needs to be preprocessed trained on different parts of the same training set,
before using the data obtained by web scraping. with the goal of reducing the variance.
Data preprocessing will include removal of
punctuations , extra white spaces present in the The training algorithm for random forests applies
text special characters and leave only alpha the general technique of bootstrap aggregating, or
numeric values. Also all data must be converted bagging, to tree learners. This bootstrapping
into lower case. procedure leads to better model performance
because it decreases the variance of the model,
without increasing the bias. This means that while
III.FEATURE EXTRACTION the predictions of a single tree are highly sensitive
to noise in its training set, the average of many
Before training the model we need to design the trees is not, as long as the trees are not correlated.
features to obtain score of different text present in Simply training many trees on a single training set
legal document. . As all legal documents have a would give strongly correlated trees (or even the
fixed format therefore it is possible for our model same tree many times, if the training algorithm is
deterministic); bootstrap sampling is a way of de- input and the output layer corresponding to words
correlating the trees by showing them different of the given input vector by looking up in the
training sets. . Random forests differ in only one tables owned by learning nodes. The output layer
way from this general scheme: they use a modified generates the categorical scores indicating
tree learning algorithm that selects, at each memberships of the string vector in categories as
candidate split in the learning process, a random the output.
subset of features.

Suppose we have a calibration set C = {C1,….,Cn}

with Ci≡ (xi,yi) and an independent test case
C0with predictor x0, the following steps can be
carried out:

Sample the calibration set C with

replacement to generate bootstrap
resamples B1,…,BM

For each re sample Bm, m = 1, …, M, grow a Figure 1. The architecture of neural network
regression tree Tm. For predicting the test case C0 classifier
with covariate x0, the predicted value by the whole
RF is obtained by combining the results given by
individual trees.
The problem can be written as Text categorization is defined as follows.
1.The number of the input nodes should be
1M∑Mm=1f^∗m(x0). identical to the dimension of string vectors
representing documents. This layer receives an
input vector given as a string vector, so each node
corresponds to each word in the string vector.
2. Neural network - The proposed neural network
2.The number of the learning nodes should be
follows Perceptron in that synaptic weights are
identical to the number of predefined categories.
connected directly between the input layer and the
Nodes of this layer own tables corresponding to
output layer, and the weights are updated only
predefined categories, and determine weights
when each training example is misclassified. The
between the input and output layer, to each word
learning layer given as an additional layer to the
in the input vector.
input and the output layer is different from the
3. The number of the output nodes should be
hidden layer of back propagation with respect to
identical to the number of predefined categories.
its role. The learning layer determines synaptic
weights between the input and the output layer by
This layer generates categorical scores as the
referring to the tables owned by learning nodes.
output, and they correspond to predefined
The learning of neural network classifier refers to
the process of optimizing weights stored in the
tables the architecture of the neural network. It
consists of the three layers: input layer, output
layer, and learning layer. The input layer receives
an input vector given as a string vector. The MODEL DESIGN
learning layer determines weights between the
4.Tokenization: Data is tokenized, filtered and
stemmed in order to create a unique list of stems
and their frequencies.
The classification process consists of three steps
that are shown in Fig. 2. 5.Model Train: Training the data using various
classification techniques.
Critical review of research papers

In order to implement “Classification of Input

document or text in different Indian IT laws using
Machine Learning Techniques ” effectively we
studied various research papers that matched with
the requirements of our topic. We extensively
covered papers that talked about data cleaning and
preprocessing ,different types of text classifiers.
We now understand that one algorithm alone
cannot fulfill our requirement .At different levels
we are using multiple
algorithms to get more refined and accurate data.
In order to match strings we are using Lcs
Algorithm and then applying N gram algorithm
for designing features which will be used to train
our model. We gathered deeper knowledge of
already known classification techniques (KNN
and NAÏVE BAYES) and have found that moving
to higher classification algorithms gives better
Figure 2. Process of text classification results. We use two algorithms – First by Random
Forest Classifier and second using Convolution
neural networks.
1. Web scraping for Desired Data: Creating a Furthermore we plan to work upon improving the
data set for our classifier by scraping data from the results and accuracy of these algorithms by
site "INDIAN KANOON.ORG". studying the various new models and
advancements that are happening in the fields of
2. Cleaning and Preprocessing Data: Data is these algorithms.
cleaned and preprocessed that is all symbols, extra
spaces and unwanted signs are removed.

3.Text Selection: All the useful text is selected

from the document.


Finally we developed a model which can classify a

legal document and identify the different legal
section applicable on it.
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