BMW Revised PDF
BMW Revised PDF
BMW Revised PDF
With the launch of National Rural Health Mission in 2005, and then the National Health Mission,
substantial investments have been made to strengthen Public Health System in the country. This
strengthening has included procurement of hospital equipment in keeping with the needs of healthcare
delivery systems that has become increasingly technology intensive. However, keeping equipment
functional with minimal 'down-time' has been a challenge especially in remote locations. Available
evidence indicates that 30%-60% of medical equipment is non-functional in different states. It is thus
important to devise mechanisms to keep medical equipment functional to ensure delivery of quality
healthcare. It is proposed to engage one or more maintenance service providers in each state to maintain
biomedical equipment, who would receive payment based on the uptime provided for the medical
equipment. Many states have requested Government of India to provide mdel 'Request For Proposal
(RFP)' document. It is in this context that Ministry with support from NHSRC has developed the model
RFP. States are requested to contextualise the same as may be necessary to be in accordance with states'
financial rules and needs.
(C.K. Mishra)
Additional Secretary & Mission Director (NHM)
It is necessary to have well functioning equipment for smooth delivery of quality health services.
However, engaging trained engineering human resources adequate to provide maintenance for all the
equipment across a state covering all districts and procurement of hundreds of spare parts & associated
inventory is a challenge, both in terms of availability and feasibility. To address this, MoHFW organized
consultations with officials from states to devise appropriate mechanisms to ensure that medical
equipment remain functional. Based on best practices, it was felt that outsourcing of this activity with
payment linked to uptime of equipment would improve time bound deliery of maintenance service.
The comprehensive program including provision of toll free number for equipment fault registration,
preventive and corrective maintenance, supply of spares, providing for trained engineering human
resource and training of users on equipment, the comprehensive equipment maintenance program
could be ideal solution when correctly operationalised. To facilitate this activity, model document has
been prepared. This document is illustrative and states may contextualize this to suit their specific needs.
We would be happy to receive feedback and comments from states after usage of this document.
(Manoj Jhalani)
Joint Secretary (Policy)
Inputs from Following Experts are Gratefully Acknowledged:
Chapter-01: Introduction 1
Public Private Partnerships are forms of different from Privatization since property rights
association or commercial relation between a and ownership rights are not transferred to the
public entity (generally meaning governmental private agency. The staff deployed for providing
bodies/ministries/public sector undertaking/ the service are not those employed by the
nationalized institutions) and a ‘for profit’ or ‘not government, the finance and accounts of the details
–for- profit’ commercial or private organization. of the delegated service are maintained at the
The form of relationship envisaged, shapes the transactional level by the private agency although
roles and responsibilities or each partner. The the disbursement accounts are maintained also by
goal is to achieve a set of mutually agreed results the public body, the assignee is not subjected to
at specific intervals for a certain period of time. the government rules of procurement of inputs
The partnerships of this nature are brought into required to deliver the service and has complete
existence to satisfy provisioning of certain public influence on the management methods involved
services. Public services are those services that with the services that are to be delivered. This
are marked by continuity of operation, equality does not mean withdrawal of public entity from
towards all classes of recipients and adaptability to outcomes of the services. The contractual relation
cater the needs of the population. It is however, is best described by the following diagram:
Private Service
The vast number of medical equipment The frequency and type of planned preventive
available complicates prioritization, selection maintenance should be specified, taking account
and procurement. National guidelines, policies of the manufacturer’s instructions, the expected
or recommendations on the procurement of usage and the environment in which it is to be used.
medical equipment are not used in a majority of Specific training on particular medical equipment
countries either because they are not available or should be based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
because there is no one recognized to implement Staff carrying out maintenance, repair, and/or
them. Approximately a third of all countries lack decontamination will require additional technical
a designated unit responsible for managing information or training.
medical equipment. This creates challenges to
establish priorities in the selection of medical Biomedical equipment maintenance thus presents
equipment on the basis of their impact on the a challenge for many countries, especially those
burden of disease. with low technical resources- both human and
infrastructural. These challenges could broadly be
Almost 2/3 of all low-income countries do not have classified into four categories:
a national health technology policy which could
ensure the effective use of resources through proper High rates of dysfunctional medical
planning, assessment, acquisition and management equipment: specially in regions that are in
of medical equipment. rough geography and climate conditions:
Medical equipment may become and remain
The organization’s medical equipment management dysfunctional due to several reasons including
policy must cover the provision of maintenance but not limited to- spare part failure, electrical
and repair of all medical equipment, including supply failures, design failures, improper use,
reconditioning and refurbishment. wrong diagnosis of equipment errors, use of
wrong/incorrect accessories and failure to
This includes: procure spare parts and/or accessories on
How each equipment should be maintained and time. Due to complexity of equipment and
repaired, and by whom involvement of a large number of spare parts at
Arrangements for maintenance and repair to be component level, such barriers have played an
included as part of the assessment process obstructive role in denying or delaying access
to medical equipment in many countries. As
Arrangements for the most suitable persons/
per a study done by National Health Systems
providers to carry out the work
Resource Center, the dysfunctional rate in
The timescale for planned maintenance equipment could be as high as 60% in many
The timescale for repairs to be completed areas of the world with dysfunctional rate in
Medical equipment management and maintenance required for such an undertaking and to develop
has remained a challenge and in many regions – a operational guidelines to establish best-practices
failure. It has been understood by the experience in this domain; it is suggested that situational
of several countries that ‘self-maintenance’ of analysis/evaluation studies could be undertaken
equipment by users or a pool of government/ in various regions within a country. These studies
organization employed engineering staff can no should be designed to generate the following
longer be considered as the only component of a data sets:
sustainable solution.
The Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Model
To address the gap in technology management and
would generate the following data sources:
maintenance in regional/district and sub-district
hospitals in the country, a model has been conceived 1. Empirical Data (from site)
on the lines of public-private partnership. The model
in principle suggested “outsourcing” of equipment ata 1: Line listing of Medical Equipment or
management and maintenance functions which Mapping Technologies in regional/district &
includes but is not limited to: sub- district centers
a. Assessment (periodic and on continuous basis) ata 2: Functional Status of every medical
of all equipment available in regional/district equipment
and sub-district public healthcare facilities
2. Secondary Data (from market research)
Responsibility of calibration, configuration
and undertaking “settings” pertaining to all ata 3: Cost involved (C1) to make the
equipment redundant technology (obtained from
Preventive and corrective maintenance of Data 2) functional
equipment on a schedule and on-call basis ata 4: Cost involved per annum (C2) in
d. Submission of quarterly report on functional Comprehensive maintenance of all the
status of equipment medical Equipment (obtained from Data 1)
e. Supportive role in site-preparation, installation
and commissioning, user-training and overall It is essential that the decision makes review the
maintenance of equipment. results of the pilot and have a clear pictures of
current status of medical equipment as well as
To understand the principles mentioned above, financial requirements if an outsourced model for
to undertake research to speculate “fiscal space” maintenance is to be envisaged.
A decision to engage in contractual relationships the public entity could be estimated, at least to
with private agencies for maintenance of medical an extent of approximation.
equipment in public health facilities should c. R
eduction in administrative constraints:
ideally result from a detailed analysis in order to A public entity generally follows a set of
ensure that the outsourcing of a service is the commercial code of conduct to encourage
best possible solution among a set of alternatives transparency, encourage fair competition
such as employing engineering within public among private stake holders and comply with
system, undertaking ad-hoc maintenance; dealing standing orders on financial and operational
independently with manufactures and suppliers laws and by-laws. These codes of conduct are
on a need basis individually for all necessary specific to public entities since such entities deal
equipment, or paying for AMC/CMC for individual with public funds. The private agencies however
machinery. The criteria based on which this decision may have their own model codes of conduct
could be taken would comprise of the following: and rules that are morally right, however,
a. I mprovement in Key Performance Indicators: keeps the priority of maximizing revenue.
The private agency receiving a fixed amount Thus limitations to encourage competition
of funding for the maintenance, generally tries in the market and reduce monopoly do not
to reduce breakdown and cost on spares by apply to private agencies although engaging
good preventive maintenance. The proportion in fair play should never be compromised. A
of breakdown, downtimes and extent of function of outsourcing gives the public entity
dysfunctional equipment in the health facilities to thus reduce administrative hold backs and
are key indicators that indicates the status of constraints by brining operational functions out
equipment that are in use and also the access to of the preview of the public entity.
healthcare technologies that a health system is Reduction in Risk: The risk arising due to non-
able to offer to patients at large. delivery of a service is transferred to the private
Cost benefit analysis: Intermediary service
b. partner by virtue of a commercial partnership
costs may get reduced due to convergence of engagement. The extent of this reduction in risk
cost factors such as procurement of spares, hiring to the public agency however depends on the
of trained, appropriate and adequate human terms and conditions detailed in the contract. In
resources, costs on communication and indirect equipment maintenance for example, the extent
cost due to delay in getting the equipment to of risk arising due to non-functional equipment
a functional state. Since a lump sum amount would depend upon whether obligation to
given to private entity would incorporate all of provide controls, or accessories was given to
these and would keep the onus of managing the private agency or not. Or whether, any
costs on private entity, the net cost savings to process of maintenance depended on the users
The following components could be taken as a (vi) The maintenance service provider shall
suggested pathway for executing the public-private not be including cost of maintaining
partnership model for the purpose of medical any equipment which is under any
equipment maintenance. kind of AMC/CMC/warranty in its first
proposal and cost of such equipment
1. S
cope of work: The following could be
shall not be included till the time existing
considered as scope of work for the suggested
contract(s) with other service provider(s)
is valid for the respective equipment.
(i) To maintain Biomedical Equipment in all The maintenance service provider may
public healthcare facilities up to the PHC choose to take authorization for doing
level supported by 24 X 7 call centre ; maintenance such equipment from
To provide 24x7, 365 days uptime of existing AMC/CMC contract holder(s).
95% for all medical equipment in District
Maintenance costs for equipment that
Hospitals, . 90%for CHCs and 80% for PHCs.
are currently in any AMC/CMC/warranty
At no point of time in a single breakdown
contract shall be added by the service
the breakdown should not be more than 7
provider only after the expiry of contracts
days from the date and time of registration
for the respective equipment.
of fault.
Medical Equipment that are already in (viii) The sole service provider shall however
AMC or CMC. The service provider shall be liable to ensure upkeep time declared
administer the contract on behalf of state in the bid for all equipment irrespective
health department. For this purpose, the of any AMC/CMC/warranty status for any
service provider shall take authorization equipment.
from services providers for the respective
equipment for which AMC/CMC may be in (ix)
The maintenance service provider
existence. shall be identifying and responding to
requests seeking maintenance of all
(iv) For Medical Equipment that is currently
Biomedical Equipment available in the
under warranty. The service provider shall
district/sub district/state up to the level
administer all maintenance activities on
of Primary Health Center(PHC) through
behalf of the state health department for
the Maintenance Process Tracking
the entire duration.
Identification Number (MPT-IDs).
(v) For all medical equipment that is under
any form of AMC/CMC/Spares agreement (x)
Maintenance service provider shall
or under warranty, the state health establish and operate an exclusive
department shall not be renewing 24x7-customer care centre for accepting
the equipment specific maintenance calls and managing the maintenance
contracts services.
Type of Breakdown
User Technical
SL. No. Equipment Nurses Doctors Electrical Mother I/O Other Mechanical
Board Device
Main Internal
Power Power
Supply Supply
f )
The Provider must equip the trained 15. Radiation Safety & Disaster Management:
biomedical/clinical engineering human In many countries, radiological equipment
resource with required vehicles to reach is within the jurisdiction of a separate entity
out to sites as well as vehicles to carry outside Ministry/Department of Health or even
tools and equipment to and from the site. the regulator of health products. In such cases,
The Provider must also ensure that no usually type approval certification awarded to
equipment is transferred across health manufacturers of radiological devices with an
facilities to meet requirements at random undertaking that they would be responsible for
Generally a review meeting with interested parties e. Duration of the contracts with details on terms
also called as a pre-bid meeting is desirable prior to and conditions of extension, dissolution and
the formulation of a contract. This helps the public termination.
entity to understand the extent to which market f.
Details of all financial and administrative
competencies could satisfy a proposed need and resources that either partner would be
also helps public service providers to understand committed to contribute for the successful
and get answers to technical queries regarding operation of the contractual relationship.
a proposed contract. Such a process encourages
Key performance indicators based on which
transparency and competition.
performance of the service provider would be
A contract is a framework elaborating the measured.
essential and non-negotiable elements of a
Periodicity and methodology for monitoring
professional relationship detailing the roles
and evaluation.
and responsibilities of each partner. It also
helps answer operational questions that may i. Mechanisms for monitoring of the contract.
arise during the fulfillment of the professional j. Eligibility criteria for the bidder to qualify for
relationship during the time period for which the selection as maintenance service provider.
contract is deemed valid. These may include legal
Framework for prevention and resolution
disputes, financial clarifications, scope of dispute
of disputes with details of regulatory/legal
resolution and arbitration, as well as modalities
jurisdiction for appeals and conditions for
for termination of professional relationship due
to any seen or unforeseen events in the structure
of either partner or in the region at large. l. Identification of persons/entities responsible for
Although, the content of such a contract should commencement and functioning of the contract
ideally be prepared by domain experts, vetted i.e. authorized signatories of the contract.
by legal experts and approved by at least three
layers of administrative authority, for equipment Partnerships are marked by certain specific stages.
maintenance contract, the content should Life cycle of a contractual partnership is fairly
generally include: predictable and each stage has certain specific
outcomes expected to be achieved. Each stage
a. Preamble detailing the object of the contract.
however, must comply with the regulations and
b. Process for registration of the contract. rules as desired by appropriate national/regional
c. All components as given in this document under authority. The stages are summarized below:
the theme ‘ Components of a PPP’ a. P
reparation of the Contract: This includes
Obligations, roles and responsibilities of all discussion amongst the technical, financial,
partners involved with the contract. legal and administrative teams of the inviting
TENDER NO._________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________
PHONE: _____________________________________
URL: ________________________________________
EMAIL: ______________________________________
Section-02: Disclaimer 31
Section-05: Miscellaneous 49
ADDRESS: ___________________________________
PHONE: _____________________________________
URL: ________________________________________
EMAIL: ______________________________________
vii. Closing Date and Time for receipt of Bids Date___________Hrs. (IST)
The information contained in this Request for Proposal. The information contained in this RFP is
Proposal document (the “RFP”) or subsequently selective and is subject to updating, expansion,
provided to the Bidder(s), in documentary or any revision, and amendment. Each recipient must
other form by or on behalf of the Authority or any conduct its own analysis of the information
of its employees or advisors, is provided to Bidder(s) contained in this RFP or to correct any inaccuracies
on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and therein that may be in this RFP and is advised to carry
such other terms and conditions subject to which out its own investigation into the proposed Project,
such information is provided to the Bidder. the legislative and regulatory regime which applies
thereto and by and all matters pertinent to the
Whilst the information in this RFP has been prepared proposed Project and to seek its own professional
in good faith and contains general information in advice on the legal, financial, regulatory and taxation
respect of the Proposed Project, the RFP is not and consequences of entering into any agreement or
does not purport to contain all the information arrangement relating to the proposed Project.
which the Bidder may require.
This RFP includes certain statements, estimates and
Neither the Authority, nor any of its officers or targets with respect to the Project. Such statements,
employees, nor any of their advisers nor consultants estimates and targets reflect various assumptions
accept any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, made by the management, officers, and employees
reasonableness or completeness of, or for any of the Authority, (and the base information on
errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or which they are made) which may or may not prove
otherwise, relating to the proposed Project, or to be correct. No representation or warranty is
makes any representation or warranty, express or given as to the reasonableness of forecasts or the
implied, with respect to the information contained assumptions on which they may be based and
in this RFP or on which this RFP is based or with nothing in this RFP is, or should be relied on as, a
respect to any written or oral information made promise, representation, or warranty.
or to be made available to any of the recipients or
their professional advisers and liability therefore is RFP document and the information contained
hereby expressly disclaimed. therein is meant only for those applying for this
Project, it may not be copied or distributed by the
This RFP document is not an agreement and is recipient to third parties, or used as information
not an offer or invitation by the Government of source by the Bidder or any other in any context,
(insert: Name of State) (hereinafter referred to as other than applying for this proposal.
“Authority”) or its representatives to the prospective
Bidders or any other person. The purpose of this The Authority, its employees and advisors make no
RFP document is to provide interested parties representation or warranty and shall have no liability
with information to assist the formulation of their to any person, including any Bidder under any law,
The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or For and on behalf of
relating to the preparation and submission of its Bid
including but not limited to preparation, copying, Department Of Health and Family
postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with Welfare, Government Of (Insert: Name Of State)
any demonstrations or presentations which may
be required by the Authority or any other costs Address:___________________________
The following definitions and abbreviations, which xi. “Authority” means state governemnt or any
have been used in this RFP shall have the meanings agency authorized by state government.
as indicated below:
3.2.1 Abbreviations:
3.1.1 Definitions: i. “RFP” means Request for Proposal
i. “ Request for Proposal” means a solicitation made ii. “MoU” means Memorandum of Understanding
through a bidding process by the contracting
iii. “PHC” means Primary Health Centre
Authority ( Usually a government body/agency)
for procurement of a service. iv. “CCC” means Centralised Call Centre
The bidder shall specify color codes and
The maintenance service provider shall
uniform for all it’s employees visiting the sites have no obligation to repair any equipment
for maintenance. Here, the word uniform damaged by the user either accidentally
includes identification badge, clothing, (such as falling of equipment on ground)
or willfully at the facility. If requisition for
protection gear, boots, cap and any other
repair of such equipment is made, the
item required for safe delivery of the devices.
maintenance service provider shall have Condemnation of the Biomedical Equipment: the right to invoice it to the contracting
authority annually or on case to case basis
The condemnation committee
as mutually decided.
appointed by the authority at the
district/ state level from time to time for 3.4.4
Site visit and verification of
identification of equipment suitable for information
condemnation of the equipment shall
The Bidders are encouraged to submit
have a representative of the service
their respective bids after visiting the State
of (insert: name of state) (hereinafter
A report indemnifying equipment referred to as “State”) and ascertaining for
requiring condemnation should be themselves of the health profile, health
submitted by the Maintenance Service facilities in the State, the road conditions,
provider once every year preferably traffic, conditions affecting transportation,
before the renewal of the contract for access, applicable laws and regulations,
the subsequent year. and any other matter considered relevant
by them. For ascertaining the condition of
The maintenance Service Provider the existing equipment, the Authority may
should not under any circumstances permit the Bidder to inspect the position of
be the purchaser of spare part or the said equipment.
components of any equipment resulting
out of condemnation. The Bidder is expected to examine carefully
the contents of all the documents provided.
For condemnation of Radiological
Failure of the proposal to comply with the
devices, approval from appropriate
requirements of Request For Proposal (RFP)
authority must be taken and will be at the Bidders’ own risk and make
condemnation be done as per the bid non-responsive.
guidelines issued by the appropriate
3.4.5 Acknowledgement by Bidder User Training: It shall be deemed that by submitting the
A trained representative of the bid, the Bidder has:
maintenance Service Provider shall (a)
made a complete and careful
be available during installation, examination of the RFP;
(c) satisfied itself about all matters, things (a) at any time, a material misrepresentation
and information required for submitting is made or uncovered,
an informed bid, execution of the
Project in accordance with the bidding
documents and performance of all of its (b) the Bidder does not provide, within
obligations there under; the time specified by the Authority,
the supplemental information sought
acknowledged and agreed that by the Authority for evaluation of the
inadequacy, lack of completeness or Bid.
incorrectness of information provided
in the RFP or ignorance of any of the In case it is found during the evaluation
matters referred shall not be a basis for or at any time before signing of the
any claim for compensation, damages, Agreement or after its execution and
extension of time for performance of its during the period of subsistence thereof,
obligations, loss of profits etc. from the that one or more of the qualification
Authority, or a ground for termination conditions have not been met by the
of the Agreement; Bidder, or the Bidder has made material
misrepresentation or has given any
(e) acknowledged that it does not have a materially incorrect or false information,
Conflict of Interest; and the Bidder shall be disqualified forthwith
and notwithstanding anything to the
(f )
agreed to be bound by the
contrary contained in this RFP, be liable
undertakings provided by it under and
to be terminated, by a communication
in terms hereof
in writing by the Authority to the Bidder, The Authority shall not be liable for any without the Authority being liable in any
omission, mistake or error in respect of any manner whatsoever to the Bidder and
of the above or on account of any matter without prejudice to any other right or
or thing arising out of or concerning or remedy which the Authority may have
relating to the RFP or the bidding process, under this RFP, the bidding documents,
including any error or mistake therein or the Agreement or under applicable law.
in any information or data given by the
Authority. The Authority reserves the right to verify
all statements, information and documents
submitted by the Bidder in response to the
3.4.6 Right to accept or reject any or all RFP. Any such verification or lack of such
bids verification by the Authority shall not relieve Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bidder of its obligations or liabilities
this RFP, the Authority reserves the right hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the
to accept or reject any Bid and to annul Authority there under.
the Bidding process and reject all bids,
at any time without any liability or any
obligation for such acceptance, rejection
or annulment, and without assigning 3.5 Contents of RFP Documents
any reasons thereof. In the event that the
i. Data Sheet
Authority rejects or annuls all the bids, it
may, in its discretion, invite all bidders to ii. Disclaimer
submit fresh Bids hereunder. iii. Request for Proposal
3.8.3 The Proposal shall be accompanied by the (ii) to sign the Agreement; or
Project Undertaking on the letter head of (iii)
to furnish the Performance Security
the Lead Member (in case of Consortium) within the period of 30 (Thirty) days
or single entity as the case may be as per from the date of issue of LOI; or
FORMAT 6. (d) As per the relevant provisions of this RFP
3.8.4 All witnesses and sureties shall be persons and Agreement.
of status and probity and their full names,
addresses and telephone numbers/mobile 3.10 S
ealing and Signing of
numbers shall be stated below their Proposal
signature. All signatures in the Proposal 3.10.1
The Bidder shall submit one original and
documents shall be dated. two copies of Qualification Bid in the format
as provided in clause 3.6.2 and shall mark
3.9 Bid Security the original qualification Bid as “Original”
3.9.1 The Bidder is required to deposit, along with and the two copies as “Duplicate”. Duplicate
its bid, a bid security of Rs. (Insert Amount) Proposals may contain all pages as in Original
(the “Bid Security”), refundable not later than Proposal. The Bidder should also submit these
180 days from the Proposal Due Date, except documents in electronic form on a CD and seal
in the case of the Selected Bidder whose Bid it in an envelope and mark the envelope as
Security shall be retained.
“PART 1: Qualification Bid for Maintenance of
3.9.2 The Bid Security should be in the form of Biomedical Equipment in the state of (Insert: Name
demand draft. Demand draft should be of State)”.
in favour of (insert: name of authority)’, 3.10.2 The envelope shall contain all the FORMATS
payable on any Scheduled Bank in (insert: provided in clause 3.6.2 along with the
name of city). supporting documents.
3.9.3 The Bid Security shall be forfeited as damages 3.10.3
The Bidder shall submit and mark one
without prejudice to any other right or remedy original copy of Financial Bid in a separate
that may be available to the Authority under sealed envelope. The envelope containing
the Bidding Documents and/or under the Financial Bid shall clearly bear the following
Agreement, or otherwise, under the following identification
“Part 2: Maintenance of Biomedical Equipment in
If any Bidder engages in a corrupt the sate of (Insert: Name of State)”.
practice, fraudulent practice, coercive
practice, undesirable practice or 3.10.4 The Bidder shall submit the Bid Security in a
restrictive practice as specified in Section sealed envelope and mark the envelope as
4 of this RFP; “Bid Security”.
3.10.8 The pages of each part of the Proposal shall 3.12 Late Proposals
be clearly numbered, indexed and stamped 3.12.1 Proposals received by the Authority after the
with the office seal of the Bidder. specified time on the Proposal Due Date shall
not be eligible for consideration and shall be
3.10.9 All documents should be submitted in a
returned unopened.
hard bound form. The Proposal should not
include any loose papers.
3.13 Modifications /
3.10.10 The Proposal shall be signed and each page Substitution / Withdrawal
of the Proposal shall be initialed by a person of Proposals
or persons duly authorised to sign on behalf
of the Bidder and holding the Power of 3.13.1 The Bidder shall submit the final proposal
Attorney. by the Proposal Due Date and Time. No
Proposal shall be modified, substituted or
Each of the envelopes shall indicate the withdrawn by the applicant/bidder after
complete name, address, telephone number the submission of the proposal.
(with country and city code), e-mail, and
facsimile number of the Bidder.
3.14 Clarifications and Pre-Bid
3.10.12 Each envelope shall be addressed to: (Insert Conference
Address of Authority) 3.14.1
A prospective Bidder requiring any
clarification on the RFP documents may
The Authority reserves the right to
submit their queries and suggestions prior
reject any Proposal which is not sealed
to the last date for receiving queries.
and marked as instructed above and
will assume no responsibility for the 3.14.2
The Authority shall schedule a pre bid
misplacement or premature opening of conference to discuss the issues related to the
the Proposal. Project with all the prospective Bidders. The
prospective Bidders may raise any queries
3.11 Proposal Due Date and during the pre bid conference, in addition to
Time those submitted earlier. The Authority on its
discretion may also hold further discussions
3.11.1 Proposal should be submitted positively by with the prospective Bidders to finalise any
(Insert Date), (the “Proposal Due Date”), at other related issues to the Project, before
the address given in Clause 3.10.2 in the final submission of the Proposals. This would
manner and form as detailed in this RFP. be common for all the Bidders.
Email: _____________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
Subject: Proposal To provide Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Services through Service Provider across
(insert: name of state) that would be accessible through a 24-hour toll free number (Centralized Call Center).
Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to your RFP document dated ***** I/we, having examined the Bidding Documents and
understood their contents, hereby submit my/our Proposal for the aforesaid Project. The Proposal is
unconditional and unqualified.
I/ We acknowledge that the Authority will be relying on the information provided in the Proposal and the
documents accompanying the Proposal for selection of the Bidder for the aforesaid Project, and we certify
This statement is made for the express purpose of our selection as Bidder for the operation of the aforesaid
I/ We shall make available to the Authority any additional information which may found to be necessary or
required to supplement or authenticate the Proposal.
I/ We acknowledge the right of the Authority to reject our Proposal without assigning any reason or otherwise
and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any
account whatsoever.
I/We certify that in the last three years, we/ any of the Consortium Members or our/their associates
have not been barred by the Government of (Insert: Name of state), any other State Government or
Government of India from participating in any project, and the bar does not subsists as on the Proposal
Due Date,
I/ We understand that you may cancel the bidding process at any time and that you are neither bound
to accept any bid that you may receive nor to invite the Bidders to bid for the Project, without incurring
any liability to the Bidders, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid out in the RFP document.
I/ We believe that we/ our consortium satisfy(s) the Financial criteria and meet(s) the requirements as
specified in the RFP document.
I/ We declare that we/ any member of the consortium, or our/ its associates are not a member of any other
consortium submitting a Proposal for the Project.
I/ We certify that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the country, we/ any member of the
consortium or any of our/ their associates have not been convicted by a Court of Law or indicted or adverse
orders passed by a regulatory authority which could cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the Project or
which relates to a grave offence that outrages the moral sense of the community.
I/ We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country, we/any
member of consortium or any of our/ their associates have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the
Government or convicted by a Court of Law.
I/ We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either against us or against
our Associates or against our CEO or any of our Directors/ Managers/ employees.
I/ We undertake that in case due to any change in facts or circumstances during the bidding process, we
are attracted by the provisions of disqualification in terms of the guidelines referred to above, we shall
intimate the Authority of the same immediately.
I/ We understand that the Selected Bidder shall incorporate a Company under the Companies Act, 1956
prior to execution of the Agreement.
I/We hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any stage at law or howsoever
otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the Authority in connection with the
selection of the Bidder, or in connection with the bidding process itself, in respect of the above mentioned
Project and the terms and implementation thereof.
I/We have studied all the bidding documents carefully. We understand that except to the extent as
expressly set forth in the Agreement, we shall have no claim, right or title arising out of any documents
or information provided to us by the Authority or in respect of any matter arising out of or relating to the
bidding process including the award of Project.
I/We offer a Bid Security of Rs. (Insert Amount)/- (Rupees (in words)) only to the Authority in accordance
with the RFP Document.
I/We agree and understand that the Bid is subject to the provisions of the Bidding Documents.
In no case,
I/We shall have any claim or right of whatsoever nature if the Project is not awarded to me/us or our Bid is
not opened or rejected.
I/ We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP document.
I/We shall keep this offer valid for 180 (one hundred and eighty days) from the Proposal Due Date as specified
in the RFP. I/We shall keep this offer valid for a specified additional period, not exceeding 90 days from the
Proposal Validity Date, on the request of the Authority.
I/We undertake that no fees, gratuities, rebates, gifts, commissions, or other payments, except those shown
in the bid, have been given or received in connection with the procurement process or contract execution.
In witness thereof, I/we submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the RFP document.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorised signatory)
If the Bidder is not a consortium, the provisions applicable to consortium may be omitted.
Power of Attorney
Know all men by these present, we (name and address of the registered office of the Single Entity / Lead
Member) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorise Mr. / Ms.____________ R/o _____(name and
address of residence) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of _________________
as our authorised representative, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things
necessary in connection with or incidental to the bid of the consortium consisting of, __
and ________ (please state the name and address of the members of the consortium) for “providing
Maintenance Services across (insert: name of state) (the “Project”), including signing and submission of all
documents and providing information / responses to Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government
of(insert: name of state), representing us in all matters in connection with our bid for the said Project.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power
of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be
deemed to have been done by us.
This Power of Attorney shall be effective, binding, and operative till ______ , if not revoked earlier or as long
as the said Attorney is in the service of the Company, whichever is earlier.
For (Signature)
Accept ____________(Signature)
Whereas the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of (Insert: Name of State) (the Authority)
has invited bids from interested parties for “providing Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Services across
(insert: name of state) for a specified Agreement Period.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by Lead Member our said attorney pursuant
to this Power of Attorney and to all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney.
1. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid
down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required
the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
2. Also wherever required, the executant(s) should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as resolution/ Power of attorney in favour of the person executing
this Power of attorney for the designation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
3. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document shall be authenticated by the
Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being executed.
However, a Power of Attorney executed in a country that has signed the Hague Legislation Convention,
1961 is not required to be authenticated by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Apostille
1. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in our proposal are true and correct.
The undersigned hereby certifies that M/s___________
have not abandoned any work for the
Government of (Insert: Name of State) or any other State Government during last five years prior to
the date of this Bid.
3. The undersigned also hereby certifies that M/s__________ have not been debarred/blacklisted by
Government of (Insert: Name of State), or any other State Government or Government of India for any
b) The M/s......................have/has neither been convicted of any offence nor any criminal case(s) is/are
pending before any Competent Court.
5. The undersigned hereby authorise(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm, Competent Authority or
corporation to furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by Department of
Health & Family Welfare, Government of (Insert: Name of state), to verify this statement or regarding
competence and general reputation of M/s...............................
6. The undersigned understands and agrees that further qualifying information may be requested, and
agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the Department of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of (Insert: Name of State),
Anti-Collusion Certificate
1. I/We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of this Proposal, I/We have not
acted in concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed,
or thing which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive.
2. I/We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to any
person or agency in connection with the instant Proposal.
Phone: _________________________________
Subject: Proposal providing 24 x 7 Maintenance Services through Service Provider across all districts
in (insert: name of state).
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have read and understood the Request for Proposal (RFP) in respect of the captioned Project provided to
us by the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of (Insert: Name of State)
Notwithstanding any qualifications of conditions, whether implied or otherwise, contained in our Proposal,
we hereby represent and confirm that our Proposal is unconditional in all respects and we agree to the
contents, terms and conditions of the RFP and the Agreement, a draft of which also forms a part of the RFP
provided to us.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into this day of 201_ at _______
Among (hereinafter referred as” ”) and having office at (Insert : Address) , India Party of the First Part
____________(hereinafter referred as” ”) and having office at (Insert : Address), India Party of the Second
____________(hereinafter referred as” ”) and having office at (Insert : Address), India Party of the Third
_____________(hereinafter referred as”___”) , and having office at (Insert : Address), India party of the
fourth part
Whereas the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of (Insert : Name of State) , has invited
Qualification Proposal and Financial Proposal from entities interested in “Providing Biomedical Equipment
Maintenance Services across (insert: name of state) called the “Project” for a specified time period.
And Whereas the Parties have had discussions for formation of a consortium for bidding for the said Project
and have reached an understanding on the following points with respect to the Parties’ rights and obligations
towards each other and their working relationship.
1. That the Parties shall carry out all responsibilities as Bidder in terms of the Agreement.
2. The Parties hereby undertake to perform the roles and responsibilities Party of the First Part shall be the
Lead member of the consortium and shall have the power of attorney from all Parties for conducting
all business for and on behalf of the consortium during the bidding process and until the Effective Date
under the Agreement when all the obligations of the co shall become effective;
3. The Parties affirm that they shall implement the Project in good faith and shall take all necessary steps
to carry out the Project expeditiously. They shall not negotiate with any other party for this Project
except without the written permission of the Bidder if required.
4. The Parties do hereby undertake to be jointly and severally responsible for all obligations and liabilities
relating to the Project and in accordance with the terms of the RFP and the Agreement, till the Agreement
Period for the Project is achieved under and in accordance with the Agreement.
5. That this MoU shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India and courts in (Insert Name of
City) shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes arising from the terms herein.
(Signature) (Name)
(Designation) (Address)
(Party of the second part)
(Party of the third part)
Party of the fourth part)
1. The mode of execution of the MoU should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by
the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required the same
should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
2. Also wherever required, the executant(s) should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as resolution/ Power of attorney in favour of the person executing this
Power of attorney for the designation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
“RESOLVED THAT approval of the Board be and is hereby granted to join the consortium with ,
and (name and address of the consortium members) for joint submission of bids to the Department
of Health & Family Welfare, Government of (Insert: Name of State) for “Providing Biomedical Equipment
Maintenance Services across (insert: name of state) called the “Project”.
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the “draft” Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be entered into with the
consortium partners (a copy whereof duly initialed by the Chairman is tabled in the meeting) be and is
hereby approved.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. (name), (designation) be and is hereby authorised to enter
into an MoU, on behalf of the company, with the consortium members and to sign the bidding documents
on behalf of the consortium for submission of the bidding documents and execute a power of attorney in
favour of the Company as Lead Member .”
“RESOLVED THAT approval of the Board be and is hereby granted to join the consortium
with , and
(name and address of the Consortium members) for
joint submission of bids to the Department of Health &
Family Welfare, Government of (Insert: Name of State) for the Project”.
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the “draft” Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU) to be entered into with the
consortium partners (a copy whereof duly initialed by the Chairman is tabled in the meeting) be and is
hereby approved.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. (name), (designation) be and is hereby authorised to enter
into an MoU with the consortium members and execute a power of attorney in favour of to act as the Lead
I /We also approve the Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU) to be entered into with the consortium
I/We also authorise Mr. (name), (designation) to enter into an MoU with the consortium members and to
sign the bidding documents on behalf of the consortium for submission of the bidding documents and
execute a Power of Attorney in favour of the Company as “Lead Member .”
I /We also approve the Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU) to be entered into with the consortium
I/We also authorise Mr. (name), (designation) to enter into an MoU with the consortium
members and execute a Power of Attorney in favour of______________________ to act as the Lead Member”
Each member of the consortium will have to attach its Board Resolution/ Undertaking as the case may be,
approving the participation in the consortium, bidding for the Project and authorising a company official to
sign the bidding documents / Power of Attorney to the Lead Member.
Note: Details to be provided for the Bidder / Lead Member / each member of consortium (in case of
Details of Organisation
Name of Organisation
Type Legal Entity
Year of Incorporation/ registration
Name of the Authority/Jurisdiction under which the
Legal entity is
incorporated or registered.
Statute Legislation under which the Legal entity is
Registration Number
Registered Address
Correspondence Address & Head Office
Does Memorandum of Association/Trust Deed/Articles
of Association permit the organization to carry out the
business of Medical Equipment Maintenance
Number of years of operation in Medical Equipment
Relevant Qualification Details Years wise and State Wise/
Hospital wise.
1. State wise/ Hospital wise
Name of the State / Province/ Hospitals where Medical
Equipment Maintenance services are operational
Years of experience in Medical Equipment operations in
the State/ Hospitals.
Current areas of operation – specify (Names of the Districts/ Hospitals).
Number of Service Centres
Number of Hospital Contracts and total number of beds
(copies of hospital contracts to be enclosed)
Number and type of equipment repaired through
Service Centres
Number of Centralized Call centers (CCCs) / call centre
Location and address of the CCC/Call Centre.
Average volume of daily calls received per CCC / call
Certificate of Satisfactory Performance
The Bidder should provide details of experience of only those Projects of “providing Biomedical Equipment
Maintenance Services which is undertaken by it under its own name / under the names of the consortium
The Bidder should provide the experience details of services provided at each location / State / country /
undertaken. The experience of the single entity’s associate or consortium member’s associates (who are not
members of the consortium) will also be considered.
In case the Bidder is a consortium, the above information should be provided for each member.
In role of member specify whether single entity, or in case of consortium specify whether Lead Member.
1. Introduction
To address the gap in technology management and maintenance in district and sub-district hospitals in
the country, a model has been conceived on the lines of public-private partnership for maintenance of all
biomedical equipment across PHCs, CHCs and DHs in (insert: name of state)
To map the inventory of all medical equipment in following (insert: number of districts) Districts of (insert:
name of state) across all District Hospitals, CHCs, BPHCs and PHCs:
S. No. Name of the District No. of District No. of Primary No. of Community Total Health
Hospital health Center Health Centers Facilities
Data Sources
The Biomedical Equipment inventory mapping will use the following data sources:
Data 1: Line listing of Medical Devices or Mapping Technologies in district & sub- district centers
Data 4: Any other information required for the purposes of equipment inventory mapping
3. Budget
A budget for Rs. ………………………….. each district i.e. Rs. (insert: total amount) (INR) for all (insert: number
of districts) districts is allocated for this task in the following manner:
a. 30% upon acceptance of work order and signing of the contract
b. 30% upon completion of work in 50% of districts and submission of data sheets.
c 40% upon completion of work in all the districts and submitting data sheets for the entire project