Evidence Memorable Moments
Evidence Memorable Moments
Evidence Memorable Moments
Fuente: SENA
In this evidence, you will have to record an audio file. Please record the questions
and the corresponding answers changing the highlighted in bold. / En esta
evidencia de aprendizaje, usted deberá grabar un archivo de audio. Por favor
grabe las preguntas y las respectivas respuestas modificando lo resaltado en
letra negrita.
3. What was your first school? My first school was “san luis Gonzaga”
It was in san luis.
4. When did you start school? I started school in 2007. I was 5
years old.
5. When did you finish school? I'm still in school and I'm in eleventh
12. What was the most important The most important event last year was
event in your life last year? that we went to the volleyball final.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as
Criterios de evaluación
• Describe experiencias pasadas teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical,
vocabulario y contexto requeridos.