Nrol Blank Training Log For Life

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NRoLforLife Phase 1 Workout A # of


start time duration energy level exertion Strength

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Squat (1-2 sets, 15 reps)

weight weight
reps reps

RAMP Choose from…

pre1: supported bodyweight squat; 1: bodyweight squat, suspended bodyweight squat; 2: goblet squat; 3: front squat; 4: back squat, hex-bar deadlift; 5: overhead
kneeling hip flexor / lat stretch 30s each side
Pull (1-2 sets, 15 reps)
single-leg hip raise 8 each side weight weight
reps reps
open half kneeling adductor / ankle mobilization 8 each side
open half kneel with T reach 8 each side Choose from…

squat to stand 6 pre1: split-stance cable row; 1: standing cable row; 2: kneeling lat pulldown, standing lat pulldown; 3: dumbbell 2-point row, dumbbell 3-point row, dumbbell chest
supported row; 4: inverted row, suspended row, 5: chin-up; 5+: pull-up

wall slide 10
forward/backward jump 20
walking knee hug to forward lunge 8 each leg
Single-leg stance (1-2 sets, 15 reps)
side-to-side jump 10 each direction weight
walking lateral lunge 8 each direction
skipping 2 runs of 10-20 yards Choose from…
1: step-up; 2: offset loaded step-up; 3: single-leg romanian deadlift; pre4: supported single-leg squat; 4: single-leg squat; 5: single-leg deadlift; 5+: crossover step-
carioca run 2 runs of 10-20 yards up, sprinter step-up, overhead sprinter step-up

lateral shuffle 2 runs of 10-20 yards Push (1-2 sets, 15 reps)

weight weight
reps reps

Choose from…
pre1: push-up with hands elevated; 1: push-up; 2: push-up with hands suspended; 3: T push-up, T push-up with weights; 4: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-
Core arm bench press; 5: dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell alternating shoulder press; 5+: barbell bench press, barbell board press

Stability (2 sets, 30 seconds) set 1 set 2

Choose from…
pre1: Torso elevated plank / modified side plank; 1: plank / side plank; 2: plank / side plank - reduced base of support; 3: feet-elevated plank / side plank;
4: feet-elevated plank / side plank - reduced base of support; 5: feet-elevated plank / side plank - unstable contact; 5+: feet-elevated plank / side plank - reduced base
Metabolic (choose 1 from your level)
of support - unstable contact

level 1 level 2/3 level 4/5 level 5+ 5-10 min

Dynamic Stability (2 sets, 10 reps) set 1 set 2
bodyweight squat burpee barbell matrix jump rope
step-up kettlebell swing farmer’s walk stair runs
Choose from…
1: plank and pulldown / side plank and row; 2: push-away / side plank & row - reduced support base; 3: spiderman plank / swiss-ball (or slides) mountain climber;
shadow boxing box jump sprints heavy bag
4: cable half-kneeling chop; 4+: cable kneeling chop; 5: cable split-stance chop; 5+: cable horizontal chop
squat/push-up combo

back roll ham roll adductor stretch
Lower Body (2 sets, 5-8 reps)
glute roll quad roll hip flexor/lat stretch
weight weight
reps reps calf roll it-band roll figure-four stretch

Choose from…
1: box jump; 2: body-weight jump squat; 3: kettlebell swing; 4: dumbbell jump squat; 5: dumbbell single arm snatch
NRoLforLife Phase 1 Workout B # of


start time duration energy level exertion Strength

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Hinge (1-2 sets, 15 reps)

weight weight
reps reps

RAMP Choose from…

1: swiss-ball supine hip extension; 2: cable pull-through, romanian deadlift; 3: rack deadlift; 4: deadlift; 5: wide-grip deadlift; 5+: wide-grip deadlift from deficit

kneeling hip flexor / lat stretch 30s each side

Push (1-2 sets, 15 reps)
single-leg hip raise 8 each side weight weight
reps reps
open half kneeling adductor / ankle mobilization 8 each side
open half kneel with T reach 8 each side Choose from…
squat to stand 6 pre1: push-up with hands elevated, 1: push-up, 2: push-up with hands suspended, 3: T push-up, T push-up with weights, 4: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-
arm bench press, 5: dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell alternating shoulder press, 5+: barbell bench press, barbell board press

wall slide 10
forward/backward jump 20
walking knee hug to forward lunge 8 each leg
Lunge (1-2 sets, 15 reps)
side-to-side jump 10 each direction weight
walking lateral lunge 8 each direction
skipping 2 runs of 10-20 yards Choose from…
pre1: supported split squat; 1: split squat; 2: dumbbell reverse lunge, goblet reverse lunge, reverse lunge from step; 3: split squat - rear foot elevated, bulgarian split
carioca run 2 runs of 10-20 yards squat, suspended split squat; 4: forward lunge; 5: walking lunge; 5+: (see book to make changes)

lateral shuffle 2 runs of 10-20 yards Pull (1-2 sets, 15 reps)

weight weight
reps reps

Choose from…

pre1: split-stance cable row, 1: standing cable row, 2: kneeling lat pulldown, standing lat pulldown, 3: dumbbell 2-point row, dumbbell 3-point row, dumbbell chest
supported row, 4: inverted row, suspended row, 5: chin-up, 5+: pull-up

Stability (2 sets, 30 seconds) set 1 set 2

Choose from…
pre1: torso elevated plank / modified side plank; 1: plank / side plank; 2: plank / side plank - reduced base of support; 3:feet-elevated plank / side plank; 4:feet- Metabolic (choose 1 from your level)
elevated plank / side plank - reduced base of support; 5: feet-elevated plank / side plank - unstable contact; 5+: feet-elevated plank / side plank - reduced base of
support - unstable contact
level 1 level 2/3 level 4/5 level 5+ 5-10 min
Dynamic Stability (2 sets, 10 reps) set 1 set 2
bodyweight squat burpee barbell matrix jump rope
step-up kettlebell swing farmer’s walk stair runs
Choose from…
1: plank and pulldown / side plank and row; 2: push-away / side plank & row - reduced support base; 3: spiderman plank / swiss-ball (or slides) mountain climber; 4:
shadow boxing box jump sprints heavy bag
cable half-kneeling chop; 4+: cable kneeling chop; 5: cable split-stance chop; 5+: cable horizontal chop
squat/push-up combo

back roll ham roll adductor stretch
Upper Body (2 sets, 5-8 reps)
glute roll quad roll hip flexor/lat stretch
weight weight
reps reps calf roll it-band roll figure-four stretch

Choose from…
1: elevated explosive push-up, medicine-ball push pass from knees; 2: explosive push-up, levitating push-up, medicine-ball push pass; 3: dumbbell push press; 4:
explosive push-up from boexs; 5: dumbbell single arm snatch
NRoLforLife Phase 2 Workout A # of


start time duration energy level exertion Strength

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Lunge (2-4 sets, 10 reps)

weight weight weight weight
reps reps reps reps

RAMP Choose from…

pre1: supported split squat; 1: split squat; 2: dumbbell reverse lunge, goblet reverse lunge, reverse lunge from step; 3: split squat - rear foot elevated, bulgarian split
squat, suspended split squat; 4: forward lunge; 5: walking lunge; 5+: (see book to make changes)
kneeling hip flexor / lat stretch 30s each side
Pull (2-4 sets, 10 reps)
single-leg hip raise 8 each side weight weight weight weight
reps reps reps reps
open half kneeling adductor / ankle mobilization 8 each side
open half kneel with T reach 8 each side Choose from…
squat to stand 6 pre1: split-stance cable row; 1: standing cable row; 2: kneeling lat pulldown, standing lat pulldown; 3: dumbbell 2-point row, dumbbell 3-point row, dumbbell chest
supported row; 4: inverted row, suspended row, 5: chin-up; 5+: pull-up

wall slide 10
forward/backward jump 20
walking knee hug to forward lunge 8 each leg
Hinge (2-4 sets, 10 reps)
side-to-side jump 10 each direction weight
walking lateral lunge 8 each direction
skipping 2 runs of 10-20 yards Choose from…

carioca run 2 runs of 10-20 yards 1: swiss-ball supine hip extension; 2: cable pull-through, romanian deadlift; 3: rack deadlift; 4: deadlift; 5: wide-grip deadlift; 5+: wide-grip deadlift from deficit

lateral shuffle 2 runs of 10-20 yards Push (2-4 sets, 10 reps)

weight weight weight weight
reps reps reps reps

Choose from…

pre1: push-up with hands elevated; 1: push-up; 2: push-up with hands suspended; 3: T push-up, T push-up with weights; 4: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-
arm bench press; 5: dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell alternating shoulder press; 5+: barbell bench press, barbell board press

Stability (2 sets, 30 seconds) set 1 set 2

Choose from…
pre1: Torso elevated plank / modified side plank; 1: plank / side plank; 2: plank / side plank - reduced base of support; 3: feet-elevated plank / side plank; Metabolic (choose 1 from your level)
4: feet-elevated plank / side plank - reduced base of support; 5: feet-elevated plank / side plank - unstable contact; 5+: feet-elevated plank / side plank - reduced base
of support - unstable contact
level 1 level 2/3 level 4/5 level 5+ 5-10 min
bodyweight squat burpee barbell matrix jump rope
Combination step-up kettlebell swing farmer’s walk stair runs
(2 sets, 10 reps)
shadow boxing box jump sprints heavy bag
weight weight
reps reps squat/push-up combo

Choose from…
1: single leg single arm cable row; 2: reverse lunge and cable row; 3: romanian deadlift and row; 4: squat and press; 5: reverse lunge and single-arm press; Recovery
5+: (create your own combo)

back roll ham roll adductor stretch

glute roll quad roll hip flexor/lat stretch
Power calf roll it-band roll figure-four stretch

Lower Body (2 sets, 5 reps)

weight weight
reps reps

Choose from…
1: box jump; 2: body-weight jump squat; 3: kettlebell swing; 4: dumbbell jump squat; 5: dumbbell single arm snatch
NRoLforLife Phase 2 Workout B # of


start time duration energy level exertion Strength

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Single-leg stance (2-4 sets, 10 reps)

weight weight weight weight
reps reps reps reps

RAMP Choose from…

1: step-up; 2: offset loaded step-up; 3: single-leg romanian deadlift; pre4: supported single-leg squat; 4: single-leg squat; 5: single-leg deadlift; 5+: crossover step-
up, sprinter step-up, overhead sprinter step-up
kneeling hip flexor / lat stretch 30s each side
Push (2-4 sets, 10 reps)
single-leg hip raise 8 each side weight weight weight weight
reps reps reps reps
open half kneeling adductor / ankle mobilization 8 each side
open half kneel with T reach 8 each side Choose from…
squat to stand 6 pre1: push-up with hands elevated, 1: push-up, 2: push-up with hands suspended, 3: T push-up, T push-up with weights, 4: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-
arm bench press, 5: dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell alternating shoulder press, 5+: barbell bench press, barbell board press

wall slide 10
forward/backward jump 20
walking knee hug to forward lunge 8 each leg
Squat (2-4 sets, 10 reps)
side-to-side jump 10 each direction weight
walking lateral lunge 8 each direction
skipping 2 runs of 10-20 yards Choose from…
pre1: supported bodyweight squat; 1: bodyweight squat, suspended bodyweight squat; 2: goblet squat; 3: front squat; 4: back squat, hex-bar deadlift; 5: overhead
carioca run 2 runs of 10-20 yards squat

lateral shuffle 2 runs of 10-20 yards Pull (2-4 sets, 10 reps)

weight weight weight weight
reps reps reps reps

Choose from…

pre1: split-stance cable row, 1: standing cable row, 2: kneeling lat pulldown, standing lat pulldown, 3: dumbbell 2-point row, dumbbell 3-point row, dumbbell chest
supported row, 4: inverted row, suspended row, 5: chin-up, 5+: pull-up

Dynamic Stability (2 sets, 10 reps) set 1 set 2

Choose from…
1: plank and pulldown / side plank and row; 2: push-away / side plank & row - reduced support base; 3: spiderman plank / swiss-ball (or slides) mountain climber; 4: Metabolic (choose 1 from your level)
cable half-kneeling chop; 4+: cable kneeling chop; 5: cable split-stance chop; 5+: cable horizontal chop

level 1 level 2/3 level 4/5 level 5+ 10 min

bodyweight squat burpee barbell matrix jump rope
step-up kettlebell swing farmer’s walk stair runs
Power shadow boxing box jump sprints heavy bag
squat/push-up combo
Upper Body (2 sets, 5-8 reps)
weight weight
reps reps
Choose from…
1: elevated explosive push-up, medicine-ball push pass from knees; 2: explosive push-up, levitating push-up, medicine-ball push pass; 3: dumbbell push press; 4: back roll ham roll adductor stretch
explosive push-up from boexs; 5: dumbbell single arm snatch
glute roll quad roll hip flexor/lat stretch
calf roll it-band roll figure-four stretch
NRoLforLife Phase 3 Workout A # of


start time duration energy level exertion Strength

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Hinge (2-3 sets, 12 reps)

weight weight weight
reps reps reps

RAMP Choose from…

1: swiss-ball supine hip extension; 2: cable pull-through, romanian deadlift; 3: rack deadlift; 4: deadlift; 5: wide-grip deadlift; 5+: wide-grip deadlift from deficit

kneeling hip flexor / lat stretch 30s each side

single-leg hip raise 8 each side Push (2-3 sets, 12 reps)
weight weight weight
reps reps reps
open half kneeling adductor / ankle mobilization 8 each side
open half kneel with T reach 8 each side
Choose from…
squat to stand 6 pre1: push-up with hands elevated; 1: push-up; 2: push-up with hands suspended; 3: T push-up, T push-up with weights; 4: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-
arm bench press; 5: dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell alternating shoulder press; 5+: barbell bench press, barbell board press
wall slide 10
forward/backward jump 20 Lunge (2-3 sets, 12 reps)
weight weight weight
reps reps
walking knee hug to forward lunge 8 each leg reps

side-to-side jump 10 each direction

Choose from…
walking lateral lunge 8 each direction pre1: supported split squat; 1: split squat; 2: dumbbell reverse lunge, goblet reverse lunge, reverse lunge from step; 3: split squat - rear foot elevated, bulgarian split
squat, suspended split squat; 4: forward lunge; 5: walking lunge; 5+: (see book to make changes)
skipping 2 runs of 10-20 yards
carioca run 2 runs of 10-20 yards
lateral shuffle 2 runs of 10-20 yards
Pull (2-3 sets, 12 reps)
weight weight weight
reps reps reps

Choose from…

Core pre1: split-stance cable row; 1: standing cable row; 2: kneeling lat pulldown, standing lat pulldown; 3: dumbbell 2-point row, dumbbell 3-point row, dumbbell chest
supported row; 4: inverted row, suspended row, 5: chin-up; 5+: pull-up

Combination (2-3 sets, 12 reps)

Dynamic Stability (2 sets, 10 reps set 1 set 2 weight weight weight
reps reps reps

Choose from…
Choose from… 1: single leg single arm cable row; 2: reverse lunge and cable row; 3: romanian deadlift and row; 4: squat and press; 5: reverse lunge and single-arm press;
1: plank and pulldown / side plank and row; 2: push-away / side plank & row - reduced support base; 3: spiderman plank / swiss-ball (or slides) mountain climber; 4: 5+: (create your own combo)
cable half-kneeling chop; 4+: cable kneeling chop; 5: cable split-stance chop; 5+: cable horizontal chop

Metabolic (choose 1 from your level)

level 1 level 2/3 level 4/5 level 5+ 5-10 min

bodyweight squat burpee barbell matrix jump rope
Lower Body (2 sets, 5 reps) step-up kettlebell swing farmer’s walk stair runs
weight weight
reps reps shadow boxing box jump sprints heavy bag
squat/push-up combo
Choose from…
1: box jump; 2: body-weight jump squat; 3: kettlebell swing; 4: dumbbell jump squat; 5: dumbbell single arm snatch

back roll ham roll adductor stretch
glute roll quad roll hip flexor/lat stretch
calf roll it-band roll figure-four stretch
NRoLforLife Phase 3 Workout B # of


start time duration energy level exertion Strength

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Squat (2-3 sets, 12 reps)

weight weight weight
reps reps reps

RAMP Choose from…

pre1: supported bodyweight squat; 1: bodyweight squat, suspended bodyweight squat; 2: goblet squat; 3: front squat; 4: back squat, hex-bar deadlift; 5: overhead
kneeling hip flexor / lat stretch 30s each side
single-leg hip raise 8 each side Pull (2-3 sets, 12 reps)
weight weight weight
reps reps reps
open half kneeling adductor / ankle mobilization 8 each side
open half kneel with T reach 8 each side
Choose from…
squat to stand 6 pre1: push-up with hands elevated; 1: push-up; 2: push-up with hands suspended; 3: T push-up, T push-up with weights; 4: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell single-
arm bench press; 5: dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell alternating shoulder press; 5+: barbell bench press, barbell board press
wall slide 10
forward/backward jump 20 Single-leg stance (2-3 sets, 12 reps)
weight weight weight
reps reps reps
walking knee hug to forward lunge 8 each leg
side-to-side jump 10 each direction
Choose from…
walking lateral lunge 8 each direction 1: step-up; 2: offset loaded step-up; 3: single-leg romanian deadlift; pre4: supported single-leg squat; 4: single-leg squat; 5: single-leg deadlift; 5+: crossover step-
up, sprinter step-up, overhead sprinter step-up
skipping 2 runs of 10-20 yards
carioca run 2 runs of 10-20 yards
lateral shuffle 2 runs of 10-20 yards Push (2-3 sets, 12 reps)
weight weight weight
reps reps reps

Choose from…

Core pre1: split-stance cable row; 1: standing cable row; 2: kneeling lat pulldown, standing lat pulldown; 3: dumbbell 2-point row, dumbbell 3-point row, dumbbell chest
supported row; 4: inverted row, suspended row, 5: chin-up; 5+: pull-up

Combination (2-3 sets, 12 reps)

Dynamic Stability (2 sets, 10 reps set 1 set 2 weight weight weight
reps reps reps

Choose from…
Choose from… 1: single leg single arm cable row; 2: reverse lunge and cable row; 3: romanian deadlift and row; 4: squat and press; 5: reverse lunge and single-arm press;
1: plank and pulldown / side plank and row; 2: push-away / side plank & row - reduced support base; 3: spiderman plank / swiss-ball (or slides) mountain climber; 4: 5+: (create your own combo)
cable half-kneeling chop; 4+: cable kneeling chop; 5: cable split-stance chop; 5+: cable horizontal chop

Metabolic (choose 1 from your level)

level 1 level 2/3 level 4/5 level 5+ 10 min

Power bodyweight squat burpee barbell matrix jump rope

step-up kettlebell swing farmer’s walk stair runs
Upper Body (2 sets, 5 reps)
weight weight
shadow boxing box jump sprints heavy bag
reps reps
squat/push-up combo

Choose from…
1: elevated explosive push-up, medicine-ball push pass from knees; 2: explosive push-up, levitating push-up, medicine-ball push pass; 3: dumbbell push press; 4:
explosive push-up from boexs; 5: dumbbell single arm snatch Recovery
back roll ham roll adductor stretch
glute roll quad roll hip flexor/lat stretch
calf roll it-band roll figure-four stretch

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