PPFD Conversion Guide: We Care That All Your Plants Grow Uniformly. ™
PPFD Conversion Guide: We Care That All Your Plants Grow Uniformly. ™
PPFD Conversion Guide: We Care That All Your Plants Grow Uniformly. ™
The following calculations can be used to convert Foot-candles (FC) and Lux into PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux
Density); measured in µmol/m-2 s-1 and expressed as micromoles per meter squared per second. PPFD is the correct
method to express the intensity of PAR (400-700nm) light that is instantaneously landing on a single spot in a plant
canopy. The correct instrument to measure PPFD is called a quantum meter; like the LBGQM from Hydrofarm.
Multiply the Lux by the conversion factor to get PPFD. Multiply the PPFD by the conversion factor to get Lux.
For example, full sunlight is 108,000 Lux For example, full sunlight is 2000 µmol m -2 s -1
or 2000 µmol m-2 s -1 (108,000 x 0.0185) or 108,000 Lux (2000 x 54).
Conversion data provided by Apogee Instruments, Logan, UT
Foot-candles (FC) to PPFD (µmol m -2 s-1) PPFD (µmol m -2 s-1) to Foot-candles (FC)
Sunlight 0.200 Sunlight 5.01
Cool White Fluorescent 0.146 Cool White Fluorescent 6.87
Mogul Base HPS 0.131 Mogul Base HPS 7.62
DE 1000W HPS 0.141 DE 1000W HPS 7.11
Metal Halide 0.152 Metal Halide 6.60
Philips 315W Agro 3100K CMH 0.184 Philips 315W Agro 3100K CMH 5.45
Philips 315W 4200K CMH 0.167 Philips 315W 4200K CMH 6.01
Multiply the FC by the conversion factor to get PPFD. Multiply the PPFD by the conversion factor to get FC.
For example, full sunlight is 10,020 FC For example, full sunlight is 2000 µmol m -2 s -1
or 2000 µmol m-2 s -1 (10200 x 0.02) or 10,020 FC (2000 x 5.01).
Conversion data provided by Apogee Instruments, Logan, UT
400 2180 23600
500 2725 29500
600 3270 35400
700 3815 41300
800 4360 47200
900 4905 53100
1000 5450 59000
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