Articulating Joint
Articulating Joint
Articulating Joint
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2 authors, including:
Rob Dwyer-Joyce
The University of Sheffield
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rob Dwyer-Joyce on 15 September 2016.
ABSTRACT end the pin, usually steel, is free to rotate in bushes that are
Pin joints are used in many items of industrial machinery press fitted or welded into structural components. As the
where two structural members are required to articulate. A pin structural members articulate the pin rotates in the bush and
is assembled between typically four bushes. As the members then returns. The cost of the machine and the loading regime
articulate the pin rotates relatively slowly inside the bushes. A dictates the design of the pin joint. For example high end joints
hydraulic test machine has been developed to load and in landing gear use hollow corrosion resistant alloy steel pins
articulate a 56 mm diameter pin held in four bushes, typical of rotating inside aluminium bronze bushes with designed
that found in earth moving machinery and aircraft landing gear. lubrication channels; whilst a mass produced earth mover
The rig is capable of applying realistic loads and speeds of might use a solid steel pin in a simple steel bush welded to the
articulation, whilst measuring torque and angular displacement. chassis.
The test machine design and operation is described. The joints usually rotate at relatively slow speed,
The pin joint is lubricated with mineral oil based grease. compared to a conventional journal bearing. Lubrication is with
Joint rotation is relatively slow and hydrodynamic calculations a single grease fill that is topped up to a service schedule. Since
predict that the joint operates in the boundary regime. During a a machine may have many pin joints, re-lubrication is costly
single cycle the torque remains largely constant, with a static and liable to be intermittent. In this project tribological design
friction peak at the beginning and end of the cycle. of the pin joint assembly has been studied. A purpose built rig
Measurements of the torque during articulation demonstrate has been used to load and articulate the joint whilst studying
friction coefficients varying from 0.02 to 0.12 depending on the contact stress and frictional torque behaviour.
rotational speed.
The contact stress distribution between the pin and PIN JOINT FUNCTION TESTER
bushes was estimated by an ultrasonic method. An ultrasonic Figure 1 shows the pin joint test assembly. The apparatus uses a
pulse was sent through the hollow pin and reflected back from double fork arrangement (one in blue and the other in yellow).
the pin-bush interface. High contact pressures causes To simplify analysis of the pin and bush contacts and to turn
conformity between the pin and bush and so the wave passes and drive the pin, the outer fork bush bearings were replaced
through. The proportion of the sound wave reflected was used with roller bearings. Therefore for all pin function tests only
to estimate the contact stress distribution. The results showed the central yellow fork, bush bearing contacts, were tested. A
how the stress is maximum in the outer bushes and over a 60° hydraulic cylinder fits in the space between the outer blue fork
arc of the pin. The results of the study can be used to and the inner yellow fork. This is used to apply the lateral load
understand how pin joints function and how they may be on the joint (in steps from 0 to 180 kN). The whole assembly
optimised. sits on top of a MAYES Torsion/ Tension servo-hydraulic
machine. Only the torsion actuator is used in this case (i.e. the
INTRODUCTION pin has no axial loading).
Pin joints are everywhere in machines. From simple split To drive and turn the pin during testing, four slots were
pins in mechanical linkages, to heavy load bearing pins in earth wire cut at one end of all test pins. The slots enabled a direct
moving equipment or aircraft landing gear. At the heavy duty line axial coupling via a splined interface to the MAYES rig
2 Hz
1 Hz
0.2 0.1 Hz
0.02 Hz
0 10 20 30 40 50
Pin Load, kN
Figure 4 Series of torque cycles at increasing pin lateral load.
Figure 2. Predicted oil film formation for various pin joint
rotational frequencies and applied loads. Figure 5 and 6 shows the variation in friction coefficient with
applied load and speed. The coefficient is virtually independent
The expected film thickness for normal operation of the pin is of the load; this suggests that the applied load is not changing
less than 1 micron, which is substantially less than the the lubrication regime. The hydrodynamic film calculations
combined roughness of the pin and bush surfaces, 7µm. presented in figure 2 indicates that over this load and speed
range the oil film thickness generated varies from 0.03 to
0.10 80.0
Coefficient of Friction
0.08 70.0
5 kN
0.06 20 kN
40 kN
60 kn Average
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Radial Load, kN
0.10 -90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Angle (degrees)
Coefficient of Friction
Figure 7. Radial pressure distribution axially along the pin.
A novel hydraulic pin joint function test machine was designed
and constructed. This loaded and articulated the pin joint in a
0.00 controlled manner within the bushes. Hydrodynamic
0.01 0.1 1 10
calculations have shown that the oil film is thin for normal
Articulation frequency, Hz
operation of the joint and boundary lubrication is expected.
Figure 6. Variation of friction coefficient with pin rotational This is supported by torque measurements on the test rig which
frequency. indicated friction coefficients in the range 0.02 to 0.12. The
friction was largely independent of load but depended strongly
CONTACT STRESS on speed as more lubricant is entrained into the contact. An
An ultrasonic transducer was passed down through the hollow ultrasonic approach has been used to determine the
pin (figure 7 shows the test schematic). The reflection of the circumferential stress distribution between the pin and bush.
ultrasonic pulse can be used to estimate the contact stress The load is supported over approximately a 60° arc, regardless
between the bush and the pin. For details of the method see [2]. of the applied load. The distribution is closer to parabolic than
The transducer was scanned radially around a single pin/bush uniform within this arc. This data can be used to better design
contact. The tests were repeated for four different loads on the for the contact loading of the pin and bush.
pin. The pressure distributions are shown as figure 7.
The load is concentrated over an arc of 60 to 80° of the REFERENCES
circumference. The pressure clearly peaks at the position [1] Cameron, A (1966), Principles of Lubrication, Longmans,
directly opposite to the application of the load (0°). London.
[2] Dwyer-Joyce, R.S. and Drinkwater, B.W., (2004), “In-Situ
Measurement of Contact Area and Pressure Distribution in
Machine Elements”, Tribology Letters, Vol. 14, pp 41-52