Mechanics Worksheet
Mechanics Worksheet
Mechanics Worksheet
The force F is just strong enough to raise the 30 kg mass off the ground.
30 kg
F = ................................................................
Instead of applying the force F to the far end of the lever, a 34 kg mass is placed there.
34 kg
30 kg
Draw on the diagram above, the forces acting on the 34 kg mass. Explain why it
accelerates downwards.
(Total 6 marks)
2. A catapult fires an 80 g stone horizontally. The graph shows how the force on the stone
varies with distance through which the stone is being accelerated horizontally from rest.
F o rc e /N
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
D is ta n c e /c m
Use the graph to estimate the work done on the stone by the catapult.
Calculate the speed with which the stone leaves the catapult.
Speed = ............................................................
(Total 6 marks)
3. The graph shows how the height above the ground of the top of a soft bouncing ball varies
with time.
B a ll
H e ig h t o f
to p o f
b o u n c in g
b a ll
tA tB tC tD
Describe briefly the principal energy changes which occur between the times
tA and tB ................................................................................................................................
tA and tC ...............................................................................................................................
tC and tD ..............................................................................................................................
(Total 6 marks)
11. An athlete of mass 55 kg runs up a flight of stairs of vertical height 3.6 m in 1.8 s. Calculate
the power that this athlete develops in raising his mass.
Power = .........................................................
One way of comparing athletes of different sizes is to compare their power-to-weight ratios.
Find a unit for the power-to-weight ratio in terms of SI base units.
17. The free-body force diagram shows the two principal forces which act on a parachutist at the
instant of first contact with the ground.
(Total 4 marks)
18. The diagram illustrates an elastic collision between two spheres, A and B, of equal mass.
1 0 c m
1 0 c m
Sphere A is tied to the end of a long vertical thread and pulled to one side until it has risen a
distance of 10 cm. It is then released and comes to rest when it strikes the sphere B which is
resting on a smooth flat support.
Sphere B travels a horizontal distance d before it hits the ground after falling 10 cm.
Speed = .........................................................
Time= .........................................................
Calculate the distance d
Distance = .........................................................
(Total 12 marks)
21. A mass is oscillating vertically on the end of a spring. Explain what happens to the
following quantities as the mass rises from the bottom of its motion to the top.
Kinetic energy
After a long time, the mass stops oscillating. What has happened to the energy?
(Total 6 marks)
22. The diagram shows a man standing on a planet.
Complete and label two free-body force diagrams in the space below, one for the man and
one for the planet.
The man is in equilibrium. Explain what can be deduced about the forces acting on the man.
(Total 5 marks)
You are asked to test the relation between force and acceleration.
State clearly how you would use the apparatus and what measurements you would make.
Explain how you would use your measurements to test the relationship between force and
(Total 11 marks)
25. The “engine” of a hang-glider is the gravitational field of the Earth. Hang-gliders drop
slowly through the air during their flight. The weight of a reasonably efficient hang-glider,
including the pilot, is about 900N. When the forward flight speed has a steady value of 18
ms-1, the sinking speed is approximately 1.2 m s-1.
Calculate the decrease in potential energy per second.
Decrease = .........................................................
The maximum steady power output of a fit racing cyclist over several hours is about 400 W.
Explain why sustained man-powered flight is difficult to achieve.
(Total 6 marks)
27. Write down a word equation which defines the magnitude of a force.
Two forces have equal magnitudes. State three ways in which these two equal forces can
(Total 5 marks)
30. Each of the following graphs can be used to describe the motion of a body falling from rest.
(Air resistance may be neglected.)
Which graph shows how the kinetic energy of the body (y-axis) varies with the distance
fallen (x-axis)?
Graph ………………………………………………………………………………………
Which graph shows how the distance fallen (y-axis) varies with the time (x-axis)?
Graph ………………………………………………………………………………………
Which graph shows the relationship between acceleration (y-axis) and distance (x-axis)?
Graph ………………………………………………………………………………………
(Total 9 marks)
32. The diagram shows a smooth wooden board 30 cm long. One end is raised 15 cm above the
other. A 100 g mass is placed on the board. The two forces acting on the 100 g mass are
shown on the free-body force diagram.
15 cm
100 g
N o rm a l c o n ta c t fo rc e
100 g m ass
W e ig h t
Explain with the aid of a sketch why the resultant force on the 100 g mass acts parallel to the
board and downwards.
Magnitude = …………………………………
Calculate the kinetic energy gained by the 100 g mass as it slides down 20 cm of the slope.
The smooth board is replaced by a similar rough board which exerts a frictional force of 0.19
N on the 100 g mass. Calculate the new value for the kinetic energy gained by the 100 g
mass as it slides down 20 cm of slope.
Explain why the final kinetic energy of the 100 g mass is greater when the board is smooth.
(Total 10 marks)
38. The diagram shows a flat wooden board resting on an iron bar and with a heavy block
resting on the left hand end of the board.
M a lle t
B lo c k B o a rd
Iro n b a r
The block is thrown into the air when the right hand end of the board is struck by a mallet.
The diagram below is the free-body force diagram for the wooden board just after the block
has begun to move.
Four forces are shown on the free-body force diagram. W is the weight of the board and A is
the downward push on the board from the block. State whether the magnitude of the force A
is greater than, equal to or less than the weight of the block. Explain your answer.
Force F.............................................................................................................................…..
Force C...........................................................................................................................……
The graph below shows how the resultant force on the block varies with time.
R e s u lta n t fo rc e /N
0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6
T im e /s
Use the graph to find a value for the impulse applied to the block
Impulse = .............................................................
The mass of the block is 7.1 kg. Calculate its maximum upward speed.
Speed = ...................................................................
The force of the board on the block is not equal to the resultant force on the block. Why not?
(Total 10 marks)
A particle is moving along a circular path at constant speed. Use your definition of the term
work to explain why the resultant force acting on the particle must be acting at right angles
to its path.
The diagram shows the velocity vectors at two points along the circular path.
With reference to this diagram, explain briefly why the direction of the acceleration must be
towards the centre of the circle.
(Total 8 marks)
44. The diagram shows a free–body force diagram for an aircraft flying along a straight path and
climbing at constant speed.
Name each of the four forces shown and identify in each case what exerts the force.
Force A ............................................................................................................................….
Force B ............................................................................................................................….
Force C ............................................................................................................................….
Force D ............................................................................................................................….
State whether or not the resultant force is zero. Explain your answer.
(Total 6 marks)
45. The diagrams show a man standing on the Earth and two free-body force diagrams, one for
the man and one for the Earth.
M an E a rth
E a rth
Force A can be described as ‘the Earth pulling the man down with a gravitational force’. Use
a similar form of words to describe force C which forms a Newton third law pair with force
Noting that forces A and C are a Newton third law pair, write down three similarities and
two differences between these two forces.
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………..
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
(Total 8 marks)
46. Twin engine aircraft use less fuel than those with four engines. Recent improvements in
engine reliability mean that they are now considered safe for long commercial flights over
water. An aircraft powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent engines demonstrated its endurance by
flying nonstop round the world. During this flight it used 1.7 × 105 litres of aviation fuel.
Each litre of fuel releases 38 MJ when combined with oxygen in the air.
Energy = ……….........……...............
The flight lasted 47 hours. Calculate the average input power to the engines.
Power = .……….........……...............
The distance covered by the aircraft was 41000 km. Calculate the aircraft’s average speed.
Speed = ……………...……...............
The maximum thrust of each engine is 700 kN. Multiply the total maximum thrust by the
average speed and comment on your answer.
(Total 10 marks)
S 1 A
C lo c k
T ra p d o o r s w itc h
State what happens at the instant when the switch S1 is moved from A to B.
The distance x is 1.00 m. Calculate the time for the ball to fall this distance.
Time = ....................................................
(3 marks
In a second experiment the ball is fired horizontally from the edge of a table 1.00 m high.
2 .0 0 m
1 .0 0 m
State with a reason the time for the ball to reach the ground.
The ball hits the floor a horizontal distance of 2.00 m from the edge of the table. Calculate
the speed at which the ball was fired.
Speed = ..............................................
(Total 9 marks)
54. According to Newton’s second law of motion, the rate of change of momentum of an object
is proportional to the resultant force F acting on it. Show how this statement leads to the
F = ma
When jumping from a height on to a hard surface, it is advisable to bend one’s knees on
How does bending the knees affect the time one takes to come to rest?
With reference to Newton’s second law, explain why it is a good idea to bend one’s knees.
(Total 7 marks)
55. A toy frog has a spring which causes it to jump into the air. The force-compression graph for
the spring is shown below.
F o rc e /N
0 0 .0 4
C o m p re ss io n /m
Calculate the work done on the spring when it is compressed by 4.0 cm.
The frog has a mass of 24 g and rises 0.60 m vertically into the air. Calculate the
gravitational potential energy gained by the frog.
Energy =.......................................
Compare your two answers for energy and explain how they are consistent with the law of
conservation of energy.
(Total 7 marks)
56. Explain why a body moving at constant speed in a circular path needs a resultant force acting
on it.
The diagram shows a student at the equator standing on a set of weighing scales, and a free-
body force diagram for the student.
W e ig h in g s c a le s
S tu d e n t
Because of the Earth’s daily rotation the student is performing circular motion about the
Earth’s axis. Calculate the angular speed of the student.
The radius of the Earth is 6400 km. The student’s mass is 55 kg. Calculate the resultant
force on the student.
Force B =...................................
State, with a reason, the force indicated by the weighing scales.
(Total 12 marks)
Add forces to the diagram below to produce a free-body force diagram for the trolley.
What evidence is there that the trolley is moving with constant velocity?
What does the value of the acceleration indicate about the forces acting on the trolley?
(Total 6 marks)
60. The ‘London Eye’ is a large wheel which rotates at a slow steady speed in a vertical plane
about a fixed horizontal axis. A total of 800 passengers can ride in 32 capsules equally
spaced around the rim.
0 .2 0 m s
60 m
P assenger
c a p s u le
A G rou n d
On the wheel, the passengers travel at a speed of about 0.20 m s–1 round a circle of radius 60
m. Calculate how long the wheel takes to make one complete revolution.
Time = ..........................
What is the change in the passenger’s velocity when he travels from point B to point D?
When one particular passenger ascends from point A to point C his gravitational potential
energy increases by 80 kJ. Calculate his mass.
Mass =..........................
On the axes below sketch a graph showing how the passenger’s gravitational potential
energy would vary with time as he ascended from A to C. Add a scale to each axis.
Discuss whether it is necessary for the motor driving the wheel to supply this gravitational
potential energy.
(Total 12 marks)
66. The diagram shows three trucks which are part of a train. The mass of each truck is 84 000
M o tio n
The train accelerates uniformly in the direction shown from rest to 16 m s–1 in a time
of 4.0 minutes. Calculate the resultant force on each truck.
The force exerted by truck B on truck C is 11 200 N. Draw a free-body force diagram for
truck B, showing the magnitudes of all the forces. Neglect any frictional forces on the
The total mass of the train is 3.0 × 106 kg. Calculate the average power delivered to the train
during the accelerating process.
S u p p o r tin g w a ll, w e ig h t 2 3 0 0 N
F lo o r, w e ig h t 4 4 0 0 0 N
S te e l jo is t, w e ig h t 1 9 0 0 N
W a ll W a ll W a ll
The steel joist A supports the supporting wall B and the left-hand side of floor C. Both the
joist and floor C may be treated as uniform bars.
3 .8 m 1 .1 m
1 .2 m
Show that force R equals 24 300 N.
Add the remaining force acting on joist A to the diagram, indicating its magnitude and the
position where it acts.
Force P = ......................................................
Force Q = .....................................................
(Total 6 marks)
75. The diagram shows part of a roller coaster ride. In practice, friction and air resistance
will have a significant effect on the motion of the vehicle, but you should ignore them
throughout this question.
3 0 .0 m C
1 2 .0 m
The vehicle starts from rest at A and is hauled up to B by a motor. It takes 15.0 S to reach B,
at which point its speed is negligible. Complete the box in the diagram below, which
expresses the conservation of energy for the journey from A to B.
U se fu l w o rk d o n e b y .................................
m o to r
The mass of the vehicle and the passengers is 3400 kg. Calculate
Power = ........................................
At point B the motor is switched off and the vehicle moves under gravity for the rest of the
ride. Describe the overall energy conversion which occurs as it travels from B to C.
................................. .................................
................................. .................................
Speed = ..........................................
On another occasion there are fewer passengers in the vehicle; hence its total mass is less
than before. Its speed is again negligible at B. State with a reason how, if at all, you would
expect the speed at C to differ from your previous answer.
(Total 11 marks)
80. An athlete of mass 55.0 kg runs up a flight of stairs of vertical height 3.60 m in 1.80 s.
Calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy of the athlete in doing this.
Power =…………………………………………………
One way of comparing athletes of different sizes is to compare their power-to-weight ratios.
Find a unit for the power-to-weight ratio in terms of SI base units.
Palaeontologists are able to deduce much about the behaviour of dinosaurs from the study of
fossilised footprints.
The tracks below show the path of a Tyrannosaurus Rex as it attacks a stationary
10 m
The time between footprints is 0.62 s. Show that the maximum speed of the Tyrannosaurus
Rex is about 10 m s–1.
82. State in words how to calculate the work done by a varying force.
What happens to the kinetic energy of the body on which the force acts in such
A runaway sledge slides down a slope at a constant speed. One force is shown on the free-
body diagram of the sledge. It is the normal contact push of the snow on the sledge.
S le d g e
Add to the free-body diagram to show the other two forces acting on the sledge. Name each
force and state what is producing it.
The sledge slides 15 m down the slope at a constant speed. The force N = 40 N.
What is the work done by the force N?
(Total 9 marks)
90. The diagram below shows a trolley running down a slope.
Complete the diagram to show an experimental arrangement you could use to determine how
the trolley’s position varies with time.
The data is used to produce a velocity-time graph for the trolley. Below is the graph for the
motion from point A to point B. Time is taken to be zero as the trolley passes A, and the
trolley passes B 0.70 s later.
2 .0
V e lo c ity
v / m s –1
1 .5
1 .0
0 .5
0 0 .1 0 0 .2 0 0 .3 0 0 .4 0 0 .5 0 0 .6 0 0 .7 0
T im e t/s
The motion shown on the graph can be described by the equation υ = u + at. Use
information from the graph to determine values for u and a.
u = ..................................................
a = ..................................................
Determine the distance AB.
AB = ...............................................................
On the axes below sketch a graph to show how the displacement x of the trolley from point
A varies with time t. Add a scale to each axis.
x / m
t / s
(Total 11 marks)
91. When the jet engines on an aircraft are started, fuel is burned and the exhaust gases emerge
from the back of the engines at high speed. With reference to Newton’s second and third
laws of motion, explain why the aircraft accelerates forward. You may be awarded a mark
for the clarity of your answer.
(Total 4 marks)
93. The diagram shows the positions of two ice skaters at intervals of 0.60 s.
T im e /s 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 .0 0
0 .5 0
1 .0 0
1 .5 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
D is ta n c e tr a v e lle d /m
Up to 0.50 s, skater A and his partner B are gliding together across the ice. Between 0.50 s
and 1.00 s, A pushes B away from him in the direction of travel. After 1.00 s, they continue
to glide separately across the ice.
Determine the speed of the skaters before they separate.
The masses of the skaters A and B are 75 kg and 55 kg respectively. Use these figures,
together with information from the diagram, to show that momentum is approximately
conserved when they separate.
Without further calculation, explain whether you would expect the total kinetic energy of the
skaters to increase, decrease or remain the same when they separate.
(Total 10 marks)
94. A granite block is suspended at rest just below the surface of water in a tank (Figure i).
The block is now released and falls 0.80 m to the bottom (Figure ii).
F ig u r e (i) F ig u r e (ii)
0 .8 0 m
The volume of the block is 3.0 × 10–3 m3, and the density of granite is 2700 kg m–3.
Calculate the gravitational potential energy lost by the block as it falls.
g.p.e. = ......................................................
Although the water level has not changed, the water has gained gravitational potential
energy. Explain why.
The gravitational potential energy gained by the water is less than that lost by the granite
block. Explain this.
(Total 6 marks)
100. Two cars, A and B, are travelling along the outside lane of a motorway at a speed of
30.0 m s–1. They are a distance d apart.
3 0 .0 m s –1 3 0 .0 m s –1
The driver of car A sees a slower vehicle move out in front of him, and brakes hard until his
speed has fallen to 22.0 m s–1. The driver of car B sees car A brake and, after a reaction time
of 0.900 s, brakes with the same constant deceleration as A.
The diagram below shows velocity-time graphs for car A (solid line) and car B (broken line).
V e lo c ity /m s –1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
T im e /s
Deceleration = ........................................................
Area = ....................................................................
State the minimum value of the initial separation d if the cars are not to collide.
Explain how you arrived at your answer.
Suppose that, instead of only slowing down to 22.0 m s–1, the cars had to stop. Add lines to
the grid above to show the velocity–time graphs in this case. (Assume that the cars come to
rest with the same constant deceleration as before.)
(Total 11 marks)
102. A door which cannot be opened by pushing steadily on it can often be kicked open. By
considering what happens to the foot as it hits the door, explain why the kick is more
effective. You should refer to Newton's second and third laws of motion in your answer. You
may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer.
(Total 4 marks)
106. A ball is dropped from a high window onto a concrete floor. The velocity–time graph for
part of its motion is shown.
v /m s –1
0 2 4 6 t/s
Gradient = .................................................
Calculate the height of the window above the ground.
Height = ....................................................
(Total 7 marks)
E a r th
In the table below, write in the left-hand column each of the forces you have shown.
Then complete the right-hand column.
(Total 6 marks)
108. A “grandfather” clock is a type of clock where the energy needed to provide the movement
of the hands comes from a falling mass.
C lo c k
M ass
C h a in
W ound up U nw ound
In one such clock, the mass is a steel cylinder of diameter 0.060 m and height 0.17 m.
Show that its mass is approximately 4 kg.
(The density of steel is 7.8 × 103 kg m–3.)
The distance fallen by the mass is 1.1 m. Calculate the change in its gravitational potential
Change in G. P. E. = ................................................
The clock has to be wound up once per week. Calculate the average power output of the
falling mass.
Power = ..............................................................
(Total 8 marks)
Describe how you could demonstrate experimentally that the acceleration of a trolley
is proportional to the resultant force which acts on it.
(b) Behind the windscreen of some cars there is a shelf, which is horizontal, but recessed
to stop objects from falling off.
W in d s c r e e n
R ecessed
s h e lf
B onnet
A pencil has been left on the shelf. Whenever the car accelerates forwards, the pencil
is against the rear edge of the shelf. Whenever the car is braking the pencil is against
the front edge.
P e n c il
P e n c il
A c c e le ra tin g B ra k in g
Explain these observations. You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your
(Total 12 marks)
M o tio n
The block slows down under the influence of a constant frictional force F and eventually
comes to rest. Below is a free-body force diagram for the block whilst it is moving.
State, with a reason, the amount of work done by each of the forces W and N as the block
moves across the surface.
The sliding block does work against friction. The graph shows how the total work done
varies with the distance d which the block has travelled from the projection point P.
W o r k /J
0 0 .4 0 .8 1 .2 1 .6 2 .0
D is ta n c e d /m
F = ...........................................................
The block comes to rest 1.80 m from P. Add a line to the graph above to show how the
kinetic energy of the block varied during the motion.
The mass of the block was 0.820 kg. Calculate the speed with which it was projected from P.
Speed = .....................................................
Suppose that, instead of a constant friction force, the block had been brought to rest by a
drag force (air resistance) which depends on speed. On the axes below sketch a graph to
show qualitatively how you would expect the total work done against air resistance to vary
with the distance d.
W o rk
D is ta n c e d
(Total 10 marks)
115. A student performs an experiment to study the motion of a trolley on a horizontal bench. The
trolley is pulled by a horizontal string which runs over a pulley to a suspended mass.
0 .1 3 0 m
L ig h t g a te
C a rd S trin g
P u lle y
0 .4 0 0 k g
0 .6 0 0 m
Initially the trolley is held at rest at position A. It is then released. When it has moved some
distance, but before the suspended mass hits the floor, a card attached to the trolley passes
through a light gate. A clock controlled by the gate records how long the card blocks the
light beam.
The card, which is 0.130 in long, takes 0.070 s to pass through the beam.
Calculate the average velocity of the trolley as it passes through the light gate.
The mass of the trolley is 0.950 kg. Calculate the tension in the string pulling it, stating any
assumption which you make.
Tension = ...........................................................
The tension in the string must be less than the weight of the 0.400 kg mass suspended from
it. Explain why.
(Total 10 marks)
116. The acceleration of free fall g can be measured by timing an object falling from rest through
a known distance. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of making this distance as
large as possible.
Advantages: .....................................................................................................................
Disadvantages: .................................................................................................................
At any given place, the weight of a body is proportional to its mass. Explain how
measurements of g support this statement.
(Total 8 marks)
118. A cyclist is free-wheeling down a long slope which is at 3.0° to the horizontal. He is
travelling, without pedalling, at a constant speed of 8.4 m s–1.
8 .4 m s –1
3 .0 º
The combined mass of the cyclist and bicycle is 90 kg. Calculate the gravitational potential
energy (g.p.e.) lost per second.
At the bottom of the slope the cyclist turns round and pedals back up at the same steady
speed of 8.4 m s–1. Give an estimate of the rate at which the cyclist does work as he climbs
the hill.