He Ying's Assignment 1 of ABPL20033
He Ying's Assignment 1 of ABPL20033
He Ying's Assignment 1 of ABPL20033
FLIPBOOK SECTION AS-BUILT: assigned section and construction sequence
Install electricity for lights and sockets. 5. 1ST FLOOR STRUCTURAL
Install plumbing for Kitchen. FRAMEWORK
6. INTERNAL PARTITIONS AND CEILING Build the timber frame with
2. GROUND FLOOR SLAB Apply laminate board at the ground. CD-01.
Concrete Ground Floor. Use Sutherland Painting at wall.
Apply 10mm plasterboard at wall and ceiling.
Apply Painted Timber in Ceiling Lining
1.1 . Demolish the original building and 2.1. Ready-mixed concrete in plastic flow 3.1. Place steel reinforcement bars into 4.1. After finished the ground floor of framing, 5.1. Carpenters could set out roof framing
clear the site. When workers understand state in a certain period of time, water position on the spacers, and then lay top carpenters would pre-laid floor using high- of this building, and use joist hanger to
the planning, they can start to setting out injection mode, tamping after curing can be mesh onto bar chairs, clasp where density particleboard. make it stable.
and excavation. made into various shapes and sizes of necessary. 4.2. Particleboards should not be delivered 5.2. locate the position of ridges, hips, and
1.2. Workers should determine the structures or components, a period of time 3.2. Concrete mixer mixes a certain on site until it is required and should be valleys on the framed wall.
reference point for set out, and establish a after the forming of cement hydration proportion of cement, sand, completed nailing as each sheet is laid. 5.3. Because of the wind force will
permanent datum point for setting out the reaction with water, make the concrete aggregate, the participation of mineral 4.3. There are a lot of potentially hazardous affect a building, the roof pitch generally
height of the house in relation to the hardening, the nature of the hardened materials and water. situations, equipment, activities, tools and 17 degree or less (Standards New
ground. concrete has the general stone. 3.3. Concrete pump truck pours concrete on materials on a building site. Zealand, 2011).
1.3. The pressure on the foundation must 2.2. This building uses a concrete slab on the waffle pod. 4.4. Workers must make protective 5.4. Nailing the particleboards same as
be guaranteed not to exceed the ground foundation. This kind of foundation 3.4. The rebar chairs are arranged in a fixed preparations such as put safety bags on the flooring on roof framing.
allowable bearing capacity of the must make concrete masonry foundation gap, and the deformed bar is placed in the ground and install safety nets. 5.5. Rafters are assembled after the ridge
foundation, and the minimum bearing wall poured separately from the slab and gap to be fixed by stirrup. Put a steel mesh 4.5. Carpenters start lift wall frames into board was installed, the carpenters lift the
capacity of 300kPa (Standards New have an integral concrete foundation on top of all the bubbles, then cement. Pour place and the procedure same as the roof on the walls of the structure. Some
Zealand, 2011) wall. cement into the concrete slab and foam ground floor of timber frames. ridge boards are installed along with the
2.3. The Ribbed Raft Slab Floor System and floor, then, fix the edge. supporting walls to provide extra area to
Waffle Pod is a new innovative method support the roof.