Mental Health

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What is mental health?

By Tim Newman / Last updated Thu 24 august 2017
Reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, CRNP

Mental health refers to our cognitive, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing - it is

all about how we think, feel, and behave. The term 'mental health' is sometimes
used to mean an absence of a mental disorder.

Mental health can affect daily life, relationships, and even physical health. Mental health also
includes a person's ability to enjoy life - to attain a balance between life activities and efforts
to achieve psychological resilience.

In this article, we will explain what is meant by the terms "mental health" and "mental illness."
We will also describe the most common types of mental disorders and how to treat them. The
article will also cover some early signs of mental health problems.

1. Definition

 According to Medlexicon’s medical dictionary, mental health is:

“Emotional, behavioral, and social maturity or normality; the absence of a mental or

behavioral disorder; a state of psychological well-being in which one has achieved a
satisfactory integration of one’s instinctual drives acceptable to both oneself and one’s
social milieu; an appropriate balance of love, work, and leisure pursuits.”

 According to the WHO (World Health Organization), mental health is:

“…a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope
with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community.”
The WHO stresses that mental health “is not just the absence of mental disorder”

2. Risk Factors
Experts say we all have the potential to develop mental health problems, no matter how old
we are, whether we are male or female, rich or poor, or which ethnic group we belong to.
Almost 1 in 5 Americans experiences mental health problems each year (18.5 percent). In
the United States, in 2015, an estimated 9.8 million adults (over 18) had a serious mental
disorder. That equates to 4.8 percent of all American adults.
A large proportion of the people who have a mental disorder have more than one.
In the U.S. and much of the developed world, mental disorders are one of the leading causes
of disability.

3. Common Disorders
The most common types of mental illness are anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and
schizophrenia disorders; below we explain each in turn:

 Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders are the most common types of mental illness.
The individual has a severe fear of anxiety, which is linked to certain objects of situations.
Most people with anxiety disorder will try to avoid exposure to whatever triggers their
Examples of anxiety disorders include:
 Panic disorder – the person experiences sudden paralyzing terror or a sense of
imminent disaster.

 Phobias – these may include simple phobias (a disproportionate fear of objects),

social phobias (fear of being subject to judgment of others), and agoraphobia (dread
of situations where getting away or breaking free may be difficult). We really do not
know how many phobias there are – there could be thousands of types.

 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – the person has obsessions and

compulsions. In other words, constant stressful thoughts (obsessions), and a
powerful urge to perform repetitive acts, such as hand washing (compulsion).

 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – this can occur after somebody has been
through a traumatic event – something horrible or frightening that they experienced
or witnessed. During this type of event, the person thinks that their life or other
people’s lives are in danger. They may feel afraid or feel that they have no control
over what is happening.

 Mood disorders
These are also known as effective disorders or depressive disorders. Patients with these
conditions have significant changes in mood, generally involving either mania (elation) or
Examples of mood disorders include:
 Major depression – the individual is no longer interested in and does not enjoy
activities and events that they previously liked. There are extreme or prolonged
periods of sadness.

 Bipolar disorder – previously known as maniac-depressive illness, or maniac

depression. The individual switches from episodes of euphoria (mania) to depression

 Persistent depressive disorder – previously known as dysthymia, this is mild

chronic (long-term) depression. The patient has similar symptoms to major
depression but to a lesser extent.

 SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) – a type of major depression that is triggered by

lack of daylight. It is most common in countries far from the equator during late
autumn, winter, and early spring.

 Schizophrenia disorders
Whether or not schizophrenia is a single disorder or a group of related illnesses has yet to be
fully determined. It is a highly complex condition. Schizophrenia normally begins between
the ages of 15 and 25. The individual has thoughts that appear fragmented; they also find it
hard to process information.
Schizophrenia has negative and positive symptoms. Positive symptoms include delusions,
thought disorders, and hallucinations. Negative symptoms include withdrawal, lack of
motivation, and a flat or inappropriate mood.

4. Early Signs
It is not possible to reliably tell whether someone is developing a mental health problem;
however, if certain signs appear in a short space of time, it may offer clues:
 Withdrawing from people or activities they would normally enjoy.
 Sleeping or eating too much or too little.
 Feeling as if nothing matters.
 Consistently low energy.
 Using drugs more than normal (including alcohol and nicotine)
 Display uncharacteristic emotions.
 Confusion.
 Not being able to complete standard tasks, such as getting to work or cooking a meal.
 Persistent thoughts or memories that reappear regularly.
 Thinking of harming one’s self or others.
 Hearing voices.
 Delusions.

5. Treatment
There are various ways people with mental health problems might receive treatment. It is
important to know that what works for one person may not work for another; this is specially
the case with mental health.

Some strategies or treatments are more successful when combined with others. A patient with
a chronic mental disorder may choose different options at different stages in their life. The
majority of experts say that a well-informed patient is probably the best judge of what
treatment suits them best.

Treatments can include:

 Psychotherapy (talking therapies) – this is a psychological approach to treating

mental illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and dialectical
behavior therapy are examples.
 Medication – although it cannot cure mental disorders, some medications can
improve symptoms.
 Self-help – including lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol intake, sleeping
more, and eating well.

Text retrieved from:, on October 8th 2019

Edited by Andrea Jiménez

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