This technical report summarizes inspection of a pump. The pump had 10,042.20 operating hours and minor signs of wear. Contributing factors to the wear were investigated, including condition monitoring records and mechanical inspection. The pump was not damaged in an accident and is still under warranty. Replacement was not needed at this time.
This technical report summarizes inspection of a pump. The pump had 10,042.20 operating hours and minor signs of wear. Contributing factors to the wear were investigated, including condition monitoring records and mechanical inspection. The pump was not damaged in an accident and is still under warranty. Replacement was not needed at this time.
This technical report summarizes inspection of a pump. The pump had 10,042.20 operating hours and minor signs of wear. Contributing factors to the wear were investigated, including condition monitoring records and mechanical inspection. The pump was not damaged in an accident and is still under warranty. Replacement was not needed at this time.
This technical report summarizes inspection of a pump. The pump had 10,042.20 operating hours and minor signs of wear. Contributing factors to the wear were investigated, including condition monitoring records and mechanical inspection. The pump was not damaged in an accident and is still under warranty. Replacement was not needed at this time.
- --- D o k w l % s i Pondukuiig iTinjaunn tulang S,lpirsri sesii;ii yan~fips!irrke,?) Condition Monitoring Irm?stiqation PZH Citeck List Filter Cut Records m e c h a t l i c a l Inspaction Pnniorikca7;l P2i? Dolrl F&r Cui Prrr3li"kmnn h<o(nbn* C l DailyNYeekly inspection MagnetlclScrean Records i]Electrical lnspactior, Po,'o,no,,k:n;,,, il:,i,,~,,,~,~,,gg*a,! Dora Aii7~-nolbSnooi Fe8,lmXrrnl CChhlX 0PS Chock Sheet Magnetic Plug Records Service Report (from Vendor) L.,i)(if.,,l 1~<>","1i138"tlI S Onla Moamfic Pltiy lo*,,"" s o m UMechanical inspection sos tiistory Stripdown Rcpor! l'onmrihinnrr h<nkqolX so/~rol,sos Eieclrical Inspectton Patnmnl<rrnnCCo*(,* 0On Board Monitor System dallureAnaiy~is .!isn ~anrsahnr, D n l n ~ o d arhlen?00M v r d Downtime History Piloto's of Darnago sclai.l,, ""l?,"Ollp lo!" d3n Kemsohnn 0Work Order History Sejamh IVork Omfor Component History
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Sukrosa Terhadap Karakteristik Yoghurt Dari SUSU KULIT PISANG KEPOK (Musa Paradisiaca Formatypica) DAN KACANG HIJAU (Phaseolus Radiatus L.)