Machine Tools Test Chart STD
Machine Tools Test Chart STD
Machine Tools Test Chart STD
Divisional Index ↑
IS 1878-1 (pdf) 1993 Test chart for general purpose parallel lathes, Part 1: ISO 1708
IS 1878-1 (txt) Lathes with swing over bed up to 800 mm
IS 1878-2 (pdf) 1992 Test chart for general purpose parallel lathes, Part 2: ISO 1708
IS 1878-2 (txt) Lathes with swing over bed over uo to 800 mm and up to
1600 mm
IS 1878-3 (pdf) 1998 Test chart for general purpose parallel lathes, Part 3:
IS 1878-3 (txt) Lathes with swing over bed over 1600mm ad upto
IS 2063-1 (pdf) 2002 Test Code for Machine Tools, Part 1: Geometric Accuracy ISO 230-1
IS 2063-1 (txt) of Machines Operating Under No-load or Finishing
IS 2063-2 (pdf) 2002 Test Code for Machine Tools, Part 2: Determination of ISO 230-2
IS 2063-2 (txt) Accuracy and Repeatability of Positioning Numerically
Controlled Axes
IS 2182 (pdf) 1993 Symbols to be given on indication plates of machine tools -
IS 2182 (txt) Recommendations
IS 2199 (pdf) 1989 Radial drilling machines - Test chart
IS 2199 (txt)
IS 2200-2 (pdf) 2002 Test Conditions for Milling Machines with Table of Variable ISO 1701-2
IS 2200-2 (txt) Height - Testing of Accuracy, Part 2: Machines with
Horizontal Spindle
IS 2200-3 (pdf) 2002 Test Conditions for Milling Machines with Table of Variable ISO 1701-3
IS 2200-3 (txt) Height - Testing of Accuracy, Part 3: Machines with
Vertical Spindle
IS 2218 (pdf) 1999 Speeds and feeds for machine tools
IS 2218 (txt)
IS 2219 (pdf) 1962 Feeds for Machine Tools
IS 2308 (pdf) 1989 Test chart for slotting machines
IS 2308 (txt)
IS 2310 (pdf) 1989 Test chart for shaping machines
IS 2367 (pdf) 1981 Test chart for box type vertical drilling machines
IS 2368 (pdf) 1993 Test Charts for External Cylindrical Grinding Machines with
IS 2368 (txt) a Movable Table
IS 2425 (pdf) 1982 Test chart for pillar type vertical drilling machines ISO 2773/1
IS 2425 (txt)
IS 2426 (pdf) 1985 Test chart for bench drilling machines ISO 2773/1
IS 2538 (pdf) 1963 Test chart for bench grinders
IS 2743 (pdf) 1992 Test chart for surface grinding machines with horizontal ISO 1986
IS 2743 (txt) grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table
IS 2877 (pdf) 1986 Test chart for single and double column planing machines
IS 2877 (txt) 1/5
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IS 2987 (pdf) 1992 Direction of operation of controls for machine tools - ISO 447
IS 3080 (pdf) 1965 Test chart for universal tool and cutter grinders
IS 3080 (txt)
IS 3405 (pdf) 1966 Test chart for power hacksaw machines (up to 300 mm
round bar capacity)
IS 3691 (pdf) 1990 Woodworking machines - Table bandsawing machines- ISO 7007
IS 3691 (txt) Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
IS 3694 (pdf) 1991 Test chart for woodworking turning lathes ISO 7987:85
IS 3694 (txt)
IS 6040 (pdf) 1993 Test chart for precision lathes - Lathes with swing over bed ISO 1708
IS 6040 (txt) up to 500 mm and distance between centres up to 1500
IS 6197 (pdf) 1971 Test chart for vertical boring and turning mills with table
diameter up to 1600 mm
IS 6679 (pdf) 1972 Test chart for general purpose gear shaping machines
(Table diameter up to 1000 mm)
IS 6893-1 (pdf) 1988 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
1: General purpose parallel lathes and precision lathes
IS 6893-2 (pdf) 1987 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
2: Horizontal/universal knee-type milling machines
IS 6893-3 (pdf) 1988 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
3: Radial drilling machines
IS 6893-4 (pdf) 1987 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
4: Vertical turning and boring lathes
IS 6893-5 (pdf) 1987 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
5: Milling machine with table of variable height with vertical
IS 6893-6 (pdf) 1985 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
6: Bench/pillar type drilling machines
IS 6893-7 (pdf) 1990 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
IS 6893-7 (txt) 7: External cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal
IS 6893-8 (pdf) 1992 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
8: Internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal
IS 6893-9 (pdf) 1990 Proforma for Purchase Machine Tools, Part 9: Surface
IS 6893-9 (txt) Grinders with Horizontal Axis
IS 6893-10 (pdf) 1992 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
10: Copying lathes
IS 6893-11 (pdf) 1992 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
IS 6893-11 (txt) 11: Capstan and turret lathes
IS 6893-12 (pdf) 1992 Proforma for purchase specification for machine tools, Part
12: Horizontal boring and milling machines (table type)
IS 7227 (pdf) 1974 Recommended diameters of wheels for woodworking table
bandsawing machines
IS 7228 (pdf) 1983 Recommended spindle diameters for woodworking ISO 7006
machines with rotating bored tools
IS 7229 (pdf) 1974 Recommended working level heights for woodworking
IS 7249 (pdf) 1993 Woodworking machines - Thickness planing machines ISO 7568
IS 7249 (txt) with rotary cutterblock of one-side dressing -
Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
IS 7258 (pdf) 1990 Woodworking Machines - Single Spindle Moulding ISO 7009-
IS 7258 (txt) Machines - Nomenclature and Acceptance Conditions 1983
IS 7266 (pdf) 1991 Test chart for woodworking slot mortising machines ISO 7946 2/5
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IS 7266 (txt)
IS 7267 (pdf) 1991 Test chart for woodworking surface planing machines with ISO 7571-
IS 7267 (txt) cutterblock for one-side dressing 1985
IS 7279 (pdf) 1992 Test Chart for Woodworking Single Spindle Boring ISO 7945-
IS 7279 (txt) Machines 1985
IS 7286 (pdf) 1991 Test chart for woodworking single chain mortising ISO 7950
IS 7287 (pdf) 1974 Recommended working dimensions of woodworking
IS 7289 (pdf) 1992 Test chart for woodworking planing machines for two, ISO 7569
IS 7289 (txt) three or four-side dressing
IS 7294 (pdf) 1990 Woodworking machines - Single blade circular saw ISO 7008
IS 7294 (txt) benches with or without travelling table - Nomenclature
and acceptance conditions
IS 7296 (pdf) 1992 Test Chart for Woodworking Surface Planing and ISO 7570
IS 7296 (txt) Thickness Machines
IS 8099 (pdf) 1976 Sizes of collars for circular saw blades for woodworking
IS 8107 (pdf) 1993 Wood working machines - Routing machines - ISO 7948
IS 8107 (txt) Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
IS 8131 (pdf) 1976 Test chart for circular tables for machine tools (table
diameter up to 630 mm)
IS 8165 (pdf) 2010 Test chart for manually operated dividing heads for
IS 8165 (txt) machine tools
IS 8407 (pdf) 2010 Acceptance Conditions for Gear Hobbing Machines -
IS 8407 (txt) Testing of the Accuracy
IS 8964 (pdf) 1999 Safety Conditions for Woodworking Machines -
IS 8964 (txt) Recommendations
IS 9474 (pdf) 1980 Principles of Mechanical Guarding of Machinery
IS 9474 (txt)
IS 9722 (pdf) 1981 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool ISO 2562
construction-slide units
IS 9723 (pdf) 1981 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool ISO 2912
construction-multi-spindle heads- casing and input drive
shaft dimensions
IS 9737 (pdf) 1981 Dimensions for Modular Units for Machine Tool ISO 2727
Construction - Headstocks
IS 9809 (pdf) 1981 Test chart for crankshaft grinding machines ISO 2433
IS 10188 (pdf) 1982 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction ISO 2934
- wing bases for columns
IS 10190 (pdf) 1982 Test chart for copying lathes with horizontal spindle-lathes ISO 1708
with swing over bed upto 500 mm and distance between
centres up to 1500 mm
IS 10352 (pdf) 1992 Test Charts for Internal Cylindrical Grinding Machines with ISO 2407
IS 10352 (txt) Horizontal Spindle
IS 10575 (pdf) 1983 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction ISO 3371
- Rotary tables
IS 10576 (pdf) 1983 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction ISO 2769
- Wing bases for slide units
IS 10941 (pdf) 1984 Sizes for dovetail guideways for machine tools
IS 10949 (pdf) 1984 Code of practice for painting procedure for machine tools
IS 10949 (txt)
IS 10988 (pdf) 1984 Method of measuring noise from machine tools (excluding
IS 10988 (txt) testing in anechoic chambers)
IS 11011 (pdf) 1984 Glossary of terms relating to wood working machines 3/5
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IS 11011 (txt)
IS 11016 (pdf) 1984 General safety requirements for machine tools and their
IS 11016 (txt) operation
IS 11107 (pdf) 1984 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction ISO 3589
- columns
IS 11118 (pdf) 1997 Guidelines for technical evaluation of general purpose
IS 11118 (txt) parallel lathes
IS 11133 (pdf) 1984 Recommendations for symbols for lubrications appearing ISO 5169
IS 11133 (txt) on machine tools
IS 11398-1 (pdf) 1985 Test chart for horizontal spindle capstan, turret and single ISO 6155-1
IS 11398-1 (txt) spindle automatic lathes, Part 1: Machinable bar diameters
greater than 25 mm
IS 11398-2 (pdf) 1992 Test charts for horizontal spindle capstain, turret and ISO 6155-2
IS 11398-2 (txt) single spindle automatic lathes, Part 2: Machinable bar
dia. 25 mm or less and chuck dia. upto 160 mm
IS 11648 (pdf) 1986 Nomenclature for modular machine tools
IS 11846 (pdf) 1987 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction ISO 3476
- Tenon drive and flanges for mounting multi-spindle heads
IS 11958-1 (pdf) 1987 Test chart for boring and milling machines with horizontal ISO 3070-1
IS 11958-1 (txt) spindle, Part 1: Table type machines
IS 11958-2 (pdf) 1992 Test Chart for Boring and Milling Machines with Horizontal ISO 3070-2
IS 11958-2 (txt) Spindle, Part 2: Floor Type Machines
IS 12106 (pdf) 1987 Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction
IS 12106 (txt) - spindle units
IS 12295 (pdf) 2000 Acceptance Conditions for External Cylindrical Centreless ISO 3875
IS 12295 (txt) Grinding Machines - Testing of the Accuracy
IS 12296 (pdf) 1988 Test Chart for Thread Rolling Machines With Cylindrical
IS 12850 (pdf) 1987 Modular units for machine tool construction - Support ISO 3650
IS 13543 (pdf) 1992 Modular units for machine tool construction - Centre bases ISO 2891
and columns
IS 13552 (pdf) 1992 Test charts for surface grinding machines with vertical ISO 1985
IS 13552 (txt) grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table
IS 13634 (pdf) 1993 General introduction for milling machines with table of ISO 1701-0
IS 13634 (txt) variable height, with horizontal or vertical spindle
IS 13635 (pdf) 1993 Numerical control of machines - Symbols ISO 2972
IS 13635 (txt)
IS 13640 (pdf) 1993 General introduction for milling machines with table of ISO 1984-0
fixed height, with horizontal or vertical spindle
IS 13934 (pdf) 1994 Test charts for surface grinding machines with two ISO 4703
IS 13934 (txt) columns for grinding slideways
IS 13993 (pdf) 1994 Test chart for universal milling machine with a swiveling ISO 1701
IS 15250-1 (pdf) 2002 Test Conditions for Machining Centres, Part 1: Geometric ISO 10791-1
IS 15250-1 (txt) Tests for Machines with Horizontal Spindle and with
Accessory Heads (Horizontal Z-Axis)
IS 15649 (pdf) 2006 Machine tools chip bins for chip conveyor
IS/ISO 5170 (pdf) 1977 Machine Tools - Lubrication Systems ISO
IS/ISO 5170 (txt) 5170:1977
IS/ISO 7572 (pdf) 1984 Conditions of Acceptance and Installation for Work-holding ISO
IS/ISO 7572 (txt) Fixed Tables of Machine Tools 7572:1984
IS/ISO 8636-1 1987 Test Chart for Plano-Milling Machines, Part 1: Portal-Type ISO 8636-
(pdf) Machines 1:1987 4/5
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IS/ISO 8636-1
(txt) 5/5