Balance Sheet..

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Balance Sheet

2018 2017 2016

Non-current assets
Fixed Assets
Property, plant and equipment 106,151,422 98,250,679 94,779,483
Intangible assets 1,690,725 1,882,868 2,332,789
107,842,147 100,133,547 97,112,272
Long term investments 8,968,757 7,977,300 7,977,300
Long term loans and advances 10,690,139 7,670,324 2,152,757
Contract Cost 364,502 300,046
Investment in finance lease 17,268 38,513
127,865,545 115,798,439 107,280,842
Current assets
Stores, spares and loose tools 6,067,575 3,633,569 2,742,794
Contract Cost 1,093,505 900,139 -
Trade debts 1,093,505 16,040,224 14,227,974
Loans and advances 16,178,523 1,511,669 676,556
Investment in finance lease - 35,137 53,030
Income tax recoverable 1,762,470 15,263,357 14,261,078
Recoverable from tax authorities 16,478,323 15,253,394 14,550,698
Receivable from the Government
2,164,072 2,164,072 2,164,072
of Pakistan
Prepayments and other receivables 14,128,424 11,860,653 11,328,073
Short term investments 4,930,370 5,607,778 24,000,000
Cash and bank balances 5,375,026 14,243,299 5,902,144
68,178,288 70,359,758 75,355,721
Total assets 196,043,833 186,158,197 182,636,563

Equity and liabilities

Share capital and reserves
Share capital 51,000,000 51,000,000 51,000,000
Revenue reserves
Insurance reserve 2,985,696 2,806,993 2,621,288
General reserve 27,497,072 27,497,072 27,497,072
Unapproriated profit 2,088,583 3,647,809 1,894,739
32,571,351 33,951,874 32,013,099
83,571,351 _ _
84,951,874 83,013,099
Non-current liabilities
Long term security deposits 553,446 553,049
Deferred income tax 6,991,303 7,086,423 7,264,575
Employees retirement benefits 28,487,425 23,503,831 24,068,008
Deferred government grants 7,841,637 8,059,878 8,594,920
Advances from customer 1,112,453 1,223,912
44,432,818 39,203,578 40,480,552
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 67,195,789 62,002,745 59,142,912
Security deposits 579,039 553,446
Unpaid/claimed dividends 264,836 210,187
68,039,664 62,313,552
Total equity and liabilities 196,043,833 186,158,197 182,636,563
vertical analysis

2015 2014 2018

Non-current assets
Fixed Assets
94,912,046 94,452,061 Property, plant and equipment 5414.68%
2,539,060 4,826,422 Intangible assets 86.24%
97,451,106 99,278,483 5500.92%
7,977,300 7,791,296 Long term investments 457.49%
2,261,126 2,794,106 Long term loans and advances 545.29%
Contract Cost 18.59%
96,113 84,398 Investment in finance lease 0.00%
107,785,645 109,948,283 6522.29%
Current assets
2,940,425 2,872,542 Stores, spares and loose tools 309.50%
- - Contract cost 55.78%
14,304,039 15,758,805 Trade debts 55.78%
1,593,099 4,136,133 Loans and advances 825.25%
52,255 28,305 Investment in finance lease -
128,174 344,801 Income tax recoverable 89.90%
18,179,032 16,366,457 Recoverable from tax authorities 840.54%
Receivable from the Government of
2,164,072 2,164,072
Pakistan 110.39%
4,982,082 4,994,327 Prepayments and other receivables 720.68%
26,038,803 18,441,389 Short term investments 251.49%
2,210,148 4,518,546 Cash and bank balances 274.17%
72,592,129 69,625,377 3477.71%
180,377,774 179,573,660 Total assets 10000.00%

Equity and liabilities

Share capital and reserves
51,000,000 51,000,000 Share capital 2601.46%
Revenue reserves
2,416,078 2,196,770 Insurance reserve 152.30%
30,500,000 30,500,000 General reserve 1402.60%
2,302,282 8,117,782 Unapproriated profit 106.54%
35,218,360 40,814,552 1661.43%
_ 329,039 4262.89%
86,218,360 92,143,591
Non-current liabilities
552,122 549,256 Long term security deposits -
5,754,847 2,676,026 Deferred income tax 356.62%
32,111,859 33,011,258 Employees retirement benefits 1453.12%
8,926,403 6,848,180 Deferred government grants 399.99%
47,345,231 43,084,720 2266.47%
Current liabilities
46,814,183 44,345,349 Trade and other payables 3427.59%
Security deposits 29.54%
Unpaid/claimed dividends 13.51%
180,377,774 179,573,660 Total equity and liabilities 10000.00%
vertical analysis

2017 2016 2015 2014

5277.81% 5189.51% 5261.85% 5259.79%

101.14% 127.73% 140.76% 268.77%
5378.95% 5317.24% 5402.61% 5528.57%
428.52% 436.79% 442.26% 433.88%
412.03% 117.87% 125.36% 155.60%
16.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.93% 2.11% 5.33% 4.70%
_ _ _ _

195.19% 150.18% 163.01% 159.96%

48.35% - - -
861.64% 779.03% 793.00% 877.57%
81.20% 37.04% 88.32% 230.33%
1.89% 2.90% 2.90% 1.58%
819.91% 780.84% 7.11% 19.20%
819.38% 796.70% 1007.83% 911.41%

116.25% 118.49% 119.97% 120.51%

637.13% 620.25% 276.20% 278.12%
301.24% 1314.09% 1443.57% 1026.95%
765.12% 323.16% 122.53% 251.63%
3779.57% 4125.99% 4024.45% 3877.26%
10000.00% 10000.00% 10000.00% 10000.00%

2739.61% 2792.43% 2827.40% 2840.06%

150.79% 143.52% 133.95% 122.33%
1477.08% 1505.56% 1690.90% 1698.47%
195.95% 103.74% 127.64% 452.06%
1823.82% 1752.83% 1952.48% 2272.86%
_ _ _ 18.32%
4563.42% 4545.26% 4779.88% 5131.24%

29.73% 30.28% 30.61% 30.59%

380.67% 397.76% 319.04% 149.02%
1262.57% 1317.81% 1780.26% 1838.31%
432.96% 470.60% 494.87% 381.36%
65.75% _ _ _
2105.93% 2216.45% 2624.78% 2399.28%

3330.65% 3238.28% 2595.34% 2469.48%

29.73% _ _ _
11.29% _ _ _
3347.34% _ _ _
10000.00% 10000.00% 10000.00% 10000.00%
balance sheet

2018 2017 2016 2015

Non-current assets
Fixed Assets
Property, plant and equipment 804% 366% -14% 49%
Intangible assets -1020% -1929% -812% -4739%
770% 311% -35% -184%
Long term investments 1243% 0% 0% 239%
Long term loans and advances 3937% 25630% -479% -1908%
Contract Cost 2148% _ _ _
Investment in finance lease -10000% -5516% -5993% 1388%
1042% 794% -47% -197%
Current assets
Stores, spares and loose tools 6699% 3248% -672% 236%
Contract cost 2148% _ _ _
Trade debts -9318% 1274% -53% -923%
Loans and advances 97024% 12344% -5753% -6148%
Investment in finance lease -3374% 148% 8461%
Income tax recoverable -8845% 703% 1102634% -6283%
Recoverable from tax authorities 803% 483% -1996% 1107%
Receivable from the Government of
Pakistan 0% 0% 0% 0%
Prepayments and other receivables 1912% 470% 12738% -25%
Short term investments -1208% -7663% -783% 4120%
Cash and bank balances -6226% 14132% 16705% -5109%
-310% -663% 381% 426%
Total assets 531% 193% 125% 45%

Equity and liabilities

Share capital and reserves
Share capital 0% 0% 0% 0%
Revenue reserves
Insurance reserve 637% 708% 849% 998%
General reserve 0% 0% -985% 0%
Unapproriated profit -4274% 9252% -1770% -7164%
-407% 606% -910% -1371%

-10000% 234% -372% -643%

Non-current liabilities
Long term security deposits -10000% 7% 17% 52%
Deferred income tax -134% -245% 2623% 11505%
Employees retirement benefits 2120% -234% -2505% -272%
Deferred government grants -271% -623% -371% 3035%
1334% -315% -1450% 989%
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 838% 484% 2634% 557%
Security deposits 462% _ _ _
Unpaid/claimed dividends 2600% _ _ _
919% _ _ _
Total equity and liabilities 531% 193% 125% 45%

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