Christopher Hitchens: This Essay Was Taken From Humor: A For Writers

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Hitchens ..

174 Persuasive ...., Women Aren't Fu""-"

Now, why is this? W hy u it the case?, I m l>s

. ean Why arc \\
1. che whole male world at their mercy, nor fu nny>·· Plca omcn �
, co know wh at I am talking abom.
AU right-try it the other way (as the bisho
se do not p �,�,
'lid llot
taken on averag P . . to the bar .
are men, e and as a w ho le, fun
cy n 1er than w om �)·
o ne ch ing, t h h ad darnn well better bc.The : en�'l?. \v1n,
h ief t�k in
o perfo rm is that of impres sing life � t!J, r,;
has c h oppo lte se ,
x and Mot� t � rn�11
(as we laug h ingly call her) is � c
not so ktn d to men . I c.
. n ra ct, s he 'itr
. •
Na u
fellows w1·ch very little armament for thc str uggle · A n avera co ,ll1PI t r,
This essay was taken from Humor: A ·d hance: he had bette r be a bJe to ge Ill ltl�
one, outst e c make ��')lis
Reader for Writers. rhe lady them laugh has been one t
of rh e cruc1 a 1 preoccupa tions of my I.
c tf you
sti mula te h er co laught er-I am taJk·i ng
c an
Eds. Kathleen Volk Miller & Marion a b o ut cha t rea l, out-Ioud, head-back, m
Wrenn. New York: Oxford UP. op en -c o- expose-the-full-h orses hoe · of. - Iove Iy-
ceeth' involunrary, fiull, and deep·throare
2015. pgs 174-180 . . d
.mi r th ; th e kind that 1s accomp anie d b
se and a slight (no, m ake t:at:
shocked surpri
loud) peal of delight-well, then • you have at lease
Christopher Hitchens caused her co loosen up and to change her expression
te t
y" J shall not elabora fur her.
"Why Women Aren't Funn Women have no corresp onding need to appeal
to men in .
. this-.,.
already appe al to men, 1f you catch my dr ift .I n dee d,we now h .•,.11.-
, and provocateur, the late Christopher . .
Bon vivant. cultural luminary of a sc1e . nt1·fi c scud y. which illum inate s th ·a- nce.A
· e dInere
editor for Vanity Fair, one of America's oldest . . t th e ..,ic,oy
Hitchens was a contributing versity SchooI of Med 1cme (a place, as it ha ppens, where I on nford lJn,._
St a
d to fashion, culture, and politics. His
magazines, a publication dedicate an abs oIutel y h I·1 anous · procedure with a s1g .
mo1do. ce llnd-...
observant and engaged, thoughtful and scope), thc �
matchless prose has been called researchers showe d 10 men and 10 women : sam�l e of 70 b trinl.fac lfCJlt
you'll see.
hilarious. His essays are bold, as cartoons and got them co rate the gags on a nnincss scal
fu la ck -a ...i _.,�
e. ·...-wn1rc
h e -a b out 1ioa n
a moment t fall 1angua�e o of the report as It. was su # 11e1 ''-Ill'
ee k: mrnari�.J ,
cainly have heard the following Biotech W

B e your gender what it may, _you will cer_


ng the charms of a new (male)

from a female friend who 1s enumeratt The researchersfound that men and women
to my friends, and he knows
squeeze: "He's really quite cute, and he's kind share m uch of
you yourself are a guy, and you humor-response system; both use to a szm . z.lar deuree th S
all kinds of scuff, and he's sofanny ..." (If bram . responsz·ble for semantic kno wltd'-gt . 0 e P111t oftht
to yourself, "Funny? He
know the man in question, you will often have said andJUXtap0s1.h.o1t
411d tht
e part involved in language processin'!;, But th
wouldn't know a joke if it came served on a bed of lettuc with
sauce bear­ ey alsofound- trJCJ
never hear from a bram .
. were activated mo,-,'f! m
. regions 1, !#1/lt
naise. ") However, there is something that you absolutely women. These includtd
male friend who is hymning his latest (female) love interest: "She's a real
pre.J, o a greater emphasts. on Laniguage ltfi
.1;.ontal cortex, suggestin<T

. 111d
honey, has a life of her own ...(interlude for attributes that are none ofyour
ecuttve processing in womenj and the nucie ., U$ accumbe11s , .r.

· · 1Qnid, is
business] ...and, man, does she ever make 'em laugh." part ofthe meso limbic reward center.

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