Asme Sec 3
Asme Sec 3
Asme Sec 3
2000 Addenda
July 1, 2000
There is a change in the way the Addenda to the 1998 Edition of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code are distributed. The 1998 Edition, published July 1, 1998, incorpo-
rates the 1998 Addenda revisions, additions, or deletions. There will be no separate 1998
Addenda issued in a replacement page format. Two additional Addenda to the 1998
Edition, in the form of replacement pages, will be issued on July 1, 1999 and July 1, 2000.
The Summary of Changes published with the 1998 Edition lists and describes the revisions
that are part of the 1998 Addenda. These changes are identified with a margin note, 98,
denoting the affected area.
The Addenda for 1999 and 2000 will also have a Summary of Changes and identifiers
printed on the replacement pages. The revisions, additions, or deletions will be incorporated
directly into the affected pages. It is advisable to retain the title sheets and all replaced
pages for reference.
The effective dates for Code Editions and Addenda are described in the Foreword.
Copyright © 2000 by
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.
Special Working Group on Heat Transfer Equipment (SC VIII) Subgroup on Performance Qualification (SC IX)
Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SC XI) Working Group on Liquid-Metal Reactor Covers
W. H. Bamford, Jr., Chair S. Ranganath
W. L. Chase, Chair R. Hundal
J. M. Bloom P. C. Riccardella
S. Hattori
R. C. Cipolla D. A. Scarth
R. M. Gamble W. L. Server
T. J. Griesbach C. A. Tomes Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SC XI)
K. Hasegawa A. W. Van Der Sluys
P. J. Hijeck K. R. Wichman C. D. Cowfer, Chair M. R. Hum
D. N. Hopkins G. M. Wilkowski D. C. Adamonis D. Lamond
K. Iida K. K. Yoon B. Bevins G. A. Lofthus
Y. Imamura S. Yukawa F. T. Carr M. C. Modes
J. G. Merkle C. B. Cheezem C. R. Osman
W. T. Clayton F. J. Schaaf, Jr.
F. J. Dodd J. C. Spanner, Jr.
Working Group on Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC XI) T. N. Epps III C. J. Wirtz
D. O. Henry
R. C. Cipolla, Chair J. G. Merkle
G. H. De Boo, Secretary J. S. Panesar
W. H. Bamford, Jr. S. Ranganath Working Group on Personnel Qualification and Surface,
M. Basol D. A. Scarth Visual, and Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (SC XI)
J. M. Bloom T. S. Schurman
C. J. Wirtz, Secretary R. D. McGuire
E. Friedman W. L. Server
B. L. Curtis M. F. Sherwin
T. J. Griesbach F. A. Simonen
D. O. Henry D. Spake
F. D. Hayes K. R. Wichman
H. E. Houserman J. C. Spanner, Jr.
D. N. Hopkins G. M. Wilkowski
J. J. McArdle III D. S. Whitcomb
K. Iida K. K. Yoon
Y. Imamura S. Yukawa
M. Kupinski A. Zahoor Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-NDE) (SC XI)
H. S. Mehta V. A. Zilberstein
F. J. Schaaf, Jr., Chair J. M. Boughman
D. Lamond, Secretary T. R. Bugelholl
Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG-ES) (SC XI) T. M. Anselmi R. J. Cimoch
T. B. Basso W. N. Keisler
T. J. Griesbach, Chair H. S. Mehta
W. H. Bamford, Jr. J. S. Panesar
H. Behnke W. E. Pennell Working Group on Procedure Qualification
B. A. Bishop S. Ranganath and Volumetric Examination (SG-NDE) (SC XI)
W. F. Brady S. T. Rosinski F. T. Carr, Chair S. R. Doctor
E. Friedman W. L. Server C. D. Cowfer, Chair F. J. Dodd
S. R. Gosselin E. A. Siegel C. E. Larsen, Secretary T. N. Epps III
E. M. Hackett F. A. Simonen D. C. Adamonis B. Kellerhall
P. J. Hijeck T. D. Spry F. L. Becker G. A. Lofthus
M. Kupinski G. L. Stevens N. R. Bentley M. C. Modes
S. D. Leshnoff K. K. Yoon B. Bevins M. Saporito
P. Manbeck S. Yukawa C. B. Cheezem S. M. Walker
W. T. Clayton
Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC XI)
Subgroup on Repairs, Replacements, and Modifications (SC XI)
D. A. Scarth, Chair K. Hasegawa
G. M. Wilkowski, Secretary D. N. Hopkins W. C. Holston, Chair R. D. Kerr
W. H. Bamford, Jr. K. Iida D. E. Waskey, Secretary D. F. Landers
R. C. Cipolla H. S. Mehta R. W. Boyce R. S. Lewis
N. G. Cofie J. S. Panesar M. N. Bressler M. S. McDonald
S. K. Daftuar K. K. Yoon R. E. Cantrell R. R. Stevenson
G. H. De Boo S. Yukawa R. E. Gimple R. W. Swayne
E. Friedman A. Zahoor C. E. Hartz R. E. Tome
L. F. Goyette V. A. Zilberstein R. A. Hermann R. A. Yonekawa
Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SC XI) Special Working Group on Plant Life Extension (SC XI)
the pressure test if conducted by the stamp holder Section VIII, Division 2, Alternative Rules for
performing the fieldwork) to the Manufacturer responsi- Construction of Pressure Vessels
ble for the Code vessel. The Manufacturer applies his Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications
U3 stamp in the presence of a representative from his The referenced standards and specifications shall
Inspection Agency and completes the K-1 Manufactur- apply. These Sections and standards apply to the extent
er’s Data Report Form with his Inspector. referenced in this Division (see Table KG-141).
In all three alternatives, the party completing and
signing the K-1 Manufacturer’s Data Report Form
assumes full Code responsibility for the vessel. In all KG-142 Standard Parts
three cases, each Manufacturer’s Quality Control System Standard pressure parts which comply with an ASME
shall describe the controls to assure compliance for product standard shall be made of materials permitted
each Code stamp holder. by this Division (see Part KM).
GENERAL NOTE: For product standards, pressure–temperature ratings and cyclic analysis may limit applica-
tion (see Part KD).
(1) See KG-411.
(4) and to make certain that the identification (b) Work such as forming, nondestructive examina-
traceable to the mill test report or material certification tion, heat treating, etc., may be performed by others (see
has been maintained (see KF-112); KF-210). It is the vessel Manufacturer’s responsibility to
(f) documentation of impact tests when such tests ensure that all work performed complies with all the
are required (see KM-212, KM-230, and Article KT-2); applicable requirements of this Division. After ensuring
(g) obtain concurrence of the Inspector prior to any compliance, and obtaining permission of the Inspector,
repairs when required by KF-113, KF-710 and 2-116 the vessel may be stamped with the ASME symbol
of Appendix 2; stamp by the appropriate stamp holder.
(h) reports of examination of head and shell sections
to confirm they have been properly formed to the
specified shapes within permissible tolerances (see KF- KG-422 Quality Control Manual
120 and KF-130); The Quality Control Manual shall describe the manner
(i) qualification of the welding procedures before in which the Manufacturer (Certificate Holder) controls
they are used in fabrication (see KF-210, KF-822, and and accepts the responsibility for the subcontracted
KT-220); activities. This includes all aspects of subcontracted
(j) qualification of all Welders and Welding Opera- fabrication and inspection. This section of the manual
tors before using Welders in production work (see KF- shall be reviewed with the Inspector.
210 and KF-823);
(k) reports of examination of all parts prior to joining KG-423 Control of Individuals
to make certain they have been properly fitted for
welding and that the surfaces to be joined have been A Manufacturer may engage individuals by contract for
cleaned and the alignment tolerances are maintained their services as Welders or Welding Operators, at shop or
(see KF-230); site locations shown on his Certificate of Authorization,
(l) reports of examination of parts as fabrication provided all of the following conditions are met.
progresses for material identification (see KG-413 and (a) The work to be done by Welders or Welding Opera-
KS-301) that surface defects are not evident, and that tors is within the scope of the Certificate of Authorization.
dimensional geometries are maintained; (b) The use of such Welders or Welding Operators is
(m) provision of controls to assure that all required described in the Quality Control Manual of the Manufac-
heat treatments are performed (see Part KF); turer. The Quality Control System shall include a require-
(n) providing records of nondestructive examinations ment for direct supervision and direct technical control of
performed on the vessel or vessel parts. This shall the Welders and Welding Operators, acceptable to the
include retaining the radiographic film; Manufacturer’s accredited Authorized Inspection Agency.
(o) making the required hydrostatic or pneumatic test (c) The Welding Procedures have been properly qual-
and having the required examination performed during ified by the Manufacturer, according to Section IX.
such test (see Article KT-3); (d) The Welders and Welding Operators are qualified
(p) applying the required stamping and/or nameplate by the Manufacturer according to Section IX to perform
to the vessel and making certain it is applied to the these procedures.
proper vessel (see Article KS-1); (e) Code responsibility and control is retained by
(q) preparing the required Manufacturer’s Data Re- the Manufacturer.
port with the supplement, and having them certified
by the Inspector (see Article KS-1); KG-430 THE INSPECTOR
(r) maintenance of records (see KS-310 and KS-320).
KG-431 Identification of Inspector
KG-420 CERTIFICATION OF All references to Inspectors throughout this Division
SUBCONTRACTED SERVICES mean the Authorized Inspector as defined in this para-
graph. All inspections required by this Division shall
KG-421 Certificate of Authorization
be by an Inspector qualified according to KG-432 and
(a) Subcontracts which involve welding on pressure regularly employed by an ASME accredited Authorized
boundary components for construction under the rules Inspection Agency defined as:
of this Division, other than repair welds permitted by (a) the inspection organization of a state or munici-
product specifications, shall be made only to subcontrac- pality of the United States, or of a Canadian province;
tors holding a valid U, U2, or U3 Certificate of Authori- (b) an insurance company authorized to write boiler
zation (see KG-322). and pressure vessel insurance;
be used. Test temperature shall be reduced in accordance the direction of maximum elongation during rolling or
with Table KM-212. to the direction of major working during forging. Exam-
(c) Where bolt diameter or length does not permit ples of acceptable Charpy V-notch impact specimen
specimens in accordance with (a) or (b) above, impact orientations removed from plate and pipe are shown
testing is not required. in Fig. KM-212 sketches (a) and (b), respectively. Since
the direction of major working in a forging can vary
98 KM-212.2 Pressure Retaining Component Materi-
A00 significantly depending upon its shape and the forging
als, Other Than Bolting, Not Containing Welds
method used, a single, representative example of an
(a) The test coupons for Charpy specimens shall be
oriented such that their major axes lie transverse to
acceptable Charpy specimen removed from such a specimens parallel to and on the side opposite the
forging cannot be shown. Corners of Charpy specimens notch may be as shown in Fig. KM-212, if necessary,
parallel to and on the side opposite the notch may be to maintain the standard 10 mm cross section at the
as shown in Fig. KM-212 sketch (b-1), if necessary, notch.
to maintain the standard 10 mm cross section at the (b) Where Charpy V-notch impact testing is to be
notch. conducted and material size or shape does not permit
(b) Where Charpy V-notch impact testing is to be specimens per (a) above, subsize specimens may be
conducted and material size or shape does not permit used. Test temperature shall be reduced per Table
specimens in accordance with (a) above, longitudinal KM-212.
specimens with their major axes parallel to the direction (c) Charpy V-notch impact testing is not required
of maximum elongation or major working may be used when the maximum obtainable subsize specimen has
as shown in Fig. KM-212, sketch (b-3). a width along the notch of less than 0.098 in.
(c) Where material size or shape does not permit
Charpy V-notch specimens in accordance with (a) or KM-213 Fracture Toughness Specimens
(b) above, subsize longitudinal specimens may be used
Test temperature shall be reduced in accordance with See KM-250 for supplementary toughness require-
Table KM-212. ments for pressure retaining component materials.
(d) Charpy V-notch impact testing is not required KM-213.1 Bolting Materials. If applicable, fracture
when the maximum obtainable subsize longitudinal toughness specimens shall be oriented such that the
specimen has a width along the notch of less than plane of the precrack is transverse to the axis of the bolt.
0.098 in.
KM-213.2 Pressure Retaining Component Materi-
A00 KM-212.3 Pressure Retaining Component Materi- als, Other Than Bolting, Not Containing Welds. If
als Containing Welds applicable, fracture toughness specimens shall be ori-
(a) The test coupons for Charpy specimens shall be ented such that the plane of the precrack is parallel
oriented such that their major axes lie transverse to to the direction of maximum elongation during rolling
the direction of the welded joint. Corners of Charpy or to the direction of major working during forging.
KM-213.3 Pressure Retaining Component Materi- samples shall be clad or weld deposit overlaid before
als Containing Welds. If applicable, fracture toughness such heat treatments.
specimens shall be oriented such that the plane of the
precrack is parallel to the direction of the welded joint.
KM-400 CONTENTS OF TABLES OF (c) The coefficients of thermal expansion and the
MATERIAL DESIGN DATA moduli of elasticity for all materials which may be
used under the rules of this Division are specified in
(a) Vessels fabricated in accordance with the rules
the following tables.
of this Division shall be built using the materials listed
(1) Coefficients of thermal expansion are specified
in the following tables unless specifically exempted by
in Tables TE-1 and TE-4 in Subpart 2 of Section II,
this Division:
Part D.
(1) Table KCS-1
(2) Moduli of elasticity are specified in Tables
(2) Table KHA-1
TM-1 and TM-4 in Subpart 2 of Section II, Part D.
(3) Table KNF-1
(d) Coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal
(b) Tables Y-3 and U-2, in Subpart 1 of Section II,
diffusivity are listed in Table TCD in Subpart 2 of
Part D, with their values of yield strength Sy and tensile
Section II, Part D.
strength Su , respectively, give the data needed for
design, as required by the rules of Part KD.
SA-312 TP316, TP316H SA-336 F316, F316H SA-638 660 Cl. 1 & 2
SA-320 B8 Cl. 1 & 2; B8A Cl.
1A; B8C Cl. 1 & 2; SA-453 660 Cl. A & B SA-705 XM-12, XM-13, XM-25,
B8CA Cl. 1A; B8F Cl. 630, 631
1, S & Se; B8FA Cl. SA-479 316, 316H
1A, S & Se; B8M Cl.
1 & 2; B8MA Cl. 1A; SA-564 630 Cond., H1025,
B8T Cl. 1 & 2; B8TA H1075, H1100, &
Cl. 1A H1150
KD-100 SCOPE strength values, and other material properties are given
in Section II, Part D.
(a) The requirements of this Part KD provide specific
design criteria for some commonly used pressure vessel
shapes under pressure loadings and, within specified KD-102 Types of Construction
limits, criteria or guidance for treatment of other load- Article KD-2 contains rules for the basic design of
ings. This Part does not contain rules to cover all all pressure vessels within the scope of this Division.
details of design. Article KD-2 also provides rules for designing non-
(b) A complete analysis, including a fatigue or frac- welded vessels which are constructed of forged or
ture mechanics analysis, of all structural parts of the otherwise wrought material machined to its final con-
vessel shall be performed in accordance with applicable figuration.
Articles of this Part. All of the loadings specified in For openings, closures, and other types of construc-
the User’s Design Specification (see KG-311) and all tion, such as multiple-wall and layered, wire-wound,
stresses introduced by the fabrication processing, auto- interlocking strip, or welded, these rules shall be supple-
frettage, temperature gradients, etc., shall be considered. mented by those given in the appropriate Articles, i.e.,
This analysis shall be documented in the Manufacturer’s KD-6, KD-8, KD-9, KD-10, and KD-11.
Design Report. See KG-324.
(c) Small vessels, which the User’s Design Specifica- KD-103 Protective Liners
tion clearly states are for research laboratory service
only, are exempt from the requirements of Articles A protective liner is the innermost layer of a pressure
KD-3 and KD-4, provided all the following are met: vessel, whose function is to protect the surface of load-
(1) the volume does not exceed 75 cu in. carrying members against chemical and mechanical
(1.26 dm3); damage. It can be of any suitable material, and this
(2) the required number of design cycles does not material need not be listed in Part KM. Credit shall
exceed 1000; not be given for the thickness of a protective liner in
(3) all design limits of Article KD-2 are satisfied; the static strength and primary stress calculations, but
(4) the vessel is intended to be operated at all the effects of a liner shall be considered in the secondary
times with supplementary protective devices to provide stress and number of design cyclic loading calculations.
personnel safety. The designer shall consider the consequences of the
liner failure in order to preserve the integrity of the
pressure boundary.
KD-101 Materials and Combinations of
Materials KD-104 Prestressed Inner Layers A99
A vessel shall be designed for and constructed of Prestressed inner layers are the innermost shells of
materials permitted in Part KM. Any combination of a pressure vessel which are surrounded and put in
those materials in Part KM may be used, provided the compression by one or more outer shells such that a
applicable rules are followed and the requirements of crack through the thickness of all the prestressed inner
Section IX for welding dissimilar metals are met, when layers would cause the vessel to leak but not burst.
welding is involved. These layers shall be considered in the static strength
Material design data such as moduli of elasticity, and primary stress calculations, and shall be fabricated
coefficients of thermal expansion, yield and tensile from a material listed in Part KM. The material of
these layers need not comply with the minimum Charpy the mean temperature through the thickness of the part
V-notch impact values listed in Table KM-234.2(a), being examined under the set of conditions considered.
providing: If necessary, the metal temperature shall be determined
(a) failure of all the inner layers will not result in by computations or by measurements from equipment
separation of the end closure from the vessel; and in service under equivalent operating conditions. How-
(b) the requirements of KD-141(c) are satisfied. ever, in no case shall the temperature at any point in
the metal or the design temperature exceed the maximum
temperature in the yield strength tables in Section II,
Part D for the material in question or exceed the
Some of the loadings which shall be considered are temperature limitations specified elsewhere in this Divi-
as follows (see KG-311.8): sion, except as provided in KD-113.
(a) internal and external pressure, at coincident tem- In vessels exposed to repeated fluctuations of tempera-
perature; ture in normal operation, the design shall be based on
(b) service temperature conditions which produce the highest fluid temperature, unless the designer can
thermal stresses, such as those due to thermal gradients demonstrate by calculation or experiment that a lower
or differential thermal expansion; temperature can be justified.
(c) weight of vessel and normal contents under op- For determination of the fracture toughness to be
erating or test conditions; used in the fracture mechanics evaluation, the minimum
(d) superimposed loads caused by other vessels, pip- design metal temperature (MDMT) at the point of
ing, or operating equipment; interest shall be used. See KG-311.4(d) for a definition
(e) wind loads and earthquake loads; of MDMT and for service restriction when the vessel
(f) reactions of supporting lugs, rings, saddles, or temperature is below MDMT.
other types of vessel supports; The lower limit of the metal temperature during the
(g) impact loads, including rapidly fluctuating pres- hydrostatic test is given in KT-320.
sures and reaction forces from relief devices; (b) It is the responsibility of the designer to specify
(h) loadings resulting from expansion or contraction the anticipated temperature of the overpressure relief
of attached piping or other parts; device.
(i) residual stresses, introduced at fabrication, e.g.,
by autofrettage, hydrostatic test, shrink fit, prestressed KD-113 Upset Conditions
wire or strip winding, rolling, forming, welding, thermal
treatments, and surface treatment such as shot peening; Sudden process upsets, which occur infrequently, can
(j) the effect of fluid flow rates, density, jet impinge- cause local increases or decreases in metal surface
ment streams, inlet and outlet temperatures, on loadings. temperature. For the purpose of the static pressure
design requirements, no credit shall be taken for that
portion of the wall thickness which is predicted to
KD-111 Limits of Test Pressure exceed the maximum temperature permitted in the
The lower and upper limits on test pressure are material’s yield strength table. The minimum metal
specified in Article KT-3. surface temperature which occurs during sudden cooling
shall be considered in the fracture toughness evaluations.
A complete stress and fracture mechanics analysis
KD-112 Basis for Design Temperature is required for any credible upset condition.
(a) When the occurrence of different metal tempera-
tures during operation can be definitely predicted for KD-114 Environmental Effects
different axial zones of the vessel, the design of the The designer shall consider environmental effects,
different zones may be based on their predicted tempera- such as corrosion, erosion, and stress corrosion cracking,
tures. and their influence on the material thickness, fatigue,
When the vessel is expected to operate at more than and fracture behavior.
one temperature and under different pressure conditions,
all significant sets of temperature and coincident pres-
sure shall be considered.
The metal temperature under steady operating condi- The design of the vessel parts is based on the
tions may vary significantly through the thickness. The requirement that the average and local stress intensities
temperature used in the design shall be not less than shall be limited to values which ensure an adequate
safety margin against relevant failure modes under the shall meet the requirements of Articles KD-5, KD-9,
stated conditions. The fulfillment of this requirement KF-5, or KF-9, as appropriate.
shall be demonstrated by a calculation based on the (c) Residual stresses from fabrication operations such
following data: as welding and thermal heat treatments may also be
(a) the results of a stress analysis (Article KD-2) present. See KD-110(i).
giving the average stress intensity across section areas
and the local stress intensity at critical points;
(b) yield strength Sy (see Part KM and Section II, KD-133 Openings and Closures
Part D);
Article KD-6 provides rules for the design of openings
(c) fracture toughness KIc (see Appendix D);
through vessel walls, connections made to these open-
(d) fatigue crack growth constants C and m (see
ings, and end closures and their attachment to cylindrical
Article KD-4);
vessels. Additional guidance is provided in Appendix H.
(e) fatigue strength Sa (see Article KD-3);
(f) mill undertolerance on material thickness;
(g) corrosion/erosion allowances [see KG-311.7(b)].
KD-121 Relevant Failure Modes If it can be shown that the vessel will have a
leak-before-burst mode of failure (see KD-141), the
Some of the relevant failure modes are the following: calculated number of design cycles may be determined
(a) through the thickness yielding as a consequence using the rules of either Article KD-3 or Article KD-
of too high an average stress intensity; 4. However, if the leak-before-burst mode of failure
(b) local yielding of a magnitude which could pro- cannot be shown, then the Article KD-4 procedure
duce excessive distortion and unacceptable transfer of shall be used.
load to other portions of the structure, or leakage;
(c) leak caused by stable fatigue crack propagation
through the wall (leak-before-burst); KD-141 Leak-Before-Burst Mode of Failure A00
(d) unstable crack growth, i.e., fast fracture;
(e) buckling (see KD-252). For the purpose of this Code, it may be assumed
that leak-before-burst failure will occur if the critical
crack depth of a crack in the appropriate plane is
greater than the wall thickness at the location considered.
KD-130 DESIGN CRITERIA Since many of the available methods for calculating
KD-131 Maximum Shear Stress Theory stress intensity factors are not accurate for very deep
cracks, it may not be possible to determine critical
In accordance with this theory, yielding at any point crack depths which are greater than 0.8 times the wall
occurs when the difference between the algebraically thickness. In such cases, leak-before-burst mode of
largest and the algebraically smallest principal stress failure may be assumed if both of the following condi-
reaches the yield strength of the material. tions are met:
(a) the stress intensity factor at a crack depth equal
to 0.8 times the wall thickness is less than the fracture
KD-132 Residual Stress
toughness of the material; and
Except as provided in KD-924, residual stresses are (b) the remaining ligament (distance from the crack
not considered in the static analysis, but shall be tip to the free surface that the crack is approaching)
considered in the calculated number of design cycles is less than the quantity (KIc/Sy)2.
in accordance with Article KD-3 or KD-4. Alternatively, leak-before-burst mode of failure can be
(a) The vessel may contain residual stresses of prede- established by the user based on documented experience
termined magnitudes and distributions. These residual within the industry with vessels of similar design, size,
stresses may be produced by assembling concentric material properties, and operating conditions (see KG-
cylinders with an interference in the dimensions of the 311.10).
mating surfaces (shrink fitting). Such vessels shall meet (c) In the case of the inner cylinder, it may be
the requirements of Articles KD-8 and KF-8. assumed that the outer cylinder or cylinders will not
(b) Residual stresses also may be produced by auto- fracture if the theoretical collapse pressure (2 times
frettage and wire winding, in which case the component the value calculated in KD-251.2) of the combined
冤冢0.5 − 0.5
(3) This limitation applies to the range of stress intensity. When the secondary stress is due to a temperature excursion at the point at which
the stresses are being analyzed, the value of Sy shall be taken as the average of the Sy values tabulated in Section II, Part D for the highest
and the lowest temperatures of the metal during the transient. When part or all of the secondary stress is due to mechanical load, the value
of Sy shall be taken as the Sy value for the highest temperature of the metal during the transient.
(4) ␣ is the shape factor [see KD-210(o)].
(5) Seq is obtained from the fatique curves, Figs. KD-320.1, KD-320.2, and KD-320.3. The allowable stress intensity for the full range of
fluctuation is 2Seq . The requirements of Articles KD-3 and KD-4 must also be met.
of a shear failure shall be considered. In the case of secondary stress intensity of 2Sy (see Fig. KD-230) has
primary stress only, the average shear stress shall be been placed at a level which ensures shakedown to
limited to 0.4Sy . In the case of primary stress plus elastic action after a few repetitions of the stress cycle
secondary stress, the average stress shall not exceed except in regions containing significant local structural
0.5Sy . discontinuities or local thermal stresses. These last two
(c) When considering bearing stresses from pins in factors are considered only in the performance of a
supporting members, the Sy at temperature value is fatigue evaluation.
applicable, except that a value of 1.5Sy may be used (b) The limits on local membrane stress intensity
if the pin is at least three pin diameters from the edge. kSy (see Fig. KD-230) and primary membrane plus
primary bending stress intensity of ␣kSy /1.5 (see Fig.
KD-230) have been placed at a level which conserva-
KD-234 Secondary Stresses
tively ensures the prevention of collapse as determined
The magnitude of the primary-plus-secondary stresses by the principles of limit analysis. The following para-
is limited to 2Sy per Fig. KD-230. graphs provide guidance in the application of plastic
analysis and some relaxation of the basic stress limits
which are allowed if plastic analysis is used.
KD-235 Triaxial Stresses
The algebraic sum of the three principal stresses,
including the primary, secondary, and peak stresses, KD-241 Limit Analysis 98
shall not exceed 2.5Sy . A99
The limits on general membrane stress intensity, A00
local membrane stress intensity, primary membrane
plus primary bending stress intensity, and primary-plus-
secondary membrane plus bending stress intensity need
not be satisfied if a limit analysis is conducted using
(a) Certain of the allowable stresses permitted in numerical methods such as elastic-plastic finite element
these design criteria are such that the maximum stress or finite difference analysis, and the results satisfy the
calculated on an elastic basis may exceed the yield requirements in (a) through (f) below. The material
strength of the material. The limit on primary-plus- shall be assumed to be ideal elastic, perfectly plastic
冢S 冣
Sy of stud material at design temperature KD-620 BOLTING
y of tapped material at design temperature
The number and cross-sectional area of bolts required
to resist primary loads shall be determined. The yield
strength values to be used are the values given in
in which ds is the root diameter of the stud. Section II, Part D for bolting materials.
(a) The average primary stress intensity S shall be
based on the thread root diameter and shall not exceed
the following limit:
KD-616 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Sp Sy
(a) Except as permitted in KD-100(c), a fatigue 1.8
analysis in accordance with Article KD-3 or a fracture
mechanics analysis in accordance with Article KD-4
is required for all threaded connections. (b) For bolts with a reduced shank, which has a
(b) The fatigue evaluation of a threaded joint is diameter less than 0.9 times the thread root diameter,
made by the same methods as are applied to any other the above equation shall be replaced by:
structure that is subjected to cyclic loading.
(c) The stresses developed by the expected service
shall be analyzed. Unless it can be shown by analysis 1
Sp Sy
or test that a lower value is appropriate, the fatigue 1.5
strength reduction factor for threads shall not be less
than 4.0.
(d) ANSI standard nuts of materials permitted by provided the actual shank diameter is used.
this Division do not require fatigue analysis. Internal (c) Primary-plus-secondary membrane stress intensity
threads mating with a stud or bolt do not require fatigue in bolts shall not exceed 0.75Sy. Primary-plus-secondary
analysis for bolting loads. However, the effects of the membrane stress plus bending stress intensity in bolts
internally threaded penetration on the nominal primary- should not exceed Sy. Stress concentration effects are
plus-secondary stresses in the internally threaded mem- not considered in the above analysis.
ber shall be considered.
冤 冢 冣 冥 冕 冢x − D S (x) 冣 dx
2 Dw ture at any value of pressure between atmospheric and
DI x
t(x2) p Sw(x2) − 1 + 2 2 w test pressure.
x2 x2 I
冤 冢Dx 冣 冥 冕 冢x
2 Dw
r(x2) p − 1 − I
2 x2 2
− D2I 冣
Sw(x) dx KD-923 Minimum Level of Prestressing of
Frames Made From Columns and
In the case when the frame is made up of nonintegral
The equations given above are valid as long as: columns and yokes, the prestressing of the frame by
(a) the helix angle of the winding is less than 1.0 deg.; the winding shall be high enough to ensure that the
(b) the maximum gap between the wires in the yokes and columns are in mechanical contact even at
longitudinal direction of the vessel is less than 5% of a load corresponding to 105% of the pressure to be
the wire width, or 0.010 in. (0.25 mm), whichever is applied at the hydrostatic test (see Article KT-3). This
less; and requirement shall be checked by calculation and docu-
(c) neither the liner nor the wire yields. See KD-920. mented in the Manufacturer’s Data Report.
KD-932.1 Wire Fatigue Curve. The calculation of KD-932.3 Design Factors KS and KN . The values
the design fatigue life of the winding shall be based of the design factors KS and KN are multiples of factors
on a wire fatigue curve derived as follows. which account for the effects of stressed length and
(a) Make fatigue tests with wire pieces with a length of scatter in fatigue strength of the wire. They shall
of at least 30 times the maximum cross sectional be determined as stated below:
dimension, taken from wire coils delivered from the
same manufacturer and produced from the same material KS p KSLKSS (1)
quality and by the same manufacturing method as the
wire to be used in the vessel or frame. where KSL is the factor for the effect of stressed length
(b) Select a mean stress which will avoid buckling and KSS is the factor for the effect of statistical variation
the test specimen. Make all tests at this mean stress (scatter) in fatigue strength:
for all stress amplitudes used. 1⁄
KSL p (LW /LT) 30 (2)
(c) Make the tests at no less than four levels of
stress amplitude S with at least six wire pieces at each
stress level. The cyclic rate of the test shall be such where LW is the accepted average distance between
that appreciable heating of the wire does not occur. wire cracks at N p ND and a crack probability of
Note the number of cycles Nf to complete fatigue 10% (see KD-932) and LT is the length of the wire
rupture. pieces at the fatigue tests (see KD-932.1). Assuming
transfer one set of markings to a location where the is traceable to the certified material test report or
markings will be visible on the completed vessel. certificate of compliance and the Code marking.
Alternatively, a coded marking, acceptable to the Inspec-
tor, shall be used to ensure identification of each
piece of material during fabrication and subsequent KF-113 Repair of Defective Material
identification of the markings on the completed vessel.
Material in which defects exceeding the limits of
Except as indicated in KF-112.1, material may be
Article KE-2 are known or are discovered during the
marked by any method acceptable to the Inspector.
process of fabrication is unacceptable. Unless prohibited
The Inspector need not witness the transfer of the
by the material specification in Section II, the User’s
marks, but shall be satisfied that this has been done
Design Specification, or Part KM, defects may be
removed and the material repaired by the Manufacturer
(b) All parts completed elsewhere shall be marked
or by the Material Manufacturer with the approval of
with the part manufacturer’s name and the part identifi-
the Manufacturer. All repairs shall be made in accord-
cation. Should identifying marks be obliterated in the
ance with the provisions of Article KE-2 and docu-
fabrication process and for small parts, other means of
mented in the Manufacturer’s Construction Records.
identification shall be used.
2 in. (51 mm), whichever is less, on each side or end KF-411.5 Local Heating of Nozzles and External A99
of the weld. The term t is the nominal thickness as Attachments on Vessels A00
defined in KF-402.3. (a) Heating a circumferential band containing nozzles
or other welded attachments that require postweld heat
KF-411.1 Heating Entire Vessel. Heating the vessel treatment in such a manner that the entire band shall
as a whole in a closed furnace is preferred and should be brought up uniformly to the required temperature
be used whenever practical. (see KF-413) and held for the specified time. Except
as modified in para. (b) below, the soak band shall
KF-411.2 Heating Vessel Portions. Heating the ves-
extend around the entire vessel, and shall include the
sel in more than one heat in a furnace is permitted,
nozzle or welded attachment. The portion of the vessel
provided the overlap of the heated sections of the
outside of the circumferential soak band shall be pro-
vessel is at least 5 ft (1.5 m). When this procedure is
tected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful.
used, the portion outside of the furnace shall be shielded
(b) This procedure may also be used for local heat
so that the temperature gradient is not harmful (see
treatment of circumferential joints in pipe, tubing, or
KF-412). The cross section where the vessel projects
nozzle necks. In the latter case, proximity to the shell
from the furnace shall not intersect a nozzle or other
increases thermal restraint, and the designer should
structural discontinuity.
provide adequate length to permit heat treatment without
A99 KF-411.3 Heating Components and Circumferen- harmful gradients — at the nozzle attachment, or heat
tial Welds a full circumferential band around the shell, including
(a) It is permissible to heat shell sections, heads, the nozzle.
and other components of vessels, for postweld heat The circumferential soak band width may be varied
treatment of longitudinal joints or complicated welded away from the nozzle or attachment weld requiring
details, before joining any sections to make the com- PWHT, provided the required soak band around the
pleted vessel. Circumferential joints not previously post- nozzle or attachment weld is heated to the required
weld heat treated may be locally postweld heat treated temperature and held for the required time. As an
by heating a circumferential band that includes such alternate to varying the soak band width, the temperature
joints. within the circumferential band away from the nozzle
(b) This procedure may also be used for local heat or attachment may be varied and need not reach the
treatment of circumferential joints in pipe, tubing, or required temperature, provided the required soak band
nozzle necks. In the latter case, proximity to the shell around the nozzle or attachment weld is heated to the
increases thermal restraint, and the designer should required temperature, held for the required time, and
provide adequate length to permit heat treatment without the temperature gradient is not harmful throughout the
harmful gradients at the nozzle attachments. If this is heating and cooling cycle. The portion of the vessel
not practical, see KF-411.5. outside of the circumferential soak band shall be pro-
(c) The width of the heated band on each side of tected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful.
the greatest width of the finished weld shall be not (c) The procedure in para. (a) may also be used to
less than two times the shell thickness. The portion postweld heat treat portions of vessels after repairs.
outside the heating device shall be protected so that KF-411.6 Local Area Heating of Double Curvature A99
the temperature gradient is not harmful. For such local Heads or Shells. Heating a local area around nozzles
heating, the soak band shall extend around the full or welded attachments in the larger radius sections of
circumference. The portion outside the soak band shall a double curvature head or a spherical shell or head
be protected so that the temperature gradient is not in such a manner that the area is brought up uniformly
harmful. This procedure may also be used to postweld to the required temperature (see KF-413) and held for
heat treat portions of new vessels after repairs. the specified time. The soak band shall include the
nozzle or welded attachment. The soak band shall
KF-411.4 Heating Vessel Internally. The vessel
include a circle that extends beyond the edges of the
may be heated internally by any appropriate means
attachment weld in all directions by a minimum of t
when adequate temperature indicating and recording
or 2 in. (51 mm), whichever is less. The portion of
devices are utilized to aid in the control and maintenance
the vessel outside of the soak band shall be protected
of a uniform distribution of temperature in the vessel
so that the temperature gradient is not harmful.
wall. The vessel shall be fully insulated where required
prior to heating so the temperature requirements of KF-411.7 Heating of Other Configurations. Local A99
KF-413 are met. area heating of other configurations not addressed in
KF-411.1 through KF-411.6 is permitted, provided that hr). During the heating period, there shall not be a
other measures (based upon sufficiently similar docu- greater variation in temperature throughout the portion
mented experience or evaluation) are taken that consider of the vessel being heated than 250°F (139°C) within
the effect of thermal gradients, all significant structural any 15 ft (4.6 m) interval of length.
discontinuities (such as nozzles, attachments, head to (c) The vessel or vessel part shall be held at or
shell junctures) and any mechanical loads that may be above the temperature specified in Table KF-402.1 for
present during PWHT. The portion of the vessel outside the period of time specified. During the holding period,
of the soak band shall be protected so that the tempera- there shall not be a difference greater than 100°F (56°C)
ture gradient is not harmful. between the highest and lowest temperatures throughout
the portion of the vessel being heated, except where
the range is further limited in Table KF-402.1.
KF-412 Heat Treatment That May Affect (d) During the heating and holding periods, the fur-
Vessel Stress Redistribution nace atmosphere shall be so controlled as to avoid
excessive oxidation of the surface of the vessel. The
The Manufacturer shall ensure, in accordance with furnace shall be of such design as to prevent direct
KG-323(d), that any heat treatment given to a vessel impingement of the flame on the vessel.
or vessel part does not adversely affect the stress (e) Unless modified by Article KF-6, above 800°F
redistribution required by Articles KD-5, KD-8, KD- (427°C) cooling shall be done in a closed furnace or
9, and KD-10. In addition, the Manufacturer shall meet cooling chamber at a rate not greater than 500°F /hr
the requirements for heat treatment given in KF-830 (278°C/hr) divided by the maximum metal thickness
or KF-540(b), as applicable. of the shell or head plate in inches, but in no case
need it be less than 100°F /hr (56°C /hr). From 800°F
(427°C), the vessel may be cooled in still air.
KF-413 Heating and Cooling Rates
Postweld heat treatment shall be carried out by one
of the methods given in KF-411 in accordance with KF-420 POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT A99
the following requirements. AFTER REPAIRS
(a) The temperature of the furnace shall not exceed Vessels or parts of vessels that have been postweld
800°F (427°C) at the time the vessel or part is placed heat treated in accordance with the requirements of
in it. this Article shall again be postweld heat treated after
(b) Above 800°F (427°C), the rate of heating shall repairs have been made if the welds made in such repairs
be not more than 400°F /hr (222°C/hr) divided by the required postweld treatment under the requirements of
maximum metal thickness of the shell or head plate this Article. The Manufacturer shall ensure that any
in inches, but in no case more than 400°F /hr (222°C/ additional heat treatments required shall not adversely
hr) and in no case need it be less than 100°F /hr (56°C/ affect the vessel material properties.
(c) For nondestructive examination methods that con- required by SNT-TC-1A, shall identify the requirements
sist of more than one operation or type, it is permissible relative to the recommended guidelines. The recom-
to use personnel qualified to perform one or more mended guidelines of SNT-TC-1A shall be required,
operations. As an example, one person may be used as modified in (a) through (e) below.
who is qualified to conduct radiographic examination (a) Qualification of Level III nondestructive examina-
and another may be used who is qualified to interpret tion personnel shall be by examination. The basic and
and evaluate the radiographic film. method examinations of SNT-TC-1A may be prepared
and administered by the Employer, ASNT, or an outside
KE-112 Qualification Procedure agency. The specific examination of SNT-TC-1A shall
be prepared and administered by the Employer or an
KE-112.1 Qualification to SNT-TC-1A. Personnel outside agency. The Employer or an outside agency
performing nondestructive examinations shall be quali- administering the specific examination shall identify
fied in accordance with the recommended guidelines
the minimum grade requirement in the written program
of SNT-TC-1A.1 The Employer’s2 written practice,
when the basic and method examinations have been
1 SNT-TC-1A,
administered by ASNT, which issues grades on a pass/
Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification
and Certification in Nondestructive Testing, is published by the fail basis. In this case, the minimum grade for the
American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1711 Arlingate Lane, specific examination may not be less than 80%.
PO Box 28518, Columbus, Ohio 43228-0518.
2 Employer
(b) The written practice and the procedures used for
as used in this Article refers to a U3 certificate holder and
organizations who provide subcontracted nondestructive examination examination of personnel shall be referenced in the
services to organizations described above. Employer’s Quality Control System.
D-402 Stress Intensity Factors for Cracks ᐉ(x) p A0 + A1x + A2x2 + A3x3 (1)
Initiating at Cross Bores
The stress intensity factors for cracks of type B may where x is the radial distance from the free surface of
be calculated using the method given in D-401, provided the crack.
that the intersection of the cross bore with the bore The stress distribution determined by a linear elastic
of the main cylinder is radiused at least one-fourth of analysis is calculated first and then the four coefficients
the diameter of the cross bore. See D-700(c). The (A0, A1, A2, A3) in Eq. (1) are chosen to give the best
values of stresses to be used to obtain the polynomial curve fit. After the values of A0, A1, A2, and A3 are
fit in Eq. (1) of D-401 are determined as follows. chosen, Eqs. (2)–(6) are used to calculate the stress
(a) Elastic stress analysis may be used to determine intensity factor KI for various crack depths a.
the stress field in the vicinity of the uncracked cross
冢 冣
2aA1F2 a2A2F3 4a3A3F4
bore. This elastic analysis is used to obtain the direct KI p √ a A0F1 + + + (2)
stresses acting normal to the plane of the assumed 2 3
crack. The distribution of these stresses along line b–
b in Fig. D-200 shall be used to obtain the polynomial F1, F2, F3, and F4 are the magnification factors relative
fit in Eq. (1) of D-401. As shown in Fig. D-200, the to the geometry considered. These magnification factors
cross bore corner crack is assumed to be equivalent are given in Fig. D-403.1 as a function of relative
to a semicircular crack (a/ᐉ p 0.5) in a plane with crack depth or can be calculated by the following
the line b–b as the axis of symmetry. equations.
(b) If residual stresses have been introduced, such
as by autofrettaging the main cylinder, the K due to
F1 p 1.1259 + 0.2344(a/t) + 2.2018(a/t)2
residual stresses may be calculated using the polynomial
− 0.2083(a/t)3 (3)
fitting technique in D-401 with the simplifying assump-
tion that the tangential residual stress distribution in
F2 p 1.0732 + 0.2677(a/t) + 0.6661(a/t)2
the main cylinder acts along line b–b.
+ 0.6354(a/t)3 (4)
will then produce the curve shown in Fig. D-403.3 calculating the stress intensity factor due to internal
and given by Eq. (7). pressure.
2aA1F2 a2A2F3
KIcorr p √ a A0F1 + +
3 冣+ ⌺⌬KI (7) D-405 Stress Intensity Factors Determined
by Weight Function Methods
where ∑⌬KI is the sum of all ⌬K’s for preceding The weight function method can be used for all
regions. The ⌬K for the first region (at the free surface) types of cracks.
is 0. For the annular (ring) cracks considered in D-403,
the crack tip stress intensity KI can be written as:
w(x,a) p
2KIREF冢 ␦a 冣 da
p C[f (RK )] (⌬K)m
where VREF is the surface opening displacement in the (b) The function of RK is different for positive and
ᐉ (longitudinal) direction and KIREF is the crack tip for negative values of RK, and for different materials.
stress intensity factor derived for this geometry and a For materials listed in Table D-500 the following
less complex loading, e.g., uniform stress normal to functions of RK may be used.
the crack plane. For plane stress H p E and for plane For RK ≥ 0,
strain H p E(1 − 2).
Approximate methods have been developed for ob- f (RK) p 1 + C3RK
taining the crack opening displacement field VREF for
a ring crack in a simple cylinder. These values of VREF For RK < 0,
and the associated stress intensity factors KREF can be
used to derive w(x,a), which can then be used to derive f (RK) p [C2 /(C2 − RK)]m
KI for the ring crack at the thread root.
(c) The values of the constants C and m for some
materials are given in Table KD-430. The values of
the remaining constants given in Table D-500 should
be used for the materials listed.
(a) In accordance with KD-430, the fatigue crack (d) For austenitic stainless steels, the values of C
growth rate shall be calculated from and m are given in KD-440, Table KD-430, and f (RK)
Material C3 C2
High strength low alloy steels, 3.53 1.5
Sy > 90 ksi
17Cr–4Ni–4Cu (precipitation
hardened), Sy > 135 ksi
RK < 0.67 3.48 1.5
RK > 0.67 f (RK) p 30.53RK − 17.0
should be calculated as follows: for 0 ≥ RK, f (RK) p 1.0; KIc p √ EJIc (plane stress)
for 0.79 ≥ RK > 0, f (RK) p 1.0 + 1.8RK; for 1.0 > RK > 0.79,
f (RK) p − 43.35 + 57.97RK.
(e) Other values of these constants may be used if
they can be justified by standard fatigue crack propaga-
KIc p
冪 EJIc
(1 − 2)
(plane strain)