Ethan Shoemaker: Education Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa - 3.84/4.00

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Ethan Shoemaker

[email protected] | 224-944-1218
Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa - 3.84/4.00
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering: 05/20
Leadership Studies Minor - University Honors Program
Courses: Operating Systems, Computer Networking, Networking Security, Software Development, Embedded Systems
Warren Township High School - Gurnee, Illinois - 4.32/4.00 - Magna Cum Laude Graduate: 05/16

Professional Experience
Software Engineering Intern - Google - Ads Data Hub (05/19 - 08/19)
● Developed proposal for query scheduling system including research on previous solutions
● Implemented management of scheduling Spanner database to support CRUD operations
● Designed and tested an algorithm for executing ~100,000 scheduled queries per day

Lab Teaching Assistant - Iowa State - CPR E 281: Digital Logic (08/18 -5/19)
● Facilitated labs and recitation to enhance learning of important concepts for computer engineering

Engineering Practicum Intern - Google - Fuchsia: Open-Source, Microkernel OS (05/18 - 08/18)

● Developed mock load tool for stressing block devices using system calls, threads, atomic operations
● Designed playback utility to replicate previously recorded transactions performed on any block storage device
● Integrated logging service in SDMMC, SATA, AHCI, and NVMe drivers to create a predictive model of latency
● Formulated proposal to develop an API for feeding information into scheduler to improve efficiency

Lab Teaching Assistant - Iowa State - CPR E 288: Embedded Systems Intro (01/18 - 05/18)
● Facilitated labs by challenging students to look into the underlying operations of their code
● Constructed exam review packets based on material used in lab
● Led lecture-style discussions with students and encouraged conversation of relevant topics
● Invented equipment checkout strategy including policies and processes for students

IT Intern - Abbott - Integrated Compliance and Controls (05/17 - 08/17)

High School IT Intern - Abbott - Business Solutions (06/16 - 08/16)
High School IT Intern - Abbott - Infrastructure (06/15 - 08/15)
IT Support - Petfinity and The Pet Chauffeurs Startup (01/13 - 01/15)

Leadership and Volunteer Experience

● Residence Hall Floor Cabinet - Academic Chair
● High School Robotics - Project and 3D Print Manager

Extra-Curricular Activities
Undergraduate Research - Iowa State - Dep. of Electrical and Computer Eng. (01/17 - 05/17)
● Researched ADCs and Clock generators for testing algorithm designed to account for jitter in ADCs.

● C, Java 8, Visual Basic, MIPS
● Spanner, BigTable, Git, Linux (Debian, RedHat), Spring/Spring Boot, SQL, Protobufs
● Threads, Socket programming, TCP/IP

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