This document discusses methods for estimating the ultimate lateral capacity and response of piles. It begins by outlining Broms' classical theory for estimating lateral capacity, which considers failure modes and pile head conditions. However, Broms' theory has limitations when applied to layered soils, pile groups, and other conditions. The document then discusses extensions to Broms' theory to address layered soils, and methods for estimating ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures in clays and sands. It concludes by briefly mentioning approaches for considering the effects of inclined loading on pile capacity.
This document discusses methods for estimating the ultimate lateral capacity and response of piles. It begins by outlining Broms' classical theory for estimating lateral capacity, which considers failure modes and pile head conditions. However, Broms' theory has limitations when applied to layered soils, pile groups, and other conditions. The document then discusses extensions to Broms' theory to address layered soils, and methods for estimating ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures in clays and sands. It concludes by briefly mentioning approaches for considering the effects of inclined loading on pile capacity.
This document discusses methods for estimating the ultimate lateral capacity and response of piles. It begins by outlining Broms' classical theory for estimating lateral capacity, which considers failure modes and pile head conditions. However, Broms' theory has limitations when applied to layered soils, pile groups, and other conditions. The document then discusses extensions to Broms' theory to address layered soils, and methods for estimating ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures in clays and sands. It concludes by briefly mentioning approaches for considering the effects of inclined loading on pile capacity.
This document discusses methods for estimating the ultimate lateral capacity and response of piles. It begins by outlining Broms' classical theory for estimating lateral capacity, which considers failure modes and pile head conditions. However, Broms' theory has limitations when applied to layered soils, pile groups, and other conditions. The document then discusses extensions to Broms' theory to address layered soils, and methods for estimating ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures in clays and sands. It concludes by briefly mentioning approaches for considering the effects of inclined loading on pile capacity.
U niform and profiles in which the water table is not at the
surface or below the pile tip 5.4.1 Introduction 4. Groups of piles. The lateral response of piles can be an important consideration in the design of foundations subjected to horizontal forces and Layered and non-homogeneous soils overturning moments, for examples, marine and offshore struc Some extensions to Broms’ theory have been made in an attempt tures, retaining structures and tall buildings subjected to wind to overcome some o f the above limitations. For example, Poulos and seismic loadings. As with vertical loading, consideration (1985) has developed a general solution for piles in a two-layer must be given in design to both the ultimate lateral resistance of cohesive soil. This solution involves the solution of a quadratic piles and the lateral deflections under the design serviceability equation of the form: loadings. It is not common for the ultimate lateral resistance to be the governing factor in design unless the piles or piers are aH *+ bH *+ c = 0 (5.25) relatively short or have a low flexural strength. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the ultimate lateral capacity and the ul where H ' = H/pydL, py = ultimate lateral pile-soil pressure, L = timate lateral resistance of the soil, since the latter is an impor pile length, d = pile diameter or width. The coefficients a, b and tant component of a non-linear analysis of lateral response. c depend on the relative thickness of the two layers, the relative This Section w ill address some of the important issues in re strength of the layers, the eccentricity of loading, and the char lation to the estimation of lateral response of piles and pile acteristics of the pile. Figure 5.14 shows some typical results de groups. The ultimate lateral capacity of piles and groups w ill be rived from Poulos’ analysis. The ratio o f the lateral capacity for reviewed, and then methods of estimating the lateral deflections the two-layer soil to that for a homogeneous layer is plotted of piles and groups w ill be outlined. As with axial loading, a against the relative thickness o f the upper layer, for both the number of the issues which may be of concern to practitioners short pile and long pile failure modes. This figure highlights that w ill be discussed. the near-surface layer has a very important effect on the ultimate lateral capacity. 5.4.2 Ultimate lateral capacity o f piles For multi-layered soil profiles, closed-form solutions and de The calculation of the ultimate lateral capacity of piles usually sign charts are not feasible, and a simple computer-based analy involves the consideration of the statics of a pile under lateral sis is required. Such an analysis is based on the simple principles loading. This requires specification of the distribution of ultimate of statics used by Broms and others, and requires the estimation lateral pile-soil pressure with depth, the structural strength of the of the ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures. pile in bending, and the postulated failure mode of the pile-soil system. The conditions usually examined are: Estimation o f ultimate lateral pile-soil pressures - Failure of the soil supporting the pile (termed “short-pile fa il Following the work of Broms (1964a, 1964b), it has been com ure by Broms (1964a, 1964b) mon for the ultimate lateral pressure, py, to be estimated as fol - Structural failure of the pile itse lf (termed “long-pile failure lows: by Broms). - For clays, In addition, the two pile head conditions usually considered Py = N (5.26) are a free (unrestrained) head and a fixed head (restrained against rotation). where Nc = a lateral capacity factor; su = undrained shear The classical work in this area has been published by Broms strength. (1964a, 1964b), and this work continues to be the cornerstone of Various solutions have been developed for Nc, but in general, many practical assessments today. M eyerhof (1995b) has pro it is found to increase from 2 at the ground surface to about 9 to vided a summary o f an alternative approach to the estimation of 12 at a depth o f 3 to 4 diameters, then remaining constant for ultimate lateral capacity, that incorporates the effects of load ec greater depths. In many practical applications, a value of 9 is centricity and inclination. adopted (as for the undrained end bearing capacity of piles in clay). Assessment o f Broms’ Theory - For sands, Kulhawy and Chen (1993) have carried out an assessment of the applicability of Broms’ method, based on comparisons with the Py = N ,p , (5.27) results of a number of laboratory and field tests on bored piles. For both undrained and drained lateral load capacities, Broms’ where Ns = a multiplying factor; pp = Rankine passive pressure. method tended to underestimate the ultimate lateral load by N, is usually within the range 3 to 5, with 3 being a common about 15 - 20%. They concluded that, while Broms’ method design value. was conservative overall, it provided as good an approach as any A number o f alternative approaches are available, and Kul other method, and could give good results if empirical adjust hawy and Chen (1993) have compared three of the available ments were made to the values computed from the theory. It distributions. They have concluded that Broms’ approach ap should be re-stated that Broms himself acknowledged that his as pears to be very conservative at depth, but that conversely, the sumed ultimate lateral pressure distributions were conservative. approach of Reese et al. (1974) appears to be quite bold. Despite the apparent success of Broms' method, it must be recognized that it has a number of practical limitations, among Effects o f inclined loading which are the following: Meyerhof (1995b) has given detailed consideration to the effects 1. It assumes that the soil layer is homogeneous with depth; of inclined loading on a pile, and has developed practical proce 2. It considers only a pure sand (frictional soil), or a clay under dures for combining axial and lateral capacities in such cases. A undrained conditions having a constant strength with depth; simple alternative approach has been suggested by Cho and Kul 3. It considers only a single pile, and not a group of piles di hawy (1995), who have obtained correction factors based on the rectly. results of undrained load tests on bored piles (drilled shafts) in Because of these limitations, the practitioner must exercise clay, to modify the axial and lateral pile capacities. The notation considerable judgement in applying Broms’ theory, and indeed, adopted by these authors is illustrated in Figure 5.15, and the the theory cannot strictly be applied directly to the following following expressions were developed for the vertical and hori problems: zontal components of the inclined failure load: 1. Layered soil profiles 1. For inclined uplift, 2. Profiles containing both sand and clay layers Vertical component: P0 = Q1„( l- 'F / 9 0 ) + W, (5.28a)