AD Wiest.
[ JUL 6 1964
October 196Q Report 1461
,s 1
Vorion Cionlor S C. Go vor
The First, Symposium on Ship Maneuverability was mc'vp d b> the recent upsurge in
importance of the subject to both the United States Navy n n »nmercial shipping interests.
In addition, there has been a rapid growth in laboratories n ^ capabilities for doin,:
research and development work in this area. It, is hoped that the Symposium will serve to
coordinate and supplement the fund of scientific information in a field of endeavor in which
there are so few published works other than classified or proprietary reports.
Dr. Martin A. Atkowitz Massachusetts Institute of Toctmology Mr. F.H. Imlay David Taylor Model Basin Dr. Hisamitsu Shiba Transportation Technical Research
Mr. A.Q. Aqaino Davi'J Tayloi Modei Basin RADM R.K.James Bureau of Ships Institute, Tokyo, Japan
LT W.J. Aston United States Naval Academy Mr. D.A.Jewell David Taylor Modei Basin CDR J.W. Shultz Bureau of Shtps
Vr. A.L. eea! David Tayloi Model Basin Mi. E.E. Johnson David Taylor Model Basin Mr. A. Silveileat National Ptiysicai Laboratory,
■■.. Bengt Bangtsson jwedish Shipbuilding Experimental LOR J.L. Jones David Taylor Model Basin
Tank Dr. Bennett Silverstein Bureau of Ships
Dr. P, Kaplan Technical Research Group, Inc.
Norfolk Naval Shipyard Mr. Ivar D. Scelberg Office of Naval Intelligence
Mr. D.W. Bennett Mr. Raymond Kaufman M. Rosenblatt and Son, Inc.
Mr, Serge Bindel Bassin d'Essais des Cärenes, Mr. T. Soo Hoo Office of the Chief o.' Naval
D'. A.M. Keil David Taylor Model Basin
Paris, France Operations
Or. Louis Landweber Iowa Institute of Hydraulic
Mr. Berend J. Bracht United States Coast Guard Mr. A.M. Stefano Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
Research State University
David Taylor Model Baiin of Iowa CAPT JJ.Stilweli Bureau of Ships
Mr. F.D. BMdley
Dr. John P. Brf-slin Davidson I atjoiatory Mr. S.W. Lank United States Coast Guard Di. A.G. Strandhagen University of Notre Dame
DavHj Taylor Mode! Basin Mr. IE. Lee David Taylor Model Basin Mr. J.S.C. Straszak National Research Council, Canada
Mr. O.F. Brown
Mr.W.F. Bt.iÄiiell David Taylor M.-et Bwn M'. E.V. Lewis Davidson Laboratory Mr. G.R. Siüntz, Jr. David Taylor Model Dasin
Mi. GUO Biissemaket Hoo'd V.H. Bureau Scneepshouw, Mis. May J. mm David Taylor Mode! Basin Mr. Anthony Suaiez Davidson Laboratory
The Hagoe. Netherlands Mr. Samuel M.Y. Lum Bureau of Ships Mr. Abraham Tapiin Bureau of Ships
Mr. A.S. Busiey Bureau of Snips Mi. S.T. Mathews National Ro^earch Council, Mr. R.J. Taylor Maritime Administration
Mt. Robert C. Case United Stales Coast Guard Canada LT Claude R. Thompson United States Coast Guard
Mi. P.S. Camdwel! General Dynamics Corporation. Mf. Robert Mende Bird-Johnson. Company Mr. Jan-Olof Traung Food and Agiicüttiire üfganjjation
Eiecinc Boat Division Mr. W.F. Milliken Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory of the United Nations. Rome^ Italy
Mr. t.P. Hiänent David Taylor Model Basin Vi. CG. Moody David Taylor Model Basin ML J. Vasta Bureau of Ships
Mr. S.F. Crump David Taylor Mode! Basin RADM R.L.Moore. Jr. Buieau of Ships LCDR Elias V^nntOg. Jr David Taylor Model Basin
Dr. W.E. Cumnms David Taylor Vodei Basin Mr. R.V.Morse Sperry Gyroscope Comoany CDR M. daC. Vincent David Taylor Model Basin
h%t. L.M. DeLand Bureau of Ships Dr. Seizo Motora University of Tokyo Mr. Z.G. Wachmk David Taylor Model Basir.
Ji. E. Scott Dillon Manlme Administiation Mr, John J. Nachtsheim Bureau nf Ships LT J w. Webster United Stales Naval Acadery
M'. M. Mack Earle Maryland ShijlMi Idif i iir. B.V, Nakoreciir.y David Tayloi Model Basil! Mr. V.E. Williams Sperry Piedmont Company
Dry Dock Compuny
Mr. Robert N. Newton Acmiralty Enpenment Works Mi. Harold L. Words Mare Island Naval Sh'pyard
RADM J.M. amn Buieau of Sh ps Mr. C.L. Wright, Jr. Boston Naval Shipyard
Mi. Thomas Noble Sperry Piednonl Company
Mr. lamue! Feldman Special Proiecls Office RACM E.A. Wnght David Taylor Mode! Basin
CAPT J.A. Obermeyei Bureau of Ships
Mr. Vincent F.ghera New York Naval Shipyard Mr. D.S. Young Davil Taylor Model Basin
Dr. Kazuo Ochi David Taylor Model Hasin
Mr. P. Fmkelstei.i Long Beach Naval Shipyard Oav:d Tavlor Model Basin
Mi. C.R. Olson David Taylor (.'"del Ba*in CDR R.J. Zoellar
LCDR WJ. Flynn United Stales Naval Academy
Mr. trank Pavlik Sun Shipbuilding and Dry
CART R.E. Foster Bureau of Ships Duck Company
Mr. M. Gerttsr David Taylor Model Basin CDR C.N.Payne Bureau of Ships
CDR W.C. Gibson United States Naval Academy Mr. Lennart Pehrssor Akttubolaget Karlslads
Mt. T.C. Gillmer Ijnned States Naval Academy Mekamska Werkstad.
Karlstads, Sv,-eden
Mt. Jerome L. Goicsan Friede and Goldnan, Inc.
Or. P.C.Pien David Taylor Mode! Basin
Mr. P. Golnvalo David Taylor Model Basin
Mt. D. Price 'perry Gyroscope Company
Mr. A. Goodman David Taylor Model Basin
Mr. Ca.t H. Renbein Moore McCormar.k Lines, Inc.
Mr. S.C. Cover David Taylor Model Basin
Mr. L. Franklin Robertson Jr. Maritime Administration
Pr.*.L. Habeman David Taylor Model Basin
Mr. Edward J. Rodgers Ordnance Research Laboratory
Mr. G.R. Hagen David Taylor Model Basin
Mr. Lester Rosenblatt U. Rosenblatt and Son. Inc.
Mr. fiomar. A. Hamlin Bethlehem Steel Company
CAPTH.F. Saunders Buieau of Ships
Mr. C.H. Hancock Newport News Shiph-jilomg and
Dry Dock Company Dr. K.E. Schcenhen David Taylor Model Basin
Mi. B.H. Hansen Bureau of Ships Mr..L. Segel Cornell Aerona-'tical Laboratory
CAPTN.E. HaA, David Taylor Model Basin Mr. R.G.Seitz Maryland Shipbuilding and Dry
Dock Company
Mf. C.B. Herter, Jr. Dravo Corporat.oii
Dr. W.J. Sette David Taylor Model Basin
Mr. J.G. Hill Bureau of Ships
Mr. Ludwig C. Hoffman Maritime Admnif.[ration
P age
By Rear Admiral E.A. Wright, USN
^i f6 \>
VI 1
The Bureau of Ships is interested, of course, in what effort goes into the field of ship
research, but, even more important, we are extremely interested in what comes out of such
effort. It, is the hardware that is the responsibility of the Chief of the Bureau of Ships. Re-
search leading to it is an important and major step, but the ultimate result is the finished
When I was a young naval officer, I had . rare experience that taught me the importance
of maneuverability. I was undertaking the transit of P. very restricted channel in an outboard
driven boat where I had been doing some fishing off Ocean City, Maryland. As I entered
the channel, I was almost overtaken by a following sea that was roaring up inside that nar-
row and restricted channel. If it were not for the complete maneuverability of that craft, I
might not be participating in this excellent performance today. So I am indeed conscious of
the importance, for many reasons, of the contributions that you as a group of International and
American experts can produce in this lield. It is most important that you do get together be-
:puse the field is so limited. In this regard we can benefit by each other's mistakes and ap-
nreciate each other's advances in the programs that we are able to conduct collectively in the
several basins around the world. So I commend you to your effort. This is a most vital one
to us of the United States Navy, as it is to all who go to sea in ships. Wo have considerable
interest not only in the applied research that is basic to the comment that I made in the begin-
ning, but we are enuaily conceded with tue fundamental research which goes on in this area.
I am aware that we put over 2 million dollar? a year into the basic fundamental research
in this field of ship maneuverability largely through the management and direction of the David
Taylor Model Basin which also touches many dozens of universities and laboratories through-
out our country. The composite effort that goes on in our country, added to that which is done
in your country for those of you who have come from abroad, can really produce for us the
kinds of things that we need; and maneuverability is certainly one of them.
I am asked to welcome you to this gathering, and it is indeed a pleasure, a distinct
pleasure, to extend the welcome of the Navy Department and particularly of the Bureau of
Ships to all of you who have come from jour various offices and institutions around the world.
I trust that you will have a most successful meeting. In exchanging ideas, I am sure you will
produce for us those things that we need: the most maneuverabie vessels that are possible
for man's imagination to create. Good luck on your work and I hope we will get to see each
other again soon.
It is a particular pleasure for me to be with you today, as an old alumnus of the Model
Basin, to take some part in this important first meeting on ship maneuverability. In these
days of rapid toehnoloL'ical advances, when we have seen such things as supersonic aircraft,
nuc lear power, and space rocketry, the more ancient art of nasal architecture must not be left
behind. I think our need today for important advances in 'he field of the naval architect and
the marine engineer arc. if anything, greater than ever before. As you know, developments in
the field of submarine propulsion and maneuverability have made the submarine a much faster
and a more ai;ile vehicle than any of its predecessors. But, unfortunately, the surface ship
has not kept pace with this. Now, if surface naval vessels are to maintain their competitive
position relative to the submarine, it is necessary that they achieve a substantial increase
in spec! and become more maneuv erable. This is a military renuirement. Ship maneuverabil-
ity then has to lake on new dimensions in this era of rapid chanue. This chance adds orders
of magnitude to the problem which existed with previous conventional di.-placement ships at
moderate speed.
Today we have hydrofoil boats, planini; craft semisubmerged hit'h-speed vessels, and
hover craft, and with these vehicles wc are faced with an entirely new set of stability and
control problems. Hut even in the slower-.speed more-conventiona! ship, modern naval tactical
evolutions require expert seamanship, and they renuire more precise ship control than has
heretofore been obtainable. For exar pie. the Navy performs important replenishment (ransfer-
at-sea operations that are necessary to supply our combatant ships and prolong their endurance.
Such operations require these ships to maneuver under varyinp sea. conditions in close prox-
imity to other ships for considerable periods of time. As a result of this requirement our re-
cent designs of naval auxiliaries have stressed improved steering qualities.
This, of course, is not to say that our ability to design maneuverability into ships has
not undergone considerable improvement in recent years. As a result of research we have attained
some understandinp of directional stability and its predictions. We have developed tachninues
of improving ihe maneuverability of our ships without resortinp entirely to the trial and error
methods. It has been some time, I'm ^lad to say, since we in the Bureau of Ships have been
faced with a directionally unstable ship, although 1 recall quite well some 12 years a^ro when
we did have this problem with, of all things, the President's yacht WILLIAMSBURG- At the
time we, of course, gave this problem high-priority high-level attention and came up with a
solutioti I am sure is familiar to all naval architects. We simply increased the rudder area.
I mentioned earlier that replenishment at sea is a vita! problem. There has been a
continuing trend toward replenishment at higher speed. Adverse forces and moments have
thus been greatly increased. Mr. Newton will survey this field for us in his paper this
afternoon. But, at the present time, we cannot predict in advance the effect of hull form, lat-
eral and longitudinal ship separation, speed, and rudder characteristics on the ability of ships
to maintain these close operations. Also we have little basis to predict what to expect if
these replenishment operations occur in rough seas. At present, avoidance of collision, unfor-
tunately, rests almost entirely on the judgment of the ship captain. We think a scientific
input and interest in this problem has been soreiy needed.
Good maneuverability at low speeds, especially in restricted waters, as we all know,
is very difficult to obtain. We know, for instance, that our capital ships and large merchant
vessels require delicate handling in canals. Mr. Pehrsson will discuss bow propellers as a
solution to this slow-speed maneuvering problem. Other devices that may help the problem
are active rudders, jet flaps, and cycloidal propellers. Some problems of manouvering in re-
stricted waters will also be discussed by Mr. Bindel and Dr. Schoenherr.
But perhaps the most fundamental problem of all is just what do we mean by
maneuverability. It is difficult indeed to ask the ship designer to build in satisrat'tory con-
trols when we have not determined performance criteria for this. Messrs. Gertler, Gover,
Segel, and Nomoto, in their papers, will, I'm sure, shed liirht on this important area. Hut,
regardless of the absence of adequate criteria, the designer «till has to provide his ship with
a rudder. It is relatively easy to increase the power of the steerir.L.' engine while the .ship is
still on the drawing board, but of course, once it is built, this capacity must remain fixed.
The designer thus must have a reliable way of predicting rudder torque. Toward this eno we
have, of course, quite a fund of aerodynamic literature which we have extended to the lower
aspect ratios that are associated with rudders. Mr. Taplin will review the present state of
the art in this field. But even with this extensive background, we still have much to learn.
What is the mechanism of the unwanted aeration of rudders'? How does it affect maneuverabil-
ity? Why do the existing tests of model and full-scale forces and moments show such poor
correlation? What is the role of flow separation in this problem?
Through the ingenuity of our personnel and some excellent facilities, we have mastered
many of the important problems of submarine maneuverability. For example, we can success-
fully satisfy th^ "opposing'' requirements of directional stability and control in our subma-
rines, as shown by the submarine SKIPJACK which can be flown handa-off and yet can ma-
neuver almost as well as a porpoise does. We hope to achieve capability such as this with
surface ships. Dr. Shiba will discuss some model tests along this line. And of course the
new facilities that Admiral Wright has mentioned here at the David Taylor Model Basin should
help answer this question.
Scientific probing into the fundamental hydromochanic problem is essential. Such
nrobinf:, I think, is exemplified by Mr. Motora's paper on "Added Mass and Moment of Inertia."
The cosigner needs the tools of both analysis and synthesis. Analysis will tell him the
physics of what is happening and what' the various components of the ship contribute toward
the end result. Synthesis enables him to combine these various elements into a balanced,
well-behaved ship. But the scientist has to provide the analytical information.
I am most happy to see the coincidence in time between the First Symposium on Ship
Maneuverability and the opening, as Admiral Wright has mentioned, of the new Maneuvering
and Sea Keeping Facilities here at the David Taylor Model Basin. I think in any discussion
of maneuverability, we cannot help but be reminded of the important pioreering work of the
late Dr. K. S. M. Davidson, since his early interest in the fundamental problems of stability,
steering, and maneuverability contributed so much to the knowledge of our profession in these
important problems.
The proceedings of this symposium will no doubt bring to light much new information
on all aspects of the maneuvering problem. These should form important milestones in our
progress. We in the Navy Department feel that the First Symposium on Ship Maneuverability
is a most important cent. We have high hopes for a very productive meeting.
Ludwig C. Hoffman
Chief, Office of Ship Construction
U.S. Maritime Administration
The increasing size end speed of ships bring greater problems of safe operation in
congested waters and control at high speeds in waves. Ship designs are a compromise with
respect to maneuverability, first cost, and course-keeping ability. Obviously, a ship operator
would like to have maximum maneuverability in port to minimize the cost of tugs and delays
in docking 'he vessel. lie needs a ship which will hold a steady course to avoid lost time
and expense incident to unnecessary additional mileage when the vessel wanders off course
or where excessive rudder angles are required to keep the sh:p OP course.
Hull forms and appendages for conventional single-screw, general purpose, dry cargo
ships have been stabilized over the years in the proving ground of actual service, with the
result that generally acceptable performance characteristics are achieved as a compromise
with first cost and docking expense. This should not be construed as ruling out the possi-
bility of improving maneuverability characteristics of these conventional ships without im-
pairing other desirable characteristics. However, it appears that the most fruitful avenues
of research can be found with ships destined for unusual services requiring superior maneu-
vering characteristics. Occasionally, and more often in the twin-screw category, wo hear of
conventional designs which have proven inferior from the standpoint of tactical diameter or
course-keeping ability. These instances come to light usunlly after grounding or collision
which turn out to be very expensive casualties. Modifications for improving the maneuvering
characteristics of existing ships are, of course, many times more expensive than obviating
the difficulty in the first place through use of the model basin tools now available.
The Maritime Administration is quick to encourage design agents and ship operators
to fully exploit the facilities available in the tank for this purpose. We consider our con-
struction subsidy participation to be a particularly wise investment when the engineering
costs for preparing whip construction contract plans and specifications embrace a comprehen-
sive program of model testing, including maneuvering and seakeeping aspects.
In the de itrn and construction of the Coast and Geodetic Survey's ship, SS SURVEYOR,
delivered earlier this month at the National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, San Diego,
California, the Taylor Model Basin performed significant maneuvering experiments which gave
a firm basis for selecting auxiliary propulsion. The Coast and Geodetic Survey reouires many
of the course-keeping abilities common to oceanographic ships, as is fully explained in
Mr. Rosenblatt's excellent paper to be presented in a few dass before the Societ\ of Naval
Architects and Marine Lntrineers. The experiment- conducted with the limited facilities then
available demonstrated to everyone'.- reasonable satisfaction that, for this particular service,
the right-ancle drive auxiliary propulsion was superior to an "active rudder." \- a part of
the Maritime research program, we are making available to the Coast and Geodetic Survey a
right-angle drive auxiliary propulsion unit manufactured by Murrav and Treszurtha which will
be permanently installed on the SS SURVEYOR. The service experience of this installation
will be made available to the profession and to the model basin- where it is visualized that
correlation testing not only in still water hut in waves may be profitable to establish the
decree of reliability which can be placed on such model testing.
With the opening of the.St. Lawrence Seaway, a large group of cargo ships which were
not riesigned for that particular service nevertheless were used in transiting the tortuous
canals and locks of that system. One of the major elements of extra expense was in repairs
resulting from damage to ship structure due to collision with the sides of the locks and the
lack of control of the ships, particularly when they are light in restricted waters and sub-
jected to strong crosswinds. This is one example where a capital investment in auxiliary
maneuvering equipment would be fully justified.
Stimulated by Messrs. Gertler and Cover's paper presented before the Chesapeake
Section of SNAME, the Maritime Administration included spiral maneuvers as part of the trial
agonda of tho tanker AMERICAN EXPLORER completed last summer at Ingalls Shipbuilding
Corporation. This is a 20-knct commercial type tanker, now being operated by the Military
Sea Transportation Service, having rather fine lines for a tanker because of its high speed.
The trials were conducted under adverse conditions of wind with 30- and 40-knot gusts
blowing continuously. An analysis showed that the vessel has good course-keeping ability.
Thus far the operating experience with MSTS tends to bear this out.
However, unlike the AMERICAN EXPLORER, there is an entirely different family of
tankers under construction which inherently will give trouble from the standpoint of their
course-keeping characteristics. Bethlehem Steol Company has recognized this in the case of
the largest tanker in the world, 106,000 tons DWT, now under construction at Quincy,
Massachusetts. At their request, the David Taylor Model Basin conducted extensive studies
with various appendage configurations on this twin-screw design. Judging from experiments,
the cost of the model tests will be repaid many times through improvements which were
achieved in tho behavior of the ship based on these tests. The Maritime Administration is
insuring the mortgape of this ship design and is suggesting that spiral maneuvers be con-
ducted, not only to provide the absolute answer on course-keeping ability, bui to permit
correlation between model tests and full-scale performance.
Summarizing from the standpoint of the marine designer and operator, there is a con-
stant battle to decrease both operating and first costs in the economic .struggle for profitable
operation. A highly maneuverable ship can cut down docking fees and tug charges, have
better access to "up river" ports, improve its safety through avoidance of collisions, and on
occasions receive preferential treatment by harbor pilots «o as to avoid delays required by
the pilot to adjust trim conditions or wait for more favorable tides. When superior maneuver-
ability can be obtained without prohibitive first cost and the ship operator is convinced of
this fact, the improvements will be made.
The new facilities in th«» model basins such as those now being made available at the
David Taylor Model Hasin offer better opportunities to determine in advance of actual ship
construction the gains which can be expected in the field of maneuverability and the relative
cost of incorporating the desirable features in the \essels. The Department of the Navy is to
be commended for its farsighted planning and action in this area.
The old United Slates Experimental Model Basin had no special facilities for turning
and maneuvering tests. Whatever work was done there had to be done in the standard towing
tank. Fortunately, this tank was wider than most contemporary model basins, having a width
of 42.7 feet on the surface, which permitted turnint; of 12- to 20-foot models through about 90
degrees. In spite of these space limitations, turning tests were begun at EMB as soon as
self-propulsion tests had proved feasible and reliable. This was fostered by the fact that at
EMB all models were made of wood and thus could withstand considerable rough handling,
and that from the start fully appendaged models driven by internal dynamometers were used
instead of wax models with propeller pushed up fron, astern, as was the case at that time in
European tanks.
It may be of interest to describe in some detail the technique for conducting turning
tests developed at EMB as this technique gready influenced subsequent development at TMB.
The earliest tests were made in 1921—24 on a model of the battleship NEW MEXICO. Some
of the results of these tests were reported in a paper by Ilewins and Hoop at the 1931 meeting
of the Society of Naval Architects. However, for present purposes it will be of interest to
repeat the salient point of this investigation quoting directly fron, the original EMB report.
Report No. 106 dated 1921-24 states:
"In 1918, experiments were made at sea on the NEW MEXICO, fitted with
hydraulic steering gear, and attempts were made to determine rudder forces and
moments while the vessel was turning under helm. These experiments were
only partially successful, and the opinion was expressed lhat model experiments
only could further clear the problem. Accordingly, the work of developing appa-
ratus, which would give the desired results, was undertaken at the Mode! Basin.
This work has been done under many difficulties, and it was not until 1924,
that successful results were obtained.
"The object to be obtained, in a model of the NEW MEXICO, self-
propelled at a given speed and runnini: free, was to turn, at a proper moment,
the rudder to a predetermined aniile, ir; a given lime, and to furnish simulta-
neously continuous records of rudder force components, torque on the rudder
stork, speed of vessel, curvature of path, helm an^le, heel of ves "I and
other minor data, all on a lime base. All conditions of the experiments were
to be as closely as possible similar to those of the trials of the full-sized
vessel ....
"... the width of this basin, about forty feet, precluded the use of a
model longer than about ten feet. It involved small displacement, and small
forces, the rudder pressure being of the order of one pound ....
"The model was without bilge or docking keels, hut was otherwise
complete with four struts, shafting, and propellers to scale, . . ."
Deviating now from the report,, I am showing ; ou in three slides the model und instru-
mentation that was used. Figure 1 shows the exterior of the model, the mast erected at the
forward end, and the camera platform directly over the rudder apparatus. Fifjure 2 shows the
interior, the batteries and propulsion motors, and four small elontrc lights—one mounted at
the foot of the mast, one at the masthead, and two on the centerline of the model forward of
the rudder. These lights served to fix the position of the model while turning. Figure 3
shows the rudder apparatus. This apparatus consists of a bedplate fastened to the deck of
model, on which rests a floating platform carrying the rudder and the rudder-drive mechanism.
The two platforms are connected by cylindrical springs in such a way that the upper platform
can move relative to the fixed bedplate with two degrees of freedom. The relative motion of
the platform is measured by four Ames gages, the deflections of which were recorded by
means of a moving-picture camera mounted above it.
Quoting further from the report:
"To obtain the [turning! path of the model in the horizontal plane, and
other data, an 8 x 10 plate camera, with axis vertical, was secured to the
roof structure of the building, about 20 feet above the water. A disc shutter
was operated at constant speed by a motor, the plate heins: thus given short
exposures at constant intervals of about one-half second, and thus a record
was obtained on the same plate, of the successive positions of the various
points of the model traveling under it. These points were small electric
liszhts, u:ie at a forward masthead, one immediately below it, another aft on
deck, . d a fourth, also aft, which was illuminated with ihe starting of the
steering motor, ..."
Regarding the results obtained on this model and comparison with measurements on
the ship, the report states:
As previously mentioned, the technique and instrumentation developed for the NEW
MEXICO model tests were the basis for subsequent work at EMB and TMB, Subsequently,
free-running turning tests were made with larger models in which the turning path and heel
Figure 1 - Elevation of USS NEW MEXICO Model C&R Dept., Navy Yard, Wash., D.C. 1924
Fipure 2 - Plan of USS NEW MEXICO Model C&R Dept.. Navy Yard, Wash., D.C. 1024
anjilo but no ruddor forces were obtained. These larger models were supplied with power from
the towing carriage through a cable that was dangling from a "fish-pole" vertically over the
model so as not to restrain its motion. Vorticality of the cable was maintained by allowing
the carriage to follow the model and swinging the pole in azimuth. The path of the model was
recorded as previously described, except that two synchronized cameras were used to cover
the model approach as well as the turn, instead of the one camera used in the NEW MEXICO
tests. As stated, rudder forces in the turn were not measured, but these were approximated
by special straightaway runs in which the model was restrained from turning, and the side
force on the stern of the model and the stock torque were measured. While the limkation of
this procedure was realized, it soon became standard procedure on account of its simplicity
and because the forces measured represented maximum values which are of primary interest
to the designers of rudder and rudder trngine.
As previously mentioned, the methods developed at EMB greatly influenced the design
of the J-Basin at TMB. This basin, through which you will be conducted in the course of
your visit, permits the turning of 20-foot models through about 180 degrees. The techniques
of conducting tests in this basin are essentially the same as described in my previous dis-
cussion except for refinements of operation and instrumentation. Thus, the path of the model
is still recorded by overhead cameras, but timing by means of flashing the lights on the models
in regular intervals has superseded the timing by rotating shutters. The measurement of rudder
forces is still done by spring deflection, but recorded by highly refinmi strain-gage equipment.
And. last hut not least, the old "fishint; pole" has become a crane-like structure called a
"rotating chair" pivoted at one corner of the carriage.
Figure 4 shows this equipment. To the left is the rotating chair carrying one member
of the test crew who maintains the cable conn^ctinc carriage and model in a vertical position,
and 'n the foreground is the model execu'int: a turn.
I mentioned earlier that model steering and »nuneuvering tests were carried out at TMB
in isolated cases. Thus, tests were run to measure the effect of rudder movement on shaft
horsepower, tests to determine the ability of river towboats to control long trains of barges,
tests to observe the yawing motion of barges towed by a tow boat in waves, and many more.
However, maneuvering tests of the Kempf type were not carried out before 1940, and tests of
the Dieudonne type, now conducted nt TMB as standard procedure, were not made before 1950.
In the early part of the war, the problem of maneuverability received increased attention
which led to developments in two directions. First, plans wore made to construct at TMB a
rotating arm and an X-Y Basin. The rotating arm was to lie a relatively simple outdoor affair
hut the X-Y Basin was to be an immense indoor facility. This basin was to be rectangular
with wavemakers at one end. spanned by a carriage traveling on rails in the direction of the
long axis of the rectangle, and equipped with a second carriage or cab suspended from the
main carriage traveling in the direction of the short axis of the roctantile. The plans for
these facilities were actively pursued, but when it became apparent that they could not be
completed in time to solve pressing wartime problems, work on them was suspended, to be
Figure 4-Turning Test with a Self-Propolled Model
resumed later. The new Maneuvering and Seakeeping Facilities, which will bo demonstrated
tomorrow, are the direct sequel of those earlie.- plans.
The second development 1 mentioned was the active support by the Navy of the Stevens
Institute. Stevens, with Navy funds and encouragoment, had constructed a 75- by 75-foot ma-
neuvering basin around 1940. Early tests had shown that useful results could be obtained
with 5-foot models used there. This, and the preoccupation of TMF> with other work, brought
about that a large part of the turning and maneuvering work that normally would have been done
at TMB was transferred to Stevens. Close liaison was maintained between the two laboratories
so that it is not unfair to say that at that time Stevens was practically an arm of TMB. After
the war this close liaison ceased and TMB resumed maneuvering and turning work, proceeding
with the development of suitable Tacilities that was interruoted earlier.
Up to now my discussion has been confined to surface vessels. Obviously, turning
ability as well as course-keeping ability are of equal or even greater importance for submarines,
torpedoes, and other self-propelled underwater vehicles. At the Experimental Mode! Basin,
static tests with submarine models 12—15 feet in length were carried out quite regularly from
about 1920 on. In those tests, the model was towed as deeply submerged as possible at var-
ious angles to the horizontal with and without diving planes, and lift, drag, and moments were
measured. These tests enabled prediction of the effectiveness of various control surfaces,
and no doubt contributed materially to the development of the modern ü. S. submarine.
When activities wcrp transferred from EMB to TMB these tests were continued, but
other methods that would enable prediction of the dynamic behavior of underwater vehicles,
as well as the behavior under steady-state conditions, were looked into. It was fully realized
in those days that the techniques dovfloped by aeronautical enyineers for determining the
dynamic stability of airplanes could be transferred to submarine \sork with no essential change
and that th«- coefficients in the diTerential equations of rnoticn for small departures from
equilibrium conditions could be obtained by forced oscillation techniques. However, instru-
mentation to apply this technique did not progress beyond the sketch stage then and it re-
mained for the younger generation, notably Messrs. Gertler and Goodman, to develop this in-
strumentation as well as the techniques for obtaining the coefficients and solving the equations
of motion.
The heart of the instrumentation is the so-called Planar Motion Mechanism. This mech-
anism was briefly described in Admiral Wright's paper road before the Society of Naval Archi-
tects in 1958, and in Mr. Gortler's paper presented at the 1959 dedication meeting of the new
model basin in Zagreb. Jugoslavia. To make this talk complete, I am showing you the mech-
anism in Fisuro 5. It consists of a table attached to Carriage II, and two long struts connect-
ing the mode! to the table. The table is pivoted, which permits setting the model to any
desired trim angle. In addition, the struts may be moved up and down relative to the table
in-phaso or out-of-phase, which permits inducing in the model a heave and pitching motion
while advancing at steady or variable speed. The hydrodynamic forces on the model are
measured by variable reluctance gages interposed between the model and struts.
Recording and resolution of forces into components is accomplished hy a very complex elec-
tronic apparatus. The Planar Motion Mechanism is also used for yawing tests of submarines,
by merely rotating the model about its longitudinal axis through an angle of 90 degrees.
The perfection of instrumentation in the past ten years has made it possible to perform
now also free-flight turning tests on submerged submarines. In such a test, shown by Fig-
ure 6, the model is brought up to speed on a straight course by its propellers and kept on
course and at a fixed depth by manipulating the rudder and diving planes from the carriage,
which is following, and supplying the power. At a given instant, the rudder is thrown over to
a fixed angle and held there while an attempt is made to maintain the initial depth. The roll
and heel angles of the model throughout the maneuver are recorded by a gyro mounted in the
My talk would be incomplete without reference to the slate of present knowledge of
the subject of maneuverability of ships and what remains to he done in the future.
First, I should like to show to you three charts which demonstrate the increased in-
terest in maneuverability as measured by the amount of attention it is receiving.
The first. Figure 7, shows the relative number of free-running model tests conducted
through the years at FMB and TMB. You will note that the bar giaphs are broken down into
sections, each of which shows the type of information to be obtained.
Figure S shows much the same information but pertaining to captive model tests.
Previously. I have not said anything about fui;-,s>"ie testing because my discussion
is primarily concerned with the role of the research lanoraio-y in the field of maneuverability.
However. EMB and TMB, like all model basins, have been in close contact with full-scale
work throughout their existence—first as observers on standardization trials, then as partic-
ipants, and lately a: principals in conducting special research trials.
Figure 9 shows that full-scale testing is increasing at about the same rate as model
testing. This, I believe, does not stem from distrust of the model results but from a natural
inclination of the engir^er to take no chance's. Ships are becoming larger ind ever more
costly. Hence, the expense of a proof-test at the beginnintr of the life of a ^hip is a small
premium to pay for the assurance that anticipated results are obtained.
As a result of tne increased attention devoted to maneuverability, as shown by the last
three figures, much has been learned but a good deal remains to be learned. As background,
let me quote a statement I made at a meeting of Section 12.1 of NDRC held at the Stevens
Institute in March 1944. 1 stated:
forces on the hull while turning under various conditions perhaps by local
pressure measurements and by measurements of lateral forces on models
traveling; in circles (that is by rotating arm techniques)."
Since that time, the Stability and Control Division of the Laboratory, under Mr. Gertler'fe
leadership, has devised for submarines something of the sort I had in mind. However, i.ifor-
mation of this kind for surface ships is still lacking. Hence, as I see it, one of the principal
objectives of near-future investigations in the field of maneuverability should be the deter-
mination of the factors that make one surface ship maneuver well and another one poorly, in
other words, to find the connecting link between hull form characteristics and turning and
course-keeping ability.
The model test technique guided by theory is the ideal medium to obtain the answers.
Statistical evaluation of full-scale trials is helpful, but progress by such methods is slow
and costly. On the other hand, in the laboratory a very large number of variations can be
tried, one variation at a time, at relatively low cost, and the tost conditions can be carefully
controlled. By applying this method in the superb new facilities now nearing completion I
am confident that useful results will soon be obtained.
1940-45 945-50 1950-55
Figure 7 — Relative Amounts and Kinds of Free-Running Model Tests Conducted at EMB and TMB
Figure 8 - Relative Amounts and Kinds of Captive Model Experiments Conducted at EMB and TMB
Figure 0 — Rolativc Amounls and Kinds of Full-Scale Trials Conducted by FMB and TMB
R. N. Newton (R.C.N.C^
Admral y Experiment Works
Haslar, England
If Admiral Wrieht will excuse me, I am point; to lake advantage of almost the last two
words in the program called "Closing Remarks." I do not know whether I was supposed to
make these or not but I am certainly going to take advantage on behalf of the foreign delegates.
The subjects we have been discussing are approximately 70 years old, technically and
scientifically speaking, anyway. If you study the bibliography, and incidentally one can do no
better than to look at this publication by Nils Norrbin, of the Swedish State Tank, in which he
summarizes the whole history right back to 70 years ago. and \ou will find there have been
about 80 authors on the subject. In the whole of that time, they have written only about 100
papers, including the papers that have been given at this symposium. The point about that is
that two-thirds of those papers have been given in the last 15 years. I don't think that can
leave any doubt as to the importance with which I regard the subject, and the need for inter-
national cooperation for improving the knowledge.
It is in this concept that this symposium on the subject plays a highly important initial
role in spotlighting international interest in no uncertain manner. The value to be placed upor;
this international get-together is matched only by the quality and variety of the papers, and also
incidentally by those additional papers by authors who have not been given the opportunity to
present them. The quality of the oral discussion has been equally high; it seems to have
reached a crescendo.
If you need any further proof of the international interest in this subject, then I would
recommend you to the names of the delegates who have been attending. And, of couise, if
one needs further proof of the interest displayed in the subject, then study Admiral Wright's
paper itself where he discusses or describes so many new facilities being brought into use.
(See E.A. Wright, "Some International Aspects öf Ship Model Research," Journal of the
American Society of Naval Engineers, February 1SI58.)
Now I said that as an excuse really, because in the light of that, on behalf of the for-
eign delegates here, may 1 have the utmost pleasure and sincerity in conveying to Admiral
Wright, the Commanding Officer and Dirc-ctor here at TMB, and to those of his staff upon whom
the burden of organization has fallen (and we all know how good that has been) the gratitude
and admiration of all the foreign delegates and of the countries that they represent for their
inspiration and effort^ OM our behalf and not to forgot the excellence of the social part of the ■
Just to wrap it up, perhaps I might be permitted to coin a phrase which I rather feel
reflects the spirit with which this symposium h.-vs been sponsored and conducted. It is very
simple: "Research is a process vyhich, properly controlled and amicably conducted without
relevance to creed or politics, brings lasting benefit to all and disrepute to none."
R N. Newton (R.CN.C.)
Admiralty Experiment Works
Haslar, England
In this paper the author summarizes some model experiments and full-scale
trials carried out to determine the feasibility of the operation of replenishment in
deep water. The magnitude and sense of the interaction force and moment on the
models are plotted in relation to their longitudinal and lateral separation, and
interpreted to establish the sequence of corrective rudder movements, as one
vessel overtakes another, to maintain parallel courses. The mean rudder angles
estimated from model experiments are correlated to those used on ship trials.
Although the data obtained from these investigations is limited in scope,
some interesting inferences are drawn as to the nature of the corrective action
to be taken to avoid collision when two ships find themselves in close proximity
on parallel or somewhat converging courses.
The classic and original work on the reactions of vessels under way and in close
proximity to one another was the investigation carried out by the late Rear Admiral
D.W. Taylor, ÜSN, the results of which he presented to the Society of Naval Arcliit«cts
and Marine Ennineors (SNAME) in June 1909 in a paper entitled "Some Model Experiments
o'i Suction of Vessels." ' 'A'hilst the discussion on this paper was rather dissontiem, as
might be expected on a subject not only new and complex but also not without its lecal aspects
there was general agreement on the need for further investigations on similar lines.
It is therefore rather surprising that in a brief survey of available bibliography on
interaction effects in ship maneuvering the author has uncovered very little work tc endorse
or supplement Taylor's work, although there is a wealth of data on investigations into such
effects in restricted .vators and canals. The latter has arisen, no doubt, from the greater
nifficulties of navigation under these conditions, and yet. when collisions in open deep water
occur, as they still unfortunately do in spite of modern navigational aids, the question imme-
diately arises as to what part interaction effects may have played in the accident. Notable
examples which have been the subject matter of papers presented to technical institutions
include the OLYMPIC and EIAWKE,2 and the QUEEN MARY and CUT1 VTOA.3 Similarly some
"near misses" have been recorded, including that of the cruiser EURYALUS and destroyer
WORCESTER,3 and the tugboat SVAVA and suction dredge ROLF.3 The latter case is
significant in that it emphasized the fact that in confined waters, although collision may be
avoided, the event may result in one of the vessels grounding or ramming another vessel or
pier in the vicinity.
It is necessary to emphasize that the contents of this paper are mainly limited to the
effects on fine form models or ships, of one size relation, on parallel courses in deep water,
and in calm weather conditions.
Models of the KING GEORGE V, designated Ship A, and the OLNA, designated Ship B,
were made to 1/50 scale. Ship particular? represented by the models are given ir: Table 1.
The models were towed on parallel courses at different positions relative to each other
longitudinally, over a range of corresponaing speeds from 10 to 20 knots, and at two separa-
tions, 50 and 100 ft, beam-to-beam transversely. The models were allowed complete freedom
vertically, and fitted with rudders set amidships but without propellers. One model was towed
on the resistance dynamometer on the middle line of the carriage and constrained on a straight
course by lateral force guidors (as normally used for determining initial ship moments in rudder
experiments) attached near each end of the model. The other model was towed by a rigid con-
nection on a parallel course by guiders which prevented yaw but allowed vertical freedom.
This procedure was then repeated to reverse hand, measuring on the other model. Additional
experiments wore made in the abeam position for various separations from 25- to 150-ft
beam-to-beam. In all, the series of experiments involved about 1500 runs.
The forces measured at each lateral force guider, i.e., at each end of the model, have
beer, converted to a single force acting at the "neutral point" positioned 0.2L from the bow
and a couple, or turning moment, about this point. The reason for this is explained later.
It should be noted that in Figure 9 of Heference 6, the forces were converted to the c-.u.
position. The forces and turning moments thus determined are plotted nondimonsionally for
50-ft and 100-ft separation in Figures 2 and 3, respectively, to a base of longitudinal separa-
tion between the amidship points as A overtakes R from 600 ft astern to 600 ft ahead.
Referring to the lateral force curves, as the bow of A begins to overlap the stern of R,
a force of repulsion develops on each and increases to a maximum when the bow of A comes
abreast the midship point of R, becomes zero as the bow of A comes abreast of the bow of B,
and changes sign to a force of attraction which reaches a maximum soon after the ships come
abreast. As A begins to pass B, the forces undergo similar changes but opposite in sense.
The greatest force is one of attraction arising from the addition of the ships' suction fields as
they come abreast. Similar forces act on B, in the same sense and nearly in phase with those
on A. It is worth noting the actual magnitude of these forces of attraction - about 26 tons on
A and 35 tons on R when they are moving 50 ft apart at 10 knots, and four times as largo at
20 knots. The forces are nearly halved when the separation is doubled to 100 ft.
eOO 4O0 200 o noc ^OC ^-00
il 01
I © ®
o V
ii 3
■y AA. V
Figure 2 - Measuied Interaction Forces and Moments and Correctins; Rudder Angles
Fifty-foot separation beam-to-beam.
10 Z
400 200 O 200 ■400 cOO
Y1 ©* -ö>
0 >^ 1
0 73
© ky37
Dm Q
13 bHlPB ^ ^ ^ ^\
^ * ^ SM»^A --'^
kd._ ^-' K _3
^w OS 4 öö 2 cx5 "H5 "^ÖÖ
■400 tx
Figure 3 — Measured Interaction Forces and Moments and Correcting Rudder Angles
One hundred-foot separation beam-to-beam
The turning'moment curves follow a similar oscillatory trend. Before A begins to
overtake B, she experiences a small bow-inward turning moment which at first increases and
then decreases to become zero just as hor bow comes abreast of the bow of B, and then
changes to an outward turning moment which reaches peak value just as their sterns come
abreast. From here on, the outward turning moment decreases to zero as the stepn of A passes
the amidship point of B and changes to an inward moment which is still quite appreciable when
the ships are quite clear of each other. The turning moments on B follow the same trend, but
lag behind those of A.
It is shown later that it is impossible to keep the ships' heads on course as in the model
experiments by applying correcting rudder, and that to achieve simultaneous balance of inter-
action force and couple, the ships must yaw slightly.
The results of the experiments at various separations between 25 and 150 ft for the
aLeam position only are given in Figure 4.
120 hO
\ X WVIMt.
0 0
The models were complete with true-to-scale propellers and rudders. The |)ropellers
were driven by motors in the models, the speed of the motors being controlled by rheostats
on the experiment carriage. The rudders were actuated by M-motors controlled from the
carriage, and the controls were so arranged that the maximum speed of putting the rudder over
was approximately true to scale for the ships. The motion of the controls for the M-motors
was recorded on drums on the experiment carriage, thus giving a continuous autographic re-
cord of the rudder angles used during the various maneuvers tested. The experiment carriage
was run down the tank at various uniform speeds corresponding to from 10 to 20 knots, and
Model B was maintained in constant relation to the carriage by appropriate application of the
controls of the propelling motors and rudders. Course and speed of Model A were obtained by
visual observation of the relative longitudinal position of the two models and the transverse
position by sighting from the carriage. The longitudinal position was recorded on the same
drum as the rudder records by an observer following the models down the walking way of the
tank and closing a bell push switch as Model A passed various sighting marks on a graduated
oatten carried on Model B.
The following maneuvers were investigated for approach, "fueling," and breakaway,
for transverse separations when fueling at 50 ft and 100 ft.
a. A overtaking B from stern to bow on a straight course.
b. A approaching B fine-on-the-quarter and taking up fueling position close aboard.
c. A breaking away from the close-aboard position on a divergent course and maintaining
d. A on a parallel course well away from B, easing in to close aboard.
e. Runs with tho models maintained in various relative positions as in the constrained
model experiments.
When in the fueling position there was no perceptible yaw in either ship, confirming
deductions fron the constrained experiments that tho angle of yaw necessary in association
with the rudder to balance the interaction forces and moments would be very small.
Considerable movement of the rudder shout its mean position was required, however, although
the extreme angles wore well within the maximum angle of 35 deg.
Considering the relatively short length of run available in the confines of the tank, and
tho fact that the rudder operators had only 1/7 the time in which to anticipate and correct
yaw compared with the helmsman in the full-scale ship (the models were made to 1/50 scale
to minimize tank wall interference), the large fluctuations in rudder movement were not
In spite of these difficulties, however, the feasibility of the operations (n) to (d) was
demonstrated conclusively and it was decided to carry out full-scale trials of the same type.
The ships engaged in these trials were the replonishmont ship BULAWAYO, battleship
DUKE OF YORK, aircraft carrier ILLUSTRIOUS, cruiser SUPERB, and destroyer DUNKIRK.
For the purpose of this paper, we are particularly interested in the interaction effects between
BULAWAYO and DUKE OF YORK, but some observations pertaining to the other ships and
relevant to the subject under review tire included.
Each warship in turn was to approach the replenishment ship by the astern method
(overtaking on a close parallel course), by the abeam method (overtaking on a parallel course
far out until abeam and then closing in whilst maintaining station abeam), and fine on the
quarter (overtaking from far out on a convergent course). After maintaining station abeam for
about 20 minutes at speeds of 12, 15, 18, and 20 knots, the warship was to break away either
by reducing speed and dropping astern on the same course or by turning away on a divergent
course whilst maintaining or reducing speed.
In each ship the rudder angle was recorded autographically and the compass bearing,
distance apart, rpm, and speed by log noted at regular intervals. The depth of water in the
trials area averaged 30 fathoms, and the weather and sea conditions were generally moderate.
The trials led to the following general conclusions:
a. Approach from abeam is the safest method and has the advantage over approach from
astern or fine-on-the-quarter that speed can be adjusted on the parallel course far out, so that,
when the ships close, there is no tendency for the approaching ship to surge ahead or astern
of the abeam position. The last two methods are, however, more expeditious and would be
advantageous in small warships which are more maneuverable and can change speed more
qi ickly than large ships. Approach fine-on-the-quarter is considered preferable to that from
astern, in view of the rapid changes in the directions of the interaction forces with fore-and-
aft position.
b. The best method of breaking away is by turning off on a divergent course, either
maintaining or reducing speed. Breaking away by reducing speed and falling astern on a close
parallel course would be practicable only in a smaller mor? maneuverable warship, but even
in this case has no obvious advantage.
c. Approach and breakaway maneuvers and maintenance of the close-aboard positions can
be carried out with equal facility between 12 and 20 knots in moderate weather conditions.
In rougher weather, the trials with BULAWAYO and SUPERB indicated that a wide fluctuation
in angles of rudder carried by the ships is to be expected. Thus, although the mean angles
carried would be small, the amplitude of variation necessary to maintain course (particularly
with wind and sea on the quarter) would prevent the use of the higher speeds in this range.
d. It was not possible reliably to assess the effect of the interaction on the speed of the
ship, but only in the case of the destroyer was there any appreciable variation with change of
separation, the destroyer tending to drop astern as the distance closed, and vice versa. The
records of propeller revolutions, however, showed that the smaller of the ships engaged, in
general, carries less revolutions than necessary for the nominal speed, suggesting that it is
receiving assistance from the wake of the larger ship.
Comparison with the model experiments is possible only in the case of the DUKE OF
YORK and BULAWAYO. The DUKE OF YORK was a sister ship of KING GEORGE V
(Ship A) and BULAWAYO (580 ft by 72.5 ft by 25 ft by 20,000 tons) was of similar size and
form to the OLNA (Ship B). The comparison is also limited to the correcting rudder required
by both ships in the abeam position, as the DUKE OF YORK used the abeam approach as
opposed to the astern approach simulated by the model tests. A summary of the four runs
carried out is given in Table 2.
Run 1 2 3 4
Mean separation, beam
to beam, ft 125 no 105 115
Speed deduced from
rpm, knots 12.3 12.0 15.5 15.0 18.2 18.0 19.7 20.0
The minimum and maximum rudder angles quoted for the ships are the average figures
neglecting abnormal values. The rudder angles for the models were deduced from the con-
strained model experiments as described in Section 5. As the table shows, correlation
between mean rudder angles estimated from the model experiments and those used by the ships
is quite close. Typical records of rudder angle used by hoth ships when proceeding close
aboard are given in Figure 6, and these bear out the wide variation in correcting rudder found
necessary with the self-propelled models, although those on the ship were not so large or
erratic, for the reasons previously stated. It will be appreciated that since these early sea
trials were carried out, the technique of controlling ships close aboard has improved greatly
and nowadays the variation in angle of rudder used is quite small.
It is interesting to record some other observations during these trials with
DUKE OF \ORK and BULAWAYO which are pertinent to the subject under discussion.
(i ) Although the battleship approached the replenishment ship by
the abeam method only, BULAWAYO reported a noticeable
effect on steering, even at the lower speeds, as the bow of
the DUKE OF YORK passed the stern of BULAWAYO
several hundred feet away.
(ii ) The propeller revolutions of BULAWAYO were quite steady
during each run at the values appropriate to the nominal
speed of the run. Those of DUKE OF YORK also were
steady, but generally corresponded to slightly higher speeds
than the nominal speed.
f <<i in
.r K Sv c
rK O
3 O
b! r c
8 in m
Z kT ** CJ
< 9
Q >.
i if i /
. o . 9 «
(iii) The transverse distances between ships varied during each run,
sometimes appreciably. The closest approach occurred during
a 20-knot run when the distance closed to 55 ft. BULAWAYO
then sheered off course away from DUKE OF YORK at about
4 deg, but within a minute the distance was increased to
120 ft and the coarse restored,
(iv) The ships maintained station with little fore-and-aft variation
at all speeds,
(v ) The mean angles of inboard rudder carried by BULAWAYO
decreased as the speed increased, from 13 deg inboard at
12 knots to 8 deg inboard at 20 knots. The mean angles of
rudder carried by DUKE OF YORK, however, were approxi-
mately constant, namely 6 deg inboard, at all speeds. On
two occasions, the angles of rudder carried by BULAWAYO
increased momentarily considerably beyond the average
maximum values given in Table 1; viz., to 23 deg and 24 deg
during the 12- and 20-knot runs when the ships closed to
60 ft and 55 ft, respectively, at these speeds. The rudder
angle records of DUKE OF YORK do not show any corre-
sponding abnormal increase at 12 knots, but at 20 knots the
angle was increased momentarily to 21 deg.
(vi) Although the arrangements for neasuring relative yaw between the
ships in the abeam position were not very satisfactory, it was
clear that each ship carried a bow-outward yaw of small
magnitude, thus again bearing out the conclusion reached from
the constrained model experiments.
In the first place, it is necessary to explain the method of presentation of the force
and moment curves in Figures 2 and 3. As already noted, for each position of one model
relative to the other, two forces on each were measured, at the positions of the guides; i.e., ■
Fj and F2 in Figure 7. These two forces can be represented by a single force F^ = Fj + F,
and a couple ftf. the magnitude of which depends upon the position about which moments are
taken. It is convenient to choose a position for F/ conciding with this position and which is
related to the action of the corrective rudder which must be applied to keep the ship on course
and which is also associated with the force and couple set up as a result of any small yaw
which the ship may take up. Such a point is the "neutral point" N at which, neglecting
transient effects, any lateral force applied will not cause a change in heading although it
will cause a change of course. The neutral point has been shown by experiments at AEW
-FI=FI + F2
Mi N
and from data given by Rydill7 to lio well forward of the center of gravity, and has been taken
at 1/5 the length of ship from the bow. The position of the neutral point is assumed constant
for small angles of yaw but vanes with the type of ship. It should be pointed out, however,
that if a different position were chosen for this neutral point, say 0.25 to 0.15L from the bow,
this would make no difference in principle to the discussion on use of corrective rudder which
follows later.
Referring to Figure 7, it will be seen that if no corrective rudder action is applied the
interaction moment will cause the ship to yaw outwards, bringing its stern towards the other
ship. As the ship yaws, a hydrodynamic force duo to it will come into action at the point ,V,
as shown in Figure 8. If, now, correcting rudder is applied as shown, this will counteract the
interaction moment and bring the ship hack to a position of equilibrium at a small angle of yaw-
to the direction of advance. In this position, assuming a steady-state motion, we have for
FR + Fy = Fl HI
FR x XL = Ml 12]
where XL is the distance of the center of pressure of the rudder from the neutral point.
It will be appreciated that the above simplified analysis involves other assumptions
than those already quoted, the more important being:
c. The interaction forces and moments are unaffected by the small drift angle taken up
by each ship or by the movement of the rudder.
Assuming the validity of Equations [1] and [21, it is seen that, although the moment of
the force from the rudder can counteract the interaction moment, there may be occasions when
the rudder force will be insufficient to balance the interaction force unless the ship yaws
.slightly to produce a lateral force opposing the interaction force.
For moderate rudtier angles the transverse force produced by the rudder can be expressed
FR --- 0.03 AV 20
and for Ship A 6 = 74,300 [4]
Using the moment curves, the values of correcting rudder 6 have been calculated from
these formulas and are plotted in Figures 2 and 3. The direction of the correcting rudder
required is shown in the small diagrammatic drawings in Figures 2 and 3.
It is then found, however, that the rudder force estimated from Equation [2] is not
always large enough to balance the interaction force, and to effect a complete balance each
ship must yaw slightly to produce an opposing interaction force. For instance, when the ships
are abeam there is a force of attraction between them and couples tending to swing their bows
apart (as Figure 7 and position 4 in Figures 2 and 3). The rudders will therefore be required
to be turned inward, but the ships will settle down at a small outward angle of yaw (as Figure
8). The yaw angles for both ships have been estimated approximately, using the results of
some recent experiments at AEW in which lateral forces and moments were measured at
different snoods and angles of yaw on a mathetna'.icaily shaped model. The results are
tabulated in Table 3, for a speed of 10 knots P.I 100-fl separation.
During this transient period, although the ships may be drawn closer together transversely
initially if the rudder applied is sufficient to produce a large enough yaw force, then the ships
should avoid collision provided always, of course, that the initial transverse separation is not
so small that the available rudder cannot correct the inward swing caused by the interaction
It will be seen that these positions three and five are quite close to the fully abeam
position when opposite rudder has to be applied to keep the ships on course. In a short space
of time, therefore, the rudder has to be swung from outboard to inboard, and the moment when
this has to be done is obviously not easy to choose so that in these positions there is con-
siderable navigational difficulty and risk.
If, when approaching positions three and five, the lateral separation of the ships is so
small that there is insufficient rudder available to counteract the interaction moment or
insufficient time for it to take effect, it would seem that a collision is unavoidable except
that any reduction of speed on the part of the astern vessel, thereby reducing the interaction
effects, must reduce the risk. In brief, the onus for avoiding action would appear to rest
upon the astern ship, except that the ahead ship can probably ease the situation by breaking
away on a divergent course.
In the absence of similar investigations into the case of ships passing in opposite
directions, one can only conjecture as to the degree of risk. From first principles the same
type of interaction occurs but the interaction forces act for a shorter time and are therefore
less likely to jring about a collision.
The case of two ships which find them idves close and traveling in the same general
direction on converging courses would likewise require separate and more complex investiga-
tion, and yet some guidance, if not comfort, can be derived from the experiments with self-
propelled models and sea trials described previously. The safest action in such a case would
5eem to be for both ships to reduce speed as much as possible and lessen the convergence
rather than that they should maintain course or that either should try to increase the conver-
gence and cross the path of the other. This was clearly demonstrated by the model experi-
ments described in Robb's paper.3 Although such action would constitute a departure from the
intenitional regulations for navigation at sea, it is permissible under these regulations when
collision appears probable.
These observations assume calm weath.r conditions. In inclement weathet, as indicaicd
by the sea trials carried out with a cruiser and replenishment ship, the risks involved would be
increased. The larger variation in rudder angle alone must make control more difficult and the
direction of wind and sea probably more so. 1
As already intimated in the introduction to this paper, the discussion which followed
Taylor's paper in 1909 introduced some fallacious arguments which have since been reiterated.
For instance, one speaker, basing his remarks on experience on the Great Lakes, was convinced
that t'iie propeller is the most potent of all the factors causing interaction effects. A few
comments on this particular aspect, in the light of the results of the investigations under
review, would not be out of place.
When a propeller is working, it modifies the pressure field around it and must therefore
influence interaction effects 19 some extent. Measurements of pressure in the region of the
propeller, however, show that the pressure changes due to it fall off rapidly with distance and
would not, therefore, significantly affect interaction. It is notable that a propeller only 1 in.
off the false bottom in the No. 2 Ship Tank at AEW gives the same thrust and torque as in
deep water. As another indication of the smallness of propeller effect, the augment of
resistance which is due to suction ahead of the propeller seldom exceeds about 15 percent of
the resistance, so that the unbalanced component arising from this suction when modified by
a ship in the vicinity would be expected to be almost negligibly small.
Doubts have also been cast as to the significance of interaction effects in deep water,
as opposed to shallow water. For instance, in Reference 3, one contributor to the discussion
stated that "the practical seaman regards interaction in deep water as an interesting legal
argument which is not borne out in practical experience." This statement was made in spite
of its being clearly demonstrated by the remote-controlled model experiments reported in that
paper that interaction effects can have the most serious conseruences. The experiments
referred to, however, gave no indication of the general nature and magnitude of interaction
forces and moments. It is felt that the results of the model and full-scale tests now reported
should leave no doubl :is to the significance in magnitude and varying nature of the interaction
effects, nor as to their influence in cases of collision which have occurred and may occur
It is abundantly clear from the results that the magnitudes of the force and couple on
each ship \.ir\ approximately as the speed squared, approximately inversely as heam-to-bcam transverse
separation, and oscillate in sense with longitudinal separation. These forces and moments
begin to operate from before the time when the ships begin to pass until some time after they
have passed. In the course of passing, the forces and moments undergo changes in magnitude
and sense that can, generally speaking, be counteracted by rudder action, provided the ships
are not so close that there is insufficient rudder angle available to do this, and that there is
time for the rudder to take effect.
Broadly speaking, if two ships find themselves on close and more or less parallel
courses for any reason, such as poor visibility, the sequence in corrective rudder angle
required by both ships appears to be outward to inward to outward as one begins to overhaul,
comer abreast of, and then overtakes the other, respectively.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the investigation is that during this process there
are two positions of one ship relative to the other in which application of rudder to prevent her
swinging across the course of the other adds to the force of attraction. In the case of the two
ships considered in this report, one considerably larger and longer than the other, this occurs
in the longer ship when her amidships point is in the range 1/3 to 1/6 of her length astern of
the amidships point of the shorter ship. Simila"ly, in the case of the shorter ship the condition
arises when her amidships point is in the range 1/3 to 2/3 of her length astern of the amidships
point of the longer ship. The situation is, in fact, more serious for the smaller ship, as would
be expected.
Whilst the results reported cannot be applied to the general case of ships of widely
differing size and form, nor to the effect of inclement sea conditions, it can be claimed that
they indicate that model experiments can at least establish guiding principles in this complex
The new and larger facilities now becoming available, with their equipment for wave
generation and modern techniques, present an opportunity of widening the scope of such
investigations into interaction effects which should not be missed. The subject can be
regarded as a special branch of the general subject of maneuverability, and since it is of
international interest we may perhaps look forward to its being included, at some future date,
in the deliberations of the Maneuvering Committee which is being set up by the International
Towing Tank Conference in September this year.
The author is indebted to the Director General Ships, Mr. A.J. Sims, O.B.E., R.C.N.C,
for permission to use the relevant data in this paper, gratefully acknowledges the assistance
of tho.sf» members of the staff at Haslar who have been concerned with its preparation, and
wishes to express his pleasure at being invited to present it to this Symposium.
The paper is published with the approval of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty,
but the responsibility for any statements of fact or opinion rests solely with the anther.
1. Taylor, D.W., "Some Model Experiments on Suction of Vessels," Transactions, Society
of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (1909).
2. Hislam, P.A., "The HAWKE-OLYMPIC Collision," Scientific American Supplement
(12 Feb 1912).
3. Robb. A.M., "Interaction between Ships," Transactions, Royal Institution of Naval
Architects (1949).
4. Silverstein, B.L., "Linearized Theory of the Interaction of Ships," University of
California, Institute of Engineering Research (May 1957).
5- Havelock, T.H., Discussion on Reference 3.
6. dawn, R.W.L., "The Admiralty Experiment Works," Transactions, Royal Institution of
Naval Architects (1955).
7. Rydiil, L.J., "A Linear Theory for the Steered Motion of Ships in Waves," Transactions,
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (1959).
C. G. Moody:
Mr. Newton's paper is particularly welcome at the Taylor Model Basin where studies
on the subject of interaction effects between ships during replenishment-at-sea operations
are currently beinjz conducted.
The technique employed in the Taylor Model Basin tests is essentially the same as
that described in the paper—the principal difference being that at Haslar one model is spot-
ted in successive positions along its course while the forces and moments are measured,
whereas at the Taylor Model Basin the usual procedure is to run one model slowly past the
other while the forces and moments acting on the models are recorded continuously. An ad-
vantage of the latter method is that some irragularitios in the force-and-moment curves are
brought out which might otherwise escape notice. These irregularities are largely due to
wave effects. They are negligible in some instances but very pronounced in others.
Whore the wave trains of the two vessels are superimposed along the side of one hull,
there are appreciable pressure effects, which in some instances are augmented by the reflec-
tion of the bow wave of one vessel from the side of the other. It may be of interest to note
in this connection that at high speeds, long wave hollows may be superimposed upon the re-
duced pressure, or '\suction," field of one vessel at a considerable distance away from the
other. Under such conditions the wave crests arc likely to he especially steep and sharp, so
that a SITUI!! vessel may even broach-to in them and sheer in toward the other ship.
In the Taylor Model 'iasin tests, the relative motion of the models can be stopped or
reversed, and the effect of different relative speeds can be investigated. The relative speed
of approach or departure is a consideration of particular interest in the replenishment of
small, fast, full-bodied vessels.
The Taylor Model Basin replenishment-at-sea tests have generally boon run with the
models solf-'rorellod to represent the effect of the propeller slipstream on the rudder. The
idea persists that the propeller has a significant effect upon the interaction of ships, and
was brought up recently in connection with the operation of ships in the St. Lawrence
Waterway.* There is some truth in it in the case of a ship in confined water. When a large
hulk cargo vessel is tiroceedint; under its own monusntum along one hank of a canal with the
rudder amidship, the effect of starting the propeller is to increase the velocity of the flow
around the : tern. On the side of the hull adjacent to the wall where the water is confined in
a small space, the cross-section area of the flow is restricted and the velocity of the flow is
increased. Vessels of this type generally have very full water lines aft, which deflect this
flow away from the wall and thus produce a steering effect. In conjunction with the Venturi
effect, this produces hydrodynamic force that tends to draw the stern in toward the bank.
Nevertheless, where a rudder in the propeller slipstream is used to correct this tendency, the
net effect of the propeller action is usually beneficial.
*Hauck, P.F. and Connell, T.P., "Destroyer Seamanship in tfic St. Lawrence Seaway," The U.S. Naval
Institute Proceedings. Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 131-137 (Mar 1960).
A. Taplin:
Mr. Newton's explanation was extremely clear. However, I would like to ask a ques-
tion as to what effect the sea has on the ability to handle ships during replenishment.
Mr. Newton mentioned that the interaction force increases with the square of the speed.
Offhand, it would seem that the force on the rudder and the force on the yawed hull would
also increase with speed squared. On that basis alone we would have a little trouble, but
there are two other effects of speed that come to mind. For example, when two ships are
100 feet apart and are going fast, they will close that distance more rapidly than they would
have at slow speed. Also, the bow waves are extremely different at high speed. Specifically,
is there anything other than the bow-wave effect and that the distance closes more rapidly,
that makes high-speed replenishment difficult?
B. Silverstein:
I enjoyed seeing that the experimental data in Mr. Newton's paper exhibited the same
trends «s those shown in my paper on linear theory of ship interaction; that the lateral force
diminished inversely as the distance between the ships. It also came out theoretically that
the force would vary in an oscillatory manner with the longitudinal distance, and this was
checked oxpcrimentaliy. I would be very much interested in trying to check in detail the re-
sults of the theory against the forces and moments you measured.
My paper ended with a rather complicated equation which did not lend itself to easy
calculation. I appreciate the fact that I now have experimental data to confirm the equation.
You mentioned earlier that one of the key problems was not just calm waier, but what
is the behavior in a seaway? This is a very complicated addition to the theory but I think it
is the important problem. We are beginning to understand about calm water, but the
replenishment-at-sea operation in rough water is the difficult problem.
J. P. Breslin:
I was somewhat interested in the question that people have raised in the past about
the possioility that the propeller might play somewhat of a role in the interaction effect. 1
would like to add a small voice to the opinio" that Mr. Newton has ably expressed that cer-
tainly in deep water one should not expect the propeller tu influence interaction very much
since the pressure field decays so rapidly. I think a quick way of getting at this is to real-
ize that the propeller thrust force is roughly equal and opposite to the drag of the ship, and
the drag of the ship is a small fraction of the displacement, in the order of 2 percent, per-
haps possibly in the order of 10 percent, at the most.
I would like to hear some mention as to how big these forces are; what their limits are
(if the ships were allowed to touch) in fractions of the displacement; what order of megnitude
of forces we are talking about.
H. E. Sounders:
As thi! result of a study having to do with the modernization of the Panama Canal which
was carried out at about the same time that Haslar was doing the work described by Mr. Newton,
the U.S. Army EnRineors established the following requirement for a modernized canal: When
one ship passes another, or performs any type of operational maneuver that could be assumed
to happen in the course of operating in the canal, it should be possible for each ship to per-
form its share of the maneuver, barring accidents or any unforeseen circumstances, with not
more than one-third of the total available rudder angle. In other words, if the total available
rudder angle was 30 degrees, then the model tests should show (and the model tests eventu-
ally did show) that not more than 10 degrees of rudder would be required by the pilot (through
the steersman and the controls) to handle the ship in the normal manner; leaving the other two-
thirds of the rudder angle for emergencies and times when the commanding officer has to exer-
cise his own discretion. Incidentally, as the ships get too close, there isn't anything the
commanding officer or anybody else can do.
Although i*. is an operational feature, and perhaps has no part here, it is just as well
to remember that in any operation of this kind, we must not count on using too much of the
available rudder angle icr operation. We have to leave plenty of reserve for the forces
thj>t we don't anticipate, or for the forces that become too large, or for some other effects
such as wind or third ships and so on, which come into the picture.
Author's Closure
I was very pleased to hear what Mr. Moody said about the latest techniques at TMB.
One should really make one model pass the other in order to get the transient effects, which
obviously affect the situation, whereas in th^ Haslar experiments they were in definite
The main point nf what Mr. Moody said has to do with wave action. lie developed this
point by describing how the two waves of the ship marry, and said that you can get in danger-
ous conditions where the forces are quite large. This was borne out by the sea trials of the
KING GEORGE V and tht OLNA. and the figure I remember is that when the battleship ap-
proached the replenishment ship, 800 feet away, as her bow began to overtake the stern of the
OLN'A, the OLNA was forced to use 5 degrees of rudder to keep on the course. That's a long
distance, and it was obviously a large force.
Mr. Taplin asked a rather awkward question: Is there any other factor other than the
how wave or the pressure field effect which can make this operation of replenishment more
difficult? I would immediately say that, at high speed, you of course have far less time to
take avoiding action if you start the maneuver wrong. But from the sea trials of the KING
GEORGE V, it is perfectly clear that this operation can be done safely with some ships up to
20 knots. The sea trials and the model tests were done at 10 to 20 knots, and the same rudder
angle, roughly speaking, was measured on both ships, whatever the speed within that range.
Dr. Silverstein confirms that the experiment was borne out in theory. I mifjht say that
not enough people realize that more comes out of the marriage of theory and practice than
from out of either, and this is a beautiful example of that.
Dr. Breslin wants to know the magnitude of the forces when the separation between the
ships is nought [zero]. The curves of Figure 4 of the paper are going up pretty well and are
obviously asymptotic and theoretically reach an infinite force (I think that answers
Dr. Breslin); it is a pretty big force.
Captain Saunders speaks from a wealth of experience. I did not know of the rule that
one should keep two-thirds of the rudder available, especially in a canal. This was borne
out by the description of an accident given by Prohaska in a discussion of Robb's paper.*
The two ships were on parallel courses in passing; one had to voer away with full rudder and
got clear—but it also rammed a pier; which makes your point admirably. One must have some
capacity left in the rudder.
»Prohaska, C.W., Comments on "Interaction between Ships," by A.M. Robb, Transactions <:. ' e INA, Vol. 91
(1949), p. 337.
Lennart Pehrsson
Marine Department
Aktiebolaget Koristads Mekanisku Werkstad
Karlstad, Sweden
The paper deals with the steering effect from bow-jet screw propellers.
This type of propeller is placed in a transverse tunnci in the bow and is used
for maneuvering at low ship speed. Model test results are ^iven for a
controllable-pitch propeller with 4 planar blades at adjusted pitch ratios P/Ü =
0.4, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9; and for a CPP with 3 planar blades at adjusted pitch ratio
P/D = 0.7. Model test results are also given for a 4-bladed fixed blade
propeller, pitch ratio P/D = 0.7. The model tests are compared with full-scale
tests of two 300-4P controllable-pitch bow-jet propellers.
There is a note on forces and turning moment which occur on a normal
screw propeller as a result of nonparallel flow and which affect the steering
characteristics of a ship especially at low speed.
I^ow-jot propellers or bow-steerini: propellers, as they are also called, have been more
widely used during recent years. Especially, they have boon used on railway and car ferries
and on buoy tenders; i.e., ships where maneuverina at low speed is often required.
A number of different typos of bow-jot propellers have been designed. One of the first
was the cycloidal propeller which, in the first installation, was mounted with the blades
workinc freely under the ship's bottom. Later this propeller was placed in an athwartship
tunnel, like other types that are mentioned below. The cycloidal propeller has been installed
on, for example, the PTllNTESS OF VANCOUVER, and the TISLLEnORG.
Other types are those operating with fixed-pitch screw nropollors. The Plnuger system,
for instance, consists of a fixed-pitch propeller in a circular duct operated by a -ubmercori
electric motor. The Jastram system also utilizes fixed-blade propollors hut has two
contrarotating propellers, one at each end of a propulsion pod to which power is supplied
over a bevel sear. The former system is, for example, applied on the car ferry COMPIEGNE
and the latter system on the buoy-tender 'V\LTER KO'?TE.
The riutche system essentially consists of two transverse ducts and a vertical fixed-
pitch propeller. Magnitude and direction of thrust are controlled by a cylindrical valve
driven by a separate motor. This system is used on the East-Terman railway ferry
Controllable-pitch propellers have alsc been used. The KaMeWa system consists of a
controllable-pitch propeller placed in a circular duct and housed in a propulsion pod. Among
others, the railway ferry PRINSESSE BENEDIKTE and the car ferry PRINSESSAN CHRISTINA
utilize the KaMeWa system.
This paper deals with model testing of screw propellers used as bow-steering propellers,
with the emphasis on controllable-pitch propellers. The general arrangement of a bow-steering
controllable-pitch propeller is shown in Figure 1.
The propulsion pod is supplied with power from a vertical shaft coming in at one end of
the pod where the bevel gear is located. At the other end, hydraulic oil is supplied to the
blade-turning servomotor in the propeller hub. At this end also the feedback of the control
mechanism is placed. It is noted from the drawing that the propeller has an unusually large
diameter of the hub body. This is determined by the space required of the bevel gear.
There are three supports at each end of the pod. Only one at each end accommodates part of
the mechanism.
The model testing of this bow-steering system was made at the Kriatinehamn Cavitation
Tunnel. In the tunnel, which has a measuring section of roughly 800 x 800 mm, a model of the
duct around the propeller was built. At each end this duct, was surrounded by a disk simulating;
the plating of the ship. The duct was connected to a scale so that axial forces on the duct
could be measured directly. The arrangement is shown in Figure fi. Thrust and torque for the
propeller were measured with the ordinary equipment of the model propeller shaft.
Data of model propellers used were:
The four models are of the Kapi'in typo; i.e., the blade tip Has the form of a circular arr.
The clearance between the blade tip and the tunnel wall is 1.5 mm. When the blade is adjusted
for positive or negative pitch, this clearance, however, increases at the blade edges.
Figure 3 shows the blade designs.
The preliminary testing was made with Mode! 317-B. In one part of the tests the
influence of various types of guide vanes was observed. The arrangement was tested with
one, three, and six guide; vanes at each end of the pod. One test was made with the {guide
vanes set symmetrically at 0, 5, and 10 degrees. In this case the arrangement with three
truide was used. The total thrust produced at a given horsepower was within 2-3
percent for ail arrangements except for large angles where tbr? thrust dropped. Therefore, it
was decided to use the arrangement with three parallel guide vanes at each end of the pod.
The axial flaw just outside the tunnel at a distance of about % propeller diameter
measured on the centeriine of the tunnel was observed. Model 317-3, adjusted pitch ratio
0.70, was used. The .velocities are plotted in Figure 1. It is noted that the velocities at the
lower part, of the tunnel are lower than in the upper part of the tunnel, to some extent depend-
ing upon the fact that, the pitot tube has its longest distance from the tunnel end at the lowest
part, of the tunnel.
£0 <
i < u
N "5 en .y
ro ^
to • c ro Q>
s>• £
>. cc
t m
Ö 00 CO 00
0.700 const
Streamline tests were also made and showed that the flow in the lower part of ihh
tunnel was somewhat unstable. In order to improve this situation, a bulce wan arran:»';! *.•.
each end of the tunnel (Figure 5). This increased both KT and KQ for the prop'slk-r. r, r.
instead of bein^ positive, the axial force on the tunnel turned negative.
A numerical example shows for Model Propeller 317-3 converted to full ncak.
1.3 m diameter and 285 DHP metric:
(without (with
Test Number 15 16/17
bulge) bulge)
P/D 0.7 0.59
This result is somewhat surprising. Further tests on the effect of bulges are planned.
Hulge and grid were tested separately. The grid has a stabilizing effect on the flo
Grid without edge ring was finally adopted.
Figure G gives this index for different combinations of diameter and shaft speed. The
submergence of the shaft is assumed equal to the diameter.
The final tests were made with three and four ^uide vanes for 1-bladed and 3-bIaded
models, respectively. The openings of the funnel were free; i.e., no grids were applied.
Check '"ts show that if a grid is used, tha toU.' .hrust increases by 1.5—2.0 percent.
Figures 7—10 show the test results.
The flow set up in the cavitation tunnel by the model propeller was stopped by turning
the tunnel impeller slowly in reversed direction. The total thrust is producoa by the propeller
and partly also as lift on the guide vanes. For the sake of simplicity, t iese forces are
added in one KT total value.
It is noted that around 10 percent of the total thrust is contributed by the guide vanes.
(Text continued on page 39.)
,Q 7uzii
iOtO), 8
'■X a
A comparison of the four models is made (Figure 11). This shows: The 3-bladed
45-percent BAR Model 331-B is just slightly loss efficient than the 4-bladed 50-percent
BAR reference Propeller 317-B. With respect to cavitation, there was no significant
The 4-bladed Model 327-B with BAR 43.2 percent is considerably inferior to 317-B,
us KT total is reduced by 6.5 percent. Model 327-B differs from 317-B only with respect to
BAR. As could be expected, 327-B showed more cavitation.
The fixedblide propeller 339-0, which differs from 317-B mainly in having lens-
shaped sections and a normal helicoidal surface, is better than 317-B. The KT total-value
is 3.9 percent larger. Considering that the CP-propellers have planar blades and thus an
unfavorably high load at the tips, this superiority of the fixed-blade propeller may seem
small. However, as in a Kort nozzle, the tunnel walls reduce the loss over the blade tips,
and this effect is more pronounced for the propeller with highly loaded blade tips.
/ The cavitation picture was somewhat better for 339-C than for the other propellers.
/ There was some difficulty in taking photographs showing the cavitation clearly.
Therefore, small drawings were also made. Figures 12 and 13 show the cavitation pattern.
It is noted that as usual at static pull the cavitation appears as sheet cavitation
extending toward the boss from the blade tips. The guide vanes were cavitation-free.
V knots 11 12 13 14 15 16 j
Figure 12 - Model 317-B, P/D = 0.700, a1 = 2,78
317-B 327-B
331-B 339-C
Figure 13 — Cavitation Observation at CT = 2.78
On each propeller one blade is shown in three various positions.
Diagrams 7 and 8 can be used for determining main data of a how propeller. A usual
problem is to find horsepower and shaft speed when a certain thrust and maximum diameter
is given. This may ho solved by findinj: a relation between Kj- and a1.
or A'.
2 W2 (P0 - e)
•Schatte, F.., "Eine Methode zur Herechnung von Dus»n-propellern, " Schiff und Hafen. No. 11 (1956).
This straight line can be drawn in Diagram 7. At the intersections with the P/D-curves,
a is read off and the corresponding KQ is taken from Diagram 8. Thereafter power and shaft
speed can easily be calculated.
In the more general case, when only the thrust is given, it can be shown that
DHP = const
According to the table, it is therefore not advisable to use larger P/D than around 0.7.
Suitable data would, for example, be:
This paper has rioait with the effect of bow-steering screw prnpeller-, at 7ero ship
speed only. However, in many cases steering effect from the how propeller is wanted also
when the ship is proceeding ahead or astern. To investigate this condition, a test series
in a model basin is planned.
The author wanU to express his thanks to Mr. Torsten Stephanson, under whose
supervision the experimental work was carried out in the Kristinehamn Cavitation Tunnel.
A. Silverleaf:
I apologize; I speak without having seen the paper itself and I also speak without the
data which I am going to quote.
As the author mentioned, there is an increasing interest in these devices, and recently
there have been cases where they have been fitted or at least have been proposed to be fitted
both at bow and stern. A little more than a year ago at NPL, we wore asked to investigate a
proposal which it was intended to fit to a large passenger liner. Our prime purpose was to
compare the relative efficiencies (I shall return to this point) of counterrotating and single
propellers for the purpose of producing a lateral thrust. Calculations suggested that, the
single propeller was bound to be more effective than the counterrotating propeller. Experi-
ments, not surprisingly, confirm this. Our investigations wore not made in the tunnel, at
least not initially; we were fortunate enough to be able to make them on a fairly large scale.
We used propeller models 12 inches in diameter and made a replica of the forebody of the
vessel on a correspondingly large scale, which wo tested first in a large static water basin
and then carried out some further experiments with the propeller in a tube (after all, that is
all this is, pvopollers operating in a tube) in the towing tank.
Now one is interested, basically, in the efficiency of such a device, and this device
is essentially that of a propeller operating at zero speed of advance. So some criterion other
than normal efficiency must be employed. What one is really interested in, as I see it, is the
maximum lateral thrust or lateral force for a given power input. And this quite simply is a
ratio of A'j-, the thrust coefficient, to the tornue coefficient A',,, raised to the Iwo-thirds
power. It is not K-j- over K(j: it is Kj over A' to the two-thirds. The surprising thing is that
if you examine published propeller sy.sU'iimlic data, either for orthodox propellers or alternately
for Kaplan type propellers, of which there are now some, you cone across the Fact ■ at there
is an optimum pitch ratio. Quotina from memory, I think that it is around O.h, at which this
criterion of effectiveness is a maximum. And also it is quite easy to derive a relationship
between this criterion of effectiveness and a nondimensional ratio in which the power and
the diameter are involved. From this, wc found it very simple (and I should mention that our
measurements broadly confirm this simple analytical approach) to advise on the optimum
diameter and running conditions.
Incidentally, this very seriously affects any irlib quotation of horsepower per ton thrust,
per, say. 100 horsepower; a common figure that is bandied about is 1 ton per 100 horsepower.
This can be up or down by a factor of three, quite easily depending on what you can do in the
way of diameter relationships for such lateral thrust devices.
I should like to ask a question which may have been answered in the paper; whether,
in fact, the author has himself found any such optimum pitch-diameter ratios to exist, and
whether he has found any such criterion of effectiveness which varies with the permissible
operatint; conditions.
I was interested in his final comment about the draf; of the opening. This is a point
that is always raised by a shipowner who comes to us lor advice on this topic. Of course 1
would very strongly agree with Mr. Pehrsson's point that properly designed openings (and I
think the shape of the opening is a very important factor here) need not add anything whatever
significantly to the drag of the vessel, when proceeding at some speed ahead, without the need
for elaborate closing devices which are sometimes suggested and fitted.
The effect of speed ahead is, I think, one that needs to be investigated. Clearly, the
flow conditions into the propeller will be affected by this oven if the speed ahead is only 1
or 2 knots, which is the condition you are interested in for maneuvering, and in fact, the
propeller characteristics may then be considerably altered. Finally, I should like to ask
Mr. Pehrsson whether it is to cope with such fluctuating conditions that he advocated the use
of control'.-ble pitch propellers, because at the moment 1 think that they are a slightly
unnecessary luxury.
G. R. Stunfz, Jr.:
I'm a little bit in the same position as Mr. Silverleaf in that 1 haven't seen this paper
before. As some of you may know, the recently completed Army dredge MARKHAM. built
(lo\sn at Avondale. is equipped with a device very much like this. We were in a position of
doing some model testing for the Army on this boat, and also we did have just a little hit to
do with the design of the rm. Like Mr. Silverleaf. we found that a single propeller was more
effective than counterrotating propellers. This is possibly due in some degree to the spacing
between the propellers and to the fact that ihey are within a tunnel. Se'-onrily. 1 am a little
surprised at the shape of the tunnel that Mr. Pehrsson described. WP recommended tc -he
Army that thev not use a sharp-edge junction between the tunne! and the hull surface hut
rather a very geneious radius, so that the inflow of this tunnel had a luch easier transition
from the external flow to the inside of the tunnel. 1 believe this might contribute to more
stable flow in the was of the propellers. We did, however, use the discontinuity or lip. or
step, described in the Swedish work, so that the jet at the outflow end would separate and
not follow this rather generous radius. Model tests were done with a large scale model of the
how of the ship. The diameter of the propellers was about 9 inches on the model.
Unfortunately, vv ■ d' ' 't szet into any work with guide vanes; in fact, in the model work
we had no grid whatever over me entrance and exit, and I have been interested to note the
ship was built with such a grid. We don't have any full-scale trial data, so ! don't know how
that turned out. One other point in which 1 support Mr. Silverleaf is that the controllable
pitch propeller does seem to me to be somewhat of a luxury. It requires a very much larger
huh. i suspect, than is required merely to house a right-angle drive. And certainly this largo
hub inside a tunnel would seem to be a disadvantage.
I. too, haven't seen the paper until today and therefore base my comments on the other
discussers. I would like to see the title of the paper put another way, such as, "Are the days
of tugs numbered?" Quite frankly, I think they are and should be. To anybody who has been
in the Navy actively, as I have, nothing is more annexing as they go up the Clyde in a battle-
ship with four wretched tugs fussing around, pushing you this way and that, with strong lan-
guage from the bridge. Then th'3 QUEEN MARY comes up to her docks and pokes her nose in
and everything is all set. But there is a need here for tug propulsion units. There is no
doubt about it; if one can do away with tugs it facilitates the operation an awful lot.
One question I would like to ask, that can be answered with a bit of discussion, has to
do with the clearance between the faired tube and the blade tips, and did it have an effect on
tip vortex cavitation?
I took note of the discussion about the relative merits of the counterrotating propeller
in a tube, and hero I would agree with Mr. Silverleaf. I think that one great use of the counter-
rotating propeller is when it is placed behind the ship, because you can take more advantage
of the w \ke of the ship, which is one reason why the counterrotating propeller behind the ship
is more efficient than the single propeller.
But in looking for another point, about the ehp of the opening. If you can make the
propeller smaller by a counterrotating propeller you make the opening smaller and you un-
doubtedly effect more economy, from the point of view that you do not use so much ehp. The
ehp is not negligible. We at Haslar were investigating the so-called ducted propellers and we
do take into account the loss of ehp as it left the pipe. In a destroyer at 30 knots it is of
the order of .300 hp. These are not small openings, of course, and I think the counterrotating
propeller would reduce that quite a bit.
H. E. Sounders:
I have read the paper once, and I am confused as to how to make the distinction be-
tween propeller thrust, and thrust on the ship: the sort of thrust that you are endeavoring to
produce to turn the ship, or to move it sideways? You have only one symbol T, and I am un-
certain as to whether that applies to the thrust that is being developed by the propeller only
or the th ust on the entire assembly as far as the ship is concerned.
S. Binde!:
Regarding the drag of the hole, we carried out some tests on cargo ships and ferries
and we found that the increase of ship resistance due to bow tunnel was not more than
2 percent; our results confirm, for relatively slow ships, those given by Mr. Pehrsson.
Author's Closure:
I was very interested to hear Mr. Silverleaf s remarks regarding two counterrotating pro-
pellers. One thing which my company has found, is that both propellers of a counterrotating
pair should not have the same diameter. This was verified by experiments on torpedo pro-
pellers made in our cavitation tunnels about 15 years ago. It was demonstrated that, if the
diameters are the same, the flow into the downstream propeller is disturbed by the tip vortex
of the forward propeller.
I both disagree and agree with Mr. Silverleaf on the point of comparing the efficiency
of the propeller by Kj/Kn or K^/KQ . It is quite correct when you base it on a given
horsepower to compare on Kf/Kn , but if you compare for a given thrust then you should
use KQ/KJ.
There was some discussion on the shape of the openings; we have found that the most
effective is a sharp opening at the forward half of the diameter and a rounded opening at the
following part of the tunnel.
Then there is the question-why a controllable pitch propeller? I don't think it is a
luxury here but the reverse. It is so much cheaper with an electrical system to use a non-
reversible constant speed motor. Therefore, the total cost of the installation is much less
using a controllable pitch propeller.
I would agree with Mr. Stunt?, that counterrotating propellers can be advantageous in
some cases, and especially where a small draft forbids the use of a large tunnel opening.
In reply to Captain Saunders, Kj means the total thrust delivered by the propeller and
the tunnel, as indicated in the upper part of Figures 7, 9, and 11. Thus this coefficient in-
dicates how much thrust is delivered to change the course of the ship.
Hi samitsu Shiba
There is very little scientific information and technical data available about the maneu-
verability and turning of ships, and we still have many unsolved problems about these
performances. Design data for the rudder is insufficient; for example, we have difficulty find-
ing reliable data to decide the rudder area that will give the best maneuverability and turning.
Here the authc: performed a series of self-propelled model experiments for the purpose
of getting practical design data to decide the best rudder area. This is one phase of a rather
comprehensive series of model turning experiments, and the general results of this study are
reported here in Part 1.
The rudder area ratios A/L x d of five rudder models are respectively 1/80, 1/60, 1/50,
1/40, and 1/35. The five rudders are all rectangles which have the same length (span), 9.8
cm, but the length of the chord differs for each rudder. As a result, the aspect ratios differ;
namely, 2.24, 1.68, 1.40, 1.12, and 0.98.
23.0 WL. 23.0 WL.
Diameter 100 mm
rioss ratio 0.250
Pitcii ratio (constant) 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
1 Expanded area ratio 0.40
Maximum blade width ratio 0.242
Blade thickness ratio 0.045
Rake 10 deg- 13 ft
■Juinbei of blades 4
Turning direction Right-handed j
A 1/12-hp, 24-v d-c sh'int motor was used as the driving motor for the screw propeller.
30-v, fi-amp-hr storaszo hatterios were used to supply the electric sources to this motor and
other apparatus in the model.
The steering mechanis-r is such that a spring supplies the power, and by adjusting its
windings we can steer the rudder to the pre-set angle in a given time.
CD ,
H u
When the model reaches the steady-state condition, the pre-set programmer starts and
the number of revolutions of the main shaft is measured first; then the rudder is steered and
the model starts to turn.
Besides, starting from the time the model makes a straight advance, the course angle
is continuously recorded by gyro indicator and cine camera and the trace of the model is
followed by transits on the shore. Finishing the required measurements, the model is stopped
by the signal sent by the wireless controlling device.
By this method the path of the model is found at every second (or at every other second).
This gives us the advance, transfer, turnint: circle, turning diameter, and speetl of the ship,
together with the number of revolutions of the main shaft, and the course angle at every second.
From this, we can find, further, the speel of the change of the course angle and the drift antjle.
These experiments were held last March and May on a reservoir in the northern suburbs
of Numazu, Shizuoka-Prefecture and at the experimental basin in Meguro-Ku, Tokyo.
We used three model hulls, five rudders, an i three screws in the experiment: rudder
angle, speed, trim, displacement, and turninii direction of ihe models were changed, as
shown in Table 3. '^e examined the effect of those variations upon the maneuverability of
the ship; for example, on the turnini; diameter, advance, transfer of turnini:, reduction of speed,
and so on. The number of runs in this series was more than 200.
Kinds of Experiments
The model drifts more or less in a certain direction because of the wind force while it
is running. This means that the model is much more affected by wind of the same speed than
the actual ship is, because the advance speed of the model is equal to \/\f\ (X is scale ratio)
times that of the actual ship, by Froude's Law,
To correct or eliminate such a wind effect, measurements were made until the model
completed the steady turning circle twice.
The direction and the distance of drift during one turning circle are determined from the
trace of the turning circle. So the effect of the wind per unit time can be found if we assume
that the direction and the distance of drift remain constant for a short period of time. By this
method we can modify the trace of the model, eliminating the wind effect. This simple method
gives almost satisfactory results, as shown in the example in Figure 2, where a comparatively
large drift was eliminated by this method.
From more than 200 turning traces acquired by the experiments, several representative
examples about the model of Cb = 0.7 are shown in Figure 3, corrected for wind effects.
The figure numbers and corresponding experimental data are shown in Table 4.
Figure 5.1 1/8C 0.70 0.8Q Even keel Full load Pun side
Figuie 5.2 1/60
Figure 5.3 1/50
\ \) i
\' 1
To apply the experimental results obtained with the self-propelled model to the full-
eized ship, we must examine the correlation between the model and the snip in maneuverability.
We note the following facts:
1. In the model experiment, the Reynolds number is smaller than that of the ship; therefore,
the characteristics of the rudder of the model differ from that of the ship.
2. It is possible for the screw of the ship to cavitate; however, with the model that very
seldom happens.
^r ^
Figure 3 - Turning Path After Steering
Figure .VI
Figure 3-2
Figure 3-3
Figur»- J-4
Hr^ = ^5
Figure 3-5
3. As the Weber number of the model rudder is considerably different from that of the
actual rudder, the phenomenon of air draw in the model is considerably different from that of
the actual ship. However, the results of the turnins» experiment with the model agreed fairly
well with those of the ship trial. Brard, Hewins and Roop, and Pitro, have already reported this
fact; also, the test results on models and ships carried out by the Ship Performance Division,
TTRI, showed good agreement.
Experiments were carried out on models and ships designated X and Y, and comparisons
of those mouels and ships are shown in Figure 4-1. Ship X is a twin-screw iwin-rudder ship
-i r-
^SHIP o ///.CM SHIP o 106.0 M
MODEL — 2.5 M tyOPßl ,{ ~ |f^
111 m long, 17.40 m wide, 6.80 m deep, and 4.78 m in draft at the test condition, and all
rudders are just behind the screws. The ship trial was carried out at 14.4-knot speed and
35 deg in the helm ant^le. The model was 2.5 m long, and the model tests were held at a speed
of 1.12 m/s (corresponding to 14.5 knots for the ship) and at the helm angles of 10 deg, 20 deg,
30 dec, and 35 deg. As shown in the fim.'res, the model test results agreed sufficiently well
with those of the actual ship. Ship Y is also a twin-screw twin-rudder ship 106.0 rn long,
10.5 m wide, and 3.67 m in draft, and the rudders are deviated a little from the center line of
the propeller stream. Two Tiolels 2.5 m and 6 m long were used for the experiments in this
case. The 2.5-m model was used first, but in order to investigate the scale effect and to
increase the accuracy of the experiment the 6-m model was used later. Test results with the
6-m model agree well with the results of the sea trial with the actual ship. Furthermore,
Figure 4-2 shows a comparison of the experimental results of this test with the results of sea
trials of scores of ships recently built in Japan. The results of the sea trial are plotted by
c-ircles. and the model test results are shown by the solid and dotted lines. Block coefficients
of the ships ranije from 0.65 to 0.75, but the results were modified to the case of block coeffi-
cient 0.70 with even keel condition, in order to make the comparison easier. For this calcula-
tion, experimental results obtained with models, described in the following section, were
applied. There still remains the influence of the differences in L'B and ß/(f and the differ-
ences in the wind and tide effects, on these results, that, make the plots scatter over a wide
ranco. As a whole, however, the fact that the experimental results plot closely to each other,
having the lines of the results of model test of Cb ^0.7 as their average line, means that the
s'milarity is well kept between models and actual ships. In the model test, there exist the
scale effects in its friction; namely, the corresponding frictional resistance and the wake of
the model are relatively larger than those of the ship. Accordingly, at the corresponding speed,
the screw needs to produce a larger thrust than the corresponding thrust of the ship, if the
model is propelled without friction correction. However, as the effect of the difference of »a'<e
and the effect of reflecting the friction correction cancel out each other, so the stream to the
rudder remains almost similar between model and ship. In short, practically, we can say thac
the correlation between model and ship shows a good agreement as mentioned above. This is
true, however, only in the range of the case where cavitation and air drawing never occur in
the screw of the ship.
Variations of turning diameter with the increase of the rudder area ratio in three models,
A, B, and C, are indicated in Figure 5. Turning diameter decreases considerably with the
increase of the rudder area ratio, in the range of, say, 1/80 to approximately 1/50. It should
be noted, however, that the turning ability is not improved any more when the rudder area ratio
is increased beyond 1/50. To obtain the best turning ability, we should have the optimum
value of rudder area ratio, say, approximately 1/45. Of course it depends on the ship form,
as is shown in Figure 5; it is nearly 1/4:0 in A, 1/45 in B, and 1/50 in C.
Relations between rudder area ratio and the advance or transfer are shown, respectively,
in Figures 6 and 7. As for the advance, there is no best rudder area ratio, as was found for
the turning diameter, and it keeps decreasing gradually with the increase of the rudder area.
Relation between the transfer and the rudder area is, on the contrary, almost the same as that
between the turning diameter and the rudder area. The advance and transfer might, be con-
sidered as the indices of maneuverability in transient state, while the turning diameter is as
that in the steady state. Since the ship movements in transient state are significant, for
example, for preventing collisions, we are now investigating this problem separately.
Based on the model experiments with towed models, Gawn in 1943 described the rela-
tions between the rudder area ratio and the turning diameter, the advance, and the transfer.
The results obtained from our self-propelled mode! experiments are shown in Figures 5 to 7,
which give further information about this problem and are appiicablo for practical purposes.
Turning diameter, advance, and transfer gradually decrease, in general, as the rudder
ancle increases to a certain angle. This tendency is recognized not only in rudder angle
above 35 deg, but also in large rudder angle around 45 deg (Figure 8). Gawn also reported
the same result with respect to this point, and here further details arc clearly obtained by the
self-propelled model experiments.
The effectiveness of this large rudder angle can be explainei by the rather small
effective angle of incidence to the rudder and also by the fact that the stall very seldom
occurs because of the confused aftstream of the propeller. If we neglect the effect of
propeller stream, subtracting the drift anglo at the rudder from the rudder angle, we can obtain
the effective rudder angle. As was found clearly in this experiment, the drift angle at midship
reaches to 10 deg to 17 cieg when the rudder is steered to 35 dog. Then the drift angle at the
rudder can be considered to be,more than about 20 dog. Therefore, the effective angle of
incidence to the rudder is still less, and at this rather small rudder angle of attack, as the
rudder angle increases, the normal pressure still tends to increase. There are the reasons
why the steering by such a large helm angle as 45 deg is still effective for improving the
<a w
Figure 8 - Effort of Helm Ant'lo
turning ability. Conventionally, the maximum helm angle in the ships is limite.'! to 35 'leg.
As is shown in Figures 5 and 8, however, in the case of a ship, which especially needs a
i^ood turning ability, it i.-~ more effective to increase the maximum helm angle than to increase
the rudder area only. In this experiment, D/L of the Ship R {Cb = 0.70) is found to be -2.70
when the rudder angle is 35 deg and the rudder area ratio is 1/50, the turning diameter is not
reduced remarkably by the increase of the rudder area ratio until it reaches 1/35. VVhen the
rudder is steered to 45 deg, however, leaving the rudder area ratio 1/50, D/L becomes -2.Id.
That is, it is improved as much as 22 percent. When the rudder angle becomes more than 50
deg, the turning ability does not improve any more by the increase of the helm angle, as is
expected, and is shown in Figure 8.
As the elements of the ship form which affect the turning ability, we can count many
factors such as the principal dimensions, L/B, B/d, block coefficient, cut-up of the stem and
stern, and so on. Here, the relation between the turning diameter and the block coefficient is
shown in Figure 9 for the cases when the principal dimensions and rudder are the same, and
as are shown in Figure 1, the profiles of the stern are different from each other with the block
cop'fi ients. Variation of the turning ability with the change of the ship form is remarkable
in this case where the principal dimension and rudder stay the same and differ only in the
Figure 9 - Effect of Ships' Fullness upon Turning Diameter
block coefficient. Figure 9 shows, for example, that the turning diameter of the shi'p of block
coefficient 0.60 is about twice that of the ship of block coefficient 0.80. Of course, iho
reason for this big difference is in the difference in the turning moment of the ship caused by
the difference of the block coefficient. Besides that, however, the slip ratio will increase in
the ship as the block coefficient increases, and this makes the rudder in the propeller stream
act more efficiently. In short, when the rudder area is determined to obtain a good mam-uver-
abilitv, the block coefficient should be considered in connection with it.
The lines of Models A, B, and C are chosen tc represent the high-speed liner, the
general cargo ship, and the super-large-sized tanker, respectively. In these ships, the
relations between the turning diameters and the block coefficients are nearly linear.
Figure 8 shows the case where the rudder area ratio is 1/50.
With respect to this problem, we investigated with Models A, B, and C only in the cases
when the rudder area ratio is 1/50. The relation between the speed and the turning diameter,
obtained by experiments in which the Froude number ranges from 0.09 to 0.30, is shown in
Figure 11. Here, the speed while the model is advancing in straight course before steering
was taken as the index of the speed. As was expected, the change of the speed affected very
little the turning diameter. That is, speed affects very little the turning diameter at the Froude
number of less than 0.20. Even in Model C, which has the block coefficient of 0.80, the
turning diameter increases by only smnll percentages when the Froude Number is 0.30. (In
another experiment, where we used the model of block coefficient 0.5 in order to make the
wavemaking resistance small, the effect of the speed was not recognized until the Froude
number became about 0.30.) Relations between speed and advance or transfer are almost the
same as that between speed and turning diameter.
Figure 12 shows the variation of turning ability due to the change of displacement,
keeping their trim unchanged. The displacements correspond to the light- and the full-load
condition, respectively, but in order to keep the propeller and the rudder entirely immersed,
even in the light condition, the trim by the stern of 1/50 was adopted in both conditions.
Accordingly, the displacements and conditions are slightly differont from those of the real
light- and full-ioad conditions of an «ctiial ship. From the figure, we can see that even by
increasing the displacement by about 35 percent, the turning diameter changes very little. As
these experiments were performed by the same rudder, it must be noticed that the rudder area
ratio in the li^ht-load condition is about 30 percent larger than that in the full-load condition.
IS "
14 K
a Ct'0.60 ct'0.70 a- 0.80
A A _L
12 L~xd & -,**d 50
*2% TRIU *2% TRIM * 2% TRIM
" 1 i icr
i --
[9 1-
* £r — (?
1 1
: I 1—i
zo- ~±
f *1
»• .Uo-
1» , « i
\ 1
-r - 1
1 ^
- - &F-VLL
0 I 1
1 1 L_
s e 7 S 9 IO 5 6 7 8 9 10
,» i i —! — i j i i i i" r" i i i i i ' i
^, -^ V«^ "" —\
il ^J ^r
a ■
CfO.BO ao •
ao o ~ [»L rT^4r4*Jip~-| ' ^
.« — 1 SO x
—] -ä{ T/STNIO
.rK r^
40 » —
L 1 | 1 *>.«»»/| 1 1^
u ___ , _ __ _ L_ _ 1 I
l-i 1
1 I 1
i *1
^ ^i x
** ^- V Ck-0.70 ^ ^ ~-
t-4! >
k j.i
J* 1
*/ ^
• ~ •]
r ^« r
L <«
i V 7 ^ctr» ^
■ 1 1 .. r^^ u_
«»«w» /■
^ '^o - —
7 i r-S "n • a-ceo j
- * i r
■>? > ! 1-
.5 k
y e
4 r , |
" l
i i M i ;
i 1 1 i
b ^ 3 ! 9 /O //
FiK^fe 13"'
Figure 13-2
In a single-screw ship, there are some differences in the turning performance between
turning to port side and turning to starboard side, due to the nonuniformity of the wake of hull
in rudder position and the effect of propeller stream upon the rudder. In this experiment, we
investigated the turning to port and compared it with that to starboard, using the propeller of
pitch ratio 0.80, and found that the former is about 10 percent smaller in turning diameter than
the latter (Figure 14). Since the relative positions of the rudder and the propeller in the models
are the same as that of the ordinary ships, as shown in Figure 1, different performance of the
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 - f'ITCH RATIO 0.8C(
6 Ct.-0.80 1
5 ^H ^
^. j
4 1 ^~it^ 1
HiJ ^
S ^H ■— J 1
] ^5*\tSTA* S
* fc 1 ■—T -^--
\io \ j
9 ^
8 1 V £.= 0. 70
\ 7 NN
6 -L J \ ^
V „^
5 ^s'
1 Nv s^
4 \ ^ -^
\ " k~1
P~~ ^. -—- J
\ ^— fc -
\l2 \
" \
\ N, €,,= 0.6 0
\io I
9_ (. \ k
;<4 C
Ö k
7 T-
j kl- I 4.
6 1 K^
t ^v
1 i
T— T"1*'^
j-Lr^j -^ L
/ I
i I T 1 1
10 [15 20 \25\ 1 3,0 |55 40
turning due to the side (port or starboard) can be approximately the same with the results
shown in Figure 14, even though we need to investigate it more carefully.
Three screw propellers of pitch ratio 0.70, 0.80, and 0.90, were used in these experi-
ments, and the results show very little difference. This is probably because the propeller
stream is not affected so much in this range of pitch ratio. (Figures about 0.7 and 0.9 in
pitch ratio were omitted.)
We have already described in Section 1.5, Results of Experiments, how to correct the
effect of drift by the wind in the turning test of models. In the sea trial of the actual ship,
also we obtained a good result by applying this same method. As a custom we have observod
the turning path for less than one turn in the ship trial. If we observe this about two circles
in turning path and correct the drift, however, we shall be able to obtain more precise data
about, for example, the turnine; diameter.
Existence of the bilge keels naturally affects the turning performance of the self-
propelled model. In the experiment performed by the Ship Performance Division, TTR1 in 1956,
the turning diameter increased by about 10 percent by taking off the bilge keels. Of course, this
effect differs according to the length, width, and position of the bilpo keels. It is necessary
to carry out further experiments to make clear ».he effect of bilge keels upon the turning ability,
because, as described previously, the bilge keel was not used in this series of experiments.
Based on the fact that the result of the turning experiment by the self-propelled model
proves the maneuverability of the actual ship, we can conclude several points as follows, from
the results of the turning experiment performed by three kinds of models.
1. So long as the rudder area ratio remains less than about 1/45, the maneuverability of
the ship is improved by increasing the rudder area. When the rudder area becomes larger than
this, however, maneuverability is not improved any more by further increase of the rndtier area.
2. In accordance with the increase of the helm angle, the turning diameter, advance, and
transfer reduce. This tendency is kept until the large helm angle of around 45 deg. Therefore,
in some cases, to increase the maximum helm angle is much more effective to improve the
maneuverability than to increase the rudder area only. This tendency becomes very small
at the helm angle larger than 45 deg.
3. The hu!! form afiocts maneuverability considerably; for example, the turning diameter
of the ship of Cfc = 0.60 is as !arge as twice that of the ship of Ct = 0.80. The tendency that
in accordance with the increase of the block coefficient the maneuverability is improved, shows
that the problem of turning is closely related to the problem of the course stability. Especial-
ly in the case of designing the rudder for full ships, which are usually rather poor in course
stability, the character of course stability should be considered simultaneously.
4. The trim of the hull affects considerably the maneuverability. When trim by stem
increases by 1 percent, for example, the turning diameter increases by about 10 percent.
5. The change of displacement has very little effect on the turning diameter, if the trim
stays the same.
6. The change of the advance speed. If that was in the range of the speed of the ordinary
merchant ship, has very little effect on the turning diameter.
7. The speed reduction by the turning can be roughly expressed by a simple curve.
8. The method to measure the steady-turning circle twice is very helpful to correct the
effect of drift by the wind in the ship trial, as well as in the model tests.
Even in the design of single rudder for the single-screw ship, where the rudder works
behind the screw propeller, because of the lack of the modern design data, we are still using
the conventional method of the old-fashioned empirical formula for the open rudder; that is, for
the rudder independently working in widely open still water, modifying by our own "experience."
At present, however, with the advanced hull and rudder forms and increased speed, this
simple method occasionally gives us erroneous results, if it is not supplemented cleverly by
experienced designers.
The author set the target of this paper principally to get practical design data for the
rudder which works behind the sc.ew propeller and is under the effect of its aftstream.
Another fact is that the maneuverability of the ship becomes worse when we increase
the rudder area too much. This might be acceptable from the theoretical study, hut wo have
no reliable design data to get the best rudder area quantitatively, as well as qualitatively.
Accordingly, the author intended also to find out whether the existence of the optimum rudder
area depends upon the characteristics of the rudder itself or not.
In order to avoid the free surface effects, the upper edge of the rudder was kept 10 cm
deep under the free-water surface. The characteristics of the ruddo: wore measured by the
rudder dynamometer, at, the slip ratio of 11 percent, (22 percent), 28 percent, and 44 percent
changing the revolution of the screw, at the same advance speed of 1.17 m/sec.
Besides these, the same measurement was undertaken at slip 100 percent. Tho
Reynolds number in this experiment is about 1.0 x 105.
The normal pressure F and the distance between the leading edge and the center of
pressure, are shown in Figures 15 and 16 in the form of CN (the normal pressure coefficient),
and x (the ratio of the distance to the chord length), respectively.
Figure 15 — Normal Pressure Coefficient
-i r i
Figure !5-l
Figure 15-2
Figure 15-3
~i 1 r
PE is the effective pitch, and NPE is adapted as the speed, because the uniform
velocity to the rudder can be approximated by the following formula as a whole.
For the sake of convenience, the relation between the normal pressure coefficient CN
and the aspect ratio ß, is shown in Figure 17-1, the relation between the aspect ratio ß
and the ratio x of the distance of the center of the pressure from the leading edge to the chord
length is shown in Figure 17-2 (or Figure 16).
IZ. /4 18 ?0 22 o' 12 i4 i.6 i.e ?r'
We must note that the position of tiie center of pressure shifts forward according to the
increase of the slip ratio s, as shown in Figure 17-2. In the case of the open rudder, the
position of the center of pressure moves immediately aft when the stall takes place.
On the contrary, in case of the rudder which works behind the screw, no abrupt change of
this kind can be recognized, at least for the cases of steering to port.
5.2.3 Normal Pressure Coefficient after the Stall
As shown in Figure 16 or Figure 17-1, the normal pressure coefficient of the open
rudder decreases considerably by the stall; on the contrary, that of the rudder which works
behind the screw does not decrease so much by the stall. It was clearly proved also by the
photographic observation that these phenomena were not due to the air draw.
Figure 18 shows how the stall angle varies with the difference of the propeller slip
ratio and the aspect ratio of the rudder. Namely, the stall angle is a function of 3 and ß.
-H, 1952-6 R*5.9XI0'
r 1.0
12 j 1.4 I 1.9 . 10 \ 2.0 2.2
As a reference, the experiment result of the airfoil of 15 percent in thickness ratio in wind
tunnel is also shown in the same figure. Comparing this value with that of the open rudder,
which we got in this series of experiments, difference in stall angle is about 5 deg. However,
we are not sure about this difference, as there are differences in fluid, thickness ratio of the
foil, method of support, condition of the vibration, fineness of finishing of the surface, exist-
ence of the free surface, and method of experiments. It is, however, assured also by another
experiment that stall angle changes considerably by the effect of the screw.
5.2.5 Considerations on Rudder Torque
F- - PAV*CN~ - p(26)2V-2 JL
As is clear from this expression, F changes by the values of CN/8, if 2 6 remains constant
(because Sps.n 2 6 of the rudder is usually limited to some value which comes from the form
of the stern). That is, to increase the area under Luis limitation means to reduce the value of
ß, and this results to decrease the value of C^. Accordingly, we cannot say, in general, how
the value CN/ß changes by the increase of the rudder area. Figure 19 shows the lift coeffi-
cient of the airfoil Clark Y with the thickness of 11 percent which was acquired by Zimmerman
in the wind tunnel. In the same figure, the value of CL/ß is also shown. As CN is almost
the same with CL, C^ was used in this figure. From this figure, we can find the tendency
that CiJß, namely, the total lift increases as ß reduces (the area increases), notwithstanding
the fact that CL decreases at the same time.
CN changes by the difference in airfoil section, wing thickness ratio, and by the
existence of the screw. In Figure 20, the value of CN/ß was calculated from the result of
this experiment in which a symmetrical airfoil of 18 percent in thickness was used.
(Rudder Ihicknesä ratio of the ordinary rudder is about 18 percent.) From this, !Q (-Btl «PP
that at the helm angle less than 15 deg, C^/ß increases by the decrease of ß until 8 comes
to some value; however after that, this tendency stops and C^/ß begins to fall down or in
other words CN/ß takes its maximum value at some value of ß. On the other hand, when the
helm angle is more than 15 deg, C^/ß always increases by the decrease of Ö, and this tend-
ency is especially clear after stall. This is also the same in the results of the open rudder
tests. Now, let us consider the best rudder area ratio again which we discussed in Part 1.
Figure 21 shows the steady turning diameter ratio at the helm angle of 35 deg. From this, we
can say that if the existence of the optimum rudder area ratio comes only from the character-
istics of the rudder, the true angle of incidence to the rudder must be less than 15 deg, even
rr i W
IT M* /
16 1 ed
y 1
5 i K^ o.^ D SOI Figure 21 — Turning Diameter at
4 k^ 5K o-V /
35 Degrees of Helm Angle
3 d
X n/
_^ ^
-^ 00. 501
2 . k-1
i /0 12 1.4 1.6 10 2 0 Z2 2,4 1
at the turning by holm angle 35 dog, after the turning becomes steady. The measured values
of the drift angle in the previous series of steady turning tests are shown in Figure 22-1.
From this figure, we can got the drift angle of the ship when the rudder of rudder area ratios
1/50 and 1/60 were used (Figure 22-2). Using those results, we can got, while the ship is
turning steadily by the helm angle of 35 dog, the true angle of incidence of the rudder of helm
angle 35 dog for the ship of block coefficient 0.7 and 0.8, and rudder area ratio of 1/50 and
1/60, respectively, as are shown in T;>l)le 5. That is, we can see that, even in the steady
turnini; by the holm angle of 35 (leg, l'io angle of incidence to the rudder is loss than 15 deg.
Considering the fails shown in Fia;ure 20, we can s;iy that the best rudder area depends on
the characteristics of the rudder itself.
Cr 0 60 Cb= 0. 70 50 CfO.eo
25 <&Ä£
10 ?Q 3fl 4Q 50 0
Figure 22-2 - Drift Angle at
35 Degrees of Helm Angle
For example, in order to decide the diameter of the rudder shaft, we have to know first
the normal pressure F and the distance of the center of the pressure from the loading odt^e of
the rudder. There are many formulas which f^ive these values. Must of them are, however,
reiiresonted hv the fcüowinß fonnula:
where a;0 is the ratio of the distance of the center of the rudder stock from the leading edge
to the chord length C of the rudder. The empirical factor k differs according to the different
shipyards which design the rudder, and was found to range botweon 0.05 and 0.15 by the
investication of the fludder Committee of the Marine association. In this empirical formula,
we cannot take account of the effects of Cb, w, s, and 1] separately. Ml of these effects are
represented by only one empirical factor k. Also as for the position of the center of pressure,
the effects of the slip ratio s and ß are entirely disregarded. C^'and Cyhy these expressions
are shown in Figure 23 by broken lines.
Now, let U3 compare the result of our experiment with these values. Substituting the
relations 1 - s = ^ß/^Pg, and 1 - to = ^AD^- ln t*ie expression CN = F/%pA NP£ which
is used in Figures 15 and 17 to express the normal pressure coefficient from the result of our
experiment, we will get the relations:
, ' ' \i-9C*(ol.p.S)(j=*t)' BY THE AUTHOR
1 -\\58.8(l+kfsiN<* BY BEAUFOY
,> /
3C. ASSUMED TO SE Ö.29S /. 90, 35%
/.80, 40%
35 X%
44 P0
40 S
36 I8C . 35*
^ ^ •
20 25 30 35
Now we like to investigate the applicability of our design data to the actual case of
ship rudder. The left and the right columns in Figure 24 show the time history of the rudder
torque, measured on each 5 ships by the magneto-striction type torsion meter, by the Ship
Performance Division and Hidachi Technics Research Institute, respectively. As these are
all the general type of cargo ships, we assume that they can be represented by one ship as
follows, for simplicity:
Using these values, Table 7 is obtained from Figure 17. Then the torque W can be calculated
by the following formula:
^7 -JO ■ 20 ^
2D 40°
51-10 ■
!0- 20 ■ -
IS' 30 ■ -'^
2D 40 1—'^
20r 40 «^Wyg.-W^/ ) , , ,-pgq *..-
2(7 -40
Center of Twist. Mt. 1
Ship Name j Chord Rudder Rudder Ship 1 M-Ton
Length j Stock Area Speed Drift Angle
C{m) Vjm/s) 2 deg (real) j
S 7.87 12.5 1
KUNISH1MA-MARU 3.05 0.289 16.31 P 6.89 9.6 |
S 8.64 15.1 i
RYUZAN -MARU 3.05 0.289 16.31 P8.59 14.9
S 3.23 11.1 j
NICHIYO -MARU 2.94 0.297 15.27 P7.92 10.2 1
S 7.77 8.4 |
SHINSEI -MARU 3.05 0.312 16.04 P5.55 4.3 {
S 8.28 13.8 !
j WAKÖ -MARU 3.05 0.289 16.31 P8.28 13.8 j
S 7.72 10.6 j
j GINKO -MARU 2.71 0.273 13.22 P7.51 9.9 ;
S 7.30 10.1
N1KKÖ -MARU 3.25 0.308 19.01 P7.72 11.2
S 7.41 8.9
| YUKO -MARU 2.66 0.276 12.73 P 7.54 9.2 j
S 7.10 j 11.3 !
YAMAZATO-MARU 1 3.04 0.282 16.11 \ P7.54 j 12-8
S 7.20 j
1 15.91 119.91
TAIYÜ -MARU 2.97 0.289 j P7.61 1 - !
As shown in the torquo curves of Figure 24, a sharp hump appears right after the steer-
ing finishes. This is »ery natural because the normal pressure decreases suddenly as the
results of the abrupt incroMO of the drift angle which happens right after the steering is
settied. In short, this peak is merely the one which comes from the large value of the
incident angle that exists for only a short period of time.
It seemed possible to neglect this effect, at least in the range of pitch ratio of 0.7—0.9.
As already shown in the results of the sea trial, these apparently have little effect in
the calculation of the rudder torque. The effect of the depth of immersion is treated in Part 3.
The screw and rudtier, which are used in this exporimont, and Ihoir relative position
correspond to that of the general merchant ship or the supor-oil-tanker of full block coofficiont.
Accordingly, we cannot apply these results from the ship which has extraordinary values in
its rudder thickness ratio or number of revolutions of the main shaft, that is, to the ship which
has the abnormal relation between the propeller diameter and the rudder dimensions.
The author believes that we made clear two points which we intended to do, as
mentioned in the Introduction. That is, he believes wo made clear that the best rudder area
depends on the characteristics of the rudder itself, and that we could offer the design chart
for the rudder, by which it is possible to consider the effect of wake of the ship hull and
also the effect of slip ratio of the screw.
The design chart which we have already offered iij for the deeply immersed rudder.
The fact that the rudder torque calculated by this chart agrees comparatively well with the
rudder torque measured in the actual ship is already shown in Part 2, using some examples.
However, aa the depth of immersion of the rudder is usually not so large in general cases, it
is unreasonable to use this chart to calculate the characteristics of the rudder which is not
immersed deeply. The fact that they agreed fairly well, seemed to come from some other
reason. Here, we performed again a systematic series of model experiments to find these
reasons. This part reports these results.
The experimontal setup is the same as that described in Part 2, but the depth of
immersion was varied.
Because the performance of the rudder can be affected by the direction of turning, port
or starboard, when it is not sufficiently immersed, we carried out the tests of the turning on
both sides in this series of experiments, whereas in the experiments in Part 2, when the
rudder was sufficiently immersed, we tested port side only. We showed the results of our
measurement in Figure 25 in the form of the normal pressure coefficient.
Figure 26 shows the effects of the depth of immersion on the normal pressure coefficient
of the rudder, which were obtained from Figure 25. Figure 27 shows the relations between
Cy/Cfi^ and l/2b, in order to help understand the depth of immersion. Symbol oo shows the
case when the depth of immersion is big enough. That is, as found from Figure 27, except in
some special cases the effect of the depth of immersion on the rudder seems to disappear
when //26 becomes Inrger than about 0.9. As is easily found from Figure 27, also the effect
of the depth of immersion increases as the slip ratio of the propeller becomes larger.
"'' (Text continued on page 105.)
U |
Figure 26-1 - Effect of Immersion upon CN (ß = 1.12)
Figure 26-2 - Effect of Immersion upon CN {ß = 1.40)
Figure 26-3 — Effect of Immersion upon CN (ß = 1.68)
ifli^g ^«>si^«*a^«M«^
For the general merchant ship, for example, C^- decreases by 35 percent compared
with Cyyoo , if //26 is assumed to be 0.5 (trial condition) and s is assumed to be 35 percent.
In short, we cannot disregard the reduction of the normal pressure of the rudder by the effect
of the depth of immersion, especially when the rudder is not deeply immersed.
As mentioned above, when the depth of immersion is not enough, the characteristics
of the ruddor deviate from that of the deeply immersed rudder. Then, how do we explain
the rudder torque changes?
According to our way of expression, the normal pressure F of the rudder is shown by
the followinij formula:
1 /l-tcx2 CN
2 2
F =- p{2b) V x —
Accordingly, the ratio of the rudder torque with that of the deeply immersed rudrier is
expressed as follows:
1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1
50 1
»PORT 1 i i
■ JW
I »*>•■
ir 1 7
» «53 i\
L» lb * 500-1- -4- «_L 4 —1
0 o '.453 [ i-44-J4
r \ | i \.ll
\io\ \- C A ~ c
\o ' ii 1
50 ^/% SLIP> 1
• 1
40 ' . i
20 i
i { _ «J
* * 1 %
- —H 4
. 'J — 1
1 i
i i n
\i0 i 1 i
1 i i
50 ; si IP
i a
140 i 1 j
LLiL . i _ i I
Uo p(«
1 1 *
• 1
« 1 5
r r —j
0 i i
1 ■ — i- i 1 .
50 1 1 1 j 1 4 K*l SLIP 1
40 •U t • i-L i .
! "^
, «
50 ■** 11 1
20 !1 1
r» •
Tl '
u \
1 1
i i ]
i 1
o ; ] 1 . 1 1
4— I -i i
\2C' *
1 • 1
* 1 •
-•■ rii
1 • 1
J «
1 i i f * L-H
\ic « ! < 1 • 4^-]r^r*'-L i
M 50 i 40 1 sp A 20
i I
ID ♦ | h j
i i
i i
i i
—r 1 ' 1
1 1
1 1
_ 1 — poor 1
i -*4
50 .IP
40 I
bo 1
«? i
1 i 1 T i 1
po 1 ii 28%. tit IP —
i i 1
40 ' » \ 1 i
i i ■ •
30 t
B -r"
1 I
.1 t
• -" ^
r j
/o —— r
0 I
1 1 1
po aa %. c/ iP
40 1
bo |- [-
20 ii
/o i —
: i i
jfiO ii J00% s IP !
J40 i j !
i J
* •«
1 1
• e 1 I i i^H 1
/o 1 - 1 : i
« A
1 • { • f-H" i 1
In, 50 1 40 30 \ 20 »* f
20 : 30 1 «> 1
Figure 28-2 - Center of Pressure When Depth Is Varied (jß = 1.40)
[fo\ 1 1
I 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 I 1
1 —Ufc or»OTl
1 1 1
40' -s4--54 -H
—fl r l
0 i* I \ -L-rt i |
k |
i i
1 -L
0 i !1 ___ 111'
i 111 i
S r %1
ii i
a 9
1 1 % SI IP
3(51 A l
i \ i -H -i-
20 ! '
* X
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
50 „ . 1 ,28% SLU9_
3 iji % * 1
30 •* i k a
1 a
ill; 1 1 1 1
r /v < 1
• _
PO 1 • i «
1 1
in i
1 1 i
0 1
\so 44% SLIP i , i 1
1 t (
40 1 i 8 a
1* Ifc- » ■
1 Lä- i
4 » 1* 1
ro — i
T— i
1^ |
30 i i LJOO% SLIP
40 1 1 i i
1— i
i ■e
• 1 •
♦ * _J
•I— !«f LW
► |
* 1 1
i« /^»fl L£ I**
1o 50 40 30 20 | ^0 0 i h ^ i 3P 40 |
then we will ^et,
That is, even though the characteristics of the rudder change considerably with the change
of the depth of immersion, the rudder torque does not change so much, in general, when the
rudder angle is large. This is because the effect of the reduction in the normal force and the
increase of the distance of the center of pressure from the leading edge cancel out each other
and apparently give the same torque. Now, we know the reason for the good agreement of the
rudder torque of the actual ship with that of the deeply immersed rudder as wo mentioned in
the Introduction, 3.1.
It can be imagined that the performance of the rudder will be different when steer-
inn to starboard or port, and this will also be affected by the difference in the depth of
immersion of the rudder when the rudder is working behind the screw. Wo can, somewhat,
investigate the effect of the turning side (port or starboard) upon the performance of ihc
rudder, using the test results shown <n Figure 25, but the detail? about this problem will be
omitted here.
The most important results obtained from these three series of experiments described
in Parts 1, 2, and 3, respectively, are:
1. The best rudder area exists, at least for the general merchant ship, and from the
limitation of the draft, the best rudder area ratio A/L • d is usually about 1/45 corresponding
to the aspect ratio of about 1.2.
2. Increase of the maximum helm angle is more effective for improvement of maneuverabil-
ity than is increase of the rudder area only. The author believes that the maximum helm angle
can be increased to about 45 deg.
3. Tha reason the optimum rudder area exists in the general ship is as follows: Kven in
case of the turning by large holm angle, the true angle of incidence of the stream to the rudder
during the steady turning is considered to be very small (say, about 10 dep). The raüo
CN/ß of the normal pressure coefficient to the aspect ratio, which decides the rudder force
F, takes the maximum value only in case of such a small angle of incidence. The correspond-
ing aspect ratio is about 1.2.
4. The effect of the depth of immersion of the rudder disappears when the depth of
immersion //2 6 is about 0.9. As the depth of immersion decreases, the rudder force decreases
considerably, and this tendency is larger at the larger propeller slip latio. N'oreover; the
position of the center of pressure tends to move gradually aft. As for the rudder torque,
these two effects cancel out each other, and consequently no apparent difference is produced
by the difference in the depth of immersion.
S. Bindet:
I should like to present three remarks regarding Part 1 of this interesting paper. The
first concerns the comparison between model and ship turning circles. If, for a single-screw
ship or for a twin-screw and twin-rudder ship, a balance may exist between the scale effect
due to the nonrespect of the Reynolds number and the scale effect due to the nonrespect of
the propeller, this is not exact for a twin-screw ship with one rudder, because interactions
between propeller and rudder are small. In this case we generally find that, for a given
rudder angle, the turning diameter of the actual ship is smaller than the diameter of the model:
the difference is often up to 10 percent.
The second remark concerns the speed reduction in turning. This reduction depends on
the type of engine driving the propeller. For example, if nothing is changed on the control-gear
of the engine, the torque (for a motor), or the power (for a turbine), or the rpm (for an excited-
field d-c motor) may remain constant. For a valunble r-omnnrison. mode! experiments have to
bo carried out in the same conditions. This is not generally the case if the model is free; on
the contrary, under u rotating arm it is possible to realize any condition.
My last remark concerns, for a single-screw ship, the difference in turning performance
to port and to starboard. An explanation may be the following; generally, on a ship of this
type, streamlines go up at the stern of the hull; there is an upward component of ihr velocity
in the disk of the propeller. For a right-handed propeller, the angle of incidence on a blade
and therefore the thrust is increased on starboard and decreased on port; even with a zero
rudder angle, the ship then tends to turn to port.
R. N. Newton:
I thought that the authors mitrht have given some more useful information about another
parameter which affects the TD L. and this is what we call the area of the cut-up. Now in
this series of experiments this area of the cut-up does not change. Comparinsz one ship with
another when the areas under the stern profiles are very differert, there can be a large effect
on this ratio TD/L. This was proven bv a gentleman I mentioned yesterday, Mr. Wipley, who
carried out an investigation for us many years ago. Fortunately I brought his formula along.
In effect, Wigley took the results of 46 warships and analyzed them (there were 23 of them
which were of similar form), and he obtained a straightforward formula from which one could
obtain the TD/L very approximately, which would certainly enable the designer to compare
two ships. The formula reads like this:
I would close, in the hopes that the author will accept these comments to the paper.
H. E. Sounders:
I should like to complement what Mr. Nowton has just said. I think that all of us should
appreciate perhaps a little better than we do, the reasons for some of these things. Mr. Newton
knows, but didn't say so, that the pressure field developed by the rudder, differential positive
pressure on one side and the negative pressure on the other side, extends to the hull, so that
a considerable amount of the lateral force which produces the turn is exerted on the hull, but
rarely is P1! of it exerted on the rudder. I haven't had an opportunity of studying Dr. Shiba's
paper sufficiently to know whether that was taken into account or not. Mr. Newton says,
"the area of the hull in the vicinity of Dr. Shiba's rudders is constant so that whatever the
actor is, it is the same except for the fact that different rudders of different sizes and laid
at different angles produce different pressure fields and different pressure intensities."
Some experiments which have been run at TMB show that in a modern ship with a rud-
der of a little different type than this one, one-third of the total lateral pressure at the stern
is exerted on the hull and only two-thirdt: by the rudder. I haven't made any studies, but I
am convinced that in the old-time sailing ships, where the rudder was simply a narrow plank
extending up and down at the stern (it coulcin't be very large because one or two men had to
handle it) up to 4/5 of the total lateral force was exerted on the stern of the ahip and only
1/5 on the rudder. That is admittedly a ^uos.s, but almost ever1/ case we have found, regard-
less of the type of the hull, unless the hull is absolutely flat under v&lh and the rudder is
separated from it at a distance, that some considerable portion of the lateral force that causes
the shin to turn is exerted on the hull, not on the rudder, but by the pressure field created by
the rudder.
Now to supplement what Mr. Binde! : aid about reasons why a single-screw ship with a
ri^ht-handed propelle'- has to carry right rudder to handle it in a straight course and keep its
heading. As pointed out by Professor Hovgaard back about 1942, the reason why the ship
wants to swing with its bead to port is not because of the excess thrust executed on the
right-hand blade on U e starboard side of the ship (and there is a great deal of excess thrust
exerted on the right-hand blade) but that the differential pressure set up by those blades
working; at a large anKl«' of incidence causes a greater reduction of pressure on the starboard
side of the hull than it does on the port side. The reduction of pressure acts with the mo-
ments from the e.g. to the stem, whereas the-increased thrust on the starboard blade acts with
a very small moment. Professor Hovgaard has brought this out, and I think it is quite conclu-
sively proved that the turning moment on the ship is developed by the greater numerical reduc-
tion of pressure on the starboard side of the afterbody than on the port side of the afterbody.
The whole side of the hull is subjected to that reduced pressure and the ship wants to move
over, as shown by diagrams in my book (Hydrodynamics in Ship Design, Vol. 1) under the sec-
tion entitled Hovgaard effects. (We actually decided to name this section before Professor
Hovgaard left this world.)
The fact'that the ship does carry starboard rudder with right-hand propeller is impor-
tant because it comes up also in the spira! test (the Dieudonne test). If you run a test on a
ship with a positive stability of route, you get one graph when you plot the rate of change of
heading, against rudder angle, but that graph does not pass through the zero point. In other
words, it indicates that when the rate of change of heading is zero (when the ship is not
swinging), two or three degrees right rudder is needed. Admiral Dieudonnö may have pointed
that out about 11 years ago with circulars his institution put out.
J. P. Breslin:
I wondered whether the break in the curve of normal force coefficient versus angle of
attack is attributed to ventilation of the rudder, or is it due to partial separation? I would
like to comment with regard to some observations which were made on a program run by the
NACA (now NASA) and one which was run at the Davidson Laboratory under the NACA spon-
sorship on the phenomena of aeration or ventilation. (Captain Saunders has another word for
My reason for bringing this up i;s that it has a bearing on the usability and interpreta-
tion of model data for such things. We found out that if a surface-piercing HUUI is run ai
various yaw angles, or angles of attack, it is like a rudder thai is partially emerged. Struts
of aspect ratios (span divided by the chord) varying from 2 down to % wore run. (Lift
coefficients versus angle of attack, a . were plotted.) During the tests at an angle of attack
of about IS to 20 degrees, wa would observe almost spontaneous or rapid infection of air or
ventilation. Wo found o^l that if you make a plot of the lift coefficients versus angle of
attack, a , the curve at approximately one slope and then there is a jump down and
the curve would then rise again at a different slope. In certain cases the drop would amount
to anout one-third of the original magnitude. The people at NACA wore able to relate the
occurrence of the ventilation witn the appearance of separation on the section; that is, they
found that if they had a dead-water region on the lee, or suction side the dead-water region
behaved as though it were statically replaced by air.
The foregoing raises the nuestion as to the legitimacy of such experiments on rudders
fwhero one is married by the Froude numbers to operate at low speeds) because the separation
phenomenon on rounded leading edges is expected to he Reynolds-number dependent, and you
could get separation on a model. It is of course known that, for large aspect ratios, stalling
occurs at very small angles of attack at very low Reynolds number. Luckily low-aspect-
ratio rudders are not as sensitive to Reynolds number.
Moreover, another phenomenon which is not shown by Dr. Shiba's paper is that after
having generated an aerated pocket if the rudder angle is then decreased the lift curve closes
back (hysteresis loop) at a point (a) depending on the Froude number. As we increase the
Froude number (bnsed on the chord of the foil), the closing points move back progressively,
seemingly to approach a limit, so that perhaps, at some infinite Froude number, we might have
a condition where there is no further reduction in a. So I think that with rudders which are
piercing the surface, or perhaps near the surface, where there is a possibility of aeration it
must be borne in mind that there are two regimes which you can operate in and the condition
under which th se two regimes will be obtained may well depend on the scale.
S: C. Cover:
I would like to ask Dr. Shiba if he has made any tests in which he increased the rudder
area without changing the aspect ratio, in comparison with changing the area and the aspect
ratio simultaneously as in these studies? In this case he kept the span constant; therefore,
to increase the area he had to increase the chord. Consenuently, there are two variables
shown here and 1 am curious whether there are any material differences in the tactical diam-
eter or normal force coefficients which might have been shown in comparative tests.
There is one short comment in regard to the unstable flow regime. In free-running model
tests, we have run into this po-called rudder breakdown phenomenon. In trying to duplicate
a problem, we are uncertain whether wo are going to get a large tactical diameter or a small
tactical diameter; in one case rudder breakdown occurs, and attain under what seem to b«:
identical conditions there is no breakdown.
A. Taplin:
I have just two Questions to ask the author. One, in connection with Figure 24 which
shows a comparison for various ships calculations, is very simple; are the torques en an
actual ship at sea or are they on a model of a ship? The other question, the drift angle
would also depend on the rate at which the rudder is turned. If the rudder is turned instan-
taneously, you "vould get virtually no drift angle. I would like to ask Dr. Shiba what rudder
rate was used in these tests; the angular rate, the time it takes for the angle to go from 0 to
35 degrees?
A. Suarez:
Were any tests made to determine whether there was a region of directional instability
in any one of the three vessels? Did these vessels track straight? Were they dynamically
stable? 1 have a suspicion that these vessels were probably dynamically unstable because
of their block coefficients. Is this why you had a variation of highest turning rate with
increase in the block coefficient?
Author's Written Closure — Answer to Captain Sounders:
I appreciate very much your discussion. When a ship has a definite drift angle in the
stationary turning, it is clear that the lateral force due to the rudder becomes very small be-
cause of the considerable decrease of incidence angle to the rudder, whereas the pressure
difference due to the circulation around the hull developed by the drift angle becomes very
large. Therefore it is quite natural to get different turning character with a different ship
hull which has a cut-up area, for example.
Next, I would like to express a little different opinion from yours as to why a single-
screw ship with a right-handed propeller has to carry right rudder to handle it in a straight
course and keep heading. In such a condition, the differential pressure acting upon the hull
which comes from the circulation around the hull need not be taken into consideration because
of its trivial amoum. As you pointed out, it is true that the reason the ship wants to swing
with its head to port ia not the excess thrust executed on the right-hand blade on the starboard
side of the ship. This excess thrust comes from the upward flow to the propeller disk and is
really very small, whereas the differential force between the upper side blade and the lower
side blade is pretty large a;id has opposite sense compared with the above-mentioneu excess
thrust. Therefore this force makes the ship swini! with its head to starboard and not to port.
The author believes that the reason a right-handed single-screw ship with the rudder
in midship has a tendency to swing with its head to port, as you pointed out, must be attrib-
uted thoreforc to th« differential force of the rudder (of zero angle) between the uppef half
and the lower half, which is very large and effective and has the opposite sense compared
with tho force by the propeller to swing with its head to starboard. As the horizontal inci-
dence angle of the flow to the rudder (of zero anple^ on the upper half is larger than that on
the lower half due to the difference of the slip of the blade of propeller (Figure 1), the differ-
ential force between the upper half and the lower half of the rudder of zero angle is very
large and makes the ship turn pert side. A detailed numerical explanation is in my answer
to Mr. Rindel.
Then if we test the course-keeping quality of a right-handed single-screw ship without
rudder, the ship must be expected to swing with ics head to starboard because of the nonex-
istonce o;' this large loft-turning moment of the rudder of zero angle. You may be convinced
of the fact if you notice the results of the tests with the three models without rudder. As
shown in Figure 2, all of them have a tendency to turn to starboard.
Horizontal Angle of Flow Measured at 0.5 D Behind Propeller
Figure 1
Por' 4 Storboord
P . S
o x = 0.8
o O
* o
o «
» o
Fipiire 2
Answer to Mr. Newton:
The effect of the cut-up area on the turning of the ship is to be considered as one of
the effects of hull forms on the turning, like the block coefficient, rake of the stem and bilge
keels (dimension and position).
In this paper, however, where the optimum rudder area was its main concern, this was
not discussed at all.
I appreciate very much your explanation about this problem.
In case of the single-screw ship with single rudder, which was the main concern in
this paper, if we increase the rudder area, keeping the aspect ratio constant, the lower edge
of the rudder will come lower than the sole piece, and it is not practical. For this reason, I
did not make this variation in the main series of the tests.
In a certain twin-screw ship with single rudder, however, I tried this variation; Fig-
ure .'5 shows the results. In this case, as is clear from the relation
1 1
F=~ pA rcN-~p(2by v'cN/ß,
Two Huaöers-
One Cenler Ruddc, A = 2o
if we increase the rudder area, keeping the aspect ratio ß constant (namely, keeping the sim-
ilarity of the shape), the CN/ß stays constant; accordingly the rudder force F will increase
linearly with the increase in the value (26)2, or the square of the span 26. Therefore the tac-
tical diameter, advance, or the stationary turning diameter will be improved corresponding to
this increase of the rudder force. However, we cannot expect so much improvement because
the rudder force F or CN is usually small while in the steady turning condition even at helm
angle of 35 degrees. As a result, I would like to conclude that to increase the rudder angle
v/ould be more advantageous than to increase the rudder area.
By the experiments with aerofoils, we know very well that the stall angle is unstable
and sometimes the lift coefficient curve after stalling takes a curve of quite different nature
under what seems to be identical conditions.
Even at the same incidence angle, the stall angle and also the lift coefficient curve
after stalling take a difforent angle and a different curve respectively, owing to whether wa are
increasing or decreasing the angle to the definite angle.
Of course this phenomenon is the same in the case of rudder. Ilowover, when the ship
is going to turn by steering, the stall of its rudder is instantaneous because of the quick de-
crease of the incidence angle following the quick increase of the drift angle. Therefore, after
the ship is transferred to the stationary turning condition, the incidence angle of flow to the
rudder is much less than the unstable stall angle and the lift coefficient takes always a def-
inite value. As a result, if we keep the comiition always the same, we will get the identical
value so far as the stationary turning diameter is concerned.
As for the air-drawing of the rudder, please refer to my answer to Dr. Breslin.
I dare say that the break in the curve in Part 2 is surely attributed to the separation and
not to the ventilation (air draw). It is because the depth of the upper edge of the rudder from
the free surface was always kept to be equal to the span 25, deep enough to avoid the air
draw, in the tests. Of course, we could never observe the air draw during the tests.
I appreciate very much your discussion about the air-draw phenomenon. The author
himself also started the study of this phenomenon about 20 years ago, and published a paper
about the air draw of screw propeller ten years before. 1 would like to send you a copy of
this paper and would welcome your comments on it.
In this report I made clear that for the occurrence of the air draw the separation is nec-
essary but is not a sufficient condition, and it depends also upon the Weber's number. Also
I found that the critical advance constant, that is the advance constant where the thrust drops
abruptly because of the air draw, is a tiinction of the Weber's number H' = nl)\J— D, and the
minimum Weber's number where the effect of the Weber's number diminishes is about 1.8 x
102 (Figure 4).
X <3P
0.6 8
S 0 13.0oC
0.5 % X 22,0oC, • i —
>*/ • 11.2^
0 G.l0«?
! ■
W = n/> y— I)
Fipure 4 — Critical Advance Constant Based
upon Weber's Number W'
In general, for the screw propellers of actual ships, the Weber's number is pretty much
larger than 1.8 x 102; accordingly there is already no effect of the Weber's number.
For the mode! ships, however, usually the Weber's number for their screw propellers
is less than 1.8 x 102. Therefore similarity does not exist between model and actual ship so
far as the air draw of screw propellers is concerned. Namely, we need to modify or judge the
results of self-propulsion model tests considering the effect of the air-draw phenomenon as well
as the effect of cavitation.
The situation is almost the same in the case of the rudder tests. If we apply the re-
sults of screw propellers to the rudder, the minimum Weber's number is roughly given by
IV = F /— R Sr 0.15 x 102
angle is large, the drift angle of the ship increases rapidly right after the rudder is settled.
As a result, the incidence angle of the flow to the rudder decreases also remarkably. Accord-
ingly, even if the air draw were induced by the separation, it is instantaneous or lasts for
only a very short period of time (Figure 22-1, Figure 24 in my paper) and will vanish pretty
soon following the disappearance of the separation. Therefore in the stationary turning, we
need not worry about the scale effect by the difference of the Weber's number between model
and ship because of the nonexistence of the air draw.
The scale effect due to the difference of the Reynolds number exists on the rudder as
well as on the hull. However, as is seen from the NACA report on the aerofoil, that effect is
very small while the incidence angle of the flow to the rudder is very small. Accordingly, we
can assume that the effect of the Reynolds number is negligibly small for the rudder while the
ship is turning stationarily in which the incidence angle of the flow to the rudder is small.
These are shown in the fact that the results of model tests agree very well with the
results of the actual ship, even though we use the small model of 2.5-meter length, as far as
the stationary turning diameter D/L is concerned
Considering the facts that the effect of the Weber's number and that of the Reynolds
number can be neglected in the stationary turning, we adopted 2.5-meter model ships for
The curves in Figure 24 snow the rudder torque and steering velocity measured on the
sea for several actual ships. Of course, the turning; angles of the ships were measured simul-
taneously. The drift an^lo, right after the helm p.nj:lc was settled to 35 do^roos, was generally
about 3-*»6 degrees. The circle marks show values of rudder torque just after the steering was
over, estimated through the data acquired in this scries of model tests. In doing this, as the
drift angle is modified by the propeller, an angle of 3:5 degrees t =■ 35° - (3° - lu)l was used.
As for the model ships, the time it takes for the angle to go from 0 to 35 degrees was
adjusted to take always about 1.6 seconds.
The effect of the time is now under experiment. However, we need not. worry about it,
so far as the stationary turning is concerned. As you know, my main object of study is to find
the best rudder area and to .lake clear whv the best rudder area would exist.
07 /
^ ! .i
i 0.6 j
0.6 /
/ i3
( k
i 1 A l
05 v
/ . 0.5 1 0.5 .=.
i / J
A i i / 1 / f
0.4 1
/ ;' 0.4 A i /t i 0-4 1
. A
L«D " 60
1 1
.4 y
1 .«D
0.3 V / / o'. :#, i , 0.3 1
u ^^k"
' ' 11
f /
0.2 >>
i) 1
0.2 --
o */
o'. c4 ,0''
" T ^
// KY * / x -- Je'
' 1 >
0^ »->
r^ ^ "l
0.1 I / Y
Y i o-'/T . ^vf 1
0.1 ,■ ^
■ 1
VJr\ €^
Helm Angle Helm Angle
IS Helm Angle
i [
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Figure 5
course unstablenoss. All of the curves show t'uat values of L/D at zero rudder have more or
less definite positive values. In other words, all of these hulls are not stable in course and
cannot go straight.
From the amount of this L/D value, we can judge the degree of course stability for
twin-screw ships.
For a single-screw ship, however, we cannot use this value of L/C at zero rudder as
the criterion of course stability. The reason is that, for a single-screw ship, as there are
upward flow and vertically varied wake distribution, the propeller gives two turning moments
of opposite sense and also the rudder gives another turning moment—for example, with a right-
handed propeller there are left turning moments by the propeller due to the upward flow, right
turning moments by the propeller due to the vertically varied wake distribution, and also the
left turning moment by the rudder of zero angle due to the difference of the horizontal inci-
dence angle by the position in the upper and lower part of the rudder. Therefore it is not
clear whether the value of L/D at zero rudder is due to the unstability of the ship hull or to
the above-mentioned turning moments due to the propeller and the rudder.
However, as you find in my answer to Mr. Bindel's discussion, the left turning moment
by the right-handed propeller due to the upward flow is negligibly small compared with the
right turning moment by the propeller due to the variation of the wake. (See Figure 2. These
are the results tested with three models without rudder, all of which indicate a right-hand
turning tendency.) The left turning moment due to the rudder of zero angle is remarkably
larger compared with either of them. As a result, the right-turning screw ship has the tendency
always to turn to port side. From this fact, for single-screw ships, we cannot simply con-
sider the L/D value of zero rudder as the index of course unstableness.
According to the increase of the block coefficient, the value of L/D at rudder of zero
angle increases gradually. This is natural, because the resistance to the turning decreases
gradually with increase of the fullness.
To discuss this problem of course-keeping quality further, we need some tests planned
for this purpose. The author has made a special device to give the pure turning impulsive
moment to the free-running model and tried to investigate this character precisely; however,
he failed to get the necessary turning angle because of the short capacity of that device, and
the author has to say that the course-keeping quality for these models is not yet clear. These
three types of models are, however, the representative hull form of ships constructed in Japan
in present days, and we do not hear about any trouble of their course-keeping quality. As for
the reference, I will show you the standard of the rudder area ratio for Japanese single-screw
1/64 for ordinary merchant ships. 1/72 for supersized oil tanker.
This shows that actually there are no objections to using a smaller rudder area with the in-
crease of the block coefficient because of the decrease of the turning resistance and because
cf the trivial increase of difficulties in course-keeping qualities.
1. Usually because of the difference of the wake fraction by the scale effect, the
numhor of revolutions of the propeller of the actual ship which sails straightforward is 1~3
percent higher than that of the self-propelled model modified by the friction correction. During
the turning also, oven if we could succeed in getting the proper amount of friction correction
in model tests (that is still unknown in present days), the number of revolutions of the pro-
peller of the actual ship is expected to be a little higher than that of the model.
In the single-screw shin with a single rudder, as the velocity of the flow to the rudder
is about (1 - tc) 7 + sNP = NP, the rudder force in the actual ship is larger than that of the
model ship by the difference of the number of revolutions. This means a smaller turning diam-
eter for actual ships than for the model.
However, if we do not execute the friction correction for the self-propelled model in the
turning test (actually the amount of this correction is not yet clear in want of data), the number
of revolutions of the model propeller becomes a little higher, and as a result, the rudder force
increases; therefore the turning diameter cannot be considered always larger than that of the
actual ship. The author tried to check this, and found that these effects almost cancel each
other, fortunately, and the turning diameter was affected very little at all by the scale, in
general. This report is mainly concerned with the case of single-screw ships.
In case of a twin-screw ship with single rudder, the rudder is not affected so much by
the ship stream of the propeller as is a single-screw ship, where the rudder force is governed
by the velocity of (1 - tc) V. Accordingly, its turning diameter is always smaller in the actual
ship than in the model regardless of whether friction correction is added or not. The author
has no definite idea whether the amount of this difference is 10 percent or not, as he has
never tried the comparison tests about this point. However, generally in twin-screw ships,
the block coefficient is rather small and accordingly the wake fraction is small. Accordingly,
we can consider that the difference in turning performances between ship and model may be
not so large.
2. As you pointed out, the speed reduction while the ship is turning depends pretty
much upon the character of the main engines. The results in this paper were those of models
driven by the d-c shunt motor, as is reported in the paper. Accordingly, if we assume that
the advance constant does not vary by the small change in the number of revolutions, the
turning speed will be reduced according to the decrease of the number of revolutions, in
order to investigate this difference of the character of the main engine, the author also tried
to use the small internal combustion engine; however, it was not stable in its performance .>o
he could not get the satisfactory results.
u. sin Y
Figure 6
From this variation, the propeller will produce a moment M around the y-axis.
uT ( J dK.
M =- —
n \
1- —
dj y
1 m
When we express the nonuniform flow on account of the difference in wake fraction by
the position by
SF = A cos y
ihvn a force Z will act on the propeller on the direction of z-axis, and the rtromont will he
17. I [2]
VK \'2I< dJ I
n =R.P.S.
D =2R
I = distance between propeller and e.g. of ship
The valu . expressed by Equation [1] is the moment to turn the ship to port on account
of the upward oblique flow to the propeller, and Equation [2] shows the moment to turn the
ship to starboard on account of the difference of the wake fraction by the position.
For the 2.5-meter length model, if we assume
v = 1.0 m/s (ship speed)
w = 0.25 (mean wake fraction)
J = 0.5
= tn
•a, = 0.27 v (corresponding to 15 deg oblique flow)
dKt dK.
0.36, - 0.038, Kt = 0.18, K = 0.026
dj dj ' '
we can estimate roughly
M = - 0.0017 kgm
IZ = 0.018 kgm
Namely, the moment to turn to starboard on account of the nonuniform flow of the wake
is much larger than the moment to turn to port on account of the upward oblique flow. Now the
horizontal incidence angle of flow to the rudder behind a screw is known in Figure 1 (Answer
to Captain Saunders). Assuming this relation as shown in Figure 7 for convenience, the author
estimated the value of turning moment of the rudder (of zero angle) applying the blade element
theory as
Fl = - 0.102 kgm
Flow Angle
1.0 R
+ 0.5
10 20 Peg- S
P 20 10
Figurc 7
Negative sign means port turning.
Namely, the author concludes that the moment from the rudder (of zero angle) is the
most predominant among these three, and the result is that the single-screw ship swings its
head to port. As to the turning direction when the single-screw ship is without its rudder,
please refer to my answer to Captain Saunders.
When the rudder is steered to a certain angle and there is the upward oblique flow, we
have to think that there is already a circulation around the ship's hull. Accordingly the turn-
ing moment of the hull must be taken into consideration; however it does not play so big role
in the turning of the ship when the ship is keeping its head almost straight by a very small
helm angle.
A. Taplin
Bureau of Ships
Department of the Navy
. . .
A combination of rudder and hull can be designed to provide good turning, course-
keeping ability, and ability to initiate and check rapid swinging. Specific numerical criteria
for these qualities are available in Reference 1.* \lso a comprehensive analysis is available
in Chapters 37 and 74 of Reference 2 and in Reference 3 for determining rudder location, area,
and planform.
This paper describes the rudder design work that follows after the rudder location and
shape have been preliminarily selected. Such design work involves computing the hydrodynamic
forces and then determining structural and mechanical features for reliability with low cost.
Although these are not official standards, they represent current practices by designers
in the Bureau of Ships.
In the computation of rudder forces, bending moments, and torques, we use aerodynamic
methods plus allowances from experience. For this discussion, cavitation is exr'-tded. In the
simplest terms, we convert a ship rudder into a more-or-less equivalent free-stream control
surface for which wo have wind-tunnel data. This procedure will be explained for the case of
a spade rudder in a propeller race.
Secion at Leading • [jne a^ constant speed, with positive angles
Edge of Rudder ^ ^ r » r 6
indicating inward flow. Even for this special
case, it is clear that the upper part of the rud-
der is in boundary-layer flow, and the lower
part in propeller outflow. Both the magnitude
13 WL
and the direction of velocity are varying along
the rudder span. We know from full-scale trials
9 WL of USS NORFOLK (DL I),5 that maximum
forces occur about 10 sec after the rudder
has started moving. By then the ship has be-
WI 02
Zk^ 'i \ * i.oi gun to swing. Thus a drift angle, speed re-
duction, and transverse flow set in, and the
complex flow of Figure 1 becomes even more
involved. TJ handle this we make two sim-
plifying assumptions:
1. For a rudder behind a propeller, the
assumption that speed of water over the rud-
der is 80 to 100 percent of (Ship Speed) M +
Figure 1 - Velocity Field at Rudderstock Propeller Slip). This is rather conservative,
for a Twin-Screw, Twin-Rudder Ship and results in rudder forces which are not
likely to bo exceeded. The choice between 80 percent and 100 percent is a matter of judgment,
based en how much of the rudder is in the propeller race,
2. The assumption that the effective attack angle is 5/7 of the actual rudder angle. This
allows for drift angle at the rudder, and is based on trial experience and the convenience of
5/7 as a coefficient. Thus, in considerini; a 35-deg rudder angle we would enter the wind-
tunnel data ai, 25-deg attack angle. (Sec Lines 1 and 2 of tabulations in Appendixes A and B.)
One more "equivalent" is needed before we can use free-stream data, and that is the
effective rudder aspect ratio. In ideal cases it is span squared over area, and it is doubled if
there is little or no gap between the rudder and the hull. If we consider that the hull gap is
small at zero rudder, and large at full rudder, we compute effective aspect ratio by multiplying
geometric aspect ratio by a coefficient varying linearly from 1.9 or 2.0 at 0-deg rudder to 1.0
at full rudder angle. If the gap is considered large at all angles, we use the effective aspect
ratio equal to the geometric throughout.
„ , . „ Flexural Stress l//Flexural Stress \ . , ,
Combined Stress = + y I I + (Torsional Stress)^
Going from hydrodynamic torque QH (at the rudderstock just outside the hull), to steer-
ing gear torque (at the key between rudderstock and tiller), involves two adjustments:
1. An error allowance Q^, for chordwise center of pressure. This is taken as the torque
from normal force times about -2 percent of the mean chord. If our ship rudder is quite similar
to the wind-tunnel model, we would use an error allowance of -1 percent; if the contrary, we
might allow more than —2 percent. This allowance is quite important for balanced rudders
with the stock near the quarter-chord point, and is practically negligibla for unbalanced
rudders. The allowance is a measure of the effect on torque of all our uncertainties, such as
variations in Reynolds number, roughness, thickness, effective aspect ratio, etc. The values
of - Q. are added to Vw, as shown in the torque curves of Appendix A. This converts the
single line Q^ to a band.
2. A bearing friction allowance QF. To derive this, we first compute rudderstock bearing
reactions. These are the reactions to the external resultant rudder force at the spanwise
center of pressure, combined vectorially with reactions to any internal tiller force. The fric-
tional torque at each bearing is then the resultant reaction multiplied by the coefficient of
friction and the bearing turning radius. The upper and lower bearing friction are combined
as -QF, and added algebraically to QH and -QA, as shown in Appendix A. This allows for
cases where the steering gear is driving the rudder and where the rudder is tending to overhaul
the steering gear.
In general, we feel that the method described here predicts rudder forces conservatively
and with reasonable accuracy. We still have a long way to go, however, before we can predict
rudder torques accurately. Some of the difficulty is probably inherent in ship construction,
1. Sister ships sometimes show considerable variation in ram pressure for identical
rudder movement.
2. Where torque is measured at the rams by hydraulic pressure and in the rudderstock
by strain gages, as in Reference 5, there are unexplained discrepancies.
We maintain a continuing comparison of the actual versus predicted steering gear
torques. We expect that we will be able to reduce our margins or allowances for torque by
using this basic aerodynamic approach coupled with some additional research and analysis
of trial data.
In constructing and supporting a rudder, modern practice permits a choice in two struc-
tural features:
1. The method of connecting the rudder and rudderstock.
2. The type of bearings.
Although these may be treated independently, they are related to one another and to hydrody-
namic features. These are discussed below for spade rudders constructed of steel.
24" Olometer Ruddiritock
Side Ptates a»
Trailing Ed?*
Wcldld OireOly
•o One Anothtr
30 6») V**»
Recest tor
Securing Nut
Formed Plate
20 )b High Yiek)
ml» Slrengm Steel
10 21b Webs
Figure 3 — Rudder and Stock with Securing Nut, Rudder in High-speed Propeller Race
1.40 ^
' ^i
1.30 s
i rvr\ 1
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
High Yield Strength Steel
Yield Strength in kips/inch'
4, Fabrication Cost
The R".welded combination is cheaper and easier to fabricate. It does not require the
precise machining and fitting of the tapered connection between rudderstock and rudder hub.
The final choice as to the connection betwuun rudder and rudderatock is made with the
foregoing features in mind. Sometimes the rudder planform is altered to get an acceptable
solution to these construction problems.
Antifriction bearings for rudderstocks are of the ball, taper-roller, or spherical type,
such as shown in Figure 5. There is a problem in providing a hull seal, and two types are
used: (1) a Syntron-type seal, adjustable only in drydock, and (2) an adjustable gland which
requires setting the hull bearing a foot or two above the shell. The great advantage of
Hudder Bearing Garner
C) H
f ' .v-r--
antifriction bearings is the low coefficient of friction. We use 0.010 or 0.015. This consider-
ably reduces steering gear size as compared with a sleeve bearing installation. (The previous
description of bearing friction calculations permits numerical evaluation of this.) There had
been some concern over possible Brinneling or work-hardening of rollers. The thought was that
on long high-speed voyages with little rudder movement, only one or two rollers would get
many cycles of loading from the propeller. This ha3 not happened, however.
The choice between sleeve and antifriction bearings is difficult. Initial cost, including
the effect on the steering gear size, is one factor. Maintenance, involving the ability to get
replacement parts in an emergency, is another factor, and favors the use of sleeve bearings.
The Navy uses both types of bearings, depending upon the particular ship application.
We have been fortunate in having had only one rudder-induced vibration problem in the
last few years. This was on the USS FORREST SHERMAN (DD931) Class, and the previously
mentioned flow survey. Figure 1, was part of the investigation. For this twin-screw, twin-
rudder ship, 4-cps hull vibration became objectionable at high speeds. The rudders were set
with trailing edges 3 deg inward, for optimum propulsion. During sea trials, the Boston Naval
Shipyard's vibration team noticed that vibration was considerably reduced when the ship
ordered a few degrees of rudder angle. A new systematic sot of sea trials was then conducted,
using turnbuckle steering gear links to get a range of initial rudder settings. It was found that
setting the rudders with trailing edges 1% deg outward eliminated the objectionable vibration,
and this change was made in all ships of the class. References 4 and 7 give a detailed
account of the investigations made by the David Taylor Model Basin towards explaiaing what
was happening. The studies are not yet complete, but it appears that there was synchronism
between rudder torsional frequency and transverse hull vibration.
To reduce chances of rudder-induced vibration, we generally do the following:
1. Compute transverse frequency of the rudder plus rudderstock. If there is synchronism
with shaft rpm or propeller blade rate, we changes in the configuration.
2. Clearance between the rudder and propeller is kept in line with past successful
3. Model flow tests are conducted in TMB's circulating-water channel, and erratic flow
is corrected. This sometimes involves changing the hull lines aft.
The design practices Jescribed here have hcrr, dcvolnpcd ever several years by piany
people. However, I particularly wish to acknowledge the contributions of Mr. R.K. McCandliss
and Mr. S. Cauldwell of the Electric Boat Oivision, of Dr. L.F. Whicker and Mr. A. Goodman
of the David Ta\lor Model lin^in, and of Mr. II, Lo of the Dureau of Ships.
1. Gertler, M. and Cover, S.C., "Handling Quality Criteria for Surface Ships," Chosapoake
Section of Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (May 1959).
2. Saunders, H.E., Captain, USN (Ret), "Hydrodynamics in Ship Design."
3. Mandel, P., "Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Design," Transactions, Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (1953).
4. Macovsky, M.S., Duerr, R.J., and Jewell, D.A., "An Investigation of a Flow-Excited
Vibration of the USS FORREST SHERMAN (DD931)," David Taylor Model Basin Report 1188
(Aug 1958).
5. Becker, L. and Brock, J.S., "Experimental Determination of Rudder Forces during
Trials of USS NORFOLK," Transactions, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
6. Whicker, L.F. and Fehlner, L.F., "Free-Stream Characteristics of a Family of Low-
Aspect-Ratio, All-Movable Control Surfaces for Application to Ship Design," David Taylor
Model Basin Report 933 (Dec 1958).
7. McGoldrick, R.T. and Jewell, D.A., "A Control-Surface Flutter Study in the Field of
Naval Architecture," David Taylor Model Basin Report 1222 (Sep 1959).
Rudder area = 11.35 ft x 9.01 ft - 102.3 sq ft
tip chord 5.59 ft
Taper ratio = = — = 0.45, so
root chord 12.43 ft
that NACA 0015 curves of TMB 933 apply without taper ratio correction.
Line 5. Similar to Line 4, except for 0=0 deg use Figures 44, 55, and 66.
Line G. Straight line interpolation for the desired sweep angle Q = 9/2 deg.
Line 7. Similar to lines 4 and 5, except read drag coefficient CD, and no interpolation
is needed.
Line 8—11. Lift and drag are used in the conventional aeronautical sense of forces normal
to and in line with the flow. Lines 10 and 11 are the normal components of
lift and drag coefficients.
Line 12. The normal force coefficient, for use in computing hydrodynamic torque, is
Line 10 plus Line 11.
Line 13. Interpolate from Figures 45, 60, and 67 of TMB 933 to get the chordwise center
of pressure, aft of mean chord leading edge.
Line 14. Interpolate from Figures 44, 55, and 66.
Line 15. Straight line interpolation between Lines 13 and 14 for the desired sweep
angle of 9^ deg.
Line 18. The sign convention is that used for aeronautical control surfaces. Plus
values indicate moments cending to drive the rudder to larger angles. Minus
values indicate moments tending to restore the rudder to 0 deg.
Line 19. Propeller race speed = (1 + slip) (ship speed) = (1 + 0.172) (30 x 1.69 ft/sec) =
59.4 ft/sec
Estimated effective speed of flow over rudder = 95 percent x 59-4 = 56.4 ft/sec
p „ 1.99 lh sec2
n = Unit dynamic pressure =— vl ^ (50.4 ft/secp
= 3170 lb/ft2
= 325,000 lb
To net Line 19, multiply 325 kips by the normal force coefficient from Line 12.
Line 20. Line 19 times Lino 18.
Line 21. This is the arbitrary error allowance of I'/j percent of moan chord. The mean
chord is 108.12 in., from Figure 6.
Line 22. This is the torque error allowance. Line 21 times Line 19.
Line 23. The resultant force coefficieru is J(CL)2 + (CD)2
Line 24. The resultant force is Line 23 times 325 kips.
(See also explanation for Line 19.)
Line 25. The spanwise center of pressure at 25 degrees attack angle is, from TMB 933,
about 49 percent span, or (0.49) (11.35 ft) = 5.562 ft from root chord. From the
given bearings locations, the spanwise CP is then 5.562 ft + 1.021 ft = 6.583 ft
below the centerline of lower bearing. Assume a double ram steering gear,
which applies torque without side force. Using the resultant force F^ from
6.583 ft
Line 24, the upper bearing radial load Fy = FR = 1.039 FR
6.333 ft
The lower bearing radial load tri=FR+ 1.038 FR = 2.039 FR
By separate calculation, the radii to center of rollers are: Ry = 8.65 in. and
tiL = 14.5 in. Use coefficient of friction = 0.01. The total frictional torque
is then 0.01 [FyRfj + FLRL] = 0.01 [(1.039 FR) (8.65 in.) + (2.039 FR)
(14.5 in.)] = 0.386 FR
Line 25 is then Line 24 times 0.386.
Lines 26-29. These involve addition of the error and friction allowances to get an envelope
of torque as shown in the plot of "Final Torque Curves," Figure 7.
(- t o* Upper Bsoiing
+ is Upsetting Moment
— is Restoring Momfint
10 15 25
Attack Angle in degrees
14 21 28 35
Rudder Angle m degrees
uiv CJIS: A control surface has square tips and a taper ratio A - 0.78. The following
characteristics'for X = 0.45 have been obtained from TMB Report 933:
PKOCKDURE: For couvenience, use subscript 1 for the given values (Aj = 0.45) and
subscript 2 for the desired values (A2 = 0.78). Referring to Figure 28
of TMB 933, the crossflow drag coefficients are: {Cn ) = 1.335
c 2
(CD ) = 0.800
(AC0 ) (arV
2 2
(^) -^L)
2.S3 af
From Equation [4] of TMB 933 we obtain:
9 C
* L)2
2 0.03802 0.14746 0.31472 0.52998 0.79032
1 (CL\2 0.03725 0.13913 0.28516 0.45293 0.61937
(CL)2-{CL)2 1
12 \Cn0 - ' 0.0002 0.00 9 0.0077 0.0231 0.0604 j
2.83 a c
13 (CD) 0.01 0.04 0.083 0.146 0.230 \
20 C
' N)2 @ * (3) 0.195 0.386 0.565 0.742 0.928 |
1 (
LE\ 0.175 0.189 0.209 0.235 C.Z66 ;
^Jr{Z?^\(Z*\ (15) x (22) +0.0145 + 0.0227 + 0.0220 + 0.0102 -0.01 9 1
V-^^j:^: I (23) + @) +0.0135 [ + 0.0172 1 + 0.0085 -0.0173 1-0.0639
A. Suarez:
This paper gives some of the practical aspects of rudder design. We in the Laboratories
haven't digested our information sufficiently so that a realistic rudder design can be made.
Apparently, where our information has been consolidated sufficiently, those men who are re-
sponsible for actually putting a rudder on a vessel, so that the vessel wi!! Ho what we think
it chould do, have sufficient technical knowledge. But in any event those rudders have to be
designed. We have to contend with the practical engineer, and he still has to come out with
a rudder engine, the strength of the shaft, the size of the rudder, so that we can still build
vessels that can't wait.
Mr. Taplin is one of the designers who has to get an answer. He has been urging the
Controllability Panel of SNAME to present some facts, to give him the tools, some information,
so that we can build better and bigger ships. We still have, as declared by Lloyds of London
in an article about two or three years ago, roughly a thousand ship accidents per year. Now
we can't say that all of these accidents are associated with the handling qualities of the
vessels. Some of them may be due to poor judgment, but of the thousand aocidents, i believe,
from what I have seen of many of the vessels which we have tested in the Davidson Labora-
tory, that we still have unstable vessels. This is due primarily to the fact that the operators
insist that the construction cost of our vessels be kept at a minimum so that they can com-
pete with foreign manufactured vessels and still stay in the market and still have an American
fleet afloat.
J. L. Goldman:
I would like to make a comment at-' an engineer, and not as a designer, working with the
ship operator. The importance of the rudder not failing is appreciated, and we are very con-
servative in our designs. The method outlined here considered the type of loading on the
rudder which results when a ship enters a turn while proceeding full speed ahead. This
might not necessarily be the maximum load that the rudder is going to sustain. For instance,
in a seaway, wave slap under certain conditions might be important.
The ship operator has to be reasonably sure that the whole rudder system is not going
to fail and we are always asked to be overconservative in the design of a rudder system and
have a high factor of safety. We appreciate the importance of refining these calculations but
the extra cost of adding a little more steel to the rudder system is usually requested by the
shipowner who is usually also the ship operator.
F. S. Caul dwell:
I have a very brief comment, or rather an addition to make to Mr. Taplin's paper which
was very welcome to us. In the case of the DL1, we made a comparison of the results from
tests that were reported in a DTMB paper in Transactions, SNAME, 1958.* Using this partic-
ular method, we got very good correlations when we used the 5:7 ratio of angle of attack to
rudder deflection angle. Also by taking a speed reduction of around 28.0 percent, we were
able to match the DL1 curves almost exactly.
S. Bindel:
In the case of a twin-screw ship with two rudders, do you fit the rudders just behind
the propellers or off-center?
Mr. Taplin
One of the other things covered in Captain Saunders' 1944 report (1 think it is) is thai
we make a big mistake if we put the rudder directly in line with the propeller shaft because
we get a cavitation cone coming off the hub. For two reasons we keep the rudder off the
shafting lino: one is to avoid this cavitation cone, and the other is that, sometimes it sim-
plifies unshipping the shafting. But we would almost never put the rudder behind the propeller
C. R. Olson:
Mr. Taplin has not mentioned in his fine paper anything about model tests for deter-
mining rudder forces. Evidently, he dc?s not have too much faith in our ability to correlate
model results with full-scale results. Mr. Taplin uses aerodynamic test data for his calcu-
lations. We have good agreement in our open-water rudder force tests with aerodynamic
test results. With our new maneuvering basin facilities, we should endeavor to find a
hydrodynamic answer to this problem. If we do not have correlation between model and full-
scale ship forces, then I believe we should still run the model tests to determine what the
discrepancies are.
♦Becker, L.A. and Brock, J.S., "The Experimental Determination of Rudder Forces During Trials of
USS NORFOLK," Transactions, The Society of Naval Architects and Maur.e Engineers, Vol. 66 (1958).
Leonard Sege!
To state that the design of a rudder and skeg for a ship is more of an ait than a acienco
is to repeat what has often been said before. Today, it is generally conceded that much re-
mains to be done in order to ensure good ship maneuverability by moans of rational design
procedures. Thus, in rnconi. yuars ship qualities Such as course Stability, case of p.toer'.ng,
and precise path-keeping and path-changing performance have been receiving increased
attention from the scientific and technical community concerned with waterborne craft. In
view of tho increased attention to these matters—this symposium beinn a noteworthy
example—it is believed that a good purpose would be served by examining tho problem of
ship maneuverability from the ayatems viewpoint. Such a review would examine ship maneu-
verability as it is influenced and determined by the characteristics of:
1. the ship
2. the control system, and
3. the helmsman.
It is hoped that this kind of review will tell us where we stand'to-day with perhaps a new and
unorthodox viewpoint (perhaps also controversial), and in so doing, will assist in the formula-
tion of research programs required to convert existing design procedures from an art to precise
Today, when limited knowledge or theory exists, the engineer or designer very frequent-
ly relies or. past experience for direction and guidance. Thus, ships characterized by operators
as having satisfactory steering and maneuvering qualities often serve as a guide for future
designs. In those cases where the designer is in doubt, he can resort to tank tests in order
to check the behavior of his latest creation. But how does the designer proceed to advance
the state of the art? Since refinements in design often lead to technical comp'.exities
and perhaps additional costs, what criteria can the designer use in making a choice between
several design alternatives or in selecting a final compromise? Questions that are particularly
basic to the specific topic under discussion are:
How maneuverable should ships be in order to perform their designated
How easy should they be to control?
What are the benefits, both from the considerations of economics and
safety, if the helmsman can perform his task with greater ease and precision,
or if ship control were a task made sufficiently simple that any member of the
crew could take over the helm?
These questions must, at present, go unanswered. Vet it appears that answers should
be obtained in order to determine the degree to which advances—substantial or otherwise—
are required in the stability and control of waterborne craft. The argument is advuncod that
valid answers will be obtained only by approaching the problem from a systems or integrated
viewpoint. This paper does not propose to examine or answer all the questions raised above.
Rather, it will strive to develop a fundamental understanding of helmsman/steerir.g-gear.'ship-
system behavior as it bears on the design conflicts inherent in achieving good maneuverability
and good handling qualities. It is hoped that these efforts will permit valid conclusions to Ho
drawn on the role that automatic-control systems can and should play in improving the handling
qualities of ships and thereby aid the helmsman in extracting the full maneuver capability out
of his vessel. Another objective of the paper is to postulate a theory of man/control system,'
ship behavior that will pinpoint the kind of research needed to answer some of the basic
questions raised above.
No attempt will be made here to review all of the literature pertinent to the proMoms
- -of steering and mansuvoring waterborne craft. It is sufficient to note that ship builders,
designers, and operators have been concerned with this problem from perhaps the earliest
days of water transportation up to the present time, when technologists are devoting an
exponentially increasing amount of attention to ship stability and control.
The recent (i.e., starting in the early forties) and current treatments of ship stability
and cuiitroi have dealt with many aspects of this general topic and have succeeded in formal-
izing, to a degree, suitable and appropriate terminology. Thus we have turning, maneuvering,
and course changing or path changing as synonymous concepts which embrace both the steady-
state and transient characteristics of the ship/steering-system combination. Similarly,
steering and course keeping or path keeping are generally accepted as synonymous concepts
that also embrace static and dynamic behavior of the elements involved.
Traditionally, a majority of authors have considered only the hydrodynamic character-
istics of the hull and its appendages as having bearing on the course-keeping and/or course-
changing properties of a vessel. In contrast, Dieudonne1 has stressed that course stability
(stability of route) is significantly influenced also by the performance of the steering gear,
namely, its static resolution and dynamic behavior (i.e., followup lag between helm and
rudder). In his words:
"Maneuverability is the readiness or the ability of a ship when
traveling in good weather and in a calm sea, to take the path which the
steersman desires it to follow. This depends u|)on:
1. The rapidity of the response of the ship to the action of the
rudder. This in turn is influenced by the rapidity of shifting
the helm and rudders, that is to say, by the characleristic
of the steering apparatus."
Note that Dieudonne deMnes maneuverability as a ship property which, in turn, is a
function of both the turning response to rudder and the response of the steering apparatus.
In addition, he brings the human operator into his definition by referring to "the path which
the steersman desires to follow," A definition of this type raises the question as to what
is meant by the concepts of turning and course-keeping qualities. Are we referring only to
ship behavior, as it influences these concepts, or do we mean the behavior of a closed-loop
system where the human controller is an essential part of the loop? In the past, this distinc-
tion has not been drawn very carefully. This is not surprising since it is indeed difficult to
define rigorously the handling-qualities terms that properly account for the human element in
the system. This is because of the tendency for objective measures of performance to become
inextricably intermingled with criteria of performance.
The necessity of adopting a systems viewpoint is thereby emphasized, and it is most
important that terminology be carefully defined in order to proceed io examine ship maneu-
verability from a systems point of view. For example, the terms course changing (path
changing) and course keeping (path keeping) have been mentioned above, without definition,
as two concepts that have relevance to the problem of positioning and orienting a vessel in
the horizontal plane. We can sharpen up the definition of these two terms by, first of all,
stating that they describe two separate aspects of the handling qualities of a vehicle moving
to good handling qualities when adequate closed-loop performance is achieved with minimum
burdens being placed on the dynamic performance of the helmsman.
The system approach represented by Figure 1 and the above advanced hypothesis on
handling qualities have been basic to the efforts now being expended in the aeronautical
field to advance the state of the art in:
1. improving aircraft flying qualities,
2. defining valid handling qualities criteria for aircraft, and
3. improving closed-loop performance of tracking systems that include a human operator.
To this end, a significant amount of research has been performed following two general
approaches. One approach has been to systematically gather pilot-opinion data as a means
of bounding the stability and control characteristics that are conducive to good handling
qualities, and the other approach has been to devolop an undorstanding of the human operator
as a servo element such that feedback-control system techniques could be used to synthesize
an optimum closed-loop system.
MthnuK'n this work will no. be reviewed in detail, certain results obtained from research
performed in the aeronautical field and from stability and control and handling-qualities
investigations performed with other vehicles will be summarized, since this research, in the
aggregate, has produced a qualitative understanding of man and the role he plays in vehicle
control. It is believed that a review of this knowledge will be of advantage in placing into
proper perspective subsequent discussion of helmsman,'steering-gear/ship system performance.
The Air Force-sponsored studies have shown that the inherent adaptability cf man in a
system makes it impossible to formulate a general "human transfer function" even tor simple
tracking experiments performed in the laboratory. CSFtainly the dynamic model of man as
developed by McRuer and Krendel2 is based on laboratory experimentation that is far removed
from reality as experienced by man in his attempts to control and guide a vehicle. Neverthe-
less, these tentative models have led to a conclusion derived by servo-engincoring procedures
that agree with a similar conclusion derived through psychological reasoning.3 This conclu-
sion is that optimum system performance will be obtained when the "least demands" are
made on the human operator, namely man becomes the equivalent of a simple amplifier.
This is equivalent to stating that the transfer characteristic of the controlled element should
possess approximately zero dynamics.
It should not be overlooked that these results have been derived from analyses of
restricted tracking experiments that are, as was previously mentioned, situations that are far
removed from real-life control of vehicles. Nevertheless, it has been possible to use a human-
servo model in conjunction with known aircraft dynamic characteristics to perform an analysis
that correlates remarkably well with pilot opinion data obtained in flight tests. These find-
ings point up the validity of the following concept, as expressed by.Westbrook and McRuer:4
"pilot opinion of an airframe configuration is closely correlated with closed-loop perfotiuance,
and hence to some extent with the transfer characteristics and parameters adapted by the
pilot to control the configuration." Again the experimental data support the conclusion that
optimum system performance is obtained and therefore, the controlled element possesses
optimum handling qualities, when the human controller is permitted considerable variation in
his transfer function. This allowable variation in performance of the human controller—in
other words, no rigid demands are placed on his transfer function—is a result that bears
considerable resemblance to the "least demands" theory postulated by Birmingham and
Taylor and substantiated, to a remarkable degree, by McRuer and Krendel.5
To recapitulate, the tracking experiments indicate that the dynamics of the controlled
element should be practically nonexistent to produce optimum closed-loop performance. This
result can be interpreted in either of two ways:
1. Zero dynamics between the output of man (i.e., control force or displacement) and the
output of the controlled element means that no integration or differentiation is required on the
part of the human operator and he can thus perform his control task in a manner analogous to
a simple amplifier.
2. Zero dynamics means that there are essentially no lags or time delays between his
output and the vehicle response he aspires to produce.
The question then arises: How well does the second interpretation agree with the results of
flight test and our everyday experience in the control of other vehicles?
Data obtained in research programs examining the longitudinal flying qualities of
aircraft6 result in the iso-opinicn chart pictured in Figure 2. It is seen that the short period
natural frequencies and damping ratios associated with good handling qualities, as measured
by pilot opinion, represent, on the average, a second-order dynamic system having a response
time of 1.0 second, where response time is defined as the time required for the transient re-
sponse to reach and remain within 95 percent of its steady-state value. This is a result which,
although strictly applicable only to the performance of longitudinal flying tasks in a fighter
aircraft, demonstrates that the second interpretation (of the real significance of the require-
ment for zero dynamics) has validity. The hypothesis is substantiated by our everyday expe-
rience in the control of automobiles where the existence of good handling qualities is indicated
by the very small learning time required for the average person to learn the steering process
0.4 0.6 0.8 I
Short Period Domping Ratio, ^Sp
and furthermore execute very precise path-following and path-chan^inp maneuvers. Figure .'5
shows that typical automobiles have essentially instantaneous response at very low speeds
with the response time increasing to approximately 1 second for a directionally stable auto-
mobile moving at 60 miles per hour. It is seen that these response times are akin to those
exhibited by a typical subsonic fighter aircraft.
On the other hand, there are examples of slower responding vehicles thai afs known to
be difficult to cont/ol and that have been universally adjudged to possess poor handling
qualities. The helicopter is an excellent example. The response time is on the order of 10.0
seconds in certain flight configurations wherein it is dynamically stable or has been made
stable by appropriate means. It has been observed7 that this long response time in helicopters
is responsible for a control behavior mode on the part of man that is best termed overcontrolling.
This behavior can also be observed during the manual control of surface vessels and sub-
marines; however, full discussion of this point will be made later in the paper.
Thus far, an attempt has been made to show that a substantial body of research evidence
demonstrates the human controller to be so constituted such that optimum closed-loop perform-
ance of a man/control/vehicle system is attained only when adequate restrictions are placed
on the dynamics of the vehicle/control-system combination. These restrictions have been
demonstrated elsewhere to be a dual function of:
V m ph
• 15
A 30
^fc 60
■ 100
— Static Margin
SM = -0.05
SM= 0.069
Time (sec)
Unfortunately, one cannot apply the previously discussed concepts to ships as conveniently
as to other vehicles since waterborne craft tend to be significantly nonlinear in their behavior.
The characteristic nonlinear relationship between ship-rudder angle and steady-state yawing
velocity is due, of course, to the nonlinear hydrodynamic characteristics of the hull and the
nonlinear control effectiveness of the rudder. Furthermore, the handling-qualities discussion
in dealing with response times, assumed, a 'priori, that the vehicle/control system was
stable. It is a matter of common experience that certain ships exhibit dynamic instability for
small ranges of turning velocity and become stable in turning after a certain level of path
curvature has been reached. Full-scale experience has demonstrated1'9 that such behavior
is not conducive to good course keeping and therefore is detrimental to the overall achieve-
ment of good handling qualities.
Notwithstanding the tendency of waterborne craft to exhibit nonlinear hydrodynamic
characteristics, it is still proper to consider their dynamic-response characteristics irrespec-
tive of the degree to which this response is influenced by the nonlinear force and moment
characteristics of the hull and its appendages. It is immediately observed that the response
times that are characteristic of ships place these craft into an operating realm that is com-
pletely divorced from the time scale that is operative with vehicles such as aircraft and
automobiles. The question now arises: To what degree can ^e utilize our knowledge about
human behavior as it determines the handling qualities of fasUresponding vehicles to extend
our understanding of ship-handling qualities and ship maneuverability?
Before proceeding to discuss this question and its possible answers, certain observa-
tions can and should be made. First of all, even a casual observation of the manner ir. which
a helmsman and a driver of an automobile both perform their steering tasks shows that there
is a considerable difference in their behavior. The latter rarely uses all of the steering
control that he has available (except when parking, making U turns, etc.) and by and large,
acts as a proportional controller, turning the wheel in proportion to the steady-state path
curvature that is required to follow the road. The helmsman, however, can be observed to
make course changes by swinging the helm hard over and then checking his turn by swinging
his helm hard in the other direction. This is followed by a return of the helm to neutral; that
is, if he is skilled and intimately knows his ship; otherwise sevrral oscillations of the helm
will occur before he steadies down on his desired course. It appears that the helmsman is
acting like a "bang-bang" controller and, in truth, this "bang-bang" control principle is
analogous to what is taking place.
Earlier, mention was made of the tendency for operators to overcontrol slow-responding
systems. This overcontrolling can easily be observed with unskilled operators attempting to
maneuver a ship or a submarine. It is now pertinent to ask whether the model of the human
controller discussed earlier (specifically his desire to control a system with minimum
dynamics, i.e., minimum time lags) explains this tendency to overcontrol or to operate in a
"bang-bang" manner. A servo analysis will immediately show that, if the human operator is
not content with controlling a slow system and desires to speed up the response (a concept
called response augmentation), the "bang-bang" control mode will automatically appear.
This result will occur particularly in those instances where the controlled element has limit-
ed control power (ratio of available control moment to inertia) as is the case for ships.
It now becomes instructive to examine the closed-loop behavior exhibited by a helms-
man/steering-gear/ship system with the aid of purely intuitive reasoning. On the open sea
his threshold for visual sen sing of yaw rate or path curvature is appreciably higher than that
of the driver of a car. Presumably, this helmsman, with human limitations on (1) perception
and (2) ability to integrate into the future, is not willing to set a rudder angle thdt will even-
tually produce the desired rate of yaw but which, for a significant duration subsequent to his
action at the helm, will produce an imperceptible response. Accordingly, he puts the helm
over hard in such manner that the resulting response is sufficient to establish that he has
control over his ship.
This line of reasoning could be continued to explain the remainder of the process.
However, it is evident that the process described above will produce the same saturation
type of control that results from a servo-oriented analysis procedure.
On the basis of the foregoing discussion, it is submittod that:
1. the knowledge obtained from human-dynamics research,
2. the results derived from pure intuitive reasoning, and
3. everyday experience and observation
all support the general conclusion that a helmsman will attempt to augment (i.e., speed up)
the response of his ship as he proceeds to carry out his control task. It is further postulated
that the degree to which a human controller attempts to speed up a slow responding system is,
in addition to being a function of the transfer characteristics of man, a critical function of the
operational task; namely, the required precision of steering.
This latter point (namely, the required precision of stpcnng) is a concept that is funda-
mental to an integrated assessment of ship maneuverability. As indicated by Saunders,
this is one of the areas in which knowledge is so woefully lacking. It would appear that a
program of research, properly conceived and performed with suitably modified ships, will be
essential in order to establish valid handling qualities criteria as a function of the maneuvers
a ship is typically required to perform. (Needless to say, it is conceivable that a higher order
of handling qualities could make possible closed-loop maneuvers that under present circum-
stances are never attempted by experienced helmsmen.)
Although it is probably universally recognized by naval technologists that there is
some minimum response level which designers should provide in order to establish adequate
turning and course-keeping qualities, there is probably no consensus of opinion on what this
minimum level should be. In 1946, Davidson and Schiff11 proposed a set of hydrodynamic
design goals that would, in offoct, provido a ship response to rudder believed by these invo.s-
tigators to ensure good turning and courso-koeping qualities. Their conclusions wem basod
on an examination of existing design practice and bore no relationship whatsoovor to tho basic
requirements of the helmsman closing the loop or to any quantitative measure of required
steering performance or precision. Their analysis was an epochal event in tho field of ship
st«.hi!ity and control, but subsequent investigators have not appreciably advanced the state
of the art other than to belabor tho point that quickened response or improved stability is
attained at the expense of maximum steady-state turning performance. It is precisely this
compromise that is at the heart of the entire problem, and it is argued here that every effort
should be exerted to acquire the research data that are needed to assist the designer in.
resolving his dilemma.
In view of the lack of handling-qualities criteria for slow responding systems such us
ships (that is, criteria obtained from research that accounts for human-operator performance
and sioering-task requirements), the following hypothesis is advanced:
•\ suitable interim measure of handling qualities for ships is tho degree
to which a helmsman provides response uumuontation in performing typical
maneuvers of course-changing, path-keeping, etc. Control actions '■^ntüining
a large degree of response augmentation indicate poor handling qualities,
and control actions containing little or no response augmentation indicate
good handling qualities and therefore good closed-loop steering performance.
Tho above statement is based on tho hypothesis that any and all steering inputs by the
helmsman in excess of what would be supplied when he is permitted to act as a proportional
controller represents demands on his dynamic-transfer capabilities that will in all likelihood:
1. reduce his subjectivo rating of the ship,
2. increase tho training time necessary to perform the required steering tasks with the
desirable degree of precision,
3. result in less than optimum closed-loop steering performance if the operator is
unskilled, and
4. prevent even the skilled helmsman from performing precise maneuvers under very
unfavorable operating conditions.
It is quite probable that the proposed interim standard for good handling qualities will
require ship stability and control characteristics that cannot be achieved by suitable hydro-
dynamic design. Ships, by virtue of all the design considerations that must be brought to
bear, invariably possess large yawing moments of inertia relative to their dynamic stability
or their total hydrodynamic stiffness in turning. A corollary feature of this small resistance
to turning is that they need relatively small rudders to produce steady-state turning radii that
are exceptionally small when viewed on a nondimensional basis. Manifestly, small control
powers and very low levels of dynamic stability are not conducive to producing a fast-respond*
respondins; system. It appears that the only means by which significant gains could be
achieved in shortening the response times of large waterborne craft would be to resort to
automatic-control systems that position the rudder as a function of the response of -he ship.
Ample descriptions of the principles and design details of response augmentation sys-
tems can be found in the aeronautical literature. Recently a study,12 performed to (1) estab-
lish the information requirements for submarine control and (2) determine the optimum location
of the human operator in the ship-control loop, resulted in the application of a response aug-
mentation system to yield the optimum trajectories (limit maneuvers) that could be executed
with a specific hull. Although the concept of a limit maneuver was not new, the ultimate
maneuvering performance of the submarine was defined in a unique way. Specifically, a
feedback-control-system analysis was perfon; ed to yield a closed-loop system, whose response
was as rapid and well damped as is possible to achieve with the given hull and hydrodynamic
control surfaces. This study demonstrated that the handling qualities of the conventional
submarine are such that the full maneuver capabilities of the submarine cannot be exploited
by the human controller. The provision of response augmentation through automatic control
systems would undoubtedly be a step in the direction whereby the manual controller is given
increased ability to perform more precise and more rapid maneuvers.
It should be noted that response augmenters, by their very nature, are stability aug-
menters as well. On application, they also eliminate the hysteresis loop observed tn th«
so-called spiral maneuver and thus markedly improve the course-keeping qualities of an
otherwise unstable ship.
The above remarks on the role of response augmentation indicate that the time may not
be too far distant when feedback-control systems will be utilized to improve the handling
qualities of seagoing vessels, as well as their seakeeping properties. Response augmentation
systems should not be confused with autopilot-type systems that provide ships with a sensi-
tivity to an ordered heading or provide a submarine with a sensitivity to an ordered depth.
Rather, we are speaking of systems that augment or alter the dynamics of a ship, making it
more amenable to precise manual control. Recognition should also be given to the fact that
augmentation of the turning response could conceivably increase the roll excitation due to
turning. In such an event, the roll dynamics of the ship would couple to an increased extent
with its turning dynamics. If this proves to be the case, consideration would conceivably bo
given to coupling the roll stabilizers of a ship with the control system actuating the rudder.
Irrespective of whether the response-augmentation concept will ultimately be exploited
in future ship designs, it will necessarily play an important role in conducting research exper-
iments required to shed lighten the overall ship handling-qualities problem. The need for
this research was stressed earlier in the presentation, and it is encouraging to note that the
proper performance of these necessary handling-qualities investigations are in no wise
restricted by the present state of the control art.
1. Ship-response characteristics required for good handling qualities (i.e., good man-
machine performance and high rating of response by subjective opinion) are, in part, a
function of the transfer characteristic of man and, in part, a function of the operational task;
namely, the required steering maneuvers and the required precision of execution.
2. Valid handling-qualities criteria for surface ships can only be defined by carefully
conducted experiments with full-scale ships, in which proper recognition is given to each
element of the closed-loop system and proper distinction is made between static and
dynamic phenomena.
4. The nature of ship hydrodynamics is such that drastically improved response is not
likely to be achieved through hydrodynainic design of the hull, but rather by moans of in-
creased rudder power actuated by an automatic control system.
1. Dieudonnc, .)., "Collected French Papers on the Stability of Route of Ships at Sea,
1040-1950," Issued by the Institute of Research in Naval Construction, Paris, David Taylor
Model Basin Translation 2 16 (Jan 1953).
2. McRuer, D.T. and Krendel, £.S., "Dynamic Response of Human Operators," Wright Air
Development Center Technical Report 56-524 (Oct 1957).
3. Birmingham, 11.P. and Taylor, F.V., "A Human Engineering Approach to the Design of
Man-Operated Continuous Control System," Naval Research Laboratory Report 4333
(Apr 1954).
4. Westbrook, C.B. and McRuer, D.T., "Handling (Qualities and Pilot Dynamics," Aero/
Space Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5 (May 195f) p. 32.
5. McRuer, D.I. «nd Krendol, E.S., "The Human Operator as a Servo System filomont,"
Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. ^67, Part I, No. 5 (May 1959) and Part II, No. 6
(Jun 1959).
6. Harper, R.P., "Flight Evaluations of Various Longitudinal Handling Qualities in a
Variable-Stability Jet Fighter," Wright Air Development Center Technical Report 55-299
(Jul 1955).
7. Donovan, A.F., "Helicopter Handling Qualities Investigation; Phase II — Analysis of
Helicopter Stabilization and Control Problems; Part B — Physical Discussion of Helicopter
Handling Qualities," Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Report No. TB-707-S-2 (Jun 1955).
8. Brown, B.P., "Ground Simulator Studies of the Effects of Valve Friction, Stick
Friction, Flexibility, and Backlash on Power Control System Quality," National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics Report 1348 (1958). Supersedes NACA Technical Note 3998 of
Apr 1957.
9. Gertler, M. and Gover, S.C., "Handling Quality Criteria for Surface Ships," Presented
to the Chesapeake Chapter, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (2 May 1959).
10. Saunders, U.E., "Hydrodynamics in Ship Design," Vol. II, Society of Naval Architects
and Marine Engineers, New York (1957), 2 Vol. (Section 64.4, p. 452).
11. Davidson, K.S.M. and Schiff, L.I., "Turning and Course-Keeping Qualities," Trans-
actions, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 54 (1946).
12. Bogdan, L., et a!., "Final Report - Ship Control Information Study (SUBIC),"
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Report No. IM-1306-V-2 (Jul 1959).
n.t. bounders:
I am n0inK to
have to bo a little careful of what I say now. I don't want to detract from
the valiant efforts of the author or from the results which have been achieved in the conclusion,
but 1 had hoped that the author of this paper might toll us the story of it in words that we can
understand, i am afraid that a great deal of the meaning of this paper which I road at homo, in
quiet and leisure is lost upon me because 1 just didn't know what you were trying to say. It
is difficult of course when someone comes out of a select circle, as it were, and uses his
specialized language for the benefit of other people. Many of you, I am sure, are facing what
I am facing now, to find our way through what they might call the statistical phase for naval
architects. Now I'm a little bit handicapped because I'm very much interested in what the
author is trying to do and what he is trying to say, but I am going to have to go home and
translate this or get it translated.
However, there is one point which I think I gathered well enough to comment upon. 1
really believe that the author here has missed one whole factor in his box diagram and loop.
And that factor is the person or whatever agency which gives the orders. Mr. Bindel's paper,
which will be given this afternoon, makes continual mention of the pilot who is directing the
operations in the model basin under the carriage. Those of you who were here in 1946, 1947,
and 194^ will remember that when wo did the modernization job for the Panama Canal Authority,
we had successively Panama Canal pilots who came up here for a month, who rode the car-
riage on every ride and actually gave orders. The orders were not. given by the TMB staff. The
orders were not automatic; they were given by the pilot. The steersman operated the controls
and endeavored to do his best to carry out the pilot's orders. Mr. Bindel's paper also mentions
the pilot.
Now then, one might say, how about running in the open sea such as in the diagram
which you show? You begin with a course reference. It so happens that with present gyro
compasses, you get a pretty good course reference. Actually, you get a heading reference
because you don't know what the course is. ßut in the old days, for those of you who arc old
enough to have steered ships by compasses, you had no really good heading reference, so you
had to anticipate the magnetic compass; there you had another factor.
When you come to emergency maneuvers, such as piloting, handling ships around docks
(or even trying to catch turtles), whatever you do, the steersman gets his orders from other
people. The steersman is rarely the piloting officer. It so happens that in our icebreakers,
the piloting officer, the ice pilot, is the man who operates the rudder controls, so ho doesn't
have to give orders to anybody; he doesn't have to say a word. But in all other cases there
must be a pilot; there must be a commanding officer, a captain, first mate, or someone, who
gives the orders. So you can't eliminate this one more factor.
As Mr. Bindel brings out in his paper, for a model test with a pilot or with separate
director, he has to work fast because the times are reduced by the square root of the linear
ratio of full-scale to model size.
I hope that maybe the author will find time to give another drawing or another diagram
in place of-Figure 3. I have been operating automobiles for 46 years now and yet I don't get
anything out of the figure that was presented.
S. M. Y. Lum:
There is no disagreement with the author's persistent theme that more sophisticated
studies of the control loop, using feedback techniques incorporating the helmsman, can improve
the handling qualities and response of ships. However, with due respect to Mr. Segel, I wonder
if he is not putting undue emphasis on the control loop as the panacea for all design ineptness
and at this stage, placing the "cart before the horse," so to speak. I would say there is an
area which takes precedence to that and which could stand more intensive study and
clarification—and that is in the open-loop characteristics of the ship. With due apologies to
Captain Saunders (whose preceding discussion on the paper assailed the author's use of con-
trol semantics making it extremely difficult for this type of audience to follow), by the open-
loop problem, I refer to the need for more exact delineation of the ship's transfer functior which
relates the hydrodyramic derivatives in terms of ship geometry and arrangement. That is. if
the hydrodynamic derivatives for a complex shape such as that of a surface ship operating on
the air-water interface can readily be determined, then it would be opportune to get the maxi-
niutn benefits from a more advanced and sophisticated closed-loop study as a natural followup.
The nature of the initial difficulty, in the case of surface ship, for the one part, lies in
pinpointing the open-loop transfer function with all the usual associated problems of nonlinear-
ities, cross-coupling, free surface, etc. The other pan lies in attaching a meaningful input to
the system in view of the irregularity of the sea with the associated problems in the event of
nonstationary processes. non-Gaussian distributions, etc.
When such information as above can be jelled into a pole-zero conficuration in the com-
plex plane, early decisions can be made. If the hydrodynamic design is found to be exces-
siveK unstable (open-loop-wise), or to have lar^e response amplitudes within the expected
frequency band of operation, this will be reflected in these poles and zeroes. For such had
preliminary designs, it would not be good practice to "close the loop" by brute force at the
expense of having an "exotic" automatic control loop. It would be better to modify ;he design
in the early stages of the development instead of discovering that there is a bad point of
instability after the ship is built. Then to redeem the ship at this stage with fancy controls
would be like chasing a failint; investment with more iiood money.
Finally, before turning over the open loop to the control people to "close" with all the
automatic sophistication as may be judiciously required, it is essential to ask the question:
What is the functional or mission requirement against which all other compromises should be
GoinR back to the uircraft concept of desi^nin^ for a slow-speed canio vehicle, maneuver-
ability may be relaxed in favor of course keepin«;. On the other hand, an attack vessel should
bo favored with hi^h maneuverability. The closure of the loop could then, in the latter case,
incorporate all the sophistication of stability and response augmentation.
In closinfT, I do not wish to sound discouraaiinK to Mr. Segel. In fact, I believe that
with the advent of more sophisticated naval craft such as the hydrofoil boats and (JF.M craft,
there will be a great need for this specialty. However, everything should be considered in due
seouence and due perspective. Thank you for an interesting injection into the field of ship
V. E. WilÜoms:
First of all, I would like to congratulate Mr. Segel on his paper. I think it was well
done. Unlike Captain Saunders, I am familiar with both jargons but I have the same problem
at times, i would like to mention, though, that I believe we are right on the threshold of all
these things that Mr. Segel is talking about, and like the former discusser here, I also believe
v.o havr> to prepare ourselves for this work. We (at Sperry) have found that we had to get the
dynamics of the boat. It wasn't enough just to use the linear yaw equations. Having defined
verj well all of the disturbances in this test, the seaway, etc.. we h:.(l to define oar inputs.
And, as Captain Saunders said, that means the captain and from the captain to the helmsman,
and in that context we find what orders would corru1 from both and how they would react. I
believe the marine field is on the threshold of doing this now. I know that Sperry itself has
worked on many of these things and have some very good mathematical models of ships, and
particularly submarines. With tin» aid of the Stability and Control Division of the Model Basin
we iio.v ha\e a nonlinear model, for example, where we can i;et all the turning maneuvers, and
can duplicate the Dieudonne spirals. Also with the help of the oceanographers at the Model
Basin, we have the spectrum of the seas which are linear but very complex, and with the aid
of the Seaworthiness Division of the Model Basin, we can judge the forces and moments due
to waves on the ship. Now it is a matter of putting.' all this together and getting to work.
A. Goodman:
1 have a brief comment, but before I go into it I would like to make one remark while
the paper is fresh in everyone's mind. One item that was also eliminated in this closed-loop
diagram which was not mentioned by the other two comments was the display system. This
factor is verv important; it is the source of information that the controller has. and its charac-
teristics will influence the performance as well in the closed-loop circuit.
Handling qualities, as viewed by the Model Basin, are not subioctive in nature, which
is a point held by the author.' Definitive maneuvers are designed to evaluate the inherent as
well as closed-loop characteristics of the given system. The paper given by Mr. Gcrtler and
Mr. Cover clearly defines the concept, and outlines many of these definitive maneuvers and
the numerical measures associated with each.
The present paper contains a remark that concerns using pilot opinion data as a means
of determining performance characteristics. In this regard, the Model Basin several years
ago made an extensive survey of ship operators using a standard questionnaire. This survey
resulted in many conflicting and contradictory answers regarding the handling qualities of
sister ships. We considered the results of the survey as adequate proof that there is need for
obtaining objective measures of the various handling qualities of ships. This, of course, led
to the development of the definitive maneuvers by the Taylor Model Basin.
The author made another interesting statement in regard to the compromise the designer
has to face between good direct'onal stability and good control response. For some years we
at the Model Basin have felt that this compromise need not be made. Now, it has been demon-
strated on vehicles such as the SKIPJACK that such compromises need not be made and that
both excellent course-kcoping and course-changing characteristics can be achieved simulta-
neously. Also it is believed that the use of nonconventional control surfaces will further elim-
inate the need for such compromises.
The- author makes a statement to the effect that good handling qualities will renuire
ship stability and control characteristics that cannot be achieved by suitable hydrodynamic
design. The objective of the Model Basin in this area is to relate the geometric character-
istics of the ship to the handling qualities. Thi:-. is w iuu the ship designer real's wants.
The author states that the only means by which significant gains could be achieved in
shortening the response time of large watergoing craft would be to resort to automatic control
systems that position the rudder as a function of the response of the ship. I can't nuite see
this. It seems to me that the ship cannot exceed its inherent performance. For example, if
vou use the rudder to ease into a turn. I believe that the result is a larger tactical diameter
and a longer time to change heading, etc. Some gain would probably be a smaller loss of
speed in the turn and reduction of heel in turn.
I am a little confused by the statement "The provision of response augmentation
through automatic control systems would undoubtedly be a step in the direction whereby the
manual controller is given increased ability to perform more precise and more rapid maneuvers."
How does a man enter a system that is under automatic control9 In other words, to override
it. I'm not nuite clear on exactly what you mean by response augmentation. 1 wonder if you
could amplify this and also indicate to me how response augmentation has increased the
stability of the system.
In his concluding remarks, item 2, the author made a statement that "Valid handling-
qualities criteria for surface ships can only be defined by carefully conducted experiments
with full-scale ships . . . ." The Model Basin does not believe this to be correct. It has
shown that the handling qualities of ships can be determined accurately on the basis of free-
running models and analog computer and simulator studies utilizing experimentally determined
coefficients for the equations of motion. The main objective of the Model Basin in this area
is to provide performance evaluation results and design recommendations for improvement of
performance, if necessary, before the contract plans are signed. Full-scale studies are per-
formed mainly for correlation purposes. In using an analog computer as Mr. Williams points
out, you can simulate the various components that go into making up the closed-loop system.
In fact, in some cases you can actually insert an operational component (hardware) into the
system, and this is a very powerful tool which has been in use at the Model Basin for the past
four or five years. The author's thesis, on the other hand, is an after-the-fact approach which
would be prohibitively expensive in ship work.
Item 4, "The nature of ship hydrodynamics is such that drastically improved response
is not likely to be achieved through hydrodynamic design of the hull, but rather by means of
increased rudder power actuated by an automatic control system." How do you increase rud-
der power with an automatic control system? Possibly, by increasing rudder rate, which could
result only in comparatively slight gains. And there you have to consider the limitations of
your steering mechanism which is norninlly designed to move the rudder at a rate of a few
degrees per second. E\en if major changes in the design of such systems were conducted, it
is difficult for me to see that there would be anv marked improvement in handling qualities as
the result. 1 would like your opinion.
Robert Morse:
The author stated that a human operator would perform best when the least signal
"shapiniz" is demanded of him; i.e., that he perform as a simple amplifier. It is pointed out
that this is actually a verj strict and demanding requirement, since a human being has an in-
herent lai; in his response which, however, may bo negligible when considering the long re-
sponse time of ships. But it is certainly not negligible for the case of airplanes and auto-
mobiles as mentioned in illustration by the author. It is further pointed out that a certain
amount of anticipation or "rate" is renuired of a human operator at the helm of a ship or the
steerinsz wheel of a car for efficient performance. Thus, an experienced helmsman will apply
rudder as a function of the rate of change of heading (determined by the rate of travel of the
compass fine indicator, for example) rather than waiting for an actual heading change before
taking corrective action.
It would probably be in order to define a "good helmsman" as one who, through expe-
rience and natural aptitude, has so developed his own "transfer function" that in combination
with the ship and environment, the overall system characteristics are near-optimum. To do
this he must perform all of the functions of the automatic controller: that of sensing the error
with his eyes or by "feel"; that of shaping and amplifying the signal in his brain by his expe-
rience and aptitude; and that of positioning the controls by bis muscles and dexterity.
He has the advantage over most automatic controllers in that he is adaptive; that is, he
is able to vary his "gain" and "signal-shaping" as the situation dictates. Thus, when he is
at the helm in rough seas, he is more alert and takes action more quickly. In so doing he has
actually increased his gain and phase lead (or anticipation) to perform the job. lie can also
change his criteria of performance at will. Thus, in rough seas he may yield on maintaining a
tight heading control to limit excessive rudder activity.
The human operator has the disadvantage that his characteristics vary from minute to
minute and certainly from operator to operator. His peak performance is limited by factors
over which we have no control. He cannot match the automatic controller in sensitivity or
consistency of action or constant vigilance.
R. E. Newton:
I am very pleased with some of the features of this discussion. I think it is fairly clear
that we ship hydrodynamicists are not asleep in this matter. In capo anybody has any doubts
on the matter, they ought to know that there has been a presentation of a theory, much on the
linos of this paper, employing servomechanios, by L. J. Rydill, who gave a paper in tho Trans-
actions of the RINA of 1959. It was a very thought-provoking paper and accounts for transient
effects that the author has not referred to.
Let me digress a moment and agree with Captain Saunders. Quite frankly sir, I find it
difficult also to follow the jargon, and also, to he mure frank, 1 find it very difficult to under-
stand Rydill's paper.
It is a very importiint thirm that the hydrodynamicists should take a lead from the aeru-
dynamicists, and I honestly think that he does this every day. But when one turns to the
study of ships he is dealing in a body in two media, not one, and this complicates ehe subject
no end. I wonder, myself, what the automatic system is going to be in a ship, to steer it
without any attention by the helmsman, the captain, or anybody else, when one takes acuuant
of pitch, surge, sway, and all this. Some attempt is being made to do this, as you know. In
the first phase we are going to pose a submarine problem where one gets a break, and I feel
sure that TMB, AEW, and probably Japan and others are already doing computer studies of
this very problem.
Another impression that 1 thought I detected in the paper was that the ship was a very
big thing and has plenty of room and weight to spare. Whether the impression was right or
not 1 do not know, but I would like to say this—that the ship might be big, but there isn't a
lot of weight and space to spare.
In other words, to sum it up, my opinion is that there is a lot to learn from this rather
excellent paper by Segel but I think we have to be very careful about how we apply it to a
ship. In the words of Lord Kelvin, "When you can measure what you are speaking about and
give it specific numbers, then you do know something about it," and it is that stage which we
have to reach in this course of study.
A. Suarez:
I have •one point to make concerning the terminology and definition of handling qualities.
Actually a ship does not go out to sea and turn around in circles and perform big fancy maneu-
vers. We have really two problems in the operation of vessels: one is maintaining course at
sea, and the other the close-maneuvering problem associated generally with sheltered water
(where we usually run into trouble).
The steering rules at sea are one thing, but the rules in sheltered water in the vicinity
of walled bottoms and of other ships approaching is an entirely, drastically different situation.
liow any particular theory or rule can be incorporated into the operation of a vessel seems far
remote at present, unless we develop a terrific amount of gear to put on a vessel (transducers
all around to integrate the pressure on the vessel) which will tell the steering apparatus how
to maneuver the vessel under any set situation. I don't, see at present that we are going to be
very successful along these lines. We are still going to have to rely on the judgment of the
piloi., with his experience and background, running from one side of the bridge to the other,
to bring the ship in from the ocean to a sheltered area.
Author's Closure:
Well, gentlemen. I expected controversy, and I must say that it certainly took place.
I don't know how I car. really do justice to a rebuttal here. U seems to me that it would take
quiie a lengthy period. ! will try to do the best 1 can from the notes I took while the discuss-
ers were making their remarks.
1 will st'irl in order w'uh a reply to Captain Saunders. 1 «ant to apologize for not using
the proper language in my paper to do justice to some of these ideas and concepts that I
wanted to present. 1 truly feel that this is regrettable, but I hope that in time we can over-
come this language barrier.
Captain Saunders made mention of the role of the pilot and drew attention that the type
of closed-loop system that I pictured in Figure 1 of my paper ignored the presence of other
people and other factors in the loop. I agree with this comment; I believe it shows that if the
responses of ships were not so slow; the physics of ships and water were not so complex, that
ship-control procedures could not have evolved in the manner that they have today, in which
intermediaries are introduced to effect the tightness of the loop. Now 1 realize that when I
use the term tightness I again use a terminology which perhaps does not have meaning to many
of you here. But the loop is not tight as it is when you are driving an automobile or perhaps
flying an airplane, and therefore there is a fundamental difference between the fast-responding
systems I have referred to and the ship-control problem. I think there is no question that
pilots are necessary because very often the man at the helm, is not in a position where he can
see what is going on when he is trying to negotiate a channel. The pilot is his second pair
of eyes running back and forth, as 1 think Mr. Suarez mentioned, to check where the ship is
going, how close he is to the shore, and so forth. Perhaps in the future, if things eventually
go in the direction I have indicated they might, there will have to be a large amount of design
consideration given to the helmsman, if he is to be the primary controller, and locate him
where he can see and not need this extra pair of eyes.
Captain Saunders also asked some questions about Figure 3. I want you to notice that
Figure 3 is plotted on the same coordinate and abscissa scale that is on Figure 1. Figure 3
shows the dynamic characteristics of what I choose to call the directional mode of an auto-
mobile. Actually an automobile turns out to be a fourth-order dynamic system because of the
presence of a roll degree of freedom. Ignoring that extra degree of freedom and thinking only
of the freedom to move laterally and to turn, you end up with a second-order system with a
directional mode which is the mode that is primarily excited by the action of the steering
wheel. This is merely a plot of the natural frequency versus the percent of critical damping
of the second-order dynamic system, and you can think in terms of a damped system with one
degree of freedom, but in this case we happen to be dealing with two degrees of freedom. These
characteristics will describe the nature of the response: how rapidly it will build up; whether
there is an overshoot; what the damping is like; and so on. I grant you, when a person drives
an automobile he is completely unaware, in many instances, of the fact that there are
appreciable dynamics between the time he turns the steering wheel and succeeds in turnirg
the car. Actually, steering systems are not perfect. There are many lags; but if the front
wheels of the car are controlled directly, i.e., the fixed control response of the car as assumed
by Figure 3, you would find that this stable vehicle would have a response time of approxi-
mately 1 soc at 60 mph. where response time is considered in the manner that I defined it.
In answer to Mr. Lum, who made the excellent point that we do not know enough about
the ship's transfer function, I confess that I am not really in a position here to comment as an
expert as to whether we do or not. I see others around me who, with the facilities we are
going to lock at today, represent the capability of doing more about solving this problem.
Getting additional information to solve the problem of representing strictly the hydrodynamic
characteristics, complicates the picture to a very large degree in comparison with other
vehicles. I think this is recognized. Many people have tried to examine the ability to con-
trol the ship by strictly linear mathematical models which are valid within limits, and cer-
tainly Norrbin's paper is an excellent textbook-type of summary of the situation as it exists
today. I also felt that on examining many of the sections in Captain Saunders' excellent
two volumes we are not in as bad a situation as perhaps Mr. Lum implies. I may have misin-
terpreted. Maybe he doesn't think we are in as bad a way as I have indicated. I agree with
the rest of liis remarks.
Mr. Williams has expressed some very nice things about my paper, and I would like to
thank him for that. I don't believe that any comment is indicated.
Mr. Goodman, of course, has put me to the task and I'll try to do the best I can. lie
made reference to the display system that is omitted in Figure 1, and I agree with him whole-
heartedly. The question of display ties in quite closely with the point raised by Captain
Saunders regarding the pilot* These are the connections between ship response and the con-
troller. The display represents a means whereby a man uses his senses to determine what
the ship is doing irt a given situation; for example, a submarine whore there is not contact
with the outside world and a man depends wholly on his instruments. I believe, as far as
surface ships are concerned, when passing through channels there certainly is no replacement
for the pilot's visual reference, and this would take precedence over any instruments that he
may have on board. I agree with Captain Saunders that out at sea the gyrocompass is prob-
ably his primary reference. But to say a few more words about the display, many people,
particularly the psychologists, concern themselves with the problem of improving vehicle
handling qualities by making improvements on the display. This has been particularly true
in the submarine fieid. I do not take issue or quarrel with them; in some cases there is much
room for improvement.
The remarks in my paper were primarily directed toward what can be done to improve
handling dualities and thereby improve overall ship maneuverability by working on the control
system between the operator and the ship itself. To do justice to this argument would require
a lengthy exposition. Briefly, these automatic control systems that 1 refer to as response
augmentation systems, are, effectively, systems that are inserted between the helm and the
rudder, or any other force-actuating device that may be installed on the ship, the purpose
being to take over the response augmentation task that the helmsman tries to accomplish. I
have argued that it may be possible to improv-'' this system by allowing the helmsman to ap-
proach the simple controller task and be represented as a simple amplifier, and thus take a
step in the rittht direction. To debate how far one- can go in this direction gets into a wealth
of engineering cunsiderations. 1 should make it clear at this poirt that everything in my paper
to all intents and purposes ignored the engineering problem. I am sure many of you have the
engineering problem uppermost in your mind when you think about how you would implement
some of the things that I have mentioned.
The definitive maneuver concept was mentioned as a means of assessing handling
qualities, and I want to make it clear that 1 have no quarrel with this concept. I tried to make
it clear in my ■ aper that I merely wanted to introduce a rather drastic hypothesis as to what
would constitute a definition or criterion of handling qualities, to underscore the importance
of bringing the response characteristics of the human operator into the picture. Definitive
maneuvers are a measure of ship behavior. The difference in the approach that I have indi-
cated is that in my own opinion the most important variable in the handling qualities problem
is the dynamics of the controlled element, bearing in mind the nature of the human operator:
the dynamic characteristics of the controlled element form the fundamental variable in the
whole picture. As far as the definitive maneuver goes, it involves a multitude of variables
including the hydrodynamic characteristics of theühip and the characteristics of the control
system. The maneuver is designed to bring out certain characteristics but these character-
istics are related in a very complicated fashion to the dynamic response characteristics of
the controlled element. 1 want, of course, to include the steady-state characteristics, the
steady-state relationships between the controlled displacement, or input, and steady-state
response, in this case primarily turning response.
I asjroe that an attempt to interrouiato operators has many pitfalls and would load to
failure. Our experience in the aircraft field has been that the only way we can get intelligent
operator opinion is to make available to them an aircraft that can be flown and which has the
capability of beinti altered rapidly from one dynamic response configuration to another. At
the same time the operator is given tasks which are rep"resentative of what aircraft daily are
required to do. For example, just fly straight and level, or attack a target. Fighter aircraft,
we all agree, do have this one important objective.
I'll skip around here with respect to ships. Relative to makin^ an assessment of the
handling qualities of a ship, I tried 10 indicate that comments should be obtained from the
pilot with reference to situations that are representative of what the ship controller has to
deal with every day.
Mr. Goodman made reference to the point that you cannot get more out of the ship, in
terms of maneuveriiif; capability, than is in it, as for example, in terms of the force-producing
characteristics of the hull and its rudder, and he is certainly right. This automatic control
or response augmentation system I mentioned certainly cannot make the ship respond any
faster or do anything-more quickly than what control power is available to the ship by virtue
of the size of the rudder and so on. 1 think there is a little misinterpretation; ! was trying to
indicate that the response augmentation system would merely try to take advantage of what is
available in the ship in terms of control power. In this respect, it would do the best it can bj
moving these surfaces as rapidly as the steering motor will allow and by properly timing the
whole operation where the precision of timint; is increased by an order of magnitude over what
the operator can do. lie depends on his memory and his opinions to time his actions very care-
fully. The automatic control system depends on instruments which measure what the ship is
doing and, by virtue of computers or other elements, causes the system to do the proper things
automatically, thereby relieving the helmsman of the burden to speed up this time. Now, if
research shows thut, with the present enpineering state of knowledge, handling qualities could
be improved by an order of magnitude merely by introducing a response auumentation with the
control elements that are presently installed in ships, then there would be reason for doing
something along these lines. There would be reason for thinking in terms of propellers at the
bow, perhaps at the stern. In more serious terms, we are concerned primarily with the maneu-
verability of the vessel in various situations and eliminating the need for tugs and so on
which, as pointed out. can bo a sizable and economical gain.
The question was raised as to where does the man fit into the automatic controls. I
trust that my very inadequate remarks up to now have shed a little light on this. This auto-
matic control is installed between man and the ship, and serves the function of allowing him
to act as much as possible like a simple controller.
The question was asked, how does response augmentation improve stability? A re-
sponse augmentation system involves a fcrce-producing mechanism which produces forces
proportional to perhaps the drift angle of the ship, the angle yaw of the ship, or some other
motion variable. If I produce a force and moment on the ship by artificial means, proportional
to some of these motion variables, I am basically changing the effective stability derivative
of the ship. I am effectively changing damping in yaw. We all recognize that if we increase
damping in yaw, we increase directional stability, and we are providing an effective improve-
ment in the natural dynamic stability the ship possesses on its own without any active con-
trol element. The question asked further, why full-scale handling qualities tests? I don't
believe 1 could do as much justice to answering this question as has been done in one of the
sections in Captain Saunders' Volume 2. I recall reading a discussion of how the time scales
differ in the laodel tests situation and the full scale. Finally, the last item I can comment on
with regard to Mr. Goodman's remarks concerned increased rudder power and engineering con-
siderations. In my ramblings, I said previously that engineering considerations have been
overlooked. All I can say is it has been our experience in the aeronautical field that unless
one is willing to overlook some of the problems one must face to achieve a particular objec-
tive the state of the art is not really advanced at a very rapid rate. We all know that in-
creased performance has been the motivating impetus for forcing engineers to follow thousands
of problems, and I nm perhaps naive enough to think that the day will come, to think in terms
of greatly increased performance beiniz available on ships and submarines. I am sure it is
coming, and these increases in performance are going to require considerable increases in
controllability, stability, general handling qualities in order for the Navy to lake advantage
of those performance improvements. 1 want you all to understand that this last statement
does not imply any kind of criticism as to whether we have good handling qualities at the
moment in some of our latest subs or whether we do not. I think everyone has been doing an
admirable job and the fit«.! that these things are running around today is proof that the engi-
neering; problem has been solved. No one wants to sell anybody on automatic control. !
merely want to lay open a vista here, iho possibility of thinking along research lines, goin:
out "into the blue."
Mr. Morse, from Sperry, made some remarks about my discussion of human behavior.
By and large, I accept most of the refinements that he suggested. I want to make clear that
this entire discussion of human dynamics, human response characteristics, has been extreme-
ly simplified for this presentation. As you all will recognize, there is a wealth of new ideas
or concepts that I have tried to introduce. I, for one, could not do justice to aU of this in a
rigorous fashion in the time allotted.
Mr. Newton, as I recall, made some remark U !> e effect that some of these considera-
tions on stability and control and damping have beer the mill. I would repeat again that I
was primarily concerned with maneuverability as .ncal concept and the role of the human
operator in this system problem, and have there' postulated some rather drastic assump-
lions as to what could possibly be used, for the time being, as measures of handling qualities
for the objectives that I have indicated previously. Again in connection with the engineoring
problem raised by Mr. Newton, 1 think my remarks made with regard to Mr. Goodman's com-
ments apply here as well.
Serge Bindel
Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime,
French Navy
Bassin d'Essais des Carenes - Paris.
(Paris Model Basin)
Ten years ago when twin-screw tankers of 30,000 tons deadweight were being built in
France, we had indeed reason to worry about the way they would behave in the Suez Canal
since ships of smaller dimensions had the reputation of steering very badly there.
Hence, the Paris Model Basin was asked to investigate this problem: a special test
instal'ation \vas set up whereby it was possible to insure that the tankers in the design stage
had adequate maneuvering characteristics.
The tests carried out on different ships with two propellers led to some
interesting results,2,3 in particular, they have shown the advantage of keeping the rudder well
clear of the hull by the use of appropriate stern shapes (aperture between ske,^ and rudder) and
they have also shown the advantaee of increasing the rate of change of rudder.
Since 1954, the test installation has been enlarged and an important number of tests
have been carried out on several ships, most of them fitted with a single prü|wller. The pres-
ent paper describes the test installation presently used and srivos n sun mary of the nnncipal
results obtained,"
Tests are carried out in a rectilinear basin whose dimensions are as follows:
Length: 155 m
Width: 8 m
Depth: 2 m (the depth of water is adjustable)
The description of this test installation and of the test procedure used is the subject of Reference 1.
References are listed on page 189.
Maneuvering tests in a curvilinear channel have also been undertaken; these, however, will not be dealt with
in this paper,
At one end, the basin is provided with a wave absorber.
Hanks can be installed on the bottom of the basin over a length of 100 m; their dis-
tance apart as well as their slope are adjustable. They are composed of sheet-metal plates of
l-m length joined together; a small clearance exists between two successive plates and be-
tween the plates and the bottom of the basin, despite the precautions used when installing
them. Hence, there exists between the inside and the outside of ehe canal a leakage which
in fact increases its width; the maneuverability is thereby facilitated, but in a manner which
we consider as very minor; it may be observed, moreover, that since the maneuvering character-
istics of a model in a canal are probably not as good as those of the full-scale ship, the fact
that the canal is not watertight tends to reduce the difference between model and ship. The
channel is not closed at its ends; the full-width portions of the basin are used to accelerate
and to stop the model.
The mode! is self-propelled: however, in order to allow the propellers to work under
conditions which are identical to full-scale conditions, a correction is applied by means of
an aerial propeller placed in the cenlerline of the model.
The model is controlled from the carriage of the basin by means of a "fishing line"
The problem of piloting presents a certain difficulty when working with a free mode!.
In order to bring the model back to the centerline of the canal, we actually have but one param-
eter at our disposal, i.e., the rudder anule, while the position of the model with respect to
its ideal position is characterized by two parameters which are, for instance, the heading and
the lateral deviation of the center of gravity. The adjustment of an automatic pilot is then
practically impo. sible.
The piloting is carried out by eye by an operator placed on the carriage. The follow-up
between the "helm" and the rudder is of the self-synchronous typo; its accuracy varies be-
tween + 2 deg approximately; the rate of change of rudder is constant, but may be adjusted
before each test.
The piloting of the model presents numerous analogies to that of the full-scale ship;
nevertheless, there exist some differences which may have an effect on the ease of handling,
in particular;
1. Yawing motions of the model are, indeed, more difficult to estimate by eye than by
means of a heading repeater. On the contrary, lateral deviations are easier to see on
model, a centerline being painted on the bottom of the basin.
2. The speed of response of the pilot has a relative importance which is greater than
for the full-scale ship since the "natural response time" of the model is shorter than that of
the full-scale ship (in the ratio of the square roots of the lengths).
These differences show that the pilot of the model must have excellent reflexes and
that he must be very well trained. This is also indispensable in order that we may be able to
make valid comparisons between runs carried out under different conditions. All the tests
considered here (about a thousand or so runs) were carried out by the same operator; the
agreement of the results is particularly satisfactory and in almost all cases it may be said that
any abnormal scatter is due to a hydrodynamic cause rather than to a piloting error.
It is not a question here of examining how we can positively measure the maneuvering
characteristics of a ship in a canal, but only one of seeing how we can best utilize the meas-
urements carried out in order to compare runs made under different conditions.
To avoid damaging the model in the case where it would strike the banks, safety rails
are installed all along the canal; four vertical rollers are placed on the model in front and in
back. In this manner, it is easy to determine whether the model strikes the banks. A run may
then be rated good if there has been no contact with the rails and bad in the opposite case.
This first criterion has the disadvantage of being purely qualitative, but it generally cross-
checks quite well with the other criteria and it is very useful, in parlicular, when we want to
compare different ships with one another.
B. Maximum Values of the Rudder Angle, of trie Heading, and
of the Lateral Deviation of the Center of Gravity
These three values are not independent, but the relationships linking them with one
another are not rigid; they depend a great deal on the reactions of the pilot who may, for in-
stance, make it a strict rule either to make rudder movements of small amplitude or, on the
contrary, to bring the model back to the centerline of the canal as quickly as possible, even
though he has to execute a large rudder movement.
This criterion involves the risk of inflicting a penalty on a run in the course of which
a piloting error has occurred since this will lead to abnormally large values, especially for
the rudder angle.
The mean values are evidently those of the absolute values of the rudder angle, of the
heading, or of the lateral deviation. They are not distorted to the same extent as the maximum
values, in the case of a single piloting error.
'•Ve may, for instance, seek to characterize the response of the ship to a given movement
of the helm, but this rosponso depends on four parameters (k, dk dt. t, and d€,'<!t at the moment
of the rudder movement) and it seems to us to be difficult to make- this evident without carry-
ing out special tests.
Finally, we believe that the criteria defined above are those which enable us to best
determine the maneuvering characteristics in a canal for the tests carru'd out. Tlu-y may he
usod simultaneously, but the ones which appear to us to be the most interesting arc the mean
rudder angle and the proportion of bad passages.
A. Observations
One of the most important results of the series of tests carried out is to show that for
a given ship and canal there may exist a critical speed from the point of view of ship maneu-
" verahility, i.e., a speed for which ttie difficulty of passing through the canal is the greatest.
This is reflected in the increased percentage of bad runs, in an increase of the rudder angles
(the maximum angle and mean angle) and, to a lesser degree, in an increase in the heading
and in the lateral deviation.
The sharpness with which these phenomena manifest themselves depends on both the
ship and the canal. Figure 3 gives an example for a tanker A where the critical speed does not
exist, at least within the range of the speeds investigated; the ratio S/S5of the section of the
canal to the midship section area is large (9.49) and the passage is easy: the mean rudder
angle |a| exceeds 4 deg but a single time while the maximum rudder angle exceeds 7 deg
only two times (absolute maximum: 13 deg).
Figure 4, on the contrary, gives, for the same tanker, an example (5/25 = 3.63) for
which the critical speed is very pronounced: in the critical zone the model strikes against
the banks rather frequently, the mean rudder angle \a\ is oftentimes between 10 and 15 deg,
and the rudder very often is turned until it comes to the stop (a= 30 deg); for speeds smaller
or larger than the critical speed, the transit conditions improve appreciably.
In Figure 5 the zone of the critical speeds is plotted as a function of the test conditions
for three different fehips (V, B, and C)* which have comparable dimensions.
A is a tanker with a single propeller which was tested at different drafts in a canal
whose channel bed was 51.30 m wide and which has a slope of the bank of one-third and a
variable water depth.
B is a tanker with a single propeller which was tested in the same canal and in a
narrower canal (width of channel bed 42.00 m).
C is a tanker with twin screws which was tested, at two drafts, in the first canal and
in a wilier canal (channel bed 76.40 m wide).
Despite the difficulty of determining precisely the zone of critical speeds in certain
cases, the agreement between the various results is good. Of course, if the results have been
plotted as functions of the S/Q), this does not mean that this is the only parameter to be taken
into consideration, it would be necessary, in particular, to take into account the depth of the
water H in the canal, which determines by means of ^ gll, the variations in the state of flow.
It is, of course, true also that it is not necessary that the results of different ships, even sim-
ilar ones, be identical.
We may attempt to explain the existence of a critical speed, at least in the case of a
ship with a single propeller, for which the rudder efficiency and the course stability of route
depend very largely on the conditions of the propeller operation. When the speed is small, the
effect of the restricted wate- does not make itself felt, the sUite of flow is steady, the disturb-
ances are not very numerous, and they are all the easier to correct since the "lost times''
(reflex times of the pilot, times of rudder change) are small with respect to the "natural re-
sponse time" of the ship (which is the time, for instance, which it takes for the ship to travel
its own length).
When the speed increases, there comes a moment when the flow is no longer steady;
then there are increased risks of yawing motions resulting in a difficulty of passing through
the canal, which finds expression in an increase of the rudder angle and in the number of bad
If the speed increases even more while remaining in the zone of unsteady flow, the
resistance becomes very great and the propeller works with an increased slip ratio which is
favorable to the rudder efficiency; there occurs in that case a reduction of the rudder angle
and in the number of bad passages.
Hence, there may exist a speed, close to the speed of the change of flow, for which the
difficulties of passing through the canal are increased. Hence, for a given ship, the greater
the effect of the restricted water, the lower the critical speed f'om the point of view of maneu-
verability. This is indeed what Figure 5 shows; several propulsion tests carried out for
the tanker A show, moreover, that the critical speed occurs at a slightly lower speed than
that for which there is a very sudden increase in the resistance.
In the case of a ship with two propellers, the change in the state of flow is very certain
to produce disturbances; however, we have not carried our tests far enough to state positively
that beyond the critical speed, the influence of the propeller makes itself felt sufficiently to
reduce again the difficulties of passing through the canal.
Tests recently carried out on a tanker with two propellers have yielded a negative resuU; however, the
number of passages with a variable rate of change was too small for any valid conclusion to be drawn.
For L = 200 m and V = 5 m/sec, the time for setting up the circulation would be of the order of 40 sec while
the time of change from —30 deg to +30 deg is only 15 sec for a rate of change of 4 deg/sec.
order of the time which the rudder takes to travel its own length. The advantage of increasing
the rate of change of rudder is then a greater one.
Let us finally take note of the fact thau, even if the model results are negative, it is
probably advantageous to reduce the time of change of rudder for the full-scale ship since
this is a lost time which is more important than the lost time due to the pilot, svhereas respect-
ing the model, these two lost times being of the same order,* the effect of the change of the
speed of rudder movement runs the risk of being obscured.** The torque on the rudder stock
always remains smaller than the torque in unrestricted water (due to the reduction of the nor-
mal speed); the increase in the rate of change of rudder, in the canal only, does not, moreover,
lead to an increase of the power of the steering gear.
A single ship with two propellers was tested in the course of the series
of tests which are being considered here: this is the tanker C. Its forms are derived from
those of the tankers of 30,000 tons for which the first test facility had been constructed; hence,
it was especially designed for the maneuverability in a canal. It has a semibalanced rudder,
whose upper portion pivots about the after edge of a skeg with a horizontal base; this arrange-
ment is favorable to the rapid setting up of the circulation about the rudder since it is well
clear of 'he hull, and favorable for course keeping because of the extended skeg. In addition,
the ruddet area is indeed Larger than usual ' and its rate of change likewise (8 deg/sec in a
The maneuverability of the tanker C may be compared to that of the tankers \ and U
with a single propeller and a balanced rudder which were tested in the same model canal
under similar conditions of draft and of depth of water in the canal.
The table indicates the test conditions under which the three vessels msy be
compared. The absolute values given for A and B are those of the full-scale ships, whereas
the values indicated for C correspond to a ship geometrically similar to the full-scale ship
such that the canal is the same for the three ships+t (wicHh of channel bed: 51.60; slope of
the bank 1 ?,).
For a I '•Jf-scaie model, the chnni;e of rudder from -30 dee to *30 dee is effected '.n less than 3 sec if the
speed of change of the ship rudder is 4 deg/sec.
It is possibl« -uch a case that a good mode! pilot does not feel the need for a rapid change of rudder, and
that the opposite applies for a second-rate pilot.
i. projected area of the rudder
'Under the test condition 2r (see table), the ratio ■—■ = 0.029-
longitudinal area of the hull
' 'In the same model canai, we have actually tested ship models on different scales (1/32.5 for A and i!,
1/29-8 for C).
Tiio condition ]_ may be compared to the condition 1.; moreover, it is a priori leas
difficult (larpor rudder area, greater rate of change of rudder,* larger S/S5). The ships A and
C give rise to similar phenomena for the conditions 1. and lc, respectively: up to 8 knots,
the passage is relatively easy, but from 8 to 9 knots (maximum speed of the tests), it becomes
very difficult: am = 30 deg; and the proportion of bad passages is high: 1/3 to 1/2 for 1 ;
1/1 for lc.
Variable Conditions
Number Depth of
Fixed Conditions Draft
of (Ship) Water s
Test m (Canal) 25
Ship A
Length between perpendiculars - 250 m 1A 7.9 13.75 4.6
Beam = 34.1 n
47.0 m2
Rudder area ^A
10.2 12.9 3.3
50.5 m2
Rate of change of rudder = 4 and G de^ sec 10.7 12.9 3.2
Ship B
Length between perpenniculars = 229 m
Beam = 32.2 ^ In 10.2 12.9 3.5
41 m
Rudder area
18.0 m2
Rate of change of rudder - 5 deg/sec
Ship C
Length between perpendiculars ~ 248 m
The condition 2C may be compared to conditions 2A, 3Ai and 1B, but hero again and
for the same reasons, it is a priori less difficult. For ■2C, the tests were carried out only be-
tween 5.2 and 6.8 knots: a „ = -^0 deg, the proportion of bad passages is 2/3.
For 2,, between 5.2 and 6.5 knots (critical zone for the maneuverability), a^a% = 30
deg, |51 = 12.5 deg; the proportion of bad passages is 1/10.
For 3A, between 4.8 and 6.2 knots (critical zone), ama% = 30 deg, | almax = 12.5 'leg;
the proportion of bad passages is 1/5.
For 1B, between 6.1 and 7.4 knots (critical zone), a]Tiax = 25 deg, | «|max = 10 cleg; the
proportion of bad passages is 1/20.
The comparison between lc and 1A, on the one hand, and between 2C and 2A, 3A, 1B,
on the other, show that-for difficult transit conditions, a good solution with two propellers
remains inferior to a classical solution with a single propeller. In ballast-trim, however, the
difference between the two solutions would generally be smaller than under load* since the
single propeller, of large diameter, and the rudder then work under bad conditions (chances of
One may ask if by giving an important role to a human pilot, one does not introduce a
subjective element likely to distort the phenomena which one -wishes to measure. However,
the results obtained show that the method used enables us to form a correct idea concerning
the qualities of a ship and even to establish objective laws which are confirmed with a rea-
sonable approximation by all the ships tested.
A good example of this statement, it seems to us, is the obvious fact that there exists
a critical speed from the point of view of maneuverability in a canal; for a speed somewhat
below that, of the "wall" of resistance, it is found that it is difficult to maneuver, whereas
for lower or higher speeds,, this difficulty-disappears. Results obtained under these very
different conditions agree pretty well with one another.
If, contrary to our expectations, the effect of the ra-t-o of change of rudder turned out to
be practically zero, it is probably due to the fact that the tests dealt with single-screw ships
for which the lift at the moment of the rudder change is not produced in quite the same manner
as on a twin-screw ship. New tests will have to be undertaken to clear up this problem.
We have shown on the basis of an example what difference exists, from the point of
view of maneuverability, between a ship with two propellers considered to bo
excellent and a ship with a single propeller of classic design. For difficult transit conditions,
the ship with a single propeller proves to be the best in any case; this does not imply, how-
ever, that adequate characteristics are unobtainable for a ship with two propellers.
In this paper we have not been concerned with a comparison between the model and the
full-scale ship. There is a lack of sufficient data in this connection; moreover, it is difficult
to make a complete comparison because, apart from the hydrodynamic scale effects, there may
exist scale effects which are due to the nonsimilarity of the lost times (rapidity of estimating
the yawing motions, reflex times of the pilot, and possibly, times for transmitting the orders).
We can state positively, however, that the ships which have been found to be satisfactory in
the model basin have always proved to be very maneuverable in actual canals.
1. Brard, R., "Essais en modele de canal de modeles de navires autopropulse's,"
Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique (1950).
2. de Verdiere, G. and \udren, V., "Influence des formes de navires et de gouvernails
sur la navigation en canal. Comparaison du modele et du reel," association Technique Mari-
time et Aeronautique (1951). •'
3. Brard, R., "Maneuvering of Ships in Deep Water, in Shallow Water, and in Canals,"
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (1951).
« <s>
o o o o
o o o & Ö o Q> o r,.n oo« oo o cb o
Q> o
^ oo o o oo oo o
o 1
<9 ^o 11 12
Figure 3
= 3 «3
.J6. O K
oo 6»
ia_ -4X-
0 o d» oo
T 1
oo aooo 3
9 ' e model has struck
O the bonk
Q o
Ci o o O
-& :r
o o o
■" ■
9 ^o ^^ ^Ä
Figure i
o~ J 1
.1 i
M 6
1 ll 1
. -, 1
| I
I 1 fcnier $
u, i
J | {fenktr C
^ [_.
a. 1 « i
Figure 5
H. E. Sounders:
I wish simply to point out one feature which I believe is responsible for the critical
nature of the maneuvering of these models at the speed which you call the "critical speed."
You do not give the water depth. I can't calculate the speed of the solitary wave but I am
sure that your trouble comes when the ship is either rising up on the back of a solitary wave
or getting over on the top of it. Your difficulty comes about by running at the speed of the
solitary wave. The water depth should be somewhat in the order of a foot and a half.
The critical speed for maneuverability coincides approximately with the change between
steady and unsteady flow; it is below the speed of the solitary wave (which we never attained).
As pointed out in the paper, the speed of change of flow depends not only on S £5 but also on the
water depth // by m^ans of \'gll.
H. E. Saunders:
V. E. W lliams:
1 would like to ask one question. In work that wp did. sponsored by TMB. we found
that the performance of a ship is greatly affected by the rate of the motion of the control sur-
face and as p function of the stability of the boat. 1 would like to ask the author what is the
relative stability of the boat.
V. E. Williams:
The boat that is relatively stable will be less affected by the rate of motion of the con-
trol surface, whereas a boat that is very unstable will be greatly affected by the greater
motion of the control surface.
^. T. Mothews:
I would like to thank Mr. Bindel for the excellent description in his paper of his shallow-
water maneuvering facilities. I would like to ask Mr. Bindel if he considers any useful pur-
pose could be brought about by breaking down the overall problem into a number of components.
For instance, to use the model and canal for finding out the proximity to the bank required for
grounding and then to measure the stability and control derivatives of the model in the horizontal
plane under shallow-water conditions. Then I think the important next step is the standard
analog computer, and it wouldn't be difficult to have a simulator rigged up for three degrees
of freedom so that you could have a 1:1 time correspondence on the system. Then the problem
narrows down to steering the vessel within known restrictive tracks. Furthermore, you could
have perhaps a more realistic space system which was referred to this morning.
1 think it would be very interesting to divide the problem into components but the
number of these is great and, therefore, is also great the number of tests to deal with the
whole of the question. A significant advantage of our method is to enable us to find very
quickly if a given ship is good or not. But, for systematic series of tests it would be useful
to determine the effect of the various parameters, and, for that case, to keep in mind the
feasibility of a simulator.
C. G. Moody:
Mr. Bindel has given us some interesting statistics on the handling qualities of ships
in canals. His note on the existence of a critical speed is intriguing. No doubt it is asking
a great, deal, but ir, continuing with this work it would be very helpful if he could supplement
those statistics with some pertinent observations on the accompanying physical phenomena.
The author has followed the best scientific tradition in showinu all of the data points,
including one lonesome point, in Figure 3. There are transient effects in canal tests that
could easily make one data point different from the others. In this instance,though, the
lonesome point may have some significance; for it is not only the highest point in the figure,
but the lowest points in the same region are higher than the lowest points in any other part
of the figure.
The ship speeds represented in these tests were well below the solitary wave speed
for the approximately 13-meter water depth of the main channel. However, the wave pattern
of the ship is affected along the sides of the canal by the shallow water over the sloping
It may be of interest to note in this connection that a solitary wave can be created by
the sudden entrance of a vessel into the confined water of a canal, or by the initial accel-
eration of a vessel that is set in motion within the canal. In some canal tests at the David
Taylor Model Basin it was found that the starting movement of the model ander the carriage
created a wave crest about ^ inch (or 6 mm) hiph which ran out ahead of the model down the
channel, and also a wave hollow which simultaneously ran in the opposite direction astern of the
model. A similar occurrence was reported by Rear Admiral E. A. Wright* (then Lieutenant
Commander Wright) but in that instance the wave, which was observed in the Experimental
Model Basin at the Washington Navy Yard, was only a few thousandths of an inch high.
The author attributes the fact that the handling qualities of the ship are improved when
the speed is increased above the critical speed, as shown in Figure 4, to the greater propul-
sive thrust, which is favorable to the rudder action. A practical solution to the problem of
handling such ships in canals consequently is to put a tugboat behind the ship to hold back
on the stern and in this way to increase the propeller thrust of the ship at a given speed.
The hawser should be fairly long to permit the tug and the ship to steer independently of
each other, and generally should be attached to the tug at a point about 0.2 of the length
from the bow. The point of attachment should be a little forward of the center of lateral
resistance of the tug on a straight course in yaw; that is to say, it should be a little for-
ward of the point that Mr. H. E. Newton has aptly referred to in his paper as the "neutral
point." The paddle tugs of the British Admiralty are well suited to this purpose because
they can back both paddles and still steer with the rudder in the normal fashion while going
ahead. The idea of using a tug astern of a ship for this purpose has been previously presented."
j. L. Goldman;
Mr. Bindel has mentioned the phenomenon of the twin-screw vessel bcnefitling from a
very high rate of rudder change, that is, in the order of 8 degrees per second, whereas the
single-screw ship, as I understand it, receives no benefit from this phenomenon. I wonder if
the explanation that Mr. Bindel gave us is the correct one or if there is possibly Ei simpler
one that explains it. Is it just that in the twin-screw ship, as the rudder swings over more
rapidly, it comes more quickly into the screw race coming off from one of the propellers,
and then the rudder becomes more effective. We have found so often that until the rudder gets
into a propeller race on a twin-screw vessel that to fix a lower speed is not very effective at
all. Perhaps he is accomplishing this. I would like to ask this as a question.
* Wright, E. A., Comments on "The Effect of Size of Vowing Tank on Model Resistance," Transactions,
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 50, p. 187 (1942).
♦* Moody, C. G., "The Handling of Live Suoer Ships through Gaillard Cui of the Panama Canal," David Taylor
Model Basin Report 1277 (Oct 1958).
Mr. Bindel's reply:
I think that the remark of Mr. Goldman may contribute for a part to the understanding of
the matter. The explanation I gave concerns a twin-screw ship with a rudder well clear of the
hull and well clear of the propellers; if you turn the rudder, the time to establish the circu-
lation is of the order of the time for the rudder to travel its own length. On the contrary, for
a single-screw ship the time to establish the circulation is of the order of time for the ship
to travel its own length. Setting up of circulation on a twin-screw ship and on a single-screw
ship is therefore different.
Technical Director
Hydromechanics Laboratory
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington J, DC.
In the course of analyzing the causes for the grounding of several merchant vessels ia
the Panama Canal, th? author had occasion to investigate the effect of "bank suction" in
narrow canals on the controllability of transiting vessels. This effect is well known and
easily explained in nualitative terms; however, nuantitatively, the effects arc not easily com-
puted and, in general, must be obtained experimentally. Model tests lend themselves for this
purpose ar.d have often been resorted to.
An extensive investigation on model scale was carried out in the David Taylor Model
Basin in 1946-48 at the request of the Panama Canr.1 Company. The primary purpose of this
investigation was to obtain data for selecting the best channel cross section and the charac-
teristics of channel bends for a modernized Panama Canal but, as a byproduct, numerical data
on bank suction effects were also obtained. The results of this investigation were published
in TMB Report 601 by R.S. Garthune, B. Rosenberg, D. Cafiero, and C.R. Olson.
In view of the narrowly prescribed objective of the project, no attempt was made in
Report 601 to draw broad conclusions from the data. Hence, when the writer in the aforemen-
tioned study attempted to use the data for estimating bank suction effects for ships of vari-
ous sizes, a complete re-analysis of the pertinent data became necessary. This analysis
and the results obtained are presented in the following.
When a ship or similar body proceeds at steady speed through a fluid at rest, fluid is
continuously displaced at the bow and transported around the ship to fill the void behind the
stem. This flow produces pressures on the hull which in unrestricted water are balanced,
port and starboard, so that no'forces tending to transport the ship laterally arise. The same
will be true in a channel restricted in width as long as the ship advances along the oenterline
of the channel. However, it is no longer true when the ship advances parallel to but to one
side of the channel centerline. In this case, the pressures on port and starboard are different
in magnitude and distribution so that lateral forces and yawing moments arise. In general,
the directions of these forces and moments are such that the vessel will be transported toward
the nearer bank, and the bow tends to sheer away from the nearer bank. An exception may
arise when tho vessel has a large initial yaw. In this case, bank suction may increase the
yaw angle through Venturi effect which may not be correctable by the rudder and may lead to
the bow striking the bank.
In the investigation rofeired to, several types of tests were run and several types of
models were used. For information on these, the reader is referred to the original report.
Amongst them were tests on a model of a large tanker performed in the TMii circulalinjz-water
channel in which lateral force and turning moment were moasjred. These are the only tests
of interest here and will be discussed in the following.
The circulating-water channel of the Taylor Model Basin has a test section 22 foet
wide, 60 feet long, and 9 foet deep; the water speed can be varied up to a maximum of 10 knots.
Water depth can also be varied by running the channel partly fuii. and channel wioth can be
varied by inserting removable partitions into the test section.
The tests of interest here wore conducted on a model represenlin." a twin-screw tanker
having a lenuth of 720.6 feet, 100-foot beam, 32.13-foot draft, and fitted with a single rudder.
In these tests, the model was held stationary at zero yaw antjle (parallel to the channel walls)
with the rudder on the centerline and propellers running at self-propulsion rpm in streaming
water varying in speed trom 4.5 to 10 knots (full scale). The channel width and depth and the
position of the model with reference to the channel centerline were varied. The forces and
moments to hold the model in enuilibrium were measured by suitable instrumentation. The data
obtained, taken from Table 4.2 of TMB Report 601, are reproduced in Table 1. All dimensions
in this table are given in terms of full scale.
b. The variation of Cr- with channo! depth for constant channel width was investigated.
This resulted in the ^raph, Figure 2, in which Cp is plotted against Y/B for a constant
channel width of 500 feet (W/B = 5.0) ami for three depths: 45 feet, 60 feel, and h») feet or
H/d .- 1.40, 1.866, and 2.49.
c. The location of the center of lateral pressure on the hull was fouad by plotting the
measured yawing moment M against the computed product FL. This resulted in the praph,
Figure 3.
In each figure, faired curves were drawn throuph the experimental spots. It will be siren that
the spots are considerably dispersed but nevertheless show consistent trends. This consist-
ency enabled construction of the design charts, Figures 4 and 5. In Figure 5, CV- is given as
a function of Y/B for constant values of channel width to beam ratios. Figure 4 gives the
location of the center of lateral pressure x determined from the relation
and of the depth correction factor (a) applicable to Cp determined from the relation
The application of the design charts becomes clear from the following numerical
example. Find the bank suction force and the yawing moment in a restricted rectangular
channel when the ship is advancing; parallel to the bank but to one side of the centerlinc of
the channel, assuming the following data to be given:
W/B = J.ti
ll/d 1.61
Cy = 0.0390
a 0.015
x = - 0.226
The minus sign indicates that the moment is counterclockwise when the force is considered
positive pointing to starboard, and inversely.
Channel *i J
Yawing Total
nun jpeeu
Kid h Depth Hofflent f .ater«! Force Y/B Cf
No. , Slope knots* feet feet-tons
fee t feet feet-tons tons
n \f 1
r 10.0 119.5 -17.482 630 1.195 0.0221 45.400
77 5 )0 60 4.56 23.3 - 195 0.9 C.233 0.00152 648
23 45.8 - 435 3.6 0.458 0.00606 2.590
24 92.4 - 1,073 7,9 0.924 0.0133 5.690
25 119.4 - 1.500 12.9 1.194 0.0217 9,920
TABLE 1 (Continued)
61 Y \ \f r ^ 1
166.3 - 7.875 73.0 j 1.663 U.0256 52.600
f2 770 1 « - 900 4.3 3.098
1 ' 1 4.56 97.3 | 0.973 0.00724
fThe minus sign indicates a counteiclockwise moment when F is pointing to s taiboard. and inver seiy.
Negative yawing moment indicates a tendency to sheet away ram the neat ba nk.
In the investigation from which the data in Table 1 were taken, the lateral forces and
yawing moments wore measured with and without propellers running; the difference between
the two sets of data was found to be small. From this it may be concluded that bank suction
effects are not greatly affected by propeller action and that the data presented may be used
for estimating bank suction effects for single-screw as well as for twin-screw merchant ships
of relatively full form.
One restriction on the use of the given data for estimating bank suction effects is the
fact that the data apply only for the condition when the ship advances parallel to but to one
side of the contorline of the channel. As indicated previously, bank suction produces both a
lateral force and a turning moment. Hence, for the vessel to be in diroctionally stable e')ui-
librium, an enual and opposite force and moment must bo applied. In general, the rudder alone
is not able to supply this force and moment and the vessel must be allowed to take on a small
yaw angle to supplement the rudder effort; in other words, the vessel must bo allowed to
advance crab fashion. Therefore, the conditions at which tho tests wore run are not oouilib-
rium conditions. In view of this, it might seem that the data given are of little practical use;
however, this view would be unduly pessimistic. The condition of tho vessel advancing to one
side and parallel to the channel contorline is an unfavorable one. Hence, if the rudder has
sufficient power to counteract bank suction for this condition, in general, it will also bo able
to control tho ship for other conditions. An exception to this may occur when the ship
develops a large initial sheer and tho moment developed by bank suction tends to increase
rather than break the sheer. In this case, uncontrollable motion may result that may end in
0.06 L
cF =
F - Lateral force in pounds
P - Fluid density
/. = Ship length in feet
c = Ship draft in feet
v = Ship speed in feet ^er second
Y = Distance from channel centerline
B - Ship besni in feet
\V = Channel width in feet
"5-= 1.40 (Faired Curve from Figure )l
m 4
0.04 /'
£ 4/
^^ £ V
y r
• A
• Spoil ore values given in Table
3 ^ s^ r^*^
r 0.4 1.2 1.6 2.0 i4 2.8 3.2
Scale for -i-
.'0 S 1
/ j /
— i
. /
A ^j —
50 i /
A =2 49
^ = ,87 i
A \
/ / / 1
O /
/ /
—- / /
• / / X' ^
I 50 / 4 ^
/ / y (
w ■■■y
/ y
Spofs o re va ues given i i Tatle 1
\i K r
/ o
0 1 ? 3 4 5 B 7 8 9 0 ii 12 3 4 15 6 7 8 9 2
Scale for M.iÖ^
Figure 3 -- Graph of h'L versus Yawing Moment for Constant Values of H/d
-0.6 Tl.2
-0 4
Seal« for-S-
£ 0.06
1.6 2D 2.4
Scot» for 4-
p 2(Ld)v2
F = Lateral force in pounds
p = Fluid density
L = Ship length in feet
d =Ship draft in feet
v = Ship speed in feet per second
y = Distance from channel centerlme
H =Ship beam in feet
It may be stated that the broad objective in the field of stability and
control of ships is to achieve the best stability and maneuverability
characteristics commensurate with other design requirements. It is not
always obvious, however, what is categorically the "best" as in some
other fields of naval architecture. Many of the previous att-: mpts to define
these elusive qualities have been highly subjective and wrapped up in the
lore of the experienced ship operators. Furthermore, judgments are
usually inade after delivery and long term use of a ship rather than on the
bisis of predetermined goals.
undoubtedly contribute to the overall picture. Their weakness lies in their
use as figures of merit since they usually lead to qualitative interpretations
such as "acceptable" or "unacceptable." Furthermore, a profound know-
ledge of mathematics and systems analysis of the type found only among
the highly specialized is required to fully understand the implications of
such analyses. The operators, on the other hand, are concerned more in-
timately with ship behavior as it really exists in point of full-scale time
and environmental forcing functions. The operators are the customers
and must live with the ship long after the design has left the drafting table
and research laboratory. Thus to establish an effective system for de-
fining handling qualities, it is necessary to bridge this gap to enable a
meeting of the minds of the researcher, designer, and operator.
1. Studies of the handling qualities
The subject of stability and control of ships and other watercraft dates
back to ancient times. Tn fact it is as old as the first and most primitive
of watercraft. The importance of being able to steer and maneuver water-
craft must have been obvious even to prehistoric man. It is difficult,
therefore, to understand why progress in this field has been so slow and
haphazard throughout the centuries. An excellent survey of the historical
development of design "procedures" for maneuvering is given by Saunders
in the forthcoming third volume of his book on "Hydrodynamics in Ship
Design". 1 Consequently, the background given herein is confined to
highlights which pertain to the development of handling quality criteria.
However, the other data taken during the first half-cycle of the zig-zag
maneuver such as time to reach execute, overshoot heading angle, and
overshoot width of path are considered of more operational significance.
These data could be quantitatively used as handling quality criteria.
Unfortunately, the detailed data have not been published and have since
been either lost or destroyed.
Within the past three years, there has been a concerted effort directed
toward the development of techniques and the accumulation of data for the
purpose of establishing handling quality criteria for submarines. Naturally,
this information is contained in classified reports. The concepts and
techniques which have been developed are, in many cases, applicable to the
surface ship problem, and in fact, were utilized in forming the underlying
philosophy of this paper. Thus it can be said at the present time, that
the approach to the problem is reasonably understood. The task that re-
mains is to utilize this approach to collect sufficient data to support a
system for rating the handling qualities of surface ohips.
"Between these early days and the early years of the forties, handling
qualities were pretty generally subject to the judgment or whims of the
individual designer or pjroject pilot. The artistic aspect of configuration
design was prevalent. Even today vestiges of this ai,rtistic approach are
present in one or two companies in the United States. In the latter years
of this period, an all-encompassing statement appeared in the U. S. Army
Air Force designer's handbook that the, stability and control characteristics
should be satisfactory."
"The basic questions that these specifications seek to detail is, "What
will pilots tolerate"? To some degree and for certain requirements the
specifications reflect the question "What do pilots like"? It has been a
common misconception to interpret the specifications as design point3
rather than minimum tolerable pointe. This has been the source of poor
characteristics for certain aircraft. "
"It has been proposed that numbers be established for what is really
desired, but generally this has not been done as yet."
Maneuve.-s which define inherent qualities are considered preferable
because they directly provide specific numerical measures from a single
maneuver oi a given type. Also, these measures are indicative of the
maximum potentialities of the ship system without qualification as to the
efficiency of the operator in executing the maneuver. On the other hand,
maneuvers which define qualities associated with the complete system are
much more cumbersome and time consuming. Such a maneuver must be
repeated many times with several operators, possessing varying degrees
of skill, to furnish data which then must be statistically analyzed to ob-
tain the desired figures of merit. Nevertheless, there are cases where the
latter type of maneuver must be used if certain handling qualities are to
be directly manifested.
1. The ability to maintain course with a small amount of
heading error, course error, and rudder activity
01 c\
ships, free-running models, and analog computers utilizing hydrodynamic
force and moment data derived from captive model tests. An attractive
feature of the maneuver for full-scale tests is that it can usually be car-
ried out with the ship's own instrumentation. The basic maneuver, which
can be carried out when sea room is not at a premium, is conducted as
The numerical measures obtained from the spiral maneuver are the
steady rates of change of heading versus rudder angles. A plot of these
variables is indicative of the inherent characteristics-of the ship. If the plot
is a single continuous curve going from right rudder to left rudder, as shown
in Figure la, the ship is said to be directionally stable. If, however, the
plot consists of two branches joined together to form a "hysteresis" loop,
as shown in Figure lb, the ship is said to be directionally unstable. In
addition, the size of the loop (height and width) can be used as a numerical
measure of the degree of instability; the larger the loop, the more unstable
the ship. The width of the loop is also a fairly direct indication of probable
course-keeping ability since it defines the envelope of rudder angles which
must be employed to keep the ship from swinging from port to starboard.
Unfortunately, the spiral technique as presently used does not define the
degree of stability for stable ships. The slope of the rate curve at the
origin seems to be indicative of degree of stability for directionally stable
ships. Also, the time required for the turning rate to decrease to zero
when the rudder is returned to zero or neutral angle may provide a numerical
measure of degree of stabiliTy. Further analysis of these techniques is re-
quired to establish these relationships, however, and it m?y develop that a
supplementary definitive maneuver may be needed in the case of directionally
stable ships.
Rudder Angle
The time to reach execute is a direct numerical measure of ability to rapidly
initiate changes in course. The heading and path-width overshoots are
measures of course-checking ability and are indicative of the amount of
anticipation and latitude of error that the helmsman is permitted if he is
to remain within tolerable limits of the maneuver.
Execute (2)
Recovery Course
/ Regain Speed
1. The propeller speed is adjusted to an rpm corresponding
to a predetermined speed and when a steady rpm is
achieved, the throttle settings are not changed for the
balance of the maneuver.
The numerical measures obtained from the turning circle tests are
the tactical and steady-turning diameter, advance, transfer, times to change
heading 90 and 180 degrees, and loss of speed in turning. All of these
measures should be taken into consideration in defining handling qualities
associated with this type of maneuver.
It has not been common practice in this country to carry out either full-
scale maneuvering trials or model tests to evaluate handling qualities of
commercial ship types. In fact, it has only been in recent years that naval
ship types have been tested to evaluate handling qualities other than those
associated with turning circles. Consequently, there is only a limited
amount of such data in existence. Furthermore, due to classification re-
strictions, only a small amount of the existing data is available for general
publication. It is hoped, therefore, that enough interest in the problem will
be generated to encourage ship owners to carry out the necessary tests
with existing and new ships and thus contribute to the general fund of data
on handling qualities of surface ships.
«•V 1
^ 1
^^ VM 1
h-^l o (NJ ■* ■<*< o (N] r- r~
v a4 t-- O -* i—t r- O ■* "* !
T3 go 1 •—« ro (M m M m CM (NJ 1
3 i
-**» i
o O O in 'T\ o o o i
V o O m r- ■* o in m 1
-^ 04 (M 00 o r- f~ !
nj o fSJ in o -£ 00 0^ o o
O, 1 .—< ■—i —4 (M •—« r—4 —4 -■H
(0 |
Q 1
E (D rd
'u& m
H in U-! r-4 o o r^ O o
rr\ vO •X. -1 30 -* ■*
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.—« 00
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4) «"
^ ^> "* a"-, m *0 m in
1 C
1 *^ * ^ 3 ^ -^
0J H co c^^o^
k, en CO CO co co co .. to w
SR - Single
! 1 I
SS - Single
u i
TR - Twin
TS - Twin
to CO t/1 CO co to CO
Sk - SKeg
0) ! to CO CO H H H H N §
1 Q
1 -•-,
1 •"
rt ; «
c «< m U q ^ U. a ffi 4-»
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; «
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•• k•
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, < M ffl -o u u
■o- S
" 5 *"
Hi o»^o«^o oooo
o J-
o oo o o oooo oooo o o
■ y o
o ^ r- o o p«.
The numerical measures in Table 2 are derived from the spiral,
overshoot, and turning circle maneuvers. The measures associated with
the spiral maneuver are the maximum variation of steady heading rate
at zero or neutral angle (height of hysteresis loop) and maximum variation
of rudder angle at zero steady heading rate (width of loop). For directionally
stable ships, both of these quantities become zero and beyond this point
there is no further indication of "degree" of stability. The overshoot ma-
neuvers are essentially zig-zag maneuvers conducted either with rudder
angles of ± 20 degrees and execute heading angles of ± 20 degrees or rudder
angles of ± 10 degrees and execute heading angles of ± 10 degrees. The
former are considered to be more preferable for defining course-changing
ability; the latter are directly comparable with Kempf's data. The measures
taken during the first half cycle of the maneuver, namely time to reach
execute and overshoot heading angle are considered to be most significant.
However, the reach which is the time to complete the first half cycle of the
heading trajectory and the period which is the time to complete succeeding
whole cycles are also listed for comparative purposes. The numerical
measures taken from the turning circle maneuver are the tactical diameter,
advance, transfer, time to reach 90 degrees change of heading, time to
reach 180 degrees change of heading, and loss of speed after 180 de-
grees change of heading. For any of the foregoing measures, the best
performance is characterized by the lowest value. However, some of the
qualities have a tendency to be conflicting and, therefore, it may not be
possible for a given ship to have all of the lowest numbers among a com-
parable group of ships.
r 100 percent
Height Width
in degrees /second in degrees
-100 percent
0 0
0 to 0.2 Oto3
0.2 to 0.4 3 to 8
0.4 to 0.8 8 to 20
(o) Height of Loop (b) Width of Loop
1 ),
1 <;s
9 1
r ^r
' M k 1
L 1 w 1 1 a
: 1 1 1 1
I? 14 20
Speed in ^nors
10 12 14 16 20
Speed in Knots
The envelopes surrounding the spots in Figures 5 and 6 exhibit con-
siderable spread among existing ships both in time to reach execute and
overshoot angle. This suggests room for significant improvements in
these respects and should serve as an incentive and challenge to the de-
signers .
The rapidity with which a turn can be initiated (time to reach execute)
appears to be determined primarily by the effectiveness of the rudder in
providing turning moment to the ship. On the basis of an examination of
the other characteristics of the ships corresponding to the spots on
Figure 5, the directional stability does not appear to influence the time to
reach execute. On the other hand, the ships with greater rudder effective-
ness (those with rudders in the propeller race) appear to grcup themselves
near the lower bound of the envelope curve for time to reach execute.
-S Exe(
Z 200
Advancs in yords
800 ;
'ol n
.'■'•vr/' ;;
": , ■'.■'■\ ■
■ ■X ■"""■■ '■:* Q:--- 0
.' ' ■ 0
p 0
e 700
r9 :■: ■ '■'■'- '■::.
5 3 0 2 4 6 8 20
Approach Speed in knots
0 0. ■
'v. .:.. '■.■.v. 0 ■ :'■':■/.'■.
a 9
' 1
10 12 i4 16 18 20
Approcch Speed in knots
12 14
Approach Speed in knots
«r 16
18 20
cz O
r III m
« 100
c= ■o
a> 10 12 14 !6 18 20
Approach Speed in knots
300 - ■—'
r" 250
cr CD
o 0
o 6 o ■
10 12 14 16 18 20
Approoch Speed in knots
| 30 i
■B 1
!0 tfX?
0 < b
o Ä )'':"
E K-Q-- ta
'S n
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Approoch Speed in knots
Figure 14 - Speeds Remaining after 180 Degrees Change in Heading from
Turning Circle Maneuvers with 35 Degrees Rudder
The overshoot angles shown by Figure 6 appear to be affected both
by directional stability and rudder effectiveness. It is difficult to say
which of these factors has the strongest influence but it was noted that
the excessively large- overshoot angles were always obtained with the ships
that had a high degree of directional instability. For example, in the case
of the twin-rudder naval auxiliary whose directional instability was mark-
edly decreased by addition of a skeg but whose rudder effectiveness was
essentially unaltered, the overshoot angle was reduced from about 28 to
1 1 degrees.
In the past, the tactical diameter has been emphasized as the primary
numerical measure of the effectiveness of a ship in turning circle ma-
neuvers. It has been at least tacitly assumed that once the designer
has exe.rcised latitude in favor of a given tactical diameter, the values
of the ptesuiting quantities such as advance, transfer, times for heading
changes, and speed remaining after 180 degrees are inevitable. It is
the philosophy of this paper to point out where ultimate refinements are
possible rather than to compress the data into a rigid mold. Consequently,
it is advocated that each of these numerical measures be scrutinized to
see what improvements can be made in each without significantly affecting
the others. For example, if a comparison is made on the basis of equal
tactical diameter, it can be readily seen that among the ships surveyed
there is a substantial spread in the values of advance, times for heading
changes, and speed remaining after turning. Thus, there is evidence that
the designer has some control over all of these qualities.
The overshoot angle does not vary with size of ship hence a nomograph
similar to that for initial turning movement is not necessary. Overshoot
angles of 5. 5 degrees for 8 knots and 8.5 degrees for 16 knots are sug-
gested as tentative criteria. Straightline interpolations for other speeds
may be used as required.
Turning Criteria
I Time to Change Speed Remaining After
; Ship Tactical Heading Changing Heading
Length Diameter Advance 180 degrees 180 degrees
feet yards yards seconds knots
23 S
The advent of new and improved facilities such as the Rotating Arm
and Maneuvering and Seakeeping Basins at the Taylor Model Basin should
provide a stimulus for attacking problems in the stability and control of
surface ships which have been neglected for centuries. With such facilities
and the attendant advances that have been made in instrumentation and test
techniques, it should be possible to study handling qualities much more
intensively than has been done in this paper. Accordingly, it is recom-
mended that a concerted effort be made to prevail upon the ship ovners,
shipbuilders, and model basins to accumulate data from definitive ma-
neuvers, particularly on merchant ship types. Such definitive maneuvers
should not only be of the type contained herein but should be designed to
reveal the handling qualities of ships when subjected to the effects of
environment, restricted channels, acceleration and deceleration, and other
unusual circumstances.
Once it is known how good the various handling qualities can be, the
designer will be in a much better position to make decisions as to what
compromises he is willing to make. It then remains to provide him with
the fundamental hydrodynamic data and other design criteria to help him
achieve his predetermined end result.
1. Saunders, H. E., "Hydrodynamics in Ship Design, " Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, New York (expected date
of publication 1961) Vol. 3.
6. Nomoto, K. , "Tagucm. f., Honda, K., and Hirano. S., "On the
Steering Qualities of Ships, " International Shipbuilding Progress,
Vol. 4, No. 35 (1957).
Seizo Motora
University of Tokyo
a) Added mass m as defined from the difference between the moment of inertia in a vacuum
mv and that in a fluid (m + m ) v:
b) Added mass m ' as defined from the difference between the period of oscillation in a
vacuum \>.T7 \/ m/k and that in a fluid -2 n\f{in + m') /k\
c) Added mass m " as defined from the difference between the momentum in a vacumm mv
and that in a fluid (in 4 m") i<\
d) \dded mass ///'"as defined from the difference between the kinetic energy in a vacuum
1 2 1
— mv and that in a fluid — (in + //("") v \ etc.
■_> o
The added masses based upon these different definitions do not always coincide with
each other, except in the ca-e of the motion in an ideal fluid without free surface; therefore a
value of the added mass by one definition cannot he used as the value of added mass by other
definitions.1 \ccordingly. in developing the equation of motion ot ship-;, it i-^ necessary iu
determine fir^t of all which definition of tin» added mass or added moment of inertia should be
since the free surface has the greatest effect on the added ma^<, the effect of free sur-
face should be considered fir-t.
It has been disclosed that the effect of free surface on the added mass, when a body in
water is accelerated in one direction, is equal to the effect of reverse inane of a body to the
free surface.1,2 When, there. mn is taken as the added mass without free surface
and in as the added mass with free surface, then it follows
and the virtual inert ial resistance equal to m x is produced in the body.
Let Ö represent the velocity potential: then the condition of free surface in this case
is !zi\ en by
0 = 0 at t - {) [2]
ß = K j x + /v 0 x, [3]
(m + m j) x + K l x + (A + A0) j; = / cos wt
This equation may imply that the virtual increase of restoring force has resulted. Since,
however, the body is in the steady motion and thence j = - u x, the change of the restoring
force can be regarded as the change of the virtual inertia. The equation of motion can, there-
fore, be explained, if the mass is regarded to be
It follows from the above that the calculation of the period of the body using the equa-
tion 7' = ü TT \/("'. + in),'k may not give a rc^ult consistent with the experimental data, but, in-
stead, the equation
T =2n
should be u;-ed.
It should be noted, however, that the inertial resistance when the body is accelerated
from the steady state to the nonsieady state is still (w + w.) x and not {m + m.- I\2.'w2)-r.
Next, let us consider the relation between m and m\ when putting
m + m m [71
The condition on the free surface of the velocity potential of a body in steady oscilla-
tion is
<t> ,,.2 dz
It follows that:
1) When the frequency is much greater than the acceleration of gravity, then
0=0 [9!
This condition is, therefore, equal to the condition of free surface in case of non-
steady acceleration.
■\ccordingly, the effect of free surface in this case becomes the reverse image effect;
that is,
m'= in. ~ vi + reverse image effect [101
2) 'Vhen the frequency is much smaller than the acceleration of gravity, or in other words,
in case of slow oscillation, the condition of free surface is
— = 0 [11]
In this case, therefore, the free surface acts as a solid wall, and gives the image
effect, namely,
. HI ' = m, - m.. + image effect - rn . + -2 r image effect. [11-a]
3) For a finite u between Equations [l] and [2], the effect of free surface becomes very
complicated. Experimental results for heaving and pitching have already been given by
''icrritsma6 and by Golovato." Figure 1 gives the results of calculations n.ade by
Yamamoto as to subnu'rged cylinder and sphere, which indicates tm> value- of «;' for
various periods. Figure 1 is shown on the basis of the eenod made dimensionies.^. \t
7 - 0, m'is smaller than the value without free surface, due to reverse image effect,
and with the increase of the period the1 virtual mass first becomes smaller than m., then
increases, siirpa^sin.-r m , and eventually becomes equal to m,, as the p-rif«! becomes
Figure 2 stu/.v- the results of an experiment carried out by the author, in which the
ad litional moment of inertia about the vertical axis of a ship has been obtained from
the period of torsional oscillation of a steel bar attached to ship's side. Phe curve in
Figure 2 has a similar tendency to that in Figure 1. and is drawn on the basis of the
period made dimensionless. '/ being the draft.
The record of this experiment clearly indicates that, though J x varies with the
change of the period, only J gives the effect on the inertia force for nonsteady
acceleration; that is. the following phenomenon is recognized.
In the region of C in Figure 2, or in the case of ,/' > J v the ship moves for the
first half-period of oscillation in the still water without waves generated, as shown in
Figure ?, (a): therefore she yaws with the period corresponding to J .. For subsequent
yaws, however, the additional inertia becomes J' because of the effect of waves, and
the period becomes much slower. On the contrary, in the region of A in Figure -J, the
phenomenon is completely reversed, as shown in Figure 3 (b), because J' < J ..
reverse I
image effect
~ 2x'l a
model 4,id=i.0cm)
e^ecl of viscosity
In of j/ >jz, /n rase of Jz'< jz;
I- - ; sec-—j
h—Isec -|
ir- -v—v/ w' v-1 V'— v— V-n^i/^-^iruT u i
Figure 3 (a) Figure 3 (b)
^ V^ icsli
L nr L UL
FigurG 1 indicates the calculated added mass mentioned in the foregoing, the measured
added moment of inertia about z-axis «riven in Funire 2, and the values of added mass ob-
tained by Oorritsma6 as to heaving and pitching, which are plotted on the basis of the period
made» dimensionless. These figures show similar tendencies, though there is a little deviation
in the positions of the hunrfraTid hollow. In Figure 1, the regions of the natural period of roll-
ing of ships, of the natural period of pitching and heaving, and of the period of bending vibra-
tion of ships are also shown as shaded portions.
The bending vibration of ships has a very short period both in two and in three nodes,
so that the effect of free surface1 may be considered as the reverse image effect and m and
8, 9 10 etc
7 can be used as the added inertia. The papers, ' ' ' are denlt with from this
In the case of a rigid body, however, the period covers a wide range, a« shown in Fig-
ure !, and therefore a great difference will result according to the adoption of m'and ./'or of
7 and ./ . In the case of rolling with a long period, especially, some added masses are close
to / . U is therefore necessary to consider the kind of added mass in each, degree of freedom
which w.-.iy be most appropriate for expressing the motion.
For thi-^ purpose, the ordinate fixed to a ship is taken as shown in Figure 5, and the
added mass and moment of inertin about each axis are denote 1 as given in Table 1, each sym-
bol having the significance as indicated in Figure l. Strictly speaking, the added mass and
moment of inertia which should be included in the form of inertia in the equation of motion
for any degree of freedom should he m or / -and not m'or ./'. However, lor rolling or similar
oscillations in which the motion in the vicinity of tho natural period is evident, it may be more
useful to include /' in the term of inertia from the betrinnin<,r. On the contrary, for pitching
or heaving or similar oscillations in which damping force is so i;re:ii that the motion in the
vicinity of the natural period is not so evident as that of rtdlinu. it may be advisable to ii<e
m 'and ./'corresponding to the natural period, but, on the other hand, it is considered more
reasonable to use m and ./ from the standpoint that the oscillation due to irregular waves
is the response to continual impacts.
\s a result of the foregoin;; consider-
ations, the kinds of added mass to be adopted
have been determined, as shown in Table 2.
It should be noted that, in the case of
rolling, no serious difficulty will arise if ./ ~y
is substituted for J ,, as / is much ! renter
* 1 X
Added Mass
x-axis '"xO
m' m
x2 |
y-axis m
"So n • m
y2 \
z-axis m
n m' Tn
zl 1
Added Moment of Inertia j
x-axis ,1
xO xl ■K
, •/-
y-axis ■' VO •V ■v J
z-axis •^ ■'n -K l *
Translation! Great Great Great (short)
Rotation Nil Great Great Nil
Jzx ■^1 1
The SS KAMIKAWA MAUL (145.00m x 19.50m x 12.20m, d = 8.03m, A = 15,8250 was adopt-
eii as the parent-form of model ships. From this parent form, model ships with four different
Cb's and three different B/D's were made. They are 1.70G meters in length and are made of
wood painted with lacquer. Their particulars are shown in Table .3, and the body plans of the
patterns for each group of mode! ships are illustrated in Figure 6(a), (b). (c), and (d).
Model Sh D A B C D E j
Lm 1.700
dm 0.093
cb 0.300 0.579 0.565 0.450 0.503
C 0.807 0.582 0.599 0.555 0.613 1
c 0.992 0.983 0.943 0.811 0.983 :
i 2)
\ , n o , u o ü
i o
1 ß. 0.2280 0.1700 0.3400 0.2230 0.1700 0.3400 0.2280 0.2280 0.1700 0.3400 0.2280
| UP, 7 45G 10 C
J 7.45G 10 5 7.456 7.456 10 5 7.456
Vf 29.147 21.710 43.420 24.756 18.458 35.916 21.023 15.395 12.224 24.448
\ ' 'V 22.000
1 T//- 5.933 4.419 8.83S 5.039 3.757 7.514 4.279 I 3.337 2.488 4.976 4.478
1 11. „2 3.32 2.45 3.38 2.30 2.07 1.43
1 ' ,i'/-'''i 4.65 2.65 2.06 2.35 2.17
k L
1 ' 0.19B 0.197 0.193
0.192 0.196 0.17B 0.187 0.209 0.2üi Ö.183 0.184
The relations between C b, C , (7 55 etc. in each siroup uf model ships are determined
from the data as eiven by Vamaijata.11 The model ship E was patterned after Model Ship B0
but with extremely large cut-up. This model was made to obtain the effect of cut-up by attach-
ing different sizes of dead wood.
1) Vibration method. This method is based upon the fact that the limit of the added mass
m'obtained from the prolongation of the period of vibration is mv when the period be-
comes infinitesimal, and is intended to obtain the limit of added mass in the infinites-
imal period by changing the strength of the spring and thus causing the surging with
different periods.
This method was proved unsatisfactory, however, because it was
impossible to produce vibrations with sufficiently short period.
180 wL 18.0 WL
15.0 «. (S'S WL
li.0 in IK WL
3.» «. 5 < «L
itlWL 6.0 WL
39 WL y it
2) Acceleration method. This method 13 intended to measure the accoloration when a ship
is accelerated by applying a force of known amount, and to obtain the virtual mass from
this acceleration.
It was, however, found difficult to measure the acceleration with the required
3) Impact method. This method is intended to measure ihe initial velocity caused by the
impact of a known amount applied to a ship, and to obtain the virtual mass from this
velocity. This method proved satisfactory.
.A penauium was usea ;Of giving tue impact. AS shown in r igurc 7, trie app
» n r^o r a r 1
so contrived that the pendulum is made free after having been swung up by an angle a from
the upright position, and when it falls to the upright position then it strikes the mod^l ship
at the centorline.
Since the angular velocity of the pendulum changes from a - \ ■2gl(-(l - cos a ) //v
to ß = - \J\>glc { 1 - cos Q ) ,'K , the total amount of the impact at a distance from the sup-
porting point is
p . cosz 0 Pp.. -
— (ä+ ß) ——- = ^(0+ /3) cos2 6
y y
p p
P r-h~~
7 W 1 - cosa ++■ V
',v ß )] cos2 0
J 1 - cos /j 6 [1'2]
I <7
On the other hand, as the momentum of the ship changes because of this impact by an
amount of
then the virtual mass can be obtained as follows, by putting the above two amounts equal.
Uc ^
Fisure 7
cr~o ■^
1 L Du.-:
igurc 8
n "n / (, , 2
oos cop
n . = v' ( v' 1 - cos a + v 1 - ^ ^ [U]
u p
To obtain the initial velocity u0 . a pen was attacheri to the ship at first to record the
movement of the ship on the paper movina in a constant speed, and was attempted to be "ob-
tained from tangent at ^ = 0 of the curve thus drawn. However, as the accuracy of this method
was not satisfactory, the following method was adopted later.
As shown in Figure S, a weight w is suspended by a string attached to the stem through
a pulley with very small friction, and a stopper is fitted to prevent the ship from moving astern
beyond the position of the stopper. When the pendulum is made free after having been swung
up by an angle, then the ship begins to move with tlv? initial velocity u0 , due to the impact
of the pendulum. The ship is, however, being pulled astern constantly by the weight u'0 , so
that she returns to the original position after having moved by such a distance h that the initial
kinetic energy of the ship is balanced with the increment of potential energy of the weight due
to being pulled upwards.
Accordinglv. let h represent the distance that the ship has moved or the height that the
weight has been raised; then we obtain
where SE is the work done by the frictional resistance of the ship and the friction of the pulley.
From Equation [13], w„ is expressed by
Kp /
-21 G
r / r „
o = V ( V 1 - cos a - \j 1 - cos ft ) cosz <p
0 p
m +mxl + [151
2 l
P K PP G 4 i
xl {v/ 1 - cosa+ 7 1 - cos /3 ) COL-
(u0h + 5E) /p g 116
In this case, the question is the amount of the frictional resistance; if this is very big
as compared with w , this method cannot be used. As a result of investigations, however,
it has been found that the frictional resistance is less than 0.4 percent of wQ and therefore no
difficulty will arise if the amount, of frictional resistance is calculated as to each ship and
careful correction is made accordingly.
figure 9 shows an example of the record of the ship's movement, from which h can be
measured with sufficient accuracv.
For the purpose of examining the accuracy of the previously mentioned method, the ship
was suspended in the air by two wires, to which an impact was given by the same pendulum as
was to be used for the main experiment.
Let I represent the length of the wire, U the impact, and u the initial velocity, then
Ut = m u I
Figure 0
U can be obtained from the angle of bouncing and u from the angular displacement
of the ship.
The results of the experiment performed about ten times indicated that the ratio of the
measured value to the ship's "mass was not exactly 1.000, hut 1,031. It svas considered that
this difference could be attributed to the dissipation of the small portion of the momentum due
to the vibration of the ship caused by the impact. Therefore, the results of the experiment in
water have been corrected by i.iultiplying this ratio in all cases.
Since the work is done by the frictional resistance, the results of the measurement are
in error as if the work done w.h bv the weight it- has been somewhat increased.
Let 8E represent this work done and /? , the friciional resistance for initial velocity
u ; then
The above equation implies that the error due to the frictional resistance is the same
as the error due to the increase of the weight w„ by an amount 5'/ = — /i* <■_
o ■ .) ju
The calculation of ffrfrom Ct, using Blasius' equation, indicated that ,Sir if was
0.4 percent in the maximum, which cannot be neglectei. Therefore, the correction of the error
due to the frictional resistance was made by calculating R, on each ship.
Measurements were made ten times, first with Model Ship IV . to examine the scatter of
measured values, etc., and then ten times with each type of model ship. These measured
values were averaged, excluding the results of the measurement in which the striking of the
pendulum was deemed improper.
Figure 10 illustrates these results obtained, in which the value« of m . /m are plotted
on the basis of L.'rt . It may be noted from this figure that mx ,'m increases with the increase
of L/B - In Figure 10 are also plotted the values calculated by Lamb,12 as svell as those for
Inui's theorectical ship's forms S-201 and S-202 calculated by Ressho. There is a little liffer-
ent leniency between the curves for model ships and for prolate spheroid. This difference
may be explained by the fact that in the prolate spheriod d/B is constant, whereas in model
ships d/B is variable because d was male constant and ß was varied.
In Figure 11 m . / m are plotted on the basis of Cb. This figure indicates that the
added mass increases with the increase of Ch.
Figure 12 shows the variation of the added mass for Model Ship 3-, when d/B is
varied by changing the draft. From the fact that m /m is approximately proportional to d/B,
and moreover the values for prolate spheriod ai d/B = 0.5 and for ellipsoid at d/B *= 0.25
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure !■_>
/ A
, .' ^.7
Fißtire 1:
" % "
plotted in the same figure are also approximatftly (>roportional to d/B, it is coasidered that
xl/m is approximately proportional to d/fi.
Figure lH, indicates the variation of Tnx./m for constant d/B obtained from the above
relation. When the values of mxl/ m for each l/B at th'r points of Cb = 0.4, 0.5 0.9,
which are obtained from the readings of Figure 11, ar«; plotte'l on the basis of L/B, a group
of solid lines in Figure 13 for constant d can be drawn havinf? the, parameter of Cb.
The broken lines in Figure 13 are a group of curvf;* for constant d/B (= 0.75), which
have been drawn using the relation given in Figure 12 ("%, if proportional to d/B). From
these curves, m /m for arbitrary L/B and «i/B can be obtain«,-'! in the following way.
Take d/B corresponding to the desired draft at the bane, read the value of m /m at
this d/R on the solid line corresponding to given CL, draw a curve through this ooint parallel
to the nearest broken line (with constant d/B ) and read the value of m i/ m on this curve at
given L/B; then the value thus obtained indicates mx./m for triven L/h , Cf , and d/B.
The thick broken line in Figure 13 is for the prolate spheroid {d/B = 0.5 ). Since this
curve is approximately parallel to the curves with constant d/B, and moreover the values of
m% /m are approximately equal to the values for Ch= 0.5 ( Cb of the prolate spheroid is 0.5236),
the theoretical values of m for the prolate spheroid are considered to be applicable to ships
with similar range of 6'i , though on ships with greater Cb the values are appreciably different.
Fieure 14
F cosa
m + m
Therefore, when ß is taken as the any;le from the centerline of the ship to the acceler-
ation A, then
-; m + mxl
tan ß -tan a ['20]
This equation indicates that the direction of the acceleration becomes closer to the
centerline of the ship than does the direction of the force. 'A'hen tan a and tan ß are measured,
the ratio m + m to m + m can be calculated from Equation [20], and if m is known m .
can be obtainsd.
In order to obtain m , usint; the above relation, an apparatus as shown in Figure 15
was made. This apparatus is so contrivou that the ship is fitted with stringrs at hor centerline
on the deck and the bottom, which are stretched in the parallelogram shape to prevent the ship
from rolling, and then connected to a stopper on one side and pulled by a weight through a
pulley on the other side. V midget light is attached to the ship directly above her center of
uravity. The ship and strings arc painted white so that they can be taken in the photograph
clearly. The photograph was taken from a position directly above the ship when she was at
rest, and then the movement of the light when the string was disconnected from the stopper was
also taken in the same film by means of double exposure.
The results obtained are as oxamplifie i in Figure 16 (a), and (b), from which the ratio
tana to Ian ß can be read with sufficient accuracy. Table 4 shows the results of an experi-
ment which was carried out to see whether Equation [-20] actually holds üood. and in which
the direction of the force was varied in a wide ranije for this purpose. Figures 16 (a) and (b)
are the examplf le records for a = In.4 dee and a = " deg, respectively.
midget Ump
Figure 16a Figure 16b
Figure 16c
Figure IG
+ m + myl
tana '" %, "' • W
tan/] ' " x in lit m \
16.4 1.880
22.2 1.890
3G.2 1.885
43.5 1.89
57.6 1.888 •
32.5 1.910
>inco, in the actual measurement, it was difficult to measure tan a tan ß when a is very
lartje or very small, experiments were made several times in such a manner that t» might he-
come approximately 35 desi, and the results were averaged.
In order to determine whether the results thus obtainod agree with those by more direct
method, experiments by acceleration method were also made. The apparatus of this method is
as shown in Figure 17- The ship is fitted with a guide having small friction to prevent the
ship from rolling, and strings attached to the ship's sides are stretched in athwartship direc-
tion, and connected to the stopper on one side and pulled by a weight w through a pulley on
the other side. The difference of acceleration at the instant that the stopper is disconnected
is recorded by the oscillograph.
Let y represent the maximum acceleration; then m can be obtained from
where 8m 11, the increment of added mass due to the inertia of the pulley.
An example of the oscillogram is shown in Figure 18. nigh accuracy cannot be expected
from this result, because the vibration of the guide, etc., has been superimposed in the curve
of acceleration recorded. The results have a scatter of about i 5 percent, though the average
agrees fairly well with ehe results by the foregoing method, and therefore the foregoing method
is considered more reliable from the viewpoint of accuracy.
Xmer , TZ: . ^,
Figure - 17
Figure - 18
3.3.2 Results Obtained
1) Measured values
Results of the experiments carried out several times with Model Ship B to examine the
accuracy of the measurement were that the accuracy was approximately ± 2 percent.
The results of the measurement made with each model ship are as shown in Table 5,
in which only averages are given.
Model tana/tan)3 (m +mxl)/m {m+mn)/m m /m
yl 1
% 1.782 1.0503 1.873 0.87"3 1
i 2.092 1.0448 2.186 1.186 \
n 1.524 1.0643 1.622 0.622
o 1.896 1.0400 1.972 0,972
\ D
, 2.543 1.0315 2.623 1.623
u 1.757 1.0297 1.810 0.810
In Figure 19, the values of m /m shown in Table 5 arc plotted on the basi.- of L R.
It may l)e noted from this figure that, as L/B increases or the ship becomes slender, m /m
increases radically. The broken line in Figure 19 represents the calculated value for the
prolate spheroid without free surface. A different tendency 's seen between this curve and
the curves from model ships. The difference may be attributed to the fact that the prolate
spheroid has a constant d/B and variable L/B, whereas in the model ships the measurements
were made with constant d L. This difference will be referred to later.
3) Relation with Cb
Figure 20 shows the rela'.ion with CV. It may be noted from this figure that m ./ m
decreases with the increase of C^, but this may be due to the decrease of the sharp portions
of the ship.
Since Figure 19 shows the results of experiments with constant d and therefore having
variable d/R with the variation of L/B , it does not give the effect of the change in L/B or
d/B only. Accordingly measurements were made with drafts varied as to model ship A and B
to examine the effect of d/B only.
Fifiuro 1 0
The results are as shown in Figure 21, which imiicates that, contrary lo the results for
, m 'm is not exactly proportional to d B . hut thai it increases with a regular tendency
as d/R increases. Vccordin^ly, rf constant curves in Figure 19 can be modified approximately
to d/R - constant curves u.s'ns; the relation as e;iven in Fiijure 21.
Figure 22 shows the results of this modification, in which d'L constant curves have
been drawn by plotting m ,'m read off from curves corresponding to C. = 0.4 - 0.9 in Figure
'20. The broken lines in Figure '22 are d,'L - constant curves, which have been drawn so as
to intersect the solid lines at L/B = 7.45 (standar.d draft) and by modifying, from the relation
in Figure 21, the deviation due to the change of d/D.
From Figure 22 the values of m /m for arbitrary L/B, Cb, and d/R can be obtained in
the follo'ving way. Take the desired d/R of the ship on the base, road the value at this d/R on
the d/L = constant curve corresponding to give Cb, draw a curve from this point parallel to
the nearest d/B = constant curve, read the value on this curve at given L/B, then the value
thus obtained indicates m ./m for given L/B, C/,and d/R.
i 15
Figure JO
The calculated values of m m for the prolate spheroid with d/B = constant - 0.5 are
plotted in Figure 22, which, contrary to the case of m /m , have not the similar tendency as
that of model ships, even when the results of experiment have been modified to correspoi.,i to
d/B = constant. In case of ships particularly, "i m tends to increase as L/B increases,
even when d/B is constant. It is considered that this difference is due to the increase in the
sharpness of bow and stern as L/B increases. When d,'B = constant curve, which corresponds
to the curve for the prolate spheroid with Cb = 0.514 and d/B = 0.5, as drawn from Figure 22,
a chain line a little below the uppermost d/B = constant curve is obtained, which shows that
m .'m is much greater than that of the prolate spheroid. This difference is considered to be
attributed also to ths sharp form at the bow and stern. Accordingly, the theoretical value for
the prolate'spheroid cannot apply to ships as far as m ^ is concerned.
Figure 21
fe L
E^> §> \
01 L -lu J^r^\~'-
0-7 o.< 0.9 t c ! I
In order tc examine the change i^f m /m when lateral area is varied by changing the
'i 1
area of doadwood, experiments were made with Model Ship E, fitted with four kinds of fins.
The results are as shown in Fitjure -23.
Fins are fitted symmetrically to the bow and stern. The broken lino in Figure 23 has
been drawn on the assumption that m m is proportional to the lateral area. The measured
values are somewhat greater than these calculated values. This difference can bo anticipated
as a matter of course, hecause of the fact that the deadwoods are made from thin plank. Ir,
the approximate estimation, however, the increase of m /m due to the increase of lateral
area may be considered to be proportional to the lateral area; namely,
5m vi
Similar to the case of 3.2, the vibration, acceleration, and impact methods were ex-
amined, and as a result the impact method was adopted. \s shown in Figure 24, the apparatus
is so contrived that the pendulum is made free, after having been swung up by an angle a, and
Figure 24
when it falls to the upright position, then it strikes the ship at a position having the distancc-
/ from her center of gravity.
Since the angular velocity of the pendulum changes from a ^ \J i g I f7{\ - cos a) A'
to /3 = - y 2 fflc (1 - cos ß ) ,' K , the total amount of the impact at a distance from the sup-
porting point is
On the other hand, as the momentum of the ship changed due to this impact by an
amount of
O -o.otil rud/sec
0 - 0 0250 /sec
J- i_
Fimiro 25 (a)
then \^ + ,/, can be obtained as follows by putting the above two amounts equal
a anci ß can be obtained from the photograph with long exposure, and can be recorded by
a pen attached to the stern of the ship.
Figure 25 shows as example of 0 recorded. The damping of the velocity, which had
been a matter of concern before the experiment, has been found not so great as to obstruct the
measurement of the initial velocity, and therefore Q could be obtained with sufficient accuracy,
In order to examine the accuracy of this method, comparisons were made between I
obtained by the impact in the air with various swing angles of the pendulum and / obtained
by the vibration method. The results are P.S shown in Table 6.
I cm 40 1
a deg 90.0 90.0 90.2 61.2 61.6
ß dee 21.6 23.2 22.7 9.3 10.8 I
0O rad/sec 0.0576 0.0578 0.0581 0.0355 Ö.0354 |
lz ■ g kg-m2
2.79 2.83 2.82 2.84 2.85 |
The reason why Iz by impact method is always somewhat greater than / by vibration
method may be that some portions of the momentum are dispersed due to the vibration, etc. The
accuracy of this method is, however, satisfactory for the purpose of the present investigation,
so that this method has been adopted.
The results obtained are shown in Figures 26 -30. Figure 26 indicates the change of
Jzl due to the change of C6, expressed in the form of Jz./lz. Since, however, 1 z changes
according to the weight distribution, it may not be appropriate to compare the added moment
of inertia in the term of J zl/ I z- From this viewpoint, Figure 27 has been drawn, which in-
dicates the change of added moment of inertia expressed in the form of added radius of gyra-
tion Kzl( = \J Jzl g/W) over the length of the ship L. It may be noted from this figure that
the added moment of inertia increases as the ship becomes fine.
Jz. is greater than has been anticipated, which may be partly attributed to the increase
of acceleration due to the deadwood fitted at the bow and stern. Figure 28 gives the change
of KZ./L due to the change of L.'B, which indicates that the added moment of inertia increases
with the increase of L/B Since J . at the extremity of L/B = oo must correspond to Jz. for a
plane of the shape equal to the center plane of the ship, the curve for any type of model ship
tends to converge to a finite value. On the other hand, J must become tj at L/B = 1. In fact,
the curve for any type of model ship converges to 0 at L.'B = 1.
Figure 29 gives the change of the virtual radius of gyration when the draft is varied,
which indicates that the added moment of inertia decreases intensely as the draft decreases.
In the present investigation, the effect of the virtual moment of inertia due to the change
of L/d has not been dealt with, but the general tendency can bo presumed from the rurve in
Figure 29 for the same type of model ship and with different drafts.
Figure 30 shows a chart derived from the foretjoina results, from which the values of
K, 'L for arbitrary L/B, d/L, and C^ can be obtained in the same manner as explained in
Figure 13 and Figure 22.
Figure 31 indicates the change of the added mass due to the change of cut-up, which
has been obtained from the experiment with Model Ship E fitted with four kinds of deadwood.
From this figure the tendency towards increasing the added mass due to fitting of the dead-
wood can be presumed.
i 0)
Figure 28
:C :.:
-\ r~ JLCOL
05 Oi 05 Oi n
Figure 29
0.2i OiC OR
-- .. oO.
E, \^J X
^7 0.8 0.9 10
Figure 31
1. Motors, S., "On the Virtual Mass Effect," Journal of the Society of Naval Architects
of Japan, Vol. 87, pp. 47-58 (1955).
2. Motora, S., "On the Effect of the Free Surface upon the Virtual Mass of Submerged
Bodies and Ships," Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 86, pp. 301-308
3. Yamamoto, Y., "On the Oscillating Body below the Water," Journal of the Society of
Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 87, pp. 29-41 (1955).
4. Yamamoto, Y., "On the Definition of the Virtual Mass and its Characters," Bulletin of
Society of Naval Architects of Japan, No. 285.
5. Isobe, K., "On Small Vibrations in Water," Oyo Butsuri (Journal of Applied physics),
Vol. 17, No. 34, pp. 7-11 (1948).
6. Gerritsma, J., "Experimental Determination of Damping, Added Mass, and Added Mass
Moment of Inertia of a Shipmodel," International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 4, No. 38, pp.
505-519 (Oct. 1957).
7. Golovato, Paul, " \ Study of the Forces and Moments on a Heaving Surface Ship,"
David Taylor Model Basin Report 1074 (Sep 1957).
8. Taylor, J. L., "Some Hydrodynamical Inertia Coefficients,'' Philosophical Magazine,
Vol. 9, pp. 161-183 (1930).
9. Lewis, F.M., "The Inertia of the Water Surrounding a Vibrating Ship," Transactions,
Society of Naval Architects and Marino Engineers, Vol. 37 (1929).
10. Kumai, T., " Vdded Mass Moment of Inertia Induced by Torsional Vibration of Ships."
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol. 104, pp. 93-100 (1959).
11. Yamagata, M., "Study of Ship Forms," Tennensha, Tokyo.
12. Lamb, H., "Hydrodynamics," 6th edition (1932).
Kenscku Nomoto
Assistant Professor
Department of Naval Architec.ure
Faculty of Engineering
Osaka University
Osaka, Japan
In previous papers, the author has shown that steering motion of a ship may
be practically described by a first-order equation of motion
T 4- Ö = /CS
where 6 and S denote turning angular velocity and helm angle, respectively. The
index K is a ratio between a steady turning angular velocity and a corresponding
helm angle, and represents turning ability of a ship. The other index T represents
stability on course and quick-responsiveness in steering, and relates closely to
Davidson's stability index p.. Performance of a ship in steering may be deter-
mined well by these two indices.
An analysis of Kempf's standard maneuver test employing the equation de-
termines the indices K and T of a ship concerned through a simple calculation,
and then yields a general representation of her steering quality.
The present paper provides a new practical procedure for the analysis and
also deals with a proposed formulation of steering quality indices K and T as
functions of hull forms and relative rudder sizes, which has been obtained from
the analyses for about 70 actual ships and sonic free-self-propelled models with
several alternative rudder sizes.
For a long time an important prob em has been to determine what measure of describing
the maneuverability of a ship is reasonabi" and how to obtain it. Although turning trials have
been carried out for largo numbers of ships, the propriety of constructing the measure of ma-
neuverability merely from a ship's performance in steady turning with hird-over helm is
doubtful. The actual process of maneuvering is generally not such a steady turning but rather
a succession of transient phases of lurning maneuvers with helm angles put to starboard and
to port at random.
Pointing out these circumstances, Kempf proposed another maneuver test procedure
named as "standard maneuver test" or "serpentine tost," and gave also two kinds of figure
of merit on maneuverability which relate respectively to a ships' travel for finishing the stand-
ard maneuver and to an overswinging angle of heading after a rudder is put to the opposite side.1
The author attempted to interpret Kempf's maneuver test employing the first-order simu-
lating equation of motion, developed by the author, so as to obtain from the test a new measure
of maneuverability which is not merely a relative measure, like Kempf's but which describes
the general character of a ship in steering quantitatively. The proposed steering quality
indices K and T together constitute such a measure of maneuverability; K represents turning
ability and T represents stability on course and quick response in steering. These abilities
are just the fundamental elements of maneuverability. Provided with the indices K and T,
the motions of a ship under a given arbitrary form of steering may be predicted fairly
Section 1 of this paper discusses maneuverability in terms of the indices. Section 2
provides a procedure for determining the indices from Kempf's maneuver test through an e^sy
calculation, and also illustrates the results of the analyses for approximately seventy actual
ship? These indices are naturally functions of hull form, relative rudder size, and other
factors. Section 3 relates to a systematic formulation of the indices as functions of these
particulars on the basis of the actual data, and then provides a procedure of estimating
roughly the indices for a given ship. Section 3 also includes several important considerations
on the constitution of steering motion.
Recent studios on ship stoerinp motion which employ equations of motion have shown
thpir validity and usefulness.3,4 These equations are of the form of simultaneous linear dif-
ferontial equations relating to drifting motion coupled with turning angular motion of a ship
in steering. The drift angle is, however, so small, relatively, that steering motion of a ship
may be described substantially only by defining heading angle of a ship as a function of time.
Then, eliminating the drift angle from the simultaneous equations of motion, we obtain a
single equation of motion of the following form:
d2e dO ■ d8
12 l 2 3
dt* dt at
Although the equation can be widely utilized in research on the steering problem, more
concise description is desirable, particularly for practical purposes. Examining the equation
from such a point of view, it is found that the equation may be simulated by the first-order
equation as follows:
T ~ i 6 = KS [2]
6 * I
(ppsitive to starb.)
200 Sec.
/oo s
Fiijuro 3 - Standard Maneuver Test for a Coast-Guard Cutter
300 J
Figure 7 - Standard Maneuver Test for a Train Ferry
exceptional case is the result for a train-ferry boat with twin screws and twin rudders (Figure
A survey of these results indicates that the present approach employinfj the first-order
equation of motion may be satisfactory to describe steering motion of a ship as it has been
predicted theoretically.
The conclusion that motion of a ship in steering may be described essentially by the
first-order Equation [2] leads us to the understanding that the dynamic character of a ship in
steering (viz, so-called steering quality or maneuverability) is composed essentially of two
elements: one is turning ability (represented by K) and the other is quick response in steer-
ing (represented by 7"). If a helm angle o0 is put on suddenly, the turning angular rate of a
ship increases gradually and terminally approaches ä'50, as is obtained easily by solving
Equation [2] as follows,
is the turning angular rate to which she approaches and then the smaller is her steady turning
circle. On the other hand, the rapidity with which a ship approaches the terminal angular rate
KS0 is defined by the index T, as is obvious in the solution [3] of Equation [2]. Thus T may
be called the index of quick response in steering; the smaller the T value of a ship, the quicker
the decay of e~ ' , and consequently also the quicker the buildup of her turning angular
motion is.
Considering that actual maneuvering is a ceaseless succession of random steerings to
starboard and to port, a quick response of a ship to steering is quite important for timely and
swift maneuvering. Quick response and a small turning circle do not necessarily accompany
each other but constitute two different abilities which are clearly distinct. Then it should be
emphasized that maneuverability must be expressed not merely by the =mallness of steady
turning circle (greatness of K) but also by the quick response in steering (smallness of T)
because maneuverability depends on a rapid display of an inherent turning rate as well as on
the greatness of the inherent turning rate.
It may be an opportune approach here to visualize the present representation of maneu-
verability in terms of K and T, employing several typical combinations of these values. Let
us take the combinations as follows;
Ship "A" corresponds to '20,000-DW Tanker, and other combinations are constructed by vari-
ation of K and T values. Patterns of buildup of turning angular rate and turning paths for
these cases are illustrated in Figures 8 and 9. A combination of large K and small T means
a quick buildup of a powerful turning, and this is just the feature of superior maneuverability,
because a ship with such a character ("C") may outdo other ships in all phases of steering.
Whereas a ship with both smaller A' and 1 (Ship "A") is distinguished in (he earlier phases
by her quick buildup of turning rate, after awhile her rival with both larger K and T (Ship
"D") overtakes and, displaying great turning ability, finally leaves Ship "A" behind. It
should be noted that " \," a shin with both smaller K and 7". outdoes her rival "D" so far as
the earlier phase of motion is concerned, in spite of "A's" poor turning ability; that means a
larger steady turning circle. This evidently depends upon the fact that Ship "A" can display
her inherent turning ability more quickly although the inherent turning rate is not so large. Con-
sidering the transient figures of actual maneuvers, it is difficult to decide whether Ship "A" or
Ship "D" has a more desirable maneuverability merely concerning their steady turning circle.
In these circumstances, the present representation of maneuverability using the indices K and
r may be reasonable.
The quick response in steering has been sometimes represented by "reach" or "turning
lag," which are defined in Figure 10. These quantities may b? written simply in terms of T
as follows: 283
Figure 8 - Buildup of Turning Rate for Ships A, B, C, and D
Putting Auädtr
reach V V • 7-,
where tl is the time spent to set a helm angle (it is usually fairly small comparing 7") and
V is the ship speed.
On the other hand, steady turning radius R may be expressed in terms of K; that is,
li - V/KSn
/ "i \ V 1
advance = v l r 4 —) * — = v • r + —
\ 2 / ASn K
Thus turning radius and "reach-' or "turning lag" represent, respectively, the turning ability
and quick response, just as do the indices K and T. Then it is possible to represent maneu-
verability by steady turning radius K and "reach" or "turning lag" in place of A' and T. To
use these particulars may be sometimes convenient because of their extensive popularity. It
should be added, however, that the present indices K and T have a unique utility in predicting
its behavior of a ship in steering. If the values of the indices for a ship are given, her maneu-
vering motion for an arbitrary form of steering may be predicted, using the Equation of Motion
[2]. The reliability of the procedure is already indicated by the analyses of the standard
maneuver shown in Figures 1 to 7.
Finally, let us discuss so-called "stability on course" and a representation of it in
terms of the present maneuverability index. This quality of a ship relates to her behavior
after she is disturbed by an external force and deviates from a straight-running course. Ac-
cording to experience, the ease of course-keeping depends largely upon this quality. A rate
of heading deviation of most ships decays even with their rudders amidship after the external
disturbance is removed, and finally they settle in a straight running but along a new direction
somewhat different from the original course. A ship with such a character is called "stable
on course." There is sometimes, however, an exceptional ship whose heading deviation rate
does not decay after the removal of the external disturbance. Such a ship is said to be
"unstable on course." Experiments show that instability and a very low degree of stability
cause considerable difficulties in course-keeping.
The degree of stability on course may be expressed by the rapidity of the decay of
heading deviation rate after the removal of a disturbance; the quicker the decay, the higher
the stability. The Equation of Motion [2] indicates that the heading deviation rate of a ship
with a rudder amidship after the removal of a disturbance is described as
9(«)=90 e-c/T
\ V I Tl \V I T f
A survey of the form of the first-order Equation of Motion [21 leads us to understand
the physical constitution of steering motion of a ship as follows:
I e — + /VÖ = MS
Then the index T indicaces a ratio of the inertia / to the damping moment coefficient N, and
the index K indicates a ratio of the turning moment coefficient M to the damping moment
coefficient N.
It should be noted, however, that a turning angular motion of a ship is necessarily
coupled by a side-drifting motion. Consequently the inertia to resist turning acceleration is
not merely a moment of inertia of a ship (including additional mass) but is composed also of
her lateral mass. In the same manner, the damping moment acting upon a hull and rudder is
composed of a hydrodynamic moment caused by a turning ingular motion and another one
caused by a drifting motion accompanied with the angular motion. Circumstances are similar
also for the turning moment produced by steering. In these circumstances the foregoing inertia
of a ship, the damping moment against angular motion, and the turning moment by a rudder are
not the ones for a pure rotational motion but, "equivalent" ones considering the coupling
between an angular motion and a dntting motion. However the meaning of the term ''equiva-
lent" seems ambiguous in a strictly analytical sense, it is clear, however, that steering
motion of a ship may be considered apparently as a pure rotational motion through using the
equivalent inertia, damping moment, and turning moment, because the motion of a ship in
steering can be described essentially by the first-order Equation of Motion [2]. This is the
fundamental concept of the first-order simulation for steering motion of a ship, and its utilitv
is to simplify the treatment so as to yield plain and essential descriptions of maineuverabili-
ties of ships.
The principle of the analysis is to find those values of the indices K and T with which
the Equation of Motion [2] may describe an observed ship motion in the test. The notation
used here is shown in Figure 11.
In takini; up the analysis, it should be noted that a ship usually does not keep a
straight course with a rudder apparently amidship (viz, shown by a helm indicator) but makes
some slow [urnint; by reason of an unsymmetric velocity field of single-screw race, small
missetting of a rudder, and other miscellaneous factors. Since the equation of motion requires
naturally a straight running for a rudder amidship, it is necessary to make some correction
upon an apparent (observed) helm angle before putting it into Equation [21. Then we put
T + ö = A'Sr + Kbm{€)
Setting the time origin at the start of a test, measuring d(t) from the base course, and provided
the ship is running straight before the test begins, the initial conditions are
0 = 0 and 9 = 0 at t = 0.
Then we get
Sm(t) dt [5]
Korte' + K Smit) dt = de
KSrte"+ K
r'1 e" dm(t) dt = d
K =
5rfe t f cbm(t) dt
5 r has been determined through the above procednre, and f e Sm{t') dt may be calculated.
(Refer to Section 2.2.) We call this A", A' in earlier-half period in a test, writing simply A /^ .
h'ff) and A'/gx •§•> are more or less different from each other by reason of speed reduction
in a test and nonlinear effect for steering quality indices. Usually it may be considered that
the mean value of A'/y» and K(p\ ^ is a representative A" of a ship that is tested.
Next, applying Equation [5] at t = tQ, t = t0' and t = tQ", we get
T — ( j Sm(t)dt+8rt0"j
since Ö = 0 at these instants. When carrying out the calculations, it may be reasonable to use
K(A\ for the first formula and to use Ksg. /^. for the remaining two. The values for 6(t0),
6(t0'), and 6(t0") may be determined from the plot of d{t).
tn, t„ and tn
The integral / 0 0 0
8m(t) dt may be calculated. (Refer to Section 2.2.) We
call the T obtained from the first formula T in earlier-half period, writing simply T/y, , and
call the average of T's from the remaining two formulas T in after-half period simply Tsg. ^ .
The mean value of T/T) and T^. /wv may be considered as a representative T of a ship that
is tested.
A trapezoidal approximation is quite adequate for 8(t) produced by usual steering gears;
the error of it does not exceed other unavoidable errors. Then we get formulas for calculating
f ^m(;) dt as follows:
No. of period
(1) Jo Smit) - S1 -
CD = 5.1 [t
2/ 2(t3-t2)
® -«I\--% *\(h*hn+*A-\(t2+h} + t
® =SifT
I 2 ^(^^a^^i-^^^^^h
2 2(<5-'4)(<"<4)2
No. of period
+ S + <
3^-^(<4 5)+f
2«7-<6") ^
^1 1
+S f +i +
® =S
i VT^Ö^^a)
2 2 )| 2|-i( 2 3) -^4^5)J
When carrying out the analysis following the above procedure, it is convenient to utilize a
calculating table. Table 1 shows such a table as to suit thote ships which have t in the
period (T) , t ' in (6) , and t " in (8) , as this is the case for most ships. It a ship that, is
tested does not satisfy this condition, the table must be modified partially, according to the
above formulae, obtaininp / dm{t) dt.
The Osaka University Tank has been collecting the standard maneiiver results for
actual ships at sea and analyzing them following the present procedure. Table 2 illustrates
all reliable data obtained up to the present. The notations used in the table are shown below
To construct a systematic knowledge on the steering quality indices K and T, many more
similar data are desirable as well as systematic research employing self-propelled, free-
running models.
Ship Antoinette
<J) te 72.9 'et, 33.7 t0 131.9 fl( -0.917 ^ 6.0 <5 166.2 S1 21.0
® </ 187.5 fl/ -36.0 t0' 261.0 0, 0.R33 «, 46.9 (6 285.9 52 -20.6
® «;' 317.9 ee" 34.5 i0" 351.3 9, 0.820 (, 58.9 t. 297.9 S, 20.8
154.2 -20.8
© © © f' S dt e
-124 ,1 =- 0.939
«r'o - 245 5 358
tr 72.9
(+) -703 M 689 9 {*) - 640
S/, - 68.5
fl - 0.917 0.833 h. ' - 0.P20
'o 636
T/K 767 827 m w 568
K 0.0593 827
834 fl . 33.7
Tr* 45.5 0.0467 1607
= 0€/(+) 0.0593
37.6 £04
®© 45.5
K . 0.0530 83.1 0.0530
7 , 41.6 41.6
Kind ol
Ship ! Condition 1 L*B*D \ d
l d .\ V
7/L2d AR/u\ So * J T A" r
t 5 1 0.043 1 0. 4 0.6 1
I- C 1 B 152 x 20.6 x 12.7 5.61 2.44 4.02 8,8 8 17 2 0.093 / 36 3 - 0 0.041 10 0. 0 0.5
c 1 B 1 114 x 16.4 x 9 3 | 4.58 ] 1.96 3. 7 1 4,180 1 15 7 | 0.096 1 1/ 30.2 j + 5 0.054 1 6.9 1 0.76 | 0.49 1
C 10
t 5 0.040 13.0 0.94 0.76 1
1 H 12! . ir.2 6.36 3.94 5. 5 6,750 0.087
- 5 0.035 17.0 0.82 0.72 j
» 0 0.102 53.2 1.84 2.94
t ^
F 133 . 18.6 ■ 10.4 8.62 7.58 8.10 15,160 14 3 0.103 1/ 65 2 - 0 0.085 46.9 1. 4 2.59
S.30 7.58 7.94 15,305 175 0.046 !,' 59 6 - 0 0.070 21.1 1. 5 1.29
C F 148 . 19.«. 12.30 . 5 0.063 22.5 1.03 1.37
9.04 7.77 8.40 16,350 175 0.050 1. 63.1 - 5 0.060 22.6 0.98 1.38
i c B 138, 18.8 x 11.85 5.86 2.06 3.96 6,972 17.0 0.090 1/ 28.3 0 0.061 11.3 0.97 0.7 '
i c 123 • 16.7 ■ 9.45 7.00 6.30 6.65 10,623 9.4 0.104 1/ 63.2 10 0.080 85.2 2.07 3.36
c H 115 x 16.3 x 9.0 1 5.46 4.1« 4.95 6,470 12.0 j 0.096 1/ 40.4 -10 0.084 30.4 1.56 1.63
! 1
c F 1 123 > 16.5 x 9.0 7.52 |7.04 7.28 | 10,391 |ll.3 0.092 1/ 63.7 -10 0.059 30.4 1.24 1.44
15 0.050 30
1 30.4 1.Ö9 1 UU i
1/3 L j 123. 16.3 1.70 1 7.64 3.»2 11.0 -15 0.045 0.97
1U 1
; C F I 137. 18.5 18.30 1 7.84 1 8.07 14,407 |l6.0 1 0.094 ll/ 66.2 1-15 1 0.073
|30.9 j 1.20
1 1
c L Im* i6.2 lu.s 1 j 0.047
1 10 i 0.91 0.52 1
c F | 140 x 19 x 10.5 1 8.70 i 8.00 I 8.35 16,050 15.0 0.096 ] 1/ 59.9 j 10 1 0.094 35 1.70 1.9
; c B 106 x 15.6 x 8.1 1 4.30 1.77 3.04 1 3,275 13.0 | 0.094 1/ 28.4 10 0.067 8.3 1.06 0.53
3arr,ue 1 H 85 x 13.4 5.37 4.19 4.78 3,080 9.0 0.086 1/ 40.4
1 15 3.039 18.6 0.73
1-15 10.041 1 19.6 1 0.76
1 1-01 1
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Kind of |
"/ j V/L2d | Vw 0 r 1
Ship Conditionj Ly-HxD |
d | -A- 1 Vl
" ' l
0.050 I
j T
1 A"
0.85 1 0.68- 1
C j II 122x17.4 j 6.26 3.30 4.78 7,160 j 14 1.098 I -15 0.055 1 11.4 0.93 0.67
c F | 112x15.8 7.63 | 7.00 1 7.32 j 9,670 j 11.5 0.103 | 1/ 71.8 1 -15 0.071 j 50.8 | 1.34 2.68 1
C ! F i 161 x20.4x 12.0 9.02 9.02 9.02 20,987 12.8 0.088 1/ 67.1 -10 j 0.053 47.1 1.30 1 1.92
15 0.090 69.2 1.82 3.43
! C I p 145x18.3 j 8.00 7.30 7.65 14,000 14.0 0.085 15 0.067 43.4 1.36 2.20
c F j 145 x 19.0 x 12.2 7.95 7.12 7.54 14,400 j 15 0.089 1/ 60.B 10 1 0.073 29.7 1.36 | 1.58
T r 201 « 28.2« 14.6 10.85 10.81 10.83 50,700 17.6 0.113 1/75.8 20 0.058 39.5 1.28 1.78 1
T F 193- 26.5- 13.8,' 10.27 10.35 10.31 42,910 17.0 0.110 1/72.4 20 0.067 56.2 1.48 2 55 '
T F 1 192- 26.5- 13.87 10.28 10.35 10.32 43,080 16.5 0.110 1/72.3 20 0.052 5^4.4 1.18 2.40 j
T F 193 . 26.5 - 13.87 1U.32 10.31 10.31 43,182 17.2 0.110 1/73.2 20 0.050 48.3 1.08 2.22
T F 193 • 26.5 ■ 13.87 10.31 10.33 10.32 42,9'n .;o 0.109 1/72.5 20 0.049 48.5 1.11 2.13
T F 181. 25.4. 13.5 10 ll 10.14 10.14 37,520 17.0 1 0.110 1/72.2 ro 0.053 41.9 1.09 2.03 |
T F 167. 22.0. 12.2 9.31 9.29 9.30 27,137 15.9 0.102 1 65.3 20 0.052 33.6 1.07 1.64 ]
T F 201. 28.2« U.6 10.84 10.82 10.83 50,540 17.8 0.115 1/73.2 20 0.055 55.6 1.21 2.53 |
B 7.47 3.07 5.2/ 26.900 18.0 0.107 1/37.5 15 0.027 11.4 0.63 0.49 j
O.T. 216. 30.6. 15.4 10.29 10.21 10.25 56.250 17.6 0.115 1/71.1 20 0.056 61.3 1.33
9 01
F 10.31 10.32 10.32 56,700 17.6 0.115 1 1 71.1 10 0.171 j 215 4.08
1 - 1
20 0.050 68.7 j 1.22 2.82
O.T. F 216. 30.6. 15.4 10.44 10.43 10.44 57.100 1 17.2 0.115 1/69.4
35 0.01C 58.1 1 0.97 2.38
B 7.12 1 2.67 4.89 21,114 1 18.9 j 0.104 1/36.0 15 0.038 10.6 Ü.79 0.51
T 201. 28.2 . 14.6 15 0.0E3 83.0 1.86 3.70 j
F 10.81 10.82 lO.fri- [-50.618 1 17.4 1 0.113 1/77.4 20 0.056 59.8 1.25 2.67 |
110.43 10.43 10.43 43,100 16.0 0.109 1/72.1 10 0.073 80.5 1.70 3.44 j
T F 192 . 26.5 x 13.87 15 | 0.060 56.5 1.39
10.61 10.60 10.60 44,090 15.1 0.110 -15 | 0.051 47.1 1 1.17 I 2.03 j
10 0.110 41.6 1 1.62 1 2.83 I
T 2/3 F : 106- 16.2 x 8.0 5.45 5.10 5.27 6,928 14 i 0.114 1/51.5 ]-10 j 0.103 j 34.6 j 1.52 2.35 |
F 154. ii . 11.5 8.85 9.18 9.02 20,583 12.3 0.094 1 1/71.8
10 0.094 72.5
| 0.091 | 72.4 |
11 2--96 1
TABLE 2 (Continued
Kind of
Ship Condiliüii /, x « X 1) d d A V L2d AR/Ld r A" A'
"/ V
k. Ä
o K
15 0.040 10 0.80 0.49
T B 167 x 22.0« 12.2 7.05 3.80 5.43 15,025 16.0 0.097 1/38.6 -15 0.039 10 0.78 0.49
F 10.60 10.20 10.40 43,000 15.0 J.',J9 1/74.2 10 0.063 83.8 1.58 3.36
T 192 •- 26.8 v 13.7 10 0.037 9.85 0.87 0.42
B 6.44 1.85 4.14 13,000 16.0 0.083 1/29.6 -10 0.044 1.02
10.6 0.45
15 0.053 10.2 0.92 0.59
T B 12! > 1G.3 5.45 2.95 4.20 5,470 13.6 0.086 -15 0.053 12.9 0.93 0.74
B 7.19 4.70 5.94 14,730 15.3 0.092 1/45.5 15 0.057 12.6 1.2! 1.17
T F 162- 2!.4 9.98 9.57 9.78 26,810 14.0 0.102 1/74.9 -15 0.086 75.3 1.94 3.35
20 0.193 5.85 1.09 1.04
W Ainvai 42 x 7.Jv 4.45 4.?0 4.00 4.35 14.5 1/36.5 -20 0.173 5.05 0.97 0.90
w Arrival 45. 8.2» 4.4 5.00 3.45 4.23 875 15.5 0.100 1/30.0 -15 0.185 7.6 1.04 1.35
w Arnval 57. 9.7. 5.1 5.12 3.62 4.37 1,304 0.090 1/27.7 - 15 0.199 5.2 1.29 0.80
w Trial 57. 9.7- 5.1 4.56 2.34 3.45 935 17.4 0.081 :/21.8 - 15 0.155 4.1 0.99 0.64
w Arrival 57- 9.5. 5.1 4.65 2.27 3.52 889 17.7 0.076 1/21.2 -15 0.269 8.S 1.69 1.37
Fmigtant Ship 1/2 F 145 « 20.4 . 11.9 7.20 5.50 6.35 12,070 19.0 0.018 1/49.7 15 0.053 n.a 0.78 0.80
15 0.060 19.2 1.03 1.12
Emigrant Ship B 145» 19.6 6.71 4.50 5.60 10,100 16.5 0.018 1/43.7 - 15 0.066 18.4 1.12 1.08
Cai.'iet Trral 67 . 10.8 ■ 5.7 3.28 0.99 2.14 943 13.0 0.096 1/23.3 -15 0.070 5.1 0.70 0.51
15 0.096" _
3.5 0.69 0.49
C Tnal 41 . 8.2« 3.75 2..5 0.59 1.42 270 11.1 0.111 1 '19.5 - 15 0.091 3.8 0.66 0.53
Tram Feny H Ill « 17.4 . B.8( 4.92 4.64 4.78 5,370 14.4 0.089 1/30.1 15 0.096 22.6 1.44 1.51
Tram Feny H 113 - 15.9. 6.80 4.70 4.10 4.40 4,585 15.0 0.079 1/42.S 15 0.305 107 4.47 7.30
Coasl- H 51.5- 7.7. 4.5 2.89 2.58 2.73 534 13.0 0.072 i/40 10 0.206 13.1 l.SG 1.62
r,ij?t(i 20 0.162 12.2 1.42 1.39
Cutter 30 0.155 13.8 1.55 1.38
Kinos of Ships:
C is cargo boat. T is tanker. W is whale-catchei boat.
Condition at Test:
B is ballasted. F is full-loaded. H is half-loaded.
Partrculars of Ships;
/. is length between P.P. /( is moulded breadth. 77 is depth, rf,, rfa, and (Yare drafl at FP, AP and mean draft, respectively.
(These dimensions are all in meters.)
A is displacement weishl m metric tons, r is displacement volume in cubic meters. /1Ä is rudder area in square meters.
V represents ship speed in meters per second. Vkl represents shrp speed in knots.
^(r)'-- ii:)T
(This nondimensionalization is discussed in Section 3.1.)
5. is used helm angle, positive to starboard, in degrees.
The physical interpretation of the indices, discussed in Section 1.4, indicates that:
M ',•
A' = and T . ,
m 11
Pin \ ■*
— L2dV2
-V = — [Jd ■ V • CN
Similarly nondimensionalizing Lho turning moment caused by steering, we get
N \ L j CN
denoting by A",
" (L\
'■ //,\'/
7 —
/v v v / c.
' ■
denoting by 7",
Surveying the physical constitution of the indices K and 7", we find immediately that
these two indices have a common denominator and therefore they are in a proportional relation.
That is.
and r' =
N cN
therefore C
/r = C
■ 7".
Considering that a normal force per unit area of a rudder is almost invariable for all
usual ships with a similar stern arrangement, the numerator CM (that is, the nondimensional
turning moment coefficient) may be proportional to a relative rudder size AR/L- d with an
almost invariable proportionality constant, where AR represents a rudder area. On the other
hand, Cy may be nearly proportional to V/L2d where V represents a displacement volume,
because Cj has been introduced through dividing an inertia of ship by — L*d, and because
a ratio of a radius of gyration to a ship length hi nearly invariable for all usual ships, say,
about 0.25. Then we get
Figure 12 illustrates this relation for A" and 7" of approximately sixty merchant ships (refer
to Table 2), which have been obtained through Kempf's standard maneuver test, while in the
figure a reciprocal expression is taken for convenience of illustration. Namely, plotting
■I *>„
/O 20 (/ '
ff '/T
against —f, plotted points gather along a straight line passing through the origin, the
gradient of which indicates the foregoing "almost invariable constant" but reciprocally.
Taking account of detailed differences in hull forms and rudder constructions among these
ships and also of degrees of reliabilities of tests at sea which may be sometimes spoiled
because of weather conditions and personal errors, it may be considered that this result
assures the validity of the foregoing reasoning on the whole.
Another similar result for a self-propelled, free-running model of a supertanker with
alternative rudder sizes and various helm angles is shown in Figure 13. The result naturally
is more satisfactory because a single hull form was used and test conditions were much better.
The gradient of the straight line in Figure 13 equals that of Figure 12. The frequency re-
sponse test described in Figure 13 is a som what different test procedure from Kempfs
standard maneuver, and the indices obtained through it correspond to the ones for very small
helm angle. (Refer to Reference 9t)
h d C 0 E 7
tyid fas fa %U tiiJ '/fS Xof
T iinfle sett*,
twin rudders
Standard Manoeuvre,
anjle oF helm /Si 20
Tho fact that /("and 7" of a ship are connected to each other through the relation [61
provides important conclusions as follows:
1. The turning ability and quick response in steering or stability on course, which are the
two essential abilities of a ship in steering, are not independent of each other but are bounded
largely through the relative rudder size.
2. In consequence, if the relative rudder size is kept constant, an improvement of turning
ability (increase of K) injures quick response in steering and stability on course (increase of
f), and vice versa.
3. When one of the indices A" and 7" is known, the other one may be estimated through
this relation.
Referring to Figure 13, the results for different helm angles used in the tests corre-
spond to different points but along the straight line. This means that the indices K and T
vary with helm angles used so as to keep the proportional relation between them invariable.
These circumstances are also found in the results for actual ships illustrated in Figure 12.
The variation of K and T with helm angles used is considered to result from the so-called
nonlinear effect in steering quality, which means a variation of coefficients in linear equa-
tions of steering motion depending largely on the intensity of motion. The effect for normal
ships is fairly great so that the steering quality indices may be better defined by specifying
a degree of intensity of motion, say, for a hard-over steering, a moderate one, or a course-
keeping motion.
The variation of the indices, as pointed out previously, indicates, concerning the
nonlinear effect, that:
1. The larger the holm angle used, the more intense is the ship motion. The smaller the
index K, the smaller is the turning rate produced by a given helm angle. The smaller the
indt^x T, the more «table is a ship on course and also the quicker is her response in steering.
2. Since the variation of the indices is the same for each so as to keep the proportional
relation between them, the nonlinear effect results largely from a variation of C^-; namely,
that of a hydrodynamic damping coefficient against turning motion.
The first conclusion agrees with experiments, and the second seems to have a meaning
worthy of notice concerning the nonlinear effect in steering motion.
Figures 12 and 13 remind us of a figure presented bv Davidson and Schiff (viz, Figure
'■\ of Heforenre 4> which illustrates fl>\
I — x (relative rudder size) against their stability
VWrnin (D\
index p . Then I) represents the turning diameter, and /, the ship length. The value I— 1
is proportional to — considering that the maximum angle of helm is constantly 35 deg for
" 1
ail ships, and p. is nearly equal to - —r, as shown in Section 1.3. In addition, differences
among V/L2d of usual ships are fairly small. Thus the figure of Davidson and Schiff and the
K-T diagram are essentially similar expressions. In the former expression, however, stability
on course at straight running and turning ability at tKe hardest helm arc related. This is the
reason Davidson's plotting line does not pass the origin. Considering remarkable nonlinear
effect for steering quality, it seems more reasonable to relate stability on course (or quick
response) and turning ability under the same condition, as is done in the K-T diagram.
l A* r^ O s
\ 03
*fu J^
^o 20 11
1 '02
i±y>yy SQ
\ / i
• 03 Vu
i i i i i i i
'/vo '/*>
According to the figure, a ship has a generally negative turning resistance and conse-
quently is unstable on course by her hull alone but is stabilized by adding a rudder of the
proper size. Ilere the question arises: Why does a rudder contribute to turning resistance?
The answer is as follows. As soon as a ship enters into a turn, drifting motion appears and
accordingly the angle of incidence of current to a rudder decreases, which in turn yields a
reduction of lateral force and turning moment caused by the rudder. This reduction of turning
moment may be considered as a resisting moment against turning. This damping effect caused
by a rudder with ship motion may be understood more naturally by assuming that a ship with
her rudder amidship is disturbed from a straight running. Circumstances are quite similar,
however, even in cases where a certain helm angle is present. In other words, a normal force
acting upon a rudder may be considered to be composed of two parts: one is proportional to a
helm angle and in no relation to ship motion, and the other is proportional to a drift angle at
rudder position (consequently nearly to turning angular velocity) and in no relation to a helm
angle. All linear treatments on steering motion have been originally based upon this concept,
whether or not specifying so. The former part is represented by terms proportional to a helm
angle, and the latter is usually included in terms describing hydrodynamic forces acting upon
a hull.
At any rate, it should be carefully noted that utility of a rudder is not merely to produce
a turning moment but also to provide a damping against turning motion, which is so considera-
ble that most ships may be almost unstable on course without rudders. Then obviously quick
response in steering is also provided by a proper size of rudder, since this ability is originally
the same one with stability on course, as is discussed in Section 1.3. In this connection, it,
is important to take account of the stabilizing effect of a rudder as well as of turning ability
in selecting a rudder size; particularly in merchant ships, the stabilizing effect of the rudder
may bo »he major consideration.
The plotted points of Figure 14 have been obtained from the standard maneuvers using
a he'rr. angle of 10 dcg. Plrlting also A's obtained from the maneuver tests with larger holm
angle:; in tho same form, the mean lines of the plotted points have a tendency to shift upwards
and nearly in parallel, as is shown in Figure 14 by chain lines. This tendency indicates that
turning; resistance is not quite proportional to angular velocity, as is known as nonlinear effect
in steering motion. (Kcfor to the last section.)
•\ practical use of the figure is to estimate roughly the index A'' of a given ship knowing
her relative rudder size and slenderness factor V/L2d. Then taking the A" value, T'of the
ship may also be estimated using the K-T diagram (Figure 19). This is the proposed procoduro
of predicting the maneuverability of a given ship. Accumulating much more data of this kind,
the procedure may be expected to become more reliable and more widely practicable.
1. Referring to analyses of Kempf's standard maneuver tests for various types of shipt .
the steering motion of ships may well be described by the first-order equation of motion
dd .
T * e~ KS 12]
2. Maneuverability of a ship may be described essentially by the index of turning ability
K and the index of quick response in steering and also of stability on course T.
3. Given the indices K and T, the motion of a ship in response to a given steering may be
predicted with fair reliability.
4. A procedure of analyzing Kempf's standard maneuver test has been devised, and a
calculating table for the purpose has been presented. The procedure has been practiced for
results of standard maneuvers for approximately seventy ships, and the obtained steering
quality indices K and T have been illustrated in Table 2. Examination of the data, sometimes
considering also experimental results for self-propelled, free-running models, yields the
following conclusions.
This relation indicates that an improvomont of turning ability injures quick response and
stability on course, and vice versa, so far as a relative rudder size is kept constant.
6. The more intense the ship motion is, the smaller is the turning rate producible by a
given helm angle and the more stable is a ship on course and also the quicker is her response
in steering. This phenomenon, known as nonlinear effect in steering motion, results largely
from a variation of a hydrodynamic damping coefficient against turning motion.
7. The hydrodynamic damping depends largely upon relative rudder sizes and to some
extent upon hull slenderness factors v/Lfd. Most ships are almost unstable on course by
her hull alone and are stabilized through ndding a proper size of rudder. Then obviously
quick response in steering is also provided by a proper size of rudder, since this ability is
originally the same with stability on course, as has been discussed in Section 1.3. In this
connection, it is important to take account of the stabilizing effect of a rudder as well as the
turning ability in selecting a rudder size.
8. A procedjj-e of estimating roughly the steering quality indices for a given ship is first
to find ft" from Figure 14 knowing the relative rudder size and slenderness factor <f/L d, and
then to find 7" from Figure 12 (13) using the previously determined ft".
Acknowledgment is made of the cooperation by the staff of the Osaka University Tank.
1. Kempf, G., "Measurements of the Propulsive and Structural Characteristics of Ships,"
Transactions, Society of Naval Architects and Ma-'-^e Engineers (1932).
2. Nomoto, K., et al., "On the Steering Qualities of Ships," International Shipbuilding
Progress, Vol. 4, No. 35 (July 1957), or alternatively, Nomoto, K., "Frequency Response
Approach on Steering Qualities of Ships," Technology Reports of the Osaka University,
No. 294 (1958).
3. Motora, S., "Course Stability of Ships," Journal, Society of Naval Architects of Japan,
Vol. 77 (1946),
4. Davidson, K. and Schiff, L., "Turning and Course-Keeping Qualities of Ships,"
Transactions, Society of Naval Architects und Marine Engineers (1946).
Peter Du Cane
Ronald H. Dadd
Electronics Engineer
Vosper Ltd., Portsmouth, England
As may be readily understood, the control of a roll dampii.g .system in such a manner as
to produce optimum results in roll reduclior represents an engineering problem of outstanding
Most systems consist in what is usually termed feedback control, where a rate gyro
or other sensing device signals a difference from the desired velocity (which will be zero) to
the servomechanism. This can be effected in practice in various ways which will bo de-
scribed later, but essentially it is necessary for the ship to move in the rolling plane before
any corrective moment, ran be applied by means of the fins.
Another and perhaps more effective control could be effected by what is termed
feedahead. Here the disturbing moment is detected before the ship has responded and if
feedahead is found practicable it has much to recommend it-
Considered in its elements, the problem consists in knowing the instantaneous magni-
tude of the disturbing moment applied or likely to be applied to the ship in the course of its
passage through or across a wave system.
With this knowledge, it would, in theory at least, be possible to provide by some
means an equal and opposite moment applied to the ship, which would result in a complete
elimination of rolling. In fact, the roll would be killed before it could start.
This ideal situation is, however, difficult, if not impossible, to achieve in practice.
Supposedly it would be possible, though rather difficult, to arrive at the heeling moment ap-
plied by the waves to the ship as the result of an integration of the pressure over the whole
underwater surface of the ship at both sides.
The difference in hydrostatic head and therefore waterline level between one side of
the ship and the other will give an indication of instantaneous wave slope relative to the ship.*
This could be formed by fitting pressure transducers at appropriate points on each side
of the hull. A measurement of the pressure difference between one side and the other should
provide information as to the immersion and therefore effective wave slope. If the wave slope
relative to the horizontal is <I> ship's vertical axis relative the true vertical is 0 then the
angle measured from the pressure differences will bo <1) + Ö.
To find <t> therefore Ö should be added or subtracted as appropriate.
Up to date the most practical means of applying a restoring moment resulting from a
feedback signal has been found to consist in the technique of rotating fins or hydrofoils in
such a manner that a lift force is developed due tu the angle of incidence with the local flow.
This lift force can be used as a restoring moment.
To a very reasonable approximation, the lift force for given flow velocity will be pro-
portional to angle of incidence within the stall-free range. If the fin is placed at an angle of
attack proporticr.ate to velocity of roll, which is also conveniently enough found to be propor-
tional to the angle of precession of a gyroscope whose axis lies in the athwartship plane, wo
shall go quite a long way toward reducing the roll. The amount of residual roll will, of course,
depend upon the power of the fins as well as the lag in fulfilling the commands of the rate gyro.
In practice there is a limit to the size of the fins so that our problem consists in making
the best use of the fin sizes available and practicable.
Although this is nuite a neat solution to the feedback control problem, the rate gyro
cannot in fact produce an instantaneous moment in the restoring direction unless we make the
assumption that infinite fin power is available and that lag is nonexistent. Knowing out prac-
tical limitations in the matter of fin size and the inevitable delay, however slight, in fulfilling
orders of the control signal, we must consider the extent to which a rate gyro will accomplish
its job of roll reduction:
We can write the equation for ship rolling in a seaway as follows:
*It has to be realized that the pressures sensed by transducers at the ship's side will be affected by the shape
of the ship's wave, also by transient and random velocity heads due to orbit velocities in waves.
J = the inertia,
A = the displacement of the ship,
GM = distance between metacenter and center of gravity of ship, and
D = the natural viscous damping of the vessel.
6 l+;2</'/var
0 ^+)V^Nx
1- (l+/l)a-2+;2a:(^/v + ^f.)
. ö
Values of — are plotted for a range of values of x (see diagram) for three conditions
* . . .
whe'-e (1) no roll damping fins are operative; (2) where roll damping fins of ideal character-
istics are operated by signals fiom a rate gyro (i.e., the fins are moved proportionately to
rolling velocity); and (3) where fins are operated by signals proportionate lo both velocity
and acceleration.
It will be observed from Figure 1 that for this somewhat hypothetical case the addition
of the acceleration term increases the residual roll, i.e., reduces effectiveness in comparison
with the velocity term only for frequency of encounter less than that of the natural rolling fre-
quency, while improved performance can be anticipated for higher frequencies of encounter.
In other words, the acceleration term is only of value in this idealized case for the
higher frequency cases where short periods of wave encounter a ship of greater natural
rolling period.
For the lower frequencies of encounter, an equivalent effect in roducing the residual
roll can be achieved by a signal proportional to roll angle from a positional gyro or pendulum.
It must immediately be said that this case is not by any means of necessity the state
of affairs met with in the random sea of nature».
The amount to which the realistic sea input departs from the sinusoidal model is a
matter of some conjecture and will probably require the reduction of much statistical data
before anything approaching a precise answer can be given.
However, it should be mentioned that Mr. John Beli, who has been mainly responsible
for the design of the Muirhead gyros we use, is clear that, the use of compensated control
Withoul Fins
Kit^uro 1
offers substantial advantage in this respect. Mr. Bell claims that the classic sinusoidal as-
sumption is replaced in practice by an aperiodic motion so that the acceleration term will
prove highly effective in putting the fins into the correct position to generate a stabilizing
moment at an earlier moment than would be the case whore a rate term only was usnd.
There tiro various mail H- which . n be used to insert an acceleration term in the- con-
trol signal. The easiest and one which is quite frequently used in other servocontrol systems
such as guided missiles, etc. is to differentiate electronically from the rate signal, thereby
obtaining a value for acceleration.
The method used by Muirhead is to differentiate by means of mechanical linkage; alter-
nately it is not, of course, impossible to provide an angular accelerometer.
In an effort to arrive at an idea qualitatively as to how much advantage in terms of roll
reduction we can anticipate by adding to the control signal terms proportional to acceleration
and/or amplitude of roll, Vosper has investigated the matter on an Electronic Analogue.
The ship rolling in a seaway was assumed to be a body with inertia, natural stability,
and viscous damping relative to the forcing function. Thus basically, the equation of the
vessel is of the form:
In the case of a ship rolling, the forcing function is due to the wave slope of the sea
and so the equation becomes:-
$ <UQ + <I) 2 0N w0 = Ö + 2 i/'/; ^o ^ ^o2 ö
Function ♦ ♦(JQ-KCZ ^NW0
Figure 2
<J) 6)02 + <l) 2 V'/y <i>0 = Ö + 2 0^ ü)0 0 + a)02 Ö + 2 0F Ö aj0 + ^ö + Po* 6 [41
Whore A and P are nondimensional terms given by:
AJ = Fin moment per radian per sec per sec of roll. [5!
V" —L -
Forc.nq i Ra»«
Function . ^
X -
^ n ,i, ,. A
•*4| dt
fi \1 «
Figure 3
Control Moment i . d
iA :«2*V^
1 , *»
In practice, a lag occurs between the production of the control signa' and the appli-
cation of the fin moment, and this is included by inserting various first-order lags between
the combined fin moment and its point of application in the system. This is shown in
Figure 4 whose coirespending equation is:
* w02 +02 ijiN co0 = 0 + 2 ^N a.0 9 + co02 0 + e~'Ci (2 ^ ö)0 0+ Ad + Pv* 0) (71
Rote z ■N Anoloque
Log i ♦ jejt
Figure 4
2" A«
This represents the effect of a limit to the maximum fin moment which can be apnlied in
practice due to stalling. The complete analogue is thus as shown in Figure 5.
Fifzure 5
<i>(a>Q +j2\liN ctj6J0) = (-6j +;'2 tjiN a)ain+ (ii^)d + j2 ijiF ojm^
This clearly shows that the fins should be most effective at resonance, and the ratio
of the roll with fins to the roll without fins is shown plotted in Figure 6 for various frequencies.
This also may be deduced by consideration of the phase of a pure 'ate signal at various
frequencies. Figure 7 shows that above and below resonance the rate signal will not be
opposing the forcing function as well as it does at resonance and so its effect may be expected
to bo reduced. Similar diagrams (Figure 7) for the position and acce'eraticn vectors show that
they will be most effective below and above resonance, respectively. These hypotheses are
borne out by the results obtained on the simulator which are shown photographically in
NOTE: It will be observed that we have selected ,- as the
criterion of system performance in roll
damping which
actually compares roll angle Ö with wave slope.
An alternative would be a consideration of the rela-
tionship between |0| fins off and |ö| fins on. This can
be arrived at by dividing Equation [21 by Equation [4].
Since the acceleration signal varies as the snuare of the frequency and the position
signal is constant and as they are in antiphase, by arranging that these extra control signals
,. Rull Reduction Rate,
Position and
Acceleration Control
"Roll Reduction
Pure Rote Controlled
F ins Only
Fi<iuro 6
<t> : u = Period 0* wnuP encounter is
twice natural roiling period.
Figure 7
Average amplitude 2.G cm
Amplitude 0.9 cm
Amplitude 2.75 cm
Amplitude i.5 cm
Amplitude 2.65 cm
Amplitude 1.S5 cm
are equal and opposite at resonance, then automatically the position signal will be predom-
inant below resonance and the acceleration predominant above, as shown in Figure 9. This
was the condition arranged for the combined 0, 6, and 6 control whose results are shown in
Figure 8.
/ / Net » ond «
/ / Control Signal Figure 9 - Magnitude of Additional
Control Moment for Constant
Roll Angle
K v>^
v$ V/"o
B Control Signal
The effect of a lag at resonance is shown in Figure 10, and the vectors show that the
effect is likely to be overcome by the addition of acceleration control, or phase advance ap-
plied to pure rate signal could have some effect. This was confirmed by using the- analogue,
the results being shown in Figure 11.
Forcing function
0: u
\combined ö ond Ö
^ ^Control Signal
0 Control Signal
Fin Moment
WV\A. yVvVW A/yvv\
As indicated above,, the sea is not a steady sinusoidal disturbance but contains many
different frequencies. A first approximation to this is to use a mixture of sinusoidal forcing
functions on the analogue and this has been done, up to six different frequencies being simul-
taneously applied. The results show that the trends anticipated from consideration of the
forcing function composed of a single sinusoidal frequency arc to a very close approximation
Figure 12 shows output from the rolling ship analogue when the disturbing sea is com-
posed of a complex of three frequencies whose amplitudes are equal.
When rolling freely, as in (a), the tendency is for the frequency of the natural rolling
period to predominate.
Figure 12b represe.ita the residual roll from the same sea input when fins are controlled
by a signal proportionate to rolling rate [0].
Figure 19c represents residual roll with the addition of terms proportional to acceleration
and position [0 and 0] added to the rate signal. No very noticeable improvement results.
Figures 12d, e, f are recordings of the roll when the forcing function contains the same
three frequencies. Their amplitudes were adjusted so that they individually caused the same
amplitude of roll of the vessel rolling freely. Figures 12e and f show that in this case the
addition of the acceleration and position terms to the control signal moments has a somewhat
more noticeable effect on residual roll.
The closeness with which these results correspond with actual seagoing practice is a
matter of some conjecture but they can be considered to be qualitative as far as the effect of
the various control signals is concerned. Analysis of wave patterns suggests that sea waves
are akin to white noise in that they contain all frequencies. However, seamen have long been
acquainted with the apparently varying characteristics of seas in different parts of the world,
which may indicate a predominance of certain frequencies in certain areas. With this it must
Figures 12a, b, c — Roll Angles Due to Forcinp Function Comprising Eriual Amplitudes of a
Complex Sea of Three Frequencies to Represent the Random Sea
Figures 12d, e, f - Rollir.g Due to Forcing Function Comprising the Three Frequencies
Previously Used, Their Amplitudes Adjusted to Make Equal Contribution
to the Freely Rolling, Roll Amplitude
be borne in mind that the dimensions of a vessel, compared with the wave length, will be
significant. Wave length is a function of wave velocity and frequency. The effects of fre-
quency have been investigated above. Apparent wave velocity will depend upon the absolute
wave direction and velocity in an area and the direction and speed of the ship. This can only
be assessed by a very careful statistical analysis of the results of many trials, with wave
recordings being made of the area in which the vessels are being run.
Sincere acknowledgment is made to Mr. John Bell, M.Sc, of Muirhead & Co. who have
supplied all the control equipment used up to date in connection with the Vosper roll damping
Serge Binde!
Ingenieur Principal du Genie Maritime
FrencK Navy
Bassin d'Essais des Carenes - Paris
(Paris Model Basin)
Ship turning is the whole which results from the individual qualities of the hull and the
rudder, from their reciprocal action, and from the effect of the screws. Therefore, to make
progress in undei-standing turning, it is not sufficient to observe the natural motions of the
ship; it is also necessary to know all the forces involved.
A theoretical approach is possible. The ship is likened to a wing, but the span (ver-
tical) of this wing is very small and the approximations of classic aerodynamics are not valid,
particularly to account for the existence of a lift when the hull is in a turn with a ^.ero drift
angle. By means of new methods, • it is possible, however, to calculate the forces actinp
on a turning ship and also to explain results already known experimentally (for example, those
concerning the course stability) and even to predict new ones. But those methods require com-
plicated calculations, particularly for full bodies: it is then useful to derive from experiments
the turning data.
Davidson and Schiff3 have opened the way; they have determined the stability of
straight-line motion of a ship in analyzing, for the conditions of free turning, the distribution
of forces between the hull and the rudder. It is possible to go further and to determine the
forces acting on a model of which the turning radius, drift angle, and rudder angle are arbi-
trarily fixed.
A systematic study has been undertaken in this direction at the Paris Model Basin.
The field of possible investigations being very extensive, most of the tests carried out up to
now have concerned the hull itself; bare hull and hull with stern appendages (skeg and rudder
amidship), the interactions between the hull and the deflected rudder, and the effect of screws,
have been the subject only of individual studies.
Forces are measured on a model in straight and curve courses. The straight-course
tests are carried out in a rectilinear tank; the turning tests are carried out in a circular tank
of 65-moter diameter provided with a rotating arm under which is fitted a carriage, the position
of which is adjustable. Although the tank is relatively large, it is necessary, for this kind
of study, to use relatively small models in order that the ratio L/'K of the length of the model
to the turning radius may have values close to zero; the normal length of the models is 2.5
meters but some smaller models have also been used. For comparison with the simple theo-
retical method, it is necessary to get rid of the effect of ship waves, hence to operate at re-
duced speed: 0.80 m/s generally. The effect of heel is avoided by displacing weights so that
the model is kept upright. The lengt ,i and the speed of the model being small, in spite of
turbulence stimulation* a scale effect for predicting the full-scale ship is expected, but if
this effect may be relatively important for the longitudinal force (which does not interest us
here) we think that it is very small regarding the transverse force; hence, at least for com-
parison between different solutions, model results are applicable to ships.
The horizontal forces are measured with a balence; they are resolved by the balance
into a longitudinal force and two transverse forces passing through fixed points, one ahead
and one behind the center of gravity.
Length of ship L
Draft T
Turning radius
Drift angle
Rudder angle a
Transverse force Y
*Pins are usually fitted 1/20 length from the bow and on the appendages.
*»k' is the derivative of heading k with respect to the time if the UITK. unit is the time which the ship takes
to travel its own length.
Yawing moment (moment of the force
related to G) N
Yawing moment coefficient* cN~
p 0 2T L 1 ,
i7 - SV2 — x - - npSTV2
2 L 2 2
Figure 1
Characteristic Coefficients
In the absence of separation of tho fluid, that is to say, with a reasonable angle of
incidence, Cy and C^ are uniform and odd functions of ß,— , and a. For a = 0, and
limiting to terms of the third order (generally sufficient in practice) Cy and C., may be
expressed in the following form:**
»Casal demonstrated that for a wing of very small aspect ratio, hydrodynamics coefficient Cy„ and C,,,, are
expressed byi
:5+ —
Ciu„ = s — (d in radians.)
**lt is possible to have second-order terms which will be, for example, in the fort. Sx|Sl, but experience
shows that sufficient adjustments .nay be obtained by »»liming them zero.
2 3
k' , 0 k' lk'\ lk'\
CY~ax S+b^- +a3 S3+b3 S2--+c3 s|-j + ^3 (^ )
a 5 + 6 + a S3 + 6 52 + C S 2 + d 3
CN = i' i Y 3 3 Y 3 (Y) * (T)
when 0 Lends to zero; GT = — ; likewise, the ship turning without drift angle (S = 0), the
transverse force (hydrodynamic force and centrifugal force) has a limiting position D on the
axis when A:'tends to zero: GD = — . It is shown that the stramht-course condition is
stable if Ü is outside the segment GT. In open water, T and D being practically ahead of G,
the straight course regime is stable if D is ahead of T.*
The coefficients of the third order are important for free turning with relatively large
rudder angles; they may account for the fact that Ship A turns poorer than Skip B for small
rudder angles and that, on the contrary, A turns better than. B for large rudder angles.
When the rudder is not amidship, other coefficients are to be considered in respect to
a ; here also their number may be often reduced, especially in the case where thu rudder is
well clear from the hull (hull-rudder interactions being then reduced).
bx Oj
»Then, — >
Tests were carried out on a 4200-ton d-w cargo vessel, the characteristics of which
are given in Table 1.
Breadth ß = 15.50 m = 0.135
| Draft T = 6.00 m = 0.0524 |
| Displacement W = 7.320 m3 = 0.687 i
1 i - -. .
The arrangement of the propeller aperture and of the rudder are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Two forms have been tested: Form 1 is geometrically similar to the full-scale ship;
Form 2 is obtained by expansion of Form 1, draftwise:*
T2 1
— = — = 1.11
Tl 0.9
a. 8 = 0, 0<k'< 0.25
b. -20<S< + 6°, *'= 0.
In the range of «5 and k studied, the variations of C1,- and C,, are linear functions of k';
the coefficients c3, a',, c', and d' are then zero.. The values of the eight remaining coefficients
are given in Table 2.
The presence of the rudder increases 6. and decreases a{ and 6^.
The increase in draft (passage from Form 1 to Form 2) increases bx total and decreases
b., and by
Table 3 indicates the limiting position T (towing with drift angle) and D (turning without
drift angle).
Point T is always beyond segment GD: consequently the straight-course regime is
unstable in all cases.
The presence of the rudder decreases the instability but relatively little because the
rudder, placed behind the hull, is masked by it. f
The influence of draft on stability is not clear.
Coefficients Relative to j Coefficients Relative to j
i Cy
i V 3 1 V a[ 1 K 4 | b 3
Form 1
without rudder 0.72 0.01 10.5 8.5 0.83 -0.58 0 - 8.5
-1.11 9
j Form 2
j without rudder 0.74 0.06 10 6.5 0.82 -0.58 -0.40 j -10 1
-1.02 i
L L L |
2 1
! Form 1
without rudder 1.16 0.52 -0.64
Form 2
! without rudder 1.11 0.57 -0.54
A Cy = Cy (a) - Cy (0) = effective force on the ruddet
A CN = CN (a) - CH (0) = turning moment of the effective force
on the rudder
A C^ = 0.053 a + 0.8 a ( — J
The tests were made at 15-knot speed, on large models fitted with a propeller; a cor-
rection for friction was applied on the centerline of the model. Figure 3 gives the results
(average between right and left turning).
0.4 QA
Figure 3a Figure 3b
Figure 3
For a = 0, there exists a refzime of free turning k' = — ^ 0. This result confirms
that the straight-course regime is unstable.
Form 1 turns better than Form 2 (deeper) but with a larger drift angle.
ß 1
j Breadth ; B = 12.70 m — =0.103 j
I i
r i
1 Drau (midlength) T = 3.90 m - =0.0316
j ;
Waterline area v = 1225.40 m2 —-=0.781 1
Projected area of the rudder s 15.40 m2 — =0.0368
Projected area of the horn S = 5.64 m2 — =0.0127
Figure 4
The models had a length of 2.50 m; they were fitted with turbulence pins.
The following tests have been done:
measurements of forces for -10° 1 S ^ + 10°; -0.3 < k' < + 0.3 without and with rud-
der (amidship) and horn; and
investigation of free turning.
All the tests have been carried out without propellers at a constant speed of 0.8 rr./s.
Fairing has been done mechanically by the method of least squares. Measurements
corresponding to too large angles of incidence have been discarded.**
The introduction of coefficients c, and c' have been judged necessary. On the con-
trary, the coefficients u3 and d' have been taken, before fairing, equal to zero; the adjust-
ment obtained with this assumption has been judged sufficient, t
The value of the ten characteristic coefficients are indicated in Table 5.
The presence of the rudder and of its horn has, for the three forms, a similar effect on
each of the coefficients, except on o.. The results obtained are not in contradiction with
those of the cargo vessel; the variation of b^ is, in particular, confirmed.
The change from Form 1 to Form 2 without or with rudder has a similar effect on each
of the coefficients, except on c, and c^. The results obtained are not in contradiction with
those of the cargo ship; variations of b^ and b3 are, in particular, confirmed.
The change from Form 1 to Form 3 without or with rudder has a similar effect on each
of the coefficients, except on c3, aj and c'y The increase of """ not ^aving been studied
for the cargo vessel, no comparison is possible between the two ships.
fThe quadratic mean of the errors was of the order of 15 grams for measurements amounting to
about 500 grams.
«i K 1 «3 63
a[ K «3 K C
Form 1
without rudder 0.85 -0.15 21 -19 18 0.85 -0.61 0.55 -20 2.6
-1.32 -18
with rudder and 0.82 0.21 23 -14 29 0.51 -0.80 -0.55 -23 0.1 1
horn -0.91 -13
Form 2
j without rudder 0.61 0.00 20 -14 24 0.69 -0.49 1- 3.5 1
-0.97 -14
1 with rudder and 0.65 0.30 20 - 9 28 0.55 -0.63 -0.20 -22 -3.4
i horn -0.63 - 5
j Form 3
j without rudder 0.61 | -0.02
! -1.43
1! ~-12 20 0.71 -0.43 240 -18 I 1J
I with rudder and 0.76 0.16 18 1 -lz12 22 0.62 -0.58 0.55 -22 1-1.3 1
1 horn -1.18
1- L
i »First Line: coefficient relative to Cj, (hydrodynamic). !
Table 6 indicates the limiting positions T (towinp; with drift an^le) and D (turning
without drift angle).
L_ L^ JL J
2 L 2 j
Form 1
i without rudder 1.00 0.47 -0.53
Form 2
1 without rudder 1.13 0.51 -0.62
Form 3
j without rudder 1.15 0.30 -0.85
The influence of a skeg (rudder and horn) on stability on straight course is very clear;
it draws back point T* and advances point D.** These two effects are favorable for straight-
course stability.
Form 1 (normal) and Form 2 (deepened) are more stable than Form 3 (broadened). With
rudder, Forms 1 and 2 are stable and Form 3 remains unstable.
Figure 5 gives the results of free turning tests made on the three forms.
Rudder at zero, there exists for Form 3 a turning regime possible corresponding to
k' = — = 1.4; this result confirms that Form 3 is unstable.
IL \ L
For Forms 1 and 2, the curve— ; o ! is tor — < 0.1 very near the aoscissa axis-
\ff ; ä
these two forms are then at the boundary between stability and instability; the tests of forced
turning, which cor espond to a number of important measurements show, however, that the
stability is positive.
For rather laige rudder angles. Form 1 turns poorer than Forms 2 and 3. Form 2
(deepened) turns as well as Form S (broadened) and with a smaller drift angle.
From the coefficients of Table 5 it is possible to calculate, for conditions /r'and 5 of
the free turnintr, the forces which would act on the hull if the rudder were at zero; the normal
force which results from leflecting the rudder is then deduced. The results are given, for
k' -- 0.2 and k' - 0.3 ir. Table 7,
P * 1
k' 5° ct0 n C
N cY a
30 ^,
Z 10 ^ !
20 . 7-
0.6 O.I 02 0.3 0.4 Ob 0.6
" R
Figure 5b
Figure 5
From the standpoint of forces developed on the hull, t'ne forms are classed in order 3,
'2, 1, Form 3 (broad) being more favorable for turning. From the standpoint of the efficiency
of the rudder, the forms are classed in the order 1 and 2, then 3.*
The combined action of the hull and of a clear rudder explains that the deep form,
which is most satisfactory from the point of view of stability on straight course, gives results
equivalent to those of the broad form for turning at rather large rudder angles.
Regarding forms, proportions, and rudder and propeller arrangements, a cargo ship and
a destroyer are the most different vessels we can imagine. It seems then very instructive to
try to draw a parallel between the two ships. It will be the subject of uur conclusions which
recapitulate the principal results given in detail in Parts II and III.
The bare hulls of the cargo ship and the destroyer have a similar behavior. The coef-
ficients of the first order, which are important for motions in the neighborhood of straight-line
regime, are of the same order of magnitude; the coefficients of the normal destroyer (Form 1)
are, on the whole, nearer the coefficiert^ of the cargo ship than those of the deepened and
broadened destroyer.
♦ If the rudder efficiency is taken as ^ith C,, the advantage of rudder 2 (largest aspect
i i 2
The difference betwaen tho two ships is chiefly appreciable on the coefficients of the
third order which are important for turning with rather large rudder angles, but the combined
influence of S and A'gives for the two ships, forces of the same direction in the base of free
Although both hulls are very different from a flat plate, it is possible to outline an
approach to the theoretical method of Brard and Casal. In a straight course with a drift angle
( 5 ^ 0 but small; k' = — = 0 ) the transverse force on the model has approximately the
f —L\
same position as that calculated I GT = 1 i its value is smaller (20 to 40 percent, than the
calculated value (Cy = S) for a flat plate. On the contrary, the hydrodynamic force due to
/ k'\
turning (S = 0; k' 4 0 but small) is much smaller than the calculated force j Cy = — 1 for a
flat plate, the measured moment being itself smaller (40 to 60 percent) than the calculated
moment. These results are encouraging for comprehending phenomena by theoretical methods.
The presence of a stern skeg (rudder amidship) leads to similar effects for the cargo
ship and the destroyer, but the orders of magnitude are not the same. One part of the differ-
ence comes from tho fact that the skeg of the cargo ship is relatively less important than the
Sj s1 + s2
skee: of the destroyer (— = 0.0165 for the first; = 0.0495 for the second ) . Tho
remainder comes from the nonider.tity of the architectural arrangements. In the case of the
cargo ship, the rudder is masked by the hull and its effect remains moderate when the propel-
ler is not in place. On the contrary, in the case of the destroyer, the rudder and its horn,
which are well clear from the hull, have an important effect: the limiting point T in straight
course with a drift angle is brought back, whereas the limiting point D in turns without drift
angle is advanced; finally, the stability of straight course is considerably improved by the
presence of the rudder and its horn.
gence is as follows: the increase of aspect ratio of an isolated rudder is favorable but this
advantage remains behind the hull only if the rudder is well separated; it is exactly the case
of the destroyer, whereas for the cargo ship the interactions between the hull and the rudder
are large.
For the destroyer the deepened model turns as well as the broadened model whose
stability on straight course is negative. It is confirmed here once more that stability on
course and steady turning are different and not opposite qualities.
1. Casal, P., "Sur les Qualites Evol ves des Navires," These de Doctoral - Paris
2. Brard, R., "Maneuvering of Ships in Deep Water, in Shallow Water, and in Canals,"
Transactions, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 59 (1951).
3. Davidson, K.S.M., and Schiff, L.I., "Turning and Course-Keeping Qualities,"
Transactions, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 54 (1946).
4. Contensou, P., "Mecanique du Navire en Route et en Giration," L'AssociaLion
Technique Maritime et Aero, Bulletin de (1938).
5. Dieudonne, J., "Note sur la Stabilito du Regime de Route des Navires," I/Association
Technique Maritime et Aero, Bulletin de (1949).
Kensoku Nomoto
Assistant Professor
Department of Naval Architectur
Faculty of Engineering
Osaka Uniyersity
Osaka, Japan
Use of an automatic steering device has been connmon practice for course-keeping at
sea. The device, called an "autopilot," detects the deviation of a ship from a predetermined
course and actuates a rudder so as to eliminate the deviation. The basic action of the auto-
pilot is called ''proportional control," which means to give a helm angle proportional to the
amount of course deviation and sometimes also proportional to the time rate of the deviation.
In this connection, a number of theoretical studies on automatic steering have been made
since Minorsky first looked into this problem in 1922.1,2'3 These studies also related largely
to proportional control, with good success in linear treatments of the problem.
Proportional control must, however, be modified for practical application in a rough sea;
otherwise, ceaseless alternating steering in responje to each wave encountered would result,
with no effect on course-keeping because of its rapid alternation. Such steering also might
induce considerable wear of the steering gear and the autopilot itself. In these circumstancos,
"weather adjust" mechanisms have been used traditionally for avoiding the frequeuL sleeruijj.
These mechanisms are composed of an amount of backlash (that is, idle clearance) inserted
into linkages transmitting a course deviation signal, which decreases considerably the freqient
steering in a rough sea by neglecting those nourse deviations less than the amount of backlash.
Unfortunately, howfl\or, the mechanisms, in transmitting the course deviation signal, also
yield a phase lag which has so great an unstabilizing effect on ship motion a« to induce
sometimes a self-exciting, sustained yawing. According to a survey of the records of yawing
of ships at sea, the well-known bad performancGs of autopilots in rough seas seem to result
from this reason, and a loss of propulsive power caused by the yawirg may exceed 10 percent.4
This power loss is of course considerable; thus one of the most important subjects in steerir-ig
problems of ships may be to analyze the self-exciting yawing resulting from conventional
weather-adjust mechanisms, and to devise some new means of avoiding the frequent steering
in rough seas without inducing such a harmful performance.
The present paper discusses these problems, utilizing a recent approach of analyzing
nonlinear sorvomechanisms, and proposes a new principle of improving the autopiloting
External Disturhanze
caused by Sea
H Compass »
ship—is usually described by a set of equations of motion which relates to a coupled motion
of side-drifting and turning angular rotation. It is, however, more convenient to use a single
equation of motion describing immediately a relation between turning angular motion and steer-
ing, because control signal in autopilotino; relates to only turning angular motion. Such an
equation of motion may be obtained by eliminating a drifting motion from the original simulta-
neous equations of motion, as follows:
d2d dB ■ dS
r.r, + (7-, + 7') — + 0= KS - AT, — [1]
dt2 dt dt
sin + ö
'(«)= A
0 f'"' (uJ)]'
I 11 +, oi 2T2
I -, A'(l +Muf )
(CO) V- l + oj2 (T2- T2) + ^T2TJ (1 + ia> Tj) (1 + i(u Tj)
and where SQ is the amplitude of sinusoidal steering. A, * is called an amplitude ratio and
0, , a phase difference. Both of them are functions of frequency w only, as a common feature
of linear systems.
Next, the response of an electrohydraulic steering gear, which is widely used for most
present ships, may be described by the following equation:
TEF — + S = S*
i 1
where A £{co) and d> £{w) Arg
Finally, we get easily the response character of a compass as follows, because it may
be considered a simple integrating element transforming 0 into 6. Namely,
6 = OQ sin ci>t,
- '4C(a;) ^0 sin [
^ f
1 | 1 1 ,7
whore A C{<ö) —I = — and
^C(OJ) = Ar
S 7" = " "5 ■
Then summing up the relations [2], [3], and [4], we know how a sinusoidal signal of 5*
is tranaformnd in transmitting through a steering trear, a ship, and a compass successrvely.
Namely, when
5* = 5* sin cot,
9 A A A
= Uo) FAoi) C(o» dQ sin [a,t +
^(o) +
<l>E{a» +
s A
LioJ)S0 sin [o,t+
K (l + iaT,)
L(.üi) - {m) E{ü>) C(u>) ico (1 + ioj Tj)(1 f i(i>T2) (1 + ifoTp)
K (1 + ia>T3)
It is convenient for the present treatment to rewrite the relation in a complex function expres-
sion as follows: when 8* ,i cot (note that e l cot cos at + i sin att).
^L(W)* o
0 e [5]
Then a complex function A^e represents an overall response character of all linear eio-
ments composed of a ship, steering gear, and compass.
Since the transmitting character through all linear elements has been thus obtained, if
a similar character of the remaining element, viz, an autopilot, is defined, we can judge
whether sinusoidal signals grow or decay in circulating through the control loop. It is impos-
sible, however, to describe the response of an autopilot by any linear differential equation
and then to obtain its response character in the forcf"'"2: manner, if considering such a dis-
continuous (then naturally nonlinear) element as 'i weather-adjust rrechanism, which is one of
the major objects of the present treatment.
Fortunately, however, the response itself of an autopilot with a weather-ad just mech-
anism to a sinusoidal input sisna! (that is, in this case a course deviation) may bo obtained
by an easy reasoning, as is indicated in Figure 2 and the formulas [7]. Then we expand the
response into a Fourier series with a fundamental frequency that is the same with the fre-
quonc-y of ine input signal, ns follows:
Considering here that all linear elements (viz, a ship, steering gear, and compass) are much
more insensitive to a signal with the higher frequency, we can neglect all the higher frequency
terms. This is the approximation of Kochenburger, and its validity depends upon how much
the higher frequency signal decays through the linear elements and also how much higher fre-
quency components are included in the original 8*; viz, how much the original S* resembles
a pure sinusoidal form. In the present case, Kochenburger's approximation may be fairly "».lid
because a ship is quite insensitive to a high-frequency steering because of her large inertia,
and also the basic action of an autopilot, even with a weather-adjust, is proportional control
that produces a sinusoidal output in response to a sinusoidal input. This is shown clearly
in Figure 6, which illustrates a record of yawing of a full-loaded cargo boat in rough sea under
autopiloting.4 Although this autopilot has a weather-adjust mechanism and another discontin-
uous cicrr.ont called a telemotor-adjust (refer to Section 2,3), the resulting ship motion may be
considered a sinusoidal motion, on the whole, except for small ripples caused by each wave
Thus, neglecting higher frequency terms in the output of an autopilot, we obtain a
description of a response character of an autopilot even with a nonlinear element in a similu.»
form as for a linear element, as follows:
It should be carefully noted that the amplitude ratio AN and phas difference <j>N are functions
not of a frequency <D as for linear elements but of an input amplitude ö0 in this case, because
Fourier coefficients ax and a2 vary naturally with forms of S* and then with amounts of ö0.
This is just one of the remarkable features of nonlinear elements.
Rewriting the relation in the complex form, we get
The complex function ANe is called a describing function of the nonlinear element.
Then considering together the relations [5] and [6], we can determine how the amplitude
and phase of a sinusoidal signal vary in circulating through the control loop; the amplitude is
multiplied by ALAN and the phase shifts by {<hL + 4>N). The overall amplitude ratio ALAN
and phase shift (0, + t^) are functions of the frequency and initial amplitude of a circulating
Now assuming an amount of initial amplitude Ö0, the overall phase shift may equal 2n
for a certain OJ. If the overall amplitude ratio A^A^y 1 for these assumed 90 and oi, a signal
with ft, and co may grow up in circulating through the loop because a phase shift of In is
identical with no phase shift. Then in this case the control system is unstable for the initial
amplitude 0O. On the contrary, if A, ^/y <1 for these ft, and OJ, the signal may decay in circu-
lating thr&ugh and then,the system is stable for the initial amplitude ft0. This is the principle
of Kochenburger's stability criterion. This criterion is usually carried out in a graphic pro-
cedure of the following manner (referring to Figure 3):
1. Plot A^e and \/A, e on a complex variable plane, taking a parameter as ö0 for
the former and as w for the latter;
2. If the curve representing l/A.e encircles completely the other curve representing
'^/V • • • ■
A*,e , the control system is stable for all conditions. This is the case of the chain lines
in Figure 3.
3. If the two curves intersect, the system is stable for those amplitudes for which the
A^e curve is inside the l/A.e curve, and unstable for those amplitudes for which
the A^e ' curve is outside the \,'A,e curve.
Then there may be two cases: one where the system is unstable in small amplitudes and
stable in large ones, and the other where the system is stable in small amplitudes and
unstable in large ones. In the former case, a self-exciting oscillation occurs because the
system is unstable at rest, and the oscillation grows up to an amplitude represented by the»
intersection between the two curves because the system becomes stable for the larger
amplitudes. Thus finally appears a sustained oscillation with an amplitude and frequency
represented by the intersection. This is so-called "soft self-c-xcitation," and a sustained
yawing of a ship under autopilofcing may be accounted as this kind of oscillation, as discussed
in Section 2.2. The latter case corresponds to so-called "hard self-excitation," but it has no
relation to the present analysis.
This graphic procedure is based upon the foregoing principle of the Kochenburger
criterion. It may be easily understood by noting that a set of cross points where a radial line
from the origin intersects the two curves represents those combinations of 0O and <u for which
the overall phase shift {(f), + </>»,) equals 27r, and also that the I/Are curve outside the
ANe curve means that 1/^ > AN and then AL AN < 1.
/ h\
>>\ n 3
COS 'II I + — fc
< (ot <
~ n : = ~ 00 sin (at + 6b
0„ / 2 2
3 3 _./ 6
— n < at < — n + COS ( 1 0
2 = = 2 \ e0
f cos (1
- 26)^ 2 ,
;i = - |l — -j- - (1 - 26) V&(1 - 6)
where 6 =
Plotting of A^e is made by putting al along the real axis and a2 as the ima'ginary axis.
Then we get a nearly elliptic curve, as shown in Figures 4 and 5. The constant Cl may bo
included in linear elements by multiplying A^ by C..
K r, T2 T3 /■ o
Ship A, full-loaded Tanker .07 90 10 25
Filter of %^2Ss
-/ 0 ■f
Figure 4 — Stability Criterion for Autopiloting of a Full-Loaded Tanker,
Showing Self-Exciting Yawing
K T, T2 T3
Ship B, full-loadert Cargo-boat .08 45 6.0 10
Ship C, ballasted Cargo-boat .06 12 2.0 5.0
i 10
proportional to the amount of weather-adjust (9^, and it rises in this case to 1.5—2.5 Ö,. The
period distributes from several scores of seconds to 200—300 sec at the largest. This yawing
is naturally accompanied wii'n a self-exciting alternating movement of a rudder, and its ampli-
tude is C. times as large as the amplitude of yawing.
Yawing records of a full-loaded cargo boat under autopiloting with weather-adjust
obtained by Motora. a sample of which is shown in Figure 6, indicate such an order of
sustained yawing, and it may result from this reason. According to Motora, a loss of propul-
sive power caused by the yawing may rise to 10 ~ 20 percent of a normal one. This is of
course quite a considerable power loss.
A ballasted cargo boat (Figure 5) does not get into the self-exciting yawing even for
the largest proportional control constant; viz, C, = 4. This indicates that those ships with
excellent inherent stability on course are free from the sustained yawing caused by weather-
Considering the foregoing severe power loss caused by sustained yawing and also
oihor possible disadvantages of the accompanying wild steering, it is quite important to
devise some effective means of avoiding the wild performance.
To use a "dead band" action in place of a backlash for weather-adjust may be one of
the most preferable means for the present purpose. This action is indicated in Figure 7.
Namely, the dead-hand mechanism shows no response to an Input signal smaller than a cer-
tain amount, for a signal larger than this amount the dead-band mechanism produces an output
signal, the magnitude of which is always smaller than that of the input by the name amount,
whether the input is increasing or decreasing. T^eri dend-Vmnd actioi-. induces no phase sb^t,
and this is the important difference between dead-band and backlash.
Since the dead-hand induces no phase shift for all amounts of input amplitudes, the
l.,e curve for it is naturally a straight line along the real axis connecting the point
'fir i<t>N
(-1,0) to the origii Then all possible 1/A^e curves are always outside the A^e
curve and therefore a ship under autopiloting with a dead-band mechanism in place of the
usual weather-adjust backlash never gets into any sustained yawing.
Concerning the avoidance of frequent steering in response to each wave encountered,
dead-band and backlash have quite the same performance. Thus to use Head-band as a new
349 ■
weather-adjust mechanism may be one of the n.ost preferable moans for avoidinf; the frequent
steering in a rough sea without inducing the sustained yawing.
There may be several practical devices of realizing the dead-band action by being in-
serted into the autopilot circuit; for instance, to short-circuit a certain width of the winding
of a potentiometer generating a course deviation signal, or to use auxiliary relays for the
purpose. The details of the device, however, remain with future dovolopmont in autopilot
The use of a low-pass filter for avoiding frequent steering in rough sea h is been pro-
posed for the first time by Motora, and discussed in detail by Rydill- The idea is based
upon the fact that the frequency of each wave encountered is fairly high ami therefore frequent
steering may be avoided hy inserting a circuit, insensitive to high-frequency sitrnal into a con-
trol loop of an autopilot. There is, however, a difficulty that such a low-pass filter induces
generally a certain amount of phase shift in transmittint; control signals and then spoils more
or less the stability of the control system, also as is pointed out by llydili. Thus the major
subject concerning the use of a low-pass filter for the purpose is how to select parameters of
a filter in order to obtain the most effective avoidance of frequent steering with the least loss
of the stability of the whole system. This is a typical compromising problem and, on.ploying
a modern approach of synthesizing servomechanisms, Rydill has treated tips problem.
A long dotted curve in Figure 4 represents the 1/V1, e ' ci'rve for Ship A with a simple
first-order low-pass filter with a time constant of 25 sec. Since in this case the weather-adjust
backlash is replaced by the filter, the whole system stability may be judged from that distance
at which the l/A, e curve passes near the point (-1, 0) according to the Nyquist stability
criterion that is also quoted in References 2 and T. In this case, the phase margin (that is,
an index of system stability in the Nyquist criterion) is very small (about 5 dog) and accord-
ingly the stability is very low. On the other hand, the time constant of 25 sec is not suffi-
cient for avoiding a steering in response to each wave, as a period of encounter may fairly
exceed 10 sec in a following sea. Then in this case the use of the low-pass filter seems not
so promising.
Although the second-order low-pass filter treated by Rydill indicates a more excellent
performance for the purpose, there may remain a question of whether avoidance of the frequent
steering in rough sea and the system stability may both be sufficient, even with the well-
synthesized filter, particularly for those ships with not so good inherent stability on course,
as are the cases for full-loaded usual merchant ships.
A rate control means to actuate a rudder not only in proportion to course deviation but
also to the time rate of the deviation. Namely, the control may be represented by the formula
as follows: 8* = - C^ - C2Ö
This control is wol! known as the most effective means of improving the stability under
autopiloting. Now let us consider the contribution of the rate control to eliminate the self-
exciting yawing.
We take, as a standard extent of the rate control, so-called "optimum damping." Too
much rate control results in a slow motion in course-changing, whereas too little rate control
cannot show well enough the advantage of the control. An optimum damping is provided by
adding just a sufficient and necessary extent of rate-control, and the extent may be easily
estimated using the Nyquist criterion; viz, select the extent of rate-control so that a phase
margin for that extent equals 35 deg—-40 deg. For instance, the optimum damping is provided
for Ship A, a full-loaded tanker, by Co = 3 sec: and for Ship B, a full-loaded cargo boat, by
C, = 5~'7 sec, where C2 represents a constant of rate control, indicated above.
Now carrying out Kochenburger's criterion for Ship A under autopiloting with the usual
-veather-adjust action and the optimum rate control, we know the ship still gets into a sus-
tained yawing but with a smaller amplitude than for no rate control. The amplitude cannot be
considered sufficiently small as the reduction is about 30 percent. Referring to the result,
much more extent of rate control might be required in order to eliminate the yawing sufficiently
by only this means. It seems that this is not a reasonable means of avoiding the sustained
hfion ft
Helm jnfk Lmittfm
cos-1 (1-26)
a, = - ^1- )- v'6(l-i) . 11-26 (1-2^)!
where 6 = Ö./ö- and ß = Ofj/dh and where '20^'is the amount of "negative" backlash con-
verted into the scale of course deviation. Kochenburger's plotting in this case is shown in
Figure 9. It indicates that the amplitude of the sustained yawing decreases by about 20 per-
cent through using this damping means with ß = 0.6.
Since this amplitude is not sufficiently small and any more improvement cannot be ex-
pected by the mechanism referring to tne result, it may be concluded that the damping by over-
telcmotor-adjust is not satisfactory to avoid the self-exciting yawing.
5. Helm-Angle Limitation
Most autopilots have helm-angle limitation mechanisms, the aim of which may be to
avoid wild steering of a large amplitude experienced in rough sea. Denoting a limit angle of
helm by S , we obtain Kochenburger's description of the response of an autopilot with a helm-
angle limitation, as well as a normal weather-adjust, as follows:
\ wir /
co:s w
a, sin (lit + «o ^
cos -1ll-(y + l)6l (y-l)J-t ^(y + llx/i-ö^y + l)2-* J.(y-l)\/l -62(y-l)2 j
«2 = — y&'
where 6 = 0j,/0o and y These forrnuLas are valid for 6 (y + 1) < 1 and for
6 (y + 1) > 1, the helm-angle limitation has no effect, because it means that an amplitude of
5* does not reach the limiting angle of helm. Kochenburger's plotting for this case is also
shown in Figure 9 by long dotted linos; the helm limitation shows no effect for amplitudes
smaller than h (y + 1) > 1, and for amplitudes larger than 6 (y + 1) < 1 the Aue curve
returns to the origin. The result shows that the helm limitation of 10 deg somewhat reduces
the frequency of the sustained yawing, while it does not affect the amplitude. If the limiting
angle S is reduced more, the slower is the sustained yawing (the smaller u,) and also the
amplitude may decrease. It is difficult, however, to take a too small 5s, because at least a
certain amount of helm angle is required to keep a course against a sustained disturbance;
for instance, a constant wind blowing abeam. Considering that the least necessary helm
angle may rise fairly to 10 deg, it seems that the helm limitation is not so promising to ease
the self-exciting yawing.
An inherent character of a ship in steering, usually called steering quality or maneu-
verability, may be described by the equation of motion [1] or the transfer function in steering
as follows:0
K{l + T3p)
p> " (i + 7»(i + r2p)
The results given in Section 2.3 indicate that those ships with low inherent stability,
that means large value of 7^, yield a low stability under autopiloting and then are easy to get
into a self-exciting yawing. This is a reasonable conclusion.
Next the contribution of the index I*, is worthy of notice. T3 represents originally a
contribution of steering rate in initiating turning motion and accordingly a large T3 contributes
largely to an inherent maneuverability. The effect of 7", is, however, not so dominant that it
is a fairly sufficient treatment to consider f,, together with T-, in a form of correction to T^,
viz, to use a single time constant T -= Tj + r2 - T^ in place of Tj and to neglect 7'2 and Ty
This is the first-order simulation which indicates wide utilities in a brief and plain descrip-
tion of steering motion of a ship.
In the case of autopiloting, however, the effect of T3 is quite dominant. Consequently
the first-order simulhlion loses its validity in this case, as is shown in Figure 10. This
depends on the fact that the frequency which is the most significant for the stability under
autopiloting is relatively high, while the first-order simulation has originally its main utility
in a low-frequency phenomenon.
where TV is the time constant of a steering gear that is related immediately to the foregoing
proportionality constant connecting (S - S) to the ram speed.
The time constant TE has a value of about 1.6 ~ 1.8 sec for the usual steering gear
with a steering rate of hard-over to hard-over per 30 sec. The inertia of all moving parts may
be neglected because of the relatively slow movement. In addition, the above equation is
\'^1 J4,
First-order Simmion
of Ship A, C, Z
Figure 10 — Error of First-Order Simulation in Autopiloting Analysis
and Effect of Steering Gear's Response Character
disturbed when (S - 5) fairly exceeds several degrees as the case of hard-over steering, but
such a case does not appear usually under autopiloting.
To examine the effect of a response character of a steering gear, the \/A,e curves
with TE -Q and TE - 1.7, that is a usual value, are compared in Figure 10. Referring to the
result, a response character of a steering gear has slight effect upon the whole system per-
formance, particularly for usual merchant ships, by reason of the relatively small value of its
time constant.
1. The weather-adjust mechanism now in use, which is for avoiding a ceaseless steering
in response to each wave encountered in rough sea, often induces a self-exciting, sustained
yawing. A propulsive power loss caused by the yawing may sometimes exceed 10 percent of
normal power
2. Use of a dead-band mechanism in place of a backlash, the one usually used, may be
the most preferable means of avoiding the ceaseless steering in rough sea without inducing
any reduction of the stability of the whole system and then any bad performance as the self-
exciting yawing.
3. An adequate amount of rate control is desirable in order to yield a sufficient stability
under autopiloting. An optimum proportionality constant of rate control depends on the
dimensions, speed, relative rudder size, and load condition of a ship. It may be about 3~7
sec for full-loaded merchant ships.
4. Thus performances of present autopilots may be much improved by using a dead-band
element for avoiding the ceaseless steering in rough sea, together with an adequate amount
of rate control.
5. A bad inherent stability of a ship on course (a large value of the stability index 7^)
injures also the stability under autopiloting. The time constant T3, another index öf the
steering quality, contributes so considerably to stability under autopiloting that the first-
order simulation in steering, which has wide utilities on treatments on usual steering motion,
is completely invalid for the analysis of automatic steering.
6. The response character of a steering gear affects the performance of autopiioting rel-
atively little, particularly in cases of full-loaded merchant ships which have fairly large time
7. Stabilizing by means of so-caiied "'over-telomoUDr-adjust" mechanisms is net very
promising for autopiloting in rough sea.
ft. Helm-anglfl limitation seems to be unnecessary so far as autopilotiny; performance is
Acknowledgment is made of the help by the staff of Tokyo Keiki Seizosho Company,
liokushin Denki Sc-isakusho Company, and Kawasaki Dockyard Company.
6. Nomoto, K., et al., "On UIQ Steering Qualities of Ships," International Shipbuilding
Progress, No. 35 (1957) or, alternatively, Nomoto, K., "Frequency Response Research on
Steering Qualities of Ships," Technology Report of the Osaka University, No. 294 (1958).
7. Rydill, L.J., "A Linear Theory for the Steered Motion of Ships in Waves," Transactions,
Institution of Naval Architects (1958).
Nr 45 GÖTEBORG 1960
& %l %
1. Introduction
In the course of the last fifteen years, the interest in and knowledge
of the many aspects of steering and control of ships have rapidly
grown among naval architects. Today the subject is recognized as
one of the utmost practical importance, and new facilities for the
experimental verification of theories and for the guidance of future
design are established at many model basins.
At the Swedish State Shipbuildin g H x p e r i-
mental Tank (SSPA) there is as yet no manoeuvring basin, but
a complete instrumentation is available for different types of tests
with radio-controlled models in a small lake near Gothenburg. For
use on the lowing carriage in the 850 ft. model basin, the equipment
includes one old, twin strut, all-mechanical, three-component balance
(for submerged models only) and one single strut, resistance-wire
strain gauge, six-component balance for internal mounting, both
designed for the measurement of forces on captive models in stationary
oblique towing. An exhaustive test program has been initiated for
studies of a modern cargo liner form.
The reasons underlying the new inquiries are many. A constant
stimulation is provided by the advancements in aerodynamics and
control engineering and also by the new measuring techniques devel-
oped in all branches of ship model testing.
In this report some of the problems and progress are reviewed
and an introduction is given to the modern treatment of the charac-
teristics and stability of surface ship motion.
Section 3 contains a short attempt to summarize the achievements
of the last eighty years, and the accompanving bibliography in Section
ii lists about ninety titles.
In Section 4 are formulated the general equations of motion for a
bod" floating on the surface or submerged. Before proceeding to a
further investigation of the stability and motion of a surface ship on a
calm sea, two sections are devoted to a discussion of the stationary and
non-stationary forces on hull and rudder, with illustrative examples.
The equations for the motion of a ship with a proportional rudder
control are simplified and normalized in Section 7. The next section
leads to the algebraic criterion for inherent dynamic stability, deduced
by inspection of the characteristic equation, whereas Section 9 makes
use of elementary frequency response methods and the NYQUIST
criterion for the directional stability of the steered ship.
The report ends with a few comments on manoeuvring performance
related to course stability.
2. Symbols and Units
When applicable, the symbols have been chosen in accordance with the nomenclature
of the Technical and Research Bulletin No. 1 — 5, published by the Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in 1950. In a few other
cases, resort has been made to accepted practice in aerodynamics or control en-
In the discussion of component motions and of the hydrodynamic forces acting on the
ship and its rudder, use is made of an orthogonal right-handed system of body axes,
lOxyz), with its origin in the centre of gravity and moving with the body. {Contrary
to submarine standard code, a left-handed system of body axes is often used for gurfaco
ships, giving equal signs to the angle of drift and the corresponding drifting velocity.)
The equations of motion are referred to these coordinates as well, the changes of linear
and angular momentum of course being expressed with reference to a system of axes
fixed in space. Ultimately the treatment is greatly simplified by considering a motion
in the horizontal Xi/-plene only.
Two sketches for reference are presented in Figs. 1 and 2.
Physical Non-Dimensional
Symbol Definition
Dimcnsio i Form as Used
number - VI]13^
a Centre of gravity — —
0(/cu', Total open loop transfer function (frequ-
ency-response form) "
i G(») Transfer function (operator form) — —
1 H H Angular momentum (vectorial) MLH—i —
1 ^n ■ lyy
Mass moment of inertia about the axes x.
HjB. HjL
Ia y and 2 resp.
K | Rolling moment about the x-axis ML«T-« —
K Static loop gain, open loop - -
i L 1 Length of ship (on Vi'L) L —
\ '' i Lift of wing MLT-« Ch=h\\v'-S
Physical Non-Dimensional
Symbol Definition
Dimension Form as Used
.., .. ,e
Nß Typical stiffness derivative {.V 3 = — (fNv) Ml.2'!' -
Nr Typical moment-angular velocity (rotaiy; ML2T ' -V; Xri\VSLL'-
N I0
Ar- Typical moment-angular acceleration 1 ML- A'r-=
R RoUTH^a discriminant
R Magnification factor of transfer functioi
Symbol Definition ■ Physical Non-Dimensional
I Dimension Form as Used
i = YillSLL
' if
Typical force-acceleration derivative M
Y* Derivative of l'(^)
It. D:o of oscillating rudder \kx
|f.nng<*ndtpnl radius of gyration of ship
maHs in non-dimensional form
{'..efficients of accession to inertia in
translation along x- and y-axes
k° k' D:o, corrected for free surface neglecting
Coefficient of accession to moment of
inertia in yawing about the c-axis
l):o, corrected for free surface neglecting
Definition Physical Non-Dimensional
Dimension Form as Used
Definition Physical Non-Dimensional
Dimension Form as Used
V Frequency of ship yawing oscillation« T-i
k = n— v
e Density of displaced water ML"3
a Coefficient of rate of change of heading T a'= a
term in proportional rudder control
Fhasa shift of transfer function — —
\ ^ HeaJing angle from fixed datum direction - —
V Angle of yaw. or heading error - —
Lm L
(ü Angular frequency of ship yawing oscilla- T-i k= , (u'= — (ul
2(7 U
\ O)' Non-dimensional frequency of ship — (cf. above)
yawing oscillations (c/. Ic)
Non-dimensional natural frequency of — —
undamped free oscillations - -
c to,
<"! Angular frequency of rudder oscillatiou.s T->
The subscript a applied to a symbol indicates an amplitude value, and the Bubscript
c a constant value in steady circling. In Section 9 the subscript c also refers to "closed
loop", whereas the subscripts c, t and o indicate the error, input and output signals «if
a servo mechanism.
Other subscripts, c. g. v, r, ß, are applied to define the partial derivatives of the
hydrodynamic forces and moments with respect to th&te modes of motion.
A* (dot) over a symbol stands for a derivation with respect to time.
A' (prime) of a symbol is used to indicate the non-dimensions] form {rf. p. 38.)
3. Course Stability and Manoeuvring of Ships — a Brief Outline
of Literature
This paper is chiefly concerned with the development of some
simplified formulae and criteria in the v/ell-known theory of ship
motion, and with a discussion of a few questions related to the para-
meters of these equations. It is advisable first to give a brief outline
of the literature pertaining to such problems; among the titles reviewed
here, those by SCHOENHERR, THIEME and BBRNDT as well as the recent
survey by ST. DENIS and CRAVEN all contain vaiueable bibliographies.
The kinematics of manoeuvring was gradually developed by many
authors, and mention must here be made of the treatise by POLLARD
and DUDEBOUT (1894), aa well as of the paper by ROTHE (1910), in
which the virtual inertia» were substituted for the inertias of the
hull proper. (The concept of virtual mass and virtual moment of
inertia had been introduced by GREEN and was already applied by
WILLIAM FROUDE in his work on the rolling of ships.) More widely
known are the classic memoirs by HOVOAAKD (1912), KLEIN (1923)
and K.UCHAESKI (1932), the latter usin^ the analogy between the hull
and a wing. It was clearly shown that the motion of the ship is largely
governed by the hydrodynamic forces acting upon the hull itself, and
that the function of the rudder is jnore or less that of a servo controlling
the attitude of the hull. In the simple example of a steady turn, for
instance, the small effective rudder turning force (including the inter-
ference force experienced by the hull) balances the inward lateral hidl
force and the inertia forces due to radial acceleration. Most rudders of
the same area and in roughly similar positions will carry almost the
same maximum lift at some optimum helm angle; thus the minimum
turning circle is essentially a function of hull form parameters.
In spite of these early findings, the majority of model tests on
manoeuvring was devoted to the study of rudder stock moments and
of rudder forces or "initial ship turning moments"'. This fact might
have been a consequence of the performance of the steering engine
being the only manoeuvring quality defined in engineering terms and
regulated by the classification societies. However, a modification of
the rudder and tail fin usually offers the only way of improving the
steering characteristics of an existing ship, and often this remedy has
proved to be sufficient. Regarding the turning ability of the ship, there
has seldom been a serious demand for radical improvements, the adop-
tion of twin spade rudders on destroyers forming a possible exception.
If steering or course-keeping was thus of more importance than
minimum turning circles, at least in the eyes of the practising naval
architect, stability and control in flight was a still more urgent problem
for the aircraft designer at the beginning of the centuary. The stability
of a dynamical system, described by KULEK'S equations for moving
body axes, had already been studied by ROUTH (1S84), who linearized
the external forces for small deviations from a state of equilibrium
and pointed out the significance of the coefficients of the determinantal
equation. By introducing the force-velocity derivatives and, when
dealing with Ughter-than-air bodies, acceleration derivatives in the
linearized expressions for the aerodynamic forces BRYAN (1911),
BAIRSTOW (1913), JONES (!92!) and others established a theory for
the comp'ete motion in the six degrees of freedom. (The acceleration
derivatives, of course, are virtual inertias in a real fluid with signs
reversed.) The modern presentation of the normalized equations is
due to GLAUERT (1927). Admittedly the theory for along time remained
of academic interest chiefly, as it was confined to flying with controls
fixed or free and there was no means of analysing the human pilot.
WEINHMM and KINZEL made use of these methods in two papers on
ship motion published before the last world war (1937, 1938), with an
actual example of a ship model.- In a contemporary paper CONTENSOU
(19I5S) demonstrated how the stability of a stationary motion could be
inferred from an implicit representation of the simultaneous component
equations in semi-polar coordinates. These three authors also gave
the analytical criterion of an inherent dynamical stability on straight
course now in use; it requires a knowledge of stationary derivatives only.
The conditions of directional stability in automatic steering along
a fixed course had been discussed by MlNORSKV (1922) by means of
the technique of added derivatives, applied to a simplified one-degree
of-freedom oscillation and including several types of position and rate
control. Although, he was able to form some conclusions as to time
'lae effects too. it was not until after the war that this analysis was
renewed. Until then, the development of automatic steering devices
had also been left more or less without the aid of naval architects.
During the war years the demand for automatic controls and high
manoeuvrability of submarines and surface ships made necessary an
intensified experimental research in this field, and the data then
accumulated indicated new aspects of the problems. In his 1944 essay
DAVIDSON demonstrated what could and could not be achieved by
pure common sense reasoning applied to such experimental figures.
In 1946 DAVIDSON and SCHIFK took a large step towards a better
understanding of the interrelation between the performance of a ship
on a straight course and in turning, pointing out the nonlinearities in
the behaviour of the unstable ship and including an interesting
treatment of the transients when entering a steady turn. They also
used linear theory for establishing a formula for the radius of the
turning circle.
ABKOWITZ started his investigations on the control of submarines
from the general equations of motion set up for aerial flight. Most
of his results were given in unpublished lecture notes, although his
approach forms the basis for the consistent nomenclat jre suggested by
the Society of Naval Architects t n d M a r i n e
K n g i n e e r s (1950). Reference is also given to i paper by ABKO-
WITZ (1957) on ship motion in pitch and heave, where the same general
equations are used.
The choice of an adequate nomenclature is of utmost importance to
a fruitful communioation of ideas, and realising the increasing com-
plexities of problems of the future, ST. DENIS and CRAVEN (1958)
recently put forth a simplified matrix notation. It is believed that the
SNAME 1950 code will still be a standard for use iti most practical
applications, however.
The works of DAVIDSON and SCHIFF, and of ABKOWITZ, made much
to stimulate other authors. From the St e ve ns school originate,
among many others, a report by WILLIAMS (1948) on initial stage motion
and a paper by SCHIFF and GIMPRICH (1953), who studied an automatic
control system, where the rudder angle called for is proportional to a
combination of heading deviation a:, ' rate of change of heading, and
which has a behaviour with a close resemblance to the automatic
pilots used in practice. Two types of time lag were investigated, and
it was shown to which extent such lags could be tolerated in the
steering of ships in a calm sea. PETERS (1 it4S) made a formal investiga-
tion of the motion and stability of submarines, also using the virtual
inertias in the development of the equations, and perhaps the main
differences of the two schools are to ue found herein. In the discussion
of a paper on the stability of a towed ship by STRANDHAGEN, SCHOEN-
indication of the precautions necessary when applying the virtual
inertias in the equations. This question will be considered later.
The envelope of the hydrodynamic reactions on a towed ship,
drifting with zero angular velocity, is known as "la courbe derive"
and the position of its "centre initial" or its point of reflection on the
ship centerline being aft of the point of towline attachment is one of
the conditions necessary for the stability of the towed ship. For the
self propelled ship, DIKUDONNK (1949) introduced the corresponding
envelope of the resulting forces in turning with zero drift, the apex of
which he showed must be aft of the centre of gravity or forward of
"le centre de derive initial" for stable conditions to prevail.
Within the last ten years many important contributions have added
to the knowledge of special problems. Independent of earlier papers
HORN (lOM) derived similar conditions for the dynamical stability
in a calm sea, and he also investigated the response to disturbances
and the relative importance of some of the force derivatives using the
hydrofoil boat as an illustrative analytical example. DAVIDSON (1948)
and GRIM (1951) studied the loss of stability experienced by a ship in
following seas. For the study of steering in a regular seaway, as the
first step to a still more general approach, the ideas of WEINBLUM
will probably have a fundamental bearing.
Following the paper by WKINBLUM and .ST. DENIS (1950) on the
motion of ships in a seaway WEINELU.M (1951) applied the results for
the transverse force and yawing moment due to buoyancy effects
in the seaway to determine approximate formulae for the hull reaction
derivatives with respect to a small change of wave train heading.
Although the virtual inertias and rotary derivatives were assumed to
remain largely unaffected by the waves, and although a uniform speed
of advance was still accepted, the problem of directional stability in
waves was shown to lead to considerable mathematical difficulties.
In a recently published paper, RVIHIJ, (1959) e.voided some of these
difficulties by a further approximation of the expression of exciting
forces in a long-crested sea with small wave amplitudes, when heading
error could also be kept small in automatic steering. From an analysis
of the steering in a regular sea with a high frequency of encounter, he
demonstrated the need for a suitable control system with a low-pass
filter to reduce the high frequency movement of the rudder, which he
proved could not effectively react against yawing in oncoming
seas. The fact that ship response to rudder movement is appreciable
at relatively low frequencies only, severely limits the value of forced
oscillation by rudder in the calm water of a short towing tank as a
method of determining stability characteristics, as will he toxiched
upon later. RYDTT.T, also applied his linear treatment to some studies
of steering in an irregular sea.
There is an extensive literature on turning and course-keeping due
to iiaiiaii. Russian and .Japanese authors, which is often less well
known or inaccessible to readers in western countries. Reference to the
works of CASTAGXKTO (,.<.»4S), CHAXOVIC (!!t4.H), BASIN (1940) and
MOTGRA (li)4C, li).">:5) will make the list of titles on the kinematics
somewhat more representative. Other papers will he referred to below.
Most of the papers so far reviewed have been devoted to the study
)f the stability of motion or to the calculation of trajectories for a
transient or steady motion, assuming that the forces on the hull and
rudder, or their derivatives, are known. Having established a relation
between these forces and the resulting motion, it is clear that it will
lie possible, in special cases at least, to reverse the procedure, e. r/.. to
deduce the forces acting on the hull from a knowledge of the forcing
r'-.dder function and the motion observed for the ship. Such methods
were first applied to manually piloted aircrafts, by NORTON (i;)2;5).
(!AKNER (IDIM. Ii)2()) and others, but more recently, in forms of
frequency response tests, they have become powerful tools in the
analysis of automatically steered bodies.
Actually the first theoretical study of automatic feed hack control
systems, by MlNO'tSKY (I'.l^^). was concerned with the steered ship.
although 1-, B. SI'KRRY had successfully flown a gyrostabilized flying
boat eight years earlier. The auto pilot, the steering engine and the
ship with its rudder all form different components of a closed loop
system, each component characterized by its transfer function or the
complex ratio of out put to input. The theory lor such control systems
ana their stability has been developed in electric network engineering,
and it is natural that the dynamic problem lends itself to studies in
analog computers, where each component is represented by its equiva-
lent electric circuit. The stability of the closed loop system may be
judged from the total open loop response recorded at several fre-
quencies, without a knowledge of the individn»' transfer functions.
If these individual functions arc desired, they may be derived from
frequency response tests with each component in open loop, as in-
dicated in the previous paragraph.
Starting from a linearized set of simultaneous equations for
the motion of a stable ship-and-rudder system, the differential
equation relating, for instance, the yaw angle output to a harmonic
rudder function is easily found. The solution of such an equation
is made up of a transient term, decaying by time and being the
natural response to any sudden disturbance, and of a forced perma-
nent oscillation with the frequency of the rudder. After some time,
only this second term remains, and the transfer function on base of
varying frequencies is obtained from a series of observations of
amplitude ratios and phase angles. The transfer function may also
be found from an analysis of the transient motion following a certain
rudder movement, in which case this may be expressed by a sum of
sinusoidal terms of different amplitude and frequency: the transient
will contain terms of those same frequencies, for which the transfer
function is given by the amplitude ratios along the imaginary axis.
MiLLIKEN (1947, I!).")!) and noLLOY (1951) have given excellent
reviews of the work in this field of aircraft design, and the methods
have been introduced in ship and submarine design by SCHIFF (1948)
and GEISBEEG (1950). There are also a number of classified reports on
submarine testing. Running frequency response tests in a model basin
with limited length offers special problems, as it may tie necessary to
include long periods corresponding to the natural oscillation of a model
of a submarine with mctacentric stability or of a surface ship in a
regular sea. in which a minimum of rudder motion is desired. Some of
these problems have been investigated by BERNDT (1951;), in whose
treatise arc discussed the» relative merits of harmonic or transient
responses in submarine and model testing.
Of special interest are the possibilities for such analysis offered by
the standard zigzag manoeuvring test for surface ships, first suggested
by KEMPF (19:55) for comparative performance evaluation only. In
a later paper KKMTF (1944) published the results of a large number ol
such tests, stating common values for the normalized period of a
complete manoeuvre, the meaning of which is discussed in terms of
the time lags involved in a report by CJiMPKiCH and JACOBS (1948).
NoMOTO, TAGUCHI, HONDA and HIKANO (1957) have made a theore-
tical and experimental study of the ship response in different steering
processes and demonstrated a simplified analysis of the trapezoidal
zig-zag manoeuvre by using transfer functions for a suggested first-
order equation of motion. Further work along these lines would
be of tit most value.
The transfer function, the magnitude of which thus may be derived
from experimental observations, is built up of the stability derivatives
forming the constant coefficients of the equations of motion. If some
of these derivatives can be estimated with acceptable accuracy, by
theory or from simple model tests, it may be possible to eliminate the
oilier from the transfer function.
As has already been pointed out, the linear theory gives a linear
formula for the steady state angular velocity on base of effective rudder
turning moments, which is valid for gentle turns at least. The coeffi-
cient determining the slope of this line also contains the stability
derivatives, and if some of them, or their relationships, are known,
the others may be determined from ordinary full scale trials. Further,
if such trial results are available for one ship and if the effect of say
a modified stern arrangement will be of importance to the rotary
derivatives only, the turning ability of the new design may be predicted
with some confidence.
A considerable number of turning circle test results for destroyers
and other naval ships have been published by HOVGAARU (1912),
PITRE (1934, 1935) and COLE (1938). In this connection SCHOEN-
IIEKK'S analysis (1939) of HOVGAARDS figures should be specially
mentioned. Also, in the files of various shipyards, there are numerous
steering trial results for ordinary merchant ships, but in most of these
cases the turning circles have only been run with the rudder hard over.
Of course, such results are not available for an analysis using linear
theory, and it is hoped that more information will he obtained from
future trials in accordance with a new proposal for steering and turning
tests, the latter run with 35° and 20° rudder.
Throughout this review the need for theoretical and experimental
research on the hydrodynamic forces on the hull has been strongly
emphasized, and many of the modern papers cited also include
important contributions in this respect. It is, however, noted that the
basic problem had for a long time been ignored by most model experi-
mentors. although submarine models had been subjected to routine
testing in three-component stationary balances. The first experiments
to support the development of manoeuvring theory and known to the
present author were those by CASTAGNETO (1935).
Similar measurements were made by Ki N/KI, and WEIXBLU.M (193S)
on two models, one designed with a bulbous bow. Systematic tests to
study the influence of hull form parameters were carried out by
SUTHERLAND (1948); see also below. Other tests on single models are
due to THIEME (1956) and to HORN and WALINSKI (1958), in both
tlu.-.c cases to illustrate theoretical investigations on the motion of
the ship. Of special interest are some tests with a semi-submerged
prolate spheroid described by GAWN (1951). The two last references
also report on force measurements on the oscillated models.
In order to simulate the flow conditions due to steady path curva-
ture, cambered models were frequently used in airship model testing,
and the limitations of this technique have been discussed by GOUKJI-
ENKO (1934). In their 1938 paper KüNZEL and WEINBUJM studied the
stability of a ship model in steady turning by means of force measure-
ments on a cambered model towed along a straight course with
different combinations of drift and rudder angle; further tests were
made by KEMPF (1945) and more recently by THIEME (1956) and
MOCKEL who compared the results with rotating arm measurements in
an extensive investigation of hull forces on a motor launch in permanent
Rotating arm facilities are now found at niüiiy model basins, but up
till now few results of general interest have been reported. However,
some tendencies were furnished by DAVIDSON and SCHIFF (1946) as a
basis for the discussion already referred to, and SUTHERLAND (I94H)
published valuable information from measurements on a series of
captive surface models, the hull proportions and deadwood area of
which were systematically varied. The models were also towed on a
straight course and the results were given in charts of non-dimensional
coefficients containing an empirical factor for hull form parameters.
For use with linear theory, model experiments should provide
values of force and moment derivatives. As the relative magnitude
of tne turning radius is limited by the free length of the rotating arm
and the length of the smallest model consistent with reliable measure-
ments, it is necessary to extrapolate the results to an infinite radius
of curvature. Moreover, the derivatives evaluated from static balances
on towing carrioges or rotating arms are at best a kind of quasi-static
derivatives. In contrast to a body in an ideal fluid, the ships and models
are known to experience a transverse force or lift, which in part has
its origin in a circulation over the after body. The forces on the body
will therefore depend on the history of the motion too, the significant
parameter being the reduced frequency or STROUHAL number,
demonstrated by DUNCAN and COLLAR (1932) in the case of aerofoils
in unsteady motion. In as much as each state of motion may be
identified with a series of harmonic components, it is desirable to run
the models in a number of sinusoidal motions of different frequencies.
The forced oscillation technique, first introduced in wind tunnel
testing by SIMMONS (1921), can be adopted to the testing of captive
ship and submarine models. The hydrodynamic reactions due to
accelerated motions, or the virtual inertias, are also derived fiom
these tests.
In early testing arrangements, the exciting forces were applied
through an elastic system; due to the high damping of the model the
natural oscillations of that system soon died away and the steady
oscillation of the model was then of the frequency of the excitation,
lagging behind it by a certain amount. For the reduction of different
derivatives it was necesssary to record the amplitude and phase lag
of the oscillation, and in some cases also the forces applied to the
elastic system. In most modern oscillating devices, the models are
rigidly attached to the exciting mechanism, whereas the forces acting
between model and support are directly recorded by means of small-
displacement transducers. In this way it is possible to let the model
oscillate in any desired mode of motion. In the so called planar
motion mechanism, designed by GERTLER and GOODMAN (lit.r)S),
submerged models may be run in a pun pitching or heaving motion
with respect to the flow axis; the damping and inertia forces, being
out of phase and in phase with the motion respectively, are auto
matically separated in the data processing. Kor "Schlängelschwing-
ungen" with surface ship models HOKN and WALINSKI (lltriS) made use
of a similar arrangement, in which the drift angle was always kept
small, although a true yawing oscillation with respect to the flow
axis could not be obtained.
With the aim of facilitating a systematic presentation of experi-
mental hull force data and, ultimately, to devise acceptable methods
for theoretical, predictions, the analogy between a ship hull and a
lifting wing has long been advocated. BRARD (1951) and INOUE (l(.tr>())
both formulated expressions for the transverse hull force from con-
siderations of the vortex system of a turning hull. SlLER (I'MSt) and
THIEMB (1954) applied the results of small aspect ratio lifting liii"
theories with special emphasis on the non-linear effects. FEDYAEVSKY
and SOBOLEV (lit.r)7) have introduced the theory of JONES (1<.)4()) for
the non-circulatory lift of slender wings, the use of which may be
based on the assumption of a rearward region of vorticity modifying
the hull form.
For boat-tailed bodies of revolution, the wing analogy concepts have
so far rendered no results. The ideal theoretical distribution of
pressure over the surface of an aiiship or torpedo is known to break
down at its extreme tail, giving rise to a resistance to axial motion and
to a stabilizing lift at small angles of attack. HARRINGTON (IftSfi)
aisoTtemonstrated the existence of a pair of trilling vortices originating
from the leeward side of an elongated spheroid. The flow pattern
found bv HARRINGTON has no resemblance with the flow over the wine
model of very small aspect ratio studied by GoLUBEV (1952). PODE
is reported to have proved the failure of the wing theory approach to
the lift of bodies of revolution and to have laid the foundation of a
new theory for such bodies.
"^ «„ (fixed
(mU) ml' Q x (mV)
(H) - // - Ü x // - J/
'I'he dots denote the time rate of change with respect to body axes.
Resolving the equations of motion into separate equations for each
single component of the forces acting gives the well known EULER
equations to he found in most text books oti classical mechanics.
m (ü — rv + qw) = X + X (ö)
Here the terms of 5 refer to a rudder excitation while K^., M. and N,,
are the components of the metacentric couple.
In general, the components of the right hand members will include
the effects of added inertias as well as damping, restoring and exciting
[oree», which are functions of the true motion in all six degrees ot
freedom. For many practical purposes, however, it is possible to
decouple one or more of the equations and to separate the component
In that which follows, this paper will only deal with the stability and
performance of a surface ship controlled in a permanent motion along
a preset heading on the compass, or run on a straight course or in a
steady turn with fixed rudder. Before proceeding to a further simpli-
fication of the equations, however, it is necessary to agree upon a
suitable representation of hull reactions and controlling forces.
Fig. ',i. Influence of speed on turning performance. Curves for British I-class destroyei
eonnpileci from data published by COLK 1938.
Without entering into the details of hull force calculation, it may
he desirable to facilitate the discussion by use of the results of the
systematic model tests due to SuTHEELAXD (194«). The curves in
Fig. 4 arc deduced for a hull with the proportions of a destroyer.
showing the static lateral force and yawing moment coefficients on a
base of drift angle in straight towing and relative path curvature in
rotating arm tests with zero drifting velocity." (Note that the angle
of drift and the relative» path curvature express the small transverse
and angular velocities in a non-dimensional form; c/. Section 7). In
all cases there is a pronounced nonlinearity. mainly caused hv the
increasing effect of viscous cross-flow resistance at the higher local
drift angles. As a matter of fact, most other tests do show a somewhat
wider range of linear dependence.
For small deviations from the steady state motion of a dynamical
system it is generally assumed that the restoring and damping forces
and moments can be represented by means of partial "stability"'
derivatives with respect to the changes of positions and velocities of
the system components. To some extent it is also possible to express
the equality of forces in a new steady state by these derivatives.
As has already been stated, the hydrodynamic forces acting on a
body in a real fluid will be functions of the complete motion, i.e.
they will depend not only on the velocities but also on their rates of
change with time and also their time integrals. In the equations of mo
tion the acceleration derivatives may always be associated with the iner-
tias of the body to form the virtual inertias; they are more or less free
from any effects of viscosity, and may be calculated as for the ideal
case. In the presence of a free surface, the hydrodynamic inertias will
depend on the boundary conditions and therefore on the nature of
the motion. It will here be assumed that the vertical velocities of the
surface will be small so that gravity forces may be neglected when
compared to the inertia forces. In that case, the free surface boundary
conditions remain the same for all types of horizontal motion. A
similar assumption has already been introduced for the damping forces
in the non-wavemaking range of forward speed. The damping forces,
however, are directly or indirectly due to viscosity, and the vortices
momentarily left behind the ship still influence the flow around it;
strictly, then, there can be no constant derivatives in a non-stationary
For the underwater portion of a naked hull, the "deeply submerged''
values of the coefficients of accession to inertia (ky, k..) may be
0.08 0.08
0.0« _
iattrat area of nak»ii hutt
ca. 85 per cent of product Hi.
Skeg nnü ca. 6.5 per cent of product HL
■ 0.02
V\ i | X
• I
i i X
-0.07 _
-0.02 ~0.0fl
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0A 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Relative path curvature, r'. i/R Rttativt path curvature, r*. L/Q
Fig. 4. Static latert.1 force and yawing moment coefficients. Influence of akeg on
naked hull. Example calculated for destroyer form (Z,//5= 10, B/H' = 3) from model
test data published by SUTHERLAND 1918.
Fig. 5. Coefficients of accession to inertia corrected for free surface effect neglecting
v = 0.4 kv\
Aft. - 0.4 A-
016 0.16
0.14 -
0.0.' -
.0.0010 -0.0/0 ■ - - - \
-0.00/5 ■ao'S
'''2 r
/ '* /
.* ,'0
J.OO.'O — / •
/ J «3
-0.00^5 7 /
/ B/H -2.4'
?v .'.V
c) Lateral force rotary derivative . d) V%jvmg momont rotary derivative —
CIT' --'
Fig. 6. Static lateral force and yawing moment derivatives of naked hulls. Influence
of hull proportions. Calculated from model test data published by StTTHEKDARl] 194S.
Ki^. 7. Xakod hull lateral force derivative Ya on a base of lateral area aspect ratio
.1 - HjL. Calculated from model test data publisheil l>y ÖUTHKRLANn 194K.
an almost straight line to the base of 2 HjL, confirming results
analogous to the additional mass theory by R. T. JONES (1946), by
which the lift of a slender wing is proportional to aspect ratio and
angle of attack.
Of course the existing theory of lift for low-aspect ratio wings in
unsteady motion, corresponding to the MUNK-JONES theory of steady
flight, does not include any dependence of wake figuration. As noted,
however, the hull-wing analogy assumes a viscous wake, and in ihe-
important cases of harmonic motions with frequency v the derivatives
will depend on the values of the non-dimensional frequency parameter,
or reduced frequency, k — n — v, just as has been shown for aerofoils
i .-7 --- )' = 2 k, more common in the study of the motion of rigid
«1. The Forcing Rudder Function
The rudder serves the two-fold function of stabilizing a straight
motion hy fin effect and controlling the ship in steering and ma-
noeuvring. The forces acting on the rudder in its zero position will be
included in the hull forces and the forcing rudder function will be
due entirely to the deflection of the movable part of the rudder.
Owing to the mutual interaction between hull and rudder, parts of the
controlling forces are carried by the hull itself. Propeller influence is
manifested by the higher velocity of the flow around a rudder in behind
position and by the fin effect of the propeller in a non-axial stream.
(Cf. Section 10.)
There is a vast literature on the theory and practice of nidder
design, a review of which is beyond the scope of this paper. A
few notes pertaining to rudder motion are, however, given
For the rudder, or for an aerofoil in general, the lift may be cal-
culated from a knowledge of the quasi-steady distribution of vorticity
over the surface, of the momentary ''starting" vortices newly shed into
the wake and of the changes of momentum due to the additional
hydrodynamic mass. The effect of a vai'yiiig angle cf attack bee,_,!!>'iS
apparent already at the quite slow motions of conventional rudders.
In the initial stage there will be a small lift chiefly due to additional
mass, whereas the development of lift due to circulation will lag
behind the motion. It is clear that not only the rudder stock moment
but also the lift force will depend on the position of the stock. In
Fig. 9 is shown the result of calculations made by OKAUA (195H) for
the lift of a two-dimensional wing or freerunning rudder with 30 per
cent area balance, deflected to 35° at a normal rate; no account was
taken of the stalling of the wing. When tested in a high speed wind
tunnel the smooth aerofoil may attain a maximum section lift coeffi-
cient of say 1.4, but for a ship's rudder the maximum lift coefficient
in stationary deflection usually does not exceed 1.0, due to the
increased loss of boundary layer energy behind surface roughnesses.
When the rudder is rapidly moved beyond the angle of stationary
stall, a somewhat higher lift may be momentarily built up, but this
will be of no importance in the steering process.
If the rudder is oscillating with constant frequency of sufficient
magnitude, the stationary value of lift amplitude is not realised but
the lift will be a function of the frequency parameter, as already-
20° 25°
Rudder deflection
Fig. !t. Effect of rudder motion on two-dimensional section lift coefficient. Figure
duo to OK An A 195H.
all over the chord and a rotation about the mid-chord point, giving
rise to a transverse velocity
ßj x = Qlax eiw,t = j «)! 6a x e jiu,i (6.2)
at distance x aft of that point. The lift of an aerofoil element of unit
span, expressed by VON KäRMAN and SEARS (1938) for the two pure
oscillations considered, may be written
n 2
L [w) - {L (-)]„ j«' nr.r.ivCUkA i - c i/'J p""-' (6.3)
1 4 0
' 'J
4 ^)l
UQJ = [L(i\)-]J^' = | j o c2 C/, ß C (k,) j e""" (6.4)
The second term inside the bracket of equation (6.3) is due to the
apparent mass effect, which will of course have no bearing on the
ideal lift of the purely rotating wing. C (A^) is a complex function
of the reduced frequency of the aerofoil, k^ — ryr, known as the
0{k1) = C{k1) + j~ (6.6)
i + M! ~\h
/= (6.7)
The function 0 (kj) (for a/c = 0.25) is also shown in the diagram
of Fig. 10. The real component of the position vector, from the origin
to a point on the curve corresponding to the frequency indicated,
expresses the ratio of lift amplitude to steady state value, whereas
the argument of the vector is the phase angle by which the force
leads the motion. At frequencies likely to occur in the normal steering
operation, the force will lag slightly behind the rudder deflection.
Another constant lag in every steering process, manual or automatic,
on o.5o 0.75 ;.oo
Fig. 10. The THEODORSKN function C{k1) and the function QX^IcJ for the lift of an
osK-iUating aerofoil. Y{0, *,) = $(*;,) Y{da) e'/*', /=■—— . The real component of
the locus vector equeJa the ratio cf the OBcillating lift amplitude tö its «toady state
value. A positive argument of the vector is the phase angle by. which the force leads
the motion.
will be due to the finite time necessary to convert the error signal
detected into an output signal to the steering engine; both these
components of a constant time lag will be small compared to the
delays introduced by the finite rate of the steering gear, howevei.
Most modern steering engines are designed to move the rudder with
an essentially constant speed, the rudder turning at that speed as
long as a contrd signal is transmitted to the steering engine. A gyro
pilot may be used to switch on this signal, calling for a correcting
rudder at a certain small deviation from the desired heading, whereas
a contact on the rudder may stop the motion at a suitable angle; the
rudder remains in this position until the ship has swung over to 'the
other side of its course and the rudder is then reversed. (The zig-zag
tent proposed by KEMPF makes use of a similar scheme with larger
amplitudes). Controls like this simple on-off type will often be found
on torpedoes and amateur model yachts, where the rapid oscillations
of hull and rudder are less harmful. More often a follow-up mechanism
assures a "proportional control" of the rudder. Due to the finite
rudder speed, these systems may be self-exciting, however, and
excessive heading oscillations may be built up.
In order to overcome these difficulties the automatic pilot must be
made to anticipate the motion of the ship, much in the way an experi-
enced helmsman gives an auxiliary rudder. In practice this is accom-
plished by means'of a feed back of rudder motion to the heading error
detector, as in many commercial applications, sometimes also by
adding some kind of rate of change of heading control, similar to the
pitch rate component of. submarine depth control systems. In effect,
both these methods correspond to a "proportional plus rate control";
the first one often incorporates a non-linear character, as will be
denoted in Section 9.
The ship response to the trapezoidal periodic steering in a calm
sea is an almost harmonic oscillation in yaw and sway, in as much
that the inertia of the ship filters out the effects of the high frequency
components of the rudder motion. The qualitative discussion of the
behaviour of automatically steered ships is notably facilitated if the
motion of the rudder is also represented by a continous analytical
As has been demonstrated by SCHIFF and GlMPRlCH (1949) and as
will be seen in the next section, there are some advantages in expressing
the rudder lag in terms of a differential equation. Let it be accepted
that the rate of turning the rudder is gradually diminished to make
the rudder come neatly into the new position, in such a way that the
speed is roughly proportional to the deflection remaining, i. r. to
the difference between the instantaneous position of the rudder and
the position called for, ö*; then d iß* - ö), or
d + id = ö* (6.8)
In normal steering in a calm sea the rudder is 'flipping'" with
amplitude d* on either side of a mean position, and its initial rate
may be taken to be equal to the mean rate recorded at a hard-to hard
manoeuvre, do- of the order of 2.5° per second. The time lag coefficient
I — ~Y~ is seen to vary with the amplitude and may he determined
by an iterative process if necessary. In good weather h* is say 2.5°
only, and then i « 2 seconds. When vising the normalized equations of
motion derived in the next section the appropriate time lag coefficient
will also he non-dimensional, being i' = ~r-f, with a magnitude of
where the heading error is set equal to the angle of yaw, i. e. the
angle measured from a fixed direction on the compass (the jr0-axis of
the space system) to the direction headed by the ship. If the ship is
to starboard of vne course (positive y) this will call for a port rudder
(positive o* in the sense of a positive rotation about the s-axis.)
The forces on hull and rudder may be separated into hull reactions
and active rudder forces.
The hull reactions, experienced by the hull and rudder in zero
position, depend on the instantaneous motion of the ship, described
by its velocities and accelerations in the horizontal plane and by the
frequency of that motion; if the motion is not periodic, the changes
are supposed to take place so slowly that the forces may be independent
of the history of these changes.
The hull reactions are expressed by means of velocity and accelera-
tion derivatives.
In steady oscillation, the values of the velocity derivatives may
depart from the quasi-steady values measured in oblique towing or
rotating arm tests.
Some of the acceleration derivatives may be calculated by use
of the coefficients of accession to inertia of ellipsoids half submerged
in an ideal fluid, neglecting gravity effects, but there is also a lateral
force due to yawing acceleration and a yawing moment due to the
acceleration in sway.
The active rudder forces, carried by the rudder and its hull image,
depend on the deflection of the rudder relative to the ship. If the
rudder is oscillating, the forcing rudder function may also depend on
the frequency of that oscillation.
The deflection of the rudder may be constant or it may be con-
trolled by the motion of the ship. When the deflection is moderate,
the rudder forces will be proportional to the deflection; in ofl.ier cases
the rudder force itself may be introduced as a variable in the equations.
When automatic steering is considered, the controlling force will
be approximated by a continous function of the yawing of the ship,
the rudder position being proportional to a combination of compass
heading error and rate of change of heading as sensed a few seconds ear-
lier. The time lag will be due chiefly to finite rudder speed, and it is as-
sumed that it may be expressed by what is known as an exponential lag.
With the approximations accepted and with signs and symbols as
given is Section 2, the equations governing the motion of the ship and
rudder will simply read
d + t d = yy + sy
Here Yj 6 is the total lateral force, on hull and rudder, due to the
deflection of the rudder from its zero position, and /. L is the distance
between the point of application of this force and the centre of gravity
of the ship.
Two of the coefficients of the linear and angular accelerations of
equations (7.1) are seen to be virtual inertias, made up of the mass
elements of the ship and the water entrained in the motion, whereas
the others. Y- and AT., are hydrodynamic derivatives experienced in
real fluids only and usually rather small. It is also noted that the mass,
appearing in the term associated with the derivative Yr, does not
include any added inertia, a fact which may be worth some attention.
Fig. 2 shows a ship moving in the horizontal plane, this motion
being represented by the velocity vector I', the velocity of yaw, r, and
the momentary heading ■/_, being the angle from some fixed datum
direction to the longitudinal axis of the ship. In the next instant,
the small changes dU and d-^ will appear, associated with a change of
the transverse momentum with respect to space axes, and within tiie
short interval considered, the virtual mass momentum along the
transverse axis of the ship is to a first order increased by mv dv -j-
4- mu0 dy. Note that the hydrodynamic mass m, — m does not enter
this expression. Now, if the time rate of change of this momentum
is equated to a transverse force component Y = }'„ v -r Yr r -\- Y^ d
the y-equation will be
ducing the angular displacement or stiffness derivatives anticipated
in Section 5.
The angular velocity r of the ship relative to the z-axis through its
centre of gravity is by definition equal to the rate of change of heading
or~heading error as soon as this ^.xis is parallel to the vertical, which
has here been postulated; thus r -- xj> and f ~ xp .
As was seen the hull and rudder will usually be subject to hydro-
dynamic reactions, which are non-linear functions of the drift angle
and path curvature. When treating the dynamical stability of a ship
in a turn, where the mean values of ß and r are not small, the deriva-
tives must correspond to the slopes of these functions at the points
of circling equilibrium. (In those cases the linear approach is of course
not adequate for estimating the radius of the turning circle as a func-
tion of the rudder angle, which will be further discussed in Section 10.)
The change of the total rudder force due to the disturbances of that
equilibrium is assumed tn be approximately equal to the change of that
same force in the case of an undeflected rudder, which change is
included in the hull force differential.
The drift angle and rate of change of heading may be determined
from careful plots of compass readings and double bearings to fixed
objects, or by use of modern radio-navigating aids if available. The
hydrodynarnic derivatives will be kept in the form most consistent
with captive model test procedures.
The equations of set (7.1) then become
d -\- i d = y rp -\- a ip
,(4=1 for the displacement surface ship; thus the mass is m = m" — SL.
mass is seen to be wt' = 1, which gives a very simple form to the
equations. For the purpose of this paper, however, the reference area
for lateral motion, SL, will be taken as equal to the product of WL
length and draught of underwater area. By this convention the non-
dimensional coefficients will be related to a "wing" area, while the
mass will still appear as m' in all results deduced from the equations
of motion. Numerically the value of m' will be.^ bB — . (The product
from this are derived the units for linear velocity, U. for angular
velocity, UjL, for linear acceleration, f'2 /.. and for angular accelera-
tion, Wll?.
A non-dimensional force-angular velocity derivative is defined
as the partial derivative of the normalized force coefficient with
respect to the normalized angular velocity, and so for instance YT =
When the time lag 's ignored, the third equation may be substituted
into the two others, and the effect of rudder control then is merely a
change of the damping and stiffness characteristics of the ship. In
the general case, time lag is quite important.
The forcing rudder input may contain a constant part associated
with a turn of radius /?r = L r'r, which within the validity of linear
treatment may be estimated from (7.4), the drift angle and rate of
change of heading being constant in this state of equilibrium.
5 y'ßK-Kw'r-™' (7.5)
The terms of both members of the equations (7.4) thus in balance may
be eliminated before proceeding with a further investigation of the
stability of the motion.
In the three homogeneous linear differential equations (7.4), the
variables /?, yi and ö are now all functions of the independent time
variable I', the number of ship lengths sailed. (Below, the symbols
of angular deflections will be written without the primes; on the
other hand, the prime must not be omitted from a quantity like ^',
of course.) As de'*' dt' — se , a set of solutions of the form
ß = ßi «"'
r) 6. e"'
When the rudder angle is not related to the heading of the ship
but to a known function of time, the third equation vanishes and the
two first ones completely describe the motion of the ship; if the rudder
input is periodic, the ship is then forced to oscillate with the frequency
of the rudder. From the three equations pertaining to the case of
automatic steering it is possible to solve the complex natural frequ-
encies of the cloosed loop system, *■; -= r/, + ?(•),', as well as thfe ratios
ßilf>i and ipildi. If all values of sl are situated in the negative half of
the complex plane, t. e. if all values of 7i are negative, all the natural
component oscillatiors of the system will be damped and decay with
time. As a quantitative measure of the directional stability of the
steered ship SCHIFF and GIMPRICH (1949) introduced the parameter
q, being to the right in the sequence of ^ along the rea) axis and
dominating the motion for large t'. The actual figure of q will not be
further considered.
As the algebraic equations of (7.7) all are homogeneous a non-trivial
solution not equal to /?£ = y, = ^ = 0 demands the determinant of
the system to be zero.
In a more general form the three algebraic equations may be
(a^+ön^+Cn^-f (alis2-f6us+c12)v'i+(ai3«2+ö13«+Ci3)öi=0
r ^(>t„^81-^12^21) = 0 (7.9)
In the determinantal equation of (7.7) A^, an, a2I, a^, c12, c22, 0,3,
J3' aiö. ^13 an(i ''is all are zero, and the equation is given by a quartic
in s,
D(s) = «» + ßs3 + Cs2 + /)s + K = 0 (7.10)
If the rudder angle called for were made proportional to rate of change
of heading only (y' = CJJ = 0) this equation would have one root
equal to zero and there would no longer be a controlled heading. When
the rudder remains fixed in a mean position, so that d^ is constant and
equal to zero, the determinantal equation again is reduced to a cubic.
K - r:) s + Y\ Y:s+{Y'T-m')
s = 0 (7.11)
N' s - N' (m' fci -Nl)s~ N'r
one root of which is seen always to be equal to zero, corresponding
to the lack of preference for a defined compass heading. The condition
for dynamic stability may then be easily derived from equation (7.11).
8. The Concepts of Stability and the Characteristic Equation
The stability of the permanent motion of an unsteered or automa-
tically steered ship in a calm sea is inferred from the characteristics
of the ship response to a small disturbance, i. e. of the deviations from
the steady state in the time following that disturbance. For a stable
motion to persist, these transients will tend to zero as time increases.
A ship is said to be dynamically stable cm a straight course or in a turn
of constant curvature if, when slightly disturbed from its steady motion, it
will soon resume that same motion along a slightly shifted path, without
any correcting rudder being applied.
If the ship is dynamically stable on a straight course it is also said
to have an inherent lateral stability. If it is not dynamically stable
on a straight course with zero rudder, this configuration will usually
be dynamically stable in a rather gentle turn in either direction, due
to the non-linearities of the hydrodynamic reactions.
A body that has no inherent lateral stabiUty may be made dyna-
mically stable by means of some kind of stabihzation by a controlled
rudder motion. In practice such a stabilization would rarely be applied
to seagoing ships, which instead are made directionally stable by the
action of a helmsman or by use of automatic steering devices. A ship
may acquire a directional stability without having an inherent lateral
stability, which, however, necessitates more severe demands on the
time lags tolerated in the steering process.
A steered ship is said to be directionally staile if the rudder can be
forced to compensate for repeated disturbances so thai the ship will follow
a preset course on the compass with only small oscillations in yaiv and
sway. In a calm sea, the oscillations set up in the system by a finite
small disturbance, must tend to zero as time increases.
It is important to note that a dynamically unstable ship with
fixed rudder will enter a spiral turn, however small the disturbance
met, whereas the stable ship will deviate more from its initial heading
the larger the disturbance. In the same way a steered ship will oscillate
more the larger the amplitudes of the disturbances.
In the last section, the response of the ship motion in each one of
its degrees of freedom was assumed to be made up of a sum of ex-
ponential terms, the exponents of which appeared as roots in the cha-
racteristic or frequency equation D(s) = 0. For the cases considered,
this equation was seen to be given by the quartic (7.10), or by an
equation of lower degree.
In order to determine whether the dynamical system is stable or
not, it is not necessary to evaluate the numerical values of the roots
of the characteristic equation but only to find their signs; if the
motion is stable, all real roots or real parts of complex roots are
negative. The criteria for stability is then- made up of the conditions
imposed on the constants of a characteristic equation having no posi-
tive real roots or positive real parts of complex roots, and the number
of such independent conditions must be equal to the number of roots.
For shipform bodies, some of these conditions are always satisfied and
the criteria for lateral stability may be expressed by a single inequality.
The constants of the characteristic equation are all real numbers,
and complex roots therefore will appear in conjugate pairs. If the
quartic (7.10) is factorized with respect to its four roots, real or
complex, it takes the form
S* + {— («1 4" S2) - (S3 + S,)] S3 ! (Sj S2 + (5, + S2) (A3 + s4) + s3 sj s2 +
and it is easily seen that, provided the real parts of all roots are
negative, the coefficients B, C, D and E wrll all be positive. In the
way these coefficients are related to each other, this implies three
independent and necessary conditions for stability, but there remains
to find a fourth one in order to exclude the combinations of positive
and negative roots which are also possible.
If all the coefficients are positive, two real roots or the real parts of
a pair of conjugate complex roots may still be positive, thus making
the system unstable. In the limit, when the real parts of each of these
two roots and therefore also the sum of the roots are all equal to zero,
the system has just gained a neutral stability. First assume that the
imaginary parts &,re also equal to zero; then I) and E will both vanish,
and the equation is reduced to one of the second order. The case of
complex roots therefore is discriminative. In equation (8.1) let for
instance S3 + .^ = 0, whereas the product of the two roots has a
finite positive value. By inspection of equations (7.10) and (H.l) the
three unknown (s, + 52), s, s2 and S3 s4 may now be eliminated, and
the criticai relation of the coefficients is found to be B0(\I)0
- BlE0 — JD% = 0, where the subscripts indicate the special values
corresponding to this solution. In general, the real term of s3 and ä4
is not zero and the value of ROUTH'S discriminant R = BCD — EB2 —
— I)1 th^n also differs from zero; remembering that the coefficients of
the quartic all are assumed to be positive, the sign of the discriminant
follows that of the product («! + «2) (»a + «4), where «! + s2 is negative.
If «3 + «4 is not zero but negative, as is required for the stable system,
this product is positive.
A dynamical system, the characteristic equation of which is the
quartic (7.10), is thus proved to be stable if five quantities all are
positive, i. e.
B, C, D,E >0 \
BCD ~ &E - I)" > 0)
(Y'r-m')N'ß-Y'ßN'r>0 (8.:?)
or boundary conditions of the motion. It is then convenient to make
use of operational methods, by which the original differential function
of time is transformed into the spectral distribution of a new, algebraic
function of the complex frequency variable, and, where the initial con-
ditions are introduced at an early stage. Again, for a simple harmomc
input, the transfer operator, relating output to input spectral distribu-
tions, soon reduces to a steady state transfer ratio ia terms of a
magnification factor and a phase shilt. In the next section the basics
of frequency response will be applied to the study of control system
.'hen the transfer function from rudder deflection to yaw is
if n - {[Nl - l [m - F.)] j o,' - (N' + I
ß F;)} (9.3)
D (j w
wh^-e the dett rsinant D [j o') Las the form of (7.11); it may be
factorized as
/<! and pz being the real roots of D (s) — 0 t issed in Section 6. (See
also below.) Eaih factor of the transfer ratio u iv be regarded as a
vector in ARGAND'S diagram, j w'— pj for instance ' tliat one
drawn from the point p1 on the real axis to o/ on the imagi.. axio.
By the laws of vectcrial multiplication, the amplitude ratio or niodu. s
and the phase shift or argument of —- (j w') are respectiveiy
m' fc* - A'! „/ . y(,/2 + p2 . ^'2 + £
M' (PI+ P2) — a {Pi Pi - f"'2)
tan (p =
a w' (7^ + p2) + tu' (pl p2 - w'2)
ship and rudder motions slightly larger due to the unsteady effects
of rudder lift indicated in Fig. 10. (See also below.)
Again, alternatively and with the assumptions above, the equations
of the forced motion may be written
2 hf 4 cj r' 1 cos w't' + sin u)'t' 1 (9.8)
\ a j
less, the quotient A =-/ , the ideal tuning factor, has a direct bearing
A da w
Solving tor It and op in this expression gives
IY'S I'Vo'2 + a2
R 2
m' fc^ - iV"; o/ }'(o',' — f"'2)2 + * A2 w'2
' 2
2 h (a
ton y =
2 Äa c)' tu' (co'J - w'2)
h 'dder
Fig. 11 shows an example of the transfer function fr^
deflection to yaw, using the equations ( for separate plots o
amplitude ratio and phase shift for a modern tanker form.
For the numerical calculations the following approximate figures
have been estimated:
0 I ! 3 * 5 S
Scalt of non-dimtnsional frt^vtrtty, (*i''2k
Fig. 11. Transfer function (frequency response function) from rudder deflection to
yaw. Example calculated for tanker form from data estimated in the text.
,V *,-«', i*
Error detector -
Control unit
Steering engine
"Aux. rudder"gear
b) Alternative system with rudder motion feed back in place of rate of change of
heading control.
As has already been pointed out, there is in many commercial
control Bystems a feed back of the rudder angle output, which by an
"auxiliary rudder gear" is translated into a suitable regain of heading.
(See alternative block diagram, Fig. 12 b.) In such a system, the
controller generally orders a constant rate deflection of the rudder
until the "virtual" heading error is reduced to a certain small angle
allowed, whereas the reverse rudder manoeuvre does not start until
that same small angular error is sensed on the opposite bow. The
simple analysis presented below is not readily applied to a non linear
steering control of that kind, however.
The transfer function of the control mechanism here studied will
satisfy the equation ö* = y'y^ + o'w 80 that —— = y' + a' jai'.
The heading output, ip0 is related to a sinusoidal signal •/',, fed into
the control by the complex open loop transfer ratio
n A* A Vo -'-y'o (- a) /
^ ' Ve A* A 'm'lfi-N'. VxV*
jw i 1- 1 {i+vjü, )
'[ ~ ^H ipt) '
the corresponding over-all amplitude ratio and phase shift being
characteristic for each frequency. This response is shown in the opejp
loop polar plot in Fig. 13 a. calculated for the tanker form already
used. Four cases are considered, varying in turn the rudder lag
coefficient V and the control parameters ;/ and n'; the full line curve
indicates a steering arrangement for which i' 0.1 and ;/ - a = 1.
The way in which the open loop transfer ratio varies with the
frequency offers an important test of the stability of the closed loop
system with one-way feed back engaged. A small disturbance of the
motion of the ship calls for a correcting rudder, and so an os. illation
will be set up. This oscillation may tend to zero as time increases, in
which case the system is said to have at least an absolute directional
stability; in practice, the satisfactory operation of an automatic pilot
even in a "calm" sea does require a certain rate of decay of the "calm
sea oscillations', or a certain degree of relative directional stability
providing a safeguard against the effects of "nois( " and inaccuracies of
the theory. In this introductory study le criterion of absolute
stability will be considered, using the NYQUIST diagram for the single
loop servo system. In electronic amplifier design practice, there are
some simple rules for the stability margins of "gain" and phase lead
which are usually regarded as sufficient, and they have been suggested
for guidance in ship control work also. (See below.)
In an expression for the total open loop transfer function written
like that in (ft. 13), the product of a!! factors not dependent of the
frequency is termed the static loop gain K. The dynamic loop gain
for each specified frequency is the amplitude ratio of yj0 and y)e at
that frequency.
In Fig. 13 the open loop response curve may be regarded as the
locus of the vector quantity KG (j«/), also being the locus of an
output vector from the origin of a diagram, in which the error vector
or open loop input is representeil by the unit vector along the positive
real axiy. The magnitude and phase shift of the closed loop response
may then be found from a simple addition of vectors as shown in Fig.
14 a.
For the feed back system there is
r§al atis
Y /K / A /
>V //
A/ <»/
//A /
a) Polar plot of open loop frequency response ■ [j a/). Curves calculated for tanker
Gain margin
Exampl» of 'boundary''
curvf for rtlctlv*
A Etample of curvt
\ for sufficitnt rfialiv
Jfability fmag,
a) The direct transfer ratio for a given fre- b) The inverse transfer ratio in obi' aied
quency is oqual to the ratio of two vectors, from a simple addition of vectors,
n =^ ^
Fig. 14. System transfer function from open loop frequency response.
Iii (9.15) was given the system transfer function as derived from the
open loop frequency response; its general form is obtained by the
substitution of the complex quantity s for j (n . The poles of this new
function, which determine the character of the transients following
a small disturbance, are the zeros of the equation 1 + KG («) = 0
and correspond to the roots of the characteristic quartic discussed in
Section 8. That same expression appears in the numerator of the
inverse system transfer function
1 4- (9.16)
^0 KG {a)
In the case considered it is
mag. ans
axis, mil just cause a change of phase of (9.17), whereas the inverse
system operator curve will encircle the origin no more than will its
numerator vector locus just studied. Now in practice, the location
of the roots of the characteristic equation is not known, but this
inverse system transfer function may then be found from the results
of a series of open loop frequency response tests by simply shifting
the origin may therefore be replaced by the condition that the curve
of ~~ (j co) must not encircle the — 1 point of the real axis. It
is also seen that the curve of -jy^ (j (o') will then pass to the left of
are some advantages of using a diagram, in which the logarithm of the
magnitude of the open loop frequency response is plotted on a base of
phase angle. If a point corresponding to the (—1,0) point of the vector
diagram is taken to be the new origin, the gain and phase margins
may at once be read from the intercepis on the axes)
The full line curve in Fig. 13 a corresponds to the case with y' = o' =
= 1 and i' = 0.1, the stability of which has already been verified by
the ROUTH criterion applied to the characteristic equation (9.18).
The three dotted curves all relate to a system, which has no rate
control, but which is seen to be well stable for i' = 0.1, and just
sufficiently stable for i' = 0.5. If the time lag is further increased to
I' = 1.0 the system is certainly absolutely stable according to the
NYQUIST criterion, but the stability margins are no longer "acceptable.
If a rate control is introduced, with o' = 0.5, the stable performance
will now be regained, however.
Thes» examples will only give a rough idea of the methods and
possibilities of controllet- design. For a fuller discussion of these
questions, the reader is referred to the papers by SCHIFF and GIMPEICH
(1949) and by RYDILL (1959). The latter paper in particular should
be consulted when studying the additional complexities due to the
operation in a seaway, in which case the functional relation between
wave input and ship motion enters as a new block in the feed back
FIR. 16. FuU-scale turning triiil n-sults showing valiility and Umitatioi, of linear theory
in fonruila (7.r>). Destroyer data published by COLE 193S. Ore carrier data supplied
by Koekums' shipyard in Malrnö.
1 ! 1 1 i J
♦;5 WO ♦5 -5 -W . -/5
'- -/ /
s-> -
/ -3
, i. taa;
Fig. 17. The DIKUDONNä apiral. Hypotetical example Bhowin« the performance of
a stable and an unstable ship.
ship will always behave like a stable one, and thus there are two
regions within which the gradient drcjddc is positive and finite. The
vertical parts of the curves (c) and {d) correspond to an indiffeient
stability of the ship with slightly deflected rudder, moving in a curved
flow. Steering along a straight mean course can l)e accomplished only
by repeated use of the rudder.
The important role played by the non-linearitios of the hull forces
may be fully appreciated by studying the experimental curves jf
Figs. 4 and 6. It is easy to verify that the criterion of dynamio
stability on a straight course is not satisfied for any of these model
configurations, lacking deadwood area and rudder; on the other
hand all of them will be stable in a curved motion, the radius of which
is smaller for forms with a smaller length to beam ratio. By the addi-
tion of suitable stabilizing surfaces they may also be made dynamically
stable in straight motion, in which case a relatively larger area is
required for the ship with the smaller length to bram ratio. As an
example, consider a series of destroyer forms, all with a beam to
draught ratio equal to 3 but with varying length to beam. Let these
forms be equipped with a fin or rudder of an effective aspect ratio
equal to 2. To ensure a just dynamically stable ship, the common
form with LjB — 10 will have a fin area of about 4 per cent of the
E (C'uiltr) s I» i
0.3 ^t-
, D (Tanktr;,;: ■
^ 0.2
,Y8 (Singlf-rudder ätstroytr)
F(Twin-rudder destroyer}
60 30 IS 15 30 60 90 120 |
A (Unstable minesweeper)
Fig. 18. Stability index and turning ability. The figure in based oo model test data,
published by DAvrosoN and SCHIFF 1946, and shows the non-dimensional turning
circle curvature at a small turning moment coefficient, in all cases equal to —0.002,
plotted versus the time, in which a small disturbance is reduced to c-1 of its initial
value. (fnjr, = 0.24.)
lateral area, whereas ;he shortened form with LIB = 6 will have at
least 8 percent. In practice, less than half of the stablizing effect will
be due to the rudder proper, however; most of it will be due to a long
skeg, part of it also to the fin effect of the propellers.
A stern propeller in yawed flow is known to experience a pitching
moment and a transverse force, which tends to stabilize the motion
(GLAUERT 1910, RILNER 1945). This effect is sometimes reduced by
the straightening of the flow into the propeller due to the hull, some-
times it is partly compensated by a delay of the stabilizing boundary
layer separation from a full stern due to propeller suction. Skegs,
rudders and propellers add very little to the static (weathercock)
stability of the hull. Their importance to course stability ia to be
found in their resistance to rotation, i. e. their damping effects present
in the stability derivatives Y'T and N'r.
Once more turning to the equations (7.5) and (8.3), it is interesting
to look for a relation between steady turning radius and the quantita-
tive measure of dynamic stability, defined by the stability index jJi-
In the paper by DAVIDSON and SCHIFF, the authors presented a dia-
gram of the experimental product of minimum turning diameter and
rudder effectivene38 on ba8e of thi8 index (The rudder effectivcne88
wa« defined as relative rudder area times maximum deflection.) An
unstable mineSWeeper model by chance fitted quite well in this dia-
gram. A different presentation, which may be more suitable, is found
in Fig. 18, where the rate of turning due 10 a constant SDid' turning
moment is shown on base of - i/p, U, i. e. the time, in which a small
disturbance is reduced to e"1 of its initial value.
In Section g was shown how the exponential decay of a small
initial disturbance in r or ^3 could be calculated from the characteristic
equation. If the ship is turning with a steady rate rc and a drift angle
ßc, corresponding to a rudder position dc, the transient phase of
entering this turn may be calculated from the response to an initial
disturbance, which is given by - rc and - ßc. (In the linear treat-
ment, the stability derivatives must be valid for the hull with deflected
rudder.) From this reasoning it is obvious that the more stable ship
will need a shorter approach to a steady turning circle or change its
course more willingly. This again serves to bridge the gap of conflicting
demands for ease of steering and high manoeuvrability.
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12. Acknowledgement
The a bhor is indebted to Dr. HANS EDSTRAND, Director of
the Swedish State Shipbulding Experimental
Tank, for hs/ving been given the opportunity to undertake i'iis
study, as well as for the interest he has shown in it. Thanks ire .".Iso
due to the meml ^rs of the staff of the tank who prepared the figures
and typ ;d the manascript, and to Mr. P.D. FBASER-SMITH, -.ho
kindly revised the English text.