AB-Excel W10 PDF

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Week 10

Day 1 - Agility and Lower

Dynamic Warm Up
1. Lateral Speed Shuffle (5 yards) - 6 x 10 seconds

2. Jump Cut Drill - 4 x 1 each direction

1. Deficit Deadlift - 5 x 4

2. Box Squat - 3 x 3

1.A. Front Load Lateral Lunge - 3 x 10 each leg

1.B. Kettlebell Swing - 3 x 10

1. Dragon Flags - 3 x 5

2. Seated MB Russian Twist - 3 x 20

Week 10
Day 2 - Power and Upper
Dynamic Warm Up
1. Depth Jump to Box Jump - 10 x 1

2. SL Triple Jumps - 6 x 1 each leg

1. Push Press - 5 x 4

2. DB Alternating Bench Press - 3 x 3

1.A. Facepulls - 3 x 10

1.B. DB T - Raises - 3 x 10

2.A. BB Skull Crusher Circuit - 3 x 10,10,10 (overhead, to chin, press)

2.B. Cable Rope Curl - 3 x 10

3. Lateral Plyo Pushups - 3 x 15 seconds

1. Cable Anti-Rotation - 3 x 10 each side
Week 10
Day 3 - Linear Speed and Lower
Dynamic Warm Up
Linear Speed
1. Ball Drops - 10 x 1 (ascending distance)

2. SL Cycling - 8 x 10 yards each leg

1. Back Squat - 5 x 4

2. Deadlift - 3 x 3

1.A. Elevated Reverse Lunge - 3 x 10 each leg

1.B. Glute/Ham Raise - 3 x 10

1. Wood Chops - 3 x 10 each direction
Week 10
Day 4 - Power and Upper
Dynamic Warm Up
1. Explosive Band Pushup - 3 x 10 seconds

1. Pause Bench Press - 5 x 4

2. Close Grip Pull Downs (heavy) - 3 x 3

1.A. DB Incline Neutral Press - 3 x 10

1.B. Low Cable Row - 3 x 10

2.A. DB Alternating Curls - 3 x 10 each arm

2.B. Close Grip Push Ups - 3 x Max Reps

3. Band Pull Aparts - 3 x 30 seconds

1. V Ups - 3 x 20

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