New Literacies, Reading Research, and The Challenges of Change: A Deictic Perspective
New Literacies, Reading Research, and The Challenges of Change: A Deictic Perspective
New Literacies, Reading Research, and The Challenges of Change: A Deictic Perspective
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Donald J. Leu
University of Connecticut
I consider myself incredibly privileged; my work has allowed me to develop far more questions
than answers. This, of course, is a result of what some might call the First Principle of Reading
Research: The more we study something, the more we realize how little we understand. Today, I
want to share some of my questions with you and a few of the possible answers.
Of course, it is a little unsettling to be so incredibly privileged, having so many questions,
as one begins a presidential address at NRC. I take comfort, however, in what might be called
the corollary to the First Principle of Reading Research; it may apply to some of us here: If you
have not yet experienced the First Principle of Reading Research, you are in far greater trouble
than I am!
First, though, I want to acknowledge those individuals in my life who have encouraged me
to ask important questions, not trivial ones, and those who have helped to shape the questions
that I explore today. I do not have time to mention all of these significant, Bakhtinian, others but
they include: my mother and father, my wife Debbie and our daughters Caity and Sarah, Jeanne
Chall (who started me on this journey), Herb Simons and Bob Ruddell (who prepared me),
Chuck Kinzer, Lee Gunderson, Sandy Murphy, my former Syracuse family, my new family at the
University of Connecticut, especially the members of the New Literacies Research Team (Erica Berg,
Donna Bone, Jill Castek, Julie Coiro, Kent Golden, Doug Hartman, Laurie Henry, Teri LeBel,
Athena Lentini, Mark Olson, Mary Truxaw, and Lisa Zawilinski), Bridget Dalton, Colin Lankshear,
Michele Knobel, Colin Harrison, Dave Reinking and his research team at Clemson University,
Jonna Kulikowich, and most especially each and every member of NRC, a research community that
has taught me the most important lesson of my professional life: Ask important questions.
Now, let me begin by asking two important questions that frame this talk. I will argue that
they are causally connected: (a) Why do schools not prepare students for the new literacies of the
Internet, especially in the U.S. and especially in economically challenged school districts?; and (b)
Why do literacy researchers not focus their attention on the new literacies of the Internet, helping
schools to prepare students for their literacy futures?
Some of us who are here today do not believe these questions to be central to their work or,
indeed, even important to the larger work of the literacy research community. In this talk, I will
argue that this type of thinking is dangerous; it will lead literacy researchers to become increasingly
marginalized during the important public policy debates that lie ahead, losing the opportunity to
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influence events that will take place in school classrooms. If this happens, we will have only ourselves
to blame.
Some of us who are here today believe that they do not study technology issues and, thus, have
little to say about either question. I will argue that you cannot study reading or literacy without studying
technology. To think otherwise is not to understand the nature of reading, literacy, or technology.
Some of us who are here today might suggest that reading is the same on the Internet as in a
book. I will present data that raises questions about this conclusion.
Still others who are here today might suggest that the answer to the first question lies in the
hegemonic interests of those in positions of power. That may be partially true. I think, however,
that such a response ignores our responsibility as literacy researchers.
I believe that the answer to the first question may be found in the second; as researchers, we
have failed to provide the educational community with adequate theory and research on the new
literacies that the Internet and other ICTs require. As a result, students are seldom supported in
developing these new literacies in school. This is especially true for those students who require our
support the most—those who have access to the Internet at home the least.
Our response to these questions is an important one. If we do not see the Internet as a
literacy issue, others, who are outside the literacy research community, will fill this vacuum and
define online reading, writing, and communication for us and without us. Research communities
in assessment (International ICT Panel, 2002), library and media studies (American Association
of School Librarians & Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1998),
educational technology (International Society for Technology in Education, n.d.), and learning
research communities (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2003) are already beginning to do so.
If this trend continues, we will be left alone to study reading issues defined by our past, not our
future and, once again, the reading research community will be left out of important public policy
decisions that affect classrooms, teachers, and students.
The causal relationship between the two questions that I use to frame this talk is a very
complex one. To understand some of the complexities, I organize my talk around five ideas, raising
important questions for us to consider as I go: a) the Internet is this generation’s defining technology
for literacy and learning; b) the Internet is a literacy issue, not a technology issue; c) new literacy
skills, strategies, and dispositions are required to use the Internet effectively; d) to fully understand
the issue of new literacies, we must recognize that literacy has become a deictic construct; and e)
only when each of us brings our special expertise to studying literacy on the Internet can we expect
students to fully realize their own potential as global citizens of the 21st century.
We are about to mark an important milestone in the history of literacy. Quite possibly this
week, perhaps even during this talk, someone on our planet will become the 1,000,000,000th
individual to acquire Internet access (de Argaez, 2006; Internet World Stats: Usage and Population
Statistics, n.d.)
New Literacies
One-sixth of the world’s population is now reading online in Internet cafés, homes, and
businesses in locations such as Jakarta, Alice Springs, Soweto, Cartagena, Novosibirsk, Kyoto,
Barrow, and many others. These Internet readers read in new and powerful ways as they construct
meaning from their reading experiences on the Internet. They almost always begin their reading
with a problem or question they are trying to answer. Then they use prior knowledge to generate key
words in a search engine, read the search engine results that appear, making inferences about the best
site to visit. They also critically evaluate information that they encounter, synthesize information
across texts and images, communicate to others what they have learned, and continuously construct
meaning as they read and write websites, IMs, email, blogs, wikis, and many other ICTs. One billion
readers are reading online. One billion writers are communicating online with others around the
world. One billion members of our global community are redefining what it means to be literate.
The rate of this growth has been staggering; most of it has occurred during the past five years
(Evolution of Online Linguistic Populations, n.d.). At this pace, nearly half of our entire global
community will be reading online in another five years and Internet access will be nearly ubiquitous
sometime thereafter. These rapid changes in the nature of reading have profound consequences that
our research community can no longer ignore.
The changes in how the global community reads are mirrored in the US, especially as we look
at data on Internet use within school settings, homes, and the workplace. Profound changes, for
example, have taken place in schools during the past decade. In 1994, only 35% of public K-12
schools in the US had an Internet connection; today 99% do (Parsad, Jones, & Greene, 2005). In
1994, only 3% of all K-12 classrooms in the US had Internet access; today 93% do (Parsad, Jones,
& Greene, 2005). Of course, increasing Internet access does not necessarily mean that students are
being taught the skills necessary to read and think critically about the information that they locate
online. Later, I will argue that this is one of the greatest challenges we face in the years ahead.
Changes in our schools have also taken place in our homes. In 2004, nearly 75% of all
households in the U.S. had Internet access (Nielson/Net Ratings, 2004). Eighty-seven percent of all
students between the ages of 12 and 17 in the U.S. report using the Internet; nearly 11,000,000 do
so daily (Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2001). In addition, more than 90% of students
between the ages of 12 and 17, with home access to the Internet, report using the Internet for
homework and over 70% used the Internet as the primary source for information on their most
recent school report or project (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2001). Interestingly, only
24% reported using the library for the same task (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2001) and
Internet users report decreasing time spent viewing television while increasing time spent online
(Lebo, 2003).
The nature of reading, writing, and communication have also been rapidly changing in
the workplace as economic units seek to meet global economic competition by becoming more
productive (Bruce, 1997; Mikulecky & Kirkley, 1998; The New London Group, 2000). In 2005,
93% of workers in the U.S. in companies with more than 100 employees reported using the
Internet and other online information resources in the workplace (Harris Interactive Inc., 2005).
More broadly based survey data from the United States from several years earlier document
the rapid increases in Internet use in the workplace. In just one year (August 2000 to September
2001), use of the Internet at work to read, write, and communicate increased by nearly 60%
National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55
among all employed adults 25 years of age and older, from 26.1% of the workforce to 41.7% (U.S.
Department of Commerce, 2002). While workers in positions with the highest levels of education
reported the highest levels of Internet use (80.5% of workers in managerial positions reported using
the Internet), more than 70% of workers reported using the Internet who were in technical, sales,
and administrative support positions (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002).
To illustrate how rapidly changes are taking place to our literacy and learning worlds, let me
introduce you to a somewhat new Internet technology, iSight video conferencing. I also want to
introduce you to Tim Lauer, the principal at Meriwether Lewis Elementary School in Portland,
Oregon. Tim is an expert on blogging in schools and will show us several examples of teachers
who are using blog technologies. Tim, by the way, uses a blog to organize his own school’s website
(Tim’s portion of this address may be viewed, within a video of the entire talk at http://www.
Tim shows us some of the opportunities for schools that seek to integrate the Internet into
classrooms. Currently, however, more Internet use is taking place outside of school by our students,
than takes place inside school (Rainie & Hitlin, 2005; Internet Reading Research Group & New
Literacies Research Team, 2006).
Recent work by Alvermann (2002); Chandler-Olcott & Mahar (2003); Gee (2003); Jacobs
(in press); Leander & McKim (2003); Lewis & Fabos (2005); Wilber (in press); Lankshear &
Knobel, (2003); and Steinkuehler, Black, & Clinton (2005) has established that students experience
important literacy lives online, outside of school. Often teachers are unaware of this and, most
importantly, are unaware of how to integrate these new literacies into the classroom (Chandler-
Olcott & Mahar, 2003). Unfortunately, few studies have investigated the use of the Internet in
classrooms for literacy and learning. One of the few to do so (Karchmer, 2001) found that teachers
who were exemplary at using the Internet in their classrooms viewed the Internet more as a
technology, not a literacy, tool.
The Internet is infrequently integrated into classroom reading, writing, language arts, or
English classes. As a result, despite widespread use outside of school, not all students have been
able to experience these new literacies. Those students who are fortunate enough to experience new
literacies often come from more privileged contexts and engage in these online practices more at
home than at school.
As a research community, our challenge today is to determine how best to integrate the new
literacies of the Internet into reading, writing, language arts, and English classrooms, helping all
students to realize their potential. Unfortunately, however, nearly all of our research in this area has
only looked at new literacies in out of school contexts, largely among adolescents. We have little
research on the classroom use of the new literacies of the Internet; we know little about how to best
integrate them into the full range of classroom literacy programs.
This challenge is even greater when you realize the systemic changes that we require for change
to take place. We require teachers who are literate themselves with these new literacies, school
leadership teams who understand why it is essential to integrate the Internet into literacy education,
state reading and writing standards that include new literacies in their lists of essential skills, state
reading and writing assessments that measure new literacies, and reading and writing curriculum
New Literacies
that provide instructional support in how best to integrate new literacies into classroom lessons. The
challenges we face are important ones; they require our best research to determine how to navigate
the complex path that we must travel. Some nations, though, are already far along this path.
Let me illustrate this with a series of questions. See how many you answer correctly:
9. How many states in the U.S. evaluate the online reading comprehension of search
engine results or the ability to critically evaluate information at a web site?
(Leu, Ataya, & Coiro, 2002)
10. How many states in the U.S. measure students’ ability to compose clear and effective
email messages in their state writing assessment?
(Leu, Ataya, & Coiro, 2002)
You can see that our literacy lives are changing in fundamental ways as the Internet makes our
world flat (Friedman, 2005), leveling the playing field for nations in ways not previously possible.
Nations like Ireland, Finland, Canada, Australia, India, The Republic of Korea, and others are much
farther along on their journey than others in establishing public policies to prepare their students for
the new literacies of the twenty-first century. Asking why schools in the US have not fully integrated
the new literacies of the Internet into reading, language arts, English, and content area classes is not
a trivial question in a globalized world of information and communication.
Consider our most challenged schools in the U.S., where an especially pernicious effect of
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is taking place in urban, largely minority, districts. Because of
traditionally low patterns of reading performance, these districts face greater pressure to achieve
adequate yearly progress on tests that have nothing to do with online reading. As a result, they must
focus complete attention on the instruction of traditional literacies abandoning any instruction
in: searching for online information, critically evaluating online information, synthesizing online
information, or communicating online. It is the cruelest irony of NCLB that students who need to be
prepared the most for an online age of information are precisely those who are being prepared the least.
We tend to forget our historical roots. Many literacy researchers and educators, for example,
distance themselves from technology, forgetting that books ARE a technology, just as pencils are
and just as the Internet is. Our close association with books and other traditional print media for
over 500 years has generated the belief that books are not a technology but that digital tools are,
like computers and the Internet. We forget how revolutionary a set of technologies the printing
press was when it first appeared in the mid 1400s and how printed books were initially resisted
because they represented a completely new technology for reading and writing. Gutenberg, after all,
effectively became bankrupt and was forced to sell his printing press and the many new technologies
that he invented (Manguel, 1996).
Literacy historians such as Manguel (1996) and Mathews (1966) remind us that the most
important informational technology in each historical period has always been central to defining
the nature of literacy, in conjunction with the social practices that each technology supports. This
was true of cuneiform technologies, papyrus scrolls, velum technologies, hand illuminated bibles,
New Literacies
books, and the Internet. Each technology has required new literacies to unlock its literacy potential;
each technology has generated new social practices of literacy.
If our technologies define our literacies, what does online reading comprehension look like?
Let’s watch one student who is reading online.
This is a video of everything that takes place on a computer screen as a highly proficient 7th
grade online reader reads on the Internet. The video is created by a software tool, Camtasia, that
we use in some of our research. This tool allows us to simultaneously capture what takes place on
the screen during online reading protocols while also recording students’ think aloud behavior, an
approach we take in work to study the processes of online reading comprehension (Coiro, 2006;
Leu & Reinking, 2005; The New Literacies Research Team, 2005).
Figure 1. A video illustrating the nature of online reading comprehension including: identifying a question,
locating information, critically evaluating information, synthesizing information, and communicating. View
this video at You may require QuickTime, a
free plug in available at
This student has been given a problem to solve in an IM message from one researcher at the
university. (Another researcher sits next to the student, taking field notes in an IM conversation with
the university researcher.) The student was first asked to select a planet and use the Internet to find
out something about its atmosphere. She selected Neptune and discovered that Neptune had clouds.
Then she was asked to select another planet and compare this fact about Neptune’s atmosphere to
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the new planet that she selected–Uranus. She used a search engine to locate information on Uranus’
atmosphere and is now reading this page to determine if Uranus has clouds.
Our work has shown that online reading comprehension almost always begins with a question
or problem to solve; it is why we use the Internet—to answer questions or solve problems. Then
we read to locate information, critically evaluate the information we locate, synthesize information
from multiple sources, and communicate information. These five functions define the online
reading comprehension process. While these five functions are not new, new reading strategies
within each area are often required to take advantage of the affordances in the informational space
that is the Internet. In addition, the nature of online reading comprehension changes because a
number of traditional functions, such as locating information, critically evaluating information, and
synthesizing information, become much more important in an informational space that is nearly
unlimited, where anyone can publish anything and where we often have to construct a synthesis of
meaning from multiple, disparate sources.
This student has already focused on the questions that drive this reading experience and has
used a search engine to locate a useful resource. Now you see her trying to locate information about
whether or not Neptune has clouds in its atmosphere. You see on the video that she skips more
information than she reads, since she is reading to locate the answer to the question that drives
her reading. She skims until she sees the heading, “Uranus’ Clouds.” She concludes, tentatively,
simply from this heading that Uranus has clouds and sends this information by IM, along with
a quick copy and paste of the URL for the location where she discovered this fact, showing how
communication often takes place during online reading comprehension. Notice, though, that this
reader also thinks critically about the information that she finds on the Internet. Knowing how to
read search engine results, she returns to the initial set of results and reads this information for a
second site that might be used to confirm her initial conclusion. Notice, too, that she actually reads
the information about each search engine result, something that few adolescents do, often because
they do not have the online reading skills required to comprehend information within this unique
textual form. Instead, less proficient online readers typically use a simple “click and look” strategy,
starting with the first result and looking at each web page, working their way down the page of
search engine results (Guinee, Eagleton, & Hall, 2003; Henry, 2006).
Finally, notice her revealing IM message at the end, telling us why she prefers checking
information on the Internet to an older technology: “Well you could also check the information
with a book but that wastes too much time.”
Clearly the example shows that Internet use is very much a reading and writing issue, not
simply a technology issue. We read when we use the Internet; we write when we use the Internet.
Moreover, we can see some of the rapid decisions that are made as this student quickly samples and
evaluates text and images and works with multiple windows as she simultaneously reads and writes
across the informational problems she faces.
I hope each of us may see issues that are interesting and important in this short episode.
Critical theorists may wonder if the student considered who created each site and how this might
have shaped the information they provide. Adolescent literacy scholars might find useful insights
about how to view their own work in content areas in new ways. Or, some of us may be surprised
New Literacies
by how this student privileges information on the Internet over books, an interesting thought about
our future if we fail to pay attention to the changes that are taking place.
Why do literacy researchers continue to view the Internet as something outside of our own
research domain? There is not a single answer to this important question; it rests with each of
us who has not yet brought our important expertise to the study of online reading, writing,
and communication. If our field does not bring our expertise to study the nature of literacy in
online contexts, others will quickly fill this void. As a result, the research base about the nature of
reading comprehension, developed over generations, will be largely ignored as other constructs and
literatures are used to redefine the nature of literacy. We have a simple choice: We can do this work
or we can allow others to do it. I prefer that we do it. Why? The Internet is a reading issue; the
Internet is a literacy issue.
There are some scholars who continue to believe that there is no real difference between
reading a book and reading online. This may be true. It is certainly true if one were to compare the
reading of a page from a book to the reading of the same page, from the Internet, displayed on a
computer screen.
Reading comprehension on the Internet, though, is seldom limited to the reading of a single
screen. We use the Internet to answer questions, both large and small. Because online reading is
typically driven by a question, it also requires locating information, perhaps by using a search
engine and reading the results or by reading and navigating a web page to locate the links that will
provide the answer. Along the way there may be critical evaluation of information, synthesis of
disparate information resources, and communication, as readers seek information from others or as
they communicate what they have discovered to others. On the Internet, reading comprehension
begins with a question and often ends with communication. This is different from reading a book,
especially in school classrooms where reading ends with a question, often from the teacher.
There are certainly some elements that overlap between the two types of reading. I will argue,
though, that there are many important differences between the two. For now, though, let’s just
consider the simple case of fluency.
Typically both theoretical and operational definitions of fluency assume that you read every
single word. On the Internet, however, fluency means just the opposite; fluency on the Internet
means NOT reading every single word as you skip over text to get to the information you seek. On
the Internet, knowing what NOT to attend to is far more important than knowing what to attend
to (Lankshear and Knobel, 2003). We just saw this in the Camtasia recording of a student reading
on the Internet.
While offline and online reading comprehension share similarities, there are also important
differences. Both the International Reading Association (2002) and The Rand Reading Study
Group (2002) have recognized that these differences exist. The Rand Reading Study Group
concluded, “accessing the Internet makes large demands on individuals’ literacy skills; in some cases,
10 National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55
this new technology requires readers to have novel literacy skills, and little is known about how to
analyze or teach those skills.” (p. 4)
Some, who believe that there are important differences taking place to literacy online, have
come to use the term new literacies. “New literacies” is a highly contested space however; the
construct means many different things to many different people. To some, new literacies are seen
as new social practices (Street, 1995) that emerge with new technologies. Others see new literacies
as new Discourses (Gee, 2003) or new semiotic contexts (Kress, 2003; Lemke, 1998; 2002) made
possible by new technologies. Still others see literacy as differentiating into multiliteracies (New
London Group, 2000) and others see something that juxtaposes several of these orientations
(Lankshear & Knobel, 2003). When you combine all of these uses of “new literacies” with the use
of the term, “New Literacies Studies” (Street, 2003), the construct becomes even more challenging
to understand.
Our research team at the University of Connecticut has found important insights in each of
these perspectives. Each provides important theoretical structure for the study of out-of-school
contexts, especially with popular culture resources, and from more of a social and linguistic
perspective. None, however, appear to provide the theoretical structure we require to study the use
of informational resources, within school contexts, and from a point of view that includes both
cognitive as well as social and linguistic perspectives. As a result, our collaborative group, the New
Literacies Research Team at the University of Connecticut, has begun to draw from all of these
perspectives as well as work in cognitive science, informational science, and informational literacy as
we evolve a theoretical perspective that allows us to study the issues of classroom Internet integration
that concern us, especially the nature of online reading comprehension and how best to support its
development in classroom contexts.
Our first attempt (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004) at defining what we mean by the
new literacies of the Internet and other ICTs explored ten principles to inform the study of new
literacies in school classrooms: a) the Internet and other ICT are central technologies for literacy
within a global community in an information age; b) The Internet and other ICT require new
literacies to fully access their potential; c) new literacies are deictic; d) the relationship between
literacy and technology is transactional; e) new literacies are multiple in nature; f ) critical literacies
are central to the new literacies; g) new forms of strategic knowledge are central to the new literacies;
h) speed counts in important ways within the new literacies; i) learning often is socially constructed
within new literacies; and j) teachers become more important, though their role changes, within
new literacy classrooms.
In addition to these principles, we also defined the specific, elements of new literacies on which
we focus our initial attention, based on what we do when we read online:
The new literacies of the Internet and other ICT include the skills, strategies,
and dispositions necessary to successfully use and adapt to the rapidly changing
information and communication technologies and contexts that continuously
emerge in our world and influence all areas of our personal and professional
lives. These new literacies allow us to use the Internet and other ICT to
identify important questions, locate information, analyze the usefulness of
that information, synthesize information to answer those questions, and then
communicate the answers to others. (p. 1570)
New Literacies 11
We look at how each of these five functions change the nature of online reading
comprehension: identifying questions, locating information, critically evaluating information,
synthesizing information, and communicating online. While each function also takes place during
offline reading comprehension, we find new strategies in each area that are uniquely defined during
online reading comprehension because of the affordances of the Internet. We also suspect that
since online reading comprehension is always initiated by a question or informational problem,
this too reshapes the nature of online reading comprehension in important ways. Recent work by
Taboada and Guthrie (2006) in traditional texts suggests that when reading begins with a question
or problem it differs in important ways from reading that is not.
Each of us has contributed to elaborating this initial definition: Julie Coiro’s work (2003, 2006)
is helping us to understand how these five functions serve to define online reading comprehension
and its relationship to offline reading comprehension; Laurie Henry’s work (2005, 2006) helps us
to understand that searching for information may be an important gate-keeping function during
online reading; Doug Hartman’s work (1995, 2000, 2004) helps us to conceive of online reading
comprehension as the rapid processing of intertextual elements as well as how to prepare content
area educators for integrating new literacies into their classroom instruction; Jill Castek’s work
(Castek & Bevins, 2006; Leu et al., 2005) helps us to understand the connections to children’s
literature as well as the integration of new literacies into classroom instruction.
I should say something, too, about the manner in which we work. We believe the single
investigator model that worked well during an earlier period of research is now outdated. Research
questions have now become far too complex for any single person to explore; they require teams
of people, each of whom brings their special expertise and theoretical perspective to the research
enterprise. We believe that it is essential for our doctoral programs to reflect the collaborative team
approach to research that is now required. We also believe in very high standards. Doctoral students
who are advised by either Doug Hartman or myself must get an article accepted for publication
during their first year. If they do, they become a part of the research team, and also become equal
colleagues in the research enterprise. Once a doctoral student has published an article, we work
“shoulder to shoulder” as equal partners in our research, each of us bringing our special background,
interests, and expertise to the research we conduct. The power of this approach is clearly visible to
each one of us on our team. It has produced a number of funded research grants and many articles.
One of our recent efforts involved developing together and conducting a research study
funded by the North Central Educational Research Lab and Learning Point Associates—a study of
integrating the new literacies of online reading comprehension into 7th grade science classrooms
(The New Literacies Research Team, 2005). While we will present those results in a symposium
tomorrow, I want to share with you one of the findings from this work.
It has long been established that assessments of literacy are inter-correlated (Farr & Roelke,
1971; E. L. Thorndike, 1917; R. L. Thorndike, 1973-74). Reading comprehension assessments, for
example, always correlate with one another as well as with listening, writing, decoding, vocabulary,
and many other language-based assessments, largely because all are, at heart, language and reasoning
based processes.
In this study, we developed several measures of online reading comprehension—each with
strong psychometric properties. Julie Coiro will present these instruments tomorrow in a session, so
12 National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55
Figure 2. Scatter plot of Online Reading Comprehension Assessment-Blog and total reading comprehension
scores on the Connecticut Mastery Test as standardized T-scores. (r = 0.19, p >.05)
I will not go into them now. I do, however, want to show you one result from this study—the scatter
plot of correlations (n = 89) between performance on the state reading comprehension assessment
used for NCLB in Connecticut and performance on the Online Reading Comprehension
Assessment–Blog (ORCA-Blog), one of the assessments of online reading comprehension that we
have developed. In Figure 2, the horizontal axis represents converted t scores from the state reading
comprehension assessment, The Connecticut Mastery Tests. The vertical axis represents converted t
scores on the ORCA-Blog, our measure of online reading comprehension (Leu, et al., 2005).
Note that there is no correlation between online reading comprehension assessment and the
state reading comprehension assessment. While this lack of correlation is only suggestive and we
are exploring it in additional studies, it certainly is a pattern that raises important questions. New
skills, strategies, and dispositions may be required during online reading that are different from
those required to read books, magazines, and other traditional print media. You can also see on this
scatter plot that some of our lower achieving readers on the state reading assessment were actually
some of our higher achieving readers during online reading. This, too, raises important questions
that will require additional study.
We are now working with another research team from Clemson University headed up by
David Reinking that includes Amy Carter, Jackie Malloy, Caroline Mills, and Angie Rogers on an
New Literacies 13
IES reading comprehension grant. We are exploring the nature of these new literacies of online
reading comprehension as well as the extent to which instruction in the new literacies of online
reading comprehension increases academic achievement in content areas, engagement, online
reading comprehension, and traditional reading comprehension achievement among low achieving
7th grade students in economically challenged districts in urban Connecticut and rural South
The term deixis is a word used by linguists and others (Fillmore, 1972; Murphy, 1986) for
words like now, today, here, there, go, and come. These are words whose meanings change quickly,
depending upon the time or space in which they are uttered. If I say “here” it means the location
where I am at, now. If I walk four steps to the left, my “here” has suddenly become my “there” and
my “there” has suddenly become my “here.” While to Gertrude Stein it was true that “A rose is a
rose is a rose,” here is not here, is not here. Rather, its meaning may change rapidly.
The new literacies of the Internet and other ICTs are not just new today, they will be newer
tomorrow, even newer next week, and continuously renewed as new technologies for literacy
regularly appear, requiring even newer literacies to be able to use them effectively to read, acquire
information, learn, and communicate. Of course, literacy has always changed as technologies for
literacy have changed. What is historically distinctive is that by definition the Internet permits the
immediate exchange of newer technologies of literacy. With a single click, a new technology for
literacy (e.g., wikis, blogs, etc.) can be distributed to everyone who is online. This speeds up the
already rapid rate with which new technologies and new literacies appear. In short, literacy has
become a deictic construct on the Internet, its meaning changing rapidly.
We believe deixis is a defining quality of the new literacies of the Internet and other ICT.
The rapid rate of change in technologies and literacies defines our age. For the first time in history,
our capacity to adapt to changes in the nature of literacy limits the pace of change, not our ability
to invent new technologies. Consider the implications of this for the classroom. It means that
our students’ acquisition of new literacies will be driven by a teacher’s ability to keep up with
these changes. Teachers who can, will exchange these new literacies with their students; teachers
who cannot, will not. The consequences for assessment, teacher education, school leadership,
professional development, and curriculum are profound. How, for example, can we construct
assessment instruments that keep up with the continually changing nature of literacy, brought about
by newer and newer forms of technologies.
While keeping up with the pace of change can be daunting, one way to accomplish this is by
communicating with others on the Internet who often know more than you. We learn much from
these individuals.
One teacher, Susan Silverman has taught us an important lesson about a hidden potential of
deixis for literacy classrooms. In far too many classrooms, teachers establish the policy that students
can go on the Internet only after their regular work is complete. This of course, reifies a variation
of the Matthew Effect (Stanovich, 1986) where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Susan
14 National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55
teaches us that you should always introduce a new literacy to your more challenged readers and
writers first, enabling them to become the literate experts in the classroom who can then teach
others. That is what Susan did in this classroom. The class had first listened to a reading of The
Mitten (Brett, 1989). Then Susan quickly taught the young boy in this video, one of the weakest
readers in the class, the new literacies required by a technology tool Susan was introducing into
this classroom, Kid Pix. This made the young boy newly literate in Kid Pix, while others were not.
Susan then set up a center activity where each student was to draw a picture of a mitten in Kid Pix,
write their response to the book by Jan Brett inside the mitten, and then decorate the border with
the digital stamp pad, creating an illustrated border in the style of the book’s author. You can see
how knowing the new literacies of Kid Pix changes the relationship between this young boy and
the young girl, who is one of the best readers in the class. He is now the one who is privileged in
his literacy and she is not.
Figure 3. The new literacies of Kid Pix, introduced first to a weaker reader in a second grade classroom.
View this video at You may require QuickTime, a free plug
in available at
Susan’s lesson teaches all of us that when new technologies are introduced into a classroom
we should teach the new literacies they require to our weaker readers and writers, helping them to
become the literate experts who can then share their knowledge with others in the class. This has
the potential to alter beliefs about literacy proficiency, changing their self-efficacy in powerful ways.
The deictic nature of literacy permits this and we should always take advantage of it.
New Literacies 15
In this address, I have tried to share some of my thoughts and concerns about the new realities
of new literacies emerging from new technologies. I have also tried to communicate the urgency
with which we must bring our collective expertise to the study of how best to integrate these new
literacies of online reading comprehension into K-12 classrooms. Many of our students are now
reading with technologies far more powerful than books and writing with technologies far more
powerful than paper and pencil. As a community of literacy researchers, we must all turn our
attention to these new realities, these new literacies, and these new technologies.
It might seem that we are limited in our work without a common theoretical framework,
since so many different definitions of new literacies exist (Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, & Leu, in
press). Perhaps, though, the multiplicity of theoretical frameworks in this area is, in fact, actually
an advantage that should be seized upon. As Labbo and Reinking (1999) have suggested, within
a complex research area it is important to be able to bring multiple theoretical perspectives to
one’s work. This approach suggests that including multiple theoretical perspectives is an essential
component for research in new literacies. Every study in the area would benefit by framing research
questions from more than a single theoretical perspective; the complexity of issues can only be
systematically studied when theoretical structures are as rich and complex as the questions that any
study seeks to address.
Now, let me challenge you as we near the end of our journey together this afternoon. If the
prospect of richer, more complex worlds is an exciting one to you, and if the idea of having many
more questions than answers is an interesting one, I invite you to bring your own work to the study
of literacy on the Internet. As a research community, we need each one of you to bring your special
area of expertise to this issue.
If you do work in emergent literacy we need your special insights to discover how young
children should begin their literacy journeys on the Internet in developmentally appropriate ways.
If you study reading comprehension we need you to help us understand how comprehension
processes are similar or different on the Internet. To the extent they are different, we need to know
how best to support their development to support learning during online reading.
Scholars in the areas of composition and communication also have much to contribute.
You can bring your powerful lenses to bear on issues of online communication. Clear, rapid, and
effective communication that takes advantage of the Internet will be central to our students’ success.
We need to know how to support students in achieving this.
Insights from multicultural education and multilingualism are going to be especially critical to
our effective use of the Internet. The Internet permits us to construct new definitions of multicultural
as well as multilingual education, raising new questions about diversity in the classroom. If this work
is done carefully, you will allow us to construct a truly global village that values the many benefits
that diversity provides, fulfilling this important and timely verse from the Qur’an, “We made you
into nations and tribes so that you might come to know one another.” (Qur’an, Sura 49:13)
16 National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55
A central challenge for each of us is how to use these new technologies to support exceptional
students. It is quite possible that the gap between proficient readers and less proficient readers
will increase within the world of rich, complexly structured information networks as the effects of
differences in reading rate and accuracy become magnified. Annemarie Palincsar, Bridget Dalton,
and organizations such as the Center for Applied Special Technologies ( are
providing important direction for us all, but we require many more scholars in this area to focus
our attention on the issues that are involved.
Those scholars who focus on assessment have, perhaps, one of the greatest challenges to
solve. How do we develop assessment instruments to measure the new literacies of the Internet
in accurate and valid ways, especially when the technologies change so rapidly? Some preliminary
work is finally beginning to take place in this area. In 2007, the National Center for Educational
Assessement will conduct the first truly national assessment of adult literacy. We have been working
with NCES and ETS to help define this assessment. Approximately 30% of this measure will
assess new literacies, including online reading comprehension and email use. In addition a recent
IES reading comprehension research grant to Kim Lawless and her colleagues at the University of
Illinois, Chicago will also provide us with critically important new direction in this area.
Our colleagues who conduct research on teacher education also have an enormous agenda
ahead. They need to apply their finest heuristics, helping us better understand how to prepare new
and experienced teachers to support children in the new literacies of the Internet in the classroom.
Scholars exploring important agendas in adolescent literacy have already provided pioneering
leadership. They have even more to contribute, however, hopefully as they increase their focus on
classroom learning contexts. We are all counting on their continued leadership.
We also need to invite scholars in the areas of adult literacy to the research table. We cannot
afford to leave adults behind who have not had the advantage of being prepared for the new
literacies required of an information economy.
Family literacy scholars are essential, too, to the research that must be done. These networked
information resources provide special opportunities to connect schools with families. How best to
do so is another important question we need to address.
Additionally, scholars in the areas of children’s and adolescent literature have much to
contribute. New response opportunities become possible on the Internet, allowing us richer
interpretations and appreciation for our finest forms of language use, especially when we can share
these with others in different nations and different cultural contexts.
And finally, our historical researchers also have much to contribute. They can help us to better
understand the changes taking place today in light of the changes that have taken place in the past
to relationships between literacy and technology.
As I think back to the lessons that NRC has taught me about asking important questions, I will
leave you with two thoughts. First, each of us in our research community has important questions
that need to be asked if we hope to understand the rapidly shifting nature of literacy in a globally
networked aged of information. The work ahead is immense. As a research community, each of
New Literacies 17
us must bring our special expertise to the study of literacy on the Internet. The task is too large,
involves literacy in such profound ways, and must be accomplished so quickly that it is not possible
to vest the responsibility for this work solely in the hands of those who have traditionally explored
issues of literacy and technology.
The door is open. I hope that you might walk through it, bringing your own expertise to this
journey while keeping a final, and most important, thought in mind: The questions you choose to
ask will determine the literacy futures that our students achieve.
The original talk, the initial source of this paper, may be viewed online, along with all the
other plenary addresses from the 2005 National Reading Conference at http://www.newliteracies.
Portions of this material are based upon work supported by the Institute for Education
Sciences and the U.S. Department of Education under Award No. R305G050154, the North
Central Regional Educational Lab/Learning Point Associates, and the Carnegie Corporation.
Opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
position of either the U.S. Department of Education, the North Central Regional Educational Lab,
or the Carnegie Corporation.
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