Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts
Community Circle
Spiritual Gifts
We received the gifts of the Holy Spirit when we were baptized and confirmed. However, most of us
didn’t know that we already possessed it or even used it not until we were prayed over in our youth
camps. This talk will help us understand more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how can we use it
to build the Church and our community.
• CFC YFL Household and Chapter Servants and members
• CFC YFL Couple Coordinators
At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:
1. Understand more the Spiritual Gifts.
2. Realize the importance of Spiritual Gifts in our life.
3. Apply the Spiritual Gifts as a community.
Activity: Teaching of Songs (Spirit of the living God, Set a Fire) 10 minutes
Talk Proper: 45 minutes
Praisefest: 15-30 minutes
Expanded Outline
I. Introduction
Christians in general are ignorant of spiritual gifts. Many don’t realize how these gifts can help us to
grow more in our relationship with God. However, this is not what God wants for us! When St. Paul
taught the Christians in Corinth, he stresses how important it is for us to know the gifts of the Holy
Spirit and used it.
Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware. (1 Corinthians 12:1)
He wants us to be knowledgeable about the gifts so we can use it in our daily life as a Christian. As
members of CFC YFL, we are more aware of the importance of these gifts because we were prayed
over during our youth camp. However, we need to deepened our understanding of it and learn how to
use it in order to strengthen the Church and our community.
There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but
the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.
To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is given through
the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same
Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit; to another
mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues;
to another interpretation of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:4-10)
These are different from the seven gifts taught to us in catechism. These seven are the gifts found in
Isaiah 11:2, which are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the
Lord. Thus, there are two set of list regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yet they differ only in
purpose. For the seven gifts are given for strengthening of our individual Christian life. The nine are
charismatic gifts given for the building up the body (CFC-YFL and the Church).
When the nine spiritual gifts are manifested in the community, we can say, that the power of the Holy
Spirit is at work in that community. That is why we want all of us to use these gifts that we received
from the Lord to make other people see God’s presence and power in our community and in the
The gifts of the Holy Spirit allow us to be aware of God’s power and presence in our lives as it helps
us to be:
The first two are teaching gifts. These are special inspirations by which God works through
one person to give understanding to another person or group of people. (E.g. Advice to an
individual; teaching to an assembly.)
A. Wisdom.
The gift by which God reveals to us His truths, which we are then able to express to
others in a way that enlightens or encourages them. It helps us to choose the best way to
live, according to God’s ways. It is our guidance on how to live as a Christian and not just
a b o u t m a k i n g good practical judgment or common sense or a high degree of
B. Knowledge
The gift by which we were able to know truths that have to do with who God is and how
He works in our lives. It is the ability to explain a truth of the mystery of Christ. It is not just
then the ability to know a lot of things.
A. Faith
The charismatic gift of faith is a God-given faith which no person can work on to
have. It seems to be a special gift of prayer. It allows us to pray with a God-given
confidence, that makes us sure that what one asks for will be given. Mark 11:23-24. Thus
it does not refer to the faith that is given to all of us that makes us believe in Jesus Christ.
(Example: 1 Kings 18 “Elijah vs 450 prophets of Baal”)
B. Healing
The gift of healing is a special gift of prayer that allows us to give relief to a brother or a
sister. It allows us to pray with a God-given confidence, which produce repentance,
inner-healing, physical healing and deliverance. It is not a special magic gift reserved for a
few. This doesn’t mean that since we have this gift in community that we will not go to
medical doctors or use medicine (Sirach 38:1-15).
C. Miracles
The charismatic gift of miracle is a special gift of prayer, which produces extra-ordinary
results. It is less common today but it still happens. E.g. Raising the dead.
The next 4 are revelation gifts. These are gifts by which God makes known something about
the present situation to His people.
A. Prophecy
B. Discernment of Spirits
It is the gift by which a person is able to tell whether in a situation what is at work is the
Holy Spirit, an evil spirit or just man’s own spirit.
C. Tongues
It is the gift by which one utters words or sounds which are not known or
understandable to his human intellect. It is basically of two kinds: first is a gift of prayer,
and second is as a message to a community (prophecy). This gift is manifested through
praying in tongues or through prophecy.
D. Interpretation of Tongues
It is a companion to the gift of tongues, when used in prophecy. It does not refer to the
abilities of an interpreter of languages. The one who exercises this gift does not even
understand the tongues. What is spoken in tongues may not even be an actual language.
Like in prophecy, there is an urging to speak words. What is spoken is an accurate
In 1 Corinthians 14:1, Paul’s attitude is so different from many Christians who are reluctant to
receive gifts. Paul actually even commands us to strive eagerly for the gifts. Paul’s attitude makes
sense because the gifts are desperately needed in the Church today. If the gifts are for building
up, then they are really valuable and needed.
V. Conclusion
Many parts of the Church today are lacking in vibrancy and effectiveness. It effect most of our
life in the Church is “DEAD”. Just look in the way we celebrate the mass, hear the sermons of
some of our priest, or visit some of our parish programs. There is a similar danger for us in CFC-YFL,
even when we seem charismatic.
This danger will become real when we fail to use the different gifts of the Holy Spirit that is given to
us. For it is the Holy Spirit who gives life and the spiritual gifts that was given to us is the way for us
to be truly alive. Make full use of these gifts and let us show to the world that truly God is alive in our
community and in the Church.
The worship leader will discuss the importance of worshipping God or the gift of praise.
In our community, worship is one of the very most important we do. It is our way of honoring God
and making our place a piece of heaven. It is our way of communicating to God.