English Grade 6 Uts 1 Exercise 2018 PDF
English Grade 6 Uts 1 Exercise 2018 PDF
English Grade 6 Uts 1 Exercise 2018 PDF
For number 1
1. Please write the direction from SDII Al-Abidin campus 1 to SMPI Al Abidin!
Please don’t pass or through the block way.
For number 2
2. a. Start at the library. First go over the bridge. Then go across the street and go left. Walk past the
park. Where are you now?
b. Start at the hotel. Go left until T-Junction and turn right. Go straight until T-Junction. Go across
the street. Finally your destination is in front of you. Where are you now?
c. Start at the cinema. Go to the bank and walk across the street. Go left, then right, then right
again. Walk past the bookshop. Then go straight. It’s on your right. Where are you now?
For number 3
No Meaning V1 V2 V3
1. Makan ate IR
2. Study R
3. Pergi Gone IR
4. Start R
5. Melakukan Did IR
6. See IR
7. Menyukai Loved R
8. Walk R
9. Listened R
10. Worked R
11. Cook R
12. Played R
14. Made IR
15. Used R
16. Minum IR
17. Slept IR
18. Write IR
19. Wanted R
20. Called R
21. Memotong R
22. Run IR
23. Bring IR
24. Wrote IR
25. Filled R
26. Have/has IR
27. Terbang IR
28. Called R