1. The document discusses various online platforms and tools for sharing and developing content, including social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
2. It also covers blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger that allow creating and maintaining blogs, and sharing content.
3. Additionally, it mentions tools for creating presentations and visualizations like Prezi, Soho and Slideshare, as well as collaborative tools like Facebook groups.
1. The document discusses various online platforms and tools for sharing and developing content, including social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
2. It also covers blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger that allow creating and maintaining blogs, and sharing content.
3. Additionally, it mentions tools for creating presentations and visualizations like Prezi, Soho and Slideshare, as well as collaborative tools like Facebook groups.
1. The document discusses various online platforms and tools for sharing and developing content, including social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
2. It also covers blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger that allow creating and maintaining blogs, and sharing content.
3. Additionally, it mentions tools for creating presentations and visualizations like Prezi, Soho and Slideshare, as well as collaborative tools like Facebook groups.
1. The document discusses various online platforms and tools for sharing and developing content, including social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
2. It also covers blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger that allow creating and maintaining blogs, and sharing content.
3. Additionally, it mentions tools for creating presentations and visualizations like Prezi, Soho and Slideshare, as well as collaborative tools like Facebook groups.
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LESSON 6: IMAGING AND DESIGN FOR ONLINE Monitors have a resolution limit, so even if you have a LESSON 7 ONLINE
ENVIRONMENT million megapixels, it will not display everything. DEVELOPMENT 3. Caption it. Remember to put a caption on images whenever possible. If it is not related to the web page, then remove it. Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout Online Platforms for ICT Content Development SHARING PHOTOS WITH PHOTOBUCKET 1. BALANCE. The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and There are plenty of free image hosting sites out there, SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS. Websites like Facebook allow you to space is evenly distributed on the screen. and Photobucket is one of the oldest. Here’s how to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups access it: where you can share content. 2. EMPHASIS. An area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape or color to attract the viewer’s attention. 1.First, sign up for a Photobucket account on photobucket.com. The most popular social media sites in 2019 Just like Piktochart, you may use your Google+ or Facebook 3.MOVEMENT. Visual elements guide the viewer’s eyes around account to automatically sign up. 1. FACEBOOK the screen. • 2.23 billion MAUs 2.Once your account is set up and you are already logged in, click • Biggest social media site. 4. PATTERN, REPETITION, AND RHYTHM. These are the repeating the Start Uploading button. • Easy to get started visual element on an image or layout to create unity in the layout – Works great with almost content formats or image. Rhythm is achieved when visual elements create a sense 3.A new page will load allowing you to drag and drop your photos • Facebook algorithms prioritizes content that sparks of organized movement. or to choose them manually or to choose an entire folder to conversation and sparks meaningful interaction 5. PROPORTION. Visual elements create a sense of unity where upload. Select a folder, add a password (optional), then feel free between people. they relate well with one another. to upload any photos you have right then. 6. VARIETY. This uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s 2. YOUTUBE attention. 4.Once selected, a progress bar will appear indicating that the • 1.9 billion MAUs image is uploading. This may take a moment and will depend on • Video sharing platform. INFOGRAPHICS your Internet connection. Once you are done, you will see an • You can create YouTube channel for your brand indicator similar to the one shown in the image below. – you can upload videos for your subscribers Information graphics or infographics are used to represent to view, like, comment and share information, statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical manner 5.Let us just assume you will share a photo individually. To do this, 3.INSTAGRAM usually done in a creative way to attract the viewer’s attention. click on View Uploads. Once the page loads, click the photo you • 1 billion MAUs want to share. • Photo and video shariing social media app ONLINE IMAGE FILE FORMATS • Allows you to share a wide range of content such as 6.On the top of the image, you will see the following options: photos, videos, stories and live videos.
A – shares your photo directly to social media and blogging
platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, and Pinterest, respectively BLOGGING PLATFORMS. B – gives you a variety of link codes for HTML, Forums, Emails, It typically looks like a newsletter where you are given options to Instant Messagingand a direct link change the design to your liking. Though you can manipulate the C – shares your image via email design, social media platform’s popularity is still unrivaled. D – allows you to download your image *When inserting text to a web page, you can simply copy a text to E – shares your image to social media sites with the option to add WORDPRESS your html editor, or you can upload it on a website as a PDF file. a custom message • One of the most popular free blogging platforms in the Most browsers support “add-ons” so that you can open PDF files internet. without leaving the browser. 7.You may choose to share your photo to your friends on • Provide simple, free blog creation and maintenance Facebook. If you are done sharing, you may now log off and close – Can integrate your blog with social media, PRINCIPLES AND BASIC TECHNIQUES OF IMAGE MANIPULATION the browser. and popular features such as comments and polls. 1. Choose the right file format. Try to make a real-life BLOGGER.COM photograph into GIF to see the difference between • Easy for beginner to use. PNG, GIF, and JPEG. Knowing the purpose is the key to • You can type your contents, add photo and publish. finding out the best file format. • Lets users edit HTML and add widget to blog. 2. Choose the right image size. A camera with 12 • A google service, you need to have google account to megapixels constitutes to a bigger image size. sign in. OTHER ONLINE CONTENT DEVELOPMENT SITES There are plenty of online collaborative tools: Change.org is dubbed as the world’s platform for • For presentation/visualization change where anyone from the online community can create a – Prezi 1. You can use Facebook groups to create a group page that will petition and ask others to sign it. During the past times, petitions – Soho allow people in your group to communicate your ideas. are only done through signing a paper, usually done by a group – Slideshare asking for signatures via travel. Change.org gives access to more – Mindmeister people by allowing the online community to affix their digital 2. WordPress also allows you to multiple contributors for a single • For Cloud computing/storage signatures on a petition. – Google Drive blog. The Mission – Evernote Change.org’s mission is to help people from around – Dropbox 3. Google Drive and Microsoft Office Online allow multiple the world create the change they want to see. • For Web Page Creation people to work on different office files and even have their own – Wix group’s cloud storage. Signing an Online Petition – Weebly – Jimdo 4. Microsoft’s Yammer offers companies to have their own social 1. Visit Change.org. • For File Management 2. Click on Log in on the upper right hand of the page. network that allows sharing and managing content. – Google Docs 3. Click Sign up or log in with Facebook. – Zamrar 4. You can then start your own petition, but for now, click on any – Word2pdf 5. Sites like Trello offer an online to-do checklist for your entire petition you want under trending petitions. • For Mapping team. 5. Read the petition description to see if this petition matters to – Google Maps you. If it is, sign the petition by filling up the information on the – Wikimapia LESSON 11: ICT AS PLATFORM FOR CHANGE right side of the screen. • For publication material creation 6. Share the petition on Facebook to promote it. – Canva – Piktochart ICT: AN AVENUE TO SOCIAL CHANGE LESSON 12 : ICT PROJECT FOR SOCIAL CHANGE
CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ICT has helped improved communication when
• A Content Management System (CMS) is a computer Filipinos needed it the most. Radyo Veritas helped in the success CREATING A CONCEPT PAPER application (sometimes online or browser-based) that A concept paper is a document used to convince a panel of of the People Power Revolution. Text brigades helped in the allows you to publish, edit and manipulate, organize potential funders to help a product, program, or service become a success of EDSA Dos. Social media sites like Facebook helped in and delete web content. CMS is used in blogs, news reality. websites, and shopping. the success of the Million People March. Finally, technologies like the People finder helped bring comfort to families looking for Five elements of a concept paper: CLOUD COMPUTING their loved ones during calamities like Yolanda. 1. Introduction – includes your group’s mission and vision • Used by blog creator and other online content developer. and a brief introduction of your project • You don’t need to install the software, the software is in THE ROLE OF ICT IN RECENT HISTORY 2. Purpose – includes the reasons why this project is the cloud. worth your group and your sponsor’s time, effort, and • EDSA (People Power Revolution) money LESSON 9: COLLABORATIVE ICT DEVELOPMENT 3. Description – includes all the necessary information – Radio Broadcast about the project. 4. Support – contains the budget needed for the project. WEB PORTALS Some concept papers do not specify any amount • EDSA Dos requested from the sponsor. A web portal is a website that contains information from different 5. Contact Information – includes information on how – Text Brigade sources and places them in one location in a uniform way. the group can be contacted • Million People March SIMPLIFIED ICT PROJECT PROCESS OVERVIEW An example of a web portal is Yahoo! (www.yahoo. com). Yahoo.com offers a web portal where news, email, weather, etc. – Social Media Campaign are found in one page. • Yolanda People Finder ONLINE COLLABORATIVE TOOLS - Working together does not – Database powered by Google necessarily mean you have to be physically together. These tools can help your group “go the distance” and work as if you already CHANGE.ORG have your own office. 1. PLANNING – involves the following tasks (but not limited to):
a. Conceptualizing your project
b. Researching on available data about your topic c. Setting deadlines and meetings d. Assigning people to various tasks e. Finding a web or blog host f. Creating a site map for your website g. Listing down all applications that you need including web apps h. Funding (if applicable)
2. DEVELOPMENT – involves the actual creation of the website(s);
involves the production of images, infographics, etc.
3. RELEASE AND PROMOTION – involves the actual release of the
website for public view and promoting it. Promotion typically starts before the actual release.
4. MAINTENANCE – involves responding to feedback of your site
visitors and continuing to improve the website.
Creating HTML
HyperText Markup Language or HTML is a set of tags is
used to create a web page
HTML tags are used to format the content you want to
appear on your webpage as well as to connect one web page to another to hyperlinks
An HTML page is indicated with an <HTML> </HTML>