This document contains a list of 24 students with their names, identification numbers, dates of birth, gender, siblings, and class enrollment information. It includes details like the student's local student ID number, national student ID number, birthplace, date of birth, gender, number of siblings, admission date, year of admission, and class.
This document contains a list of 24 students with their names, identification numbers, dates of birth, gender, siblings, and class enrollment information. It includes details like the student's local student ID number, national student ID number, birthplace, date of birth, gender, number of siblings, admission date, year of admission, and class.
This document contains a list of 24 students with their names, identification numbers, dates of birth, gender, siblings, and class enrollment information. It includes details like the student's local student ID number, national student ID number, birthplace, date of birth, gender, number of siblings, admission date, year of admission, and class.
This document contains a list of 24 students with their names, identification numbers, dates of birth, gender, siblings, and class enrollment information. It includes details like the student's local student ID number, national student ID number, birthplace, date of birth, gender, number of siblings, admission date, year of admission, and class.
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1 AGNIYA HALIMATUL FUADIYAH 101232070474180010 kosongkan 2 ALFIYAN MUHAMMAD RIZKI 101232070474180011 3 ADE DONI ROMDONI 101232070474180012 4 AZAHRA NUR SAMSIYAH 101232070474180013 5 DAHLIA PARIDAH KENCANA 101232070474180014 6 DEYLA FEBRIANI 101232070474180015 7 EFAN AHMAD IRAWAN 101232070474180016 8 ELIANA KHAIRUNNISA 101232070474180017 9 ILHAM CAHYA RAMDANI 101232070474180018 10 MUHAMMAD ADLI ABDILLAH 101232070474180019 11 NADIA HASANAH 101232070474180020 12 NAJWIN ARKAN ALFAUZAN 101232070474180021 13 RAFKA ABDUL AQWA 101232070474180022 14 RAFHAEL YOGA SATRIA 101232070474180023 15 SAMBI ZULFADHLI 101232070474180024 16 SYARIP HIDAYATULLOH 101232070474180025 17 NAJWA PUTRI AZAHRA 101232070474180026 18 ADEL PUTRI AZZAHRA 101232070474190001 19 PARIJ MUJAMMIL 101232070474190002 20 JAMILA RAFIF LUTFIANI 101232070474190003 21 ADE ZAHIRA SABINA 101232070474190004 22 SYAHRUL NURDAFFA 101232070474190005 23 REFAA NUR FADILAH 101232070474190006 24 AULIA KHAIRUNNISA 101232070474190007 NIK TMP LAHIR TGL LAHIR L/P JML SAUDARA 3207066505140001 CIAMIS 2014-05-25 P 1 3207060212130002 CIAMIS 2014-12-02 L 2 3207060108130002 CIAMIS 2013-08-01 L 1 3207064810130002 CIAMIS 2013-10-06 P 1 3207065204130002 CIAMIS 2013-04-12 P 2 3207066002150001 CIAMIS 2015-02-20 P 0 3207060406120002 CIAMIS 2012-06-04 L 0 3207064711140001 CIAMIS 2014-11-07 P 1 3207061507140001 CIAMIS 2014-07-15 L 0 3207062908140001 CIAMIS 2014-08-29 L 0 3207065312140006 CIAMIS 2014-12-13 P 0 3207062906130001 CIAMIS 2013-06-29 L 0 3207311303130002 CIAMIS 2013-03-13 L 1 3207062611130003 CIAMIS 2013-11-26 L 1 3207311611130003 CIAMIS 2013-11-16 L 0 3207060304140003 TASIKMALAYA 2014-04-03 L 1 3278014806130001 CIAMIS 2013-06-08 P 0 3207065404150001 CIAMIS 2015-04-14 P 1 3207062112140002 CIAMIS 2014-12-21 L 2 3207065904140000 CIAMIS 2014-04-19 P 2 3207064406150000 TASIKMALAYA 2015-06-04 P 2 3207060704150001 CIAMIS 2015-04-07 L 1 3278045906160002 TASIKMALAYA 2016-06-19 P 1 BANDUNG 2016-06-09 P 0 TGL MASUK MASUK THN KELAS 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 A 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 A 16 Juli 2018 A 16 Juli 2018 A 16 Juli 2018 A 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 B 16 Juli 2018 A 16 Juli 2018 B 15 Juli 2019 A 15 Juli 2019 A 15 Juli 2019 A 15 Juli 2019 A 15 Juli 2019 A 15 Juli 2019 A 15 Juli 2019 A