Networks of Exchange Board Game Project

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World AP Group Project

Networks of Exchange Board Game Activity

Groups will be designing a Board Game that represents one of the three main networks
of trade. This Board Game should infuse important information from your textbook and
study book, and should also showcase their creativity on making Learning fun. The
Goal of the board game is that anyone from the age of 10 years and up could play the
game and learn at the same time!


Groups will have three class periods to design and create their board game. On the 4th
and last day of the project students will have to play another group’s game and also
evaluate that game with a Rubric.

Board Game Necessities:

● Game Rule and Format

✔ Number of Players
✔ Who goes first
✔ Length of Game
✔ Who wins?
✔ Rules of Turns
✔ Will Questions be involved?
✔ Equipment Needed

● Player Interaction
- When playing the game are there consequences of certain actions that affect
the other players in the game too? For example, will items be traded during
the game?
● Decision Making
- Will the game be dependent on Luck (roll of the dice) or will it be dependent on
decisions made by players (assessing your situation).
● Pace of the Game
- A good game moves along at a fairly quick pace. Players have more fun in
games if their turn comes around frequently.


Students will be graded by another group as they play your game and are evaluating it.
Plus, you will also be graded by Mr. Hindman as he walks around and evaluates all of the
games on the last day, PLAY DAY. These projects will be worth 50pts Formative and all group
members will receive the same grade!
Focuses will be on the Following Trade Routes: (Time Period 900 C.E-1450 C.E.)

● Silk Road
● Trans Saharan Trade
● Indian Ocean Trade
● Mongol Mania

Board Game Check-List:

● InSPECT Characteristics
● Spreading of Ideas, Religion, and Technology
● Examples of Goods Exchanged
● Important People

Idea Page:

Here is a list of popular Board games that you may spark some ideas! Don’t forget you can
always use game pieces, cards, or other items from other games to add to your game.

✔ Chutes and Ladders

✔ Guess Who
✔ Monopoly
✔ Candy Land
✔ Life
✔ Clue
✔ Risk
✔ Trains


Please Fill this out and Turn into me on Day 2- Group/Period: _____________________

Number of Players

Who Goes First

Length of Game

Objective of Game/
Who Wins

Rules of The Game

Does the Game

involve Questions?

Equipment Needed
Making A Game: Networks of Exchange Board Game

Student Names: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
Attractiveness Contrasting colors and Contrasting colors and Contrasting colors and Little or no color or
at least 3 original at least 1 original \"borrowed\" graphics fewer than 3 graphics
graphics were used to graphic were used to were used to give the were included.
give the cards and give the cards and cards and game board
game board visual game board visual visual appeal.
appeal. appeal.

Knowledge Gained All students in group All students in the Most students in the Several students in the
could easily and group could easily and group could easily and group could NOT
correctly state several correctly state 1-2 facts correctly state 1-2 facts correctly state facts
facts about the topic about the topic used for about the topic used for about the topic used for
used for the game the game without the game without the game without
without looking at the looking at the game. looking at the game. looking at the game.
Accuracy of Content All information cards All but one of the All but two of the Several information
made for the game are information cards made information cards made cards made for the
correct. for the game are for the game are correct. game are not accurate.

Creativity The group put a lot of The group put some The group tried to make Little thought was put
thought into making thought into making the the game interesting and into making the game
the game interesting game interesting and fun, but some of the interesting or fun.
and fun to play as fun to play by using things made it harder to
shown by creative textures, fancy writing, understand/enjoy the
questions, game pieces and/or interesting game.
and/or game board. characters.
Rules Rules were written Rules were written, but Rules were written, but The rules were not
clearly enough that all one part of the game people had some written.
could easily participate. needed slightly more difficulty figuring out
explanation. the game.

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