S- Curve
S- Curve
* One of the most important planning and
control tool is the “S” Curve which shows
value of work done. Value of work done is
the best measure of progress.
* Once the contract has been awarded, it is a
fairly simple matter to estimate the “value”
or expenditure on each activity shown on a
detailed bar chart.S- Curve
* By analyzing the nature of ea ty, one
can estimate the way in which this value
will be distributed on, say, a monthly basis.
* These amounts may then be summed to
give the total estimated monthly value, and
the figures plotted in graphic form.
How to Construct the “S Curve”
+ it is weil known that the rate at which
useful work is done is slower at the
beginning and end of a project than in
the middle, and thus these curves have a
characteristic “S” shape.i RR
How to Construct the “5 Cane”
|List aii major items
of work with the
< rams, CONtract amount.
How to Construct the “S Curve™
[aaa RT
To get relative weight,
divide contract amount
for each item of work by
the total contract amount,
multiply by 100.
+ Relative Weight = 3,000/13,000 = 0.2307 x 100 = 23.07 %(Tpaae OF
aR] oa |
How to Construct the “s Curve™
Then, get the percentage of wor
period, thus
7 Work = No. of months for that period/Total no. of mos.
PC Services
Get the total value of work per period and record on the space: schedule (this
Exam: Schedule The era Frnt)
; To get cumulative schedule, add the value of work in the
2 2M period, ate,
For the 3° month
7.69 + 15.38 = 23.07 23.07 + 20.01
Construct S Curve