Filtros Industriales Multimedia

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Commercial Media Filters MF-410

Steel Tanks: 14” to 42” Diameter SERIES

Pure Aqua’s pressure filters clarify water by removing sediment, turbidity, iron, unpleasant tastes, odors,
suspended particles, and unwanted color, all of which are commonly found in surface water. They can
be used in a variety of services including: industrial, municipal, and institutional applications.

Standard Features
S High performance epoxy lined, primer coated,
S top mounted steel tank
S Automatic backwash valve
S Top mounted Fleck valve
S Time controller for scheduled backwash cycle
S Flow controller to limit backwash flow
S All internals are plastic materials
S High quality media

Available Options
S Duplex systems
S Tanks according to ASME code
S FRP or stainless steel tanks
S 240V/1ph/50Hz power supply
S Pressure relief valve
S Inlet/outlet sample valves
S Inlet/outlet pressure gauges
S Differential pressure switch and gauge
S Filters using diaphragm valves
S Auxiliary switch for backwash pump start 28F24100MM-ST

Media Filtration Operating Cycles

Service Cycle
Water flows downward through the media while solids accu-
mulate in the media bed. The purified water passes through to
downstream processes.
Backwash Cycle
When the filter begins to clog or when the head loss (pressure Fleck 5800

drop) through the bed increases, flow rates are reduced. To pre-
vent degradation of water quality, the flow is reversed. This is
directed by the control valve(s) to drain, carrying with it, the
particulate matter that has built up during service. The required
flow is specific to the media and is essential to proper cleaning
of the media bed. For media filters, the backwash flow is always
higher than the service flow rate.
Fleck 3150 Fleck 2850

Pure Aqua, Inc.®

Commercial Media Filters MF-410
Steel Tanks: 14” to 42” Diameter SERIES

Pressure Gauges DP Switch Auxiliary Switch

Pre and post filter pressure The differential pressure Auxiliary switches are used
gauges are important to gauge and switch are used to provide a signal to start a
monitor the filter pressure to automatically initiate backwash pump or to provide
and determine the backwash backwash based on the dif- a status signal to a BMS system
frequency. ferenential pressure. or interlock with an RO system.

Filter Media Types

Pure Aqua supplies a wide range of quality filter media that meet industry standards for efficient and
effective filtration.

Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Coconut Carbon Media Silica Sand Anthracite Media

Sand Anthracite
Graded in various ranges, Pure Aqua’s sand can be Anthracite is recommended as a filter media
used as filtration media or underbedding depend- where additional silica in the water is not desir-
ing on particle size and application. able and removes lighter weight turbidity.

Calcite Activated Carbon

Calcite media is specially graded calcium carbon- Activated carbon media is used to remove taste,
ate compound for neutralizing acid with consis- odor and chlorine and used in many drinking wa-
tent dissolving rates for water treatment. ter applications.

Manganese Greensand ProSand

Manganese Greensand media is treated siliceous ProSand is based on a rare natural mineral. Its
material for treating water containing iron, manga- unique properties radically improve the perfor-
nese and hydrogen sulfide. mance and cost of media filtration.

Pure Aqua, Inc.® MF.JAN 2017

© 2017 Pure Aqua, Inc. All rights reserved. Speciications subject to change without notice.
Commercial Media Filters MF-410
Steel Tanks: 14” to 42” Diameter SERIES

Advantages of Multimedia Filtration

S Proven process and most tested forms of water treatment
S Systems are robust with no moving parts inside the tanks
S Modular control valves designed for operational flexibility
S Filtration media is inexpensive and long-lasting
S Resistant to fouling (clogging)
S Faster flow rates
S Produces high quality filtered water

Operation Specifications
S Operating pressure: 25-100 psi (1.73-6.9 bar) S Operating temperature: 41-110°F (5-43°C)
S Electrical supply: 115V/1ph/60Hz S Filters can be supplied in 240V/1ph/50Hz

Model # Flow Rate

Tank Media Approx.
Minimum Average Peak Backwash Size Qty Pipe Size Weight
Option 1 Option 2 D”xH” (ft3) (lbs)
Multi Layer Filters: Anthracite, Sand and Gravel (Turbidity Removal)
58F1435MM-ST 28F1435MM-ST 10.7 2.4 16.1 3.6 21.4 4.9 16.1 3.6 14X60 3.5 1.25” 1.5” 401
58F1645MM-ST 28F1645MM-ST 13.9 3.2 20.9 4.8 27.8 6.3 20.9 4.8 16X60 4.5 1.25” 1.5” 511
58F1855MM-ST 28F1855MM-ST 17.7 4.0 26.6 6.0 35.4 8.0 26.6 6.0 18X60 5.5 1.25” 1.5” 644
28F2175MM-ST - 24.1 5.5 36.2 8.3 48.2 11.0 36.2 8.3 21X60 7.5 1.5” 875
28F24100MM-ST - 31.4 7.1 47.1 10.7 62.8 14.3 47.1 10.7 24X60 10 1.5” 1,128
31F30150MM-ST - 49.1 11.2 73.7 16.8 98.2 22.3 73.7 16.8 30X60 15 2” 1,776
31F36210MM-ST - 70.7 16.1 106.1 24.2 116.2 26.4 106.1 24.2 36X60 21 2” 2,185
31F42250MM-ST - 96.2 22.0 116.2 26.4 125.0 28.4 125.0 28.4 42X60 28 2” 2,760
AG Filters: Non Hydrous Silicon Dioxide (Turbidity Removal)
58F1435AG-ST 28F1435AG-ST 7.5 1.7 8.6 1.9 12.8 2.9 12.8 2.9 14X60 3.5 1.25” 1.5” 159
58F1645AG-ST 28F1645AG-ST 9.7 2.2 11.1 2.5 16.7 3.8 16.7 3.8 16X60 4.5 1.25” 1.5” 210
58F1855AG-ST 28F1855AG-ST 12.4 2.8 14.2 3.2 21.2 4.8 21.2 4.8 18X60 5.5 1.25” 1.5” 307
28F2175AG-ST - 16.9 3.8 19.3 4.4 28.9 6.6 28.9 6.6 21X60 7.5 1.5” 414
28F24100AG-ST - 22.0 5.0 25.1 5.7 37.7 8.6 37.7 8.6 24X60 10 1.5” 552
31F30150AG-ST - 34.4 7.8 39.3 8.9 58.9 13.4 58.9 13.4 30X60 15 2” 886
31F36210AG-ST - 49.5 11.2 56.6 12.9 84.8 19.3 84.8 19.3 36X60 21 2” 1,208
31F42250AG-ST - 67.3 15.3 77.0 17.5 115.4 26.2 115.4 26.2 42X60 28 2” 1,725
Activated Carbon Filters: Guanular Form with High Degree of Porosity (Taste, Odor and Color Removal)
58F1435AC-ST 28F1435AC-ST 7.5 1.7 8.6 1.9 12.8 2.9 12.8 2.9 14X60 3.5 1.25” 1.5” 159
58F1645AC-ST 28F1645AC-ST 9.7 2.2 11.1 2.5 16.7 3.8 16.7 3.8 16X60 4.5 1.25” 1.5” 210
58F1855AC-ST 28F1855AC-ST 12.4 2.8 14.2 3.2 21.2 4.8 21.2 4.8 18X60 5.5 1.25” 1.5” 307
28F2175AC-ST - 16.9 3.8 19.3 4.4 28.9 6.6 28.9 6.6 21X60 7.5 1.5” 414
28F24100AC-ST - 22.0 5.0 25.1 5.7 37.7 8.6 37.7 8.6 24X60 10 1.5” 552
31F30150AC-ST - 34.4 7.8 39.3 8.9 58.9 13.4 58.9 13.4 30X60 15 2” 886
31F36210AC-ST - 49.5 11.2 56.6 12.9 84.8 19.3 84.8 19.3 36X60 21 2” 1,208
31F42250AC-ST - 67.3 15.3 77.0 17.5 115.4 26.2 115.4 26.2 42X60 28 2” 1,725

Pure Aqua, Inc.® MFJAN 2017

© 2017 Pure Aqua, Inc. All rights reserved. Speciications subject to change without notice.
Commercial Media Filters MF-410
Steel Tanks: 14” to 42” Diameter SERIES

Model # Flow Rate

Tank Media Approx.
Minimum Average Peak Backwash Size Qty Pipe Size Weight
Option 1 Option 2 D”xH” (ft3) (lbs)
Birm Filters: (Fe, Mn, H2S Reduction)
58F1435BM-ST 28F1435BM-ST 7.5 1.7 10.7 2.4 12.8 2.9 12.8 2.9 14X60 3.5 1.25” 1.5” 180
58F1645BM-ST 28F1645BM-ST 9.7 2.2 13.9 3.2 16.7 3.8 16.7 3.8 16X60 4.5 1.25” 1.5” 280
58F1855BM-ST 28F1855BM-ST 12.4 2.8 17.7 4.0 21.2 4.8 21.2 4.8 18X60 5.5 1.25” 1.5” 360
28F2175BM-ST - 16.9 3.8 24.1 5.5 28.9 6.6 28.9 6.6 21X60 7.5 1.5” 500
28F24100BM-ST - 22.0 5.0 31.4 7.1 37.7 8.6 37.7 8.6 24X60 10 1.5” 650
31F30150BM-ST - 34.4 7.8 49.1 11.2 58.9 13.4 58.9 13.4 30X60 15 2” 1,000
31F36210BM-ST - 49.5 11.2 70.7 16.1 84.8 19.3 84.8 19.3 36X60 21 2” 1,308
31F42280BM-ST - 67.3 15.3 96.2 21.9 115.4 26.2 115.4 26.2 42X60 28 2” 1,825
Calcite Filters: (pH Neutralization)
58F1435CF-ST 28F1435CF-ST 7.5 1.7 8.6 1.9 12.8 2.9 12.8 2.9 14X60 3.5 1.25” 1.5” 480
58F1645CF-ST 28F1645CF-ST 9.7 2.2 11.1 2.5 16.7 3.8 16.7 3.8 16X60 4.5 1.25” 1.5” 615
58F1855CF-ST 28F1855CF-ST 12.4 2.8 14.2 3.2 21.2 4.8 21.2 4.8 18X60 5.5 1.25” 1.5” 773
28F2175CF-ST - 16.9 3.8 19.3 4.4 28.9 6.6 28.9 6.6 21X60 7.5 1.5” 1,050
28F24100CF-ST - 22.0 5.0 25.1 5.7 37.7 8.6 37.7 8.6 24X60 10 1.5” 1,360
31F30150CF-ST - 34.4 7.8 39.3 8.9 58.9 13.4 58.9 13.4 30X60 15 2” 2,135
31F36210CF-ST - 49.5 11.2 56.6 12.9 84.8 19.3 84.8 19.3 36X60 21 2” 2,650
31F42280CF-ST - 67.3 15.3 77.0 17.5 115.4 26.2 115.4 26.2 42X60 28 2” 3,320
Manganese Green Sand Filters: (Fe, Mn, H2S Reduction)
58F1435GS-ST 28F1435GS-ST 7.5 1.7 8.6 1.9 12.8 2.9 12.8 2.9 14X60 3.5 1.25” 1.5” 480
58F1645GS-ST 28F1645GS-ST 9.7 2.2 11.1 2.5 16.7 3.8 16.7 3.8 16X60 4.5 1.25” 1.5” 615
58F1855GS-ST 28F1855GS-ST 12.4 2.8 14.2 3.2 21.2 4.8 21.2 4.8 18X60 5.5 1.25” 1.5” 773
28F2175GS-ST - 16.9 3.8 19.3 4.4 28.9 6.6 28.9 6.6 21X60 7.5 1.5” 1,050
28F24100GS-ST - 22.0 5.0 25.1 5.7 37.7 8.6 37.7 8.6 24X60 10 1.5” 1,360
31F30150GS-ST - 34.4 7.8 39.3 8.9 58.9 13.4 58.9 13.4 30X60 15 2” 2,135
31F36210GS-ST - 49.5 11.2 56.6 12.9 84.8 19.3 84.8 19.3 36X60 21 2” 2,650
31F42280GS-ST - 67.3 15.3 77.0 17.5 115.4 26.2 115.4 26.2 42X60 28 2” 3,320

*All filters require periodic backwashing to dispose of the accumulated debris. This is
accomplished by backwashing clean water through the unit and then disposing of the
effluent. During this phase, the different sizes of media separate into layers, preparing
the filter bed for service. Because backwashing generally occurs at higher flow rates than
those seen in service, oftentimes a proper backwash flow rate is not possible because
the systems are designed for required service flow rates. However, by utilizing smaller
double or triple unit systems, the optimum backwash flow rate is lower; therefore, these
systems operate at higher service flow rates.

Pure Aqua also supplies: Custom Engineered Solutions, Reverse

Osmosis Systems, Water Conditioning, Chemical Dosing Systems,
Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilizers and Ozonation Systems.

MF.JAN 2017

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