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CONTENTS AR ORDERED BY He XE KYOKUYO_SHIPYARD_CORPORATION Bw DESTINED FOR tA __4 Ditto SNO.463 B ENGIN” MODEL ENGINE NO DG517Z0373~ @ B @ A 500-17 te Bf & F DC517Z0375 DATE OF MFG S68 Nov,2005, Instruction Parts list RRR S a & tt #8) Cagamttesseen resem 1, Na of Cylinders [530830] injection pump (SHH SARY IZ] Os Plunger dia 19 2. Speed LiBHEISEB] 9. Nozzle cooling [/XIL¥#) 900min=t No. 3. Direction of revolution (#88518 7718) 10. F.O. injection nozzle (RH IRF] Standard) $B Hole size AME 028x8 4. Turbocharger type Liatetitiest] 11. Capacity of LO. Cooler (A aRAS AH) aria sont 5. Arrangement turbocharger (3@#é48@2iH) 12. Intor cooler type [2 7hH0255t] Front side #18 @ove004 xeLF 6. Turbocharger system (38#87530] 13. pump [rsdARY I] Impeller dia 180 Hose 7. Governor type (HAsRiRIEsC] Qluaro NOTE; Items marke are applied for your Diesel Engines. ENA VOARMABBICMMEN TOSME TT. DAIHATSUDC-17 INSTRUCTION MANUAL (OPERATION) CHAPTER| INTRODUCTION GENERAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINE ADJUSTMENT STANDARDS OPERATION INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE FUEL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL AND COOLING WATER TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURES © As for the disassembly, maintenance, assembly, and the parts to be replaced, refer to the separately provided INSTRUCTION MANUAL (MAINTENANCE) and PARTS LIST. ‘OKeep this Instruction Manual and the related documents (drawings, materials, etc.) in the| specified place so that the persons engaged in operation of the engine can refer to them whenever necessary, and in case that the supervisor of the engine is changed, be mind- ed that these documents, along with the duties, shall be transferred to the successor without a fall. Pye DC-17 Z 02-03Chapter 0 INTRODUCTION 1, Before Running Daihatsu Diesel Engine enamncnnennnennenen 2, Basic Information on Safety Operation —- 24 22 23 24 3. Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code 34 32 33 4. General Information — 44 42 43 Chapter 4 1, Engine Specifications 2 Auxiliary Equipment 3 Engine Outline and Equipment Layout —. Chapter 2 4. Engine 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Contents Safety Precautions Safety Signs and Symbol Marks Indication of Warning: Waming Labels mm Indication of Warning: Warning Label Positions — Outline Parts to be Specified Engine Setting Value ~~ Notation of Engine Type Definition of Term Unit GENERAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Engine Frame, Cylinder Liner, and Main Bearing =~ Crankshaft and Bearing men Camshaft and Timing Gear —~ Piston and Connecting Rod ~ Cylinder Head Fuel Injection Device ene Valve Operating Device Fuel Control Device —~ Intake and Exhaust System —- DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Contents BCA? 2. Piping Systems ——— 2.1. Starting Pneumatic System 22 Fuel Oil System 2.3 Lubricating Oil System 24 Cooling Water System ~ Controlling Engine Operation and Protective Device 3.1. Start Control 3.2 Stop Control 3.3 Engine Protection System Chapter 3 ENGINE ADJUSTMENT STANDARDS 1. Operating Specifications eames 2 Valve Settings Chapter 4 OPERATION 1, Precautions for Operation 1.1. Incase of Start 4.2. Im case of Operetta 2 1.3 Incase of Stop 2, Preparation for Operation. 2.1 Preparation for Daily Operation 2.2 Preparation for Initial Starting after Long Period of Disuse and Overhaul ——- 4-2.2 3 Starting ——— 3.1. Starting Procedure —~ 3.2 _ Inspection and Check Items Immediately after Starting, ammmnmeeennnnnn 4. Operation — 440 Runningsin —— 4.2. Warming up and Connecting Load to the Engine 4.3. Operation with Load (Normal Operation). ~~ 4.4 Operation Using Heavy Fuel Oil (for Heavy Fuel Oil Engines) 4.5 Allowable Operating Range ——- 5. Special Operation 5.1. Low-load Operation 454 5.2 Non-turbocharger Operation and Operation with Reduced Number of Cylinders. 4-5.2 DC-17 Z 02-03 eye EWeLeDC-17 6 Stop 6.1 Normal Stop 6.2 Emergency Stop 6.3_Long-term Shutdown 463 Chapter 5 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ........ 5 4. Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance. ~~ S41 4.1. Safety Precautions = B44 4.2. Cautionary Items When Finishing Inspection and Maintenance B12 2 Inspection and Maintenance Item Table sons Bo, 3, Measurements and Adjustments mmm 3.1 Exhaust Air Temperature 534 3.2. Pressure and Temperature of Each Part —. 532 4, Inspection and Maintenance oo cs Boh 4.1 Inspecting Parts on and around Intake and Exhaust Valves, and Adjusting Vale End Clearanoe 54.41 4.2 Inspection and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve —- se SAD 4.3 Cleaning Fitters 4.4 Cleaning Turbocharger Blower 4.5. Cleaning Turbocharger Turbine 4.6 Measuring Crankshaft Deflection nnn 546 Chapter 6 FUEL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL AND COOLING WATER -——-—- 6 4, Fuel Oil Control ——— et 4.4. Fuel Oil Selection, mm“ e414 1.2. Fuel Oil Control ——— 2. Lubricating Oil Control - 2.4 Lubricating Oil Selection —— 2.2 Lubricating Oil Control 3. Cooling Water Control ~~ 3.1 Cooling Fresh Water (Raw Water) -————————~ 3.2. Corrosion Prevention Agent ~~ pyle! DC-17 Z 02-03Chapter 7 TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURES 4, Precautions for Troubleshooting ~~ AL 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2.10 an 212 213 214 DC47 Contents roubleshooting and Countermeasures Starting Defect Engine Revolution is Not Smooth Insufficient Output. ~ ‘Abnormal Exhaust Gas Temperature ~~ Abnormal Exhaust Gas Color —~ ‘Abnormal Noise/Abnormal Vibration Engine Sudden Stop Unable to Stop Engine Overspeed Low Lubricating Oil Pressure - High Lubricating Oil Temperature Low Cooling Water Pressure (Jacket Line) ~ High Cooling Water Temperature (Jacket Line) ~~ Low Cooling Water Temperature (Jacket Line) ———— DC-17 Z 02-03 pyar We)Introduction EM Before Running Daihatsu Diesel Engine DC-17 1 Introduction 0-1. Before Running Daihatsu Diesel Engine This instruction manual describes the proper operation procedure of the DC-17 engi daily maintenance and inspection procedure, and other necessary information on the engine.To maintain the engine in good operating condition and ensure that it provides the specified per- formance, be sure to read through this manual and become sufficiently familiar with the proper procedures before operating the engine.Strictly avoid use of the engine for a purpose other than the original purpose of use of the engine or under conditions different from the specified condi- tions or handling against the descriptions given herein, since such operation will cause ac dents or troubles. A. <> A\ Exch piece of the information is an important safety precautions and provided as a "Warning" or "Caution". B. The features and structure of your engine may be different from those provided in this manual depend- ing on the specifications of the engine delivered. In this case, the engine specifications and final docu- ‘ments supplied separately have priority over this manual. ©, For the details on the following machine or device, see their instruction manual supplied with this man- 1. Turbocharger 2. Governor 3. Air motor 4, Control equipment 5. Other special devices, D. Be sure to use the genuine parts of DAIHATSU DIESEL MFG. CO.,LTD. or those specified in the parts list. We will not guarantee the proper operation of the engine unless such parts are used. For replacement of the parts or service on your engine, contact our Daihatsu Diesel Parts Service Co., Ltd., Service Department branch office, or the nearest DAIHATSU DIESEL MFG. Co. Lid. provided on the cover page. Be sure to provide us with the "type and number of your engine” when contacting us. Ifyou use any parts other than the genuine parts or specified parts, unexpected troubles may be ‘caused, and you cannot make insurance claims owing to nonconformity to terms and conditions of damage insurance. E. To prevent environmental contamination, do not dispose of waste products, liquids, etc. thoughtlessly, Be sure to entrust the disposal of such waste products, liquids, etc. to the authorized waste disposal ‘company. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. DAIHAT: DG-17 Z 02-03introduction 34( BCA Basic Information on Safety Operation: Safety Precautions 0-2, Basic Information on Safety Operation 0-2.1 Safety Precautions The diesel engine uses flammable oil. It has the high-speed rotational parts, the parts that become extremely hot, or the parts that are under high pressure fluid, during operation. Improper handling of the engine can result in serious injury or fatal accidents. Be sure to observe the safety precautions provided in this manual. ‘A. Beware of Rotational Parts
Explosion or Bursting + Poisonous —> Poisoning + Voltage -> Electric Shock + High temperature — Burn + Rotational/Moving Part — Getting Caught Edge — Cut : High-Pressure Fluid Jet — Injury fA RWWA fF e- = High Location — Fall one of the following safety signs + "Warning’: Precaution related to safety of personnel (Potential hazard which could resultin death or serious injury) + "Caution": Precaution related to safety of personnel (Potential hazard which may result minor or moderate injury) : *Precautions for handling”: Information on handling of the engine to prevent damage nn": Prohibited practice that can affect the safety of personnel and the engine + FObligatory acts": Recommended practice onstruction to be folowed to ensure safety of personnel and the engine b, Prohibition Signs S + Non-specific general prohibition ® = No Smoking © : nates se roisden ® : do Not Touch ¢. Signs for Obligatory Acts + Wear Eye Protection Gear (safety goggles, et.) + Wear Head Protection Gear (hard hat, ete.) + Wear Ear (Noise) Protection Gear (ear plugs, etc.) + Wear Hand Protection Gear (safety gloves, etc.) 880066008 + Wear Foot Protection Gear (safety shoes, etc.) : (CLA) = See other pages in tis manual or other documents. Py sew DC-17 Z 02-03introduction Basic Information on Safety Operation: Indication of Warning: 2.3{ DC-17 | Warning Labels 0-2.3 Indication of Warning: Warning Labels ‘The waming labels shown below, are used on the DAIHATSU DIESEL MFG. CO., LTD. a) (2) (3) ° ° as 2 BUR ER DBE wannine|| || SE waawine 1, RRUTRRME Cur, ELC, RCM TREN, = RERAUR HURL HEAT SABI TRU sRoRRMUASRAC HB CEYAUET. 2, GHEERMCARSIRELNGACL, TORAERY RE, MRTSE CABALEOTREU. 9, RAD AO $290 AEMOBRL REAM, BaAREKT EU, NOTICES 1.Follow instructions for the correct and sate handling of the -Only those who have exch noes and pecasary sill ean hand the ogi 3 28 “Swe hing ey cv AVES caution) AVE carrion 2.han thre ital faction nd/otaveruating es in the onging do not restart util the cae Amcae hs bean tema ater tn 3.1f the instruction Manual and Warning labels ‘are damaged or last. please order new ones from us, co44s000102 Oo @ om @) @) DBA warninel] || OSS warnine]| [OSA warwins]| [ZA FER caution ergae =m Hr a tt wy east? % oe Inflammable. EL Elanteczte gilmist| May Cause tal ing. (10) ANE Kcaur ion zea wet AGE shee DC-17 Z 02-03Introduction Basic Information on Safety Operation: Indication of Warnin, Warning Label Positions 0-2.4 Indication of Warning: Warning Label Positions For safety, the warming labels shown below are affixed to the engine. The numbers carried by labels cor- respond to those given on Item 2.3 of Chapter 0. If a label is broken or falls, replace it with a new label, and make arrangement so that it may be visible clearty at any time. @) a qa) a3] @) @ [Be wane & Fuel test pump Hydraulic jack ey NiseaUeter DC-17 Z 02-03introduction Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code: 3.4,9.2| DC-17 | Outline/Parts to be Specified 0-3. Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code 0-3.1 Outline ‘A, The marine diesel engines to which the 13th rule "Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)" in Supplement VI "Rules to Prevent it Pollution by Ships" to MARPOL73/78 Treaty applies should conform to NOx Technical, Code. B. The engines conforming to NOx Technical Code are authorized as an engine group or an engine fami- ly, and itis allowed to apply the engine parameter check method to them, when receiving the NOx dis- charge inspection on board. ‘The engine parameter check method is a method for verifying that the engine components and setting values conform to the requirements specified in the technical file, and does not require the measure- ‘ment of NOx discharge. To the engines that are not conforming to the requirements of the technical file, the engine parameter check method cannot be applied. For such engines, the measurement of NOx discharge shall be required. 0-3.2 Parts to be Specified The technical file states the engine components that can affect the NOx discharge specified in NOx Technical Code, and shows the identification marks stamped on them, and the user is required to main- tain the technical file for each engine. When replacing any parts shown in the technical fle, be sure to use our genuine parts stamped with the identification marks. In the case that any parts without the identifica tion mark is used, it shall be regarded as nonconformance to the requirements of the technical file, and in ‘such a case, inspection by the engine parameter check method cannot be applied. The followings are the parts that have the identification marks specified in the technical file. When replacing any of these parts, be sure to check the identification marks : "Technical file)
4. Cylinder head 2. Piston 3. Turbocharger 4. Air cooler 5. Cam shaft 6, Fuel injection pump 7. Fuel injection pump plunger 8. Fuel injection valve 9. Fuel injection vaive nozzle DC-17 Z 02-03 EYEEIntroduction Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Codi Engine Setting Value DC-17| 3.3 0-3.3 Engine Setting Value The engines conforming to NOx Technical Code are adjusted to conform to the specifications before shipment. After shipment, they should not be adjusted to such a manner that the setting values specified in the technical file may be deviated. If any change is made in the manner that may deviate from the settings specified in the technical file, it shall be considered to be nonconformance to the requirements of the technical file, and the inspection by the engine parameter check method cannot be applied. ‘The followings are the items that have been set to conform to NOx Technical Code: <
A. Fuel injection ti B. Fuel injection valve opening pressure PATE Dc-17 Z 02-03Introduction General Information: 44-43} DC-17 { notation of Engine Type, Definition of Term, and Unit 0-4, General Information 0-4.1. Notation of Engine Type + Number of cylinders Name of series * Cylinder bore (cm) ~~ 0-4.2 Definition of Term Definitions of the terms used in this manual are follows: + Rear side of engine: Output end side (flywheel side) + Front side of engine: Opposite side to the output end + Exhaust side: Exhaust manifold side (on the right when seen from the output end) Front side + Pump side: Fuel injection pump side (on the left when seen from the output end) * Normal rotation (rightward rotation): Clockwise rotation when seen from the output end * Cylinder and journal numbers ..... 1, 2, 3, starting from the output end Normal rota- tion (Rightward rotation) \ Rear side Pump side 0-4.3 Unit Basically, SI units are used on the engine and in this manual. DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUIntroduction MEMO ‘|[pc-17 Py aeeY DG-17 Z 02-03General Construction 4,9| p¢.47 | Engine Specifications and Auxiliary Equipment J e Specification Model 5DC-17 6DC-17 Type Vertical water-cooling direct injection type 4-cycle diesel engine Number of cylinders 5 6 Cylinders bore | _mm 470 Piston stroke mm 270 Rotational speed | min" 900 / 1000 Output kw * Ignition sequence 1-35-42 1-5-3-6-2-4(900min'')/1-2-4-6-5-3(1000min") Rotation direction Clockwise when seen from the flywheel Turbocharging method ‘Turbocharged by exhaust gas turbine equipped with air cooler Starting method Air motor Cooling Jacket Fresh water method Cooler Fresh water 1-2. Auxiliary Equipment Note: (1) Since the output, which are marked with +, differ depending upon each specifications, be minded to enter the data after referring to the "Engine Specifications" and "Test Run Record” Auxiliary / Equipment Type Remarks Turbocharger Radial turbine type Air cooler Fin tube type Governor Hydraulic type Fuel injection pump Bosch type Fuel oil valve Bosch type Lubricating oil pump Gear type Lubricating oil cooler Plate type Lubricating oil filter Notch wire, duplex type Lubicating ol iter for turbocharger Notch wire, duplex type Lubricating oil tank Common base plate incorporated Cooling water pump Centrifugal type Note: The data given in the above table show those in the case of the standard specifications. Therefore, the data of your engine may differ from those shown in this table, and in such a case be minded to refer to the “Engine Specifications". DC-17 A 04-08General Construction Engine Outline and Equipment Layout DC-17 1-3, Engine Outline and Equipment Layout ‘Turbocharger. \ I \ Cooling water pump Air motor Lubricating oil cooler ‘Lubricating oil filter for turbocharger Lubricating oil filter Temperature control valve for lubricating oll Pressure control valve for lubricating oif eye we) DC-17 Z 02-03General Construction 444.8] DC-17 | Engine 24. Engine 2.1.1 Engine Frame, Cylinder Main Bearing The frame is a monoblock structure made of cast iron, and the upper section of the frame forms, cooling jacket, together with the oylinder liner. The main bearing is a suspension type, and ‘mounted to the engine frame with 2 mounting botts and 2 side bolts. Intake air, lubricating oil, and each cooling water channel, and the timing gear case are incorporated in the engine frame. The timing gear case is mounted on the engine frame front side, and the turbocharger, air cooler, lubricating oil cooler, cool ing water pump and lubricating oi pump are installed in the frame. AA frame safety valve is provided on the frame side cover. ier, and 2-1.2 Crankshaft and bearing The crankshaft is an integral forged part. A fly- wheel is mounted at the rear (output side) of the crankshaft, and a crank gear for driving the ‘camshaft and an auxiliary pump driving gear are mounted at the front, ‘The main bearing and crank pin bearing are thin bearings composed of two parts. Thrust bearings are fitted on the front and rear sides of the rear bearing No.1. A ring gear is attached to the flywheel for air motor starting, 2-4.3 Camshaft and Timing Gear The camshaft is located on the left side of the ‘engine (when seen from the output side). The intake, exhaust and fuel cams are integral parts of the camshaft. The camshaft is a unit com- posed of two parts The cam gear for driving the camshaft is installed on the front side of the engine, and the cam gear is driven from the crank gear via the idle gear. 2-1.4 Piston and Connecting Rod The piston is an integral forged part made of ductile cast iron. Its top ring groove is induction- hardened. The piston is cooled with lubricating oil that is fed from the connecting rod through the pis- ton pin. ‘The connecting rod is from-tumed forged prod- uct with the large end, which is horizontally split into three parts, to allow overhaul of the piston ‘without disassembling the bearing unit. 21.8 Cylinder Heater The cylinder head is of a highly rigid structure made of special cast iron, and is hydraulically ‘secured to the piston with 4 bolts. Four valve system is employed having 2 intake valves and 2 exhaust valves, and a water cooling valve seat, which is directly attached to the cylin- der head, is installed for each exhaust valve, The cylinder head is provided with a tuming plug FRocker arm device Intake valve and exhaust valve Exhaust pipe cylinder head Connecting rod Crank pin bearing DC-17 Z 02-03General Construction Engine DC-17 |1.6~1.9 2-1.6 Fuel Injection Device ‘The fue! injection pump is a Bosch type and high pressure pump of integrated with tappet, and it is installed on plunger barrel of closed type and iso- baric valve. ‘Aiso, the high-pressure oil inlet coupling, which is a horizontal-insertion type, is connected to the fuel injection pump via the high-pressure coupling made of forged steel. 2.4.7. Valve Operating Device The intake and exhaust valves are driven by motion transferred from the camshaft via the swing arm, push rod, and rocker arm. 24.8 Fuel Control Device The govemor is installed at the rear of the engine, and is driven by the govemor gear driven by the camshaft The operation lever is located beside the instru- ‘ment board at the rear of the engine. 2.4.9 Intake and Exhaust System ‘The turbocharger and air cooler are mounted on the front side of the engine. “Instruction Manual of Turbocharger’) The exhaust pipe and intake duct are installed on the same side of the engine, and the intake duct is incorporated in the engine frame. Governor Gauge board cam gear — Ccranksha Cooling water pump ‘Auxiliary drive gear os Main bearing Lubricating of pump Thrust receptor (Crank gear Pyar whe DG-17 Z 02-03[rem General Construction 2.4| DC-47 | Piping Systems: Starting Pneumatic System 2-2, Engine used, and specifications. This sectic 2-24 Starting Pneumatic System The engine is started by an air motor operating with compressed air. To start the engine remotely or automatically, press the start button on the engine contro! panel or the operation panel (monitor panel), and the solenoid valve of the starter relay valve provided with a pressure control function (with an integral reducing valve) will be actuated, and low-pressure air will push out the pinion gear of the air motor. When the pinion gear engages with the wheel gear on the flywheel, the air motor main air circuit will open. The air motor will be driven by the main air, and the engine will start ing systems and related equipment vary depending on the engine applications, type of fuel describes the typical pi tions. For more details, refer to the piping systems included in the final documents. 9 systems of standard specifica- To start the engine on the engine side, press the start button on the engine, and it will start in the same manner as when started remotely. To protect the air motor, a strainer is provided between the air tank and the relay vaive. The relay valve and the air motor are installed on the exhaust side at the rear of the engine. To start the engine in case of emergency after ‘occurrence of a trouble, such as a power failure, press the start button for emergency provided on the relay valve (CQ) :4.3.1°starting Procedure") ‘Start button Starting air system DC-17 Z 02-03General Construction Piping Systems: Fuel Oil System DC-17 2.2 2-2.2 Fuel Oil System Fuel oll system vary depending on the grade of the oil used, and a typical example of the fuel oil system for heavy fuel oil is as shown below. ‘When heavy fuel oil is used, oil must be heated and kept at a constant temperature to maintain the oll viscosity suitable for injection. il heated by the heater and pressurized by the fuel feed pump is transferred to the fuel oil injeo- tion pump via fiter. Heavy fuel oi supplying pump Caan ‘Air separator j fuel 4 Accurulator SSAA SSS Sa narsnsnand eeeeeee ASRS REESE EE $e sal Fier Ot ransfer oll feed pump via pressure regulating valve (relief valve), and is then circulated again. High-pressure oil fed by the fuel injection pump is introduced into the fuel oil injection valve con- nector from the cylinder head side via high-pres- sure piping coupling. (5-43 B "Flushing fitter") Fuel injection valve leakages oil min pipe Fuel high-pressure block leskage oilmain pipe JFuctrigh- Fuel injection pressure block valve Fu injecson fue - block 1 ramp iit in pipe OR rasassove =) Lees} Pressure Ratu mai pipe Waste leakage olliank Brame) ‘regulating valve (Tote removed 2000 20%. ev i at fhe ng hen uo steed okay Neo Fuel Oil System Surplus of oil is retumed to the inlet side of the eye DC-17 B 03-07General Construction 9.3| DC-A7 | Piping Systems: Lubricating Oil System 2-2.3 Lubricating Oil Systems Lubricating oil transferred to the lubricating oil cooler from the lubricating oil pump is regulated to reach the specified temperature and pressure, by means of the temperature control valve and relief valve respectively, and the lubricating oil is trans- ferred to the oil channel of the engine frame from the cooler via filter. Then, from this oil channel, the lubricating oil is supplied to the piston through the holes of the connecting rod via each mi bearing shell and crank pin shell Further, lubricating oil is supplied as branched from the same oll channel to the camshaft, valve- operating swing arm, fuel oil injection pump, around the locker arm, and various gears. Lubricating i cooler The lubricating pump is of a gear type provided with a safety valve, and is installed on the front side of the engine. The lubricating oil filter is a notch-wire duplex type, and blow-off cleaning during operation is possible with this fiter. Lubricating oil is supplied to the turbocharger and fuel injection pump via special lubricating oil fitter respectively. Lubricating oil, that has circulated through and has lubricated each part, retums to the base plate ofthe engine (oil tank). Fue ireaon pur —> > o Fitor remperansre mney CF cart vee > i} = Carns Control pressure va] = Tay Luvcing ot pure } enn oe Sens Sa aay ae pea} A a2 o ase pate oF eng alan) Lubricating Oil System DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUGeneral Construction 2-2.4 Cooling Water System ‘The cooling water system is a single fresh water circulating system in which jacket line water (high temperature) and cooler line water (low tempera- ture) are mixed. Normally, fresh water is used as cooling water. A. Jacket Line The jacket line can be fed under pressure to cooling water pump from the part of lubricating oil cooler outlet by the cooling water pump. The water enters the engine cylinder jacket through the air cooler and returns to the fresh water cooler through the temperature control valve case at the cooling water outlet of the engine after cooling the parts in the jacket. Head tank Fresh water cooler ch Lubricating ot cacter Piping Systems: Cooling Water System Cooler system cooling water pump Ais cooker rem DC-17 24 The temperature control valve in the tem- perature control vaive case keeps the cooling water at the specified temperature. B, Cooler Line The cooler line cooling water is low-temper- ature fresh water fed under pressure by the cooling water pump. The water returns to the fresh water cooler through the air cooler and the lubricating oil cooler. Turbocharger ackettine cooing ‘water pump Temperature control valve Cooling Water System DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03General Construction 9.4| DC-A7 | Engine Operation Control, Protective Device: Start Control! | 2-3, Engine Operation Control, Protective Device Control and protective devices such as the stop cylinder are activated by low-pressure control air. This se n describes a system generally used for the power station that is remotely con- trolled for starting and stopping. The engine that is actually delivered may differ from the exam- ples shown in this section depending on the specifications, and therefore refer to the final docu- ments, which are separately pro d, for the details. ‘As for the starting air system (high pressure), refer to the previous section 2-2.1. 2-31 Start Control A, For generator a.Remote Control (1)In case of starting the engine by remote con- trol, the control lever must always be setto "RUN" position. The handle switch (HS) will be turned "ON" at this state, and ifthe turning safety switch (TC) is also tuned "ON", the ‘engine will be on standby and ready for opera- ion, (2)When a start command is given, the solenoid valve of the starter relay valve operates to feed low-pressure air to the air motor, and the pin- ion gear is pushed out. When the pinion gear engages with the wheel gear, the main air cir- cuit of the air motor opens. (3)Meanwhile, the same start command allows ‘he fuel control solenoid (B8L) to activate, ‘causing control air to flow into fuel control cylinder, and allows the common rod to be held in position, so that the fuel injection ‘amount is controlled not to be excessive at the ime of starting, (When the engine reaches the specified rotation speed, the low-speed relay (14) is activated, canceling the start command and resetting the protective circuit, so that the engine is set to operating state, b.Automatic Starting When a start command is given, the sole~ noid valve of the starter relay valve operates to feed low-pressure air to the air motor, and the pinion gear is pushed out. When the pin- ion gear engages with the wheel gear, the ‘main air circuit of the air motor opens. ¢.Engine Side Starting In the case of automatic starting, a start command is automatically given according to the specified sequence, and the solenoid valve of the starter relay valve operates to feed low-pressure air to the air motor and start the engine. DC-17 Z 02-03General Construction Engine Operation Control, Protective Device: Start Control DC-17 3.1 Tain bar Pulse xneor FromLOsining Fuel conta evinder eS Tanato te Sauer I oe Tafey SetchCTC) Starter relay valve wth eptr) Governor motor \_-— Common rod oe Push baton for emersen me a E Amare ~~ Staring uth baton 5 1 1 \ 1 4 1 Staring sr ' t i | IEP? ie IE Handle switeh(HS) Flywheel ) U Ai tant ae Ful suppression Fuel utdown serosa “gente Elenttee oy ss) Start and Stop System DAIHATSU DG-17 Z 02-034.2,3.3| DC-47 General Construction Stop Control / Engine Protection System 2-3.2 Stop Control ‘When a stop command is given, the fuel shut- down solenoid valve (SV) operates to feed control air to the fuel control cylinder, tun the common rod in the direction for stopping and stop the engine. To stop the engine on the engine side, turn the operation lever to the stop position. Further, there may be case that control air is, flowed into the stop cylinder attached to the fuel oil injection pump by a stop command so that the engine can be stopped. 2.3.3 Engine Protection System As for the errors that may be led to serious acci- dents or failures, alarm is issued and emergency stop is made. Each of the abnormal operation data or value is detected by a switch or sensor, and the fuel shut- down solenoid is activated by the fuel shutdown solenoid valve, so that the engine is immediately stopped. Table 2-3.1 Alarm and stop Items (Example) [Detection item Alarm [Shutdown] Location Remarks lOverspeed 12 Cam gear Decrease ofubrcatng ol pressure | 630% | 6302 Engine inlet ‘Conied se orisurgconmand fron thts presenptee | TSWH | 26WH2 Engine outlet | Connie iorssungconnand seater iatgclpessue | 63QT Turbocharger inlet ease oftbicating temperate | TSQ Engine inlet Conbied user surg comand increase ofexhaust temperature | TST! Turbocharger inlet(or outlet) | Conbiedsersungconrend iicegetomtiltighgessuctick | 33F Oil leakage detector [Decrease of lubricating olievel | _33Q Engine lubricating oil tank [Decrease of staring airpressue | G3AS Before regulator relay valve ease dthepetaetnig cpesee| G3WH Jacket inlet Conbied use fring comand DC-17 Z 02-03 PY EGE)General Construction Engine Operation Control, Protective Device: Engine Protection System DC-17 3.3 GM_cos START HS TC sav gal sy. weal es] S30) 63BL_6302 ZEW S2OT BAS 39F 330 PIM IIIs! alia alibi Bibi ater eh! I als AHI sae TOPRIMNS PP CONTROL PANEL = 1 soure pee ca SOURS SELIM an r i | [Speed ewch un i i | i (C: Gono panel Engine Protection System (Example) DAIHA DC-17 Z 02-03Engine Adjustment Standards 4{ p¢-47 | Operating Specifications 3-1, Operating Specifications Alarm setting ftem Normal value | value (emergency | Reference | stop value) | Air tank 15~3.0 | 1.5 Stating at motor 06 | | Safety valve: 0.9 T Control air Air tank 0.6~0.9 0.6 | 7 - — | Varies depending on Intake | Intake air dunt the engine output | ir HO 0.5~1.0 0.5 q | Fueloit | Engine | — - ge ae DO. 0.2~0.3 = : = Engine inlet e (iter outlet) 0.4(0.3) | Luticating | 2 oil urbocharger a [ inlet(fiter outlet) | _ 0.2~0.5 oa Tel Consider sae ar | essure due Gacket inlet) | 0-15~0.35 ual totank head and pipe Cooling resistance — Cooler line (cooler inlet) 0.15~0.35 | 0.15 Intake Intake air duct 45~55 | At declared power Cylinder outlet | 500 Exnaust | Turbocharger inlet | 600 2 Turbocharger outlet 500 ® 7 5 | Lubricatin Engine inlet | = oil : (cocier outlet) 55~65 | 70 | B | aa zt 2 Jacket line | © | cooling | Gacket inlet) | — 80~88 95(100) water Cooler line | (cooler inlet) | 36~38 Note: (1) As for the alarm setting value and emergency stop value, each item of the pressure represents the lower mit value, and each item of the temperature represents the upper limit value. @) Manometer, thermometer, and alarm/emergency stop device will be provided depending on the individual specifications. G) The actual data found on each engine may differ from those shown in the above table, and there- fore refer to the Test Run Record Table (included in the final documents) for the details. DC-17 Z 02-03 Pea e we Le)Engine Adjustment Standards Valve Setting Values DC-17 2 3-2, Valve Setting Val Item ‘Adjustment value(design value) Reference 6D (45° Opening start angle ae (before top dead center) . @ 5D @5") £ 3 g $ | closing end angle losing end ang! . © J (atier bottom dead center) es) Valve end clearance "C" 0.3mm (Valve end clearance adjusting Opening start angle ron procedure) Ce tn aed oe (1) Valve end clearance data repre- g sents the clearance available g when the engine is cold. & . 6D 5 ) (2) Adjust valve end clearance “A” 2 Closing end angle and "B" shown above such that it & | (after top dead center) becomes equal to "0" first. oo 5D @s ) Then, adjust valve end clear- ance *C" such that it becomes equal tothe value given in this Valve end clearance "C" 0.3mm table. [Fuel injection valve opening pres-| 44MPa ‘sure (adjustment value) Lt ey Sabato DC-17 Z 02-03Operation 44-4.4| DC-A7 Preparation of operation: Preparation of Daily Operation 4-1, Precautions for Operating Engine 4-1.1 For Start ‘A. Conduct preparations before start of the operation of engine, such as the inspection of oil, water, and air levels, as well as proper operation of the valves without fault, and be minded to start opera- tion only after it has been confirmed that all the conditions are ready for the start of engine. B. tis extremely dangerous to start the operation of engine with the turning bar inserted in the fly- wheel. Be minded to remove the bar and store it in a specified place afler turning is completed. ©. Confirm that there are no working staff around the engine. When anyone is around the engine, be minded to send a signal and confirm safety before starting the operation of engine. 44.2 For Operation ‘A. After the starting engine, inspect the following items, and confirm that the engine is in a good and removal operating for. In case that any defect is found, immediately stop the engine, so that the causes of the defect can be investigated and the measures for recovery can be taken. + Any abnormal data of the engines, such as inadequate lubricating oil pressure, inadequate CG __ aust temperature, ete. + Abnormal sound, excessive heating, etc. ~ Any leakage from piping. (Particularly, leaks from oll piping will result in fire.) Be minded never to attempt to resume the operation of engine, until the causes of the problem or defect are found and eliminated, and the engine is restored to normal operating conditions. B,_ Inadvertent contact of the body of working staff or objects with the rotary parts (e.g. flywheel and coupling) will result in dangerous accidents such as that the staff may be caught up or the chips of the objects caught may fly out in all directions. Therefore, be minded that both person or object may not touch the rotary parts. Further, ensure that the protective covers of the rotary parts are always attached without fall AX c. During the operation of engine, partealary the folowing parts are extremely hot, and therefore there is a danger of bum if touched with bare hands or skin. Be minded to wear safety gloves or protective gears whenever maintenance or inspection works are conducted. After the completion of the work, restore the lagging, heat covers, combustible oil splash preven- tive means and protective covers that have been removed for disassembly and servicing, + Exhaust pipe + Turbocharger + Air cooler inlet pipe * Cylinder head + Reducing vaive (fitted to the cylinder head) + Fuel injection pump and high-pressure block + Fuel oll pipe (when heavy fuel oil is used) 41.3 For Stop ‘A. Make sure that the engine is stopped after load is taken off the engine, except in the case of ‘emergency. B. In case that the engine is stopped in emergency stop, be minded never attempt to resume the operation until the causes of the problems is found and eliminated, and the engine is restored, . Do not open the crankcase for at lease 10 minutes after the engine is stopped and fully cooled down. Otherwise, there is a danger of explosion since the inflammable mist gas in the crankcase LX maycatcn D. The engine immediately after itis stopped is still extremely hot like during the operation, and there 's a danger of bum. Therefore, be minded to wear the protective gears whenever inspection or ‘maintenance works is conducted without fal. DC-17 A 05-03 DAIHATSUPreparation of operation: Preparation of Daily Operation | y¢.47 24 4-2, Preparation of Daily Operation essential to keep the engine in "Operable Conditions" whenever the ent ed. Therefore, be sure to perform pre-operation inspections before the starting of engi take proper corrective actions and countermeasure whenever any problem is found, to confirm in normal conditions for operation, before starting the operation of engine. If the engine is started without pre-operation inspections or preparations, it will cause not only the troubles when starting the engine but also result in a sudden stop or damaging accidents. 4-21 Preparation for Daily Operation ‘The number of the inspection items required before starting the operation varies depending ‘on how long the engine has been out of opera- tion. * Daily starting: Short period of disuse (with- in one month) ‘Upper iit * Initial starting after a long period of disuse, or after overhaul or maintenance. Lower iit ‘The daily starting procedures is described in this section, As for the latter (initial starting), refer to the following section. 4.2.2 "Preparation for inital Starting after Long Period of Disuse and Overhaul") Inspection before Start a, Inspection and Feeding of Lubricating Oil Check the oil level of the oil tank, and feed new oil to the upper limit level of the oil gauge (evel gauge). Further, in case that the lubricating oil is found inadequate after examination, proceed with makeup or replace the entire amount of the lubricating oil. (EQ) : 6-2 "Lubricating Oi! Contror") Inspection of Engine Lubricating Oit 4.Engine lubricating oil tank (Base plate common to engines) Engine type spk _| 60K [Amount of lubricating ol'(L) | 460 | 540 Note: The amounts of oil shown above may vary depending on specifications. 2. Governor Lubricating oil level, RHD6: 1.3L UG10: 1.7L 3, Generator (in case of self-lubricating type) : Separately provided "Generator Instruction Manual") Inspection of Governor Lubricating Oil Level DAIHA DG-17 Z 02-03Operation a.4| ¢.47 | Preparation to operation: Preparation for Daly Operation b.. Inspection, lubrication, and Operation Check around the Fuel Regulation System Manually lubricate the bearing and sliding parts of pins, after checking for any loose or missing levers, link pins, and bolts around the governor, common rod, stop system, and fuel inspection pump rack. Set the operation lever to "STOP" position and confirm that the rack scale is "0", and then altemately move the lever to "STOP" and “RUN' positions, to confirm that the common rod and pump rack moves smoothly. ¢. Draining of Condensed Water from Intake Air Inlet Duct Open the drain cock of the intake air inlet duct of the engine frame, and drain the con- densed water out. 1) Drain cack of engine ame ar intake cuct - —p | [e {] Engine frame Always keep the drain cock of the engine frame inlet air duct open about 1/4, after drain- ing the condensed water by fully operating the drain cock. In case that the humidity is high and the tem- Perature of the air cooler is low, a large amount of condensed water will accumulate, any may cause abnormal wear or teat on various. intake duct Fuel injection pump Governor Operation RB ise Lubrication point Manual tubrication: Around the common rod and operation lever Ol b 7 4 Lubsiation point Manual lubrication: Around the fuel injection pump Operation tever DC-17 Z 02-03Operation Preparation for operation: Preparation for Daily Operation] p¢.47 24 _. Draining Condensed Water from, and Supply of Air to Air Tank In case of automatically supplying air, first drain the condensed water out of the starting air tank and starting air control tank, and then confirm that air pressures in these tanks is above the lower limit value, In case of manually supplying air (including ‘manual starting of the air compressor), supply air to the upper limit value. tem Upper limit Lower limit ‘Starting air | 3.0 MPa 1.5 MPa Control air | _0.9MPa 0.6 MPa e. Checking and Feeding of Fresh Cooling Water Check the level of fresh cooling water, and if the level is at the lower limit, supply fresh water up to the upper limit, and at the same time add proper amount of the additive. Further, in case that each properties of water has reached the limit level, replace the entire amount of water. 6-3 "Cooling Water Control") f. Draining of Fuel Oil and Supply of Oil First drain fuel oil out of the fuel oil service tank, and then check the oil level and supply oil up to the upper limit of the level gauge. g. Opening and Closing of valves Repeat "Fully open” and "Fully close” opera- tion of the valves on the piping system 2 to 3 times to confirm that the valves move smoothly, and then set the valves to "RUN" position. Some of the examples are shown as follows. Since the layout positions of the piping systems and valves differ depending on each engine, refer to the piping diagrams of the final docu- ments for the details. [Example] 1. Valves for fuel oil inlet pipe and return pipe: “Open 2. Valves for cooling water (jacket and cooler), inlet pipe, and outlet pipe: "Open" 3. Valves for starting air pipe: "Closed" Open" only when starting operation) 4. Valves for operation air pipe: "Open" 5. Valves for pipe coupling parts provided for emergency, priming, cleaning, etc.: "Closed" If the screwstightening valves ai used on the state of haif-open, the valve handle may be tumed during operation and the ‘opening degree may be changed, causing mal- functions. Therefore, the valves should be fully tumed toward either "Open" or "Close" position, and should be locked tightly In case that the valves must necessarily be left half open for the sake of flow adjustment, be sure to secure the valve handles with wi ring and the like, and fix them to prevent their loosening and turning. B. Standby Preparation (Engine on standby) Before entering the operation of engine, con- duet the following preparations: a, Priming with Lubricating Oil Run the motor-driven priming pump (or a reserve pump) for lubricating oil five minutes before starting the engine, and check that the lubricating oll pressure rises and no oil leaks from piping parts. b. Turning or Air Running Conduct tuming or air running to discharge the dusts or water drops that has collected in the cylinder while the engine is stopped. Further, when the engine is started after the inspection of various parts of the engine, or after a long period of disuse of the engine, conduct ‘tuming before air running to confirm the safety. Pye DC-17 Z 02-03Operation 2.4| DC-47 | Preparation for operation: Preparation for Daily Operation A In case that a large amount of water or oil is accumulated in the cylinder due to the leakage from the cylinder head or fuel injection valve, there is possibilty of serious accidents such as bending damage of the connecting rod by water hammer. If water or oil gushes out of the tuning plug (on the cylinder head top surface) during tum- ing or air running, stop starting the engine, investigate the causes, and take measures. <
(1) Conduct priming with lubricating oil. @ Set the operation lever to "STOP" position. (Do not injected fuel oil) {@) Set the indicator valve to "Fully open" post- tion. (4) Conduct tuming 1 to 2 times, and confirm that the engine rotates smoothly. Operation lever <
(1) Conduct priming with lubricating oil @ Set the operation lever to "STOP" position. (8) "Fully open the indicator vaive. (4) Open the starting air valve and the control air valve, and press the start button on the engine ‘The solenoid valve of the starter relay valve will operate to feed starting airto the air motor, and the engine will start. (©) Keep pressing the push button for 3 to 4 sec- fonds. (for air run) (©) Release the start button on the engine. The air motor will stop operating, and the engine will stop. DC-17Z 02-03 Pye WeePreparation for operation: Preparation for Daily Operation] p¢.47 24 If the engine starts its rotation during the Inspection of the inside of the engine or rotary parts, it is extremely dangerous since the working staff may be caught up or the objects that has been caught up may fly out in all directions. When conducting air run, strictly observe the following points. 1) Confirm that the tuming bar should be insert- ed into the turning holder. 2) Send a signal to coworkers and confirm safety before starting to press the push but- ton of the starting operation. c, Heating of Fuel Oil (when heavy fuel oil is used.) In case that heavy fuel oil is used, heating shall be made according to the following items: (1) Tum on the fue! oil heating device. (2) Operate the motor-driven oll feed pump. : 6-1 "Fuel Oil Controf") A Heated heavy fuel oil is extremely hot (100°C or more), may cause bum if you touch the piping or equipment on the fuel oil system. Therefore, in case of handling the equipment of fuel oil system that carriers heat oil, be sure to wear safety gloves and never touch them with bare hands. d. Turning "ON" of Protective and Alarm Circuit Tum "ON' the protective and alarm circuit on the monitor panel, and confirm that the warning fam is tit up. e. Operation of Motor-Driven Pumps In case that the engine is equipped with the motor-driven cooling water pump and fuel oil feed pump, start the pumps 5 minutes before the starting of engine, and confirm that there is no oil leaks from various parts of piping. ey NEE le) DC-17A 05-03Operation 2.2{ DC-17 | Long Period of 4-2.2 Preparation for Initial Starting after Long Period of Disuse Since the engine is not ready for immediate starting of operation after a long period of disuse, and overhaul or maintenance, itis particularly nec- essary to thoroughly conduct the preparations for operation. Before the preparation for daily operation, con- duct the following preparation works (4-221). A. Inspection of Crankcase and Cylinder Liner, and Supply of Oi! a, Inspection of the Inside of Crankcase Open the side cover of the engine frame, and check and ensure that tools, waste clothes, for- eign matters such as desiccants are not left behind, and that there is no rusting on the cylin- der liners, crankshaft, and so on. b. Supplying Lubricating Oil to Cylinder Liner ‘After a long period of disuse, the various parts of engine are not covered with sufficient amount of lubricating oil. Particularly around the cylin- der, lubricating oil cannot be supplied sufficiently with priming alone, and therefore supply lubricat- ing oil on the following procedure: (1) Conduct turing to allow the pistons to move upward, and apply lubricating oil on the lower part of the oylinder liners by a spray device and the like (2) Sequentially conduct the above procedure to each cylinder, B. Inspection of Connections and Joints Inspect again the external connections or Joints to confirm that there is no connections that, has been forgotten to be tightened, or loosened Joints. If combustible oil splash preventive means (FN tape) has been removed from joints, newly treat the joints in the same manner after the completion of the work. . Opening, Cleaning, and Cleansing of Filters Dust or foreign objects, that had been collect- ed into piping during transportation, and outfit- ting or installation, is accumulated in the filters of the engine inlet. Open the following filters, and cleanse the inside and the elements of the fiters: 1.Starting air filter and control air fiter 2.Fuel oil fiter (including oil filters on the out- side of the engine) DC-17 A 05-03 Preparation for operation: Preparation of Initial Starting after A use, and Overhaul Spray (Spray lubricating ol) ‘No foreign matters such 5 cesiccant or slicagel F shoutd be present Applying Procedure of Lubricating ‘3.Lubricating oil fier (fiters on the engine, for TIC) 4.Cooling water fitter (QQ) : 5-4.3 “Cleaning Fitters") Priming with Lubricating Olt and Exhausting Air Conduct priming with lubricating oil and exhausting air on the following procedu a, Run the lubricating oil priming pump for § min- tutes. While the pump is operating, open the turning plug (on the cylinder head top surface) to perform turning two or three times, and check for leakage of fuel ol, lubricating oil and water from the turing plug. 'b, Atthe same time, open the each cover and ‘check the dripping-down conditions of lubricating oil from each part. 1.Engine frame: Main bearing, crank pin, piston (Cooling chamber), and piston pin 2.Cam case: Cam bearing, swing arm, and tappet '3.Gylinder head: Rocker arm and vave retaining tee ©. Operate the priming pump, open the air vent valve for lubricating oil fiter, and drain lubricat- ing oll unt air bubbles in the oil are completely vanished, Take care not to splash the oil. 4. Check that there is no oil leakage from vari- us parts of the piping during primingOperation Long Period of Disuse, and Overhaul E. Priming with Fuel Oil and Exhausting Air Conduct priming with fuel oil and exhausting air bubbles on the following procedure: (1)Operate the fuel oil feed pump (in case of the engine equipped with a motor-driven oil feed pump). (2)Open the fuel oil intet valve, after confirming that the operation lever is set to "STOP" posi- tion. (3)Open the air vent valve of the fuel oil fiter, and drain oil unti air bubbles in oll are completely vanished. (4)Open the air vent valve of the fuel injection pump, and drain oil until air bubbles in oil are completely vanished. (®)After completely removing air vent, securely tighten the defiator. > The heavy fuel oil is heated to a high temper- ature (100 or more). Touching the splashing oil may scald your hands. If high-temperature parts are splashed with the oil, a fire may occur. Take care not to ‘splash the oll when discharging air. F. Cleaning of Turbocharger Pre-Filter Dust or debris are collected in the pre-fiter of the turbocharger during transportation, outfitting, and installation, causing the filter to be stained or damaged. Therefore, clean it or replace it with a new one before starting the operation. Presiter, Turbocharger Preparation for operation: Preparation of Initial Starting after A DC-17 2.2 Exhausting Air of Notch-Wire Filter | Exhausting Air of Fuel Injection Pump G._ Checking the covers are fitted Check that the lagging for high-temperature parts (exhaust pipe, turbocharger, etc.), exhaust pipe cover and heat box cover that were removed for disassembly and servicing have been restored as they were. Check that the joints that were once discon- nected are provided with combustible oil splash preventive means (NF tape). DAIHATSU DC-17 A 05-03Operation Procedure 4-3, Starting — Inadvertent contact of working staff or objects with the rotary parts is extremely dangerous since the person may be caught up or the object that has been caught up may fly out in all, directions. ‘Therefore, strictly observe the following items ‘when starting the operation. * Confirm that the protective covers of rotary parts are mounted in normal state, and that the rotary parts are free of any obstacle. * Confirm that the turning device or tuning bar is set to "OFF". + Send a signal to a coworker if there is any, and confirm safety before starting the opera- tion of engine. 4-3.1 Starting Procedure Starting procedure can be classified into the three types; engine side starting (local starting), remote starting, and automatic starting, and which of these should be employed depends on the specifications. However, local starting (start- ing from engine side) by manual operation should always be employed after a long period of disuse or after overtaul or maintenance.
A. Starting from Engine Side ‘When power is "ON" the engine and the control and protective devices are in operation. (1)Open the starting valve and control air valve, (@)Set the operation lever in "RUN," and hold the operation lever. @)Press the start button on the engine. ()if the rotation speed of the engine has rapidly increased and starting has been established along with continuous ignition sounds, release the push button. (©)Close the starting air valve. (Leave the control air valve "Open as itis.) Operation lever B, Remote Starting (Manual and Push Button Starting) (1)Switch the starting mode to the remote mode (from monitor chamber) from local mode (from engine side). (2)Set the operation lever to "RUN" position. (8)Open the starting air valve and control air valve, after confirming that "READY" indicator lamp has it up. (@)Press the starting push button. (©)Confirm that "RUN" indicator lamp on the panel has lit up as the rotation speed of the engine has reached the specified rate, and each pres- sure has reached the specified value. (©)Close the starting air valve. (Leave the control air valve “OPEN” as itis.) ©. Automatic Starting In case of automatic starting, the engine starts automatically by the starting command based on preset starting conditions, such as the overload conditions of power shutdown or other engines (in case of plural engines), and therefore it is essential that the engine should always be kept in operable conditions Engines should be kept in the following condi- tions at all times: 1.Starting mode "AUTO" 2.Operation lever position "RUN" 3.Starting air valve and control airvalve "OPEN" DC-17 A 03-07Operation Starting: Starting Procedure/Inspection and Check Items. Immediately After Starting DC-17 |3.1, 3.2 D. Starting on engine side ‘When starting the engine at a loss of power or without making the control and protective devices operable. (1)Open the starting air valve and contro sir valve. (Set the operation lever in "START," and hold the operation lever. @)Press the emergency start button on the starter relay valve. (The button must be pressed by another person.) (@)if the rotation speed of the engine has rapidly increased and starting has been established along with continuous ignition sounds, release the push button. (©)Make sure that the rotation speed of the engine has reached the specified speed and each pressure value has reached the specified value, and set the operation lever in "RUN. (©)Close the starting air valve. (Leave the control air valve “Open” as itis.) E. Starting on engine side in case of emergency ‘When the solenoid vaive of the starter relay valve cannot be operated, press the button for ‘emergency on the starter relay valve, and the air ‘motor main air circuit will open. F. Measures to be taken against starting failure When a starting failure or a starting jam has ‘occurred, take measures in accordance with a separate section. (ED) 7 “Trouble Shooting and Countermeasure") In case that the engine has repeatedly failed to start in an extremely cold weather while the ‘engine is still in cold condition, the unbumt mist of fuel oil may remain in the exhaust manifold, having a possibilty of catching fire or explosion being caused by high-temperature combustion gas. ‘When starting failure has been repeated, conduct air running and exhaust the unburnt mist in the exhaust manifold, before restarting the engine. 4-3.2 Inspection and Check Items Immediately After Starting Check the following items immediately after starting. ‘When any abnormal error has been found, immediately stop the engine and take proper measures. (EL) Trouble shooting and Countermeasure") A ‘After conducting overhaul or maintenance of the sliding parts or rotary parts, be sure to once stop the engine and check that there is no error, or failure by hand-touching. ‘A. Engine Rotation Speed Make sure that the specified rotation speed has been attained and the engine is rotating sta- Gauge board B. Pressure Reading of Each Section Confirm that the indicator of pressure reading, for the manometer with blue mark, is within the blue mark, showing the pressure is within the ‘specified value. If the temperature of lubricating oil is low just after the engine starts, pressure values may be out of the specified ranges. Check that the pres- sure values come into the specified ranges as ‘the temperature of lubricating oll rises. C. Abnormal Sound Carefully listen to the sound of the following engine parts, and check if there is any abnormal sound or not 4.Cylinder head and surrounding parts (intake and exhaust valves) 2.Crankcase +3.Crankcase and timing gear and aundiary drive gear 4.Turbocharger D. Exhaust Temperature Check the exhaust temperature of each cylin- der, and confirm that all the cylinders are proper- ly burnt (at 200°C or more). E. Leakage and Loose from each parts ‘Confirm that mounting parts, bolts and nuts of connecting parts should not been loosed, And check if oil, water, and gas should not leaked. DC-17 A 03-07Operation [rem 44| DC-A7 4-4, Operation 4-41 Running-in When the engine is started for the first time or immediately after replacement of the parts, such as the cylinder liners and piston, since the sliding parts of the engine are not yet sufficiently ready to ‘work smoothly or freely, failure such as abnormal war or seizure of the sliding parts may occur, if the load is abruptly applied in the stage of such condi- tions. Conduct the running-in operation to ensure smooth, and free working of the sliding parts on the following procedure, before entering normal operation: A. Initial Running-in It will substantially affect the engine perform ance, especially the combustion performance and consequently the consumption efficiency of lubricating oil, whether the piston and oil rings move smoothly and freely, or not. Further, it is. assumed that they will be decided by the initial operation of a few hours. When the cylinder liner, piston, piston ring, and sliding parts around cylinder are replaced be sure to conduct running-in operation in accor. dance to the figure shown below. (2D) : Fig. 4.1 "titiat Running-in Pattem") B. Operating Conditions during Running-in Be sure to operate the engine during the run- in period under the following conditions: 41.Load: 80% or less 2.Fuel oil to be used: Diesel fuel oll For the engines of heavy fuel oil specification, be minded to use diesel fuel oll during the run- niing-in period. '3.Lubricating oil to be used shall comply with the fuel oil to be used. Lesa cH 109, % Operation: Running-in Note that in case of the engine with heavy fuel oil specification, lubrication oil for heavy fuel oil can be used from the start of engine driving, notwithstanding the above prescriptions of 2. 4.Running-in period is 150 hours. . Inspection items during Initial Runnin: To detect the potential problems and eliminate the causes to previously prevent such problems, particularly heed cautions to the following items: “Abnormal sound 2.Partial heating 3.Leakage from connection parts, and loosening of screws 4.Exhaust temperature, irregular exhaust color: ‘Abnormal combustion S.Excessive consumption of lubricating oil: Improper working of liners and rings D, Inspection and Works after Completion of Running-in At the time when the running-in operation is completed, conduct the following inspection works and confirm that there is not any abnor- mality before entering the normal and regular operation of engine. ‘inspection of foreign matters and stains in the crankcase 2.Visual inspection of the inner surface of the cylinder liner S.lnspection and cleaning of the element of each fiter 4.Remove the flushing fitter attached in the fuel inlet box. A Be minded never to perform the operation of, engine using heavy fuel oil, while the flushing filter is attached. come, soo i Initial Running-in Pattern / STEP2: >: : ] ‘STEPS sma ee Brin ang ry] 7 ‘Stat Maus!) | 30 ae a Tintin DC-17 A 05-03Operation Operation: Warming-Up and Connecting Load to the Engine DC-17 42 4-4.2. Warming-Up and Connecting Load to the Engine In case that the engine is started while it is stil a cold state, first perform the warm-up operation, except for the case of emergency, and gradually connect the load after the engine has sufficiently been warmed up. If the load is hastily connected while the various. parts of the engine are still cold and not yet in the conditions for proper fuel combustion and lubrica- tion, malfunctions such as faulty combustion, excessive wear of the sliding parts, and seizure may be caused. A. Warming-up Operation of Engine ‘a, Use diesel fuel oil for warming-up opera- tion Be sure to use diesel fuel oll for warming up the engine, even in case of the engine with heavy fuel oil specification. b. No load First operate under no load or light toad, and connect the load after jacket cooling water and Load o (Normal load) ws No oad lubricating oil temperature has increased. A Be minded to perform no-load operation on for warming-up operation, and restrain the duration of no-load operation within 10 minutes. Running the engine under no-load for long hours will result in malfunctions such as faulty combustion and collection of carbons in the combustion chamber. B, Connecting Load to the Engine The lower the engine temperature (tempera- tures of jacket cooling water and lubricating oil) Js, the longer time it is needed to connect the load. ‘The standard load connecting time is shown in the figure below. : Fig, 4.2 "Load Connection Pattern") tse | t: Jacket 2oating water and lubrcatng of Temperature at startup «© 3 rr) 5 2 ar) = Timetein) Load Connection Pattern PGCE DC-17 Z 02-03Operation 4.3! DC-7 Operation: Operation with Load (Normal Operation) 4-4.3 Operation with Load (Normal Operation) Inspect the running conditions of the engine and measure the operating performance data in regular ervals, during the continuous operation with load ((ncluding period of the running-in operation). In case that any problem is found as the results of the inspection and measurement, take proper measures such as adjustment or repair of the defective parts. (Refer to a separately provided section.) (CD) :5-3 "Measurement and Adjustment") (QL) :7 “Troubleshooting and Countermeasures") A. Inspection of Operating Conditions
4 Abnormal sound and abnormal vibration 2.Partial overheat ‘3.Leakage from connections and looseness of screws 4.Exhaust temperature, and abnormal exhaust color... Abnormal combustion 5.Excessive consumption of lubricating oil As During the operation of engine, particularly the following parts become extremely hot, and touching these parts with bare hands or skin may cause burns. Therefore, be minded to use the protective ‘gears such as safety gloves when working on them. + Exhaust pipe + Turbocharger + Air cooler inlet pipe + Cylinder head + Reducing valve * Fuel oll system equipment and piping (in case of heavy fuel oil) B, Measuring Performance Data ‘a, Measure the operating performance data at least once every day, when the load variation is less and the load is stable, b, Compare each of the measured data with the data obtained when the engine was newly intro duced, and judge if there is any problem and check the degree of deterioration. : "Test Run Record Table" in the final documents)
Room temperature Load (output) Intake air temperature (turbocharger inlet) Exhaust temperature (each cylinder) Exhaust temperature (turbocharger inlet) Intake air pressure (engine inlet) Lubricating oil pressure (engine inlet) smperature cooling water pressure inlet) Low-temperature cooling water pressure (engine inlet) 10. Fuel oil pressure (engine inlet) .. In case of heavy fuel oil specification 11. Inlet air temperature (engine inlet) 12. Lubricating temperature (engine inlet) 13. Cooling water temperature (engine inlet) 14, Fuel oil temperature (engine inlet) .» In case of heavy fuel oil specification 15. Fuel injection pump rack scale SN OR REND © C. Regular Inspection and Maintenance Conduct inspection and maintenance of the var ous parts of engine regularly. (ED) : 5 "inspection and Maintenance") D. Operation Records Record the results of inspection and measure- ‘ment and the contents of performed adjustments ‘and repairs in the engine control log. A Operation records are very important docu- ments when understanding the conditions of engine and tracing the history of the inspection or maintenance that has been performed, Keep and store them carefully, and when the ‘supervisor is changed, be sure to transfer the records to the successor without fall. DC-17 A 05-03Operation Operation: Operation Using Heavy Fuel Oil eM DC-17 44 4-4.4 Operation Using Heavy Fuel Oil (in case of Heavy Fuel Oi Specification Engine) Heavy fuel oil is lower in its quality and higher in its viscosity than diesel fuel oll. When using heavy fuel oll, proper operation control, such as switching to the operation using diesel fuel oil depending on the load conditions is required, in addition to prop- er fuel oil and lubricating oil control (refer to the separate sections.) (CQ) : 6.1 "Fuel oft Controt") 6.2 "Lubricating Oil Control ‘A, Operation with Diesel Fue! Oil Be minded to use heavy fuel oil only under stable load conditions, and be sure to use diesel fuel oil in the following cases: ‘a. During Running-in Operation Period(150 hours) 4 immediately after installation 2.After replacement of the sliding parts around cylinder (e.g. cylinder liner, piston, and piston ring) 4.4. "Running-in Operation’) b, During Starting or Warming-Up Operation 3 "Starting”) ((Q) : 4.4.2 ~Warming-Up Operation") cc. During idling or Low-Load Operation ‘When the engine is operated under low load, the compressed air temperature in the cylinder and fuel injection pressure of fuel oil is low, and therefore if the heavy fuel, of which combustion quality is lower than that of diesel fue! oil, is, used, combustion will become unstable, result- ing in undesirable conditions, such as worsening of the exhaust smoke, sticking of the ring, and 's0 on. In case of the connection of the load that is below the lower limit described in the engine specification, be minded to use diesel fuel oil. . In Case Load Variation is Heavy 1. When entering or leaving port 2; When cargo is being loaded or unloaded e. Before Stopping Engine ey EAM E1 ed B. Switching Fuel Oil Types Heavy fuel oil is normally heated up to 80 to 90°C in the service tank, and 100°C or more at the engine inlet, and the temperature difference is larger as compared with that of diesel fuel oi (non-heated), and therefore if fuel oil is suddenly switched between these oils, it may cause mal functions such as sticking of the fuel injection ump, vapor lock, and so on. a.Slowly switch from diesel fuel oll to heavy fuel ll, so that the rate of change in the fuel oil tem- perature at the engine inlet is between 5 and 10°C per minute. ig. 4.3 “Switching Pattem from Diesel Fuel Oil to Heavy Fuel Oil") ‘b.Maintain the viscosity (temperature) of heavy fuel oil at the engine inlet atthe specified value €.Do not raise the temperature of diesel fue! oil ‘beyond the flashing point (60°C is the standard point). To prevent the generation of vapor, maintain the pressure of fuel oil at the specified value. Further, remove the air bubbles in fuel oil in the various equipment of the fuel oil system (heater, fiter, tank, etc.) from time to time, so that the accumulation of vapor can be prevent- ed. A I high-temperature parts are splashed with the oil, a fire may occur. Take care not to splash the oil when discharging air. e,Confirm that the heat traces on piping and equipment is properly functioning. A ‘The fuel oil is heated, and the filter and the piping are at high-temperatures. If touched with bare hands or skin, it may cause a bum. Therefore, be minded not to directly touch the exposed metallic parts such as the valves and cocks, and wear the protective gear such as safely gloves when working on them. A In case that emergency stop is made during the operation with heavy fuel oil, immediately switch the heavy fuel oil to diesel fuel oil, oper- ate the separate pump, and perform flushing of the fuel oil system. If the engine is cooled down with the heavy fuel oil left unchanged, the oil will be solidified and the operation will be prohibited. DC-17 A 05-03Operation 44| DC-A7 Operation: Operation Using Heavy Fuel Oil ‘Switching from Diesel Fuel Oil to Heavy Fuel Oil Viscostty at engine inlet “Temperature of heavy fuel of Temperature of ese fuel of ‘Switching from Heavy Fuel Oil to Diesel Fuel Oil Visco at rae et “Temperature of heavy fuel it atengine ‘Temperature ot lose fuel oi Fu 3 ‘Switching trom 3 ‘Switching trom Heavy 5 sles fuel ol to i Fuel Oi Diesel Fue! Ot & | operation win P8198 Operation wth & | Operation with ‘Operation with deat | a heavy uel ol heawytvelod | seein T § | eckine_—] [Swish ara sable oad § | Setarata cae bad —] (Satating rar] 8 | persion | |iabove ne tower toad 3 ||[ehove neiowerloed | heavy fuel of | Posey tote | fii = ||tmah le dccot fut Kurs z jo 6 | [equipment 6 Note: 1. Since the pretreatment of fuel of fers depending on the use purpose of the engine, the operating methed sultable to each system is necessary 2, The desel uel ol temperature when suitehing on heated condition shall be 60°C or more Fig. 4.3 Switching Pattern from Diesel Fuel Oil to Heavy DC-17 Z 02-03Operation ‘Special Operation: Low-Load Operation/Non-turbocharger Operation and Operation with Reduced Number of Cylinder DC-17 |5.1, 5.2 45. Special Operation 4-5.1 Low-Load Operation Since running the engine with a low-load lower than a certain limit can lead to unfavorable com- bustion conditions such as the reduction of intake air pressure and blowing-back of exhaust air, ifthe engine is operated under such conditions for long hours, it may result in the various malfunctions such as fouling of the turbocharger and combus- tion chamber, faulty combustion and so on. Therefore, be sure to minimize the low-load ‘operation to a shorter period of time as much as possible, and in case that the engine must be inevitably run under a low-load for long hours, be ‘sure to observe the following conditions: ‘A. Low-Load Limit ‘The low-load limit which the engine can oper- ate continuously is shown below. To KWe B. Use of Diesel Fuel Oi In case of the heavy fuel oil specification, be ‘sure to switch it to diesel fuel oil. C, Cleaning of Turbocharger Properly increase the number of times of cleaning the turbocharger according to necessity. AN The turbocharger is at a high-temperature during operation and just after the engine is stopped. Ifyou touch it with bare hands during cleaning, you may burn your hands. Wear safety gloves without fail. D. Intermittent High Load Operation During continuous low-load operation, operate the engine at the highest load possible (60% or more) for about 30 min. This is effective in pre- venting fouling in the combustion chamber and the air intake and exhaust systems. 4-5.2 Non-turbocharger Operation and Operation with Reduced Number of Cylinders Non-turbocharger operation owing to damage to the turbocharger and operation with reduced num- ber of cylinders under special circumstances are allowed as temporary measures in case of emer- gency. However, the use of such operations is limited to a short time. (When the engine is sup- ported with rubber vibration insulators, such opera- tions are not allowed.) Various limitations and prohibitions are added to the operating conditions. The procedures for such operations vary depending on circumstances. Be sure to consult us, receive instructions in operation procedures and safety precautions, and follow the instructions.
Use diesel fuel oil b.Output {Totaloumber of yinders)-Number of pnders cut of se) (Totainumber of oylinders) The output may decrease depending on surging of the turbocharger or the exhaust tem- perature. c.Exhaust temperature: 450°C or less (each cylinder outlet) 70% ey Lae DC-17 B 05-03Operation 6.1] DC-17 | Stop: Normal Stop 46. Stop 4-61. Normal Stop A. Precautions for stop ‘a. Incase that heavy fuel oil is used, switch the fuel oll to diese! fuel oil 30 minutes before stopping the engine. Immediately before stopping the engine, start the operation of lubricating oll priming pump. ©. Confirm that the starting air pressure is at 2.0 MPa {20 kgflcm"} or more. (The preparation for the next round of starting) B. Stop a, Conduct the stop operation on the following procedures: In case of local operation] Shift the operation lever to "STOP" position. Then, fuel oil injection will be shut off by means of the common rod, and the engine will be stopped. [in case of remote controf] (1)Press the "STOP" push button on the control Panel. ‘Then, the fuel ol injection solenoid valve will be activated to operate the fuel shutdown device, and the engine will be stopped. (Shit the operation lever to "STOP" position. 'b, After stop operation, be attentive of any abnormal sound in the engine and turbocharg- er, and confirm that there is not any abnormal sound, A Operation lever Cc. After Stop ‘@ Operate both the lubricating oil priming pump and cooling fresh water pump for about 20 ‘minutes, and cool down the engine and tur- bocharger. A The turbocharger continues to run at high speed even after the engine is stopped. Lubrication of the turbocharger provided with this engine is made using the system therefore if the supply of lubricating oil is stopped immediately after the engine is stopped, it may damage the bearing. In case that the engine does not stop even when the stop operation is conducted, forcibly stop the engine on the following procedure: 1)Forcibly set the rack of the fuel injection ump to "O 2)Fully close the valve of the fuel oil inlet main pipe. 'b. Fully open the indicator valve to conduct air unning for 3 to 4 seconds and exhaust the ‘combustion gas out of the combustion cham- ber. ©. Close the valves on all the systems. DC-17Z 02-03Operation Stop: Emergency Stop DC-17 6.2 46.2 Emergency Stop ‘A. When Emergency Stop is Required. Immediately stop the engine when any of the fo- lowing abnormalities is found: 4.Announcement of "Emergency" or "Alarm" (> Activation of the protective device -> Automatic) 2 Overspeed +¢Decrease of lubricating oil pressure +¢ Suspension of water supply/increase of cook 1g water temperature ‘Increase of exhaust air temperature Other alarming (depending on each specifi- cation) 2.Abnormal sound and abnormal vibration ‘3.Heating of the bearings or other moving sec- ns, or generation of smokes, or abrupt increase of mist. 4,Loosening or falling-off of the governor, com- mon rod rink, each lever around the fuel oil injection pump, link pin, or bolt. 5,Deterioration of fuel oil or lubricating oi, or ‘damage of the cooling water pipe. 6 Abrupt increase or decrease of rotation speed. 7-Abrupt increase of lubricating oil temperature 8.Water supply disability due to suspension of cooling water supply In case that the engine is overheated due to suspension of water supply, do not hastily sup- ply cooling water. If cooled down abruptly, each part of the ‘engine may be deformed, resulting in malfunc- tion or accidents. 9.Mixing of water into lubricating 10.Abrupt increase of exhaust air temperature 11.Abrupt decrease of the turbocharger rotation ‘speed or intake air pressure 12.Breakage or loosening of the bolts of each ‘section B. Measures after Emergency Stop In case that the engine is stopped by activa- tion of the protective device or stopped automat- ically, take the following measures: ‘a. Incase that the engine is stopped by remote ‘operation or stopped automatically, set the ‘operation lever to "STOP" position after the engine is stopped. bb. Incase that the operation had been made using heavy fue! oi, immediately switch the fuel oil to diese! fuel oil, operate the motor- driven oil feed pump, and conduct flushing of the fuel oil system (However, this procedure does not apply when the fuel oil pipe is bro- ken.) Further, conduct turning of the engine, and exhaust the heavy fuel oil remaining in the fuel injection pump or fuel valve. Ly casa ato ag Sapp during the operation using heavy fuel oil and the engine is cooled down without changing the fuel oil, heavy fuel oil in the equipment of the fuel oil system (e.g. pump, fier, etc.) and pip- ing will not only solidify to prohibit starting, but also incur substantial labor to clean and cleanse after the accident. ‘e. Disconnect the load off the engine, and retum the operation lever, each valve, and the state of all other equipment to "STOP" position. L~prease hat the onan BF conducted, be minded not to restart the engine using the cause is determined, the counter- ‘measures are taken, and recovery is complet- ed. In case that the engine is started without removing the cause of the abnormality, the malfunction may be aggravated and serious accidents may be caused. ® Be minded not to open the crank case for at least 10 minutes after engine is stopped and is completely cooled down. If the crank case is opened immediately after the engine is stopped, flammable mist in the crank case may catch fire and explode. Particularly be careful when a large amount approach the crankcase even affer it is over- hauled. DC-17 Z 02-03Operation 6.3] DC-47 | Stop: Long-Term Shutdown 4-6.3 Long-Term Shutdown In case that the operation of engine is suspend- ed for a long term (one month or more), take the ‘sheet cover preservation measures (mainly, anti-rusting meas- ture) on the following procedures: ‘A. Shutdown within 3 Months ‘a. Fully open the indicator valve once every week, and conduct turning of the crankshatt several times while conducting priming with lubricating oil In this case, stop the crankshaft at a position different from that before turning. After turn- ing, securely close the indicator valve. a . Incase that there isa risk of freezing in extremely cold season, be minded to remove cooling water from the engine. B, Shutdown over 3 Months Long-Term Storage In case that the operation of engine is suspend- ed for 3 months or more, the following measures for long-term storage is required: ‘a, Remove cooling water from the engine. b. Add rust-preventive oil o lubricating oil, open the indicator valve, and conduct turning of the crankshaft several times while conducting priming with the lubricating oil. ‘After turning, securely close the indicator valve. ©. Open each cover of the engine frame, cam ‘case, and the cylinder head, and spray rust- preventive oil to the intemal parts. Insert the moisture-proof agent such as si- icagel into the crankcase, according to the ambient air conditions (e.g. weather and humidity) and according to necessity. . Place the cover on the outside air opening section of the exhaust air pipe and the mist pipe. f. Cover the engine with a sheet, and carefully cover the electric equipment with particular attention to prevent collection of dust on them. Measures for Measures for Long-Term Storage DC-17 Z 02-03 PY NEWOperation MEMO DC-17 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance 4.1] DC-17 | Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance . Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance When conducting the inspection and maintenance works of engine, be minded to read this manual carefully, understand the structure of the related parts and the work contents, carefully ‘examine the working procedures, and prepare the consumable parts and tools in advance, before starting these works. If the works are conducted without previous and sufficient examinations, it will not only lead to the expense of useless labors, but also result in failure or damage of the engine due to mistaken assembling, and further in personal accidents.Be sure to replace all the damaged parts, or the parts that have reached replacing limit, both of which have been so found after the results of inspections. In case that replacing these parts are difficult on site, or the necessary parts are not readied, inform the Parts Sales Department, Service Department, Daihatsu Diese! Manufacturing Co., Ltd. or the nearest branch office or shop, and take proper actions. 5-1.1 Safety Precautions Do not open the crank case side cover for at least 10 minutes after the engine is stopped and is ‘completely cooled down. While the engine is overheated, there is a danger that oil mist may catch fire and explode if new air is flowed into the crank case when it is opened B. If the engine is rotated during disassembly or inspection works, it may impose serious dangers Ore ae Be minded to start these works, after retumning the operating lever to "STOP" position, ‘securely closing the starting air valve, and confirming that the engine is not running. ‘When conducting the tuming of engine, be minded to start it after confirming that nothing is in Ee pare eer oray Perform a proper preventive measures to prevent the crankshaft from freely turning. G. Be minded to wear the protective gears such as safety glove, helmet, safety shoes, safety gog- AX “ales, according to the circumstance: During the operation of engine and immediately after stopping the engine, the engine parts, partic- ularly exhaust manifold, turbocharger, parts round the cylinder are extremely hot. Therefore, be sure to wear safety gloves, and proceed the works taking care not to incur bums. The engine room floors and the surrounding areas are slippery due to oils stuck on them. Therefore, be minded to start the works after sufficiently wiping off the oils stuck on floors or shoe soles. Particularly when working on a high-rise places such as on the footstep board, pay enough attentions to the periphery of your feet, so that faling-off accidents should not happen. D. When disassembling the piping systems, "Close" all the valves of the external connection parts, AX oraduatly warm up the aie vent pg, and start the disassembly after removing residual pressure. Immediately after stopping engine, when disassembling the fers and connection parts of piping systems, you may burn on your skin on a injected high temperature oil or water of residual pres- sure. If high temperature parts are splashed with the fuel oil or the lubricating oil, a fire may occur. Take utmost care when disassembling them. AXE. Wen disassembling the spring-loaded devices such as the regulation valves, proceed the works paying careful attentions, since there isa risk that the springs may flyout and injury accidents, may occur. ANF. Be minded to use wie rope and chan block when suspending the heavyweight pars or equip ment, and do not try to forcibly raise these parts or equipment by physical force. Further, be minded not to approach the areas immediately under the suspended parts or equipment. DC-17 A 05-03 DAIHATSUInspection and Maintenance Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance DC-17 |1.1, 1.2
6 when nanng te cect pars, be seo ct ofthe power source H._ When handling the liquids, be minded to strictly observe the following items: ‘* Flammable liquids such as fuel oil and lubricating oil, the sources of fire, e Such as flames or sparks are strictly prohibited, ‘*Poisonous substances such as nust-preventive agent for fresh water, anti-freeze solution for fresh water, mercury (thermometer): Drinking is prohibited, and if any of these has stuck on hands or skin, immediately wash it off ‘Poisonous substance or substance which generate flammable gas, such as battery liquids: Drinking is prohibited, and if any of these has stuck on hands or skin, immediately wash it off, and the source of fires such as flames or sparks are strictly prohibited, For the sake of preventing environmental contamination, be minded to entrust the disposal and treatment of the waste oils and liquids to the authorized special waste disposing company. The source of fires 5-1.2. Cautionary Items When Finishing Inspection and Maintenance ‘A. Restore the lagging or heat-preventive covers, combustible oil splash preventive means (FN tape) and protective covers, that have been removed for inspection and maintenance, to each original position. A\ B. After the completion of assembling, confirm that there is no abnormality in each part, by conduct- ing the turing of engines and the priming with each corresponding oil. ‘After checking the parts during turning, close the reducing valve without fail.
‘The reading on the rack scale can be increased or decreased by adjusting screw (A) of the fuel injection pump rack lever. (1) Loosen the lock nut (B) (2) Tum the adjusting screw A and change the reading on the rack scale. ‘*Clockwise turning “Increase” (Increase of exhaust air temperature) ‘*Counterclockwise turning "Decrease" (Decrease of exhaust air temperature) (8) Confirm that the exhaust aic temperature is within the specified value. (@) Securely tighten the lock nut. % Difference between cylinders: 1.5 mm or less. Measurement and Adjustment: Exhaust Air Temperature, DC-17 |3.1, 3.2 Fue injection pump Racklever Lock nut (@) ek ug sew) Increase Ol hb Decrease ‘Adjusting Rack ts 5-3.2 Pressure and Temperature of Each Part ‘The pressure and temperature of lubricating oil, fuel oil, and cooling water, etc. are controlled by the relief valve, so that they should be proper val- ues being within each specified value during the ‘operation of engine, however, when actually ‘operating the engine, the pressure and tempera- ture of these fluids may not be within the speci- fied and proper values. In such a case, readjust the setting values of the valves, and perform the operation within the ‘specified proper range. A, Intake Air Pressure Since the intake air pressure changes in accor- dance with load, each pressure when the engine was new (or, after adjustment) becomes a refer- ence value. ‘The more the turbocharger is fouled, the more the intake air will decrease, resulting in the deteri- oration of the engine performance (e.g. increase of the exhaust air temperature and increase of the fuel consumption rate), and therefore regular- ly conduct the blower cleaning and prevent the progress of fouling (1D) : 5.4.4cleaning Turbocharger Blower") A The turbocharger is at a high-temperature during operation and just after the engine is. stopped. If you touch it with bare hands during cleaning, you may burn your hands. Wear safety gloves without fail, DC-17 A 05-03Inspection and Maintenance Measurement and Adjustment: 3.2! DC-A7 | Pressure and Temperature of Each Part A A It is impossible to completely remove the fouls even when cleansed by blower cleaning, and to prevent the deterioration of engine per- formance by the elapse of time, however, if the cleaning is neglected, fouling will accelerate, resulting in worsening of the engine perform- ance, and as the result it wil be required to dis- assemble and clean the turbocharger much earlier than when the cleaning is periodically conducted. B, Intake Air Temperature Do not screw in the adjusting screw 12 mm. or more. The bypass valve will be seated. > Proper temperature: 45-55'C (at full load) Intake air, that is either higher or lower than the specified range, will affect the engine, and there- fore be minded to adjust and keep the tempera- ture to be within the specified proper range, as far as possible. When the intake air temperature is too low, it causes abnormal or excessive wear of the cy der liner, intake air valve, etc., since the water ‘drops is formed by the dew condensation. Further, ifthe intake air temperature is too high, it ‘damages the parts around the combustion cham- ber such as the exhaust valve, since the exhaust air temperature will increase. (Exhaust air tem- erature varies in proportion to the intake air tem- erature, and also varies in the rate of approx mately 2 times the change of the suction air tern- perature of the turbocharger.) Ifthe intake air temperature gets out of the proper range owing to a low room temperature, or ‘when automatic adjustment of intake air tempera- ‘ure cannot be made for some reasons, operate the following procedure.
‘The intake air adjustment can be made by chang- ing the cooling water flow rate in the air cooler. (1)Tum clockwise the adjusting screw (B) of the cooling water bypass valve. (2)Be attentive to changes of the intake air tem- perature, and open the bypass valve so as to be within the proper range, and adjust the angle. In case that the intake air does not fall within the proper range even when the bypass valve is, fully opened and the entire amount of cooling water is flowed into the air cooler, itis required to disassemble and adjust the air cooler since the fouling of the air cooler can be considered. 12-3 Air Cooler, “Maintenance Version") Adjusting secow (8) Cooling water) e Cooling water bypass valve DC-17 A 03-07 eye Wee)Inspection and Maintenance Measurement and Adjustment: Pressure and Temperature of Each Part C. Lubricating Pressure Proper range (blue mark range on manometer) 0.4-0.5MPa Lubricating oll pressure changes in accordance with the changes in the viscosity and temperature of lubricating oil. ‘When the engine is started in extremely cold ‘weather, and the temperature of the lubricating oil is stil low and the viscosity is high, the pressure reading may go up beyond the blue mark range, however, it does not impose any problem ifthe reading falls back within the blue mark range when the engine is warmed up. {In case that the pressure reading is beyond or under the blue mark range, adjust the pressure on the following procedure: A Lubricating oil pressure decreases when the filter is fouled. Be sure to perform the adjust- ment of pressure after the filter is cleaned well. (CD) : 5.4.3 "Cleaning Fiters") DC-17 3.2 A In case that the lubricating pressure does not change even when the adjustment screw is tumed, there is the possibilities of sticking of regulating valve, suction of air, pump failure, and so on, and therefore investigate the causes of the trouble. ‘Adusing screw (©) Lubricating of regulating valve <
‘When adjusting the lubricating oil pressure, use the adjusting screw on the lubricating oil regulat- ing valve. (1) Loosen the lock nut (8). (2) Tum the adjusting sorew (C), and adjust the pressure. Clockwise turning (tightening) -> Increase of pressure ‘*Counterclockwise turning (loosening) > Decrease of pressure (@) Be attentive to changes of the pressure, and confirm that the pressure has entered within the blue mark range. (4 Tighten the lock nut (6). ting ot Pye wE1o) DC-17 Z 02-03Measurement and Adjustment: 3.2{ DC-17 | Pressure and Temperature of Each Part Inspection and Maintenance D. Lubricating ‘Temperature Proper range: 55 - 65°C (cooler outlet) Lubricating oil temperature is controlled to remain within the proper range of temperature by the automatic temperature control valve installed at the lubricating oil cooler outlet. a, Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve ‘The temperature control valve is an automatic bypass valve, that changes the flow rate of lubri- cating oil passing through the cooler, according to its temperature, and when the engine is started While itis still in cold state, this valve rapidly rais- ¢s the lubricating oll by letting the oil bypass through the cooler, and when the engine is oper- ated normally, this valve maintains the lubricating oil to be within the suitable range of the specified value. In case that the lubricating oil does not fall with- in the proper range, for example, because the ‘cooling water (low temperature) temperature is. different from the design temperature, the temper- ature of lubricating oil can be adjusted by the adjusting screw of the temperature control valve. However, in case that the actual temperature is the correctable range (approximately 5C) and the adjustment is impossible, contact us for consultation on the problem. b. Manual Adjustment-Emergency Measures In case that the temperature control valve has become faulty and the temperature control has become impossible, the engine can continuously be operated by performing the emergency meas- ures on the following procedure.
‘Tum the adjusting screw (C) to adjust the tem- perature, ‘Tum clockwise (tighten). > The temperature will drop. ‘*Tum counterclockwise (loosen). > The tem- perature will rise. (1)Fully loosen the adjusting screw (C). +> The cooler passage will be fully closed. (2)Observe the changes in the oil temperature while tightening the adjusting screw, and set the lock nut when the temperature comes into the following range. A Do not screw in the adjusting screw 8 mm or more. % Use range: 30 - 65°C (Cooler outlet) Since the oil temperature changes according to the load, be minded to set the oil tempera- ture at a rather lower level, so that it will not exceed the limit when heavily loaded, DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance Measurement and Adjustment: Pressure and Temperature of Each Part ey DC-17 3.2 E. Cooling Water Pressure ++Proper range: 0.15 - 0.35 MPa Jacket cooling water pressure substantially changes depending on the external conditions such as the cooling water expansion tank head, pipe resistance, and so on. ‘When cooling water pressure is too low, it cause corrosion of the engine frame or cylinder liner, and therefore adjust the cooling water pres- sure at the engine outlet using the valve or orifice, so that the pressure should be proper during the operation of engine. F. Cooling Water Temperature Proper range: 80 - 88°C (engine outlet) a, Warming-Up Operation ‘When jacket cooling water temperature is too low, it will cause faulty combustion or the corro- sion or wear of the parts around the combustion chamber, and therefore be minded to start the operation of engine with load after raising the cooling water temperature by warming-up opera- tion. (CD : 4.4.2 -Warming-Up Operation") b._Temperature Control The cooling water temperature is controlled ‘appropriately by the temperature control valve at the jacket cooling water outlet. G. Fuel Oil Pressure .._ Engine using Heavy Fuel Oil ‘When using heavy fuel oil, the pressure of heavy fuel oil must be adjusted to be within the following range, so that generation of vapor due to heating-up of the fuel oil can be prevented: Proper range: 0.5 - 0.6 MPa Cooling water Teper contr {acket canting water ute pipe) Temperature conta valve igh omperature ching water DAIHATSU DG-17 A 04-08Inspection and Maintenance Measurement and Adjustment: 3.2{ DC-17 | Pressure and Temperature of Each Part
Adjustment of fuel oil pressure can be made by the pressure adjusting screw of the fuel oil relief valve. (1)Remove the screw cap (A) of the relief valve, and loosen the lock nut (8). (2)Tum the adjusting screw (C), and adjust the pressure. * Clockwise turning (tightening) -> Increase of pressure ‘* Counterclockwise tuming (loosening) > Decrease of pressure (2)Be attentive to changes of the pressure, and ‘confirm that the pressure reading is within the proper range. (4)Tighten the look nut (B), and attach the sorew cap (A). When the engine with heavy fuel oll specifica- tion is operated by diesel fuel oil, the fuel oil pres- sure does not decrease since the fuel oll cannot be pressurized as in the heavy fuel oil supply line, however, the adjustment of the fuel oil pressure is Not required ifthe pressure is within the following range. + Proper range: 0.2 MPa b, Engine using Diesel Fuel Oil Fig. 6-1.1 "Fuel Oil Viscosity ‘Temperature Curve") In case that the viscontroller (automatic viscosity regulator) is installed to the engine, control the fuel oil viscosity in accordance with instruction manual, and be minded to carefully keep the manus (Refer to following pages) (ED) : 4.4.4 operation Using Heavy Fue! 6.1 "Fuel Oil Control") lo Fuel ot pressure regulating valve Leck nut Cel reer caticakT increase in Ss a Decrease [> - > Proper range: 0.2-0.3MPa In case of diese! fuel oil specification, the pres- ‘sure adjustment procedure is the same as in case of heavy fuel oil specification, since the same type of the fuel relief valve is used in both cases. H, Fuel Oil Temperature ... When Using Heavy Fuel Oi Heavy fuel oil must be heated so as to make its viscosity suitable for injection, before the oil is sup- plied to the engine, >Proper viscosity (engine inlet) dynamic vis- cosity: 14 + 1 cSt Since the temperature appropriate for proper viscosity varies depending on the properties (vis- Cosity) of heavy fuel oil, be minded to keep the Proper viscosity referring to the following figure as a standard: Tete ‘Adjusting screw Fuel Oil Pressure Adjusting Procedure DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: Inspecting Parts around Intake re and Exhaust Valves, and Adjusting Valve End Clearance §-4, Inspection and Maintenance 5-41 Inspecting Parts around Intake and Exhaust Valves, and Adjusting Valve End Clearance A, Replacing Consumables, implements, and Measuring Instruments Replacing Consumables ¢ (LY “Pants ist) 1.Seal (cylinder head cover) No.4 b. Implements and Measuring Instruments 41.General tools (LQ) : "implements List" in the final documents) B. Inspecting Parts around Intake and Exhaust Valves Both intake and exhaust valves are the parts that are exposed to the most severe conditions ‘among all other parts of the engine. Therefore, be minded to periodically inspect these valves, and confirm that both valves operate normally. a. Confirm that there is no abnormal operating ‘sounds in both the intake and exhaust valves during the operation of engine. b. Check the following points on these valves removing the cylinder head cover when the engine is stopped. 4. Lubricating conditions of the rocker arm and push rods 2. Lubricating and sludge collecting conditions of the intake and exhaust valve cotters, and valve rotators 3, Sludge collecting conditions around the valve spring ‘4. Rotating conditions of the valve rotators 5. Valve end clearance C, Adjusting Valve End Clearance ‘Since valve end clearance decreases due to the wear of the valve seat part, and therefore be mind- ed to periodically inspect and adjust i. ‘When the valve end clearance is too small, it will cause improper setting of the valve on its seat dur- ing the operation of engine due to thermal expan- sion of the valve itself and push rod, resulting in buming of the seat. Further, the valve system of this engine is 4- DC-17 441 4 ave retainer toe Intakerexheust a rocker arm Valve rotator Push rod Valve End Clearance Adjusting Procedure valve type, having 2 intake valves and 2 exhaust valves, and a single valve holder tee is provided to simultaneously push down both pairs of intake and exhaust valves, and therefore unless the valve end clearance of each pair of both intake and exhaust valves is equal, the valve pushing force will be unbalanced, resulting in abnormal wear or damage of the valve holder tee and the guide parts.
(1)Place the cylinder in the explosion stroke, and close the intake and exhaust valves. @Loosen the lock nuts of the adjusting screws (A) and (B), and turn back the adjusting screw @)and ©). (8)Bring the valve end “A” into close contact with the valve retainer tee, fit a dial gauge to the valve retainer tee, and tighten the adjusting screw (A) until the pointer swings. Make sure that the valve ends "A” and "B" simultaneously get into contact with the valve retainer te (Engage a spanner around the hexagonal head of the adjusting screw (A), and tighten the lock rut while paying attention so that the screw and nut do not slip and tum. (insert a thickness gauge of the specified thick- ness into the clearance °C" on the top part of the valve holder tee, and adjust the clearance the adjusting screw (B). Proper clearance: 0.3 mm (for both intake and exhaust valves) DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: 4.2} DC-17 | Inspecting and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve 5-4.2. Inspecting and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve ‘Since the conditions of the fuel injection valve substantially affect the performance of engine operation, be minded to periodically inspect it and conduct the maintenance. However, in case that remarkable changes have been found in the exhaust temperature, exhaust color, and so on, be minded to conduct immediate inspection and maintenance, regardless of the standard inspection and maintenance period. ‘Since the items mentioned in this section will be the parts to which engine setting value specified in NOx Technical Code shall be con- firmed, be sure to use the parts having the dis- ccriminating notch marks. -3 "Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code") ‘A. Replacing Consumables, Implements, and Measuring Instruments b, Implements and Measuring Instruments 1. General tools and measuring instruments Fuel injection vaive extracting too! Fuel oil injection testing device Nozzle cleaning implement BEN B. Extracting Fuel Oil Injection Valve Extraction of the fuel oil injection valve can be ‘conducted on the following procedure:
(1)Remove the cylinder head cover and heat box cover. @)Loosen the bolts (E) and (F), and remove the fuel high-pressure block (B). (Remove the inlet connector (C). (4)Remove the tightening nut (D) using a box wrench. (©)Extract the fuel oil injection valve (A) using a fuel oil injection extracting implement. DC-17 A 04-08 ot (5), Tiabenizg mut (0) ptet connector (C) Fuel high-pressure block (8) Bot (E) Viow P Fuel injection vake (A) euler packing (G) Fe injection pursp Fudl high-pressure block (8) OY / rent tit pressure 1 o | 4 ° @ f i Fuel injection pump Bot (F) View? Fuel injection system (@)Loosen the circular packing, A 1)Be careful so that the circular packing (G) ‘may not be left behind in the cylinder head. 2)After removing the high-pressure fuel cou- pling and fuel injection valve, be minded to place the cover both on the coupling part of the fuel oil injection pump and the insertion art of the cylinder head. DAIHATSUInspection and Maintenance Inspecting and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve DC-17 4.2 Conduct a fuel injection test of the fuel injection valve, to check if the opening pressure and the spraying conditions of the fuel injection valve proper and normal state. Conduct the fuel injection test using the fuel injection test device (3) installed to the engine. ‘a. Inspecting Valve Opening Pressure (1)Instal the fuel injection valve on the injection test device, after removing the carbon stuck on the tip of the injection valve, and cleaning the tip of the injection valve. Connect the test pump and the fuel injection valve with an injection pipe for testing. (@)Quickly operate the test pump lever several times, and drain the air until the vaive starts injection of the fuel as the pressure indicating scale swings. (@Stowly tum the test pump lever (once every second, or so), check the pressure reading (the pressure, that has once increased gradu- ally, suddenly starting to decrease due to opening of the valve). Normal pressure: 41 - 43 MPa b. Adjusting Valve Opening Pressure ‘When reassembling the fuel injection valve after conducting the maintenance work by extract- ing the valve out of the engine, and when the noz~ zie is replaced with a new one, adjust the valve pressure on the following procedure. ‘Since the ems mentioned in this section will be the parts to which engine setting value specified in NOx Technical Code shall be applied, be sure to use the parts having the dis- jing notch marks. {0.3 "Engine Conforming to NOx Tctrical Coe) ¢ ‘
(1)Remove the cap nut (A). (Loosen the lock nut (J) for the adjusting screw (0. (@)Adjust the pressure to the specified pressure by turing the adjusting screw using a screw- driver, while conducting the injection of the fuel ll, as in the same procedure as in case of the fuel oil injection test. *Screwing-in adjusting screw -> High ‘*Tuming-back of adjusting screw -> Low ey Ewe e Test pump, Pressure gauge Injection Test Procedure Screw driver Cap mut (A) ells Adjusting ‘crew (4) Lock nut () Pressure Adjusting Procedure (yTighten the lock nut (J). * Setting pressure: 43 MPa Be minded to set the pressure of the fuel injection valve at a rather higher level, taking into consideration the initial accustoming, in case that a new injection valve is introduced. 45MPa DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenanci 4.2! DC-17 | inspecting and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve c. Inspecting Fuel Oil Injection Inspect the fuel oil injecting conditions on the following procedure: (A)Quickly operate the test pump lever several times (2 to 3 times every second), and inspect the fuel oll injecting conditions. (Let the fuel oil injected against a blank paper so that the con- ditions can be better inspected.) ‘Check if the cutting-off of injection is good or not. — Injection sound Check if injection is evenly and clearly sprayed. © Check if injection is not of bar pattern, nor drip- ping down. (2)Check if there is no dripping-down of fuel oil from the tip of the nozzle after the injection PO an z ae test. (8) Giogged nozzle (6) Faulty movement (C) Dipping-down of needie valve of ola <> Abnormal Injection Be minded not to approach your face or hands near the fuel spray during testing. If the high-pressure fuel has hit your face or hands, it will cause injuries. D. Disassembling and Inspecting Nozzle In case that a remarkable decrease of the valve opening pressure, faulty injection of fuel oil, or dripping-down of fuel oil after injection is found as the results of the fuel injection test, conduct disas- ‘sembling, cleaning, and inspection on the following procedure: a. Disassembling the Nozzle ()Remove the cap nut (H). @)Loosen the adjusting screw (1). @)Fix the holder housing (K) in a vise, and loosen the retaining nut (M). (@)Extract the needle valve out of the Nozzle (L). (©)Extract the nozzle out of the retaining nut by striking with a hammer, while placing a pipe- type patch on the nozzle so as not to damage the injection hole of nozzle. Remove the I” needa vaive t b. Inspecting Nozzle \ Nzzle ering imp (1)Clean the nozzle nut and needle valve with 98s oi @Clean the nozzle hole using a nozzle cleaning implement. @)Push in and push out the needle valve with your hand, and check the movement. Check if the movement is smooth or not. *Check if the movernent is too loose. \ DC-17 Z 02-03 PAEInspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: Inspecting and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve DC-17 42 A If the retaining nut is turned while the adjust- ing nut is stil tightened, it will damage the noz- Zle or nozzle holder parts. In case that heavy fuel oil is used, the ret ing nut and nozzle may be stuck together with carbon accumulated on them. If the nut is loosened in this state, the nozzle will tum together with the nut, and may damage the nozzle, or the knock pin of spacer, and therefore first lubricate the nut with gas oil, and then carefully loosen the nut by striking the nozzle with a hammer, while placing a patch on the nozzle. A ()Set the fuel oil injection vaive on the inspection test device, and adjust the valve opening pres- sure. (CQ = 5-4.2 @) "injection Test") Cap at tH) ck rut Since the nozzle and needle valve is a pair functioning together, be minded not to replace either of them separately. Do not try to reuse a faulty nozzle by wrap- ping, but be sure to replace it with a new one. E. Assembling Fuel Oil Injection Valve Assemble the fuel oil injection valve in the reverse order of the disassembling procedure. (1)Clean each of the disassembled parts with clean gas oil, and insert each of them back into the holder housing (K). (@Put the spacer (P) and the knock pin (Q) of nozzle together, and install them into the hold- er housing, @Apply the lubricating agent (Molykote U paste) cn the holder housing thread, the seating face of the retaining nut (M), and the outer periph- ery of the nozzle, and screw the retaining nut into the holder housing by your hand. (@)Loosen the adjusting nut (1) Tighten the retaining nut with the specified torque. Koock pin (9) Retaining rut (M) Specified torque: 206 - 236 N- m A Be careful not to tighten the retaining nut with the torque over the specified value, since it may cause the sticking of the needle valve of the nozzle. Adjusting nut () Holder housing («) Apply brant hoiyote U paste) Nozzle (L) Fuel Injection Valve DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03TEM 4.3] BC-17 | inspecting and Mai intenance intenance of Fuel Injection Valve F, Mounting Fuel Oil Injection Valve (1)Check the tightening state of nozzle holder guide by tightening torge 147 Nm (CL) Maintenances-1.7°Nozzle holder guide") (2)Secure the flange (R) on the holder housing (0 with the bott (S). @ Apply heat-resistant agent on the O-rings, and attach them to the holder housing (K).. (4)Apply grease on the circular packing, and fit it to the holder housing Insert that fuel ol injection valve into the noz- zle holder guide hole, after confirming that the ‘old gasket is not left behind in the guide hole. (Tighten them with the specified torque after fit- ting tightening nut (. “Tightening nu (0) Fuel high-pressure block 8) Flange (8) fuer Holder housing (4 Cirewar + Specified torque: 39 N- m packing (G} (insert the inlet connector (C) into the c; head. (et the slit of the inlet connector (C) on the fuel high-pressure block (B) side.) (®)Fit the fuel high-pressure flange (2) on the fuel injection pump side through the O-ring (®Fit the O-ring between the fuel high-pressure block (B) and the fuel high-pressure flange (2), and insert the fuel high-pressure joint (3) into the fuel high-pressure flange (2). (10)Fit the fuel high-pressure block (B) and the O- ring on the cylinder header side, apply lubri- cant (Molykote 1000 Spray) to the seats and threads of the fuel high-pressure block tighten- ing bolts (E) and (F), and tighten them to the specified torque. % Specified torque: 39 N * m Nozzle holder ide Fuel high pressure block) Fuel high-pressure flange (2) Fue high-pressure Joe 6) ° Bolt ° 1 "tuet injection pump View > Mounting Fue! Oil Injection Valve DC-17 A 03-07 Pye Le)Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: Cleaning Filters 5-4.3 Cleaning Filters The lubricating oil fers (including the filers for the turbocharger) are important parts necessary to remove foreign matter and sludge in oil to keep oil clean and operate engine parts normally. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically overhaul and clean the fiters to prevent degradation of their filtering capabilities. The lubricating duplex type. filters are of the notch-wire A. Notch-Wire Duplex Type Filter ‘The notch-wire duplex type filter is normally used as both-side-parallel application. Since both the fuel oil pressure and lubricating oil pressure decreases if the fter has been fouled, be minded to periodically conduct blow-off clean- ing. In case that the oil pressure does not crease even after the blow-off cleaning has been conducted, overhaul the fiter and then clean it. . Replacing Consumables. 32XP for lubricating oil ¢ f 1. Packing 2. Packing 3. Packing 32PED for turbocharger ( 1. O-ring 2. Packing 3. Packing b, Blow-Off Cleaning In case of blow-off cleaning, deposits can be removed by reversely flowing the fluid through the element on one side, and this type of cleaning has no cleaning effect when the element is sub- stantially clogged, and therefore be minded to conduct the blow-off cleaning in an earlier state, while the fouled degree of filter is still ight. (The cleaning should be conducted at least once a week.) Lod |& a oa a enti elles Rigtales ow of On io cloos edhsad Es. Element onthe lta ht © Gngeorer enek iat Cz....... Changeover cock outlet hole interlocking ammemnne E50 Changeover cock Bow of an le DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance 4.3| DCA7 Inspection and Maintenance: Cleaning Filters
(1)Open the drain cock (B) at the bottom part of filer. At this time, be careful so that waste cil may not scatter or overflow out of the drain cock. (@Tum the selector cock handle (A) (usually, set to "Used position on both sides" (P)) to the “Blow-off" position (Q) (about 60" ), and quick ly conduct the operation to return the handle to the previous position (within 0.5 - 1 sec.) (@)Repeat this operation 2- 3 times. (@Also conduct the above same procedure on the other side. (6)Close the drain cock. A Conduct the blow-off cleaning quick! Further, do not place the lever on the middle position, but quickly move to the specified post tion (knock position). If too much time has been taken in blow-off cleaning and switching the lever positions, the pressure will decrease, and may activate the alarm or emergency stop. ¢. Overhaul and Cleaning of Filters Be minded to conduct the overhaul and clean- ing of fitters when the engine is stopped, as far as possible, Be sure to conduct the overhaul and cleaning of fitters at low-load operation after clean the blow-off of opposite side during the engine is operated. A ‘When using the heavy fuel oil, the fuel oll is ited up and consequently the filter and the ing are extremely hot. Therefore, when han- dling the filter, be sure to wear the safety gloves, and be cautious so that the high-tem- erature oil may not splash on the skin or clothes, [Overhaul and Cleaning of Filters] (()Tum the selector handle (A) to the "Close" position (R) (80° ) on the side to be over- hauled. Open the drain cock (B), loosen the air vent valve (0) at the top of the Case (C), and dis- charge oil. @)Loosen the tightening nut (E), remove the case (C), and then take out the element (F). (4)Clean the element with washing oil or gas oil, and conduct blow-off cleaning from the inside, (6)Clean each of the parts overhauled, and clean the grooves for case gasket of the fiter hous- ing (6). Spring (1) pS Element (F) ‘Tightening nut (E) reve valve 0) \ Packing () — ease (©) Packing (3) Handle(a) Kook) Cock raising bolt Filter Overhaul Procedure DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: Cleaning Filters DC-17 43 [Assembly and Restoration] ()Attach the packing (1) to the element (F), and attach the packing (J) to the fiter housing (G). (2Put the spring (K) on the element, place the case (C) over the spring, and screw the nut (E) into the case while holding the case with your hand. (@)Close the drain cock (B). (@)Shif the handle (A) to "Blow-off position” (Q). (©)When the fiter is overhauled and cleaned while the engine is stopped, conduct priming and fill the case with oil (©Close the air vent valve (D), after oil has been let overfiow and air bubbles have completely vanished from the oil flowing out of the air vent. pipe. (@Retum the handle to "Both sides used posi- tion” ). (®)Check if there is any oil leakage from the gas- ket sections. A Confirm that the knock (H) of the handle (A) is engaged in its position. If the knock is not properly engaged in the position, the handle will be overtumed by vibra- tion during the operation of engine, and it may incur oil spil-out accidents. A (A)Check conditions of the sludge collected on the element. If metallic particles are found, investigate the causes and take the countermeasures. (2)When the element is damaged, or when the element is excessively fouled and clogging cannot be removed even by cleaning, replace the element with a new one. @)Since the packing and O-ring are easily be damaged, be very careful in handling these parts, Be minded to replace the deteriorate parts in high-temperature conditions. B, Fuel Oil Flushing Filter This filter is attached at the fuel oil inlet of the fuel oil block installed in the engine. The flushing filter ike paper is wound around a coarse notch-wire filter Remove the flushing filter after the completion of running-in operation or when changing the operation oil to heavy fuel oil. If the piping from the separate fuel filter to the engine inlet has been disassembled, keep the flushing fiter attached until flushing ends. A When disassembling the piping from the ‘external fuel filter to the engine inlet after stop- ping the operation with heavy fuel oil, wear safety gloves to prevent bums, and take care not to splash the high-temperature oil on your skin or clothes. A: Never operate the engine with heavy fuel oil without removing the flushing fitter. Fiter cover Flushing er Fuel oll block Fuel Oil Flushing Filter DC-17 C 05-03Inspection and Maintenance [rem 4.3] DC-17 | Inspection and Maintenance: Cleaning Filters | ©. Airfitter The air strainer has a oftical role in removing foreign matter in starting air and drain to ensure normal operations of the regulator, relay valve and air motor. Therefore, it is important to period- ically overhaul and clean it to prevent deteriora- tion in fitering abilty. A ‘Since contamination may be left in the piping at the start of operation, overhaul the strainer every week for one month after the start of the engine. After a lapse of this one month, if con- tamination is not discharged, overhaul it once a month. ‘a. Replacing Consumables ¢ (LI) Parts List’) 1.0-4ing b, Overhauling A ‘Make sure that the main valve for the sup- plied high-pressure air is closed, Remove the air strainer in accordance with the following procedures. (1) Remove the bolts (B), and remove the strainer cover (A). (2) Loosen the strainer (C) holding the hexago- nal part with a spanner, and draw it out ¢. Inspection, cleaning and maintenance (1) The removed parts are stained with rust and mud, Clean them with clean wash oll or gas oil, and blow air over them, 2) Carefully check the air strainer screen. fit is clogged heavily or damaged, replace it with a new one. d. Reassembly Reassemble the air strainer in reverse order from its disassembly. (1) Screw the air strainer (c) in the strainer block (0), and tighten the air strainer. Make sure that the threaded portions of the strainer block (D) and the strainer (C) are free from contamination. (2) Fit the O-ring (E) (new) onto the strainer cover (A), and apply grease thin, (@) Fit the strainer cover (A). (@) At the start of the engine, check for air leak from joints. Relay valve BY = (©)0-ing (C)Stainer (Air strainer) (A)Strainer cover (@)Bott (O)Stainer block Air strainer D. Fuel inj pump oil filter A coin filter is fitted as an integral part of the pip- ing part on the engine frame side of the oil feed pipe connected to the fuel injection pump of each oylinder. After cleaning the filter with wash oll or gas oil, blow air over the fitter. DC-17 B 04-08Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance:Cleaning Turbocharger Blower DC-17 44 5-4.4 Cleaning Turbocharger Blower If the fouled degree of the turbocharger blower has progressed, the efficiency of the turbocharger will decrease and the operating performance of engine will be worsened. Particularly when heavy fuel oil is used, the turbocharger blower tends to be fouled in faster degree, and therefore be mind- ed to conduct blow-off cleaning and restrain the progress of fouling. A. Interval of Cleaning Clean the blower when intake air pressure has decreased 10% at the same load, or at least every 150 to 200 hours of operation. B. Load during Cleaning Make sure that the engine shall be operated under the load of 75% or higher, and continue the loaded operation for 1 hour or more after cleaning. , Cleaning Liquid Be sure to use the specified cleaning liquid. In case that the specified cleaning liquid is not avail- able, use fresh water. (Note that cleaning effect, is inferior with fresh water.) D. Cleaning Method Cleaning of the turbocharger blower can be ‘made using the cleaning device that is supplied together with the engine. (1)Pour cleaning liquid into the blower syringe @). Connect the plug of the feed hose (B) and the syringe socket. (Fully open the drain cock of the air intake duct. (4)Remove the plug (M8) on the front face of the silencer of the turbocharger. (Insert the plug pin at the tip of the feed hose (©) into the plug hole, and operate the syringe to feed the cleaning liquid. (When 3 to 5 minutes has passed after the injection of cleaning liquid, inject fresh water of the same amount on the same procedure. [Injection Amount and Injecting Time] Type of [Filling amount} Filling time turbocharger © (sec) ATIA 02 4-10 A Be minded never to use gas oil or any other flammable liquid for cleaning, since these liq- uuids will be the cause of fire. Syringe (A) ane, Piug pin Cleaning Turbocharger Blower Procedure (in case that there is no change in intake air pressure before and after the cleaning, repeat Cleaning after 10 minutes. ©in case that intake air pressure does not change over when the cleaning is repeatedly conducted, conduct the overhaul and cleaning of the whole of turbocharger. ‘Separately provided "Turbocharger Instruction Manual") A The turbocharger is at a high-temperature during operation and just after the engine is stopped. If you touch it with bare hands during cleaning, you may burn your hands. Wear safety gloves without fail, DC-17 C 05-03Inspection and Maintenance 4.5} DC-A7 | inspection and Maintenance: 5-4.5 Cleaning Turbocharger Turbine
As dirt collects on the turbine side of the tur- bocharger as on the blower side, the turbocharger efficiency lowers, and the engine performance deteriorates. Particularly, when heavy fuel oil is used, the tur bine is easily contaminated. Periodically clean the turbine to inhibit the progress of contamination. To clean the turbine, feed water to the inlet of the turbine, and accelerate the speed of water drops with exhaust gas. The impact of the water drops will remove scale from the turbine nozzle and the turbine moving blades. 1D : separately provided "Turbocharger Instruction Manual") A, Cleaning Interval ‘When the deposit layer has become thick, the cleaning is not effective. At the initial stage, clean the turbine every 250 hours or 7 to 10 days. After the initial stage, increase or decrease the clean- ing interval appropriately depending on the degree of decrease in the performance character- istics, such as the exhaust temperature, intake air pressure and the rotation speed of the tur- bocharger, A The cleaning interval shall be up to 500 hours. B, Exhaust Temperature (Load) During Cleaning Clean the turbine when the exhaust temperature at the turbine inlet is 300 to 350°C. LA Run the engine at an exhaust temperature of 30 to 350°C for 20 minutes or more to ensure the tern- erature equilibrium of the turbocharger. Clean the turbine in such a state that the load does not fluctuate (the exhaust temperature does not change). C. Cleaning Method For water washing, use additive-free fresh water (not containing rust preventive, etc.) at a temperature of 60°C or less. ‘Supply water at a water pressure of 0.13 MPa. (1)Connect the rubber hose (D) to the nozzle water filing pipe provided on the exhaust gas Pipe. (@)Connect the water filing rubber hose (E) to the ‘gauge unit (@)Fully open the drain cock (C), and make sure that the drain hole is not blocked. ‘@After fully opening the nozzle (A), take 30 sec- ‘onds to open the vaive (B) slowly. (©)The cleaning time shall be 5 to 7 minutes. If drain is not discharged even when water is fed for 5 minutes, adjust the water filing pres- sure to set the drain rate to approx. 0.1 Limin. ‘The turbocharger is at a high-temperature during operation and just after the engine is stopped. If you touch it with bare hands during cleaning, you may burn your hands. Wear safety gloves without fail. Exhaust gas pipe Turbocharger Rubber hose, (SHIPYARD SUPPLY) Water (Press 0.13MPa ) Turbine washing DC-17 C 05-03Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance:Cleaning Turbocharger Turbine DC-17 45 Do not feed water for more than 7 minutes. It ‘may damage parts. Carefully observe the change in color of the drain] to confi the effect of cleaning. During water washing, you must operate high- temperature parts. Take care not to bum your hands. (Fully close the nozzle (A). (Fully close the vaive (). (®)Remove the water filing rubber hoses (0) and €). (®After the drain is completely discharged, fully close the drain cock (C). D. Increase of Engine Output After the completion of cleaning by feeding water, run the engine under the same load for about 10 minutes, and restore the engine output tothe normal state. Ifcomponent parts have not dried completely, the casing may be corroded. E, Verification of Engine Performance After Cleaning ‘After cleaning, measure the engine perform ance (exhaust temperature, intake air pressure, etc.) to verity the effect of cleaning Ifthe effect is insufficient, perform cleaning repeatedly 2 or 3 times. Ifthe engine performance cannot be restored, overhaul the engine. yew he) DC-17 A 04-08M Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: 4.6| DC-17 | Measuring Crankshaft Deflection 5-4.6 Measuring Crankshaft Deflection a If the crankshaft deflection exceeds its tim, the stress to be applied to the crankshaft will become excessive, and it will result in the breakage of crankshaft if the excess of deflec- tion is too large. ‘Therefore, adjust the crankshaft deflection to a proper value when being installed, and peri- ‘odically measure the deffection, so that it can be corrected whenever itis over the limit value. A. Replacing Consumables and Measuring Instruments. ‘a. Replacing Consumables 1.0-ring (frame side cover) No.11 2 "Parts List") b, Implements and Measuring Instruments 1, General tools (CD: “implement sin the fal documents) 2. Deflection gauge 3. Motor B. Conditions for Measuring Deflection ‘a. Deflection of the crankshaft varies according tothe temperature. Be sure to measure it when the engine is in cold state. b. Before measurement, push the contact piece of the deflection gauge with a finger, and con- firm that both the contact piece and dial gave retum to the original positions correct- ¢. Incase of the marine engine, since the deflec- tion varies according to the loaded cargo con- ditions, be minded to record the conditions of loaded cargo, draft, temperature, and so on, at the same time. C, Measuring Deflection
(Open the turing plug, and perform turning the crankshaft. (2)Place the crank pin at the point of 30° (posi- tion "B*) past the bottom dead center. @)Install the deflection gauge to the position. The position is about the same line of the jour- nal diameter, and itis a point of intersection of center line in crank arm. (@)Set the reading on the gauge scale to +20 at the position "B* in the Figure. (To make clear the positive and negative directions.) (©)Siowly tum the engine in the normal direction. of rotation, and measure the reading on the scale when the crankshaft is at the angle of "B", °C", "D", "E", and "A" respectively, of which data shall be recorded. Deflection Gauge Mounting Position DC-17 Z 02-03Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance: Measuring Crankshaft Deflection DC-17 46 D. Calculating Deflection (d) Calculate the deflection values as based on the ‘measured values and in accordance with the fol- towing formula, and record the calculated values: ‘Vertical (V) deflection: dV = 2 ‘*Horizontal (H) deflection: dH = C - E ‘*Positive/negative deflection: Open downward (#), closing downward (-) A,B,C, D, and E represent the measured val- tues respectively at each comesponding position shown in the figure on the right. E. Correction Limit for Deflection ‘a. The correction limit shall apply to whichever is larger of dV and dH as shown in the following table. (Unit: mm) ‘Adjusted vaiue | Alowable int [Direction s&s 0.027 or less 0.075 3 ge 28 aly BE | 28 G8 | 10000 Stroke) 10000 *Stroke © @ | 0.081orless | 0.108 gz gs ia 4 ake © 8 fFooo0 * Stroke |zpq50* Stoke P Defiection varies depending on the connec- tion method (direct connection or flexible cou- pling) between the crankshaft and drive ‘equipment, however, usually, the deflection becomes maximum at the crank throw that is, closest to the flywheel. Adjust the drive equipment using the adjust- ing shim or chock liner, so that the deflection falls when the limited values as shown in the above table. A ‘The deflection of the crankshaft shall be rep- resented by the value when the engine is cold, and when the engine is warm sometimes differ significantly depending on the measurement conditions, be minded not to use the value measured when the engine is warm as stan- dard, Top dead center E Deflection Measuring Position sewn om ela -—Y)-< (D(Top dead center) Dial Gauge Reading w PY AEE DC-17 A 04-02Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenanc 4.8| DC-17 | Measuring Crankshaft Deflection
Deflection in warm condition Incase of the directly connected generating ‘engine, the deflection in the warm conditions gen- erally tends to vary as compared to the values in the cold conditions. ‘This is because the temperature increase of the engine base is larger than the temperature increase of the generator to be directly connect- ed, so that the crankshaft core relatively increas- es, the deflection varies towar.s! lx. direction (downward closing), and thereby the difference manifests itself as the deflection difference between the cold and warm conditions. Like this, in case of the directly connected gen- ‘erating engine, the deflection difference between the cold and warm conditions differs depending ‘on the bearing dimensions and temperature dif- ference of the engine and generator, so that the adjustment is impossible, and it willbe the value unique to the generating device. Consequently, in case of the generating engine, the adjustment is made with the target of the con- ditions near to + side upper limit x!" |, (downward opening) ofthe specified value in the cold condi- tions. The measured value of the deflection value in the warm conditions varies according to the tem perature, and the different values tend to be obtained every time the measurement is conduct- ed, however, based on the actual measurement results of our company, the value is approximate- ly 3 to 4/10,000 x stroke and within the range of aT (downward closing). ‘There is a possibilty that the measurement results of the deflection in the warm conditions differ from the real value due to the reasons that the engine temperature may suddenly increase after the engine is stopped, and due to the effects of the thermal expansion owing to the tempera- ture difference of the crankshaft. Be careful of this fact. DC-17 A 04-02Inspection and Maintenance MEMO DC-17 YN wee) DC-17 Z 04-08Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water 4.4, 1.2| DC-17 | Fuel Oi! Contro!: Fuel Oil Selection/Fuel Oil Control | 6-1 Fuel Oil Control prevented. How well the fuel oil characteristics is controlled will greatly affect the smooth operation of engine, ‘maintenance intervals, as well as the working life of various parts. ‘When supplying the fuel ll, it s required not only to confirm the characteristics referring to the charac- teristics analysis table, but also to conduct the control of the oil in accordance with each characteristics. Particularly when using heavy fuel oil, conduct the preprocessing of fuel oil, the control of viscosity (lemperature), and the control of lubricating oil without fail, so that troubles arising from fuel oil can be 6-1.1 Fuel Oil Selection ‘The standard characteristics of the fuel oll appli- cable to this engine is as shown in a separate table. (CD : Table 6-1.1 "Standard Fuel Oil Characteristics”) Commercially available fuel ols are consider- ably diferent in the characteristics, and even the same type ofthe fuel oll may show a greatly dif- ferent characteristics depending on the location and period of supply. Check the characteristics analysis values of the fuel ols, and avoid using the fuel ol that exceeds limit valu. A 1, The engine specification varies depending on the types of the fuel oil to be used. Be minded to confirm the type of the fuel oil referring to the specification of engine, and do not use the oll of which grade is lower than that shown in the specification. In case that the fuel oil of lower grade is used, troubles may be incurred on the oper- ation of engine, due to the faulty combus- tion, troubles on the fuel oil system equip- ment, premature wearing of the parts, and 80 on. 2. Avoid using the fuel oil by mixing with the other oils whose production of origin is dif- ferent. In case that fuel oil is mixed the oil with inferior affinity, a large amount of sludge may be generated, causing troubles on the operation of engine. A Bottoms oils resulting from operation by FCC method (catalytic cracking method) are often ‘mixed in fuel offs recently. The mixed oils, such as this, contain rigid alumina silica (catalyst particles), and will cause abnormal wear of the various parts of engine, particularly the parts of the fuel injec- tion system. Remove the solid particles by fully utilizing the existing fuel oil pretreatment equipment, and by intensifying the cleaning of fuel oi In case that the removal of the solid particles cannot sufficiently be made with the existing fuel oil pretreatment equipment, the ment of the cleaning equipment required, and when such reinforcement is not possible, it may be required to change the cur- Tent fuel oll to the oil of a better quality 6-1.2 Fuel Oil Control ‘A. Heavy Fuel Oil ‘since heavy fuel oil contains more carbon residue and impurities, and is higher in its viscosity as compared to diesel fuel oil, heavy fuel oil can- not be used as the fue! oll for diesel engine, when itis in the state of bunker fuel ol, Therefore, it will be a prerequisite to use heavy fuel oil that the oil must properly be preprocessed before being supplied to engine (including the removal of impurities by cleaning, and the assur- ance of proper viscosity by heating) Water, and solid contents such as vanadium, sodium, alumina, and silica, contained in heavy fuel oil accelerate the corrosion and wear of the various parts of fuel injection system and fuel combustion chamber system, substantially affect- ing and reducing the working life of these parts, DC-17 Z 02-03 eZeeControl of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water Fuel Oil Control:Fuel Oil Selection/Fuel Oil Control DC-17 1.2 For the purpose of removing such impurities, ‘the fuel oil preprocessing equipment, such as the centrifugal separator and precision filters, are installed. ‘Since these equipment will not exhibit the eff- ciencies unless each equipment is properly han- dled, be minded to operate each equipmen accordance with the corresponding instruction manual. (£2) = instruction Manual’ for each equipment’) ©: Since waste fuel or sludge will be the causes of environmental contamination or pollution, be sure to entrust the treatment of these to the authorized waste disposal company, not direct- ly handling or disposing these matters on your own. b, Handling Fuel Oi! Since the viscosity of heavy fuel oil is very high, itis required to heat the oil, so that a proper vis- Cosity for fuel injection can be obtained. Since the heating temperature varies depend- ing on the viscosity of fuel oil, heat the oil and obtain the proper viscosity, by referring to the fuel oil viscosity temperature curve on a separate page as a standard. In case that a viscosity controller (automatic viscosity regulator) is installed on the engine, control the fuel oll viscosity to its proper value according to the attached instruction manual. (1D : Fig. 6-1.1 "Fuel oft Viscosity/Temperature Curve") A ~ Proper viscosity for fuel oil engine inlet) Kinematic viscosity: 14 + 1¢St. If the temperature control of fuel oil is improper, and the fuel oil with high viscosity has been supplied to engine, it will not only incur faulty combustion, but also will result in the accidents such as the clogged or damaged fuel ol fiter, and the breakage of fuel injection system parts, B. Diesel Fuel Oil a, Water tends to extract and separate out of diesel fuel oil, and further diesel fuel oll tends to generate a large amount of sludge when mixed with the oil of different base oi Daily conduct the draining-off of the precipita- tion tank and setting tank, so that water or sludge does not flow into the engine. To remove water or sludge, the centrifugal ‘Separator is an effective device, b. Diesel fuel oil, that has been cut back by using the gas oil refined by FCC method, may incur faulty start of ignition, and this tendency is particularly obvious in case of low sulfur iesel oil for land vehicles, due to its low cetane number, if the environmental condi- tions, such as ambient temperature or water temperature, are unfavorable. In such a case, special measures will be become necessary to improve starting capa- bility and combustiilty of engine, and in such ‘occasions, contact our company for consulta- tion. Gas Although gas oil does not contain few impuri- fies, it may cause problems on ignition when the gas oil is refined by FCC method, just like the case with diesel fuel oil, and therefore be minded to pay particular attentions to the cetane number of gas oll Further, since gas oil is low in its viscosity and is inferior in its lubricity, it may cause abnormal wear on the sliding parts of fuel oil injection sys- tem, and therefore be minded to conduct the inspection of the fuel injection pump and fuel injection valve in the earlier stage than usual. D. Kerosene Oil ‘As a countermeasures to prevent air pollution, there may a case in which kerosene oil may be used. ‘Since kerosene oil is further lower in its cetane number and is lower in its viscosity than gas oll, it is required to carry out a special arrangement on the engine, and therefore contact our company for consultation before using the Pye se DC-17 Z 02-03Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water 4| DC-A7 | Fuel Oil Control: Fuel Oil Standard Characteristics Table 6-1.1 Fuel Oil Standard Characteristics I General | Diesel fuel oil” Heavy fuel oil | a Raspes — | Type of fuel oi SOF (Oma) RMATO | RMEz5 | RMG35 | RMHSS | IMAC = ‘Ato_|_€25 | G35 | H55 Density (15°C) ‘wem® max 0.890 0.975 | 0.991 | 0.997 | 0.997 [nema viscosity 100/50°C | mm/s max | 3.0~ (50°C) | 10/40 | 25/180 | 35/380 | 55/700 [ Flash point 5C_min 60 60 60 60 60 I Pour point °C_max 0 6 30 30 30 Carbon residue wt. Serax 02 i0 15 18 2 ‘Ash wt. Yemmax aor | 010 | 010 | 015 [ 020 Water vol. 96max Sma | ae (0ns| ears |eao 35 | 50 | 50 | 50 mg/kg max 150 | 200 | 300 | 600 Sodium mghkg max = 50 50 50 50 ‘Aluminum mgrkg max = 30 30 30 30 I ane number ™ min 40 (45) = = = CAI value” max = 350_| 850 | 850 | 850 Note: 1) Since there are a wide range of the standard values for diese! fuel characteristics, the recom- mended values are shown in the above table. 2) Heavy fuel oil characteristics represent the values of "Residual marine fuel oil" proposed in CIMAC. (1990) 3) Cetane number represent the calculated values based on JIS K 2280-1996. Figures shown in ( ) indicate the values based on the old method of JIS K2204-1994. 4) CCAI (Calculated Carbon Aromatic Index) value is calculated by the following formula, and indi- cates the reference value for starting capacity. CCAI = 1000 D-141 Log Log (VK + C) - 81 D: Density g/cm (15°C), VK: Viscosity mm*/s (60°C), C: Constant (0.85 for heavy fuel oil) a Vanadium combines with sodium to yield a Table 6-1.2 Standards for Clean Fuel Oil I Component Standards ‘compound that acts as an oxidation catalyst, (Water (0.2% vol or les accelerating the corrosion due to sulfuric acid (vanadium attack). Further, water accelerates the corrosion of fuel injection system parts. Particularly in case Solid particles | Content | “50 malig orf l Size ‘Sum or less that sea water is mixed in water, it will further accelerate the corrosion due to sulfuric acid as above said, and therefore remove the impuri- ties together with solid particles by the fuel oil cleaning equipment. DC-17 A 03-07 Pye)Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water Fuel Control: Fuel Oil Viscosity/Temperature Curve | p¢.47 1 7000| Te Gast smnin exe [= 000 ‘ Oa MOF 82 + a1 9 « 0 1000 1 8 0 $20 50 200 3 7, (lure » 400 = je + 50 300) Kae vis a8 82 Bee ie foo 110 120 130 140 150 Fig. 61.1 F uel 0 il iscosity/Temperature Curve (Sankaido "Fuel O il" F ig. 3-7) Example) We find the temperature, under which heavy fuel oil of 380mm/s can be heated, so as to obtain the proper viscosity of 14mms at the engine inlet. ‘To find this temperature, tracing the curve No. 9 downward, and from the point that intersects kinematic viscosity 14mrr#/s, goes down vertically to obtain 130°C. Note: 4. The viscosity temperature characteristics of fuel oil may slightly differ depending on the original place of production or its refining process, and therefore confirm the viscosity with a viscome- ter, and determine the proper value when actually operating the engine. 2. Kinematic viscosity 1¢St = 1 mm/s yee Le DC-17 A 04-08Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water Lubricating Oil Control: DC-17 | Selecting of Lubricating Oil/Control of Lubricating Oil 6-2 Lubricating Oil Control neutralizing acids. cating oil. Lubricating oil only plays an extremely important roles for engine, not only lubricating the sliding parts but also cooling the various parts, ensuring air tightness, acting as a detergent-dispersant, or acting as a For the purpose of maintaining the engine in proper conditions and assuring the smooth operation, itis indispensable to select suitable lubricating oil brands taking into consideration the use purpose of engine, the fuel oil to be used, the load to be connected, etc., and to conduct an appropriate control of the lubri- 6-2.1 Selecting of Lubricating Oil A. Engine system oi As the system oil for engine, high-grade lubricat- 9 oll (CD of API service category, or higher) for diesel engine shall be used. Select the lubricating oil of the suitable grade, according to the quality of the fuel oil to be used. ‘The recommended lubricating brands as shown in a separate table, (ED): Table 6-2.1 "Recommended Lubricating Oil Brands") Be minded to use the lubricating oil of the same brand, not mixing the lubricating oil with the oll of any other brand, Hf the lubricating oil is mixed with the oil of at- ferent brand, the additives contained n the both ois react for each other, and this may result in the degradation of the lubricating oil, B. Lubricating Oils for Other Equipment In case that separate lubricating system Is employed apart from the engine lubricating sys- tem, as in the case of the governor, air motor, gen- erator, etc., be minded to refer to the instruction manual of each equipment. Instruction Manual of each equipment") 6-2.2 Control of Lubricating Oil ‘A. Cleaning of Lubricating Oi! ‘Since fine dust or combustion residue from the ‘combustion chamber enter and mix in the lubricat- ing oil, a centrifugal separator is installed to the engine, to eliminate such foreign matters, in addi- tion to the filters attached to engine. Use such equipment in correct manner, referring to the instruction manual of each manufacturer. A Do not conduct cleaning by injecting water into lubricating oil. Mixing water into lubricating oil will cause degradation of the lubricating cil, such as the emulsification of oil, the decrease of total base number, and the increase of insol- ubie substances. B. Control of Lubricating Oil Characteristics Periodically conduct the sampling and analysis of lubricating oil (every 500 hours), and in case that the ana hzed value of the lubricating oil characteristics has reached the control standard value, immedi- ately consult the lubrication oll manufacturer, so that the replacement or makeup can be carried out. {EL : Table 6-2.2 "Lubricating Oil Control Standards") DC-17 Z 02-03Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water Lubricating Oil Control: Lubricating Oil Control DC-17 2.2 a, Sampling Procedure (1) Collect samples from the air vent pipe of the filter during the operation of engine. Ifthe samples are collected from the drain cock, the analyzed value of the characteristics may show a different value due to the mixing of sludge or solid deposits. (2) The minimum amount of sampling shall be 500 om, (8) Attach on the sampling receptacle with the label indicating the information as shown on the right. b, Lubricating Oil Control Standards The lubricating oil control standards are as shown in the Table 6-2.2 below. Of all the lubricating oil control standards, the total base number and n-pentane insoluble are particularly important for the purpose of checking the degradation degree of lubricating oi 2 Lubricating Oi Corto Standards (System oi) Diesel uel ol [Heavy ato} ‘Terai base number” | mGKOHIG| amore | Tormore | Visecsky cor | aiibortess, 20% ormere few i | Fash pore | TBO or igher | Wiatr concert — |“ velL% Os orbss pentane insoubie| we % | 2S orkess ‘The total base number (TBN) represents the values measured according to ASTM D664, JISK2501 (hydrochloric acid TEN (Total Basic Number) soluble represents the values. measured according to ASTM D8938.
> 4. Name of your company and your name 2, Model number of engine 3. Engine number 4. Data and location of sampling 5. The amount of time the engine is operated 6. Lubricating oll brand 7. The total operation time and quantity of lubr- cating oil 8, Replenishment record (Data and quantity of replenishment) (1) Total Base Number (TEN) Total Basic Number) Total base number represents the quantity of potassium hydroxide (KOH) that corresponds to the quantity of acid required to neutralize the base component contained in 1 g of lubricatit oil, and is indicated by the unit of mgKOH/g.Total base number indicates the lubricating oil capabilities to prevent the corro- sion due to sulfuric acid generated from sulfur contained in fue! oil, and other acids, and fur- ther it indicates the capabilities of lubricating oi to clean and disperse the fouled sections in the engine. (2)Insoluble (= }-pentane soluble) Insoluble is fouling substance that do not dis- solve in oll, and the main component is soot which is a product of combustion, and calcium sulfate which is a neutralized product.Since these substances do not dissolve even in n- pentane which is a solvent, n-pentane insoluble serves as an index to indicate the degradation DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water 2| DC-17 | Lubricating Oil Control:Recommended Lubricating Oil Brands Table 6-2.1 Recommended Lubricating Oil Brands Kind of fel Gas olor uptoz00Sec. | uptots00Sec. | Upto7000 Sex. Diesel i RW. No.t RW. Nast RW.No.t ass ‘Gass ‘lass V ney Suppying or ‘Supping o- suppyeg or plying or re ona (aetna) (pete ca) (Renta en) ol BP ENERGOL spenercoL | PeNERcoL | BPENERGOL BP DLMPAO IoHF256 ICHFI06 IcHF204 CASTROL MLC4o | CASTROL TLX204 | CASTROL TLX304 | CASTROL TLX304 DELO 1000 Marine | DELO 2000 Marine | DELO 3000Marine | DELO 3000 Marine CHEVRON ‘01 SAE4O (1 SAEA0 1 SAEAO 1 SAE4O EXACO TARO XD SAE#0 | TARODPSAEAO | TARODP SAEAO —_— Boor vztP4 | BomaRzeTe | BOMARaGTPI | BOQMAR=OTPIO EXXONMOBIL, EXKMAR 40TPAO MOBILGARD 412_| POWERGARD 2640 | MOBILGARD 424 | MOBILGARD 424 GULF GULFVERITAS | GULF VERITAS GULF VERITAS —_ DPO4O ‘SERECT4O ‘SERECT#O PETROBRAS MARBRAX MARBRAX MARBRAX MARBRAX ccps10 ecp4z0 ec0430 ccD430 SHELL GADINIA40 ARGINA S40 ARGINA T40 ARGINA TO TOTAL RUBIASSAE40 | RUBIASTSAE4 | HAMSAE4O HAM SAE4 FINA HAM SAE¢O DISOLAMAo1S | AURELIA 4030 AURELIA 4030 ‘AURELIA 4030 ‘Note:(1) This table shows lubricating oils classified as SAE40. Be sure to use lubricating oils classified as ‘SAE30 only when the minimum ambient temperature is 20°C or less. ‘We recommend that muttigrade oil (SAE10W-30 or 5-30) be used in extremely cold locations (minimum ambient temperature: 5°C or less). @ Be sure to consult with oil manufacturers before selecting the lubricating oil proper brand that best suits the fuel oil and operating conditions. DC-17 A 04-01 DAIHControl of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water Cooling Water Control: Cooling Fresh Water (Raw Water) / Corrosion Prevention Agent DC-17 |3.1, 3.2 6-3 Cooling Water Control Always use fresh water and add corrosion prevention agent to cooling water to maintain cool- 9 effect and prevent corrosion due to scale bonded on the piping surface. Improper cooling water control can cause localized heating of the jacket line parts due to corro- sion or scale, resulting in excessive wear on or damage to the jacket line parts. 6-3.1 Cooling Fresh Water (Raw Water) 63.2 Corrosion Prevention Agent As cooling fresh water (raw water), be minded to A. As corrosion prevention agent, we recommend use the soft water that meets water quality stan- the agent which is nitrous acid type. Gards shown in Table.6-3.1 below, or the water to B. Commercially available brands in Japan are which softening processing has been adminis- nT SS tered. ‘When using them, carefully read the manufac- turer's instruction manual, and properly use the agent in accordance with the use standard as well as the control standard. Table 6-3.1 Fresh Water (Ran Water) Quality Standards ; — T Effect (ference) item Standards |__ Corrosion Scale PH (25°C) 6.51085 (neutral) | ° ° Total hardness (CaCo, PPM) 100 mg/kg Max. ° ‘Chlorine ion > (Concentration: CI') 100 mg/kg Max. ° ‘M-alkalinity (PH4.8) 150 mgikg Max. | O° ‘Sulfate ion i ° (Concentration: SO,”) Ta i Total iron (Fe) 0.3 mgkkg Max. ° ° Silica (SiO, SOmgikg Max, | ° "Ammonium ion z (Concentration: NH,) 0.05 mg/kg Max. y Evaporation residue 400 mg/kg Max. ° ‘| PATE DC-17 Z 02-03Control of Fuel Cooling Water Control: |, Lubricating |, and Cooling Water 3.2, 3.3] DC-17 | Corrosion Prevention Agent/Control of Cooling Water Table 6-3.2 Brands of Commercially Available Corrosion Prevention Agents Brand Name Manufacturer Constituent | Amount to added (ppm) DEWT-NC 3,000~4,500 Drew Chemical Corp. (USA) MAXIGARD row = sa) Nirke 20,000-22,000 ‘COOLTREAT 107 Nitrite 1,250-5,000 COOLTREAT I02~) Hauseman Marine Chemical (USA) CWT DIESEL 102 VECOM BV. Nitrite 1,250-5,000 Note: Adjust the amount appropriately in the specified range depending on circumstances. 6-3.3 Control of Cooling Water ‘A. As cooling water, be minded to use fresh water added with corrosion prevention agent, from the stage of very first beginning, without fail. AN Corrosion prevention agent is poisonous and toxic substance. Therefore, be minded never to drink the cooling water that is added with corrosion prevention agent. Further, regarding the handling of the cooling water added with corrosion prevention agent, be sure to wear the protective gears such as tubber gloves and masks, so that your hands or skin do not directly touch the cooling water. If the corrosion prevention agent has acc dentally touched your skin or entered your eyes or mouth, immediately wash them with fresh water sufficiently. B. Controlling Fresh Water with PH Value Measure the PH value of cooling water once every week, using a PH value, and in case that the value has exceed the standard value speci- fied by the manufacturer, discharge 10 to 20% of the cooling water to add new water. Replace the entire amount of cooling water ‘once every year or 2 years. Be minded never to directly discharge the cooling water, which are added with corrosion agent, into sea or river, without adequate pro- cessing. When disposing the cooling water, be sure to conduct the water examination, to ensure that the COD concentration of cooling water is dilut- ed to be within the specified value. DC-17 Z 02-03Control of Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Cooling Water MEMO DC-17 yew DC-17 Z 02-03Troubleshooting and Countermeasures 4| DC-17 | Precautions for Troubleshooting 7. Troubleshooting and Countermeasures Defect or failure of the engine is caused not only by faulty or improperly adjusted engine parts, but also by faulty equipment, improper operation and maintenance work, in addition to the courses attributable to fuel oil characteristics. More offen than not, each engine problem is caused by two or more causes that are interrelated. Therefore, it is impossible to provide the descriptions of the countermeasure for every single defect or failure. This chapter describes the defects and problems that are frequently found on engines, as well as the generally probable causes and countermeasures for such defects and problems. If your engine has a defect or failure that is not described in this section, or if you cannot discover the causes after inspection, contact our Service Department. 7-1 Precautions for Troubleshooting ‘A. Take proper measures immediately when you find a defect or problem. If any of the following defects and failures is found, stop the engine for inspection. Never attempt to restart the engine until you find the cause, take proper measures, and restore the engine to the normal operating conditions. Resuming operation without taking proper measures may rapidly aggravate the defect or failure, resulting in injuries or accidents. 1. Activation of protective device: "Alarm", "Emergency Stop" ‘Overspeed, low lubricating oil pressure, high cooling water temperature, etc. 2. Abnormal sounds (specially mechanical sounds), abnormal vibrations 3. Overheating of the engine 4, Abnormal increase of exhaust temperature or maximum explosion pressure, or abnormal decrease of ‘exhaust temperature or maximum explosion pressure 5, Defective parts on or around the engine control (govemor, control device), or protective device, loos- ened link, or detachment of link 6. Damage to piping or joint bolts (specially fuel and lubricating oil systems) B. Inspect, disassemble, and adjust the engine correctly according to the instruction manual. To prevent accidents, never neglect "Safety Precautions". C. Be sure to use the genuine parts of DAIHATSU DIESEL MFG. CO., LTD. or those specified in the parts list. We will not thereafter guarantee the proper operation of the engine unless such parts are used. Ifyou are out of the spare parts for servicing, immediately control us for replenishment. Instruments such as tachometers, thermometers, and pressure gauge may provide incorrect indication even if the engine is running normally. __ Inspect the instruments on a daily basis to make sure their instrument. Always use correct indications as an index for determining the engine conditions, DC-17 Z 02-03 Py)Troubleshooting and Countermeasures Starting Defect DC-17 24 7-2 Troubleshooting and Countermeasures 7-24 Starting Defect |Phenomenon} [Trouble] [Countermeasures] {Insufficient starting ai pressure: ntake ae [Leaks fom main sto’ Maintenance safety vale on airtank Replace —— | Erautyaieming unt Repair Insutficient| | |_ (es. compressor) ' | LeFauty pressure gauge RepaiReplace [| staring air Deteaive staring a ping system | | cece tp vane ‘Open valve | |_ Cie na Clean vale I (= Deiective control system ‘Maintenance | [Felon oome soy Reni | | Detective automatic control pane! Frywheel | | Detective soleneidvave for contol C3 |Improper {— Faully starting device rotate lair motor {| Sticking of starting air ~ | i [| operation valve [operat [improper pressure of | [reducing waive | Le etekng of ay vave | LL pirmotor roubles | Sietin t Borna Engine | | Improper engagement. a | of pinion gear { [ith estanoe of moving part Manna Rea (euch as seizure) 4 ‘Cylinder liners, Piston | Ccranshat Flywheel | | too high beating a viseosty ~~Inerease cooking rotate, but water temperature fuel mture [| Replace wt ss isnotignited| | viscous bbicating of aa Low oom temperature Increase room | |Notanton] — [ temperature a | sow cocng water temperatre-~--notease war rd temperature lovinders | uel ol roubles momeals| waa |_ improper prover Gantaily)~~-Use high-grade oi eae [Water in fuel of Separate ana ‘eliminate watee eeesa nel Airin fuet olf: ‘Remove air Lreached__] fective ful injection valve Fauly nozzle Maitonareaolace aul opening pressure vale Adjustment Defeatve fuel of injection pump.» MaieraneeRepene fking of rack \ Sticking of plunger Faulty deiveryisobarc valve | Insufficient compression pressure [= Non alight piston ring-~-~~-MeiteranoaRepce (slicking, wear, damage) | Nonvatight intake MeteraneRopaco exhaust valve L. improper valve end. Adjustment clearance DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Troubleshooting and Countermeasures 2.2, 2.3| DC-17 | Engine Revolution is Not Smooth/Insufficient Output 7-2.2. Engine Revolution is Not Smooth [Phenomenon] Trouble] [Countermeasures] electve tue conta system Detective governor Neinterene eps Contr nk is caught or shaky MeinenenceRepat Defective tue supply eytem Insufcient supply pressure Meinoneneaiopa | (Getectve rele valve and pump) | clogged uct oi titer Gteon feouton Ine’ ics tuel beag one (heavy fa ol) ‘empomize pope Wiaterin tel ot ~~ Separate and eliminate water iin tel ot Remove ar etectv tue njecton vale Te Fauty nore MainenancaRepeee improper opening pressure valve" Adjustment | betecve fe! nection MainerancaRepace + Sticking of ack \ i + Sticking of unger Variations in exhaust \. + Fauly dalveyiecbase valve / temperature and combustion pressure Insufcient compression pressure is Non-airight piston ing MainoronoaPepace | atekng, wear, damage) | Noraitightitakalexheust valve Minenanesepace Impeopervave ene clearance Adjustment 7-2.3 Insufficient Output [Phenomenon] [rouble] [Countermeasures] (Cannot insert the otoctve fuel cont eyetem rack Detective governor Maina ‘Con nkis caught or ahoky-- Marana cpa [— Overoas (orque-ien) Redce load '— Large esletance on moving parts-~~~~Meirenanea eps (@9.seing) yfindor ners, piston fsuritet [Excess] Crankshaft Nat teasing on [-—) | nsutcien tut ot supoy pressure +The engine a = eset ful i rele valve MenenanceRepir cannot run ——ertust Detective fuel oi fed pump Manner wth fu Remertre] | ogged fuel of ier ‘iesn toad. —Weterin ue --- -~ Separate and -Rolation oliinate water speed does| L_picin ut ot Remove ar rnotgoup. | [Uneven] S—peombusion = | —_______s( zp) Ibeween cvinders| DC-17 Z 02-03 PZ AEsTroubleshooting and Countermeasures Abnormal Exhaust Gas Temperature DC-17 24 7-24 Abnormal Exhaust Gas Temperature Phenomenon] Troubte] [Countermeasures] High reading (Overtoad (lorquertich) Reduce load r—yonpae Cage resistance on moving pats ~~~ Mirena eekseale (e9.seeg) E (Cylinder liners, piston Crarkeban Improper tie properties est hot [reper a vozsy ec hep ey (Fouled ubocharger ‘logged peer lean Fouled blower ie Low intake a Fouled ttn ae Sean A cyind pressure Clogged fn oar oor Glean cfinders | | | Giogged exhaust ce.» Sean are abnormal (exhaust mano) arg resistance) : | opatve pressure In engine om: Improve veniaton " {aut ai cooler ih ak supply Fouledelogged fr lean High oolng water temperature =~ Adlusent Insurer col water quently Adsiment Ligh intake ar tomperture Improve vernon |__ excessive tare flection Improper adjusted readng ~~~ Adustmert cmijecton pump rack scale lingo ck entrance Rese erate | ers Masieel ony te Mareen Improper opening pressure valve Adjustment Delete tel lien Hahranoaepoe ay * Skin of rock \ ore + sking of plunger ) + aly dalveryodbase vale Insult compression pressure Non-aiigh pelo tg oiteenoaepcn (sking, wea, damage) Noralighnaketexhust valve Nineraoeepce [some cyiner| Improper valve end Gerance'=-Adjsiment late abnormal Retectve el njcton valve Faulty poze NortrenoaPepece tmreper opening pressure vale Adjtment por Detective fuel oil injecton Meiienaneaepece Nous: Aways check that Shug otc \ thermometers are not fatty and thet ( isiutccatme the incator valve isnot clogged + Faulty elveryscbare vate / Leakage rom el jon ays. Repa DAIHA’ DC-17 Z 02-03Troubleshooting and Countermeasures 2.5] DC-17 | Abnormal Exhaust Gas Color 7-2.5 Abnormal Exhaust Gas Color Phenomenon [rouble] [Countermeasures] — Engine not warmed wp cn Warm up engine cooing water emperatire ~~ re war orpee sca amount hating i awn op othe part of pion Wear or skin of ison ‘ng 0° ng MaintenancerRepsit Wear ot eyknder ners, Maintonane/Repir [lowair Low room temperature Acistconig uae temperate) Loyccong water tenpetue... aay nar cr Blue or white Detective fel injection valve Faulty raze Mainerancepiace Improper opening pressure valve Adustmont [Detective tel injection pump ~~~ Maintenance Replace {+ Sticking of rack | { sng ot ine ~Fouity ceiver isobaric vale degra toe of {Improper prepertis Gantabiy)~- Us igh uy ao _waterin et Separate and | eine water Lair in fuel oit Remove air |-Insutcent compression pressure | —Non-aiiht ison ing MalnonancefRepace | (kin, wear, damage) | Non rit itakteshaust valve Mainenance/Reace | imerper valve enc clearance Adjustment tack or ‘Low oad operation forlng hours ark gray totied combustion chamber =~ neease the ead cua exhavet ystom) [Fouls turbocharger Foose prior ican | Feuies bower sce Clean LL ewied tubine side ican {aut air coor | Foutedtooged fn Clean /L Feuedooing water teperatre-~ Ajutment “—insfcion cooing water quantiy.- Aejusment [High intake air temportire: Improve vetition {Negative pressure in engine room = Overload (lorque-ich) ~ Reduce load DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUTroubleshooting and Countermeasures : ae rr Abnormal Noise/Abnormal Vibration C. 26 DC-17 7 7-2.6 Abnormal Noise/Abnormal Vibration Trouble} [Countermeasures] [ Knocking | —— Anomal combustion overcoating of engine Warm wp engine Defective fu al ijeton pump Maitoancaost Fu epraying by n0220 aide improper fel ol proper. Use igh quay a [— Improper oad conditions ‘change the load f° Sticking of rack property | | -stexing of pungor I \ -Fautycobvery cedar vate ‘Abnormal | petectve turbocharger noise Fouled ower side - clean Fouled turbine ide tea L_detormed or damaged pas Replace (ster, turbine nazz, tine ret) L | Fouleciclooged air cooler fn Clean | clogged essence: igh) exhaust lean cult (exhaust pe) | Bette tuto nection pump Nertnenorepce -—Loose moving bts Tighten bois ‘Abnormal Fone bots on heing moving pais Then bois vibration [-~ Excessively worn cylinder liners (seizing) ‘ManterancelRepiace |-~ Excessive rake and exaust abe end dearance - Adjustment LO ereaee in gear backlash AdjutmentRepsi DG-17 Z 02-03Troubleshooting and Countermeasures 2.7| DC-17 | Engine Sudden Stop 7-2.7 Engine Sudden Stop Phenomenon [Trouble] [Countermeasures] J Overload (torque-rich) ¢ T29) _——— [tow nett ee (2810 Procive | Avcmalcootgwalertenpertiean-( 7.219) |device activat "a Per Levee atte L ostctecorstrowe sso. rap ett team doe Roa [Segal erage mower Pin Rep Crna “fepai Ting ra Teri Timegoeee “pope Cora fens sneceabe Lotte ive samen rena Erin st a bey (ose [Rett ot iy sm no stincatnk ose stud oer a Sette hl aeaahe ep Dose py Repu Neal rena Ramo Ire vente == Aeteang ae treba toner Poe | pensive ett tm Celeawe gona" saree Con nas cane ters ~~ Malenaea ea oh | oeecivere tin pane “Siig ek “Sisk trae “Faayeooystaoave J [+ pert ttn abe rat aceo, Acjtertiae Ine wave peng resi sent '— Leakage fom ful high-pressure cousin Repai/Replace DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUTroubleshooting and Countermeasures Unable to stop Engine / Overspeed 7-2.8 Unable to Stop Engine / 7-2.9 Overspeed [Phenomenon] Unable to stop engine Overspeed + Activation of protective device [Trouble] [Countermeasures] Detective uel contrl system Detective governor Maintenance/Repair Contrl link has come off ors caught- Maintenance/Repair ‘Sticking of fuel of injection pump rack ~~» Maintenance/Repair ‘Abro-mal contol power supply system... Malntenance/Repair Abnormal automatic control panel Abno:maloroken electrical contacts for control Defective solendis valve for contot Abnormal rotation preventive devioo Defective fuel shutdown system mos fuel shutdown device Dolev sped detector Mainenanceepat Intent conta pressure ~~ MainoraneaMRepir {ese pings (Corepin presire PAI DG-17 Z 02-03Troubleshooting and Countermeasures rem 240,244| DC-17 | Low Lubricating Oil Pressure 7-2.10 Low Lubricating Oil Pressure [Phenomenon [Trouble] [Countermeasures] -—— Low tubicting oval in tank (Blow ower ima} Replenish (— tmprope ol vsosty Replace Preseure does not | cogged cating of ter um sue sie) Ctsan jreach the specified |— Air sucked from inlet side MankeancelPesit |level during startup] ‘Damaged piping ) + Non-airtight joint Leck rome damage ol pins ected) Waras | — Defective lubricating oil pump | aria Low ( “Srkon sing” oa) ubvcatng ol \ Aer of pur osor pressure | —petecve eet ave rod | —oaraged cen sei invsig lotl Repair | conse best ot Ri par erage si) Clean | Wear ot bearings ares Drop in ign ‘pressure during ibricating oilj ¢ operation hemperature 7-2.11 High Lubricating Oil Pressure [Phenomenon] [Trouble] [Countermeasures] Fouled lubricating of cooler Clean Detective kbseating of MatenanoerRopaie ‘temperature control valve Damaged pollet ) \ sticking of valve Insutcient cooling water quantity Defective cooting water pump. Meitonancerepie igh (demagediwom impelien) lubricating ol ——— ‘Clogged fiter/cooing water piping lean temperature Improper regulated water quantity Adjustment —Overoas . ‘Adjust he load }———Less aight incre Merternca epi (Wear and sticking of piston ring eratoiines ”) Seizing of bearings itenenctRopair DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye)Troubleshooting and Countermeasures Low Cooling Water Pressure (Jacket Liney/High Cooling Water Pressure 7-2.12 Low Cooling Water Pressure (Jacket Phenomenon Targe temperature difference betwoen DC-17 |2.12,13,14 e) [Trouble] [Countermeasures] Insufficient cooling wator quantity f ci cog trp (oraguthor pele) ~ MarenarcaRepai nisi and neat antamminated air cooler: Clean 3 pg ean Improper reguated water quant Aajusrent oot afr orperue crt va Maronance Repair focive cooing water sop va (sean MarienrcaRepa an ana ‘rin cooling water syst — diterence beween Excessival larg colin water quay oe inlet and out Improper regulied water quanty Adjstent ——- ctv cooing water terperur cont abe Mactenaeefepr pressure ow Contaminated cooler on ow temperate ine: Cuan area temperature side Insfcirt aroun of water nad tank ~~~ Inspect SuPBY 7-2.13 High Cooling Water Pressure (Jacket Line) henomenon [Trouble] [Countermeasures] Ain cooling water system Remove sr |__vich cooing wat ampertire incr system Acstnent fon cooing wator quanty Defective ceoing water pump aitenace/ Rei {Gamagedivom inpater) High cooling] [igh at oyinder Clogged fefootng water piping ‘lean lwater }——|collective outlet / ‘LImpropesty regulated water quantity ‘Adjustment pressure [High some eylinders | —etecsive cooing water temperature contol valve »~ Maintenance / Repair |___cverioad (excessive torque) Adjust ons overeating a eyinder Clogged cooing water channet Clean Seizing of piston and eynder ners" Repair High exhaust C nam temperature [> 7-214 Low Cooling Water Temperature (Jacket Line) Phenomenon| Trouble} [Countermeasures] reser ato waing nates sandy ene At efor warig tow cooing] axa eameranl ipa nd ad pear sey eee |water » ‘Detective cooling water temperature control val Service, oF replace does not ise hemperatare | ton csi atrenpericon wenger sido—--Adustnvent PAE DC-17 Z 02-03DC-17 INSTRUCTION MANUAL (MAINTENANCE) CHAPTER 0 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHAPTER 2 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS CHAPTER 3 CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVES CHAPTER 4 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD CHAPTER MAIN BEARING AND THRUST BEARING CHAPTER 7 CRANKSHAFT 2 3 4 CHAPTER 5 ENGINE FRAME AND CYLINDER LINER 6 7 8 CHAPTER 8 TIMING GEAR AND CAMSHAFT CHAPTER 9 FUEL OIL INJECTION DEVICE CHAPTER 10 VALVE OPERATING DEVICE CHAPTER 11 GOVERNOR DRIVING DEVICE CHAPTER 12 INTAKE AND EXHAUST DEVICE CHAPTER 13 STARTING AIR SYSTEM CHAPTER 14 FUEL OIL SYSTEM CHAPTER 15 LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM CHAPTER 16 COOLING WATER SYSTEM CHAPTER 17 ENGINE CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE DEVICE ~ CHAPTER 18 GAUGE BOARD PYNGE ye DC-17 Z 02-03CONTENTS De-17 CHAPTER 0 INTRODUCTION ~ 1. Priorto Start of Engine Maintenance ~ 2. Precautions Pertaining to Maintenance 24 2.2 Precautions for Disassembly, Maintenance, and Assembly ~~ 2.3. Check Items after Disassembly, Maintenance, and Assembly 3, Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code -—~- 34 3.2. The Parts to be Specified —————— 3.3 En CHAPTER 1 EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE -- 1. Equipment Arrangement ~ 2. Maintenance Schedule Table CHAPTER 2 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS 1. Preparation before Maintenance Work Safety Precautions — Utne nn Setting Value ~~ 2. General Consumables and Materials/General Tools, Implements, and Measuring Instuments~- 2-2 24 22 Bolts and Nut Tightening Torque, Tightening Oil Pressure ~~~ 4. Hydraulic Jack 4a 42 43 44 CHAPTER 3 CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVES ~~ 1. Cylinder Head ——- 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 General Consumables and Materials — General Tools, Implements, and Measuring Instruments ~ Overview of Hydraulic Jack Removal of Nuts Tightening of Nut Maintenance of Hydraulic Jack General of Structure Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ~~~ $-1.2 Disassembly of Cylinder Head —- 343 Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Head (body) Intake and Exhaust Valve Guides ~~ Intake and Exhaust Valve Seats ~~ Nozzle holder guide Cylinder Head Reassembly ~ PAE DC-17 Z 02-03DC.A7 CONTENTS 2. Intake and Exhaust Valves. 24 General of Structure 2.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments w= 3-2.2 2.3. Disassembly of Intake and Exhaust Valves ~ 2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Intake and Exhaust Valves =~ 2.5 _ Inspection and Replacement of Valve Rotators 2.8 Reassembly of Intake and Exhaust Valves 3. Rocker ArT Device vennennm 3.1. General of Structure —- 3.2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 3.3. Disassembly of Rocker Arm Device 3.4 _ Inspection and Maintenance of Rocker Arm Device 3.5 Reassembly of Rocker Arm Device Fuel Injection Valve ({CL} : 5-4.2 in (Operation Manual) CHAPTER 4 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 1. General of Structure 2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments -. 3. Disassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod —~ 3.1. Extraction of Piston ——-- 3.2. Disassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part 4, Inspection and Maintenance of Piston and Connecting Rod ~~~ 4.1 Inspection and Maintenance of Piston —- 4.2 Inspection and Maintenance of Rings. 4.3 Inspection and Maintenance of Connecting Rod 4.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Crankpin Bearing 4.5 Replacement of Connecting Rod Botts ~. 5. Reassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod 5.1. Reassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part 5.2 Reassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod — 5.3 Confirmation of Connecting Rod Bolt Tightening Force and Retightening CHAPTER 5 ENGINE FRAME AND CYLINDER LINER ~~ General of Structure — Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Inner Surface. Extraction of Cylinder Liner Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Outer Periphery and Engine Frame Jacket Mounting of Cylinder Liner DC-17 Z 02-03 Pry Wee)CONTENTS pe-17 CHAPTER 6 MAIN BEARING AND THRUST BEARING: 1. 2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ~ 3. CHAPTER 7 CRANKSHAFT encom 1 2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments General of Structure ~~ Main Bearing 34 32 33 ‘Thrust Bearing 44 42 43 General of Structure Disassembly of Main Bearing Inspection and Maintenance of Main Bearing Reassembly of Main Bearing -~ Removal of Thrust Bearings ~ Maintenance of Thrust Bearings Reassembly of Thrust Bearings — 3. Inspection and Maintenance of Crankshaft 3.1. Inspection of Crankpin .... 3.2 Inspection of Crank Joumal. 3.3. Inspection of Balance Weight Bolt Tightening FOrCE uum 3.4 Inspection of Oil Thrower Lid Clearance em 4. Measurement of Crankshaft Deflection een CHAPTER 8 TIMING GEAR AND CAMSHAFT wxvcvwrxnvnenennennewennennennentnnenenes 8 1. Timing Gears — 1.4 General of Structure 1.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 1.3 Disassembly of Idle Gear... 1.4 Disassembly of Cam Gear 4.5. Inspection and Maintenance of Timing Gears 1.8 Reassembly of Cam Gear -. 1.7 Reassembly of Idle Gear 2. Camshaft mn 24 General of Structure 22 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 2.3 Disassembly of Camshaft .. 2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Camshaft 2.5 Reassembly of Camshaft 2.6 Inspection of Fuet injection Timing eye EL") DC-17 Z 02-03DC-47 CONTENTS CHAPTER 9 FUEL OIL INJECTION DEVICE —~ General of Structure —- Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments. ~ Disassembly of Fuel Injection Pump sens |. Fuel Injection Pump 4.1 Disassembly of Fuel Injection Pump. 4.2 Inspection and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump ~ 4.3. Reassembly of Fuel Injection Pump 5. Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump. CHAPTER 10 VALVE OPERATING DEVICE —- General of Structure Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments. ~ Disassembly of Valve Operating Device ————-—-~ Inspection and Maintenance of Valve Operating Device —~ Reassembly of Valve Operating Device a CHAPTER 11 GOVERNOR DRIVING DEVICE - General of Structure Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ~ Disassembly of Governor Drive Unit ~ Inspection and Maintenance of Governor Drive Unit ee eNn Reassembly of Governor Drive Unit ——~ CHAPTER 12 INTAKE AND EXHAUST DEVICE - 1. General of intake and Exhaust System 2. Turbocharger .... 3, AirCooler « 3.1 General of Structure ~. ——— 3.2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 3.3. Removal of Air Cooler —- 3.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Air Cooler .. 3.5 Reassembly of. sone VDA 122 12-3 12:34 12:32 12:33 12:34 1235 Cooler DC-17 A 04-08 DAIHA’CONTENTS pe-17 CHAPTER 13 STARTING AIR SYSTEM —- 1. General of Starting Air System —- 2. Air Motor, and Regulator and Relay Valve —- CHAPTER 14 FUEL OIL SYSTEM ——————————_— 1, General of Fuel Oil System ~ 2, Fuel Oil Pressure Regulating Valve 24 General of structure — 2.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 2.3. Disassembly of Fuel Oil Pressure Regulating Valve —- 2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Fuel Oil Pressure Regulating Valve ~ 2.8 Reassembly of Fuel Oil Pressure Regulating Valve ~~ Fuel Oil Filter ({[L) : 5-4.3 in [Operation Manual) CHAPTER 15 LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM —~ 1. General of Lubricating Oil System 2. Lubricating Oil Pump ~ 24 General of Structure ~ 2.2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 2.3. Disassembly of Lubricating Oil Pump ———~ 2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Pump) —-———~ 2.5 Reassembly of Lubricating Oi! Pump 3. Lubricating Oil Cooler 3.1. General of Structure ~~ 3.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ——-—-—~15-3.2 3.3 Removal of Lubricating Oil Cooler ~~ 15-33 3.4 Disassembly of Lubricating Oil Cooler 3.5. Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Cooler ~ 3.6 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Cooler 3.7 Mounting of Lubricating Oil Cooler =—————~ DAIHATSU DC-17 A 04-08DC-17 CONTENTS 4. Lubrication Oil Pressure Regulating Valve 4.4 General of Structure 4.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 4.3 Disassembly of Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Vaive 4.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve ~.15-4.4 4.5 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve ASAS 5. Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve 5.1 General of Structure ~~ 5.2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ~ 5.3 Disassembly of Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve —~ 5.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve —--15-5.4 5.5 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve 15-55 6. Lubricating Oil Check Valve 6.1. General of Structure 6.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 6.3 Disassembly, Inspection, Maintenance and Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Check Valve Lubricating ter ({(L.) : 5-4.3 in [Operation Manual) CHAPTER 16 COOLING WATER SYSTEM 1. General of Cooling Water System 2. Cooling Water PUMPS an 2.1 General of Structure 2.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 2.3. Disassembly of Cooling Water Pump. ~. 2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Cooling Water Pump. 2.5 Reassembly of Cooling Water Pump 3. Cooling Water Bypass Valve 3.4. General of Structure, meen 3.2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 3.3 Disassembly of Cooling Water Bypass VaV@ nenennennnereneerennnnennenen 163,83 3.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Cooling Water Bypass Valve 3.5 Reassembly and Mounting of Cooling Water Bypass Valve ~~ DC-17 Z 02-03 PUNE MELCONTENTS pe-17 CHAPTER 17 ENGINE CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE DEVICE -— 1. General of Engine Control and Protective System ———-——- 2. Fuel Control Cylinders ~ 24 General of Structure 22. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 23. Removal of Fuel Control Cylinders ~ 2.4 Disassembly of Fuel Control Cylinders 2.5. Inspection, Maintenance and Reassembly of Fuel Control Cylinders 2.8 Mounting and Adjustment of Fuel Control Cylinders CHAPTER 18 GAUGE BOARD ~~~ 4, INSTRUMENT BOARD 1.4 General of Structure —— 4.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ~~~ 1.3 Disassembly and Maintenance of Instrument Board ~~ 2. Seal Pot (for Heavy Fuel Oil Models) sn 1B DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Introduction Prior to Start of Engine Maintenance DC-17 41 0 Introduction 0-1 Prior to Start of Engine Maintenance Before the maintenance work is performed, please read this Manual sufficiently, fully understand the structure of the parts concemed, and understand well the contents of the work in advance, and fully understand the working procedure and then start the work. Execution of the work without sufficient ‘advance understanding will not only resutt in spending useless labors but also lead to the troubles and damages of the engine due to wrong assembly, and personal accidents as well. Strictly avoid use of the engine for a purpose other than the original purpose of the use of engine, or on the conditions that are different from the specified conditions or handling against the descriptions given herein, since such operation will cause accidents or troubles. Please be advised that the descrip- tions of this manual may be changed without notice. A... This manual bears the following safety signs: ‘These symbol marks indicate the important descriptions conceming safety. Be fully careful, and con- duct the work with the motto of "Safety First’.
Be oOo PPB ‘After stop of the engine, do not open the crankcase side cover for at least 10 minutes, until he engine cools down sufficiently. If fresh air should flow into the engine, while the engine is not cooled down, explosion may occur igniting on the oil mist Revolution of the engine during the disassembly or inspection work will cause great hazards ‘such as injury resulting from entanglement. * Before starting the disassembly or inspection work, put the control handle position back to the "STOP" position, securely close the valves on the starting-air system, extract starting air on the engine side, and confirm that the engine will not revolve. * Be sure to tum OFF the control power. © When turing the engine, be sure to check that the rotary section is free from contact with other sections, and that turning of the engine does not bring about hazards to the co-workers or persons in vicinity, and conduct turning with signs exchanged between the workers. ‘© When moving sections of the engine is disassembled or inspected, take the measures to pre- vent the crankshaft from idle turning. ‘© The tuming bar should be removed from the flywheel except when the engine is tumed. Before executing the work, wear protection gears such as gloves, hard hat, safety shoes, and safety goggles depending on the applicable situations. ‘© While the engine is operating, and just after the engine is stopped, particularly the exhaust pipe, turbocharger, cylinder heads and parts around them are hot. When servicing them, ‘wear safety gloves to avoid burns. ‘The engine room floor and the surroundings are slippery as a result of the deposit of oil. Wipe off oil on the floor and the shoe soles. When the work is intended at a high place such as on a step board, particularly be careful of your footing to prevent falling accidents. When disassembling each pipeline, set all the valves in the external connections to the "CLOSE" position, and gradually loosen the air vent plug to release the remaining pressure in advance. Ifeach fier and the joint area of piping system are disassembled immediately after the engine is stopped, high-temperature oil or water may spout out under residual pressure, and may cause bum accidents. Contact of the splashing hot oil with any high-temperature part may cause a fire. Take utmost care not to splash the oil. ‘When the spring-incorporated valves or devices are disassembled, conduct the assembly work very carefully, since the spring may jump out to cause an injury to the worker. = Do not lit heavy parts and equipment forcibly with physical strength. Use wire ropes and chain blocks to lit them. Also do not walk up to under lifted things. Concerning the wire ropes used to lift the parts, select a normal one free from break or twist of, the element wire, and of the specified dimensions conforming to the applicable weight. When inspecting and disassembiing an electrical product, be sure to turn OFF the POWER switch, and put up a sign of "Under Construction”, ‘When handling a liquid, strictly observe the fotowing instruction: ‘© Fuel oil, lubricating oil: Inflammable = “No naked fire * Fresh water corrosion inhibitor, fresh water anti-reeze, mercury (thermometer) = Poisonous Drinking is prohibited. Wash away, if deposited on the skin, No naked fire. * Battery electrolyte = Poisonous - Drinking is prohibited. Wash away, if deposited on the skin. No naked fire, ©To prevent environmental pollution, entrust special waste disposal firms with disposal of used waste oil and waste liquids. DC-17 A 05-03 atuIntroduction Precautions Pertaining to Maintenance: Precautions/Check for Disassembly, Maintenance, and Assembly DC-17 | 2.2,2.3 0-2.2 Precautions for Disassembly, Maintenance, and Assembly A... Prepare the replacing parts, tools and measuring instruments in advance. As for the tools, be minded {ose those specie, and conceming the retin parts, use our enue pars or those spected us. B . Gaskets, O-rings, split pins and wire ring wires must be replaced with the new parts after every disas- ‘sembly. Prepare the new parts according to the extent of disassembly. © . Block the openings resulting from disassembly with tape or clean cloth to prevent infitration of foreign matters. ‘After restoration, be sure to remove such tape or cloth. D . Place disassembled parts in neat order for prevention of the damage or loss, and for improvement of the assembly working efficiency. E . Be sure to assemble the parts provided with the assembling position marks or matchmarks, such as the cylinder numbers and the bearing numbers, to their original positions. Further, when these parts are replaced, be sure to provide the new parts with the same marks as those provided on the old parts. F . Materials of the bots and nuts used in high-temperature sections such as the exhaust manifold are heat-resistant. When reassembling the engine, therefore, be careful not to confuse them with ordinary bolts and nuts, G . Tighten the main bolts and nuts uniformly with the specified torque (or specified oil pressure). If itis necessary to apply an agent, such as a lubricant, to the bolts and nuts when tightening them, never use an agent other than the specified ones. H_. When parts are required to be measured during maintenance, perform the measurement correctly, and arrange the results of the measurement as the data for the reference on later days. I. After the completion of the work, restore the lagging of the exhaust pipe and the turbocharger, the exhaust pipe cover and the parts shielding heated parts, such as the heat box, if they have been removed for disassembly and servicing. Newly treat the disconnected joints with combustible oil splash preventive means (FN tape) after the completion of the work. J. Be minded to promptly replenish all the used spare parts. 0-2.3 Check Items after Disassembly, Maintenance, and Assembly ‘A. Check that all the bolts and nuts are free from loosening, and that specified lock washers are inserted securely. Particularly be careful when checking the inside of the engine where visual inspection is, impracticable during operation. B . Tum the engine and prime each fluid to check that there is no problems such as interference of the working area, and leakage or clogging of each section. © . After the completion of reassembly, check that the turing bar has been removed from the flywheel, D .. Record the contents of performed operations and the replaced parts in the engine control log. DAIHAT: DC-17 A 05-03Introduction Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code: $.4,3.9{ DC-17 | Outline/Engine to be Regulated 0-3. Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code 0-3.1 Outline ‘A... The marine diesel engines, to which the 13th rule "Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in Supplement VI "Rules to Prevent Air Pollution by Ships" to MARPOL73/78 Treaty is applied should conform to NOx Technical Code. B . The engines conforming to NOx Technical Code are authorized as an engine group or an engine fami- ly, and itis allowed to apply the engine parameter check method to them, when receiving the NOx dis- charge inspection on board. ‘The engine parameter check method is a method for verifying that the engine components and the setting values conform to the requirements specified in the technical file, and does not require the measurement of NOx discharge. To the engines that are not conforming to the requirements of the technical file, the engine parameter check method cannot be applied. For such engines, the measure- ‘ment of NOx discharge shall be required. 0-3.2 The Parts to be Specified The technical file states the engine components that can affect the NOx discharge specified in NOx Technical Code, and shows the identification marks stamped on them, and the user is required to maintain the technical fle for each engine. When replacing any parts shown in the technical file, be sure to use our genuine parts stamped with the identification marks. In the case that any parts without the identification mark is used, it shall be regarded as nonconformance to the requirements of the technical file, and in such a cease, inspection by the engine parameter check method cannot be applied. ‘The followings are the parts that have the identification marks specified in the technical file. When replac- ing any of these parts, be sure to check the identification marks.( {LL} : "Technical File")
41.Cylinder head 2.Piston 3. Turbocharger 4.Air cooler 5.Fuel oil cam 6. Fuel oil injection pump 7.Fuel ol injection pump plunger 8.Fuel oil injection valve 9.Fuel oil injection valve nozzle DC-17 Z 02-03 ey EME LeIntroduction Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code: Engine Setting Value DC-17 3.3 0-3.3 Engine Setting Value The engines conforming to NOx Technical Code are adjusted to conform to the specifications before ship- ment. After shipment, they should not be adjusted to such a manner that the setting values specified in the technical file may be deviated. If any change is made in the manner that may deviate from the setting val- tues specified in the technical fie, it shall be considered to be nonconformance to the requirements of the technical file, and the inspection by the engine parameter check method cannot be applied. ‘The followings are the items that have been set to conform to NOx Technical Code:
1.Fuel oil injection timing 2. Fuel oil injection valve opening pressure DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule 4] DC-17 | Equipment Arrangement 4 Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule 4-4 Equipment Arrangement Rocker arm dovico Intake and Exhaust vave Cynder head Fuel ol injection valve Pressure reducing vave| cst : se pon tes coment Us cam out Air supply manifold. \ -Engine frame: cout to 5 Fl inp coupe counteut CGA rate T 2%] zl =i Qo Cam gear —F ‘| H maT! =] ‘Governor drive. Idle gear Ge | tana Lubin ot pump veaing DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUEquipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule Equipment Arrangement DC-17 1 “Trbocharger. rose EE H ie © eo} 0 of} © i ‘O fn \ i \\p \ i \ : reo Lubyicating of cooler Air motor. GLTPEL “Turbocharger | —— tutviating of er Lubricating oi iter Lubtcating of temperature contro valve Lubricating of pressure regulating valve Note: The layout of the devices may vary depending on specifications. DAIHAT: DC-17 Z 02-03Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule 91 Dc-17 | Maintenance Schedule Table 1-2 Maintenance Schedule Table This table covers the periodic disassembly and maintenance items of the engine. For the items related with daily maintenance and inspection, refer to a separate volume.( (EL]} : *Operation”) (O : Periodical inspection, & : The ‘st inspection after the initial operation, and after overhaul and mainte- nance, © : Replacement) Gvorhailiantenance Period Table Parts tobe [work mares 90 -] 2900 -|4000-|00-ng000-| Feerence betula aa Work contents No of wore] 1989] 2000] 4000 Teno; fenoe | i” | Remarks ‘aia x Hours] "| gmos.6mes.| iyee_[toyAi08 yr Gyider head | Ghackng at he cjinder ead | ¥2X02 of a Sols areigitened. andre- | | Sghtening a ‘Overhauling the oyinderhead | 42x1.0 ° ca (op hole) | "Cylinder noad inspection and | #1X1S | ° a eaning | | Replacement of zing, ix0s | joj a nozzle holder guide i + Replacement of exhaust valve | 41X20 jo] s seat and O-tng + Jacket inspection ¥1x025 | ° a "Disassembly, inspection and | #1025 5 a ‘nningin al reeucng vave | - Disassembly, inepection and. | 1X20 o} 32 running of intake and exhauet | - Disassembly and inspection at | 1x05 o} 32 ale rotator, i slngpection of vale sping and | #1x025 i 22 cater | | Disassembly and inepeaion ot | | ryan ne fetal |e °| 33 Ficion Fiston extraction (rch HEXTO T + Canned ovencllond par) | | al i Piston nepecton, cleaning, nd | #105 | o | 44 Piston rig replacement 41x025 { oe} 44 Piston pninspecion and #1x025 | 3 | + + Pision pin bush inspection #1X0.25 L Oo} 44 ‘annacing | Connecting rod bok inapecton z oy Cegneging aot iepecion | #2x1.0 [oO + ‘rank bearing overhaul 42x14 IRopedtin, and Bearing shot . oye; “ replacement | ranpinnepecton an 1x05 | °} ears + Connecting ros bot inepection | | “prasad pins 2X10 | Ole] 4s Protacion | Extraction, inspection, cleaning, | #1 T ng nd moasiromert = 02s I ee ‘yfndor ner | Cynder ner ier sulace 1 Rorccton sndmecsurcnent | 11° | = Spine ner exracion 42x20 | 54 “Inspection on acket side and | 41x10 | replacemart of tn i hed Main bearing | Ohecking thatthe main bear ap boli ightoned a | #2k0s | ce Checking main bearing 42x20 | Ssassombly, ropovornent of cree SE elie | DC-17 Z 02-03 pre)Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Schedule Table e DC-17 2 Pats tobe Won man hour] Overhaul / Maintenance Petod Tabla overhauled ana| ‘Work contents [No.of workers | 1000 -[2000 - [4000 - [8000 -]i6000 | Feference | Remarks maitaned ‘800 | 3000 | “S000 | 12000] 24000] () xHourel_|3mos|omes.| tyr [2% 37 4t05y [rantahan | Defecion measurement 2x10 alc Separate | “Operation” Balance woight bo igtering a woume | 545 check = Wing inspection 1x05 ° 13 “Ingpocton by torque wrench | 2X20 o| imino | Ghgck and roo to toon 1X15 oO a Check engagement between . batwaen | 1X05 ° a4 Overhaul the ie goat, and check| 1X10 ° a ‘nd measure ho Tam gearcan| Disseomble and check be gear | 2X16 o a (Camshaft | Draw out check and measure tho] 8 X20 o 2 camhak [Ganshah | Check and measure hw can | 2X10 o os beating _| ‘boarng oetineaon | Chock KIO zo 3 sing —| Fuelol | Disassemble, and check x20 Oe o4 recon pump Detector rplacorent a 6 24 ‘scombly ad Piuaieg valve eflacement 2 ia : o| oa Sg and sring eat Foal mod, geome [aixio | Separate | “Operation Focton vabo | ale’ mein voume | 54 i sc Pet Os ol igh rei ° vate Disassemble the swing arm and 21x10 0 70 operating devon chacithofappt rar ard bush Fr Gaveror | Disassemble, and check Govornar | Disassomble, heck and dean | 1X20 3 ching device | Replace te bearng and © tings ° -Tubecharer| Disassemble, check and dean FAreooir | Disassembie, cock and dean | 2X20 ° Perio Fyatoute tt FerAirmotor | Disassemble, check and dean Fuelal pressure | Disassemble and check 1X08 ° Puts aber | Replacement 1x08 @ “i | uabicaing ot 2x18 ° 162 pure ole 162 Ticatng of | Disassemble and dean 1x30 3 153 jot - Lubscang of | Disassemble and chock 1x08 6 164 pressure fogaairgvahe - Lubreaing of | Disassonble, check dean and | 1X 1.0 oe] ws temperature sneavaie Lubricating ol iK0s o ies choca PETES DC-17 B 04-08Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule 9! pc-17 | Maintenance Schedule Table Pareto ve ean | Ort arora Po Tae Tre oes contre vor {103-000 1000 oD. Ten] Hemrenee | Pematke \tomainea | ae No. ot "1800 | 3000 | 6000 } 12000} 24000) ( =) tour [sims es. | Tyr Zesyoey Cooling water | Disassemble, check and clean | 22.0 fe} 162 pump + Check and replace the oll seal ole 162 nd mechani se - She on eae he oateg a ae acing war} Dense, chek ane oan a bypass vaive | and replace the O-rings: ee ore 16-3 cig war} Daca cho ane Son [sSiperr | oropace 190.28 elo conta Fuel on | Dasari, ec end clan Ofncar tl | sd opace th sens x10 ov ” Skool once) Z ince 0 3 @ {edjustment) | O oO 8 wos ° * Notes: 1. The above table shows the standard values of the man-hour as well as the overhaul and maintenance period under the conditions of general use of the heavy fuel ol. In servicing an actual engine, initially set the work man-hour larger, and set the overhaul and mainte- nance interval smaller than those shown in the table. Later reset the work man-hour as well as the overhaul and maintenance interval to the most appropriate values, according to the operating conditions, work environment, and the results of the overhaul. 2. The work man-hour is based on the standard values for the experienced workers who are also skilled in restoration. Therefore, please plan to have extra times for those with in experience. 3. The mark" * given in the work-hour column indicates the man-hour per unit (one cylinder or one bear- ing). When the number of the objects is "n" pieces, multiply the value by “n’. 4, Have the work marked with "zr" executed by a professional technician of the manufacturer or mainte- ‘nance company, of conduct the work under his guidance. DC-17 A 04-08 Pye)Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule MEMO DC-17 DC-17 Z 02-03General Maintenance Items 4] DC-17 | Preparation before Maintenance Work 2 General Maintenance Items 2-1 Preparation before Maintenance Work Make the following preparation before starting the engine disassembly and mainte- nance work
(1) Set the contro! handle to the "STOP" position. (2) Close the air tank main valve. (8) Close the fuel oil outlet and inlet valves. (4) Close the lubricating oil outlet and inlet valves. (6) Close the cooling water outlet and inlet valves. (©) Open the cooling water inlet pipe drain valve to discharge cooling water in the jacket. (7) Tum OFF the POWER switch of engine control system. (8) Open the reducing valve of the cylinder head. DC-17 Z 02-03 AIHATSUGeneral Maintenance Items General Consumables and Materials/General Tools, Implements, and Measuring Instruments DC-17 2.1, 2.2 2-2. General Consumables and Materials/General Tools, Implements, and Measuring Instruments General consumables, materials, tools, and measuring instruments to be prepared for the engine maintenance work are shown below. The consumables, tools, and measuring instru- ments required for specific work items are shown in the sections of the individual work. items, 2-2. General Consumables and Materials 4, Waste cloth 2. Washing oil 3. Lubricating oil 4. Grease 5. Machine oil VG-10 6. Lubricating agent (MOLYKOTE 1000 spray, MOLYKOTE 1000 paste and MOLYKOTE U paste) 7. High-temperature anti-seizure agent (MOLYKOTE G rapid, Sumokon paste) Liquid sealant (THREE BOND 1215) . Silicon gum 10. Silicon rubber Compound medium size, fine size (for facing-up) 11, Lubricating penetrant (KURE 5-56) 12, Dye testing penetrant (for color check) 13. Blue paint lead (for confirmation of fitting) 44. Liquid nitrogen, dry ice, or alcohol (for cold-fiting) 15, Wire (for wire ring) 16. Wire brush 17. Sandpaper #80 and other 18. Oil whetstone 49. Anti-corrosive paint (for liner repair) 20. Repair agent (for liner repair) oe 21. Lead wire (measuring instruments for gear backlash, etc.) 22. Adhesive (LOCTITE271, 962T and 243) 2.2.2 General Tools, Implements, and Measuring Instruments A. General tools and implements 1. General tools (@) Sockets (19% 12.7, 24%12,7, 27X19) (b) Double-ended spanners (8X10, 11X13, 17X19, 22X24, 27X30) (©) Offset wrenches (17X18) (@ Hex. rod spanners (4, 6, 10, 14) (© Box spanner (19300, 24X30) ( Monkey wrenches @ Pliers (fH) Snap ring pliers () Screwdrivers (plus, minus) @ Hammers (iron, plastic) 2. Torque wrenches (1800, 4200) 3, Ratchet handles (12.7) 4. Pipe handle 5. Eye bolts (M10, M12, M16) 6. Chain block 7. Wire rope for suspension 8, Tap M10X1.5, and tap handle 9. Oil fiter B. Measuring instruments 1. Calipers 2. Thickness gauge 3. Outside micrometer (mm) (0-25, 50-75, 75- 100, 125-150, 150-175) 4, Spherical micrometer (0-25 mm) 5, Cylinder gauge (mm) (10-18, 50-150, 150- 175) 6. Dial caliper gauge (3-9 mm) 7. Dial gauge 8, Magnet stand YEA DC-17 Z 02-033{ DC-17 General Maintenance Items [_ Bolt and Nut Tightening Torque, Tightening Oil Pressure 2-3 Bolts and Nut Tightening Torque, Tightening Oil Pressure 15 | Retaining nut Tightening torque or se | Baltor nut width ening tora 2 [Names of bolts and nuts | 8a | cctv | PEER Remarks | 7 T Hiysraulic oe [Snir nen tenn rt woo | fereule | cor pressure: 83 MPa I i 1 | oytinder head bok (stud bolt) | M30 245 i T Gonnectng rod ange end Tyaute Taos | » takenng wos | (eNting [280 pressure: 74 Pa | Crankpin bolt (stud bolt) M24 Hole: 10 39 3k (Threaded portion) | ir ae % (Threaded portion | connect ‘umigange 25° | 2 | Conmestngrodconnecing bot | mig | 22 umramgezt’ | Xspoarng utace)_| + = “Ria cai en 4 | Side bott wea | fiverauic |r pressure: 69 MP | tito ito 2 es m Es atauen Main bearing cop nteing nat | wa0 | FYE | 04 passe 85 MPa | Ra ightening 7 | Main bearing bot (stud bot) | 30 245 | o 3 (Threaded portion 6 | Balance weight bot zz 32 392 Settler = ir ‘r (Threaded portion | Fiywhet tightening rut woo] 48 588 eeerceeesial| | lle gear shaft bot 3 (Threaded portion | 8 | [me m4 147 eee 9 | Cam gear tightening 3 (Threaded portion | | Cam gear tightening bott mie 9 147 pera | Cam shaft connecti | 7 ‘Yk (Threaded portion | oa! pone [2 2 snd bowing ace) | | Cam shaft connecting batt (stud | yyy A _ LOcTITE 271 | | bot) | {threaded portion) | 11 | Swing arm shaft bolt [Mis 24 “(Threaded portion ete ee ‘and bearing surface) _| 12 | liar vine gear tering sp pea 7 (Threaded portion | & and bearing surtace)_| 13 | Fel trpessure Bok mound | yr2 | Hole 10 5 3k (Threaded portion | | 7 ‘nd bearing surface) 14 | Nozzle holder guide zz] Special 147 (Threaded portion) | ~ 1 28 2 206-238 | Ly (Tiweaded portion) | DC-17 Z 02-03General Maintenance Items Bolt and Nut Tightening Torque, Tightening Oil Pressure | p¢.47 3 Tightening torque oF 1 Manes cooteansnas | sae | natn, | "tase Remarts | 46 | Nozzle holder retaining ne x (Threaded portion i retaining nut m2 19 _* and bearing surface) 47 | Exhaust pipe mounting bolt 2 3 (Threaded portion | 1 aed na ae us and bearing surface) | 18 | Ex i x (Threaded portion ust ie fastening mut Mie 24 147 2 {Tireoded porto | Rocker atm shaft holder tightenir | 19 igmtening | yng 2 3 3 (Threaded portion | | ut 4 78-98 and bearing surface) _| 20 | Frame instaling bol 20 3k (Threaded portion [pene 2 Oo a and bearing surface) _| | capreating om LOCTITE 271 (rreaded | 2 | Lubricating oil cooler stud bolt ‘M20 a 200 7 vonstud side) | wa = 22 | Coolng water ump impel nut_| 2 197 | no ~ 23 | Cooling water pump gearnut | M20 30 176 | [mo 7 14-19 | M2 19 29-39 I 24 | General bolts and nuts ima 2 34-49 | | ime 24 49-68 | ig 27 73-98 | Notes: 41. Tighten the major bolts and nuts in accordance with the above table. 2 Tighten bolts and nuts on each diagonal line alternately. Do not tighten them uniformly. 3. Check the tightening force of the cylinder head tightening nuts (No.1 in the above table) and the connect- ing rod bolts (Nos. 2 and 3 in the above table) after operating the engine for a certain period. ((((L): 1-2 "Maintenance Period Table") 4, Retighten the bolts used for installation while the engine is in the stopped state. After retightening, be ‘sure to check the deflection of the crankshaft 5, Periodically inspect the torque wrenches. 6. The symbols in the table indicate the followings. Priority shall be given to the tightening oil pressure and torque shown on the nameplate attached to the engine. st: Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY). D: Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE U PASTE). A if any agent other than the specified products is applied, the friction force of the threaded portions [changes, and the bolts are tightened excessively or insufficiently. As the result of this, the bolts may be broken of loosened, thereby causing serious damage to the engine. 7. Bolts coated with adhesive (LOCTITE 243) cannot be reused after disassembly. Replace them with new ones. When reassembling, carefully clean the internal threads using a tap. YC EL DC-17 A 05-03General Maintenance Items 4A, 4.2| DC-17 | Hydraulic Jack: Overview of Hydraulic Jack/Nut Removal 2-4 Hydraulic Jack 2-4.1 Overview of Hydraulic Jack ‘The hydraulic jack assembly (hereinafter referred to as the hydraulic jack) (a) consists of a pair of a hydraulic cylinder and a hydraulic piston, Give a certain hydraulic pulling force to a bolt operating the hydraulic pump (b) connected with the high-pressure hose (c), and tum the nut to tighten or loosen it. The nuts of the following bolts should be tightened and removed by using the hydraulic jack. * Cylinder head bott '* Main bearing bolt * Crankpin bolt * Side bolt 2-4.2 Removal of Nuts Remove nuts in accordance with the following procedure. ‘A. Carefully clean the area around each circular nut, and check that no dust or foreign matter is. on the bearing surface of the jack stand (e). ‘Then, put the jack stand. B. Screw the hydraulic jack (a) onto the bolt. (Screw the hydraulic piston () onto the bolt Until the hydraulic cylinder (i) gets into close ‘contact with the jack stand.) . After checking that the hydraulic piston, hydraulic cylinder and jack stand are in close contact, return the hydraulic jack about 1/2 tum. . Check that the valve of the coupler (ii) for con- necting the high-pressure hose does not stick, and connect the hydraulic jack and the terminal @ and the terminal and the hydraulic pump (b) with the high-pressure hoses (c). Loosen the air vent plug (iv) of the hydraulic pump to release the oil tank to the atmosphere. E. Check the oil level in the hydraulic pump. If the level is low, replenish the pump with hydraulic oll. Hydraulic It Machine oil VG-10 High-pressure hose (e) 2, Sauer Air vent (plug vi) Bad rng WBE Hydraulic piston (i) Hydraulic eylinder (i), oving roar nut Ite jack ASSY (a) Badu foo Jack bard () Jack stand (e), Hydraulic Jack Neutral Pressure un Release va) ‘Switch lever Tonydrautc jack fa) ¥ pressure gauge Ar vent plug (i) “Terminal (a High-pressure hose (c) Coupler: (Gepienishing port) Hydraulic pump () Connecting with the Hydraulic Pump DC-17 Z 02-03General Maintenance Items Hydraulic Jack: Nut Removal/Tightening/M: itenance of Hydraulic Jack m DC-17 |4.2~4.4 F, Loosen the release valve (v) and the air vent plug of the hydrautic pump. G. Loosen the air vent plug (vi) of the hydraulic Jack, and discharge air in the hydraulic cylinder ‘operating the hydraulic pump lever. After mak- ing sure that air has been completely dis- charged from the cylinder, tighten the air vent plug. Increase the oil pressure to the specified value operating the hydraulic pump lever. ified value: Indicated in each operation step. (CL) : 2-3 "Bolt and Nut Tightening Torque and Tightening Oil Pressure") |. Insert the jack handle (0 into a circular nut hole through the slotted hole in the jack stand, and loosen the circular nut turning 5 or 6 holes. J. Slowly open the release valve of the hydraulic pump to gradually decrease the oil pressure to oe K. Release the hydraulic jack by hand, and remove it. L Detach the jack stand, M. Remove the circular nut. As 1. The pressure resistance of the hydraulic pump and high-pressure hose is 98 MPa. Do not increase the oil pressure higher than 98 MPa. Doing so can cause an accident. 2. While the hydraulic jack is being operated, oi is under high pressure. Ifoil leaks and spouts, it can cause an accident. ‘Wear protective goggles when operating the hydraulic jack. 2-4.3 Tightening of Nut ‘A. Carefully clean the periphery of the bolt (the part to which a circular nut will be fitted). Clean the bearing surface of the circular nut and the bottom of the jack stand, and check that the bearing surface is free from foreign matter. Then, screw in the circular nut by hand until it gets into contact with the surface. B. Set the jack stand. , Fit the hydraulic jack, and connect the hydraulic jack and the hydraulic pump in the same manner as when removing the nut, and increase the oil pressure to the specified value ‘operating the hydraulic pump lever. D. Insert the jack handle into a hole in the circular nut through the slotted hole of the jack stand, and tighten the nut until it gets into contact with the surface. E. Tap the jack handle with a hammer to make sure that the nut has been tightened firmly. F. Slowly open the release valve of the hydraulic. pump to gradually decrease the oil pressure to fon G. After increasing the oil pressure again to the specified value, tap the jack handle with a hammer with the same force as that applied in the above step to retighten the circular nut, and make sure that the circular nut does not move any angle (does not tum further. H. Ifthe circular nut moves, repeat the above operations (retighten the circular nut to the specified oil pressure, decrease the oil pres- sure to 0, and retighten the circular nut to the specified oil pressure) two or three times, and make sure that the circular nut does not move any angle. |. Release the hydraulic jack by hand, and remove it J. Detach the jack stand. K. For a bolt with a protective cap for the thread- ed portion, fit the protective cap without fail. 2-4.4 Maintenance of Hydraulic Jack ‘A. Tap the lower part the hydraulic piston with a plastic hammer, and remove the piston from the hydraulic cylinder. B. Remove the air vent plug. . Clean the parts with wash oil, and check that they are free from defects. D. Apply hydraulic oil to the parts, and fit the hydraulic piston to the hydraulic cylinder. Replace the O-rings and backup rings with new one: A |When assembling the jack, take care not to fit the jo-rings and backup rings in wrong positions. If they are fitted in wrong positions, the O-rings wil lbe damaged. DC-17 Z 02-03General Maintenance Items Hydraulic Jack: Maintenance of Hydraulic Jack 44) DC-17
(CD “Parts List?) ‘A. For cylinder head bott and main bearing bolt 1. Ring 392 Nos 2. Ring 392 NoT 3, Oring 392 No.10 4, O-ing 392 No.1 BB. For crankpin bolt and side bolt 4. Ring 39.1 Nos 2. Ring 394 Nos 3. O-ring 39.1 No.503 4. Oring 39.1 No.504 DC-17 Z 02-03 PEGGeneral Maintenance Items MEMO DC-17 DC-17 Z 02-03 riCylinder Head: Ge 4A, 4.2{ DC-A7 3 Cylinder Head and Valves 3-1 Cylinder Head 3-1.1 General of Structure The cylinder head is made of special cast iron having high strength and thermal conductivity, and has a highly rigid structure. It is hydraulically fas- ‘ened on the engine frame with four large-diameter bolts through gaskets. Each gasket consists of two layers, i.e. a metal lic gas sealing layer and an integral sealing rubber layer with core metal for other fluids (intake air, cooling water, lubricating oil and mist). These lay- ers are tightened simultaneously. The combustion surface is thick and has a drilled hole in the center for forced centralized cooling, so that it is unnecessary to cool the fuel injection valve nozzle when heavy fuel oil is used. The cylinder head is of a four-valve type. It has two intake valves and two exhaust valves. The valve seats are cold-fited to the cylinder head, and the exhaust valve seats are cooled with cooling water. ‘The intake air vent is an integral part of the cylin- der head. The cooling water used to cool the cylinder head retums from the combustion side to the engine frame. ‘A fuel injection valve and a reducing valve for turning are mounted on the top of the cylinder head. High-pressure fuel oil is fed to the fuel injection valve by a cross-feeding system. The fuel high- pressure block at the fuel injection pump outlet and the fuel injection valve are connected through an inlet connector. Cylinder Head and Valves of Structure/Replacement Consumabl Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments il leaking from the fuel injection valve and leak- ing high-pressure fuel oil are led to the main pas- sage in the engine frame (on the fuel injection pump side) through their respective routes. Cylinder head (single unit): 73 kg Cylinder head ASSY (with valves): 81 kg 3-1.2. Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ‘A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. (CQ) : "Parts List) 1. Gasket 243 Nos 2. Gasket 243 Noo 3. Oings (uel injection vale) 2-22 No.27,28 4, Oring (nection valve guide) 2-13 No.27 5. rings exhaust valve seat) 2-13 No.12,28 6. Oxings high-pressure block) 2-22 No.4,26 7. Oring (high-pressure flange) 2-22 No.24 8 Seal (valve guide) 2-13 No6 9. Gasket (exhaust pipe) 2-26 No 10. Seal (headcover) 2-14 No.4 11. iru packing (taining ut) 2-22 No.25 12. Cheupackng enon vabegute) 2-13 No.17 413. Cela packing FW alr ventpipe)3-4.1No.16 14, Circular packing (educing ae) 2-13 No.35 Cylinder seg ASO —= oIO\WW LOU “ul 0° y ol |e ol oJ / : ( lo} IL 4 ‘OL4 *O” = E tte Perea egomarc) bist vave gasket 1 anaustvaIVE S02 risk valve seat DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye)Cylinder Head and Valves Cylinder Head: Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments B. Tools and measuring instruments (@)General tools and measuring instruments (iz (Nozzle holder extracting tool (1)Base (common to valve spring too!) @Plate (common to valve spring too!) (@Nozzle holder extracting tool (4 pes.) (4)Special bolt (common to valve spring tool) (Bok M10 X 100 @ pes.) (©Hydraulic jack (common to main bearing) (Hydraulic jack assembly (with female coupler) (2)Jack stand (@)Jack handle (@hydraulic pump: (1)Hydraulic pump (2)High-pressure hose 2 m long (5 pcs., with male coupler) (Terminal 4T (4)Female coupler (2 pes.) (©)Cylinder head fing toot ({)Base (common to valve spring too) (@Eyebott M16 (Valve guide extracting tool (optional) (@)Stem seal tool (p)Exhaust valve seat extracting tool (optional) (j)Exhaust valve seat cooling too! (1)Exhaust valve seat cooling tool 1 (Exhaust valve seat cooling tool 2 (k)Nozzle holder guide tool (1)Nozzle holder guide tool 1 a), os) o Sums tony} ‘tool @, ) —, & (¢) Hydrautlic jack (g) Stem seal tool (4) (3) a) a” ea mA » | os gm Ty ) 2 ——$—n ae: 3) 6) Nozzle holder guide too! 2 (@) Hydrautic pump (1 Nozzle holder (@)Nozzle holder guide tool 3 guide (@)Nutt2) ()0-1ing t (j) Exhaust valve (h) Exhaust valve seat seat cooling tool extracting tool DAIHAT! DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves 4.3] DC-47 | Cylinder Head: Disassembly of Cylinder Head 3-.3 Disassembly of Cylinder Head Disassemble the cylinder head (top hole) as stated below. ‘A. Remove the covers. ** Exhaust pipe cover (A) '* Heat box cover (8) * Cylinder head cover (C) A Just afler the engine stops, parts (particulary the exhaust pipe, cylinder head and parts, around them) are hot. Do not touch them with bare hands. Doing so can bum your hands. ‘When handling the cylinder head, wear pro- tective gloves, and take care not to bum your hands. B. Remove the cooling water air vent pipe (0) on the top of the cylinder head. . Remove the fuel high-pressure block and the inlet connector, and pull out the fuel injection valve using the nozzle holder extracting tool (b). (GQ) : 5.4.2 "inspection and Maintenance of Fuel injection Valve" in Operation Manual) D. Remove the exhaust pipe mounting bolt. A ‘The exhaust pipe mounting bolt is made of alloyed steel Take care not to mix it up with other general bolts. E. Loosen the rocker arm shaft holder tightening rut (E), and remove the rocker arm shaft sembly. 3-3.3 "Disassembly of rocker arm device") F. Draw out the intake and exhaust valve T-yokes @ and the push rods (6). Fuel injection valve {niet connector Fes igh reesure block o @ ® SL. exhaust Q, Ss Pie O0 Sthaust pipe 7 rmouriing bot Removing the Covers and the Cooling Water Air Vent Pipe Focker arm shat assembiy R cxtnder head bot 2 © Wa ocd Sears r 1 tH © Removing the Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves G. Simultaneously remove the four cylinder head tightening nuts (H) using the hydraulic jack (c). 2-4 "Hydraulic Jack") (1)Place the jack stand (0)-(2) aligning the notch- es so that the jack stand does not interfere with the adjacent cylinder head. (Attach the hydraulic jack assembly (0)-(1) to the head bott, (Fit the male coupler to the high-pressure hose (@)-(2), and connect the hydraulic pump (d)-(1), terminal 4T (d)-(8) and hydraulic jack assembly with the high-pressure hoses. (4)Operate the hydraulic pump to increase the pressure to the specified value, loosen the nus (H) with the jack handle (c)-(2), and remove the nuts. ‘Specified oil pressure: 83 MPa (©)Confirm the oil pressure at which the nuts start ‘tuming, and check that the cylinder head bolts have been tightened securely. Cylinder Head: Disassembly of Cylinder Head «) 3) DC-17 ylinder head (eH) (62) | d Mounting the Hydraulic Jack aH) Connecting the High-pressure Hoses 1.3 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves 4.5] DC-17 | Cylinder Head: Disassembly of Cylinder Head H. Secure the cylinder head lifting tool (e) to the ‘stud bolt for retaining the nozzle holder on the top of the head, and lif the cylinder head using a chain block and a lifting wire rope. . If the cylinder head is dropped while it is being lifted, serious accidents can occur. To lift jt, use the specified lifting tool, and strictly fol low the standards on use of wire rope. A 1. Slowiy lit the cylinder head, taking care not to damage the threads of the cylinder head bot. Take care that cooling water in the head does not enter the cylinder. }2. When placing the removed cylinder head in position, take care not to damage the cylinder head bottom, 1. Remove the cylinder head gaskets 1(J) and 2(K), and cover the cylinder head with clean loth or tape to prevent entry of foreign matter into the cylinder liner, intake duct and other fluid passages. eH(2) Cylinder head bolt oe ‘Stud bol for retaining nozzle holder | d Lifting the Cylinder Head Removing the Cylinder Head Gaskets DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Head (Body)| p¢.47 1.4 3-4.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Head (body) ‘The parts handled in this section must con- form to NOx Technical Code. When replacing any of these parts, use the part with the identifi- cation mark. £ 0-3 "Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code") ‘A. Before maintaining the cylinder head (body), remove the following parts. (As for the remov- ing procedure, refer to the separate items.) 1.Intake and exhaust valves ((([]} : 3-2.3) 2.Reducing valve B. After removing the above valves, check for adhesion of carbon to the combustion surface and the intake and exhaust ports. . After removing carbon from the combustion sur face and the intake and exhaust ports and carefully cleaning them, perform color check to check for cracks. ‘The combustion surface and the ports near the ‘combustion surface are exposed to high tem perature and high pressure. Particularly care- fully check them. A When removing carbon, do not use a gas bumer. The use of a gas bumer may harden the O-rings due to high temperature and deteri- orate the materials due to local heating. D. Check for corrosion on the intake and exhaust ports. E. Check for corrosion on the sealing surfaces (Gurfaces in contact with the cylinder head gas- ket 2) and inner surfaces of fluid passage holes. F. Check for signs of gas leakage from the gas sealing surface to be in contact with the cylin- der head gasket 1 . Clean the sealing surfaces to be in contact with the cylinder head gaskets 1 and 2. If neces- sary, grind the surface to be in contact with the gasket 1. H. Check for adhesion of scale in the jacket through the cooling water outlet hole on the ‘combustion side. |. Remove carbon from the inside of the reducing valve seat. Ifnecessary, remove the reducing valve seat, and clean the inside. J. Check the contact on the reducing valve and the seated area of the valve seat. If the reduc- ing valve is in ununiform contact or flawed, cor- rect it with an oil-stone. Cleaning and Checking the Cylinder Head Reducing valve Reducing valve seat Seated area Cleaning and Checking the Reducing Valve DC-17 Z 02-03" 4.5] DC-17 | Gylinder Head: Intake and Exhaust Valve Guides Cylinder Head and Valves 3-1.5 Intake and Exhaust Valve Guides The intake and exhaust valves have valve guides and stem seals of the same ‘A, Measurement of inner diameter ‘After removing the stem seals fitted at the tops of the intake and exhaust valve guides, check for corrosion in the valve guides, measure the inner diameters with a cylinder gauge, and record them. Calculate the clearances based on the above measurements and the measurements of the outer diameters of the intake and exhaust valve stems. ((C]) : 3-2.4 "Inspection and Maintenance of Intake and Exhaust Valves”) Nominal size Standard clearance Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) (mm) A=012 — a=0.03~0.12 03 12 03~0.12 03 B, Replacement of valve guide and stem seal ‘When the clearance between the intake or exhaust valve stem and the valve guide exceeds the limit for replacement and the vaive guide has worn excessively, remove the valve guide in accordance with the following procedure, and replace it with a new one. ‘When removing the stem seal from the valve guide, replace it with a new one. (1)Remove the stem seal. @)Draw out the valve guide. To draw it out, use the valve guide extracting tool (D (optional), or make an extracting tool as shown in the figure out of a round bar. Insert the tool into the valve guide, and tap the tool with a hammer to remove the valve guide, (Fit a new valve guide. Fit the valve guide in a cold state using liquid nitrogen or dry ice. (@Fit the stem seal. Fit the stem seal using the stem seal tool (g) Tap the tool with a hammer, taking care not to damage the stem seal.
= When liquid nitrogen is used: Soak the part in liquid nitrogen, and pick it up when bubbles dis- appear. Fit it immediately. = When dry ice is used: Soak dry ice and the part in alcohol, and cool the part for 20 to 30 min. Then, pick it up, and immediately fit. pay Touching the cooling liquid or the cooled part with bare hands can cause frostbite. To prevent frostbite, wear cotton gloves against the cold when handling them. Lab Intake / exhaust valve guide A.B HS vate stom Aa: ikake valve Bib: Exhaust valve Valve Guide Clearance Al | Hanmer [9 eee eri Lor iAR HO IO} : | SFR Is]! LZ t Wh Valve guide Extracting the valve guide Stem seal tat (g) Stem geal Fitting the Stem Seal DC-17 Z 02-03 eyeCylinder Head and Valves Cylinder Head: Intake and Exhaust Valve Seats DC-17 1.6 3-1.6 Intake and Exhaust Valve Seats ‘A. Measurement of dimensions of valve seats Measure the dimensions D and F of the valve seats. Ifthe seats have considerably wom over the limit for replacement, replace the seats with new ones. Nominal size Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) Intake valve seat D=3.0 15 Exhaust valve seat F=2.0 05 B, Replacement of intake valve seat 1.Removing the valve seat Build up weld metal on the whole inner periph- ery of the valve seat, and quickly cool the valve seat with water. Then, the vaive seat will shrink, and it can be removed easily. A When building up weld metal, take care that the combustion surface and the valve guide hole are not damaged by spatter. When removing the valve seat, take care not to damage the fitting hole in the cylinder head. 2. Fitting the valve seat (Fit it in a cold state using liquid nitrogen or dry ice. The cokt-fiting procedure is the same as that for the valve guide. -1.5) Drive the valve seat surely using the used valve or the exhaust valve seat cooling tool 1 O-0. . Replacing the exhaust valve seat Replace the exhaust valve seat if the size F is less than the limit or every 16,000 to 24,000 hours (4 to 5 years). Replace the O-ring at the same time, Intake valve seat Exhaust vane seat Measuring the Dimensions of the Valve Seats Welding rod Used valve oF Bul up welding Removing the Intake Valve Seat fk, ts oy U ipl Fitting the Intake Vaive Seat DC-17 Z 02-03 ECylinder Head and Valves 4.8| DC-17 | Cylinder Heaa: Intake and Exhaust Valve Seats 1.Removing the valve seat Remove the valve seat by build-up welding in the same manner as when removing the intake valve seat or using the exhaust valve seat extracting tool (h) (optional). Remove the valve ‘seat slowly, taking care not to damage the fitting hole in the cylinder head. Fitting the valve seat Since an O-ring is fitted to the exhaust valve seat, harden the valve seat with the O-ring in a cold state with liquid nitrogen or dry ice using the exhaust valve seat cooling tool 2 ()-(2), and fit the valve seat to the cylinder head. The cold-fiting procedure is the same as that for the valve guide. ((LL} : 3-1.5)
(1) Apply grease to the O-ring at a normal tem- perature, and ft it to the exhaust valve seat (2) Heat the exhaust valve seat cooling tool 2 ()- @ in hot water at 70 to 80°C. @) Fit the exhaust valve seat in the tool 2 @)(2) using the used valve or the exhaust valve seat cooling tool 1 (j)-(1). (4) Cool the exhaust vaive seat fitted in the tool 2 0-2). (8) After cooling, remove the exhaust valve seat from the tool 2 ()-(2) using the tool 1 ()-(1), and immediately insert the valve seat into the cylinder head. (6) Drive the valve seat surely into the cylinder hhead using the used valve or the tool 1 ()-(1). 5 Fix with spannat > i Yo LU, Removing the Exhaust Valve Seat (1) Exhaust valve seat Oving Cooling the Exhaust Valve Seat Cts) {pemeving) / Z 1: GH Exhaust vave seat (12) Fitting and Removing the Exhaust ‘Valve Seat in and from the Tool 2 ) Fitting the exhaust valve seat DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye Le)[rem Nozzle Holder Guide,Cylinder Head Reassembly | pc.47 |1.7, 1.8 3-1.7 Nozzle Holder Guide A. Drawing out the nozzle holder guide To remove scale in the jacket or replace the (O-ring fitted to the nozzle holder guide, draw ‘out the nozzle holder guide using the tools (k). -
(1) Attach the nozzle holder guide tool 3(k)-(3) to the nozzle holder guide tool 1(k)-(1), and fit the O-ring (#6). @) Insert the tool assembled in Step (1) into the nozzle holder guide. (8) Fit the nozzle holder guide tool 2(K)-(2) using the stud bolt for fiting the nozzle holder. (This tool will serve as a guide for turing the above tool) (4) Fit the claw at the end of the nozzle holder uide tool 1(k)-(1) into the groove at the top of the nozzle holder guide. While holding the tool with a box spanner, tum it to draw out the nozzle holder guide. B. Mounting the nozzle holder guide When the nozzle holder guide is drawn out, replace the O-ring on the guide periphery and the gasket on the sealing surface to be fitted to the cylinder head with new ones, and mount the nozzle holder guide using the same tools, (Was those used for drawing it out.
(1) Insert the tool assembled in Step (1) of the drawing out procedure into the nozzle holder guide provided with the O-ring. (Insert the (O-ring part at the tip of the tool into the minor diameter hole in the guide, and fit the claw at the end of the tool 1(K)-(1) into the groove in the guide.) @ Apply sillicone rubber to the gasket surface both side, and apply ito the center of the noz~ 2le holder guide front end (sealing surface). ‘Apply grease to the periphery of the O-ring. (8) Insert the nozzle holder guide and tool into the cylinder head, taking care that the gasket is not dislocated. (4) Fit the nozzle holder guide too! 2(k)-(2), tum the nozzle holder guide tool 1(W)-(1), and tight- en the nozzle holder guide to the specified torque. Specified torque: 147 N «Em “Tightening insertion Mounting the Nozzle Holder Guide 34.8 Cylinder Head Reassembly Reassemble the cylinder head in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling as shown below. A. Fit the intake and exhaust valves and reducing valve in the cylinder head, (1D) : 32.6 "Assembly of intake and exhaust valves") B. Clean the cylinder head and cylinder liner sur- faces to be in contact with the head gasket 1, and the eylinder head and engine frame sur- faces to be in contact with the head gasket 2. yee DC-17 Z 02-034.8{ DC-17 | Cylinder Head Reassembly Cylinder Head and Valves A il that has lubricated the rocker arm device retums through the cylinder head top surface. Clean the surface carefully so that dust and lint will not enter the lubricating oil IL Attach the hydraulic jack in the same manner ‘as when disassembling, and tighten simultane- ‘ously the four bolts to the specified hydraulic pressure. . Fit a new cylinder head gasket 1 on the cylinder liner top surface, and fit a new gasket 2 on the engine frame top surface. A ‘Specified oil pressure: 83 MPa 1.Do not apply seizing preventive agent or lubricating oil to the cylinder head gaskets. 2-Fit the gasket 2 onto the positioning pin (1 place), ensuring that a uniform gap is provid- ed between the gasket and the cylinder head bolt. D. Attach the cylinder head lifting too! (¢) to the cylinder head, and lift the cylinder head. A. Lift the cylinder head horizontally. Take care that cooling water in the jacket does not enter the cylinder. E. Check that there is no foreign matter in the cylinder. F. Slowly lower the lifted cylinder head, taking ‘are not to damage the cylinder head bolt threads, and mount the cylinder head in the engine frame after making sure that the engine frame positioning pin (1 place) and the cylinder liner skirt are fitted surely into the cylinder head. . Apply seizing preventive agent (MOLYKOTE. 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portion and the bearing surface of the exhaust pipe tightening bolt, and tentatively tighten the bot. H. Carefully clean the threaded portions of the cylinder head bolts, the threaded portions and the bearing surfaces of the cylinder head bolt tightening nuts, and the contact surfaces of the cylinder head with the tightening nuts. After ‘checking for dirt and foreign matter on them, screw in each tightening nut by hand until it gets into contact with the surface. Laie ca oto Whe aa ea tightening nuts upside down. J. After removing the hydraulic jack, fit the rubber cap to each bolt threaded portion. K. Mount the fuel injection valve. (CL) : 5-4.2 “inspection and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve" in Operation Manual) L. Insert the push rods. M. Mount the rocker arm device. (Cy : 3-3.5 "Assembly of Rocker Arm Device") N. Insert the inlet connector from the side with the slit mark on this side. the O-ring coated with grease onto the fuel high-pressure block. P. Mount the fuel high-pressure block. Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and the bearing surfaces of the mounting bolts, and tighten them to the specified torque while adjusting the position of the block in relation to the fuel injection pump. °. Specified torque: 39. N- m (on the head and pump sides) A All high-pressure joints on the fuel injection system are connected with metal touch. Take utmost care that the contact surfaces of the joints are not damaged or the joints do not Catch foreign matter. Q. Tighten the exhaust pipe tightening bolts to the specified torque. ‘Specified torque: 147 N= m R. Fit the cooling water air vent pipe. S. Fit the cylinder head cover, the heat box cover and the exhaust pipe cover. DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves Intake and Exhaust Valves: General of Structure DC-17 24 3-2. Intake and Exhaust Valves 3-2.1 General of structure The engine has four valves, i.e. two intake valves and two exhaust valves. A valve rotator is Story seal provided on the upper part of each valve. ‘A stem seal is fitted to the upper part of each intake or exhaust valve guide to appropriately con- Valve ester trol the amount of lubricating oil to be supplied to the stem. A The intake and exhaust valves have the ~| | ane Intake vale same shape and dimensions, but they are LY made of diferent materials. Therefore, identi- cation marks are provided at the tops of the HN valves. When reassembling them, take care ‘ot to confuse them. Valve rotator ol = [Valve spring Intake/exhaust valve (single unit): 0.4 kg each ‘Structure of Intake/Exhaust Valve Diesel fue oil type Heawy fuel ol ype Samp" Stamp*E"——Stamp"IS7T" Stamp "EHN' Intake vee Exhaust valve Intake valve Exhaust valve Valve Identification Marks ey Ee) DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves Intake and Exhaust Valves: Replacement Consumable Parts, 9.9, 9.31 DC-17 | Tools and Measuring Instruments/Disassembly 3-2.2 Replacement consumable parts, tools and measuring instruments A. Replacement consumable parts lace the following parts with new ones. (yeParts List) 1. Valve stem seal 243 Nos B. Tools and measuring instruments (@General tools and measuring instruments ( -2) (Valve spring tools (Plate @Base (Special bott (Valve facing-up too! (@)Valve facing-up spring (©)Valve seat cutter (optional) (\Valve seat grinding tool (optional) (@)Stem seal tool 3-2.3 Disassembly of Intake and exhaust valves Disassemble simultaneously the four valves using the special disassembling tool. ‘A. To avoid errors in reassembly, put the intake and exhaust valve identification marks and cylinder numbers on the valve heads. B. Remove the intake and exhaust valve springs using the valve spring tools (b). (1) Fit the base (b)-@2) to the nozzle holder retain- ing stud bolton the cylinder head top surface using its current nut. 2) Fit the plate (b)-(1) onto the valve rotator bod- jes, and screw the special bolt (b)-(3) nto the base. @) Further screw in the special bolt to depress the intake and exhaust valve springs, and Femove the valve cotters. (@ Unscrew the special bott, and remove the valve spring tools. (6) Remove the valve rotators and the intake and exhaust valve springs. . Draw out the intake and exhaust valves toward the combustion chamber. DC-17 Z 02-03 (b) Valve spring tools (9) Stem seal tool | ORBStHR OFRBREMIL mee yfnder rumor SE for ‘exhaust valve “P forintake Exhaust vee vate ‘mounting, postion Intake vale ‘sentation mark mourting postion (exhaust) ‘Marking Procedure (example) Valve rotator Stud bot for rocker am shaft holder ero) =I Cater: (e119) V2) Intakofexnaust valve sping I Irikefoxhaust 35 valve L| Yo nozzle hater relaining stud bot Removing the Intake and Exhaust ValveCylinder Head and Valves [rem ntake and Exhaust Valves: General of Structure DC-17 2.4 3-2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Intake and Exhaust Valves A. Clean the intake and exhaust valves with wash- ing oil. ab B. Inspect on the following items: Intake / exhaust (1) Corrosion of the valve head area tka) (2) Corrosion or bending of the valve stem area AB @ Blow-out or pitching of the valve seat area (4) Contact conditions of the valve seat area and Valve siem valve stem area (6) Perform color check depending on the exis~ tence of cracks and corrosion on each valve seat and intake/exhaust valve spring C. Measuring of the Valve Stem Area (1) Measure the stem area of the intake and exhaust valves using outside micrometer, and record the data. (2) Calculate the clearance between the stem area and valve guide by combining with the measurement results of the intake and exhaust valve guide inner diameter, and in case that the valve is over the replacing limit, replace the valve stem of which wear is large. ‘The wear amount of the valve stem can be calculated by comparing with the non-sliding area. Nominal size Standard clearance Linitfor replacement (mm) (mm) (mm) A=$12 a=0.10~0.14 03 B=4H12 10~0.14 03 D. Measurement of the Head Thickness and Valve Seats of the Intake and Exhaust Valves. Measure the head thickness of the intake and exhaust valve seat areas, and the valve seat dimensions with calipers, and record the results. In case that the wear is over the replacing limit, replace it with a new one. Nominal size Limiforrelacement (mm) (mm) Intake valve seat area C=4.0 3.0 Exhaust valve seatare E=4.0 3.0 Intake valve seat D=3.0 15 Exhaust valve seat F=2.0 05 ‘Aa: Intake valve Bib: Exhaust valve Valve Guide Clearance AL Intake valve Exhaust valve Valve Head Thickness — Pl Intake valve seat Exhaust valve soat Valve Seat Size Pye eok ed DG-17 B 04-08Cylinder Head and Valves 9.4| DC-A7 | ntake and Exhaust Valves: General of Structure A When corrosion of the valve stem area and wear of the intake valve seat is remarkable, a possible cause is low-temperature corrosion. For the prevention of such corrosion, strictly observe the following: 1. Set the intake air temperature at a little high- er level, 2. Exhaust combustion gas by means of air running when the engine is stopped.
(1) Machine the valve seat using the valve seat cutter (e) (option). (2) Machine the angle of the valve seat to make the outside contact to be as shown in the fig- ure on the right. E, Facing-up of Intake and Exhaust Valves Facing-up of the intake and exhaust valves, the latter in particular, is one of the most trouble- ‘some works in the maintenance work. The care and maintenance period largely depends on the load factor, the fuel oil used, and the operating conditions of the engine. Further, delay in the maintenance of the engine leads to the acceleration of the wear and dam- age of the valves. So, execute facing-up a little earlier according to the situations.
(1) Apply lubricating oil to the valve stem area, mount the valve facing-up spring (4) on the valve stem, and insert the valve stem into the cylinder head valve guide. (2) Mount the valve facing-up implementation (c) to the valve. @) Apply compound of the seat area, and careful ly conduct the facing-up. Use the compound in the order of the medium grade and fine grade. * Medium grade compound ..... Conduct the facing-up as ifto strike. + Fine grade compound ..... Conduct the fin ishing facing-up as if to press compound against the seat. + Finally, wash the seat carefully, and con- duct the oil facing-up. (4) Conduct the blue-tead check ofthe seat surface ‘conduct conditions after finishing the facing-up. (6) Measure the valve head thickness and the valve seat dimensions with calipers again, and confirm that the measured valves do not exceed the use limit. F. Correction of Valves If flaws on any valve seat are so deep that the flaws cannot be removed by facing up with com- ound, grind (roughly machine) the seat with a ‘machine or valve seat grinding tool (f) (optional) before facing-up. A It the valve rear face is ground, the valve strength will be reduced and cause cracking. Therefore, be minded never to grind the valve rear face. Valve facing tool) Exhaust (intake) valve coat Facing-up the Intake/Exhaust Valve Intakofexhaust vate ear face are wg Intake vatve seat Exhaust valve soat Correction of Vaive/Valve seat DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves ntake and Exhaust Valve: 3-2.5 Inspection and Replacement of Valve Rotators Rotation failures of the valve rotators greatly affect the valve service life. Periodically inspect the valve rotators. When the rotational speed of any valve rotator has reduced to the limit for replacement, replace the rotator assembly. Valve rotator Standard value Limit for replacement Folational speed mim") 2 to 5 20a rotational speed 3-2.6 Reassembly of Intake and Exhaust Valves ‘A. Fit the stem seal onto the valve guide upper part using the stem seal tool (g), and apply ‘grease to the inner periphery (lip). B. Insert each vaive from the combustion chamber sid . Reassemble the valves using the valve spring tools () in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling, inspection and Replacement of Valve Rotators/Reassembly of Intake and Exhaust Valves DC-17 |2.5, 2.6 Body Dise spring Sleeve Circ Bal Spring Valve rotator Intrusion of Stem Seal A 1.Before Inserting each valve, check the identi- fication mark, "I" (intake) or "E" (exhaust), on the combustion side of the cylinder head. Insert the valve into its original position ‘according to the identification mark provided ‘on the valve head before disassembly. (The intake and exhaust valves have the same shape and dimensions. Take utmost care not to mount them in wrong positions.) 2.lf the inner periphery (ip) of the stem seal is ‘damaged when the valve is inserted, the lubricating oil consumption will increase, and the valve will be contaminated. Apply lubricating oil to the valve stem, and slowly insert the valve. DC-17 Z 02-03Cylinder Head and Valves 7 Rocker Arm Device: General of structure/Replacement Consumable 4.4~4.3| DC-17 | Paris, Tools and Measuring Instruments/Disassembly 3-3 Rocker Arm Device 3-3.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, 3-3.1 General of Structure Tools and Measuring . . Instruments The intake and exhaust valves are driven by the intake and exhaust cams on the unit type cam A. Replacement consumable parts shaft through the swing arms, push rods, rocker None arms and T-yokes. The parts of the rocker arm device are lubricated with the system oil fed from the engine frame B. Tools and measuring instruments ough i id le nie fe Ret, (cena an meena piping. ‘AS for the procedure for adjusting the valve end clearance, refer to separate “Operation Manual.” + 54.1 Ill “Adjusting Valve End Clearance” 3.3.4 Disassembly of Rocker Arm Device in Operation Manual) i ‘A. Remove the rocker arm shaft holder (A) tighten- ‘ ing nut, and remove the rocker arm shaft ier enemas aes assembly (with rocker arm, shaft and holder). Gincl. rocker arm, shaft and holder) B, Draw out the T-yoke assembly (B) from the T- yoke guide. C., Remove the snap rings (d) at both ends of the rocker arm shaft (C), and remove the rocker arms (E) and (F) for the intake and exhaust- valves. Fcker arm shaft (C) Identification mark {For intake valve E:For exhaust valve . Intake valve rocker arm (E} Exncust valve rocker arm (F) Rocker arm screw (J) i o * ; ares |-~Bush (6) rc c Ea ‘Snap ring (0) eLiviia | jo __5 4 arj>|/qcFj> Push rod font fom =D “Tightening nut Tyoke ‘Rocker arm shaft holder (A) Structure of Rocker Arm Device DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye EwLedPiston and Connecting Rod Piston and Connecting Rod: Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments DC-17 2 4-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts None B, Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments ( 22) (d) Piston inserting tool (b) Hydraulic jack (common to side bolt) (1) Hydraulic jack assembly (@) Jack stand @) Jack handle A (©) Hydraulic pump CF i (1) Hydraulic pump @) High-pressure hose 2 m long @ pcs., with male coupler) - ) Terminal 4T (4) Female coupler (2 pes.) @ Piston inserting tool (e) Protect ring tool (© Protect ring tool (f) Cylinder tiner position gauge (@) Cylinder bore gauge (150 to 175 mm) (h) Piston lifting tools (optional) (1) Piston support bot (® Cylinder liner position gauge @) Washer oir (a). it " - (@) Cylinder bore gauge (3) 2) ro) (b) Hydraulic jack f Z 4) wd. a (h) Piston lifting tool ——— i ey ~ FF ° cy {)) Socket () Hydraulic pump ZN EET) DC-17 Z 02-03Piston and Connecting Rod 44/ DC-A7 | Disassembly: Extraction of Piston 4-3 Disassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod a 4-3.1 Extraction of Piston Extract the piston after removing the cylinder W, Piston (6) ! 84.3 "Removal of Cylinder Head) In the case of piston extraction only, it is not necessary to disassemble the large end part. Conduct the work by separating the large end part from the small and trunk part. Ifthe crankshaft turns while workers are han- dling parts in the engine frame to remove the piston, they can be involved in the piston, and ‘serious accidents can occur. Before turning the crankshaft, give other workers the sign to stop working. Keep the turning bar away from the flywheel except when turing the crankshaft. a Removing of Carbon in the Upper ‘Areas of Cylinder Liner
‘A. Take off the cover on the engine frame side on the both sides of the cylinder to be overhauled, ‘and place the piston to the position of about 50° before the top dead center. B. Place waste cloth on the piston upper surface to easily discard the removed carbon. C. Remove the carbons deposited on the upper areas of protecting ring (M) and cylinder liner (J) with sandpaper or the like. D. Extraction the protection ring located in the upper area of the cylinder liner using the pro- tection ring (e).. (1) Tap around the entire circumstance of the protection ring with a plastic hammer. — 2) Spray the penetrate lubricant (KURE 5-56) to “Tap handle the clearance of the cylinder and protection ring. @) Fit the protect ring tool (e), and gradually remove the piston while tuming the nut. (if the piston cannot be removed smoothly, \ remove it while tapping the protect ring uni- q Piston (6) formly with a plastic hammer.) E, Remove the carbon deposited in the piston suspending threaded hole usi i Po VOIR? Removing of Carbon in the Piston Suspending Threaded Hole Tap (M10%1.5) DC-17 Z 02-03 Py Nee wee)Piston and Connecting Rod Disassembly: Extraction of Piston DC-17 3.4 F. Tum the crankshaft to locate the piston to be dismantled at the bottom dead center. A If the big end of the connecting rod of the cylinder that has been disassembled tums dur- ing tuning operation, it may get into contact with the frame and may be damaged. Slowly tum the crankshaft, taking care that the big end does not tum, G, Remove the stop wires from the connecting rod ‘connecting bolts (A), and loosen and remove the connecting bolts using the special socket () and a torque wrench. H. Tum the crankshaft to place the piston to be dismantied at the top dead center. 1. Fit the eyebott M10 at the top of the piston, lit the piston with a wire rope and a chain block, ‘and draw out the piston with the connecting rod ‘small end part. A Screw in the eyebolt completely to the bear- ing surface. Ifthe eyebot is fitted incompletely, its threaded portion may come off or be dam- aged, thereby resulting in an accident. A When lifting the piston, take care that the connecting rod does not give hit marks to the cylinder liner inner surface. J. After drawing out the piston, cover the cylinder liner with clean cloth or vinyl sheet to prevent entry of foreign matter into the engine. K. Wind the wire rope on the trunk of the connect- ing rod, and lift the connecting rod. Remove the eyebolt, and place the connecting rod with the piston combustion side downward in the specified position. L. Lift slightly the connecting rod, and remove the ‘snap ring E from a side of the piston pin using ‘snap ring pliers. M. Draw out the piston pin (0), and remove the connecting rod small end part from the piston. N. Remove the compression rings and oi ring. Ay After long-term operation, the outer edges of the rings are sharp. When disassembling, wear protective gloves, and take care not to injure your hands. ‘Connecting rod connecting bot (A) Ratchet head Torque wrench Removing the Connecting Rod Connecting bolt Wee Piston (6) Cconeatng rod smal end () Drawing Out the Piston Connecting rod ‘smal end.) Piston pin (0) Piston (@) aaa Snap tng pos 7. ‘Drawing Out the Piston Pin DC-17 A 04-08Piston and Connecting Rod 4.4] DC-17 | Disassembly: Disassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part 4-3.2 Disassembly of connecting rod large end part Disassemble the connecting rod large end part to check and replace the crankpin bearing (C) or the crankpin bolts (B). When only the piston must be removed, the connecting rod large end part need not be disassembled. ‘When only the crankpin bearing is checked, the connecting rod large end part can be disassem- bled without removing the cylinder head while the piston is suspended.
(By drawing out the piston) ‘A. Remove the connecting rod connecting bolts (), and lift the piston and the connecting rod small end part. (1G): 4-3.1 "Piston Extraction” or “Suspending the piston” given below in this section) B, Tum the crankshaft to locate the crank pin at 70" before the top dead center and place the large end part horizontally. . Loosen simultaneously the two circular nuts (K) of the crankpin bolts (B) using the hydraulic jack (). (1D): 2-4 "Hydraulic Jack’) (1) Set the jack stand (b)-(2), attach the hydraulic jack assembly (b)-(1) to the crankpin bolts, and connect the terminal 4T (c)-(ii) and the hydraulic pump (c)-(1) with the high-pressure hose (€)-@). @ Operate the hydraulic pump lever to increase the oil pressure to the specified value, and loosen the circular nuts using the jack handle (>)-@). Specified oil pressure: 74 MPa (8) Confirm the oil pressure at which the circular nuts start turning, and check that the nuts have been tightened without looseness. (4) Remove the hydraulic jack assembly and the jack stand. D. While keeping the large end part horizontally, put an appropriate wooden or metal plate beneath the large end. woo ore (or4t) (8) Disassembling the connecting rod large end part (Connecting the hycraulc jack and the hydrauiic pump) Crank pin bot (6) threaded porion Large end run side feeocae ©, Wooded oF metal plate Removing the connecting rod large end part (upper and lower parts) DC-17 Z 02-03Piston and Connecting Rod isassembly: Disassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part DC-17 3.2 E. Slowly tun the crankshaft until the large end part gets into slight contact with the wooden or ‘metal plate. F. Loosen and remove the circular nuts with hand. G, Remove the large end upper and lower parts from the left and right inspection windows, respectively. A When removing the large end part on the trunk side, take care not to damage the 1. When the flange of the connecting rod trunk. separates from the large end while the crankshaft is being tumed to separate the small end and trunk from the large end, the ‘trunk swings. Be careful not to be injured by the trunk, 2. Take care that the connecting rod does not, make hit marks on the cylinder liner. crankpin bolt threads and the crankpin, H. Remove the crankpin bearing (c) from the large end part. Place a wooden piece on the claw side of the bearing, and tap the piece. Then, the bearing can be removed easily. Put the oylinder number and upper and lower identification marks to the disassembled bear- ing parts. AS The crank pin bearing upper and lower parts have the same shape. ifthe bearing upper and lower parts are set in the wrong positions when. the bearing is reassembled, nonconformity may ‘occur due to change in contact. Put the ident fication marks without fal ‘Disassembling the large end pat while suspending the pistom> ‘A. Tum the crankshaft to position the crankpin of the cylinder to be inspected at the bottom dead center. B. Loosen and draw out the connecting rod con- necting botts (A). . Tum the crankshaft to position the piston to be suspended at the top dead center. D. Remove the fuel high-pressure block and inlet connector, and draw out the fuel injection valve. + §:4.2 “Extraction of Fuel Injection Valve” in Operation Manual) E. Fit the washer (h)-(2) of the piston lifting tools (into the fuel injection valve mounting hole. F. Screw the piston support bolt (h)-(1) into the threaded hole at the top of the piston, and secure the bolt with the nut, G. Then, disassemble the large end part in accor- ance with Steps B to | of the procedure for dis- assembling the large end part by drawing out the piston stated above. ¢ ett) Fiston (6) ‘Suspending the Piston DC-17 Z 02-03Piston and Connecting Rod Inspection and Maintenance: 4.4{ DC-17 | Inspection and Maintenance of Piston 4-4 Inspection and Maintenance of iston and Connecting Rod 4-4.1 Inspection and Maintenance of ton Combustion sutace The parts handled in this section must con- form to NOx Technical Code. When replacing any of these parts, use the part with the identi. cation mark. (GQ): 0-3 "Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code") A. Inspect the parts Before maintaining the piston, check the parts of the piston, and record their conditions. (1) Check the combustion surface and the top land of the piston to ascertain whether no car- bon has adhered to them and they are lubri- cated satisfactorily. @ Check for flaws and abnormal contact on the sliding parts. (3) Check that the piston ring does not seize and chrome plating has not peeled off the piston Lubrication hole ring. Check for abnormal contact and wear of the piston ring. eS (@ Check for adhesion of carbon sludge to the piston rear surface and the ring groove bot- Piston pin toms. }_| (©) Check for local corrosion and wear of the ring Combustion surface grooves. (color chet (©) Check for abnormal contact between the pis- ton pin and the pin boss inner surface Top land @ Check for abnormal contact between the pis- oo ton pin boss and the connecting rod small end Checking the Piston Conditions ing grooves support. aa roe B. Remove carbon that has adhered to the piston top surface (combustion surface and top land) Piston (@) with fine sand paper. A “ The piston skirt has been treated with special costing, Do ot sand te skit suave. ©. Clean the piston and rings with wash oil. D. Carefully clean the piston combustion surface, Perform color check, and carefully check for Inspecting and Maintaining the Piston Parts cracks. E. Carefully clean the ring grooves, perform color check, and carefully check for cracks. DC-17 Z 02-03 FTGPiston and Connecting Rod Piston/ Inspe F. Clean the piston pin with wash oil, and blow air into the lubricating hole to clean the inside. G. Measurement of dimensions Measure and record the dimensions. Calculate the clearance based on the calculation resutts, and, ifthe clearance exceeds the limit for replace- ment, replace the piston with a new one. (1) Piston outer diameter Measure the outer diameter of the piston at three positions with an outside micrometer, and. record the diameters. Ifthe clearance at any of the positions exceeds the limit for replacement, replace the piston with a new one. Nominal size(mm) Limit for replacement(mm) = 0.35 - 0.35 - 0.35 Piston pin and piston pin boss Measure the outer diameter of the piston pin and the inner diameter of the piston pin boss. Replace the part that has worn more heavily with a new one. Nominal size Standard dearsnee Umtfor replacement (mm) (mm) (nm) b76 035~0.07 0.25 4-4.2 Inspection and Maintenance of Rings ‘A. Remove carbon from the compression rings and oil ring, and clean them with wash oil, BB. The sliding surfaces of the rings and the upper and lower surfaces of the first ring are plated with hard chrome. Ifthe plating layer of any ring has worn and the ground is exposed or the plating layer is cracked, replace the ring with a new one even if the wear does not reach the limit for replacement. . Measure the closed gap of each ring. To measure the closed gap, use a new cylin- der liner. ‘Standard dosed gap(nm) Limit fr eplacement(nm) 10~1.30 20 .80~0.95, 15 70~0.90 15 Inspection and Maintenance: Inspection and Maintenance of n and Maintenance of Rings DC-17 |4.1, 4.2 190 De i Zed Piston Measurement Positions Piston pin boss (6) Clearance Between Piston Pin and Pin Boss. DAIHATSU DC-17 A 04-01D. Measure the width of each ring and the piston ring groove width, and calculate the clearance. Ifthe clearance exceeds the limit for replace- ment, replace the ring with a new one. Piston and Connecting Rod Inspection and Maintenance: 4.2| DC-17 | Inspection and Maintenance of Rings Nominal size Standard clearance Lior replacement (ram) (am) a=0.095~0.135 03 b=0.05~0.09 03 d=0.03~0.07 03 ‘After long-term operation, the outer edges of the rings are sharp. When disassembling, wear protective gloves, and take care not to injure your hands. A Even if the wear of the rings does not reach the limit, replace all rings with new ones in the periodic maintenance every 8,000 to 12,000 hours (2 to 3 years). Ring Clearance ‘Compression rings Oring ‘Compression rings oiring DC-17 A 04-01 DAIHATSUPiston and Connecting Rod Inspection and Maintenance: Inspection and Maintenance of Connecting Rod DC-17 4.3 4-4.3 Inspection and Maintenance of Connecting Rod ‘A. Check the following parts, record their condi- tions, and, if defective parts are found, repair or replace them. (1) Check the contact of the piston pin bush (F) at the small end. Check for looseness and devi- ation of the bush in the fiting area. @) Check for flaws and fretting on the mating sur- faces of the trunk and the large end part. (@) Check for hit marks and peeling on the thread- ed portions and bearing surfaces of the con- necting rod connecting bots (A) and the crankpin botts (B). (4) Check for wear and fretting on the serrated surfaces. (8) Check for hit marks and peeling on the con- tact surfaces of the large end cap with the cular nuts. (©) Check for hit marks and peeling on the thread- ed portions and bearing surfaces of the circu- lar nuts (K). B. After cleaning the serrated surfaces, perform color check to check for flaws. . Blow air into the lubricating holes through the trunk and the nozzle hole at the front to clean them, D. Measure the inner diameter of the piston pin bush. Caloulate the clearance based on the inner diameter and the measured outer diame- ter of the piston pin. Ifthe clearance exceeds. the limit for replacement, replace the bush with anew one. ing. Mati it alg? Secs nce) Sraon i! Large end part rect mn oken Ab cua Nominal size Standard dearance Lintfor replacement (mm) (mm) (mm) 676 a=0.04~0.12 0.25
(1) Strike the bush from the piston pin with a press or a hammer. (@)Fita new bush to the shape of the connecting rod by pressing or cold-fiting,
Bush press-fitting force: 9.2 to 18.5 KN -
Soak the bush in liquid nitrogen, pick it up when bubbles disappear (5 to 10 min.), and fitit to the piston pin. . Check the tightening torque and identiication ‘marks of the connecting rod connecting bolts. + The connecting rod connecting bolts may deviate from the relative positions on the rod because parts are fitted after long-term oper- ation. In this case, re-stamp the identifica- tion marks on the bolts. : 444.5 "Procedure for stamping the torque mark A") ¢ ‘Crank pig bot (8) a ‘Circular mut Picton pin bush (F) Cennecig oo) connecting bo (A) Mating Patel rae Syrsces Nozze pole Lubrcating roles Piston bin (0) == Inspecting and Maintaining Clearance of Piston Pin Bush the Connecting Rod Parts Inner Diameter DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Piston and Connecting Rod 4.3, 4.4| DC-17 | inspection and Maintenance of Crankpin Bearing F, When only the connecting rod has been assembled (the large end part and the trunk have been mounted without the crankpin bear- ing, and the connecting rod connecting bolts and the crankpin bolts have been tightened to the specified torque), measure and record the inner diameter of the large end housing, and check for deformation. + 445 "Assembly of Piston and Connecting Rod") 4-4.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Crankpin Bearing ‘A. Check that the rear surfaces and mating sur- faces of the crankpin bearing are free from fret- ting. Cheok that the inner surfaces are free from seizure marks, peeling, cavitation and inclusion of foreign matter. When defects are minor, repair the surfaces with an oitstone. A The bearing is a thin-walled finished part, which is provided with appropriate interference (crush) and tension so that it can get into close contact with the housing surface. Therefore, do not repair the rear surfaces and mating sur- faces with a file or scraper. B. Clean the bearing, measure the bearing thick- ness with a spherical micrometer, and record the thickness. Calculate the clearance based on the measured large end housing inner diam- eter, bearing thickness and crankpin diameter. Ifthe clearance exceeds the limit for replace- ‘ment, replace the bearing with a new one. Nominal size Standard dearance Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) (mm) A=6145 a=0.08~0.17 03 A: 1. Replace the upper and lower parts of the bearing at the same time. 2. While the bearing is used for a long time, the tension decreases, and the inner sur- faces harden, thereby causing cracking and peeling. Replace the bearing with a new ‘one every 20,000 hours (4 to 5 years) even if the wear is less than the allowable limi Inner surfaces (Check for sotzre ‘marks, peeling, cavtation and Mating surfaces Incision af foreign matter.) (Check or treting) Rar surfaces (Check fr trating) Crankpin Bearing Connecting rod (arge end) Cranigin beating Crankin Clearance of Crankpin Bearing DC-17 Z 02-03Piston and Connecting Rod Inspection and Maintenance: Replacement of Connecting Rod Bolts 4-4.5 Replacement of connecting rod bolts Replace the crankpin bolts and the connecting rod connecting bolts with new ones every 16,000 to 24,000 hours (4 to 5 years) to prevent accidents even if they have no apparent defects, ‘A. Replacing the connecting rod connecting botts (1) Check the contact of the bearing surface of each bolt head with minium or blue paint lead. Ifthe contact is unacceptable, correct the bearing surface of the connecting rod. @) Stamp the head of each new bolt with the engine identification number, cylinder number and bolt number. (@) Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portion and bearing surface of the bolt, and tighten and loosen the bolt ‘repeatedly two or three times to the torque ‘corresponding to mark "B" using a torque wrench to fitthe screw. Then, stamp the bolt with torque mark "A" in accordance with the following procedure. Torque corresponding to mark "B": 126 N - m
(1) Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portion and bearing surface of each connecting rod connecting bolt. A 1. If different brands of lubricant are applied to the bolts, the bolt will differ in axial force. Be sure to use MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY Genuine part). 2. As MOLYKOTE dries, its friction properties change. After spraying, immediately tighten the botts before it dries. @ Tighten the bolts in the following order to the torque A using a torque wrench. 9N+m 4 Torque A Tightening order: 1-4-2 Engine 10 No. Identiti Head (example) DC-17 [When replacing to] bots, stamp them jwith the came numbers asthe previous numbers. tion Marks on Bolt 45 Applying Lubricant to the Bolt MakB a Maric A “Turing angie Angular tightening DC-17 A 04-08Inspection and Maintenanci 4.8| BC-A7 | Replacement of Connecting Rod Bolts on and Connecting Rod (@) Stamp the bolt with torque mark “A* aligning with mark "A" on the rod body. ‘When re-stamping the bolt in use with torque mark "A," crush the previous mark, and stamp clearly new torque mark "A" so that the new mark will not be confused with the previous mark when reassembling. B. Replacing the crankpin bolts The crankpin bolts are large-diameter stud bolts. Unscrew and screw each bolt inserting hexagonal bar spanner into the hexagon hole in the head. (1) After cleaning the threaded hole at the large end, blow air into the hole. (2) Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portion on the bolt stud side, and screw in the bolt by hand. (@) Fit a hexagonal bar spanner into the hexagon hole at the head, and tighten the bolt to the specified torque and loosen it repeatedly three or four times to fit the threads, and screw in the bolt completely. Specified torque: 39 N +m Connecting rod connecting bolt Emboss Bolt T ightening O rder }+—_mouvkore 1000 SPRAY ‘Crankpin bot ‘stud side Applying Lubricant to the Bolt ‘Threaded Portion (stud side) Bot No. Crankpin bot Emboss Replacing the Crankpin Bolts DC-17 A 04-08 Yee Le)Piston and Connecting Rod Reassembly: Reassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part DC-17 5.1 4-5 Reassombly of Piston and Connecting Rod 4.5.1 Reassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part AA. Before reassembling, clean the parts with wash oil, and blow air into the threaded holes. B. Screw in the crankpin bolts to the specified torque. 4-4.5 Il, "Replacement of Crankpin Bolt") C. Wipe dirt and oil off the large end housing inner surface and the crankpin bearing rear surface. A Do not apply lubricating oil or grease to the bearing rear surface. Oil on the rear surface can deteriorate the fit. . Check the identification marks on the crankpin bearing, fitthe claw into the groove in the large end housing, and mount the bearing in the cen- ter of the large end housing, E. Tap the center of the crankpin bearing by hand to ft the bearing closely to the housing. F, Wipe cleanly the crankpin surface, and apply lubricating oil to the orankpin and the crankpin bearing inner surface. G. Use the wooden or metal plate used for disas- sembly. Reassemble the large end part in the ‘same manner as when disassembling it. Insert the crankpins and crankpin bolts from both sides, taking care not to damage their threads. A ‘When reassembling, check that the cylinder numbers on the connecting rod large end part are the same and the embosses are set on the engine front side. ‘Screw in the circular nut of each crankpin bolt by hand until it gets into contact with the sur- face. If the bolts are tightened insufficiently, the bearing and the serrations of the large end part will be damaged, and serious accidents, such as breakage of the bolts, may occur. Tighten them securely. J. Tum the large end part by hand to confirm that it can smoothly rotate. ‘Stamps fo identification (cylinder No., ete) Bott No. Embosses cra batt Circular nut |. Attach the hydraulic jack in the same manner Sere seaneapaiteae as when disassembling, tighten simultaneously eet the two nuts to the specified oil pressure. 2-4 "Hydraulic Jack") Specified oil pressure: 74 MPa PYLE DC-17 Z 02-03Piston and Connecting Rod £9] DC.17 | Reassembly: Reassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod 4.5.2 Reassembly of Piston and Connecting rod ‘A. Before reassembling the piston, clean the parts, and blow airto them. B. Reassemble the piston and the connecting rod trunk. (1) Stand the piston with its combustion surface downward, set the emboss (10 mm in diame- ter) on the connecting rod trunk flange and the mark "F* on the piston combustion surface inthe same direction, and insert the connect- ing rod small end into the piston. A Make sure that the identification numbers at the large and small ends are the same. 2) Apply lubricating oil to the outer periphery of the piston pin and the inside of the piston pin boss, align the pin holes while suspending the connecting rod trunk, and insert the piston pin, (@) Fit the snap ring into the groove using snap ring pliers. . Fit the piston inserting tool into the upper part ofthe cylinder liner. D. Tum the crankshaft to position the crankpin of the cylinder to which the piston will be attached at the bottom dead center. E, Fit the eyebolt M10 firmly to the top of the pis- ‘on, and lif the piston together with the con- necting rod small end. F, Fitthe oil ring. (1) Wind the coil in the oil ring groove in the pis- ton, and insert the coil joint. Q Set the coil joint on the opposite side to the fing closed gap. . Fit the compression rings. H. Fit the rings with their production marks upward (on the combustion chamber side). Fit them in the correct positions shown in the figure. |. Tum the rings 120° each so that the closed ‘gaps of the compression rings and oil ring are not aligned. Piston combustion ‘aurtace Cylinder No. stamp "F Emboss Connecting red flange Connecting rag trunk ‘Snap ring 77 Sap ing piers Reassembling the Piston and the Connecting Rod Trunk ing closed gap “et ting topig) = Compression elena} =] (== oly SCE @ airing Ring Configuration and Reassembly DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUPiston and Connecting Rod Reassembly: Reassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod DC-17 52 J. Apply lubricating oil sufficiently to the piston, Eyebott 10 piston rings, piston inserting tool and cylinder etaton liner with a lubricator. K. Check the cylinder number. Check that the mark "F* at the piston top and the emboss on the connecting rod are set on the engine front side, and insert the piston into the cylinder liner. Lower the piston slowly, and fit the knocks of Piston ting the large end part and the trunk. a Las a ‘Lubricator A Lubtcatngot on 1. When mounting the piston in the cylinder ‘Cylinder liner liner, tap the periphery of the piston with a plastic hammer to facilitate lowering. If the piston cannot be lowered smoothly, do not insert it forcibly. Once lift the piston, and insert it again. 2. Take care that the flange of the connecting Applying Lubricating Oil While fod trunk does not damage the inner sur- Reassembling the Piston face of the cylinder liner. Eyebot 10 L. Make sure that the knocks have been fited q eae completely, and remove the eyebolt M10 at the Piston piston top and the piston inserting tool. M. Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of (a) the connecting rod connecting bolts, and fit the 1} Connecting bolts to their positions marked with the identifi- red trunk cation numbers. NN. Tighten the connecting rod connecting bolts to IS] ‘the specified angle in accordance with the fol 7 lowing procedure.
(1) Tighten the bots uniformly in the tightening 7 order (1-4-2-3-1) to the specified torque A. eaeea ene (2) Make sure that the torque mark "A" on the bolt is aligned with the mark "A" on the bearing surface. IF the torque marks "A" are not aligned, put Inserting the Piston the marks again in accordance with the proce- dure stated in 4-4.5 A. (O) ‘Knock @) Tighten the botts to the mark "B" in the order OF 1-4-2341. * Torque A: 49 N =m + Angular tightening (mark "B"): + turnit of 25° (Torque corresponding to mark "B"): 126 Nm) angle Emboss Connecting rod connecting bolt Bolt Tightening O rder PELE DC-17 A 04-08ston and Connecting Rod Reassembly of Piston and Connecting Rod/Confirmation of Connecting Rod Bolt Tightening Force and Retightening N. Check that the connecting rod large end part has allowance for side motion. Ifthere are no problems, fit a wire ring to prevent turing. ©. Insert the protect ring into the cylinder liner by hand, taking care not to tit it. A When the piston and the connecting rod have been disassembled, conduct a test run after the completion of restoration. Ensure that there are no abnormalities by touching. Then, start normal operation. 4-5.3 Confirmation of Connecting Rod Bolt Tightening Force and Checking the Connecting Retightening Rod Side Motion If the bolt tightening force is insufficient, seri- ‘ous accidents, such as breakage of the bolts, may occur during operation. Be sure to retight- en them, The crankpin bolts and the connecting rod con- necting bolts shall be checked for tightening state and retightened when the engine is operated for initial break-in after installation. In addition, they shall be checked and retightened after the engine is overhauled and maintained or within 3,000 hours after replacement of the bolts. After this, check the tightening force regularly (every less than 6,000 hours). ‘A. Retightening the crankpin bolts (1) Tur the crankshaft to position the crankpin of the cylinder to be checked at 35° before the top dead center. (2) Attach the hydraulic jack to both bolts, and tighten them to the specified oil pressure. :4-5.1 "Reassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part’) 2-4 "Hydraulic Jack") Specified oil pressure: 74 MPa Retightening the Crankpin Bolts DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye)Piston and Connecting Rod Reassembly: Confirmation of Tightening Force of Connecting Rod Bolts and Retightening DC-17 5.3 @ Fi the jack handle into the circular nut, and check that the circular nut does not move any angle (tum further). If the nut does not tum, its tightening force is normal. (4) Ifthe nut tums, retighten it. (Retighten the cir- cular nut increasing the oil pressure from 0 to the specified oil pressure. Repeat this two or three times, and make sure that the circular nut does not tun.) B. Retightening the connecting rod connecting bolts (1) Turn the crankshaft to position the crankpin of the oylinder to be checked at the bottorn dead center. @) Remove the wire rings. @) Set the torque wrench for the torque corre- ‘sponding to the mark "B,”* and tighten the bolts. Ifthe bolts do not turn, this means that the tightening force is normal Torque corresponding to mark "B": 126 N+ m (4) Ifany bolt tums, once remove the bolt, and ‘stamp the bolt with the torque mark "A* again, and tighten it to the specified angle. (1D) : 4.4.5 1, "Procedure for Stamping the Torque Mark "A) Mare A Mark Emboss Connecting red connecting bott Bolt T ightening O rder Connecting rod ‘connocting bolt (A) Ratchet head Torque wrench Retightening the Connecting Rod Connecting Bolts DC-17 A 04-08Engine Frame and Cylinder Liner 4, | DC-17 & Engine Frame and Cylinder Liner 5-1 General of Structure ‘The engine frame is a cast iron structure with suspended bearing and has sufficient rigidity against explosion pressure. ‘The main bearing is hydraulically tightened firm- ly by large-diameter main bearing cap bolts and side bolts. ‘The engine frame contains intake air and cooling water inlets and outlets and major lubricating oi passages. It has less extemal piping. To prevent oil leak from the crankshaft rear end, an oil thrower plate for shutting off is provided on the first wall on the flywheel side, and an oil throw- er lid having a multi-stage oil shaking off structure is provided to ensure more reliable sealing. ‘The side cover on the exhaust pipe side has two large-capacity frame safety valves. The cylinder liner is secured at three positions, upper, center (O-ring area) and lower positions. A thin protect ring is provided on the inner periphery at the top to prevent accumulation of carbon sludge. Only the upper area of the cylinder liner is cooled to improve the cooling loss. The engine frame and the cylinder liner are tightly sealed by three O-rings. Cylinder liner: 40.5 kg 5-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. 1. O-ring 240 B. Tools and measuring instruments No.3 (@) General tools and measuring instruments (CQ) : 22) (b) Cylinder tiner tools (1) Tool 4 (2) Tool 2 (8) Tool 3 (4) Nut (©) Cylinder bore gauge (150 to 175 mm) (@) Cylinder liner position gauge DC-17 Z 02-03 General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments Cooling water passage (outlet) Cooling water passage (inlet) Lubvcang cipassoge Engine frame Main bearing cap bolt Engine Frame and Cylinder Liner co ® 2 m — | {b) Cylinder liner tools th (c) Cylinder bore gaugeEngine Frame and Cylinder Liner Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Inner Surface DC-17 3 5-3 Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Inner Surface After overhauling the cylinder head and the pis- ton, inspect and maintain the cylinder liner (here- inafter referred to as the liner) keeping it in the engine frame, $34.3 "Removal of Cylinder Head" and 4- 3.1 "Piston Extraction") A. Visual inspection (1) Check for adhesion of carbon to the liner inner surface. @ Remove carbon, and check for scratching, ‘scuffing, traces of blow-by and corrosion on the inner surface. (8) Check for corrasion and fretting on the protect ring outer periphery and the liner fiting area. Direction P-S Ditecton AF B. Measure the liner inner diameter. ‘While the liner is in the engine frame, fit the cylinder liner position gauge (d) in a cold state, and measure the inner diameter with the cylinder bore gauge (c) in two directions (P-S and A-F) at four points ('a" to "d’). Nominal size(mm) Limit for replacement (repair)(mm) D=f170 __ +0.6 (uneven wear 0.3) C. Measure the thickness of the protect ring with a spherical micrometer, and record the measure- ment. Nominal size(mm) Limit for replacement (repair) Measuring the Cylinder a=64 —0.25 Liner inner Diameter A Wear of the liner and the protect ring inner surface depends on the use of fuel oil, lubricat- | ing oil contro! and cooling water temperature. = Development of wear can cause various prob- lems, such as blow-by and increase in use of lubricating oil. When the wear reaches or 5 becomes near the limit for replacement, replace the liner and the protect ring as soon Measuring the Protect as possible. Ring Thickness DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Engine Frame and Cylinder Liner Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Inner Surface} 3|DC-417 D. Dressing (de-glazing) the liner ‘When the piston ring has been replaced or when the liner inner surface is mirror-smooth, dress the inner surface. For dressing, use sandpaper or a honing stone. (1) Polish the surface with sandpaper (#80) in the circumferential direction to give the surface sandpaper traces. (2) When using a honing stone, correct uneven wear, and hone the surface to 5 to 10 mRz at a cross-hatch angle of 30° to 40" . (@) After the completion of honing, measure the inner diameter, and make sure that the diam- eter is within the limit for replacement. The liner in the engine frame can be honed by a special honing machine. As for the details, consult our service depart- ment. DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUEngine Frame and Cylinder Liner Extraction of Cylinder Liner DC-17 4 5-4 Extraction of Cylinder Liner Before extracting the cylinder liner, remove the cylinder head and the piston, ((CQ) : 3-1.3 "Disassembly of Cylinder Head” and 4-3.4 "Piston Extraction”) ‘A. Before extracting the liner, check that water in t “ the cylinder jacket has drained completely. Cynder head B. Puta vinyl sheet on the bottom in the engine oa ay ae frame so that dust, foreign matter and water drops do not fall onto the bottom. ©. Extract the liner. oyindor (1) After fitting the nut (b)-(4) and the tool 3 (6)-(3) H head bot onto the center shaff of the tool 1 (b)-(1), er insert the tool into the oylinder using the cylin- der head bolts as guides, and secure the tool > OF) with the cylinder head tightening nuts. @ Fit the tool 2 (b)-(2) onto the center shaft of L| the tool 1 (b)-(1), and screw in the tool until Liner the tool tip touches the liner lower end face. (8) Tum the nut (A) at the center of the upper sur- face of the tool 1 (b)-(1), and raise the liner Until the liner O-rings completely come off the engine frame. (4) Screw in the nut (b)-(4) to completely secure the liner with the tool 2 (b)-(2) and the tool 3 (>)-(). Ao}(2) (©) Remove the cylinder head tightening nuts. (© Put a wire rope on the tool 1 (b)-(1), and lit the cylinder liner tools (b) and the finer. D. Remove the O-rings. U Extracting the Cylinder Liner O-ing ‘Center shaft DC-17 Z 02-035-5 Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Outer Periphery and Engine Frame Jacket ‘A. Remove scale and silicone rubber on the cool- ing water contact surface "C* on the liner outer periphery with a wire brush or the like. B, Perform color check on the flange fillet "A" and the corner "J" of the engine frame stepped part to check for cracks. . Check the liner outer periphery "C" and the ‘engine frame jacket "L” for cavitation and corro- sion. If minor corrosion is found, repair them with a repair agent. D. Check the fiting areas ("B," "D" and "E" on the liner and "K," "MI" and "N* on the engine frame) for corrosion and fretting. A Engine Frame and Cylinder Liner Inspection and Maintenance of Cylinder Liner Outer Periphery 5| BC-17 | and Engine Frame Jacket Corrosion and cavitation can be caused by the following factors. 1. The cooling water rust preventive is not effective. 2. The cooling water pressure is low. 3. Cooling water contains air. Follow the control standard, and control the cooling water appropriately. (LQ) : 6-3 "Control of Cooling Water” in ["Operation") Inspecting the Liner E. Liner outer periphery "C" and engine frame jacket If the anticorrosion paint has peeled off the surface "L," retouch the surface. A The pale grayish brown deposit is a film formed by the rust preventive. Do not remove the film. F. Clean the contact surface with the cylinder head gasket 1 on the cylinder liner top face and the contact surface with the cylinder head gas- ket 2 on the engine frame top face. If necessary, apply compound to the contact surface with the cylinder head gasket 1 on the liner top face, and conduct facing-up. (Facing- up ook: optional) Inspecting the Engine Frame Jacket, DC-17 Z 02-03Engine Frame and Cylinder Liner Mounting of Cylinder Liner DC-17 6 5-6 Mounting of Cylinder Liner Mount the cylinder liner in accordance with Teverse procedure to removing, ‘A. Clean the inner and outer surfaces and O-ring grooves. B. Fit the O-rings on the liner. C. Mount the liner in accordance with the following procedure. (1) Screw the tool 2 (b)-(2) on the center shaft of the tool 1 (b)-(1) down to the position shown in the figure to insert the tool into the liner. 2 Fitthe tool 3 (6)-(3) onto the center shaft of the tool + (b)-(1), and tighten the nut (b)-iv) to secure the liner. (8) Put a wire rope on the tool 1 (b)-(1), and lit the liner with a chain block. (4) Apply an appropriate amount of silicone rub- ber to the whole periphery ("F") above the liner first O-ring and the whole periphery (GH) under the liner collar. A 1. Do not apply silicone rubber to the O-rings. 2. Affer applying silicone rubber, mount the liner as soon as possible until the silicone rubber dries. () Insert the finer into the engine frame. Set the liner in such a direction that the stamped mark on the liner top face can be read from the fuel injection pump side, and align the marked line on the liner side in the upper area with the marked line (between two lines) on the engine frame. Slowly lower the liner, and pass the cylinder head bolts through the tool 1 (b)-(1). AX ‘When inserting, take care that the cylinder head bolt threads are not damaged and the O- rings do not break. (8) Tum counterclockwise the nut (A) at the cen- ter of the upper face of the tool 1 (b)-(1). ‘Screw it in unti the liner gets into close con- tact with the engine frame. (®) Remove the cylinder tightening nut, the tool 4 (©}() and the tool 2 ()-(i). wry ‘Approx. 110 mm 2) [= cylinder tier }~]p—~certer shat ce =X oe) ore 1st Owing Fitting the Cylinder Liner Tools ) Cylinder head 1 rigatering nut - (ore) Marked tines one ylindsr head bot Oyinder liner (©) Shake the liner. When the finer stops lower- ing by gravity, secure the tool 1 (b)-(1) with the cylinder head tightening nuts. @ Remove the nut (b)-(4) and the tool 3 (b)-(3) Engine frame aw 03) 9) Mounting the Cylinder Liner eye Le) DC-17 A 03-07Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings [TEM 4{ B¢-47 | General of Structure 6 Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings 6-1 General of Structure ‘The main bearing is of a suspension type. The main bearing cap is hydraulically tightened firmly by the main bearing cap bolts and the side bolts. ‘The main bearing is made of aluminum alloy having high wear resistance. The bearing upper and lower parts are positioned based on the claw. ‘The main bearing is lubricated with oil supplied to the upper part through a drilled hole in the ‘engine frame. The thrust bearings are also made of aluminum alloy. They are mounted at the top and bottom on both sides of the first wall at the rear of the engine. Lubricating oil is supplied to them through the main bearing. Main bearing cap: 17 kg Lubscating hole Main bearing Side Bolt Math bearing cap bolt Malt bearing cap Main bearing 2nd wal ‘stall Crankshaft \ ‘Thnist bearings ° ° ° Main bearing Main bearng HEE a ‘Thrust Beat DC-17 Z 02-03 PyeMain Bearing and Thrust Bearings Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring ~ad Instruments DC-17 2 6-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts None B. Tools and measuring instruments. (0) Main Bearing Pin (@) General tools and measuring instruments (cf: 2-2) (©) Main bearing pin (©) Main bearing cap tools 2) (1) Toot + Nut ce {6 2) Toot 2 (@) Nut iw @ Toot 3 c (Nut (4) Nut ® 4 (@ Hydraulic jack for main bearing (common to A cylinder head bolts) cineg Cel eeacay : (1) Hydraulic jack assembly Q Jack stand (Main Bearing Cap Tools (@) Jack handle (©) Hydraulic jack for side bott (common to ‘rankpin bolts) oO (1) Hydraulic jack assembly (@) Jack stand @) Jack handle (Use (d)-(3)) (®) Hydraulic pump (1) Hydraulic pump (2) High-pressure hose 2 m long (3 pcs., with male coupler) (@) Terminal 4T (4) Female coupler (2 pos.) x (@) Hydraulic Jack for Main Bearing i a (Hydraulic Pump (e)}Hydraulic Jack for Side Bott PY E Le) DC-17 A 02-12Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings 3.1| DC-17 | Main Bearing: Disassembly of Main Bearing 6-3 Main Bearing Normally, disassemble and inspect the main bearing without completely removing the main bearing cap. Lower the main bearing cap, and only the main bearing can be dismantled. 6-3.1 Disassembly of Main Bearing ‘A. Remove the engine frame side covers of the cylinders before and after the main bearing to be disassembled, and position the crankpin on the side on which disassembly and inspection will be performed at approx. 95° before the top dead center. (See the figure shown below.) Remove the side bolt nuts using the hydraulic 2-4 “Hydraulic Jack") (1) Attach the jack stand (e)-(2) and the hydraulic jack assembly (e)-(1) to each of the side bots, and connect the assembly and the hydraulic pump (0-1) with the high-pressure hoses ()- @. (2) Operate the hydraulic pump lever to increase the oil pressure to the specified value, and loosen the nut with the jack handle (e)-(3). Work age] Specified oil pressure: 69 MPa @ Confirm the oil pressure at which the nut starts turning, and check that the nut has been tightened without looseness. (4) Remove the hydraulic jack assemblies and jack stands. © Remove the nuts, and loosen and remove the side bolts. Aer) Removing the Side Bolt Nuts DC-17 Z 02-03Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings C. Remove the main bearing cap tightening nuts (©) using the hydraulic jack. C(O): 2-4 "Hydraulic Jack) (1) Attach the jack stand (4)-(2) and the hydraulic jack assembly (d)-(1) to each main bearing cap bolt, and connect the assembly to the hydraulic pump (-(1) with the high-pressure hoses (9-(i). (2) Operate the hydraulic pump lever to increase the oil pressure to the specified value, and loosen the main bearing cap tightening nut () using the jack handle (d)-(3). Specified oil pressure: 83 MPa ‘Main bearing cap Main bearing ap bolt Main Bearing: Disassembly of Main Bearing EM DC-17 3.1 (8) Confirm the oil pressure at which the main bearing cap tightening nut starts turing, and check that the nut has been tightened without looseness. (4) Remove the high-pressure hose from the hydraulic jack assembly, and remove the hydraulic jack assembly and the jack stand, (8) Loosen the main bearing cap tightening nut approx. 15 mm from the nut contact surface of the main bearing cap. A Do not remove the nuts from the bolts to pre- vent the main bearing cap from dropping by gravity. > | Removing the Main Bearing Cap Tightening Nuts D. Lower the main bearing cap in accordance with the following procedure. (1) Attach the main bearing cap tools (c) to the main bearing cap bolt. (@) Screw the tool 3 (c)-(3) to which the nut (c)- (4) have been fitted into each main bearing cap bolt until the tool tip gets into contact. (©) Fit the tool 2 (c)-(2) and the tool 1 (©)-(1) to which the nuts (c)-(5), (6) and (7) have been fitted onto the tools 3 (c)-(3) from the side, and secure the tool with the nuts (c)- (4). Co fine tot 2) ote main bearing cap, fix the tool 2 (c)-(2) with the nut (c)-(6).. Tightening ut) (0-4) (0) one (era) Fitting the Main Bearing Cap DC-17 A 02-123.1| DC-17 | Main Bearing: Disassembly of Main Bearing (2) Tum the nut (¢)-(7) to lower it until it touches the tool 1 (c)-(1), and tum the two main bear- ing cap tightening nuts to remove them from the main bearing cap bolts. Put the nuts on the tool 1 (c)-(1). (2) Lower the nut (c)-(7) approx. 15 mm, and turn the nut (c)-(6) to lower the main bearing cap. A Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings A 4. Do not tur the crankshaft in the wrong direo- tion, The main bearing has a positioning claw. Ifthe crankshaft is tumed in the reverse direction, the claw will be damaged. 2. When removing the upper bearing, receive it in your palm to avoid damaging it. If the nut is lowered more than 15 mm, the} main bearing cap may drop by gravity. (4) Repeat the operation (3) to lower the main bearing cap until the distance between the nut (©)-(6) and the nut (c)-(7) becomes approx. 10 1. When the main bearing cap cannot be low- ered smoothly, loosen the side bolts on both sides, and the cap will be lowered smoothly. 2. Do not remove the main bearing cap com- pletely from the engine frame. If it is removed carelessly, it may not be re-fitted E. Remove the lower bearing from the main bear- ing cap. Put a wooden piece to the end face of the bear- ing, and tap the piece. Then, the bearing can be easily removed. F, Remove the upper bearing in accordance with the following procedure. (1) Insert the main bearing pin (b) into the lubri- cating hole in the crankshaft A ‘Take care that the main bearing pin does not come off the lubricating hole. (2) Press the main bearing pin against the end face of the upper bearing (without a claw), turn the crankshaft counterclockwise when viewed from the engine front side, and remove the upper bearing. UU Engine rame Main beating cap bot Main beating y cap rer Tightening (cH) mut (6) oH (ott) oor (48) (2) Lowering the Main Bearing Extracting the Upper Bearing (when viewed from the engine front DC-17 A 02-12 yeeMain Bearing and Thrust Bearings 6-3.2 Inspection and maintenance of main bearing ‘A. Check that the rear surfaces and mating sur- faces of the main bearing are free from fretting. Check that the inner surfaces are free from seizure marks, peeling, cavitation and inclusion of foreign matter. When defects are minor, repair the surfaces with an oll-stone. Main Bearing: Inspection and Maintenance of Main Bearing DC-17 3.2 Check for selzure marks, peeling. cavitation and eee Inclusion of toreign mater, A The main bearing is a thin-walled finished art, which is provided with appropriate interfer- ence (crush) and tension so that it gets into close contact with the housing surface. Therefore, do not correct the rear surfaces and ‘mating surfaces with a file or a scraper. A 1.While the main bearing is used for a long time, even if it has not so heavily wom, the tension decreases, and the inner surfaces harden, thereby causing cracking and peel ing. Replace the bearing with a new one every 16,000 to 24,000 hours (4 to 5 years). 2.Replace the upper and lower parts of the ‘main bearing at the same time. B. Check the bearing surfaces of the tightening ‘nuts and on the cap. Ifthe surfaces are rough, repair them. C. Ifthe disassembled main bearing cap tighten- ing nuts have been loosened, retighten the nuts of other main bearings. D. Check that the main bearing cap mating sur- faces and the contact surfaces of the fitting areas are free from defects, such as fretting. E. Check for flaws, hit marks and wear on the crankshaft surface. (check fr treting Lower boring Main UL Mating surfaces y ‘ Cc iting areas Fiting areas Checking the Contact of the Fitting Areas and Mating DC-17 A 0212Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings 3.3| BG-47 | Main Bearing: Reassembly of Main Bearing 6-3.3 Reassembly of main bearing ‘A. Check visually and by touching with bare hand that the crankshaft journal is free from foreign matter and flaws. B. After cleaning the inner and rear surfaces of the main bearing with wash oil, carefully wipe the oll off the surfaces. A Do not apply lubricating oil to the rear sur- faces of the main bearing. Oil on the rear sur- faces can deteriorate the fit. C. Mount the upper bearing in the engine frame in accordance with the following procedure. (1) Check the positions of the upper bearing claw and the notch in the engine frame, and push in the upper bearing by hand from the side not provided with the claw until it stops. @) Insert the main bearing pin (b) into the lubri- ‘cating hole in the crankshaft in the same man- nner as when disassembling @ Tum the crankshaft clockwise when viewed from the engine front side, and push the upper bearing until its end face aligns with the ‘engine frame mating surface to the main bearing cap. A ‘When turing the crankshaft, take care that the main bearing pin does not come off the bearing end face. (4 Ensure again that the upper bearing is set in position. (©) Tum the crankshaft counterclockwise when viewed from the engine front side, and remove the main bearing pin. Mount the lower bearing in the main bearing cap in accordance with the following procedure. (1) Re-check by touching with bare hand that the ‘crankshaft journal and the main bearing cap inner surface are free from foreign matter and flaws. (2) Check the positions of the lower bearing, main bearing cap end face and claw, and fit the lower bearing to the main bearing cap. Do not apply lubricating oil to the rear sur- face of the lower bearing and the inner surface of the main bearing cap. Oil on these surfaces may deteriorate the fit (8) Make sure that the main bearing is completely fited. (@ Apply a sufficient amount of lubricating oll to the lower bearing inner surface by bare hand. Reassembling the upper bearing (when viewed from the engine front DC-17 A 02-12Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings Main Bearing: Reassembly of Main Bearing DC-17 3.3 E. Mount the main bearing cap in accordance with reverse procedure to removing, (1) Tur the nut (c)-(7) on the main bearing cap tool (c), and raise the main bearing cap while fitting the side faces of the main bearing cap to the side faces of the engine frame. (2) Screw the tightening nut (c) on each main bearing cap bolt until the nut gets into contact with the surface. (@) Screw in the tightening nuts using the jack handle (4)-(3) until the main bearing cap touches the engine frame mating surface. A Make sure that the side faces of the main bearing cap are fitted to the side faces of the engine frame. (4) Remove the main bearing cap tools (0) A To prevent the main bearing cap from drop- ping from the engine frame, remove the main bearing cap tools after screwing the tightening ‘nuts on the main bearing cap bolts. F. Screw the side bolts in the threaded holes in the main bearing cap by hand. After screwing them until their tips get into con- tact with the hole bottoms, move them back 1/4 to 1/2 tum, G. Screw the side bolt nuts by hand until they get into contact with the surface. H. Tighten the main bearing cap tightening nuts. (1) In the same manner as when disassembling, attach the main bearing jack stand (q)-(2) and the hydraulic jack assembly (d)-(1) to each nut, and tighten i to the specitied oll pressure. Tighten the two nuts simultaneously. ‘Specified oil pressure: 83 MPa @ After tightening them to the specified pres- sure, once retum the oil pressure to 0, and increase ito the specified value to check the tightening state. 1. Tighten the side bolts, (1) In the same manner as when disassembling, attach the side bolt jack stand (e)-(i) and the hydraulic jack assembly (e)-() to each bolt, and tighten itt the specified oll pressure. Tighten the two side bolts of the same main bearing simuitaneously, Specified oil pressure: 69 MPa (@) After tightening them to the specified pres- ‘sure, once return the oil pressure to 0, and increase it to the specified value to check the tightening state. Engine frame > po Cc eatna cp ors) Tigtening oe coro oun el coe ore Assembling the mai bearing DG-17 A 02-12Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings 4.1| DC-17 | Thrust Bearing: Removal of Thrust Bearings 6-4 Thrust Bearing The thrust bearings are mounted on the front and rear surfaces of the main bearing No.1 (on the flywheel side). The thrust bearings can be removed after the main bearing is disassembled.( (1) : 6-3.1 "Disassembly of main bearing’) 6-4.1 Removal of Thrust Bearings A. Before removing the thrust bearings, measure the side clearance of the crankshaft as stated below. (1) Shift the crankshaft forward or backward using ‘a bar, and fit a dial gauge to the crankshaft. (2) Shif the crankshaft fully to the opposite side, read the value on the dial gauge, and com- pare the value with the limit for replacement of ‘thrust bearing. When fitting the bar on the crankshaft, put the bar on the crank webs. (Do not put the bar on the balance weights.) B. The lower thrust bearing is mounted on the main bearing cap No.1 with knock pins (one pin ‘on each side). Therefore, it can be removed at the same time when the lower main bearing is removed. . To remove the upper thrust bearing, press the end face by hand, and it can be easily removed. A ‘The upper and lower thrust bearings make a pair. Mark them for identification to avoid con- fusing the front and rear thrust bearings. Dial gauge Lower first, beating Removing the T hrust Bearing (front view) 2nd wall (~ tt walt wl! Lower thrust \ ower thust bearing beanng Removing the thrust bearing (side view) DC-17 A 02-12 Pye)Main Bearing and Thrust Bearings Thrust Bearing: M Maintenance and Reassembly of Thrust Bearings DC-17 |4.2, 4.3 6-4.2 Maintenance of Thrust Bearings A. Check the thrust bearings for seizure marks and inclusion of foreign matter. If minor defects are found, repair them with an oil-stone. B. Measure the thrust bearing thickness using an outside micrometer, and record the measure- ment. C. When the thrust bearing has wom heavily and the clearance between the thrust bearing and the crankshaft (side clearance) (d) exceeds the limit for replacement, replace the thrust bearing with a new one. Replace the thrust bearing upper and lower parts simultaneously. Knock hole Nominal size (mm) D=83 ‘Standard clearance Lint for replacement (mmm) ‘Thrust bearing 8 ra 6-4.3 Reassembly of Thrust Bearings A. Carefully clean the thrust bearings, and apply lubricating oil to the bearing surfaces. B. Check the identification marks, and insert the upper thrust bearings. . Check the identification marks, and fit the lower —4 thrust bearings into the main bearing cap. Mount the lower thrust bearings together with the main bearing cap. D. Measure the side clearance (d), and make sure that itis less than the limit for replacement. =e Side clearance py WELe) DC-17 Z 02-03Crankshaft 7 Crankshaft 7-4 General of Structure The crankshaft is an integrally forged part made of high-strength carbon steel. It has sufficient rigidity and strength. Each cylinder is provided with two balance weights, and each balance weight is tightened with two bolts. A crank gear to drive the cam shaft is fixed by shrink fiting at the front of the crankshaft, and an auxiliary driving bear to drive the lubricating oi! pump and cooling water pump is bolted at the front end, Lubricating oil supplied to the main bearing through the hole in the engine frame is fed to the crankpin bearing through the drilled hole in the crankshaft and to the piston pin and piston through the drilled hole in the connecting rod to cool them. To tum the crankshaft, insert the turning bar into the flywheel, and turn the crankshaft by hand. woe 230% General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, 4, 2| DC-17 | Tools and Measuring Instruments Crankshaft assembly (with balance weights] |crank gear and auxiliary driving gear) SDC: 567 kg 6DC: 709 kg 7-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments. A. Replacement consumable parts None B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments 22) DURE DC-17 Z 02-03 Pee)Crankshaft Inspection and Maintenance: Inspection of Crankpin DC-17 3.1 7-3 Inspection and Maintenance of Crankshaft In regular maintenance, inspect and maintain the crankshaft in the mounted state without disas- IF itis required to overhaul the crankshaft owing to special reasons, such as bearing seizure and abnormal wear of the shaft, consult our service department. A In the event of any of the following troubles, do not continue to operate the engine. Doing so may result in serious damage and acci- dents. Inspect the engine specially carefully 1. When the engine is operated for a long time in the critical rotational speed range owing to torsional vibration 2. When the engine is operated at a crankshaft deflection exceeding the allowable limit 3. When the clearance between the crankshaft ‘and the bearing is excessively large or when the crankshaft has won unevenly 4. When the bearing has burt out (to a minor degree) 7-3.1 Inspection of Crankpin Inspect the crankpin while disassembling the ‘connecting rod large end. 4-3.2 "Disassembly of Connecting Rod Large End Part") ‘A. Check the bearing for flaws and contact. Ifthe bearing has flaws, repair it with an oil-stone, land perform color check carefully. B. Measure and record the shaft diameter. ( (EL): 4-4.4 “Inspection and Maintenance of Crankpin Bearing") Nominal size Shaft diameter = $145 mm . Perform color check on the fillets and the bear- ing lubricating hole. If any of the above troubles occurs, carefully ‘check for hair cracks also on the bearing sliding surfaces. =e = Dabok DIP FELOMEH A DC-17 Z 02-03Crankshaft Tightening Force Inspection of Crank Journal/inspection of Balance Weight Bolt 7-3.2 Inspection of Crank Journal Inspect the crank journal while disassembling the main bearing. 6-3.1 "Disassembly of Main Bearing") 'A. Check the bearing for flaws and contact. B. Perform color check on the filets and the bear- ing lubricating holes. If any ofthe above troubles occurs, carefully check for hair cracks also on the bearing slid- Ifit is required to disassemble the crankshaft as the result of inspection, consult our service department. 7-3.3 Inspection of Balance Weight Bolt Tightening Force > If the bolt tightening force is insufficient, the bolts may break during operation, thereby ‘causing serious accidents. Inspect the tighten- 19 force without fail. ‘A. Inspection every 4,000 to 6,000 hours (year) Check the wire rings for stopping (for loose- ness and break), and check that the balance weight bolts are not loose by hammering. B. Inspection every 16,000 to 24,000 hours (4 to 5 years) Check the state of tightening of the balance weight bolts in accordance with the following procedure, (1) Remove the wire rings for stopping. (2) Set the torque wrench to the specified torque, and check the tightening force. Specified torque: 392 N +m (@) Ifthe bolts cannot be turned, this means that the bolts have been completely tightened. Fit the wire rings to prevent the bolts from loos- ening. (@ If any bolt tums, once remove the bolt, and Dut 2am ; Le | ax te | DIDIIR—-F ND Dy KGYROZANO RB (@) Check the contact surface of the balance weight with the bolt and the mating surface with the crankshaft. If stepped wear or fretting is found, repair the surface with a file. (b) Carefully check the balance weight bolt for roughness on the bearing surface and damaged threads. If the damage is signifi- cant, replace the bolt with a new one. (©) Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the bolt threaded portion and bearing surface, and tighten the bolt to the speci fied torque. Specified torque: 392 N - m (©) After tightening, fit the wire ring to prevent retighten itn accordance with the following procedure. the bolt from tuming. DC-7 Z 02-03 TGCrankshaft Inspection of Oil Thrower Lid Clearance/Measurement of M Crankshaft Deflection DC-17 | 3.4, 4 7-3.4 Inspection of Oil Thrower Lid Clearance In the state when the main bearing is not disas- sembled, measure the inner diameter of the rear il thrower lid and the clearance between the lid and the crankshaft with a thickness gauge to determine the wear of the main bearing. Nominal size (mm) Standard clearance(mm) E=$160 d=0.35 ~ 0.50 7-4 Measurement of Crankshaft Deflection A 1. Measure the deflection in a cold state. 2.1f the engine is continuously operated with the crankshaft deflection exceeding the limit, excessive stress is applied to the crankshaft, and, at the worst, the crankshaft will be bro- ken. When installing the engine, adjust the deflec- tion appropriately. After starting the engine, measure the deflection every 2,000 to 3,000 hours (6 months). If the deflection exceeds the limit, correct it WY SMO
3-4.5 "Measurement of Crankshaft Deflection’ in Operation Manua) DC-17 Z 02-03jn Timing Gears: General of Structure/Replacement Consumable 1.4, 1.2| BG-47 | Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 8 Timing Gears and Camshaft 8-1 Timing Gears 8-1.1 General of Structure The timing gears are located in the front of the engine. The camshaft is driven by the cam gear (© driven by the crank gear (A) at the front of the crankshaft through the idle gear (B). The gears are helical gears made of high- strength alloy steel, and their tooth flanks have been carburized. ‘The cam gear (C) is supported at the front and back to reduce the bending stress to the camshaft, and fixed on the camshaft with bolts together with the cam gear shaft (D) that is a component of the front bearing unit. The idle gear shaft (E) is made of carbon steel and fixed firmly on the engine frame with bolts. Lubricating oil is supplied to the idle gear bush (F) from the lubricating hole in the engine frame through the drilled hole in the idle gear shaft (E). Lubricating oil is sprayed over the gear tooth flanks from the lubricating nozzle hole in the gear case (G). The sealing surfaces of the gear case (G) and the cam gear cover (H) that comprise the timing gear housing are sealed with liquid sealant. Timing Gears and Camshaft Cam gear shaft 5 kg Cam gear 27 kg Idle gear 2 22kg Idle gear shaft 14 kg Auxiliary driving gear: 20 kg Disassembly, reassembly and adjustment of the timing gears, camshaft and parts around them require high skill If itis required to do such operations as the result of inspection, contact our service depart- ment or service agency, and perform the oper- ations under the directions of experienced eng neers. 8-1.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. "Parts List’) 4. Camshaftgasket 2-18 No.6 2. JIS packing 248 No.1 3. Gasket 24 Nos B. Tools and measuring instruments (a) General tools and measuring instruments «iy: 22) Luicating nozzie Pole WA Auxiliary Driving Gear “Timing gear bloc DC-17 A 04-08Timing Gears and Camshaft -————_—____——“— | iming Gears: Disassembly of Idle Gear DC-17 1.3 8-1.3 Disassembly of Idle Gear Disassemble the idle gear after detaching the gear case and auxiliary devices fitted on the gear case. A. Detach all auxiliary devices, such as the cool- ing water pump, related pipes and wires from the gear case (G). Remove the lubricating oil pump without detaching it from the gear case. B. Remove the sensor on the tachometer fitted on the cam gear cover (H), and remove the cam ‘gear cover. C. After checking that the pipes and wires do not hinder the removal of the gear case (G), remove the gear case. a w Hanging sorew A ‘The fitting surfaces of the gear case and the ‘cam gear cover to the engine frame are not provided with packing. The surfaces are sealed with liquid sealant, Do not remove them for remove them. ly. Carefully D. Undo the wire ring, and remove the auxiliary driving gear from the crankshaft. , Before disassembling the idle gear, perform the following measurement, 1. Measure the idle gear thrust clearance “e” in the axial direction with a thickness gauge, and record the measurement, Standard clearance Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) e=03~05 09 ‘Aunliary thing gear Disassembling the Idle Gear DC-17 Z 02-03 rllTiming Gears and Camshaft 4.3| DG-47 | Timing Gears: Disassembly of idie Gear 2.Measure and record the backlash of the timing gears. A. Bend a lead wire 0.5 mm in diameter along the tooth profile, and apply it with grease. B. Slowly turn the engine, and stop turing at the time when the lead wire is engaged. C, Tum the engine in the reverse direction, and remove the lead wire to this side. D. Measure the thickness of the lead wire thinnest portions) deformed by the tooth sur- Lead wire faces.(A and B shown in the figure) E, Perform the measurement at four places at intervals of 90" . The average of four meas- 7 . urements is regarded as the backlash“ Backlash Standard value Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) (AsB)__b=0.20~0.35 05 Backlash (= A+B) Undo the wire rings on the outside six bolts (J), and remove the idle gear retainer (K).. G. Screw the eyebolts M12 in the two threaded holes in the idle gear (B), pass a wire rope though the eyebolts, and draw out the idle gear to this side while suspending and supporting the idle gear. H. Ifitis necessary to remove the idle gear shaft (©), undo the wire rings on the two inner botts (U, and remove the botts. While screwing bolts alternately and uniformly into the two threaded holes, detach the idle gear shaft ft- ting part from the engine frame. ‘When detaching the idle gear shaft from the engine frame, be careful that you are not injured by dropping the gear shaft. (Support the idle gear with the aid of the drawing bolt, and carefully handle it) DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUTiming Gears and Camshaft 8-1.4 Disassembly of cam gear To disassemble the cam gear, remove the gear case and the auxiliary devices mounted in the gear case in the same manner as when disassembling the idle gear. :8-1.3 "Disassembly of Idle Gear’) A The cam gear can be removed from the side by removing the cam gear cover even if the gear case is left. However, itis recommended to remove the gear case to ensure the workability and safety when removing and mounting the cam gear, ‘measuring the backlash and checking the matchmarks after reassembling, ‘A. Remove the flange (M) and the cam shaft bearing base (N) from the gear case. B. Remove the gear case as stated in 8-1.3. C, Before disassembling the cam gear, measure and record the backlash. (1D) : 8-1.3:v.2) Backlash Standard value Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) (A+B) b= 0.20~0.35 0s D. Remove the cam gear. (1) Before removing the cam gear (C), confirm the positions of the matchmarks (marked lines) on the cam shaft and the cam gear (C). A When reassembling, align the marks as before disassembling. Otherwise, the engine performance will change. 8-2.6 "Inspection of Fuel Cam Timing") Timing Gears: Disassembly of Cam Gear DC-17 1.4 2) Fit the eyebolts M12 firmly into the two thread- ed holes in the cam gear (C) rim, pass wire ropes through the eyebotts, and slightly lift the cam gear with a chain block. While lifting and ‘supporting it, loosen and remove the 12 cam gear bolts (P). (3) Operate the wire ropes to separate the cam ‘gear (C) together with the cam gear shatt (D) from the cam shaft, and lower them in posi- tion. A While the cam gear and the cam gear shaft are being transferred, the cam gear shaft may Come off the cam gear and drop, thereby caus- ing personal injury. Watch out for them whi transferring them. E. Remove the cam gear shaft (D) from the cam gear (C), ‘Camshaft (cy Matchenark 0) NP) Eyebolt m2, Disassembling the Cam Gear -2 DC-17 Z 02-034.5| BG-17 | Timing Gears: Inspection and Maintenance of Timing Gears 8-1.5 Inspection and maintenance of timing gears A. Clean the gears and parts with wash oll. B. Carefully remove the liquid seal on the fiting surfaces of the gear case (G) and the cam gear cover (H). . Blow air into the lubricating hole in the idle {gear shaft (E) to clean the hole. (When the idle gear shaft has been removed) D._ Blow air into the lubricating hole in the cam gear shaft (0) to clean the hole. E. Check the tooth flank contact between the idle gear (B) and the cam gear (C). Check for pitching and flaws on the gears. F. Tum the crankshaft, and check the crank gear (A) in the same manner. G. Check that the idle gear bush (F) and the idle gear shaft (E) are in contact and they have not worn abnormally. H. Measure the outer diameter of the bush sliding of the idle gear shaft (E) with an outside micrometer. 1. Measure the inner diameter of the idle gear bush (F) with a cylinder gauge. J. Caloulate the clearance based on the results of measurement of the idle gear shaft (E) and the idle gear bush (F). Ifthe clearance exceeds the limit for replacement, replace the idle gear bush (F) with a new one. Timing Gears and Camshaft 2) Ifthe bolts tum, draw out the bolts, and clean them. At the same time, carefully clean the intemal threads with air. Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the bolt thread- ed portions and bearing surfaces, and retight- en them to the specified torque. ‘Specified torque: 127 N +m Nominal size Standard clearance Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) (mm A=6160 a=0.06~0.26 0.35 A ‘When it is predicted that the clearance will exceed the limit for replacement before the next periodic maintenance, replace the bush even if the clearance is within the limit, K. Check that the idle gear shaft mounting botts ( are tightened properly. (When the idle gear shaft (E) has not been removed) Undo the wire rings, and tighten the two botts to the specified torque. (1) Ifthe bolts do not tum, the tightening force is normal. Fit the wire rings for securing the bolts. @) © Lubricating hole w. ©. Clearance of Idle Gear Bush DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye eweTiming Gears and Camshaft Timing Gear 8-1.6 Reassembly of Cam Gear Reassemble the cam gear in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling.( B14 "Disassembly of Cam Gear”) A. Fit the cam gear shaft (0) into the cam gear (©) aligning the bolt holes. B. Lift the cam gear (C) together with the cam gear shaft (D) with a wire rope, and fit it onto the cam shaft AN While the cam gear and the cam gear shaft are being transferred, the cam gear shaft may come off the cam gear and drop, thereby caus- ing personal injury. Watch out for them while transferring them. . Align the matchmarks (marked lines) the posi- tion before disassembling on the cam gear (C) and the camshaft. (Or align the matchmarks given before disassembling.) Be sure to align the matchmarks on the cam gear and the cam shaft as before disassembly, (CQ : 8.2.6 "Inspection of fuel cam timing") . After applying lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the cam gear bolts (P), tighten them on the diagonal lines to the specified torque. ‘Specified torque: 147 N« m . Apply lubricant to the outer periphery of the cam gear shaft (0). F. Apply liquid sealant to the fitting surface of the gear case (G), and mount the gear case on the engine frame. G. Fit the packing to the cam shaft bearing base (N), apply lubricant to the inner surface of the bearing, fit it to the cam gear shaft (D), and secure it on the gear case (G) with bolts. Reassembly of Cam Gear and Idle Gear DC-17 |1.6, 1.7 8-1.7 Reassembly of Idle Gear Reassemble the idle gear in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling. ( (Lj : 8-1.3 "Disassembly of idle Gear") ‘A. Clean the internal threads (8 places) in the engine frame for fitting the idle gear shaft with air. B. Fit the idle gear shaft (E) into the engine gear, taking care not to drop it. C. Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the idle gear shaft mounting botts (L) (inside, 2 cs.), and tighten them to the specified torque. ‘Specified torque: 127 N« m D. ‘Secure the bolts (L) with wire rings. E, Tum the crankshaft to position the oylinder No.1 at the intake top position. F. Lift the idle gear (B) with a wire rope, and move it to the specified position. G. Apply lubricating oil to the sliding surfaces of the idle gear bush (F) and the idle gear shat ©. H. Fit the idle gear (B) onto the idle gear shaft (E) aligning the matchmarks on the idle gear (B) and the crank gear (A) and the matchmarks on the idle gear (B) and the cam gear (C).. ._ Fitthe idle gear retainer (K) based on the bolt hole. J. Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the idle gear mounting bolts (J) (outside, 6 pcs.), and tighten them to the specified torque. ‘Specified torque: 127 N+ m K. Secure the bolts (J) with wire rings. L. Measure the thrust clearance "e" of the idle gear with a thickness gauge, and make sure that the clearance is less than the specified value. Secure the camshaft bearing base after ‘Specified thrust clearance @ = 0.3 to 0.5 mm ‘adjusting the position of the cam shaft bear- ing base so as to obtain uniform clearance between the base and ihe cam gear shaft H. Fit the packing to the flange (M), and fit the flange. DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03 re-wTiming Gears and Camshaft 4.7] DC-A7 | Timing Gears: Reassembly of Idle Gear M. Fit the auxiliary driving gear onto the crank shaft. (1) Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the auxiliary driving gear mounting bolts, and tighten them to the specified torque. Specified torque: 294 N- m (2) Secure the bolts with wire rings. A ‘
4.Matchmarks have been stamped on the side faces of the timing gears. When reassem- bling the gears, check the matchmarks. 2.When the marked teeth of the crank gear and the idle gear are engaged, engage the marked teeth of the cam gear and the idle gear. N. Clean the fitting surface of the gear case (G), apply liquid sealant to the surface, and mount the gear case on the engine frame. ©. Clean the fitting surface of the cam gear cover (H), apply liquid sealant to the surface, and mount the cover on the gear case and the engine frame. P. Fitthe tachometer sensor. @. Mount the auxiliary devices, such as the cool- ing water pump, in the gear case (G), and fit all related pipes and wires. Matebmarks on (yang (c) Idle gear @) Matchmarks on (A) Crank gear (A) ‘Matchmarks on the Timing Gears (Engagement of the geare when the cylinder 'No.t is a the intake top position) DC-17 Z 02-03 ey Vee Le)Timing Gears and Camshaft Camshaft: General of Structure DC-17 24 8-2 Camshaft 8-2.1 General of Structure The camshaft is a unit having integral intake and exhaust cams and fuel cam and is divided into two parts at the center to save the space for disassem- bly. The parts are connected with bolts and nuts. The outer periphery serves as a bearing. At the front end, a cam gear for driving the camshaft and a cam gear shaft comprising the front bearing are fited. At the rear end, thrust bearings for controlling the movement of the camshaft in the axial direction and a govemor driving gear are fied. The gear drives the governor through the drive unit. At the rear end of the cam shaft, in addition, a tachome- ter driving joint is bolted together with the governor ‘The camshaft bearings are provided before and after the cam gear and on the walls between cylin- ders. The camshaft bearings are cold-fted direct- ly to the engine frame. The drilled hole at the center of the camshaft serves as an oll passage for lubricating the bear- Ings. 8-1 "Timing Gears’) 11 "Govemor Drive Unit") «spe)
(1) Fit the camshaft bearing extracting tools (c), slowly screw in the bolt ()-), taking care not ‘to damage the bearing housing on the engine frame, and remove the bearing. (2) Set a new bearing in the way the oil passage is secured through frame and bearing, and fit the bearing into the engine frame by cold-fit- ting. ‘The cold-fiting procedure is the same as that for the valve guide. (GD): 3-1.5 B. "Replacement of Valve Guide") E. Check for wear, flaws and peeling on the camshaft thrust bearings (V). (1) When defects are minor, correct them with an oil-stone. (2) When the thrust bearings have wom heavily and the thrust clearance "b" exceeds the limit for replacement, replace the thrust bearings (V) with new ones. (EL): 8.2.3 6. "Thrust Clearance of Camshat") A ‘Standard Limit for clearance replacement (mm) (mm) ‘Thrust clearance b=0.15~0.45 0.50 core) wey ray Camshaft bearing Extracting the Camshatt Bearing ‘Assemble and check to secure the oll passage through driling hole and bearing oil passage (each wall and rear side Frame Oil passage Bearing J Ol passage ‘Camshaft bearing Camshaft Engine frame Reassembling the Camshaft Bearing DC-17 Z 02-03Timing Gears and Camshaft Camshaft: Reassembly of Camshaft DC-17 2.5 8-2.5 Reassembly of camshaft Reassemble the camshaft in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling, (EL): 8.2.3 “Disassemble of Camshaft) Before reassembling the camshaft, check the identification mark to confirm that the camshaft is a genuine part. Particularly when the camshaft has been replaced with a new one, be sure to check the mark. ‘A. Clean the removed parts, such as the ‘camshaf,, with wash oil B. Clean the surfaces of the camshaft 1 (rear) (T) in contact with the connecting nuts, and check for hit marks and peeling on the surfaces. If any defects are found, correct them. . Attach the cleaned cam gear (C) and the cam gear shaft (D) to the front end of the camshaft 2 (front) (S), and, after applying lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the cam gear bolts (), tighten them on diagonal lines to the specified torque, (CL): 8-1.6 "Reassembly of Cam Gear’) Specified torque: 147 N-m the matchmarks (marked lines) the position before disassembling on the camshaft and the cam gear. (Or align the matchmarks given before disassembling.) 8-26 "Inspection of Fuel Cam Timing’) D. Apply lubricating oll to the sliding surfaces of the camshaft thrust bearings (V) (on the side where oil grooves are provided), and fit the thrust bearings before and after the camshaft thrust base (U) based on the knock pins with, their sliding surfaces outside. E. After making sure that the camshaft surface is free from dirt and foreign matter, apply lubri- cating oil to the outer periphery of the bearing and the inner surface of the camshaft bearing F. Slowly insert the camshaft 4 (rear) (1) into the camshaft hole in the engine frame from the front of the engine with the connecting side on this side. G, Then, siowly insert the camshaft 2 (front) (S) provided with the cam gear (C) and the cam ‘gear shaft (D) into the cam shaft hole in the engine frame, setting the connecting side inward. When inserting the camshaft, take care not to damage the cam surfaces and the inner sur- faces of the camshaft bearings. YN Ews DC-17 Z 02-03 ETiming Gears and Camshaft 3.8] BGA? (Camshaft: Reassembly of Camshaft H. Connect the camshafts aligning the match- ‘marks (on the camshaft 1 and the connecting bolt) given before the camshaft was disassem- bled, and fit surely the fiting parts. A ‘One of the 12 connecting bolts is a reamed bolt. Fit the bolt based on the matchmark given before the crankshaft was disassembled. I. After applying lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the bearing surfaces and threaded portions of the camshaft connecting nuts (R), tighten the connecting nuts on each diagonal line to the specified torque using the special ting head 17-12.7(b) and a torque wrench through the window on the camshaft cover. Specified torque: 78 N-m J. Mount the governor driving gear and the tachometer driving joint, and fit wire rings to prevent tum of the bots. K. Measure the thrust clearance "b" of the camshaft with a thickness gauge, and make sure that the clearance is within the specified range. Specified thrust clearance b= 0.15~0.45 mm LL Mount the valve operating device. ({21): 10-5 "Reassembly of Valve Operating Device") M. Mount the fuel injection pump, and connect the fuel high-pressure flange and the fuel high- pressure block with bolts. (1D): 9-5 "Mounting of Fuel injection Pump") NN. Insert the push rods, mount the rocker arm device, and fit the cylinder head cover. J]: 3-3.5 "Reassembly of Rocker Arm Device") ©. Fit the camshaft cover. P. Mount the governor case, governor drive unit, governor and related parts and pipes at the rear of the engine, 11-5 "Reassembly of Govemor Drive Unit") Q. Mount the gear case on the front of the engine, and attach the auxiliary devices to the gear case. 8-1.7 "Reassembly of Idle Gear’) DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUTiming Gears and Camshaft Timing Gears and Camshaft: Inspection of Fuel Injection Timing DC-17 2.6 8-2.6 Inspection of Fuel Injection Timing The items handled in this section must con- Cams? (Camehat 2 form to the engine settings specified in NOx | ‘cuter periphery) Technical Code. Do not make any change to bring the settings out of specification, ( (CL: 0-3 “Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code") When the cam gear or the camshaft has been disassembled or replaced, inspect the timing in accordance with the following procedure. ‘A. Remove the cam gear cover on the side of the gear case, and the camshaft cover on the side of the engine frame. B. Check that the marked line the position before disassembling on the outer periphery of the camshaft 2 is aligned with the marked line on the cam gear boss (at the front end). (Or check that the matchmarks given before di sembling are aligned.) (CQ): 8-1.4 "Disassembly of Cam Gear’) (1D): 8-1.6 "Reassembly of Cam Gear’) . Slowly tum the crankshaft, and read the deliv ery beginning angle on the scale on the fy- whee! when the delivery beginning position indicating line °X* on the fuel injection pump housing aligns with the marked line "Y" on the fuel injection pump tappet. D. Make sure that the angle is identical to the delivery beginning angle indicated on the adjustment plate on the engine frame side cover. . Check all cylinders in the same manner. When only certain cylinders are defective, inspect the fuel injection pumps of the cylin- ders. (QD): 2-5 "Mounting of Fuel injection Pump") F. Fitthe cam gear cover and the camshaft cover. } Gam gear shaft | [ == marked fine (eam [> peas side) SJ cam gear (boss) = Gam gear toss) ‘Cam gear Checking the Matchmarks on the Camshaft and the Cam Gear Dolvery beginning position inciating line Pump housing ‘Mounting Fosition Inctoating ine "2" Marked ne on ‘appet "Y" Camshaft Delivery Beginning Position ey Vige whe) DC-17 Z 02-03Fuel Injection System General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools 4, 2| BG-17 | and Measuring Instruments 9 Fuel Injection System ‘9-1 General of Structure ‘The fuel injection pump (A) is a Bosch type high- pressure single-cylinder pump with an integral tap- pet. ‘The plunger is lubricated with lubricating oil. High-pressure fuel oil that is fed under pressure by the plunger is sent to the forged steel fuel high- pressure block (C) from the outlet on the side of the upper part of the pump through the fuel high- pressure joint (B) having spherical end faces. Then, the fuel oil is fed into the inlet connector (D) of the fuel injection valve on the side of the cylin- der head through the drilled hole in the fuel high- pressure block If high-pressure fue! oil leaks from any joint on the route from the fuel injection pump to the fuel injection valve, oll is fed into the fuel high-pressure block (C), cylinder head and main passage in the engine frame through the drilled hole, and collect- ed in the leakage oil tank through the high-pres- sure pipe leakage detector. Then, the level switch detects the trouble. (CD) : 4.2 “inspection and Maintenance of Fuel Injection Valve" in Operation Manual) Fuel injection pump assembly: 20 kg ©) 9-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. (DQ) : "Pans List’) 1.Gasket (camshaft cover) 2-2 No.6and7 2.0-rings (high-pressure block) 2-22 No.4and14 3.Circular packing (leak pipe) 3-2.1 No.24and25 4.Circular packing (plunger lubricating oil pipe) 3-3.1 No.502 B. Tools and measuring instruments (@ General tools and measuring instruments 22) (c) ®) Fuel Injection System DC-17 A 04-08 DAIHATSUFuel Injection System Disassembly of Fuel Injection Pump DC-17 3 9-3 Disassembly of Fuel Injection Pump ‘A. Remove the camshaft cover on the engine frame side. B. Tum the engine to position the tappet roller of the fuel injection pump (A) on the fuel cam base circle. ©. Remove the fuel high-pressure block (C) and the rack link pin (E).. D. Disconnect the fuel injection pump leak pipe ( and the plunger lubricating pipe (6). E. Loosen and remove the mounting bolt of the fuel oil main pipe (H). F. Remove the pump tightening nuts (J) using a box spanner. G. Fit an eyebolt M10 in the center of the top of the fuel injection pump, and lift the pump with ‘a wire rope to dismantle it from the engine. H. Remove the fuel high-pressure flange (K) and the fuel high-pressure joint (B) from the fuel injection pump. 1. Remove the lifting eyebott M10. A ‘The fuel injection pump for each cylinder has been adjusted to ensure appropriate injection timing. When disassembling, put an identifica- tion mark on each pump as stated below. Take care not to mount the pump on another cylin- der. 1.Mark the fuel injection pump housing and the fuel high-pressure flange with the engine ‘number and the cylinder number. Attach a tag to a set of the mounting surface shims (for adjusting the base circle) for each cylinder, and enter the engine number and the cylinder number in the tag. w) Fuel injection ump (A) @) Mounting / batt (4) oO cs) a sine frame’ Disassembling the Fuel injection Pump DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Fuel Injection System 44{DCA7 [Disassembly of fuel injection pump 9-4 Fuel Injection Pump 9-4.1 Disassembly of fuel injection pump A (11) Remove the deflector (). ‘The fuel injection pump is a precision part. Even fine foreign particles may cause sticking ‘or damage of the plunger and delivery valve. When disassembling and reassembling the pump, take utmost care that no foreign parti- les enter the pump. (1) Attach the fuel injection pump on a vice with the tappet assembly (a) upward. @) Press the tappet using a gear puller to such a degree that the tappet does not catch on the pin (b), screw a bolt (M620) into the pin (b), ‘and remove the pin. @) Slowly loosen the gear puller, and remove it A ‘The force of the plunger spring (e) is applied to the tappet. Return the puller slowly, taking care that the tappet does not jump out. (4) Slowly remove the tappet assembly (a) togeth- er with the plunger (c) and the spring seat (d).. (6) Remove the plunger spring (€). (©) After removing the control sleeve (1) together with the spring seat (a), draw out the control rack (h). (7 Detach the injection pump from the vice, and attach itto the vice upside down. (®) Mark off a line on the plunger block () and the pump housing (). (To prevent mis-assembly) (10) Remove the block mounting botts (m), and draw out the plunger block (). I the block cannot be drawn out smoothly, fit a wooden or plastic bar onto the barrel on the oppo- site side, and tap the bar with a hammer. A Do not disassemble the delivery valve. After replacing the plunger assembly, replace the delivery valve assembly. 1) Handle the plunger (c) and the plunger block () as a pair. The gap between these parts has been adjusted. An improper combi- nation of these parts cannot be used. 2) Sort the removed parts by pump. Take care not to mix the parts with parts of other cylinders. (rm) Prnger block ‘mourting bot (4) Delivery valve Plunger assembly assembly Plunger changer x Marko ine Oi reservoir, i{o) Panger| {) Detect, = ‘outet® Labicateg ote Conta sieeve ce (9) Spring eat ae {0 Purp housin nPangee spring (©) Spring seat ; (0) Pin (a) Tappet assembly Fuel injection pump DC-17 A 04-08Fuel Injection System Inspection and maintenance of fuel injection pump DC-17 42 9-4.2 Inspection and maintenance of fuel injection pump ‘The parts handled in this section must con- form to NOx Technical Code. When replacing any of these parts, use the part with the identifi- cation mark. (CQ) + 0-3 "Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code") (1) Clean the removed parts with clean wash oil, and blow air over them. @) Check the plunger, plunger block (barrel) and deflector for erosion caused by cavitation. any part has eroded heavily, replace it with a new one. A Replace the plunger assembly, delivery valve assembly and plunger spring every 16,000 to 24,000 hours (4 to 5 years) with new ones even if they do not show any abnormalities. (8) Measure the inner diameter of the tappet, and calculate the tappet clearance. Nominal size Standard dearance Replacement iit (mm) (mm) (mm) o=72 =0.03-0.08 0.25 (@ Fit a dial gauge onto the tappet roller surface, and measure the bearing clearance while mov- Ing the roller up and down. (mm) (mm) (nm) C=$28 c=0.05-0.08 0.20 Nominal size Standard dearance Replacement limit Prunger Plunger, barrel and deflector c ‘Tappet clearance and roller bearing clearance ey sVa ewe) DC-17 Z 04-08Fuel Injection System 43| DC-47 |Reassembly of fuel injection pump 9-4.3 Reassembly of fuel injection pump A ‘When reassembling the fuel injection pump, handle its parts without using gloves to prevent adhesion of foreign particles and dust. Reassemble the fuel injection pump in reverse order from its disassembly. (1) Attached the pump housing () to a vice with the delivery valve upward. (@ Apply grease thin to the plunger block (barrel) ‘O-ring grooves in the pump housing (). (@) Lightly bend the backup rings inward, taking care not to break them, so that they will be in close contact with the plunger block. (To pre- vent the backup rings breaking) (4) Fit the O-rings (new) and the backup rings onto the plunger block (), and apply grease thin. Locate the cut edges of the backup rings at 18011 from each other. (6) Shift the O-rings (new) and backup rings in the arrow direction. (To prevent the backup rings breaking.) DC-17 Z 04-08 Application of grease to inside ‘of pump housing Backup ring ‘Upper side Backup ring Oring ‘ 4 | Sn Procedures for fitting the backup rings and O-ringsFuel Injection System IReassembly of fuel injection pump (©) Align the mark-off line on the plunger block (J) with the mark-off line on the pump housing (), ‘and insert the plunger block into the pump. housing. (7 Apply Molycoat 1000 to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the plunger block ‘mounting bolts (m), and tighten the botts in accordance with the following procedures. + Tighten the reference positioning bott first. * Tighten the bolts on the diagonal line alternately and uniformly while gradually increasing the torque. Tighten the bolts in the order shown in the right figure. * When tightening the bolts to the specified torque for the last time, tighten the reference position- ing bot first. Specified torque: 39 to 49 N.m (@) Fit the O-ring (new) into the groove in the deflector (), apply grease thin, and fitthe deflector to the pump housing Specified torque: 59 to 69 N.m DC-17 4.3 Plunger bare Markoff line Fitting of plunger block Apply Molycoat 1000 eae ar (Gres) Application of Molycoat 1000 Aeterna bot fe C7? A S @ © |o (@) Detach the injection pump from the vice, and attach it to the vice upside down. Tightening of deflector DC-17 Z 04-08Fuel Injection System 44(BC.17 |Reassembly of fuel injection pump (10) Apply grease to the control rack (t), and insert _(14) Align the collar ofthe plunger with the notch in itinto the pump housing the control sleeve (g), and insert the plunger (c) (11) Fit the end of the gear of the control sleeve (1) into the plunger block (). on the end of the gear of the control rack (h), Insert the plunger setting the Z mark of the plunger and insert the control sleeve (f) into the pump collar on the opposite side of the control rack. housing. (15) Align the guide of the tappet with the guide ‘groove in the pump housing, and insert the tap- pet into the pump housing. “Tappet Guile groove Insertion of control sleeve (12) Fit the upper spring seat (g) onto the outer cir cumference of the control sleeve (), and insert the plunger spring (e). (19) Fit the plunger (c) onto the lower spring seat @. $ Insertion of tappet (16) Fit the stopper pin (b) while pushing the tap- pet using a gear puller. (17) After the completion of reassembly, make sure that the rack moves smoothly and the zero point is positioned correctly. Fitting of plunger DC-17 Z 04-08 eye)Fuel Injection System Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump 9-5 Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump Before mounting the fuel injection pump on the engine frame, apply the greased O-ring (L) to the fuel high-pressure flange (K), and fit the flange to the fuel injection pump. (Fix the flange tightening Uniformly the bolts (M) on diagonal lines.) ‘A. Make sure that the fuel cam is positioned on the base circle. B. Check the cylinder number, and fit the shim to the stud bolt for mounting the fue! injection pump. . Lift the fue! injection pump (A) with a wire rope, and insert it into the engine frame. D. Tighten the pump tightening nuts (J) using a box snapper. A Make sure that the roller is completely on the fuel cam profile (the roller end does not pro- ‘rude from the fuel cam). DC-17 5 E. Check the fuel injection pump mounting height. (1)When the tappet roller is on the fuel cam base Circle, make sure that the marked line "Y" on the tappet is aligned with the mounting position indicating line "Z* on the pump housing. (2)To adjust the mounting height, use shi (Standard height: 0.5 mm) To set the marked line "Y" on the tappet above the mounting position indicating line "2" fon the pump housing: OReduce the shim thickness, and the injection timing will be advanced. Olnerease the shim thickness, and the injection, timing will be delayed. Shim thickness ( "Parts List’) 0.2mm 3-23.1 No.1 O.1mm 3-23.1 No.12 0.3mm 3-23.1 No.13 x] Pumphouting tated te on ‘appet Mounting postion Indicating tne "2" Fuel Injection Pump Mounting Height DC-17 Z 02-03Fuel Injection System [rem 4{ 80.47 | Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump Make adjustments in the state when the tap- pot roler of the fuel injection pump is on the ) © @ base circle of the fuel cam. oO F. Insert the fuel high-pressure joint (B) into the 2 fuel high-pressure flange (K). A Mount the fuel high-pressure joint in its origi- ‘S °° nal position based on the identification mark given before disassembling. G. Fitthe greased O-rings (N) and (P) to the fuel high-pressure flange (K) and the fuel high pressure block (C) H. Mount the fuel high-pressure block (C). Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the ‘mounting bolts (Q), and tighten the bolts alter- nately to the specified torque, adjusting their posi- tions on the cylinder head and fuel high-pressure flange (K) sides. 1 5-4.2 "Mounting of Fuel Injection Valve" in © 5 Operation Manual) q «) 8) & LS H ‘Specified torque: 39 N - m (M) |. Fitthe rack pin (E), and adjust the rack Mounting the fuel high-pressure block amount. (GQ) : 53.1 "Adjustment of Fuel Injection Pump Rack" in Operation Manual) J. Tighten the fuel oil main pipe (H) with the mounting bolts. K. Fitthe fuel injection pump leak pipe (F) and the plunger lubricating pipe (G). heck the fuel injection timing, 2.6 "Inspection of Fuel Cam Timing") M. Fit the camshaft cover. N. Afer the completion of maintenance, feed fuel oll, and loosen the deflectors to discharge air. L 4-2.2 (6) "Priming with Fuel Oil and Extausting Air" in Operation Manual) DC-17 Z 02-03 PEO)Fuel Injection System MEMO DC-17 DC-17 Z 04-08 ROeM 10 Valve Operating Device 10-1 General of Structure This engine employs a swing-arm type valve operating device having a roller follower. The device is common to the intake and exhaust valves. ‘The intake or exhaust cam lit is transmitted to the intake or exhaust valve from the tappet roller through the swing arm, push rod, rocker arm and Teyoke. A bearing bush has been press-fitted into the tappet roller, which revolves on the tappet roller pin that has been press-fitted into the swing arm. The swing arm fulcrum and the tappet roller bearing are lubricated with oll supplied from the drilled hole in the engine frame through the swing ‘arm shaft fixing bolt and the drilled holes in the shaft and the arm. ‘A ing knock has been press-fitted into the shaft to ensure the parallelism between the tappet roller and cam contact surfaces. ‘Swing arm assembly: 8.5 kg 10-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ‘A. Replacement consumable parts 1. Seal (head cover) 214No.14 2. Gaskets (camshaft cover) 2-2 No6 and7 B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments 122) 10-3 Disassembly of Valve Operating Device ‘A. Remove the cylinder head cover, and remove the rocker arm device and the push rods. B. Remove the camshaft cover on the engine frame side. Valve Operating Device General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and 4, 2, | BG-47 | Measuring instruments/Disassembly of Valve Operating Device fl Jovank 7 BxyRO-F pahn—> ey ants — 4 | a a AAYIT Le ASSY. ©. Remove the swing arm shaft bolt (A), and dis- mantle the swing arm assembly. Before dismantling the swing arm assembly, ‘mark the engine number and cylinder number with a marker. D. Remove the snap ring (8), and remove the ‘swing arms (C) from the swing arm shaft (0). DC-17 Z 02-03Valve Operating Device nspection and Maintenance of Valve Operating Device DC-17 4 10-4 Inspection and Maintenance of Valve Operating Device ‘A. Clean the parts with wash A Each part has a lubricating hole. Take care that dust and foreign matter do not enter the hole. B. Check for flaws and abnormal contact on the siid- ing surfaces of the swing arm shaft (D) and the swing arms (C).. ©. Check for flaws and abnormal contact on the ‘outer periphery of the tappet roller (E). D. Check for flaws and abnormal contact on the concavity in each swing arm (C) fitting (surface in contact with the push rod) E. Puta dial gauge on the tappet roller (E), and measure the clearance between the tappet roller pin (F) and the tappet roller bush (G) while moving the tappet roller upward and downward. O RALIF— LB, RAVI FLOR Nominal size Standard clearance Limi for replacement (eam) (mm) (mm) B=422b=0.07~0.13 0.2 A As the clearance increases, the valve end clearance becomes larger, and the valve open- ing and closing timing changes, resulting in degradation of the engine performance. Hf the measured clearance exceeds the limit for replacement, replace the swing arm (with the roller) with a new one. O I ® @ SRybO—FIY RA YEE) DC-17 Z 02-035| BCA? Valve Operating Device Reassembly of Valve Operating Device 10-5 Reassembly of Valve Operating Device A. Align the lubricating hole @ ) the swing arm (C) with the lubricating groove in the swing arm a8 shaft (0), and fit the swing arm onto the swing arm shaft A der. Before reassembling, check the cylinder ‘umber to avoiding fitting parts of another cylin- B. Fit the snap ring (8). C. Mount the swing arm assembly on the engine frame, fitting the ring knock (H). A "R'is on the right. The swing arm shaft has identification marks "LY and "R.” Check that " RAFI —LEBR is on the left and D. Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the swing arm shaft bolts (A), and tighten the w © ® o bolts to the specified torque. Specified torque: 59 N+ m AAYIF—LMOMT DC-A7 Z 02-03Valve Operating Device MEMO DC-17 DC-17 Z 02-03Governor Drive Unit 4, 2{DCA7 11 Governor Drive Unit 411-4 General of Structure This engine uses a hydraulic governor. The governor adjusts the rack of the fuel injection pump through the common rod depending on the change in load, and controls the fuel injection amount. The govemor drive unit is located at the rear of the engine. The unit consists of a pair of bevel gears that are driven by the camshaft. The unit drives the govemor through the spline coupling. The governor bearing has been positioned with a pin in the governor gear case after the bevel gear backlash was adjusted in the factory. In the normal inspection and maintenance, the backlash does not need to be adjusted. The fitting surfaces of the governor gear case and the engine frame are sealed with an O-ring, and the fiting surfaces of the govemor gear case land the governor bearing and those of the gover- nor bearing and the governor base (RHD) are sealed with liquid sealant. The following two governors are available to this engine. As for the handling of the governor, refer to the separate manual. "Governor Instruction Manual")
Govemor : 8 kg Governor drive unit assembly: 23. kg
Govemor : 20 kg Govemor drive unit assembly: 23 kg 11-2 Replacement Consumable Parts, General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments | Tools and Measuring Instruments ‘A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones.
(CQ) : "Parts List") 4. O-rings 2:24.41 No.519, 520 2. Gasket 224.1 No.t1 3. Bearing 2.24.1 No.518 4, Circular packing 224.1 No.522 5, Circular packing (governor lubricating pipe) 33.1 No.502, 503
(CD) : "Parts List . O-rings 2-24.2 No.520, 521 Pump housing packing 2-24.2 No.11 ‘Governor mounting packing 2-24.2 No.13 Bearing 2:24.2 No.S19 Spiit pin 224.2 No.513 Circular paoking (box nut) 2-242 No.522 Circular packing (governor lubricating pipe) 3-3. No.502, 503 NOPRENS B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments (iQ: 22) DC-17 A 04-08Govemor Drive Unit Disassembly of Governor Drive Unit eM DC-17 11-3 Disassembly of Governor Drive Unit The basic structure of the governor drive unit is the same irrespective of the govemor type. This section explains how to disassemble the govemor rive unit for RHDS. ‘A. Remove the govemor lever (A) and the link pin (®) from the governor. B. Disconnect the govemor lubricating pipe. . Remove the govemor mounting nuts (C), and dismantle the governor. D. Remove the govemor base mounting bolt (D), and remove the govemor base (E). . Check by touching the backlash between the governor driving gear (F) and the governor driven gear (G). ‘Standard dearance ——_Limifor replacement (mm) (mm) Nominal size 0.08~0.13 06 F. Dismantle the govemor gear (H) assembly. The spline coupling (J), govemor driven gear (@,, bearing (K) and distance piece (L) can be drawn out simultaneously because they are fitted ‘on the governor bearing. . Draw out the taper pin (M), and remove the spline coupling (J). H. Remove the nut (N), and remove the washer. 1. Remove the govemor driven gear (G), and remove the bearing (K) and the distance piece wo. J. Ifnecessary, remove the govemor gear case (P) and the governor driving gear (F). ({CLy : £23 "Disassembly of camshaft) (1)Remove the governor gear case mounting bolt (Q), and remove the governor gear case (P). (Undo the wire rings, loosen the botts (R), and remove the tachometer driving joint (S) and the governor driving gear (F).. Linpin ce O*00" ver) Common rod Governor “Terminal (Common rod ever . Ibricaing Pipe my Governor Link Governor (C) f s) Governor e) Pin
Dropping the air cooler while lifting it can cause serious accidents. Screw in the eyebolt securely to the bearing surface, and strictly obey the standard on the use of the wire rope. © Engine tame 6), Lew {Turbocharger m4 ooo Removing the Air Cooler ey Vee DC-17 Z 02-03Intake and Exhaust System Me 4.4, 3.8 DC-A7 | Ai Cooter: Inspection, Maintenance and Reassembly 412-3.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Air Cooler The parts handled in this section must con- form to NOx Technical Code. When replacing any of these parts, use the part with the identifi cation mark. 1 0-3 "Engine Conforming to NOx Technical Code") ‘A. Remove the water chamber covers on both sides, and remove scale that has adhered to them. B. Clean the inside of the cooling pipe with a nylon brush, After brushing, clean the inside with fresh water. C. Remove dirt from the parts on the air side blowing compressed air onto them. If they are heavily diy, remove the water chamber, and soak the plate fin tube assembly with the casing in neutral detergent solution to remove dirt After removing dirt, wash them with fresh water, and completely dry them as soon as possi- ble. A As for the details of the brand of detergent, ‘mixing ratio, heating conditions and treatment after washing, consult or ask the detergent manufacturer. 12-3.5 Reassembly of Air Cooler Reassemble the air cooler in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling. DC-17 Z 02-03 Py EE)Intake and Exhaust System MEMO DC-17 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Starting Air System 4| p¢.47 | General of Starting Air System 13. Starting Air System 13-1 General of Starting Air System ‘The engine is started by an air motor using com- pressed air. To start the engine remotely or automatically, press the start pushbutton on the engine control panel or the operation panel (monitor panel). Then, the solenoid vaive of the starter relay valve with a pressure control function (with an integral reducing valve) will operate, and low-pressure air will push out the pinion gear of the air motor. ‘When the pinion gear engages with the ring gear ‘on the flywheel, the air motor main air circuit will ‘open. The air motor will be driven by the main air, and the engine will start. To start the engine on the engine side, press the start button on the engine, and it will start in the same manner as when started remotely. To protect the air motor, an air strainer is provid- ed between the air tank and the relay valve. The air strainer, relay valve and air motor are installed on the exhaust pipe side at the rear of the ‘engine and fixed with brackets on the engine frame. To start the engine in case of emergency after occurrence of a trouble, such as a power failure, press the start button for emergency provided on the relay valve. When a power failure occurs, the starting fuel control does not function. Set the govemor control handle to the start position. ! 2-21 "Starting air system" in Operation Manual) TOCCOA ct emesor Regus an ela ae Sa pushouton im St btn for emergency Oh Airster leona eee 8-88 ~<~ staring at Starting Air System DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHAT:Starting Air System Air Motor, Regulator and Relay Valve DC-17 2 13-2 Air Motor, and Regulator and Relay Valve AS for the air motor and the regulator and relay valve, see the separate instruction manual. “Air Motor Instruction Manual") Poy E MEL) DC-17 A 04-08Fuel Oil System 4{ BCA7 General of Fuel Oil System 14 Fuel 14-1 General of Fuel Oil System When heavy fuel oil is used in this engine, it is particularly important to appropriately pretreat the fuel oil before it reaches the engine inlet. This pre- treatment greatly affects the life of the fuel injection pump and other devices. The system, facilities and equipment vary depending on the grade of the applied oil Appropriately maintain, inspect and service them in accordance with their instruction manuals. ‘When heavy fuel oll is used, the fue! oil heated by the heater and pressurized by the oil transfer pump is fed to the fuel injection pump through the filter. Excess oil retums to the inlet ofthe oil trans- fer pump through the pressure regulating valve for circulation. The major component parts provided on the engine include the fuel oil fier (@ flushing fiter to be removed 200 to 300 hrs. after the initial start of the engine) and the fuel oil pressure regulating valve. They are installed in the fuel inlet block 1 mounted under the fuel injection pump in the gear case. As for the inspection and maintenance of the fok lowing devices, refer to separate sections or sepa- I System Heayy uel ol supplying pump preerrrnrererrrrrs Air separstor peennnnnnnnneend RASS ASS AASASSSarensanannd a paentyeenceeeeee rate instruction manuals. (CL): 2-2.2 "Fue! oil Systern* in Operation Manual) fitter + 6-4,3 "Cleaning of Filter” in Operation Manual) + Pre-treatment facilities and devices + Fuel (CQ) : Separate instruction manuals) A
1.The parts in the fuel injection system, such as the fuel pump and the injection valve, are precision parts. They may cause nonconfor- mities, such as seizure, if dirt and foreign matter are mixed in oil. ‘When disassembling any device in the fuel system, regardless of whether it is on the engine or separate from the engine, take utmost care that dirt and foreign matter do not enter the device and piping 2.When overhauling the fuel system, be sure to vent air after restoration. When discharging air, take care not to splash the oil ing and Fuel injection valve return main pipe ee Fuel high pressure biock leakage oll maid ppe FFuethigh- Fuel injection [pressure black valve = Be rf Otwansier {>} iV ame 44 PLE eueinet iv tf ft Block 1 Fuel injection ee ¥ Herta tes}: i co pure Inet main pipe + 4 OR Sus absorber ee 1B rH a Posue Bp SFisting mere) Return main pipe st eke regulating valve ota £1 Taterenove 2010 30°F. teh il sr of ange ren fais do 8, Fuel DC-17 B 05-03 oilFuel Oil System Fuel Pressure Regulating Valv e jeneral/Consumable Parts/Disassembly/Inspection/Maintenance/Reassembly DC-17 |21~25 14-2 Fuel Oil Pressure Regulating Valve 14-2.1 General of structure The fuel oil pressure regulating valve is installed in the fuel inlet block 1 mounted under the fuel injection pump in the gear case, The valve keeps the pressure at the fuel injection pump inlet in a proper range. Excess fuel oil is retumed from the pressure regulating valve to the supply system. A The fuel oil pressure greatly depends on the main pressure of the supply system and varies according to the oll viscosity. For heavy fuel oil, the vaive has been adjust- ed so that the pressure is within the biue mark range on the pressure gauge at an appropriate working viscosity. if the pressure becomes out of the specified range during operation, check that the fuel oil viscosity is appropriate before disassembling and inspecting the fuel oil pres- sure regulating valve. A When heavy fuel oil is used, the oil is heated to a high temperature (100°C or more). If the oil is splashed on the skin, it may be scald. ‘Take care not to splash the oll when disassem- bling. 14-2.2 Replacement consumable parts, tools and measuring instru- ments A. Replacement consumable parts. Replace the following parts with new ones. 1.Circular packing 3-2.2 No.24 and 26 B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments, 22) 14-2.3 Disassembly of fuel oil pressure regulating valve Disassemble the pressure regulating valve in accordance with the following procedure: (Remove the box nut (A), loosen the nut (), and completely loosen the adjusting screw (C). A Before loosening the adjusting screw, mark the tightening position of the adjusting screw, or record the size so that the original position of the screw can be found when reassembling, ‘@Loosen and remove the spring retainer (D). (@)Remove the spring seat (&), spring (F) and pressure regulating valve (G) from the fuel inlet block 1 (H). 14-2.4 Inspection and maintenance of fuel oil pressure regulating valve A. Clean the disassembled parts with clean wash il to remove sludge. B. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the pressure regulating valve. Check that the valve does not stick. . Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the ‘spring and spring seat. 14-2.5 Reassembly of fuel oil pressure regulating valve Reassemble the pressure regulating valve in accordance with reverse procedure to disassem- bing. ‘A. Set the adjusting screw at the position marked before disassembling. B. After reassembling, operate the engine, and ccheck that the pressure is within the blue mark range. Ifthe pressure is out of the range, adjust the pressure with the adjusting screw. 4) Wie \ \ on © o Fuel oil pressure regulating valve DAIHATSU DC-17 A 05-03Lubricating Oil System 4{DC-A7 15 Lubricating Oil System 15-1 General of Lubricating Oil System Oil sent to the lubricating oil cooler from the lubri- cating oil pump is fed to the temperature contro! valve and the pressure regulating valve to adjust its temperature and pressure as specified, and sent to the main passage in the engine frame through the lubricating oil fier. The main passage branches into the following parts to lubricate them. (The fuel injection pump and the turbocharger are abbreviated to FIP and T/C, respectively.) ‘©Main passage--Main bearing—-Crankpin bearing -Connecting rod (drilled hole)—-Piston ‘Main passageCamshaft(drilled hole)—-Cam bearing —Rocker arm Swing armFIP tappet —Filter (for FIP) —-FIP plunger ‘Main passage—Govemor drive unit -Govemor driving gear ‘Main passage —Filter (for TIC) TIC ‘Main passage —dle gear bush ‘Main passage —Timing gears and aw ing gear (lubrication of tooth flanks) General of Lubricating Oil System ‘The lubricating oil pump is of a gear type with a safety valve. tis installed under the gear case on the front side of the engine, and driven by the aux- ilary driving gear mounted on the crankshaft. ‘The lubricating oil cooler is of a plate type and installed in the lubricating oil unit block under the gear case. In the lubricating oil unit block, the temperature control valve, pressure regulating valve and check valve (for the priming pump) are insert-mounted as a unit, and the lubricating oil filter is mounted directly on the block to realize a compact structure. ‘The lubricating oil filer is a notch wire duplex fil ter. It can be cleaned by blowing off during opera- tion. For lubricating oil for the turbocharger and the fuel injection pump, a more precise special fiter is provided. ((D) : 2-2.3 "Lubricating oil system" in Operation Manual) (CQ) : 5-4.3 "Cleaning of filter" in Operation Manual) Lubricating 0 cooler Fuel injection pump (FIP) inl al Filter oa we OF ae Psa roan ave a = = or |B Lubricating ot i ~ oe XK oer © "Kare Coen (6 Thre bose lle Lubricating Oi System DC-A7 Z 02-03 DAIHATSULubricating Oil System Lubricating I Pump: General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments/Disassembly| DC-17 |2.1~2.3 15-2 Lubricating Oil Pump 15-2.1 General of structure ‘The lubricating oil pump is insert-mounted as a unit in the gear case. Its suction side and dis- charge side are directly connected with the gear case and the lubricating oil unit block, respectively, to eliminate piping. The lubricating oil pump is a gear type pump, and its four bearings are needle bearings. A safe- ty valve is installed in the pump housing. 15-2.3 Disassembly of lubricating pump To disassemble the lubricating oil pump, dis- mantle the lubricating oil cooler and the lubricating oil unit block. ‘A. Before dismantling the lubricating oil pump assembly, remove the lubricating oil suction block, and check the backlash between the pump driving gear (D) and the auxiliary driving gear by touching though the window on the lower part of the gear case. 15-2.2 Replacement consumable parts, tools and measuring instruments ‘A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. (CD) "Pans tise) 1.Split pin 33.5 No.15 2.0-rings No.19 and 20 3.01 seal No22 4.Needle bearing No.19 5.O-ring (LO outlet) 3-3.3No.71 6.Gasket 3-3.1 No.1 7.Gasket No.501 B, Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments 22) Lubricating oil pump assembly: 33 kg Standard dearance Limi forreplacement (mm) (mm) Backlash 0.23~0.75 09 B. Remove the mounting nut, and dismantle the lubrication oil pump assembly from the gear case using two drawing screws (M12X1.75). . Disassemble the lubricating oil pump in accor- dance with the following procedure. (1) Remove the spit pin (A), fluted nut (B) and washer (C), and remove the pump driving gear (0) and key (E). @ Unbott the pump cover (F), and remove the ump cover using the two drawing screws (Mt0 X1.5), @) Draw out the pump driving gear shaft (G) and the pump receiving gear shaft (H) from the pump housing (). (4) Remove the snap ring (K), and draw out the oil seal (L). (©) Undo the stop wire, and loosen and remove the safety valve spring retainer (M). (©) Draw out the safety valve spring (N) and the safety valve (P). (Remove the O-rings (R), (S) and (1). DC-17 A 04-08Lubricating Oil System DC-A7 Lubricating Oil Pump: Inspection and Maintenance/Reassembly xa) Mi2x1.75 Mounting nut ‘Stop wate (Drawing screw) (ouch) ) © © ©), n ) ©. © —- ® TS CI Thiam grease “ Df ‘Ol seal iting direction “ ) Lubricating O11 Pump 15-2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Pump Clean the disassembled parts with clean wash oil Check for abnormal wear on the oil seal sliding surface of the pump driving gear shaft (G). Check for abnormal wear and dents on the needle bearing sliding surfaces of the pump driving gear shaft (G) and the pump receiving ‘gear shaft (H). Check for wear and pitching on the tooth flanks of the pump gears, and check for peeling and seizure on the outer peripheries and side faces. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the inner surfaces of the pump housing (J) and the pump cover (). Check for wear and pitching on the tooth flanks of the pump driving gear (0). ‘Check for laws and traces of sticking on the safety valve (P). Correct minor defects with an oil-stone. ‘
1.Replace the needle bearing and oil seal with new ones. 2.Carefully check the oil seal fitting direction, Apply lithium grease to the lip before fitting the seal, 3.Apply liquid sealant to the mating surfaces of the pump housing and the pump cover. 4.Mount the pump cover based on the two knock pins. S.Apply grease to the O-rings (R) and (S) before fiting them into the pump housing. 6.After reassembling, turn the pump dri gear (D) by hand, and check that the gear rotates smoothly. 15-2.5 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Pump ‘A. Reassemble the lubricating oll pump in accor- dance with reverse procedure to disassem- bling. B. Mount the lubricating oil pump assembly in the gear case. C. Apply grease to the O-ring (7), fit itto the pump cover, and mount the lubricating oil unit block and the lubricating oil cooler. DC-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System Lubricating Oil Cooler: General of Structure/ Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments/Disassembly DC-17 [3.1~3.3 15-3 Lubricating Oil Cooler 15-3.1 General of Structure The lubricating oil cooler is mounted in the fubri- cating oil unit block under the gear case, and the temperature control valve, pressure regulating valve and check valve are insert-mounted in the block as a unit. The lubricating oil cooler is a plate type cooler. A pattern designed to obtain the highest heat transfer effect is pressed on metallic plates. The Plates are laminated and fixed with bots to make a Compact structure. Lubricating oil cooler assembly: 120 kg. Lubricating oil cooler and block (unit) : 200 kg 15-3,2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments. ‘A. Replacement consumable part Replace the following part with a new one. (CD): Pans ust) 1.0-ring 33.3 No.71 B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments (Cy : 22) (©) Guide bar (2 pes.) (©) LO cooler mounting base (optional) [a ) (b) Guide bar (@) LC cooler mounting base (optional) 15-3.3 Removal of Lubricating Oil Cooler (1) Loosen the bolts, and remove the cover (upper) (A). @) Fit the eyebolts (M10) securely into the threaded holes of the removed botts. @ Pass a wire rope though the eyebolts M10, and slightly lit the cooler with a chain block. Remove the 12 cooler mounting botts (B), and dismantle the cooler assembly from the lubri- cating unit block. Mounting the LO cooler mounting base (c) as shown in the figure facilitates the work. (4) Remove the O-ring (C), and put the cooler assembly with the mounting surface down- ward in the specified position, (6) Remove the eyebolts M10. « Lubricating of unt book Eyebolt M10 ©) ® © Removing the Lubricating Oil Cooler DC-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System . 4, 4.8| BC-47 | Lubricating Oil Cooler;Disassembly, Inspection and Maintenance assembly of Lubricating Oil Cooler (1) Loosen the fixing nuts (D), and remove the six bolts (€). (2) Remove the cover (F), end plate (@), laminat- ce intermediate plates (H) and start plate (J) in order. A ‘The plate edges are sharp. Wear gloves. A: Before disassembling, mark the stationary plate (K), cover and plates so that the original mounting order and direction can be seen when reassembling. The marking will facilitate the reassembly. When some plates have adhered to one another, slowly separate them to leave the gas- kets on their original plates. 15-3.4 15-3.5 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Cooler Accumulation of sludge on the plate surfaces on the water side significantly degrades the cooling effect. Carefully clean the plates. A. Cleaning the plates * Clean the plates with water using a nylon or fiber brush or a stainless steel wire brush, tak- ing care not to damage the gaskets. ({t is more effective to wash the plates with a water jet of approx. 5 MPa.) * Oxides or lime depositions should be removed with a soft brush and 2 to 5% nitric acid solu- tion + Remove depositions containing oi with a soft brush and gas oil. A 1.Never use any steel! wool brush other than stainless steel brushes or a carbon steel brush. 2.Before chemically cleaning the plates with a thin nitric acid solution, check the corrosion resistance of the plates and gaskets. After cleaning, be sure to neutralize and wash them with water. (A 4-wi% nitric acid solution at 60°C or less is suitable.) 3,Do not use hydrogen chloride or sulfuric acid. B, Replacing the plates ‘When some plates are damaged, replace only the damaged plates with new one. When fitting the new plates, check carefully the plate direction. (Determine the direction according to the shape of the gaskets of the previous plates.) Marking (example) (with a smarkar or the Ike) Disassembling the Lubricating Oil Cooler DG-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System Lubricating Cooler: Reassembly DC-17 3.6 15-3.6 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Cooler (1)Before reassembling, clean the gasket sur- faces. (2)Screw the guide bar (b) into the stationary plate (K). @)lfthe studs (L) have been removed, clean the ‘extemal threads of the studs and the intemal threads of the stationary plate, apply adhesive (LOCTITE 271) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the studs, and tighten the studs to the specified torque. Specified torque: 200 N- m (@)Mount the plates through the guide bar (b), ‘taking care not to mount them in wrong order or direction. Stack the start plate (J), intermediate plates (H) and end plate (G) with their gasket faces downward based on the marking given before disassembly. A ‘Check that the following conditions are met. |. The gasket of the first intermediate plate is positioned in the direction shown in the figure with respect to the mark "T" on the stationary plate end face. (Set the start plate in the direction in which the start plate and the first intermediate plate form a honeycomb.) 2. Mount the second and following intermediate plates turning each plate by 180° . The gas- kets are positioned alternately (the gaskets of odd number plates and even number plates are positioned in the same directions). 3. The gasket of the end plate is positioned in the same as the first intermediate plate stated in Item 1 if the number of inter- mediate plates is even. 4.After reassembling, check that the plates forms a honeycomb. (Fit the bolts (E) into the cover (F), screw in the ruts (D), fit the cover onto the guide bar (b), and lay the cover on the plates. |) Fitting the guide bar End plate (G) Guide bar) Stationary late () Mounting the Plates Layout of rubber on the frst Intermediate plato and ond plate THE on Hana pide Plate and the Stationary Plate Pye DC-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System 3.6, 3.7| BG-A7 | Lubricating Oil Cooler: Reassembly/Mounting Honeycomb structure (Apply lubricant (MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY) to the threaded portions and bearing surfaces of the bolts (E), and uniformly tighten them to the studs (L) diagonally so that the distance between the stationary plate (K) and the cover is 99 mm. (Tighten the nuts (D), and secure the cover in position. (®)Draw out the guide bar (b). Checking the Shape After Mounting the Plates MOLYKOTE 1000 SPRAY 15-3.7 Mounting of Lubricating Oil Cooler ()Apply grease to the O-ring (C), and fitit to the stationary plate (K). @Fit the eyebolts M10 firmly into the threaded holes for cover (upper) (A) mounting botts in the end faces of the stationary plate (K) and the cover (F) ("T*-marked side. (Pass a wire rope through the eyebolts M10, and slightly lit the cooler assembly with a chain block. Mount the cooler on the lubricating oil unit biock with the cooler mounting bots (8) (@Remove the eyebotts M10. (Remove the LO cooler mounting base (c). (Fit the cover (upper) (A) Fitting the cover (After starting the engine, check for oil and water leak from the parts. Lubricating ol uit block (| @) ™ Fitthe eyeboits MrO (4 places) Tightening the Plates Mounting the Lubricating oll cooler DC-17 Z 02-03 PYMLubricating Oil System Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve: General of Structure/Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments/Disassembly fr DC-17 |4.1~43 15-4 Lubrication Oil Pressure Regulating Valve 15-4.1 General of Structure The pressure regulating valve is of a servo type (engine inlet pressure control type) and mounted as a unit on the exhaust pipe side in the lubricating oil unit block. ‘After pressure regulation, excess lubricating oll is retumed to the oil tank on the engine base plate. ‘The lubricating oil pressure can be adjusted by tuming the adjusting bott (A) to change the spring force. §-3.2 "Procedure for Adjusting the Lubricating Oil Pressure" in Operation Manual) Lubricating oil pressure regulating valve assem- bly: 2 kg 15-4,2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ‘A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. 1.0-rings 33.6 No.ttand12 B. Tools and measuring instruments (a) General tools and measuring instruments (GD : 22) 15-4.3 Disassembly of Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve ‘A. Remove the bolts, and dismantle the pressure regulating valve assembly from the lubricating il unit block. B. Disassemble the pressure regulating valve in accordance with the following procedure. (1)Hold the valve body (B) with a vise, loosen the lock nut (C), and completely loosen the adjust- ing bolt (A). Before loosening the adjusting bolt, mark the tightening position of the adjusting bolt or record the bolt size, so that the original adjust- ‘ment position will be seen when reassembling. @Loosen and remove the hexagon plug (0). A The hexagon plug compresses the spring. If the plug is removed suddenly, the spring may jump up, thereby causing an accident. Cover the plug with waste close or the like, and loosen it gradually. (@)Remove the spring seat (E), spring (F) and valve (G) from the valve body (8). ‘The valve can be removed easily by pressing it with bars through the holes (5 mm in diameter, 2 pes.) in the valve retainer (H). (4)Remove the O-rings (J) and (K). Lubsicatng ol unit block Lubricating oil pressure regulating valve DC-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve: Inspection and 4,4, 4.5| DC-17 | Maintenance/Reassembly 15-4.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve A. Clean the disassembled parts with clear wash oil to remove sludge. B. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the outer periphery of the valve and the valve slid- ing surfaces of the valve body. Check that the valve does not stick. If minor flaws are found, correct the flaws with an oll-stone, and check that the valve can move smoothly, ©. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the spring. 15-4.5 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulating Valve Reassemble the pressure regulating valve in accordance with reverse procedure to disassem- bling, A 1.Apply grease to the O-rings, and fit them to the spring seat and the valve body. 2.Set the adjusting bolt at the marking position. 3.After reassembly, operate the engine, and check that the pressure is within the blue mark range. If the pressure is out of the range, adjust the pressure with the adjusting bolt. DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSULubricating Oil System Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve: General of Structure/Tools and Measuring Instruments DC-17 |5.1, 5.2 15-5 Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve 15-5.1 General of Structure The lubricating oil temperature control valve is installed as a unit beside the lubricating oil pres- ‘sure regulating valve on the exhaust pipe side in the lubricating oil unit block. The lubricating oil temperature control valve is a kind of mixing type three-way valves. On the valve, the common port "A," high-temperature port "B" and low-temperature port "C" are provided. The wax in the wax pellet (D) in the common port "A" expands and shrinks to protrude and retract the spindle (E). Then, the valve (F) is opened and closed.
The figure shows the valve in the state when the lubricating oil at the port "A" to the engine inletis at a low temperature. The port "C" is fully closed, and the port "B* is fully open, As the lubricating oil temperature rises, the wax in the pellet (0) expands, and the spindle (©) extends and presses down the valve (F) to ‘open the port "C* and set the lubricating oil tem- perature at the port "A" to the set value. ‘When the lubricating oil temperature at the engine inlet rises abnormally owing to a failure of the pellet (D), the temperature can be reduced by emergency measures. To reduce the temperature, screw in the adjusting screw (© by hand to press down the valve (F) and open the port "C.” 5-3.2 "Manual Adjustment of Lubricating il Temperature” in Operation Manual) Lubricating oil temperature control valve assembly: 4 kg 15-5.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. 1.0-rings 3-3.10 No.1Sand16 2.Circular packing No.17 3.Pellet No.3(S10400) B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments (CQ) ot. : 22) (S) 0 § ®) my bolt (a) P) Lt _) \ MY A Lubricating of uit boek/ Lubricating oll temperature control valve DC-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System ren 5.3~8.5| BC-A7 15.5.3 Disassembly of Lubricating Oil ‘Temperature Control Valve .. Remove the bolts, and dismantle the tempera- ture control valve assembly from the lubricating oil unit block. B. Disassemble the temperature control valve in accordance with the following procedure. (1)Remove the bolt (P), and remove the cover (H). AN ‘The cover compresses a spring. If the cover| is removed suddenly, the valve may jump up, resulting in an accident. Gradually loosen and remove the bolt. (2)Remove the valve (F). The pellet (D) is fitted on the valve, Draw it out together with the valve. (@Draw out the conical spring (N). (4)Remove the E-ring (J), and remove the spring (6) and the pellet (0) from the valve (F). (Remove the cap nut (L) and the lock nut (M), and draw out the adjusting screw (6). (@Remove the guide (Q). (Remove the O-rings (R), (S) and (1). 15-5.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve ‘A. Clean the disassembled parts with clean wash oil to remove sludge. B. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the outer periphery and end face of the valve and the valve sliding surfaces and seat surface of the valve body (U). Check that the valve does not stick. If minor defects are found, correct the defects with an oil-stone, and check that the valve moves smoothly. ©. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the springs. Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Ve Disassembly/Inspection and Maintenance/Reassembly 15-5.5 Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Temperature Control Valve Reassemble the temperature control valve in accordance with reverse procedure to disassem- bling. A 1.Apply grease to the O-rings, and fit them to the adjusting screw, cover and valve body. 2.Apply grease to the valve sliding surfaces. 3.Replace the tappet every 8,000 to 12,000 hours (2 to 3 years) in consideration of the deterioration of the internal rubber diaphragm. DC-17 Z 02-03Lubricating Oil System Lubricating Oil Check Val General/Replacement Consumable a Parts/Disassembly, Inspection, Maintenance and Reassembly DC-17 |6.1~6.3 15-6 Lubricating Oil Check Valve 15-6.1 General of Structure The check valve is installed at the rear of the lubricating oil unit block on the exhaust pipe side (at the rear of the temperature control valve). ‘The check valve is included in the lubricating oil priming circuit. During priming, the valve is open, ‘and during operation of the engine, the valve is closed to prevent back flow of system oil 15-6.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments ‘A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. 41.Circular packing 3-39 Noé 2.0-ring 3:33 No72 B. Tools and measuring instruments, (@) General tools and measuring instruments an oo © as Lubricating i unit book w © 6 Lubricating Ol! Check Valve 15.6.3 Disassembly, Inspection, Maintenance and Reassembly of Lubricating Oil Check Valve A. Disassembly (1)Remove the box nut (A), and disconnect the priming pump outlet pipe (B). @)Remove the bolt (c), and dismantle the check valve assembly from the lubricating oil unit block. (@)Remove the union screw (D). (@)Remove the valve (E) and the spring (F) from the valve body (6). (6)Remove the O-ring (H) from the lubricating olf unit block. B. Inspection and maintenance (1)Clean the disassembled parts with clean wash oil to remove sludge. (2)Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the outer periphery of the valve and the valve stid- ing surface of the valve body. Check that the valve does not stick. Ifminor defects are found, correct the defects with an oilstone, and check that the valve moves smoothly. (@)Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the spring. C. Reassembly Reassemble the valve in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling. A Apply grease to the O-ring, and attach it to the lubricating oil unit block. DC-17 Z 02-03Cooling Water System ren 4, 24] BC-17 | cooling Water Puny 16 Cooling Water System 46-1 General of Cooling Water System The cooling water system is a single circulating system in which jacket line water (high tempera- ture) and cooler line water (low temperature) are mixed. Normally, fresh water is used for water cooling. The jacket line and cooler line cooling water pumps are installed side by side on the front of the gear case of the engine. ( 2.2.4 "Cooling Water system" in Operation Manual) A. Jacket line Cooling water fed under pressure by the jacket line cooling water pump enters the engine cylin- der jacket through the air cooler, retums to the cooling water pump after cooling the parts and circulates through the system. ‘A temperature control valve is provided at the engine outlet. When the temperature exceeds the set temperature, the valve opens to discharge Cooling water to the outlet side of the cooler fine, and cooling water is supplied to make up for dis- charged cooling water to keep the engine at the Specified temperature. To keep the engine warm while itis in the water pump ~ Cooler tine Qo Jacket tine costing £2) General of Cooling Water System/General of Structure of 1 topped state, warm water in the operating engine is fed to the cylinder jacket through the air vent pipe to warm up the engine. (For heavy fuel oil type engines) B. Cooler line ‘Low-temperature cooling water from the fresh water cooler is fed under pressure by the cooler line cooling water pump. ‘The water enters the lubricating oil cooler through the air cooler, retums to the fresh water cooler, and circulates through the system, The air cooler outlet passage is provided with a cooling water bypass valve for shutting down cool- ing water under a low load and heat intake air with the jacket line cooling water. 16-2 Cooling Water Pumps 16-2.1 General of Structure The cooling water pumps are volute pumps. The jacket line and the cooler line use the same type of volute pumps. The pumps are installed side by side on the front of the gear case and driv. en by the auxiliary driving gear at the front end of the crankshaf.. Cooling water pump assembly: 35 kg ‘Turbochargers cooling Water Temperature contol valve Cooling Water System DC-17 Z 02-03 PTECooling Water System and Measuring Instruments/Disassembly Cooling Water Pump: Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools Me DC-17 |2.2, 2.3 16-2.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. “Parts List’) 1. O-ring (HT) 343 Nos 2. Special claw washer No.9 3. Mechanical seal No.10 4. Spit pin No.18 5. Bearing No.21 6. Oil seal No.22 7. O-rings No.23,23,25 8. Circular packing No.26,27 B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments (2) :22.2) 16-2.3 Disassembly of Cooling Water Pump ‘A. Before dismantling the cooling water pump assembly, disconnect the plug in the center of the pump housing (A), and check the backlash between the pump gear (0) and the auxiliary driving gear by touching. To check the back- lash, insert a screwdriver into the front end of the pump shaft (B) (or remove the pump hous- ing, and pinch the impeller (C) with fingers). ‘Standard value Limit for replacement (mm) (mm) Backlash 0.3~06 08 B, Remove the mounting nut, and dismantle the cooling water pump assembly from the gear case. , Disassemble the cooling water pump in accor- dance with the following procedure. Before disassembling, put matchmarks on the mating surfaces of the pump housing (A) and the bearing case (E).
(1) Remove the mounting bolts, and dismantle the pump housing (A). (2) Bend downward the special claw washer (F), and loosen and remove the impeller nut (G). The impeller nut has left-hand threads. ‘When loosening and tightening the nut, pay attention to the rotating direction. (*L" is stamped on a side of the hexagon nut.) (@) Remove the impeller (C), and remove the key w. (4) Remove the rotating part of the mechanical seal (). (6) Draw out the spit pin (K), and loosen and remove the pump gear nut (L). (©) Remove the washer (M), pump gear (D) and key (N) from the pump shaft (B). @ Remove the snap ring (P).. © Draw out the pump shaft (8) together with the bearing (Q) from the bearing case (€). (@ Remove the stationary part of the mechanical seal (J) and the O-ring HT (R) from the bear- ing case (E) toward the impeller side, and remove the oil seal (S) toward the gear side. (10) Remove the O-rings (1), (U), (V) and (WW). ‘Mounting bot " em) com A © fe © mM #9, — is TA f «ey 0 f= f oy oy ©) ° a) ow 9) (8) ouning nt Cooling Water Pump ey Nw) DC-17 Z 02-03Cooling Water System 4.4| DC-17 | Cooling Water Pump: Inspection and Maintenance 16-2.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Cooling Water Pump A. Clean the disassembled parts with wash oil to remove scale. B, Measure the clearance “a between the impeller and the mouth ring (Y). Measure the outer diameter of the mouth ring inserting part of the impeller and the inner diameter of the mouth ring, and calculate the clearance. Mouth ring clearance Standard value Limit for replacement (omy (emmy a=0.24~0.39 08 A Ifthe clearance exceeds the limit for replace- ment, replace the part that has worn more heavily. Large clearance can degrade the pump effi- ciency. C. Check for corrosion and cavitation on the impelier. D. Check for corrosion and cavitation on the cool- ing water passage in the pump housing and the bearing case. Check for reduction in thickness ‘owing to corrosion and cavitation. . Check for wear and pitching on the pump gear tooth flanks. A Ifthe gear has worn heavily and the backlash exceeds the limit for replacement, replace the gear with a new one. F. While turing the bearing, check that it tums. ‘smoothly without making abnormal noise and that it has not worn, A Even if the bearing does not show any abnormality, replace it with a new one during periodic maintenance every 8,000 to 12,000 hours (2 to 3 years) Clearance Between Impeller and Mouth Ring DC-17 Z 02-03Cooling Water System Cooling Water Pump: Reassembly DC-17 2.5 16-2.5 Reassembly of Cooling Water Pump ‘A. Reassemble the cooling water pump in accor- dance with reverse procedure to disassem- bling. A -
1. Tighten the impeller nut and the pump gear nut to the specified torque.
+ Impeliernut: 137N +m (Caution: Left-hand threads) + Pump gear nut: 176 N +m 2. Replace the oil seal, mechanical seal, split pin, circular packing, claw washer and O- rings with new ones. 3. Apply grease to the O-rings before fitting them, 4. Fit the O-ring HT to the bearing case before passing it onto the pump shaft. Check that the O-ring HT reaches the stepped part of the pump shaft and is not in contact with the bearing case, and mount the stationary part of the mechanical seal in the bearing case. 5, Take care not to fit the oil seal in a wrong direction. Apply lithium grease to the lip before fitting. 6. Apply lithium grease to the bearing ball area before reassembling 7. Do not apply lubricating oil to the carbon area of the mechanical seal. 8, Before mounting the pump housing, tun the impeller by hand to check that it can rotate smoothly. 9, Reassemble the pump, aligning the match- marks on the pump housing and the bearing case. B, Mount the cooling water pump assembly in the gear case. Ifthe pump gear has been replaced, check the backlash. Impeller side Ot seal {o fell IS ‘Apply lithium grease Mounting the Oil Seal DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03Cooling Water System Cooling Water Bypass Valve: General of Structure/Replacement| 8.4, 8.21 DC-17 | Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments 16-3 Cooling Water Bypass Valve 16-3.1 General of Structure The cooling water bypass valve is insert-mount- ‘ed as a unit on the side of the gear case (on the ‘exhaust pipe side) and connected to the cooling water outlet passage of the air cooler. Under a low load, the cooling water bypass valve shuts off cooler line cooling water to the air cooler, and bypasses the water to heat the intake air with jacket line cooling water. The valve is con- trolled by the hydraulic piston based on the detect- ed intake air pressure. (1D) : 2-2.4 "Cooling Water System” in Operation Manual)
The figure shows the operating state under a high load. Cooling water from the air cooler flows into the lubricating oil cooler. When the intake air pressure is less than the specified pressure, the solenoid valve operates, and lubricating oil flows in. The hydraulic pressure causes the piston (A) to compress the spring (®), and the valve (C) is opened and seated on the gear case side. ‘Then, the outlet passage of the air cooler is shut off, and the outlet passage of the cooling water pump is opened. Cooling water bypasses the air cooler and flows into the lubricating oil cooler. To adjust the intake air temperature, push in the adjusting screw (D) (insert the shim (F) between the adjusting screw and the cap nut (©), and the valve will open to adjust the cooling water flow rate, Cooling water bypass valve assembly: 4 kg 16-3.2 Replacement Consumable Parts, Tools and Measuring Instruments A. Replacement consumable parts Replace the following parts with new ones. 1. O-rings: 3-44 No.18,19,20, 21,22,23,24 2. Spit pin No.17 3. Circular packing No.25,26 4. Circular packing —«3-3.1.--No.503 B. Tools and measuring instruments (@) General tools and measuring instruments ( :22) ” ©) shim (e) Inserting part @. spe w, ow) ) (ubricating (6) ollpipe 2 ‘or bypass ) m., Drain hole (Ww) (Q) (8) 2) 0 From coating water pump Tonia of coer 4 a) Gear case From air cooler Cooling Water Bypass Valve DC-17 A 04-08 eyeCooling Water System Cooling Water Bypass Valve: Disassembly/Inspection and Maintenance 16-3.3 Disassembly of Cooling Water Bypass Valve ‘A. Disconnect the lubricating oil pipe 2 for bypass valve, B. Remove the bolt, and dismantle the bypass. valve assembly from the gear case. . Disassemble the bypass valve in accordance with the following procedure. Before disassembling, put matchmarks on the mating surfaces of the body (Y) and the cover .
(1) Remove the bolt (G), and remove the cover (H). Since the adjusting screw (D) is fitted on the cover (H), the screw is removed at the same time. (2) Remove the split pin (J) and the fluted nut (K) ‘on the piston (A) side, and remove the piston (A) and the spring (8) A The fluted nut compresses the spring. Gradually loosen the nut with care. If it is removed suddenly, the piston may jump up, resulting in an accident. @) Draw out the set of the valve (C) and the shaft to the opposite side. (4) Remove the split pin (i), the fluted nut (K) and the washer (M) on the valve (C) side, and remove the valve from the shaft (L). (8) Remove the cap nut (E) and the lock nut (N) from the cover (H), and draw out the adjusting screw (D). A Take care not to loose the shims (F) removed from the part between the cap nut (inside) and the adjusting screw. When reassembling, fit the same number of shims (Game thickness). (6) Remove the joint (P) from the cover (H). (7) Remove the O-rings (Q) to (WW). DC-17 |3.3, 3.4 16-3.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Cooling Water Bypass Valve A. Before cleaning, check for traces of water and oil leak from the drain hole in the body (¥). If any trace is found, carefully check that the O- rings (S), (T), (U) and (W) have not been deformed or broken and the mating contact sur- faces have not flawed or wom locally. B. Clean the disassembled parts with wash oil to remove scale. . Check that the valve has not been hardened or deformed and the seat surface has not been flawed. If any defect is found, replace the valve with a new one. D. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the outer periphery of the shaft and the inner sur- face of the bush (Z). Check that the shaft does. not stick. If minor defects are found, correct the defects with an oikstone, and check that the shaft can move smoothly. E. Check for abnormal contact and flaws on the spring, DC-17 Z 02-03Cooling Water System 4.81 DC-17 | Cooling Water Bypass Valve Reassembly and Mounting 416-3.5 Reassembly and Mounting of Cooling Water Bypass Valve A. Reassemble the bypass valve in accordance with reverse procedure to disassembling. 1. Before fitting the O-rings, apply grease to them, ) 2. Apply grease to the sliding areas of the shaft 3. Fit the removed shims to the adjusting screw, sorew inthe adjusting screw untl the ( face, and tighten the cap nut. 4, Reassemble the valve, aligning the match- shim top surface aligns with the joint end ‘marks on the body and the cover. B. Mount the bypass valve assembly in the gear case. Inserting the Shims (Check that the drain hole is set downward.) . After starting the engine, check for water and oil leak from the drain hole. Adjusting serew shims Cap rut seint DC-17 Z 02-03 EEECooling Water System MEMO DC-17 DC-17 Z 02-03Engine Control and Protective System EM 4| 0¢.47 | General of Engine Control and Protective System 17 Engine Control and Protective System 17-1 General of Engine Control and Protective System The engine control and protective system differs depending on delivery specifications. However, every system has the following common compo- nent devices. Inspect and maintain the devices as ‘stated below. 2-3 "Engine Operation Control and Protective Device" in Operation Manual) ‘A. Engine control (starting, operating and stop- ping) system + Air motor, starter relay valve and handle switch (ICD) + 13. “starting Air System’) + Govemor {CLD Separate "Governor Instruction Manual’) + Turing safety switch: The switch must not be disassembled. Replace the switch as an assembly. + Fuel shutdown device (tandem cylinder) Incorporated with the fuel control device (Explained in this section) B, Engine protective system + Switches and sensors (speed, temperature, pressure, level, etc.) They must not be dis- assembled. Replace them as assemblies. + Electric parts: They must not be disassem- bled. Replace them as assemblies. + Fuel shutdown device (tandem cylinder): Incorporated with the fuel control device (Explained in this section) Turning bar Arr Fuel contol yinder {fa snutoxin and contr) From 0. ping Ta B i6 = ey Turning safely Staring sloncks aot etch (70) valve (88), Starter relay vave — Airmator (oth eget) covermor moter, [Govemor Operation iver 1 13 be lL 83 a AEs Hand en 5) <) AINGOK Corgis Fotcortel ——‘Falshkdonn Fut
(1) Close the valves (B), (C) and (D) at the outlet and inlet of the seal pot. (2 Remove the pipes and the U bolt, and remove the seal pot (A) from the bracket. @ Remove the joint (c) on the inlet side of the siphon tank (b) to discharge fuel oil and ethyl ene glycol in the siphon tank. (4) Clean the inside of the siphon tank. (5) Feed ethylene glycol from the top hole until it overflows (approx. 130 cc), and fit the joint. (6) Mount the seal pot on the bracket, and con- nect the pipes. A Although ethylene glycol is less toxic to skin ‘and mucous membranes, you will be exposed to danger ifit is taken into your body. Carefully handle it. If it adheres to your hand or skin, immediately wash it away. @ to} Fu inet block 1 4 (©) Toremote pressure gauge (©) To pressure ‘gauge Seal pot DC-17 Z 02-03Ww - T7U AE PARTS LIST DAIHATSUes See@® Replacement Parts * Hazards and nonconformities of imitation parts
1. Recent engines have compact bodies and high power, and are designed to prevent fuel deterioration and to reduce NOx discharge. Even if imitation parts are similar in shape to the genuine parts, the use of imitation parts will degrade the engine performance because of their fragile materials and low machining accuracy. Since the service life of such parts is short, the engine 2. If imitation parts are used for the engines designed in accordance with MARPOL VI, the certificate (EIAPP) may lose its validity, and operation of the engine may be inhibited. 3. If you use imitation parts, you will not be supplied with parts improved in quality and performance. 4. If imitation parts are used, it may be difficult to make insurance claims for the engine when any accident occurs. 5. We take no responsibilty for the engine in which imitation parts are used. Daihatsu Diesel supplies reliable engines. Use genuine parts to operate your engine safely. ®@ Inquiry and Order Order ; Parts sales —- Daihatsu Diesel Parts Service Co.,Ltd. 12-34, Tanaka-cho, Ibaraki, Osaka, 567-0025 Japan ‘TEL:81-72-621-3482 FAX:81-72-621-3484 Inquiry ; Service Department~—~TEL: (06) 6454-2346 FAX. (06) 6454-2680~1 Or, get in touch with our offices listed below. © DAIHATSU DIESEL MFG. CO.,LTD. ate tdonip Osaka Head Office. 120, Oyedo Nk hae, Kas, Osaka, 9.0078 Joan TeLarestedbes FAC o54 2000 Moriyama Factory. 4 Arurmch, Moana, Sia, $2009 pan Teatcr saben Pacetreaaarts Tokyo Office. 2:10, 2chome,Nhonbash Honcho, Chuo, Toye, 1020028 Japan jeter Tapn.comr racer sasisons Sydney Office. Fo. BoxSta Nor Spéne NSW. 2060 Austola Feat novds iss Faxon 20031532 Jakarta Office. {2h For, Wma Arta lg J Medan Merdeka, Stan No, Jlata-Pust, Indonesia TElonai coront FAKSEateson2 Manila Ofc. Unt 070 Herr Toot Hera Cer Ves Se, Sado bo, Maat Cy 1226 Pipes WELoaadoory hater taro s Faxeooe008F offs. No 4 Tat Tang RD Lint Indust Zoe, Kao, 812 Tan Taiwan (clo Marine Technical Industries Co., Ltd.) TEL:886-7-803-1082 FAX:886-7-801-9179 Daihatsu Diesel (Europe) Lid. ‘th For, Pernear House, 36 Monnet Stet London EOAR aL, UK Tee so-toae 000 FAN 20-7520-0020 aihatsu Diesel (AMERICA), Inc. 100 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA. . “ 2 TEL:1-631-434-8787/8/9 FAX:1-631-434-8759 hats Diesel ASIAPACIFIC) Plaid, 128 Poneer Road, Singapore 699586 Cs es 2 ‘TEL:65-6270-7235 FAX:65-6270-6236 Daihatsu Diesel SHANGHAN Co.Ltd. Sut 2004 Nan Zheng Bling 580 Nan Jing West Road Shanghal, China {Fete 21 $254 1200-9 FAX 6-2 SED1002 Daihatsu Diesel Parts Service Co,Ltd, 12-94, Tanaka
2URRY 1. Cylinder head 3.:Bteit 2. Piston 4, RUBE 3. Turbocharger SWRI L. 4. Air cooler 6 OAT 5. Fuel cam TARRY IIS Ye 6. Fuel injection pump S.A 7. Fuel injection pump plunger 9. RONNIE ZL 8. Fuel injection valve 9. Fuel injection valve nozzle DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-0317] ENGINE FRAME ,6DC- 5, 2 DC-17 Z 02-03 ey Niee we 02-03 DC-17 ZRe ENGINE FRAME (806 ear Blguant Number Parte Code SB Neemaeuenel ow 901 Wa ASSY FRAME ASSY. 14 902 0002-011 FIFTY IS ASSY OIL CUT COVER Assy. igen 400002001 nay FRAME 118 2 0002-002 sry7 cap 14198 3 00002-003 aeyT cap 5 6# 4 0002-004 ep PIN 5 6 5 09002-005 aE BoLT 20 24 6 0002-006 as BOLT 2. 7 0002-007 cae Bou 24 8 0002-008 wut k CIRCULAR NUT 2 4 9 09002-008 zt yk CIRCULAR NUT 214 10 0002-010 sey cap 2 14 42 0002-012 2 COVER 144 13 00002-0183 7 COVER 148 14 00002-014 Jub PLATE 14 15 0002-016 Fuk PLATE 14 18 00002-016 28 COVER 22 17 0002-017 Baryb GASKET 22 20 00002-020 owas CW. PIPING 2 2 24 00002-0241 AYIER ORIFICE ciate 22 00002-022 Jaye BLOCK 14 24 0010-005 339 PLuG aint 25 x2000t00122z RE Bout 9 9 26 xzo00t202s7z IK BOLT 22 27 x20001200022 AL Bout 20 20 28 x20001204022 Bout 22 29 x20001205022 AL Bout 44 EE Remarks OMRON Part(Signal #)cannot be purchased by itself. DAIHATSU DC-A7 Z 02-034(6,60C-17, ENGINE FRAME (ye (@)---60c Tar me of Rlfquantity Number Parts Code ER pee keleiare Ger 30 © X2000121102Z eb BOLT 2 2 31 'x2050200602Z = HT#UL ‘HT BOLT 14° 16 32 © -X2100120542Z ARIE STUD 54 64 33 X210016066ZZ ABE ‘STUD 15 18 34 = x2130201002Z, # RIL JACK BOLT 4 4 3s x22001200072 Fk NUT 44 36 = -X22031200022 Fy b NUT 2 2 37 —-X$70002000ZZ DY~AIIST HEX. PLUG 113 38 xs7000300022 AY ADISY HEX. PLUG 89 39 zs0001200022 KYA FLAT WASHER 22 40 © 232000202622 Wey ‘SPLIT PIN 2 2 at 733561001622 aqtagey STRAIGHT PIN 104 42 zese0082s7z FYFE STEPPED PIN 5 6 43 250120500082 JIS/ty ty JIS GASKET 14 44 z56010269522 OY ORING 2 24 45 256010585722 OUT ORING eee 46 = 2565001300ZZ Wey GASKET 113 ‘47 =~ 286500170022 Wty ey GASKET 89 48 — X340116050ZZ JOR KNOCK BOLT 2 2 49° _23350080162Z eagey STRAIGHT PIN 2 2 DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUFE MEMO 5,6DC-17 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-032|6,6DC-17| ENGINE SIDE COVER DC-17 A 04-08 PYM We)RAS ENGINE SIDE COVER a eae @ Number Parts code S% nes oa + 09048-001 a ‘COVER @ 10 2 00048.002 aK COVER 2 2 3 00048.003 Baye GASKET 22 4 0048-004 aK COVER 12 5 0048.05 ane COVER 1 0 6 0048.06 Bary GASKET 12 7 00088.007 Bary GASKET 1 0 9 00048.003 tok NUT 54 64 12 ooo4s.012 ous ORING 10 12 501 x20000802222 ALE BOLT 2 2 502 Ze8500800022 YILto> GASKET 2 2 DC-17 A 04-08RARLH 3(6,6DC-17| ENGINE FRAME SAFETY VALVE eye wee) DC-17 Z 02-03RELL ENGINE FRAME SAFETY VALVE Tas zm ae Number Parts Code BE eae Quartity 901 00035-9014 Trty
94) CYLINDER HEAD ASSY.(WITH VALVE) 1 903 0058-901 DULY FUPIAL ASsY. CYLINDER REDUCING VALVE ASSY. 1 + 0024001 sear 2 2 oo024.o02 SEAT 2 3 0024.003 une 2 4 ooozto04 uve 1 5 0024-005 Guin ‘ 8 oozes = ow SEAL : 7 00024-007 FryT ‘CAP 4 8 0024-008 Barovb GASKET 1 9 0024-009 Wrz ab GASKET = 10 o0otn0 ASO stu 2 11 coo2tor BE sto 1 12 00024-012 OULD ORING 2 14 00024-014 VUYEAYE CYLINDER HEAD 1 o# 15 00024-015 Ise PLUG 7 16 00024-016 Ise PLUG 9 17 0024-017 VWityvey GASKET 1 te coozsots 4 scREW 1 48 cc002.008 = ay CIRCULAR NUT ‘ 2 oooseon1 en VALBE 1 2 00058002 SEAT 1 2s xowoteo7ezz 25K sro 2 24 = =-xs70001000D2_ AYAVIST HEX. PLUG 1 25 870104000DZ_ Fae PLUG 1 26 Z336008030ZZ BvIsey STEPPED PIN 1 27 zso1040s602 © o> ORIG 2 Biol Remarks ADB ROMAMTISAT Parts(Signal#)cannot be purchased by itself. Py) DC-17 Z 02-03WUT AVE 43 (6,60¢-17| CYLINDER HEAD oa ca Number Parts Code sae% Name (of Parts) Quartity 28 00024.028 ous oRING 2 29 zses00100022 Wbtye> GASKET 1 30 756500210022 Why GASKET 1 31 757150100022 TAPER PLUG 5 32 257160200022 TAPER PLUG 2 33 287150900022 TAPER PLUG 2 34 x22081600022 NUT 1 35 Z50s00170022 Witty GASKET 1 ey.) DC-17 A 03-07 DAIHATSUAE MEMO 5,6DC-17| PY AGE DC-17 Z 02.03DUE AVE A 44(6,60C-17} CYLINDER HEAD COVER DC-17 Z 02-03 PAEDYUET AVE AN CYLINDER HEAD COVER 5,6DC-17] 44 wae mo = + o0072.001 COVER 1 2 0072.02 KNOB 1 3 00072003 SHAFT 1 4 0072-004 SEAL 1 § — 2415004024ZZ APYVGEY SPRING PIN 4 wen) DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03HF TAKE VALVE SR m 15(6,60¢-17| IN PYNGEETS DC-17 Z 02-03RH eae z = Number Parts Code "4287 Mame iota Quartty. + 00062-001 anger INTAKE VALVE 2 2 00062002 © LIN—F—B [ASVALVE ROTATOR 2 3 0062-003 RR SPRING 2 4 00062-004 avs VALVE COTTER 2 von) ey Mat Meio DC-17 Z 02.03wi Z > ke wn 3 = x ~< ii I 3 a = Ps Pe ae eo Le DC-17 Z 02-03BAF EXHAUST VALVE Auber Pens Gove 888% aslo Suatty 1 0070-001 IM FRY EXHAUST VALVE 2 2 owezcoe = KMD F—3 ASSYVALVE ROTATOR ASSY 2 9 omszacs 1% PRIN 2 4 omoszaos 9 VALVE COTTER 2 (vey) DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03a: siti |" 17fs60¢-t7| CAMSHAFT DC-7 A 03-07 DAIHATSUDL | a Saes 3 aE Number Parts Code "57 Name of Parts La 1 00006-001 LID CAMSHAFT 1 2 0006-002 DLID CAMSHAFT 1 3 0006-003 road BOLT 12 4 00006-004 oo SHAFT 1 5 0006-005 YVR REAMER BOLT 1 & —00006.008 IE BOLT 11 7 00006.007 tor NUT 12 10 00006-008 Dhee CAM GEAR 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 A 03-072 g 8 N PS 8DLA CAM SHAFT BEARING 5,6DC-17| 18 (yspe (a-+--600 =o . 5 Humber parte Gone REA Name of Parts bir ad 901 00048-007 84, 29 X51ASSY. — MOUNT,CAMSHAFTMETALASSY. 1 4 1 0004-001 27 BEARING 5 6 2 00043-002 ADARASW THRUST METAL 22 3 00043-003 a4 MOUNT 1 18 4 00043-004 yoo BEARING 14 5 0043-005 a4 MOUNT 14 ® 0043-006 Bary k GASKET 14 43 00043-008 yo0% BEARING 14 8 x20001008222 ALE Bout 6 6 9 x20001208022 LK BOLT 8 8 40 zaasso00127z Ad agey STRAIGHT PIN 22 41 8013070002. S72 JIS GASKET 14 12 zs0890700022 © IS7SYEhT JIS SPECIAL FLANGE 14 He Remarks ADS 4 EAA OEY WO. ETT. MOUNT (Signal #)with STRAIGHT PIN (NO.10). DC-17 Z 02.03BRA Yb NTAKE & EXHAUST TAPPET 4 19 aE err we1e) DC-17 Z 02-03-RSAKYb INTAKE & EXHAUST TAPPET 5,6DC-17] 19° eS Hitter Pare Gogo Name of Parte Suartty 901 00086.006 RAYIF—bassy SWING ARM ASSY. 2 902 00086.007 99,24 YFF—LASSY ‘SHAFT SWING ARM ASSY. 1 1 00055-001 YTD RING KNOCK 2 2 0086.00 ALE BOLT 2 3 00055-0038 BAY hO-> TAPPET ROLLER 24 4 00085.004 BUSH A 5 00055-005 Jovanyk PUSH ROD 2 8 00055.009 RALIF be ‘SWING ARM 24 10 00055.011 PIN 24 11 00086.012 SYD EARKYS— PCHS 24 16 00055.010 SHAFT 14 17 00055-014 RETAIHER 2 13° x25120600622 SET SCREW 2 14 zart0040002z APY IVI SNAP RING 2 18 257180100022 F—AFSF TAPER PLUG 2 wey) Remarks # DR ROMARETT Pats(Signal #) cannot be purchased by itsett. PY NEES DC-17 A 03-07= a =z ~ wi =< So 9 ~ = 3 a 2 is 2 g PY DC-17 A 05-11FPA ROCKER ARM 5,6DC-17| 20 sor SE Number Parts Code BRA Name of Parts Guartity. 901 — 00071-007 AUD, FA9FRY ASSY ROCKER ARM, IN. VALVE ASSY. 1 902 © 00071-008 AYTY, NAA ASSY ROCKER ARM, EX. VALVE ASSY. 1 903 0071-009 99, Oyh—Y—LASSY ‘SHAFT, ROCKER ARM ASSY. 1 904 = 0071-013 Aud ASSY ROCKER ARM ASSY. 1 906 —-00071.016 ALAYIT4— ASSY T. VALVE YOKE ASSY. 1 + 0007%-001 HOLDER 1# 2 0071-002 T. VALVE YOKE 24 3 0071-003 BUSH 2 4 0071-004 SCREW 2 S 00071-005 SCREW 2 10 o0071-010 ROCKER ARM 14 41 0071-011 ROCKER ARM 1¢# 42 ooo7tor2 SHAFT 1 # 45 00071-0185 RETAINER 24 46 x2200t600022 Fy Nur 3 47 xzz0at4o00zz_ ty b NUT 2 18 = -x2208160002Z2 ty h NUT 2 19 X261206006ZZ bARD ‘SET SCREW 4 20 xa6121001222 bY SET SCREW 1 2 (24110040002Z Atv ‘SNAP RING 2 wert) Be Remarks # DB ROM AMTISAE]. YDASSY. CORRERY ET. Parts(Signal #) cannot be purchased by itself. DAIHATSU DC-17 A 05-11RUT 21 |s.e0¢47| FUEL OIL INJECTION PUMP PES eye) DC-17 A 03-07RARRRIZ FUEL OIL INJECTION PUMP ea Eiken Tame oP am 901 0056-001 RUY ADDY YeRYT ASSY FO INJECTION PUMP ASSY. 1 2 00056-002 yh SHIM 2 3 00056-003 aN ‘SHIM 4 4 00056-0046 oh SHIM 1 5 0056-005 INDGLIRID HOUSING PUMP 1 6 — 00056-0068 Foyv9~ IFNy PLUNGER BLOCK 1 7 ~— 00056-007 FILIS DEFLECTOR . 8 — 00056.008 ous oRING 2 9 00056-009 ARR BOLT 6 10 00056010 RYDPIFILT BACK UP RING 2 11 00086-011 ove oRING 1 12 00056-012 BIDPIFIYT BACK UP RING. 2 13° 00056-013 OULe ORING 3 14 ~~ 00056-014 aagk TAPPET 1 18 00056.015 ey PIN 1 16 00056.016 RIVLITIL® ‘SPRING PLUNGER 1 17 00056-017 RIV UF y—b ‘SPRING SEAT 4 18 — 0056-018 ADVIL —b ‘SPRING SEAT 1 19 00056.019 YU RAY RAI ‘SOCKET HEAD BOLT 4 20 0056-020 AY hO-W5 97 CONTROL RACK 1 21 0056-021 AY RO-WAY=F CONTROL SLEEVE 1 22 © 00086-022 Rte POINTER 1 23° © 00056-023 ods ‘SHIM 1 24 = 0056-024 AL BOLT 1 27 00056.027 ouy orING 28 x2zoot60002z. ty b Nut 3 wer.) ie Remarks # DEBS MAREE ARAL Parts(Signal #) cannot be purchased by itself. DAIHATSU DC-17 A 03-07RABHSE 22(6,60¢-(7| FUEL OIL INJECTION DEVICE DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02.03BAGH SE FUEL OIL INJECTION DEVICE '5,6DC-17| 22 = os Een eee Tans a Ee 901 0007-006 7 KWAN ASSY(/ XIE) NOZZLE HOLDER ASSYWITH NOZZLE) 1 902 0007-008 JAANE ASSY NOZZLE HOLDER ASSY. 1 + 0007-001 ayy BLOCK 1 2 0007-002 29u9 FLANGE 1 3 00007-003 atvh JOINT 1 4 0007-004 ouLe O-RING 1 5 0007-005 eed CLAMP 1 7 0007-007 sau NozzLe 1 8 0007-009 a4 HOUSING 1 10 0007-010 JAMS OEWED PIN NOZZLE DOWEL 4 41 0007-011 Pyvaanyk PUSH ROD 1 12 00007-0912 RIVYII—b SPRING SEAT 1 13 0007-013, JRNWAIV LF NOZZLE SPRING ‘ 14 00007-0914 Faner ay ADJUSTING SCREW 1 18 0007-015, tor NUT 1 16 0007-016 BATIb ‘GASKET 2 17 00007-017 ay SPACER 1 18 0007-018 sey Ith CUP NUT 1 19 0007-019 UFAaDIF yb RETAINING NUT 1 20 00007.020 ALY haROS INLET CONNECTOR 1 21 xezoot20002z ty Nur 2 22 zat200803022 | FF YFAILE HEX.SOCKET BOLT 6 23 zerzorz0852z FHA HEXSOCKET BOLT 4 24 zse010182402 OF ORING 1 25 256500192022. Wty GASKET 1 28 © zse010ses7DZ_ OV oRING 1 27 zse010843502 ON ORING 1 28 zs6010413502. OV oRING 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03IEVAYE 23(6,6D¢-17| COMMON ROD DC-47 Z 02-03 DAIHATSU— aEVOyE COMMON ROD 5,6DC-17 23 (spe Sid RFI z ual Numer Parts Goss BB2 Name of Pars emu 1 cooezao1 DED F cowMon ROD 1 2 00042-002 Doo BEARING 2 2 3 0042-003 Jory BRACKET 14 4 ora Unk Lever 5 6 5 00042.005 DIF CLUTCH 5 6 © onoeanos = Le Hower 5 6 7 ooowoa? ADU HAR RETURN SPRING 5s 8 0042-008 ey PIN 10 12 2 omen © S999 YP RACK unk 5 6 10 0042-010 APIS BEARING 10 12 11 00042-011 FAAIYA DISTANCE PIECE 5 6 12 00042012 ESTHR FLAT WASHER: 10 12 13 -x2000100352Z RL BOLT 5 6 4 xaooos2easzz IL oir 22 15 xaneov4oeozz ILE ot a4 18 xazconeooozz +9 nur nae 17 ~~ -x2270060002Z Ut yk UNUT 10 12 18 = -X250108016ZZ DIAThARD HEX. SET SCREW 5 6 18 X2501080302Z DyADhARD HEX. SET SCREW ee 20 © Z3150140002Z) NAR TOOTHED LOCK WASHER: 404 m2 zesoocotezz N43 9EY STRAIGHT PIN 22 23 = Zarg00s700zZ_ AF Y IVT SNAP RING 14 24 = zatso0so40zz APU UTED ‘SPRING PIN 5 6 25 «= zas82q9040zZ ATT BEARING 14 Pye WEL DC-17 Z 02-03SAGE A (RHD) 24.1(5,60¢-17| GOVERNOR DRIVING DEVICE (RHD) GOVERNOR (RHD) Section "A-A" DC-17 A 04-08 DAIHATSUARRAN ft (RHD) GOVERNOR DRIVING DEVICE (RHD) as = Number Parts Code. = pamelor eet) Quartity 1 00013-001 FNAB GEAR CASE, GOVERNOR | 2 0013-002 BA, BRE MOUNT, GOVERNOR 1 3 00013-0038 yok B97 CASE, BEARING 1 5 00013-005 Fe, HAI ED GEAR, DRIVE 1 6 — 00013-006 FR. BATE ED GEAR, DRIVEN 1 8 0013-008 RIDIYI, BAFYTA COUPLING, TACHOMETER 1 9 0013-009 270th ‘SLEEVE NUT 1 10 00013-010 FARBUR DISTANCE PIECE 1 Ww 00013-011 Barb (GASKET 1 12 00013-012 DIFVYA, QEISD COUPLING, DRIVING SHAFT 1 20 © 00013-020 ALS HOLDER: 1 21 00013021 tw lL SEAL 1 sot x20000801622 IL Bout 2 603 X2000120452Z ARLE BOLT 4 504 = X2000120552Z_ Lb BOLT 3 50s 20001219022 RL Bout 2 50s x2too1008s2z AS YE stu 4 508 xe2001000022 ty b nur 4 509 22232200022 anstuyb NUT 4 511 2305022032ZZ bOVIESHHR ‘SPECIAL FLAT WASHER: 4 813° 232101020022. UHR ‘WIRE 1 514 33000603222 F—/tEY TAPER PIN 1 515 — 2335006025ZZ Afagey STRAIGHT PIN 2 818 © 2451162050ZZ APYLT BEARING 2 519 © z56010243522 OF ORING 1 520 256021955722 OU ORING 1 621 -x2001100322Z. Kb BOLT 4 522 zses00100022 Wty GASKET 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 A 04-08FARE Ht (UG) 24.2(6,6D¢-17| GOVERNOR DRIVING DEVICE (UG) GOVERNOR UG10 Section "A-A" DC-17 A 04-08 eV ALAE ME)SARA Ht (UG) GOVERNOR DRIVING DEVICE (UG) 56DC-17| 24.2 era Lr Number Parts Code BREE Name of Parts ‘Quartity 1 00013-001 THR, BF GEAR CASE, GOVERNOR 1 3 00013-003 TR, GOO CASE, BEARING 1 5 00013-005 FN. HAT ED GEAR, DRIVE 1 6 00013-006 HN, HATE RD GEAR, DRIVEN 1 7 00013-007 oo ‘SHAFT 1 8 00013-008 DIY, BAF UIA ‘COUPLING, TACHOMETER 1 9 00013-009 Daotyb SLEEVE NUT 1 10 00013-010 FARBUR DISTANCE PIECE 4 W 00013-011 Harve (GASKET 1 12 00013-012 BIYPVLA, DEVS COUPLING, DRIVING SHAFT 1 13 00013-013 Haryb, BRE GASKET, GOVERNOR 1 20 00013-020 ALT HOLDER: 1 ie marco calaal ; sot zoomeorezz Ath oy P ce meee ce or a sos: panos HE oe ‘ 505 = X2000121302Z_ RIL BOLT 2 vor xavowieoaazz Hh oe fi 508 21001006722 ABIE STUD 4 ro nezoniooonez F9 wr f sie aszemoz | Boy eaenenaT ; 513 232000403022 Dey ‘SPLIT PIN 1 $15 232101020022. NHR WIRE a 516 —_Z335006025ZZ FRED TAPER PIN 1 517 Z335006025ZZ atagey STRAIGHT PIN 2 518 240000501622 + KEY = cio gestions | APIS fee : §20 256010243522 Ours ORING t 521 Ouse ORING = Ee acorns areca eee : DC-17 A 04-08SR (RHD) 25.1(5,60¢-(7| GOVERNOR LINK (RHD) GOVERNER (RHD) DC-17 Z 02-03 eis PAeLe)SRG 2 (RHD) GOVERNOR LINK (RHD) 5,6DC-17] 25.1 oa EE Number Parts Code BE Name of Parts Quartity 1 00014-001 oD ‘SHAFT 4 2 o0014.002 a4 MOUNT 1 3 00014-0038 RL BOLT 1 4 00014-004 Li, ay bow LEVER, CONTROL 1 § — 0014-005 LAL F4Y LEVER, STOP 1 6 00014-0068 LA, avo LEVER, COMMON ROD 1 7 00014.007 yey LOAD POINTER 1 8 0014-008 AAKRY, DAT NAME PLATE, LOAD SCALE 1 8 09014-0090 Dory A408 BRACKET, NAME PLATE 1 10 0014-010 Aho STOPPER 1 11 oo014.o14 a9 kNios 1 12 0014-012 Ke SPRING 1 13° 0014-013 a KNOB 4 14 0014014 abot STOPPER 1 15 00014-0185 AAKY REVI NAME PLATE, STOP 1 16 = 0014-016 AIRY SY NAME PLATE, RUN 1 18 00014.018 2 SHAFT 1 22 00014022 By REDE ROD END 1 24 0014-024 yop LINK PIN 1 25 0014-025 us LEVER 26 = 0014-026 Ls LEVER 1 27 00014.027 Re SPRING 1 28 = 0014-028 BtT RETAINER Ls 29 00014-0298 SEAT 2 30 00014.030 WASHER 1 34 00014-031 Dork BRACKET 7 32 0014-032 Bay NAME PLATE 1 st x2o0008014zz RL Bout 2 52 —-X2000080202Z LE BOLT A 53 x2000003022 IL F BOLT 1 54 X2000100302Z Bb BOLT 1 55 x20001008222 RV BOLT 1 86 x2000t003522 RIL BOLT 57 = X2000120252Z Web BOLT 6 88 X210008031ZZ ARIE ‘sTUD Pyare WEL DC-17 Z 02-0325.1 sca SAR) 7 (RHD) GOVERNOR LINK (RHD) Eee pote doe BA6® Name of Pate Suariy 59 xez00t0000zz Fk Nur 2 60 x22001400022 +7 F NUT 1 et x22030800072 Fb NuT 1 62 x2zosto00zz ty NuT 3 63 xa2611000022 ¥9tYh CASTLE NUT 2 64 xzasz0do0ezz2 FIATAAY PLUS PAN MACHINE SCREW 4 65 © z30001000022 ESFAK FLAT WASHER 1 68 Z31801000022 YAH TOOTHED LOCK WASHER 2 e7 zars014o00zz WAR TOOTHED LOCK WASHER 1 ee zszooo020zz DE SPLIT PIN 1 9 zsz000200022 DEY SPLIT PIN 2 7% zss00002022 FEY TAPER PIN 1 71 zas201850022 UR RIVET 6 72 zars00200022 APY FY SNAP RING 1 73 zars00s0202z AZYFEY ‘SPRING PIN 1 74 241500503822 AFYY FEY ‘SPRING PIN 2 7 zarsososozz « AFYY FEY SPRING PIN 2 DC-17 Z 02-03AE MEMO '5,6DC-17| DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03HARRY (UG) 25.2(8,60¢-17| GOVERNOR LINK (UG) GOVERNER UG DC-17 Z 02-03 Pal eaweoLedMARY YF (UG) GOVERNOR LINK (UG) Bae ae Name of Parts = + 00014001 2 SHAFT 1 2 0014-002 a4 MOUNT 1 3 0014-003 Auk BOLT 1 4 0014-004 Lay koe LEVER, CONTROL 1 5 0004-005 UN. + LEVER, STOP 1 8 0014-006 Us, atvayK LEVER, COMMON ROD 1 7 0014-007 yyy LOAD POINTER 1 8 0014-008 AAKY Dh NAME PLATE, LOAD SCALE 1 9 00014.000 Dork FAK BRACKET, NAME PLATE 1 40 0014-010 Rho STOPPER 1 11 00014011 a KNoB 1 12 0014012 as SPRING 1 43 0014-018 19 knoe 1 14 0014-014 Rho STOPPER 1 15 00014-0165 FAK Ab NAME PLATE, STOP 1 16 0014016 PAY 5Y NAME PLATE, RUN 1 47 00014.017 ae HOLDER 1 18 o0014.018 29 SHAFT 1 49 co014.019 tor nur 1 20 00014020 RODE FORK END 4 21 ooot4.021 AIZVANAT YD SPHERICAL BEARING 1 22 o00t4-022 By EIDE ROD END 1 23 0004-028 yugey LINK Ing 1 24 o00t4-024 yopey LINK PIN 1 25 0014-025 us LEVER 1 26 00014-0268 LK LEVER 1 27 000t4.027 RR SPRING 1 31 0014-031 a4 MOUNT 1 32 0014-032 A4ny NAME PLATE 1 51 x20000001422 AL Bout 2 52 x20000809022 AML Bout 1 53 x20001002022 ALL BoLT 1 54 x20001002022 ALL Bou 1 85 x2o001003272 IL BOLT 1 Py NEE DC-17 Z 02-03FARE 7 (UG) GOVERNOR LINK (UG) _ eae ae Number Parts Code meee ene [ote Quartity_ 56 x20001003522 IL BOLT 1 57 x20001202572 IL BOLT 6 58 © x210008031ZZ AR YE ‘sTUD 1 59 x22001400072 ty NUT 1 60 © xz2030800022 +k NUT 1 61 x22031000022 ty k NuT 1 62 — X225110000ZZ sotob CASTLE NUT 2 x24520400622 FFRFAART PLUS PAN MACHINE SCREW 4 4 z0001000022, EIA FLAT WASHER 2 65 z3ts010000zz NYA TOOTHED LOCK WASHER 2 66 © 23150140002Z INIRFBR TOOTHED LOCK WASHER: 1 67 — Z320002030ZZ QUE. SPLIT PIN 2 68 735201550022 UY RIVET 6 69 za1t002000zz AK Y IVT SNAP RING 1 70 zarsoo4os0zz APY FED SPRINGPIN 1 Th zavs00509822 AP UTED SPRINGPIN 2 72 ~~ 24150050402Z ADYVTEY ‘SPRING PIN 2 DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye Ee)hice DC-17 Z 02-03Ae 26 (5,60¢.17| EXHAUST MANIFOLD DC-17 Z 02-03 PYLERAE EXHAUST MANIFOLD ()---s06 eas Be er bine Gone | MRR Name of Parts 4 0059-001 MEAD EXHAUST PIPE. 2 0009-002 MEAL EXHAUST PIPE 3 00059-0038 xn-% BELLOWS 5 0059-005 HATyb GASKET 6 — 00059.006 Bary GASKET 7 ~~ 0059-007 Jaye FLANGE 14 9 x2050160402Z TAIL HT BOLT 5 6 40 x20501605522.HT#UL HT BOLT 2 20 Ww X205016085ZZ HT AL HT BOLT 5 6 12 xepo01600002. yb NuT 2 20 Pyare) DC-17 Z 02-03HR EAN EXHAUST MANIFOLD COVER DC-17 Z 02-03 PEE)HA BAN EXHAUST MANIFOLD COVER I5,6DC-17| 27 (yr 5DC ‘6DC wo e 7 oer pane cone MRE Name of Parts ber + 00008-0901 ant COVER 1 +4 2 09008002 ane cover 2 ied 3 00008-0083 ans COVER 3 14 4 0008-004 BRA COVER 4 +4 § — 00008-005 DIK, T/C4AFFA COVER, T/C INLET 2 104 6 — 00008-006 Iaryh BRACKET 1 34 7 ~~ 0008-007 DoT ybe BRACKET 2 14 8 0008-008 FIT Ibs BRACKET 3 104 13° 00008-013 BK. T/CAN GFZ COVER, T/C INLET 2 1014 14 = 0008-014 Jargb BRACKET oe 501 20001001222, ALR BOLT 5 6 502 x20001201622 Lk Bout wo" 503 © X2000120162zZ RL BOLT 14 504 = X20001202022 Lb BOLT 2 2 50s x20001202522 RLF Bout 2 3 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03RBM 28 (8,6D¢-17] TURBOCHARGER FITTING 23,25(5DC) iew"P" 24,26(6DC) 14.19 Turbocharger DC-17 A 04-08 PYBEM TURBOCHARGER FITTING (1)-+-50e, (2y---60c eae “Beigua Number Parts Code basil Name of Parts EGuaniiy 1 0008-001 9b oucr 14 2 00008-002 9b uct eae 3 00008-003 Wary GASKET 114 4 0009-004 Bary bk GASKET dg 6 0009-006 Torok BRACKET 14 7 0009-007 Iorab BRACKET 14 9 x20501202522- HTAIL HT BOLT 44 10 x20501203022 HTL HT BOLT 12 x20501205522 HT#SL HT BOLT 2 2 14 x2050200852Z HAIL R HT BOLT 12 12 18 x21001204602 AB YK sTUuD 8 8 16 x21001205002. AY K sTuD 44 17 xe2001200002. +b NUT 2 2 19 xz2002000002. ty F NUT 2 12 20 xs7000200002. A YADIZT HEX. PLUG 2 21 -xs7000400002. A YADIZT HEX. PLUG 6 6 22 za0001200022 ESR FLAT WASHER 44 23 Z50032680022 ISP > JIS FLANGE 1 0 24 750038200022 JIS73 YF JIS FLANGE o 4 25 7501328000H2 —IStwF> JIS GASKET 1 0 28 7501332000HZ isty-F> JIS GASKET o4 27 758500130022 Wty GASKET 2 2 28 zses00210022-Wtyty GASKET 6 6 DAIHATSU DC-17 A 04-08~ Ww 8 9 a lu = = 8 g g N by 3 8Baas F = En ia sae Tae a ze 901 00184-001 4459-5 assy INTERCOOLER ASSY. q 902 00184016 TAYLI&IAYFa—T ASSY CASING & FIN TUBE ASSY. 1 2 00184-002 THF CASING 1 # 4 00184-004 AKR-MYRLUF COVER | 5 00184-005 nuts ‘TUBE SHEET 2 # 6 00184-006 W4vFa-7F FIN TUBE 135 # 8 00184-008 HAT Y b.CIOVER GASKET 1 9 00184-009 BAT Yb. RICOVER GASKET 1 10 00184-010 BATIETHY Le (GASKET re Ww 00184-011 ARIE ‘STUD 32, 13° 00184013 ByADIDT HEX. PLUG 6 14 = 00184-014 PHIFER E—C HEX. SOCKET BOLT 2 15 00184-015. FISHER HEX. SOCKET BOLT 2 ase Han # ROBART TA Part(Signal #Jcannot be purchased by itself, PEarvs DC-17 Z 02-03Bees DC-17 Z 02-03 eye ALS)BRAMAN oe Number Bars Coae SRE Name of Parts Susrtty 1 09068-001 Bb puct 1 2 00068002 23Ue FLANGE 1 3 00068.003, Bob buct 1 4 ~~ 0068-004 aor DUCT 1 5 0068-005 Bor DucT 1 6 0068-006 Dark BRACKET 1 7 00068-007 Joryk BRACKET 1 8 — 0068-008 BATob GASKET 2 9 — 0068-009 Baro GASKET i 10 00068010 ane COVER 1 co) 00068-011 aK COVER 1 12 X2000080102Z UL BOLT 13 13 xe0000802522 ALE BOLT 4 14 xg0001201622 AULA BOLT 4 15 X2000120252Z AL BOLT 4 16 = X200012035ZZ AL BOLT 14 47 xa0001206822 HUE BOLT 2 18 © X200012165ZZ RIL BOLT 2 19 X200016035ZZ ILE BOLT 1 20 ©=—-x2000160902Z Lb BOLT 2 2 x200016180ZZ ARLE BOLT 10 22 = x21001004022 AR YE ‘STUD 3 23 x21001205022 ASK sTuD 4 26 x22001000022. ty Nur 3 25 x220012000z2. | +y NuT 4 26 © xs7000200022 | AYADIDY HEX. PLUG 1 27 = Z300012000ZZ ESHA FLAT WASHER 8 28 zs6010585722 OU ORING 4 29 256022105722 ONY ‘ORING 2 30 © 25650013002Z VRE GASKET 1 31 xoo0t2t90zz IL BOLT 2 32 z56011025702 OV oRING 2 bey Ma! DC-17 Z 02-03E—bhRY IA 31(8,60¢-47| HEAT BOX Ref. 3-7.2 DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHAEby 92 ay (26D Shae a 7 Honwer Pate co BREF Name of Parts Paipeaciy 1 0033-001 eb DA HEATBOX. 14 2 0033-002 E-bRYaR HEATBOX a4 3 0033-003 Eby IR HEATBOX 14 4 0033-004 Eb DR HEATBOX 1 0 5 0033-005 Eby DR HEATBOX o 1 6 — 0033-006 bby 9A HEATBOX 14 7 0033-007 FARBUA DISTANCE PIECE 2 2 8 00033-008 AvED HANDLE 44 9 — 0033-009 RIL BOLT eae 10 00038-010 BOLT 5 6 11 ovoas.or1 aK cover 1 0 12 ovoss.or2 aK cover 04 13 00038.013 an cover 12 14 00088-014 ane cover 1 0 15 = x2000100122Z2, RL BOLT 67 18 xq000t202522 AIL BOUT 2 2 47 ~~ x2000120352Z RULE BOLT 6 6 18 © x8700040002Z. A YADITT HEX. PLUG 14 19 zsssooe016z2 Ada STRAIGHT PIN 14 20 © 286010222402 OUT ORING 23 25 21 Zse5001900CC Wty FY GASKET 113 22 zses00210cc WKY GASKET 14 23 2860101324DZ_ OU YF ORING 113 Pyne Les DC-17 A 05-05I7E—FaMA 4.4(8,60¢47| AIR MOTOR & FITTING DC-17 A 04-08 Py NEELPE—F& Rt AIR MOTOR & FITTING Beer Pu cong SRR Name of Parts 1 0076-001 JOTI EPERS BRACKET 1 2 0076-002 SADLPLIIRYF IF S.A PIPING REGULATOR OUT 1 3 00076-003, LE BOLT 4 4 00076.006 RhL-t— STRAINER 1 5 — 00076-007 JSTIRARL—-F+bYYS — BRACKET 1 6 — 00076-009 DSYFIVHS SEPARATE FLANGE 1 7 00076011 Ey-E-s ‘AIR MOTOR 1 8 co07e.012 YL RELAY VALVE a 9 00076.016 P-vhy GAUGE PIPE 1 10 00076.018 asa E BOLT 4 4 0076-019 JSTybSADY BRACKET, S.A. PIPING 4 12 00076-013 SANUAKL—F4UGTF SA. PIPING, STREINER IN 1 13° 00076-022 gaye BLOCK 1 14 00076023, ane cover 1 15 00243.007 7 GAUGE 1 501 x20001008022 ULE BOLT 2 502 —_ X200010030ZZ AL BOLT 4 503 x2000120162z tL BOLT 2 506 x20001202022 ILE BOLT 4 505 x20001603522 ILA BOLT 4 506 x20601405022HTaRL HTBOLT 3 507 x22001000022 ty h NuT 3 508 xz2001400022 +b NuT 2 509 xS7000100022 AYADIST Puc 2 510 x57000200022. A YAIIS PLUG 1 511 x57000300022. A YADIST Plus 1 12 726010250022. URI F u-sout 1 513 30001000022 ESR FLAT WASHER 2 514 zs3se0802e72 A4a9ED SPRING WASHER 2 515 786011355722 OU oRING 1 $16 — 2560203531ZZ OULe ORING : 517 zs6020403122 OY ORING 1 518 86020783122 OY ORING 1 519 756500100072 Wty > GASKET 2 620 756500130022 WILEY GASKET 1 821 25650017002Z TNR GASKET a DAIHATSU DC-17 A 04-08Aes 2.4 (6,6DC-17| FUEL OIL PIPING ® | ! 18 44 8 7] Sy 24 47. / 13} 28 i 12,22 al 1,19,24,26 man F.0. LEAK OUTLET DRAIN PIPE F.0. OUTLET F.0, INLET DC-17 A 05-11RARE FUEL OIL PIPING (1)-*"5DC Ble RE Name of Parts A Ref. 3-2.2 ea O07 F.0. BLOCK D Ref.2-31 ESbRYDA HEAT BOX E Ref.2-21 PARROT F.O. INJECTION PUMP F Ref.2-22 No6 JAUANE NOZZLE HLDER: G6 Ref.3-2.3 Not pony be ‘SEAL POT H Ref. BUIt- DAMPNER J Ref.3-7.2 LAWAL YFRIIA LEVEL SWICH BOX 1 00073-002 Jaw BLOCK 1 1 2 00073004 = FOAY F.0.PIPING 14 3 0073-006 DLITL PIPE SUPPORTER: 2 2 4 00073-009 Ise FLANGE 2 2 5 0073-020 Joryk BRACKET 404 6 00073-021 FIABYA DISTANCE PIECE 2 2 7 00073-022 SHUT LAGGING 164 8 ccorsa2s 5D Lacaine 14 9 00073024 ae LAGGING 4064 10 00073-025, GUT LAGGING: 104 11 0007028 5¥U Laceine 14 12 ooo7ec27 = BD FY PULUS ABSORBER 22 13, 00073-028 FODY. AFF F.O. PIPING INLET 14 14 00073-029 FOnY, FOV94 IF F.. PIPING BLOCK INLET 4 1 15 — 00073-030 FORAY. JO99 FOF F.0. PIPING BLOCK OUTLET 1064 16 © 00073-0314 FORAY, JuYxeRYIU—F — F.O. PIPING F.O INJECTION PUMP 5 6 17 0073-032 FORY, FHUTIF F.0. PIPING ENGINE OUTLET 104 18 00073-033 FORAY. U-9FIF F.O. PIPING LEAK OUTLET oe 49 254120900402 MoD GASKET 5 5 20 © zs601018240Z. OF ORING 10 12 21 © 286010212402 OF ORING 2 2 22 ©zs6020303102 OY ORING 2 2 23 (2565001000CC VIED GASKET 10 12 24 z5es00130006 WIL y-e> ceaskeT won 25 «= z565001700CC Why GASKET 2 2 28 © zses0021000C Wl tye GASKET 303 21 zsesooz70006. Li yey GASKET 22 28 000784097 FLANGE 14 29 © 256010233502. OF ORING 2 2 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03RAT OY 4.16.¢0¢-17| FUEL OIL BLOCK View "P" DC-17 Z 02.03BAO FUEL OIL BLOCK eas te Number Parts Code BRAT Name of Parts Quartity 1 00075-002 aor claw 1 2 00075-004 FAIPIAY RELIEF VALVE 1 3 00075-005 zootyb ‘CAP NUT 1 4 0075-006 Fae ay ADJUSTING SCREW 1 5 00075-007 ne SPRING 1 6 0077-200 AD bh SPRING SEAT 1 7 0164-001 Fay? BLOCK 1 8 0164-002 28 COVER 1 8 0064-003 Ke ‘SPRING 1 10 00164-004 Det bob FILTER SUPORT SEAT 1 11 00164-005 toby JOINT SEAT 1 12 00164.006 ox FILTER 1 13, 00164-007 o+ 75 FILTER FLASING 1 14 00164-008 BATIb (GASKET 1 18 0164-009 Baryk GASKET 16 xzo001002522 KLE BOLT 2 47 x2000120282Z AL BOLT 4 18 x20001204522 ULE BOLT 4 19 22031200022. ty bk NUT 1 20 57000400022 A YADIST HEX. PLUG 2 24 232101202522 WHR WIRE 2 22 254020000022 579 FLANGE 2 23 284120300402 yD GASKET 2 24 zse5001300CC Wty EY GASKET 1 25 Zseso02100cC Wty ty GASKET 3 26 © z5eS00s4000C WI e> GASKET 1 PYM EW e1e) DC-A7 Z 02-03YR SEAL POT 2.3 es _AB EFLYIVA—W ETHYLEN GLYCOL DC-17 Z 02-03 PEEY—IRYb SEAL POT 5,6DC-17) 2.3 cad RFF 2; fae panics eee Name of Parts — 1 00027-001 owiky b ‘SEAL POT 1 2 = x2000120202Z RE BOLT 2 3 —-¥142030300ZA BYIt— DAMPNER 1 5 — 2565001300CC Vite GASKET 4 DC-17 Z 02-03ARES 3.486047] LUBRICATING OIL PIPING 17,504, 506 FOR PRESS SWITCH 10 @) 2:7 FORPRESS. sarc § t DC-17 A 04-08 DAIHATSUAan LUBRICATING OIL PIPING (y-+-800 (2-600 RB Name of Parts ius Loky7 LO, PUMP: 164 B Log-3 L.O, COOLER 11 c LOPS ‘LO. FILTER 404 D Loz4-% (TIC) LO. FILTER (FOR T/c) 14 E LoFzo7AN7 LO. CHEKE VALVE +4 F Ref3-3.10 LOF-EAS Yb LO. THERMOSTAT VALVE 14 GG Ref.33.6 LOLY—DANF LO. RELIFE VALVE ane H Ref.3-4.4 ewitt hany (C.W. BY-PASS VALVE 1064 J Ref.3-44 FWA bY AD F.W. STOP VALVE 14 OO Ref.25 THELEN eb ‘SHAFT, IDLE GEAR 4064 P Ref247 DLT b CAM SHAFT 14 Ret 219 TN, EX S89 b INAEX. TAPPET 5 6 R Ref 2.20 avID ROCKER ARM 5 6 S Ref.2-21 FOtU oxo vaykys F.O. INJECTION PUMP 6 6 T Ret226 Bay GOVERNOR 14 Us Ref.3-3.11 FyseAy MAGNETIC VALVE 11 1 00080-002 Hareb GASKET 14 2 0080-009 BATab GASKET 2 2 3 00080014 FUyay DRAIN PIPING 14 4 00080-025 Dunk PIPE SUPPORTER 104 5 00080-028 24Ms FILTER 5 6 6 0080-029 LOY, F544 IRI) FF LO PIPE, PRIMING PUMP INLET 104 7 ~~ 00080-030 LOY, F354 2YFRYIFIF LO PIPE. PRIMINGPUMP OUTLET 404 8 0080-031 FLLAy RY Iat DRAIN PIPING 1064 9 00080-032 FoyAy, RYISF DRAIN PIPING 404 10 00080-033 FUYAY, RYIat DRAIN PIPING 104 4 0080-034 LovAY, T/C LOD¥FLY LOPIPETICLOFILTER DRAIN 101 12 00080-035 LoayY, LonsFLY LO PIPE. LO FILTER DRAIN 404 13° 00080-036 Lohy, LODFELY LO PIPE. LO FILTER DRAIN 404 44 0080-037 Lom. CW KAR ——_LOPIPE. CWBY-PASS VALVE +4 15 00080.038 Lowy, CWA MARY —_LOPIPE. CWBY-PASS VALVE +4 16 00080039 FYIRYELY —_LOPIPE.MAGNETVALVEDRAN = 11 17 00080-040 Owintt KAKY LO PIPE. CW BY-PASS VALVE 104 18 00080-0441 BKYF294 LO PIPE. GOVERNOR OILLING 14 19 — 00080-043 LODY, FOL YY29%ayKYZ LOPIPE F.O. INJECTION PUMP 5 6 20 © 0080-044 LohyY, LODFELY L.O PIPE. LO FILTER DRAIN. 104 DAIHATSU DC-17 A 04-08AAnRS 4.4 [6,60C-17| LUBRICATING OIL PIPING (ys0c SAS z ar Number Parts Code besa L ee 21 00080-0468 Lonny, 9vay LOPIPINGSUCTION + 4 22 = 00080-049 FLyAy, ¥¥7-A DRAIN PIPE 164 23 = -00080-051 JST yb, LOFS4SYIRYI BRACKET LO PRAIMING PUMP 2 2 24 0278-001 LOFS4EYIRYI LO. PRIMING PUMP: ee 501 2541207505AZ No GASKET 14 502 256500100022 Vi eY GASKET 113 503 250500130022 Nyy GASKET mou 504 — 2565001700ZZ Tye GASKET 404 50s Z5es00210022 Woy GaskeT 22 506 — 2666010000ZZ TED GASKET 16 18 DC-17 A 04-08AE MEMO 5,6DC-17 DAIHATSU DC-A7 Z 02-03ARREARS 8 g0¢.47| T/C LUBRICATING OIL PIPING DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUBoA BRE TIC LUBRICATING OIL PIPING Fe es = BRAT ‘Name of Parts ie A “Refa-24 Loates Lo. PUMP 1 B "Ref3-2: 10.9.5 LO, cooLer 1 C "Ret a-34 Lo.7105- Lo. FILTER 1 D "ReI338" LO. 7-4 144TIC) LO, FILTER (FOR TIC) 1 Fo "Refssto" — LotyFag7yAD LO, THERMOSTAT VALVE 1 G "Ret336" LoFao7 yay LO. RELIFE VALVE 1 4 00022.001 pax Block 1 2 00022.002 258 FLANGE 1 3 00022-0085 Bark GASKET 1 4 00022-008 Pork BRACKET 1 5 00022.009 ayer PIPE SUPPORTER 2 6 0002-010 Doryk BRACKET 1 7 onoz2.018 Loner 7+ Lo. PIPING Tic OUTLET 1 8 00022.019 Loarnicas4 yor LO. PIPING TIC FILTER INLET 1 © 00022020 Loaner 7 LO. PIPING Tic OUTLET 1 40 0022-021 LonsTic# oF LO. PIPING Tic OUTLET 1 41 00022-022 Loascr 7 Lo. PIPING Tic OUTLET 1 12 00022.023 Loaner 9% Lo, PIPING Tic OUTLET 1 13 00022.024 Loaner 7 Lo. PIPING Tic OUTLET 1 14 zs01t01800AZ Rye GASKET 2 15 254110306002 Kye GASKET 2 16 zsa1t035620z tye GASKET 1 17 254110350502 Rosey GASKET 4 18 zse010s3502 OY oRING 2 19 zseso021002z wtyey GASKET 2 20 786800340022 WNL GASKET 1 2 zsest1s003zz ALE PIPE SUPPORTER 2 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03BBWAMS, 707 & Me 4.4{8,60C.47| LUB. OIL COOLER, BLOCK & FILTER FITTING DC-17 Z 02-03RaW ANS, JO7 & BBW LUB. OIL COOLER, BLOCK & FILTER FITTING oS iE Number_Parts Code. beth Name of Parts Quartity_ 901 00079-013 Fox (loa=yh) ALE BLOCK(L.O. UNIT) ASSY. 1 902 Lo7—> L.O. COOLER ASSY. 1 A Reta Lon Lo. FILTER 1 1 00025-003 ane COVER 1 2 0025-005 Roey PACKING 2 3 0079-001 Jaye BLOCK 4 4 0079-008 tor NUT 8 5 0079-009 TFS ‘SAUCER 4 6 00079-010 Jaw BLOCK 4 7 ~~ 00079-0141 bya JOINT SEAT F 8 00079-012 Tune ANGLE VALVE 1 9 00226-001 JL—h(AS—b) PLATE(START) 1 10 00226-002 JL—b (ZYF) PLATE(END) 4 or 00226-003 JL b CpaA) PLATE(MIDDLE) 40 12 0226-004 kyyeas SETTING PLATE 1 13 0226-005 Is COVER 1 14 00226008 RL Bowt 8 15, 00226-007 ABYK STUD 8 18 00226-008aart— cover 1 417° x2000100142Z RIL BOLT 4 18 © x20001203022 KLE BOLT 18 19 x2000120362Z RIL BOLT 6 20 © x20001204022. RIL BOLT 12 21 = x2000120502Z RLF BOLT 4 iia Remarks 1.No. 9,10, IDAL—bSHATY METH. ‘The plate is fitted with gasket. 2.No.9. 10,11 SIL—hOHR Ty HEBRAIC T Each gasket fitied on the plate (No.9, 10,11) can be sold by itself. DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03BBHANS, JOv7s BMH 4.4(6,¢0C.47| LUB. OIL COOLER, BLOCK & FILTER FITTING Be oe toe Re Name of Parts Ly 22 xzo0012086z2 IL BOLT 4 23 x20001620022 Au pout 4 24 ‘X210010035ZZ ABE STUD 4 2 ‘X220010000ZZ tor NUT 4 28 xzz0016000zz Fh Nut 2 27 = &§700020002Z_ ayhAdIST HEX. PLUG 3 28 xs7o00400022 BYAYIZT HEX. PLUG 8 29 © X870006000ZZ DyAIIST HEX. PLUG. | 30 © X5723420002ZZ b9YaATaT ‘SPECIAL PLUG 8 31 Y529000003ZZ Osh at FILTER BODY 1 32 ys2000001a22 FUATAY? cock 1 33 ys2000002822 ty PACKING SEAT 1 a4 Ys29000082zzt¥ PACKING 1 36 yS2900006622 AY EL HANDLE 1 36 Y529000064ZZ ae NUT 1 ar ys2goq0o712z 18% SPRING 1 38 YS2s000078z2 KAD NOTCH BAR 1 39 ‘Y529000085ZZ ABVE STUD 2 40 52000008222 Fa) NUT 2 4152900000822 BOLT 2 42 Ys2o00010722 PACKING 2 43 Ys2900012222 SHAFT 2 44 Y52900019022 CASE 2 45 52000014822 SPRING 2 48 52900015522 PACKING 2 47 Ye2s00016322 YAY cap NUT 2 48 Ys2o00017e2z Kye PACKING 2 49 Y529000184ZZ ave VALVE SEAT 2 50 Ys2e00o1ssz2 ty PACKING 4 st Ye20001e42Zhatty ya CONNECTOR 2 52 Ys2900020022. ty PACKING 2 53 YS29000207ZZ Daath ‘CAP NUT 7 54 Ysae0002t1zz 74RD AIR PLUG 2 85 ys2vo002t722 ABYE sTuD 4 56 Y529000224Z2Z KAPHA ‘SPRING WASHER, 4 De-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUAAMAS, JOY & BSW LUB. OIL COOLER, BLOCK & FILTER FITTING ates aE Number Parts Code 8% Eesicieas: Quartity ST Y52900022022 +yk Nut 4 58 ys2s0002s472 75 Plus 1 $9 52900023022 twey PACKING 2 60 ys2900024022 = YIN NIPPLE 1 61 ys2e00024022 SL VALVE 1 ys2900025822 742Skyya ‘CONNECTOR 1 63 ys2900026122 fal WASHER 1 64 = -¥529000268ZZ NAAR ‘SPRING WASHER 4 65 ys200002722 44/8 NAME PLATE 1 66 = Y5290003082Z ty Fy PACKING 2 67 750130220002 ISH FY JIS GASKET 1 68 zsa020008422 799 FLANGE 1 69 = -2541104275AZ EY (GASKET 2 70 = 254120408402 KY GASKET 1 71 256010885722 OY ORING 1" 72 786020553122 OF O-RING 1 73 2665001300ZZ Wtyey GASKET 3 74 256500210022 YALty > GASKET 8 78 256600270022. WiLityeD GASKET 1 76 = — 2565004200ZZ Wiyey GASKET 10 7 — zss02030002z. KL DRAIN COCK 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03iam 3.4/8,48¢-(7| LUBRICATING OIL FILTER Ref.3-3.3 PY DC-17 A 04-01Benes LUBRICATING OIL FILTER 5,6DC-17, 3.4 whee bm toe Bae Name of Parts LE 1 00026-002 OF Assy FILTER ASSY 1 2+ -Y&290000032Z Osha t FILTER BODY 1 3 Yexgo0001s2z #YATAYD cock 1 4 ys2900002322 tay —b PACKING SEAT 1 5 —-¥§290000322Z ty y PACKING 4 6 Yooo2s003 wt cock COVER 1 7 ys2e0000sezz Ny Ka HANDLE 1 8 ys29000064zz Fy NuT 1 © Ysze0o09712z 18 SPRING 1 10 -Y5290000782Z bate NOTCH BAR, 1 aol Y529000085ZZ ARIE STUD 2 12> -YS290000922Z ty hb NUT 2 13° -¥529000098ZZ Rb BOLT 2 14 -Y5290001072Z ty Y PACKING 3 18 — ¥S290001222Z 37 ‘SHAFT 2 48 Ys2000013922 7-2 CASE 2 47 ys2e00014ezz 8 SPRING 2 18 Ys2000016522 ND PACKING 2 19 Ys2000016322 DAY t Yh CAP NUT 2 20 Ye2900017ezz Nyy PACKING 2 21 ys290001842Z Mf VALVE SEAT 2 22 ~~ -ys2qo0018ezZ ty ty PACKING 4 2 Ys2900019422 ALR YY CONNECTOR 2 24 Yez9000200z2 Roe PACKING 2 25 = ¥5290002072Z 27Otvb CAP NUT 2 25 Ys2000021122 79FRALY AIR PLUG 2 27 Yexe0002177z. AB YE sTup 4 28 Yex90002202z2 RAFAT SPRING WASHER 4 29 Ys2900022022 ty b Nur 4 30 © Y529000234ZZ Ise PLUG 1 34 ys290002392Z /tyt> PACKING 2 32 Yezgoog2aazz = 97 NIPPLE 1 33 ys290002492Z tT VALVE 4 34 Y52900005822 P4IEKYYa CONNECTOR 1 35 Ys2900026122 FA WASHER 1 36 © -YS5290002682Z NAVA ‘SPRING WASHER 4 PONE DC-17 A 04-01Bam 3.4(6,60¢-47] LUBRICATING OIL FILTER SF oe Number Parts Code *##F Name of Parts Quanity 37 Yex9o00a7azZ A418 NAME PLATE 1 38 0026-004 EU KASSY ELEMENT ASSY. 2 39 Ye2o000s08zz ty PACKING 2 40 0025-005 Korey PACKING 2 DC-17 A 04-01DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03BWR & Wt 4.8(5,60C-47| LUBRICATING OIL PUMP & FITTING DC-17 Z 02-03 PLE eoLe)BABS & Itt LUBRICATING OIL PUMP & FITTING 5,6DC-17| 3.5 BS aE Number Parts Code a, eamneloe Eats) Quartity 901 0077-011 LORY assy(9 FO¥*ML) —_LUB.OIL PUMP ASSY.(without. ‘driving gear) 1 902 0077-014 LODZ assy(7 FO¥+H@) —_LUB.OIL PUMP ASSY.(with driving gear) 1 1 0007-001 at BODY 1 2 0007-002 ae COVER 1 3 00077003 Gear 1 4 00077-004 ay GEAR, 1 5 0077-005 Fvutvcy ‘SAFETY VALVE. 1 6 0077-006 aor ‘CLAMP: 1 7 coorr007 te GEAR 1 8 0077-008 ATUL BEARING 4 9 00077-009 RR ‘SPRING 4 4 0077-011 LOISFHR CLAW WASHER 4 12 X2050120352Z_ HTAN/L HT BOLT 6 13 xa2st2200022 FY b CASTLE NUT 4 14 zso0a2200022 ESHFrie FLAT WASHER 4 15 zs2000se40zz JEL ‘SPLIT PIN 1 18 zsss00s02szz Atay STRAIGHT PIN 2 17 240000702022 +— KEY | 18 258022005722 OUD ORIG 1 19 256022105722 OLS ORING 1 20 297180100022 7-5 TAPER PLUG. 1 21 Z4613045088SC 44 JI We OIL SEAL 1 22 «= 241200450022 APY FUT SNAP RING 4 DC-17 A 04-01am EF Fi: 6pc-17] LUBRICATING OIL RELIEF VALVE 3.6 / Ref. 3-3.3 ey NPE) DC-17 Z 02-03ARR EF LUBRICATING OIL RELIEF VALVE 56DC-17| 3.6 TSF 2 SE Number Parts Code BREA Name of Parts warty 901 0051-008 LOFav7yAvaAssY LUB. OIL RELIEF VALVE ASSY. 4 1 0051-001 a4 BODY 4 2 0051-002 FaIPyay RELIEF VALVE 1 3 0051-003 ooh SEAT 1 4 00051-004 BYAIIST HEX. PLUG | 5 — 00051-005 Faget hh ADJUST BOLT 1 6 00051-006 AVL CLAMP: 1 7 00051-007 BR ‘SPRING 1 9 22001000022 tor NUT 1 10 24120028002Z. AFIIVYD SNAP RING 1 1 256010212422 Ours ORING A 12 25601036352Z Ouse ORING 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03BORA RARS RT T/C LUB. OIL FILTER FITTING 47) DC-17 Z 02-03 ey EweeBORA RRS T/C LUB. OIL FILTER FITTING TF 2 = Number Parts Code Bee Name of Parts Guay. A Ref. 3.38 Tic 1+ Assy Tic FILTER ASSY (Ref 3,3.) 1 1 00021-001 Jox BLOCK 1 3 00021-003 2789 SAUCER 1 4 =~ 0021-004 DaTyb BRACKET 1 5 X200010055ZZ, BIER BOLT 2 6 x20001008522 AL BOLT 4 7 x20001202022 Lb BOLT 4 8 xs7000200022 YADID HEX. PLUG 1 8 z5e500130022 WINN yey GaskeT 1 10 © 25801030002Z Fuyay? DRAIN COCK 1 4 2541102555AZ Kote PACKING 2 Pye E WE) DC-17 Z 02-03ahaa T/C LUBRICATING OIL FILTER Bee Pye weLe) DC-17 Z 02-03BRA R RRS TIC LUBRICATING OIL FILTER 5,6DC-17 3.8 eS ee Number Parts Code BREW ameliorate; Quartity 901 00021-001 nyAssy FILTER ASSY 1 2 00021-0058 ELsyb ELEMENT 2 3 0021-006 a4 BODY A 4 00021-007 ax cook 1 5 00024-008 aR CASE 2 6 — 0021-009 ook ROD - 7 00021-010 Re SPRING 2 8 = 0021-011 SHR ‘WASER 2 9 0021-012 Rosy GASKET 2 10 = 00021-013 RIED GASKET 2 41 ooo2t-014 GASKET 2 12 ooo2to1s FLANGE 1 13 09021016 Plus 1 14 0021-017 NIPPLE 1 15 00021018 VALVE 1 46 0021-019 nUEW HANDLE 1 17 ~— 00021-020 RR ‘SPRING 1 18 = 00021-021 IL BALL 1 19 0021-022 APVVFED ‘SPRING PIN 1 20 0021-023 257 RAE STUD BOLT 2 24 = 00021-024 AS y FRI ‘STUD BOLT 4 22 © 00021-025 KAD VALVE 2 23° 00021-026 Ryey GASKET 2 24 xe2o008000zz Nur 2 28 — xz2001000022 Nur 4 26 31001000022 ‘SPRING WASHER 4 27 Zs601018242z ORING 1 28 256010202422 ORING 2 29 © 286010303522 OU ORING 1 PYLE) DC-17 Z 02-03ia Bak F UBRIKATING OIL CHECK VALVE DC-17 Z 02-03 Pye wee)AwmBLF LUBRIKATING OIL CHECK VALVE Boa ar Number _Parts Code BRR Name of Parts Quartity. 901 00053.005 LO¥ +722 ASSY LUBRICATING OIL CHECK VALVE ASSY 1 1 0053-001 a4 Boy 1 2 0053-002 Frygny (CHECK VALVE 1 3 00059-003 AatLRD UNION SCREW 1 4 00083.004 ne SPRING 1 5 256500270022 Witoey GASKET, 4 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03aaa ed FP 4.40 (5,6DC-17] LUBRICATING OIL THERMOSTAT VALVE Ref. 3-3.3 No.2 BLOCK DC-17 Z 02-03 eye LeAmes LUBRICATING OIL THERMOSTAT VALVE |s¢pc-17| 3.10 es R-II-F Le saan vas oP = 901 00054011 LO*LFaDAVASSY LUB. OILTHERMOSTAT VALVE ASSY. 4 4 0054-001 at BODY 4 2 00054-002 aa COVER 4 ee core ' 5 0054-005, Fase Rb “ADJUST BOLT 1 6 00054-006 Hae GUIDE 4 7 ~~ 00054-007 290th (CAP NUT 1 8 — 00054.008 Oyatyb LOCK NUT = 12 X2000080252Z UL BOLT 4 13 230011400022 EStHA FLAT WASHER 7 14 = 25601011242Z Ouse ORING 4 15 — 25601042352Z Ouse ORING 1 16 © 2560207531ZZ Ouse ORING 1 DAIHATSU. DC-17 Z 02-0360-17] MAGNETIC VALVE FITTING DC-17 Z 02-03BRAIN MAGNETIC VALVE FITTING 5,6DC-17] 3.14 Ra umber Parte Goce S84 Name of Parts eee 1 00066.001 FYIRY MAGNETIC VALVE 1 2 00066.002 FBSA DISTANCE PIECE 1 3 xeaszo4ote2z — FIAINIRY PLUS PAN MACHINE SCREW 4 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03WHALE 4.4 |8,¢0C-17} COOLING WATER PIPING DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUWAAR COOLING WATER PIPING (1)-**-5DC BREE Name of Parts 7 cwity 7 C.W. PUMP) C Rel. 3.4.4 Went RAR UC BY-PASS VALVE E Ref.345NoS EAS YE THERMOSTAT Fo Ref. 3.44 FWA RY PALI F.W. STOP VALVE G Ref. 3.3.3 Lo73 LO. COOLER H Ref.2.29 A995 INTER COOLER J Ref. 2-1 No21 ANIA aT ORIFICE 27 K Ref. 2-4 No3 HUDA 45 ORIFICE 45 901 00074.015 FD RUASSY CHECK VALVE ASSY aad + 00074-005 JoInT 24 2 00074.006 JOINT 14 3 00074.007 JOINT at 4 00074.008 JOINT 14 5 00074.009 Joint oe 6 00074-0114 FWhuny FIT Re FW. PIPING, HEAD AIR DRAIN 14 7 ~~ 0074-012 FWA YAY FEE R> FW. PIPING, HEAD AIR DRAIN 14 8 0074013 FWA RTI RE FW. PIPING. GEAR CASEAIRDRAIN 1 1 9 00074.014 FWAYELY FW. PIPING, DRAIN. 14 4 0074-016 Jaw BLOCK 104 12 00074-017 DyADIST HEX PLUG. 104 13 0074018 FLIRD ‘CHECK VALVE 14 14 zso1s022000z Ney GASKET 44 48 zse500130022 ty GASKET 14 16 756500170022 wytye> GASKET 20 24 47 256500210022 WUD GASKET 14 eyes) DC-17 Z 02-03BRRADARS 4.2(8,68¢47| TIC COOLING WATER PIPING AIR VENT, WARE UP- fi ‘THERMOMETER DC-17 Z 02-03 DAIHATSUBRR THARE TIC COOLING WATER PIPING 5 eas ee Number_Parts Code Name of Parte Quartty 4 00022-0085 Gasket 3 2 00022-0068 FLANGE 2 3 00097-001 BRACKET 1 4 0037-002 FLANGE 1 5 0037-007 OWA Tet 1 9F CM. PIPING TIC INLET 1 8 0037-008 oway Ter 9F CW. PIPING TC OUTLET 1 7 zses0017002Z Wty GASKET 2 8 zs6500210022. | WLty ty GASKET 2 9 756500270022 Wty GASKET 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03TF & Bnet aR. Qo = E wu 8 a = > a ~ 2 = = 9 = 3 9° we 4 19 28 3 PUN REEL DC-17 Z 02-03WAKRIT & Bett COOLING WATER PUMP & FITTING 5,6DC-17] 4.3 (1)-+*+1 set fitting (2)-*+"2 sets fitting Bo “Elgua Number Parts Code OREM Name of Parts as 901 00016011 Cwit7 ASSY (9 RO4¥HL) C.W. PUMP ASSY.(without driving gea) 12 902 00016.013 CWA 7 ASSY (7 FO4*HE) CW. PUMP ASSY.(with driving gear) = 12 4 00016.001 load CASE ee 2 0016-002 a4 BODY 12 3 00016-0038, DEIN IMPELLER ane 4 00016004 won MOUTH RING 1 2 5 0016-005, ay GEAR 1 2 6 09016-008 2D SHAFT 12 7 09016-007 tor NuT 1 8 09016-008 ony ORING fea 8 00016.009 YAIR EAR CLAW WASHER 12 10 0016-010 AR=DWY—W MECHANICAL SEAL fe 12 xe0001008522 UL BOLT 8 16 13 x2200t200022 +b NuT 6 12 14 x22562000022 497k CASTLE NUT fee 48 xs7000200002. AYADIDF HEX. PLUG 24 18 xs7ooos00002. SB YHDIZF HEX. PLUG 3-6 47 za0002000022 KDW FLAT WASHER 12 18 zs200000022 DYED SPLIT PIN 12 49 zas6600082 A4AED STRAIGHT PIN eo 20 © zar200720022 AF YAY SNAP RING fea 21 245146207022 STUY BEARING 24 22 2461355008TC OL SEAL fee 23 256010585722 ORING 24 24 756021353122 ORING ite 25 756021705722 ORING 12 28 756500130022 GASKET 2 4 27 25850017002z GASKET 3 8 28 240000702002 +— Key 12 29 240000702822 +— KEY 12 DC-17 A 04-01MRKAA NAF & Bett 4.4|6,60C.17} COOLING WATER BYPASS VALVE & FITTING Case Valve Open imm 6 16 DC-17 Z 02-03WMA ARH & Bt COOLING WATER BYPASS VALVE & FITTING |5,¢pc-17 TF aE Number Parts Code BE Name of Parts Guartity 901 cwitd AN LASSY (C.W. BYPASS VALVE ASSY_ 4 902 0061-009 CWS SRAYSAASSY “BODY ASSY,C.W. BYPASS VALVE 1 0054-006 Bae GUIDE 1 2 00084.007 20Fyk CAP NUT 1 3 00054008 ByDtyb Lock nur 1 4 00061-001 a4 BODY 1 5 0061-002 2 COVER 1 6 — 00061-003 oo ‘SHAFT 1 7 00061004 EARY PISTON 1 8 0061-005 ay SCREW 1 9 0061-006 aR ‘SPRING 1 10 — 00061-007 RF VALVE 4 +1 00061-008 Joya BUSH 1 13 x2o001002822 ALE Bout 2 14 20001003572 UE Bout 4 18 — X225210000JZ, tOtob CASTLE NUT 2 16 Z300010000ZZ cate FLAT WASHER: 1 17 Z320003025JZ Wey ‘SPLIT PIN 2 18 256010091922 Ouse ORING 1 19 zs001011242z OY orING 1 20 © z5601014242Z2 OU ORING 1 2 256010202422 Ouse ORING 1 22 756010383822 OUT oRING 1 23 zse01080357Z OF ORING 1 24 © Zs601086572Z OUT ORING 1 25 zees01000022 YN GASKET 3 26 206502000022 YN GASKET 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02.0347 na COOLING WATER THERMOSTAT VALVE Ref. 2-4 DC-17 Z 02-03 Py Ee WELe)mae aF COOLING WATER THERMOSTAT VALVE 5,6DC-17 45 ea RIF 2 Ensen Ta oe = 1 00015-001 TR CASE 4 2 0015-002 as COVER 1 3 0015-003 YEAR Yb THERMOSTAT 2 4 /X200010070ZZ Rb BOLT 8 5S x2000120282Z ULF BOLT 3 6 — x2000121002Z AIL BOLT 3 7 X570002000ZZ DYAIIST HEX, PLUG = 8 X570004000ZZ DYAIIDT HEX. PLUG 1 10 256500130022 Vike (GASKET te 1 256500210022 Wityey GASKET i 12 /X200012155ZZ AIL BOLT 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03SAME & FLY .416,60¢-17| MIST PIPING & DRAIN PIPE DC-17 Z 02-03Ta Number Parts Code SARE & KL YE MIST PIPING & DRAIN PIPE RBI By Name of Parts Qua 1 0036-003 MIST PIPING 1 (00036-004 DRAIN PIPING 1 3 00036-005 BURYE PIPE SUPPOTER 1 4 — zs013060008Z ty GASKET 1 S — Z58510800222 AYAYE PIPE SUPPOTER 1 DC-17 Z 02.03ataeik (ABH) 6.4.4 (6,60C-17| GAUGE BOARD (DIESEL OIL) 10 504 507 501 2 5 | 5 3 501508 9} or : si2 ° 502, 506 ~ 12 508 os 4 a | 43 ttt mh o ea eta I { 1 503. ees 8coog ESetees oes DC-17 Z 04-08 DAIHATSUatest (ABH) K} GAUGE BOARD (DIESEL OIL) sepc-417| 6.1.1] FEDER Pressure Gauge fitting (1)(3)°-6 (2)(4)°-7, AHH HOSE (1)(2)-RUBBER (3)(4)"-METAL we ar WiGuan Number Parts Code BRET eel ae Awe 4 00017-001 Farah BRACKET 1144 2 00017-002 aK COVER 11444 3 0017-003 WAERD (GAUGE BOARD 1144 4 0017-006 ROY VIL ISORATION RUBBER 4444 5 00017-007 We SPRING ee 6 cwiro = t Jont 454s 7 oro 8 kobe ont 2222 6 wore 6 kava vont 2222 9 0017-011 Dootyb ‘CAP NUT 2222 10 00017-013 Dorybh2 BRACKET 2 1444 i owen 9 ote vont 14 2 mores =| Sate owt 14 13 ooi7ats more YALE 14 ‘4 oootzor7 = Hose a ¢ a 0065-001 —A (ER, RR) HOSE (BOOST AIR, TICLUB.OIL) 2 2 1 1 22 ~~ 00065-002 RA (MAMMA, {EAAAVK) HOSE (LUB. OIL, LOWTEMP.C.W.) 2 2 1 1 a cosas ea me aero aor ren owt 24 © 00065-005 aR” (RED HOSE(FUEL OIL) 114 25 © 00065-006 AA (RT) HOSE(T/C LUB. OIL) 11 26 © 00065-007 aA (eR) HOSE(LUB. OIL.) 11 501 20000601022 RLF BOLT 86688 02 xamooneo16z2 LE Bot 40.10 10 10 soo xamooraoaszz | NE Bout 7777 504 = X2000120352Z a BOLT 4444 505 — X207006045ZB UL BOLT 2222 506 X220006000ZZ tor NUT 18 18 18 18 sor xzmormoooz «Foe NUT ata soe x20000000022 «FO Yatyh SPECIAL NUT e767 509 01235008522 — EID NEEDLE VALVE 6666 510 '¥142030300ZA SuIt— DAMPNER ene: St Z300006000ZZ ESTHR FLAT WASHER 2222 S12 ZORSOOSOOOZZ Wt et 1920 620 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 04-08ate (ER RRA) 1s 60¢.17] GAUGE BOARD (HEAVY FUEL OIL) 24, 25, 26 24,22, 23 512 51g 512 5 : Dietail "B" ii Dietail “A” 4 5214 501 . is : so1s0s | ° 502.506 2h 508 ibis 51: rea ay ¥ gezel! 503 BRS oe & DC-17 Z 04-08 yarSteet (EAR AA) GAUGE BOARD (HEAVY FUEL OIL) FEASHEMM Pressure Gauge fitting (1)(3)°-8 (2)(4)°-7, ZH HOSE (1)(2)°-RUBBER (3)(4)"-METAL ; es = Bilavon Number Parts Code #4 pean Mae 1 00017-001 Da7Tyb BRACKET 14114 2 00017-002 aK COVER 1441 3 00017.003 ARDY GAUGE BOARD 1444 4 09017-0068 ROTI A ISORATION RUBBER 4444 § — 00017-007 WR SPRING 2222 6 0017-008 tuys JOINT 5656 7 00017-009 ova JOINT a444 8 = 00017-010 teva JOINT 1444 9 = 00017-0114 270t yb (CAP NUT 14414 10 o0017.013 Dory h2 BRACKET 2 4444 11 00017-014 tyya JOINT +4 42° 0017-015 JOINT 14 43° 00017-0168 VALVE 14 44 0017-017 HOSE 14 a 0065-001 A (HE. NG HAT RR) HOSE (BOOSTAIR, TICLUB.OIL) 2 2 1 1 22 00065.002 RR (BLA, HERI) HOSE (LUB, OIL, LOWTEMP.CW) 2.2.1 1 23 0065-003 AOA (be BRAID HOSE(FUEL OIL, HIGH TEMP.CW.) 2.21 1 24 00065.005 A (hs) HOSE(FUEL OL) 14 25 © 00065-006 A GMAT) HOSE(T/C LUB. OIL) 14 26 0065-007 A (RATED HOSE(LUB. OIL.) 14 sot x200006010zz AL our saee 502 x20000601622 UL BOLT 10 10 10 10 503 x20001202522 AL BOLT riety 504 x2000120352Z UL BOLT 4444 505 x20700604528 RM Bout 2222 506 x220006o00zz ty h Nur 10 10 18 18 507 xaz001200022. Fh NuT 4444 508 — X230303000ZZ bhovatorh ‘SPECIAL NUT 6767 509 01295008522 =— Kh NEEDLE VALVE 6666 510 1420303002ZA Fy F+— DAMPNER 14414 511 230000600022 ESN FLAT WASHER 2222 512 2665006000ZZ PKI (GASKET 14 18 14 18 PY MEN ESS) DC-17 Z 04-083 6.2(8,60¢17] GAUGE enon ‘TPRESSURE GAUGES DC-17 Z 02-03 PUNE Le)tet 7 — GAUGE (18) D.0. (2X4)H.0. (1)(2) GAUGES (3X4) 7GAUGES Bo Ha Number Parts Code S&2¥ Cage OAS 1 00069-001 DAF ITA ‘TACHOMETER ee 2 00069-002 JILe7—IN FLEX.CABLE 1444 3 00243-0041 07-5 60 PRESS.GAUGE 11441 4 00243-002 607-2 60 PRESS. GAUGE 2222 5 00243-003 607- 60 PRESS.GAUGE 1444 6 00243-004 60v—-F 60 PRESS.GAUGE 1141 7 0243-008 607-7 60 PRESS.GAUGE 1 4 8 on2s3.000 env 60 PRESS.GAUGE 14 9 00243-010 60x 60 PRESS.GAUGE 4 1 10 X220004000ZZ tour NUT 4444 14 X245204008ZZ DIAFAARS PLUS PAN MACHINE SCREW 18 18 21 21 12 24520401422 FIATRARS PLUS PAN MACHINE SCREW 4444 DY VaPWe) DC-17 Z 02-03EnAnRE 6.3 (6,¢0¢-17} PRESSURE GAUGE PIPING DC-17 Z 02-03 eye Ue)EARS PRESSURE GAUGE PIPING 56DC-17| 6.3. (y+-500 @y806 Ss S Hiaaa Number Parts Code S84 ceeeeeaie one” 2 0040-024 aatyay UNION scREW 14 3 0040-025 AIRE PIPE SUPPORTER 14 4 0040-025 AYRE PIPE SUPPORTER 14 5 0040-029 CWAD. etry bh 7-3 CW. PIPING, JACKET, GAUGE a & — co04o.020 CWA, D¥iry b, 77) 27SW CW. PIPING, JACKET, PRESS.SW. 1 1# 7 0040-031 CWAY1, 2-3. 7-3 CMVPIPING!, COOLER, GAUGE. 11 8 0040-032 way. 9-3 « CW.PIPING2, COOLER, GAUGE 1 © 00040033 CWA. 9-3. FY ——GW.PIPINGS, COOLER, GAUGE 11 10 00040-024 cWay, 2-5. FY ASW CW.PIPINGS, COOLER, PRESS.SW. 1 1# 11 0040-035 Fon, 7-5 F.0,PIPING2, GAUGE 1 12 o0040-036 Fone. 7-9 F.0.PIPINGS, GAUGE 14 13 00040-037 Fohy, 7YY aew F.0. PIPING4, PRESS. SW. 148 14 o0040-039 Loay. 7-3 LO. PIPING, GAUGE 14 18 00040-040 Lonvi, 7Yy a7sW LO. PIPINGS, PRESS. SW. 14 18 0000-041 Lom. Te. 7 Lo. PIPING!, Th, GAUGE 14 17 o0040-042 SAMY. CATYYAISW SA PIPING, C.A PRESS. SW. 14 18 0040-049 Lotz. Te. FF Lo. PIpING2, The, GAUGE 1 19 0040-044 Lonya. Te. LO. PIPINGS, 1, GAUGE 14 20° 00040.045 Low. TO. FYYASW LO. PIPING, TC, PRESS. SW. +4 21 0040046 sano. FA¥ SA PIPING!, GAUGE 148 22 0040047 sano, 7 "S.A PIPING2, GAUGE” 148 23 00040-048 sah. FYI a9SW SA PIPING, PRESS. SW. 1 24 00040-049 Badehy FS INTAKE AIR PIPING, GAUGE 14 25 00040.050 Ha0thy, TYAS —INTAKEAIRPIPING,PRESS.SW. 11 26 00040-081 FOnY, S—ibity b F.0. PIPING, SEALPOT 14 27 00040-052 Fon. 7-o FO. PIPING!, GAUGE 14 28 00040053 eRe BANJO PLUS 1 1# 29 00040054 RAY SPACER 148 30 00040.055 Loni, #7 ys" LO.PIPINGI, DEF.PRESS.SW. 1 1# 31 00040.056 Lony2. YY Lo.PIPING2, DEF.PRESS.SW. 118 32 00040052 Lony2, FYa7S" LO. PIPING2, PRESS. SW. 14.8 BR Rema #MBRET IY aHRCT. Part (Signal #) is optional. DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-036.3(5,60C-17| PRESSURE GAUGE PIPING (500 Sas m Pa Number Parts Code Leonie narnele eee 50 zses0otsoezZ MKYRY 13 GASKET 51 zse500130022 tye 19 GASKET 52 z5e500130022 Mtoe 13 GASKET 53 96500130022 WtyY 13 GASKET 54 zs0s00190022 -MRYEY 19 GASKET 55 z50s001s00z2 © Yty e193 GASKET 148 56 zses00r90022 YatyeD 13 GASKET 338 57 zse500180022 YY 13 GASKET 2 28 58 © 2565001300ZZ WKY 13 GASKET 3 38 59 zsest0a001z2 AAD E PIPE SUPPORTER 23 60 258510800222 nunyek PIPE SUPPORTER 3.4 61 258510808222 ayn PIPE SUPPORTER ee 62 258510808222 aynyk PIPE SUPPORTER 2 28 63 2585108160ZZ Ayn PIPE SUPPORTER 2 2 64 258510816022 nui PIPE SUPPORTER pee 65 2585108240ZZ Aynye PIPE SUPPORTER eee = Remarks # BREAD aT. Part (Signal #) is optional DC-17 Z 02-03Py Nar WEL) DC-17 Z 02-03YYLe aw Ww a = a > oO a 9 a Ee 6 oO — w > in eHaY bOI 3 < 3BHA Wye FUEL CONTROL CYLINDER Hiner fee Gove 824% Name of Pars Guity 901 00231-057 FOAYHO-WFSYY¥ —— CONTROLCYLINDER ASSY 1 + 00231-0588 759 plus 3 2 00231059 AtVIIYT SNAP RING 6 3 00231-060 By RAaH ROD: METAL 6 4 00231-0641 KR SPRING 1 5 0023-062 BYREARYA ROD: PISTONA 1 6 0231-063 bh SEAT: SPRING 1 7 0023-064 YoSFa—FkYs4 $1 CYLINDER TUBE St 1 8 00231-065 ROEDER RY PACKING: PISTON 3 9 00231-066 BARDA PISTON A 2 40 00231-068 BAY RLU GASKET: CYLINDER 3 41 00231-0690 Ryeuoy F PACKING: ROD 3 42 00231.070 By REARS ROD: PISTON B 4 13° 00231071 YLoFa—IKYE4 $2 CYLINDER TUBE S2 1 14 00231-072 By REARS ROD: PISTON 1 48 00281-073, YYYSFa—ThYE4 $3 CYLINDER TUBE S3 1 18 00231-074 eave PISTON 8 1 17 00231.075 JU-hAbo PLATE: STOPPER 1 18 00231-076 By BEARD ROD: PISTON D 1 19 00231.077 Rhon STOPPER i 20 00231.078 tok NUT 1 24 00231-079 PoTybA BRACKET A 1 22 00281-080 THIER A BOLT A 2 23 0281-081 PHISH BOLT a 4 24 0281-082 PorvbB BRACKET B 1 Py Nae WRLe DC-17 A 04-08PRAYED LLY St 503 \ 510 ~\ 9,504,511 eek } ! ( DC-17 A 04-08 DAIHATSUBAAD St FUEL CONTROL CYLINDER FITTING 5,6DC-17| 7.1.2 es fz Nunber BREE Name of Parts a 901 FUPALYASSY MAGNETIC VALVE ASSY 1 2 00028002 NAME PLATE 1 3 00028003, NAME PLATE 1 4 00028004 NAME PLATE 1 5 00028-0058 MAGNETIC VALVE 3 6 00028-0068 COVER 1 7 00028-007 yah MANIFOLD 4 8 00067-001 Jory BRACKET 1 9 — 00067-002 Lt LEVER 4 10 0067-003 ate RETAINER 1 1 0067-004 CAD. FI CA PIPNG, STOP: 1 12 0067-005 CADY. F4Y CA. PIPNG, STOP 1 143 0067-006 CAL, ADeT CA PIPNG, CONTROL 1 501 x200008014z2 AIL Bout 2 502 — X200008025ZZ AOL BOLT 2 503 X200008040ZZ Lb BOLT 4 504 x20001008222 ULE BOLT 1 505 — X220008000ZZ tok NUT 2 506 x22281200022 AHS tyb Nut 1 S07 X230301000JZ bovatyb ‘SPECIAL NUT 3 508 x24g0040t22z FSARAT PLUS MACHINE SCREW 4 509 X249004025ZZ FIAART PLUS MACHINE SCREW 12 510 xS88300020) 94 8a=4> BITING UNION 6 S11 41800503522 APYYFED SPRING PIN A 512 256000081572 OY ORING a 513 757150200022, F—AF9F TAPER PLUG 2 514 xzo0012180zz IL BOLT 2 PY EE DG-17 A 04-08LAIWAA YF & Rt (FO Y—) 7.216,60C-17| LEVEL SWITCH & FITTING(F.O. LEAKAGE) DC-17 Z 02-03 PY Ae Weke)LAWAA YF & Bett (FO Y—) LEVEL SWITCH & FITTING(F.0. LEAKAGE) RF aE Number Parts Code #8 %% Name of Parts Ey 1 0057-001 Jay BLOCK 1 2 0087-002 28 COVER 1 3 0057-003 arob GASKET 1 5 00057-005 LAWad oF LEVEL SWITCH 1 50 x2000t002022 IV Bout 4 51 256500940006 WHEL GASKET 1 DAIHATSU DG-17 Z 02-03LAAT YF & MA (LOL AIL) 7.3{6,e0C-17| LEVEL SWITCH & FITTING(L.O. LEVEL) 14 13 12 11 10 504 503 2 8 a. 501 | 502 DC-17 A 05-05 oY NEE WEI)UAWAA YF & BU (LOLAJL) LEVEL SWITCH & FITTING(L.O. LEVEL) = a EE Number Parts Code ee peneleshate Quattity 4 [00057-004) LANAL YF LEVEL SWITCH 4 8 — [00057-008) a ‘SHAFT 4 9 [0057-009] Jur PLATE, 1 40 [0057-010] toys JOINT SEAT 1 11 foo0s7-011) 8 SPRING 1 12 [00057-012) yok ‘SEAT 1 13° (000s7-013] 790+ CAP NUT 1 14 [0057-014] Feo7 CAP 1 15 [00057-015) Faw BLOCK 1 16 o00s7-016) HR YE GASKET 1 501 X200008014ZZ Bb BOLT 1 502 — X200012035ZZ RIE BOLT 4 $03 © 25601009192Z Ours ORING A 506 256500270022 WL GASKET 2 505 256500340022 WH tyey GASKET 1 Pye) DC-17 A 05-05INVEWAL YF ey HANDLE SWITCH Pa whe DC-17 Z 02-03INDEWAA IF HANDLE SWITCH 56DC-17| 7.4 oa a RE Number Parts Code BR2% Name of Parts Guartity 901 00029-901 IND FAA 9 FASSY HANDLE SWITCH ASSY. 4 + 00020.001 um swrrcH 1 2 0002-002 TARMINAL PLATE 1 3 0029-003 FAIRY, IND EMAL OF NAMEPLATE, HANDLE SWITCH 1 pyar Mee) DC-17 Z 02-03RILALL YE 7.5{6,60¢17| PULSE SENSOR FITTING DC-17 A 05-05 DAIHATSUAWAY Et PULSE SENSOR FITTING 5,6DC-17| 7.5 we RF Lay ‘Number Parts Code. BRE Name of Parts Quar 1 00023-001 toys JOINT SEAT 1 0030-014 RAR PULSE SENSOR 1 501 X870006000ZZ BIAIIST HEX, PLUG 1 502 — 2565002700ZZ Wie GASKET 2 DAIHATSU DC-17 A 05-05S-=UIBEAAYF 76\6e0¢.17] TURNING SAFETY SWITCH 503 504 502, TURNING BAR DC-17 A 05-05 eV WEE)BLU I REAAYF TURNING SAFETY SWITCH wo aE Number Parts Code #4 Name of Parts me 1 00186.001 KNOB 1 0186-003, NAME PLATE 1 016.004 mir switch 1 501 x20000601622 UL BOLT 4 02 x22001200022 +k nut 2 503 231000600022 CHEAT ‘SPRING WASHER 4 DYNES) DG-17 A 05-05aenteee 7.7|6,60C-17| ARRANGEMENT OF THERMOMETER DC-17 A 04-01 Pye Meiomeee ARRANGEMENT OF THERMOMETER '5,6DC-17 7.7 THERMOMETER 1006-2006 REE (1) BAD FOADHE WITH ENGIN. F.OIN (2) #BIAD.FOADSL WITHEOUT ENG. IN, F.0IN errr quanti Number Parts Code bE % Cr eeeaey Oe 1 Yestoodooze ty 4 THERMOMETER 43 2 vosrorais0zz ty Kee THERMOMETER 24 6 — zses00z10022 ZILito-ey GASKET 6 4 SURES EXHAUSTTHERMOMETER (1) SDC) 6c. =o Bilas Number Parts Code ‘ABE Mameloe bate Oe AQAIO0019088 FD ETH THERMOMETER 22 AQAIODOTIO7A HU Kt THERMOMETER 5 6 250500210022 Yity GASKET 7 8 DAIHATSU DC-17 B 04-01BORER E 4.4 [800-47] T/C CLEANING PIPING Rubber hose Gauge board (Gauge board / Hose connection L Rubber hose BH, bl --——---L-- Y fs ie L_--—_i Water DC-17 A 03-07 DAIHATSUBRBKFRS TIC CLEANING PIPING sepc-17| 8.1 oss Number Parts Code #58 %% pre tas wy 1 00049-002 teva JOINT 1 4 00049-007 WaT PIPEING 1 coeenets Ute BRAN PPNG ; © masooorouzz. eurteey oaet e 7 2580606018ZZ Foray DRAIN COCK 1 8 xssnzsteenz | a=ay RY UNION ScREW ‘ DC-17 B 04-08BRAZIL 8.2(6,¢0¢17| TIC CLEANING NOZZLE 901 7 J 77 7 pocccnno--- ! rE DC-17 Z 02-03 LeU eAw RoheBRBAAIAI TIC CLEANING NOZZLE 5,6DC-17| 8.2 Sid a BE Number Parts Code. Seem Name of Parte Quartity 901 000246-005 7 AIL ASSY NOZZLE ASSY 1 1 000246-002 NOZZLE 1 2 00246-0083 VALVE 1 3 000246-004 SEAT 1 5 x220st0000z2 + yb Nut 1 6 © zses00210022 toy GASKET 2 7 zess01600022 tytD GASKET 1 DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03BRBRBIOIULY 3.3 (8,¢0¢.47| TIC CLEANING BLOWER SYRINGE DC-17 Z 02-03 PEEBRRAFIOI YY T/C CLEANING BLOWER SYRINGE _ CAF tr Number Parts Code B49 Nome of Parts Quartty 1 0060-064 vyys SYRINGE 1 2 0060-065 R-ALy IL HOSE NIPPLE 1 3 0060-066 yrok SOCKET 1 4 00060.067 757 Plus 1 5 0060-068 ES—nb—-a VINYL HOSE 1 6 0060-069 seasare JOINT PIECE 1 7 z5eaoo1so0zz R-ANY E HOSE BAND 2 DC-17 Z 02-03ES (DSYIEY & YT EAILE) OIL PRESS. JACK (CRANK PIN & SIDE BOLT)* $4 = DC-17 A 04-08 ey NLAEWELe)ME D+ ys (QSYIEv & HA EAL) OIL PRESS. JACK (CRANK PIN & SIDE BOLT) 5,6DC-17, eas 2 ae Number _Parts Code Lataniaadl pemelet Eas) Quartity 901 00060-0988 AT Y D4 y-EM24 ASSY HYDRAULIC JACK M24 ASSY. 1 1 0063-001 Pe. DYE HYDRAULIC JACK CYLINDER 1 2 00063-002 Fey. ERRY HYDRAULIC JACK PISTON 1 3 00063-003 Pe I. RADE HYDRAULIC JACK STAND 1 4 0063-004 RIDIIFI ST BACK-UP RING. 1 5 0063.05 BIDPIDI BACK-UP RING 1 6 0063-006 ARDIS ‘SOCKET, COUPLING 1 7 00063-007 NZ EL HANDLE, 1 S01 X2501100182Z VAD KART HEX, SET SCREW 1 502 24aso02000zz_ #1 BALL 1 503 25602045312Z OF ORING 1 S04 286020653122 OF ORING 1 Pye e) DC-17 A 04-08a = 4 C wm a < m a + 2p & NN Wy BR 9.2(6,60C-17| OIL PRESS. JACK (CYL. HEAD & MAIN BEARING) PEELS) DC-17 Z 02-03MES PI (LULEAIE & +H) OIL PRESS, JACK (CYL. HEAD & MAIN BEARING) [5 ¢pc-17] 9.2 eas 2 Numer Pars Gave 888% Name of Pert Seay 901 0060-089 AT YS 930 ASSY HYDRAULIC JACK M30 ASSY. 4 + 00063-006 ARTS SOCKET, COUPLING 1 2 00083-007 HANDLE 1 3 00063-008 HYDRAULIC JACK 1 4 00063.009 HYDRAULIC JACK 1 5 0063-010 AT YS ye, ABYE HYDRAULIC JACK 1 6 = 00063-0114 RIT IFT BACK-UP RING 1 7 ~~ 0063-012 RIDFIDILD BACK-UP RING 1 8 = X260110018ZZ DIAThARD HEX. SET SCREW 1 9 — 2445002000ZZ a BALL 1 10 zse020408122 OY oRING 1 14 286020753122 OU ORING 1 (unm) DAIHATSU DC-17 Z 02-03ae
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Man Turbocharger
46 pages
Man Turbocharger
Peter Nomikos
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Scrap Retention Dies
1 page
Scrap Retention Dies
Peter Nomikos
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394 pages
Peter Nomikos
100% (7)
Non Clogging Button Dies and Scrap Vacuum Units
1 page
Non Clogging Button Dies and Scrap Vacuum Units
Peter Nomikos
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Mounting Methods of Punches and Dies
1 page
Mounting Methods of Punches and Dies
Peter Nomikos
100% (1)
Zenit Milling Tools
12 pages
Zenit Milling Tools
Peter Nomikos
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Hardness Testers - Qualitest
16 pages
Hardness Testers - Qualitest
Peter Nomikos
100% (1)
Characteristics of Punching Tools
1 page
Characteristics of Punching Tools
Peter Nomikos
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)