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Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 202 – 208

13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing - Decoupling Growth from Resource Use

Life Cycle Assessment Tool in Product Development: Environmental

Requirements in Decision Making Process
Rossella Lugliettia, Paolo Rosaa, Sergio Terzia, Marco Taischa
Politecncio di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20156 Milano, Italy
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +380223994822; E-mail address: [email protected]


In recent years, sustainable development has acquired a relevant position in our society. In this context, the design of modern
products must consider these issues when creating eco-friendly and socially acceptable solutions, seeing sustainability as a matter
of optimization in the use of available resources along the entire product lifecycle. This research aims to propose a dedicated
Environmental Assessment Framework, using LCA methodology allowing designers to make environmental sustainability as an
achievable and measurable requirement for developing new products. The case study presented is adapting the Life Cycle
Assessment framework in the household refrigerator sector, of comparison between conventional gas-compression refrigeration
and magnetic cooling system. The critical point of magnetic refrigerator is the presence of rare earths, and for this reasons a Life
Cycle Assessment toll is needed to investigate the whole lifecycle.
© 2016
© 2016 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing.
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
Keywords: Toolbox, LCA, Life Cycle Assessment, Refrigerators, Magnetic Cooling, Sustainability

1. Introduction by the absence of adequate tools able to match different

sustainability aspects (or performance indexes) and relate
In recent years, Sustainable Development, in the case the them to any specific choice designers are considering during
part related to environment, has acquired a relevant position their work. The eco-design directive has been extended in
on the scene and many initiatives are encouraging 2009 to all energy-related-products, like product which do not
sustainability in our society. In this context, the design of necessarily use energy, but have an impact on energy
modern products must take these issues into account when consumption (direct or indirect) and can therefore contribute
creating eco-friendly and socially acceptable solutions, seeing to saving energy, such as windows, insulation material or
sustainability as a matter of optimization in the use of bathroom devices (e.g. shower heads, taps) [1]. One of the
available resources along the entire product lifecycle. This most important topics of the Directive is the lifecycle
could be achieved with the collaboration of all the involved evaluation, which wants to consider the energy consumption
actors (designers, engineers, managers, suppliers, customers), throughout the whole product lifecycle, from the raw materials
with the common goal of adopting sustainable practices. selection to the waste production. Other standards developed
Being designers responsible for the system design from its for product classification including environmental aspects are
early stages, they are relevant decision-makers in the environmental labelling defined by ISO (ISO 14021,
sustainability terms. For example, it is up to them finding 14024 and 14025 [2] [3] [4]), which is can be applied to all
solutions to create less polluting cars, engines that are more product categories, and they consider the entire lifecycle with
reliable, more efficient materials, innovative design and streamlined if needed.
production methods, or more energy efficient products. Under this scenario, the research presented aims to develop
Unfortunately, designers are often unaware of all of the a multi-criteria toolbox approach to be useful for designer who
impacts (both economic and environmental ones) that the want to include the environmental aspects into the product
product they are creating will cause during its life. This is due development. Eco-design has been defined by Karlsson and

2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
Rossella Luglietti et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 202 – 208 203

Luttropp (2006) [7] in the literature as the integration of All the Tools discovered in the literature as the same
environmental considerations into product development, and theoretical approach combining the quantitative instruments
that eco-design tools ought to be made available to designers like LCA. Only few papers have tested their framework on
during the product development process. One of the aspects real application trying to use it as part of designer
taken into account is the necessity of designer to have an implementation toolbox.
instrument, which can be dynamic with the prototype
evolution. The toolbox will integrate the performance indexes 3. Toolbox methodology approach
with the environmental issues, based on the Life Cycle
Assessment Criteria [5] [6]. The literature review discovered the huge numbers of
After the methodology toolbox description, a case study decision making frameworks developed during the last
application will be described. The toolbox has been decade. The general limitation spotted is the qualitative or
implemented by considering the global domestic refrigeration semi-quantitative approach, which are not directly applicable
sector, in particular the development of a prototype of on real business. The Decision support Toolbox, is a set of
magnetic cooling appliance. However, the again not well- computer-based tools supporting the assessment of economic
defined production process together with the lack of and environmental information that are summarized into a
information about the composition of many of its components calculation sheet. Physically, this research wants to develop a
(especially the magnetic ones) makes magnetic cooling Toolbox able to consider all the different phases along the
technology a sort of “black box” for designers willing to product lifecycle, by considering both manufacturing, use and
implement it inside their products. Hence, a dedicated disposal data. Such a Toolbox is needed by engineers and
Decision support Toolbox is needed, allowing designers to designers of modern companies, up to change their focus from
make this promising refrigeration technology a more a mere technical performance comparison to a more advanced
comprehensible system, and better assessing its real sustainability performances comparison. This paper aims to
sustainability potentials. present the methodology behind the Toolbox and the
requirements, supported by the Toolbox during the early
2. State of the art of multi-criteria decision making tools design or prototype development decision process, including
the sustainable criteria. The Toolbox is divided in two
In the literature, many papers and researches, around 30 different evaluators.
from 2010 to 2014, about qualitative and quantitative analysis
including environmental aspects have been investigated, 1) An Economic Assessment Tool: in which the typical
starting from Bovea and Belis (2011) [8]. In particular, the engineering performances evaluator is supported by
classification adopted by them has been followed to clarify the economic indexes. An overall economic assessment tool
type of tools that designer may already use, and to propose a has been developed in order to give the possibility to
new tool overcomes limits and gaps of the others. Bovea and designers and engineers to define how much their
Belis (2011) have been classified the tools considering the product configurations will cost during their whole life,
follow criteria [8]: before the real implementation. Within such a tool, the
economic performance of the product along its life has
x methods applied for the environmental assessment; been modelled, for example, from the point of view of
x product requirements that need to be integrated in addition materials and labor costs, commodities expenditures,
to the environmental one (multi-criteria approach); etc.
x whether the tool has a life cycle perspective (i.e. it 2) An Environmental Assessment Tool: in which different
considers all the stages of the life cycle of a product); resources consumption scenarios could be tested and
x the nature of the results (qualitative or quantitative); compared in a virtual way. The different scenarios
x the stages of the conceptual design process where the tool involving and interacting with the product along its life
can be applied; will be modelled and evaluated in terms of relevant
x the methodology taken as a basis for such integration. performances (e.g. Endpoint indicators or Midpoint
Maud et al. (2011) [9] investigated the related point to
integrate the LCA into the design process. In particular, they The Decision support Toolbox may be used at different
analysed many instruments which use LCA during the design, levels of the design process (for both single components and
i.e. DfX, materials selection. They reported an overview of whole products) and as cross-reference tool for the
these tools already implemented and used. Many authors comparison of different domain solutions (for both single
described the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment [10] [11], components and whole products). Hence, it can be used to:
as a tool that considers the three pillar of sustainability in
addition to performance requirements during the prototype x Assess the economic and environmental aspects of a
development. Barberio et al., (2014) [12] presented a current component (or sub-component) before its
framework for combining life cycle assessment (LCA) and manufacturing;
Risk Assessment (RA) to support the sustainability assessment x Assess the economic and environmental aspects of a
of emerging technologies. They described the two different current whole product, given a pre-defined set of
framework, with a tentative to correlate them in a single one. embedded components;
204 Rossella Luglietti et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 202 – 208

x Assess the economic and environmental aspects of each lifecycle step the list of options has been identified.
competitive prototype (at component level and final Considering a generic product (the whole system and its
product level), given a comparable current one; components), after the functional groups description the
components list options, including materials and
The sustainability criteria may be include into the decision manufacturing, shall be defined. Fig. 2 reports the Toolbox
making process if they are in line with the process too. In that conceptualization.
direction the idea is to set all the steps necessary to At this level, only the Environmental assessment will be
conceptualize the toolbox in agreement with the performance described.
requirements defined as the physical feasibility of a prototype.
The Toolbox may evaluates the two aspects giving the 3.2. Life Cycle Assessment as a methodology of decision
results on the two dimensions, leaving the practitioner to support toolbox
decide the mosts important aspect from their side.
As already described, the Toolbox considers the entire
3.1. Toolbox conceptualization process product lifecycle preventing the negative situation of shifting
boundaries where it reduces the impacts in some lifecycle
The IDEF scheme reported in Fig. 1 describes all the steps stages to postpone in other downstream stages. The
included into the Decision Support Toolbox for developing a methodology selected for the environmental analysis is Life
multi-criteria framework. The Toolbox has been Cycle Assessment, which is part of a package of tools settled
conceptualized considering a first part where the product is for a Sustainable development. Life Cycle Assessment is a
described, and a second part where the real analysis is structured, comprehensive and internationally standardized
conducted. The first method pertaining to the Toolbox is the method. It quantifies all the relevant emissions and resources
functional groups analysis. This procedure allows engineers to consumed, both directly and indirectly, and the related
better understand the real composition of a final product (or environmental and health impacts and resource depletion
its single components) and how the different elements relate issues that are associated with the entire life cycle of any
each other. The types of relations can be summarized in: goods or services (in general terms, of a product). Life Cycle
spatial proximity, material flow, information flow or energy Assessment is a vital and powerful decision support tool,
transfer [13] [14] [15] [16]. After functional groups diagram complementing other methods, which are necessary to help
development and identification, an accurate data acquisition effectively and efficiently make consumption and production
shall be done, for both products and components. During this more sustainable from the environmental side [17]. The LCA
phase, the official bill of materials can offer a good starting approach is called “from cradle to grave” because it takes into
point, but a direct interview of designers can avoid any sort of account the impacts from raw materials extraction to the
misunderstanding. Once collected all the available disposal of waste.
information about materials and processes production the The decision Support Toolbox has been implemented
actual analysis may start, with two different path for following the LCA framework. In particular, each step of
environmental and economic evaluation. Environmental data Toolbox has been defined to be adapted for the LCA:
are needed to support the LCA process. Instead, economic
data are inserted for the subsequent LCC analysis. Finally, the x Scope and Goal definition: the preliminary phase where in
data elaboration phase translates both environmental and the LCA the functional unit and the system boundaries has
economic results into a series of performance indexes that defined. In the Toolbox is the product functional group
could be useful for a direct comparison of the assessed description.
product (or component) with similar ones in terms of the two x Life Cycle Inventory: it lists all the input and output that
dimensions. may cause an impact during the lifecycle of a product.
Also in the Toolbox is the data collection, in according
with the experts.
x Life Cycle Impact Assessment: is the effectiveness LCA.
The purpose is to provide additional information to help
the assessment of LCI results so to better understand their
environmental significance. For the Toolbox is carried out
using SIMAPRO, or any other LCA software.
x Life Cycle Interpretation: is the final phase of the LCA
procedure, in which the results of a LCI or a LCIA, or
both, are summarized and discussed as a basis for
x The analysis shall be implemented at system level or at
components level, depending on the goal of the study.
Fig. 1. Decision Support Toolbox general IDEF schematics.
The environmental evaluation includes all the possible
The different analysis dimensions described have been options minimizing the specific indicator selected as priority.
carried out thorough the whole lifecycle. In particular, for In particular, the Decision Support Toolbox implemented
taken into consideration the following environmental
Rossella Luglietti et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 202 – 208 205

indicators, giving the priority, as automatic selection, to decision criteria using the Eq 1. and Eq. 2. The second
Endpoint single score indicator [18]. equation represents the total value of each environmental
implication for any possible options and components. For
x ReCiPe example, considering the Envmaterial the Eq. 2 considers the
x Abiotic depletion components with the optimal option.
x Global warming (100a)
x Ozone layer depletion (ODP)
x Human Toxicity
x Eco-toxicity (Fresh water, Marine aquatic, Terrestrial) (1)
x Photochemical oxidation
x Acidification
x Eutrophication
3.3. Decision Support Toolbox interface definition
The environmental impacts are calculated considering input
The evaluation includes all the options available during and the related indicators, as shown in Eq. 3.
the beginning of life (resources and materials production and
product manufacturing processes), the options about the
middle of life, and the end of life scenarios. All the results (3)
may change considering different parameters. As reported in
Fig. 2 the parameters included in this Toolbox take into The environmental indicators are expressed in [indicators
account the energy and materials possible variations, in unit/input unit], for example, considering as a input the energy
particular: consumption, as a environmental indicator the ReCiPe
(expressed in mPt) the unit of Envindicator is [mPt/kWh].
x Country production and use: which considers the energy The final part of the Toolbox is a user interface to show the
mix used and the energy costs environmental results with the economic perspective, in
x Materials and resources market variability according to performances required. The Designer may use
x Country recycling: which considers different waste the Toolbox dynamism to evaluate the prototype evolution in
management law. real time.

4. Toolbox case study

The Decision Support Toolbox has been customized for the

household refrigeration industry, in particular for the new
promising refrigeration technology of magnetic cooling
system, which has been compared with the conventional one.
This implies that the toolbox has to cope with components
and attributes of the two different types of technologies: the
current one (vapour compression) and the new one (magnetic
This specific Toolbox will be a dynamic device for the
magnetic cooling technology evaluation, which will be
compared with the conventional vapour compression one,
Fig. 2. Decision Support Toolbox definition.
already well-defined and commercialized, both specifications
and standardized performances terms. As reported in Fig. 3,
The Toolbox definition reported in Fig 2 has been
the Toolbox works considering both level, components and
development for both environmental and economic
system. Indeed, during the prototype development. As already
dimension, but this paper will focus only on environmental
said the Toolbox is part of decision-making process, which
evaluation as a first step of the implementation, taking into
engineers can use during the design phase. In fact, the
account the performance requirements. The costs indicators as
prototype development is implemented during the design
a multi-criteria decision making will be integrate in a second
The environmental dimension has been introduced into the
206 Rossella Luglietti et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 202 – 208

cabinet liner, a side wall, a cross-bar and a water tray (for the
recovery of condense). Other elements that, even if
independent, are strictly linked to the cabinet are foam
(insulation material) and the set of shelves and drawers for the
collection of food. The hinge is the element that connect the
cabinet to the doors (one in this case). Doors are composed:
by a doorframe, a door liner and a gasket (and also foam,
shelves and drawers). The thermostat is the only element
responsible for the correct management of the internal
temperature of the fridge. The final group to describe is the
cooling system. Thermostat 1 receives information about the
internal temperature of the cabinet. This data is transferred to
thermostat 2. Thermostat 2 controls an electric motor that
transfers a kinetic energy to a regenerator. This component
(made of a series of magnetic elements) rotates around its axis
and is immersed into a magnetic field generated by a
permanent magnet. The rotation allows the cooling of the
fluid (e.g. glycol) that goes through it. The fluid is, then, re-
Fig. 3. Logic description of Decision Support Toolbox algorithm applied to pushed through a pump (also controlled by thermostat 2) into
refrigeration system. two heat exchangers (cold and warm sides) absorbing heat
from the compartment. The fluid is re-transferred to the
4.1. Functional group analysis regenerator by a fluid driving system (a sequence of electro-
valves able to allow - or not - the flowing of the fluid) and
Following the LCA framework, the functional unit has then into a heat exchanger rejecting the heat to the ambient.
been defined as one refrigerator during its life (10 years). The
idea of the functional unit is to be representative with the
system, and that can weight up different product typologies.
The system boundaries considered for the evaluation is the
entire lifecycle, from cradle to grave. Fig. 4 reports the
product lifecycle flow of the environmental evaluation
including all the required information.

Fig. 5. Magnetic refrigerator’s functional groups.

4.2. On-site data acquisition

The forward step after functional group identification is

the data collection. In particular, for each functional group
Fig. 4. Product lifecycle, and relatives input and output included into the
reported in Fig. 5, a list of data about materials, processing
environmental analysis. and performances requirements has been done. Table 1 shows
an example of data collection considering the Cooling system
The environmental indicators will be expressed in addition and its components.
to the performance indicators, which are expressed by the
temperature and energy efficiency.
Table 1. Information required by the designers for product development.
An example of Functional Group of magnetic system is Starting point to identify the algorithm requirements.
reported in Fig. 5. It is possible to clearly understand what the
Component Type of info Input required Indicators
main elements are constituting the final product. The cabinet
is the central structure of the fridge, aiming to physically PUMP Materials Weight Procurement
Extraction costs
contain food and giving to the product a bearing structure. process Env. Impacts
This element could be made of several materials (e.g. metals) Production Energy Estimated
and sub-divided into five main components, a cabinet frame, a process consumption process costs
Labor effort Env. Impacts
Rossella Luglietti et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 202 – 208 207

Component Type of info Input required Indicators which can make different times the LCA evaluation, in
Scraps according with the prototype evolution in terms of
Pollutants components options and geography or market parameters,
Technical Overall Energy without have directly competence on LCA. The Toolbox can
performances efficiency balance, be directly implemented with any kind of products,
Volume spatial considering the IDEF diagram and the steps sequence
Lifetime dimensions,
Power range reliability reported on.
trend The known methodology LCA and LCC are implemented
HEAT Materials Weight Procurement into a web based application user friendly or a simple excel
EXCHANG Extraction costs
ER process Env. Impacts
spreadsheet, who can easy used by designer and engineers to
Production Energy Estimated elaborate a LCA themselves, or at least to understand the
process consumption process costs LCA results.
Labor effort Env. Impacts
Pollutants Acknowledgements
Technical Heat exchange Warm vs cold
performances rate side temp. This work was partly funded by the European Commission
Temperature Watts, COP
drop index through the ELICiT Project (ENV-2013-603885, www.elicit-
COOLING Materials Weight Procurement In any case, the present work cannot be
SYSTEM Extraction costs considered as an official position of the supporting
process Env. Impacts
organizations (EU Commission), but it reports just the point
Production Energy Estimated
process consumption process costs of view of the authors.
Labor effort Env. Impacts
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