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4 authors, including:
Deepak Lal
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Yield, Irrigation Production Efficiency and Economic Return of Tomato under Variable Irrigation and Methods View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Deepak Lal on 25 October 2018.
Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) has become one of the leading
tool for managing water resources. It allows manipulation and analysis of individual thematic
layer of spatial data. It is used for analyzing and modelling the interrelationship between the
layers. This article mainly deals with the integrated approach of RS and GIS techniques to
delineate groundwater potential zones in a sedimentary area of Meja block of Allahabad District.
The satellite image (LANDSAT-VIII, February 2016) and DEM have been used for the
preparation of groundwater prospective map by integrating drainage-density, landuse,
geomorphology, and groundwater level contour maps. The results revealed that about 32.21% of
the area have excellent groundwater potential, 25.62% as good groundwater potential zone,
20.41% have moderate groundwater potential, 12.92% area comes under poor potential zone
and only 8.85% area have very poor groundwater potential. Assessment of the groundwater
potential map showed that the distribution is more or less a reflection of drainage density,
geomorphology, depth to water level contours, land use maps and in addition is well correlated
with the bore well yield data. The groundwater prospective map could be helpful in better
planning and management of groundwater resources especially in the hard rock area.
Key words: Remote Sensing, GIS, Groundwater prospect map, Sedimentary area, Allahabad
district, India.
Cite this article: Tiwari, V., Suman, S., Pandey, H.K. and Lal, D., Mapping Groundwater Potential Zones
in Meja Block, Allahabad District Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.
6(5): 573-583 (2018). doi:
Fig. 1: Location map of the study area along with drainage system
Fig. 2: Blocky nature of rock due to disposition of horizontal and vertical joint sets
1 Low 0-2 3 75
2 Medium 2-4 2 25 50
3 High 4-6 1 25
7 Settlement 2 40 14.3
Fig. 7: Groundwater level map (mbgl) for (a) pre- and (b) post-monsoons
3.5 GROUNDWATER PROSPECTIVE ‘very good’ and ‘excellent’. The poor zone
MAP indicates the least favorable area for
Groundwater condition in hard rock area is groundwater prospect, whereas the excellent
multivariate due to the heterogeneous nature of zone indicates the most favorable area for
the aquifer owing to the varying composite groundwater prospect16. It is apparent from the
ion, compaction and density of weathering15. groundwater potential map that about 32.21%
Overall the major lineaments having mainly of the study area have excellent groundwater
NE-SW direction through Mai kalan to potential, 25.62 % have good groundwater
Pipraon, and NNW-SSE direction through potential zone, 20.41% have moderate
Pipraon to Salaiya Khurd (Fig.8). The groundwater potential, 12.92 % area comes
groundwater potential map for the study area under poor potential zone and only 8.85 %
was obtained by integrating drainage density, area have very poor groundwater potential
geomorphology, landuse and groundwater (Table 5). Assessment of the groundwater
level (Fig.9). The same was validated with the potential map also revealed that the
exploratory well data of CGWB (Table.6). The distribution is more or less a reflection of
delineated GWPZ map was classified into five drainage density, geomorphology and depth to
zones, viz, ‘very poor’, ’poor’, ‘moderate’, water level in addition to the landuse.
Table 5: Groundwater potential zones
3.6 VALIDATION WITH BOREHOLE zones as revealed by the RS & GIS tools. The
YIELD DATA borehole locations, the expected bore hole
Overall the major lineaments spread along NE- yield descriptions from the potential map and
SW direction through Mai kalan to Pipraon, the actual yield descriptions obtained from the
and NNW-SSE direction through Pipraon to pumping tests are shown in Table 6. Out of 3
Salaiya Khurd17 attributing good to excellent bore wells, yield obtained at Pipraon village
groundwater prospective areas which were was about 770 lpm which has been deciphered
also corroborated with the findings of the as good to excellent on groundwater
present study. Further the data of existing prospective map whereas yield of 107 lpm
wells were collected from CGWB for 3 bore encountered at Saliya Khurd village belongs to
well in the study area in order to validate the very poor prospective area.
classification of the groundwater potential
Copyright © Sept.-Oct., 2018; IJPAB 581
Tiwari et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (5): 573-583 (2018) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Table 6: Accuracy assessment of the developed groundwater potential model map
Well Depth Water Level Yield of well Actual
Expected yield on
Village (s) Latitude Longitude yield
(m) (m, bgl) (lpm) prospective map
Pipraon 25o08'40" 81o54'10" 30.80 11.5 770 Excellent Good to Excellent
25°10'30" 81o56'30" 33.94 20.45 450 Good Good to Excellent
25o06'50" 81o55'30" 41.41 2.00 107 Very poor Very poor