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INSTRUCTIONS GEH-2029A Supersedes GEI-28763E, GEI-33838 and GEH-2029 TIME-OVER CURRENT RELAYS WITH VOLTAGE RESTRAINT Types TICVS1A TOCV51B TOCV52A TJCV52B CONTENTS Description ... Application 5 Calculation of Settings .... Operating Characteristics . Ratings Contacts .. Burdens Installation . Maintenance Servicing .... Renewal Parts .. Canna aeow GENERAL @® ELECTRICweiecucy TAP PLUG (4 AMP POSITION De (16 AMP POSITION) TARGET AND Tae DUA. SEAL IN UNIT CONTROL SPRING ‘ADJUSTING RING ORAG MAGNET A - Front View POTENTIAL RESTRAINT RESISTOR CURRENT con POTENTIAL RESTRAINT Coit B - Back View Fig. 1 (8026496, 8026498) LICVSIA Relay Renoved fron CaseGeH-2029 ‘TIME-OVERCURRENT RELAYS WITH VOLTAGE RESTRAINT TYPE TCV DESCRIPTION The Type IJCV relays are drawout, induction-disk time-overcurrent relays having voltage restraint and inverse tine characteristics. Table I is a tabulation of the varfous forms covered by these instructions. TABLE T Contact Instantaneous Overcurrent] Relay Circuit(s) Unit 12Cvs1A one No 1acvsiB one Yes 13evs2A, ‘two No 1cvs28, wo Yes Fig. 1 shows front and back views of an IUCVSIA relay with its components identified by nomenclature used throughout the text. APPLICATION, System fault back-up protection should be provided at the source of fault current, the generator. Such protection should provide against the generator continuing to supply short-circuit current-to-afauTt in an adjacent system element because the fault may not have been renoved by other protective equipment. The Type ICY relay was designed for the purpose of providing external-fault back-up protection for 1@ generator. Prase-fault protection should be provided for the generator by either three single-phase Type 19CY relays or by three single-phase distance relays and a tiner. The choice between the two types of pro- tective equipment should be goverened by the type of system protective relaying with which the external- fault back-up relays are to be selective. In general, Type IJCV relays should be used when the generator Connects to a bus at generator voltage, because such relaying equipment is most selective with inverse- time overcurrent relaying that 1Sgenerally used for lines connected to such a bus. The distance relays should generally be used with unit génerator-transformer arrangements because the distance relays will be most selective with distance or pilot relaying that is generally used for high-tension lines. An inverse time overcurrent relay should be used for ground-fault protection. The current source for Type IJCV relays should be current transformers at the neutral end of the generator windings when such CT's are available. With these connectfons, in addition to external-fault Back-up protection the relays will provide generator fault back-up protection even if the generator breaker is open or there are no other sources of generation on the systen. If the neutral CT's are not available, then line-side CT's should be used. With these connections Type IJCV relays will be operative as fault back-up protection for the: generator only when the generator breaker is closed, and there 1s another source of generation on the system. These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for ‘every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problens arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred to the General Electric Company. To the extent required the products described herein meet applicable ANSI, TERE and NEMA standards) but no such assurance is given with respect to local codes and ordinances because they vary iype Taeheae foltage should be obtained tran the generator potantia? transformers. Loss of potint{al £2, 2he Type LUCY relay will chuse the relay to trip {f the generator load current, expressed tn rele ® secondary amperes, 1s greater than the zero voltage pickup current of the relay. ‘An additional relay, the Type Give. ts avattable for protection against false tripping due to this accldantal loss of the reisg's restraint voltage. The voltage-restrained overcurrent phase relays. and the inverse-tine overcurrent ground relay should be arranged to trip a hand reset auxilfary relay that wil] trip the main and fleld breakers and operece an alam. hen the Type 1JCV relay 1s used to provide both prinary generator short-circuit protection as Phase HFaeernag{tult back-up protection, as tn the case when there are no neutral CT's avaiable for phase differential relaying, this equipment should also operate to shut down the prime mover. GALCULATION OF SETTINGS Eickup with full voltage restraint of the Type TJCV relay should generally be set between 200 percent and 250 percent of full load current on regulated generators, and between 150 percent and 200 percent full Toad current on unregulated generators. ‘The relay time setting 1s determined by system selectivity requirenents. Though the current decrement Gurves of the generator must be taken into consideration to determine the actual operating tine of the Type TCV relay, simplifying assumptions can be made which facilitate application of the type TCV relay and yet maintain a satisfactory operating performance. The maximum fault current condition for which time-current coordination must be obtained should be based on the transient reactance of the generator. If the calculations are further based on the premise that for a bus fault the voltage presented to the Type TdCl relay 1s zero, then the Type ICV can be coordinated with the bus and/or system relaying on 4g Stratght overcurrent basis. Coordination of the Type IJCV relay and other system relays for. system faults where voltage will be presented to the Type IUCV relay is thereby assured. This conservative as- sumption of the zero-voltage fault is equally applicable to the unit generator-transforner case even though the TJCV restraint voltage may cone from generator potential transformers. The justification for this ape plication assumption ts its inherent conservatism, and the basic fact that the operating characteristic of ‘the Type 1UCY relay is fairly constant for all low voltage conditions. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS A typical pickup characteristic of Type TJCV relays 1s shown in Fig. 2 and a typical phas characteristic 48 shown tn Figy 3 nt of tan eeerted,ty the phase angle of the fault current. The varfatfon is approximately seven Percent of tap setting and may be neglected for most applications. * cime-2Pical time-current characteristics of the induction unit are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Fig. 4 is the time-current characteristic of the instantaneous overcurrent unit. RATINGS INDUCTION UNIT * The current coil ratings are given below: TABLE I - 0.8 - 3.2 amp tap range (one second rating = 58 amps) Tap (Olgas tO seep e ie) 2.0 24 32 [Continuous Current Rating | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 Ls 1.6 1.7] ‘Indicates revisionGEH-2029, 2-8 amp tap range (one second ratings = 130 amps) Te 2 [es [3 [s 5 6 a Continuous Current Rating | 2.5 | 27 | 3.0 | 3.4 37 4.0 42 4-16 amp tap range (one second rating = 260 amps) 2 4 5 ‘| 8 10 1 16 Continuous Current Rating o [ss | 60 | 63 | 76 | 80 | 8.6 ‘The relay will pick up at tap value when rated voltage is applied to the restraint circuit. with zero voltage on the restraint circuit the relay will pickup at 25 percent tap value. Fig. 2 shows the pickup current required for any value of restraint voltage. ‘The voltage restraint cofl fs rated continuously for the nameplate voltage at rated frequency. CONTACTS ‘The current closing rating of al1 contacts 1s 30 amperes for voltages not exceeding 250 volts. The current carrying capacity 1s affected by the tap selection on the target and seal-in unit. TARGET AND SEAL-IN UNIT TABLE IT ‘TARGET AND SEAL-IN UNIT RATINGS ‘Amperes, AC or OC Function 2-Amp Tap Operating Range 2-30 Tripping Duty 30 Carry Continuously 3 Resistance (DC) 0.13 7 Impedance @ 60 cycles 0.53 52 INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT UNIT The instantaneous overcurrent unit is adjustable over a 4~to-1 range. The continuous and one second rating of this unit are limited by those of the induction unit. BURDENS INDUCTION UNIT + The potential burdens at rated voltage and rated frequency are given in Table III. TABLE TTY POTENTIAL BURDEN Volts Frea Watts vars volt Pap | 120 Py 9.26 4.4 1 20 & 3.48 73 1337 199 50 9:36 143 We 199 © 1.8 18:9 208 50 ine 3 208 @ 15:8 19.8 Findicates revision‘The current cfreutt burdens with five amperes floving in the lowest tap areplisted in Table iV. The st Ta Lowes burden on ary other tap with five amperes flovtes ‘s asproxtnately ( fctuat = ‘tines the burden for the lowest tap. * val oY CURRENT 21RC22T BURDENS Range Freq. Tp | dep & 0.8-3,2 50 os | 1 as a8 50 2 1 og 4.40 28 60 2 5 5.20 416 50 oO ng 1.10 4-16 60 aitous 1.30 INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT UNIT RSTANTANEQUS OVERCURRENT UNIT ‘The current burden of this unit at five amperes is listed in Table V. * THLE Range Freq. baw &, “ PF 28 50 £ 0.800 2.0 0.95 28 0 5 | 0.824 21.6 0.95 416 50 5 0.200 5.00 0.95 4-16 « 5 0.206 5.2 0.95 10-40 50 5 0.032 0.80 0.95 10-40 60 5 0.033 0.83 0.95 20-60 50 5 | 0,008 0.20 0.95 20-80 6 5 0.008 0.21 0.95 40-160 50 5 0.002 0.05 0.95 40-160 60. 5 | 0.002 0.05 0.95 INSTALLATION RECEIVING rete relays» when not included as a part = a control panel, will be shipped in cartons designed to Bry drag uegeitst damage. mediately upon race's: oF the relay. an exaninetion theaydres made for erence astained during shimment. “IF injury or zamage resulting from rove handling 4s evident, {yin should be ited at once with the transporzaticn cospany and the neereer eaten Office of the General Electric Company notified promptly. egesonable care should be exercised in unpacking the relay in order that none of the parts are injured or the adjustments disturbed. “Indicates revisionIf the relays are not to be installed immediately, they should be stored in their original cartons in a place that 1s free from moisture, dust, and metallic chips. Foreign matter collected on the outside of ‘the case my find its way inside when the cover is renoved and cause trouble in the operation of the relay. INSPECTION At the time of installation, the relay should be inspected for tarnished contacts, loose screws or ether inperfections. If any trouble 1s found, 1t should be corrected in the manner described under NANCE. cauTION Every circuit in the drawout case has an auxiliary brush. It is especially important on current Circuits and other circuits with shorting bars that the auxiliary brush be bent high enough to engage ‘the connecting plug or test plug before the main brushes do. This will prevent CT secondary circuits from being opened. LOCATION ANO MOUNTING The location should be clean and dry, free from dust and excessive vibration, and well lighted to facilitate inspection and testing. in pint ,yelay should be mounted on a vertical surface. The outline and panel drilTing diagram 4s, shovm in Fig. 14, CONNECTIONS * The internal connection diagrams are shown in Figs. 10 to 13. Typical external connections are shown in Fig. 8. Since it may also be desirable to use the Type 1JCV relay for external-fault back-up protection with unit generator-transformer equipments. Fig. 9 shows the choices of connections available to obtain the necessary protection. It should be noted that auxiliary potential transformers are required in Fig. 9 to obtain the proper phase relationship when using generator voltage to detect line-side faults. SETTINGS ‘THE CONNECTING PLUG MUST FIRST BE REMOVED BEFORE ANY SETTINGS ARE ATTEMPTED. Induct fon_Unit ‘The current at which the induction unit operates to close its contacts may be selected by changing the position of the tap plug in the tap block at the top of the relay. Screw the tap plug into the tap marked for the desired current. Target and Seal-in unit For trip coils operating on currents ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 amperes at the minimum control voltage, set the target and seal-in tap screw in the 0.2-ampere tap. For trip coils operating on currents ranging from 2 to 30 amperes at the minimum control voltage, Place the tap screw in the two - ampere tap. ‘The tap screw is the. screw holding the right-hand stationary contact of the target and seal-in unit. To change the tap setting take a screw from the left-hand stationary contact and place it in the desired fap. Next renove the screw from the other tap, and place it in the left-hand contact. This procedure 48 necessary to prevent the right-hand stationary contact from getting out ot adjustment. Screws should not be in both taps at the same tine. Instantaneous Overcurrent Unit Select the current above which is desired to have the instantaneous overcurrent unit operate and set the adjustable pole-piece so that the top of the hexagon head is even with the desired calibration on the scale. To raise or lower the pole-piece Toosen the locknut and turn the adjustable pole-piece to the desired value and then tighten the Tocknut, “Indicates revisionGEH-2029 MAINTENANCE "ERIODIC TESTS Fpagehgtammended that a mechantcal inspection and an operational test be Performed at least annually and if possible at the sane time associated equipment 1s tested. The interval of tine rable nd ree se crhine relative, tnportance of individual protective equipment, contain e Baee ta unfavorable conditions, such as extrene heats motscure orefeee? Dust and dirt may contaminate the relay when the protective cover is removed. ferfodic inspection consists of checking the contacts for corroston and pitting, the bearings for cracks or dust and dirt, the air gaps for any foreign matertal and the relay eating ene SERVICING MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS Disk and Bearings ane lover Jewel may be tested for cracks by exploring its surface with the point of a Fine needle. The fetel should be turned up untit the disk 1s centered In the air sepe Hees which {£ should be locked ‘Am this position by the set screw provided for this. purpose. AIL air gaps must be clean and free from foreign material. Contact Cleaning Fer OF Tne Name Si TVET contacts on each untt, a flexible burnishing tool. should be used. This Fier inet prtaele strip of metal with an etched roughened surface, reseassy ig eget superfine file. ine polishing action is so delicate that no serstches jet corroded material will be Srreoneact’ <1 tnd thoroughly. “The flexibitity of the tool insures, the clare one eee ett points of contact. Tee way Tonya aeespeeoun net be cleaned with knives, files, or abrasive paper or cloth. Knives Croth Say ay anetve Seratches which increase arcing and deterioration of the see teeee” ‘Abrasive paper or cloth may leave minute particles of insulating abrasive material in the Costes ‘thus prevent closing. tactorg® DUMShing tool described above is included in the standard XRTIIA tool kit obtainable from the factory. RECALIBRATION Pickup Setting , The relay is first set for pickup current at zero restraint volts. The correct procedure is: 4. Screw the tap screw into the four-anpere tap. b+ Gonmect relay terminals § and 6 (current operated circuit) through a pure resistance Toad box to 4 Source of good wave form at rated voltage and frequency. Fuse, the control spring by inserting a tool in the notches of the spring adjusting ring. THaUTa ae ett TIGHE Increases: pickup while turning to the left decreases pictuet The spring Should’ be adjusted so that the contacts will just close at approximately 160° aspere. tow the relay may be set to pick up at the particular value of restraint voltage. The procedure 1s: 4 Tattdition to the comections already nade in (b) above, comect relay terminals 7 and @ (poten= power Ssttint cireult) to the sane source, Terminal ? ust be connected Co tne sana fice Ba Power as terminal 5. @ Adjust the pure resistance load box so that four amperes are flowing in the current circuit. F-Aedert tte sl idecband resistor at the back of the relay until the contacts dust close for the restraint voltage required.eH-2029 Time ng The closing time of the Type IUCV relay may be adjusted according to the following procedure. a. Place the tap plug in the four ampere tap. b. Connect the rel: the current coil. as in (b) of the Pickup Section and adjust the Toad box for five anperes in ¢. With zero restraint voltage and the time dial set at No. 10, adjust the drag magnet for a closing tine of 3.53 to 3.87 seconds. Moving the alnico drag magnet on its shelf toward the main shaft decreases the closing tine. Moving the drag magnet away from the shaft increases the closing tine, After the magnet has been correctly adjusted be sure to tighten its clamping nut. RENEWAL PARTS It is recommended that sufficient quantities of renewal parts be carried in stock to enable the prompt replacement of any that are worn, broken, or damaged. When ordering renewal parts, address the nearest Sales Office of the General Electric Company, specifying the quantity required’and describing the parts by catalome ‘numbers as shown in Renewal Parts ulletin ‘4040,GEH-2029 2 eee 3.82 SESE Sees zFeeE FSses S359 S5° Sahat AMA ¢¥L 40 1NGD83d Ni NBN Fig. 2 (6400788-2 Sh. 2) Typical Pickup Characteristic of Type ICV Relays 10eH-2029 i 3 : i OF IKE TYPE 1JOV RELAY ‘aT RATED VOLTAGE. eas A AVL 30 INGE NI AN3BND: Fig. 3 (6400785-1 Sh. 1) Typical Phase-angle Characteristic of Type IJCV Relays awenscuey 0.030 T OPERATING TIME 0,028 RANGE FOR ANY Ee PICKUP SETTING g e 0.620 2 0.015 IR s 5 o.010 P SEREERS SIRE 3. et 0.005 MULTIPLES OF PICK-UP “F19. 4 (6306872-5) Typical Time-current Characteristic of the Instantaneous Overcurrent Untt “Indicates Revision 2‘Te secon GeH-2029, st asead 3 3 8 8 8 . a est WPS eae VOLTS RESTRAINT VOLTS RESTRAINT TAP PICKUP 100% TAP PICKUP Time Dial s 2 eee. Poa 4 6 mo 40 0 00 MULTIPLES OF RELAY TAP SETTING “Fig § (088680290-0 Sh, 1) Typical Time-current Characteristics of Type IJCV Relay with OY or 100% of Rated Restraint Voltage, ‘Indicates Revision 13 aco me.“Tm ws80N0S V4 ttany vEt /OLTS RESTRAINT 32% TAP SETTING a eS Time Dial Setti bop pees. 3 pete _ wee 2 see ole see’ MULTIPLES OF RELAY TAP SETTING “Fig. 6 (088880290-0 Sh. 2) Typical Time-current Characteristics of Type ICV Relay with 48% or 78% of Rated Restraint Voltage. *Indicates Revision “GEH-2029 4OO18 WNIWYAL JHL NO HSNYS NIVW 3HL ONIDVONZ 34Y0438 HONI % STSAVEL OM1d ONILOANNOD HSNYE AXVITIXNV ONIDVONS Y3L4V:5.LON Yuva ONILYOHS WOO18 TWNINY3SL HSNYE AYVITIXNV 49018 ONILOINNOO Hsnug NIVW SNId ONILOINNOO Fig. 7 (9026039) Cross Section of Drawout Case Showing Position of Auxilary Brush 15A-C BUS TRIP BUS DEVICE FUNCTION NUMBERS 51 - OVERCURRENT RELAY, TYPE 1JCVS51A OR IGCV51A 52 - POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER @ — AUXILIARY CONTACT, CLOSED WHEN BREAKER CLOSES O€ - OPERATING COIL Ve ~ VOLTAGE COIL St = SEAL-IN, WITH TARGET TC = TRIP COIL 86 - LOCKOUT RELAY HAND RESET 41 - FIELD BREAKER “Fig. 8 (6400785-9) Typical External Connections of IJCVSIA Relays for Back-up Protection’ Against External Faults *Indicates Revision “16PTs (OPEN DELTA AUX. PT*S. 69 sec. Be] (Oren 4 Oe L Ve RATIONI20 oR YM) 120 ALTERWATE COM. HOW FoR CURRENT COILS & FOR POTENTIAL COILS. USE EITHER CURRENT comns<(8) of (8) WITH ELTHER Ok B ino CD Ane PREFERRED. eC DEVICE FUNCTION KUNBERS 51 RELAY TYPE TJCVSIA OR TOCVEIA 52-POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER ‘AUX. CONTACT, CLOSED WHEN BREAKER I$ CLOSED OC-OPERATING COIL VCWOLTAGE COIL S1-SEAL-IM, WITH TARGET TO-TRIP COIL pees S8-LOCKOUT RELAY, HAND RESET 4I-FIELD BREAKER ‘Fa. 9 (OALGHE7I0-8) Tootcal External Connections of LJCVSLA Relays for Protection Agatnat Fautts on “Indicates Revision "Side of Wye-Delta Transformer Bank uvCURRENT. SUITE U-MAGNET POTENTIAL U-MAGNET coon eo—< ae-< @@e—_—< © = SHORT FINGER *Fig. 10 (6400740-3) Internal Connections of IJCVSIA Relay (Front View) ‘Indicates Revision isCURRENT / 1E NL SE ™ POTENTIAL AE MAGNET NN ae 2 *=SHORT FINGER ‘Fig. 11 (6556474-1) Internal Connections of IJCV51B Relay (Front View) *Indicates Revision 19> _ at AER OPTS 9 SHORT FINGER “Fig. 12 (0362A0674-1) Internal Connections of IJCVSZA Relay (Front View) ‘Indicates Revision 20GEH-2029 INDUCTION UNIT INSTANT. UNIT POTENTIAL INSTANT. UNIT) (U-MAGNET INDUCTION . UNIT anne: 6 2 =SHORT FINGER ‘Fig. 13 (0418A0787-1) Internal Connections of 1JCVS2B Relay (Front View) ‘Indicates Revision a(SMM) curt gmt Me (2 HOLES) ORILLED (OPTIONAL) 718: caw) EW HOLES ASSEMBLY OF HANA 7250 500. teh Fe IREACE MIG ON wt rr2MM, ¥ STEEL PANELS ‘ , TYPICAL, 133MM PANEL DRILLING FOR SEMI-FLUSH Zorive 5.25 MOUNTING (FRONT VIEW) 4 (10 HOLES) (IMM: PANEL DRILLING FOR VHA TENTNS “Fig. 14 (6209271-5) Outline and Panel Drilling of Type IJCV Relays *Indicates Revision 22
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