Compilation of Criminal Law Bar Questions
Compilation of Criminal Law Bar Questions
Compilation of Criminal Law Bar Questions
(2016) Yes, Art. 247 (death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional
circumstances) of the Revised Penal Code is applicable.
Title VIII – Crimes Against Persons
The requisites of Art. 247 are: (1) a legally married person surprises his
1. Jojo and Felipa are husband and wife. Believing that his work as a spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another person; (2)
lawyer is sufficient to provide for the needs of their family, Jojo he or she kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any or both of them any
convinced: Felipa to be a stay-at-home mom and care for their serious physical injury “while in the act” or immediately thereafter; and (3)
children. One day, Jojo arrived home earlier than usual and caught he has not promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his wife or that he or
Felipa in the act of having sexual inter course with their female nanny, she has not consented to the infidelity of the other spouse. All the foregoing
Alma, in their matrimonial bed. In a fit of rage, Jojo retrieved his requisites are present in the case at hand. It is a given in the problem that
revolver from inside the bedroom cabinet and shot Alma, immediately Jojo caught Felipa and Alma in the “act of sexual intercourse.” The law did
killing her. not qualify that the other person with whom the spouse be caught
committing sexual intercourse be “male or female.” Hence, the gender of
(A) Is Art. 247 (death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional the paramour, Alma, being of the same gender as the erring spouse,
circumstances) of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) applicable in this case Felipa, is immaterial, The answer given presupposes that Jojo and Felipa
given that the paramour was of the same gender as the erring are legally married.
spouse? (2.5%)
(B) Is Felipa liable for adultery for having sexual relations with Alma? (B) No. Under Article 333 of the Revised Penal Code, adultery is
(2.5%) committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a
“man” not her husband. Thus, Felipa in having homosexual intercourse
with Alma, a “woman,” is not committing adultery.
No. Art. 247 of the Revised Penal Code is not applicable.
2. Charges d’affairės Volvik of Latvia suffers from a psychotic
Under the Revised Penal Code, for Art. 247 to apply, the offender must disorder after he was almost assassinated in his previous
catch his or her spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with assignment. One day, while shopping in a mall, he saw a group of
another person. In People of the Philippines v. Marciano Gonzales (G.R. shoppers whom he thought were the assassins who were out to kill
No. 46310, October 31, 1939), the Supreme Court held that to avail of the him. He asked for the gun of his escort and shot ten (10) people and
privilege under Art. 247, the accused should surprise his wife in the “very wounded five (5) others before he was subdued. The wounded
act if sexual intercourse”. Sexual intercourse gener ally presupposes the persons required more than thirty (30) days of medical treatment.
penetration of the man’s sexual organ into that of a woman’s. In this case,
What crime or crimes, if any, did he commit? Explain. (5%)
the paramour was of the same gender as the erring spouse. As such, there
is legally, no sexual intercourse to speak of, hence, Art. 247 is not
through sexual inter course since the victim in this crime must be a woman.
Volvik committed five frustrated murders for the unwounded victims and This act is not rape through sexual assault, either, Razzy did not insert his
five frustrated murders for the wounded victims. Treachery is present since penis into the anal orifice or mouth of Angelino or an instrument or object
the sudden attack rendered the victims defenseless. The nature of the into anal orifice or genital orifice, hence, this act constitutes acts of
weapon used in attacking the victims and extent of the wounds lasciviousness under Article 336. Since the acts of lasciviousness is the five victims showed intent to kill. His psychotic condition is committed by reason or occasion of kidnapping, it will be integrated into
not an exempting circumstance of insanity in the absence of showing that one and indivisible felony of kidnapping with homicide (People v. De Leon,
there is a complete deprivation of intelligence in accordance with the G.R. No. 179943, June 26, 2009; People v. Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124,
cognition test. However, he is immune from criminal prosecution. Since the April 05, 2016; People v. Laog, G.R. No. 178321, October 5, 2011; People
position of Volvik as charges de affaires is diplomatic, he is vested with v. Larronaga, G.R. Nos. 138874-75, February 3, 2004).
blanket diplomatic immunity from criminal suit (Minucher v. Hon. CA, G.R. Max is liable for kidnapping with homicide as an accomplice since he
No. 142396, February 11, 2003). concurred in the criminal design of Razzy in depriving Angelino his liberty
and supplied the former material aid in an efficacious way by helping him
3. Angelino, a Filipino, is a transgender who underwent gender beat the latter.
reassignment and had implants in different parts of her body. She
changed her name to Angelina and was a finalist in the Miss Gay 4. Braulio invited Lulu, his 11-year old stepdaughter; inside the
International. She came back to the Philippines and while she was master bedroom. He pulled out a knife and threatened her with harm
walking outside her home, she was abducted by Max and Razzy who unless she submitted to his desires. He was touching her chest and
took her to a house in the province. She was then placed in a room sex organ when his wife caught him in the act. The prosecutor is
and Razzy forced her to have sex with him at knife’s point. After the unsure whether to charge Braulio for acts of lasciviousness under
act, it dawned upon Razzy that Angelina is actually a male. Incensed, Art. 336 of the RPC; for lascivious conduct under RA 7610 (Special
Razzy called Max to help him beat Angelina. The beatings that Protection against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act);
Angelina received eventually caused her death. or for rape under Art. 266-A of the RPC.
What crime or crimes, if any, were committed? Explain. (5%) What is the crime committed? Explain. (5%)
Razzy is liable for kidnapping with homicide. Abducting Angelino is not The acts of Braulio of touching the chest and sex organ of Lulu, who is
forcible abduction since the victim in this crime must be a woman. Gender under 12 years of age, are merely acts of lasciviousness and not attempted
reassignment will not make him a woman within the meaning of Article 342 rape because intent to have sexual intercourse is not clearly shown
of the Revised Penal Code. There is no showing, moreover, that at the time (People v. Banzuela, G.R. No. 202060, December 11, 2013). To be held
abduction is committed with lewd design; hence, his abduction constitutes liable of attempted rape, it must be shown that the erectile penis is in the
illegal detention. Since Angelino was killed in the course of the detention, position to penetrate (Cruz v. People, G.R. No. 166441, October 8, 2014)
the crime constitutes kidnapping and serious illegal detention with homicide or the offender actually commenced to force his penis into the victim’s
under Article 267. Having sexual intercourse with Angelino is not rape sexual organ (People v. Banzuela, supra).
The same acts of touching the chest and sex organ of Lulu under attic were only methods employed by the defendant in committing : murder
psychological coercion or influence of her stepfather, Braulio, constitutes qualified by the circumstance of treachery (People v. Lora, G.R. No. L-
sexual abuse under Section 5 (b) of RA No. 7610 (People v. Opiana, G.R. 49430, March 30, 1982). Taking advantage of the defenseless condition of
No. 133922, February 12, 2001), the victim by reason of his tender age in killing him is treachery (People v. .
Fallorina, G.R. No. 137347, March 4, 2004). She is not liable for kidnapping
Since the requisites for acts of lasciviousness under Article 336 of the with murder, the essence of which is the actual confinement or restraint of
Revised Penal Code are met, in addition to the requisites for sexual abuse the victim or the deprivation of his liberty. In this case, the victim was not
under Section 5 of RA No. 7610, and the victim is under 12 years of age, deprived of liberty since he immediately died. The demand for ransom did
Braulio shall be prosecuted for acts of lasciviousness under Revised Penal not convert the offense into kidnapping with murder. The defendant was
Code but the penalty imposable is that prescribed by RA No. 7610 well aware that the child would be suffocated to death in a few moments
(Amployo v. People, G.R. No. 157718, April 26, 2005). Under Section 5 (6) after she left: The demand for ransom is only a part of the diabolic scheme
of RA No: 7610, when the victim (child subjected to sexual abuse) is under of the defendant to murder the child, to conceal his body and then demand
12 years of age, the perpetrators shall be prosecuted (for acts of lascivi money before the discovery of the cadaver (People v.Lora; supra). Fely is
ousness) under Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code: Provided, That the not liable for murder as principal or accomplice. Since Fely did not
penalty for lascivious conduct when the victim is under 12 years of age participate in the actual killing of the child, she can only be held liable for
shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period. murder as principal or accomplice on the basis of conspiracy or community
5. Lina worked as a housemaid and yaya of the one week old son of of design. But in this case, there is neither conspiracy nor community of
the spouses John and Joana. When Lina learned that her 70-year old design to commit murder since her criminal intention pertains to kidnapping
mother was seriously ill, she asked John fora cash advance of for ransom. Moreover, her participation of demanding ransom for the
P20,000.00, but the latter refused. In anger, Lina gagged the mouth of release of the child is not connected to murder Neither is Fely liable for
the child with stockings, placed him in a box sealed it with masking kidnapping for ransom. Her criminal mind to assist Lina in committing
tape, and placed the box in the attic. Lina then left the house and kidnapping for ransom is not constitutive of a felony. Mens rea without
asked her friend Fely to demand a “P20,000.00 ransom for the release actus reus is not a crime.
of the spouses’ child to be paid within twenty-four hours. The
spouses did not pay the ransom. After a couple. of days, John
discovered the box in the attic with his child already dead. According
to the autopsy report, the child died of asphyxiation barely minutes
after the box was sealed.
What crime or crimes, if any, did Lina and Fely commit? Explain. (5%)
Lina is liable for murder. Gagging the mouth of the child with stockings,
placing him in a box, sealing it with masking tape, and placed the box in the