Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil - Based On Is: 6403 Sample Calculation
Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil - Based On Is: 6403 Sample Calculation
Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil - Based On Is: 6403 Sample Calculation
Sample Calculation
Shape of footing
Depth of footing, D D 3.00 m
Width of footing, B B 1.00 m
Length of footing, L L 4.00 m
Depth of Water Table dw 0 m
Ratio d/B 0.000
Water Table Factor W' 0.50
Effective Surcharge over EGL, m 0.00 m
Dry Density, Yd γd 1.600 g/cc
Moisture Content w 17.00 %
Overburden Pressure, γ.d 2.95 t/m2
Cohesion, C, kg/ c 0.350 kg/cm2
Angle of Int.Friction, φ φ 0
Specific Gravity, G 2.600
Bulk Density, Y 3 γb 1.872
Sat. Density, Ysat, gm/cc γsat 1.985
Sub. Density, Y', gm/cc γ' 0.985
Inclination Angle α α 0
Factor of Safety FOS 1.5
Surcharge Density Assumed, gm/cc 1.000
Void Ratio, eo = G x Yw -1
= 0.625
Mode of Failure = Intermediate Shear Failure
for intermediate shear failure i.e. Void Ratio > 0.55 and < 0.75
qu = cN''cScdcic + q(N''q-1) Sqdqiq + 0.5 B γ N'' γ S γ d γ i γ W'
= 28.78 T/m 2
qs = 19.19 T/m 2