S.NO. Description Unit QTY Remarks 1.0 Pipe: 1.1 A B: Total (Usd) Rate (USD /unit)

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(USD /Unit) /Unit)

1.0 PIPE:
Pipe, Beveled End, API 5L Gr. B, SSAW, as per
ANSI B 36.10
a Dia. 30" (Wt: 12.70 mm) m 630 193.00 121,590.00 234.67 147842.10 22,002.00
b Dia. 24" (Wt: 9.53 mm) m 432 114.00 49,248.00 141.12 60963.84 12,996.00

Pipe, Beveled End, API 5L Gr. B, ERW, as per
1.2 (Q235B DUE TO
ANSI B 36.10
a Dia. 20" (Sch. Std.) m 96 112.00 10,752.00 117.15 11246.40 12,768.00
b Dia. 18 " (Sch. Std.) m 18 105.00 1,890.00 105.21 1893.78 11,970.00
c Dia. 6" (Sch. 40) m 48 28.00 1,344.00 28.26 1356.48 3,192.00
d Dia. 2" (Sch. 40) m 60 4.50 270.00 5.44 326.40 513.00

Pipe, Beveled End, API 5L Gr. B, SMLS, as per

ANSI B 36.10
a Dia. 1 1/2" (Sch. 80) m
b Dia. 1" (Sch. 80) m 30 4.50 135.00 3.24 97.20 513.00
c Dia. 3/4" (Sch. 80) m 30 3.50 105.00 2.2 66.00 399.00
d Dia. 1/2" (Sch. 80) m 18 2.50 45.00 1.62 29.16 285.00

2.0 ELBOW 900

Elbow 90ᴼ , Long Radius, BW, ASTM 234 Gr WPB
As per ANSI B 16.9
a Dia. 30" x 9.5 mm Wt.( Min.) Nos. 8 837.00 6,696.00 398 3184.00 95,418.00
b Dia. 24" Sch. Std. Nos. 7 358.00 2,506.00 203 1421.00 40,812.00
c Dia. 20" Sch. Std. Nos. 12 242.00 2,904.00 140 1680.00 27,588.00
d Dia. 6" Sch. 40 Nos. 16 17.00 272.00 10.2 163.20 1,938.00
e Dia. 2" Sch. 40 Nos. 40 1.60 64.00 for Vents/Drains 0.65 26.00 182.40

Elbow 90ᴼ , SW, 3000#, ASTM A105,

As per ANSI B 16.11
a Dia. 1" Sch. 80 Nos. 40 2.40 96.00 for TRV 0.53 21.20 273.60
b Dia. 3/4" Sch. 80 Nos. 40 1.90 76.00 for TRV 0.33 13.20 216.60

3.0 ELBOW 450

ELBOW 450 , Long Radius, BW, ASTM 234 Gr WPB
As per ANSI B16.9
a Dia. 30" x 9.5 mm Wt.( Min.) Nos. 13 461.00 5,993.00 199 2587.00 52,554.00
b Dia. 24" Sch. Std. Nos. 10 226.00 2,260.00 101.5 1015.00 25,764.00
c Dia. 18" Sch. Std. Nos. 2 122.00 244.00 56.5 113.00 13,908.00
d Dia. 16" Sch. Std. Nos. 2 96.00 192.00 44.7 89.40 10,944.00
g Dia. 8" Sch. 40 Nos. 15 22.00 330.00 10.2 153.00 2,508.00


4.1 Equal Tee, BW, ASTM 234 Gr WPB, As per ANSI B16.9
a Dia. 30" x 9.5 mm Wt. (Min.) Nos. 10 787.00 7,870.00 335 3350.00 89,718.00
b Dia. 24" Sch. Std. Nos. 4 407.00 1,628.00 191 764.00 46,398.00
c Dia. 20" Sch. Std. Nos. 6 294.00 1,764.00 142 852.00 33,516.00
d Dia. 18" Sch. Std. Nos. 1 253.00 253.00 115 115.00 28,842.00
e Dia. 16" Sch. 40 Nos. 1 243.00 243.00 120 120.00 27,702.00
f Dia. 8" Sch. 40 Nos. 3 40.00 120.00 24.6 73.80 4,560.00

Equal Tee, SW, 3000#, ASTM A105,

As per ANSI B 16.11
a Dia. 1/2" Nos. 20 2.00 40.00 for PI 0.29 5.80 228.00


5.1 Red. Tee, BW, ASTM 234 Gr WPB, As per ANSI B16.9
a Dia. 30" x 16" Sch. Std. No. 10 787.00 7,870.00 335 3350.00 89,718.00
b Dia. 30" x 24" Sch. Std. Nos. 2 787.00 1,574.00 335 670.00 89,718.00
c Dia. 24" x 20" Sch. Std. Nos. 1 407.00 407.00 191 191.00 46,398.00
d Dia. 24" x 16" Sch. Std. Nos. 9 392.00 3,528.00 191 1719.00 44,688.00


Ecc. Reducer, BW, ASTM 234 Gr WPB, As per ANSI
a Dia. 30" x 24" Sch. Std. No. 2 278.00 556.00 132 264.00 31,692.00
b Dia. 24" x 18" Sch. Std. x 40 Nos. 2 311.00 622.00 113 226.00 35,454.00
c Dia. 24" x 16" Sch. Std. x 40 Nos. 2 327.00 654.00 107 214.00 37,278.00

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(USD /Unit) /Unit)

7.1 Flanges 150 #, SO, RF, ASTM A105, As per ASME B 16.5
a Dia. 30" Nos. 22 276.00 6,072.00 150 3300.00 31,464.00
b Dia. 24" Nos. 17 161.00 2,737.00 96 1632.00 18,354.00
c Dia. 20" Nos. 26 122.00 3,172.00 73 1898.00 13,908.00
d Dia. 18" Nos. 5 90.00 450.00 54 270.00 10,260.00
e Dia. 16" Nos. 5 75.00 375.00 45 225.00 8,550.00
f Dia. 6" Nos. 12 13.00 156.00 7.81 93.72 1,482.00


Blind Flanges 150 #, RF, ASTM A105, As per ASME B
a Dia. 30" Nos. 6 687.00 4,122.00 440 2640.00 78,318.00
b Dia. 24" No. 3 286.00 858.00 190 570.00 32,604.00
c Dia. 20" Nos. 2 188.00 376.00 125 250.00 21,432.00

Gasket, Spiral Wound S.S Central Ring, Graphite Filled,
150# as per API 601.
a Dia. 30" Nos. 32 26.00 832.00 3.135 100.32 2,964.00
b Dia. 24" Nos. 18 15.00 270.00 1.901 34.22 1,710.00
c Dia. 20" Nos. 27 12.00 324.00 1.458 39.37 1,368.00
d Dia. 18" Nos. 6 10.00 60.00 1.194 7.16 1,140.00
e Dia. 16" Nos. 6 11.00 66.00 1.452 8.71 1,254.00
f Dia. 6" Nos. 32 2.00 64.00 0.253 8.10 228.00
g Dia. 2" Nos. 46 1.00 46.00 0.104 4.78 114.00


Black Studs with double Nut & Washer, Molykote Coated
at Site.
a M33 x 240 (For 30" Flange) Nos. 900 6.90 6,210.00 2.482 2233.80 786.60
b M33 x 185 (For 24" Flange) Nos. 500 6.00 3,000.00 2.164 1082.00 684.00
c M30 x 170 (For 20" Flange) Nos. 660 4.70 3,102.00 1.67 1102.20 535.80
d M30 x 160 (For 18" Flange) Nos. 106 4.50 477.00 1.622 171.93 513.00
e M27 x 150 (For 16" Flange) Nos. 106 3.40 360.40 1.209 128.15 387.60
f M20 x 105 (For 6" Flange) Nos. 265 1.40 371.00 0.487 129.06 159.60
g M16 x 85 (For 2" Flange) Nos. 180 0.70 126.00 0.244 43.92 79.80


Half Coupling, SW, ASTM A-105, 3000#, As per
ANSI B 16.11
a Dia. 2" Nos. 30 4.00 120.00 1.09 32.70 456.00
b Dia. 1" Nos. 15 1.80 27.00 0.3 4.50 205.20
c Dia. 3/4" Nos. 15 1.50 22.50 0.21 3.15 171.00
d Dia. 1/2" Nos. 12 1.00 12.00 0.13 1.56 114.00


Full Coupling, Threaded, ASTM A-105, 3000#, As per
ANSI B 16.11
a Dia. 1" Nos. 15 1.60 24.00 0.45 6.75 182.40
b Dia. 3/4" Nos. 15 1.30 19.50 0.19 2.85 148.20
c Dia. 1/2" Nos. 12 0.90 10.80 0.13 1.56 102.60

13.0 PIPE CAP:

Pipe Cap, Threaded Ends , ASTM A-105, 3000#, As per
ANSI B 16.11
a Dia. 2" Nos. 25 5.50 137.50 for vents/drains 1.09 27.25 627.00


14.1 Gate Valve 150#, RF. Ends: 1.6 mm RF Flanges
Dimension confirm to ASME B16.5. Style: OS&Y, Bolted
Bonnet, Bolted Gland, Renewable Seats. Materials Body:
Steel (ASTM A-216 Gr. WCB). Stem: 13% Cr. SS.
Packing: Mfr. Std. Seats: Hard Faced 13% Cr. SS. Design
and Test: API 600. Leak Test: API 598. Fire Safe as per
a Dia. 6" (Solid Wedge) Nos. 16 465.00 7,440.00 76 1216.00 53,010.00
API 6FA. Gear Operated.

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(USD /Unit) /Unit)

14.2 Gate Valve 150#, RF. Ends: 1.6 mm RF Flanges

Dimension confirm to ASME B16.5. Style: OS&Y, Bolted
Bonnet, Bolted Gland, Renewable Seats. Materials Body:
Steel (ASTM A-216 Gr. WCB). Stem: 13% Cr. SS.
Packing: Mfr. Std. Seats: Hard Faced 13% Cr. SS. Design
and Test: API 600. Leak Test: API 598. Gear Operated.
a Dia. 30" (Flexible Wedge) Nos. 6 9,230.00 55,380.00 2650 15900.00 1,052,220.00
b Dia. 24" (Flexible Wedge) Nos. 3 4,490.00 13,470.00 1195 3585.00 511,860.00
c Dia. 20" (Flexible Wedge) Nos. 5 3,205.00 16,025.00 810 4050.00 365,370.00
d Dia. 18" (Flexible Wedge) Nos. 2 2,460.00 4,920.00 810 1620.00 280,440.00
e Dia. 16" (Flexible Wedge) Nos. 2 2,130.00 4,260.00 530 1060.00 242,820.00

14.3 Gate Valve 800#, SW. Style: OS&Y, Bolted Bonnet, Bolted
Gland, Solid Wedge, Renewable Seats. Materials Body:
Forged Steel (ASTM A105). Stem: 13% Cr. SS. Seats:
Hard Faced 13% Cr. SS. Design and Test as per API 602.
Leak Test as per API 598. Hand Wheel Operated.

a Dia. 2" Nos. 20 60.00 1,200.00 vent/drains 9.80 196.00 6,840.00

b Dia. 1" Nos. 15 25.00 375.00 For TRV 3.60 54.00 2,850.00
c Dia. 3/4" Nos. 15 16.00 240.00 For TRV 2.10 31.50 1,824.00
d Dia. 1/2" Nos. 12 15.00 180.00 For PI 1.90 22.80 1,710.00


Wafer Type Check Valve: 150#, RF, as per API 6D, Body:
A 216 WCB, Stem 13% cr. S.S, Seat: 13% Cr. SS, HF.
a Dia. 20" Nos. 4 1,695.00 6,780.00 At pumps discharge 150.00 600.00 193,230.00


16.1 Ball Valve 150#, RF, Style: Bolted Body, Replaceable
Seat, Regular Port, Trunion Mounted Ball per API 6D.
Material Body: ASTM A-216 Gr. WCB. Stem / Ball / Seat:
F316 SS. Seal: F316. Flange Dimension per API 16.47A.
Gear Operated.
a Dia. 24" (Lever Operated) Nos. 1 28,500.00 28,500.00 for MS Pig Receiver 2450 2450.00 3,249,000.00


DB&B Gate Valve 150#, RF, as per API 6D. Ends: 1.6 mm
RF Flanges Dimension confirm to ASME B16.5 Style:
OS&Y, Bolted Bonnet, Bolted Gland, Solid Wedge,
renewable seats. Materials Body: Steel (ASTM A-216 Gr.
WCB). Stem: 13% Cr. SS. Packing: Mfr. Std. Seats: Hard
Faced 13% Cr. SS. Double Block and Bleed arrangement.
Design as per API Std. 6D. Test as per API 598. Gear

a Dia. 30" Nos. 1 12,950.00 12,950.00 1,476,300.00

a Dia. 24" Nos. 1 8,010.00 8,010.00 913,140.00
a Dia. 20" Nos. 2 5,130.00 10,260.00 584,820.00


Strainer Basket-Type, 150#, RF, as per ASME B16.5,

18.1 Body Material: ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB, Screen Material:
304 SS. Maxi. pressure drop shall be 2.5 Psi.

a Dia. 30" Nos. 4 10,000.00 40,000.00 At pumps suction 1,140,000.00


a Dia. 1/2" Nos. 10

20.0 TRV:

a Dia. 3/4" x 1" Nos. 16

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Rate With
Per Kg With Cartage Custom Duty /
Custom Duty / Profit Fianl Rate / Unit
Cartage Rate Rate / Unit Unit

- 22,002.00 16,501.50 38,503.50 10% 3,850.35 42,353.85

- 12,996.00 9,747.00 22,743.00 10% 2,274.30 25,017.30

- 12,768.00 9,576.00 22,344.00 10% 2,234.40 24,578.40

- 11,970.00 8,977.50 20,947.50 10% 2,094.75 23,042.25
- 3,192.00 2,394.00 5,586.00 10% 558.60 6,144.60
- 513.00 384.75 897.75 10% 89.78 987.53

- 513.00 384.75 897.75 10% 89.78 987.53

- 399.00 299.25 698.25 10% 69.83 768.08
- 285.00 213.75 498.75 10% 49.88 548.63

5,572.00 100,990.00 38,167.20 139,157.20 8% 11,132.58 150,289.78

2,842.00 43,654.00 16,324.80 59,978.80 8% 4,798.30 64,777.10
1,960.00 29,548.00 11,035.20 40,583.20 8% 3,246.66 43,829.86
142.80 2,080.80 775.20 2,856.00 8% 228.48 3,084.48
9.10 191.50 72.96 264.46 8% 21.16 285.62

7.42 281.02 109.44 390.46 8% 31.24 421.70

4.62 221.22 86.64 307.86 8% 24.63 332.49

2,786.00 55,340.00 21,021.60 76,361.60 8% 6,108.93 82,470.53

1,421.00 27,185.00 10,305.60 37,490.60 8% 2,999.25 40,489.85
791.00 14,699.00 5,563.20 20,262.20 8% 1,620.98 21,883.18
625.80 11,569.80 4,377.60 15,947.40 8% 1,275.79 17,223.19
142.80 2,650.80 1,003.20 3,654.00 8% 292.32 3,946.32

4,690.00 94,408.00 35,887.20 130,295.20 8% 10,423.62 140,718.82

2,674.00 49,072.00 18,559.20 67,631.20 8% 5,410.50 73,041.70
1,988.00 35,504.00 13,406.40 48,910.40 8% 3,912.83 52,823.23
1,610.00 30,452.00 11,536.80 41,988.80 8% 3,359.10 45,347.90
1,680.00 29,382.00 11,080.80 40,462.80 8% 3,237.02 43,699.82
344.40 4,904.40 1,824.00 6,728.40 8% 538.27 7,266.67

4.06 232.06 91.20 323.26 8% 25.86 349.12

4,690.00 94,408.00 35,887.20 130,295.20 8% 10,423.62 140,718.82

4,690.00 94,408.00 35,887.20 130,295.20 8% 10,423.62 140,718.82
2,674.00 49,072.00 18,559.20 67,631.20 8% 5,410.50 73,041.70
2,674.00 47,362.00 17,875.20 65,237.20 8% 5,218.98 70,456.18

1,848.00 33,540.00 12,676.80 46,216.80 8% 3,697.34 49,914.14

1,582.00 37,036.00 14,181.60 51,217.60 8% 4,097.41 55,315.01
1,498.00 38,776.00 14,911.20 53,687.20 8% 4,294.98 57,982.18

4 of 6
Rate With
Per Kg With Cartage Custom Duty /
Custom Duty / Profit Fianl Rate / Unit
Cartage Rate Rate / Unit Unit

2,100.00 33,564.00 16,361.28 49,925.28 8% 3,994.02 53,919.30

1,344.00 19,698.00 9,544.08 29,242.08 8% 2,339.37 31,581.45
1,022.00 14,930.00 7,232.16 22,162.16 8% 1,772.97 23,935.13
756.00 11,016.00 5,335.20 16,351.20 8% 1,308.10 17,659.30
630.00 9,180.00 4,446.00 13,626.00 8% 1,090.08 14,716.08
109.34 1,591.34 770.64 2,361.98 8% 188.96 2,550.94

6,160.00 84,478.00 40,725.36 125,203.36 8% 10,016.27 135,219.63

2,660.00 35,264.00 16,954.08 52,218.08 8% 4,177.45 56,395.53
1,750.00 23,182.00 11,144.64 34,326.64 8% 2,746.13 37,072.77

43.89 3,007.89 2,074.80 5,082.69 8% 406.62 5,489.31

26.61 1,736.61 1,197.00 2,933.61 8% 234.69 3,168.30
20.41 1,388.41 957.60 2,346.01 8% 187.68 2,533.69
16.72 1,156.72 798.00 1,954.72 8% 156.38 2,111.09
20.33 1,274.33 877.80 2,152.13 8% 172.17 2,324.30
3.54 231.54 159.60 391.14 8% 31.29 422.43
1.46 115.46 79.80 195.26 8% 15.62 210.88

34.75 821.35 589.95 1,411.30 8% 112.90 1,524.20

30.30 714.30 513.00 1,227.30 8% 98.18 1,325.48
23.38 559.18 401.85 961.03 8% 76.88 1,037.91
22.71 535.71 384.75 920.46 8% 73.64 994.09
16.93 404.53 290.70 695.23 8% 55.62 750.84
6.82 166.42 119.70 286.12 8% 22.89 309.01
3.42 83.22 59.85 143.07 8% 11.45 154.51

15.26 471.26 182.40 653.66 8% 52.29 705.95

4.20 209.40 82.08 291.48 8% 23.32 314.80
2.94 173.94 68.40 242.34 8% 19.39 261.73
1.82 115.82 45.60 161.42 8% 12.91 174.33

6.30 188.70 72.96 261.66 8% 20.93 282.59

2.66 150.86 59.28 210.14 8% 16.81 226.95
1.82 104.42 41.04 145.46 8% 11.64 157.10

15.26 642.26 250.80 893.06 8% 71.44 964.50

1,064.00 54,074.00 27,565.20 81,639.20 5% 4,081.96 85,721.16

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Rate With
Per Kg With Cartage Custom Duty /
Custom Duty / Profit Fianl Rate / Unit
Cartage Rate Rate / Unit Unit

37,100.00 1,089,320.00 547,154.40 1,636,474.40 7% 114,553.21 1,751,027.61

16,730.00 528,590.00 266,167.20 794,757.20 7% 55,633.00 850,390.20
11,340.00 376,710.00 189,992.40 566,702.40 7% 39,669.17 606,371.57
11,340.00 291,780.00 145,828.80 437,608.80 7% 30,632.62 468,241.42
7,420.00 250,240.00 126,266.40 376,506.40 7% 26,355.45 402,861.85

137.20 6,977.20 3,556.80 10,534.00 7% 737.38 11,271.38

50.40 2,900.40 1,482.00 4,382.40 7% 306.77 4,689.17
29.40 1,853.40 948.48 2,801.88 7% 196.13 2,998.01
26.60 1,736.60 889.20 2,625.80 7% 183.81 2,809.61

2,100.00 195,330.00 100,479.60 295,809.60 7% 20,706.67 316,516.27

34,300.00 3,283,300.00 1,689,480.00 4,972,780.00 7% 348,094.60 5,320,874.60

- 1,476,300.00 767,676.00 2,243,976.00 7% 157,078.32 2,401,054.32

- 913,140.00 474,832.80 1,387,972.80 7% 97,158.10 1,485,130.90
- 584,820.00 304,106.40 888,926.40 7% 62,224.85 951,151.25

- 1,140,000.00 570,000.00 1,710,000.00 10% 171,000.00 1,881,000.00

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