Edm of NiTi Sma
Edm of NiTi Sma
Edm of NiTi Sma
Electro discharge machining (EDM) is a common fabrication process for miniaturized components in medical technology and micro
engineering today. As EDM induces material changes in the near surface zone, the surface integrity becomes ever more important, the smaller
the components are. In order to characterize the influence of EDM on the near surface zone, basic metallurgical investigations on pseudo-elastic
NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) were carried out. Material removal in EDM depends on the electric discharge processes between the tool
and the workpiece electrode in a dielectric fluid. Material is removed by melting and vaporization in single sparks. This results in craters
with varying size and depth depending on the discharge energy. The microstructure of this melting zone is characterized by hollows, cracks
and precipitation. Cracks open at the surface in consequence of randomly and locally overlapping thermal shocks. The cracks grow vertically
into the material, starting at the surface. In the melting zone, significant precipitations were detected and subsequently identified by EDX
as titanium carbides. The material removal rate, which is an important process factor in manufacturing, approximately increases in linear
proportion with the discharge energy, and achieves commercially interesting values by using an electrode made of copper and tungsten. The
results of the microstructure analysis require the removal of the near surface zone to ensure the properties of the components. This is possible
via a smooth EDM-process, followed by electrolytic polishing.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Electro discharge machining (EDM); Nickel–titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi-SMA); Miniaturized components; Surface integrity; Melting
zone; Electro-chemical polishing (ECP)
0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
W. Theisen, A. Schuermann / Materials Science and Engineering A 378 (2004) 200–204 201
Table 1
Machine-related parameters of the EDM-processes
EDM Working voltage U (V) Working current I (A) Frequency f (kHz) Pulse-duty factor τ (%) Idling pulse IP (%) Polarity
1 240 2 10 80 40 +
2 240 2 20 80 40 +
3 240 4 5 80 40 +
4 240 4 10 80 40 +
202 W. Theisen, A. Schuermann / Materials Science and Engineering A 378 (2004) 200–204
electro-chemical polishing in an electrolyte containing 75% in the melting zone, such melting zone and a part of the
acetic acid and 25% perchloric acid is suitable [6]. heat affected zone have to be removed in a subsequent addi-
In the initial step of the ECP-process, the edges of dis- tional finishing. This can be done either via machining with
charge craters are removed due to the locally high galvanic low process energy, or, by electro-chemical removal of the
currents, leading to a low decrease of thickness of the melt- melting zone. Due to the significant depth of the EDM in-
ing zone (Fig. 7). For longer polishing periods, the material fluence stocks must be accounted for, in any case, covering
removal proceeds homogeneously across the entire surface a magnitude of about 60 m, in particular, where miniatur-
of the specimen. By using the ECP method, the melting ized components are concerned.
zones formed in EDM of 10–14 m can be removed in an
acceptable period of time (8 min) (Fig. 8). Finally, all pol-
ished specimen surfaces are free from melting zones, cracks References
and precipitations.
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