2) United States Patent (10) Patent No: US 8,394,909 B2
Porsch et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 12, 2013
ELONGATION chr BL 200 Dore
6250484 BL 72001 Gra ta
(75) Inventors: Michal J Porse, Minncpois, MN Sesh BL anol Stat
(US). Kelly A. Kula Freudenberg, 6230 BL 82001 Ola
Brevi MN (8) 6361322 BL 82001 hl
630 Shon
(73) Assignee: Construction Research & Technology cx cca ta
Gmbh Tostbee (D2) oaese aa
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this. 6.423.661 ‘McGraw et al.
Patent is extended orajvsted under 35 S50 05 Mecha lal
US.C. 154(b) by 274 days. 6.440.541 Humphrey et al
cians tha ca
(21) Appl. Nos 12848.041 oat Wares.
(22) Fle) ee. 292008 satin Mint
cams Keene
@) Prior Publication Data ena we
csr Schsticg al
US2000027T101 Sep. 10,2008 ae Since
Sannet faunal
: 5 consis Mata
Related US. Applicaton Dats set38i6 Mal
(68) Contimaton of application No. 10808.084, fil on 81602 intorgca
Mar 24,2004, noe Pat No. 788220 2 rsh
oy Ime. Poncho 2828
cite t4as anos) oozinodssy em eal
cong 141020080) Smauisit Hang
C086 1842 (2006.01) a002 188068 aoe
conc ess (200601) inno fonlereta
2) US.cL S288, 528/50, 2815; 52838GpouoCTa1 Sujet
(58) Field of Classification Search 528/28, pe a mee
528/33, 38, 30 3 nals et
‘See application file for complete search history, MMOOOITSHD AL $2006 Roeser tal
(56) References Cited EP 158893 Al 10/1985
& tears BI Inns
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS Wo woo tae "Stone
ane Ace or eee Feng, TeMinan alin Bc Sie thane ome
Saat ome Eanes Papi of Connon Sean Adbaes Ags A
Sonu A Sete Syme 198 pp 02S
A3eno A Sw Ribera:
GGMan A DD Board * ited by examiner
‘Soran A Tibet carat
Shoes Sass, Primary Examiner —Rabon Sergent
QDs Intl (14) orney, don, oF Fim —Curaolo Sit Co, LP
2 Sten Rata rao Salvatore A Sido
5 Boe Racal Joseph. Corsa; Salatre A Sid
2190 Bal 6) ABSTRACT
A 11/1991 Higuchi et a. A silane-terminated polyurethane composition is the reaction.
Ngo. Hig h
2793 Ka predict of slanteminated poljurhane prepolymer
ese Component silne-tenminted monomeric eiseyant,
3 ngs Rear sndopionally at eset one mlifunctna isin ret
A Tisoe baal jane component, A method for making’ a composition
Sssp6 Enmetingtat includes providing iane-erminat poet pre-
$1908 lnk sonpoven Hane ron mare sy.
51998 ‘Shale et al
{61008 Mowreret st
21989 Morenet al.
{199 Roeser eta
111999 Ashmont
121999 Waldman etal
121999 Shafer al
52000 Clineet
142000 Roeser et
(62000 Roeser et
077902 A
polymer con
‘nate componeat, and optionally at last one multifunctional
trsilane of teraslane component, and (b) combining the
prepolymer component, monomeric component, and
‘optional molifunetional silane component to form asilane-
‘eminated polyurethane reaction product with a ensile
strength of about 4 MPa or greater and an elongation of about
200% or greater
30 Claims, 4 Drawing SheetsUS 8,394,909 B2
Sheet 1 of 4
Mar. 12, 2013
US. Patent
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Mar. 12, 2013
US. Patent
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‘This application isa continuation of US. Ser. No. 10/808,
(084 filed on Mar. 24, 2004, now U.S. Pat. No 7,482,420.
Polyurethane materials demonstrate unique combination
‘ofperiormance properties inching excellent abrasion esis-
‘ance, Nexibilty, hardness, chemical sistance, solventesis-
tance, light stability, and weatheraily
“The perlormunee properties of polyurethanes make them
suitable for many useful products, including coatings, ahe-
sives, sealants, and compositions, Standard polyurethanes,
however, ave disadvantages related to the presence of i
‘yates, sochas sensitivity to humid application conditions.
Silane-terminated polyurethanes can be formulate to beso
‘cyanate-fee, but have not previously demonstrated the high
tensile strength and high elongation properties required for
high performance applications
‘What is needed inthe at are polyurethane materials that
reno sensitive to huanid application conditions, Whatisalso
needed in the ar is a high performance silane-terminated
Polyurethane that is isceyanatesfree and has both high
seength and high elongation, These properties are met with
the rection product ofa silane-terminated polyurethane pre-
polymer anda silane-terminated monomeric disocyanate.
A silne-terminated polyurethane composition is pro=
Vide, comprising the reaction product of sine-terminated
polyurethane prepolymer componea, a silo-terminated
‘monomeric disoeyanate component, and optionally a tsi=
lane or ttasilane component
In certain embodiments of the silane-terminated polyure-
thane composition:
1) the silane-temninated polyurethane prepolymer compo-
‘ent comprises atleast one of
i) a prepolymer reaction product of atleast one disoey-
‘aate and at lest one polyol with a mole ratio of
isoeyanate groups to hydroxy groups of about 1.13110
about 2:1, ssid prepolymer reaction proit temi-
‘ated with an aminoslane endcapper of the formu
‘ora mereaptosilane endeapper ofthe formu:
whersin R represents 8, 10 Cyy alkyl group, a group
having the formula —A’—Si(R (OR?) oF a
group having the formula —CH(COOR*)—CH,
(COR); A represents aC, 10 Co linear, branched
oreyelie alkylene group; represents CH orCH
aroup; R? represents, toC alkyl group; R? repre
sents, t0C; alkyl group: RrepesentsaC, t0C
alkyl group; and xis 0 oF or
ii)a prepolymer reaction product of at lest one dio
cyanate and at least one polyol with a mole ratio of
‘soeyanate groupsto hydroxy groups ofaboutO.5:1 10
about 09:1, said prepolymer reaction product termi
nated with an isoeyanatoslane endeapper ofthe for
wherein A® represents a C, to C, linear or branched
alkylene soup: R! represents CH, or Call rou
BY represents aC, oC! group; and xis or
b) the silae-terminsted monomer disocyanate compo:
nent comprises at least one monomeric disoevanate
fully reacted with an aminosilaneendeapper ofthe for
‘ora mereaptosilaneendeapper of the formals:
wherein R represents @ Cy 10 Cy alkyl group, 2 group
having the formula —A'—Si(R) (OR). ora group
having the formula —CH(COOR")—CHL{COOR*). A!
representsaC,10C, linear branchedoreyelialkylene
soup: R! represents CH orl gn00p;R? represents
4, to, aly group: R? represents a C, toC,, alkyl
‘group: represents aC, 10 alkyl group: and isOor
«)the optional trslane ortetrasilane component comprises
atleast one ofa polyether tsilane componeat, a poly=
‘eer tetraslane component, or alos molecular weight
silane adduct comprising at lest one of « tile
adduct ora terasilane adduct
A mulicomponent formulation is provide comprising
8) atleast one of
i) silane-erminatedpolytretane prepolymer compo-
‘nent comprising a prepolymer reaction product of a
least one disoeyanate and at last one polyol with a
ple ratio ofisoeyanate groups to hydony groups of
about 11:1 to about 2:1, sid prepolymer reaction
‘prodvet terminated with an aminoslane eneapper of
the formu:
‘ora mercaptosilane endeapper ofthe formula:
whetein R represent aC, tC,» ali group, a group
having the formula —A'—Si(R)(OR?},. OF &
soup having the formula —CH(COOR*) CH,
(COOR!); A" represents aC, t Co linear, branched
oreyelicaliylene group: Represents aC, orCl
soup, R? represents aC; toCgalhy] group: R? repre
sentsaC, toC; alkyl group; RrepresentsaC, toCyy
alkyl group: and xis Oo 1 0¢
iia siane-terminated polyurethane prepolymer compo-
‘nent comprising a prepolymer reaction product of a
least one disoeyanate and atleast one polyol with 2
mole rato ofisoeyanate groups to hydroxy groups of
about 0.5: to about 0.91, sid prepolymer reaction
proto terminate with an isoeyanatosilane endeap-
perof the fom:
ex A SiROR a
‘wherein A* represents a C, 10 C, linear oF branched
allylene group: R! represents CH, or Cero:
I represents; to Cally aroup: and xis or I:
b) atleast one monomeric disocyanate Tally reacted with
an aminosline endeapper ofthe formu:
‘ora mercaptosilane endcapper of the formula:
HS—A'SiR/ORUS 8,394,909 B2
‘wherein R represents a C, 10 Cyy alkyl group, a group
the formula —A'—Sif}) (OR), oF@ group
the formula —CH(COOR"} -CH,(COOR*); A!
represents aC, oC linear,branched or yeti alkylene
group; repesentsaCH,orCH group: represents
4, to Cy alkyl group: RY represents aC to C.s alkyl
soup: Represents, to alky group: and xs 00r
«) optionally at least one ofa polyether trsilane compo-
rent, a polyether tetraslane component, or a lw
‘molecular weight silane adduet comprising at eat one
ofa trsilan addct ora tetrasilane aoc
Wherein when components a,b, and optional e are com
bins, slane-terminated polyurethane reaction product i
formed that has tensile strength of about 4 MPs or erester
‘and an elongation of about 200% or greater.
A method for making a silne-terminated polywethane
‘composition is provided compris:
‘) providing a prepolymer component, monomeric com-
‘ponent, andoptonally at east one mltifnetionalom-
pone, wherein the prepolymer component comprises
silaneterminated polyurethane prepolymer, the mono-
‘meric component comprises aslane-terminated mono-
‘meric «isocyanate, and the optional multifunctional
component comprises atleast one ofa trslane or tt
‘silane component and
') combining the prepolymer component, the monomeric
ceamponent, and optionally the at east one multfane-
tional component to form asilane-erminated potyure-
‘thane reaction product;
Wherein the silane terminated polyurethane rection product
has a tensile strength of about 4 MPa or greater and an elon-
sation of about 200% or ereatr
FIG. 1 isa three dimensional representation of tensile
strength of ceria silane-terninated polyurethane reaction
products synthesized fom isoeyanate terminated prepoly-
mers of diseyanate and polyol wing a ratio of isocyanate
groups to hydroxy groups less than 2:1, blended with mono
meric dsoeyanates to increase the rato above 21
FIG. 2 a tree dimensional representation of elongation
percentage of censin silane-temminated polyurethane reac-
tion products synthesized from isocyanate terminated pre-
polymers of disoeyanate and polyol having a rato af socy-
nate groups to hydroxy groups les than 2:1, blended with
rmonomeri diseyanates to increase the rato above 2:1
FIG. 3is a graph showing the tnsile strength and elonga-
tion percentage fora silane-terminated polyurethane reaction
product according to ceriin embodimentsasa fusetion ofthe
‘weight percentage of polyether trsilane component.
FIG. 4s a graph showing the tensile strength ad elonga-
tion percentage fora silane-terminated polyurethane reaction
productaceording to ceriain embadimentsasa function ofthe
‘weight percentage of low molecular Weight tisilane compo-
A silane-lenminated polyurethane composition comprises
the rection product of silane-terminated polyurethane pre=
polymer component, asilane-ermnated monomeric disoey-
nate component, and optionally a tsilane or tetrasiane
‘Thesilaneterminated polyurethane composition may also
comprise the reaction product ofa ilne-trminate polyure-
thane prepolymer component, atleast one mnomeriediso-
cyanate filly rected with an aminosilane endeapper or &
mereaposilane endcappe, and optionally atleast one multi-
fanctional component selected from the group consisting of a
polyether tsilane component, a polyether tetrasilane com
ponent oF alow molecular weight silane adit comprising
atleast one ofa tsilan adduet or a tetasilane adet.
In certain emiboxtments, the silane-teminated polyure-
thane prepolymer component comprises a prepolymer reac-
tion product of atleast one disoeyanate and atleast one
polyol with a mole ratio of isoeyanate groups 10 hydroxy
ups of about 11:1 to about 2:1, wherein the prepolymer
reaction products terminated wit an aminoslaneendcapper
ofthe formula: RNH—A'—Si(R') (OR?),,.oramercap-
tosilne endcapper of the formula: HS—A'—Si(R),
(OR?) wherein R represents a C, 10 Cy alkyl group.
srouphaving the formula —A'—Si(")OR’)s.ora soup
having the formula —CH{COOR?}—CH(COOR*}:A'rep-
resents. aC, 10€, linear, branched or eyelc alkylene group:
Ri represents CH oF Calls group: R? represents aC, 10C,
alkyl group; R? represents 3, to Cy alkyl group; R* repre=
sents aC, to Cally grou and x sO
nother embodiments the silane-teminates polyurethane
prepolymer component comprises & prepolymer reaction
product of at last one diisocyanate and atleast one polyol
With a mole ratio of soeyanate groups to hydroxy proups of
shout 05:1 to about 0:1, wherein the prepolymer reaction
put is terminated with an fsoeyanatosianeendeapper of
the formula: OCN—A?—Si(R') (OR?) , wherein A? epre=
sents aC, oC linear or branched alkylene group: repre=
sents @ CH oF CH, group; R* represents @ C10 Cy alkyl
s1oup; and x is 0 or 1. The silane-trminated polyurethane
prepolymer component may'also comprise the above pre-
polymer reaction products teminated with a combination of
minosilane, mereaptoslane, and isoeyanatosilane endeap-
Generally, isceyaatoslanes are wed to endeap hydroxy
terminated prepolymers (i.e, having a mole rato of soevan-
ate groups tohydroxy groups (NCOVOH ratios) les than 1.0),
and aminosilanes or mercaptoslanes are used to endcap
NCO-teminated prepolymers (ie, NCOCOH ratios greater
than 1.0) and the diboeyanates
“The silane-terminstd polyurethane composition may f=
ther comprise the wation product of the silane-terminated
polyurethane prepolymer component and at eat one mono=
merc disoeyanate fly reacted with an aninosilane endeap-
per ofthe formula: R—NE—A'—Si(R)OR?)s. oramer-
ceposilane endcepper of the formula: HS—A'—Si(R!),
(OR?),.. wherein R represents a C, to Cy alkyl group, 3
roup having the formula —A'—Si(R)OR?)s,0ra group
having the formula —CH(COOR?}—CHCOOR’} A! rep-
resents C10 linear, branched or yelc alkylene group:
R' represents CH, oF C,H group; R? represents aC, 10C,
allyl group; R? represents aC, to Cs alkyl group; R* repre=
sents aC; to Cs alkyl group and xis or IUS 8,394,909 B2
In certain embodiments, the silane-terminated polyure-
thane composition comprises the reaction product of batt 70
to about 9S percent by Weight silane-terminated polyurethane
prepolymer and about to about 30 percent by weight silane-
terminated monomeric disoeyanae, optionally including up
to about 30 percent by weight trisilane oF etrasilane compo
nent, discussed in more desl below.
“The performance capabilites of the composition can be
‘expressed in terms of measured physical properties such a8 yo
tensile strength and elongation pereentage measured by’ a
standard test method suchas ASTMD412, Tensilestengthis
the force needed to totcha material until it breaks, Elonga-
tion percentage or elongation at break show much the mate-
rial suetches before it breaks, asa percentage of it original
“The polyol of the silane-ermiatod polyurethane prepay’
‘mer component may comprise a diol or higher funetionslity
polyol, and may be selected from the group consisting of 3,
polyether polyols, polyester polyols, and combinations
For ilustation purposes but not by way of limitation, the
polyol may be selected from the group consisting of polypro-
pylene glycols, polytetramethylene glycols polyoxyalkylene
diols and tiols, polycaprolactone diols and trols, and com-
binations thereof.
Polyoxyaldylene polyols include polyethers prepared by
the copolymerization of eyeic ethers selected fom the group
‘consisting of ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, trimethylene
‘oxide, teeahydrofuran, and mixtures ofthese eyelic eters
‘with aliphatic polyols selected from the group consisting of|
celhylene glycol, 1 3-butanedio, diethylene glyco, dipeopy-
lene glyco, 1.2-propylene glyco, 13-propylene glycol, 1 4-
butylene glycol, and mixtures ofthese aliphatic polyols. Rep-
resentative polyoxyalkylene polyols include the described
polyethers, polyethylene glycols, polypropylene glycols,
polytevamethylene glycols and mixtures there,
Representative examples of polyols include Voranol™
220-028 and Voranol™ 220-056N (available from Dow
‘Chemical Company. Midland, Mich) as well as Aeclaim™
4200, Acclaim™ 6300, Acclaim™ $200 and Acclaim™
12200 (avilable from Bayer Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa).
In certain embodiments, the polyol ofthe silane-temni-
nated polyurethane prepolymer component has a molecular
‘weight in the range of about $00 to about 20000, In ater
‘embodiments, the polyol asa molecular weight in the range
‘of about 4000 to about 12000. In another embodiment, the
polyol comprises polypropylene glycol witha mumberaver-
age molecular weight inthe range of about 4000 to about
12000, and the polypropylene glycol has a degree of unsat-
uration of fess than about 0.04 meq/g. The molecular weight
is either a calculated molecular weight, ic. the sum of the
‘atomic weights of the atoms making up the material o the
molecular weight is 8 number average molecular weight
determined based on ead group analysis or measurement of
colligative properties by ebulliometry, eryoscopy, or meni-
brane osmomeny
For illustration purposes but not by way of imitation, each
lisoeyanate reactant may be selected from the group consist-
ing of hexamethylene disocyanate (HDI), 44liphenyl-
metne isocyanate (MDI), 24-diphenylmethane disoey-
nate, blends of 44-diphenylmethane diisoeyanste (MDI)
Wwith2.4-iphenylmethane disoeyanate,24-oluene disoey-
nate (TDD, 2,toluene disoeyanste, blends of 2.4-toluene
diisoeyaate (TDI) with 2,olene disoeyanate, 1-s0ey-
(PDD, cieyclohexyimethane-4.4-isocyanate, and combi-
nations thereof. In one embodiment, the disoeyanate com
prises a blend of 4,4-Si(R'}) (OR"),,5
‘atleast one of
i) RX (NHR), oF (870), (R),Si—A' ANH, and
i) at east one ot
SiR OR hs,
i) (0), (RY,Si—A NH and
ipa disocyanate;
.0)3) polyeber tami andi) at hast one of
fat least one of:
i dietiylenetiamine or tretiylenetetramine, and i) at
least one of
wom, «fc.
wherein A? represents a C, 10 Cy linear, or branched
alkylene group: A® represents'2 C, 10 Cy Hiear,
branched or eylic alkylene sroup optionally iter-
‘ped with one or more ether oxygen atoms; R? ep-
resents a branched aliphatic hydrocarbon residue, a
branched aiphiic ether reside, or an alky-substi-
tuted isocyanurate residue; R® represents Hora CH,
group: R7 repesenis Ha C, 10 Cy allyl group, a
group having the formula —A'—Si(R) (OR), oF
4 group having the formula —CH(COOR") Ci,
(COR); A represents aC, 1 Co linear, branched
oreyelicaliylene group; RrepresentsaC,orCH,
aroup: R? represents aC, to alkyl group: R?repre=
sentsaC,t0C; alkyl group; RrepresentsaC, toy
alkyl group; xis Oor Isandy is 3 or 4
18. The multicomponent formulation of claim 14, wherein
thea east one polyol isselete from the group consisting of
polyether polyols, polyester polyols, and combinations
19. The mullcomponen formulation of sim 14, wherein
teat est one polyols selected from he proup consistingof
polypropylene alycols, polytetrametbylene glycols polyoxy-
alkylene diols and trols, polyeaprlactone diols and trols,
and combinations there:
20. Te multicomponent formulation of claim 14, wherein
2 theat least one polyol is selected rom the group consisting of|
polyethylene glycols, polypropylene glycols, poyterameth-
lene alyeos, polyethers prepared hy the copolymediztion
ofeycic ethers selected fom he group consisting of ethylene
oxide, propylene oxide, rimethylene oxide tay ofan,
and mixtues of these eyelc ethers, with aliphatic pools
select from the group consisting ofeylene glycol, 13-
butanediol diethylene gol, dipopylene glycol 1,2-propy~
Jone glyol, 13-prpylene geo, 1 4-buylene aljeo, and
mixtures ofthese polyols, ad combinations selected fem
this group of alyeos and polyester.
21. The mltcomponen formulation of sim 14, wherein
cach isocyanate is selected fom the group consisting of
hexametbylene disocyanste (HDI), 44iphenylmethane
isocyanate (MD), 2,4-dphenslnethane disoeyanate
Blends of 44