Network Capacity
Network Capacity
Network Capacity
For the session-type service, requirement on end-to-end delay is strict. For example, for the
voice service, the delay is required to be smaller than 150ms, and must not exceed 400ms,
otherwise, it will be difficult to understand the voice. The session-type services are typically
carried by the CS domain. For the session-type services, the system can perform no queue
processing for the calls. In this case, we can use the Erlang B formula or the extended Erlang
B formula to calculate.
Compared with the session-type service, the stream-type service imposes low requirement
on the end-to-end delay. Generally, the stream-type service tolerates the call waiting to a
greater extent, and can provide the call queue mechanism. In this case, we can use the
Erlang C formula to calculate the blocking probability of this type of users (defined as the
probability of the call waiting for a specified time).
Interaction-type service refers to the service through which the user requests data from the
server. The service is described with the terminal user’s request response pattern. Therefore,
round-trip delay is the most important index of this service type. The interaction-type
services are typically carried on the CS domain. The background-service tolerates delay to
the greatest extent, and can tolerate the delay of a magnitude of an hour. Due to such great
delay tolerance, the system can save such requests in the busy hour, and respond when the
channel becomes idle; meanwhile, for such services, once a request with higher QoS comes
in, the processing can be stopped at any time. The system decides startup and termination
at any time, the above formulas—Erlang B formula and Erlang C formula are not applicable.
Generally, according to the difference between the maximum number of channels and the
busy-hour average occupied channels, we can calculate the traffic of the background-type
service. The users of traffic-type services also tolerate the call waiting to some extent. The
system provides a queue mechanism, and uses the Erlang C formula to calculate the
blocking rate.
Confidential Information of Huawei. No Spreading Without Permission
WCDMA Radio Network Capacity Planning N-6
Service pattern is a means of researching the capacity features of each service type
and the QoS expected by the users who are using the service from perspective of
data transmission. In the actual application, service pattern is closely related to, and
sometimes is no strictly different from, the traffic measurement model.
In the data application, the user behaviour research mainly forecasts the service
types available from the 3G, the number of users of each service type, frequency of
using the service, and the distribution of users in different regions
For each service, since the channel structure and demodulation method are different,
the required uplink rate is different from the required downlink rate even for the
same service type and the same data rate. For a typical service, we first need to
identify whether it is uplink or downlink rate. A typical service can be described by
the following parameters:
The above parameters ultimately determine the QoS requirements of the service.
Penetration rate: The percentage of the users that activates this service to all the
users registered in the network.
Activity Factor: The weight of the time of service full-rate transmission among the
duration of a single session.
(Erl) For CS service, mean busy-hour traffic (Erlang) per user = BHCA * mean call
duration /3600 (Erl)
(kbps) Mean busy-hour throughput per user = BHCA * mean call duration * activity
factor * mean rate of service*1000/3600 (kbps)
The most frequently used model is the packet service session process model
described in ETSI UMTS30.03.
The service pattern-related parameters in the traffic model include: these parameters
commonly determine the pattern of one session.
We identify the service types through the different values of the parameters.
We have determined the traffic model parameters. The linchpin is to determine such
parameter values. The parameter value varies between different services. Pareto
General standard probability distributions include: logarithmic normal distribution,
Pareto distribution, geometrical distribution, and negative exponent distribution.
The country, region, life custom and economic level will affect the service
distribution. In the planning, we divide the users into high-end users, mid-end users
and low-end users, and believe that the BHSA and penetration rate are different
between different types of user groups. Currently, we can only use the existing
analysis to make prediction. In the future, the progress of the construction of the
WCDMA pilot system will provide us with reference.
Penetration Rate: The percentage of the users that activate this service to all the
users registered in the network. It varies between different service types, user types,
and operators. More importantly, it is related to the penetration rate and time. With
the elapse of time, the penetration rate will increase gradually.
BHSA: Times of the single-user busy hour sessions of the service. It varies between
service types and user types.
User Distribution (High, Medium, Low end): The users are divided into high-end, mid-
end and low-end users according to the ARPU. Different operators and different
application situations will have different user distributions.
In the PS service, when calculating the data transmission time, the retransmission
caused by erroneous blocks should be considered. Suppose the data volume of
service source is N, the air interface block error rate is BLER, the total required data
volume to be transmitted via the air interface is
N N * BLER N * BLER 2 N * BLER 3 N * BLER n
Interference is the main factor that decides the system performance of the cellular
system. The interference in a cellular system consists of two parts: co-frequency and
adjacent frequency interference. All users in the WCDMA system use the same band.
All the users are different by modulating the respective signal to the code sequences
that are mutually orthogonal. Therefore, the receiving signal is the sum of all user
signals and the channel noise.
I other : Interference from the users of adjacent cells
PN : Noise floor of the receiver
Nth = 10log(K*T*W)=-108dBm/3.84MHz
Activity Factor: The weight of the time of service full-rate transmission among the
duration of a single session. Which is defined by the following formula:
DataTransm issionTime
ActiveFact or
HoldingTim e
For omni cell, the typical value of adjacent cell interference factor is 0.55
For the 3-sector directional cell, the typical value of adjacent cell interference
factor is 0.65
When the uplink load factor is 1,I TOT is infinite, and the corresponding capacity is
called “threshold capacity”.
The users in the soft handover state generates the interference which is
slightly less than that generated by ordinary users.
AMRC reduces the voice service rate of some users, and makes them
generate less interference, and make the system support more users. (But call
quality of such users will be deteriorated)
Different services have different data rates and demodulation thresholds. So,
we should use the previous methods for analysis, but it will complicate the
calculation process.
The power control commands of the actual system have certain error codes
so that the power control process is not ideal, and reduces the system
Assume that the users are distributed evenly, and the adjacent cell interference is
I other : Interference from downlink signal of adjacent cells
PN : Noise floor of the receiver
Nth = 10log(K*T*W)=-108dBm/3.84MHz
Compared to the uplink load equation, the most important new parameter is ,
which represents the non-orthogonality factor in the downlink. WCDMA employs
orthogonal codes in the downlink to separate users, and without any multi-path
propagation the orthogonality remains when the base station signal is received by
the mobile. However, if there is sufficient delay spread in the radio channel, the
mobile will see part of the base station signal as multiple access interference. The
orthogonality of 1 corresponds to perfectly orthogonal users. Typically, the non-
orthogonality is between 0.1 and 0.6 in multi-path channels.
Therefore: Pj
10 CL / 10 is the useful power received by user j
( f ) DL _ Total Pmax
10 CL / 10
is the interference from own cell and adjacent cell,
and it includes Iown and Iother
10 PN /10
is the noise floor of UE
Confidential Information of Huawei. No Spreading Without Permission
WCDMA Radio Network Capacity Planning N-37
j is the activity factor.
The downlink load factor are defined in the transmitter side (NodeB).
For UL, the load per connection of R99 is calculated by the following formula:
j 1 f L j 1 f
1 W 1
1 EbvsNo Avg _ j
Rj j
For DL, the load per connection of R99 is calculated by the following formula:
( Eb / No ) j
PTX 10 ( CL PN ) / 10
10 j10
( f )
Pi Pmax PTX
Pmax W / Rj
j f UL UL
Typical Value: ( for AMR 12.2k is 0.67, is0.65, is 50%, is 75%, load
of CCH is 20%, Channel model is TU3, DL CL is 135dB, is 0.5, NodeB max
transmission power is 43dBm)
Load per User Uplink Downlink
AMR12.2k 1.19% 1.05%
CS64k 4.99% 5.81%
PS64k 4.77% 4.11%
PS128k 8.69% 8.03%
The GSM capacity is decided by the number of carriers, it is hard capacity. But
WCDMA capacity is related to interference, coverage, channel condition, it is soft
Single service
Multidimensional ErlangB is a public algorithm. Now Huawei selects it. Operators can use different
algorithm to calculate the load.
The left graph describes all the states (blue dots) that satisfies: n1*b1+n2*b2<=C
The red dots in the central graph describe the blocking states for service 1, that
means in these red states, service 1 cannot access the network.
The red dots in the right graph describe the blocking states for service 2, that means
in these red states, service 2 cannot access the network.
ErlangB allocate the resource according to the peak load of each service. Different
service are separate, they cannot share the resource.
MDE considers the probability that different service reach the peak load at the same
time is very low, then the services can share the same resource, and decrease the
resource requirement.
Best effort means that the packet service can utilize the resource that is available. PS
service can be considered as BE service.
Retransmission of PS = BLER/(1-BLER)
PS traffic burst is a method to ensure the QoS, it is obtained from simulation based
on time delay requirement.
For the total average load, the result is the sum of AverageLoad for different
For the total peak load, we should calculate it by MDE. The result is lower
than the sum of PeakLoad for different service, Because it
The difference between UL and DL is: DL should consider the soft handover, but UL
doesn’t need.
the maximum data rate is limited by the available power, available codes
resource and UE capacity
During the HSDPA capacity dimensioning procedure, we know the Cell Coverage
Radius (obtained from the coverage planning) and Cell Average Throughput
(obtained from the traffic model), and we want to get the HSDPA Power Allocation
based on simulation.
Base on this capacity dimensioning result, we can check whether the cell load of the
network is beyond the network target. If it is, we should adjust the cell radius.
Due the technical features of the WCDMA, compared with the 2G systems such as
GSM, the RNC and Node B present enormous capacity. For example, for the fully
configured NodeB, the number of channels of one carrier is 128, which is more than
10 times of that supported by a TRX of GSM. One uplink processing unit of our
NODEB has the processing capacity of 128 12.2kbps voice channels. One 3*1
WCDMA BTS is equivalent to the GSM sites of one S10/10/10. At the beginning of
the WCDMA network construction, so high a capacity is not a necessity, and only a
portion of it is required (e.g., 10%). If we offer the quotation based on the
maximum hardware channel capacity of TRX like the GSM, it will make the
operators incur enormous cost and mismatch the user quantity. To reduce the initial
investment, the operator is bound to pay the equipment price to the supplier
according to the actual use capacity, and, subsequently, pay more equipment prices
with the increase of the user quantity. This way, the operator will reduce the initial
investment and mitigate the risks.
Board Number of Cells UL CE Number DL CE Number
WBBP Board : the WCDMA Baseband Process Unit, which processes baseband
signals.WBBPa 3 128 256
WBBPb1 3 64 64
WBBPb2 3 128 128
WBBPb3 6 256 256
WBBPb4 6 384 384
Softer HO CE: 3900 series NodeB doesn’t need extra CE resource, but 3800 series
NodeB needs extra CE resource
HSUPA shares CE resource with R99 services: that means the HSUPA E-DCH shares CE
resource with R99 services
The mapping relationship of Channel Elements consumption for each bearer is based
on Uplink 2-way diversity
AMR12.2k 2
CS64k 4
PS64k 4
PS128k 8
PS384k 16
Detailed and recently updated data should be referred to the newest issued notice of
"UMTS RAN Product Specificaiton".
HSDPA channels doesn’t occupy R99 CE resource, but we should calculate the A-DCH CE.
HSDPA Traffic:
HS-DSCH and HS-SCCH does not affect base band capacity for R99 services.
HS-DPCCH doesnot consume any R99 Channel Element since its base band
resource is reserved in BBU module.
In this case, the R99 traffic model includes the traffic of HSDPA UL A-DCH. That
means 50kbits for UL PS64k includes the R99 UL DCH and HSDPA UL A-DCH.
In this case, the R99 traffic model includes the traffic of HSDPA UL A-DCH, therefore
it is no need to calculate the HSDPA UL CE
For the HSDPA DL A-DCH CE, strictly speaking, it can perform soft handover. But
usually the CE requirement is low, so in Huawei strategy, the soft handover is not
Except for user data frames, there are some FP control frames in IUB user plane.
Examples: Timing Adjustment, UL Synchronization, UL Node Synchronization, Capacity
Allocation; DL Synchronization, DL Node Synchronization, Outer Loop PC, Radio
Interface Parameter Update, TNL Congestion Indication, Capacity Request
Protocol layer processing efficiency include RLC layer efficiency, FP efficiency, ALL2
efficiency, ATM efficiency, E1 efficiency, and so on
IUB Transport Type : ATM Over E1/T1、IP Over E1/T1)、IP Over Ethernet
Only in very few conditions, all services reach peak rate at the same time, so MDE
Algorithm is suitable choice for multi services IUB Bandwidth dimensioning
PS IUB Bandwidth Dimensioning must consider the Data Retransmission, the factor
is Retransmission Ratio, Retransmission Ratio = BLER/(1-BLER)
PS IUB Bandwidth Dimensioning consider Burst together with Delay, we can get
Burst Ratio by simulation
Referred to the input for PS, DL throughput are far higher than UL Throughput, so
we estimate PS IUB bandwidth based on DL input
Referred to the input for PS, DL throughput are far higher than UL Throughput, so
we estimate PS IUB bandwidth based on DL input
Referred to the input for HSPA, DL throughput are far higher than UL Throughput,
so we estimate HSPA IUB bandwidth based on HSDPA input