The Last Reformation
The Last Reformation
The Last Reformation
For years, I have sat in the pew Sunday aer Sunday and
thought to myself, “Wow! What a good and relevant sermon!”
Nevertheless, all of these hundreds of Sunday sermons have
not made me a disciple in everyday life! Shocking, but true!
Torben’s book is a must read for anyone who has become dis-
satisfied with the way church is happening today in many parts
of the world. Its pyramid system of leadership closes the door
to all but a select few while everyone else pays their tithes into
the storehouse, then sits and listens obediently. e abuses and
control tactics (to keep us and our money), and the watered-
down messages to please the “seekers” must change if we are
to become the vibrant and powerful disciples who are carrying
on His work and making disciples in all the nations, as Jesus
charged us with doing. Let the reformation begin!
“Sound Doctrine”
“Christian, Disciple, or Slave”
“Life as a Christian”
“Complete the Race”
“Deceived?” (Booklet)
“e Twisted Race” (Booklet)
Back to the New Testament model of discipleship
by Torben Søndergaard
Unless otherwise specified, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, Modern
King James Version, Copyright © 1962 - 1998 By Jay P. Green, Sr. Used by permission
of the copyright holder.
Copyright © 2013 by Torben Søndergaard
All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for com-
mercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying
for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be
granted on request.
Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-938526-42-8
ePub (iPad, Nook): ISBN: 978-1-938526-43-5
Mobi (Kindle): ISBN: 978-1-938526-44-2
P. O. Box 894
Locust Grove, GA 30248 USA
This book may be purchased in paperback from
and other retailers around the world. Also available in eBook format for electronic
readers from their respective stores.
anks to
Sam Blakeley, John van Wendel de Joode,
Scott Galbraith, Ronald Gabrielsen, and others who have
helped to get this book published in english.
you are a blessing.
— Torben Søndergaard
roughout this book, the words “fellowship” and “church”
are used as having two different meanings.
e word “fellowship” is used primarily for a gathering of
believers who have no formal church building or structure and
are led exclusively by the holy Spirit and the Word of God.
e word “church,” when used of a gathering, refers to
traditional “organized religion,” with a formal church building,
assigned leadership structure, a congregation of listeners, etc.
Simply said, a “church” is with a building, and a “fellowship”
is without a building. It does not always work out that way, but
the context will make the meaning clear.
In the same way, if a reference to church does not say “state
church,” it is referring primarily to evangelical or “free” churches.
References to the “West” or “Western churches” are referring
to both european and American churches.
Bible quotations are from the Modern King James Version of
the Bible.
INTRoDUCTIoN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
W e have had the chance to get to know Torben Søndergaard
and see him in action. What we have seen is God’s kingdom
being preached, people being saved, set free, healed,
baptized, and filled with the holy Spirit the way we read about in Acts
—and the way it even happens today in many countries and many
places where the gospel is being preached in the power of the Spirit.
Torben has a passion for the salvation of people and for the
fellowship. People who get saved are quickly introduced into an active
discipleship program and into varying fellowships. New Christians
quickly begin practicing Jesus’ life in word and deed, which in turn
leads to others coming to faith in him.
Torben has studied church history and the Bible, especially Acts,
in order to find biblical principles that are applicable to reaching out
to people. In this book, he describes his own journey, from which we
can all learn something. e training of disciples is a subject that is in
focus throughout the whole book, and Torben shows by many
examples how we can best train disciples.
Most Christians, us included, have inherited a way to have fellow -
ship and be disciples. Torben challenges us to question this, using
examples from the Bible and from church history. is book is
challenging and sharp, but we all want to see more people believing in
Jesus, disciples being trained and fellowships growing stronger and
for God’s kingdom and for people’s salvation!
— Charles Kridiotis and Mattias Nordenberg
A German researcher, Christian Schwarz, looking into church
growth, says that many things are indicating that we are living
in a time when we are going to see a third reformation.
e first reformation took place in the fieenth century when
Martin Luther opposed the Catholic Church and its teaching. he
revived the very essence of the Gospel, namely justification by faith
alone. one might say that this reformation concerned theology. If you
look at the structure of the Lutheran Church today, which is the “state
church” in Denmark, you will see that it resembles the structure of the
Catholic Church to a great extent. is is because Martin Luther did
not introduce very much change to the structure itself.
e second reformation took place in the eighteenth century around
the time of the ministry of the Wesley brothers’ activities. In this
reformation, personal intimacy with Christ was rediscovered. is was
mainly a spiritual reformation; a reformation in which the passionate
love for one’s personal Savior was cherished. It resulted in a passion for
missions and evangelism. however, once again, the structure itself—
the framework of the church and the service—did not change very
much. It was, again, like putting a new patch on old clothes.
If you look back through history, you will see that none of the
revivals of the past have seriously done anything about the church
structure. What we really need is a new and radical reformation, a third
reformation that, as Christian Schwarz and many others think, is going
to transform our whole church structure.
e third reformation is not just about small changes here and there.
No, it is a reformation that goes so deep that it requires a complete new
start. I absolutely agree with Christian Schwarz, Wolfgang Simson, and
others who speak out on this subject. What I am about to present in this
book is definitely not just my own opinion. Many good books have
already been written about this topic, but a large number of them go
into such depth that the reader needs a special interest in church history
and its structure in order to be able to read them. If that background
and training are lacking, then it might be a little difficult to go through
them. erefore, I will not be going into such depths in this book as
many others have done. Instead, I want to give the reader a taste of what
God is going to do, a taste of the future of the church. Although I am
not presenting anything new, it will still be new to most people. It seems
that this message has not yet had as much of a breakthrough in
Scandinavia and europe as it has in many other places in the world. I
hope, therefore, that this book will help to start a reformation in you,
the reader, and that aer reading it, you will start to examine the Bible
more deeply for yourself to see what it has to say about these things.
I know God wants something new to happen. I also know that this
reformation is necessary. yet, despite the fact that I am so absolutely
convinced about the things I am writing, I am still writing it with great
fear and trembling because I know this will not be easily accepted.
We are all still glad today for the reformation that Martin Luther
introduced. yes, aer five hundred years, we think how fantastic that
Reformation was and have an almost idyllic understanding of what
really happened. We imagine how Luther stood by the church in
Wittenberg on october 31, 1517, and quietly and peacefully nailed his
Ninety-Five eses to the door while people were standing behind him
applauding. yes, it was beautiful, and it laid the foundation for the
Reformation, which we are happy for today.
We forget about many things, however. We forget that this reforma -
tion was not accepted so easily. It created great opposition, resulting in
Luther’s books being burned and him being accused of having been
sent by the devil to wage war with God’s church. We forget that it led
PRefACe: The ThIRD RefoRMATIoN 13
to violent fights in which thousands of men, women, and children were
killed. We forget that the church of that time did not want the reforma -
tion, and they did everything to fight it. you might be thinking now:
Yes, but that was the Catholic Church. here is my response: Yes, it was
the Catholic Church, but it was still the church. Today, another church
denomination will try to fight what God wants. Why do we think it
will be any different today? I am not saying that we will see thousands
killed, but why should we think that everything will go smoothly,
without divisions, and without being accused of working against God
and trying to destroy the church?
e truth is, we need to see this reformation, and it is not going to
go smoothly! We are going to be accused of destroying the church. We
are going to experience the opposition of many Christians who will be
against what we are aiming at. We are going to be accused of having
been deceived and of being dangerous. We know, however, that what
we are doing is for the church and for God because we have seen
something that God wants to happen.
Why did the church turn against Martin Luther? Was it because
his words were opposed to the Word of God? No, that was not the
reason. for the church, it was not a matter of what the Bible said, but
of something completely different. Martin Luther’s teaching opposed
a system based on finances, power, and control. We can say that this is
also relevant today. People will oppose it today as well, not because it
is unbiblical, but because it will destroy the system they have helped
to build. finances, power, and control still matter a lot to the church
leaders today. is is not because pastors do not want to serve God and
do not want to do the right thing. It is mostly due to the fact that they
either cannot see it or that they have much to lose that makes it hard
for them to go in this direction. When they see others abandoning their
system, they will fight it because that is how they lose their members
and, together with them, the money that keeps the system running.
We will look at this more closely in this book.
Let’s read what Jesus did and said:
Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to
Jerusalem. And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and
sheep and doves, and the moneychangers doing business. When He
had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with
the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and
overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, “Take
these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of
merchandise!” en His disciples remembered that it was written,
“Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.” (John 2:13-17)
God does not live in a temple built of stone. he lives in us—
Christians, his disciples. however, if Jesus walked upon the earth today
and saw what was happening, he would react in the very same way. he
would not sit back, like we do, and tolerate it.
“Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at
all, but rather division. For from now on five in one house will be
divided: three against two, and two against three. Father will be
divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter
and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-
in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law … Yes, and
why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right?” (Luke 12:51-
53, 57)
Jesus is zealous for God’s church on earth. Do we have the same zeal
today? Jesus said there would be a price to pay if we followed him. Are
we willing to pay that price? It will cause division, and some Christians
will fight it because it seems to be something that will destroy the
church. I can honestly say on my behalf that I have absolutely no intent
of destroying God’s church by publishing this book. I am not doing this
because I am against the church. I love the church, and, because of that
love, I want to rescue it. I love God’s people, and I love God, and that is
why I do what I do. e only difference is that my view of what God
intended his church to be is different from that of many other people.
Aer the Reformation with Martin Luther, God began to use
various revivals in order to reveal to the church lost truths from his
Word, truths that have existed from the day of Pentecost but that had
mostly been abandoned by the fih century. roughout the Middle
Ages, they were preserved only by small groups of believers here and
there. ere have been many revivals in history, and each one of these
PRefACe: The ThIRD RefoRMATIoN 15
has reintroduced a truth, e.g., “justification by faith” brought by Luther.
By looking at these revivals, we can see clearly that, every time, it has
brought the church closer and closer to what the first church was that
we read about in the Bible.
It did not stop with Martin Luther and the Reformation. Aerward
came the Baptist revival, where God again revealed the “biblical baptism
of believers” (full immersion based on one’s personal faith). Later, the
Methodist revival occurred, where the truth about “justification by faith”
was revealed in a new way. en there was the Adventist revival with
“the hope of Jesus’ second coming.”
e next revivals renewed the focus on “baptism with the holy
Spirit” and the “gis of the Spirit.” e last big revival took place in
Wales with evan Roberts. is revival dealt with a renewal of the
“five-fold ministry.” e offices of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor,
and teacher being given to the church by God received a new focus. To
a large extent, they had become lost as a result of the Synod in 325 A.D.,
where they started to rebuild the church according to the structure of
the Roman empire, with the pope, bishops, priests, monks, and nuns,
who later, through Protestantism, became replaced with pastors,
bishops, and the board of elders.
As a consequence of all these revivals in which God has renewed
truths from his Word, we have today various denominations, such as the
Lutheran Church, Methodists, Adventists, the Pentecostal movement,
and the Apostolic Church. All these revivals have been important, as
they have brought a new understanding of lost truths. None of these
revivals, however, dealt with the “structure” of the church. Again, the
effect was the same as when you sow a new patch on old clothes.
Jesus is coming back very soon, and I am convinced that we are the
ones who will see his return. Before his coming, he wants to prepare
his church like a bride who is being prepared to meet her bridegroom.
When we look at these revivals, it seems like the only thing we still lack
is a reformation of the structure of the church. It has never been God’s
intention for these revealed truths to result in independent church
denominations that, aer a while, quench the fire of revival. God did
not intend to create separate churches and denomina tions with their
own “little” truth, while ignoring the other parts and, thus, hindering
their members from gaining the whole truth.
Justification by faith is important, and it is the beginning of a new
life in Christ, but aer justification, there is a life to live in order to follow
Jesus. In this life, we need to be baptized in water to bury our old sin
nature and to rise to live in resurrection life in Christ. We also need
justification by faith because Jesus did not die “just” to forgive us of our
sins but also to break the power of sin, so that, in faith, we can live the
holy life to which God has called us. In addition, we need the baptism
of the holy Spirit, among other things, in order to be able to live as
disciples and followers of Jesus Christ and see the church grow.
our starting point is not Martin Luther and the Reforma tion, nor
is it one of the other revivals. each of them only managed to present a
small part of God’s truth. our starting point is the Word of God, the
Bible, and Jesus Christ because, in him, we have everything we need
for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). is is also relevant when we look
at the structure of the church.
I believe that we are coming close to the third reformation, but I
also believe that this will be the last reformation before Jesus comes
back. is is a reformation where God is going to put together all the
pieces and prepare the church to meet her Bridegroom.
So, let the reformation begin.
—Torben Søndergaard
S ome time ago, I wrote another book titled Christian, Disciple,
or Slave. It is a journey back into the lifestyles of the first
Christians. We took a particularly close look at what Jesus said
in regard to following him. In addition to that, we looked at the other
names given to the first Christians, primarily “disciples” but also
“Christ’s slaves,” as it actually appears many times in the original
language. We discussed why it is important to dare to read the Bible as
it is instead of constantly interpreting it according to what we see
happening around us today.
e problem is that when we read in the Bible about following
Jesus, we oen look around us and think it is impossible and that it
must be different today. It seems that, today, one does not need to
sacrifice everything in order to follow Christ. is is at least what we
oen see and hear in our churches. We interpret the Bible according
to our circumstances, experiences, and culture, which can be very
dangerous. It can result in a situation where the blind are leading the
blind. at is why it is so important that we let the Bible transform our
understanding and not the other way around.
In my book, Christian, Disciple, or Slave, I presented a thought
experiment, aer which I asked a question: If it was you, how do you
think you would live? Do you think you would live like most Christians
do today?
Try to imagine that there is not even one single Christian in the
whole world. ere are no churches, no Christian books, no Christian
TV, or no Christian newspapers. ere is nothing that directly has
anything to do with Christianity, except for one Bible. one day, some -
one finds this Bible. he has never seen it before, nor has he heard
about the Bible, Jesus, or Christianity, but soon he starts to read
through the book.
he starts with the old Testament about how it all began and how
the land of Israel came into existence. he reads how God works with
his people, and he gets a clear picture of God as holy and righteous.
he reads about a God Who can get angry, but Who is also merciful
and patient. A God Who has great love for his people. A God Who
would one day send us all a Savior, which is the red thread throughout
the old Testament. When he gets to the end of the old Testament, he
already has an impression of what God is like and how he acts.
he continues by reading the New Testament where he sees the
Savior that God had promised. he begins by reading the four Gospels
that talk about how Jesus Christ went around preaching the gospel and
healing the sick. Page aer page, he reads how Jesus preached that
people should repent and believe in the gospel, that everyone who
wants to inherit the Kingdom of God should take up their cross and
follow him, and all the other radical things he said and did. e
Gospels tell him how Jesus took his disciples and then sent them out
to preach the gospel and heal the sick. he reads how Jesus was loved
by some and hated by others. he reads how Jesus gave himself on the
cross for all of us and how, through his death and resurrection, he
conquered death. everything put together gives him a really good
understanding of who Jesus was and what he preached.
he continues forward by reading Acts, where he sees that aer
Jesus’ resurrection, he came and said that those who believed in him
would receive power from above when the holy Spirit would come
upon them. en he reads about how it actually happened.
ChAPTeR 1: A ThoUGhT exPeRIMeNT 19
As he reads through Acts, he starts to understand how the first
Christians lived. It was a life with a lot of opposition and persecution
where it cost everything to follow Jesus. It was a supernatural life in
fellowship with God and each other.
Aer Acts, he moves on to the Book of Romans. In the first four
chapters, he reads that we have all sinned and gone far away from God.
he goes to chapter five, which describes Jesus as the “new Adam” who
forgives us and reconciles us with God. Chapters six through eight say
that, in Christ, there is freedom from sin and that this freedom comes
when one gets baptized and walks in obedience to the Spirit instead of
the flesh.
Aer that, he comes to chapters nine and ten that explain how we
can get saved by making Jesus our Lord. When he reads this, he bows
his knees and asks Jesus to come and save him and to become his Lord.
en he immediately experiences the new birth the Bible talks about,
salvation in Christ, and he soon gets baptized in the holy Spirit, which
one can read about over and over again in Acts. As he is sitting there
on his knees, born again, he can feel a difference on the inside. he now
knows that he has been forgiven and that what is written in the Bible is
true because he has experienced it himself and has the inner witness.
he gets up, deter mined to follow Jesus completely, and starts by
baptizing himself because there is no one else to do it. from that
moment on, he begins to live as a disciple based on what he reads in the
Bible. he also sees others repenting and starting to follow Jesus. Aer
some time, he and the other believers plant many churches around.
the Spirit to guide them?
e truth is that their church would be very different from what
the church looks like today. e problem nowadays is that a lot of what
we do in church is not based on the Bible but on “Christian traditions,”
as well as paganism and national culture. I placed “Christian traditions”
in quotes because many of the “Christian” traditions today actually
come from Judaism and the old Testament.
When we talk about culture, there is a need to distinguish between
the different aspects of that culture, even though it can be difficult.
ere is the aspect of culture within the church that I call “church
culture.” ere are also national cultures that differ from country to
country and from one ethnic group to another. We cannot now say for
sure how they would form a church in the story I made up because it
would certainly depend on the national culture they came from. If they,
for example, came from a culture with strong family bonds, where they
live together for many generations, it would influence their church in
a different way than if they came from a culture that resembles the
Danish one, where one does not always put so much emphasis on the
family and family life.
The story does tell us one important thing about them, however.
ey would not have experienced any church culture and, therefore,
would look for patterns in the Bible. is is contrary to our times, where
a lot of what we do is based on traditions and church culture. at is why
I know that their church would be much different from what we see in
the Western world today. Much of what we do in the church today cannot
be justified by examples from the Bible, but is based solely on church
culture and traditions.
It is important that we try to distinguish between our national
culture and the church culture. e national culture deter mines who
we are as a people, regardless of whether one is a believer or not.
erefore, except for that which is unbiblical, there is no need to
change the national culture. It, rather, is a strength to be able to relate
effectively to unbelievers in our countries. e church culture, however,
is a different story altogether.
Much of what the church is being built on today is based neither
on the national culture nor on biblical teaching. Much of it is actually
ChAPTeR 1: A ThoUGhT exPeRIMeNT 21
based on paganism and a church culture that goes back to the fourth
century, a culture that already had changed from what Jesus repre -
sented and the way the first church lived for a few hundred years.
We do not need to impose our church culture on people in order
to make them “proper Christians.” Rather, when we remove today’s
church culture, we will see that people are more open to God. Most of
them indicate they are willing to accept Jesus but reject the church as
it is in many places. Let us, therefore, try to leave our church culture
and the pagan traditions behind and see what the Bible has to say.
W e will start by looking at the purpose of the church. When
I look at churches in the West, I can see that they need to
be refreshed.
I want to ask you some questions. What is the purpose of the church?
Is it having a large congregation? yes, of course, we want lots of people
in the church, but did Jesus focus on gathering as many as possible, or
did he emphasize something else? We see repeatedly that Jesus was
never busy with the crowds. he did not leave a big church aer three
years of ministry here on earth, although he would surely have been
able to get a huge church if he had wanted to. No, Jesus did not focus
on the number of people. Jesus wanted people who were willing to
follow him and whom he could use to build his kingdom.
Is the purpose of the church to get a nice building and run a café,
youth meetings, Sunday school, and so on? No, the first Christians did
not have a church building, youth meetings, Sunday school, or much
of what we associate with a good church today. Jesus did not talk about
any of those things.
If the purpose of the church is not to gather a lot of people or get a
nice building, then what is its purpose? e only purpose is what Jesus
commanded us to do; namely, to go and make people into his disciples.
therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with
you always, even to the end of the age. Amen." (Matthew 28:18-20)
Jesus never said to his disciples that they should go out and build
a lot of churches. No, he said they should go out and make disciples.
he would build his church using them. is means that a nice big
church building with many people is not necessarily a fulfill ment of
this purpose, unless all those people are made disciples and followers
of Jesus Christ in everyday life. (My book, Christian, Disciple, or Slave,
talks much more about this.)
e number of people, the buildings, or the finances should not
be our focus when it comes to the question of whether a church is
healthy or not. None of that matters if the church is not creating what
Jesus has commanded, namely disciples. Jesus has not called us to start
churches but to make disciples. A congregation or a church is not a
purpose. No, it is God’s means to his end of making disciples.
If we then have a church that has failed to fulfill this purpose, why
do we continue in the same way year aer year? ink of all the
resources, money, time, and effort used to keep such a “machine” going,
even though it still does not bring the results God wants.
Why do we keep inviting speakers from big churches, here and
abroad, to come and preach when we have no idea how the people in
their churches are living? Gathering people is not a big problem if you
just give them what they want. Making disciples and followers of Jesus
is something altogether different.
Not long ago, one of the bigger churches in Denmark organized a
conference addressing “how to make disciples out of seekers.” ey
were going to talk about the big challenge today of making disciples
out of people in the church. But why does everyone look at that church
and copy them when all they have accomplished is to make a bunch of
seekers come to their church?
If Jesus came back today, would he take all seekers home with him,
or would he only take all the disciples? Many of the churches we
perceive as big today are very small in God’s eyes. When persecution
starts for real and all things are revealed, everything will be turned
upside down. e big churches will suddenly become small when they
find out that following Jesus has a high price, a price most of them have
never been willing to pay. is is precisely why they are going there
and not to a place where the Word about repentance and self-denial is
preached radically. It’s very important that we focus on making
disciples. We are living in a time when most of those in Christianity
are gradually moving away from focusing on what the Word of God
says. Today, many people look immediately at what seems to work right
here and now. But we are not supposed to build something that can
last only here and now. We have to build something that lasts forever!
We cannot judge the condition of a church by looking at the
finances or the number of people, the church buildings, or the
activities. The only way we can judge a church is by checking whether
the people who go to that church are truly becoming disciples and
followers of Jesus. Are they the ones who deny self, take up their
cross, and follow him? Do they obey the commandments that Jesus
gave? Do they love God with their whole hearts and their neighbors
as themselves?
To live as a disciple of Jesus is not an activity that you do for a
couple of hours on a Sunday morning, while you’re living for yourself
the rest of the week. I think the way you live on a friday night shows
much more about your life with God than how you live on a Sunday
morning. In the same way, what comes out of your mouth on a
Saturday night better shows what is inside of you than what you say in
church on a Sunday morning.
If we do not want to continue deceiving ourselves, we must dare to
stop and take a real close look at the condition of our church, even if it
shows a completely different picture than what we might be expecting.
If you want to find out if your church is a healthy one, check how the
young people live on friday night, or look at what the church members
talk about and what they entertain on Saturday night. at will give
you a better idea of how you are going to end up if you continue on
the same path as them. We become like those with whom we associate.
Instead of asking a church the question: “how many people do you
have in your fellowship,” we should rather be asking: “What do the
young people from this church do on friday night?” “What do the
older members talk about when they are together with their friends
from the church?” “how do you obey Jesus’ command ment about
spreading the Gospel?” e answers will definitely give a more accurate
picture of how healthy that church is. e number of people, the
buildings, the programs, the state of the finances, etc., are not the
purpose in themselves. Instead, they can even be opposing the ultimate
purpose of the church.
e purpose of the church is the fulfillment of the call that Jesus
has given us to make people into his disciples by baptizing them and
teaching them to obey everything he says. Let us therefore not become
distracted by all these other things.
Some may ask, “Becoming a Christian is a journey that takes a long
time for some people. Many of today’s church members will become
disciples aer a while, don’t you think?”
Let me say that this is how many people perceive it today, but we
have to remember that people are not saved before they accept Christ
as Savior and become born again. one is either a child of God or a child
of the devil (1 John 3:10); born of flesh or born of the spirit (John 3:6);
on the way to heaven or on the way to hell (Matthew 25:46). ere is
nothing in between. one can be a seeker and be “on the way,” but if they
are not yet born again, they will perish aer death, no matter if they go
to church, pray to God, or read the Bible. It means that all those who
are only “on the way” in our churches will perish if they die before they
get saved. If this was really understood, we would be preaching much
more clearly and with consequence, which would cause many to repent
right here and now.
If you study revival and church history, you will see that the
acceptance of a long conversion that may take many years is a new
phenomenon. We do not find it in the Bible. So preach the Word and
expect that people will repent, and you will see it happen! If you preach
another gospel that suits seekers, you will get seekers who never move
on to repentance and salvation. of course, there will be a handful who
will repent aer some time, but I can guarantee that we will lose even
more who leave through the back door if we do it this way. In addition,
we will not see the same radical conversions where people are willing
to give everything to God.
Let us never accept any other purpose than the one Jesus has given
us. he has not given us a commandment to go out and make seekers
or church-goers. he said clearly that it is about making disciples—his
followers—who obey what he has commanded us. When one grasps
Jesus, one will also be willing to obey him. he is the Life and the reason
why we are here.
W hat do you think of when you hear the word “church”? If
you come from a Lutheran or Catholic background, you
will certainly think of a church building with a big tower,
an altar, and pews where people can sit when the priest is preaching. If
you come from an evangelical background, you will surely think of a
more modern building with a big stage and modern musical instru -
ments. e pews are replaced with chairs that can be moved around,
although they almost always stand in neat rows.
even though what people associate with the word “church” can be
slightly different, there are many things they have in common. e
majority of people think of a building designed for the sake of worship.
In this building, there is a stage or an altar, pews or chair rows, etc.
ese are some of the first things that come to mind. A church is a
place where one goes to services, hears sermons, and does other
church-related things.
What do you think of when you hear the word “service”? Again,
the associations can vary from person to person. e common thing,
however, is that people think of church as something that takes place
in a building. ere are songs, an offering, a sermon, and communion.
e truth is that the things we think of do not necessarily come from
the Bible; for example, a church building, stage/altar, pews/chair rows,
etc. None of these things were known to the first Christians. ey
actually first appeared a few centuries aer Jesus was here on earth and
aer the first church was started. e concept of a Sunday service that
consists of songs, offerings, sermons, and communion cannot be found
in the Bible either. e first Christians used none of these things that
we consider necessary for us today to be a “proper” church or to be
able to worship “properly.” ey had no special church buildings
designed for services or other church traditions. Neither did they have
an altar or stage where a special person could stand and preach the
Word of God to a mass of people who sat and listened. Actually, they
did not usually meet on Sunday mornings to have services, and they
did not practice communion/the Lord’s Supper the way we do today.
All the things that seem to be so necessary today cannot be found in
the Bible or in the description of the life of the first Christians. Maybe
this is precisely why they experienced great progress. e truth is that
the very things mentioned above can actually be a hindrance for
progress and growth.
Today, when a pastor or priest on a Sunday morning with the Bible
in his hand states: “our churches are based on the Bible and nothing
but the Bible,” this is simply not true because a lot of what goes on in
that church is not at all based on the Bible but on church culture and
idol worship.
If we go back to the Christians we considered in the story at the
beginning of this book, they did not have all these things we associate
with a church today. ey had not been impacted by church culture
but only by what it says in the Bible.
e question, then, can be: “Does it matter what our meetings look
like? We have to conduct our meetings in one way or another, so why
can’t we just continue doing it the way we have always done it?”
e answer is simple. If what you are doing is not directly unbiblical
and does not hinder one from fulfilling Jesus’ commandment to make
disciples, it is, of course, all right to continue as you are doing. e
unfortunate truth is, however, that much of what is done is unbiblical,
and that is why it hinders us from making disciples as Jesus has
commanded us to do.
As I mentioned before, people have different thoughts associated
with the word “church,” but one thing is certain: almost everyone
thinks of a building, a place designed with the purpose of worshiping,
etc. however, the concept of a special church building for that purpose
is not found in the Bible. further, it did not exist among the first
Christians either.
We would have to fast-forward 300 years in church history before
we could see the first “church” buildings as we know them culturally
today. e first church buildings appeared during the reign of Con stan -
tine. Many of the things we do today find their roots around that time.
Constantine the Great was emperor of the Roman empire from
306 to 337 A.D. he played a decisive role in the spreading of Christianity,
but at a price. It happened at the cost of rejecting the Christianity that
had been known for the first 300 years. Constantine transformed
Christianity from a persecuted minority group into an authorized state
religion. But Christianity cannot be forced upon people. one has to be
born again from the heart out of free will, or else you will not be able
to see the Kingdom of God. forcing people to become Christians will
never bring any good results.
Constantine introduced many changes, and one of them was the
concept of church buildings. Until that time, Christians met together
and broke bread in their homes. Church buildings have their source
neither in the New nor the old Testament but are the result of idol
worship/paganism, which was a big part of Constantine’s life. ere
was a period when he worshiped, among others, Sol Invictus, the god
of the sun, and he wanted to include that worship in Christianity,
thus making it a mixed religion. e holy day was shied from
Saturday to Sunday, which had originally been the day of the sun. he
built temples on cemeteries and called them by the names of the dead
so they could be worshiped. e churches faced the east so that the
sun’s rays (Sol Invictus) could fall on the faces of his self-appointed
priests while they were conducting services. Look at these other
practices that have their roots in paganism:
e truth is that much of what we associate with Christianity today
has its roots in the times of emperor Constantine and others who lived
in the centuries aer the first Christians. is church culture is so
deeply rooted in us that we oen interpret the Bible in the wrong way
because we have the wrong frame of reference.
If I say “service,” then our own frame of reference interprets the
meaning of the word. e same goes for the words “church” and
“disciple,” etc. It is my hope that this book can help the reader look
beyond this church culture. If we can ignore it, we can start to under -
stand what the Bible really says about how the church was meant to be
and should be today. If we come back to what God intended, we will
see him adding daily to those who are getting saved.
B efore we take a closer look at the different areas concerning
church and service, I want to take you on a little trip. What I
am presenting in this book is actually something that my wife
and I were not able to see ourselves until some years ago, but God took
us on a trip where our wrong understanding of the concept of church
was removed. We no longer just go to church; we are the church. What
God has done in us during the last few years is something we see him
doing more and more in the people around us today. We see that Jesus
is about to build his church, a church that is not built of dead stones,
programs, structure, memberships, church buildings, and so on, but a
church built of living stones, led by his holy Spirit, with Jesus himself
as the Cornerstone (ephesians 2:20).
It has been a long trip for us, and we have learned a lot. It has been
a lot harder to get rid of this wrong understanding than I thought it
would be. Actually, until now, it has taken us almost twelve years, the
planting of three churches, a lot of experiences, disappointments,
opposition, mistakes, hours with the Bible and church history before
we could say that we felt free to be the church God has created us to be.
In other words, it has taken me twelve years and the planting of
three churches to come out of the church culture I had become a part
of in the beginning. Today, I no longer go to an institution or a building
we call “church.” I am free from fear and other things that were planted
in me due to control, which I will come back to later. I am the body of
Christ here on earth, and I love the freedom this gives me. Life has
become so much more exciting, and I want many more people to
experience it. I can also see that the people who are around us today
are growing much more than when we had “church” in the “old” sense.
I am convinced that our circumstances and the structures that we are
a part of have a huge influence on our personal growth.
As I share our journey with you, I hope it can help, encourage, and
give you an understanding of how things connect together, seen from
our evangelical perspective. I cannot go into too much detail without
the risk of revealing too much about individuals. I will, however, pick
out various important incidents that have influenced us and led us to
where we are today. I also want to comment on what happened at that
time and why it happened. It has been a long journey where we have
repeatedly felt as if we were hitting a brick wall, until finally realizing
we could move on.
Not long ago, I got the following prophetic word, which describes
it really well. “I see that you, Torben, are standing with blood and
blisters on your hands, while you are making a hole in a huge
mountain. Lene is coming to help you, and the children are coming
with water for both of you. on the other side of the mountain, there is
a huge valley with green and fertile fields. I can see that you are making
a way so that many others can go through the mountain and into those
green and fertile fields.”
I hope you want to go out to the green and fertile fields that are
waiting on the other side of the mountain. It can be a long journey,
depending on where you are, but it is worth it.
It did not take a very long time for Moses to get the Israelites out
of egypt where they had been in slavery (exodus), but it took a great
many years to “get egypt out of them.” It is the same today. It’s not hard
to come out of the church culture, but it is hard to get the church
culture out of the individual. When it ends in success, it is like being
born again. you suddenly see things in a totally new way and wonder
why you could not see it before and why others cannot see it when you
tell them how fantastic it is.
I was born again in April 1995. I come from a non-Christian family
ChAPTeR 4: oUR TRIP To The GReeN fIeLDS 35
that did not have any special church traditions. If I had paid a visit to
a Lutheran church, for example, I would not have had any idea when I
was supposed to stand up or sit down during the service. Until the
night I got saved, I had never set foot in an evangelical church either,
and still it was not long before I started to adjust myself to the culture
in which I found myself. e evangelical church where I got saved was
a real faith fellowship in which much emphasis was put on “the man
of God.” ey thought these “men of God” had a special connection
with God, and one should therefore respect and honor them as if they
were almost God himself. I remember one particular experience some
months aer I got saved that really shows how fast one can become
indoctrinated into a particular culture. It sounds like a joke today, but
back then, it was also really terrifying.
I remember a day when I was in the church’s bathroom washing
my hands. Suddenly, I got a big shock because the door behind me
opened and out came, yes, out of it came the “man of God” who was
going to preach that evening. When I saw him, I thought: “What? Does
he go to the bathroom just like everyone else?” yes, that was the way I
was thinking at that time. During that short period of time that I had
been attending church, I had acquired a view of these men of God as
being on a totally different level than us ordinary Christians. I can not
say that others in the church thought the same way, but I was new in
the faith and did not know so much about how the Kingdom of God
functions. I thought these men of God were completely different and
did not live the same way as us mortals. at experience still scares me
today, and it shows how quickly one can start to think in a particular
way, because of a certain church culture.
Since I first became a Christian, I have had a desire to serve God.
It was not long before I became an usher in the church meetings. It was
one of the few areas where I could serve God during the service in an
evangelical church. I cannot sing, so the worship choir was not an
option. I became the meeting’s usher and was responsible for getting
water for the big preachers, as well as standing by the door and
welcoming people. I also quickly bought myself a suit because I had to
fit in. I was really happy to be able to serve as a meeting’s usher, but I
also knew that I was called to do more. I was called to teach the Word
of God to others, but I had no idea how I could reach that goal. one
day, I asked my youth leader what I had to do to get to preach on the
platform. his answer really impacted my whole future. he said the
following: “Torben, you can become a Sunday school assistant. en,
aer some years, you can become a teenage work assistant, and, again,
aer a few more years, you can become a youth leader. And as a youth
leader, you will be allowed to preach one Sunday a year.” I can still
remember standing and counting with my fingers a total of five years.
at meant that if I did all the right things according to that system,
aer five years I would be allowed to preach one Sunday a year.
at really made me think. I started to look at the others in the
church who had been sitting there for many years but had not made
much progress. is reality made Lene and me start talking about
having to leave the church. If we had stayed, we would have become
like the others who were sitting there year aer year without making
any progress. I would never have started to preach. It was not a bad
church. It was actually good in many ways. But it suffered under the
system that most of our churches are built upon today, a system where
few people minister and a great number just sit passively and listen
year aer year.
During that time, we heard of a young married couple who were
about to plant a church in another town. We paid them a visit and, as
a result, le our church and moved to that other town.
When we moved there, we wrote the statutes for the church and
started our first service. We were all very excited about how it would
go, and I clearly remember standing together with the pastor and
talking about how our first service should be. We were young and on
fire for the Lord. We finally had an opportunity to do exactly what we
wanted, and we did not want to just copy others. No, we wanted to let
God do his work. But how could that be? We agreed that I would lead
the meeting, and the pastor would preach. We were also going to take
an offering, so we talked back and forth that we should not have the
offering and the sermon right aer each other. We agreed that I would
welcome the people, and then we would sing some songs, take an
offering, and have some more songs before he got up to preach. yes,
that was the plan, and we were both very excited about it, at least right
ChAPTeR 4: oUR TRIP To The GReeN fIeLDS 37
up until I looked at the program and thought with disappointment:
“is is not different at all! is is exactly how we held meetings in the
other church.”
I was really disappointed because I sincerely wanted to do some -
thing different. Today, it makes me think about the author Wolfgang
Simson who said something like this: “e hardest part of starting a
church that God wants is getting rid of our own understanding of what
church is. is can take several years.”
At that time, our understanding of service and of church was a
hindrance to being able to do what God wanted. God has to remove
the wrong concepts before he can continue to build with us. It’s not
always so easy, however, and those wrong concepts are a huge part of
us and our church culture. I know many people who have started a
church with a longing for something else and for making disciples, but
aer some time, they are le with a half-dead church where they
entertain Sunday aer Sunday without seeing any new disciples. Why?
Because their church culture hinders them from doing what God wants
them to do. ey start sincerely, with big dreams, but they still end up
with something they do not want at all—that which they ran away
from, that which was the reason for them starting something new in
the first place. for me, getting rid of the church culture has definitely
been the hardest task.
When we moved to the new town, we also moved to a smaller
fellowship. is suddenly gave me the opportunity to share from the
Word of God. My turn to preach came. I remember sitting by the
harbor, thinking about what I was going to say. I was browsing through
the Bible and thinking about the sermons I had heard in the old church
that were suitable for further use. I did not have much to give at that
time. I still remember my first sermon. It was nothing special, but the
most important thing was that I had started something, and I did not
have to wait for it for five years. My turn came aer just a few weeks,
and Lene also found herself in the role of worship leader.
e reason we are where we are today is because we le the big
church in the past. I know now that if we had not le then, we would
never have reached our destination. It sounds tough, but I am
convinced of the truth that lies behind it. When I look back, I can see
that we are living a life today that is totally different from the life of
many of our old friends. Many of them are actually not living with God
any longer. I must sadly conclude that the system we came from has
not managed to make disciples and minister as it should. Instead, it
has slowly quenched people’s zeal and fire for the Lord. is is true not
only for our old church but for many churches in general.
It’s sad to think that I had to leave the church to be able to make
progress in my life with God. Look at how many are sitting in churches
today merely listening and how few are really working and on fire for
the Lord, even aer so many years. Look around and think about how
few ministries have been started by doing what the system has expected
of them. e condition is similar in Lutheran churches, and there are
many more denominations that lock people up within their system.
Recently, I received these prophetic words: “I can see a big pot with
large flames. A lid is being put on the pot, and the fire is slowly being
quenched and is dying out. I can see that God has given you a special
call and grace to remove that lid so the fire can burst into flames again.”
is is what I really want to happen, even through this book.
It was difficult for us to be part of starting the church mentioned
above since we were young and had no experience in leadership. It
brought many challenges, and, aer a year, we moved on. When I look
back at our life, I can see that escaping from the other church was the
beginning of an exciting walk with God. If I’m honest, I still do not
know whether or not it was God’s will that we move to that town and
help the young couple plant the new church. I do know, however, that
it gave us momentum so that God could later move us to where he
wanted us. I wish many others would have the opportunity to do what
we did, even though it was difficult. It is the best Bible school training
one can get because we learn by doing and not just by hearing.
A er a year, we moved to another town in order to work
together with a friend. At the beginning, we went to an
evangelical church, but, aer a short while, my friend came
to me and said that God wanted us to plant a new church. We knew
we were to work with him and agreed to start in our living room. he
was the pastor of the church, but we were both in the leadership, and
I worked as an evangelist.
We saw people getting saved and transformed, and the fellowship
was growing. As usual, the other churches in town were not particularly
excited about the new “rival.” at is unfortunately how it is in the West
today, where we run churches like small companies that need to compete
for members and finances to keep running. is results in frequent
warnings against a new church to prevent “loss of the members.” is is
an important reason as to why I have written this book.
We have to look beyond the ambition to build our own small
companies. If we are really free and working for the Kingdom of God,
then we would rejoice that the Kingdom is growing, instead of focusing
on the danger of losing members.
our new church grew primarily with new people and not with
people from other churches. even though the other churches did not
like us in the beginning, the cooperation improved aer some time,
and we began meeting together with the other leaders from town. It
was in our very own living room that we seriously began to experience
being used by God’s Spirit.
I remember one evening when a lady suddenly fell on the floor, and
a demon began to manifest itself through her. She was lying on her back,
writhing sideways, and saying something in english with a very deep
masculine voice. My first thought was: “help, a demon! We have to find
a pastor!” But then I realized: “oh, no, there is no one here but me!” I
had no choice but to pray and hope that God would help us. he did,
and the demon le her. I began to see that what is written in the Bible
really works. Since that time, we have cast demons out of many, and we
have seen that God is the same today, just as we read in his Word.
once again, I am convinced that I would never have acted if this
had taken place in one of the bigger churches where it is the pastor,
the board of elders, or a prayer team who do such things. is leaves
a big flock that observes passively and never gets going. fortunately,
we had le the big church and now had to take this responsibility upon
ourselves. Aer some time, we grew too large, and our living room
became too crowded, so we rented a building where we could have
our meetings.
I was happy that we were finally a “real” church with a venue, drum
set, rows of chairs, etc. At first, we were all very excited, and we felt a
little more “real” because we had another place to gather other than in
our home. When we got the place together, however, with the rows of
chairs, drum set, program, and everything else that a “real” church
consists off, it felt as if we lost something personal that we had before.
Many of the people slowly became passive viewers. Aer some time,
we started to get frustrated and decided to divide the church into three
groups to be able to go back to the good beginnings. e three couples
in leadership got one group each, and we began to meet in our homes
once again. is never really became successful, however, because we
had separated the people from one another. Some people in our group
would rather be in another, and vice versa. It never went back to what
it used to be—an organic and living fellowship.
Aer some time of frustration in the church, we introduced some
changes to how we ran it. As a result, I had to choose between the
church and a mission organization, “e Last Reformation,” that I had
ChAPTeR 5: A NeW PLACe AND oNe MoRe ChURCh 41
started. At the time, I was busy working in e Last Reformation and
organizing meetings in various places. Now, however, we were going
to build together in a new way, which meant that I would have to close
down the organization.
ere was a teaching that was very popular in some churches at
that time. It went like this: “Let the seed die and obey your leader in
everything, so you will succeed even more in due time.” I could not do
it. I could not close down e Last Reformation and stop traveling to
meetings in various places, not even for a short time. We had to be
faithful to the call God had given us. at is why we had no other
choice but to stop our ministry in the church. Some other elders also
resigned at that time. e period following was very hard for us, and
we felt really down, but we received a word from the Lord: “Go, but
take one step at a time.” About a year aer we le the church, it closed
down, and the people started to go to other churches.
Aer we had decided to leave the church, a friend of ours called us
and encouraged us to come to his Bible school. We agreed because we
needed peace and some time to seek the Lord. Suddenly, the situation
changed, however, and we found out we would have to close down our
organization in order to go there. Again, it sounded as if we had to let
the seed die before it could bring more fruit. I just could not do it, since
I knew this work, this organization, was from God. I had to obey him
more than I obeyed people. As a result, we refused to go to the Bible
school and did not know what to do next. It was a difficult time. As I
said, the decision to leave the church had been ours, but it felt as though
we had been thrown out of the fellowship that we had started, since we
had no other choice but to go. Most of the people who went to the
church had gotten saved through me, and they suddenly started to treat
us like we were made out of thin air. We did not understand that either.
Many years later, I found out they had been told by the leadership that
we were experiencing a call to move on, and that was why we le. It
made them think that it was us who did not want them anymore. at
was one of the reasons nobody contacted us.
Some weeks aer leaving the church, we were at a Bible camp. At
the time, I felt we could not put up with the rejection any longer. one
evening, I le the meeting and cried to God, ready to give up
everything. e next evening, however, an African minister called me
forward and gave me these words: “I can see you signing contracts. I
can see documents being given to you. I can see you signing contracts,
and you’ll not pay yourself. I can see others paying. I don’t care who
did not stand together with you. I don’t care who le you. ere is
someone who has been so meaningful in your life, but you should
know that this separation is from God so that you don’t become
comfortable and miss your vision from God. If it went on, you would
lose that vision, but God sent this separation and made you go through
a desert so that you don’t get dependent on anyone else other than God.
Now your painful time is over, and you will see that God is going to
pick you up from the dust and put you up on top of the mountain. your
pain is over. It’s going to be a new day for you. It’s going to be a new
season for you.”
It really was a great encouragement for us. It was true that the
separation came from God. If we had stayed, we would have lost our
vision. It really hit home. at was why I thought our wandering in the
desert was over and from then on there would only be progress. e
truth was that it was just the beginning. God was going to remove the
wrong understanding of church from us, so he could build together
with us. Little did we realize that the process was going to take the next
five years …
W e had no church, and we did not know what to do, but then
a church from another town contacted us. ey wanted us
to come and help them. We met the leadership team, but I
withdrew due to some particular issues including membership and
submission to them. I could not agree to become a member of that
church because, by doing so, I would also have to approve of everything
that was happening there, which I could not. e church had a wrong
view of re-marriage aer divorce, and I could not accept that. Moreover,
I was not able to find proof in the Bible for the idea of membership. In
the previous church, we did not have to sign any papers in order to
become a member. We were together, just like the first Christians.
furthermore, the issue of having to submit to them was hard for
me. Why should they make decisions for me concerning my life, as if
I was still a child? At that time, I considered it very unhealthy, not
because I did not want to do what the Bible said, but because leaders
had tried to subdue/control me too many times in the past by saying
that I should give up my vision or compromise on the Word of God. I
was simply afraid it would happen again. I had to be faithful to God
and his call instead of people’s opinions. e issue of submission is a
big problem in some evangelical churches. is does not mean that
new believers are not to listen to their spiritual parents, but I think that
mature Christians get locked up in a hierarchical system that stops
them from making progress.
for this reason, we had some more talks, and the outcome was that
we did not have to become members. I was supposed to preach one
Sunday a month and could spend the rest of my time working for
eLast Reformation. We considered this to be a good deal, so we
decided to move to the town. With regard to the issue of submission,
they said it would not be a problem, and it wasn’t as long as I was within
the system. however, they later used it against me in order to stop me
from doing what I felt was God’s will.
I am not writing about these things in order to let out hurt feelings
but to give you an impression of how this system can work in some
places. rough all of this, we have learned a lot, and, even today, we
would not have wanted to miss any of it.
When we were supposed to move, we suddenly found ourselves
with no place to move into. I remembered the words I had received
about signing some papers without paying, so I thought it had to be
about a house for us. I prayed and absolutely believed that God would
give us a place to live. fourteen days before we had to move, we still
had no place to move into. Ten days before, we still had not found a
place to live, so we felt pressured and sought God. eight days before
we had to move, a Christian man came by and said that God had told
him to buy a house for us. All I had to do was find one. Seven days
before the day we were to move, I found a beautiful house. I gave the
papers to him. Later the same day, he called and said he had bought
the house on the condition that the ones who had been living in the
house for 33 years would move out within six days. ey had agreed
because they had a summer house into which they could move. e
day we were supposed to move, we had a big house ready to move into.
We were really happy and were praising God. e deal was that we
would have to pay the house rent and all the house expenses to the
man. As soon as we were able to take a loan from the bank ourselves,
we would be able to become the homeowners, and the home equity
would be ours.
We started to minister in the church as had been agreed upon, but
within a short time, I was asked if I would like to be the youth leader
because they had no one else for the task. We felt a little pressured but
agreed. It went very well for a while, but aer a time, I could see that it
could not go on the way it was going. What we had experienced in our
living room before had made a strong impression on us. As a result,
our view of a Christian fellowship was much different from the view
of the rest of the church. I could see that if we continued as the youth
leaders, we would lead the youth group in one direction while the
church went in another. Besides that, we could also see some theological
differences. So we withdrew and started to seek God about what we
should do.
Some time aer that, I was on the faroe Islands where God spoke
to me through a prophetic word. When I came home, we knew it was
time to take the next step, which was starting our own fellowship. We
knew that the leadership would definitely not be happy about it, so I
inquired with some other churches that were in the same network in
order to find out what I should do. As a result, we gathered together,
and I shared with them what kind of calling we were experiencing. We
believed everything was fine then, but it was far from fine. our under -
standing of things obviously differed, and the church leadership was
not able to follow our view on fellowship. At the same time, they were
really afraid of losing their members. As a result, others were warned
against us, and we suddenly lost a lot of friends in the church. e man
who owned the house changed his mind because of what happened.
As a consequence, we missed the home equity worth forty to fiy
thousand dollars, and we had to move again since he did not think the
deal was valid any longer. It was really difficult, and we could not
understand why there was so much trouble just because we were doing
what we felt was our calling. ings did not work out, even though we
really tried to do it by the book.
Why are the churches so afraid of new fellowships if all the
numbers show that this is the solution to reaching the world? I felt
particularly hurt because of the issue with the house. I had experienced
before that people called me names and told lies about me, but this
time, it also affected my wife and children. ey had been so happy to
live in the house, and we had some nice neighbors with whom our
children could play. I tried to talk to the other churches in the network,
but it seemed they did not care what we thought. It was just us against
a bigger church, so nothing more happened.
e story of suddenly being warned in advance is unfortunately
not a singular event. Later on, I met an African who had le the same
church in the same town some years before and started an international
fellowship. he experienced exactly the same problem, having suddenly
been accused of “heresies” and being warned against, which resulted
in his losing a lot of friends. In many ways, our “system” resembles that
of Jehovah’s Witnesses. is might be hard to understand before being
in a similar situation oneself. Since then, I have met so many people
who have le the “system” and have told me about their experiences
aerward that I can say it is not totally wrong to say that it reminds me
of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ practice of ostracism.
D uring that time of upheaval, we also received some great
encourage ment. We were visited by some very special people
who became a great blessing in our lives. In an unusual way,
I got in contact with a married couple from Canada who live in the
Netherlands six months of the year. eir names are Steve and Marilyn
hill. I talked to Steve about our situation over the phone, and even
though we had never met before and they did not know us at all, they
jumped into their car and drove all the way from the Netherlands to
Denmark to pay us a visit. It was such a blessing because, for the first
time, we got to meet someone connected to a house church network
who really understood us. having them over for a visit was great. I
came to understand that our view of what church should be like was
absolutely biblical and that we were not alone in this. So many times
before, I had experienced the feeling that I did not fit into the church
system and that something must be wrong with me. eir visit opened
our eyes and showed us that we were not crazy.
When they le aer a few days, Lene said: “have we just been
visited by angels or what?” It was so great and felt so unreal to us that
such mature and experienced people had been willing to travel such a
long way to meet us. out of this first meeting developed a good friend -
ship and a connection to a network that we are still cooperating with
today. Steve hill was like a father to us, one who only wanted us to
succeed and who had no ambition in any way to use us to build his
own vision. for the first time, I felt I had met a leader I could submit
to with all of my heart.
Since we had to move out of our house, we bought an older house,
and I started to renovate it. At that same time, we started a new church,
or whatever we should call it. e church consisted of two newly saved
young people and our family. In some ways, it felt like taking a step
backward. Aer all, we were used to gathering with about 20 people in
the youth group. But, today, I know that it’s better to build from scratch
and do it properly.
During that time, I made a big mistake for which I later had to
repent. When we got started, there was a lot of gossiping going on
about us. People were saying that I had caused problems, that I had
been rebellious, and that I did not want to submit. Sadly enough, gossip
flourishes in our churches nowadays. Nobody, however, came to us and
listened to our side of the story. Because of all the criticism, I wanted
to prove that I was not on the wrong track and that I had started a
church. I therefore sent a press release to a Christian magazine called
“Udfordringen” (“e Challenge”) and created a website for our church
so that people could see we were a “real” church. I did so despite the
fact that I clearly experienced God telling me not to enter into such a
system again but that we should just meet at home, without a website
or an organization, etc. Unfortunately, I did not listen. I felt such
pressure and wanted so much for the criticism to end that I did not
listen to what God wanted but went along with the idea anyway. By the
way, this does not mean that it is wrong for a church to have a website,
but the motive behind it is important.
Starting this new fellowship and officially announcing it as a church
also meant that I had suddenly become a pastor. With the other church
plantings we had been involved in, there had always been somebody
else, but now it was just me. With this, something unpleasant happened
on the inside of me. Suddenly, a big pressure fell upon me that even
felt demonic. With the responsibility also came all kinds of questions.
one of them in particular weighed upon me heavily, and that was the
number of people we had in the church. is question was really
embarrassing for me because we were only five or six people, and I now
felt as if everything depended on me. If everything went well with the
church and the people, it meant that I was a good pastor, but if not, it
too seemed to be my fault. is caused me to lose the focus I had before
when I simply worked for the Kingdom of God without being
responsible for a particular church. When someone got saved in
another town through my ministry or my website, I just directed them
to a local church and was glad the Kingdom of God was growing. Now,
I felt I was to be held accountable for the wellbeing of this church, the
people in it, and how many there were. It even felt like a competition
to me where it was all about which church gets the biggest numbers
and which church has the best people. e other churches had now
become rivals with whom I had to compete.
I remember a particular day when someone from another part of
Denmark got saved through the website. I tried to convince him to
move to our town so that our numbers would grow. Doing so felt
terrible, and I remember asking God to help me because I could not
understand what was going on with me. I also got an unhealthy drive
to see the members of my church succeed. Because of this, I started to
control them even though I really loved them and truly wanted the best
for them.
fortunately, I was set free from all this later. I can, however, imagine
that all of this might sound quite extreme to you if you do not know
what it is like to be a pastor in the church culture we have created. is
is the reason why so many pastors of churches resign or burn out. It is
because of stress. It is also why so many church members feel abandoned
or imprisoned by control when they want to move on. experiencing
these things myself really gave me a new understanding of these
dynamics. Luckily, not all pastors think that way, but the truth is that
the body of Christ has been divided into small “companies” that oen
cannot work together, especially when they are from the same town
and have to compete for the same potential “customers.”
What happened next was that Lene became sick due to fear and
stress. Among other things, it was caused by the things we went
through—opposition, moving, loss of friends, etc. At the same time,
we were pressured financially. We had lost a lot of money, and I had
also suddenly lost my job because I had been telling my colleagues
about Jesus. We ended up in a difficult situation without any regular
income, and we had a big old house that badly needed renovation.
When all of this happened, I really felt I did not want to live
anymore. e opposition we had experienced in the last years and our
current situation gave us a lot of pressure in many ways. I was tired of
it all and did not know what to do. We had truly ended up in a desert,
and it seemed it was not to stop any time soon. We were seeking God
intensely, and, during one period of time, I actually prayed between
eight and ten hours every day because I could not do anything else.
ings slowly started to change, and one night God gave me a dream
that made a huge impact. In that dream, I saw myself standing with
two men who were smoking. one of them reached out his hand with
a cigarette and said I should smoke it. I refused, but he insisted and
said I had to smoke it or else people would notice that they were
smoking. I took the cigarette and started to smoke it, even though I
knew I should not. en I woke up.
I knew that the dream was from God, and I immediately under -
stood its meaning. e other two men represented the churches we
had helped to start. I represented the church we had at that moment.
e cigarette and the smoke represented the whole system that
contaminates the body and kills life. God did not want us to become
part of that, but because of the pressure and fear of what others would
think, I had smoked the cigarette, so to speak. I felt so bad when I
realized what I had done. I was tired of myself and knew very well
where I had been “smoking.” It had to do with the fact that I had sent
the press release to the Christian newspaper and made our website for
the church. I had been feeling such pressure, due to the fact that others
considered me to be rebellious and did not think our church was a
“real” one. at was why I did it, even though God only wanted me to
trust him. As a result of this, I suddenly had become part of the church
system again.
at same day, my friend Steve hill called me and said that he
would be coming over to visit us. he really appeared at the right
moment. When he arrived, we talked about the dream, and he could
easily see how I had started to resemble the system we had le. e
first time Steve had been to our place, I had been walking back and
forth in our living room struggling with a wrong understanding of the
church. even though I was able to follow his line of thinking and saw
in the Bible that what he said was right, the other view of the church
was still deeply engrained in me! is time, I was again walking back
and forth, saying to myself: “When will you learn that, Torben? When
will you learn that?” yes, it’s really hard to get out of that system and
trust God alone.
Aer this, I gathered the church together and told them about my
dream and asked for forgiveness. I closed down “the church” and the
website. e people were there all the time, and we kept on meeting,
so all that we actually closed down was the “system.” But it was
important for me to close it down and start all over again. A lot
happened aerward. A fresh wind came and “took over” the church,
and we saw many new churches starting around us. God had finally
led us through the desert and called us back to our old town where we
are living again today.
ose five years in the desert were really difficult but also necessary.
ey were necessary to get rid of the church system in us and to teach
us to depend only on God. Now I finally feel free from that system and
from what people expect of me.
e recent times have been very powerful for us. We have seen God
moving more powerfully than ever before, and many lives have been
transformed. We know that this is something God wants to do all
around today. We are going to see people coming out of church systems
and into the green, fertile fields. We are going to see Jesus building his
church—a church that is not based on membership, control, and
outward structures, but a church guided by his spirit and built of living
stones, that is, his disciples. A church that is happy to see people move
out and start their own families in the neighborhood instead of waging
war with them. What kind of parents would be happy if their children
were still living at home at the age of 40? or, who wants to live with
Mom and Dad throughout their whole life? e same goes for a biblical
church, which is supposed to be like a family.
I am convinced that God has taken us through all of this so that
we could learn how to trust him and how to be free from the system.
Although it has been really difficult, we do not bear a grudge against
anyone. yes, the brothers “threw us into the well,” just like in the story
of Joseph, but God was with us and brought us here so that we could
set his people free today. he has been with us in every situation and
used it for his purpose. I know that God uses whom he wants for
whatever purpose he wants, and this is why I can forgive anyone.
Sometimes we do not understand it, but later we see God’s presence in
everything that happened. erefore, I want to encourage you to go
the way you’re supposed to go even though it can be hard because there
is freedom and victory on the other side of the mountain. Today, we
do not just go to church, we are the church. ever since I got saved in
1995, I have heard that the body of Christ does not consist of buildings
but of us Christians. only now do I understand what it really means.
We can see that God is really building his church, a church that is not
built of stones, programs, finances, fear, and control.
I hope that our journey will encourage you and give you an under -
standing of many of the things that happen in churches today. I’m sure
that many will recognize a lot in what I have been describing.
W hen I look at churches today, I can see that church buildings
are the biggest challenge. having a church building is not
necessarily wrong, but it oen implies many other things
that can sabotage God’s ultimate purpose with the church.
Let’s take a look at finances. A lot of money is needed to pay for
buildings, chairs, carpets, heating, and all the other necessary things.
Because of this, the church members quickly become essential for
maintaining the church. With an increase in members, the expenses
rise as well. Because of this, having many church-goers does not
necessarily mean that one has a huge surplus in the budget. on top of
this, the pastor with responsibility for the church is being paid a salary
by the church. is means that members are not only essential for
maintaining the church but also for the pastor’s personal income.
Imagine a church with 80 members and a yearly budget of about
$300,000. from this money, about $60,000 is paid out as the pastor’s
salary, and ten to fieen percent goes to missions, which, according to
research, is the norm in churches today. is means that the rest, which
is more or less $200,000, is used to keep the church running. e
biggest expenses are usually the mortgage on the church building,
furniture and maintenance. Due to the fact that these expenses oen
increase with a growth in church membership, this situation is not
likely to easily change. Let us then imagine that a married couple from
the church experience a call to move on. or, even “worse,” they feel
called to start a fellowship in their own home. is means that two tithe
payers leave the church. Let’s say that these two members have been
paying about $10,000 in tithes to the church every year, and now this
income suddenly disappears. Imagine how that $10,000 will impact the
budget of such a church, especially if the church already has a tight
budget. Now, imagine what happens if one or two more couples
experience a call to go away and become missionaries. e truth is that
many churches today are run as businesses. Church-goers become
paying customers that are needed to keep the church running.
Imagine that a mature married couple who have been living with
God for many years come to the pastor and say: “We’ve really been
seeking God, and we feel that it’s time for us to move on. We would
like to have your blessing.” Do you think the pastor will bless them? I
feel that if there was no money issue involved, and if the pastor had
nothing to lose, he would bless them with great pleasure. It should be
every parent’s wish that the children will one day leave home and start
their own family. It’s a good thing to be ready to move on and stand on
your own two feet. even Jesus lived with his disciples for only a short
time before he sent them out. It’s a leader’s job to make people
dependent on God and not on themselves, to lay a foundation in their
life that they can later build on themselves. If we talk about what is
natural, we can easily all agree that it’s unnatural for a 40-year-old to
still live at home with his or her parents. e same rule applies to the
Kingdom of God, and this is exactly the way Jesus and the first
Christians discipled people.
e truth is that where finances are tight, there is oen much
control to keep people in the church. And this is the reason why some
pastors would answer the parishioners above: “No, I don’t think you’re
ready, and you have to obey your leader.” Unfortunately, we are not
talking here about rare incidents. I have experienced it many times,
and I consider the concept of “church as a business” to be the main
reason for it. Unfortunately, pastors who are dependent on the church
members’ money to keep the church running too oen let themselves
be controlled by finances rather than by what the Word of God says.
Instead of releasing people into their ministries, they instead want to
ChAPTeR 8: fINANCeS 55
use them to fulfill their own visions.
I am not out to criticize pastors but to see them as victims of this
system. I feel sorry for them, and I want to save them from it. e
problem is not them, or any other people! No, it’s the whole church
system we have built up.
e need for finances even affects situations where there is sin in
the camp. e Word of God outlines the proper procedures for
addressing sin in the church. It involves admonishing the sinner and,
as a last resort if they remain unrepentant, excluding the sinner(s) as
the Bible says. In the current church system, it is also about finances.
In this current system, when a sinner is expelled from the church, one
does not just say goodbye to a person who is choosing to rebel against
God and live in sin but also to a stack of money. is, unfortunately,
results in many churches compromising the Word of God when it
comes to preaching about what sin is and how we should react to it.
Just a few months ago, I had a talk with a pastor about some of his
church members he did not feel comfortable about and who had
caused a lot of destruction in the church. I asked him why he did not
let them go, to which the pastor replied: “We need their money.” Money
is the reason why so many do things they should not do and fail to do
things they ought to do. is is oen a cause of great stress for pastors.
Some time ago, I heard this powerful quotation: “Christianity
started out in Israel as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became
a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved
to europe and became a culture; it came to America and became
an enterprise.”
Unfortunately, we can no longer say that it is only like that in
America. To a large extent, the same thing is true about Denmark and
the rest of europe.
An enterprise is the same as a business. e church is the body of
Christ. If a body is transformed into a business, is that not prostitution?
at is why we do not find any church buildings or employed pastors
in the first fellowships. ey did everything in a very different way
compared to today, and that includes finances.
If we look at the Danish Lutheran Church, it becomes even worse.
e state, or “people’s,” church runs about 2,300 churches and employs
about 2,400 pastors. e church tax is not enough to keep the system
running, so on top of the church tax, the state donates 180 million
dollars every year. e turnover of the state church becomes thus one-
to two-billion dollars. is means that the state has influence on the
church. It is no longer God’s church but the state’s, just like it is called.
In addition, we see more and more how the church adapts in putting
the state and the people above the authority of the Bible.
My own opinion is that we should close down the state/Lutheran
church completely, since it corrupts people and creates a church culture
that is not biblical. If you ask a non-Christian in Denmark what he
thinks of when he hears the word “Christianity,” the most common
answer you will receive reflects on the Lutheran church: it is buildings
and doctrine. When you look on a world map, you will see that the
Lutheran church is rather small. When including the Catholic church,
there are around 2 billion Christians in the world. e Lutheran church
has just over 70 million members, a rather small percentage. e
Pentecostal and Charismatic movements contain around 800 million
people. All in all, that is over 10 times more than the Lutheran church.
however, it is the Lutheran church that overshadows everything in
Denmark and influences the picture most Danish people have of
Christianity. e state church culture is so deeply imbedded in most
of us that it even influences the culture of the free churches. As you
will see later in this book, there is a huge difference in the state church
and how Christianity functioned two thousand years ago. I say, close
down the whole system and put the money into something else!!
L et’s look at the idea of church as business. Most free churches
nowadays follow the principle of paying tithes. for those who
are not familiar with the concept, it means that believers should
be paying ten percent of their income to the church they are attending.
e state church in Denmark is not familiar with the principle of
tithing but is financed through the church tax. If you were to take away
the baptism of babies you would end up taking away most of their
members, too, which, in turn, would take away their economy. In that
way, the state church would soon die out. e state church is controlled
almost entirely by money. e baptism of babies is an important part
of the church because it brings in money. ere is a big fuss about
baptizing babies that does not actually have biblical support. e idea
of “baby baptism,” as I call it, comes from the 4th Century. Investigation
into the history of baby baptism shows that it was almost always linked
to church membership and therefore had an economical side, too.
Let’s look again at the free churches. What would happen if we took
away the tithing principle from the free churches? It would mean that
many free churches would have to close because they are built entirely
around this principle.
you might be thinking that tithing actually belongs to the church
and is a biblical principle. e truth is, however, that tithing is not a
New Testament principle the way we teach it today, which means that
many are building churches on a wrong foundation.
Many Christians in the free church have heard these words from
the book of Malachi:
“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what
way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with
a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. Bring all
the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for
you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that
there will not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:8-10)
“you are stealing from God if you don’t pay your tithe,” the pastor
will say. “It belongs to the church. e tithe belongs to God and should
be paid to the storehouse, which is the church to which you belong.”
In some free churches, this is as well known as John 3:16. e truth is
that many pastors who are using this argument might be stealing from
God themselves. ey first misuse the Bible and then the money,
spending it on something other than what God has said.
Do you know what the text in Malachi is referring to when it
mentions tithes and offerings? Do you know what the offering is truly
for? Do you know that there are different forms of tithes? of course,
not. Most do not consider this because the only thing they have ever
heard is that tithing means giving ten percent of their income to the
church. I dare to say that most Christians who pay ten percent of their
income to the church do not know to what Malachi is referring.
Did you know that when you were going to pay your tithe,
sometimes you needed to pay an extra fih?
“If a man wants at all to redeem any of his tithes, he shall add one-
fih to it. And concerning the tithe of the herd or the flock, of
whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the
Lord.” (Lev. 27:31-32)
Did you know the Bible says you yourself were sometimes to eat of
your own tithe?
“You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field
produces year by year. And you shall eat before the Lord your God,
in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, the tithe of
your grain and your new wine and your oil, of the firstborn of your
herds and your flocks, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God
always.” (Deut. 14:22-23)
Did you know that tithing in Israel was from the land and not of
But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry
the tithe, or if the place where the Lord your God chooses to put His
name is too far from you, when the Lord your God has blessed you,
then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand,
and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses. And you shall
spend that money for whatever your heart desires: for oxen or sheep,
for wine or similar drink, for whatever your heart desires; you shall
eat there before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice, you and
your household. You shall not forsake the Levite who is within your
gates, for he has no part nor inheritance with you. (Deut. 14:24-27)
at’s right. It says here, too, that you were to eat it yourself. Did
you know that, every third year, your tithe was to stay at home? It was
to be fed to the fatherless and the widows.
“At the end of every third year you shall bring out the tithe of your
produce of that year and store it up within your gates. And the Levite,
because he has no portion nor inheritance with you, and the stranger
and the fatherless and the widow who are within your gates, may
come and eat and be satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you
in all the work of your hand which you do.” (Deut. 14:28-29)
As you can see, we have taken from the Bible without knowing
what it really means and have built up a whole church system on it. We
could continue to see more examples in Scripture indicating that the
way the church teaches about tithing is just one of the tithes we see in
the Bible. e fact is that there are many different types of tithes. ere
was, for example, a tithe to the Levites because they did not get any
land as an inheritance, and, in turn, they were to pay a tithe out of their
own to Aaron and the other priests (Numbers 18).
ere was also a celebration tithe that was to be transported to
Jerusalem and was used for celebrations. en, as we read earlier, there
was the tithe for the poor that was to be paid every third year.
It is also worth noting that Abraham did not pay a tithe with his
own money but from the spoils of war, and this happened only once
during his entire life, according to what we read. All these examples
show that the issue of tithing is not as simple as it seems. one thing
becomes clear, however, and that is the fact that the “storehouse” is not
necessarily the local church.
e reason I stated that pastors are actually sometimes the ones
stealing the tithes is that the tithe was not meant to finance a church
building and all that is included. e primary goal was to support those
who worked in the temple, because they had not any land of their own,
and the widows and the poor, so that they could eat and be full.
Nowadays, the tithe goes to large buildings and paychecks for
pastors who are doing the lot of things that the people should be doing
themselves. Today, we are all God’s priests. e service of the Levites
in the old Testament is over, and we should not try to maintain it. We
oen even forget about the widows and the poor who are among us.
Why not pay the tithes to them and get a little more biblical?
e early church did not spend money on big buildings or pastor’s
paychecks. e money was used according to the needs in the fellow -
ship and was given to those who were traveling and had the task of
spreading the gospel and equipping the saints. e Bible does not
require us in any way to pay ten percent of our income to the local
church with which we are affiliated.
okay, then, but did Jesus not say that we should pay a tenth of our
“But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner
of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. ese you ought to
have done, without leaving the others undone.” (Luke 11:42)
No, Jesus did not say that we should give a tithe. he said that the
Pharisees should pay a tithe. e reason for that was that they were a
part of Israel, and tithing and tributes were part of the tax system that
God had ordained at that time. ey were to give a tithe of crops and of
cattle. In connection to what Malachi writes to them, they rob God if
they do not pay this tax because it was there to support the land of Israel.
e truth is that only a few people know what tithing is really all
about. So when someone today says that you should pay ten percent
of your income to the church, which is the storehouse, well, that
person either does not know the written Word or is misusing it
consciously to finance their work.
I am not saying that it is wrong to pay ten percent of your income.
I actually mean to say that ten percent is a good start. But the way I see
it, according to the New Testament, all our money belongs to God and
not just ten percent. Tithing can be a really good thing, and I think that
we should give with a joyful heart if we are to give. But tithing can
actually keep people in their comfort zones. ey can easily begin to
think that since they have given their ten percent, the rest is theirs. But,
no, my friend, everything you have belongs to him, and you shall one
day be held accountable for how you used it (Matthew 25). e Bible
has a lot to say about giving. If you have become confused by all of this,
go and search the Scriptures yourself and ask God what you should do
with your money.
Why did I bring up such a delicate subject? I know all too well that
this is a fuse waiting to be lit and can cause a lot of problems. e
reason I bring it up is to show you that a lot of churches are built on a
false foundation. A foundation that helps to hold up a system that is
simply not functioning properly. is system traps people and prevents
them from obeying God. It is a system that stresses out the pastors and
obstructs us from spreading the gospel and training disciples. Many
church-goers wish they could spend their money to support other
causes, but they simply will not do it because of what they have been
taught. Instead of giving to the poor, widows, and the spreading of the
gospel, which is what the Bible tells us to do, they are giving their
money to buildings, chairs, sound equipment, etc, and mostly out of
fear. ink about the hundreds of thousands of dollars that could be
spent in other ways to reach out with the gospel to the world.
e money would truly start be used for what God really wants to
achieve. Imagine a fellowship in which a married couple decides that,
this month, they will give their tithe, or a suitable sum, to a single
mother of three within the fellowship. Wow, it would spread like
wildfire as soon as people heard. “In their fellowship they actually help
each other.” Imagine all the young people who could be sent out to
spread the gospel.
e teaching that says ten percent of your income should go to
the church certainly does keep the church going, but it takes the focus
away from what God has planned and from what we read in the
New Testament.
“Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,
and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all,
as anyone had need.” (Acts 2:44-45)
Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel
should live from the gospel. (1 Cor. 9:14)
As you can see, economy plays a big role in today’s churches. It
traps people and creates passivity. When you pay a pastor to hear from
God for you, which you are called to do yourself, you are inevitably
going to become passive. e pastor quickly becomes the professional
middleman between God and man.
If you are now thinking, “yippee, I don’t need to pay my tithe any -
more and can spent it all on myself now,” I would like to tell you that,
in doing so, you would be revealing that God is not Lord over your
money. If you belong to him, then so does your money. is teaching
should, instead, make you search the Lord to be free to give even more
but to give to those you feel led to give it to. God will surely bless it!
“But shouldn’t I obey the church that I’m a part of and give my tithe
there?” If you are a member in a church where one is expected to give
tithes, then you can, of course, continue to do so, as long as you are a
member or until the discipline changes. e fact that some churches
decide to impose on people to give ten percent of their income in order
to be a member is something I do not wish to comment on. It is not
biblical, but it is not a sin either. It is up to each individual church to
decide whether to enforce tithing or not. e individual church will
give an account before God as to what the money was used for. It
should not be taught, however, that it as a biblical law because it is not.
People should be free to decide whether they want to be part of the
church or not. If some stop paying their tithe and therefore stop being
a member, it does not mean that they are disobeying the Bible. It is not
the Bible that says one must give ten percent.
It is not a problem for me that some churches choose to take in ten
percent of their member’s income. e problem comes in when
churches consider it stealing when people decide not to tithe to the
church, or that they are considered to be disobedient to God and under
a curse if they continue, or if they decide to stop being a part of the
church. Both are examples of stealing—stealing people’s money and
stealing their freedom to serve God.
“But what about all the testimonies of people who have been
blessed by giving tithes?”
ere are indeed a lot of testimonies about people who have been
blessed by giving ten percent of their income, but I believe they were
blessed for giving, not for giving exactly ten percent of their income to
a specific church. If you give in faith, God will bless you. It says so in
his word. If you experience that God is saying ten percent, and you
are obedient, he is going to bless your obedience. If he says to give
fieen percent, or a certain amount, and you give it, it is the same. If he
says you should give to some missionaries or others in the fellowship,
then he will surely bless it. God loves a joyful giver, and he blesses those
who give in faith.
I have many testimonies from people who have stopped giving ten
percent to a church and, instead, gave a different sum to a number of
others and suddenly experienced blessings. It is not the ten percent
that counts. It is the obedience, just as God says. And, yes, giving ten
percent to a fellowship could be part of this.
B efore we move on and take a look at how the church functioned
in the beginning, there is something we first need to come to
grips with. In order to do so, I am going to ask you a question:
Do you see the church as a place where Christians come together to
become equipped, or is it a place where non-Christians should come to
hear the gospel?
your answer to this question is vital. If the purpose of the church
is to equip Christians, then the entire focus will be on how to do this
the best way possible. however, if the purpose of the church is to be a
place where non-Christians can become Christians, then the focus will
be on something completely different. e focus will be on finding the
best way to bring non-Christians to church and how to keep them
there. erefore, it’s very important to have a clear idea of what the
purpose of the church should be.
e idea of the church being a place where non-Christians can
come and hear the gospel is actually a relatively new idea. We do not
have to go back many decades to find a completely different idea about
the purpose of church. In those days, the church was a place where
Christians could come together to be edified and to be discipled.
When pastors and leaders talk about the church today, they are
mostly focused on how to get non-Christians to come to their church.
Instead, they should be looking to God to find the best way to equip
the Christians who are already there. is would actually give an
entirely different and more biblical focus for the purpose of the church.
e first fellowships were simply Christians coming together.
When they were together they were one in spirit and in truth. ey
were one, and they had all been born again into the same family. ey
all had the same longing—Jesus Christ. for that reason, and that reason
alone, they could share their lives in fellowship and grow together in
the Lord. Whenever they came together, they also shared communion,
which was not just a little bit of bread and wine. No, it was part of a
meal they ate together. Regardless of whether you share communion
the way we read about it in the Bible or you do it like the majority of
the Christians do today, communion is still very powerful. It’s not
something to be taken lightly.
ese verses are oen read with regard to communion:
For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that
the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took
bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take,
eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance
of Me.” In the same manner He also took the cup aer supper, saying,
“is cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as oen as you
drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as oen as you eat this bread
and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
(1 Cor. 11:23-26)
But this can be a catastrophe if we simply leave it here as many do
today. We need to read the following verses, too:
erefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in
an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and
drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner
eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.
For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when
we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be
condemned with the world. (1 Cor. 11:27-32)
ChAPTeR 10: A Tool for Missions 67
Communion is something much more than “just” a meal with food
or a little bread and juice. is meal has a spiritual effect that is very
powerful and that might even be negative if it is being dealt with in the
wrong way. erefore, it is important that we do not let just anybody
take part in communion like we do today. We read here that it can
result in the person eating and drinking judgment on themselves. e
church needs to be a place for those who have Jesus as their Lord and
are living with him.
I recently read of a pastor who said he no longer had a problem
with non-Christians taking communion. he said this because he had
read that Judas had taken communion, and he did not have the right
relationship with God. he said this in order to defend the fact that, in
his church, those who were not born again were allowed to take part
in communion. But Judas is a very bad example to use in this case
because we read how Satan came into him and that, aer some time,
he betrayed Jesus and then died.
Communion has always been set apart for Christians, and it should
be like that even today. e lack of understanding that the church, and
communion, are meant for Christians might have very negative
e popular idea of the church being a place where non-Christians
can come and meet God is a new way of thinking. Why not invite
people into your home to have dinner instead and meet them where
they are. en you can share the gospel with them yourself and even
baptize them in your bathtub! at way, they already have a natural
relationship with those who led them to Christ instead of the unnatural
relationship they oen have to a pastor who does not really know them.
It is obviously the best and most biblical way to do it. Aerward, you
could take this new Christian with you to the gatherings of the church
you join. en, when they are there, they will not be amazed as to why
people, for example, speak in tongues. It is no longer strange to them
because they do it as well! is is actually the way things are done in a
lot of other countries, especially in those countries where Christians
are being persecuted, and where the church is growing a lot more than
it is here in the West.
Unfortunately, many have taken away speaking in tongues and
other controversial things from the church in order to accommodate
non-Christian seekers. at is not only unbiblical, it’s also dangerous.
Someone asked me whether we pray in tongues when we meet, and
I answered yes. She then told me that it was not biblical since Paul says:
erefore if the whole church comes together in one place, and all
speak with tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed or
unbelievers, will they not say that you are out of your mind? (1 Cor.
My answer to that is: “We do not have uninformed or unbelieving
people coming to our meetings! however, if an unbeliever happened
to join us, we would naturally take that into consideration. We would
take the opportunity to teach them about the holy Spirit and speaking
in tongues, and that would mean they would no longer be uninformed!
Instead, our speaking in tongues would become a sign to them, one
that they could read about throughout the Bible.”
My point is that we should not turn the church into a tool for
evangelism when, in reality, it should be a center for discipleship. e
church’s primary goal is to make disciples, like Jesus commanded. e
fact that we have, in many ways, changed the purpose of the church by
trying to make it a place to reach non-Christians means that the
Christians who are coming to the church are not being made into
productive disciples. ey are not getting the food they need to grow
and produce fruit. Another consequence is that, in many free churches,
people are no longer speaking in tongues. e result is that new
Christians are neither being baptized in the holy Spirit nor receiving
the gi of tongues because they do not see it put into practice. ey
might encounter tongues later in a cell group, but they are not likely to
understand the importance of it because they did not receive it from
the beginning. We see this in many Pentecostal churches today as well,
and if they continue further down this road, there will be no “Pentecost”
le in them!
We cannot put a lid on the movement of God’s Spirit among us if
we are going to be effective. Without God’s Spirit, we can do nothing.
When Christians come together, they ought to be focused on
pursuing God and being filled and equipped to live as disciples every
ChAPTeR 10: A Tool for Missions 69
day. Being a disciple means spreading the gospel, too, so that the
fellowship can grow. is aspect is oen overlooked when the church’s
focus is on reaching non-Christians. ere are many dangers in using
the church as a tool for evangelism instead of a center of discipleship
the way the Bible says we should.
e idea of the church primarily being a place for non-Christians
to come into relationship with Jesus can not be found in the Bible. is
new way of having church has paved the way for what is now called the
“seeker-friendly” church. As the word implies, it is a church that is
designed to meet the newcomer. e focus is not removed just from
equipping and training Christians, but many other important things
also get changed in order to please the seekers (non-Christians), which
is both incorrect as well as dangerous.
I understand why many pastors and leaders today have chosen this
path. ey long to see people come to Christ and are having a hard
time seeing other possibilities for that to happen. ey rarely see
Christians doing the things I’ve talked about before, like inviting people
into their homes and leading them to Christ. is is something that
has been discussed in the church for many years, but we simply do not
do it. erefore, the pastor has to find other ways. It’s much easier for
Christians to invite non-Christians to a concert at church or to a
seeker-friendly service than to invite them into their homes and share
the gospel. even the very thought can oen create an immense fear in
many Christians.
however, any way you look at it, in the end it is just an excuse for
not doing what we should be doing, and it is the main reason for the
lack of growth in the church. e reason for this is that the church has
been transformed from a center for discipleship into a tool for
evangelism. is has resulted in the fact that Christians simply are not
being discipled anymore, and that makes it hard for them to reach
people with the gospel. e church has not been trained how to do this,
and most are filled with fear at even the thought of having to reach out
to the world.
We have lost the capability to make disciples because of this change
in the church’s focus and purpose. Because the church is not growing
anymore, pastors are getting desperate. however, instead of going back
to the model we find in the Bible, church leaders are going down a
totally different path. ey are creating seeker-friendly churches and
changing lots of things in order to get non-Christians into church. But
this does not solve the problem. It actually does the opposite!!
With great sadness, I have to conclude that most free churches
today are moving in this direction. ey are focused on the wrong
thing and are working hard to be more and more seeker-friendly all
the time. By doing this, they might be getting more people to come to
their church, but in the long run, they are not going to produce good
and lasting fruit.
Remember, if we want to see whether a fellowship is healthy or not,
we should not just look at the number of people attending. Instead,
look to see whether the people are being made into disciples and
followers of Jesus. is is not something that can be done on a Sunday
morning when the fellowship meets for an hour and a half service. No,
we get a better picture by looking at what the members of the
fellowship are doing on friday and Saturday nights and whether they
are following Jesus’ words each day. e purpose of the church is to
make disciples that produce good fruit in their daily lives, and that is
how we help the fellowship grow.
T he other day, I heard of a seeker-friendly church that removed
the cross from a wall because it had provoked some of the
people who visited. I think this paints a pretty good picture of
the idea behind the seeker-friendly church. We have removed from the
gospel that which offends people, with the hope that if we make the
gospel more acceptable, non-Christians will want to come and meet
with us. however, this means that Christians do not get the nutrition
anymore that they need to grow.
If we take away the cross and that which offends the sinner, what
then do we have le of the Gospel?
e church states that it is not the gospel message they are changing,
but it is the “packaging” that must change. e truth of the matter is
that we can wrap the message up so much that the salt loses its saltiness,
and then we no longer even have the gospel. I personally do not think
we should change the packaging; we should remove it altogether!
Instead of spending so much time discussing what needs to be changed
in order to get non-Christians to come in, we should be busy equipping
Christians to go out and live the Christian life day in and day out. I
believe that would solve the problem once and for all! And, again, all
of this could happen if we simply began to fellowship like the first
Christians did.
e gospel of Jesus Christ is not only God’s power unto salvation,
it is also a stumbling block. is is something Jesus said time and time
en He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come aer Me, let him
deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever
desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My
sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole
world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” (Luke 9:23-25)
It is not popular today to say you have to deny yourself. It was not
actually popular when Jesus said it either. Many times, the result was
that people went away grieved or offended. however, Jesus did not turn
around and run aer them in order to compromise the truth or to try
to package his message in a different way. one of the largest and most
popular seeker-friendly churches in the USA made a survey of their
members a while back.
is is what came out of that survey:
• 47% of the members did not believe they were saved by grace.
• 57% of the members did not believe in the Bible’s authority.
• 56% of the members did not believe that Jesus is the only way to
Is this what we want to see happen in our churches right now?
Again and again, I meet “Christians” who have no idea what the gospel
is really about. ey have gone to church for several years, but they do
not live at all like disciples of Jesus.
Sadly, they did not ask how many of the members in the fellowship
were truly disciples of Jesus and obeying him each day, but that’s what
it’s really all about. however, looking at these numbers, I can only
imagine that the number would be very low. e survey gives a good
picture of what might happen when we change the purpose of the
church and turn it into an evangelistic tool rather than a center for
In order to make the gospel attractive, we remove that which can
bring salvation and actually change people. is will result in many
people living in delusion and being lost.
ChAPTeR 11: The SeeKeR-fRIeNDLy ChURCh 73
Some time ago, I was contacted by a lady from Copenhagen. She
listened to our teaching on baptism from our website and wanted to
be baptized. She had attended a seeker-friendly church for many years,
but she never really understood baptism until she heard our teaching.
e fact that this woman still did not understand the meaning of
baptism worried me, especially because, according to the Bible,
baptism is the entering into a new life in Christ. Nowadays, it has been
exchanged for the prayer of salvation, for which we do not find any
clear biblical evidence. everyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their
Lord was baptized at that moment, even if there were three thousand
in one day or in the middle of the night. Some might say: “But what
about the thief on the cross? he wasn’t baptized.”
It is true that he was not baptized, but the baptism of Jesus did not
yet exist at that time. When the thief was hanging there on the cross,
the old covenant was still in effect. Jesus was hanging beside the man.
e baptism of Jesus symbolizes Jesus’ death and resurrection, and that
still had to take place when Jesus hung beside the thief on the cross.
is is also the reason why we do not find anyone in the gospels being
baptized with the baptism of Jesus. on the other hand, we do not find
anyone aer the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus coming to faith
and not being baptized at the same time. I do realize that baptizing
people immediately aer conversion is not very practical today with
church programs where most churches have baptisms only once every
three to six months, but we need to build our practice on the Bible and
not our own traditions. is again shows how far we have actually
strayed from the first church practices we read about in the Bible.
Aer the woman heard our teaching on baptism, she really wanted
to hear more and came to one of our meetings. Aer my talk, she sat
down and cried, saying she had never heard anything like it before,
which is, in and of itself, frightening. I was simply preaching the gospel.
I took her hands, and we prayed together. God’s Spirit came over us in
a strong way, and she immediately began speaking in tongues while we
both cried. She opened her eyes and looked at me and quietly asked,
“What am I doing?” I explained to her that she should simply continue,
that she was speaking in tongues, and that it was the holy Spirit who
had come over her. She closed her eyes again and continued speaking
in tongues. e next morning, she came to be baptized. She said that
when she had gone home that evening, her daughter had come to her
in pain. Some years ago, she had cut her hand on a window and still
had a lot of pain. e mother had prayed for her many times, but
nothing ever happened. When she arrived home that evening, her
daughter came to her in pain. e mother put her hand on her and
prayed, and this time it was as if the prayer came from her heart and
not her head. Immediately, the daughter’s pain disappeared.
Aer that, Lene and I visited the woman and her family. When I
met the 13-year-old daughter, I asked her if she had been baptized in
the holy Spirit, and she answered no. People do not really talk about
such things in seeker-friendly churches like the one they were involved
in. of course, she was still quite young, but she really wanted to be
baptized in the holy Spirit. To God, a 13-year-old girl is “old enough,”
so the girl’s mother and I went into her room and prayed for her. e
holy Spirit came over her in a strong way, and she began speaking in
tongues while she prayed and explained that she had never in her life
felt so fantastic. yes, God works just as powerfully in the room of a
teenage girl as he does in a church. Later, the mother baptized her
daughter herself with water in their bathtub. Since then, they have
stopped attending the “seeker-friendly” church they had attended for
many years and have started their own fellowship in their home, which
no doubt is much more fulfilling.
ey had attended one of the seeker-friendly churches that focused
on having a large congre gation, but we cannot let ourselves be fooled
by the number of members a church has.
Seeker-friendly churches are most capable of getting people into
their churches, and, of course, there are people who meet God there. I
do not want to question that. however, I do hope that many of them
will move on aer a while in order to get closer to the Lord because, in
most of these churches, they do not get the spiritual nutrition they need
in order to grow. e concept of the seeker-friendly church simply
creates difficulty in making disciples.
e problem here is not necessarily the fact that there is so much
focus on those who are seeking. Setting the focus on those who are
seeking is a good thing in and of itself. Personally, I try to reach out to
ChAPTeR 11: The SeeKeR-fRIeNDLy ChURCh 75
non-Christians in different ways. for example, I will use language that
non-Christians can understand. however, the problem lies in the fact
that we have made the church into an evangelistic tool rather than a
place where discipleship and mutual encouragement can take place.
e church should be a place where Christians receive training in order
to go boldly into the harvest fields.
Today, however, most Christians are not being equipped to go out
and share the gospel. Instead, they are expecting the pastor to do
everything. is creates an even bigger gap between the “professionals”
who are active in ministry, and the majority of the people who simply
sit in church and support them. In seeker-friendly churches, the world
comes into the church, even though the church is called to be holy and
set apart for God to equip people to go out and evangelize the world.
Several years ago at a Christian summer conference, the organizers
arranged to hold a disco dance with a light show and smoke for the
youngsters. ey explained that they would begin the service with a
time of worship to get people in the right frame of mind. Aer worship,
the young people could dance and party with non-Christian music.
is is yet another attempt to be a church where non-Christians can
feel at home. As we have already seen many times before, the result will
be backslidden and lukewarm young Christians.
Because of my extensive traveling, I have become increasingly
aware of this danger over the last few years. I have the opportunity to
meet many Christians from many different churches, and what I see
worries me. I am very concerned about what the next generation of
Christians will be like if we continue down this road.
is is what the Bible has to say about sin:
Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace
with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Tim. 2:22)
We should flee from the things that might tempt us instead of
letting temptations be served to us on a silver platter. To be relevant
for non-Christians is not the same as being like the world in which
they live. To be relevant is to separate oneself from the world and,
instead, offer something that the world can not give them. e church
is a gathering for Christians where they come together to build one
another up. en they can go out into the world again to display the
life of Christ within them. is is something we should not change.
Non-Christian can, of course, be invited to a meeting. is works
best in small groups where it is easier to discern the newcomer’s need.
is does not necessarily have to take the focus away from the equipping
or training of the disciples. In fact, the opposite is quite true!
I am quite concerned that many will not see the problem until it is
too late. In my country, many are so busy looking at megachurches in
the USA that this message cannot be received enough to look honestly
at the fruit they are producing. Jesus said that we should judge a tree
by the quality of the fruit it produces and not only by the quantity.
I believe there is a reason that seeker-friendly churches have been
such a success in the USA and Denmark. It is because we do not
experience the same opposition and persecution as Christians do in
other parts of the earth. Unfortunately, because of this, we have not
been able to see how things truly are. In the gospel of Mark, chapter
four, Jesus uses an important parable about the sower:
And He said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How
then will you understand all the parables?” (Mark 4:13)
e parable of the sower is the key to understanding the other
parables. I am thinking in particular of the parables in the gospel of
Matthew, chapter 25, the parables of the ten virgins, the ten talents,
and the judgment of the world. ese parables all tell of God’s coming
judgment. ey warn that many will believe they had Jesus as their
Lord when, in reality, they had never truly been born again.
In the parable about the judgment of the world, we can read that
ChAPTeR 11: The SeeKeR-fRIeNDLy ChURCh 77
Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats and not the sheep from the
wolves as one might expect (Matthew 10:16). e judgment of the
world deals with the people in the church who “confess” Jesus is Lord.
e parable of the sower describes different types of soil on which
the seed falls. ere is this one:
“Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and
immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth. But when
the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered
away.” (Mark 4:5-6)
here we see something grow up aer the seed is sown. It looks
really good in the beginning, and you can not see that anything is
wrong with it. Someone hears the Word, comes to church, and is a
“Christian” who “lives” with God. It looks like the plant is growing well,
but something that you cannot see until the sun is high in the sky is
very wrong with that seedling. Later, Jesus explains what the sun
“ese likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they
hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and they have
no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Aerward, when
tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they
stumble.” (Mark 4:16-17)
e sun represents hardship and persecution that reveals the true
condition of the heart. is can be a big problem in Denmark and the
USA because we do not experience the same hardship and persecution
as Christians do in many other countries. We may think we are
growing as we should be, but much of the growth we see might not last
simply because the Word of God has not taken root.
What would happen if we suddenly began experiencing persecution
in Denmark, for example, the way Christians experience persecution
in China?
I believe that, in that moment, it would become quite clear that the
seeker-friendly church movement is only programs and procedures. I
believe that, in a short amount of time, there would be few seeker-
friendly churches le because most church-goers in the seeker-friendly
churches would deny their faith as soon as being a Christian ceased to
be fun and entertaining.
When the seed was sown in the stony ground, the message was
heard and received with joy, just like we read in the parable. e
message sounded so good that they accepted it with joy. yet, we do not
read that there is any grief involved over sin, and neither were they told
about denying themselves and taking up their crosses. ey heard and
came to church faithfully, but the gospel never really took root in them.
e truth is that we will not see this happen until the day the sun is at
its highest point in the sky and everything gets revealed. erefore, we
should learn from the persecuted churches and listen to what they have
to say. When we look at them, we do not see the same seeker-friendly
ideas where the message is being nicely packaged and where people
are drawn in with entertainment. When we read of the persecuted
church, we find home fellowships that equip Christians to become
disciples of Jesus, just like we read in the Bible. Also, as a matter of fact,
these home fellowships grow many times faster than the seeker-
friendly megachurches. We just do not hear about it because it is not
being broadcasted on Christian TV channels.
Some argue that home fellowships exist because of persecution in
certain parts of the world, and, because of that, they simply cannot have
a “real” church. is is not true. e first church in the Bible also had
periods of peace. however, during this time, they did not change the
way they had fellowship. No, we only find home fellowships.
Remember, the question is not whether what we build can survive
here and now but whether it can survive throughout eternity. I believe
it is only a matter of time before persecution comes, and when it does,
churches will be forced to change in order to survive. So why not make
the necessary changes right now and build on the Rock? en the
house can stand when the waves come crashing against it.
T he word “church” occurs several times in the Bible. one place
is, for example, 1 Corinthians.
And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second
prophets, third teachers, aer that miracles ... (1 Cor. 12:28)
In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the meaning of the word
“church.” Sometimes things can become confusing when people have
different interpretations of the same word. As a result, I am oen forced
to use the word in a very clear way that leaves no room for wrong
interpre tation so that we do not misunderstand one another. I have
done this in the previous chapters where I have talked about the church
as a building to which we go. Now, however, I would like to take a closer
look at the true meaning of the word “church.”
e word we use for “church” that has been translated from the
original language of the New Testament is: ekklesia. When we hear the
word “church” today, the first thing that almost always comes to mind is
a building. But the word ekklesia actually has no connection to a building
or religion at all. e word simply means “an assembly or gathering.”
In Acts, chapter 19, we read about the concerns of some people
in ephesus. Paul had preached the gospel and, as a result, some people
became angry and began yelling, “Great is Diana of the ephesians!” In
verse 32, we read the following:
Some therefore cried one thing and some another, for the assembly
was confused, and most of them did not know why they had come
together. (Acts 19:32)
We read in this passage that the assembly was confused, referring
back to the assembly of non-Christians who worshipped the Goddess
Diana. What is interesting is that the word used for “assembly” is the
word ekklesia. So we could, in actuality, translate it like this: “Some
therefore cried one thing and some another, for the church was con -
fused, and most of them did not know why they had come together.”
however, there is not really any point because we are reading about
a group of Diana worshippers. When we hear the word “church,” we get
a picture in our head, and in the context we have just read, that picture
is totally wrong! however, it is not only in this context that we have a
problem; it’s the fact that we have actually created a false picture in
regard to the word “church.” is passage proves that the word in the
New Testament that we translate as “church” is not necessarily always
referring to a Christian meeting or a building but simply to a gathering.
So the word ekklesia (which is mostly translated “church” in the
Bible) really has nothing to do with a building or a religious meeting.
Ekklesia means simply “an assembly of people.” ese people may be
assembled on the street, in the home, or somewhere else. In the Bible,
these assemblies oen had to do with a gathering of Christians, and
the word used for this gathering, ekklesia, was translated “church.”
Unfortunately, however, this also distorts the true meaning because,
for us, “church” has come to mean much more than just a gathering of
Christians. you probably would not consider an evening with Christian
friends to eat and fellowship as having church, would you? however,
that is, in fact, closer to the true meaning of the word “church” than if
you were to say, “I’m just going down to the church to get something,”
and then you drove down to an empty building where you normally
meet. is empty building has nothing at all to do with a gathering of
people (church) because it’s empty. e fact is that, today, we rather
think of a building when we hear the word “church,” even though that
is kind of like calling a group of people a house. e two things have
ChAPTeR 12: WhAT IS ChURCh 81
nothing to do with each other.
however, when seen through the eyes of the New Testament, there
is actually no building that is holy! It is you and me—Christians—who
are holy! If we meet at a particular place, it is not the place that is holy.
When we leave that place, we are still holy, and the building is still only
a building. God does not live in a building made of stone. No, he lives
in us who live with him. We are God’s temple here on earth. erefore,
it does not matter where we meet. A gathering at McDonald’s can be
as holy as a meeting at St. Peter’s Church.
further, it does not matter if we meet together with only two or
with two thousand. Jesus is in our midst in both occasions. Meeting in
a building that is called a “church” does not make that meeting more
significant than meeting on the street or in a house. Rather, the
opposite is true because meeting on the street and in homes is actually
what the first Christians did. e place where you gather has very little
significance because of the fact that the word “church” merely means
“an assembly” of Christians. Wherever a group of Christians meets,
there we have, or are, the Church.
Around the year 300 A.D., the word “church” came into use, though
we are not completely sure why. It is said that the word “church” comes
from the Greek word kuriakos, which means “that which belongs to the
Lord,” or “the Lord’s.” is word, however, is only found in two places
in the Bible, and neither of those places has anything to do with the
church/assembly. In both places kuriakos is translated as “the Lord’s.”
I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s [kuriakos] Day, and I heard behind
me a loud voice, as of a trumpet … (Rev. 1:10)
erefore when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the
Lord’s [kuriakos] Supper. (1 Cor. 11:20)
As you can see, we do not find the word “church” in the original
language of the Bible. We actually do not even find the word “fellow -
ship.” Instead, we find the word “assembly” (ekklesia) over and over again.
Why, then, did we begin to use the word “church” instead of
“assembly” if we do not find it in the Bible? e reason may be found
in emperor Constantine’s worship of the sun god. At a certain point,
he was even the high priest in the cult of the sun god (the Sol Invictus
cult). If you search online for the word “church,” you will find that
“Church” (or Circe) is a sorceress from Greek mythology, the daughter
of the sun god helios and the moon goddess Perse.”
This might explain why, during this time in history, the word
“church” came into use. however, we do not know for sure. What we
do know is that when our Bible uses the word “church” or “fellowship,”
it is translated from the word ekklesia, which simply means “assembly.”
So, when the Bible speaks of a “church” or “fellowship,” it actually
means “a gathering,” and this gathering has nothing to do with a church
building, membership, rules, Sunday services, etc.
When we begin to understand this, many things in the Bible will
start to have a completely new meaning to us. So oen, we have our
own interpretation of things. Because of this, we oen give a totally
different interpretation of Scripture than what was originally written.
is very thing has happened to the words “church” and “fellowship.”
If we try to use the word “assembly” instead, it may help us break away
from the wrong associations we have with the word “church.” Try it
for yourself!! forget everything about church buildings, rules,
member ships, services, and whatever else you associate with the
church. en read the New Testament and put in the word “assembly”
every time it says “church” or “fellowship,” and you will understand
what I mean.
earlier, we read that God has given several gis, or rather
ministries, to the church. When we read this, most people think that
God has put these ministries in a church building or a church network
consisting of several churches. however, it does not refer to any
particular church building, fellowship, or network. No, it refers to the
assembly of believers in general. firstly, the early Christians did not
have any particular church organization. Secondly, they did not have
a building that they called “church.” When we read that God has given
ministries to the church, it means he has given these to the assembly
of believers in general, regardless of where they meet.
Let’s read the passage again with a more accurate understanding:
When we begin to understand what different words really mean, it
will start to give a whole new meaning to the Bible. you will start to
understand how those first Christians really lived. It will give you the
freedom to live with and serve God each day, no matter where you are.
God comes out of the box we have put him in, and Christianity today
will again be like it was in the New Testament.
e church was an assembly of believers that met in both small and
large groups. eir meetings had nothing to do with all the walls that
we have built up today. ere was no building or church organization
with a name like Pentecostal, Baptist, or Lutheran. ese are all walls
we have put up and that God is going to break down in the last days.
is will not happen by all the large church organizations becoming one
and being put together in one big system. It will happen when church
walls are broken down, and people once again begin to meet in homes
and on the streets where there are no big names, programs, or organi -
zations,. We will be led by the Spirit and what the Bible tells us we should
believe and consider. e first Christians were not members of a church
organization. ey were simply repre sentatives of Jesus Christ.
e separation we see between churches and believers today is the
cause of many problems. one of these problems is that individual
churches or organizations oen miss out on what God wants to reveal
to us through “the others.” God gave me a vision of this some time ago.
e Bible says that we know in part, but one day we shall know God
in full (1 Cor. 13). e idea of knowing in part is like all of us having
our own bits of Christ. I have some bits of him, and you have some bits
of him, etc., because God reveals different thing to each of us.
Today, we each sit in our own churches and groups, each with our
own little bit of Jesus. But what would happen if we came together with
all our bits and met at home? yes, like a puzzle, we would be able to
see more if we gathered the bits together. We would suddenly get a
much bigger picture of who Christ actually is. When people today meet
together for services, Christ is limited to what a single pastor knows
about him because the pastor is the only one who shares anything in
these systems. e Bible, on the other hand, says that when we come
together, everyone has something to share. is can only work in small
would split up into different groups. ey were together oen, and it
was like a small family that grew. It was not about where they met,
membership, or how many there were. It was about meeting and
sharing Christ in such a way that everyone could put their “little bit”
into the fellowship. ey oen ate together, and communion was a
regular part of that Love feast.
Because they met in smaller groups, they naturally became like a
family, coming together daily and sharing life. During my almost two
decades as a Christian, I have been in various churches, but I have to
say that only in these last few years have I truly experienced the church
as my family. I can say that I love the people with whom I meet. It is
love and Christ that hold us together, not a building or a membership.
is is something I really want others to experience as well.
T he church is not a building or a place where you can visit. you
are the church! you are Christ’s body here on earth. you are
the church wherever you are and wherever you go. e fact
that we are Christ’s body is something I believe most Christians have
heard before, but only a few are living that way.
one of the problems with having a church building is that we easily
start to see the church building as a more “holy” place than other
places. furthermore, a church building tends to have an effect on our
behavior and attitude, where we start to reduce the Christian life to
something “we do” at a specific time and at a specific place. I’m not
saying that this is always the case, but the risk is surely there. It just so
happens that there are people today who act, say, and do things at home
and at other places that they would never think of doing at church. To
them, their everyday life is different compared to their life in church,
especially on Sunday mornings. Church is seen as the place where God
is and where we, therefore, need to act correctly.
is, however, was never God’s intent, and it is exactly what Jesus
did away with in the New Covenant.
“Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in
Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” Jesus said to her,
“Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on
Jesus came to make a new and better covenant. he came to build
himself a “house” out of you and me. God wants to live in us, and this
means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ere is not anything that
happens at church on Sundays that cannot happen at home every day.
When we understand this and seriously start to include God in our
everyday lives, our lives will never be the same again. however, many
are living an everyday life that is completely different from the one they
are living at church on a Sunday morning when they come together to
worship. Many of them are deceiving themselves by believing that
everything is okay as long as they come to church on Sunday.
Life with God encompasses every day, every minute of a Christian’s
life, and every place we go. It is not something we do now and then at
a certain time and place. It does not necessarily belong to one special
place. ere are, of course, occasions when we give him full attention
above all else. even when the attention is on other things God never
Is it possible to experience God as a part of everyday life in the
same way we do when we are going to church on Sundays?
yes, of course, it is possible! Life with God, however, oen gets
reduced to something that only takes place at a certain location (church
building), at a special time (church service on a Sunday morning),
when a particular person (the pastor) does certain things that we are
told only he can do (communion and sermon).
Research from the USA has shown that only ten percent of those
regularly going to church talk with each other and their children about
God daily. at might indicate that ninety percent of those attending
church are not living with God in their everyday lives. is should
bother us when we realize that, from the beginning of creation, God
ChAPTeR 13: yoU ARe The ChURCh 89
primarily meant for the Christian life to be part of the family and the
everyday life. Many people, however, seem to substitute this with their
weekly attendance of a church.
We see the same thing happen with the idea of Sunday school. e
first Sunday school came about at the end of the 18th century in
europe. When it came to the USA in the beginning of the 19th century,
many big churches were actually against it. ey did not want to have
it in their churches. is is hard to imagine for many of us. Why in the
world did they not want a Sunday school in their churches? ere is
not anything wrong with Sunday schools, is there? e reason for this
was that they feared a Sunday school would start to take the place of
those to whom God had given the responsibility to teach children
about him, such as parents, and especially fathers who are the priests
in the home.
When we look at churches today, we have to conclude that the
American churches were right in their concern. Sunday schools have,
in many places, replaced the parents’ responsibility for teaching their
children. only ten percent of those who go to church talk with their
children about God daily. is means that only a very small portion of
Christians nowadays are teaching their children God’s Word!
e main reason for this is that many today think teaching their
children about God is something the Sunday school will take care of.
We have handed the responsibility over to a system that we do not even
find in the Bible. Sunday school in itself is not wrong, but it should never
lead us to hand over a responsibility that God has given to parents.
In the same way, the church has oen become a replacement for
one’s own personal life with God. Many are thinking, “It’s the priest’s
job to hear from God and teach me,” and “It’s the responsibility of the
church to see that I grow in my walk with God,” etc. e responsibility
for one’s own personal life with God has been relegated to a system
where it does not belong. Again, I want to underline that it is not
necessarily this way everywhere, but if we are not careful, this is what
easily may happen.
When we take another look at the idea of church, we will realize
that we are the only real church building that God has. We are God’s
temple (church) here on earth, according to his Word.
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit
of God dwells in you? (1 Cor. 3:16)
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body
and in your spirit, which are God’s. (1 Cor. 6:19-20)
We are God’s temple, and it is the only temple he has. We should,
therefore, honor God with our bodies, which, as I said earlier, is
something that applies seven days a week. We are God’s temple, and
we are all priests as well.
… from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead,
and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and
washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings
and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion
forever and ever. Amen. (Rev. 1:5-6)
is is our position today under the New Covenant. Today, we are
God’s temple, and all of us are priests. or, to be more specific, you are
God’s church, and you are a priest with personal access to God. e only
thing holy about a church building and a church meeting is you and
others who are attending there. you have access to the holy of holies
because of Jesus’ precious blood, if you are born again and are living
with him. We do not need a high priest as a middleman anymore, like
we read about in the old Testament. We do not necessarily need to go
to a specific church building or have a “real” priest in order to have a
church service. We are all priests and can all hear from God, baptize
people, hand out communion, pray for the sick, etc. you are the church,
and you are the priest. e service actually has to do with you as well.
If you search for the word “service” in the Danish Bible, it comes up in
only two places. one of them is the following:
A service is not only something physical with special rituals like
we see today. is verse explains very well what a service really is. It is
not necessarily a special meeting at a specific time and place. Rather, it
is a lifestyle in which we offer our bodies (as God’s temple) to God, so
that he can live in and through us. We are the sacrifice, so he can
make his home in us and use us for his purpose.
We have reduced the church to a building or a place, but, in reality,
the church is a certain person; that is to say: you! e pastor has also
become a person with the responsibility to do things for you that you
should be doing yourself because, today, you yourself are a priest before
God. In the same way, our idea of service has become something that
only happens at a certain place and a certain time, usually Sunday
mornings. however, true service takes place when each of us uses our
own body to worship God, and that is something that can happen
whenever and wherever two or three are together. e strong spiritual
life that the first Christians lived is strongly related to their under -
standing of these things. When you realize this, it will lead you into
even more freedom with God.
W hen we look at the different types of church services that
exist today, we find that, wherever we look, they almost all
look the same. In the Catholic Church, communion is put
at the center of the service. e Catholic Church believes that the bread
and wine are not just symbols but that they actually do become the
physical body and blood of Jesus during communion. is idea goes all
the way back to Gregory the Great (540-604 A.D.). Luther fought against
this idea, however, so that, today, we have the Lutheran service where
the preacher is placed in the center of the service. is actually laid the
foundation for the Protestant and the Lutheran church tradition. Today,
in most churches, communion, the pulpit, and the preacher are still the
most important elements in the church service. Another big change that
came with the Protestant and Lutheran tradition was the idea of whole
congregations singing together during the church service, which did
not happen in the Catholic churches of those days. Besides these
elements, there is not any big difference between that which Gregory
the Great presented during the 6th century and that which Luther
presented during the 16th century.
If we look at the services in the average free churches today, we will
not find much difference in the way the services are conducted there
either. ere are, of course, small differences in the way things are
presented, but the structure is very much the same as it was back then.
In a typical free church, you start with a welcome, then prayer, and
aer that some worship songs. en there will be announcements and
a collection, a couple more songs, and then the preacher gets up to
preach. When the sermon, which is always a one way communication,
is finished, then it is time for prayer. In some places, communion is
performed right aer the sermon. finally, the morning is finished off
with church coffee. is structure reminds me very much of the
structure of church services in the more traditional churches. Such
church services are usually conducted by a worship leader and a
preacher. Most of the time, the pastor/preacher is also the person
leading the meeting. e rest of the fellowship can join in with the
songs, but, other than that, they have to be satisfied with what all of
the other “participants” are doing. If someone were to ask you on
Monday if it was a good service, you would mostly consider what you
thought of the preacher, the sermon, and perhaps the worship. But let’s
look at what the Bible says about “church service.”
e important thing to understand here is that Paul is saying “when
you come together, each of you has something to contribute for
edification.” e list shown here is not the most important part because
it could surely be longer. Paul is teaching that, when we come together,
each of us should bring something that can be used to edify, build up,
or encourage each other. But in a typical free-church service today, only
three or four people normally bring something. e rest of the people
just sit there with their “bit” of Christ. e bigger the church, the more
people are sitting there passively. yes, some will argue that if everyone
got to talk for any length of time, it would become a horribly long
service, and I agree. e only reason this would not work today is that
we simply have too many people in our meetings. What we see in the
Bible is that the first Christians met in small house groups, and not in
big church meetings. In these smaller groups, it would not necessarily
take a very long time for everyone to share a word, testimony, or a song.
ChAPTeR 14: ChURCh SeRVICe 95
e Bible verse that we just read is actually the only reference to
the structure of church meetings that we find in the New Testament.
ere is no biblical evidence for a service with a specific order like
welcome, songs, collection, and preaching. We also do not find any
biblical reference to the idea that only a few should be sharing, with
the rest sitting and listening. We do read in the Bible about one event
where Paul talked the whole night (Acts 20), but I do not believe this
was a long, unbroken sermon by Paul. I believe he talked that long
because the other people were taking part in it, too.
If we look at the original text, we find in Acts, chapter 20 two
different words that are both translated to the same word. one of them
means “speech” or to “talk.” e other word, however, does not have to
do with speaking but with leading a dialog or conversation. So Paul
probably talked for part of the time, and aer he spoke, they had active
dialog that lasted into the night. e whole group was involved in
asking questions that directed the conversation. is event was nothing
like we see today, where one person talks for 45 minutes without
interruption, and then they give a thank you and dismiss.
If we look at the way the early Christians met, it is completely
different from how we meet today. first of all, they did not have a
church building. Second, they did not have a church service every
Sunday. And third, they did not have the structure in their meetings
that we have today. Instead, they met in homes and shared Christ with
each other. ey ate together and shared communion as a part of a
normal mealtime. Aer they ate, they all had the opportunity to share
something to edify the others. Some people might have come with a
vision or a song, and some others with a passage from God’s Word or
an experience that they had. is way of meeting has different effects
on the people. first, it means that everyone has a bigger picture of who
Christ is because this picture is no longer limited to the revelation of
the pastor and only a few others. It also means that people are not so
easily frustrated anymore because they have a chance to talk about
what they have experienced. furthermore, it means that people will
grow in a totally different way.
When we look at free churches today we see different groups of
Christians. ere is a very small group of people who are actively
serving in the church and are satisfied; they have found a place in the
church where they can serve God. ey feel like they’re being used and
are growing because of it. ey are satisfied and feel no need for change.
Unfortunately, this group is very small. e other group is very big.
first of all, there are many who are dissatisfied and frustrated because
they are not being used and are not growing in the things that God has
put in them. ese people have sat in church for many years and
listened, Sunday aer Sunday. Some begin to criticize everyone and
everything out of pure frustration. ese people have chosen to put
their dreams on the shelf and to accept the fact that they can not grow
or be used any further. ey have been beaten down; the fire inside has
slowly gone out, and they have finally become complacent, lukewarm,
and possibly even backslidden. ey continue to come to church, but
in their hearts, they have already le their first love and lost their fire.
We need to see a reformation in our church structure. If you
remember, we really wanted to do something different when we were
planning our first church service some years ago. But what happened?
It became exactly like the ones we had le. e truth is that church
tradition lies deep within all of us. It takes a long time for this to
change, but with God’s help it can happen.
Most people who read this think of sin and wrong thoughts. But
this Scripture does not only refer to sin and wrong thoughts, it also has
to do with the determination not to adjust to the systems of this world.
We should not follow the ideas that don’t exist in the Bible and that aren’t
connected to Christ. We should renew our minds so that we can do
what God wants us to do. Don’t follow the traditions and systems that
are built on the world’s philosophy and on religion. Let your mind be
renewed so that you can understand how God wants his church to
function and also what he wants you to do to make disciples.
e stated earlier that Jesus has called us to make people into
his disciples. I believe we are wrong when we think this will
happen all by itself or simply by people attending our
church meetings Sunday aer Sunday. Listening to teachings does not
necessarily make one into a disciple.
Jesus was a carpenter, but he did not build a single church! he
never started an organization, nor did he have church services at any
specific time. Neither did he start a Bible school to get the job done.
No, the way he made disciples was entirely different from the way in
which we do it today. In chapter four of the gospel of Matthew, we read
about Jesus calling his first disciples.
And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon
called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for
they were fishermen. en He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will
make you fishers of men.” ey immediately le their nets and
followed Him. (Matt. 4:18-20)
Jesus called his disciples with the words: “follow Me.” A disciple of
Jesus was, and still is, a follower of Jesus. We leave what we are doing
behind in order to follow him. yet, what did Jesus do to make people
into his disciples? Did he build a church where they could meet every
Sunday? Did he start a Bible school where he could meet the students
every morning and teach them?
In the Everyday Danish Bible there is an explanation of the verses
that we just read. It says this:
ere are many truths hidden in what we have just read. In the
culture in which Jesus and the first Christians lived, things were done
very differently than what we do in our various cultures today. Being
taught by someone, then, meant following a master. however,
following the master did not mean that you learned by sitting and
listening only, but by seeing and doing. It was both teaching and
learning by example.
Today, almost all learning in the church happens by listening to
someone teaching. What makes you a student is mostly sitting and
listening to the teachings. It is actually the way our whole society
functions. fortunately, more and more schools are beginning to
introduce new ways of learning. ey are beginning to involve the kids
so that they are not just listening but are more actively involved.
Research on how people learn most effectively reveals the following:
We remember:
10% of what we read,
20% of what we hear,
30% of what we see,
50% of what we hear and see,
70% of what we say ourselves,
90% of what we do ourselves.
As you can see, there is a big difference in what we learn between
simply sitting and listening, which is what we do most in churches, and
talking, seeing, and doing.
ChAPTeR 15: The PoWeR of exAMPLe 99
Jesus taught his disciples by having them follow him. In that way
they did not just experience what he taught, but they also saw how he
lived. Aer they had watched how he did things, Jesus sent them out
to do what he had shown them. is is an important part of learning
that is, unfortunately, oen le out today.
e way teaching is done in churches nowadays easily creates a
distant relationship between the common church visitor and the pastor
or speaker, and that’s exactly what it felt like when I was a new Christian.
Because of this distance, people oen do not grow in their faith.
Nowadays, when I am out in the country, I oen meet people who
have respect for me because of my ministry. It is one thing to have
respect for me based on what they see of me on my website or a couple
of times each year in a pulpit, but it is something completely different
when you talk to me and meet me in the different situations of
everyday life. ose who hear me teach only remember twenty percent
of what I say. e people who talk to me each day grow in a completely
different way, especially when I am taking them out to practice what
they have learned.
ey are not only taught through my words but also through my
way of life. ey are not only listening, but they are also learning by
seeing how I treat my wife and my children, how I think about others,
and how I spend my time with God, etc. ey learn by following me
and doing what I do. e church is supposed to be a part of everyday
life, not something that only takes place in a certain place for a couple
of hours each week.
When you consider that most of what we learn actually happens
by seeing how others do it, what is it then that we are learning in many
of our churches today? Do you learn how to give a testimony? Do you
learn how to be a good father or a good husband? No, this is something
that is learned in everyday life and not something that can be taught
in two hours sitting in a church on a Sunday morning. of course, we
can be taught by listening to a sermon, but it is still not teaching by
example. What we do learn in church is how people teach, sing songs,
welcome others, and many other things that belong to church life.
God has not, however, called us to be “professional” Christians
living a “professional” church life. We are called to go out and make
100 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
disciples of all nations every day, disciples who are living the life each
day. God has not called us to serve him only in some small areas of
our lives, leaving the rest alone. Being successful in a speaker’s chair
while the family is falling apart is not being successful at all. No, it is
about your entire life. at is why Jesus called people to follow him,
so that, through life’s challenges, they would learn by example.
A good picture of the way Jesus and the first Christians lived is that
of an apprentice and his master. It is a practice that does not occur as
much today as it did some years ago. e thought behind this practice
is that the student (apprentice) learns from an experienced teacher
(master) by following his example until he becomes experienced and
competent himself. how did such an apprentice learn? Well, first of all
by seeing what his master did. In teaching this way, the apprentice not
only learned by seeing, but also by hearing and doing.
Aer some time, the apprentice will start trying to do things on his
own. however, the master will stay by his side to see how he is doing
and to help when and where it’s needed. Aer a while, the apprentice
will begin to do things on his own more and more until, finally, he is
fully educated and able to move on. With the Christian life, it should
actually be the same. We follow other mature Christians and learn from
their example. Aer a short time, we will be ready to perform tasks and
teach others ourselves.
In the gospel of Luke, chapter nine, you can read another example
of how Jesus taught his disciples. here, he gives them an order along
with some practical instructions. It says, among other things:
He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. And
He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag
nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece. Whatever
house you enter, stay there, and from there depart.” (Luke 9:2-4)
everything Jesus is saying to his disciples here is meant for them
to learn something specific. Later, we read:
ChAPTeR 15: The PoWeR of exAMPLe 101
And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack,
and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.” en
He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it,
and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his
garment and buy one. For I say to you that this which is written must
still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the trans-
gressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.” (Luke 22:35-37)
Jesus sent them out at this specific time so they would learn some -
thing specific: to trust God. Later when Jesus said, “As the father has
sent Me, I am also sending you” (John 20:21), his disciples knew what
this meant. ey had seen how he had been sent out by the father.
Jesus was with his disciples for only three years, but it was enough for
them to then go out and change the world.
Today, we see Christians sitting in church pews for 15 or 20 years
without any big changes. Why? Could the reason be that we have built
up a church system that is not capable of training people through
example? Could the reason be that one remembers only twenty percent
of what one hears?
Imagine a young man who really wants to become an electrician.
of course, he begins by sitting on a school bench listening to a teacher
and reading books. But the funny thing is that, aer four years, he still
has not actually done anything himself. he has just listened and read
without applying his knowledge in any practical way. he has read all
the books and heard all the teachings on how this is a redundant
statement: it should be done. he knows everything about it. But now
the time has come for him to show what he has learned during those
four years. What do you think is going to happen? yes, he is probably
going to be afraid, nervous, insecure, and will have difficulty remem -
bering all that he has heard and read. he is going to think: “What am I
supposed to do now? It’s not like what I heard and read. What if
something goes wrong?” he’s probably going to turn back because he
realizes the gap between the theory and real life is simply too big.
fortunately, this is probably never going to happen to an electrician
today. In reality, as a student, he is going to be trying things all the time,
and a lot of the lessons will include practical training. Aer a short
time in school, he will begin an internship where he will work beside
102 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
someone with more experience until he is finally ready to go and work
by himself.
e only place where we actually do not learn this way today is in
our churches. In our churches today, we simply listen and read, without
ever gaining the experience of practical application. is is why we have
a church that is filled with fear and that will never go out into the real
world and do what Jesus has commanded us to do. We know all about
how to do it, but we just can not seem to actually do it ourselves.
Let’s look at an example: Someone comes to me who really wants to
hear about God, and I place him with a Christian who has been
attending church regularly for ten years. I charge the Christian: “Will
you explain the gospel to this person? If he repents, baptize him in water
and with the holy Spirit, and then disciple him.” What do you think
would happen? I think the Christian would not know what to do. A true
and trained disciple of Jesus, however, would gladly make the other into
a disciple because this is part of the mission Jesus has given us.
Today, there is a huge spirit of fear standing between the church
and the world. We can only take it away by beginning to make people
into disciples on a daily basis like Jesus taught us.
Look at Christians who have been sitting in the church for ten or
fieen years. Ask yourself whether they are able to do what I have been
talking about. If the answer is no, you know that they are not going to
be able to do it in the future either; that is, if they continue in the same
way for another ten or fieen years. We are oen so gullible and think
that if we continue a little while longer in the same way, things are going
to change. I am convinced that, if change does not happen now, it is
not going to happen in the future by continuing to do the same things
over and over again.
When we realize that we learn mostly by example, we will under -
stand that it is incredibly important who we hang out with. e truth
is, we do not learn most things from listening to the preachers in the
church. We are actually influenced more by others we meet in the
church and everyone else we relate to in everyday life. It is like the story
of a duckling that opens its eyes for the first time. It thinks that the first
thing it sees is its mother. In the same way, when you are born again
and your spiritual eyes are opened, the Christianity you see around you
ChAPTeR 15: The PoWeR of exAMPLe 103
is going to be “real” and “normal.” of course, this can be changed, but
that is not so easy.
If you become part of a fellowship where many are living in sin,
there is a big risk that you will start to do the same. If, instead, you
become part of a fellowship where people are on fire for the Lord and
serve him in word and deed, then, in the same way, you will probably
be set on fire for him. e truth is that we learn through what we see
and experience around us, and we tend to adapt to our surroundings.
It is so important to build relationships with people who are true,
burning disciples for Jesus. In the first fellowships, you could not just
walk in from the street and become a part of the fellowship. ere had
to be evidence that you had really repented and were living right before
the Lord. e Bible makes it clear that this should still be the same
today. We should remove evil from our midst because a little leaven
affects the whole lump (1 Cor. 5:6).
But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone
named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater,
or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with
such a person. For what have I to do with judging those also who are
outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are
outside God judges. erefore “put away from yourselves the evil
person.” (1 Cor. 5:11-13)
is is incredibly important. Again and again, I am astonished at
how new Christians grow when they are in a fellowship where people
love Jesus with all of their hearts. I have seen people going into the
streets evangelizing and praying for the sick, people from whom I would
never have expected this based on their personality. however, aer they
had come into a fellowship where many were doing just that, it became
natural for them to do the same. What we see of “Christianity” in the
beginning is what we’re going to see as normal. So we have to begin
creating fellowships where we really serve Jesus in word and deed. is
way, we will learn by what we see around us and truly influence the
people with whom we associate.
T he Bible speaks of two mirrors, or actually, of two different
ways of looking into a mirror. We read about one way in the
second letter to the Corinthians:
In this example, the Word of God is being compared to a mirror.
By reading God’s Word, we are transformed into the very image we see
in it, the very image of which it speaks. ere is, however, another
example in the Word of God concerning the way we look into a mirror.
is example is found in the letter of James:
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man
observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes
away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who
looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a
forgetful hearer but a doer of the Word, this one will be blessed in
what he does. (James 1:22-25)
In the second example we again see the Word of God being likened
106 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
to a mirror. however, unlike the first example where the person looking
into the mirror was being transformed from glory to glory, we read
here about someone who looks into a mirror, but as soon as he turns
away from it, he forgets what he saw. What is the difference between
these two people? Why is the one person being changed into that which
he has heard, while the other only hears the Word and does not change.
e answer is found in verse 25:
But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it,
and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the Word, this one will be
blessed in what he does. (James 1:25)
ese Scriptures clearly illustrate one of the main problems that
the church is facing today: our churches are built around the idea that
teaching in itself can change people! however, teaching in and of itself
is powerless if we do not act on what we’ve heard. We are not blessed,
or changed, through what we hear but through what we do with what
we hear! Many Christians are sitting in church Sunday aer Sunday,
year aer year, listening to teachings, but there is no sign of any
significant change in their lives. ey have come to believe that if they
just keep coming to church and keep listening to the right teachings,
something will begin to happen in their life. however, that is a lie!
James wrote right here that we deceive ourselves if we do not act on
what we hear. We deceive ourselves when what we hear does not really
change us. We might come to church faithfully every Sunday, but when
we leave, we immediately forget what we have just heard. When we are
asked a week later whether it was a good service or not, we say yes, but
when asked what he talked about, we do not remember.
In order for us to be blessed and for our lives to truly be changed,
it is not enough to just hear the Word. We are blessed only when we
become doers of the Word. If we believe teaching alone is going to
change us, then we are deceiving ourselves. When we listen to a
teaching without acting on it, we are like the one who looked at himself
in a mirror but immediately forgot what he looked like. We hear a
message, but as soon as we leave the service, we have forgotten it.
If I had never le the church I was in, I most likely would not have
come to where I am today. I am not saying that I was not taught well in
ChAPTeR 16: The TWo MIRRoRS 107
that church because I was, but the whole system made it unbelievably
difficult for me to act on what I heard. Imagine that we are sitting in a
church, and we hear something we know we should go out and put into
practice. however, the moment you step through those church doors
into the big wide world, you find that you are totally alone in this, and
suddenly, it is difficult. We are like the apprentice who only spent time
in school and never practiced what he learned. at is why we must go
back to the way Jesus did things, to say, “Come and follow Me.” “Come
and see what I’m doing, and start to do the same while I am standing
by your side.”
I have thought for many years that people in the church should pull
themselves together and begin living out the Christian life on a daily
basis. I have realized, however, that this is actually very difficult to do
as long as we continue doing church the way many do today. Since we
began working with small house groups, we have seen people grow like
never before. New converts quickly grow to the level of people who
have gone to church for many years. I have seen new converts, having
been saved for only a few weeks, lead people to Christ, baptize them
in water, and pray with them for the baptism of the Spirit. I have seen
Christians, aer just a few months of being saved, sharing the Word
with both Christians and non-Christians as if they had been going to
church for many years. ey have grown so fast because of the example
of others. I will ask again: “how many people do we know who have
gone to church for ten or fieen years who still can not share the Word,
baptize in water, and pray for the baptism of the Spirit? how many do
we know who, aer ten or fieen years, still need milk (hebrews 5:11-
14) from others because they cannot feed themselves?”
We can continue having services the same way for the next ten or
fieen years without seeing any change, but if we want to grow and see
others grow as well, we must change the way we run the church. We
want to build our lives on the Rock. We cannot just hear the Word, but
we need to act on it like Jesus was saying in the parable of the wise and
foolish builders. Notice that, in this parable, the difference is not in
what they hear but in what they do.
“erefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will
liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain
108 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that
house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone
who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like
a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain
descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that
house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” (Matt. 7:24-27)
e Bible supports what the research shows. We change and learn
best through what we do. e following is worth repeating.
We remember:
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we hear and see
70% of what we say ourselves
90% of what we ourselves do.
When I teach, I hope the listener will get something out of what
I’m sharing. I hope you will get something out of reading this book. It
is doubtful, however, that you will get as much out of this book as I do.
According to the researchers, when I teach, those listening to me will
remember twenty percent of what I have said. But for me, as the
teacher, it is entirely different. I go and pray about what I am going to
share. I meditate on it, study about it, and when it has really become a
part of me, I go and speak about it. is means that I get so much more
out of it than those who are listening. everyone who has tried to teach
knows what I’m talking about. It takes a lot more to speak about
something yourself than to just listen to someone else speak.
erefore, we need to create a “platform” where everyone has the
opportunity to share something, not just for the “listeners” sake, but
for the sake of those speaking.
When I want to encourage a Christian to read more in the Bible and
learn more this week than he did last week, I will ask him to share
something in the next gathering. Because of this, he will seek God, dig
deep in the Word, read and study, in order to have something to share.
When he has found a topic, he will start thinking and meditating on it
ChAPTeR 16: The TWo MIRRoRS 109
until the time comes for him to share it. e next day, if I were to ask
those who were listening what they remember, they are bound to have
remembered something. however, if I were to ask him, he would be
able to tell the entire message all over again. is is one of the reasons
why I believe in small gatherings and fellowships where everyone has
the opportunity to share something—just like in the first fellowships.
A er Jesus was taken up into heaven, the Christians continued
with Jesus’ method of teaching. e gis that Jesus had were
divided among the fellowship so that even today we can
function as Christ’s body here on earth.
here we read about the offices that Jesus passed down to us. We
call these offices (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers)
the five-fold ministry. e purpose of the five-fold ministry is to equip
the holy ones to serve, just like we read.
An evangelist’s purpose is not just to go out on the street and
proclaim the gospel. No, his primary task is to equip the believers to
evangelize and to serve. e same goes for the teacher. A teacher’s task
is not only to teach believers, but also to train up believers to break
112 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
down and share the Word themselves. It is so important for us to get
this straight; otherwise, the fellowship is not going to grow as it should.
Many people today have the wrong belief that the purpose of an
evangelist is to go out and proclaim the gospel so that other Christians
do not need to do so. Many believe that teachers should teach so that
we do not need to read God’s Word for ourselves, and prophets should
prophesy so that we do not need to listen to God ourselves. is is not
at all what the New Testament teaches us.
It is true that not everyone is called to be an evangelist, a teacher, a
prophet, etc., but every Christian should learn how to share Christ,
teach others, prophesy, etc. is is part of the ministry that everyone
has received. e five-fold ministry has been placed in the church to
equip the saints so that they can do the work of the ministry. To serve
means, first and foremost, that we are sent out into the earth as
representatives of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). When we are Jesus’ disciples,
we live with him every day.
And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second
prophets, third teachers, aer that miracles, then gis of healings,
helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. (1 Cor. 12:28)
here it is again, a list of some of the services that God has put in
the church. Let me give an example of how this can work today.
for an example, I work as an evangelist and have the gi of healing
the sick, but the reason why God has given me this gi is not so
everyone can see me on a platform proclaiming the gospel and healing
the sick. is might be part of what it means to be an evangelist, but it
ChAPTeR 17: eqUIPPeD foR MINISTRy 113
is not my primary role. I have been given to the fellowship to equip the
saints with the gis that God has given me. In the house fellowships of
which we have been a part, about ninety percent of the people share
Jesus on a daily basis. e same goes for the gi of healing; around
ninety percent of the people in these fellowships have prayed for a sick
person and have seen them healed.
ese numbers are much higher than what we see in other places.
e only difference is that, in house fellowships, we tend to make use
of the gis that God has given us much more oen than those sitting
in a traditional church setting. ose in house fellowships are using
their gis to make disciples through the authority of example, just like
Jesus did. ey are using the gis God gave them to equip the saints to
be able to serve, which, among other things, involves sharing Jesus and
healing the sick. I have done a teaching called “healing the sick – an
hour is all it takes.” It is a short lesson on what the Bible says about
healing the sick, with a very practical side to it.
Many years ago, I was asked to teach a workshop at a Bible camp.
I decided that my teaching would be called “healing the sick – an hour
is all it takes.” It was a short lesson on what the Bible says about healing
the sick, with a very practical side to it. I really wanted a fresh testimony
and not just empty words when I said it only takes an hour to “learn”
how to heal the sick. So the day before I was to teach, I contacted a new
Christian who had been saved only one month. I asked him if he would
be willing to pray for the sick, see them healed, and if I could have an
hour of his time? he agreed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was
3:36 PM. I told him that we would stand in the same place, and by the
time it was 4:36 PM, he would have shared the gospel of Jesus, prayed
for a sick person, and seen that person healed.
We jumped into the car and drove to town. on the way, I gave him
a short lesson on praying for the sick. When we arrived, I said: “Come,
follow me.” We walked around a bit, and, at some point, I started
talking to some people on the street. e guy followed me and saw what
I said and did. one woman had pain in her back, and I prayed for her.
Aer this, I said to the new Christian: “Come with me. It is now your
turn.” We walked around while I assured him that he just had to do
what he had seen me do. I caught sight of a young man and sensed that
114 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
we should go to him. I told the new Christian what he should say. he
put his hands on the young man and prayed. e man’s knee was
instantly healed, and both young men were very excited about what
had happened.
Within that hour, four people had been healed, and we had shared
the gospel with even more. e new Christian had prayed for two
people, and I had prayed for two. he was extremely enthusiastic and
went all around the Bible camp telling people what had just happened,
even though I told him that he should not tell everyone. is reminds
me of Jesus’ disciples; they could not keep quiet about what they had
experienced either.
And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor
teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to
them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more
than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we
have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:18-20)
is young Christian learned a lesson he will never forget. ere is
nothing as exciting as experiencing God working through you! Again:
we remember much more of what we do than of what we only hear.
is is just one example of how we should teach today. If we start
using these teaching methods again in our fellowships, people will
grow like never before. Now, imagine for just a moment that we could
see the whole five-fold ministry functioning in the same way. ere
would be no limit to what could happen. e fellowship would grow
like never before, in a balanced way, where all gis work together.
What that new Christian learned in just an hour many Christians
cannot do aer ten years in the church. ey have heard that they
should tell people about Jesus, and they know that they can pray for
the sick, but do they do it? No! oen, they are not doing it because the
step from sitting in the church pew to going out and doing it all by
themselves in the world is simply too big. ey are full of fear, and I
cannot blame them. ey actually need someone to equip them. ey
are missing the element of discipleship. you do not become a disciple
by sitting, year in and year out, just listening to teachings. you become
a disciple when someone takes you by the hand and says, “Come,
ChAPTeR 17: eqUIPPeD foR MINISTRy 115
follow me.” It is about being together and sharing life. It is about being
taught by more mature disciples with whom you spend time. A disciple
is someone who makes others into disciples. As disciples, we should
learn from those who are more mature how to live out the Christian
life on a daily basis. Learn how to be a husband or wife, raise children,
look aer the house and home, give and reach out to each other, etc.
is principle actually applies to all areas of life, not just to sharing
Jesus and praying for the sick. We have to begin to build biblical
fellowships, fellowships that make people into disciples, because that
is what Jesus has commanded us to do.
Several things happened at the Bible camp that day. In addition to
four people getting healed, the new Christian had a day to remember.
ere is nothing as wonderful as being used by God. It is something
we need to experience over and over again in order to keep us burning
and feeling alive. When the young man prayed for the last person who
was healed in that hour, I let him do it all by himself. I went far away,
for his sake, so that he would know the healing had nothing to do with
me and that he was “trained” and could continue on his own without
me being there. And so he did, even aer I had driven away.
Some readers are bound to think this practice sounds robotic, and
many will not like it that I say I teach people to heal because only God
can heal. I agree. only God can heal! e truth is that he has given
this gi to the fellowship in order to guarantee that we Christians
continue his work on the earth. It may seem weird to some that I did
this only to have an illustration for what I was going to talk about the
next day. e truth is that, even though it might seem that way, God
was in on it. he has made his will clear once and for all:
“And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘e kingdom of God has
come near to you.’ ” (Luke 10:9)
e proof of how much God had been involved in all of this came
the very same evening. I went to a meeting where the worship leader
suddenly asked if we could pray with her for her son, who was not
living for God. his name was Jeppe. e whole fellowship began
praying for him. When I heard his name, I thought: “Jeppe. We prayed
for someone named Jeppe today.” When the worship leader got down
116 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
from the stage, I asked her if her son had a problem with his big toe.
She looked at me, completely shocked, and said, “yes!” I then said:
“Well, he does not anymore!” I then told her how we had met him, how
the newly saved Christian had prayed for him, and that her son had
been healed. is all confirmed that my little “experiment” was actually
an answer to the prayers of other people.
If we desire to see people grow and serve the Lord in their everyday
lives, we have to use the gis that God has given to the fellowship.
rough the authority of example, Christians can learn in just an hour
what many still do not dare to do aer 10 or 15 years of sitting in the
church. Do we want to use these gis and return to working and
training by example so that fear will disappear?
If we dare to put our culture behind us, forget what we usually do,
and begin doing what Jesus and the first Christians did, we will see a
fellowship rise where people are freely living as disciples of Jesus Christ
in their everyday lives.
ere are many different ministries and gis in the fellowship. I’m
not saying that everyone should do the same things I am doing. I am
saying that I, like many others, have been given to the fellowship to
equip other believers.
It is sobering to see a newly-saved young man experience more in
one hour than many Christians who have sat in church for years. e
way forward is for these gis to be used in the right way again. e
church is not being equipped by sitting and seeing an evangelist
holding one campaign aer another, or a prophet giving one prophecy
aer another. No, the five-fold ministry must equip believers so that
everyone can get started, not only with using their gis, but also
teaching others to do the same. further, we cannot help each other
grow as Jesus’ disciples by only meeting each other a couple of hours
on a Sunday morning. If people are to learn to live a life of commit -
ment to God and his Word, then we must spend time with them and
train them through example.
May God raise up role models in our land so that the fellowship
can grow as it should grow.
W hat would happen if a new Christian belonged to a fellow -
ship where he followed other disciples on a daily basis and
learned from their lives, as well as the five-fold ministry
that God has placed in the church? he would grow at record speed, as
it was in the first churches that were small, self-sufficient house fellow -
ships. ese self-sufficient house fellowships, though not independent,
were connected to each other by the five-fold ministry. ose in the
five-fold ministry are actually meant to be traveling ministries. New
Christians mostly learned from the other disciples in the fellowship,
but sometimes they were visited by traveling ministers who also
contributed to their equipping.
is is what Paul said to the fellowship in Rome:
For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gi, so
that you may be established, that is, that I may be encouraged
together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. (Romans
Paul visited different fellowships to give them gis of the Spirit in
order to strengthen them. e five-fold ministry was primarily made
up of traveling ministries. e office of “pastor” did not mean a pastor
of one particular fellowship, such as we have today. A pastor was
118 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
someone who visited and traveled between different, self-sufficient
fellowships, who came with a specific concern for the fellowship. he
would pass this on to the believers there so they, in turn, would be
better at showing concern for each other.
e small fellowships we see in the Bible were led by those the Bible
calls “elders,” or “overseers.” ese were also called “bishops.” e
problem is that, today, we come up with our own definitions for these
words. If I say “pastor,” you automatically think of a person who leads
a church, meets in a building, and has church services every Sunday.
is definition does not exist in the Bible.
ere is no clear description in the Bible of the different ministries
within the five-fold ministry. We only find more information about
them in the history books. A lot of what we connect with these
ministries today comes from our church culture.
I remember someone who came to me a few years ago saying that
I definitely should not start a fellowship. e reason for it was that I
was not a pastor but an evangelist, and evangelists were not meant to
do that. Since I believed what he said, I struggled with it for a long time.
one day I was in Copenhagen with seven people from seven different
countries who worked with a ministry called “DAWN,” which stands
for “Disciple A Whole Nation.” e main goal of DAWN is to mobilize
the whole body of Christ and to equip 20,000 co-workers to train
2,000,000 churches so that together they can plant 20,000,000 other
churches before 2020. When I met them, someone asked what my
ministry was. At that point, I looked down to the ground and answered
that I probably was an evangelist. Much to my surprise, he answered,
“fantastic! We have a great need for evangelists to start fellowships,
since pastors are not really called for this.”
his answer was a shock to me. At that point in time, I was feeling
pretty down because people had just told me that I was rebellious for
wanting to start a fellowship. e truth is that, in Denmark, we are living
in a little bubble. We are doing things without questioning why and
without questioning whether what we are doing is right. further, if
anyone is doing it differently, they are probably rebellious and should
be put back in place; even though people outside our little bubble are
actually doing things the very same way. house fellowships are actually
ChAPTeR 18: The fIVe-foLD MINISTRy 119
the fastest growing church movement in the whole world. But many
churches in Denmark do not realize this yet and do not see that they
are fighting against the trend. What I am trying to say is that we should
not focus so much on what ministry each person has. We should just
do what is given to us and forget all about titles.
When I got saved more than fieen years ago, I had just one thing
on my heart, and that was to reach out to non-Christians. e Christians
around me did not say anything at the time, but as my ministry grew,
my focus and my heart changed. Today, I no longer see myself primarily
as an evangelist but rather as an apostle, something which has been
confirmed by many.
e whole issue of calling and ministry is something we grow into,
and things change over time. you might have one ministry at a certain
point in time and another a few years later. We too oen stereotype
each other too quickly. As I said before, we define the different
ministries based on our church culture and not on what we read in the
Bible. I will explain this to you with an example.
If I use the word “apostle,” what would you think of? I believe that
most of us would think of someone important, perhaps the highest
position in the church today. If this is the case with you, you probably
have a hard time with the fact that I see myself as an apostle. you might
have thought: “how can he say such a thing? Who does he think he
is?” is just shows you how we think. I wrote this to demonstrate that
we define terms based mostly on our culture and not on what the Bible
says. further, it shows that we all suffer from peer pressure, and by
doing so, we keep each other from excelling. But that subject is for
another time.
When we read about the five-fold ministry in ephesians, are they
listed in order of importance, or do they indicate a certain hierarchy?
If so, then the most important ministry is that of an apostle, then the
prophet, then the evangelist, then the pastor, and finally, the teacher.
But if they are in order of hierarchy why then is the ministry of the
teacher number three in the list in the letter to the Corinthians? And
what about the other ministries mentioned here? Where are they in
the hierarchy?
120 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second
prophets, third teachers, aer that miracles, then gis of healings,
helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. (1 Cor. 12:28)
Where did the evangelists and pastors go? Why have teachers
suddenly been pushed up two places? e truth is that we should not
get too caught up with the issue of importance or hierarchy. e
bottom line is that we all are simply brothers and sisters.
What does Paul really have to say about apostles?
For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men
condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world,
both to angels and to men. We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are
wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distin-
guished, but we are dishonored! To the present hour we both hunger
and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. And
we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being
persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We have been
made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now.
(1 Cor. 4:9-13)
This is the picture Paul gives of what it really means to be an apostle,
a picture that does not exactly agree with the picture we have today.
An apostle today is not one who is despised. quite the opposite, he
oen is the cherry on the cake. e apostle is the one who is picked up
in a big car and arrives in the middle of worship. At least, that is the
way it is in some places. e word “apostle” actually means “sent out,”
but do you know where it comes from?
In Paul’s time, a large part of the population consisted of slaves. one
third of the population had slaves, and another third were slaves
themselves. And many of the others were former slaves. A lord used his
slaves for many different tasks, one of which was to deliver messages.
Today, we use the post office and computers to send messages, but in
those days it was the task of a slave to go out with a message from his
master. In those days, going out with a message was not a safe task.
for this reason, a lord oen sent soldiers with the slave messenger
in order to ensure that the slave arrived with the message and got back
ChAPTeR 18: The fIVe-foLD MINISTRy 121
safely. Sometimes there was no escort available, or it was simply too
costly. In that case, the lord would send out the slave who was the least
important, the one who would be missed the least if anything happened
to him. e lord chose the most despised slave, and the word for this
slave is “apostle.”
I do realize that this is not what we think of when we hear the word
“apostle,” but it very much supports what Paul wrote about being an
apostle. What I am not saying, however, is that an apostle has a lesser
responsibility than the other ministers because they do not!!
here we read that it is primarily the apostles and the prophets who
lay the foundation of the fellowship. ey give direction to what God
has planned to do, which naturally gives them a bigger responsibility.
Also, teachers will be judged more strictly because of the responsibility
they have—to lead no one astray.
e different ministry offices have been given different responsi -
bilities, and we need to recognize this, but having a bigger responsibility
does not necessarily mean that we are above others. Remember that we
are all brothers and sisters, and none of these ministries should rule over
the rest of the Body. furthermore, there is no hierarchy in the five-fold
ministries; they are standing side by side. ey are not to rule over people
like we so oen see today. ese ministries are to serve and equip
believers. ey are there to lay a founda tion so that those who believe
have something on which to build.
When arriving at someone’s house for a visit, one does not say,
“oh, what a lovely founda tion this house has.” e foun da tion is not
even noticed. e only thing that is noticed is the house itself. It is the
same with these ministries. ey are there as a foun da tion, not to take
all the honor.
122 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
e purpose of these ministries is to serve and equip believers, so
they, too, can serve. e goal is for all believers to be equipped for
ministry, and this should be the focus of each fellowship. e five-fold
ministries should not be doing the job for the saints but should be
equipping the saints to do it themselves, for the Lord.
erefore, be free and do what the Lord has called you to do!
A big obstacle for fellowships today is how to function like the
early church in the structure of leadership. In most places,
this structure looks like a pyramid, with one leader at the top
of the organization. If you look at the way the church was structured
in the New Testament, you will see that it had a very flat structure.
is flat structure was something I had a hard time seeing in the
beginning. I came from a fellowship with a pyramid structure, and I
believed it was the only way to do things. Today, I can see that the Bible
only talks about a flat structure, in both leadership and in the whole
fellowship as well. e pyramid structure we find in most fellowships
today is actually based on the old Testament. We do not find it in the
New Testament anymore because it is exactly what Jesus did away with.
Let’s look at a few things Jesus said and did that go directly against
much of what we see practiced today. In the gospel of John, we can
read about Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. he does this to teach them
a lesson they will never forget—a lesson on leadership. We read:
So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down
again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You
call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then,
your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to
wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you
124 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
Why did Jesus wash the disciples’ feet? e answer is, because they
were dirty! In those days, people would lie down to eat in such a way
that their neighbor’s feet would be next to their head. erefore, the
feet were always washed before eating. In those days, one usually had
slaves to do this job. ey would wash the feet of their masters before
their meal. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to demonstrate a point. he
took the slaves’ job and said that they were obliged to do the same.
Later, he even came with this warning:
“But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the
Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your
father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be
called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. But he who is
greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts
himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be
exalted.” (Matt. 23:8-12)
Should we wash each other’s feet, as some are doing today? No. Jesus
did not wash his disciples’ feet to start a new religious tradition. Instead,
we should understand that Jesus is saying we should serve one another.
We are all brothers and sisters, just like he says here. e same goes for
leaders. We should not start washing people’s feet today because it is not
a part of our culture. We do not recline at the table, and we do not have
dusty, dirty feet. however, we should find ways to serve one another.
for example, we could wash each other’s cars if they are dirty.
Jesus came to serve, and he presented a structure that is different
from what we see today. Jesus did not present a pyramid structure
where he put a “man of God” at the top whom everyone else “serves.”
is method will surely fail because pride goes before a fall. No human
is called to sit alone at the top of a pyramid.
e idea of a “man of God,” as we see practiced in many places
today, does not follow New Testament thinking either. If you want to
ChAPTeR 19: LeADeRShIP 125
find support for this idea in the Bible, you must, again, go back to the
old Testament. I am not saying that there should not be someone who
leads. I am also not saying that there are not certain ministries in the
fellowship that we should recognize and honor, but there needs to be
a sound balance.
In Revelation 2, we read of a fellowship in Pergamum. Not every -
thing that is said is very positive:
“us you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans,
which thing I hate. ‘Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will
fight against them with the sword of my mouth.’ ” (Rev. 2:15-16)
At another place, we read that Jesus hates the teachings and deeds
of the Nicolaitans. What is the teaching of the Nicolaitans? e word
Nicolaitans comes from two words: “Nikos” and “Laos.” It means
“victory over the people” or “reign over the people.” It is from the word
“Laos” that we get the word “layman.” So Jesus hates the teaching that
certain people rule over laymen. e fact that we have leaders and
pastors today who are reigning and making decisions over people is
contrary to what we find in the Bible. is is a teaching that Jesus
clearly hates. e idea that only priests, pastors, and leaders can baptize,
share communion, share God’s Word, etc., is something we do not find
in the New Testament. According to Jesus, there is no such thing as a
“layman” or a “professional.” We are all brothers and sisters and have
the same access to God because of Jesus’ sacrifice. In other words,
everyone has the same permission to hear from him, baptize others,
and so on. even today, we need to do away with the teachings of the
Nicolaitans, the idea that priests rank higher up in the hierarchy than
laymen. is is plainly unbiblical, and Jesus hates it. Like I said, there
clearly are ministries and leaders in the fellowship, but they have been
put there to build the foundation and not to be the top of the man-
made hierarchy. ey are there to show the way and to go before, not
to steer and decide.
I have experienced many times how church leaders put themselves
in elevated positions over the people in the fellowship. ese leaders
may teach that you have to “obey your leader” in order to keep people
in their places. yet, they forget that, even though they are leaders, they
126 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
are still first and foremost brothers and sisters. e people in these
fellowships have access to God and can hear from him in the same
way as do the leaders.
Recently, a young woman came to me and asked me for advice. She
had been involved in short term missions before and had a wonderful
time. Now, once again, she began to sense Jesus calling her to pursue
cross-cultural ministry. e leader of the fellowship she attended told
her that she was not ready and that, “God would always talk to the
leaders about something like that,” so she should listen to them. I knew
the girl well and knew that she was mature. erefore, I could say that
if God had said “go,” she should go. e idea that God should always
verify things through a leader is a lie. Some will surely see this as
rebellion, but I strongly believe in this principle.
you might ask, “how can you say that when her leader had said
something else?” I can say that because she is the one who will be held
accountable for her own life and for what God has spoken to her. A leader
can give advice and guidance but cannot decide over another person’s life.
I can see that, in some churches, the leaders use fear to control their
members. ey come again and again with scary examples of people
who have not obeyed their leaders and what happened as a result. ey
are saying indirectly, “is can happen to you, too, if you go against
your leader.” In response to this, I would like to say that I have only
gotten to where I am today because I have not always obeyed my
leaders. If I had obeyed my leaders, my ministry would have ended like
I said in the beginning of the book. e question was whether I would
obey my leader or God.
Many times, I have seen this Bible text being misused in order to
control people:
Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out
for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with
joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. (heb.
If you dig into the original text, this verse read something like this:
“Listen to those who guide you and be convinced by them …” It is about
listening and being convinced by the Word, not about blindly following
ChAPTeR 19: LeADeRShIP 127
every command of a leader, despite what God has spoken to you.
When I see a Christian who is living in conscious sin, however, and
he is not listening to his leader, I am also going to read this verse from
the Bible to him. I would say that he should listen to his leader and be
convinced by the Word of God. But if the leader is saying to a mature
Christian: “you should not go away as a missionary,” or “I believe that
you should sell your car and give the money to me,” I would say, “Don’t
listen to him because what they’re saying is not biblical!”
Can you see how things can be misused when they are taken out
of context? Imagine if I was a leader and went to visit some people from
the fellowship. Do I then have the right to decide where their piano
should be placed? And, if they do not listen, do I have the right to say:
“I am your leader, and you must obey me?” No way! When I go before
them and guide them from the Word, then I am surely their leader, but
I do not have the right or the authority to decide over their lives. I can
only guide them based on the truth of the Word, but they have the right
to allow themselves to be convinced.
In the book, Paul’s Idea of Community, Robert Banks shows how
Paul used his authority. Paul never used his authority to dominate
people or decide over them. he did not even decide over the fellow -
ships that he had started himself. he guided them like a father and
challenged them, but he never dominated over them or decided for
them like we see people doing today. his relationship with the other
apostles also shows that he was not placed under them in any way. for
example, he was not afraid to correct the Apostle Peter when he made
a mistake, although Peter had walked with Jesus. But he always
challenged from the Word, which is the highest authority. As a leader,
you are not to lord over people; we are co-workers like Paul says here:
Not that we have dominion over your faith, but are fellow workers
for your joy; for by faith you stand. (2 Cor. 1:24)
e author of hebrews clearly describes what leadership is about:
Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God
to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (heb. 13:7-8)
128 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
Peter has this to say to the leaders in the fellowship:
Leadership is not about making yourself the ruler over another
person’s life. Leadership is about being an example. Being a leader is not
about standing over others; it is about going before others. A leader goes
ahead and lets the others decide for themselves whether they want to
follow or not. When those whom God has placed as leaders in the
fellowship understand this, they will experience a greater freedom as well.
It is freeing to realize that we are not responsible for other people’s
lives. As a leader, one only needs to go first and show the way. Aer
that, it is up to the others to follow.
I have seen an almost demonic teaching in some free churches
today that I have come to call “spiritual covering.” It starts by saying
that you need to have a spiritual leader over you. otherwise, you are
not protected. is teaching also points out that having a spiritual
leader is necessary to experiencing God’s anointing on your life. e
leaders teaching these things also have someone they call their leader
or spiritual authority, but those people are usually abroad, or at least
very far away. It is much easier to “obey” someone very far away than
to obey your brothers nearby.
for a long time, this issue was a great challenge for me. I came from
a free church where this way of thinking had been deeply rooted in me.
It was difficult for me because, so many times, I had been in situations
where a choice was put in front of me: Should I obey my leaders, or
should I follow what I experienced God saying? It was at one of these
precise moments that I received a visit from Steve hill for the first time,
and he just happened to teach precisely on this point. his teaching
really helped to set me free in this area.
Not everyone can understand what I’m talking about here, but
many unfortunately do. Steve hill showed me what a true Christian
leader and father in the faith actually is. for the first time, with all of
ChAPTeR 19: LeADeRShIP 129
my heart, I could recognize a true leader. I suddenly realized that the
reason I had such a problem with this was not because of me or because
I was rebellious. Rather, it was because I was in a system full of control
that did not build upon the structure we read about in the New
Testament. further, this is the type of control that results in only a few
coming out into the calling and ministry the Lord has given them. is
incorrect teaching on “spiritual covering” keeps people imprisoned in
a system where they can not go any further.
obedience is important. e Bible talks a lot about obedience and
submission. It even talks about submitting to one another:
So we really should submit to each other, not to a leader who lives
very far away and does not even know how we live day by day. We have
need for a flat structure that can set people free, free to hear God for
themselves and take responsibility for their own lives. e structure
that many churches have today limits the growth and functionality of
too many members of the body.
We are all brothers and sisters, and the head of the fellowship is
not the pastor nor the leader; it’s Jesus Christ. he wants to talk to us
all. When the first fellowships gathered together, they all sought Jesus
and let him talk through them. We are not talking about creating
anarchy or chaos, which is what many fear. ere is a Lord who leads
the church, and he is Jesus Christ.
I know very well that, in many fellowships, we are not going to be
able to have this flat structure without it going completely crazy. e
reason for this is that many members in the fellowship have not really
“come through.” ey are still living with themselves as lord and
following their own lusts instead of God’s will. But if you have given
yourself totally to Christ, and you only have God’s will and his eyes,
then this idea of a flat structure is not a problem—quite the opposite!
ere are, of course, leaders in God’s fellowship, but they are not
called to dominate people and make decisions for them. When you
stand as a leader, you are still brother to the others in the fellowship.
you stand side by side and not over anyone. you go before so that
others can follow.
130 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
I believe it is so important that we start to see and function accord -
ing to a godly structure again. I am convinced that God is going to raise
up good, sound leaders who, as spiritual fathers, can lay down a good
foundation for the fellowship to grow in Christ.
132 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
If it was better for them that Jesus, the best Leader ever, le them,
how can we then believe that we are irreplaceable? Maybe it is because
we do not have enough trust in the holy Spirit. is leads to another
important point I learned.
one day, my friend, Steve hill, asked me a question: “What is the
holy Spirit’s job?” I answered that it was to remind us what Jesus had
said, as well as convict us of our sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
he then asked me how good the holy Spirit was at doing this. I did not
know what I was supposed to answer other than that he was really
good at it. he then asked me how I thought we should divide the work
between us, whether I was responsible for forty percent and the holy
Spirit for sixty percent, or the opposite.
is really got me thinking. ere is no one better at doing all of
these things than the holy Spirit. It was for this reason exactly that Jesus
could say it was better that he le. at day, I learned a little bit more
about the holy Spirit, and it really set me free in my role as a leader.
I do understand why many leaders and pastors suffer from stress
in the church system we have today. everything depends on them! If
the church grows, the pastor is good. If it does not grow and if people
have problems, then it is also the pastor’s fault. It is impossible to live
that way long term, and it was never God’s plan in the first place. We
need to go back to the flat structure where Jesus is the head of the
fellowship and the holy Spirit is allowed to work in all of us.
I can bear witness to many great things that happened when I let
go. People were saved and grew like never before. All of us understood
that I did not have responsibility for them, which made them take
responsibility for themselves. ey understood that it was the holy
Spirit’s task to teach them and remind them about sin, etc., which made
them listen to the holy Spirit more. As a result, they were changed.
Now, the number of people is not a problem anymore because the holy
Spirit is big enough for all people and all of their needs.
Let’s read something from the book of 1 John that is unbelievably
radical, something I know many today have a hard time understanding:
ChAPTeR 20: The hoLy SPIRIT 133
But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you,
and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same
anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a
lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. (1 John 2:27)
I am not saying that all teaching is unnecessary. When we read this
verse, we need to realize there is something we have forgotten. ink!
It actually says that we do not need anyone else to teach us because we
now have the holy Spirit! e same thing is explained in a different
way in the letter to the hebrews when it talks about the new covenant:
“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel aer
those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write
them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My
people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother,
saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them
to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,
and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” (heb.
We are reading here about a whole new covenant. Today, we all
have access to God through Jesus Christ. We can all know God and be
led by him. Like we read here, he sent his holy Spirit to guide us and
to show us Who he is.
Why do we not have more confidence in this? Why do we still
believe that people need a middleman—a pastor—to know God’s will
and to live the life to which God has called us? Maybe it is because we
have churches where many are not even saved. Many have gotten a
touch from God and prayed to him and are now coming to church
faithfully, but they have never really “come through” to salvation, and
now we are trying to organize “babysitters” for them.
Since they have not really “come through,” we are not going to see
the holy Spirit doing the same in them as we see him doing in others
who really are saved. Instead, we pretend to be the holy Spirit
ourselves. We try to raise them to live like true disciples of Jesus, but
we are not doing them any favors. Rather, the opposite. We should be
showing them that they have not really come through yet. When they
134 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
turn completely and experience the new birth like Jesus talks about,
then the holy Spirit will take over and will work in them. ey will
then be led by the Spirit instead of the flesh, like the letter to the
Romans talks about. is is a sign of a true Christian.
Again, it is about preaching the gospel as radically and as straight -
forward as we can without candy coating it. en we will see people
turning around and being saved. e holy Spirit will then come and
work in them exactly like we read in the Bible.
It is not God who has changed, but we have changed the gospel in
such a way that the church is oen full of people who are not really
saved. Nowadays, I see pastors spend hours, weeks, and even months
giving advice and helping people within their churches. yet, many of
these issues would be resolved automatically if people would simply
repent and get saved. We should use the time to lead them to salvation
instead of being their advisors on all kinds of issues and trying to do
the holy Spirit’s work.
“And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of
righteousness, and of judgment: … He will guide you into all truth …”
(John 16:8, 13)
When I was saved on April 5, 1995, I came from a world totally
outside the church. I had experienced sin just like many young people
in the world have today. however, from the day I was saved, the holy
Spirit began a work in my life, just as we read about in the Bible. e
holy Spirit taught me through the Word, and I began turning away from
my old life. In all of my years as a Christian, I still have not experienced
the need for someone to check up on me. No one has ever reminded
me that I do not get to live in sin anymore. No one has told me that I
should remember to read my Bible, or that I should remember to come
to meetings. No, none of that was necessary because I had really been
saved. e holy Spirit would show me what needed to change and how
I should live. e holy Spirit was the one teaching me, just like we read
earlier. at is why he is here.
I see the same thing happening today when others turn to him
completely. When this happens, we do not need someone to tell them
all these things because this is something the holy Spirit does. In the
ChAPTeR 20: The hoLy SPIRIT 135
beginning, when I was first saved, there were times when sin or my old
friends would draw me in, but I simply could not let go of God. I was
like one of the disciples when he answered Jesus aer many had le him:
en Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” But
Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (John 6:67-69)
In Acts, chapter eight, we read about Philip baptizing the ethiopian
eunuch. Aer the eunuch was baptized, God took Philip to another
place, and the eunuch was le alone. he was completely new in the
faith, and the only thing he had was the text from the old Testament.
however, he was not all alone. he had the holy Spirit! God had
complete control over the eunuch and took Philip away. God had given
the eunuch a helper for life, the holy Spirit.
If we begin preaching the gospel as it was intended by Jesus and let
the holy Spirit come, then he is going to convince people of their sin
so they truly repent. he is going to teach them and continue the good
work in them that he has begun (Philippians 1:6).
e first fellowships saw how the holy Spirit was present among
people. e holy Spirit was a big part of their lives, and they could say:
“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us …” (Acts 15:28). It was
not just the people in the fellowship who made decisions. No, they let
the holy Spirit take his rightful place in the fellowship.
is is another reason the fellowship at that time is so very different
from what we see in many places today. e fellowship could function
as a flat structure, without any chaos and without people causing
uproar, because Jesus’ presence was so powerfully represented through
the holy Spirit. No one but Jesus was the head of the fellowship, and
it was clear to everyone.
Today, the church is filled with “fleshly” people, and this is the main
reason why the current New Testament church structure that we see
in many places simply will not work. As a result of this fleshliness, we
have been led to develop the structures that we have today. It is simply
a replacement for the real thing. e same goes for the style in which
we conduct our meetings today. Just think about all of the energy we
136 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
spend creating the feeling that the holy Spirit is close. We do not need
a dark room with candlelight or emotional music or anything else if
the holy Spirit is truly there. Instead, this is an indication that he is
not present the way we see it in the Bible.
We can not allow ourselves to be tricked into believing this new
structure and style (the pretty packaging) is the right way to do things.
If we build churches with “fleshly” people, they are only going to hold
out until the day we truly stand face to face with God.
“But if we take all of this away, everyone will stop coming!” many
will say. yes, but maybe this is an even bigger reason to lay aside these
things because then we will see what has truly been built by God.
Remember, it is Jesus who will build his church, not us! We are but
“living stones,” and Jesus will build his church the way he wants it!
Today, we see what many are calling the twenty-eighty rule. It
comes from the idea that, in a normal traditional fellowship, twenty
percent of the people do all the work, while the other eighty percent
only come and enjoy the meetings. It was like this in China, too, right
before the communists came and took power in 1949. When they came
to power, it brought great persecution to the saints, and all the
missionaries were thrown out of the country. is meant that all of the
churches closed, and the eighty percent of those who had earlier gone
to church “fell away.” Aer the persecution, only about twenty percent
were le—the twenty percent who had been doing all the work. e
truth is, the eighty percent had not really “fallen away” because they
had never really been a part. If they had truly “come through” to
salvation, they would never have fallen away but would have been
willing to pay the price. It so happened that because the fellowship now
only consisted of a few true disciples who were willing to pay the price,
they could give themselves totally to the Lord. is was the start of the
great revival that we are still seeing in China today, where millions are
turning to God. however, all of this is taking place through small house
groups, so no one really knows exactly how many millions of new
believers we are talking about.
e holy Spirit is the same today! Today, unfortunately, he has
been replaced by a system that keeps people trapped in a false faith. A
system and hierarchy can never take the place of the holy Spirit in a
ChAPTeR 20: The hoLy SPIRIT 137
person’s life. A system only creates a false picture of what the truth
actually looks like. hierarchy gives a false idea of everything being in
order. e reality is that many are living in rebellion against God.
Systems can get us to believe that people have “come through” when
they really have not. A hierarchy can be a secret comfort zone for proud
people who actually love to rule over people.
other tasks of the holy Spirit are to remind us of Jesus’ words and
to guide us into the truth.
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My
name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance
all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)
“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you
into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but
whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”
(John 16:13)
I could continue with a long list of all the tasks and functions of
the holy Spirit, such as being a helper, Comforter, Witness, and one
who gives us power, etc. We have heard that it is very important to
follow up on people. e truth is that, in the Bible, we do not see any
following up the way we do it today. Today, we hear that following up
is a necessity because newly saved people are like newborn babies. We
all know that newborn babies cannot survive without their parents!
Babies need their parents! And this logic is applied to newly born
Christians as well—without spiritual parents, they will die.
It is true that newborn babies need their parents. It is also true that
spiritually newborn people need parents, too. however, we forget that
we are not the ones who gave birth to them. God has given birth to
them, and he will certainly take care of them! he is their father and
has not le them fatherless. he has given them the holy Spirit.
I’m not saying that we should just let people go or that I’m against
all forms of checking up on people. We should be making people into
disciples, as you have already read. ere is a big difference, however,
between letting people follow us and using our time to follow up on
them. Jesus said, “Come, follow me,” while he continued onward. If
138 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
people have received the “inner witness,” that they are truly born again,
then they are automatically going to have “outer signs” as well. for
example, these people will look for Christian fellowship. ese are the
people to whom we can say, “Come and follow me.” We can go on
before them without needing to look back all the time to check whether
they are still with us. We need to remember how important it is that
there is someone going before them. It is impossible to follow a car that
is standing still. A car needs to be moving before anyone can follow it.
We should, of course, help and support one another, but it is not
Jesus’ task to follow up on us. It is our task to keep following him.
So, yes, I do think that we can easily take all the outer things away
and have a flat structure without people falling away, as long as they
have really “come through” and have the holy Spirit living inside them.
ose who come to a fellowship with a flat structure, for the right
reason, will grow and blossom in faith. ere will be freedom and space
for each individual to follow God and to do exactly what he has placed
in the heart of each individual.
W e have looked at the early church and compared it to the
church of today. We have looked at how important it is to
have the right structure. We have looked at the call that was
given to all of us to make disciples and that this primarily happens
through example. We have looked a little at the five-fold ministry and
the importance of the work of the holy Spirit. Now, we will look at
another reason small house groups are important.
Small house fellowships are much easier and quicker to start than
traditional free churches. When you start a traditional fellowship, you
oen need a facility and many hands helping you. All you need to start
a house fellowship is an open home.
DAWN (Disciple A Whole Nation) works with the strategy of
planting new fellowships. DAWN says that the optimal way to
accomplish the Great Commission is to start one new fellowship for
every 500 to 1,000 inhabitants because this is the best way to effectively
reach people. DAWN came up with these numbers by looking at how
big the sphere of influence of a medium to large fellowship is and then
projecting this number on an entire population in order to determine
how many fellowships are needed to reach an entire nation, which is
what Jesus tells us to do in the Great Commission.
Based on this vision, Denmark, for example, needs many new
fellowships. According to DAWN, a Danish city with 30,000 inhabitants
140 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
should have 30 to 45 fellowships. Today, a city of this size has maybe one
Pentecostal Church, one free Church, maybe a Missionary Church, a
Baptist Church, and some State Churches. We could say that, on average,
a city of this size has a maximum of 5 to 6 living fellowships. According
to the DAWN vision, there are still between 25 and 40 fellowships
missing in order to accomplish the mission Jesus has given us.
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been
given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples
of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things
that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to
the end of the age.” Amen. (Matt. 28:18-20)
Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. he did not
command us to only make disciples of a few people from every nation
but entire nations. When we truly understand what Jesus has com -
manded us to do, we will start to have an entirely different idea about
the true mission of the church than what most of us have today.
If Jesus had said that the goal is to make a few people from every
nation into his disciples, then it would be logical for a church to have
a vision to grow to 300 members. It would also be okay for the church
to start a new fellowship every ten years. however, a church with 300
members that starts a new fellowship every ten years will never be able
to accomplish the mission that Jesus has actually given us.
When we truly understand what Jesus is saying here, we will begin
to realize that many today are actually aiming in the wrong direction
and are missing the target. When we understand that Jesus was actually
talking about discipling the entire nation, we are going to be forced to
work very differently than how we are working today. for example, our
goal will be to send people out who can start new fellowships as “soon”
as possible. e “war” between fellowships for members will end, and
we will be able to work together in order to reach our common goal.
Denmark needs a lot of new fellowships if that is the best way to make
the Danish nation into disciples of Jesus. is applies to all nations.
All the numbers show that a fellowship grows the most within the
first two years aer it is planted. Aerward, growth decreases and oen
ChAPTeR 21: LoTS of NeW ChURCheS 141
even stops aer the fellowship reaches a certain size. is corresponds
with my own experience. When we started a new fellowship, other
pastors in the city said the reason we were growing so much, compared
to them, was because we were new, and that we should expect it to
change aer a few years. e logical question to ask, then, is this: If this
is true, why don’t we start sending out people to start more new fellowships
instead of trying to gather more people into the same place for many years?
e truth is that new fellowships do tend to grow much more than
old ones. ere may be many reasons for this, but one of the reasons is
surely that new fellowships are on God’s heart.
I recently heard about a church in Australia that had not grown for
many years. one day, a division took place that split the church into
four smaller fellowships. At first, it seemed like something terrible had
happened, but, in the end, it was only Satan who lost. What happened
is that, suddenly, all four “new” fellowships started to grow again. Aer
two years, all four fellowships were just as big as the original fellowship
before the division. is is really interesting, and the same thing has
happened in many other places.
Many of those who work with church statistics say that division
can sometimes actually be God’s way to move forward. ey refer to
the fact that the first Christians’ mission was to go out and preach the
gospel, but they did not do it. So God raised up a man called Saul. he
persecuted the church so that it spread out, and wherever they went,
there was great growth. I neither suggest nor hope that this would be
necessary because division is always painful, and it oen comes with
much hardship.
According to operation World (, there
are a total of 200,000 cities in europe without a single living fellowship;
200,000 cities, all of which need fellowships. is is on God’s heart. e
problem is simply that the laborers are oen few, especially because
they are so busy with church activities and the maintenance of their
church buildings.
If a fellowship has not grown in many years, is it not about time to
make some changes? one of the things that we could do is send people
out to start new gatherings. Something is sure to happen.
We went through a transition in a fellowship that had fiy adult
142 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
members. My wife and I le the fellowship to start our own. Suddenly,
there were two fellowships, with forty-eight adults in one and two
adults in the other. Aer some time, we had grown with about ten new
Christians, which was more than the bigger fellowship had grown, but
let’s say, for example, that our old fellowship had also grown with ten
new Christians. What would that tell us? exactly what all the statistics
show, that bigger fellowships do not necessarily mean bigger growth.
Imagine a fellowship with forty-eight members who are all doing
the same things we are doing. ey go out and start their own fellow -
ship. We are not talking about making a big fellowship with a building,
hundreds of members, worship groups, membership, rules, and services
every Sunday. We are talking about a small home gathering with the
goal of reaching at least ten people with the gospel within the first two
years. Remember, this is surely possible, since new fellowships grow the
most in the beginning.
I realize this might seem unrealistic for most Christians. ey have
been going to church for many years without seeing any growth. Now,
they are supposed to think they can suddenly reach ten people in only
two years. We need to understand, however, that when we go out on
God’s Word, he is going to bless it. In the book of Acts, we read that
the growth came because God was adding to the fellowship daily. he
is going to do the same today, if we are obedient. is type of growth
is not impossible if you get the right teaching and the right practical
help. In other countries, we see this happening again and again.
Let’s say that these forty-eight members went out four by four so
that they would not have to start alone. Instead of starting twenty-four
new small house groups, they start twelve. Let’s say that these twelve
small house groups were able to grow by only half of what we had
hoped. is would still mean that these twelve new fellowships would
reach sixty new people for Jesus in the first two years.
Where do we find such growth? We do not find it anywhere that I
know of. Imagine that each one of these twelve small groups decides
to organize one event per year with an outward focus. is is not
impossible since we are talking about only one a year. is would mean
that the city is going to experience a total of twelve events each year.
What fellowship has the potential to organize twelve such events
ChAPTeR 21: LoTS of NeW ChURCheS 143
each year? e truth is that small fellowships are a really good idea
because it means that we can reach out to many more non-Christians.
Many small fellowships together have a bigger potential for growth
than a few big fellowships.
What can we learn from this? We can learn that instead of gathering
people in a church Sunday aer Sunday without doing anything, we
should use that time to make them into disciples so that they can quickly
“leave home” and start their own fellowship. ey do the same as a
natural family: the children leave home and start their own families.
Aer Jesus trained his disciples for a short time, he sent them out with
these words:
“But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if
a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return
to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such
things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go
from house to house. Whatever city you enter, and they receive you,
eat such things as are set before you. And heal the sick there, and say
to them, ‘e kingdom of God has come near to you.’ ” (Luke 10:5-9)
Jesus laid the foundation for disciple making for the first Christians
when they were sent out. It is about finding a “son/man of peace” and
beginning a fellowship in that person’s home. is is how they started!
A man of peace is a person whom God has already called. he or she is
someone who is ready to repent so that he and his household may be
blessed. In Acts 16, we read what Paul and Silas experienced. e
prison guard and his whole household were saved, and one more
fellowship was born. is is how Peter started the new fellowship in
Cornelius’ home, too.
It can take many years to start a traditional fellowship today, but it
can take just one day to start a house fellowship. e only thing that is
needed is a man of peace. you begin to meet in his or her home, start
inviting friends, and see how it grows. It is in this way that thousands
of fellowships around the world are being started today. It does not
need to be so hard, not even where you are.
Today, it seems like many people are stuck in the system, and
pastors have a hard time sending people out. We do not see many new
144 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
fellowships starting in Denmark. Instead, we see more and more
fellowships joining together and getting bigger and bigger, but this,
unfortunately, only results in more and more passive Christians who
are not being made into disciples. All of the statistics show that when
two fellowships join together, they will still be the same size aer a few
years as they were before they joined together. Joining two churches
does not necessarily produce growth, only bigger numbers.
I personally know of several fellowships that have joined together,
and the result was the same. Aer a few years, there were just as many
gathering together as there were before they joined together. e only
difference was that they had one less fellowship in town reaching out
to people. at is why this is a bad idea. of course, there are some
exceptions, and it is these few success stories that we hear about. My
advice is, however: listen to the statistics and learn from them!
When we started various fellowships, we experienced growth,
mostly in the beginning. Aer a time, the growth came to a halt, just
like the other pastors and the statistics said. ere is something that
happens in a fellowship when it grows to between 30 to 50 people.
When the pastors told us that this would happen, we thought: “No, it
will not go that way for us. We are going to continue in growth until
we are many.” But they were right. We did not know why it was like
that or how we could have avoided it back then, but we do now.
over the last few years, we have learned what we can do in order
to continue to grow. What we must do is keep starting new fellow ships
all the time, everywhere. If it does not work, just close it down again.
A fellowship closing is not necessarily a bad thing. It is not a defeat
when people simply start meeting someplace else. We have started
fellowships that have closed down again. is has made people spread
to other places where they have seen growth. We should not be so
afraid of this. It is not about gathering people in a certain place or
fellowship. It is about sending people out. Instead of being one big
fellowship, we can start fellowships ourselves, or help others start one
of many small parts of the one fellowship of Christ.
People who work with this concept oen split up into small
fellowships when they become “too many.” We also tried this, but it did
not work for us. Splitting a fellowship can be difficult because good
ChAPTeR 21: LoTS of NeW ChURCheS 145
relationships are oen split up. Instead of splitting, it is easier to avoid
having too many in one place by building up new fellowships. In the
other fellowship we had, for example, we saw a family in a neighboring
town who got saved. When the family started coming to us in our living
room, we had too many people. Instead of them coming to us, we
should have sent out some people to help them start up in their own
home. Unfortunately, we did not realize this back then because we were
too busy trying to grow as much as possible. If we had done so, there
would have been two fellowships instead of one, and we still could have
met together every other week or once a month to praise God.
I am convinced that this is exactly what God wants to see happen.
We are going to see many more self-sufficient fellowships around in
different towns. ese fellowships can come together every other week
or once a month and be together to have a party and praise God. In this
way, we can be small, self-sufficient fellowships and, at the same time,
have big gatherings, which are also important.
is is, without a doubt, the way forward for the church in Denmark,
as well as in other countries. In the last few years, we have actually
baptized over one hundred people in different groups that we have
helped to start up or through the relationships that we have built. I do
not know of any other fellowship that has seen the same growth through
so few people. e reason for this growth is that “church” and missions
are not restricted to a specific place or a few people. It spreads like
ripples in the water. New believers start fellowships in their homes and
lead other families and friends to faith in Jesus Christ. It is those new
believers who are baptizing the newer believers because they have led
them to salvation. is can truly turn into a revolution that cannot be
stopped, a revolution that spreads every where. We must start making
disciples again as Jesus has commanded us.
I do not want to call the growth that we have experienced in the
new fellowships “an awakening.” however, even the small things we
experience God doing today can become something really big if they
continue to grow.
e last few times we have started up a new fellowship, around ten
new people have been saved within two years, which in itself does not
sound like a lot. In terms of growth, this means a growth of several
146 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
hundred percentage points. Imagine a fellowship of fiy people that
grows with only 100 percent per year! Aer one year, it would have 100
people, the year aer 200, then 400, 800, 1600, 3200, etc. In fieen
years, this fellowship alone would have 1.6 million members and would
be the world’s biggest fellowship. e biggest church growth in the
world right now is probably in China where the fellowship consists of
small, self-sufficient gatherings. is probably explains why the growth
is so significant. ese new Christians were also discipled to follow
Jesus and are growing fast because these small groups are the optimal
environment for discipleship and personal growth.
Most of the churches in Denmark with 200 to 300 members actually
have a very small percentage of growth. It could be that they are actually
growing, but the percentage of growth is very low compared to their total
size. e road forward must be to start many new small fellowships.
When we talk about fellowships today, we have a tendency to listen
to some of the pastors in the United States who have started churches
that grew to 10,000 members in only fieen to twenty years.
is is excellent, of course, but the fact is that their growth in
percentage points is actually not that big, especially when you count
only new Christians. A big part of the growth of these churches is due
to new members coming from other fellowships. e growth they have
is still excellent but actually cannot come close to what we see in many
other places around the world. In China, for example, we are seeing a
completely different kind of growth. ere, we are talking about small
fellowships that are growing with several hundred thousand in the
same fieen to twenty years and where the growth rate increases over
time. of necessity, we just do not hear so much about it.
Imagine that we had 1,000 Christians in Denmark who would start
500 small fellowships all around Denmark. If they had the growth that
we had, these 500 new fellowships would make 5,000 new Christians
in just two years. Wow, that would be big.
ink what would happen if they made these 5,000 new believers
into disciples so that they could do the same. In a few years, there
would be 50,000 new Christians. If this would continue, then in fieen
to twenty years there would be 5,000,000 new Christians in Denmark.
e only appropriate term for this is an awakening! (e population is
ChAPTeR 21: LoTS of NeW ChURCheS 147
approximately 5.6 million in Denmark at this writing.)
But what if our hypothetical experiment was not entirely realistic?
Let’s say we only see ten percent of the estimated growth. A tenth would
still mean many hundreds of thousands of new Christians in a few
years. Instead of waiting for something really big to happen, we can
start with doing the small, simple things like so many others are doing.
Start by doing what the Bible asks us to do!
T hroughout this book, I have purposely used the term “house
fellowship,” but these words do not really express what I
mean. e reason for this is that we see many house fellow -
ships today that resemble traditional churches. ey have a leader who
is almost always the one who speaks, and they have a set program.
Baptism is something the leader is responsible for. In other words, they
are a small version of a traditional fellowship, and their church building
is a home instead of a public building.
I know that many people have the same idea of house fellowships
because they look like this in many places. Personally, if I had to choose
between such a house fellowship and a traditional free church, I would
probably choose the traditional (free) church. It is not just about
meeting in a home instead of in a church building. It is about every -
thing else we have read about in this book. It is about making people
into disciples of Jesus and, thus, obeying his commandment; for that,
you do not even need to meet in a house. you could meet in a café on
the beach, or any other place—yes, even in a church building. is
sometimes requires a little extra effort, however, because many have
the tendency to become so remarkably religious when they step into a
church building. for this reason, I would like to try to avoid the word
“fellowship,” if I can, because, like the word “church,” it tends to create
a lot of expectations related to church culture. It is hard to avoid this
150 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
word completely, however, since you would have a hard time knowing
what it is we are talking about otherwise. Personally, I think the term
“simple gatherings” better describes what God wants to initiate. It is
about gathering with one other and with God. It is about the fact that
we are disciples of Jesus, and we are to make others into disciples of
Jesus, disciples who obey our Lord in word and in deed. It is about
doing that as simply as possible, so that it is easy to multiply and
expand. We must lay aside the church culture that is stopping us from
building the church God wants us to be. Laying aside the church culture
might be easier if we did not use the terms “church,” “fellow ship,” or
even “gatherings” at all.
If I were to ask someone from a traditional church whether they
have the desire to start a fellowship or not, most of them would say, “No,
thanks. I’ll pass.” eir idea of what planting a fellowship involves scares
them. ey have seen some of the problems that come with being the
leader of a traditional fellowship. ink about all the money that is
needed, the rules, the planning, the church politics, etc. It takes a lot of
effort to start a traditional fellowship, and it is probably for this reason
that we seldom see new fellowships being planted today. at is also the
reason why more and more fellowships are actually missing a pastor.
I did not want to be pastor in a fellowship anywhere. Today,
however, it would not be a problem if I were to start a new fellowship
everyday, if God let it happen. It does not need to be as complicated as
we tend to make it. you do not need rules, a website, a program, etc.
you do not need to carry all of the responsibility alone. When in a
simple gathering with a flat structure, everyone works together to feed
the flock, and everyone helps out. In that case, the only thing that is
really needed is for you to begin meeting up with some people and,
together, focus on how we can all be disciples who obey what Jesus has
com manded us. you can, for example, start with eating together and
sharing Jesus with each other.
When you have friends visiting and are talking about Jesus, does
one of you lead the evening? have you set up a program for what
should happen? No, not at all! Why make such a huge deal out of it
when it is just as much church as a regular church meeting on Sunday?
Jesus explains the only criteria that is necessary:
Invite people to your home to eat! eat together and remember Jesus
in sharing communion together! Aer you have eaten, everyone can
share a bit about what they have experienced during the last few days.
Aer that, you can pray together and seek God to hear what he wants
to say to you. one or more can share something from the Bible, and
you can talk about it. at is just an example of how things could be
done. Just make sure that these things do not occur in the same way
every time you meet because it can easily become a ritual again.
e truth is that most people have already done this with their
friends and relatives, but they just have not thought of it as church.
ey simply had a nice, enjoyable evening, and everyone got a lot out
of it. yes, oen, even more than they would get out of a “normal”
church service. however, we do not think of it as “real church.” Because
of that, we do not practice it on a regular basis and do not give it much
priority either.
But why is it this way? Why not continue meeting like this and
sometimes invite non-Christians to your home instead of to church?
If we do so, we will see growth! Why make it so complicated?
“yeah, well, we need a pastor, of course, in order to start a fellow -
ship.” No, you do not! Where does it say so in the Bible? In the first
fellowships, you found a man of peace and stayed with him. you met at
his home and did the things we read about. you ate together, shared
communion and life together. you prayed together and shared the
Word. you were together with Christ. you listened to what Jesus wanted
to say to you and then did it. e new disciples asked questions and
learned from those who were more mature. you did not concentrate on
who should be an elder or pastor because you were all together as a
family. Aer some time, it would naturally become apparent to all who
was an elder or host in the gathering—the one who went forward and
held everything together. But that person did not control everything.
you would lay hands on that person and appoint him an elder.
To appoint an elder was not like today where one delegates
authority to a certain person. In the first fellowships it was rather a
confirmation of the gi and calling that was already clear to everyone
152 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
in the fellowship. is was not something they did on the first day of
meeting together. It would happen aer a while, when it became clear
to everyone who the elder was. We read about what Paul said to Titus:
For this reason I le you in Crete, that you should set in order the
things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I com-
manded you. (Titus 1:5)
ese “appointed elders” were well known by the others in the
fellowships, and, in this way, they could start serving the independent
fellowships. It is about keeping things as simple as we see it in the Bible.
you do not need membership, rules, programs, buildings, websites, and
all that. Concerning finances, you simply give what you feel you should
give. you can give to help each other, to spread the gospel, and to the
traveling ministries that come to visit.
e first fellowships did not have any name either. is is what Paul
wrote when he was thinking about a certain fellowship:
“Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the
church that is in her house.” (Col. 4:15)
(Notice that women could serve in the first fellowships, too, and I
am not talking about serving food.)
So “fellowship in x’s house or apartment” or “gathering in x’s home”
is good enough. of course, it comes naturally to have a name, but again,
keep it simple!
e first fellowships were small, self-sufficient fellowships/gatherings
that had a very simple structure. ey were connected to a network of
traveling ministries that came by at certain times to share their gis and
equip the saints.
In hans P. Pedersen’s book, 2000 years with the Holy Spirit, he writes:
“e fellowships were self-sufficient, but made an ideal spiritual
gathering. ey related to each other, helped each other, and a range
of common goals bound them together. e fellowships were
especially tied together through traveling preachers who were
equipped with charismatic gis and who mourned over the
fellowship’s spiritual nutrition and growth. other leaderships were
apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists that continued
in the fellowships in shorter or longer periods. No real organization
existed between the fellowships. e first Christians were not
paralyzed by institutions or imprisoned in organization but let
themselves be lead primarily by the holy Spirit. rough the holy
Spirit, the fellowships were taught and edified, and upcoming
happenings were told beforehand.” (hans P Pedersen, Proskri,
1999, pg 21)
When Paul wrote his letters, he intended them to be read in the
other gatherings as well.
Now when this epistle is read among you, see that it is read also in
the church of the Laodiceans, and that you likewise read the epistle
from Laodicea.” (Col. 4:16)
So keep it simple! Start to meet, and things will start to take form
aerward as the Spirit directs.
When we talk about church, we quickly forget what the purpose of
the church actually is. We tend to focus more on how to do church than
on how to make disciples as Jesus has commanded us. So let us focus
on making disciples, and let Jesus build his church.
When people ask me what I think is the best way to do church, I
usually say:
“Take the next six months to make disciples. your only focus and
goal must be to make disciples of Jesus. Do whatever you can to see
Christians grow in their life with God and to see new people come
to faith and grow in their faith. When this is your goal, it will
automatically direct you in what you need to do next. When you
then have done this for half a year, I believe you will look back and
say to yourself: What we have done these last six months is church.
even though it might not look like what you normally associate with
the church.”
is is a good way to start. In the West, we tend to put too much
154 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
emphasis on details, and, in that, we forget the actual purpose for what
we are doing. en all the details and doing things perfectly become
goals in and of themselves. In the next chapters, we will look a bit into
how to begin and how early Christians met. But keep focused; it is all
about making disciples!
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,
in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:42)
ere we read in the book of Acts four things that the first
Christians held onto tightly.
In this chapter of this book, we will look at the apostles’
teachings. We read that the gatherings were something they held onto
steadfastly. ey were not just members who, for some time, belonged
to the same congregation. No, they were a family. ey gathered
together daily, and they would sell their possessions in order to help
each other when needed.
... and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all,
as anyone had need. (Acts 2:45)
fellowship is important. We all have need of friends and people
who are close. A bigger church does not necessarily mean that you have
more friends. Actually, it is usually harder to find close friends in a
large fellowship. We greet each other in the meetings, and we know
each other’s names, but the relationship oen stays at that level. is is
another reason why we need small gatherings where you can really get
to know each other. Small gatherings are like small families.
156 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
ey not only met in their homes in those first fellowships, they
also met in the city, specifically in the area around the temple, which
was like a marketplace for them. In doing so, they would meet other
brothers and sisters, and together they would share Jesus Christ with
the people who came by, people who did not know him yet. ey set
examples there to new Christians and encouraged each other in
practical ways.
Just like we have a need for small gatherings, it is important that
we also meet in larger gatherings so that we realize we are part of
something bigger. It is a really good idea to have relationships with
other fellowships, so you can sometimes meet together as well.
We read that God added daily those who were being saved. ese
new converts were primarily won in the temple place and then became
part of the small gatherings.
Another thing that was a big part of the practice of the first
fellowships was the breaking of bread. is breaking of bread was a
part of the common meal time where they ate together and had fun.
In the Everyday Danish Bible, the term “breaking of bread” has been
translated with “common meal time,” which is explained as follows:
“e text here is talking about the ‘breaking of bread.’ It was partly
a course of the common meal time amongst Christians in the home
and partly a celebration of communion.” (Everyday Danish Bible,
pg. 177)
e idea of eating together is an important part of every culture.
When we eat together, we get to know each other better. We relax, and
the conversation can be more natural. Nothing helps a friendship grow
like a good meal time.
finally, we read that the apostles held fast to prayer. Prayer is what
ChAPTeR 23: fooD, feLLoWShIP, AND PRAyeR 157
T hroughout this book, I have put a strong emphasis on the
importance of having the right structure for our fellow ships.
having the right structure allows us to effectively make
people into disciples of Jesus. however, the right structure alone is not
enough to accomplish this.
I am convinced that we are standing before a third and possibly the
last reformation before Jesus comes again. is reformation is mainly
going to be about the structure within the fellowship. I also know that
if Satan cannot stop it in one way, he is going to try in another. If he
cannot stop something new from breaking through, then he will try to
falsify it. he will try to create something that looks like the new thing
that God is doing in order to confuse us and to create a negative
attitude toward the things that are actually coming from God.
Another one of Satan’s tactics is to sow confusion and doubt about
what God is really saying. he does so because he knows that, without
the Word of God, we will be led astray. When Satan tempted eve in the
Garden of eden, it was with these words: “has God really said …?”
(Gen. 3:1). And when he later comes to tempt Jesus in the desert, the
tactic is exactly the same. is time, however, he takes the Word out of
the context in which it was written in order to make it appear that God
said something that he actually has not said.
160 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
Satan is working in the same way today. he says: “has God really
said…?” he is sowing doubt and confusion about what God has said.
or, he is saying, “It is written …” while taking the Word out of its
context and, in doing so, distorting the Word of God. is is exactly
what we see happening around us today.
Paul writes to the fellowship in Corinth:
For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed
you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to
Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his
crainess, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that
is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we
have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have
not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted–you
may well put up with it! For I consider that I am not at all inferior to
the most eminent apostles. (2 Cor. 11:2-5)
Aerward, Paul continues to talk about the false apostles. he is
talking about how we must not turn away from the pure and simple
devotion to Christ. It is about Jesus and about how we as his fellowship,
should be a holy and pure bride. We must be on our guard for every
teaching that distracts us from Jesus and our pure devotion to him.
e Bible clearly says that, in the last days, many are going to fall
away from the faith because they listen to seductive teachings (1 Tim.
4:1). is Scripture is speaking of the time in which we are now living.
erefore, it is important that we hold fast to the apostles’ teaching,
just like the first fellowships did. Today, we do not have the first apostles
with us anymore, but what they said is written down in the Bible. e
four gospels of Jesus Christ and the rest of the New Testament are what
we call the apostles’ teaching.
ChAPTeR 24: The APoSTLeS’ TeAChING 161
I think that Paul describes the time we are living in today really
well here:
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart
from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of
demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience
seared with a hot iron. (1 Tim. 4:1-2)
Later, he comes with this warning to Timothy:
I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will
judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom:
Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince,
rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will
come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to
their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up
for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the
truth, and be turned aside to fables. (2 Tim. 4:1-4)
We are truly living in a time when many are heaping up teachers,
the ones they like to listen to, while they close their ears to the truth
and to sound teaching.
Paul says later that sound teaching is the teaching that leads to the
fear of God. In which churches do we hear this sound teaching that
leads to the fear of God? To tell the truth, respect for a holy and
righteous God is oen missing in our fellowships today. Worldly
thinking has slowly sneaked into many churches, even though God
says that we should separate ourselves from the world so that he can
receive us (2 Corinthians 6:17).
Today, we are allowing things in our lives and fellowships that God’s
Word says we should not accept. Many Christians are living like “the
people of the world.” e only difference is that they go to church on
Sundays. is is not Christianity! is only shows that many who are
going to churches today are not yet saved. ey have yet to begin the
Christian life and still need to turn away from their old life by being
baptized into Christ.
Jesus came to acquire for himself a pure and obedient people,
162 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
zealous in doing good deeds (Titus 2:14). Today, we see how young
people in the church are sleeping with each other before marriage and
are living in fornication. We see divorce and remarriage as if it were
the most normal thing in the world. All these things are, however,
symptoms of an inner problem. ey show that we have fallen away
from true life in the power of the holy Spirit and from the sound
teaching that leads to the fear of God.
e new thing that God is doing must go together with us building
on the Word of God, and us having God’s Word as the highest authority
in our fellowships. We can easily create a good vessel, but if what we
put in it is wrong, no one should drink of it, regardless of how good
the vessel is.
Notice Jesus’ words about the end times:
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow
cold.” (Matt. 24:12)
Did you notice that it is lawlessness, not legalism, that is going to
take over? Today, some are talking so much against being legalistic that
they have fallen into the ditch on the opposite side of the road into
lawlessness, even when Jesus is making it clear that our biggest problem
is not legalism but lawlessness. Today, an entire generation in church
is living in lawlessness. ey are living in sin and in rebellion against
God’s law, the moral law, the Ten Commandments.
God’s law should be in their inner being if they have truly been
born again.
“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me,
you who practice lawlessness!’ ” (Matt. 7:23)
“you who practice lawlessness.” you who are lawless and living in
sin as the world does. is is what is meant by the word “lawlessness.”
It is so important that we are holding fast to the apostles’ teaching
that we find in the Bible.
here are some examples of what one can hear today: “has God
really said that he wants to condemn someone to hell? has Jesus really
said that the door that leads to life is small and the road narrow? has
ChAPTeR 24: The APoSTLeS’ TeAChING 163
Jesus really said that fornicators, liars, thieves, and greedy people will
not inherit God’s kingdom? has Jesus really said that we should believe
in him? Is it not about believing in yourself?”
erefore, we must be on our guard so that we do not turn away
from the simple and pure devotion to Jesus Christ and his Word. We
must hold fast to the apostles’ teaching. We must live in the power of
the holy Spirit as true disciples of Jesus Christ, which is what my book,
Christian, Disciple, or Slave, is about.
If the content is not right, then the structure is totally irrelevant.
God’s Word should be the highest authority in our gatherings. When
we are together, everything we do is based on God’s Word and the
apostles’ teaching. Whenever we have questions, it is God’s Word we
must go to. A fellowship will grow in a healthy way when we take God’s
Word as the highest authority and give place to the work of the holy
Spirit. But whenever one of these two is missing, it will fail, regardless
of how the structure looks.
E ight years ago, I received a prophecy from an acknowl edged
prophet from Sweden who has now passed away. his name is
John Brandström. When I received this prophecy, I believed
I knew what it was about, but I really did not at all. It is only now that I
am beginning to understand it. is is the prophecy I received, and it
also has to do with you:
“A new day is coming when it will no longer be about programs or
systems. I want to move My church beyond that and let it be led by
my holy Spirit. Let Me build My church by the holy Spirit, and
there will be revelations, and you are going to be one of the first
who will live this.”
yes, it is becoming a new day for us all. God is truly on a journey
to build his own church. Do you want to be included? Do you dare to
let go of the programs and systems and let the holy Spirit come in? Do
you dare to go out with God’s Word as the highest authority?
It will be the same with this book as with other books. Some are
going to accept the message, and others are not going to accept it. In
the gospel of Mark, chapter four, we can read about the different types
of soil. ere are different kinds of responses when God’s Word is
preached. It is going to be the same with this book. If I were to make a
166 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
brief account of the message from Mark’s gospel so that it reflects the
message in this book, then it would look like this:
“at which falls on the road are those who read this book but do
not understand it and, therefore, cannot accept it. at which falls
on the rocky ground are those who immediately accept the message
in this book, but it does not take root in them, and, because of that,
they fall back into the old system, forgetting what they have read.
at which falls among the weeds are those who understand the
message but cannot handle the consequences of leaving what is
already established to go out into the new. eir environment and
fear of opposition suffocate the Word so that it does not change
anything in their lives. en there are those who understand the
word and accept it. ey begin to take it in and to walk with greater
and greater freedom as God shows them what it is all about.
Aerward, they start going to a simple gathering, and they start to
build simple gatherings themselves. It means that they are going to
bear fruit: some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred fold.”
others will try to make a mix of it. But that is not going to work because
it will be like keeping new wine in old wineskins. hopefully, there will
also be some in the traditional fellowships who will go all the way and
change the whole system. Perhaps they will split up into simple, small
gatherings and begin meeting regularly as a network of gatherings.
So, the truth be told, these are hard questions to answer. ere is
one thing I know, however, and that is that God wants to do something
new. Jesus is currently building his fellowship: A pure, radiant, and
holy bride ready for his return.
As Jesus is saying here, the old and new do not work together. New
wine must be held in new wineskins. en, neither the wine nor the
wineskin get ruined.
en He spoke a parable to them: “No one puts a piece from a new
garment on an old one; otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the
piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old. And no
one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst
the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But
new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.
(Luke 5:36-38)
erefore, we need to remember to respect the “old” as well as
giving place to the “new” that God wants to do. I am writing “old” and
“new” within quotation marks because what I am writing about in this
book actually belongs to “the old.” We have simply looked at how the
first fellowships were functioning. ey did not have most of the things
that we have associated with the church today. everything we see
around us today is something new that has come aer that. however,
as we can also read in the following verse, it is the “old,” the original,
that is the best, and when you have first tasted that, you cannot go back
to the second best.
“And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for
he says, ‘e old is better.’ ” (Luke 5:39)
When you first taste what fellowship really is and experience the
freedom that comes when we do things in a simple way, you will never
168 The LAST RefoRMATIoN
want to go back to the “system” again. yes, it can be hard, and it has its
price, but no matter what it costs, you will not want to go back because
this is the real thing. As we read, both the old and the new will be
preserved, at least until the day when persecution puts a stop to it. our
traditional churches cannot run when there is persecution. So when
persecution comes to us, like we see in many other countries, it will
mean the end of the traditional church. When this happens, God has
already built up a fellowship that can stand firm and help those people
who must then come in.
Do I believe it is going to go smoothly when people begin with this
reformation? No, not at all. at is what I explained in the beginning
of the book. I hope, of course, that it will take place as smoothly as it
can, but when people start to understand this and want to take this
road, it is going to create conflicts. It is unavoidable.
I received this prophetic word some months ago:
“I see a map of Denmark, and I see that Denmark is going to be
separated and torn. you must give up yourself if you are willing to
pay the price.”
yes, it is something we all must do: give up ourselves because it has
a cost, and it will divide us.
Where do you stand in all of this? Well, that is what time will tell.
Maybe you are going to take in some of this, and maybe you are going
to be one of those whom God is calling, one of those who will help in
the building of his fellowship and who will pave the way for others so
that even more can come into the green and fruitful land. If so, you
must be willing to lay down your life in order to be able to do what
needs to be done. Maybe you will begin to investigate this idea of
fellowship a little more. Maybe you will start something. or maybe you
will share this with others in your fellowship. Regardless of where you
stand, it is important that you seek God for yourself. If you seek God
with all your heart, he is going to lead you.
I hope that this book is going to be a blessing to your life. I hope
that, in one way or another, it can be part of a reformation that starts
in your life.
ChAPTeR 25: LeT The RefoRMATIoN BeGIN 169
Jesus wants to build his church with his holy Spirit, and he wants
to use you as a living stone. So, give him permission to do it, and let
the third reformation begin.
God bless you.
Torben Søndergaard
A disciple of Jesus Christ
Sound Doctrine
Teaching that leads to true fear of the Lord
is book may be purchased in paperback from
and other retailers around the world. Also available in eBook format for
electronic readers from their respective stores.
What is a Christian? e answer to this essential question today
unfortunately depends on who you ask. In this book, you get the
biblical answer to what a Christian really is, and how you can become
a Christian. you will also be taken on a journey through the Bible as
we look at various words people use for those who follow Jesus, words
such as “Christian,” “disciple,” and “slave.”
Many of us have heard the expression: “I am a Christian, but in my
own way,” or “I am a Christian, but am not so much into it.” But is it
even possible to be a Christian in one’s own personal way? e author
argues that, according to the Bible, the answer is no, just as it is not
possible to be a disciple or a slave in one’s own personal way.
e book is written for both Christian and non-Christian. A radical
book, it takes a hard look at what Jesus himself said about being a
Christian. Jesus’ words are extremely radical, but it is the place where
we get the true answer to the question: “What is a real Christian?"
is book may be purchased in paperback from
and other retailers around the world. Also available in eBook format for
electronic readers from their respective stores.
“Life as a Christian”
“Deceived?” (Booklet)
ese Publications can be found on the author’s website at:
Torben Søndergaard
Torben Søndergaard lives in Denmark in the city of herning with
his wife, Lene, and their three children.
Torben grew up in a non-Christian family. on April 5, 1995, aer
attending a church service with a friend, he turned to God and had a
strong, personal encounter with Jesus that totally changed his life. five
years later, from a Scripture in the Bible and in a sort of desperation
aer more of God, Torben started on a 40-day fast that transformed
many things in his life. his eyes were more open to God’s Word and
what the gospel is about. he began to understand how lukewarm and
far away from the truth Christians had become. he saw that God had
called him to speak his Word without compromise.
Torben has seen many people saved, healed, and set free from
demons. he has written seven books and is the founder of the mission
organization, e Last Reformation. he is known for having a direct
approach to the Bible and for his personal life with God. Many know
him from national Danish TV, where he has appeared many times, or
they know him from his videos on you can read more
on his website: