ADAPT-Builder 2017 User Manual PDF
ADAPT-Builder 2017 User Manual PDF
ADAPT-Builder 2017 User Manual PDF
User Manual
Version 1
1 Overview of ADAPT-Builder Platform ....................................................................... 14
1.1 ADAPT Builder 2017 ............................................................................................ 14
1.1.1 ADAPT-Modeler ........................................................................................ 16
1.1.2 ADAPT-Edge ............................................................................................. 17
1.1.3 ADAPT-Floor Pro ...................................................................................... 17
1.1.4 ADAPT-MAT............................................................................................. 17
1.1.5 ADAPT-SOG.............................................................................................. 17
1.1.6 Dynamic Rebar Designer (DRD) ............................................................... 17
1.1.7 Post-tensioning Shop Drawing ................................................................... 17
1.1.8 Strip Modeling & PT/RC Export ................................................................ 18
1.1.9 Other Options on Initial Screen .................................................................. 18
1.2 ADAPT-Modeler Main Screen .............................................................................. 18
1.2.1 Mouse Function and Operation .................................................................. 20
1.2.2 View Toolbar .............................................................................................. 20
1.2.3 Build Toolbar.............................................................................................. 21
1.2.4 Transform to Structural Components Toolbar............................................ 23
1.2.5 Selection Toolbar ........................................................................................ 24
1.2.6 Camera and Viewports Toolbar .................................................................. 27
1.2.7 Settings Toolbar.......................................................................................... 29
1.2.8 Snap Toolbar............................................................................................... 29
1.2.9 Model/Design Strips Toolbar ..................................................................... 30
1.2.10 Modeling Toolbar ....................................................................................... 30
1.2.11 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar ........................................................... 33
1.2.12 Reinforcement Toolbar ............................................................................... 35
1.2.13 Tendon Toolbar .......................................................................................... 36
1.2.14 Cursor Function and Operation .................................................................. 39
1.2.15 Story Manager Toolbar ............................................................................... 40
1.2.16 Save As Project Template........................................................................... 43
1.2.17 Modify/Selection Toolbar........................................................................... 43
2 Generation of 3D Structural Model through DWG Import ......................................... 47
2.1 First Drawing Import ............................................................................................. 47
2.2 Transformation of Structural Components ............................................................ 51
3 Generation of 3D Structural Model through REVIT and ETABS Model import ....... 57
3.1 Export the ADAPT Exchange File from Autodesk Revit ..................................... 58
3.2 Import the ADAPT Exchange file into ADAPT-Builder for REVIT.................... 60
3.3 ETABS to Builder Conversion .............................................................................. 64
3.3.1 Preparing the Story Force Data and Exporting .XML and .EDB Files from
3.3.2 Importing the ETABS .EDB and .XML Files into the ADAPT-Integration
Console (IC) v5 ............................................................................................................ 69
3.4 Importing the ADAPT Exchange File into ADAPT-Builder for ETABS ............. 71
3.5 Imported Applied Loads and Reactions ................................................................ 77
4 Generation of 3D Structural Model using ADAPT-Builder Modeling Tools .......... 85
4.1 Defining a Grid System ......................................................................................... 85
4.2 Manual Addition of Levels to an Existing Model ................................................. 86
4.3 Modeling Tendons ................................................................................................. 89
4.3.1 Defining Banded Tendons .......................................................................... 89
4.3.2 Additional Comments ................................................................................. 94
Index (III) Section Cut Tool for Viewing Slab Actions (M, V, N) .......................... 212 Viewing Extreme Fiber Slab Stresses .................................................... 214 Viewing Mid-depth Slab Stress (Precompression)................................. 215
6.5 Tabular Reports for Analysis Results .................................................................. 216
7 ADAPT-Floor Pro – Design of Slab Systems ........................................................... 218
7.1 Support Lines and Splitters.................................................................................. 219
7.1.1 X-Direction ............................................................................................... 220
7.1.2 Y-Direction ............................................................................................... 225
7.2 Generating Design Strips and Design Sections ................................................... 228
7.2.1 Manual Strip Generation .......................................................................... 229
7.2.2 Automatic Strip Generation ...................................................................... 230
7.2.3 Manual Modifications for Automatically-Generated Strips ..................... 233
7.3 Design the Design Sections ................................................................................. 237
7.4 Results for Support Lines .................................................................................... 240
7.4.1 Result Display Settings ............................................................................. 241
7.5 Generate Rebar Drawing ..................................................................................... 249
7.6 Cracked Deflection Check ................................................................................... 251
7.7 Compiled Report Generator................................................................................. 253
8 ADAPT-MAT Workflow with ADAPT Edge ........................................................... 256
8.1 ADAPT-MAT Workflow 1 ................................................................................. 257
8.2 ADAPT-MAT Workflow 2 ................................................................................. 262
9 Design of Columns .................................................................................................... 267
9.1 Design Groups ..................................................................................................... 268
9.1.1 Assigning Columns to Design Groups ..................................................... 271
9.2 Column Unbraced Length ................................................................................... 276
9.3 Component Design Options................................................................................. 277
9.4 Design the Design Groups ................................................................................... 281
9.5 Code Check / Design of Individual Columns ...................................................... 288
9.5.1 Iterating on Individual Column Design .................................................... 291
10 Wall Piers ................................................................................................................... 295
10.1 creating wall piers ............................................................................................ 297
10.2 Assigning wall piers ......................................................................................... 298
10.3 Wall pier results ............................................................................................... 300
11 Wall Design workflow ............................................................................................... 308
11.1 Generating wall design sections....................................................................... 308
11.2 Wall design manager........................................................................................ 310
11.3 wall design options from the fem Menu and right-click selection................... 323
11.4 Wall design results ........................................................................................... 323
Index (V)
FIGURE 1-1 ADAPT 2017 Builder Initial Screen ................................................................. 16
FIGURE 1-2 ADAPT Modeler Main Screen in MAT Mode .................................................. 19
FIGURE 1-3 Right-Click Options of the Mouse ..................................................................... 20
FIGURE 1-4 View Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 1-5 Transform to Structural Component Toolbar ..................................................... 23
FIGURE 1-6 Selection Toolbar ............................................................................................... 24
FIGURE 1-7 Select Layers Dialog Window ........................................................................... 25
FIGURE 1-8 Select by Type Dialog ........................................................................................ 26
FIGURE 1-9 Camera and Viewports Toolbar ......................................................................... 28
FIGURE 1-10 Setting Toolbar ................................................................................................. 29
FIGURE 1-11 Snap Toolbar .................................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 1-12 Model/Design Strips Toolbar ........................................................................... 30
FIGURE 1-13 Modeling Toolbar............................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 1-14 Support Line Wizard ........................................................................................ 31
FIGURE 1-15 Splitter Property dialogue screen ..................................................................... 32
FIGURE 1-16 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar................................................................. 33
FIGURE 1-17 Result Display Settings .................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 1-18 Reinforcement Toolbar .................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 1-19 Tendon Toolbar ................................................................................................ 36
FIGURE 1-20 Map Distributed Tendon Dialogue box............................................................ 37
FIGURE 1-21 Map Banded (Grouped) Tendons Dialogue ..................................................... 38
FIGURE 1-22 Tendon Elevation Section ................................................................................ 38
FIGURE 1-23 Tendon Properties Shape/System/Friction display .......................................... 39
FIGURE 1-24 Cursor Modes and Options............................................................................... 40
FIGURE 1-25 Story Manager Toolbar .................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 1-26 Copy Reference Planes Input ........................................................................... 41
FIGURE 1-27 Copy/Move Vertical Input Screen ................................................................... 41
FIGURE 1-28 Reference Plane Manager ................................................................................ 41
FIGURE 1-29 Elevation view of Reference Planes ................................................................. 42
FIGURE 1-30 Save as Project Template ................................................................................. 43
FIGURE 1-31 Modify Selection Toolbar ................................................................................ 43
FIGURE 1-32 Modify Item Properties Input Screen ............................................................... 45
FIGURE 2-1 Import DWG / DXF Dialog ............................................................................... 48
FIGURE 2-2 Start and End Points of Calibration Line ........................................................... 48
FIGURE 2-3 Grouping Dialog box.......................................................................................... 49
FIGURE 2-4 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box ............................... 50
FIGURE 2-5 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box updated.................. 50
FIGURE 2-6 Transform to Structural Component Toolbar ..................................................... 51
FIGURE 2-7 Layers Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 51
FIGURE 2-8 Top-Front-Right View with Transformed Column and Column Dialog ........... 52
FIGURE 2-9 Section Type Manager showing column assignment options ............................ 53
FIGURE 2-10 Slab Region Properties ..................................................................................... 54
FIGURE 2-11 Select by Type Dialog box ............................................................................... 55
FIGURE 2-12 View Toolbar and View Menu (partial) ........................................................... 55
FIGURE 2-13 Select/ Set View Items Dialog Box .................................................................. 56
FIGURE 3-1 Hybrid PT/RC structure as modeled in Autodesk Revit Structure .................... 57
FIGURE 3-2 Export Model to ADAPT ................................................................................... 58
FIGURE 3-3 ADAPT-Revit Link 2018 Export screens .......................................................... 59
FIGURE 3-4 ADAPT data exchange file save-as dialogue window ....................................... 59
FIGURE 3-5 Builder Platform Module Selection ................................................................... 60
FIGURE 3-6 Import REVIT Model into Builder .................................................................... 61
FIGURE 3-7 ADAPT Data Exchange File Open Dialogue Window ...................................... 61
FIGURE 3-8 Import Options Dialogue Window ..................................................................... 62
FIGURE 3-9 Imported 7-Story Structure Shown in Plan View in ADAPT-Edge .................. 63
FIGURE 3-10 Imported Multistory Structure Shown in 3D View ADAPT-Edge .................. 64
FIGURE 3-11 RC structure as modeled in ETABS................................................................. 66
FIGURE 3-12 Preparing ETABS .XML File .......................................................................... 67
FIGURE 3-13 Preparing ETABS .XML File .......................................................................... 68
FIGURE 3-14 Export Unit Options in ETABS ....................................................................... 68
FIGURE 3-15 ETABS .XML file save-as dialogue window .................................................. 68
FIGURE 3-16 ADAPT Integration Console Wizard ............................................................... 69
FIGURE 3-17 ETABS Link Export Options Dialogue ........................................................... 70
Figure 3-18 ETABS Link completion message ....................................................................... 70
FIGURE 3-19 ADAPT Data Exchange File (.INP) ................................................................. 71
FIGURE 3-20 Builder Platform Module Selection ................................................................. 71
FIGURE 3-21 Import ETABS Model into Builder.................................................................. 72
FIGURE 3-22 ADAPT Data Exchange File Open Dialogue Window .................................... 73
FIGURE 3-23 Import Options Dialogue Window .................................................................. 73
FIGURE 3-24 Import Options – Loads/Load Cases ................................................................ 74
FIGURE 3-25 Import Options – Load Combinations.............................................................. 75
FIGURE 3-26 Imported 8-Story Structure Shown in Plan View in ADAPT-Edge ................ 76
FIGURE 3-27 Imported Multistory Structure Shown in 3D Isometric Wireframe View in
ADAPT-Edge ........................................................................................................................... 76
FIGURE 3-28 Select/Set View Items - Loads ......................................................................... 77
FIGURE 3-29 Builder model with imported ETABS gravity loads ........................................ 78
FIGURE 3-30 Patch Load Dialogue Window ......................................................................... 78
FIGURE 3-31 Lateral Load Wizard ........................................................................................ 79
FIGURE 3-32 Result Display Settings – Load Case selection ................................................ 80
FIGURE 3-33 Result Display Settings – Column and Wall case action selection .................. 80
FIGURE 3-34 Column moments for imported ETABS “EQX” load case .............................. 81
FIGURE 3-35 Options to include global analysis results ........................................................ 83
FIGURE 3-36 Analysis Options .............................................................................................. 84
FIGURE 3-37 Reaction Manager ............................................................................................ 84
FIGURE 4-1 Grid Settings (Snap Toolbar) ............................................................................. 86
FIGURE 4-2 Reference Plane Manager .................................................................................. 86
FIGURE 4-3 Reference Plane Manager after adding new levels ............................................ 87
FIGURE 4-4 Reference Plane Manager with new names and heights .................................... 88
FIGURE 4-5 Left elevation view showing added levels ......................................................... 88
FIGURE 4-6 Tendon Toolbar .................................................................................................. 89
FIGURE 4-7 Tendon 1 Modeling Location ............................................................................. 90
FIGURE 4-8 Tendon 1 Plan View ........................................................................................... 90
FIGURE 4-9 Tendon Properties Input Screen ......................................................................... 91
FIGURE 4-10 Tendon Stressing Method Input Screen ........................................................... 91
FIGURE 4-11 Tendon Shape/System/Friction input ............................................................... 92
FIGURE 4-12 Criteria window where default tendon heights are defined ............................. 92
FIGURE 4-13 3D View of Single Tendon in Transfer Beam at Level 4 ................................ 93
FIGURE 4-14 Plan View of Tendons with CGS values .......................................................... 94
FIGURE 4-15 3D View of Banded Tendons in Transfer Beams at Level 4 ........................... 94
Index (VII)
FIGURE 9-4 Column Properties (enlarged) after Assigned to Design Group ...................... 270
FIGURE 9-5 Column - Modify Item Properties Design Group Definition ........................... 272
FIGURE 9-6 Enlarged Design Group Library with Duplicate Group Names ....................... 272
FIGURE 9-7 Design Group drop-down Menu ...................................................................... 273
FIGURE 9-8 Assign Selected Columns to Design Group ..................................................... 273
FIGURE 9-9 Columns-only Elevation View with Lower Levels Selected ........................... 274
FIGURE 9-10 Right-Click Column Selection - Open Design Group.................................... 275
FIGURE 9-11 Edited Design Group Names and Design Group Details ............................... 275
FIGURE 9-12 Modified 24x24 Lower Design Group Details............................................... 276
FIGURE 9-13 Column Unbraced Length .............................................................................. 277
FIGURE 9-14 Component/Column Design Options ............................................................. 278
FIGURE 9-15 Force Source Options ..................................................................................... 279
FIGURE 9-16 Design Constraints under Component Design Options ................................. 280
FIGURE 9-17 Design the Design Groups Selection.............................................................. 281
FIGURE 9-18 Design Summary after Design of Design Groups .......................................... 282
FIGURE 9-19 HTML S-CONCRETE Report from Design Summary ................................. 284
FIGURE 9-20 Design Summary Selected for Update, Only Differences Shown ................. 285
FIGURE 9-21 Design Group with Updated Design Status ................................................... 285
FIGURE 9-22 Design Group N vs M Utilization .................................................................. 286
FIGURE 9-23 Status (Pass/Fail) for Design Group Results with 1.0 Utilization Limit ........ 287
FIGURE 9-24 Status (Pass/Fail) for Design Group Results with 0.85 Utilization Limit ...... 287
FIGURE 9-25 Change Utilization Display in Result Display Settings ................................. 288
FIGURE 9-26 Design Group Selection for Code Check ....................................................... 290
FIGURE 9-27 Individual Column Design N vs M Results - Value Display ......................... 290
FIGURE 9-28 Select Top Columns in Single-Level Mode, Elevation View ........................ 291
FIGURE 9-29 Individual Column NvsM utilization, Design Loads, Axial Capacity ........... 291
FIGURE 9-30 Select By Type: Underutilized Columns........................................................ 293
FIGURE 9-31 Design New Design Group ............................................................................ 293
FIGURE 9-32 Individual Code Check for New Design Group ............................................. 294
FIGURE 9-33 Select Columns Exceeding NvsM Allowable Value ..................................... 294
Figure 10-1 Wall Manager Design Section ........................................................................... 296
Figure 10-2 Wall Pier 1 - Design Sections at Level 7 ........................................................... 296
Figure 10-3 Wall Property Dialog Window........................................................................... 297
Figure 10-4 Pier Labels .......................................................................................................... 297
Figure 10-5 Pier Assignment in Modify Item Properties....................................................... 298
Figure 10-6 Wall Piers in a Two-Way Slab Frame................................................................ 298
Figure 10-7 Completed Pier Assignments ............................................................................. 300
Figure 10-8 Pier Reactions Report Options ........................................................................... 304
Figure 10-9 Wall Reaction Report Save Open Dialog........................................................... 304
Figure 10-10 General Pier Information - XLS Report ........................................................... 305
Figure 10-11 Pier Properties - XLS Report ........................................................................... 306
Figure 10-12 Pier Reactions - XLS Report ............................................................................ 307
Figure 11-1 Wall Design Section cutoff ................................................................................ 309
Figure 11-2 Wall Design Sections generated for full model ................................................. 310
Figure 11-3 ADAPT Wall Design Section Manager ............................................................. 311
Figure 11-4 Design Section Input Tab ................................................................................... 314
Figure 11-5 Design Parameters Input tab - ADAPT Wall Designer ..................................... 316
Figure 11-6 Design Parameters Input tab - S-CONCRETE .................................................. 316
Figure 11-7 S-CONCRETE Section Parameters Input .......................................................... 317
Figure 11-8 Load Combinations Selection tab ...................................................................... 320
Developed from the ground up with ADAPT Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Technology, the ADAPT-Builder Platform is a collection of fully integrated design
and analysis tools for concrete buildings, floor systems, columns and walls,
foundations, and beam structures, with or without post-tensioning. The solution's
intuitive and easy-to-use 3D component modeling capabilities allow you to quickly
model any structure. Builder contains specialized design tools for concrete buildings,
one-way or two-way column-supported flat slabs, parking structures, mat foundations,
and ground-supported slabs.
ADAPT-Builder includes an integrated design feature for concrete columns and walls,
with partner software S-CONCRETE. Built-in building codes include American (ACI),
International (IBC), Canadian (A23), British (BS), European (EC), Australian (AS),
Brazilian (NBR), and Indian (IS). The program also includes a native wall design tool,
ADAPT Wall Designer,that is fully integrated within the ADAPT GUI and is active
when either Floor Pro or Edge is in use. More information related to this design tool
can be found in the ADAPT Wall Designer Operation and Theory Manual. This
document describes the back-end functionality of the design tool. Use of S-
CONCRETE as the selected wall design tool requires a separate product license for this
Additionally, the software features a tributary load takedown tool that automatically
calculated tributary regions, tributary loads for walls and columns, cumulative loads
and reduction factors for columns. The takedown detects load transfer path and allows
the user to over-ride and define allocation of transfer loads to multiple supports. This
tool is independent of the need for producing a finite element mesh and can be run once
a structural model is established. Tributary loads generated with this tool can be used
for the purpose of designing columns and applying reactions from a global solution to
a single-level analysis.
ADAPT-Builder contains new and improved tendon modeling and tendon display
features. These improvements have been introduced to increase productivity and
efficiency in tendon modeling, modification, and optimization for new or existing
models with post-tensioning. These tools are commonly used within single-level
Floor Pro and/or MAT usage of the software where the objective is the design and
analysis of post-tensioned floor slabs, mat slabs and beams.
Tendons modeled and represented in ADAPT-Builder are now done so using spline
functionality. True tendon shape and curvature, both in- and out-of-plane, are
One of the most exciting new features added to ADAPT-Builder is the addition of the
Tendon Optimizer. ADAPT’s Tendon Optimizer is a tool that calculates and
optimizes the total PT force for pre-compression, load balancing and stress for a
group of distributed or banded tendons for an individual span. The Tendon Optimizer
increases the productivity of the engineer performing the design as well as aids
engineers in developing a truly optimized tendon design based on their tendon layout.
The purpose of this User Manual is to provide the user with details and information for
common workflows and tools to model, analyze and design concrete structures using
the complete package of integrated modules contained within ADAPT-Builder 2017.
These include Floor Pro, Edge, MAT, and S-CONCRETE programs. The most
common and straightforward instructions will be provided in this guide. Other
alternatives may exist to perform the same functions, but the purpose of this guide is to
provide a quick and useful resource for a user new to Builder 2017 programs.
Programs in ADAPT-Builder are: Modeler, Edge, Floor Pro, MAT, and SOG, with
extension modules.
ADAPT Builder’s initial screen is shown in the FIGURE 1-1. The user can select the
Structure Type, and choose among the following:
(i) Full building modeling and analysis with design of columns and walls.
Note column design requires a license of S-CONCRETE (Edge)
(ii) Elevated Floor Systems, Beam Frames, Grid Frames (Floor Pro)
(iii) Mat/Raft Foundation, Grade Beams (MAT)
(iv) Post-Tensioned Slab-On-Ground (SOG)
1.1.1 ADAPT-Modeler
1.1.2 ADAPT-Edge
Edge is a modeling and analysis tool for multistory concrete structures. The User can
select Edge independently, or with either Floor Pro or MAT. Edge cannot be selected
with SOG. If SOG is selected, the Edge option will automatically be de-selected. Edge
can perform multi-level (global) or single-level analysis. The only design scope of
Edge is limited to the use of Manual Design Sections (See Section 6.3.11) Edge must
be enabled for tributary load takedown feature and integrated column design option to
be used.
Floor Pro is a modeling, analysis, and design tool for elevated concrete slabs, beams,
and floor systems. Floor Pro can run independently or together with Edge.
MAT is a modeling, analysis and design tool for soil-support mat/raft foundations,
spread footings, pier caps, grade beams, and combined or strip footings. MAT can run
independently or together with Edge.
The Dynamic Rebar Design (DRD) extension module provides additional capabilities
in Builder by giving the user full interactive access to the graphical definition or
modification of slab and beam reinforcement, including orientation, bar size, spacing,
cover, mesh, and more. The DRD module allows the user to specify existing
reinforcing in a structure, or typical bars such as corner bars, rebar above supports, or
around openings. In this way, the DRD module enables engineers to accurately
investigate existing structural capacity of slabs, foundations and floors systems.
Additionally, the DRD module provides the user with automated report generation of
post-tensioning steel and conventional reinforcing steel quantities. Detailed usage of
the DRD module is outside the scope of this guide. For more information on how to use
the DRD module to optimize rebar placement or carry out investigative analysis, refer
to the specialized workflow chapters.
The Post-tensioning Shop Drawing extension module provides the user with
additional functionality as pertains to the creation of post-tension shop drawings. With
this module it is possible to perform friction and elongation calculations, manage the
display of tendon chair/ support heights, and calculate tendon quantities and generate
tendon-specific reports. Detailed usage of the Post-tensioning Shop Drawing module
is outside the scope of this guide. For more information on this module, refer to the
specialized workflow chapters.
ADAPT also offers 2D, Equivalent Frame Solution software for post-tensioned and
conventionally reinforced beams and slabs: ADAPT-PT/RC. These strip programs
operate independently of Builder. However, it is possible to create a 3D model in
Modeler/Edge/Floor Pro and export support lines for analysis and design in ADAPT-
PT/RC. The use of this feature is outside the scope of this guide. For more information
on this feature, refer to the specialized workflow chapters.
System of Units: The user can choose the system of units by selecting SI, American, or
MKS from the drop-down menu. In this guide, we will use American units.
Design Scope: The user can model a conventional Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structure
or a Post-tensioned Structure (RC & PT) by selecting either option from the drop-down
menu. In this guide, we will use both RC and RC&PT design scopes.
Import/Exports: The user can import geometry and/or loading from other 3rd party
general structural analysis and modeling solutions. Select Revit (Autodesk Revit
Structure), STAAD.Pro, and/or ETABS as applies to your projects. General is the
default import/export option, and will remain on while Builder is open.
FIGURE 1-2 shows the full-screen display of the ADAPT-Modeler program, with
typical features labeled for easy identification.
Docked Toolbar
Floating Toolbar
Main Windows
User Information Bar Status Bar
ADAPT-Modeler operates the same way as other Windows programs. All program
tools are accessed from one of the toolbars provided by the program or through the
menus provided in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Toolbars may be opened,
closed, “docked” to the edge of the screen, or dragged to any position on the screen. A
list of all available Toolbars can also be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is in the Menu Bar or Toolbar areas of the screen, or through the User
Interface drop down menu. ADAPT-Modeler is pre-configured with the most
commonly used Toolbars visible and docked at the top border of your window. The
program remembers any additional Toolbars the user displays and will show them again
in their last position when re-opening ADAPT-Builder. The configuration of Toolbars
may change if ADAPT-Builder is opened in different design modes like Floor Pro or
The User Information Bar displays tool-specific information, program prompts, and
any values that may be typed by the user for specific program procedures. The Status
Bar displays such information as the mouse cursor coordinates (location), current unit
system, current level, current drawing layer, and gridline spacing and status. A short
description of each specific tool also appears in this area when the mouse cursor is
placed over the corresponding tool button.
The primary function of the mouse is through its left-click. Depending on the mode of
the program, as outlined in the next section, the left-click will result in selecting the
entity below the cursor, inserting an entity or performing an operation at the location of
the cursor.
The right-click of the mouse with cursor on the display portion of the screen will display
the window shown in FIGURE 1-3. Right-click options are context specific and may
change depending on the type of component selected while carrying out this operation.
Click on a menu item listed to perform the operation described. Functions including
layout of poly regions or polylines require the Close/End/Accept option to be selected.
Alternately, the user can select the ‘C’ key on the keyboard to close the operation. If
you right-click the mouse while the cursor is outside the Main Window, a list of all
available toolbars appears. From this list, you can select the toolbars you want to
If more than one item exists in a location in the display screen, left click on the area,
and use the Tab key on your keyboard to toggle between the multiple items in the same
For dynamic rotation of the model view, use the SHIFT key + mouse scroller to control
the rotation.
This default toolbar contains all tools used to manage the visibility of components in
your model. The detailed visibility of reinforcement is managed through a separate set
of tools found on the on the Reinforcement Toolbar described in Section 1.2.12. All
viewing tools are described below.
Select/Set View Items This feature is used to manage the visibility of all non
CAD and reinforcement objects in your model. The Color Palette function
within the interface is used to define the default colors of components and to
reset colors if they have changed color. The Save as Default function can be
used to define the user’s visibility preference.
Result Display Settings This feature is used to display analysis and design
results on the model.
View Model This button launches a 3D model viewer. This viewer can be used
to view a rendered image of the model, or to display analysis results once an
FEM analysis has been completed. The displayed information will correlate to
the single-level or multi-level mode the user has selected in the main interface.
CAD files can also be displayed along with model rendering. See Section 6.4
for more information on this viewer.
Render Design Strip Use this tool to display and shade design strips in your
Wire Frame This default view of the model shows it in wire frame.
Hidden Line Displays model in hidden line mode. This is display mode is for
visualization only and does not allow any modeling while active.
Solid Fill This view of the model displays all components with a solid shading.
The default is set at 50% opacity.
This toolbar contains all tools related to creation of structural elements including slab
regions, columns, walls, beams, openings, drop caps/panels, plus options to bring up
rebar tools, reference plane manager, and copy/move vertical tools. This toolbar can be
accessed through User Interface or BuildDisplay Modeling Toolbars.
Create Slab Region This tool allows the user to define points in plan which
bound a slab region. When all points defining a slab boundary have been
clicked, right-click and select Close/End/Accept and then right-click Exit to stop
the operation.
Create Column This tool allows the user to define column sections in plan by
clicking and inserting column centerpoint at the mouse-click location. In Floor
Pro mode, Columns are below the slab of the active level, by default. In MAT
mode, columns are above the active level.
Create Wall This tool allows the user to define wall elements, which are
defined in plan by a start point and an end point. In Floor Pro mode, walls are
below the slab of the active level, by default. In MAT mode, walls are above
the active level.
Create Beam This tool allows the user to draw beam elements which are
defined in plan by a start point and end point.
Create Opening This tool allows the user to define openings in the slab, which
are defined by 3 or more points. When all points defining an opening boundary
have been clicked, right-click and select Close/End/Accept and then right-click
Exit to stop the operation.
Create Drop Cap/Panel This tool allows the user to define drop capitals or
panels. The cap/panel will be placed with its centerpoint at the location of the
mouse click; typically coinciding with a column centerpoint.
Define Beam Rebar: This tool enables the definition of default corner beam
reinforcement, but is being phased out and being replaced with a more
comprehensive option.
Mesh Rebar Wizard. The wizard lets you define mesh reinforcement
over a specific region of slab that you select.
This toolbar contains all tools related to converting 2D DWG or DXF files into 3D
structural components. Each tool is described below.
Once you import a DWG or DXF drawing, your first choice is to transform the items
on the imported drawing directly to structural model. The items shown on the imported
drawing are simply lines (graphics). The process of conversion is to (1) pick a cad object
representing an item on the drawing, such as a column, and (2) click on the associated
structural component tool (Transform to Column), in order to convert it to a structural
Transform Polygon Only items that are in form of a closed polygon can be picked
and converted directly into structural components. In case the items in the DWD or
DXF drawing were not drawn as enclosed polygons, select the line items using the
Ctrl key or by selecting them using the left-click of the mouse, and click this icon.
The program will create a new polyline in the desired shape. This shape can then
be selected to be transformed.
Transform Slab Region. This tool is used to transform a polygon (closed polyline)
to a slab region. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform Column
tool .
Transform Wall. This tool is used to transform a rectangle (closed polyline) into a
wall. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform Column tool .
Transform into Several Walls. When a polygon represents two or more intersecting
walls, this button is used to transform it into several individual walls, each having
a rectangular cross-section. In the analysis, however, the program treats the walls
integrated into one along their common vertical joints. The tool operates in the same
manner as the Transform Column tool .
Transform Beam. This button is used to transform a polygon (closed polyline) into
a beam. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform Column tool . To
be correctly considered in analysis, beams must be modeled from support to
support. Ensure the polygon definition of the beam extent reflects this.
This default toolbar contains all tools related to selecting specific elements, objects and
structural components in the model. Each tool is described below.
Hint Mode. When activated, the arrow displays the identification of the entities to
which it points. In this mode you cannot select an entity by clicking on it.
Window Selection. When this tool is highlighted, the Pick/Select mode is active.
You can select an entity by clicking on it, or a group of entities by opening a window
around the items while the left mouse key is held down.
Lasso Selection. This tool allows you to draw an arbitrary polygon around a series
of entities. When the lasso is closed, all entities located within or along the lasso
perimeter are selected. To use this tool, do the following:
Path Selection. With this tool you can select entities by drawing a polyline through
them. To use this tool, do the following:
Select by Layer. This tool enables you to select all the entities on a specific layer of
the drawing. To use the tool, do the following:
Click on the Select by Layer tool. The dialog box shown in FIGURE 1-7
will open.
Select a layer from the list. If more than one layer is to be selected, hold
down the Ctrl key while selecting from the list. Click OK.
The items on the layers chosen from the list will be selected.
Select by Type. This button is used to open a dialog box (FIGURE 1-8) in which
one or more component types can be selected as a group. For example, all columns
or all support lines can be selected at once. To use the tool, do the following:
Click on the Select by Type tool. The dialog box below will open.
Select an entity type from the list. If more than one type is to be selected, it
is not necessary to hold down the Ctrl key while selecting from the list.
Choose the selection criteria from the check boxes at the bottom of the
dialog box and press OK. Entities of the type chosen in the list will be
selected, or removed from selection, depending on the option chosen.
A particular beam/line/cell/etc. may be selected by its label number using
the keyword option. For example, to select Column 5 using this tool, first
click “Column” from the components list, and select “ By keyword”, then
enter in the value 5, as shown in FIGURE 1-8.
If trying to select columns in your model, you can also filter the selection
by choosing from one of the existing design groups or column sizes.
Additionally, design groups can be further filtered by N vs M (Axial and
Moment) utilization.
o NvsM Utilization min: Use this option to enter a value as the lower
bound of utilization by which columns in design will be selected.
For example, after a Code Check has been performed, the user can
easily select those columns which are too close to NvsM of 1.00,
and perhaps select all those above 0.9 using this option.
o NvsM Utilization max: Use this option to enter a value as the upper
bound of utilization by which columns in design will be selected.
For example, after a Code Check has been performed, the user can
easily select those columns which may be under-utilized in design,
and perhaps have a Utilization interaction (NvsM) value of 0.3 or
o The user may choose to use one or both options above to select the
exact columns intended based on NvsM interaction.
Selection Type section: User may choose to
o Refresh all selection – a new selection of components will be
defined based on the parameters entered in this screen
o Add to current selection – any selected components prior to starting
this tool will remain and those selected by the parameters of this
Select By Type process will be added
o Remove from current selection – any selected components prior to
starting this tool will remain, though those selected by the
parameters of this Select By Type process will be excluded from
current selection
Select All. This tool selects all the entities visible on the screen.
Move Selection. This tool enables you to move the entire group of entities that are
currently selected. Pick a vertex of one of the entities with a mouse left-click, and
holding the left-click, move the mouse to the new location of that vertex. Once the
mouse is released, the selected items will be moved to the new location.
Move Selected Point. With this tool you can move only the vertex of an entity to a
new location, while the positions of the remainder of the entity’s vertices remain
unchanged. Select the entity first. Then pick the vertex you wish to move. Drag it
to the new location. The selected vertex will move independently; all other vertices
will remain in their original location.
Delete Point. This tool deletes the selected vertex of an entity. Select the entity first.
Then click on the Delete Point tool, and left-click the mouse on the point that you
wish to delete.
Insert Vertex. This tool is used to insert an additional vertex into an entity that
contains multiple insertion points. The new vertex is placed between the selected
vertex and the previous vertex. If the first vertex is chosen, then the new vertex is
added at this end. To add a vertex, do the following:
Select the entity.
Click on the Insert Vertex tool .
Click on one of the entities’ vertices. Another vertex will be added to the
entity, adjacent to the selected vertex.
Delete Swerve Point. This tool deletes the selected swerve point placed on a
tendon. Select the tendon first. Then click on the Delete Swerve Point tool, and left-
click on the mouse on the point that you wish to delete.
Insert Swerve Point. This tool is used to insert a swerve point on a tendon. First,
select the tendon you wish to insert the swerve point on. Select the left-click on the
mouse at the tendon location where the swerve point is to be inserted.
Item’s Properties (Alt + Enter). This tool opens up the Properties dialog box for
the selected entity. The properties may then be edited, as specified in other parts of
this manual. This dialog will also come up when an entity is double-clicked.
Group Selection. This tool creates a block containing all entities currently selected.
The block may then be dragged as one unit across the screen.
Explode Block. This tool breaks down a previously created block into its
components. It also works with blocks of imported DWG or DXF files.
This default toolbar is used to display different views of the model, zoom in or out, pan
and show multiple port views of the structure. The tools on the toolbar are self-
explanatory. The hint text associated with each tool provides additional information.
The following describes several of the less commonly used tools.
Redraw. This button clears and then re-draws the entire display.
Top View
Left View
Front View
Top and Back Side View, this shows isometric view of the model
Rotate View, this tool allows the user to rotate the view of the structure to any
horizontal or vertical orientation so as to generate a custom 3D view. A custom view
can be saved and restored using the provided buttons in the Rotate View window.
Zoom Window
Zoom Extents
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Dynamic Zoom
Dynamic Pan
Single Viewport
This default toolbar is used to set up the Universal Coordinate System, line types, colors
and layers in the program. The settings are also accessed from the Settings menu.
Layer Setting. The name, color, and line settings for each layer can also be modified
in this window.
Line Style Setting. Click on this tool to open a list of the available line styles and
descriptions. Select the line style of your choice.
Colors Setting. This tool opens a color palette, from which you can select the color
of the next entity you will draw/model, assign colors by layer, and the background
of the modeling window.
Display WCS. This toggle tool displays or hides the World Coordinate System icon
at its real position in (0,0,0).
This default toolbar contains all the snapping tools of the program. To snap to an entity,
the mouse must be in Select/Pick mode, and you must bring the cursor close to the
location where you will snap the mouse.
Snap to Endpoint
Snap to Midpoint
Snap to Center
Snap to Intersection
Snap to Perpendicular. This tool forces the mouse cursor to snap to a point that is
at the intersection of the perpendicular extension of the drawn line/entity.
Snap to Nearest
Snap to Grid. This tool forces the mouse cursor to snap to the nearest grid point.
Grid Settings. This tool opens the Grid Settings dialog box where grid spacing,
angle and other parameters can be set.
Snap Settings. This tool opens the Snap Settings dialog box, where all snapping
features may be selected or deselected.
Snap to Vertices of a Component. Using the previously described tools, you will
not be able to snap arbitrarily to the vertices or edges of structural components, such
as a beam. Since a structural component that is displayed as solid is defined by its
insertion points, the insertion points will not necessarily be the vertices or edges of
the entity. By clicking on the above tool, you can make the vertices and edges of all
the structural components of your project capable of being snapped to.
Create/Draw Orthogonal. This tool forces the entity being drawn or created to be
positioned along either the global X-axis or Y-axis.
This toolbar provides tools pertaining to the use and display of design strips. It can be
opened using the User Interface drop down menu.
Generate Design Strips. This button is used to create the design strips automatically
using the Regenerate Tributaries option. The function is also found in the FEM
drop down menu. It concludes by generating as many design strips as support lines
created by you, taking into account the splitters that you may have used, in order to
impose your preferences. The definition of support lines and splitters will be
covered in Section 7.1.
Discard Strips Modeled. This tool erases the data of the last automatically
generated design strip calculations, but retains all the information that you entered
manually, such as support lines and splitters. This tool is generally used when you
decide to modify design strips calculated by the program. This tool is also found in
the Strips drop down menu.
Display Strip X
Display Strip Y
The first three tools of this toolbar that can be displayed using the User Interface drop
down menu deal specifically with the creation of design strips. The remainder helps
you to improve or correct your work.
Support Line. Use this tool to create a new support line manually. In most instances
the second tool (Support Line Wizard) will be simpler and faster to use. Generally,
it is recommended to use the Support Line Wizard and edit the support line it creates,
if needed.
Support Line Wizard. This tool creates a support line automatically. The Support
Line Wizard automatically generates a support line in the direction that you specify.
The wizard searches for possible supports over a strip specified by the band width
you define. The wizard detects slab edges, column ends, wall ends and wall center
lines that are located within the band you define. Once it creates a support line and
displays it on the screen, you will be able to edit it, if needed.
Splitter. This tool creates a new splitter. Splitters are used to delineate a separation
in the slab as pertains to support lines. You can use them to identify the boundary
of a region that you wish to consider in your design. Also, they can be used to
identify the boundaries of a design strip tributary. They have other important and
useful functions too. Each splitter is associated with the design intended for one of
the orthogonal directions, referred to as X- or Y-directions. It is defined according
to the strip direction the splitter is meant to affect. Each splitter affects strips in one
specified direction at a time. Therefore, separate splitters should be drawn for each
direction. For example, if a splitter is intended to affect the strips in the X-direction,
it must be defined as X-direction.
Connect Drop Caps to Columns. This tool is used to connect all existing drop cap
endpoints with the endpoint of the adjacent column. The center point of the drop
cap is moved to the center point of the column. The connection of column and cap
makes sure that the complete cross-sectional area is taken into account at the
support. The resulting offset due to this shift is automatically calculated and
Connect Support Lines to Columns and Walls. Use this tool to connect the
existing support lines to walls and columns. Support lines have to be connected to
the endpoint of a column or the both endpoints of a wall to account for them fully
in the design stage of your work.
Connect Beams to Columns and Walls. This tool establishes the snapping
connection between all existing beams and adjacent walls or columns, where beam
ends are adjacent to a support but are not snapped to it. While the program can
analyze a condition where a beam terminates short of a column, for proper treatment
of beams that are connected to columns you should use the Snap option. This tool
will search for such instances in your model and will establish the connection.
Support Lines Extension. This tool extends all existing support lines to the edges
of the slab. Use this tool if you created a support line manually, and you missed
snapping its ends to the slab edges. If the distance of the support line end to a slab
edge is more than the program’s tolerance, you must make the connection manually.
Align Structural Components. This tool automatically shifts the selected structural
component to one or the other side of its centerline. This is a useful tool if you need
to place columns, walls or beams along a slab edge. For example, you can quickly
model the linear elements using their centerline insertion points along the slab edge
and then use this tool to shift them automatically.
Design results can be viewed graphically by using this toolbar. It can be displayed by
selecting the View Design Results Toolbar option under the FEM drop down menu.
Results for actions, stresses, precompression, balanced loading, deflection and
punching shear can be viewed graphically in the main screen after analysis and design
are completed. These features are described in further detail in Section 6.3.
Display Graphically. Select this button to graphically display support line results
such as stress, moment, and deflection along the length of the support line or lines.
Display Design Sections. Click this button to turn on or off the display of design
sections for support lines. As soon as this button is selected, a floating toolbar is
displayed that allows you to toggle between the display of support lines in the X
and Y direction.
Scale Down Values. Use this button to scale down values for any graphical result
that is displayed along the support lines.
Default Scale Values. Use this button to scale the curves back to a default scale,
for instance in situation where curves are displayed and the maxima are too large
to fit, or the minima are too small to notice a variance.
Scale Up Values. Use this button to scale up values for any graphical result that is
displayed along the support lines.
Numerical Display. Select this button to display the numerical result values for
each design section along the support lines.
Display Min/Max Values. Select this button to only display the minimum and
maximum result values along the support lines.
Result Display Settings. Select this button to open the “Result Display Settings”
window, to select the desired results to be displayed and to show general adequacy
status for serviceability and strength limits.
Display Punching Shear Design Outcome. Once you have executed the
punching shear design (FEM Punching Shear Check), the results can be
reviewed in the model by clicking on this button. The design outcome and stress
ratios for columns and walls checked for two way punching shear will be
This toolbar is accessible through the User Interface drop down menu and contains
various options for the modeling of user-defined reinforcement and rebar visibility.
Open Rebar Display Options. The dialog window gives you full control over the
display of reinforcement.
Display/Hide Rebar. This is simply a toggle switch to turn the display of the
entire reinforcement on the plan on or off.
Mesh Rebar Wizard. The wizard lets you define mesh reinforcement
over a specific region of slab that you select.
Define Beam Rebar: This tool enables the definition of default corner beam
reinforcement, but is being phased out and being replaced with a more
comprehensive option.
This toolbar is accessible through the User Interface drop down menu and contains
various options for tendon modeling, validation, and visibility.
Display Tendon. This tool turns on or off the graphical display of tendons.
Map Distributed Tendon. This tool enables the user to optimize distributed
tendon layout based on a selected tendon. Once a tendon is selected, click this
tool to open the Map Distributed Tendons dialogue (FIGURE 1-20). The user can
choose how to distribute the tendons, either based on a specific number of times to
replicate the tendon, or by optimizing the tendon layout and design based on
precompression, % self-weight to balance, and the master span of the originally
selected tendon. The tendons can be spaced according to a maximum fixed
dimension or based on the program’s calculations.
Map Banded Tendon. The tool allows you to map banded/grouped tendons from
a support line. First, select one or more support lines, then click this tool. A
dialogue box will open as shown in FIGURE 1-21. The user can choose
between using the associated support line’s tributary, or some fixed width. The
tendons design optimization is performed according to specified precompression
and % balanced selfweight ranges. The tendons can be shown as an idealized pair
of tendons at a given spacing, or with each tendon shown discreetly, with a given
spacing. The effective force per post-tensioning strand can be defined, as well as
the basic profile shape of the tendon for each span.
Display Tendon Elevation. This tool enables you to generate a section showing
the tendon profile in elevation along with the related concrete outline. See
FIGURE 1-22.
Tendon Display Manager. This tool opens the Tendon Display Manager dialog
window. This window contains multiple selection options for displaying tendon
properties and calculation values.
Tendon Intersection Detector. This tool checks the tendons in the model to see if
and where tendons intersect one another. The program accounts for the defined
tendon diameter/height when making this check. Where tendons intersect, the
program denotes this by placing an “X” mark at the point of intersection.
Show/Hide Radius of Curvature. This tool displays the radius of curvature for
the tendons in the model at each tendon mid-point and support point, as well as a
check of whether or not this curvature meets the specified minimum radius as
defined in the Shape/System/Friction tab in the Tendon Properties screen. See
FIGURE 1-23.
Trim/Extend Tendon. This tool enables you to trim or extend one or more
tendons to a nearby slab edge.
Dynamic Tendon Editor. This tool opens the Dynamic Tendon Editor. This
allows the user to dynamically edit tendons on plan.
Tendon Optimizer. This tool opens the Tendon Optimizer. The Tendon
Optimizer allows the user to optimize groups of tendons.
Depending on the cursor mode, the program responds differently. Cursor mode option
buttons are part of the default toolbars. Before starting an operation, it is
important to make sure that the cursor is in the appropriate mode.
ADAPT-Builder can operate in single-or multi-level modes. The tools on the Story
Manager Toolbar support the management of Reference planes (levels), copying of
components between levels and one-click navigation up and down the model.
Copy Reference Planes. This tool allows the user to copy up all the model
information on a Reference plane. The operation will insert a new level(s) into the
structure at the height specified, above the current level. The new levels will be
inserted in between any pre-existing levels above the reference plane that is being
replicated upwards.
Copy/Move Vertical. This tool gives the user the option to copy, move or assign
elements. Structural elements and loads can be copied to a level, or up or down a
specified number of times. Elements can be moved from one level or plane to
another level or plane. Elements can be assigned from one level or plane to
another level or plane. CAD elements/groupings can also be copied and moved
vertically using this tool.
Level Assignment / Reference Plane Manager. This is where the user defines
the number and naming of levels/planes in the structure, as well as each story
height. Using the input screen, the user can set a level to the Current or Active
level, if desired. For a graphical representation of Reference planes, view the
model in Left or Front view . The active plane is highlighted in red in these
views, and displayed in the Status Bar of the main Builder interface, on the bottom
right corner.
Active Level Up. When in Single-Level mode, this tool toggles up to the next
highest level in the structure. If the user is already at the top-most level, this tool
will temporarily become inactive.
Active Level Down. When in Single-Level mode, this tool toggles up to the next
lower level in the structure. If the user is already at the bottom-most level, this
tool will temporarily become inactive.
Single-Level Mode. This option affects all operations on the structure. Using this,
the user can select to work on only one level at a time within the full structure. All
actions in Builder, including Loading, Meshing, Analysis, Design, and Viewer
(etc.) will only apply to the individual level shown when modeling in Single-
Level mode. The user can easily switch between single-level and multi-level
modes by clicking one option or the other.
View Full Structure (aka Multi-Level Mode or Full Structure Mode) This
option affects all operations on the structure. Using this, the user can work
globally on all levels of the structure at once. All actions in Builder, including
Loading, Meshing, Analysis, Design, and Viewer (etc.) will apply to the entire
global structure when modeling in Multi-Level mode. The user can easily switch
between single-level and multi-level modes by clicking one option or the other.
This feature allows the user to save a project template which can include Criteria,
Materials, and/or Load Combinations. The user may provide “Notes” to annotate the
applicability of the template, for example its use for a particular project, or for a given
code, region, etc. Once the user clicks “OK”, you will be prompted to enter a name and
saved location of the template file. This “.apt” file can then be shared with other
members of your team for shared use, to simplify and streamline model creation
between different users. This feature can be accessed through FileSave as Project
Modify Item Properties. Using this tool, the user can modify many properties of
one or more selected structural elements. The tool is available if at least one
structural component is selected and can either be found in the default toolbars or
under the Modify drop down menu. See FIGURE 1-32. The Modify Item
Properties tool is quite powerful and can be used to efficiently modify the
properties of many components at the same time. The ability to modify properties
is split into two categories: generic properties that apply to any type of selected
component and component-specific properties. Generic properties are listed in the
left pane of the interface, while the component-specific properties are presented
under each component type’s own tab at the right side of the interface. By default,
all parameters in the Modify Item Properties tool are locked. To activate a
property, select the checkbox to its left. This will allow you to modify the
property’s value. Once you select the OK button to close the window, all active
properties of those selected components will be given the values you entered for
those properties in this tool. All available properties types are listed below.
Generic properties that can be changed and applied to any selected component:
Label is used to provide a user-specific labeling of components and be
Material can be selected
FEM for elements to be considered or disregarded in analysis
Group to assign/modify a group to associate elements
Node shift, a finite element meshing option, can be turned on or off
Line style can be selected
Outline color can be set
Fill color can be defined
Line thickness changes the outline appearance of components
Filling is used to set the fill mode of components (fill patterns other
than solid may slow down model viewing performance)
Opacity is a value set from 0 to 1 that defines a component’s
transparency when in solid fill mode
Display All. This tool turns on the display of all elements in the model previously
hidden. This does not change selections made in Select/Set View Items.
Display Selection. This tool turns on the display of only the elements selected by
the user, and hides all other elements.
Hide Selection. This tool hides the elements selected by the user.
The steps to follow for the generation of a 3D structural model of the floor system or
multi-level building structure through import of a drawing file are detailed below. After
the initial drawing has been transformed into a structural model, the steps to import a
revised drawing are outlined.
At this step, the simplified structural or architectural drawing will be imported to the
Builder program and converted to a structural model. Follow the steps below:
Open ADAPT-Builder in Floor Pro and Edge mode with American unit
system (as shown in FIGURE 1-1).
o It is recommended, if this model will be used for design of columns, to
first take one extra step prior to importing the DWG file. This step is to
define a tolerance of column design section auto-roundup. To do so,
select Build Design Group Manager to bring up the screen as shown
in Section 9.1, and follow the steps defined there.
From File pull-down menu select File Import DXF/DWG.
Open the desired file. Note the file cannot be open at the same time you try to
import it. Be sure to save the file down to a version compatible with ADAPT
(ADAPT-Builder is designed to support the import of cad files created up to
Autocad 2014, however, sometimes you may encounter a file with unsupported
special objects. If you encounter an error message when trying to import a new
Autocad file, we recommend you save it as an earlier 2007 version)
Import DWG / DXF (FIGURE 2-1) will pop-up. Select the first check box to
Calibrate imported objects. Cursor will be in Snap mode. For the first import,
there is no need to Move imported objects to position in the XY plane unless
other elements are already in the file. New in 2015 if the ability for you to select
which Z level you would like the imported cad objects to end up on. To use this
feature, select the check box and Reference Plane from the pull-down options.
For multi-level modeling where the floors are have different outlines, it may be
helpful to assign each imported level to a group. For example, the user can
assign the first imported group to Level 1. Assign Group is used to group the
imported CAD linework to a specific group. These groups can then be displayed
(on/off), purged, or deleted easily, using the Group Library icon on the View
Toolbar (Section 1.2.2). Click OK.
Before you click, make sure the Snap to End button is selected from the Snap
Calibrate the drawing using any of the dimension lines shown in the drawing.
Look into User Information Bar (UIB), it will ask you to “Enter the Start Point
of Calibration Line”. As shown in FIGURE 2-2, at top left corner snap one end
of the 90 feet long dimension line. Now the UIB will ask to “Enter the End
Point of Calibration Line”. Click on the other point of the same dimension line.
Now it will ask to “Enter the Correct distance in feet between the two Points
you Selected”. Input 90 and select enter. This will complete calibration of the
Import additional level(s) into the same model the same way as detailed above.
However, for each subsequent level, upon selecting the file to import, the user
shall select to Calibrate imported objects and Move imported objects to
position. Again, it will be helpful to assign each imported level to its own group
or Z level. If multiple levels have the same DWG/DXF file, and hence the same
layer naming convention, the user can name them as such, i.e. “Levels3-7”, etc.
Calibrate each imported level as detailed above.
Sometimes, the imported level will be brought into ADAPT in the same location
in plan as the previous level(s). In this case, there is no need to move the
imported objects, and the user can select Escape when the UIB prompts to move
the imported objects. However, after scaling, if the user notices the plans are in
different locations, the user shall need to move the most recently imported
drawing. The UIB will ask to “Select first point for moving imported objects”.
Click on a known point of the drawing, for example the start point as shown in
FIGURE 2-2. Now it will ask to “Select second point for moving imported
objects”. Select the same start point of the first imported level and the new
drawing will move into the same position.
With each level that is imported, follow the steps above to calibrate, assign to
group, and move objects to get all levels into correct position before
transforming the 2D drawing files into structural components.
To isolate each set of imported cad objects, the user can view by group using
the Group Library icon in the View Toolbar or through SettingsGrouping.
Each Group that was defined during the Import DWG/DXF process is now
shown in the Group Library. The user can turn Group(s) on or off by clicking
the lightbulb for each layer, or by clicking All Groups On or All Groups Off.
When the lightbulb is yellow, the Group is turned on for display, when the
lightbulb is gray, the Group is turned off. See FIGURE 2-3. If the lightbulb is
half gray and half yellow, this indicates some components within the grouping
are displayed while others are not.
Users can also Unload CAD, Re-Load CAD and Purge CAD using the respective
buttons in the Grouping dialog box as shown in FIGURE 2-3. Unloading
improves model performance and purging provides a one-click option for
clearing out old CAD elements in the models once they become out of date or
no longer necessary/applicable.
the name will be shown in the box on the right under Features. In this box,
rename the level as desired, until your levels are defined correctly, as shown in
FIGURE 2-5. Note that with each level, the user may also define the story height
of that level. For this example, the default story height of 10’-0” will remain.
Note that it is not required to rename the levels, but it is helpful to name them
to correlate with the structure you are analyzing/designing.
To begin with this example, turn on Group “Level 1” in the Group Library, and
set Level 1 to active in Story Manager by selecting Level 1 from the list and
clicking Set as Active. Then click Close. User will notice on the bottom right
of the screen, in the Status Bar, Level 1 is shown as the active Level and active
FIGURE 2-5 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box updated
This section assumes that all structural elements have been drawn in such a way that
each column, wall, slab boundary, opening, drop cap/panel, etc. is drawn as an
enclosed polygon. For elements which are not drawn in this way, first select the
individual line elements in ADAPT and transform them into polygons using the
Transform Polygon tool in the Transform to Structural Component Toolbar.
Open the Transform To Structural Component Toolbar for conversion of the drawing
to structural model. Use the User Interface menu and click on the Transform To
Structural Component Toolbar. Alternatively use menu item BuildDisplay
Modeling Toolbars to view this toolbar along with Build Toolbar.
Use menu item SettingsDrawingLayers, to open Layers dialog box, or open same
dialog box by clicking Layers tool in the Settings Toolbar. Click on the button All
Layers Off. This will turn off all the layers. Now click on the bulb sign in the On/Off
column for the layer in your file corresponding to Columns. In this case, the layer is
Adapt_Column (FIGURE 2-7). Doing this will turn on only the objects in this layer
and Group while others are turned off. Click OK.
Now only the polygons drawn in Adapt_Column layer will be displayed in the screen
for Level 1. Select all of them using Ctrl+A, by selecting all polygons with the mouse,
or by selecting by layer. To select by layer, open the Selection Toolbar and use the
Select by Layer tool which will bring up a dialog box similar to FIGURE 2-7.
Select the layer for Columns and click OK. This will select all elements shown in the
drawing in that layer.
Once the column polygons are selected use Transform Column tool from Transform
to Structural Component Toolbar. Alternatively you can use the menu item
BuildTransform Drawing EntitiesTransform entity into Column. These columns
will automatically have the same size in plan as the DWG/DXF file, and the height of
the columns will have been defined in the Level Assignment screen.
To view better you may select Top-Front-Right View from Camera and Viewports
Toolbar. You will notice all polygons are changed to three-dimensional Column entities
in the drawing that are inserted at the currently active plane and extend down to the
plane defined below the active level. You may double click on any column to view or
change its General Properties, Location, FEM Properties and CAD properties (as shown
in FIGURE 2-8). Notice as we are in Floor Pro mode all columns will be below the
slab, i.e. modeled as Lower Column and placed under Current_Plane_Column layer. If
in MAT model, the columns will be created as upper columns. Note that each column
will be transformed in the same X & Y dimensions as drawn in the DWG/DWX file.
The height of automatically created columns is determined by the distance between
levels and adjusted for any user-defined offsets.
FIGURE 2-8 Top-Front-Right View with Transformed Column and Column Dialog
Physical properties for columns can be managed by use of Design Groups through the
Section Type Manager. The default mode of the program is set to Assign existing at
creation. In this mode, a new design group is created for each unique width (A) and
depth (B) pair Builder encounters when transforming polygons to columns and columns
with duplicate dimensions are assigned to existing design groups. To change the
automatic assignment settings and define geometry roundup options, go to the menu
item BuildSection Type Managers to open the Section Type Manager window. See
Again use menu item SettingsDrawingLayers, to open Layers dialog box. Click on
the button All Layers Off, then turn on the layer for the structural slab, to display only
the polygon representing the floor slab.
Select the polygon and use Transform Slab Region tool from Transform to
Structural Component Toolbar to convert the polygon into a slab. The Level 1 slab will
be placed in Current_plane_Slab_Region layer. Double click on the slab to define the
slab thickness in the Slab Region properties box, see FIGURE 2-10. The default
thickness is 8 inches, or the last defined slab thickness. Click on the Location tab to
verify that the slab is located at Level 1.
Finally open Layer dialog once again. You may also use Layers Setting icon from
Settings Toolbar. This time turn All Layers Off while turning on only the wall layer.
Select all the polygons (representing walls) and use Transform Wall tool from
Transform to Structural Component Toolbar to convert all polygons as walls. If walls
are drawn in a way that they are combined walls drawn together, rather than individual
walls, you may use the Transform into Several Walls tool . All walls will be Lower
Walls and will be placed under Current_plane_Wall layer.
The user may transform Drop Caps/Panels, Beams, and Openings in the same manner
as described above, using the Transform Drop Cap/Panel tool , Transform Beam
tool icon, and the Transform Opening tool icon from the Transform to Structural
Component Toolbar. For Drop Caps/Panels, be sure to define the thickness of the Cap
in the Item Properties box. For beams, be sure to note where the end point of the beam
falls. A sound modeling approach would be to model beams from support centroid to
support centroid (i.e. column to column, or girder to girder, etc) to ensure connectivity.
Often, beams are drawn from faces of supports in DWG/DXF files. In this case, click
on the beam and, using the mouse, drag the end point/s of the beam to the center of its
supporting member. This ensures that the beam ends will fall onto a support line, and
that the beam will be correctly considered in the analysis/design. Support lines are
covered later in this guide.
To continue modeling up or down the building, the user can repeat the process of
displaying the next imported set of DWG/DXF using the Group Library tool and
setting the next level up to be Active, and continuing through the steps outlined
For Columns and Walls or other elements that the user knows are continuous up the
building, an alternative which may be faster, is to select the elements that continue up,
either individually using the mouse while depressing the ‘control’ key, or by selecting
by type. To select by type, click the Select by Type tool in the Selection Toolbar.
Click on appropriate elements for your model and click OK. See FIGURE 2-11. This
will highlight all columns and walls in the model. Select the Copy/Move Vertical tool
in the Story Manager Toolbar as described in Section 1.2.15. Copy the elements up the
appropriate number of times, or assign to a particular level.
Now use the Select/Set View Items tool from View Toolbar. Alternatively you may
use menu item View Select Display Item.
This will open Select/Set View Items dialog box. By default Structural Components tab
will be open. Turn on the display of Slab Region, Column and Wall, and any other
elements in the model as shown in FIGURE 2-13 and click OK. This will display all
structural objects in the screen.
The default view mode for all structural components is wire frame . The user can
switch to a solid fill view of the model for improved 3D visualization using this icon
. When in solid fill model, best visualization results are achieved when the opacity
of components is set to 0.5. The viewing order of components in the model changes
when components are selected. Specifically, components last selected are displayed in
front of other components. If in solid fill mode and the stacking order if components is
not what you would expect, switch between the wireframe and solid modes. This will
automatically re-draw the components in the correct stacking order.
Now save the file. This file contains the structural model created from the drawing file
using ADAPT Builder environment.
In this exercise you will learn how to import an Autodesk REVIT® Structure or CSI-
Etabs® model into ADAPT-Builder. This requires the installation of the ADAPT-
Revit Link and/or the ADAPT-Integration Console v5. If you don’t have these links
installed, please contact [email protected] to receive the necessary information.
Both links for the most current version of Revit and Etabs are provided for free with
any Builder program on an active maintenance contract.
Through use of the ADAPT-Revit link, an exchange file is generated including level
definitions, component geometry, material properties, loading, etc. This file is then
imported into Builder for generation of the structural model. You will learn how to (a)
generate the .INP file using the ADAPT-Revit link, (b) import the .INP file in Builder
for generation of the structural model, and (c) modify imported material properties and
check for component connectivity.
The figure shown below (Error! Reference source not found.) is a seven-story
reinforced concrete structure which includes columns, shearwalls, both post-tensioned
(PT) and conventional-reinforced concrete (RC) slabs and beams. The model includes
a concrete mat foundation. The workflow and design of a mat foundation utilizing the
integrated functionality of ADAPT-Edge and ADAPT-MAT are included in Section 8
of this document.
In Autodesk Revit, select Analyze Export from the ADAPT tools (FIGURE 3-2).
The ADAPT-REVIT Link Export screens will appear (FIGURE 3-3) where you
can select custom parameter naming, which levels, components, loads, and load
cases will be exported to ADAPT-Builder. Use the ADAPT-Revit Link Naming
window to specify custom geometry parameters used for columns in your model.
Ensure that all desired items are selected through each tab, and click on Export
In the Save As dialogue box, select the location of the ADAPT Model Exchange file
and name the file (FIGURE 3-4).
Open ADAPT-Builder 2017. Ensure that the Revit option is checked in the
Import/Export section and set the units to American in System of Units (FIGURE
Note: In the Builder Platform Module Selection screen Edge and Floor Pro are selected
while MAT and SOG are not selected. The Revit model import workflow described in
this section works when opening Builder in Edge, Floor Pro, MAT, or combination
modes. ADAPT-SOG is outside the scope of this Guide. Detailed descriptions of
functionality, theory and a written tutorial are found in the ADAPT-SOG User
Manual. Descriptions of workflows including integrated usage of Edge with Floor Pro
and MAT are included in Sections 7 and 8 of this document.
In the Open dialogue box (FIGURE 3-7), navigate to and select the ADAPT model
exchange file that was created previously.
In the Import Options dialogue window you will have the options of which components,
loads, load cases and load combinations to import. You can also select to update a
model or create a new model, to import the entire structure defined or generate a model
of a single level. These can be selected under Import Level. By default, the working
reference plane is set to Current Plane. When levels defined in the exchange file are
imported, the program will update the reference planes. For example, slabs defined at
“Level 5” will be assigned a reference plane of “Level 5” instead of Current Plane. For
this example, we will create a new model of the entire structure, as shown in FIGURE
The Import Options also includes a feature allowing similar slabs to be merged during
the import. If slabs that are located on the same plane have the same thickness, offset
and properties, the program will merge the slabs into one region.
When importing files using File Import Revit, Builder suppresses the importing
of material properties from the INP file. This feature is designed to prevent the
accidental use of material properties in your Builder model that are based on incorrectly
defined material properties in the Revit model. To import material properties, use the
option File Import Generic ADAPT File. In this case, all materials defined in the
INP are created in the Builder model even if they are not all assigned to components.
When the import is complete, the structure will open in View Full Structure
mode. A plan view will appear as shown in FIGURE 3-9. All imported levels,
components, and loads will be shown.
When imported to Builder, the internal reactions for walls and columns can be directly
used for column and wall design within Builder. These reactions can be combined with
native Builder reactions, for gravity load cases for example, to obtain a combined
combination solution relative to different reaction sources.
In addition, the internal column and wall reactions and applied story forces can be used
for single-level slab design incorporating lateral reactions from an ETABS “lateral”
model and gravity actions native to Builder. It is also possible to use the imported
model, gravity loads and lateral story forces to globally re-run the analysis in Builder
to obtain a new analysis solution, relative to the Edge analysis engine. To summarize,
the following workflows are possible when using the .INP file from the Integration
.edb IC v5 .INP
ETABS-Builder Workflow A
IC v5 .INP
ETABS-Builder Workflow B
*Lateral loads are manually input in ETABS
IC v5 .INP
Geometry -Gravity& Model -Gravity loads
Lateral** -Lateral story forces
Loading -Column/wall actions
ETABS-Builder Workflow C
**Lateral loads are manually or auto input in ETABS
Workflows A and B diagramed above are intended for importing geometry and
loading into ADAPT-Builder for a global or single-level model re-analysis with
applied loads from ETABS and/or applied in Builder. Also, the column and wall
actions can be used directly for column and wall design using ADAPT-Builder and S-
Concrete integrated column and wall tools.
Workflow C is the most comprehensive workflow and can used similar to A and B.
However, it also allows a user to re-analyze a floor in single-level mode and include
the lateral actions in columns and walls combined with gravity actions present from
application of gravity loads in Builder. This workflow includes the presence of
internal actions as well as applied story forces, ensuring that equilibrium is achieved
for those lateral load cases imported from ETABS.
In the following example, you will learn how to (a) export the .EDB file and create and
export the .XML file for ETABS story force data, (b) generate the .INP file using the
ADAPT-Integration Console, (c) import the .INP file in Builder for generation of the
structural model, applied loads and story forces, and (d) review imported column/wall
reactions and applied story forces.
The figure shown below (FIGURE 3-11) is an eight-story reinforced concrete structure
which includes columns, shearwalls, and conventional-reinforced concrete (RC) slabs.
This model and resulting forces, applied loads, etc. will be exported to ADAPT-Builder.
3.3.1 Preparing the Story Force Data and Exporting .XML and .EDB
Files from ETABS
After the ETABS model has been analyzed and the solution saved, In ETABS,
select File Export ETABS Tables to XML (FIGURE 3-12). This file contains
the applicable story force data relative to lateral loading using the “auto-lateral”
function in the ETABS model.
In the Choose Tables dialogue box, select Analysis Results Structure Results
Story Forces (FIGURE 3-13).
In the Choose Export Units dialogue box, select the units for Length, Force and
Temperature data to be exported from ETABS. For this example, use the default
values per US unit selection for the main model as shown in FIGURE 3-14.
In the Save XML File As dialogue box, select the location of the .XML file and
name the file (FIGURE 3-15).
3.3.2 Importing the ETABS .EDB and .XML Files into the ADAPT-
Integration Console (IC) v5
Open ADAPT-Integration Console v5. Ensure that the ETABS 2016 (using API)
option is checked in the Select Program section (FIGURE 3-16). Select Next.
Note: In the ADAPT Integration Console Wizard dialogue window, the options for
ETABS and STAAD Pro are also available. These options are used for integration with
earlier versions of ETABS (v9.7 or earlier) and STAAD Pro.
In the ETABS API Link dialogue window, browse and select the ETABS *.EDB file
and select Load Model. See FIGURE 3-17. Select Create ADAPT Exchange INP
After the model has loaded, in the same interface, select All Levels for the Level to
Import and then select the option for selection of the .XML file. Browse and select
the ETABS *.XML file and select Create ADAPT Exchange INP File. See
FIGURE 3-17.
Note: An active ETABS 2015 or 2016 license is required to access the ETABS API
and write data to prepare the .INP ADAPT exchange file. When this option is
selected, ETABS will open and close to extract the requested data.
After the necessary information is extracted, the message showing API script
completed successfully will appear as shown in FIGURE 3-18. This message
indicates the .INP has been created successfully.
The generated ADAPT exchange .INP file will be located in the same directory as
the .EDB file. Close the ADAPT-Integration Console v5. See FIGURE 3-19.
Open ADAPT-Builder 2017. Ensure that the ETABS option is checked in the
Import/Export section and set the units to American in System of Units (FIGURE 3-
Note: In the Builder Platform Module Selection screen Edge and Floor Pro are selected
while MAT and SOG are not selected. The ETABS model import workflow described
in this section works when opening Builder in Edge, Floor Pro, MAT, or a combination
of modes.
In the Open dialogue box (FIGURE 3-22), navigate to and select the ADAPT model
exchange file that was created previously.
The Import Options also includes a feature allowing similar slabs to be merged during
the import. If slabs that are located on the same plane have the same thickness, offset
and properties, the program will merge the slabs into one region.
The Loads/Load Cases dialogue window (FIGURE 3-24) reports the load cases being
exported from ETABS and imported to Builder. Each load case is associated with a
Type (e.g. “Gravity” and “Static Lateral”). These load types are provided for
information only and are not treated differently within Builder once imported. The
Import column reports whether Applied force and/or reactions are included in the
import. The Mapping option allows load cases exported from ETABS to be mapped to
a defined load case within Builder. All applied forces and reactions for an imported
load case will be reassigned to the mapped load case.
The option for Eccentricity used to apply imported story is used to define the
eccentricity % of length for the edge of slab perpendicular to the applied story force.
If the model is re-analyzed in global building mode with the story forces imported
from ETABS, the program will consider the direct, entered story force plus any
torsional effects derived from the input eccentricity.
The Load Combinations dialogue window (FIGURE 3-25) reports all load
combinations defined in ETABS. The combination components (load cases) and load
factors are listed under the Details column. The user also has the option on whether or
not to import the load combinations, as combinations are commonly created and defined
within Builder.
When the import is complete, the structure will open in View Full Structure mode.
A plan view will appear as shown in FIGURE 3-26. All imported levels, components,
and loads will be shown.
Upon completion of importing the ETABS model into Builder, there are options
available to review applied loads (gravity and lateral story forces) and column and wall
reactions. If both the .EDB and .XML files have been used for the import of data, the
user can re-analyze a single-level with consideration of the imported reactions.
Imported story forces can be used for the analysis of a global model.
To review the applied gravity loads, use the tool for Select/Set View Items .
Select the Loads tab to choose which loads are to be viewed ( FIGURE 3-28).
In the main user interface, the loads will appear as shown in FIGURE 3-29. Note
the loads selected are those imported from ETABS. If other loads were defined
within Builder, they also would be available for selection.
Double-click on any of the patch loads graphically represented in the model. This
will open the Patch Load dialogue window. Here the user can review information
related to the patch load imported from ETABS. See FIGURE 3-30. Note that any
load imported from ETABS will include “” as part of the default load label.
To review the applied lateral story forces, select Loading Add Load Lateral
Load. The Lateral Load Wizard reports load cases and story forces at references
planes assigned to the load case imported from ETABS. See FIGURE 3-31.
If the option for Update existing load case is selected, the user is able to revise
options related to the selected case. These include the Force applied at each
Reference Plane, the applied loading Direction, and Eccentricity. If a global model
is analyzed with use of the imported ETABS story forces, the program will utilize
the Seismic mass source combination, as shown below the story force table, for
rationing the total story force to nodal forces and moments at shell nodes.
Column and wall actions that are imported from ETABS, be it gravity or lateral,
can be viewed graphically using the Result Display Settings option. From the
From the Case drop-down menu, the program includes the option for selecting any
imported (ETABS) or native (BUILDER) solution set for the available load cases.
In this example, the Builder model has not been analyzed, so only the imported
ETABS load cases are reported. This is denoted by the (ETABS: G) as shown in
FIGURE 3-31. The “G” denotes that the load case solution is from a global analysis
run. If ”L” is shown, the solution is from a single-level analysis run.
In the Result Display Settings browser, the Column and Wall branches include the
options for displaying Actions (Load Cases). See FIGURE 3-33.
FIGURE 3-33 Result Display Settings – Column and Wall case action selection
From the load case pull-down menu, select EQX (ETABS):G to view internal
column reactions for this example. Select Column Action (Load Cas) Moment
About ss. FIGURE 3-34 shows the resulting graphical results.
FIGURE 3-34 Column moments for imported ETABS “EQX” load case
Imported reactions for columns and walls can be combined with loads applied
within Builder for single-level analysis. This condition might be applicable for
the design of a slab and/or beam system with combined actions from different
sources. For example, the lateral actions based on an ETABS analysis and the
gravity actions based on a Builder analysis.
Select FEM Analyze Structure. FIGURE 3-36 shows the Analysis Options
dialogue screen. The following descriptions are given for use of options within
this screen that are new and/or applicable to re-analysis incorporating reactions
imported from ETABS:
2 – Options to include global analysis results – This option allows the user
to include saved reactions (from ETABS or a native Builder global solution) in
the analysis of a single-level. In the context of analyzing a single-level with
column and wall reactions imported from ETABS, this option would be used
if the user is combining a lateral solution with a gravity solution for the
purpose of designing slab or beam sections within Builder. There are multiple
options available to select.
will itemize each Load Case, associated Solution source and which
Reactions are included. In this example, EQX and EQY are
reported with the solution source being ETABS. Note that the load
case list is dependent on which load combinations are selected to be
run for the single-level analysis. If the load combination selected set
does not include a load case from a global solution, the list shown
below would be blank.
The option for Clear Reactions will launch the Reaction Manager window.
This option can also be launched from FEM Reaction Manager. See FIGURE
3-37. This dialogue includes options for managing saved solutions, native or
imported. Solutions that have been solved natively within Builder or imported
from the ADAPT-Integration Console, will be stored and solutions available for
display and/or selection for a single-level analysis until the solutions are deleted
using this tool.
In the previous chapters, we learned how to import a Revit or ETABS model and
convert this into an ADAPT-Builder model, represented by physical, object-oriented
3D components, as well as transforming a 2D CAD (DWG/DXF) file into a 3D ADAPT
model. While this may lead to the most efficient and expedient method for generating
your structural model, the user will typically find that some revisions or modifications
must be made to the model which require the use of the modeling tools included within
Builder. The use and functionality of the tools that will be described in this chapter also
apply to the scenario where a model would be created entirely within the Builder
interface without use of a Revit model or CAD drawing.
Not all of the modeling tools associated with the software will be used and/or described
in this chapter. It is strongly encouraged for the user to familiarize themselves with the
entire set of modeling tools associated with the software. Several of these tools are
described in Section 1.2 of this document. The Build Toolbar (Section 1.2.3) would be
of particular interest.
In this exercise, you will learn how to model or modify various structural components
in the existing multistory structure. These include:
In some cases, the user may be in a position where you do not have an existing Builder,
CAD, or Revit model from which to build upon. It is possible to define a native grid
system within Builder.
A generic full-screen grid option can be defined using the Grid Settings option on the
Snap Toolbar, as mentioned in Section 1.2.8.
The Build Construction Aids Level Assignment tool is used to create and edit
level heights and labels in the program’s Reference Plane Manager. When a new model
is created, the default story height is 10 ft (3 m) and the program generates top plane,
current plane and bottom plane. When a model is imported from Revit, the program
defaults are overwritten by the defined story heights and names from the Revit model.
The example model contains 7 levels with varying story heights as shown in FIGURE
4-2. Three additional levels will be added to the existing level assignments by using
the steps listed below.
The program will insert a level relative to the level selected in the Reference Plane
Manager. For this example, the 3 additional levels will be added above Level 7.
Select Level 7 to highlight that level.
Click Add 3 times to generate the new levels. These levels will appear as shown in
FIGURE 4-3. Since the ground level is considered as “Base” and is included in the
total level count, the program adds Planes 9, 10 and 11.
Rename Planes 9, 10 and 11 to Levels 8, 9 and 10 and change the story height to 12
ft for each level as shown in FIGURE 4-4 (Refer to Section 2.1 for more
information). The story height can be changed utilizing the Height input box with
the appropriate level selected.
Change the view in Full-structure mode to a front- or left- elevation to review the
added levels (FIGURE 4-5). Note that only the reference planes will be shown
since no components have been generated at the levels.
FIGURE 4-4 Reference Plane Manager with new names and heights
For this example, manual generation of banded tendons will be illustrated at Level 4
where three transfer beams exist. While the program includes features for automatic
mapping of banded and distributed tendons, the functionality related to those features
will not be described in this guide. For detailed descriptions of tendon modeling in
Builder, as it pertains to Floor Pro and MAT, please refer to the specialized workflow
chapters of the documentation. In addition, new tendon modeling tools and integrated
Tendon Optimizer are available as new features in ADAPT-Builder 2017. These new
features are described in detail in the ADAPT-Floor Pro 2017 Tendon Modeling
Supplemental Manual. Tendons which are identical on different levels of a multistory
model can be copied or moved using the Modify Copy/Move Copy/Move
Vertical feature , similar to any other component in the model. This feature is
described in Section 1.2.15.
Using the Story Manager Toolbar, switch the model mode to Single-level and
use the Active level up and down tools to navigate to Level 4. When
entering tendons it is most useful to do so in a plan view. Switch the model to a plan
view using the View Toolbar .
From the User Interface menu select the Tendon Toolbar (FIGURE 4-6). A
description of the tools located on this toolbar are summarized in Section 1.2.13.
The first banded tendon will be modeled at Level 4 along the beams as shown in
FIGURE 4-7. Tendons are modeled by defining one end point, any intermediate
high points, and the other end point. End points can represent stressing or dead ends
and can be defined in the tendon’s property window.
Use the Add Tendon tool and snap from the left endpoint of the beam to the
right endpoint and the second and fourth columns located along the beams. These
columns are supporting the transfer beams. In this case, the first and third columns
to the right of the wall are above the slab, and should not be defined as end points
for the tendons. NOTE: You may need to select some of the snap items from the
Snap Toolbar to properly snap to endpoints of walls, columns and beams. The
tendon should appear in plan as shown in FIGURE 4-8.
Double-click on the tendon to open the Tendon Properties window. Change the
Number of strands to 30 and leave the area per strand and tendon/duct height as
unchanged. See FIGURE 4-9. NOTE: After any change is made in a property input
window, the green check box must be clicked to accept and save the changes
made, though this does not save the model.
For this exercise we will use the “Effective Force” method. The Stressing tab gives
options for this method and the “Calculate Force” method where the program will
calculate friction, seating and long-term loss as a function of the tendon properties
and curvature. In the Stressing tab, the effective force per strand is set to 26.7Kips
(FIGURE 4-10). You may change this value as appropriate for your project.
FIGURE 4-12 Criteria window where default tendon heights are defined
In a similar manner to the first tendon entered, create tendons along the two adjacent
transfer beams and the beam in the perpendicular direction along the left edge of
slab. Note that all high and low control points, the CGS should be 3” away from the
extreme concrete fiber at all support points and mid-span points except for the start
and end points of the strand. FIGURE 4-14 shows a plan view of the tendons with
the CGS values created by the Show CGS values from Bottom tool on the
Tendon Toolbar.
Confirm the modeling of the banded tendons by reviewing the 3D view of the
model. See FIGURE 4-15.
The user can take advantage of other visibility tools and views to confirm the proper
location of tendons in the model. Standard viewing options for the main model viewing
area are available from the View Toolbar. Alternatively, the model can be viewed in an
interactive 3D viewer by selecting the View model tool .
Earlier we created additional levels above the top story in the structure. The columns,
walls, openings, beams and slabs that are located on Level 7 will be copied to these
additional levels as they have the same plan as Level 7. We will also modify the slab
thickness for the top level.
Using the View View Structural Levels Only Current Level (also found
on Story Manager Toolbar), switch the model mode to Single-level and use the
Active level up- and down tools to navigate to Level 7. The active level
is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the program’s window.
Use your mouse to left-click and window all components shown at level 7. All
components should be highlighted red as shown in FIGURE 4-16. Alternately, you
can use the Tools Selection Select by Type tool to select the individual
component groups like columns, walls, beams, etc.
From the Story Manager Toolbar, select the Copy/Move Vertical tool . The
Copy/Move window will pop up. Change the settings similar to those shown in
FIGURE 4-17. This will copy the selected components to the 3 levels above Level
Using the Story Manager Toolbar, switch the model mode to Full-structure
and use the Active level up- and down tools to navigate to Levels 8, 9 and
10 to confirm the geometry. FIGURE 4-18 shows an elevation view of the structure
with the additional levels.
FIGURE 4-18 Side Elevation View of the Structure including Levels 8-10
Note that since Levels 7-10 have similar story heights, the vertical components that
were copied up have similar offsets to the slab soffit. If Levels 8-10 had unique
story heights, the user should establish component connectivity to update the offsets
relative to the new levels. This process is described in Section 3.5. It is imperative
that connectivity exist between vertical and horizontal components for a satisfactory
analysis and solution of the model.
Level 10 will be assigned a thickness of 10.5 inches. Select both slabs on Level 10
using the Ctrl key and use the Modify Item Properties tool to change the slab
thickness as shown in FIGURE 4-19.
This section will present methods by which existing slabs can be modified in plan area
and also how to model slab regions of varying thickness and/or geometry within the
same plan. We will focus on slab modifications that will be made to Level 10 where the
slab thickness was just revised to 10.5 inches. The current plan for Level 10 is shown
in FIGURE 4-20. Note that the slab regions show the thickness label associated with
each unique slab region. This can be invoked from the Select/Set View Items tool
. After completing the steps in this section, the slab will be modified to what is shown
in FIGURE 4-21. Follow the steps below to modify Level 10:
Select both openings at each slab region and use the Delete key to remove these.
This is the only modification to the slab region on the left side.
From the Snap Toolbar turn on the tools for Snap to Endpoint and Snap to
Vertices of Components .
From the Build Toolbar use the Create Slab Region tool and place the
rectangular slab at the left side of the right slab region, from the left-most points to
the right corners of the columns as shown in FIGURE 4-20. This is labeled as 8
inches in FIGURE 4-21.
FIGURE 4-22 Level 10 Right Slab with Column and Wall labels
Double-click on the slab region created in Step 3 to open its properties box. Enter
a slab thickness of 8 inches. Select the Location tab and enter a vertical offset of
1.5 inches. Vertical offsets entered as positive are downward. Click the green
checkbox in the upper left-hand corner to accept the changes.
Select the 3 beams oriented in the Global X direction at the left end of the right slab
region and use the Delete key to remove them.
Use the same procedure to delete the beam in the Global Y direction at the bottom
right side of the slab region. Confirm that the proper beam/s have been removed.
Using the Create Line tool on the Draw Toolbar or Draw menu, create the
construction lines as shown in FIGURE 4-23. The Snap Toolbar can be utilized to
snap to various locations along components like midpoints, endpoints, orthogonal
snapping, etc. The Snap Orthogonal feature will facilitate the drawing of
horizontal and vertical lines.
Highlight the slab region and shift the square handles at each vertex to the locations
as shown in FIGURE 4-24. The Snap Toolbar will again be utilized to snap to the
proper locations.
Using the Build Structural Components Create Slab Region tool, place a new
slab in the position at the right side of the slab as shown in FIGURE 4-21, following
the diagonal line to Column 282, down to the bottom slab edge. Change the
thickness of this new slab to 12 inches. Confirm the final geometry of the slab
When slabs are “nested” or overlaid on top of another slab, the slab that is smaller
and located within the larger slab region will control the geometry in that location.
To confirm the geometry of the nested regions use the Create a Cut at a Specified
Location tool . Select two points points at each side of the desired section cut,
then click anywhere in the user interface to place the section cut image. Follow the
prompts in the yellow User Information Bar at the bottom of the screen. See
FIGURE 4-25 to view section cuts of both nested/thickened regions.
This section will explain how to modify beam dimensions, vertically offset a beam, and
assign specific material properties for beams. These steps can be applied and extended
to other components such as columns, walls, etc.
The dimensions for Beam 103 at Level 10 will be modified from 12x24 in to 12x30
in. These beams are shown below in FIGURE 4-26.
Double-click on Beam 103 and change the dimensions from 24 inches deep to 30
inches deep. Select the Location tab and enter a vertical offset of -12 inches. This
will create an upward vertical offset so as to generate an “upturned” beam.
Select the Release Between Beam and other Structural Components tab and make
the translational and rotational release selections as shown in FIGURE 4-27. This
will allow the left end of the beam to rotate without fixity. Click the green check
mark to save these changes.
From the View Toolbar use the View Model tool to generate a 3D rendered
view of beam offset. See FIGURE 4-28. You can also use the Create a Cut at a
Specified Location as described in the previous section to view this upturned beam
In software versions prior to v2016, the software supported concrete, prestressing and
reinforcement material types with associated properties and material information.
While these material types still remain, generic material types and generic components
were introduced in ADAPT-Builder 2016.
From Material Generic, the user can define a predefined material type of steel,
aluminum, masonry or other with associated properties. See FIGURE 5-1. A generic
material type can only be assigned to a user-defined generic component, not beams,
slabs columns, walls, etc. that can be modeled from the Build or Transform toolbars
within the software.
Generic Components define a set of component sections and material properties that
can be assigned to a column or a beam. This feature allows the user to model and
analyze columns and beams of any shape and material within an ADAPT-Builder
model. This new feature must be used if cross section shape is not supported by Builder
(ADAPT-Builder currently supports rectangular, square, or circular sections for
columns or square/rectangular beam sections) and/or when the material is not concrete.
Generic components will be meshed and analyzed as any other component. Generic
components are NOT included in design of sections for generic beam components or
the design of columns where columns are defined as a generic section. They are strictly
intended for analysis purposes. Generic components can be modeled in Builder or
imported from INP Exchange file from other software such as Autodesk-Revit® and
Etabs®. See Chapter 3 for information on generation of generic exchange files for
each of the referenced software.
Depending on the selections for Type, Shape, and Material drop down lists as shown in
FIGURE 5-3, the input parameters will change. The options are as follows:
In the case when you model a column with the Generic shape and steel material types,
the list of parameters is as follows:
End bearing A – This parameter is available for Columns only when the Shape is
Generic and/or Material is non-concrete. It is the dimension of bearing along the
local axis r-r (same as global X direction with zero rotation angle) of the column.
It is used for the punching shear calculation. For example, in the case of the steel
column this would be the dimension ‘b’ dimension of a steel base plate that
transfers loads from column to slab.
End bearing B - This parameter is available for columns only when Shape is
Generic and/or Material is non-concrete. It is the dimension of bearing along the
local axis s-s (same as global Y direction with zero rotation angle) of the column.
It is used for punching the shear calculation and would be the ‘L’ dimension of a
steel base plate that transfer loads from column to slab in the case of a steel
Irr – Moment of inertia about local axis r-r defined by the user.
Iss – Moment of inertia for local axis s-s defined by the user.
After a generic material and generic component have been defined, they can be assigned
to a modeled column and/or beam component.
You can use Modify Items Properties from Modify Modify Item Properties to
assign generic component types to multiple columns or beams. See FIGURE 5-5.
In Section 3.5 we showed how to create and assign new materials to components
imported from a Revit model. We are now going to generate a new concrete material to
assign to all columns and walls in the model. In addition, the reinforcement and
prestressing material assignments will be confirmed.
Go to MaterialConcrete and the input window for Concrete will open. Click on
Add button to add another concrete property. See FIGURE 5-6.
Name the added material CONCRETE-COLUMNS. Specify Weight (Wc) 150 pcf
and 28 days Cylinder Strength (f’c) as 6000 psi. Modulus of Elasticity of concrete
is automatically calculated and displayed by the program using f’c and Wce, and
the relationship as per ACI318. Ec is recalculated when the user activates its text
box with the mouse. The user is given the option to override the code value and
specify a user defined substitute. Wce is used to calculate Ec, where Wc will be
used only to calculate selfweight values.
Ec = Wce1.5 x 33 f 'c US
Ec = Wce1.5 x 0.043 f 'c SI
Ec = modulus of elasticity at 28 days [psi, MPa]
f’c = characteristic cylinder strength at 28 days
Wce = density of concrete [150 lb/ft3, 2400 kg/m3]
With the model active in Full-structure mode use the option for Select by Type
and select Columns and Walls. In the main graphical interface, all columns and
walls will be shown highlighted red. Go to Modify Item Properties and change
the Material input as shown in FIGURE 5-7. Changes to material properties to other
components can be made in a similar manner. If a single component’s material is
to be changed, the user can double-click on that component to open its property
input window and in the General tab, modify the material assigned to that
We have not changed the material for slab regions. To confirm this, double click on
a slab. Slab Region dialog box will open. Select the drop down for Material and
ensure Concrete-Cast in Place is specified as material (FIGURE 5-8).
Go to Material Mild Steel and Prestressing and confirm the settings as shown in
FIGURE 5-9 and FIGURE 5-10. For rebar specify yield strength (fy) value as 60
ksi, and Modulus (Es) value as 29000 ksi. For prestressing specify Ultimate Stress
(fpu) value as 270 ksi, Yield Stress (fpy) value as 240 ksi and Modulus (Es) value
as 29000 ksi
With ADAPT-Edge we now have the ability to easily transition between analysis of an
entire structure and an individual level, support conditions are set for both modes of
operability. To modify default support conditions, select CriteriaAnalysis/Design
Options. FIGURE 5-111 shows the General Analysis/Design Options. In the section
Support condition at the far ends of walls and columns the program includes entry for
Single-Level and Multi-Level.
The default support conditions for Single-Level analysis is Roller support and
rotationally fixed. This includes translational restraint in the global Z direction and
rotational restraint about global X, Y and Z directions. The default support condition
for Multi-Level is Fixed in position and rotationally fixed. This includes both
translational and rotational fixity in global X, Y and Z directions.
For this model, the base of all columns will be “pinned” such that there exists
translational fixity for global X, Y and Z directions with free rotational restraint. Walls
will be considered “fixed-fixed” at the base. This is the default condition for all
Note in FIGURE 5-111 the option checked for Retain user modification and create the
rest as below. If manual modifications are made to any support within the graphical
interface, due to this setting, the program will retain those modifications and column
and wall point or line supports will be generated in the model as defined in this section.
To manually modify the column supports in the graphical interface, follow the steps
From the original Revit import, the structure contained a mat foundation at the base
level. In full-structure 3D view, select the base mat and delete this slab.
Use the Select/Set View Items tool and select the Finite Element tab. Check
the display checkboxes for point and line supports as shown in FIGURE 5-12. In
the main graphical interface, the symbolic representation of each line and point
support will be shown at the base level at each column and wall. See FIGURE 5-13.
Use the Select by Type tool and select all Point Supports. The point supports
at all columns will highlight red.
Use the Modify Item Properties tool and select the Point Supports tab.
In this section, we will review steps to set all remaining design parameters in Criteria.
Ideally, this should be done early in the modeling process, because many components
of the model will be affected by selections made in this section, such as load
combinations and tendon CGS defaults.
Use menu item Criteria to open the dialog box. By default you will be under Design
Code tab. For this example we will select ACI 2014/IBC 2015 (FIGURE 5-15). This
new design code was introduced in ADAPT-Builder 2016. Please note some of the
codes will be unavailable for selection as they do not support the American unit
a. Note: By changing the code selection, load combinations will be
overwritten. The user should exercise caution in this step if load
combinations have already been defined.
Go to Shear Design Options tab, for one-way shear reinforcement, we will leave
number of legs equal to 2 for stirrups, for two-way shear reinforcement, select Stud,
Stud Diameter equal to 0.50 in, specify number of rails per side as 2. The rails per
side means that 2 rails will be placed on each of the 4 sides of all columns where
two-way shear reinforcing is required. In the case of columns with more rectangular
shapes that might be better suited to have more rails along two longer sides and
fewer stud rails along shorter sides, use an average so that the total number of rails
will be considered.
Make the remaining settings as shown in FIGURE 5-16 through FIGURE 5-21. A
more detailed description of all Criteria inputs can be found in specialized
workflow chapters.
The program will automatically consider concrete self-weight as a load case since Wc
is specified for the concrete materials used. The program also has two default load
cases: Dead Load and Live Load. For the gravity design, the input of loads for this
example will be limited to uniform patch loads for the Dead and Live Load cases. Refer
to specialized workflow chapters for additional information on how to define other
types of loading, use the live load skipping and live load reduction features.
The generation of patch loads can be initiated through use of the Loading Toolbar or
from LoadingAdd LoadPatch Load or Patch Load Wizard. If the option for Patch
Load is used, vertices describing the shape of the patch region can be selected. If the
option for Patch Load Wizard is used, the program will map patch loads of specified
magnitude and load case to selected slab regions. For this example values of 0.020 ksf
and 0.080 ksf will be used for Dead and Live Loads, respectively, at each level.
and .
Use the Select by Type tool and select all Slabs. The slabs at all levels will
highlight red.
From the Loading Toolbar select the Patch Load Wizard tool . The input
window shown in FIGURE 5-22 will appear. Enter the value for the Dead Load
case as shown. Repeat the step for Live Load of 0.080ksf. Note that the patch loads
will be displayed graphically at each slab (FIGURE 5-23). The visibilty of such
loads can be managed through use of the Select/Set View Items tool and the
Loads tab. The user can double click on any load to review or modify its properties.
See FIGURE 5-24 as an example.
Temperature and Shrinkage loads can be defined at individual levels or multiple levels
in a multistory model. Both load types are modeled as Patch Loads and as such, can
be entered by definition of patch load vertices or by mapping of a patch load to a slab
region by use of the Patch Load Wizard as demonstrated in section 5.5.1 for Dead and
Live Loads. Temperature and Shrinkage load cases must be set up by the user from
LoadingLoad Case Library. The load case is then designated as a temperature or
shrinakge load case. Multiple load cases can be defined for either of the load types.
Theoretical Background
where (σx, σy, τxy, τyz, τzx) are the stress components, (εx, εy, γxy, γ
yz, γzx) are the strain components, E is the modulus of elasticity, μ is the Poisson’s
ratio and αx and αy are the coefficients of thermal expansion along x and y direction
respectively. T is the thermal load.
In ADAPT-Builder, the implementation assumes that the materials are thermally
isotropic, therefore the coefficients of thermal expansion are equal αx = αy.
Thermal load is understood as the differential or gradient in temperature rise or fall
from ambient conditions. ADAPT-Builder assumes that temperature fields are
stationary (steady-state). No heat transfer or thermal transient effects are considered.
The temperature fields in frame and shell elements implemented in ADAPT-Builder
are modeled as linearly varying along the element width and through the element
thickness. This linear behavior formulation is based on user-defined input values
representing temperature gradients at the analytical nodes of the top and bottom shell
or frame elements.
Temperature Loads
Temperature loads modeled as patch loads apply to all components (shell and frame
elements) that fall under a specific definition and placement of the temperature load
and are referenced from the same level as the load. Differential or uniform temperature
input for slabs, beams, columns and walls is available as part of the patch load dialogue
window associated with the temperature load.
Define a new load case (or select/highlight one that has already been defined)
in the General Loads (Gravity/Lateral) list.
Click the Temperature check box – the program adds the extension (T) to load
case name. See FIGURE 5-25.
Open the Patch load property box by double-clicking on the load and select
the applicable Temperature load case from the Load case drop down list. The
input option will change to allow temperature input. See FIGURE 5-26.
Enter a value for the dT input. This is the differential temperature and
represents the difference between the actual and reference temperatures. A
positive value represents a temperature increase and a negative value
represents a temperature decrease. Entry for this dT input is propagated to all
component values.
Select the slab region/s you wish to add temperature loads to, select
LoadingAdd LoadPatch Load Wizard.
Select the Temperature load case and enter the desired values.
Temperature load can be defined or modified for multiple patch loads using the Modify
Items Properties dialog.
Select the slabs you wish to add temperature loads to (for new definition of
the loads) or select the temperature loads already defined (for modification of
existing loads).
Select the checkbox under Temperature loads and enter the desired values.
Shrinkage Loads
Shrinkage loads (represented as input strains) are modeled as patch loads and apply to
all components (shell and frame elements) that fall under a specific definition and
placement of the shrinkage load and are referenced from the same level as the load.
Shrinkage load is analytically represented as uniform strain over its defined input
Define a new load case (or select/highlight one that has already been defined)
in the General Loads (Gravity/Lateral) list.
Click the Shrinkage check box – the program adds the extension (S) to load
case name. See FIGURE 5-29.
Open the Patch load property box and select shrinkage load case from the
Load case drop down list. The input option will change to allow the strain
input. See FIGURE 5-30.
Shrinkage loads can be defined or modified for multiple patch loads using the Modify
Items Properties dialog.
Select the slabs you wish to add shrinkage loads to (for new definition of the
loads) or select the shrinkage loads already defined (for modification of
existing loads).
Select the checkbox under Shrinkage loads and enter the desired values.
ADAPT-Builder offers a simple workflow for the application and analysis of wind
loads. A special module of ADAPT-Builder is not needed to define wind loads, but a
license of ADAPT-Edge is needed to analyze a structure with them. For models to
consider wind loads during analysis, they need to be run with ADAPT-Edge turned on
and in Full-Structure mode.
The easiest way to define wind loads is through the Wind Load Wizard. All wind loads
should be defined as Building Load cases (FIGURE 5-32), whether manually applied
to a model or automatically generated using the wizard. The wizard automatically
creates them as Building Loads.
The generation of wind loads through use the Wind Load Wizard can be performed
through use of the Loading Toolbar and the Wind Load Wizard tool or from
LoadingAdd LoadWind Load Wizard. The interface for the loading wizard is
shown in FIGURE 5-33.
The wind loads can be generated based on pre-defined code implementations or by user-
defined entry. When a code entry is used, the user must enter the input parameters
associated with the selected code. Note these parameters become inactive when the
User-defined option is used for Load Generation. Any number of wind loading sets can
be assigned to the model for a given wind direction. When the Include orthogonal
direction option is selected, the program will apply loads in the perpendicular direction
to the Primary wind direction. The wizard reports both windward and leeward forces
for Primary and Orthogonal wind directions and also reports windward and leeward
pressures for each level within the defined exposure range.
Note that the exposure width and/or forces can be manually overwritten by switching
from Calculated to User-defined option in the Wind Forces table. Values that are not
overwritten will remain as calculated by the program.
If the option is made to Include Torsional Moment the user is prompted to enter the
Eccentricity value as a percentage (%) of the width of slab perpendicular to the direction
of wind force. The program will generate load cases that represent the direct wind forces
in the primary and orthogonal directions and also the torsional moments resulting from
the eccentric loading input. The program faithfully represents torsional moments by
converting these to line loads applied at the slab edge resulting in the torsional effect.
For this example, enter the input for the Wind Load Wizard as shown in FIGURE 5-33.
Wind loads acting in the Global X (0 degrees) and Global Y (90 degrees) will be used.
Also, the example will include torsional moment effects resulting from eccentricities of
15% about each applied wind load direction.
Similar to the addition of gravity loads in the program, once a new load is added, the
program will show the load in the graphical interface. FIGURE 5-34 shows the applied
wind loads at the slab edges of each level.
The generation of seismic loads through the Seismic Load Wizard can be performed
through from LoadingAdd LoadSeismic Load Wizard. The interface for the loading
wizard is shown in FIGURE 5-35. Seismic loads generated by the loading wizard are
classified as Building Loads.
When defining a seismic load case, the user will create a new name for the load case
which the program stores as a unique load case that can be included as part of a load
combination. Once this load case has been created in the model, the user can modify
any previously created seismic load by selecting the appropriate case from the Update
existing load case drop-down list in the top left of the Seismic Load Wizard screen in
the Load Cases section.
From the Load Generation pull-down menu in the Load Cases section the user has the
option to consider generation of seismic loads based on ASCE 7-10 or from User-
defined input. When the code-specific option is used the user can enter parameters
associated with Spectral Acceleration, Site-class, Response Modification factors,
Occupancy factors, Structure Periods and Mass Source. See the associated design code
for more details on governing site-specific parameters that affect this input.
The mass source is taken from the default vibration load case that includes 1*Selfweight
for the structure. If additional mass it to be used in the calculation for base shear, the
user can go click Edit beneath the seismic mass (or FEMVibration) and include any
number of vibration combinations. Once saved, these additional combinations will be
included in the menu for Seismic mass and can be selected. FIGURE 5-36 shows the
input for adding a new vibration load combination.
When the User-defined input option is selected, the parameters input changes, and the
user has the option to input a value for Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs, Base Shear
or Story Force. See FIGURE 5-37. The input for Cs and Base Shear both utilize the
seismic mass input for calculation of the story force. When Story Force is selected, the
table on the right includes the option to input a user-defined story force for each level
included in the Range as shown in FIGURE 5-38.
For any seismic load case defined, the user can set the direction (degrees) relative to
the Global X axis, measured counterclockwise, in which the seismic load will act. The
eccentricity, input as a percentage of the width perpendicular to the direction, can be
specified as well as the range of story levels to be considered for seismic loads.
Unlike the application of wind load acting at the surface edge of a slab, seismic loading
in ADAPT-Builder is dynamically calculated each analysis run and applied as a set of
forces acting at element nodes. These forces are determined as a ratio of the element
mass associated with the node to the total mass at any particular level of the structure,
with eccentricity of each node considered as well. Because of this unique way seismic
loads are calculated in the program, a graphical representation of seismic loads cannot
be produced prior to analysis. Once the analysis of a model has been completed and
saved, though, the user has several options of reviewing the program generated loading.
The details of program generated seismic loads for any load case can be found in a file
located at Model_Folder/Databases/. An example of this file type is shown in FIGURE
5-39. Alternatively, summary loading data is presented in the Applied Loads report
found under ReportsSingle Default ReportsTabularApplied Loads (FIGURE 5-
40). The location of the applied seismic load is also shown graphically under
FIGURE 5-39 Example of Seismic Data File for EQX Located in Databases Folder
For this example, two seismic load cases will be created. These will include EQX and
EQY representing seismic forces acting in the global X direction (0 deg.) and the global
Y direction (90 deg.). Each will include 5% eccentricity. Note that if accidental torsion
is to be considered in the opposite direction, additional load cases should be created
which include a negative % for eccentricity input.
Enter the input for the Seismic Load Wizard as shown in FIGURE 5-37 for the
application of EQX. Select the Apply to Load Case tab to save the input. Repeat this
step by changing the load case name to EQY and changing the direction to 90 degrees.
After creating wind and seismic loads, the user can verify these load cases in
LoadingLoad Case Library and review the input for Building Loads. The loads listed
in this window should include Wind_P0, Wind_P90, Wind_M0, Wind_M90, EQX and
Lateral loads can be entered in table format at any level as a force (K or kN). The force
can be given any direction (in degrees) and include eccentricity as a percentage (%) of
the width of the structure in the normal to the direction of force application. Multiple
lateral loads can be assigned and applied in the same model.
Lateral load cases are directly created within the Lateral Load Wizard input dialogue
and do not require to be created from LoadingLoad Case Library. Once a lateral load
is created, the load case is stored as a Building Load from LoadingLoad Case Library.
Lateral load cases assigned this way and saved as building loads are solved for when a
global analysis run is solved. Lateral load cases are NOT solved for when a model is
run in Single-Level mode, but component lateral reactions (columns and walls) can be
included in a single-level run after a global solution has been made. See Section 3.4
for additional information. Note that reactions sourced form an ADAPT-Edge solution
or a 3rd party import are treated in the same manner when applied as part of a Single-
Level analysis. In this way, user-defined lateral loading is treated similarly to Wind and
Seismic loads created from the Wind and Seismic Load Wizards.
Set the Direction (degrees) and Eccentricity (%) for the defined load case.
Enter the force values (K or kN) at each reference plane in the Force column
of the loading table.
Note that user-defined lateral load cases are not treated as externally applied loads. The
lateral loads internally applied as nodal loads as a portion of the total entered force and
a function of the shell mass and total mass of the slab/s defined at each level. This is a
similar approach to how auto-generated seismic loads are treated in ADAPT-Builder.
To modify a user-defined lateral load case, the Lateral Load Wizard dialogue window
must be invoked again to make modifications.
Set the desired modifications for the Direction (degrees) and Eccentricity (%)
for the selected load case.
Enter the desired modifications for the force values (K or kN) at each
reference plane in the Force column of the loading table.
The user should avoid using special characters (* & $ # + = % \ / -, etc.) in naming of
load combinations as this can cause processing errors and stalls in designing design
When a load combination is set to Total or Sustained Service condition, the program
designs reinforcement based on minimum/serviceability requirements per the design
code selected. The program does not add reinforcement to satisfy demand actions
resulting from service load combinations unless prescriptive code requirements
stipulate that such a check be performed. The program calculates deflections for service
combinations based on un-cracked, elastic material properties. The program also makes
checks for allowable stresses, balanced loading and precompression for service
combinations. When post-tensioning is included in a model, the Prestressing load case
is included in Service load combinations.
For this example, we will use the Long-term Deflection Template option to introduce
an automated method to include such combinations into a design. However, the results
of these combinations will not be investigated. The purpose is to display how the
combinations can be included in a model. For a more in-depth description of the
program’s capabilities with respect to cracked, long-term deflections, refer to
specialized workflow chapters.
The option for No Code Check simply allows the user to obtain a solution for a specific
combination. The program does not design reinforcement or perform any other design
checks for the combination. Deflections are reported for the combination unless the
Hyperstatic load case is included. This design/analysis option is generally used to
isolate individual load cases for validation or to understand behavior.
FIGURE 5-43 shows the Load Combination input window. All defined load cases are
listed along the top edge of the window. These cases can be combined and associated
with a factor to make up a list of Load Combinations. Once this list is created, the user
can create a combination name, set the analysis/option type and Save the combination.
Note that the combination name must be unique and cannot be the same as a load case
For this tutorial, the program contains the following default load combinations:
Service (Total Load) = 1.00 x Selfweight + 1.00 x Dead load + 1.00 x Live load
Service (Sustained Load) = 1.00 x Selfweight + 1.00 x Dead load + 0.30 x Live load
Strength (Dead and Live) = 1.20 x Selfweight + 1.20 x Dead load + 1.60 x Live load
Strength (Dead Load Only) = 1.40 x Selfweight + 1.40 x Dead load
The following load combinations will be added for the design of this model:
To illustrate how these combinations can be defined in the program, follow the steps
below as a guide to add a new load combination. The combination WindX will be
At the top left corner of the Load Combination Window, click the Add Combination
button while selecting the Analysis/Design option of your choice. Refer to
FIGURE 5-44 for a list of available options.
This step creates a default, blank load combination with the selected analysis/design
option. Rename the load combination to “WindX” by selecting the Label field and
clicking once. This will make the field editable.
To add factored load cases to a combination, enter a value other than 0 in the load
case’s field for that load combination. The updated load combination and its
factored load cases are dynamically updated in the Load Combination row.
Repeat the steps to include the additional load combinations through SW.
To include the Cracked Deflection and Long-term combinations, click Add Long-
Term Deflection Template. The image Creep and Shrinkage Factor input window
as shown in FIGURE 5-45 will appear. Leave the default value set to 2 and select
FIGURE 5-45 Analysis and Design Options Available for Load Combinations
When the Add Long-Term Deflection Template is used, the program creates the
Sustained_Load combination set to Cracked Deflection. The Long-term deflection
is calculated as the instantaneous deflection due to Sustained Load plus the Creep
and Shrinkage factor multiplied by that deflection. This results in (1+2=3)
3*Sustained Load for the Long_Term case.
Note that while this is used as the default condition, the user has complete control
over the defined creep and shrinkage factor, cracked deflection combinations and
long-term combinations which best represent the long-term deformation behavior
intended for a given model. The template option can be used multiple times in
succession and modified by the user. Refer to specialized workflow chapters for
examples of how to define advanced deflection parameters including time-
dependent loading conditions.
To initiate this process, select Loading Tributary Loads. Start in full structure mode.
A screen will pop up as shown in FIGURE 5-46. To begin the process of calculating
the tributary areas, boundaries, loads, etc, click Regenerate Tributaries. If any
discontinuous (transferred/planted) walls or columns are found in the model, the table
at the bottom of the Tributary Loads screen will populate with these elements. In Top-
Front-Right view, the structure would look like FIGURE 5-47.
Any transferred supports can be viewed, so the user can see the load path for these
elements and make modifications to the load path if necessary. Remember, this
Tributary feature does not take into account relative stiffness of elements; that will be
handled in the FEM analysis. In this case, the user can define and control how the
gravity loads are transferred through the vertical elements of the structure where
discontinuities exist.
To review transfer path of any discontinuous column or wall, simply click the row of
the table to highlight that column. The software will automatically switch to single-
level mode and to the level at which the transfer of loads occur, and the column or wall
will be highlighted. Its transfer path will be identified, with arrow(s) pointing to the
support(s) below which will be taking the load, and associated percentage of load. See
FIGURE 5-48 and FIGURE 5-49.
In the example shown here, the user may wish to change the load path such that the
load from the transferred column is also supported by the wall along the left edge of the
slab. To make this change, click Add Support on the Tributary Loads screen, at which
point the Tributary Loads screen will disappear and the user can click anywhere in the
tributary boundary of the supporting element to add. Once the user does this, the display
on plan will automatically update to reflect the added support and associated
distribution of loads. See FIGURE 5-50.
The next step is to click Recalculate Loads. This operation will proceed with the
calculation of loads moving through the structure per the load path currently in place.
To update loading after any changes to load path are made, the user will need to click
Recalculate Loads each time. When these operations are completed, the user can click
OK in the Tributary Loads screen, which will close the screen and remove any load
path and/or tributary boundary information from the graphical display.
The user may review these results in plan as well as in reports. To review in plan, select
Result Display Settings from the Support Line Results/Scale toolbar. This will bring
up the selection screen as shown in FIGURE 5-51. In this example, the following
selections under the Load Takedown category have been selected:
Tributary Boundary
Tributary Area
Tributary Loads
Cumulative Area
Cumulative Loads
The user should switch to Single Level mode and Top View to review results
in plan of any particular level’s tributary information, similar to FIGURE 5-52.
Results from Tributary calculations can be exported to .xls format from RepotsExport
Column Tributary. A message will come up indicating the report was created and the
file directory to which it was auto-saved. Clicking Yes will launch Excel and open the
file. See FIGURE 5-54. The report will include tabs for each component of tributary
results, including all that was shown on plan above, for each column and wall element.
Upon reviewing the Excel file, you may notice that each column and wall label has only
one level of data, as seen in FIGURE 5-55. If this is the case, you may wish to relabel
the columns and walls such that they are stacked, and loads can be tracked down the
structure logically. Relabeling columns and walls is very easy. In Builder, navigate to
ToolsReset LabelsFor column/wall Stacks. Nothing further is required; the user can
once again generate the report for Tributary Loads as done above, and the column label
information will be updated. See FIGURE 5-56.
FIGURE 5-57 Excel Tributary Report for Stacked Columns (Labels reset)
Live Load Reduction can be specified to reduce the effects of any gravity load case
except Selfweight. To define parameters for reduction of load, select LoadingLive
Load Reduction. The input window for Live Load Reduction Factors will come up as
shown in FIGURE 5-57. This tool allows for defining load reduction based on two
Cumulative Area
o The Tributary area of any element will be used to determine applicable
reduction factor. The number of supported floors may also be imposed
at the same time
Number of Supported Floors
o The number of supported levels is the only factor which will be used to
determine load reduction
In this example, we will specify Cumulative Area as the Method of reduction. To define
the parameters, Right-mouse click in the blank area of the dialogue window and select
Append. Define the first constraint as 1,000sf with a factor of 0.5, and 2,000sf with a
factor of 0.4. These numbers are used for example only. If the option to Interpolate
values is selected, then a tributary area of 1,500 sf would have a factor of 0.45. If Apply
lowest factor is selected, then the applied reduction factor would be 0.4. Minimum # of
levels to support for reduction: an entry of 1 here would indicate the vertical elements
directly supporting a roof level. The option at the bottom, Reduce Axial force only
would be deselected if the user wishes to reduce not only axial loads but all load
components in 6 degrees of freedom (axial, shear, moments).
In order for Live load reduction to be considered, at least one load case must be defined
as “Reducible” in the Load Case Library (FIGURE 5-32). Any gravity load can be
defined as reducible by clicking the Reducible check box, which will add a (R) next to
the name of the load case under General Loads (Gravity/Lateral). Using this feature,
the user can define reducible and non-reducible loads, whether they are live loads or
otherwise. See FIGURE 5-58.
Stiffness Modifiers can be defined in Builder for a single structural element or group
of elements, including columns, walls, slabs, and beams. Various Usage profiles can be
defined such that various conditions of a project can be stored and analyzed within in a
single model. In other programs, this would typically be handled by copying the model
several times and saving the applicable stiffness modifications. In Builder, you can
manage all modifications and profiles in the same model.
The default Usage case is “Uncracked”, and the 1.0 factors in this case cannot be edited.
Usage profiles can be defined from any of the component property input windows.
Double-click on a component, select the Stiffness Modifier tab and select the Edit
Usage tab at the bottom left of the entry screen. Select Edit Usage to bring up the screen
shown in FIGURE 5-59. You can define additional cases by clicking the New (Insert)
icon which will generate a new row in the Combination Usages window. Enter in
the name of the new Usage profile, and any others you wish to generate in the same
way. In this example, we will define on other case, called “Cracked”. Click OK to close
the window.
Select any structural element in your model, either a column, wall, slab, or beam. By
double clicking the element or selecting the Item’s Properties on the Selection
Toolbar, bring up the component’s property screen. There will be various tabs along
the top edge of the property screen, one of which is “Stiffness Modifiers”. See FIGURE
5-60. The “Uncracked” case is fixed with values of 1.0 for M11, M22, M33, and F11.
However, all other Usage Case profiles the user generates can be modified by the user.
Double click in each cell to define the modification factor for each load component of
the item’s stiffness, as desired.
Select the structural component/s of your model you wish to apply stiffness modifiers
to. Then, click Modify Item Properties tool . Under each structural component tab
in this screen, for column, beam, wall, and slab region, at the bottom of each tab will
be a section for Stiffness. Select the check box next to this section of each tab that
applies to your selection, and update the fields as desired. See FIGURE 5-61. To save
these, click OK.
The Stiffness Modification options are the same for columns, beams, and walls, but slab
regions have one additional input option. The user may specify the angle of principle
axis with respect to the angle of global axis, as indicated by “a1 direction”.
Once a model has been constructed and is ready for analysis, the meshing can be
performed. Note that the same meshing formulation is used for all structures, irrespective
of whether you are meshing a single level or an entire structure. In all cases, if errors occur
during the meshing sequence, the program will report errors in the form of a text file.
By default the program uses a Sparse Mesh composed of quadrilateral shell elements to
mesh all horizontal slab elements. These are meshed during the initial meshing operation.
Beams and columns are composed of frame elements along their length. Walls are
represented as vertical shell elements, similar to horizontal slabs, having both in-plane and
out-of-plane stiffness represented in their formulation. At the onset of the analysis
operation, the vertical wall mesh is generated, in which node compatibility is maintained
with horizontal shell element nodes at their corners. The wall mesh can only be viewed
after the analysis has been completed. Frame elements for beams and columns are also
generated dynamically before each analysis run.
For a more consistent pattern of uniformly shaped shell elements in slabs, the option for
Uniform Mesh can be selected from CriteriaAnalysis/Design OptionsMeshing. This
generally results in a mesh pattern which is more closely spaced containing smaller shell
elements. Such a pattern will require longer computation times compared to a Sparse Mesh
of the same model. If a mesh has been generated for a multi-level model, the mesh for any
single level can be used for an independent level analysis. In other words, that level does
not require a re-mesh unless components (columns, walls, tendons, etc.) have been moved,
removed or added to the model. For this example, the Sparse option will be used. Follow
the steps below to mesh the global model.
The default cell size for the mesh is 3 feet and the default node shift size is set to 1.5
feet. We will use the default values and select OK.
The meshing algorithm will be activated and the program will begin the meshing
operation for all levels. If the program cannot generate an automatic mesh for your
model, you will receive a message as shown in FIGURE 6-2. By this time, the program
will have also aborted the meshing process and you will need to modify your model.
Note that if the meshing process cannot be completed due to modeling problems, the
Component Representative layer will automatically be activated and appear on screen.
By default this is a hidden layer used by the program to generate a mesh relative to
component placement. This layer is generally not required to be shown and is usually
left off in the graphical view. To turn the layer off, go to
SETTINGSDrawingLayers and select the off/on switch for this layer. Refer to
specialized workflow chapters for techniques of how to trouble shoot your model that
won’t mesh and fix them.
Once the meshing has been completed you can review the horizontal components’
mesh pattern. See FIGURE 6-3. The model is now ready to be analyzed.
It should be noted that variations in mesh and node consolidation size may cause slight
variance in results. The user should be aware of implications related to mesh sizing
and node shifts. If node consolidation by means of node shifting is not desired for an
analysis, deselect the option shown in FIGURE 6-1. This will result in an analytical
sub-structure which faithfully represents the exact layout of physical components in
the model. The user should be aware that if node shifting is not used, the modeling
process may require special attention to how nodes of connecting components are
modeled and connected. It is recommended to make a comprehensive review of the
specialized meshing chapters to gain a better understanding of this process.
ADAPT-Builder’s Analysis Options dialogue window gives the user flexibility and
control over the set of combinations to be analyzed for any given operation. FIGURE 6-4
shows the options available to the user prior to analysis, it can be accessed by
FEMAnalyze Structure or FEMAnalysis Options or setup to show before each analysis
The window at the top of the Analysis Options screen “Select load combinations for
analysis” will show the load combinations available for analysis. By default, the program
selects all combinations, but will retain the last selection made by the user for subsequent
analysis operations until a new selection is made. The user can use the mouse and cursor
to select any number of combinations selected. Below the Load Combinations for analysis
window, the user can enter search words (i.e. “Service”) to select certain combinations or
use the Select All and Select None options.
In the Analysis Options screen, there are Options to include global analysis
results. These options allow the user to include saved reactions (from ETABS
or a native Builder global solution) in the analysis of a single-level. There are
multiple options available to select, and will be described in further detail in
Section 6.2.1.
Load Takedown option includes only the axial reactions. Both options can
be used in conjunction with the option to Include Lateral Reactions. This
option applies reactions associated with building load cases like EQ, Wind,
The option for Clear Reactions will launch the Reaction Manager window.
This option can also be launched from FEM Reaction Manager. This is new
to ADAPT-Builder 2016. See FIGURE 3-36. This dialogue includes options
for managing saved solutions, native or imported. Solutions that have been
solved natively within Builder or imported from the ADAPT-Integration
Console, will be stored and solutions available for display and/or selection for
a single-level analysis until the solutions are deleted using this tool.
Apply live load (reduction) will either be active or inactive (greyed out)
depending on whether any reducible loads have been defined, load reduction
Apply Stiffness Modifiers will include a drop down list of any Usage profiles
which may have been defined by the user. By default, the software has just one
Usage case, “Uncracked”. The user may define many stiffness modification
profiles. Section 5.6 describes the application of these modifiers and how to
define Usage Cases.
A user may have multiple stiffness modification usage cases within the same
model. For example, a LatX usage may apply to Service and Strength
combinations which include Seismic X and Wind X. Similarly, a usage LatY
may apply to Service and Strength combinations which include Seismic Y and
Wind Y. Other analysis results could be run for uncracked, cracked, stability,
etc. conditions that are specified by the user. The user must run a separate
analysis for each condition (load combinations + Usage case). See FIGURE 6-
6. The program stores and reports individual load case results for all usage
solutions. From the Result Display Settings dialogue window, the user can select
the load case and solution for display of column and wall actions. See Section
3.6 for additional information related to graphical display of multiple global
load case solutions for varying usage cases.
Substitute compression springs with fixed supports: In selecting this option, the
program will replace the defined spring support/s with a rigid, fixed support at
each discrete spring locations. The purpose of this option is to more rapidly
obtain a global solution for a structure supported by a modeled foundation
system in lieu of the use of compression springs at the base of the structure
which requires significantly more computational time Later, for the foundation
design in ADAPT-MAT, apply “all reactions from global FEM analysis” and/or
“Fz (vertical) for gravity load cases only” from Analysis Options screen, as
described above, for load takedown at the foundation level for an analysis and
design of the foundation slab in Single-Level mode with consideration of
compression springs at the base of the foundation level. See Chapter 8 for more
information on this.
If the intent is to analyze and design a foundation level, it is recommended the first
option be used. A design workflow for these settings will be shown later in this
Include Vibration Analysis initiates a vibration analysis for each level. If this option is
invoked, the program will report mode frequency and period for each level. This data
can be used to perform a vibration check. Detailed information on this feature is outside
the scope of this guide.
Stabilize slab automatically against in-plane translation and rotation option is active
only when an analyzing a single level, in which case the option is selected by default.
The default support condition for Single-level mode is a fixed-roller, allowing for
translational freedom in the global X and Y directions. This condition is meant to mimic
an elevated level in a multistory model and to allow for free shortening of the slab when
post-tensioning is used. When the stabilization feature is used, the program
automatically adds two point supports arbitrarily at the slab level in which one of the
point supports is fixed in the X-direction and the other is fixed in the X and Y directions.
The user has the flexibility to (a) modify the support conditions, as described earlier,
and/or (b) to deactivate the stability option.
Show this dialogue box whenever I Analyze Structure gives the user the option for the
screen to be displayed when the Analyze Structure option is selected from the FEM
menu. The intent is to allow the user to review settings before analysis in the event
Analysis Options have changed or were not set prior to the analysis.
Warn me if any load case will be ignored in analysis is used to capture instances where
a load case has been defined in the model, and it is included in load combinations, but
no loading has been applied for that case onto the structural model. If selected, the
program will activate a check to alert the user if any such load cases without defined
load are being included in the analysis.
If such a case exists, a window will appear as shown in FIGURE 6-7 when the model
is analyzed. The warning screen allows the user to select one of three options:
OK: continue with the analysis without a solution for the listed load case/s or
Cancel the analysis or
Delete from Load Combinations to remove the indicated load case/s from the
load combinations selected for analysis.
To analyze the model, go to FEMAnalyze Structure and change the settings as shown
in FIGURE 6-4 and select OK. During the course of the analysis, several windows may
appear providing a status of % completion and some solution statistics. Once the
analysis has been completed, the program will prompt you to save the solution. See
FIGURE 6-8. Select Yes.
ADAPT-Builder offers the industry’s only true dual mode 3D FEM analysis platform
that can analyze the same building model in both a full-structure (global) and single-
level modes within the same instance of program use. Each analysis option is
configured to provide the proper analysis results and supports specific design workflow
requirements. To support interoperability between the two analysis modes, ADAPT-
Builder saves the analysis results of the last full-structure and single-level run for all
vertical components - columns and walls. This section describes how these stored
global analysis results can be automatically incorporated in single-level analysis. The
process of combining global analysis results, whether transferred gravity or lateral
loads, is usually a time-consuming process involving the creation of multiple models
and manual transfer of data.
When analyzing a model in global mode all load cases are solved for, both General
(usually gravity) and Building (lateral) loads. Furthermore, as long as the global
analysis is not run with compression-only springs, each load case is solved
independently. The individual analysis results for each load case are stored as part of
the model for each column and wall. Note that only the reactions of walls and columns
are stored as part of the model. This does not replace what shall be considered the most
recent “active” solution that is from the last analysis run, regardless of whether the
model was run in global or single-level analysis. All slab design is based on the “active”
solution, while some column design options can be based on the stored solutions for
The program has multiple options for reporting graphical and tabular results for
structural elements based on the global solution. In situations where load transfer
occurs from a level to the level below through discontinuous columns or walls, the loads
acting at the “transfer” elements (i.e. beams, thickened slabs) are automatically
considered due to the global nature of the analysis. In other words, elements, loads,
restraints, etc. are all considered when Full-structure mode is active.
When the objective is to design a transfer condition for one level and there are
discontinuous colunms or walls at that level, two possible scenarios exist:
If the design requires a re-analysis at the single-level mode with the inclusion
of the vertical transfer or load “takedown” loads, then the user needs to select
the appropriate analysis opitons. The remainder of this section describes how
global gravity and lateral loads can be included in a re-analysis of a model in
single-level mode.
The usefulness of being able to analyze a single level from a multistory model may
present itself often within the context of a project. In some cases, the objective may
only to be to design a specfic level or range of levels within a larger model. In this
instance, Single-level mode would be useful and practical from a design standpoint. In
the event that a multilevel model is mostly complete, but there is a slight architectural
change on one level, the user has the ability to update the analysis and design for a
single-level while still incorporating lateral loads and load takedown from the global
solution. The analysis option to include global analysis results is not limited to transfer
levels. It can be utilized for any level when in Single-level mode.
For this example, Level 4 consists of several transfer beams which have load from 5
levels above affecting their design. Assuming the global analysis has occurred and we
have a solution available, the steps below show how to incorporate the global analysis
results in a new re-analysis of Level 4.
If you are designing an elevated level in ADAPT-Floor Pro (single-level) mode and
want to include the frame effects of lateral wind or seismic forces in your single-
level analysis, use the option Include lateral reactions. If a lateral solution is
available, the user will be presented with the lateral load case, solution source and
which reactions to include as part of the analysis. Note that only the last saved global
solution and associated usage (stiffness modification case) will be presented as the
FEM source.
If you are in ADAPT-MAT mode and analyzing any type of foundation structure
or mat, you will able to select Include lateral reactions and Include load takedown
or Include gravity reactions. These options are defined in previous sections of
Chapter 6.
If your goal is to only include vertical gravity loads from the global solution, you
should choose the option Include Load Takedown. Depending on whether you have
pre-existing tributary area-based load takedown or global FEM analysis results
saved, you will see the options presented in the Solution drop-down menu of the
load case selection box.
To design elevated floors for a combination of gravity transfer loads and frame
effects of lateral loads, we recommend you select and combine the options for
Include lateral loads and Include load takedown. ADAPT-Builder will
automatically select and apply the correct stored values from the model, re-analyze
as configured, and make the combined analysis results available for design. No
added steps are needed by the user.
FIGURE 6-9 Analysis Options when in Single-Level Mode and Global Solutions
The following section describes methods by which graphical or tabular analysis results
can be viewed in the ADAPT-Builder main user interface (UI). The user can review
deflection results, contours, and so on directly in the main UI of Builder. Formerly, the
ADViewer was exclusively used. The ADViewer will be described in the next section
of this chapter. The preceding sections described the modeling and analysis process in
using Edge independently without having ADAPT-Floor Pro or ADAPT-MAT
activated. This section will be used to describe the use of the new Results Display
Setting feature to review analysis results directly, without activating the ADViewer.
After an analysis has been run, either in Single-level or Full-Structure mode, the Result
Display Settings screen will automatically be displayed. At any time, the user may bring
up this screen by selecting the Result Display Settings icon on either the View
Toolbar or Support Line Results/Scale Toolbar. This icon is commonly referred to as
the “red eyeglasses.”
It is possible to de-select Auto-Display in the top right corner, which will prevent this
screen from displaying automatically at the completion of each analysis run. Click
Apply and OK to save any changes and close the window. Clicking Apply will update
the view but the Results Display Settings screen will remain open.
At the top of the screen, the user may select from a dropdown next to Combo to indicate
from which load combination or Envelope the user wishes to review results. The use of
combinations for result display is relative to the last saved solution, whether it be a
global or single-level analysis run.
The second dropdown next to Case indicates all stored load case solutions and is used
to view Column and Wall load case actions. Note that both component types include
repeat action selections relative to the current combination solution or the stored load
case solutions.
The load cases reported in the Case dropdown menu are from all saved analysis
solutions, global or single as well as cumulative loads from the tributary load takedown
tool. These solutions are retained until the user invokes the Reaction Manager
(FEMReaction Manager) and deletes stored solutions. Each load case reported in the
dropdown list will includes the solution source in parentheses () and either a G or L
next to the source. The G indicates that the load case solution is from a global solution
and the L indicates that the solution is from a single-level solution.
There are three tabs at the top of the Results Display Settings screen: Analysis, Result
Display Settings, and Settings. Each tab will be briefly reviewed here.
Analysis Tab: Analytical and Tributary results can now be viewed by selecting from
the various options within the Analysis tab. The branched-hierarchy of result options
allows the user to combine displays of multiple components in one view; for example
to view column axial loads while also seeing slab moments. The options for display
Slab (Deformation, Actions, Stress)
Column (Deformation, Action, Individual Column Design Results, Design
Group Results)
Beam (Deformation, Actions)
Wall (Deformation, Actions, Actions in local axis, Stresses, Design Section
Pier (Pier Actions)
Design Sections (Deformation, Actions, Stresses, Design Criteria, Contribution
of prestressing to moment capacity of beam design sections, Balanced Loading,
Load Takedown
Result Display Settings: Design section view limits and (column and wall) component
design values can be established in this tab. Here, the user can define parameters by
which the visibility in the main UI will be compared, and color coding will be displayed
indicating whether any particular parameter defined here is acceptable or exceeding the
limit set. See FIGURE 6-11.
Components settings Rho display and Utilization Display can be changed from Value
or Status, so the user can view these with regards to the calculated value (Value) or
pass/fail (Status). Compare Cumulative and FEM Global Loads is used to establish the
difference threshold which will be highlighted, for the user to see how much FEM and
Tributary loads differ. Wall Design Settings includes options for setting view filters for
Wall Reinforcement Display like Number of bars, area, rho, all. Other options are
available for line thickness, displaying text for the active level, and setting the text
display limit for the upper and lower design sections of the walls in view.
Colorize: Selections related to wall properties and wall design sections can be filtered
using the Colorize options. This allows the user to easily determine identical wall
design properties and characteristics in complex models. Colorization can be applied
to wall thickness, material, pier labels and reinforcement in zones and panels. See
Settings: Viewer settings including font height, line thickness, line colors, units of
display, contour colors, contour settings and design status color settings are defined
here. See FIGURE 6-12.
In this screen, the user may select Set Units to define the units (American, MKS, or SI)
as well as the magnitude of each result Force, Force per width, Moment, Moment per
width, Stress, and Deflection. This way, the user can explicitly compare results with
units that are relevant to their project and preference. See FIGURE 6-13.
From the Combo drop-down at the top of the Result Display Settings (red
eyeglasses) screen, select SW load combination.
Scroll up to the top of the Analysis tab window and select the check box
next to Z-Translation under Slab – Deformation. Click Apply.
FIGURE 6-14 shows the display of Z-translation under selfweight only for
a single level. Note that the view will display a range scale to left side of the
structural view. Also, the program displays the current view results and
combination along with associated maximum and minimum values above
the structural view.
Use the View Model tool to bring up a 3D view of the structure with
these results. This will open a separate screen with the heading ADAPT Solid
Use the Rotate View tool to rotate to a 3D view of the structure. See
FIGURE 6-16.
To view the warped displaced shape with color contour, select the
Contoured warping tool . See FIGURE 6-17. Note that in this image, the
beams are shown in their original undeformed position. The color contours
represent slab (shell element) deformation, hence this view will not show
the beams (frame elements) as deformed. The scale of the slab warping can
be increased or decreased using Scale values up and Scale values down tools
The same steps can be repeated, but in Full Structure mode to see global
deformation display. The user has to close out of the ADAPT Solid Modeling
screen entirely and switch to Full Structure mode first. See FIGURE 6-19.
Note that in this view all components are shown with their true deformed
shape under the loadings applicable to the selected load combination.
After a Full Structure analysis has been run, select the WindX load
combination from the dropdown at the top of the Result Display Settings
(red eyeglasses) screen.
Use the Select/Set View Items (green eyeglasses) screen to display only
columns. Switch to a Left View (or depending on your setup, Front View
Select the Display Values tool to show the column deformation values
at each column frame element.
FIGURE 6-20 shows the display of X-translation for WindX. Note that the
view is shown with both beams and slabs display turned off so as to isolate
the vertical elements. The text deformation values in this image overlap
because multiple columns exist along the same grids.
Select the SeismicY load combination from the Combo drop down at the top
of the Result Display Settings screen.
Click the View Model tool to open the ADAPT Solid Modeling window.
Close the ADAPT Solid Modeling window to return to the main user
interface. The Results Display Settings (red eyeglasses) screen should still
be open.
If numerical values don’t automatically turn on, use the Display Values tool
FIGURE 6-24 shows the axial forces in columns for the SeismicY load
combination. Note that while the global view is shown, the user can select
an individual level for a more clear view of results.
Reset the view by clearing Moment results and use the Select/Set View Items
(green eyeglasses) to display only beams.
From the Analysis tab select Beam - Actions (Diagram) - Moment About ss.
Turn on the Display Values tool .
FIGURE 6-26 shows strong-axis moments for the WindX load combination.
Reset the view by clearing Moment results and use the Select/Set View Items
(green eyeglasses) to display only beams.
Select Service (Total Load) load combination from the Combo dropdown
From the Analysis tab of Result Display Settings select Slab – Actions
(contour map) - Myy to display slab bending about Global Y-Y axis.
FIGURE 6-27 shows the contours for bending moments about the Global Y
axis in moment per unit length. Units can be changed using the Settings tab
of Result Display Settings screen.
FIGURE 6-27 Slab Moments about Y-Y Axis for Service (Total Load) Combination
Slab stresses are reported in two forms. First, the stresses are reported in the
orthogonal X and Y global directions. Second, the stresses are reported as
maximum and minimum Principal stress values. All values are reported in units
of force per area.
FIGURE 6-28 shows the contours for stresses along the XX direction at the
bottom fiber.
From the Analysis tab select Slab – Stress (contour map) - Mid-depth along
FIGURE 6-29 shows the contours for mid-depth stresses along the XX
Mid-depth stress results for the YY Direciton can be viewed using a similar
Column and wall reactions can be graphically reported at the top or bottom of vertical
elements in the main graphical user interface. This input can be activated from
ReportsSingle Default ReportsGraphical.
Results can be customized to include any combination of the following actions: Fr, Fs,
Fz, Mrr, Mss and Mzz. When a single load combination is selected, the actions listed
above are reported as unique values associated with the combination. When more than
one combination is selected, the user has the option to envelope results for a single
action and report a corresponding result for that given envelope action. Results can be
reported with respect to Local or Global axes.
Using the Story Manager Toolbar, switch the model mode to Single-level .
and switch the model to a Top View .
Using the Active level up- and down tools navigate to Level 1.
Select the options shown in Column Reactions settings as shown in FIGURE 6-30
and select OK.
The program will prompt the user to enter User’s comment. This input is used for
describing the view if the view is printed or combined as part of a results report.
Leave the entry blank and select OK.
The program will generate the graphical view of actions at each column as shown
in FIGURE 6-31.
Using the Active level up- and down tools the user can navigate to
different levels to investigate column or wall reactions.
The main UI contains options for displaying line contours for bending action/moment
results of a slab about the M11 or M22 (local axes). Contours can be generated in
Single-level mode . The Line Contour tools can be activated from FEMLine
Contour or from the Contour Toolbar
Display/Hide Contour - Use to either display or to hide the line contours after
generating them..
Reduce Number of Displayed Contour Lines - Use this tool to decrease the
number of contour lines for your model.
Display/Hide Text Shown on Contour Lines - Use this tool to either display
or to hide the labels for the contour lines that are labeled.
Display Warped Contour - Use this tool to warp the line contour
Result Display Settings - This menu will open the Result Display Settings
screen as previously described in this section.
From the User Interface menu, select the Contour Toolbar option.
Select Strength (Dead and Live) and M11 for slab actions. Note the program offers
input for orienting the contours by angular input from the global X-axis to the local
11 axis. The default orientation is for the 11-axis to coincide with global X.
The line contours will be shown as in FIGURE 6-34. The black lines represent
lines of zero moment, blue lines represent negative moment contours and red
lines represent positive moment contours.
Use the Increase Number of Displayed Contour Lines tool to display more
contours. See FIGURE 6-35.
Results for line contours in the perpendicular X (22) direction can be viewed
using a similar process.
The Punching Shear Check can be performed after analysis of the full-structure or
single-level. The calculations associated with the check are dependent on column
reactions; hence, the design of the design strips does not need to be performed prior to
this check. It is prerequisite that the program be in Single-level mode for the
punching shear check. This can only be carried out level-by-level.
An extensive description and review of functions related to the Punching Shear Check
in ADAPT-Builder can be found in the ADAPT-Floor Pro Basic Manual. The
purpose of this section is to describe the required steps to complete the check in the
program and to produce punching shear results as it relates to this example.
Using the Story Manager Toolbar, switch the model to Single-level mode and
switch the model to a Top View .
Using the Active level up- and down tools navigate to Level 1.
To view a graphical summary of Punching Shear Check results, from the Support
Line Results/Scale toolbar, use the Display Punching Shear Design Outcome and
OK – This will be shown when the column or wall is subject to a shear check, does
not exceed the code prescribed maximum allowable shear stress and does not
require added shear reinforcement to meet demand. The shear check for both axes
must satisfy these conditions for this status.
Reinforce – This will be shown when the column or wall is subject to a shear check,
does not exceed the code prescribed maximum allowable shear stress but
reinforcement is required for shear capacity to meet demand.
*Exceeds Code – This will be shown when the column or wall is subject to a shear
check, and at that location, exceeds the code prescribed maximum allowable shear
stress. Reinforcement alone will not be sufficient to meet the demand. The section
would need to be thickened with a drop cap or drop panel or by thickening the entire
slab, or by increasing the size of the wall or column, or some combination of these
The program includes tabular reports related to the Punching Shear Check. Tabular
punching shear check reports can be generated from ReportsSingle Default
ReportsTabularPunching Shear Design. These reports include Punching Shear
Stress Check Result, Punching Shear Stress Check Parameters and Punching Shear
Reinforcement. FIGURE 6-37 shows an example of each report.
Later in this chapter, we describe the process of exporting a design cut to the main UI
of the program from the ADViewer (Section Design cuts exported by this
method are treated similarly to manual design sections that are drawn directly within
the main Builder interface.
Manual sections can be generated in Single-level mode. Follow the steps below to create
multiple sections at Level 1.
Using the Story Manager Toolbar, switch the model mode to Single-level .
and switch the model to a Top View .
Using the Active level up- and down tools navigate to Level 1.
Double-click on any manually defined design section and the Design Section
window will appear as shown in FIGURE 6-39.
The design section General tab contains a pull-down menu to select any load
combination, and will report actions at the centroid of design section, longitudinal
and shear reinforcement at the top and bottom of the design section and deflection
The design section Other Properties tab includes information about the graphical
display of the design section, including the Layer, line thickness, text thickness,
color, and label.
The following sections describe methods by which graphical or tabular analysis results
can be viewed in ADAPT-Edge. The preceding sections described the modeling and
analysis process in using Edge independently without having ADAPT-Floor Pro or
ADAPT-MAT activated for integrated analysis and design. Hence, the results will be
applicable only to the analysis solution. Design results will be discussed in Sections 7
and 8.
Various examples of producing results will be shown below, however, these examples
offer a portion of the types of results that can be viewed. Features related to the
reporting of results that are new to this version will be stated as such.
The ADViewer is an integrated graphical results module for viewing finite element
analysis results. To open this module, go to FEMView Analysis Results. FIGURE 6-
40 shows the ADViewer interface. Note that the panel on the left shows the different
selections that can be made for Results, Load Cases/Combinations, Vibration Results,
Components and Entities and Groups/Planes for Display. See FIGURE 6-41 for a
closer view of these options. The Results tab will be open by default.
To display any of the results for a specific load combination, use the Load
Cases/Combinations tab to select the desired combination. See FIGURE 6-42.
When a Vibration analysis is completed, the applicable results for the controlling
vibration modes can be viewed by using the Vibration Results tab. See FIGURE 6-43.
The Components and Entities tab allows the user to select any number of items to
display in ADViewer. See FIGURE 6-44. Control of component display can also be
achieved through use of Display Components/Entities Toolbar, shown here
Groups/Planes for Display option provides the functionality to isolate any group or
level defined in the model. By default ADViewer opens the 3D model view in plan
which can be rotated to show the entire structure. In some cases, the results can be
displayed more clearly for an individual level. See FIGURE 6-45.
FIGURE 6-43 Vibration Results Tab FIGURE 6-44 Components and Entities Tab
The examples below are intended to show how to display specific results in ADViewer.
The full scope of functions within ADViewer encompass more than what is presented
here. The user should spend time exploring the entire set of functions in the module
beyond the examples below.
Use the Display On/Off tool to display the current contour result. By
Use the Rotate View tool to rotate to a 3D view of the structure. See
FIGURE 6-47.
To view the warped displaced shape for a deformation view, select the
Warping tool . See FIGURE 6-49. Note that in this image, the beams
are shown in their original position. The color contours represent slab
deformations given from shell node displacements, hence this view will not
show the beam as deformed. When the warped view is turned off (see
FIGURE 6-48) the beam displacements are represented by a line diagram.
To isolate and view the beam displacements with values, the slab view will
be turned off. Select the Slab Display tool to turn off the slab visibility.
Select the Display Values tool to show the beam deformation values at
each beam frame element. FIGURE 6-50 shows the view of beams with
displacement values. Note also that the displacement values are also shown
for columns since these are composed of frame elements. These values can
be interpreted as immediate axial shortening due to all loads occurring for
the load combination for which results apply.
Select the Load Cases/Combinations results tab and select the WindX load
Use the Display On/Off tool to display the current contour result.
Select the Display Values tool to show the column deformation values
at each column frame element.
FIGURE 6-52 shows the display of X-translation for WindX at Level 4. Note
that the view is shown with both beams and slabs display turned off so as to
isolate the vertical elements. The inter-story drift at a specific location can
be taken as the difference between the top and bottom column displacement
Select the Load Cases/Combinations results tab and select the SeismicY load
Select Groups/Planes for Display results tab and select Group 1. Select the
Refresh tool to update the graphical display. Using the tools previously
described, display the slab and beam elements. Turn off the value display
for frame elements.
Turn off the display for slab, beam and wall components .
Turn on the Display On/Off tool and the Display Values tool .
FIGURE 6-55 shows the axial forces in columns for the SeismicY load
combination. Note that while the global view is shown, the user can select
an individual level for a more clear view of results. In addition, for any frame
element shown in view, the user can double-click the upper or lower frame
element to display the frame element data and results for the start- and end-
From the Results tab select Column Actions OnlyMoment (about A-axis).
Note that the A-axis corresponds to the local r-axis of the column element.
The B-axis corresponds to the local s-axis of the column element.
Select Groups/Planes for Display results tab and select Level 4. Select the
Refresh tool to update the graphical display.
Reset the view by exiting and re-entering the ADViewer module from
FEMView Analysis Results.
Turn off the display for slab, columns and wall components .
Select the Load Cases/Combinations results tab and select the WindX load
From the Results tab select Beam Actions OnlyMoment (out of plane).
Turn on the Display On/Off tool and the Display Values tool .
Select Groups/Planes for Display results tab and select Level 4. Select the
Refresh tool to update the graphical display.
FIGURE 6-57 shows strong-axis moments for the WindX load combination.
Reset the view by exiting and re-entering the ADViewer module from
FEMView Analysis Results.
Select the Load Cases/Combinations results tab and note that the default
selection is the Service (Total Load) combination. The program will always
default to the first combination in the list when the ADViewer module is
Select Groups/Planes for Display results tab and select Level 4. Select the
Refresh tool to update the graphical display.
From the Results tab select Slab Actions OnlyMyy (bending about Global
Y-Y axis).
Turn on the Display On/Off tool and ensure that the Color Contour tool
is set.
FIGURE 6-58 shows the contours for bending moments about the Global Y
axis in moment per unit length. Note that this view can be shown in 3D and
warped similar to views of previous results.
FIGURE 6-58 Slab Moments about Y-Y Axis for Service (Total Load) Combination
The ADViewer results module includes a section cut feature which the user can
utilize to graphically report the moment, shear or axial force at the centroid of
the section. When a section is cut through a slab and beam, the resulting actions
are those for the composite section.
Sections can be cut for one instance only at a single location at a time. In
ADViewer, the model should be shown on an individual level where the
sections are to be cut. Section cuts are analyzed irrespective of the Results
setting that is active. Any section drawn can be exported to the main graphical
user interface for manual section design. Manual sections will be discussed
later in this chapter.
The model should currently be shown in the Slab Actions OnlyMyy view.
Select Groups/Planes for Display results tab and select Level 4. Select the
Refresh tool to update the graphical display.
Use the Cut Line tool and place a section cut at any location in the
slab. See FIGURE 6-59.
Select the Show Moment about Cut Line tool to generate the moment
value at the centroid of the cut. This is shown in FIGURE 6-60. Similar
results can be found for axial and shear forces using these tools .
To export the section cut to the main graphical user interface, use the Export
Last Cut Line tool . Other tools related to Cut Lines can be found in
ADViewer, but are not discussed in this example.
Reset the view by exiting and re-entering the ADViewer module from
FEMView Analysis Results.
Select the Load Cases/Combinations results tab and note that the default
selection is the Service (Total Load) combination.
Select Groups/Planes for Display results tab and select Level 4. Select the
Refresh tool to update the graphical display.
From the Results tab select Stresses Along XX Bottom Fiber
Turn on the Display On/Off tool and ensure that the Color Contour tool
is set.
FIGURE 6-61 shows the contours for stresses along the XX direction at the
bottom fiber. Note that this view can be shown in 3D and warped similar to
views of previous results.
Other extreme fiber stress results can be viewed using a similar process.
Turn on the Display On/Off tool and ensure that the Color Contour tool
is set.
FIGURE 6-62 shows the contours for mid-depth stresses along the XX
direction. Note that this view can be shown in 3D and warped similar to
views of previous results.
Mid-depth stress results for the YY Direction can be viewed using a similar
These include Structural Geometry, Materials and Design Criteria, Analysis Data and
Load Cases and Combinations, Design Section Data, Skip Pattern, Applied Loads,
Tendons, Rebar and Quantity and Cost. The tabular reports for Punching Shear Design
will be described later in this chapter.
The purpose of this section is to focus on tabular reports strictly associated with the
analysis results for a multistory structure analyzed in ADAPT-Edge. These include
Column Reactions, Wall Reactions and Other Support Reactions. Note that the
components for which the program reports actions in tabular format are those vertical
components comprised of frame elements and rigid or spring supports.
The remaining options are not included in the scope of this document. More
information related to these reporting options can be found in the referenced document
at the beginning of this chapter. It is recommended that the user become familiarized
with these tabular report options.
Results for slab and beam components can be retrieved through tools and processes
previously described in this chapter. When tabular reports are generated, the program
will output a Microsoft Word document in .rtf format. See FIGURE 6-63 for an
The previous chapters described how a multistory or single-level model can be built or
exported to ADAPT-Builder and how to use analysis and result tools for the purpose of
analyzing the structure with ADAPT-Edge.
ADAPT-Floor Pro is a program included in the ADAPT-Builder suite used for the design
of concrete slab systems, both post-tensioned and conventional reinforced. A “slab
system” can be comprised of flat plates, flat slabs with drop panels or caps, and slabs with
integrated beams.
When ADAPT-Floor Pro is opened simultaneously with ADAPT-Edge, the user has the
ability to analyze and design multiple levels at a time. Note that the processing of design
sections requires for any floor in multi-story model requires the user to switch to single-
level mode for the level being processed for section design.
The objective of this example is to describe the general process of designing a floor slab
using the results obtained from the preceding multistory analysis. Level 4 will be used for
this example as it has various intricacies including transfer beams, tendons, etc. Since the
multistory model has been analyzed and a global solution exists, and in this case we are
only designing one level, we will open ADAPT-Floor Pro only, as shown in FIGURE
7-1. Note that since ADAPT-Edge is not selected, the program restricts analysis and
design to a single level. In this case, a re-analysis of Level 4 is not required because of the
current global solution.
To expedite the design process in ADAPT-Floor Pro, each slab must be sub-divided into
multiple design strips associated with a specific design criteria (two-way slab, one-way
slab or beam) for two characteristic directions of the slab, X and Y (which do not have to
be aligned with the global X and Y axes). These strips are further sub-divided into design
sections for the purpose of determining design actions, stresses, reinforcement, etc. Design
actions are calculated using nodal integration and reported at the centroid of the design
section. The user has complete flexibility and control over the location of design strips and
density and distribution of design sections. The fundamental tools required for generation
of design strips are Support Lines and Splitters.
A detailed description and purpose of these tools and others required for the generation of
design strips is outside the scope of this Guide. The intent of this section is to show how
these tools are used specific to this example.
In the case of a multi-story model with typical or repeating levels, it is possible to copy
support lines and splitters vertically, using the Copy/Move Vertical tool as shown in
Section 1.2.15.
7.1.1 X-Direction
Ensure that the model is in Single-level mode , navigate to Level 4 and switch
the model to a Top View . Notice that while the program is open in Floor Pro
without Edge, you are still able to scroll to all levels with the Story Manager
Toolbar. If the Story Manager Toolbar is toggled to Full-structure mode and you
select the FEM menu, FIGURE 7-2 shows several options that are inactive since
Edge is not in use.
From User Interface open the Modeling Toolbar and select the Create Support Line
tool . This tool can also be accessed from Strips Create Support Lines.
Select the Item’s Properties tool and ensure that the Direction is set to X-
direction. Select the green checkbox at the upper left corner of the properties input to
save this selection.
Utilizing the Snap Toolbar, begin drawing the continuous support line by snapping at
the edge of the slab near the upper left-most column. Continue by snapping a support
line vertex (click-point) at each column center point. The final snap point should be
placed at the opposite side slab edge. See FIGURE 7-3. Where a wall exists that is
aligned length-wise in the direction of the support line, snap points should be placed
at each end. Where a wall is oriented perpendicular or greater than 45 degrees from the
global X axis orientation, place the snap point near or at the center of wall in the
direction of wall thickness. Note that the user must make some judgment as to the
placement of support lines and vertex points to provide the most logical arrangement
of support lines. It is imperative that the support lines be modeled carefully and are
snapped on supporting elements. The generation of code-required minimum
reinforcement is dependent on support line vertices and spans between vertices.
The image shown below shows the support line highlighted. In this view, the square
handles at each column represent a vertex. The length between click points represents
a span for which design sections will be generated. The program defaults to 12 design
sections per span. This can be modified by the user.
Continue in the X-direction and create the remaining support lines as shown in
Support Lines should be drawn in a consistent manner; meaning all should go in the
same direction. For example, all X-direction support lines in this example will be
drawn from left to right; in the next steps, Y-direction support lines will be drawn top
to bottom. The results displayed along the support lines will follow the order in which
points were defined.
There are several points to consider regarding the full set of X-direction support
o Support lines along the transfer beams are not snapped at columns supported
by the beam.
o Support lines along beams should be snapped to at least 1 endpoint of the
beam to correctly consider the beam in the design sections of that span. If this
is done, the beam is considered a Structural beam and will be designed. Where
support lines are not snapped to beam endpoints, the beam is considered
Architectural and stresses and design actions are calculated relative the slab
geometry only for sections cutting across the slab and beam.
o Support Lines 3 and 4 are interrupted by to the opening near the middle of the
slab. Actions for design sections cut perpendicular to this support line will still
be determined with respect to stiffness of components in the vicinity. That is
to say, a discontinued support line does not mean there will be a discontinuity
in action flow.
o Support lines have no bearing on the analysis of the slab, and are used only in
the design process.
Design settings can be defined for each support line. Double-click on Support Line 2
to open the Support Line Properties input. Select Design Section Options. See
FIGURE 7-5. Options are given to modify the Display of design sections and results,
change the Maximum number of design sections per span and change the Distance
from the face of Column to the first design section to each side of column. FIGURE
7-6 shows the Design tab which allows the user to set the design criteria type for the
support line and modify the position of top and bottom rebar that will be defined for
that support line.
The settings for multiple selected support lines can me modified through use of the
Modify Item Properties tool .
Support Line 2 is continuous and passing through a slab in Spans 1, 4 and 5 and passing
through a beam in Spans 2 and 3. The design criteria for this support line is defined as
Two-way slab. In CriteriaAnalysis/Design Options there is a setting which directs
the program to design all beams respective of building code requirements regardless
of the support line design setting.
Where a support line terminates inside of the slab region or at an opening boundary,
the user can define a Splitter to bound the support line. Splitters should be
assigned to the same direction as the support lines they are influencing, regardless of
their orientation. For additional tutorial information on the use of Splitters, contact
ADAPT Support ( for a video tutorial link associated with the
proper usage of the tool.
Open the splitter tool and place the splitters around the large opening as shown in
FIGURE 1-13. Use the Snap Toolbar as required.
There are several points to consider regarding the full set of X-direction splitters:
o Splitters should always snap to discontinuous support lines endpoints that fall
inside the slab region, adjacent support lines, opening edges, or slab edges.
o The openings are completely bound by splitters on all sides so as to ensure the
opening area is not considered in a design strip tributary region.
7.1.2 Y-Direction
The support lines and splitters in the Y-direction will be input using the same tools
and methods described for the X-direction.
Use the Select/Set View Items tool to turn off the display of the X-direction
From the Modeling Toolbar select the Create Support Line tool .
Select the Item’s Properties tool and ensure that the Direction is set to Y-
direction. Select the green checkbox at the upper left corner of the properties input.
Utilizing the Snap Toolbar, begin drawing the continuous support line by snapping
at the left side of the slab along the perimeter beam. Note that the column in the
center of the beam is a transfer column and does not support the beam. The support
line for this beam should have only two points, one at each end of the beam since
the beam coincides with the slab edge. See FIGURE 7-8.
Continue in the Y-direction and create the remaining support lines as shown in
FIGURE 7-9. Note Support Line 8 is skewed at the top end to connect the wall
endpoint to the column centroid. This alignment of the support line follows the
most reasonable path of the flow of bending action in the slab in this direction.
Similar to what was done for the X-direction support lines, ensure that all Y-
direction support lines are assigned to the proper design criteria.
From the Modeling Toolbar, open the Splitter tool and the Item’s Properties
tool . Change the direction to Y-direction and input splitters as shown in
FIGURE 7-10.
Once support lines and splitters has been created, the user can generate Design Sections to
design the slab considering adequacy/serviceability checks, reinforcement design and
layout, cracked deflection checks and more.
Design strips can be automatically generated by the program, or manually created from
custom input of the tributary region which defines the strip. Both methods will be
described in this section. To automatically generate design strips go to StripsGenerate
Design Sections AutomaticallyRegenerate Tributaries. Note that the program provides
another option to use the Existing Tributaries when generating strips. The option to use
Existing Tributaries becomes active if the user has generated custom tributary regions, or
if the user has modified a program-generated design strip.
A complex geometry of the floor system or the existence of multiple slab regions may
yield an automatic design section layout which the user would like to modify. Most often,
the User will go through an iterative process of adding and manipulating splitters and auto-
generating support lines to yield a satisfactory layout of tributary regions.
Ensure that the model is in Single-level mode , navigate to Level 4 and switch
the model to a Top View .
Use the Select/Set View Items tool to turn off the display of the X-direction
support lines and splitters, and turn on display of Y-direction suport lines. These
can be checked in the boxes related to Structural Components tab. Click OK.
FIGURE 7-12 shows the remaining strips in the Y-direction generated by custom
input in a similar manner to Support Line 9. For this example, it may be useful to
familiarize yourself with the usage of this tool by generating similar design sections,
however, for the design of the sections, automatic strips will be used that are
modified near openings. These steps are explored further in the following sections.
If custom tributary regions are defined, the user will use the command Strips or
FEM Generate Design Sections Automatically Use Existing Tributaries. This
selection will retain the manual modifications the user has made to tributary
boundaries and generate design sections to match those.
Ensure that the model is in Single-level mode , navigate to Level 4 and switch
the model to a Top View .
Use the Select/Set View Items tool to turn off the display of the X- and/or Y-
direction support lines and splitters. These can be checked in the boxes related to
Structural Components tab.
To isolate the view to show only design sections in one direction, use the Select/Set
View Items tool to indicate the preferred viewing settings. For this example,
change the settings to those shown in FIGURE 7-14 to view the Y-direction design
In a previous section it was shown how to define splitters to exlude opening regions
in generation of design strips. FIGURE 7-15 shows two areas where openings occur
and sections are “leaking” into the opening region. The following steps will
illustrate how to manually adjust the program-generated strips. Note that this will
be shown for only the Y-direction. The same process can be applied for the X-
Toolbar and use the Design Strips X and Design Strips Y tools .
In selecting the design strip for the Y-direction, the program will prompt the user
for User’s Comments. Leave this field blank and select OK. The program will
generate the hatching patterns as shown in Error! Reference source not found..
For the design strips where tributary ‘leaks’ occur in the openings, the tributaries
will be manually adjusted.
Select the tributary region for Support Line 9. The region will be highlighted red
and square handles will be shown at each corner or point along the polyline
boundary of the design section/tributary. See FIGURE 7-17.
Select the two points located at the left face of the opening and shift these points to
the corresponding corners at the right face of the opening. This will adjust the
tributary so that it terminates at the right face and no section leaks will occur once
the sections are regenerated. See FIGURE 7-18. Note that various snap tools may
be required to be used to select the proper points.
For the next opening, select the tributary region for Support Line 10. See FIGURE
Shift the point indicated with the arrow in FIGURE 7-19 to the lower left corner of
the opening, as shown in FIGURE 7-20.
Now that manual modifications have been made to adjust tributaries for openings,
we can regenerate the strips based on Existing Tributaries. StripsGenerate Design
Sections AutomaticallyExisting Tributaries. FIGURE 7-21 shows the new design
sections. These adjusted strips and sections will be used for the slab design at Level
4 in the Y-direction. The automatically-generated sections will be used for the X-
direction, without modification.
At any time, the user my wish to switch views of displayed x- or y-direction support
lines and design sections. To do so, use the Display Design Sections tool, and
the Show/Hide Support Lines in X(Y) Direction tools which will show up
automatically. The user can toggle between each direction using these icons, as
ADAPT-Floor Pro recognizes the applicable design criteria associated with the design of
a section based on the presence of post-tensioning. When a tendon intersects a design
section, regardless of the angle or orientation relative to the section, the section is designed
with respect to building code provisions governing prestressed concrete design. This may
apply for two-way slabs, one-way slabs or beams, depending on what the support line
criteria is defined as. When a design section is not intersected by at least one tendon, the
program designs the section relative to building code provisions governing conventional
reinforced concrete design for two-way slabs, one-way slabs or beams.
The program includes a feature, Design Criteria, found in the Design Sections portion of
Result Display Settings tool (in the Support Line Results/Scale Toolbar). The option
is shown in FIGURE 7-22. When selected, the program graphically reports the criteria
associated with each design section. See FIGURE 7-23. the option is available after
designing the sections has been completed.
When the program is opened in RC-only mode, without the functionality of modeling PT
tendons, the Analysis/Design options found in the Criteria menu (FIGURE 7-24) give the
option for modeling column strips and middle strips. This is the default selection when
opening in RC-only mode. When this is selected, the program will automatically create
support lines and design sections for middle strips between each user-defined support line.
For this example, the structure includes post-tensioning at Level 4 so the program was
opened in RC/PT mode, and the option for column/middle strip is not available. In cases
like this, where the structure is considered hybrid and some levels are conventionally
reinforced while others include post-tensioning, the user must create additional support
lines for middle strips if the objective is to approach the design considering that
methodology. For this example, the section designs will all be based on creation of strips
taking into account the full tributary width.
The steps below outline the steps for designing the design sections. The design includes a
comprehensive interpretation of applicable serviceability checks related to code allowable
limitation as defined by the user (i.e. stress, precompression, deflection, etc.) and ultimate
demand (strength) requirements. The program generates required reinforcement to satisfy
all conditions. Special conditions for reinforcement related to the Initial transfer of
prestressing force, Wood-Armer Method for twisting moments and ultimate strength being
greater than 1.2*Mcr are considered when both are active in the model as selected in
In this example we are obtaining design results for Level 4 only. These results are taken
from actions relative to the full-structure analysis. Ensure that the model is in Single-
level mode , navigate to Level 4 and switch the model to a Top View .
Use the Select/Set View Items tool to turn on the display of the X-direction support
lines. These can be checked in the boxes related to Structural Components tab.
Go to FEMDesign the design sectionsDesign. Note that this operation may take
several minutes depending on the number of sections being designed and the size of
mesh. After the design is completed, the program will prompt the user to save the
design. Select OK.
Upon completion of the design, the sections in view will turn green or magenta in color.
The green color signifies that the design section is adequate (OK) for the applicable code
check for the combination or envelope selected. Where the section is magenta and dashed,
the design section does not meet the code check (NG). Note that the OK or NG status
applies to the entire floor system, not necessarily the direction of support lines which are
displayed at any time. If any of the design sections is not in compliance with the code-
related allowable value, NG will be reported next to the result in Result Display Settings.
The tools used to graphically display results along support lines can be found in the Support
Line Result/scale Toolbar. The list below shows the description of each of the tools
associated with this toolbar, replicated from Section 1.2.11.
The program also includes tabular reports for design strips and BuilderSum results. These
options are covered in detail in the manual referenced above and the user should familiarize
themselves with these tools as they are oustide the scope of this document.
Design section results can be viewed graphically by using this toolbar. Results for
actions, stresses, precompression, balanced loading, deflection, moment capacity, and
much more can be viewed graphically in the main screen after analysis and design are
completed. Some features of the Result Display Settings tool were also described in
section 6.3.
Display Graphically. Select this button to graphically display support line results
such as stress, moment, and deflection along the length of the support line or lines.
Display Design Sections. Click this button to turn on or off the display of design
sections for support lines. As soon as this button is selected, a floating toolbar is
displayed that allows you to toggle between the display of support lines in the X
and Y direction.
Scale Down Values. Use this button to scale down values for any graphical result
that is displayed along the support lines.
Default Scale Values. Use this button to scale the curves back to a default scale,
for instance in situation where curves are displayed and the maxima are too large
to fit, or the minima are too small to notice a variance.
Scale Up Values. Use this button to scale up values for any graphical result that is
displayed along the support lines.
Perpendicular Projection. By default, all curves are displayed in the same plane
as the slab surface, in the XY plane, perpendicular to the Z-direction. By default,
this icon is selected. De-select this to flip the curves into the Z plane. This option
is generally used when viewing results in a 3D view.
Numerical Display. Select this button to display the numerical result values for
each design section along the support lines.
Display Min/Max Values. Select this button to only display the minimum and
maximum result values along the support lines.
Result Display Settings. Select this button to open the “Result Display Settings”
window, to select the desired results to be displayed and to show general adequacy
status for serviceability limits.
Display Punching Shear Design Outcome. Once you have executed the
punching shear design (FEM ->Punching Shear Check), the results can be
reviewed in the model by clicking on this button. The design outcome and stress
ratios for columns and walls checked for two way punching shear will be
displayed. Note that punching shear results are dependent on the general FEM
analysis and solution and are not related to the strip design.
FIGURE 7-26 shows the selections that can be made in the Result Display Settings tool
as they apply to generating graphical results for design sections. An example of
each item that can be displayed graphically is shown as it pertains to the X-direction
support lines for Level 4 of this example. Note the first option in the menu allows the
user to select a load combination or the envelope. For this example, the Service (Total
Load) combination is selected for display.
Deformation / Z-Translation – Displays the deflections along support lines and the
L/X ratio related to the span. The span length is defined as the distance between two
support line vertices. In determining the span/deflection ratio, the program uses the
maximum deflection value at any section within the span divided by the span length.
Note the deflections reported in this view are based on un-cracked material properties.
See FIGURE 7-27.
Actions – Displays the design action to be shown graphically on the support line. The
user may select Bending moment, Axial force, Shear, Shear in plane, Bending normal
to plane, or Torsion. See FIGURE 7-28.
Stresses – Displays the top and bottom fibers, and average (precompression) stresses
in force per area along the support lines. See FIGURE 7-29 and FIGURE 7-31. Where
sections are not intersected by tendons, the program reports zero as the stress check
does not apply to conventionally reinforced concrete. Design sections that intersect
walls at any angle do not report stress. The user may wish to adjust or place additional
support lines, splitters, etc. along the long axis and near the wall to obtain results
within the slab, near the wall edge. Also note in these figures, design sections which
have turned magenta in color, that indicate the stresses at those locations do not
comply with specified allowable values. An overall status of OK or NG is displayed
next to each result. The Top and Bottom stresses are compared to limits defined in
Criteria section; precompression is compared to the limit defined in the Result
Display Settings Tab of Result Display Settings screen. See FIGURE 7-32. The
extents of design sections that are overstressed will be displayed graphically. See
FIGURE 7-30.
Design Criteria – Displays the design criteria associated with the design section. See
FIGURE 7-23.
Balanced loading – Displays the percentage (%) of dead load being balanced in each
span along a support line. The value shown is the ratio of the total dead load in each
span divided by the vertical component of prestressing. The total dead load is derived
from the selfweight plus dead load assigned to the program reserved dead load case.
See FIGURE 7-34. Where sections are not intersected by tendons, the program reports
zero as the balanced loading check does not apply to conventionally reinforced
Investigation – Displays the moment capacity of the sections along the length of the
support lines, either alone or with respect to Demand at the same locations. The
Demand values in the display are shown as grey, and the positive and negative
capacities are shown in green and blue, respectively. Magenta indicates locations
where the capacity has been exceeded by applied loading. See FIGURE 7-35 and
FIGURE 7-36. Similar to stress, the program does not calculate reinforcement for
STRENGTH combinations (ultimate demand) if a section intersects a wall. The user
should make similar adjustments as described for stress checks to obtain slab
reinforcement at or near walls.
FIGURE 7-27 Deflections along X-direction for Service (Total Load) Combination
FIGURE 7-28 Bending Moments along X-Direction for Service (Total Load)
FIGURE 7-29 Bottom Fiber Stresses along X-direction for Service (Total Load)
FIGURE 7-31 Top Fiber Stresses along X-direction for Service (Total Load)
FIGURE 7-34 Balanced Loading along X-direction for Service (Total Load)
FIGURE 7-35 Moment Capacity along X-direction for Service (Total Load)
FIGURE 7-36 Moment Capacity with Demand along X-direction for Service (Total
Load) Combination
Section 1.2.12 of this document includes a description of the Reinforcement Toolbar and
associated functions. The intent of this example is to show the simplicity of creating a rebar
drawing after the design of sections has been completed. An in-depth description of tools
associated with generating rebar and making modifications to reinforcement using the
Dynamic Rebar Design (DRD) module is outside the scope of this document. It should be
noted the DRD also includes functions related to creation of base reinforcement.
Ensure that the model is in Single-level mode , navigate to Level 4 and switch the
model to a Top View .
Use the Select/Set View Items tool to turn off the display of the X- and Y-direction
support lines. These can be checked in the boxes related to Structural Components tab.
Go to FEMGenerate Rebar Drawing. The input window shown in FIGURE 7-37 will
be displayed. Here the user can select the Load Combination for which the program
will calculate rebar requirements. Note that the envelope of all combinations is the
default, and the Envelope combination is automatically created by the program. You
may choose the Bar Length Selection based on Calculated Lengths or Library Lengths.
Select Library Lengths. The definition of Library Lengths for rebar is in
CriteriaRebar Round Up tab. The Bar Orientation option can be selected for
reinforcement being oriented along (parallel to) support lines or at some angle relative
to the global axes. By inputting an angle for the x- and y-directions, the program will
generate rebar layouts in those directions. The Dynamic Rebar Module calculates the
required reinforcement for the direction selected. For this example, we will select Along
support lines and select OK.
The program will display the required rebar, specified in grouped lengths from the
Library, at top and bottom positions in the slab, for the envelope load combination.
This rebar design considers strength requirement and minimum rebar for service
conditions, see FIGURE 7-38.
This document does not include a thorough description of Base Reinforcing. Simply
put, Base Reinforcing is defined as any non-prestressed reinforcement which has been
manually input and defined by the user, such as a rebar mesh and/or typical detail bars
around openings or at the edges of slab, for example. Rebar generated by the program,
as outlined above, can also be converted into Base Reinforcing, but otherwise is known
as Calculated Reinforcing. Base reinforcing is most commonly used to enter in rebar
which is assumed to exist in the floor, or in the case of a structural investigation, which
the user knows is in the floor.
Once the design of sections and generation of rebar has been completed, the Cracked
Deflection analysis can be performed. This check is dependent on the presence and amount
of reinforcement, both base and calculated reinforcement. This analysis is typically used to
check deflections which account for loss of stiffness due to cracking and long-term effects.
The Cracked Deflection check only applies to models which include load combinations set
to the Analysis/design option of Cracked Deflection. Section 5.5.7 of this document shows
how these combinations are created. To calculate cracked deflection follow the steps below:
Select the check box next to Slab – Actions - Reduced Rotational Stiffness about XX to
check the loss of stiffness in the slab (Ieff/Ig)
Select the check box next to Slab – Deformation Z-Translation to bring up the deformed
view taking into account cracking. See FIGURE 7-39.
These same results can also be viewed in the ADViewer. Go to FEMView Analysis
Results to open ADViewer.
Select the Groups/Planes for Display, select Level 4 and the Refresh tool .
Select the Load Cases/Combinations results tab. Note that for each cracked deflection
load combination, the program gives the option to display un-cracked and cracked
results. See FIGURE 7-40. For this example the Sustained_Load and Long_Term
combinations report both.
This section describes the Compiled Report Generation Manager. It is primarily intended for
the creation of comprehensive or custom reports including tabular and/or graphical reports. The
material presented here identifies the input parameters available to the user for generation of a
compiled report.
Each report is broken down into sections. Each section is given a unique identification number.
The report consists of those sections that are selected by the user. Hence, the content and details
of a report are user-controlled.
When the user selects report sections, the selections will be shown in the box at the right-hand
side. See FIGURE 7-44. Below the window the options Move Up and Move Down allow the
user to rearrange the sections in the report if desired. The user can also make the selection to
Delete User Report or Uncheck all.
The FILE menu in the top left corner of the Report Generation Manager screen includes options
to generate and print reports including all reports or selected reports. See FIGURE 7-45. This
menu also includes options for importing bitmap and text files that have been saved in other
modules of the program and the user wishes to add to the compiled report.
The previous chapter described the workflow of designing an elevated level from a
multistory model utilizing ADAPT-Floor Pro. In that example, we assumed infinitely
rigid supports at the base of columns and walls at the base level. This chapter will focus
on using ADAPT-MAT to explore workflows associated with the analysis and design of
a mat foundation for a multistory structure using soil springs at the base level.
2. ADAPT-Edge and MAT are opened in parallel. The soil compression-only spring
assigned in Case 1 is substituted with infinitely rigid supports in Analysis Options. The
model is analyzed in Full-structure mode. Switch to Single-level mode, apply FEM
and/or Tributary loads to include column and wall load takedown for gravity and
lateral load results from the building analysis to the mat slab. In Single-level mode, the
base level is analyzed again, now considering the original area (soil) spring.
It is known and expected that the results of the two cases will not be identical. Assumptions
in boundary conditions will affect the flow of loads in the structure. It is up to the user to
decide which approach is appropriate for each project.
In Single-level mode , navigate to Level 1 and switch the model to a Top View
Use the Active Level Down tool to scroll to Base Level. The mat slab should
be shown as in FIGURE 8-2.
Double-click on the slab edge to modify the properties. Change the slab thickness
from 8 inches to 24 inches. Select the green checkbox to save the change.
Double-click on the Soil Support property input window and change the spring type
to Compression-only from the dropdown Spring/Soil Type. The default bulk modulus
of 100 pci will be used. Note the value entered in Engineering notation, so 100 pci is
entered as 1.00E+02. When lateral loads are to be considered in a model, the user
may wish to also apply stiffness in x- and y-direction to avoid instability from
overturning or sliding, which we will also enter as 100pci here. See FIGURE 8-4.
This could also be modeled with a line spring somewhere in the model that is a
Compression and Tension spring.
Change the model to Full-structure mode and then to Front- or Left View tool
from the View Toolbar . See FIGURE 8-5. Note the mat foundation slab and soil
support shown at the Base Level.
FIGURE 8-5 Side View of Model with Mat Foundation and Soil Support
The model is now ready to be re-meshed and analyzed incorporating the soil support
at the base level. With the addition of the mat slab at the base level, the model (or at
least the bottom level) must be meshed again. Go to FEMAutomatic Mesh
GenerationOK single-level or global mode.
nature of this process, it is not uncommon for this analysis to take longer time to
complete than those where soil springs are replaced with fixed supports.
Once the Analysis has completed, the Result Display Settings screen should
automatically pop up, unless this has been disabled. If so, click Result Display Settings
In the Analysis tab of Result Display Settings screen, scroll to the top and select Slab
– Deformation – Z-Translation. FIGURE 8-6 shows the deformation at Base Level.
From the Analysis tab, select Slab – Stress (contour map) - Soil Pressure. Use the
Settings tab and Set Units to switch stress units to ksf. FIGURE 8-7 shows the soil
pressure at the base level; FIGURE 8-8 shows a warped view of this result (using
). Additional results can be viewed in a similar manner to what was described in
Chapter 6, using the main user interface, ADAPT Solid Modeling window , and/or
the ADViewer.
Following analysis, the design of the mat foundation (Base Level) is carried out with
the same approach as an elevated level, as discussed in Chapter 7. Support lines, strips
and design sections are generated and designed. Code checks and reinforcement
requirements are calculated and reported using the same program functionalities as
described earlier in this guide.
FIGURE 8-6 Z-deformation at Base Level for Service (Total Load) Condition
Set the model to be in Full Structure mode. Go to FEMAnalyze Structure. The entire
set of load combinations will be analyzed. In the Compression spring/soil support
options section, select Substitute compression springs with fixed supports. After the
analysis is complete, select OK.
a. Include Lateral Reactions - Use to include lateral loads and moments from
Building loads such as Wind and Seismic from most recent Full-Structure FEM
b. Include Load Takedown – Use to include gravity loads from selfweight and
other applied gravity loads from most recent Full Structure FEM analysis.
c. Include Gravity Reactions - Use to include axial and bending effects due to
gravity load cases (non-lateral cases like Selfweight, etc.) from most recent
Full Structure FEM analysis.
None – If none of the options described above are selected, the single-level
mat analysis will consider ONLY those loads applied at the mat level. No
lateral or gravity reactions from the full building solution will be applied.
Option A only – If this option is selected, the program will list those lateral
load cases that were solved for in the previous global run under the Load
Case dropdown list. The Solution dropdown list will include the current
full building solution resulting from the FEM analysis and associated
usage case run. In this case the Uncracked usage is shown. The Reactions
dropdown list will include All reactions (Fz, Fx, Fy, Mx, My,etc.) or Fz
representing only axial loads. Note that this option is not present when
Option A is used.
Option B only – If this option is selected, the program will list those
gravity load cases that were solved for in the previous global run under the
Load Case dropdown list. The Solution dropdown list will include the
current full building solution resulting from the FEM analysis and selected
usage case, Tributary solution (if this has been generated) and the
Envelope. The Reactions dropdown list will include only Fz representing
only axial loads.
Option C only – If this option is selected, the program will list those
gravity load cases that were solved for in the previous global run under the
Load Case dropdown list. The Solution dropdown list will include the
current full building solution resulting from the FEM analysis and selected
usage case (Uncracked for the example shown below), Tributary solution
(if this has been generated) and enveloping options including
Uncracked/Envelope of Axial or Tributary/Envelope of Axial as shown
below. The Reactions dropdown list will include All reactions (Fz, Fx, Fy,
Mx, My,etc.).
Options A and B – See the descriptions above for each independent option.
When both are selected, the behavior of each is superimposed. The image
below shows that for lateral load cases all reactions are applied and for
gravity load cases only the axial effects, Fz, are applied. The same options
from the Solution dropdown list are available as described above
depending on which load case is selected.
Option A and C – See the descriptions above for each independent option.
When both are selected, the behavior of each is superimposed. The image
below shows that for all load cases all reactions are applied. The same
options from the Solution dropdown list are available as described above
depending on which load case is selected.
Note that Options B and C cannot be selected simultaneously and can only
be selected independently or in combination with Option A.
For this example, select Options A and C. In doing so, the program will automatically
consider actions due to gravity and lateral loads in columns and walls at the base level
for a comprehensive design of the foundation. See FIGURE 8-9. Click OK to run the
analysis. After the analysis is complete, select OK to save the results.
Once the Analysis has completed, the Result Display Settings screen should
automatically pop up, unless this has been disabled. If so, click Result Display Settings
In the Analysis tab of Result Display Settings screen, scroll to the top and select Slab
– Deformation – Z-Translation. FIGURE 8-10 shows the deformation at Base Level
under Service (Total Load) combination.
Additional results can be viewed in a similar manner to what was described above and
in Chapter 6.
The design of the mat foundation (Base Level) is carried out with the same approach
as an elevated level, as discussed in Chapter 7. Support lines, strips and design sections
are generated and designed. Code checks and reinforcement requirements are
calculated and reported using the same program functionalities as described earlier in
this guide.
Some features described in this section require S-CONCRETE licensing, but not all.
Each section will indicate the requirement.
Open Design Group – Use this to launch the Design Group Manager (described below)
Design - These duplicate options available under FEM Menu. The following
design options are available:
o Design Design Groups
o Code Check
o Open in S-CONCRETE
o View Design Summary: (this option will not be available if a Design of
the Design Groups has not yet been performed.)
Select – Use these selection features to select columns as described
o All in Design Group – selects all columns assigned to the same Design
o All in Vertical Stack – selects all columns stacked vertically with the
same center-point.
Defining, managing, and editing Design Groups does not require an S-CONCRETE
license. Design groups are more generally referred to as Section Types and are created
using the Section Type Manager.
There are a number of ways to define Design Groups. Let’s simplify this example by
stating the three ways in which most column elements may be defined:
1. Import and Transformation from DWG/DXF file (See Section 2)
2. Import of 3D structural model from Revit (and ETABS or other programs in the
future, via ADAPT exchange file) (See Section 3)
3. Manual generation of structural model within Builder (See Section 4)
In Case 1 above, when DWG files are imported and transformed into a structural model,
the design groups are automated by default because the Design Group setting is set to
“Assign existing at creation”. To have the best experience with this, it is recommended
to set up the column design section auto-roundup tolerance prior to importing a DWG
file. Any transformed columns will be automatically assigned to a design group
according to the size of the section. Due to the nature of integrating with third party
(CAD) software, there is likely to be a very slight variation in the section size; i.e it may
be imported as 11.99999999” instead of 12.0”. Analytically there is little risk if the
auto-roundup tolerance is not assigned. This is simply a step to help keep the values
rounded to the nearest integer.
To set this up, navigate to Build Section Type Manager to bring up the screen shown
in FIGURE 9-1. In the center section, under Properties, the third row Enable column
auto-assignment roundup will be set to Yes by default. The Roundup amount shown in
the row beneath can be defined by the user. You can choose any value; in this example
you can set it to 0.10” and click OK. As shown in FIGURE 9-2, the value can be entered
directly by using the keyboard, or the user can use the mouse to click up or down in the
row to increase/decrease the tolerance value.
If the Enable column auto-assignment roundup feature is set to No, then the sections
will not be rounded up or down by any amount and design sections and section
properties will follow exactly based on imported and calibrated values, such as 11.99”
x 11.99”.
In cases 2 and 3 above, it is a slightly different process. Importing from Revit (or any
third party program via ADAPT Exchange file), and modeling directly within Builder
will not auto-generate Design Sections.
It is also recommended to utilize the Roundup Amount in the Section Type Manager in
either of these cases if the user is not sure of the precision of column components, or to
ensure round numbers in section properties.
Design Groups will ultimately be used to control section properties and, once assigned
to a column section, the properties of the column will be controlled through Design
Section rather than individually. To illustrate this point, the user may double click on a
column to bring up Column Properties screen shown in FIGURE 9-3 (or use Item’s
Properties icon ). It is noted the top portion of this screen under the General tab
indicates “None” for Design Group, and the cross section shape, angle, and A and B
dimensions can be modified directly.
However, once the column section has been assigned to a Design Group, this portion
of the Properties screen can be shown in FIGURE 9-4 Column Properties (enlarged)
after Assigned to Design Group. Here, you can see the Design Group, in this case, “22
x 22”, and the column cross section shape, angle, and A and B values are greyed out,
meaning they cannot be changed in this screen.
An individual column can be assigned to a design group from the Properties screen by
selecting any previously defined Design Groups from the Design Group drop-down. If
no design groups are defined yet, the drop down will not be active.
Names of Design Groups default to the size of the column used to define it. However,
the names of these Design Groups can be changed by the user. To change the name of
one, highlight the Design Group name in the Library of the Design Group Manager and
then left click in the name to make the text editable. The user can completely overwrite
the default naming or add to it. For example, a column could be called 22 x 22 Levels
1-4, or 20”Dia L1-5. In this way, the user can keep track of not only the column size
but also the level(s) of the structure in which it is intended. Note that the size of the
column will be explicitly managed through the Design Group at that point, and
changing the A and B dimensions within a Design Group will not automate a name
change. The name must be managed separately if desired.
An individual column or multiple columns can be assigned to design groups. One way
to do this is to select the desired column/s, either by windowing them in plan or
elevation, and/or by using the Select by Type tool or other tools as described in Section
1.2.5. Once selected, navigate to Modify Item Properties on the Modify/Selection
toolbar or Modify Modify Item Properties. Select the Column tab, and click the check
box next to Design Group, as shown in FIGURE 9-5. By default, there are three
selections in the drop down menu associated with this option.
Auto Assign to Existing: When no Design Groups are defined, the selected
column/s will be grouped into Design Groups according to their section
properties (A and B dimensions). When Design Groups are already defined and
this option is selected, the program will look to see if the same column size has
been assigned to a Design Group and if so, the selected columns will be added
to that same Design Group.
Auto Assign New Grouped: This option will generate new Design Groups
based on the sizes of the selected column/s, regardless of whether Design
Groups of the same dimension already exists. If this operation is done and a new
Design Group of the same size is created, the duplicate Design Group will be
named with a (1) or (2), or with _001 and _002, etc, after the label, as shown in
the Library of the Design Group Manager, enlarged in FIGURE 9-6.
Auto Assign New Individual: This option will generate a new Design Group
for each individual column selected, without regard to pre-existing Design
Groups of the same size or name. Again, duplicates will be indicated with (1),
(2), or _001, _002, and so on.
Once Design Groups have been defined, they will also populate in the drop down
menu in this location. A column can be specifically added to a group which has
already been defined; see FIGURE 9-7.
An individual column can be changed to a Design Group which has already been
assigned through its property screen, as per FIGURE 9-3, by selecting the desired
Design Group from the drop down at the top of the column’s Property screen.
Single or multiple columns can be added to a new or existing Design Group by selecting
the column(s) and opening the Section Type Manager (Build Section Type Manager),
highlighting the desired Design Group listed in the Library on the left, and by keeping
the check-mark selected on the bottom left of the screen, Assign to (x) selected
components. See FIGURE 9-8. This will overwrite any previously assigned Design
Group, if one had been assigned to that column(s) already.
FIGURE 9-6 Enlarged Design Group Library with Duplicate Group Names
To assign design groups in the same example, ensure the program is in Full
Structure mode and opened with Edge.
Select Modify Item Properties , click to activate the Column tab, select the
checkbox next to Design Group, and select Auto assign new grouped from the
dropdown menu. Click OK.
Open the Design Group Manager (Build Design Group Manager) or by right-
clicking one of the columns that was just selected, and select Open Design
Group as shown in FIGURE 9-10.
Double Left-click in each of the Design Group names which now show in the
Library on the left, and add the text “Lower” to the end, as shown in FIGURE
9-11. Click OK to save and close this window.
For the 24x24 Lower Design Group in this example, we will set the Number of
vertical reinforcing bars (#Vertical Bars) by changing the bar size to #9 and 4
face bars in both A and B directions (# Face Bars (A / Ny) and (#Rows (B / Nz),
leaving the # Layers equal to 1. Making these changes increases Rho from
0.07% to 2.08%. See FIGURE 9-12, noting the updated image on the right side.
The user should go through each Design Group details and review and revise
the parameters in each, including rebar configuration, materials, cover, etc. Rho
(Reinforcement percentage As/Ag) will be updated automatically.
FIGURE 9-11 Edited Design Group Names and Design Group Details
Edge allows users to define unbraced lengths of any or all columns. It calculates
unbraced lengths automatically, that are equal to the clear unsupported length of the
column. See FIGURE 9-13.
The calculation for each column can be done by clicking Update. The unbraced lengths
can be overwritten for Individual columns by selecting User Defined, at which point
the user may input a different value in the fields for Individual Lu (s-s) and (r-r). If the
user clicks Update again, these values will be applied to the Group Lu (s-s) and (r-r)
fields as well. In any case, as with all changes to the individual level, the green check
box at the top left of the column property screen must be clicked to save these changes.
Once Design Groups have been defined and assigned, the user will need to specify
parameters by which column designs will be performed. The Design Options screen as
seen in FIGURE 9-14 can be accessed by FEM Component Design Options.
The top section of this screen shows the available load combinations which can be used
for design of columns from the most recent FEM Analysis. These can be selected or
deselected as desired. The user may use the control or shift keys to select multiple
Design Parameters:
Force Source: Define the source from which loading will be extracted to design
column elements. See FIGURE 9-15.
o FEM: Utilize the most recently run Finite Element global solution
o Tributary Method (Axial Gravity Only): Utilize the most recent
calculation using tributary gravity axial loading only
o Envelope of FEM and Tributary: The program will take a strict
maximum envelope of axial loads and moments from the two methods
o FEM Moments and larger of Tributary/FEM Axial: The program will
use moments from the FEM analysis and the larger axial load component
from either Tributary or FEM analysis. This feature could be used to
exclude minimum moments from use in design.
Load Reduction: Select Yes or No to include or exclude load reduction factors
from the design of columns. Yes will apply the load reductions factors.
Max Utilization: The maximum design utilization the program will use for
column design, 1.0 being default.
Code: Select the appropriate design code from the drop down list. Each code
may trigger an extra option, as indicated.
o ACI 318 & UBC – Adjust N vs M Diagram for Rho < 1%: Select Yes or
o BS 8110 & CP 65– Nu (max): CI or CI
o CSA 1994 – Shear Method: Simplified or General
Adjust N vs M Diagram for Rho < 1%: Yes or No
o CSA 2004 – Same as 1994 above, plus Seismic Options – select from
No Additional Checks
Clauses 21.4.4 and 21.4.5
Section Location and Region: select Face of Joint
(plastic hinge region) or Away from Joint (no plastic
CI and and
Section Location and Region: select Face of Joint
(plastic hinge region) or Away from Joint (no plastic
Clauses and only
Section Location and Region: select Face of Joint
(plastic hinge region) or Away from Joint (no plastic
Clauses and
Theta ID (r-r): input value (default = 0.004)
Theta ID (s-s): input value (default = 0.004)
Lw (r-r): input value (default = 240in)
Lw (s-s): input value (default = 240in)
o EC2
Calculate Theta: Yes or No; If No, enter Theta (deg)
Maximum Acceptable Utilization of Concrete Without Minimu
Shear/Torsion Reinforcement: enter value (default = 0.05)
Apply Reduced Maximum Link Spacing Requirement: Yes or No
Apply Minimum Moments: The program will compute the minimum moments
according to the specified building code/standard and apply it in the direction
of the applied moment, if required.
Apply Slenderness Effects: Select Yes or No. If Yes, enter BetaD length ratio
factor (default = 0.6)
o Dimension A/B Increments (+/-): specify the increments with which the
column size will be increased or decreased.
Freeze Horizontal/Vertical Bar Size: Yes or No. If Yes, bar size will not be
changed in automated design. If No, the user can define maximum and
minimum size increase and reduction that the program would use in automated
Freeze Vertical Splice Type: Yes or No. If No, the program may suggest an
alternate splice type than what is defined in Design Section.
Click OK to save all settings. All steps in this section may be done with or without a
license of S-CONCRETE.
The next step in the design process of columns is to perform a Design of the Design
Groups. Navigate to FEM Code Check / Design Component Design the Design
Group(s). A screen will come up as shown in FIGURE 9-17. In it, all design groups
will be listed as well as the number of columns within each group, in parentheses. The
user can select any individual groups to run, or can use the control key to select multiple
groups, if it is not desired to run all groups at once.
When the user clicks OK, Builder will begin transferring data with S-CONCRETE in
the background of your system operation. S-CONCRETE will not launch. It may take
just a few seconds up to many minutes to run the design of the selected Design Groups,
depending on the size of the model, the speed of your processor, and the number of
groups selected. The user will know when this process has completed when the Design
Summary screen comes up, as shown in FIGURE 9-18. This screen shows the results
of the design/s which have just completed. This screen can also be invoked at a later
time through FEM Design Summary.
This screen shows a table with columns labeled Update, Design Group, Details,
Property, Current Value, and Proposed Value.
Red text in the Design Summary table indicates data which has changed since the last
design run of Design Sections. In this example, no prior Design had been done on
columns, so many values changed from “Current Value” of 0.00 to a new “Proposed
If the user wishes to condense the Design Summary to show only those values which
have changed, you may select the checkbox in the bottom left corner of this window,
Only Show Differences, in which case all text will be black.
Under the Details column of the Design Summary screen, blue html links titled “View
Report” are displayed. These links will open in an internet browser and include S-
CONCRETE design and loading details. An excerpt of one is shown in FIGURE 9-19.
Because it is an HTML link, this can be shared with any other user, who does not have
to have a license of S-CONCRETE to view it.
The user is encouraged to review the results of the first Design of the Design Sections.
The user may choose to keep or ignore the proposed changes to the Design Sections. If
the user does nothing in this screen but clicks “Close”, the proposed changes will not
be updated or reflected in the Design Sections. To accept the proposed changes, the
user must check the check box under the Update column. To accept all changes, the
user may use the Select All tool at the bottom of the Design Summary screen; similarly
if all are selected, the user may use Select None to de-select all. Once you have selected
all the changes to be accepted and incorporated into the Design Groups, click Apply and
The user may open the Design Group Manager to see how the Design Group section
properties have been modified. The Design Status, V & T Utilization, and N vs M
Utilization will now be updated within the Design Section properties. See FIGURE
9-21, which can be compared to FIGURE 9-11.
FIGURE 9-20 Design Summary Selected for Update, Only Differences Shown
Right view , have the model in Full Structure mode . Use the Select/Set
View Items tool to view only columns.
It is possible to view these results in Pass/Fail mode as well. Select the Result
Display Settings tab of Result Display Settings screen. Change Utilization to
Status from Value, and click Apply. See FIGURE 9-23.
To change the allowable limit for NvsM Utilization display, Select the Result
Display Settings tab of Result Display Settings screen. Change Utilization
maximum allowable to 0.85. Click Apply. See FIGURE 9-24 and FIGURE
FIGURE 9-23 Status (Pass/Fail) for Design Group Results with 1.0 Utilization Limit
FIGURE 9-24 Status (Pass/Fail) for Design Group Results with 0.85 Utilization
Once the design of Design Groups has been completed, the user may perform a code
check / design of individual columns, which will use the Design Group of that column
and compare to the loads which each column will resist in its location of the structure.
Note that this Guide is intended only as a reference for users to learn how to apply
ADAPT-Builder and S-CONCRETE software for column design. Detailed information
on column design, background, code specifics, etc. is outside the scope of this Guide.
associated columns will be selected. The user may wish to de-select any
particular Design Groups. Additionally, the user may wish to design only certain
selected columns, in which case you should select the columns first, then when
this window comes up, retain the checked option in the bottom left corner,
Consider selected component(s) only.
You will know when the design of Individual columns is complete when you
regain control of the program. Remain patient; it can take several minutes for
each column to be individually designed in the background.
To change the display of results from Pass/Fail mode to display the value, select
the Result Display Settings tab of Result Display Settings screen. Change
Utilization to Value from Status, and click Apply. The column results will
appear similar to FIGURE 9-27.
In the Analysis tab of the Result Display Settings screen, select Design Loads
and Axial Capacity.
Switch to an elevation view (either Front or Left ). Using the mouse and
cursor, window/select the top level columns. Click the Hide Selection to
remove these columns from display.
Now, the user can see color coded utilization values (because N vs M results are
still selected) of each column below Level 4, as well as axial capacity of each
column and associated Design loads. See FIGURE 9-29.
FIGURE 9-29 Individual Column NvsM utilization, Design Loads, Axial Capacity
Once results from an Individual Column Design / Code check are completed, it is likely
the user will need to revise column reinforcement, size, materials, etc. toward a final
optimized design. The steps outlined in the previous section will be followed in addition
to utilizing enhanced Select by Type tool, as described below.
The user may wish to define new design group/s for column sections which are being
too severely utilized, or underutilized. In this Guide, we will run through an example
assuming we are optimizing columns design toward N vs M interaction between 0.5
and 0.75.
Using the same view as the section above, click the Select by Type tool on
the Selection Toolbar (See Section 1.2.5 for more information).
Highlight “Column” in the list on the top left, click the button next to “By design
group” and select “24x24 Lower” or equivalent, and select the checkbox for
NvsM Utilization max equal to 0.5. This will select all columns within the
“24x24 Lower” design group which has a N vs M utilization less than 0.5. See
FIGURE 9-30. Click OK.
With these underutilized columns selected, once again open the Design Group
Manager, Build Design Group Manager. Right-mouse click the “24x24
Lower” Design group and select Clone, which will generate a new Design
Group called “24x24 Lower_001”. Let’s assume we can change the size of the
column, so in this case we will reduce the A and B values to 20” each. Reduce
reinforcing as desired, perhaps to #8 vertical bars instead of #9s. Be sure the
bottom left check box is selected which indicates Assign to (x) selected
components (1 design group). Click OK. If desired, you could also rename this
design group but in this example we will leave it as-is.
Accept or Ignore any changes proposed in the Design Summary screen. In this
example we will select the check box to Update and click Apply, and Close.
The same columns should still be selected. Go to FEM Code Check / Design
Component Code Check. See FIGURE 9-32. Using steps defined previously,
use the Result Display Settings to review Design Group and Individual Column
Design results for this new group, and iterate again as needed to come to an
acceptable design.
Follow similar steps for columns whose N vs M values exceed 0.75 (or any other
value which the user prefers). However, Select by Type screen would instead have
NvsM Utilization min selected with a value of 0.75 (or other), as shown in FIGURE
Defining wall piers is an essential requirement in the process of performing wall design
in ADAPT-Builder and provides additional result capabilities for determining
reactions and geometrical properties for groups of walls that are physically and
analytically interconnected. Wall pier definition is required to produce grouped wall
reactions for design objectives like foundation analysis and design, overturning checks,
The ability to create and assign wall piers is available when ADAPT-Floor Pro and
ADAPT-MAT and/or ADAPT-Edge is active. When ADAPT-MAT is active as a
standalone application, the need to define piers is not required. However, if at some
point in the design process the same model produced with ADAPT-MAT is then opened
with ADAPT-Edge, the wall piers can be used for wall design from a global solution
containing both elevated levels and a foundation system.
The process of designing walls requires wall piers to be defined. The program generates
design sections at the top and bottom of each wall that is assigned to a pier. This is
essential for processing of walls for design or code checking walls in a model. FIGURE
10-1 shows an example of wall pier ‘P1’ having design sections at the top and bottom
of each level from L1 through L7. The selected wall section shown in this image carries
the standard notation of: Pier Assignment Level Assignment Section Location
(top or bottom) Wall ID. Note that the level assignment is made on a sequential
basis. That is to say, regardless of what the level is called in the model, the assignment
for wall sections is from Level 1 to Level N+1.
FIGURE 10-2 shows the top level for the wall stack belonging to wall pier ‘P1.’ The
pier in this example contains two wall legs. These are identified by wall ID’s 44 and
45. The program creates top and bottom design sections for each wall that is part of
this pier at Level 7. These are listed and reported in FIGURE 10-1.
The most direct way of creating wall piers is to select FEMPier Labels. This will
open the Pier Label dialog window as shown in FIGURE 10-4. Additionally, wall piers
can be created by selecting any wall that has been modeled and entering the walls
property dialog window. You can do this by double-clicking on the wall. In the
General tab, the entry for Pier is made. Note that if no piers have yet been assigned,
“NONE” will be shown. Use the Edit button to add Pier Labels. See FIGURE 10-4.
In this menu, the user can add a new label or delete and existing label .
Alternately, after selecting a wall or group of walls, the user can select ModifyModify
Item PropertiesWall and use the Edit function to create new or delete pier labels.
Note this is also the option used when assigning wall piers to multiple, selected walls
belonging to the same pier.
Wall piers are commonly defined as those walls contained in one composite group for
the purpose of acting as a lateral resisting component in the global lateral resisting
system. In FIGURE 10-6, the example contains 4 wall piers acting as lateral resisting
elements and grouped such that all design sections are referenced to the same wall pier.
P1 P3
P2 P4
Two methods can be used to assign wall piers to a group of walls. First, the user can
assign an individually selected wall to any defined pier through use of the wall
properties menu as shown in FIGURE 10-3. Second, the most common way to rapidly
assign a pier to a group of walls in a global wall stack is to use the option from
ModifyModify Item PropertiesWall. See FIGURE 10-5. This approach is used for
making a modification or assignment to a group of similar components. The steps
below can be followed to assign wall piers per the second option.
Change the model mode to Full-structure view using the Story Manager
Toolbar. This will allow you to select all walls within the model and the
wall stack.
After completion of the analysis of a model, wall pier results can be produced. Note
these results are different than those for the design of wall design sections and are
primarily the wall pier geometric and physical properties as well as pier reactions for
the last run model analysis. Wall pier results can be produced graphically or as a
Microsoft Excel® data file in .XLS format.
Graphical pier results are selectable in the Result Display Settings selection tree
under the Pier section.
Axial Force – Reports the axial force for the wall pier at the pier centroid
Shear along XX – Reports the shear in the global X direction for the wall pier
at the pier centroid
Shear along YY – Reports the shear in the global Y direction for the wall pier
at the pier centroid
Moment about XX – Reports the moment about the global X axis for the wall
pier at the pier centroid
Moment about YY – Reports the moment about the global Y axis for the wall
pier at the pier centroid
Torsion – Reports the pier torsion for the wall pier at the pier centroid
Display Label – Displays the assigned pier wall for each wall in view
The figures below show examples of the pier reaction data report. These include
General Information, Pier Properties, and Pier Reactions. Each pier defined in a
model will have its own set of data.
This section is intended to describe the necessary program tools used in the general
workflow of designing walls within ADAPT-Builder. For more detailed descriptions
of the underlying design tools used (ADAPT Wall Designer and S-CONCRETE), refer
to the accompanying manual, “ADAPT Wall Design Operation and Theory
Manual” and S-CONCRETE documentation found within the HELP menu when
opening the application separate from ADAPT-Builder.
Note that ADAPT Wall Designer can be opened as a standalone tool from the default
program files installation folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\ADAPT\ADAPT-Builder
2017\walldesign.exe. It is not necessary to use the tool as a standalone application
when working within ADAPT-Builder. The user has the option to select the appropriate
design tool in the process of setting wall design parameters described further in this
Walls in ADAPT-Builder are evaluated on the basis of “wall design sections” cut at the
top and bottom of each unique wall that is part of a wall pier. If a wall pier contains
more than 1 wall leg, wall design sections will be created for each wall leg that is
oriented greater than 10 deg. to the adjoining wall. While each wall leg is part of the
same pier, the design sections representing the wall leg are individualized in this way.
Wall design sections are generated for each wall at each level assigned to a pier. Walls
that are unassigned a wall pier do not have wall design sections generated. FIGURE
11-1 shows an example of a continuous, adjoined wall having an angle below and above
10 deg. and how design sections are defined for the wall pier.
Prerequisite to being able to automatically generate wall design sections, walls must be
grouped and defined as piers. Section 10 of the document describes the process of
creating and assigning wall piers.
After generating wall piers and assigning wall stacks to defined pier labels, go to
FEM>Generate Wall Design Sections. Each wall section that is generated receives its
own label, outline and associated reinforcement defined in the Wall Design Manager.
FIGURE 11-2 shows generated wall design sections graphically.
In this example, the model contains 4 wall piers (see Section 10). The pier at the far
left contains 2 wall legs with unique design sections at the top and bottom of each leg.
The same is true for the piers at left-center and right-center. The pier at the far right
contains 1 wall leg.
After producing wall design sections, the ADAPT Wall Design Manager contains
necessary tools and parameters definitions that allow the user to process walls for
design or code check. To open the Wall Design Manager go to FEMWall Design or
right-click on any wall and select Wall DesignOpen Wall Design Manager.
The information presented below gives a description of all inputs and selection options
in each of the Wall Design Managers user interface.
Wall Design Section List - The wall design section list at the left edge of the window
identifies each pier and the top and bottom design sections of walls belonging to each
pier. Nomenclature for the wall design section names is described in Section 10 of this
Single Selection – This checkbox, when selected, limits the user to select only 1 design
section at a time. If the box is unchecked, multiple design sections can be selected at
the same time. Reinforcement input items that don’t contain the same values when
multiple sections are selected will show ellipses (…..) until the values of all selected
sections are identical. If more than 1 design section is selected, the graphical design
section window will not render an image and the warning shown below will appear.
Graphical Design Section Window – This window allows the user to view the selected
design section with accompanying zone and panel reinforcement and dimensions. The
window can be toggled to different modes as described below.
The graphical image shown is a full-scale view showing the entire design section.
As shown below.
Reinforcement in the section is shown by lump sum approach. The total area of
steel and reinforcement ratio in zones and panel and reinforcement are displayed at their
individual CGS locations.
Update – Updates the selected design section/s to the values set in the reinforcement
input fields after user modification after a section has been designed.
Design – Designs the selected design section/s. If reinforcement size and/or spacing is
not adequate, the program will update the reinforcement fields necessary to meet the
selected codes design requirements.
Code Check – Checks the selected design section/s reinforcement and spacing against
design provisions for the selected design code.
Open in S-Concrete – This option is only active when the design tool selected in
Design Parameters is set to S-CONCRETE. If selected, the design section and data is
opened in S-Concrete. An active license of S-CONCRETE is required for this option.
View Design Summary – Opens the HTML summary document for the selected design
section/s after a code check or design has been performed.
1. Reinforcement
a. Copy – Copies the reinforcement for the selected design section/s.
b. Paste – Pastes the copied reinforcement to the selected design section/s
reinforcement assignments.
2. Display
a. Design Status – shows status next to each design section name as
“acceptable” or “unacceptable” after the section has been designed or code
checked. The status is shown as green or red.
b. V&T Utilization – shows the status of shear and torsion interaction as
“acceptable” or “unacceptable” if the value is less than/equal to or greater
than 1.0. The status is shown in green or red.
c. N&M Utilization - shows the status of axial force and flexure interaction
as “acceptable” or “unacceptable” if the value is less than/equal to or
greater than 1.0. The status is shown in green or red.
3. Panel Reinforcement
a. Vertical bars – Defines the bar size and spacing of vertical reinforcement
(parallel to the vertical wall axis) in the wall panel (that portion of the wall
between zones.)
b. Horizontal bars – Defines the bar size and spacing of horizontal
reinforcement (perpendicular to the vertical wall axis) in the wall panel.
c. No. of Curtains- The number of vertical bar layers in the wall local s-s axis
4. Zone Reinforcement
a. Checkbox for Zone 1 and Zone 2 – These checkboxes are only active if S-
CONCRETE is selected or if the boundary elements option is selected
when using ADAPT Wall Designer. These are set in the Design
Parameters input. If the checkboxes are active and selected, the program
considers boundary zone design. If de-selected the program considers
only the zone that is selected. De-selecting both means the wall is
designed as a “zone-less.”
b. Checkbox for Symmetric – If zones are considered for design and
symmetric is selected, Zone 2 becomes disabled and takes on the same
reinforcement as defined for Zone 1.
c. Number of bars – Defines the total number of vertical bars in the zone.
This box is only active when ADAPT Wall Designer is the selected design
tool. In the case where the assigned number of vertical bars does not
match the number of bars matching the face bar and curtain input, the
program will color this cell pink to alert the user. When S-CONCRETE is
selected, the total number of vertical bars is defined by the face bars and
curtain assignment for the zone.
d. Vertical bar size – Defines the bars size for vertical bars.
e. Tie bar size – Defines the tie (transverse containment) bar size.
f. Tie spacing – Defines the spacing of the tie bars.
g. Splice – Active only when S-CONCRETE is the selected design tool and
is used for spacing checks of vertical bars in zones. Tangential, bearing,
radial or mechanical can be defined. See S-CONCRETE documentation
for definitions of each.
h. Number of Curtains – Defines the number of vertical bar layers in the wall
local s-s axis direction.
i. Number of Face bars – Defines the number of vertical bar layers in the
wall local r-r axis direction.
j. Face bar spacing – Defines the spacing of face bars. The spacing is in the
local r-r direction.
k. Limit zone length – This option is only active when S-CONCRETE is the
selected design tool. It is an additional design parameter that limits the
length of the boundary zone.
l. Fill zone with bars (if applicable) – This option is only active when S-
CONCRETE is the selected design tool. In DESIGN mode it forces
reinforcement to be placed at every possible location where a curtain and
face bar location intersect from the outer zone edge to the inner zone edge.
Note than when ADAPT Wall Designer is selected as the design tool,
vertical bars are always fill-in bars.
1. Design Parameters
a. Design tool – ADAPT Wall or S-CONCRETE
b. Select a SCO template file – When S-CONCRETE is selected as the
design tool, this additional input parameter is required. A .SCO file needs
to be saved from S-CONCRETE in order to define additional design
parameters not assigned in ADAPT-Builder. Those parameters and
c. Design code – When ADAPT Wall is selected, the only design code
available is ACI318-2011. When S-CONCRETE is selected the design
code used is that set in the .SCO file.
d. Max Utilization – Sets the maximum demand/capacity interaction ratio for
V&T and N&M.
e. Check boundary elements – Only applies to ADAPT Wall. If set to YES,
the program allows for zone reinforcement input and checks boundary
reinforcement against code provisions. If set to NO, the program disables
the use of zones in the wall design sections.
f. Boundary Method – Sets the ACI boundary zone method for checking of
zones. The method is either strain or stress controlled method.
g. Curvature ratio, du/Hu – limits the maximum curvature ratio of the section
depth to wall height.
h. Phi,bc – Flexural strength reduction factor
i. Phi,cc – Compressive strength reduction factor
j. Phi,sh – Shear strength reduction factor
2. Geometry
a. Section type – Rectangular or I-Section. Rectangular only applies to
ADAPT Wall set as the design tool. Both options are available when S-
CONCRETE is set as the design tool. The design section graphical view
changes according to what is being represented.
b. Section length – Design section length. Taken as the length of the wall
that the design section is assigned to.
c. Section thickness – Design section thickness. When ADAPT Wall is
selected, the section is the same for zones and panel. When S-
CONCRETE is selected the value is the panel thickness.
d. Zone 1 length – When S-CONCRETE is used and I-shape is selected, the
boundary elements can be of different length and thickness as the main
wall panel. Applies to items e-g below also. Left zone length.
e. Zone 1 thickness – Left zone thickness.
f. Zone 2 length – Right zone length.
g. Zone 2 thickness – Right zone thickness.
h. Overall wall height, Hw – This is the total height of the wall stack. This is
calculated by the program and can be overwritten.
i. Unsupported wall height, hu – This is defined as the wall segment height
between slabs. The default is 3ft (3m). The user must override value to
correct unsupported wall height.
3. Reinforcement Properties
a. Rebar library – Sets the rebar library from defined in Criteria>Preferred
Reinforcement Size and Material. Value can be American, SI or MKS.
b. Panel vertical bar material – Sets the panel vertical reinforcement material
assignment as defined in the Material pull-down menu.
c. Panel horizontal bar material – Sets the panel horizontal reinforcement
material assignment as defined in the Material pull-down menu.
d. Zone vertical bar material – Sets the zone vertical reinforcement material
assignment as defined in the Material pull-down menu.
e. Zone horizontal bar material – Sets the zone horizontal (ties)
reinforcement material assignment as defined in the Material pull-down
f. Cover – Only applies to ADAPT Wall. Sets the cover dimension for zone
and panel.
g. Panel Cover – Only applies to S-CONCRETE. Sets the panel
reinforcement cover dimension.
h. Zone Cover – Only applies to S-CONCRETE. Sets the Zone Cover
4. Design Constraints – These options are only available when ADAPT Wall is
selected as the design tool. Design constraints for S-CONCRETE are defined in
the .SCO file. If the user selects NO to freeze of zone and panel bars, the
minimum and maximum zone and panel reinforcement settings are not active or
shown. When YES is selected, the user can set the max and minimum range of
bars sizes for the panel and zones. These only apply when design section/s are
designed, not code checked.
1. Load combination selection window – This window enables the user to select a
custom group of combinations that will be considered for the design or code check
2. Select Combination – This allows the user to filter combination names that are
shown in the combination window using entry values. When an entry is made, the
options for Select All or Select None can be selected.
3. Load Case and Solution window – For each load case that is represented in the
selected groups of combinations (e.g. dead, live, selfweight, Wind_P0, etc.) the
program will list the load case and applicable solution options. If the model has
been globally analyzed for multiple usage cases (uncracked, cracked, etc.) the
program will list each solution case to select from. This allows the user to assign
reactions for wall design that stem from different usage cases that may represent
varying degrees of assumed cracking for a given analysis. The user may also
select the option for Tributary if the tributary load takedown tool was used to
determine gravity loads in walls. This option only applies to gravity load cases.
When both FEM and Tributary results exist, the user can envelope the solution
reactions to be used for wall design. The ‘G’ denotes the FEM solution is based
on a global analysis and ‘L” denotes the FEM solution is based on a single-level
Depending on which design tool is used, the program will produce axial-flexure
interaction diagrams for the code checked or designed section. When S-CONCRETE
is uses as the design tool, the available list of theta angles is comprehensive with
multiple options. When ADAPT Wall is used, only the 90 and 270 degree diagrams
are produced.
The option for Nominal & Probable is available when S-CONCRETE is used and
includes additional graphs representing these additional diagrams.
When ADAPT Wall is used, the option for Show Load Cases becomes available and
when uses will show data points for each processed load combination.
This feature is unique to ADAPT-Builder. The Wall Intersection feature allows a user
to view regions or wall joints where end-zone reinforcement for more than 1 wall is
overlapping in the same region. The feature is intended to allow the user to determine
how bars are positioned in each zone and can be combined for detailed drawings for the
1. Main Joint Drawing Window – This window shows a zoomed in view of the
selected zone for the selected design section. The program shows representative
vertical bars in each zone at the joint location, reference grids in the zone curtain
direction and the total quantity, size and area of steel for each zone. The total joint
data is summarized in the bottom left of the window.
2. Key Plan – Shows an overall view of the global wall layout in plan and highlights
in red which design section is selected and which joint is shown in the Main Joint
Drawing Window.
3. Design Section List – Depending on the selected design sections in the section
list to the far left of the main window, the program populates the Design Section
List for available joint locations. The user can select Zone 1 or Zone 2 of the
selected section to view in the key plan and main window.
Additional options are available that pertain to the design of walls and design section results.
The FEM contains multiple options for wall design as shown below.
When you right-click on a wall, the options shown below are available.
After wall design sections have been processed and updated for either design or code check,
both tabular and graphical results are available for review. Some graphical viewing options are
available for use prior to design or code check. These are mainly to view reinforcement
currently assigned to the wall design sections. Each result option is described below.
After wall design sections are generated, each section has default reinforcement designed for
the section. If the section is designed or if the user makes modifications through the Wall
Design Manager the graphical representation of reinforcement displays the current rebar state
for wall sections.
The Analysis tab of the Result Display Settings window includes new design section options
under the Walls branch. Each option is defined below. Note that unless the wall design section
is designed or code checked, the first 3 options will be reported as NA.
Status – Value can be NA, acceptable, warning, borderline, or unacceptable. NA indicates that
the design section has not yet been designed. If either utilization check fails to meet the
specified utilization setting, unacceptable is reported in the form of a red design section. Green
represents acceptable. When code checked, if the section fails a specific detailing/spacing
requirement the warning value will be reported with a magenta color. Any section indicated
with yellow means that the section is borderline. This occurs when the section is within 5% of
the maximum utilization factor set by the user.
V&T Utilization – Displays a gradient for utilization values of the sections with results for
shear and torsion.
NvsM Utilization – Displays a gradient for utilization values of the sections with results for
axial and flexure.
Outline – Shows outline of the design sections that have been generated.
The last four options shown described above do not require that the design section be code
checked or designed and can be produced after creation of design sections. FIGURE 11-12
shows Panel, Zone 1 and Zone 2 reinforcement for the isolated view of Wall Pier 1 – Leg 1.
It is recommended to use this graphical tool in combination with front or side viewing and
isolated view (described above) for best results.
The Result Display Settings Result Display Settings tab includes a new block, Wall
Design Sections that contains additional options allowing the user to control how the
informaton is presented graphically.
Reinforcement Display – This value can either be set to Number of Bars, area, rho, or all.
The application of this value is used for the display of the panel and/or zone reinforcement
setting and shown in FIGURE 11-12. The value only applies to the walls in view and the
location set to be viewed (zone or panel). FIGURE 11-13 shows the result for 1 wall with all
Line Thickness – Sets the line thickness for the design section outline.
Display Text for Active Level – The value for this option can be Yes or No. If Yes, is selected
the program will display only the reinforcement information for the walls that reference the
current active plane for the top of wall. The reinforcement will be shown for all walls in the
model that are active in view and referenced from the current plane and for the panel or zones
selected in Result Display Settings. This selection is useful when needing to view
reinforcmeent for 1 plane only in a global top view. For example, FIGURE 11-15 shows the
plan view of Level 1 with panel reinforcement shown by area of steel.
If No is selected, the program will show reinforcement for all walls in view and for the selected
zones or panel.
Section Text for Each Wall – This option allows the user to filter which design section for
walls in view are shown. The values that can be set are all, top, or bottom. If all is used, top
and bottom sections for walls displaying reinforcement will be shown. If top is selected, only
the top design sections of walls will be displayed. If bottom is selected only the bottom design
sections of walls will be displayed.
This feature has 2 sections containing predefined selectable properties that can be
graphically colorized for quick and efficient comparisons. These sections include Wall
Design Sections and Walls.
Thickness – The program will identify each wall design section with the same thickness
as a unique color.
Material – The program will identify each wall design section with the same material
concrete material assignment as a unique color.
Zone Length – The program will identify all wall design sections with same zone
lengths at Zone 1 and Zone 2 ends and will assign a unique color to the design section.
Zone assignment must be identical to be assigned to the same color group. For example,
a wall with Zone 1 and Zone 2 having lengths of 30” at both ends would NOT be in the
same group as a wall assigned with only Zone 1 having a length of 30” at and nothing
assigned for Zone 2.
Zone Rebar Pattern – The program will identify all wall design sections that have
identical zone reinforcement patterns. This includes identical number of curtains,
number of bars and spacing. Similar design sections must have similar number of zones
assigned to the section. For example, a section with only 1 zone defined cannot be
grouped with a section having 2 zones defined.
Zone Rebar Pattern & Bar Size – The program will identify all wall design sections
that have identical zone reinforcement patterns and bars size. This includes identical
number of curtains, number of bars, bar size and spacing. Similar design sections must
have similar number of zones assigned to the section. For example, a section with only
1 zone defined cannot be grouped with a section having 2 zones defined.
Panel Rebar Pattern – The program will identify all wall design sections that have
identical panel reinforcement patterns. This includes identical number of curtains, and
spacing for vertical and horizontal reinforcement.
Panel Rebar Pattern & Bar Size – The program will identify all wall design sections
that have identical panel reinforcement patterns and bars size. This includes identical
number of curtains, bar size and spacing for vertical and horizontal reinforcement.
Material – The program identifies walls of similar material assignment for the wall
Pier Label – The program identifies walls with the same Pier Label/Assignment.
Tabular Results
The program has several options for generating wall design section results. After execution of
the design or code check for a single, selected group, or all wall design sections, input and
result data are available in HTML format. HTML reports can be produced for a single design
section at a time. From the Wall Design Manager, select the design section for consideration
and select the View Design Summary button at the bottom-right of the dialog window. If
multiple design sections are selected, only the HTML file for the first section in the list of
selected sections will be produced. FIGURE 11-19 shows an example of an HTLM file for a
wall design section code checked using the ADAPT Wall tool. FIGURE 11-20 shows an
example of an HTLM file for a wall design section code checked using the S-CONCRETE
tool. Note the files present information in a different way where the former is abbreviated as
ADAPT Wall is more limited in information. You can also generate the report by right-clicking
on a design section and selecting Wall DesignView Design Summary.
Similar wall design section result data can be combined into multi-page PDF report for all
sections that have been code checked and/or designed. This is initiated from FEMPDF
ReportsWall Design Summary. See FIGURES 11-25 and 11-26. The PDF format is also
applied to a single page report with Wall Intersection layouts. This is a one-page report
produced only for the active level. See FIGURE 11-27.
The same report data found in the PDF Wall Design Summary Report is generated using the
FEMXLS ReportsWall Design Sections option. This will launch Microsoft Excel® and
open the .XLS report. FIGURES 11-21 through 11-24 show examples of the Project Info,
Reinforcement, Geometry and Governing Loads excel sheets that are generated with this
reporting option.